of Illinois Geology
Lynne Raymond Martin
publication. Various other databases, including the ISGS library catalog, were also searched. Citaitons were
verified when necessary. GeoRef is used as a basis for the level of detail for the indexing. The earlier published
bibliography, ISGS Bulletin 92, was indexed at a very high level of detail, but this publication uses slightly
broader terms.
Many ISGS gave helpful advice during the compilation of this publication, especially Richard
scientists at the
Cahill, Leon Folmer, David Grimley, Beverly Herzog, Russell Jacobson, David Larson, Timothy Larson,
Zakaria Lasemi, Jack Masters, Donald Mikulic, Rod Norby, Russel Peppers, and Colin Treworgy. Kristi Mercer
performed the tedious foundation work of importing the GeoRef records into the ISGS database in a usable
form; she also provided valuable comments and support throughout the time-consuming process of compiling
this publication. Greg Martin provided the computer programming that allowed the computer database to be
Introduction iii
Bibliography 3
Index 351
This bibliography and index covers publications and articles on Illinois geology from 1966-1996. This bulletin
updates ISGS Bulletin 92, Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology through 1965. This current publication
includes citations for all of the field of research at the Illinois State Geological Survey, including (but not
limited to) geology, groundwater, industrial minerals, petroleum, coal, environmental geology, geochemistry,
and geophysics. Publications are included only if they relate specifically to Illinois. Monographs, journal
articles, conference proceedings, theses, maps, guidebooks, and reports are among the publications cited. In
addition to the citations from 1966 to 1996, eleven titles are included that were published prior to 1966 but
omitted from Bulletin 92. Every effort was made to ensure that this publication and index is complete; however,
individuals who are aware of omissions are requested to contact the Illinois Survey so that the bibliographic
database can be corrected.
The initial part of this publication is a bibliography, arranged alphabetically by author surname and, second-
arily, within identical authorship, by date. Following the bibliography is an index that includes both subjects
and locations. This bibliography and index is also available on the ISGS Web site.
Digitized by the Internet Archive
in 2012 with funding from
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
(upper Chesterian) in southern Illinois. Master's McLean, Melisa M.; McKay, E. Donald) Sand
thesis (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale). thickness, southern Will County, elevation slices
222 p. 750-700 and 700-650 feet. Illinois State Geological
Survey Open File Series 1993-9h. 1:100,000.
Abert, C.C. 1993j (and Riggs, Matthew H.; Krumm, Robert J.;
See Berg, R.C. 1994b; Krumm 1992; Riggs 1993a; McLean, Melisa M.; McKay, E. Donald) Sand
Riggs 1993b; Riggs 1993c; Riggs 1993d; Riggs thickness, southern Will County, elevation slices
1993e; Riggs 1993f; Riggs 1993g; Riggs 1993h; 850-800 and 800-750 feet. Illinois State Geological
Riggs 1993i; Riggs 1993J; Riggs 1993k; Riggs 1993L Survey Open File Series 1993-9g. 1:100,000.
1993a (and McKay, E. Donald; Riggs, Matthew H.; 1993k (and Krumm, Robert J.; Riggs, Matthew
Krumm, Robert J.; McLean, Melisa M.) H.;McLean, Melisa M.; McKay, E. Donald)
Computer-generated cross sections, southern Will Thickness of Quaternary deposits, southern Will
County. Illinois State Geological Survey Open File County. Illinois State Geological Survey Open File
Series 1993-9k. 1:100,000. Series 1993-9c. 1:100,000.
1993b (and Krumm, Robert J.; Riggs, Matthew 1993L (and Krumm, Robert J.; Riggs, Matthew
H.;McLean, Melisa M.; McKay, E. Donald) H.; -McLean, Melisa M.; McKay, E. Donald)
Cumulative thickness of sand and gravel, southern Topography of the bedrock surface, southern Will
Will County. Illinois State Geological Survey Open County. Illinois State Geological Survey Open File
File Series 1993-9d. 1:100,000. Series 1993-9b. 1:100,000.
1993c (and Riggs, Matthew H.; Krumm, Robert J.; 1995a Digital elevation models and a shaded relief
McLean, Melisa M.; McKay, E. Donald) Locations map of Illinois. Illinois GIS & Mapnotes, v. 13, p.
of wells and borings, southern Will County. Illinois 29-37.
State Geological Survey Open File Series 1993-9m. 1995b Shaded relief map of Illinois. Illinois State
1:100,000. Geological Survey Open File Series 1995-6.
1993d (and Krumm, Robert J.; Riggs, Matthew 1:500,000.
H.;McLean, Melisa M.; McKay, E. Donald) Mines, 1996 Shaded relief map of Illinois. Illinois State
quarries and sand and gravel pits, southern Will Geological Survey Illinois Map 6. 1:500,000.
County. Illinois State Geological Survey Open File
Series 1993-91. 1:100,000.
Abrams, R.H.
1993e (and Riggs, Matthew H.; Krumm, Robert J.;
1995 Long-range buoyancy-driven oil migration in
McLean, Melisa M.; McKay, E. Donald) Sand
the Illinois Basin. Master's thesis (Stanford
thickness, southern Will County, depth slices 0-50
University). 79 p.
and 50-100 feet. Illinois State Geological Survey
Open File Series 1993-9e. 1:100,000.
Absher, James
1993f (and Riggs, Matthew H.; Krumm, Robert J.;
See Stout 1982
McLean, Melisa M.; McKay, E. Donald) Sand
thickness, southern Will County, depth slices
100-150 and 150-200 feet. Illinois State Geological Acker, J.R.
Survey Open File Series 1993-9L 1:100,000. 1982 (and Kumamoto, L.H.) High resolution
1993g (and Riggs, Matthew H.; Krumm, Robert seismic exploration at Peabody Coal Company
J.; McLean, Melisa M.; McKay, E. Donald) Sand Mine #10. Proceedings of the Illinois Mining
thickness, southern Will County, elevation slices Institute, 1981, p. 81-98.
Illinois. University of Illinois Agricultural Creek area. 60 p., rev. ed. Earth Science Club of
Experiment Station Soil Report 113. 242 p. Northern Illinois.
1975 The future of water resources in northeastern mine site, Williamson County, Illinois. Master's
Illinois. Journal American Water Works thesis (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale).
Affolter, R.H.
Ackroyd, E.A.
1977 Geochemistry of mineral matter and selected
See Walton 1966
trace elements for the Herrin (no. 6) and
Springfield-Harrisburg (no. 5) Coal in northwestern
Adair, M.B.
Illinois. Master's thesis (Northeastern Illinois
1975 A geophysical study of the Ste. Genevieve
University). 102 p.
fault zone. Master's thesis (Southern Illinois
Virginia University, Dept. of Mining Engineering. soil parent material underlying a loess mantle in
Illinois from satellite data. Soil Science, v. 153, no.
Middle Pennsylvanian black shale sequence in the America Bulletin, v. 84, no. 3, p. 1069-1073.
Illinois Basin. Master's thesis (Southern Illinois
University, Carbondale). 142 p. Alexander, E. C. Jr.
See Hedges 1985
Albert, E.K.
See Kiusalaas 1984 Alexander, J.D.
See Fehrenbacher 1968; Fehrenbacher 1984; Paschke
Albrecht, K.A. 1970
See Cartwright, Keros 1988; Larson, T.H. 1988a 1972 (and Paschke, J.E.) Soil survey: La Salle
1989a (and Herzog, B.L.; Follmer, L.R.; Krapac, County, Illinois. University of Illinois Agricultural
I.G.; Griffin, R.A.) Excavation of an instrumented Experiment Station Soil Report 91. 140 p.
earthen liner: Inspection of dyed flow paths and 1974 (and Fehrenbacher, J.B.; Hallbick, D.C.) Soil
morphology. Hazardous Waste and Hazardous survey: Champaign-Urbana area, Illinois.
Materials, v. 6, no. 3, p. 269-279. Illinois State University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment
Geological Survey Reprint 1989-0. Station Soil Report 100. 137 p.
1985b Probability of large earthquakes in the 1971c (and Noehre, A.W.) Floods in Wilmington
Mississippi Valley. In: Estimation of earthquake Quadrangle, northeastern Illinois. U. S. Geological
effects associated with large earthquakes in the New Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-0306.
Madrid seismic zone. U. S. Geological Survey 1:24,000.
1983 Why I am interested in fossils. Jewelry 1973a (and Noehre, A.W.) Floods in Harvard
Making Gems & Minerals, Quadrangle, northeastern Illinois. U. S. Geological
v. 545, p. 48-49.
Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-0496.
Allen, A.S.
1973b (and Noehre, A.W.) Floods in Marengo
See Paone 1978
North Quadrangle, northeastern Illinois. U. S.
Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas
Allen, B.G.
HA-0495. 1:24,000.
1989 (and Stemmer, B.L.; Winks, K.L.; Ross, P.E.;
1984 (and Gray, John R.) Runoff, sediment
Burnett, L.C.) Multitrophic lake evaluation of
transport, and water quality in a northern Illinois
sediment toxicity in Waukegan and Indiana
agricultural watershed before urban development,
harbors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,
1979-81. U. S. Geological Survey Water-Resources
v. 8, no. 11, p. 1057-1066.
Investigations Report 82-4073. 55 p.
Jackson counties, southwestern Illinois. Master's (north-central), Illinois. Master's thesis (University
thesis (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale). of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). 169 p.
86 p.
Altaner, S.P.
Allender, J.H. 1985 Potassium metasomatism and diffusion in
1981 (and Ditmars, J.D.) Field measurements of Cretaceous K-bentonites from the Disturbed Belt,
longshore currents on a barred beach. Coastal northwestern Montana and in the Middle Devonian
Engineering, v. 5, no. 4, p. 295-309. Tioga K-bentonite, Eastern U.S.A. Ph.D.
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
Aller, Linda 192 p.
See Nielsen 1984
Alvord, H.H.
Allgaier, G.J.
1996 (and Kadlec, R.H.) Atrazine fate and
1975 (and Hopkins, M.E.) Reserves of the Herrin
transport in the Des Plaines wetlands. Ecological
(no. 6) Coal in the Fairfield Basin in southeastern
Modelling, v. 90, no. 1, p. 97-107.
Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular
489. 31 p.
Amato, R.V.
See Wier 1973; Wier 1974a; Wier 1974b; Wier 1974c
Allgire, R.L.
1975 (and Russell, O.R.; Martin, K.R.; Wier, C.E.)
1990 (and Bogner, William C.) Sedimentation
Application of EREP, Landsat and aircraft image
survey of Pinckneyville City Lake, Perry County,
data to environmental problems related to coal
Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey Contract
mining. U.S. National Aeronautics and Space
Report 502. 21 p.
Administration Technical Memorandum. X-58168,
1992a (and Fitzpatrick, William P.) Lake
v. I-A, Agriculture-environment, p. 309-327.
sedimentation of Argyle Lake, McDonough County,
Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey Contract
Ambers, C.P.
Report 565. 26 p.
1993 The nature and origin of very well
1992b Lake sedimentation survey of Siloam Springs
crystallized kaolinite. Ph.D. (Indiana University,
State Park Lake, Adams County, Illinois. Illinois
Bloomington). 514 p.
State Water Survey Contract Report 567. 24 p.
Allison, P.A.
1987a A new cephalopod with soft-parts from the American Water Resources Association
Upper Carboniferous Francis Creek Shale of Illinois, 1989 Water resources, GIS applications, and
USA. Lethaia, v. 20, no. 2, p. 117-121. wetlands, with special references to the Illinois
1987b The taphonomy of soft-bodied fossil biotas. River: proceedings of the Annual Conference of the
Ph.D. (Univ. of Bristol). 229 p. Illinois Section of the American Water Resources
1994 (and Pye, Kenneth) Early diagenetic Association, 1989.
mineralization and fossil preservation in modern
carbonate concretions. Palaios, v. 9, no. 6, p. Among, H.L.
561-575. See Staub 1993
River fault zone. Iowa Geological Survey Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, v.
Guidebook 8, p. 17-31. 1, p. 1121-1129. American Society of Civil
Anderson, T.F.
See Popp, B.N. 1986; Westgate 1984 Anonymous
1980 (and Brownlee, Mary E.; Phillips, Tom L.) A 1968 Christina Cleburn. Earth Science, v. 21, no.
stable isotope study on the origin of permineralized 4, p. 150-153.
peat zones in the Herrin Coal. Journal of Geology, 1975 Urban geology of America: Peoria, Illinois.
v. 88, no. 6, p. 713-722. Earth Science, v. 28, no. 5, p. 240.
1987 (and Kruger, John; Raiswell, Robert) C-S-Fe 1978 Midwest coal gears up for growth. Coal Age,
and the isotopic composition of pyrite
relationships v. 83, no. 5, p. 83-95.
in the New Albany Shale of the Illinois Basin, 1983 Illinois: Buckhorn East most exciting play.
U.S.A. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 51, Northeast Oil Reporter, v. 3, no. 4, p. 24-25.
no. 10, p. 2795-2805. 1988a Ancient structures found beneath Midwest.
Oiland Gas Journal, v. 86, no. 26, p. 74.
Anderson, W.H. 1988b Mineral and fossil collections and displays in
See Eidel 1993b Illinois. Rocks & Minerals, v. 63, no. 3, p. 239-244.
1989a Deep targets tempt explorers. Northeast Oil
Anderson, W.I. World, v. 9, no. 8, p. 13-14.
1980 The Tri-State geological field conference: a 1989b Prospects pop out of seismic study.
force in geological education for over forty years. Northeast Oil World, v. 9, no. 11, p. 24-27, 29.
Journal of Geological Education, v. 28, no. 3, p. 1989c Wood bucks trend, heads for deep gas.
124-131. Northeast Oil World, v. 9, no. 11, p. 20, 22.
1993 (and Kvale, Erik P.) Origin of gray-shale 1978 Staunton 1 reclamation demonstration
lithofacies ("clastic wedges") in U.S. midcontinental project. Progress report for 1977. Argonne National
coal measures (Pennsylvanian): an alternative Laboratory. 61 p. NTIS ANLLRPTM14XAB.
explanation. In: Modern and ancient coal-forming 1979 Staunton 1 reclamation demonstration
environments. Geological Society of America project. Progress report II. Argonne National
Special Paper 286, p. 181-192. Laboratory. Ill p. NTIS ANLLRP4XAB.
1995a (and Greb, Stephen F.) An Amazon-scale
drainage system in the Early Pennsylvanian of Armon, W.J.
central North America. Journal of Geology, v. 103, 1966 (and Lawry, T.F.; Mast, R.F.) Physical
no. 6, p. 611-627. properties of Illinois crude oil. Part II. Illinois State
1995b (and Kuecher, Gerald J.; Kvale, Erik P.) Geological Survey Illinois Petroleum 81. 44 p.
The role of tidal-velocity asymmetries in the
deposition of silty tidal rhythmites (Carboniferous, Armstrong, G.
Eastern Interior Coal Basin, U.S.A.). Journal of SeeMcCray 1983
Sedimentary Research, Section A: Sedimentary
Petrology and Processes, v. 65, no. 2, p. 408-416. Arnold, J.G.
1996 (and Allen, P.M.) Estimating hydrologic
Archer, P.L. budgets for three Illinois watersheds. Journal of
1984 (and Kirr, James N.) Pennsylvanian geology, Hydrology, v. 176, nos.1-4, p. 57-77.
coal, and coalbed methane resources of the Illinois
Basin: Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky. In: Coalbed Arthur L. Conn & Associates
methane resources of the United States. AAPG 1993 Economics of flue gas desulfurization: a
Studies in Geology 17, p. 105-134. American preliminary study. 19 p.
Association of Petroleum Geologists.
Ashby, J.F.
Arendt, J.W. See Cobb, J.C. 1978b; Cobb, J.C. 1980; Ruch 1979
1975 (project manager) National Uranium
Resource Evaluation Program: hydrogeochemical Ashby, W.C.
and stream sediment survey in central United 1982 (and Kolar, Clay A.; Philo, Gary R.) The
States: Fourth Quarter FY 1975: April 1, 1975 root of our reclamation problems. Proceedings of
through June 30, 1975. U. S. Energy Research and the Illinois Mining Institute, 1981, p. 32-40.
Development Administration GJBX-29, pt. 1. 15 p.
1976 (project manager) National Uranium Aspbury, G.F.
Resource Evaluation Program: hydrogeochemical See Kirchner 1982
and stream sediment survey in central United
States: third quarter FY 1976, January
1, 1976 Aten, R.E.
through March 31, 1976. U.S. Energy Research and 1968 Investigation program for aquifer protection
Development Administration GJBX-32 KTL524, — requirements, Chicagoland Deep Tunnel Plan.
pt. 4. 59 p. Ground Water, v. 6, no. 3, p. 4-9.
1977 The Oak Ridge geochemical reconnaissance
program. In: Symposium on Hydrogeochemical and Atherton, Elwood
Stream-Sediment Reconnaissance for Uranium in See Mast 1971; Simon, J. A. 1991; Willman 1967;
the United States, 1977, p. 5-16. U.S. Dept. of Willman 1975a
Energy GJBX-77(77). 1966 Paleozoic rocks in Illinois. In: Stratigraphic
1974 Des Moinesian conodont assemblages from University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment
the Illinois Basin. Ph.D. (University of Illinois at Station Soil Report 133. Ill p.
Urbana-Champaign). 157 p. 1996 Soil survey of Crawford County, Illinois.
Jackson County, Illinois. Master's thesis (Southern perspectives on Illinois Basin and Mississippi Arch
Illinois University, Carbondale). 131 p. geology: Geological Society of America,
North-Central Section 24th Annual Meeting, 1990,
Baird, D. p. C1-C70. Western Illinois University.
See Carroll 1972 1990b Taphonomy: taphonomy of
1978 Studies on Carboniferous freshwater fishes. Mazon Creek. In: Paleobiology:
American Museum Novitates 2641. 22 p. a synthesis, p. 279-282. Blackwell Scientific Publ.
a success at Illinois' Tilden reef reservoir. Oil and 1992b (compiler) Water-resources activities of the
Gas Journal, v. 90, no. 10, p. 82-88. U.S. Geological Survey in Illinois, 1991. U. S.
Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-0452. 98 p.
1972 Groundwater levels and pumpage in the East Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-0649. 83 p.
Saint Louis area, Illinois, 1967-1971. Illinois State 1995 (compiler) Water-resources activities of the
Water Survey Circular 112. 21 p. U.S. Geological Survey in Illinois, 1994. U. S.
Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-0391. 81 p.
Bakush, S.H.
1985 Carbonate microfacies, depositional Baldwin, J.L.
environments and diagenesis of the Galena Group 1980 A crustal seismic refraction study in
(Middle Ordovician) along the Mississippi River southwestern Indiana and southern Illinois.
(Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois and Missouri), United Master's thesis (Purdue University). 99 p.
Urbana-Champaign). 91 p.
Balch, A.H. 1970 (and Runge, E.C.A.) Clay-rich horizons over
See Miller, J.J. 1984 limestone, illuvial or residual. Proceedings - Soil
Science Society of America, v. 34, no. 3, p.
1981 Microfacies and depositional environment of origin of regionally extensive dolomites of the
the Bailey Limestone (Lower Devonian) Mississippian Burlington and Keokuk Formations,
southwestern Illinois, U.S.A., a carbonate turbidite. Iowa, Illinois and Missouri. Ph.D. (SUNY at Stony
Master's thesis (University of Illinois at Brook). 382 p.
Urbana-Champaign). 61 p.
1988a (and Hanson, G.N.; Meyers, W.J.)
Determination of initial Sr isotopic compositions of
dolostones from the Burlington-Keokuk Formation
Banaszak, K.J.
(Mississippian): constraints from
1975 Genesis of the Mississippi Valley-type
cathodoluminescence, glauconite paragenesis and
lead-zinc ores. Ph.D. (Northwestern University).
analytical methods. Journal of Sedimentary
132 p.
Petrology, v. 58, no. 4, p. 673-687.
1989 Interior province: eastern region. In:
Summary of the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S.
1988b (and Hanson, G.N.; Meyers, W.J.) Rare
Baranoski, M.T. 1979 Fishes of the Mazon Creek fauna. In: Mazon
See Drahovzal 1992 Creek fossils, p. 501-528. Academic Press.
1985 Les premiers fossiles de Hagfish
Barber, A.H. Jr. (Myxiniformes) et Enteropneusta (Hemichordata),
1983 (and George, C.J.; Stiles, L.H.; Thompson, depots de la faune (Pennsylvanienne) du Mazon
B.B.) Infill drilling to increase reserves: actual Creek dans l'lllinois, U.S.A. In: Table ronde
experience in nine fields in Texas, Oklahoma, and internationale du C.N.R.S. sur le gisement
Illinois. JPT. Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. stephanien du Montceau-les-Mines. Bulletin
35, no. 9, p. 1530-1538. Trimestriel de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle et des
Amis du Museum d'Autun, v. 116, p. 97.
Barber, D.E. 1991 First fossil hagfish (Myxinoidea): a record
from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois. Science, v. 254,
1977 (and Giorgio, H.R.) Gamma-ray activity in
no. 5032, p. 701-703.
bituminous, subbituminous and lignite coals.
Health Physics, v. 32, no. 2, p. 83-88.
Bargh, B.L.
See Hughes, R.E. 1983
Barcelona, M.J.
See Gibb 1983; Helfrich 1988; Holm, T.R. 1986;
Bargh, M.H.
Naymik 1981; Stout 1982
See Damberger 1984b; Harvey 1985a; Jacobson,
1981 Chemical characteristics of lake sediments.
R.J. 1996; Treworgy, C.G. 1982a; Treworgy, C.G.
In: Proceedings of a round table on reclaiming and
1986; Treworgy, C.G. 1993; Treworgy, C.G. 1994;
managing lakes in Illinois. University of Illinois at
Treworgy, C.G. 1995a; Treworgy, C.G. 1995b;
Urbana-Champaign, Water Resources Center
Treworgy, C.G. 1996d; Treworgy, J.D. 1984a;
Special Report 12, p. 10-20. Also Illinois Institute
Treworgy, J.D. 1984b; Treworgy, J.D. 1984c;
of Natural ResourcesDocument 81-06.
Treworgy, J.D. 1984d; Treworgy, J.D. 1984e;
1982 (and Wang, Woodrow) Usefulness of sediment Treworgy, J.D. 1984f
oxygen demand as a tool for impoundment
management. University of Illinois at Barker, Bruce
Urbana-Champaign, Water Resources Center 1967 (and Carlisle, John B.; Nyberg, Raymond)
Research Report 169. 35 p.
Kankakee River basin study: a comprehensive plan
1984 (and Naymik, Thomas G.) Dynamics of a for water resource development. 77 p. Illinois
contaminant plume
fertilizer in groundwater. Bureau of Water Resources.
Environmental Science &: Technology, v. 18, no. 4,
1970 (and Carlisle, John B.; Kramer, Paul F.) La
p. 257-261.
Moine River Basin Study: a comprehensive plan for
1994 (and Wehrmann, H. Allen; Varljen, Mark D.) water resource development. Illinois Dept. of Public
Reproducible well-purging procedures and VOC Works & Buildings, Div. of Waterways. 59 p.
stabilization criteria for ground-water sampling.
Ground Water, v. 32, no. 1, p. 12-22.
Barkley, D.W.
See Bauer, R.A. 1987a; Mehnert, B.B. 1994
Bardack, David
See Schultze 1987 Barnes, D.A.
1968 (and Zangerl, Rainer) First fossil lamprey: a 1996 (and Harrison, William B. Ill; Shaw, Thomas
record from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois. Science, H.) Lower-Middle Ordovician lithofacies and
v. 162, no. 3859, p. 1265-1267. interregional correlation, Michigan Basin, U.S.A.
1974 A larval fish from the Pennsylvanian of In: Paleozoicsequence stratigraphy: views from the
Illinois. Journal of Paleontology, v. 48, no. 5, p. North American Craton. Geological Society of
988-993. America Special Paper 306, p. 35-54.
1977 (and Richardson, Eugene S. Jr.) New
agnathous fishes from the Pennsylvanian of Illinois. Barnes, D.K.
Fieldiana : Geology, v. 33, no. 26, p. 489-510. See Clark, P.U. 1989b
1977 (and Lavery, N.G.) Use of primary dispersion 1131-1132. For reference to original see Monaghan,
for exploration of Mississippi Valley-type deposits. G. W., and Hansel, A. K., Canadian Journal of
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 8, nos.1-2, Earth Science, v. 27, p. 1236.
p. 105-115.
1983 Ore-depositing reactions in Mississippi Barnett, T.R.
Valley-type deposits. In: International Conference 1975 Hydrogeology for urban planning in Boone
on Mississippi Valley Type Lead-zinc Deposits, County, Illinois. Master's thesis (Northeastern
1982: proceedings volume, p. 77-85. University of Illinois University). 70 p.
Missouri, Rolla.
Barnette, J.C.
See Toney 1989
Barnes, M.J.
1987 Ground water management in northeastern
Barnhardt, M.L.
Illinois:upconing of mineralized water in the Mt.
See Curry 1992a; Frankie 1996a; Hensel 1992b;
Simon Formation. In: Proceedings of the NWWA Hensel 1993; Kempton 1992a; Krapac 1993; Krapac
FOCUS Conference on Midwestern Ground Water Krapac 1995; Mehnert, Edward 1995; Schock,
Issues, 1987, p. 93-116. National Water Well
S.C. 1992; Vaisanen 1992
1991 (and Kunken, Darrell J.) Identifying buried
and geomorphic surfaces on floodplains.
Barnes, P.W. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science, v.
See Folger, D.W. 1990; Folger, D.W. 1991; Folger, 66, no. 3, p. 89-93.
D.W. 1992; Folger, D.W. 1994; Hayden 1992; 1992a (and Ray, Chittaranjan; Greenpool, M.R.)
McCormick, Michael 1990; McCormick, Michael Characterization of the Kankakee County study
1991a; McCormick, Michael 1991b; Reimnitz 1991 area. In: Characterization of the study areas for the
1990a sedimentary processes in
(editor) Coastal pilot study: agricultural chemicals in rural, private
southern Lake Michigan: their influence on coastal wells in Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey
erosion. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report Cooperative Groundwater Report 15, p. 40-56.
90-0295. 55 p. 1992b (and Ray, Chittaranjan; Greenpool, M.R.)
1990b (and Reimnitz, Erk; Weber, William S.; Characterization of the Mason County study area.
Kempema, Edward W.) Sediment content and In: Characterization of the study areas for the pilot
beach profile modification by ice along the coast of study: agricultural chemicals in rural, private wells
southern Lake Michigan. In: Coastal sedimentary in Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey
processes in southern Lake Michigan: their Cooperative Groundwater Report 15, p. 27-39.
influence on coastal erosion. U. S. Geological 1992c (and Mehnert, Edward; Ray, Chittaranjan;
Survey Open-File Report 90-0295, p. 1-8. Schock, Susan C, editors) Characterization of the
1993 (and Kempema, Edward W.; Reimnitz, Erk; study areas for the pilot study: agricultural
McCormick, Michael; Weber, William S.; Hayden, chemicals in rural, private wells in Illinois. Illinois
Eran C.) Beach profile modification and sediment State Geological Survey Cooperative Groundwater
transport by ice: an overlooked process on Lake Report 15. 114 p.
Michigan. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 9, no. 1, 1992d Review and assessment of study area
p. 65-86. characterization. In: Characterization of the study
1994 (and Kempema, Edward W.; Reimnitz, Erk; areas for the pilot study: agricultural chemicals in
McCormick, Michael) The influence of ice on rural, private wells in Illinois. Illinois State
Barsotti, A.F.
Baroni, M.R.
1995 (and Tepordei, Valentin V.; Bhagwat,
1995 Applications of advanced petroleum
Subhash B.) Economic limitations on industrial
production technology and water alternating gas
minerals availability. In: Industrial Minerals of the
injection for enhanced oil recovery: Mattoon Oil
Midcontinent: Proceedings of the Midcontinent
Field, Illinois: final report. 71 p. U.S. Dept. of
Industrial Minerals Workshop, 1991. U. S.
Geological Survey Bulletin 2111, p. 25-33.
Barr, D.J.
Bartley, J.H.
See Elifrits 1982; Whitebay 1977 1986 (and Lucas, James R.) Use of satellite
imagery in discovery and development of shallow oil
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See Sasman 1973; Sasman 1974b; Sasman 1977b;
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1986f; Gross 1981; Hensel 1988; Hensel 1990; Hensel 1985a (and Kempton, John P.; Follmer, Leon R.;
1991b; Johnson, T.M. 1986; Keefer 1990; Kempton McKenna, Dennis P., leaders) Illinoian and
1982b; Kempton 1985b; Kempton 1985c; Kempton Wisconsinan stratigraphy and environments in
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45 Report prepared for
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See Murphy, E.M. 1991
See Englund 1977
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See Bradford 1983; Bradford 1987; Damberger Bergstrom, R.E.
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See Barsotti 1995; Curran 1988; Damberger 1984b; Coal Geology, v. 8, no. 4, p. 367-373. Illinois State
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1986e;Ruch 1979; Samson 1985b; Samson 1986; 1987c The future of Illinois Basin coal: 1994 and
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1976-5. 32 p.
Bohn, M.P.
Bogner, W.C. 1983a (and Shieh, L.C.; Wells, J.E.; Cover, L.C.;
See Adams, J.R. 1987; Allgire 1990; Bhowmik Bernreuter, D.L.; Chen, J.C.; Johnson, J. J.;
1980b; Bhowmik 1987; Bhowmik 1991; Fitzpatrick, Bumpus, Mensing, R.W.; O'Connell, W.J.;
W.P. 1984; Fitzpatrick, W.P. 1985; Fitzpatrick, Lappa, D.A.) Application of the SSMRP
W.P. 1987a; Gibb 1979 methodology to the seismic risk at the Zion Nuclear
1981 Sedimentation survey of Lake of the Woods Power Plant. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Mahomet, Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey NUREG/CR 3428. 196 p.
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33rd Annual Meeting of the Association of
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1975b (and Foster, J.N.) Comparison of vitrinite 1982 (and Braeutigam, Ronald R.; Kim, T. John;
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Adrian P.; Peyton, Gary R.; Nealon, John Stephen) See Schock, S.C. 1992
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1994 Hydrogeology of the Silurian and Devonian
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See Harris, L.A. 1980 Chamberlin, T.L.
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1990 Effects of weak floor interaction on
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II. 112 p. pillarson mine stability and surface subsidence. In:
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International Conference on Case Histories in Management
Paul, B.) of dry flue gas
Geotechnical Engineering, 1988, v. I, p. 253-261. desulfurization by-products in underground mines:
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1989a (and Atri, Anil; Dougherty, James) Dept. of Energy DOE/MC/30252-3945. 138 p.
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R.;Haq, Syed E.; DeMaris, Philip J. (summarizer); 1992 (and Finno, R.J.) Influence of depositional
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Quaternary records of northeastern Illinois and See Kombrink 1983
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1989b (and Nelson, Alan R.; McCoy, William D.; 1975 (and Friedman, I.; Graf, D.L.; Mayeda, T.K.;
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7, p. 918-926. Papers in Geology 16. Reprint from Journal of
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Geological Society of America Special Paper 251, p. 1983 Geostatistical analysis of the facies and
29-41. thickness variation in the Brereton Limestone and
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Clark, R.R. Master's thesis (Southern Illinois University,
1979 (and Chian, E.S.K.; Griffin, R.A.) Carbondale). 140 p.
Degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls by mixed
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for Illinois landfills. Ground Water, v. 13, no. 4, p.
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1972 Subsurface geology and coal reserves of the
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Water Sciences, v. 1, no. 6, p. 329-339.
Clemence, S.P.
Clarke, R.P.
1978a (and Pool, J.M.) Model studies of induced
See Davenport 1984; Schaeffer 1981; Voelker 1987
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Congres International - Association International de 1982 (and Dickerson, Donald R.) Natural gas
Geologie de l'lngenieur = International Congress - potential of the New Albany Shale Group
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1973a Illinois State Geological Survey radiocarbon methane in the Earth. Chemical Geology, v. 71, no.
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Lineback 1975b; Smith, L.R. 1986; Willman 1967; stratotypes. Illinois State Geological Survey. 56 p.
Willman 1975a 1983a Holocene and modern history of a beach
1968 (and James, Gerard W.; Swann, David H.; ridgeand dune plane, Lake Michigan. Proceedings -
Becker, Leroy E.; Carlson, Marvin P.; Dorheim, 3rd Workshop on Great Lakes Coastal Erosion and
Fred H.; Koenig, John W.) Devonian of the Sedimentation, p. 77-79. National Research
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1967 [Proceedings], v. 1, p. 933-971. Alberta Shoreline processes and geomorphology,
Society of Petroleum Geologists. Illinois State southwestern Lake Michigan (Field trip 6). In:
Convention, 1969. 23 p.
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L.) Conodont zonation of the North American 1988. Geological Society of America.
Mississippian. In: Conodont biostratigraphy. 1990 (and Jennings, James R.; Terpstra, Paul D.;
Geological Society of America Memoir 127, p. Hansel, Ardith K.) Coastal processes and erosion
353-394. Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint on the Illinois Lake Michigan shore. In: Geology
1972-A. field guidebook: current perspectives on Illinois
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1972a (and Avcin, Matthew J.; Norby, Rodney D.;
Meeting, 1990, North Central Section, Geological
Merrill,Glen K.) Pennsylvanian conodont
Society of America, p. A1-A38. Western Illinois
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1993 Illinois shoreline of Lake Michigan, 1964,
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1974, 1987, and 1988. 44 p. Report prepared for
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Geological Survey.
10. 37 p.
1995 Coastal atlas: Illinois shoreline of Lake
1972b (and Shimp, Neil F.) Trace elements in
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bottom sediments from upper Peoria Lake, middle
property atlas. 125 p. Illinois State Geological
Illinois River: A Pilot Project. Illinois State
Geological Survey Environmental Geology Notes
56. 21 p.
Colman, J. A.
1974 (and Lineback, DuMontelle, P.B.;
J. A.;
See Fitzpatrick, F.A. 1995
Brown, D.C.; Davis, R.A. Jr.; Larsen, C.E.) Coastal
1991 (and Sanzolone, Richard F.) Surface-water
geology, sedimentology, and management: Chicago quality assessment of the upper Illinois River basin
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1975 (and Drake, Patricia L.; Anchor, Charlene high- and low-order streams, 1987. U. S. Geological
K.) Inventory of physical characteristics of the Survey Open-File Report 90-0571. 108 p.
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prepared for Illinois Coastal Zone Management characterization of streambed sediment in the
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1978 (and Norby, Rodney D.; Baxter, James W.; Bulletin, v. 28, no. 5, p. 933-950.
Thompson, Thomas L.) Stratigraphy of the
Mississippian stratotype: Upper Mississippi Valley, Colman, S.M.
U.S.A. Illinois State Geological Survey. 109 p. See Folger, D.W. 1990; Folger, D.W. 1991; Folger,
1981 (and Baxter, James W.; Norby, R.D.; Lane, D.W. 1992; Folger, D.W. 1994; Forester 1994;
H.R.; Brenckle, Paul D.[sic][L.]) Mississippian Foster, D.S. 1991; Foster, D.S. 1992
meltwater discharge in the Lake Michigan Basin. task force. In: Proceedings: Second Conference,
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Lakes Research, v. 20, no. 1, p. 73-92. Conkin, J.E.
1994c (and Foster, David S.) A sediment budget 1965 (and Conkin, Barbara M.) Ordovician
for southern Lake Michigan: source and sink (Richmondian) Foraminifera from Oklahoma,
Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky. Oklahoma
models for different time intervals. Journal of Great
Lakes Research, v. 20, no. 1, p. 215-228. Geology Notes v. 25, no. 8, p. 207-221.
1994d (and Keigwin, L.D.; Forester, R.M.) Two 1967 (and Conkin, Barbara M.) Arenaceous
Foraminifera as a key to Upper Devonian-Lower
episodes of meltwater influx from glacial Lake
Mississippian relationships in the type
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547-550. stratigraphy. Kansas University Dept. of Geology
Special Publication 2, p. 85-101.
1968 (and Conkin, Barbara M.; Canis, Wayne F.)
Colombo, Peter
Mississippian foraminifera of the United States:
See Weiss, A.J. 1980
Part 3, The limestones of the Chouteau Group in
Missouri and Illinois. Micropaleontology, v. 14, no.
Colombo, Ray 2, p. 133-178.
See Maleki 1990 1979 (and Conkin, B.M.; Thurman, E.D.) Inauris
and Sorosphaerella, new genera of Paleozoic
Colten, C.E. agglutinate foraminifera, and their stratigraphic
1985 Industrial wastes in the Calumet area, significance. University of Louisville Studies in
1869-1970: an historical geography. Illinois Paleontology and Stratigraphy 10. 13 p.
Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center 1981 (and Conkin, Barbara M.) Early
RR 001. 124 p. Mississippian (Kinderhookian) smaller foraminifera
from the McCraney Limestone of Missouri and and petroleum production of the Illinois Basin:
Abteilung B: Palaeophytologie, v. 197, no. 4-6, p. 1968b (and Reinertsen, David; Wilson, George;
81-121. Killey, Myrna, leaders) Geological science field trip,
Princeton area, Bureau County, Annawan, Buda,
Cote, D.N. Hennepin, and LaSalle quadrangles. Illinois State
See Stohr 1990 Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet
1968-E/1969-C. 37 p.
Cote, W.E. 1968c (and Reinertsen, David L.; Wilson, George
See Reinertsen 1971c; Wilson, G.M. 1966a; Wilson, M.; Killey, Myrna M., leaders) Geological science
G.M. 1966b; Wilson, G.M. 1966c; Wilson, G.M. field trip, Saint Elmo area, Fayette, Effingham, and
1966d; Wilson, G.M. 1966e Clay counties, Saint Elmo, Kinmundy, and
1966 (and Reinertsen, David L.; Wilson, George Edgewood quadrangles. Illinois State Geological
M., leaders) Geological science Vienna
field trip: Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1968-D. 43 p.
area, Johnson and Massac counties, Brownfield and
1968d (and Reinertsen, David; Killey, Myrna,
Vienna quadrangles, April 16, 1966. Illinois State leaders) Geological science field trip, Thebes area,
Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1966-A. Alexander County, Jonesboro and Thebes
17 p. quadrangles. Illinois State Geological Survey Field
1967a (and Reinertsen, David L.; Wilson, George
Trip Guide Leaflet 1968-A/1968-F. 35 p.
M., leaders) Guide leaflet: Elizabethtown-Cave in
1969a (and Reinertsen, David L.; Killey, Myrna
Rock Hardin County: Equality, Shawneetown,
M., leaders) Geological science field trip, Equality
Golconda, and Cave in Rock Quadrangles. Illinois
area, Salineand Gallatin counties, Equality and
State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet
Shawneetown quadrangles. Illinois State Geological
1967-A/1967-F. 20 p.
Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1969-A/1969-F.
1967b (and Reinertsen, David; Wilson, George,
27 p.
leaders) Guide leaflet: Geological science field trip:
1969b (and Reinertsen, David; Killey, Myrna,
Bourbonnais area: Kankakee and Will Counties:
leaders) Geological science field trip: Havana area,
Kankakee and Herscher Quadrangles. Illinois State
Fulton and Mason counties, Havana, Chandlersville,
Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1967-C.
Beardstown, and Vermont quadrangles. Illinois
17 p.
State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet
1967c (and Reinertsen, David L.; Wilson, George
1969-B. 26 p.
M., leaders) Guide leaflet: Geological science field
trip: Dixon area: Lee and Ogle Counties: Dixon
1969c (and Reinertsen, David L.; Wilson, George
1967d (and Reinertsen, David; Wilson, George, and Piatt counties, Monticello and Mahomet
quadrangles. Illinois State Geological Survey Field
leaders) Guide leaflet: Geological science field trip:
Trip Guide Leaflet 1969-E. 21 p.
Oakwood area: Vermilion County: Fithian and
Danville Quadrangles. Illinois State Geological 1969d (and Reinertsen, David L.; Wilson, George
Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1967-E. 28 p. Myrna M., leaders)
M.; Killey, Geological science
1967e (and Reinertsen, David; Wilson, George, Mt. Carroll area, Carroll County,
field trip:
leaders) Guide leaflet: Geological science field trip: Savanna and Mt. Carroll Quadrangles. Illinois
Petersburg area: Menard County: Petersburg, State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet
Tallula, and Mason City Quadrangles. Illinois State 1969-D/1970-D. 26 p.
Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1967-B. 1970a (and Reinertsen, David L.; Killey, Myrna
21 p. M., leaders) Geological science field trip: Freeport
1968a (and Reinertsen, David; Killey, Myrna, area, Stephenson County, Freeport, Lena and
leaders) Geological science field trip, Barry area, Pecatonica Quadrangles. Illinois State Geological
Pike and Adams counties, Pittsfield, Liberty, Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1970-C. 22 p.
Mount Sterling, and Barry quadrangles. Illinois 1970b (and Reinertsen, David L.; Wilson, George
State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet M.; Killey, Myrna M., leaders) Geological science
1968-B. 35 p. field trip: Hamilton- Warsaw area, Hancock County,
Quadrangles. Illinois State Geological Survey Field pore fluids in granite basement, Illinois. Geology, v.
p. 45-59. 147-150.
Craun, J.C.
Cowan, E.A.
See Cosgrave 1989
See Striegl 1987a
1982 Deposition of bottom sediment in Lake Ellyn,
Craven, John
Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Master's thesis (Northern
See Li, Yong 1996
Illinois University). 109 p.
Cravens, S.J.
Cowart, J.B. See Collins, M.A. 1987; Roadcap 1993
See Gilkeson, R.H. 1982b; Gilkeson, R.H. 1983b; 1988 (and Wilson, Steven D.; Barry, R. Chris)
Gilkeson, R.H. 1984b; Gilkeson, R.H. 1987b Regional assessment of the ground-water resources
in eastern Kankakee and northern Iroquois
Cowin, D.K. counties. Illinois StateWater Survey Report of
See Hughes, R.E. 1987 Investigation 111. 86 p.
1989a (and Wilson, Steven D.) Irrigation and
Cowsert, P. management in Illinois.
aquifer In: National Water
See Broetz 1996 Conference: Proceedings of the Specialty
Conference, 1989, p. 286-293. American Society of
Cox, Ann Civil Engineers.
See Choquette 1992 1989b (and Wilson, Steven D.) Irrigation
development and management alternatives of a
Cox, R.H. dolomite aquifer in northeastern Illinois. Water
See Paone 1978 Resources Bulletin, v. 25, no. 5, p. 1073-1083.
1990 (and Zahn, Anna Ground-water quality
1994 Formation of gastrolith derived stone-lines in Lake Calumet area of southeast Chicago. Illinois
deep loess upland soils: mid-continent USA. State Water Survey Contract Report 496. 112 p.
Urbana-Champaign). 156
Crawford, C.G.
See Fitzpatrick, F.A. 1995
1987 (and Wangsness, David J.) Streamflow and
Crabtree, S.J.
water quality of the Grand Calumet River, Lake
See Ehrlich, Robert 1991; McCreesh 1991
County, Indiana, and Cook County, Illinois,
Cosmochimica Acta, v. 56, no. 9, p. 3423-3434. 1967 The hydraulic properties and yields of
dolomite and limestone aquifers. In: Hydrology of
Cremeens, J. A. fractured rocks-Dubrovnik Symposium, 1965,
1990 Uplift and strike-slip in response to basin Proceedings, v. 1. International Association of
subsidence: the Rough Creek fault systems of Scientific Hydrology Publication 73, p. 120-138.
Grenville Province in the eastern U.S. 1988 (and Graese, A.M.; Hasek, M.J.; Vaiden,
Midcontinent. Geology, v. 18, no. 7, p. 646-649. R.C.; Bauer, R.A.; Schumacher, D.A.; Norton,
K.A.; Dixon, W.G. Jr.) Geological-geotechnical
Cunningham, C.G. studies for siting the superconducting super collider
1980 (and Heyl, A.V.) Fluid-inclusion in Illinois: results of the 1986 test drilling program.
homogenization temperatures throughout the Illinois State Geological Survey Environmental
sequence of mineral deposition in the Cave-in-Rock Geology Notes 122. 108 p.
area, southern Illinois. Economic Geology and the 1989 Absence of Altonian glaciation in Illinois.
Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, v. Quaternary Research, v. 31, no. 1, p. 1-13. Illinois
75, no. 8, p. 1226-1231. State Geological Survey Reprint 1989-P.
1990a Distribution and thickness of the Tiskilwa
Cunningham, R.S. Till inKane County. Illinois State Geological
See Jones, Mikeal 1979 Survey Open File Series 1990-2g. 1:62,500.
1990b Earth materials of Kane County. Illinois
Curie, Bruce State Geological Survey Open File Series 1990-2d.
1996 Soil survey of Wayne County, Illinois. 1:62,500.
University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment 1990c (and Seaber, Paul R.) Hydrogeology of
Station Soil Report 148. 153 p. shallow groundwater resources, Kane County,
Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey
Curran, L.M. Contract/Grant Report 1990-1. 37 p.
See Bhagwat 1989b; Bhagwat 1990 1990d Stack-unit map (to 50 ft.) Kane County.
1988 (and Bhagwat, S.B.; Hindman, C.A.) Illinois State Geological Survey Open File Series
Disposal alternatives for material to be excavated 1990-2i. 1:62,5000 with 10 p. accompaniment.
from the proposed site of the superconducting super 1991a (and Troost,Kathy Goetz) Glacial
collider in Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey stratigraphic framework of the Martinsville
Environmental Geology Notes 125. 17 p. alternative a proposed low-level radioactive
1990 (and Masters, John M.) Potential uses of the waste disposal site in east-central Illinois. 34th
material to be excavated from the proposed Annual Meeting, Association of Engineering
Superconducting Super Collider site in Illinois. In: Geologists, 1991, v. 34, p. 366-376.
Proceedings: 24th forum on the Geology of 1991b (and Berg, Richard C; Cartwright,
Industrial Minerals, 1988. Forum on the Geology of Madalene R.T.) Quaternary geology of the
Industrial Minerals 24, p. 49-56. Martinsville Alternative Site Clark County, Illinois.
See Bauer, R.A. 1991b; Graese 1988; Hobbs 1990; 1992b (and Follmer, Leon R.) The last
Kempton 1987a; Kempton 1987b; Stravers 1994; interglacial-glacial transition in Illinois: 123-25 ka.
Troost 1991; Vaiden 1988; Vaiden 1989; Vaiden 1990 In: The last interglacial-glacial transition in North
hydraulic information in the Illinois River basin, Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Curtiss, CD. II
Dalan, R.A.
See Holm, T.R. 1988; Wehrmann 1988
1996 (and Banerjee, Subir K.) Soil magnetism: an
approach for examining archaeological landscapes.
Cyrier, R.T.
Geophysical Research Letters, v. 23, no. 2, p.
See Buschbach 1982; Dalton 1991; DuMontelle 1978
Dalton, F.E.
Czapar, G.F.
See Koelzer 1968; Mossman 1972; Mossman 1973
See Keefer 1994; Keefer 1995e; Keefer 1996
1991 (and DiVita, L.R.; Cyrier, R.T.) TARP:
twenty years of tunneling. 34th Annual Meeting,
D'Angelo, W.M. Association of Engineering Geologists, 1991, v. 34,
See Palmer, C.A. 1993 p. 25-33.
See Nawrot 1977a See Brandow 1975; Brandow 1985; Burger 1985;
1978 Some aspects of natural vegetation Chugh 1996b; DeMaris 1983a; Demir 1994a;
establishment on abandoned underground coal mine Krausse 1979a; Krausse 1979b; Krausse 1979d;
refuse areas in Illinois. Illinois Institute of Natural Nelson, W.J. 1990a; Peppers 1969; Simon, J.A.
Resources Document 79/18. 83 p. 1970a; Simon, J.A. 1971; Simon, J.A. 1972a; Simon,
J.A. 1973b; Simon, J.A. 1974a; Simon, J.A. 1975;
D'Onfro, P. Simon, J.A. 1979; Simon, J.A. 1980; Simon, J.A.
See Blacic 1981 1981a; Thomas, J. Jr. 1976; Treworgy, C.G. 1981a
1970a Clastic dikes and related impurities in 1984c Illinois: description of coal seams. In: 1984
Herrin (No. 6) and Springfield (No. 5) Coals of the Keystone coal industry manual, p. 507-518.
Illinois Basin. In: Depositional environments in McGraw-Hill.
parts of the Carbondale Formation, western and 1985 Illinois: description of coal seams. In: 1985
northern Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey Keystone coal industry manual, p. 472-483.
Guidebook 8, p. 111-119. McGraw-Hill.
1970b Petrographic character of the Colchester 1987 Illinois: description of coal seams. In: 1987
(No. 2) Coal Member at the Banner Mine, Peoria Keystone coal industry manual, p. 418-430.
and Fulton counties, Illinois. In: Depositional McGraw-Hill. Illinois State Geological Survey
environments in parts of the Carbondale Reprint 1988-1.
Formation, western and northern Illinois. Illinois 1989a Coal: world resources. In: Concise
State Geological Survey Guidebook 8, p. 99-105. encyclopedia of mineral resources, p. 47-55. Illinois
1971 Coalification pattern of the Illinois Basin. State Geological Survey Reprint 1990-E.
Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society 1989b Overview of the Pennsylvanian in the
of Economic Geologists, v. 66, no. 3, p. 488-494. Illinois Basin. In: Coal and hydrocarbon resources
Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint 1971-D. of North America: v. 2, Carboniferous geology of
the Eastern United States, p. 20-37. In the
1973 Physical properties of the Illinois Herrin (No.
collection: Field trips for the 28th international
6) Coal before burial, as inferred from
earthquake-induced disturbances. In: Septieme American Geophysical Union.
geological congress.
environment: critical trends: technical report of the Reclamation, p. 203-208. University of Kentucky,
Critical Trends Assessment Project, v. 5: Waste College of Engineering, Office of Engineering
generation and management, p. 133-154. Illinois Services.
Dept. of Energy and Natural Resources Document 1988a (and Steiner, J.S.; Jansen, I. J.; Carmer,
ILENR/RE-EA-94/05(5). S.G.) Agricultural impacts of coal mine subsidence:
evaluation of three assay methods. Journal of
Dancer, W.S. Environmental Quality, v. 17, no. 3, p. 510-513.
See McSweeney, K. 1981 1988b (and Jansen, Carmer, S.G.; Steiner,
I. J.;
See Cremeens, D.L. 1992; Fehrenbacher 1984; Bureau of Mines Special Publication 06C-94, p.
Heltzler 1992; McSweeney, K. 1988; Seils 1992a; 249-256.
Stohr 1994; Tandarich 1990; Tandarich 1994 1994b (principal investigator) Plant response to
1987 (and Jansen, Ivan J.; Carmer, S.G.; Steiner, FBC waste-coal slurry solid mixtures: Final
J.S.) High extraction mining: effects on corn yields. technical report, September 1, 1993 through August
In: Proceedings: 1987 National Symposium on 31, 1994. 23 p. Illinois State Geological Survey.
Mining, Hydrology, Sedimentology and 1996a (and Hetzler, Robert T.; Simmons, F.
Illinois. Master's thesis (Illinois State University). Report prepared for Illinois Coastal Zone
97 p. Management Program. Illinois State Geological
Davies, D.K. 1975b and associated deposits of the
See Ethridge 1975 Prairie du Chien Group (lower Ordovician) in the
upper Mississippi Valley. In: Tidal deposits: a
Davies, T.T. casebook of recent examples and fossil counterparts,
See Frank, R. 1981 p. 299-306. Springer- Verlag.
1976a Lake Michigan erosion: have we learned
Davis, A.M. anything?. In: Proceedings of the Workshop of
See Whittecar 1982 Great Lakes Coastal Erosion and Sedimentation,
1976, p. 75-79.
Davis, G.H. 1976b (and Fox, W.T.) Simultaneous
1982 Perspectives in groundwater. In: Perspectives process-response study on the east and west coasts
in geology. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular of Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research,
525, p. 19-23. v. 2, no. 1, p. 27-32.
2, p. 39-41. Illinois Geological Society. 1973b Structural features of southern Illinois. In:
1988b Major tectonic episodes of the Illinois Basin. Depositional environments of selected lower
In: Geology and petroleum production of the Pennsylvanian and upper Mississippian sequences of
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Society. Field Conference Guidebook, p. 11-15. Iowa
1989 Paleo-highs may be key to deeper production. Geological Survey.
World Oil, v. 208, no. 3, p. 65-72.
1990 Pre-Mississippian hydrocarbon potential of Davlin, Maureen
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Association of Petroleum Geologists. Illinois State
Geological Survey Reprint 1991-T27.
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Dawson, T.A.
Davis, J. A.
See Bristol 1971b
1982 An overview of micellar flooding. In:
Proceedings of the Technical Sessions, Kentucky Oil
Dawson, W.H.
and Gas Association, Forty-first Annual Meeting,
1968 Geophysical exploration in the Illinois Basin.
1977. Kentucky Geological Survey Series 11 Special
In: Geology and petroleum production of the
Publication 5, p. 25-35.
Illinois Basin, a symposium-Illinois and
Indiana-Kentucky Geological Societies, p. 263.
Davis, J.W.
Illinois Geological Society.
See Reid 1985
Day, G.W.
Davis, R.A. Jr. See Klasner 1984b; Klasner 1985; Klasner 1986
See Collinson 1974
1974 (and Fox, W.T.) Beach and nearshore Day, M.J.
sedimentation, western Lake Michigan. Illinois See Reeder 1990
State Geological Survey Guidebook 12, p. 28-34.
1975a (and Fox, William T.) Beach and nearshore de Percin, P.
sedimentation, western Lake Michigan. 15 p. See Steffens 1993
Ordovician Galena Group of the Upper Mississippi Master's thesis (University of Missouri, Rolla).
Valley: deposition, diagenesis, and paleoecology. 158 p.
selected samples of Illinois coal by concentrating Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Petroleum
and froth flotation techniques. In:
table, jig, 148. 60 p.
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121-129. Elsevier Science Publishing Co. Illinois Khan, Saleem) Washability of trace elements in
State Geological Survey Reprint 1987-N. product (marketed) coals from Illinois mines.
1990a (and Harvey, R.D.) Abundance and origin of Illinois State Geological Survey Open File Series
major minerals in the Herrin Coal, Illinois Basin. 1995-8. 22 p.
In: Mineral matter and ash deposition from coal, p. 1996a (and Lizzio, Anthony A.; Fuller, E.L.;
13-22. Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint Harvey, Richard D.) Surface properties of eight
1990-G. coals in the Illinois Basin Coal Sample Program.
1990b (and Chou, Chaven, C.) Abundances
C.-L.; Journal of Coal Quality, v. 13, no. 3-4, 1994, p.
and teachabilities of sodium and chlorine in 93-103. Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint
lithotypes of Illinois Basin coals. In: Recent 1996-G.
advances in coal geochemistry. Geological Society 1996b (and Ruch, R.R.; Cahill, R.A.; Lytle, J.M.;
of America Special Paper 248, p. 73-85. Illinois Ho, K.K.) Washability of air toxics in marketed
State Geological Survey Reprint 1990-H. American Chemical Society, Division
Illinois coals.
1991 (and Harvey, Richard D.) Variation of organic of Fuel Chemistry Preprints of Papers, v. 41, no. 3,
sulfur in macerals of selected Illinois Basin coals. p. 769-776.
In: Collected papers from the Sixth Annual
Meeting of the Society for Organic Petrology, 1989. Demissie, Misganaw
Organic Geochemistry, v. 17, no. 4, p. 525-533. See Akanbi 1994; Bhowmik 1983; Bhowmik 1984a;
Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint 1991-M.
Bhowmik 1984b; Bhowmik 1985a; Bhowmik 1986;
1992 (and Harvey, R.D.; Lizzio, A. A.) Bhowmik 1988d; Bhowmik 1989; Miller, B.A. 1985;
Characterization of the surface properties of Illinois Ross, P.E. 1988
Basin coals. Final technical report, September 1, 1984 (and Stephanatos, Basilis N.) Computer
1991 - August 31, 1992. U.S. Dept. of Energy modeling of lake sedimentation. In: Proceedings of
DOE/PC/91334-T142. NTIS. the Illinois Conference on Lake and Watershed
1993 (and Harvey, Richard D.; Hackley, Keith C.) Management, 1984. University of Illinois at
SEM-EDX and isotope characterization of the Urbana-Champaign, Water Resources Center
organic sulfur in macerals and chars in Illinois Basin Special Report 15, p. 119-127.
coals. In: Collected papers from the Eighth Annual 1986 (and Bhowmik, Nani G.) Peoria Lake
Meeting of the Society for Organic Petrology, 1991. sediment investigation. Illinois State Water Survey
Organic Geochemistry, v. 20, no. 2, p. 257-266. Contract Report 371. 88 p.
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1994a (and Harvey, Richard Ruch, Rodney R.;
D.; along Post Creek cutoff in southern Illinois. In:
Damberger, Heinz H.; Chaven, Chusak; Steele, Proceedings of the International Symposium on
John D.; Frankie, Wayne T.) Characterization of Sediment Transport Modeling, 1989, p. 227-232.
available (marketed) coals from Illinois mines. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Illinois State Geological Survey Open File Series 1989b Peoria Lake sedimentation and proposed
1994-2. 16 p. artificial islands. In: Proceedings: Second
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Ho, K.K.) Trace elements in Illinois coals before River System: the 1990s and Beyond. University of
and after conventional coal preparation. American Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Water Resources
Chemical Society Division of Fuel Chemistry, Center Special Report 18, p. 46-57.
Preprints of Papers, v. 39, no. 2, p. 530-536. 1989c (and Soong, Ta-Wei; Bhowmik, Nani G.)
Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint 1994-B. Sediment for island construction. In: Proceedings
1995a Formation water chemistry and modeling of of the Fourth International Symposium on River
fluid-rock interaction for improved oil recovery in Sedimentation, 1989, p. 1539-1546. China Ocean
Aux Vases and Cypress Formations, Illinois Basin. Press.
1992a (and Keefer, Laura; Xia, Renjie, principal lungfishes. Fieldiana : Geology, v. 33, no. 3, p.
black shales and related ore deposits: proceedings, Geologists. Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint
1989 United States Working Group Meeting, 1991-T8.
International Geological Correlation Program 1991 Geologic map of the Glendale Quadrangle,
Project 254. U. S. Geological Survey Circular 1058, Johnson and Pope Counties, Illinois. Illinois State
p. 12-30. Geological Survey Illinois Geologic Quadrangle 9.
Interior cratonic basins. AAPG Memoir 51, p. 1984b (and Carozzi, A.V.) The St. Louis
113-123. American Association of Petroleum Limestone (Middle Mississippian) of Illinois Basin,
U.S.A.: a carbonate ramp-bar-platform model. Kane County, Illinois. Master's thesis (Northern
Archives des Sciences, v. 37, no. 2, p. 123-169. Illinois University). 130 p.
Mississippi Valley ore deposits. In: Illinois Deep Solving ground water problems with models:
Hole Project. JGR. Journal of Geophysical proceedings of the Fifth International Conference
Research B, v. 88, no. 9, p. 7335-7345. on the Use of Models to Analyze and Find Working
93. 85 p.
Dorheim, F.H.
See Collinson 1968 Doyle, F.J.
See Benson, D. 1978
Dott, R.H. Jr.
See Odom 1976b Doyle, J.C. Jr.
1986 (and Byers, C.W.; Fielder, G.W.; Stenzel, 1976 Strip mining in the Corn Belt: The
S.R.; Winfree, Keith E.) Aeolian to marine destruction of high capability agricultural land for
transition in Cambro-Ordovician cratonic sheet strip-minable coal in Illinois. 30 p. Environmental
sandstones of the northern Mississippi Valley, Policy Institute.
U.S.A. Sedimentology, v. 33, no. 3, p. 345-367.
Doyle, W.S.
Dougherty, James 1976 Strip mining of coal: environmental solutions.
See Chugh 1989a In the collection: Pollution technology review 27.
352 p. Noyes Data Corp. Park Ridge, N.J.
Douglass, R.C.
See Rice, C.L. 1979a Drahovzal, J. A.
1979 The and their
distribution of fusulinids See Kolata 1992; Potter, C.J. 1995; Ridgley 1994
correlation between the Illinois Basin and the 1992 (and Harris, David C. (editor); Wickstrom,
Appalachian Basin. In: Depositional and structural Lawrence H.; Walker, Dan; Baranoski, Mark T.;
history of the Pennsylvanian System of the Illinois Keith, Brian; Furer, Lloyd C.) The East Continent
Basin: Part 2, Invited papers. Illinois State rift basin: a new discovery. Kentucky Geological
Geological Survey Guidebook 15a, p. 15-20. Survey Special Publication Series 11, v. 18. 25 p.
1987 Fusulinid biostratigraphy and correlations
between the Appalachian and Eastern Interior Drake, P.L.
basins. U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper See Collinson 1975
1451. 95 p. 1976 (and Anchor, Charlene K.; Berg, Richard C;
Collinson, Charles) Map atlas: Lake Michigan shore
Doveton, J.H. in Illinois: protective structures of the shore:
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1979, v. 3, p. 599-604. Southern Illinois University Management Program. Illinois State Geological
Press. Survey.
Geochemistry of a reclaimed coal slurry 1987 (and Shaver, Robert H.) Upper Silurian and
DOE/PC/92521-T172. 23 p. 39. 29 p.
1988a (and Shaver, Robert H.) Knox Supergroup.
1995 (compiler) Author index of ISGS publications
through September 1995. Illinois State Geological In: Geology and petroleum production of the
Survey Open File Series 1995-9. 23 p. Illinois Basin: Volume 2, p. 34. Illinois Geological
1996 (and Roy, William R.; Steele, John D.)
1988b (and Shaver, Robert H.) Muscatatuck
Laboratory studies on the codisposal of
Group. In: Geology and petroleum production of
fluidized-bed residueand coal slurry solid. Illinois
the Illinois Basin: Volume 2, p. 63. Illinois
State Geological Survey Environmental Geology
Geological Society.
150. 28 p.
1988c (and Shaver, Robert H.) Patterns of Silurian
sedimentation. In: Geology and petroleum
Drescher, A. production of the Illinois Basin: Volume 2, p. 49.
See Triplett 1988 Illinois Geological Society.
1988d (and Shaver, Robert H.) Potsdam North American midcontinent. Ph.D. (University of
Supergroup. In: Geology and petroleum production Urbana-Champaign). 121 p.
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sandstones and Precambrian granitic basement in Report prepared for Illinois Coastal Zone
UPH-3 deep hole, Upper Mississippi Valley, U.S.A. Management Program. Illinois State Geological
Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 59, no. 5, p. Survey.
848-861. 1976 (and Stoffel, K.L.; Brossman, J.J.) Illinois
1990 Potassic alteration of Cambrian-Ordovician Coastal Zone Management Program, 2nd year work
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1981 (and Bradford, Susan C.; Bauer, Robert A.; investigation of a reclaimed strip mine lake, Grundy
County, Illinois. Master's thesis (Purdue
Killey, Myrna M.) Mine subsidence in Illinois: facts
University). 157 p.
for the homeowner considering insurance. Illinois
State Geological Survey Environmental Geology
Dutcher, R.R.
Notes 99. 24 p.
See Harvey 1979; Palmer, J.E. 1979a; Palmer, J.E.
1983 (and Bauer, Robert A.) The Mid-Continent
field: General characteristics of surface subsidence.
In: Surface mining environmental monitoring and
Dutta, D.
reclamation handbook, p. 671-680. Elsevier.
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1986 (and Bauer, Robert A.) The Illinois Mine
Subsidence Research Program: an update. In: Mine
Duval, J.S.
subsidence: Society of Mining Engineers, Fall
1988 (and Jones, William J.) Regional aerial
Meeting, 1986, p. 87-89.
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1989 (and Baxter, James W.; Goodfield, Alan G.) Iowa, Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, and Kentucky.
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of the greater St. Louis-Illinois area. In: Geological
anomalies. Missouri Division of Geology and Land
Society of America 1989 field trip guidebook.
Survey Special Publication 4, p. 157-165.
Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey
Special Publication 5, p. 93-99. Field trip no. 11. Duwelius, R.F.
1996 (and Bauer, Robert A.) Preliminary See Kay, R.T. 1996a
geotechnical evaluation of proposed site for 1996 (and Kay, R.T.; Prinos, Scott T.)
Saratoga dam and reservoir, Union County, Illinois.
Ground-water quality in the Calumet region of
32 p. Illinois State Geological Survey. northwestern Indiana and northeastern Illinois,
Kentucky Oil and Gas Association, Forty-second Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and
Annual Meeting, 1978. Kentucky Geological Survey Wisconsin. In the collection: Earth treasures;
Series 11 Special Publication 6, p. 32-36. where to collect minerals, rocks, and fossils in the
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1982 Sediment analyses for urbanizing watersheds. Eckert, S. M.
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HY3, p. 399-418. basin, in central-northern Illinois. Transactions of
the Illinois State Academy of Science, v. 75, no.
Dyroff, T.L. 3-4, p. 297-300.
See Kay, R.T. 1990; Warner, K.L. 1991 9, p. 7381-7385. Also Kent State University Dept.
of Geology Contribution 235.
Eaton, L.S.
1991 Fluvial-geomorphic analysis of Wolf Creek
Econ, G.D.
Basin, Alexander County, Illinois. Master's thesis
1975 Geology for land use: Cedar Lake watershed,
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Reprint 1989-A. Studies 2. 83 p. Also Gas Research Institute
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SeeDarmody 1989b; Roy, W.R. 1986
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1976 (and Gregg, D.W.; Fehrenbacher, J.B.)
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1975 Geotechnical design report: tunnel and no. 4, p. 202-205.
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1968 Geochemical and petrographic trends in the
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ofEconomic Geologists, v. 71, no. 3, p. 613-624.
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Case Western Reserve Dept. of Geological Sciences
in ball: v. 217, no.
Contribution 168.
4562, p. 831-833.
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1975 (and Scott, R.G.; Moore, L.P.; Studier, M.H.)
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1993 Precambrian rocks (sedimentary)
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67-75. Open-File Report 92-0374. Video cassette.
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1967 Geodes and concretions from the
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Pennsylvanian cyclothems of Midcontinent and 1992 Estimation of parameters for local and
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Compte Rendu: 9th International Congress on v. 29, no. 3, p. 415-424. Illinois State Geological
Illinois Groundwater Consortium, 1996, p. 200-218. 1979a (and Gilkeson, R.H.; Cartwright, K.; Reed,
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Heidbrink, Jenny Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint 1979-M.
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Geology, v. 94, no. 6, p. 779-794. studies at the Sheffield low-level radioactive waste
disposal facility to evaluate potential pathways for
the escape of contaminants. Illinois State Geological
Heigold, P.C.
Survey Contract/Grant Report 1985-1. 23 p.
See DuMontelle 1968; Eidel 1988; Fraser, G.S. 1972;
Gilkeson, R.H. 1984a; Gilkeson, R.H. 1986b;
1989 (and Whitaker, Stephen T.) A gravity survey
of Marine Field: case study for Silurian reef
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exploration. Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois
Kempton 1981a; Kempton 1991d; Larson, T.H.
Petroleum 133. 19 p.
1983; Leighton, M.W. 1987b; McGinnis, L.D.
1974b; McGinnis, L.D. 1976; Panno 1994a; Poole 1990a Crustal character of the Illinois Basin. In:
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1969 Theoretical analysis of regional groundwater the stratigraphic succession. In: Interior cratonic
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1970b (and Lamar, J.E.) Two-dimensional shape Geological Survey Environmental Geology 136.
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Industrial Minerals Notes 41. 23 p. Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey
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Temperature distributions and ground-water 1993a (and Kolata, Dennis R.) Proterozoic crustal
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File Series 1993-lb. 1:250,000.
degrees to 41 degrees, longitude 89 degrees to west Ordovician), Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois
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p. 121-139. University of Wisconsin-Madison.
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1976 A preliminary hydrologic examination of an Quantitative assessment of potential for
ephemeral stream basin in Union County, Illinois. groundwater contamination from municipal landfill
Master's thesis (Southern Illinois University, leachate in Illinois. In: Eleventh Annual Madison
Carbondale). 102 p. Waste Conference, 1988 Municipal and industrial
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in Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey Special Report 16, p. 173-183.
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1991b; Larson, D.R. 1995; Larson, D.R. 1996b; Society for Testing and Materials Special Technical
Lindorff 1981; Mehnert, Edward 1987; Panno 1991 Publication 1053, p. 152-164. Illinois State
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M.; Harris, Henry J.H.) A study of trench covers to 1990b (and Griffin, R.A.) Investigation of failure
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report. Illinois State Geological Survey at Wilsonville, Illinois. U.S Environmental
Contract/Grant Report 1981-5. 245 p. Protection Agency EPA/600/M-89/033.
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water monitoring networks at hazardous waste Geological Survey Reprint 1995-B.
disposal facilities in Illinois. In: Proceedings of the 1995a (and Wilson, Steven D.; Larson, David R.;
Sixth National Symposium and Exposition on Smith, Edward C; Larson, Timothy H.; Greenslate,
Aquifer Restoration and Ground Water Monitoring, Michael L.) Hydrogeology and groundwater
1986, p. 98-119. availability in southwest McLean and southeast
1986b (and Morse, Walter J.) Hydraulic Tazewell Counties. Part I: Aquifer characterization.
values. Waste management and Research, v. 4, p. 1995b (and Wilson, Steven D.; Larson, David R.;
177-187. Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint Smith, Edward C; Larson, Timothy H.; Greenslate,
1986-Q. Michael L.) Hydrogeology and groundwater
1988a (and Chou, S.-F.J.; Valkenburg, J.R.;
availability in southwest McLean and southeast
Tazewell Counties. Part II: Aquifer characterization
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(Appendixes). Illinois State Geological Survey
concentrations after purging slowly recovering wells.
Cooperative Groundwater Report 17A. 143 p.
Ground Water Monitoring Review, v. 8, no. 4, p.
93-99. Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint
1988-0. Hesler, J.L.
1988b (and Hensel, Bruce R.; Mehnert, Edward; See Flemal 1970a; Flemal 1973
Miller, Jerry R.; Johnson, Thomas M.) Evaluation
of groundwater monitoring programs at hazardous Hess, A.E.
waste disposal facilities in Illinois. Illinois State 1989 (and Paillet, Frederick L.) Characterizing flow
Geological Survey Environmental Geology Notes paths and permeability distribution in fractured
129. 86 p. rock aquifers using a sensitive, thermal borehole
1989 (and Griffin, R.A.; Stohr, C.J.; Follmer, L.R.; flowmeter. In: Proceedings of the Conference on
Morse, W.J.; Su, W.J.) Investigation of failure New Field Techniques for Quantifying the Physical
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1990a (and Morse, Walter J.) Comparison of slug Hess, D.F.
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Geological Field Conference Guidebook, p. 55-59. 115 p.
Iowa Geological Survey.
Heuel, B.
Hester, N.C. See Steffens 1993
See Baxter 1973; Bradbury, J.C. 1970a; Cobb, J.C.
1974a; DuMontelle 1971b; Fraser, G.S. 1974; Fraser, Hewitt, C.H.
G.S. 1977; Labotka 1971; Lamar 1972b See Harris, D.G. 1977
1969a (and Lamar, J.E.) Peat and humus in 1965 (and Morgan, J.T.) The Fry in situ
Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey Industrial
combustion test: reservoir characteristics. JPT.
Minerals Notes 37. 14 Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 17, no. 3, p.
1969b (and Anderson, Richard C.) Sand and gravel 337-342.
1982 (and West, Walter S.) Outlying mineral 1977b (and Ervin, C.P.; Hendricks, J.; Keller,
occurrences related to the Upper Mississippi Valley G.R.; McGinnis, L.D.; Stearns, R.G.) Bouguer
mineral district, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and gravity map of the northern Mississippi
Minnesota. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of Embayment, parts of Missouri, Arkansas,
the Society of Economic Geologists, v. 77, no. 8, p. Tennessee, Kentucky, and Illinois. U. S. Geological
1803-1817. Survey Open-File Report 77-0228.
1983 Geologic characteristics of three major 1977c (and Ervin, C.P.; Hendricks, J.; Keller,
Mississippi Valley districts. In: International G.R.; McGinnis, L.D.; Stearns, R.G.) Gravity
Conference on Mississippi Valley Type Lead-zinc station locations of the northern Mississippi
Deposits, 1982: proceedings volume, p. 27-60. Embayment, parts of Missouri, Arkansas,
University of Missouri, Rolla. Tennessee, Kentucky, and Illinois. U. S. Geological
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Hickerson, W.J. 1979a (and Kucks, R.P.; Kane, M.F.) Simple
1989 Revised taxonomy and biostratigraphy of Bouguer gravity map of the Paducah 1 degrees by 2
trilobites from the Cedar Valley Group of eastern degrees quadrangle, Illinois, Kentucky, and
Iowa, western Illinois. In: Geologic reconnaissance Missouri. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
of the Coralville Lake area. Iowa Geological Survey 79-1179. 1:250,000.
Guidebook 51, p. 27-35. 1979b (and Kucks, R.P.; Cordell, L.E.; Kane,
1992 Trilobites from the Little Cedar Formation of M.F.) Simple Bouguer gravity map of the Rolla 1
eastern Iowa and northwestern Illinois. Master's degrees by 2 degrees quadrangle, Missouri and
thesis (University of Iowa). 166 p. Illinois. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
79-1192. 1:250,000.
Hickey, D.R. 1992 (and Kucks, R.P.) Filtered magnetic anomaly
1981 (and Younker, J.L.) Structure and maps of Illinois. U. S. Geological Survey
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Journal of Paleontology, v. 55, no. 1, p. 1-12. 1:1,000,000, 2 sheets.
1987 Shell shape plasticity in Late Pennsylvanian 1993 (and Kucks, Robert P.; Heigold, Paul C.)
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61, no. 2, p. 290-311. Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Map 2.
Hickmann, T.J. 1995 (and Hendricks, John D.) Geophysical setting
See Nawrot 1980 of the Reelfoot Riftand relations between rift
structures and the New Madrid seismic zone. U. S.
Hieftje, G.M. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1538-E. 30 p.
See Thomas, J. Jr. 1966a; Thomas, J. Jr. 1966b 1996 (and Kucks, Robert P.; Heigold, Paul C.)
Magnetic and gravity study of the Paducah 1
Higgins, S.K. degrees x 2 degrees CUSMAP Quadrangle, Illinois,
1987 Soil survey of Monroe County, Illinois.
Indiana, Kentucky, and Missouri. U. S. Geological
University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment
Survey Bulletin 2150-C. 22 p.
Station Soil Report 126. 174 p.
1996 Soil survey of Livingston County, Illinois.
Hill, D.G.
University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment
See Reeves 1996
Station Soil Report 156. 241 p.
1983, U. S. Bureau of Mines. U. S. Bureau of 1970 Soils in northeastern Illinois. In: 34th Annual
Mines. Tri-State Field Conference, 1970, Guidebook, p.
88-90. Northern Illinois University, Department of
Hill, J.R. Geology.
See Gray, H.H. 1979 1978 Soil survey of De Kalb County, Illinois.
Hinman, E.E.
Hill, T.E.
1967 Fossil collecting in the Davenport area. Earth
1981 (and Hullinger, David L.) Physical, chemical,
Science, v. 20, no. 4, p. 173.
and biological characteristics of the sediments from
the Lake Ellyn study area. Illinois State Water
Survey Contract Report 287. 28 p.
Hinze, W.J.
See Aiken 1983; Braile 1978; Braile 1981; Braile
Hiller,Richard 1982a; Braile 1982b; Braile 1986; Coates 1983;
See Nawrot 1979b G.R. 1983; Lidiak 1985; O'Hara 1972;
O'Hara 1973; Pratt, T.L. 1989; Sexton 1986
Hinckley, C.C. 1977 (and Braile, L.W.; Keller, G.R.; Lidiak, E.G.)
See Saporoschenko 1980a; Saporoschenko 1980b; A tectonic overview of the central Midcontinent.
Shiley 1979a; Shiley 1981; Shiley 1982; Shiley 1983; 63 p. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Shiley 1985; Shiley 1986; Warren, R.L. 1987; Wu, L. NUREG 0382.
1987 1986 (and Braile, L.W.; von Frese, R.R.B.; Lidiak,
1978 (and Smith, Gerard V.; Twardowska, Helena; E.G.; Denison, R.E.) Exploration for hot dry rock
Saporoschenko, Mykola; Shiley, Richard H.; Griffin, geothermal resources in the Midcontinent USA. Hot
Robert A.) Mossbauer studies of iron in Lurgi Dry rock conceptual models for exploration, HDR
gasification ashes and power plant fly and bottom and the Illinois Deep Drill
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ash. Fuel, v. 59, no. 3, p. 161-165. Illinois State Hole Project. Volume 2. Los Alamos National
Geological Survey Reprint 1980-E. Laboratory LA-10659-HDR-v. 2. 133 p.
1988 (and Braile, Lawrence W.; Keller, G. Randy;
Hindman, C.A. Lidiak, Edward G.) Models for Midcontinent
See Curran 1988; Treworgy, C.G. 1989; Treworgy, tectonism: an update. Reviews of Geophysics, v.
C.G. 1991a 26, no. 4, p. 699-717.
1989 (and Treworgy, C.G.) Use of a geographic
information system to evaluate the potential for
Hippo, E.J.
damage from subsidence of underground mines in
See Kruge 1991a; Palmer, S.R. 1990; Palmer, S.R.
Illinois. In: Proceedings: Ninth International
Symposium on Computer-assisted Cartography,
1989. Auto-Carto, v. 9, p. 483-492.
Hiseler, R.B.
Hines, J.K. 1977 A testing of permeability estimation
See Damberger 1996a; Killey 1984b; Killey 1985 techniques in oolitic calcarenites of the Ste.
1986 Siting the Superconducting Super Collider in Genevieve Limestone (Mississippian), southern
northeastern Illinois: Environmental screening Illinois. Master's thesis (University of Illinois at
methodology for prioritizing the vulnerability of State Geological Survey Cooperative Groundwater
community ground-water supplies to contamination. Report 4, p. 76-79.
America and new related species. Journal of Basin. Master's thesis (University of Cincinnati).
See Daniel 1975; Gruner 1981; Lybecker 1979; J. A.1966a; Simon, J.A. 1970a; Simon, J.A. 1971;
Oertel 1983 Simon, J.A. 1972a; Simon, J.A. 1973a; Simon, J.A.
1973b; Simon, J.A. 1974a; Simon, J.A. 1975;
1973 (and Levine, Charles R.) Tripoli deposits of
Alexander County, Illinois. In: Depositional
Willman 1975a
environments of selected lower Pennsylvanian and 1968 Harrisburg (no. 5) Coal reserves of
southeastern Illinois. Illinois State Geological
upper Mississippian sequences of southern Illinois.
Survey Circular 431. 25 p.
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Guidebook, p. 128-138. Iowa Geological Survey. 1970 (and Nance, Roger B.) Sulfur content of the
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1984 (and Robinson, P.D.; Chruscicki, J.B.;
Mine, Peoria and Fulton counties, Illinois. In:
Delfino, T.A.) Coal mine related stream sediment
Depositional environments in parts of the
geochemistry in southern Illinois. U.S.
Carbondale Formation, western and northern
Environmental Protection Agency EPA
Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey Guidebook
600/7-84-022. 123 p.
8, p. 96-98.
1974 (and Simon, Jack A.) Coal resources of
Hook, J.W. Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois
1974 Structure of the fault systems in the
Minerals Note 53. 24 p.
Illinois-Kentucky fluorspar district. In: A 1975 (compiler) Coal mines in Illinois. Illinois
Symposium on the Geology of Fluorspar:
State Geological Survey. 1:500,000.
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1979 (and Nance, R.B.; Treworgy, C.G.) Mining
Industrial Minerals, 1974. Kentucky Geological geology of Illinois coal deposits. In: Depositional
Survey Series 10 Special Publication 22, p. 77-86.
and structural history of the Pennsylvanian System
of the Illinois Basin: Part 2, Invited papers. Illinois
Hooks, C.L. State Geological Survey Guidebook 15a, p. 142-151.
See Vance 1987
thinking. In: Depositional and structural history of G.R.) Coal desulfurization by low-temperature
the Pennsylvanian System of the Illinois Basin: chlorinolysis. In: Coal desulfurization, chemical and
Part 2, Invited papers. Illinois State Geological physical methods. ACS Symposium Series, v. 64, p.
206-217. American Chemical Society.
Survey Guidebook 15a, p. 34-42.
1988a (and Whitaker, Stephen T.) Hydrocarbon
accumulation in a paleovalley at Hsui, A.T.
Mississippian-Pennsylvanian unconformity near See Heidlauf 1986b; Larson, T.H. 1992a; Lunardini
Hardinville, Crawford County, Illinois: a model 1992
paleogeomorphic trap. Illinois State Geological
Survey Illinois Petroleum 129. 26 p. Huang, S.L.
1988b (and Whitaker, Stephen T.) Main 1978 The influence of the dispersion method on
Consolidated Field, Illinois. In: Geology and peak intensity of kaolinite, montmorillonite and
illite clay standards. Master's thesis (University of 1985 Trace element variation in Ordovician
Kentucky). 98 p. K-bentonites and its use in stratigraphic
1981 Swelling behavior of Illinois coal shales. correlation. In: 5th meeting of the European Clay
Ph.D. (University of Missouri, Rolla). 209 p. Groups, 1983, p. 535-539. Univ. Karlova. Prague,
1989 The influence of disaggregation methods on Czechoslovakia.
X-ray diffraction of clay minerals. Journal of
Sedimentary Petrology, v. 59, no. 6, p. 997-1001. Huffman, G.P.
See Chou, M.-I.M. 1994b
Hubbell, M.E.
See Suloway, L.B. 1994
Huggins, F.E.
1995 (and Baum, S.E.) Selected wetlands-related
See Chou, M.-I.M. 1994b
legislation and programs applicable to Illinois.
Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication
Hughes, D.M.
16. 38 p.
1972 Petrography of the LaSalle Limestone
(Pennsylvania) LaSalle County, Illinois. Master's
Hubert, M.L.
thesis (Northern Illinois University). 83 p.
See Luttrell, G.W. 1988; Luttrell, G.W. 1990
See Frankie 1994; Lasemi, Zakaria 1994; Oltz 1986; 1967 Selection of refuse disposal sites in
Reinertsen 1993c; Udegbunam 1994; Xu, Jianzhong northeastern Illinois. Illinois State Geological
1995 Survey Environmental Geology Notes 17. 26 p.
1987 Petroleum industry in Illinois, 1985. Part I. 1968 (and Landon, R.A.; Farvolden, R.N.)
oil and gas developments. Part II. Waterflood Hydrogeology of solid waste disposal sites in
operations. Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois northeastern Illinois: a progress report. 137 p.
petroleum reservoirs of Energy Field, Williamson 1969b (and Farvolden, Robert N.; Landon, Ronald
County, Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey A.) Hydrogeology and water quality at a solid
Illinois Petroleum 141. 40 p. waste disposal site. In:7th Annual Engineering
1994 Oil and gas developments in Illinois, 1987. Geology and Soils Engineering Symposium, 1969,
Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Petroleum Proceedings, p. 116-130.
144. 72 p. 1969c (and Landon, R.A.; Farvolden, R.N.)
Hydrogeology of waste disposal sites in
Huff, L.L. northeastern an interim report on a Solid
1980 Technical and economic review of control Waste Demonstration Grant Project. 137 p.
methods for total dissolved solids, sulfates, Cincinnati, Ohio, Bureau of Solid Waste
chlorides, iron, and manganese. Illinois Institute of Management, U.S. Public Health Service.
Natural Resources Document 80/06. 214 p. 1971a (and Landon, R.A.; Farvolden, R.N.)
Hydrogeology of solid waste disposal sites in
Huff, W.D. northeastern Illinois: a final report on a Solid
See Kolata 1983a; Kolata 1986b; Kolata 1996 Waste Demonstration Grant project. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. Solid Waste Illinois State Geological Survey. U.S. Geological
Management Series (SW-12d). 67 p. Survey Open-File Report 83-272.
1971b (and Landon, R.A.; Farvolden, R.N.) 1983 (and Bargh, B.L.; White, W.A.) Expansion
Summary of findings on solid waste disposal sites in and weathering of brick. In: Proceedings of 18th
northeastern Illinois. Illinois State Geological Forum on Geology of Industrial Minerals, 1982.
Survey Environmental Geology Notes 45. 25 p. Indiana Geological Survey Occasional Paper 37, p.
1972a Hydrogeologic considerations in the siting 183-197.
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administrative criteria for shallow waste disposal. 8th International Clay Conference, 1985, p. 97-104.
Civil Engineering, v. 42, no. 3, p. 70-73. Illinois Association Internationale pour l'Etude des Argiles.
State Geological Survey Reprint 1972-0. Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint 1988- J.
1976 (and Schleicher, J. A.; Cartwright, K.) 1989a (and Warren, Robin L.) Evaluation of the
Supplement to the final report on the hydrogeology economic usefulness of earth materials by x-ray
of solid waste disposal sites in northeastern Illinois. diffraction, (and Bradbury, James C, editors) In:
Illinois State Geological Survey Environmental Proceedings of the 23rd Forum on the Geology of
Geology Notes 80. 24 p. Industrial Minerals, 1989. Illinois State Geological
Survey Illinois Mineral Notes 102, p. 47-57.
See Austin, G.S. 1989; Bohor 1971; Bradford 1983; geology,and future of industrial clays in Illinois. In:
Burst 1994; Chou, M.-I.M. 1994b; Eidel 1993b; Proceedings of the 23rd Forum on the Geology of
Griffin,R.A. 1983; Griffin, R.A. 1984; Griffin, R.A. Industrial Minerals, 1987. Illinois State Geological
1985; Johnson, T.M. 1983a; Khan, L.A. 1984a; Survey Illinois Mineral Notes 102, p. 59-70.
Khan, L.A. 1984d; Khan, L.A. 1986d; Moore, D.M. 1989c (and Bradbury, James C, editors)
1994; Shiley 1985; Shiley 1986; Warren, R.L. 1987; Proceedings of the 23rd Forum on the Geology of
Wu, L. 1987 Industrial Minerals, 1987. Illinois State Geological
1969 (and White, W. Arthur) A flint clay in Survey Illinois Mineral Notes 102. 105 p.
Sangamon County, Illinois. In: International Clay 1992 (and DeMaris, White, W.A.) Underclays
Conference: proceedings, v. 1, p. 291-303. Israel and related paleosols associated with coals. In:
University Press. Illinois State Geological Survey Weathering, soils and paleosols. Developments in
Reprint 1970-A. Earth Surface Processes, v. 2, p. 501-523. Elsevier.
1970a Clay minerals associated with the Colchester 1993a Clay resources associated with Lower
(no. 2) coal of the Illinois Basin. In: Depositional Pennsylvanian coals. In: Symposium on the
environments in parts of the Carbondale Economic Resources of the Lower Pennsylvanian of
Formation, western and northern Illinois - Francis the Illinois Basin, 1993. Indiana Geological Survey
Creek shale and associated strata and Mazon Creek Open-File Report 93-7, p. 29-37.
biota: Geological Society of America, Coal Geology 1993b (and Moore, D.M.; Reynolds, R.C. Jr.) The
Division, Annual field trip, 1970. Illinois State nature, detection, occurrence, and origin of
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1970b (and Bohor, Bruce) Random clay powders utilization (a collection of papers presented at the
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v. 55, no. 9-10, p. 1780-1786. Illinois State Society Special Publication 1, p. 291-323. Illinois
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1971 Mineral matter associated with Illinois coals. 1994 (and Moore, D.M.; Glass, H.D.) Qualitative
Ph.D. (University of Illinois at and quantitative analysis of clay minerals in soils.
Urbana-Champaign). 145 p. In: Quantitative methods in soil mineralogy, p.
1982 (and Bargh, Barbara L.) The weathering of 330-359. Soil Science Society of America. Illinois
brick: causes, assessment and measurement. 70 p. State Geological Survey Reprint 1994-0.
Moore, D.M.; DeMaris, P.J.) Utilization of fly ash 1975 Bedrock stratigraphy as a tool in regional
597-603. Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint 1978 Characterization of subsidence profiles over
79 p.
Hunter, R.E.
Hughes, W.B. 1966a Heavy minerals in sands along the Wabash
See Esling 1989a; Esling 1989b River. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 402.
River valley, southern Illinois. Master's thesis 1966b Sand and gravel resources of Tazewell
(Southern Illinois University, Carbondale). 181 County, Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey
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See Reed, J.D. 1986 5 and 6. 61 p. + VHS videotape -I- Illinois Coal
sample. Illinois Dept. of Energy and Natural
111. Aband. Mined Lands Reclamation Resources.
Council 1994a The changing Illinois environment: critical
1980 Illinois State reclamation plan for abandoned summary report of the Critical Trends
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Lands Reclamation Council. and Natural Resources Document
Dept. of Energy & Nat. Res.
111. 1994b The changing Illinois environment: critical
1982a Illinois energy production: statistical report, trends: technical report of the Critical Trends
1960-1979. Illinois Dept. of Energy and Natural Assessment Project, v. 2: Water resources. 167 p.
Resources Document ILLDOE 82/11. 45 p. Illinois Dept. of Energy and Natural Resources
1993: long term approaches to the management of Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers including lessons NOAA77071401. 27 p.
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of Energy and Natural Resources Document Environmental Protection Agency
Dept. of Nuclear Safety. 1978 Sediment and soil loss in Illinois: summary.
1992 Radon in Illinois: a status report. Illinois Illinois Institute for Environmental Quality
Dept. of Nuclear Safety. Document IIEQ 78-24. 20 p.
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Illinois Institute of Natural Resources Document activities for the period May 1, 1976 to April 30,
79-32. 97 p. 1977. Illinois State Geological Survey, Review of
Activities. 1976-1977. 149 p.
111. State Geological Survey 1978 Geologic studies for mine backfilling projects,
1966a Corrections and revisions for U.S. Geological southwestern Illinois. 192 p.
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Leaflet 1982-A. 8 p.
1971 Proceedings of Symposium on Future 1983a Bibliography and index of Illinois geology,
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Mississippi Embayment. Illinois State Geological Open File Series 1982-1. 45 p.
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1974 Review of Illinois State Geological Survey Survey Circular 529. 16 p.
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1975a Geology and mineral resources of the 1983. [Selected from publications indexed in
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285 p. NTIS PB-250 136. Open File Series 1984-1. 72 p.
1975c Illinois State Geological Survey. Physical 1986a- Additions to the Geological Samples
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1976 Review of Illinois State Geological Survey Open File Series 1985-1. 66 p.
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1976. Illinois State Geological Survey Review of Geological Survey.
Activities 1975-1976. 150 p. 1986d Illinois State Geological Survey. Landslide
1977a Illinois State Geological Survey. Illinois studies in Illinois. AEG Newsletter, v. 29, no. 4, p.
Coastal Zone Management Program. Third year 25-26.
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1986. [Selected from publications indexed in
NOAA78060520. 170 p. GeoRef in 1986]. Illinois State Geological Survey
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1987b Oil and gas fields in Illinois [map]. Illinois State Geological Survey. 1:100,000, accompanying
State Geological Survey. pamphlets: Directory of Coal mines in Illinois ...
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1987d Preproposal: Illinois Basin ultradeep 111. State Water Plan Task Force
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1988a Bibliography and index of Illinois geology, water in Illinois. Illinois State Water Plan Task
Meeting, Soil Science Society of America, 1981. Soil River. Japanese Geomorphological Union
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1981b (and Jansen, Ivan J.; Boast, Charles W.) Instructional Video
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soil character. Journal of Soil and Water with Dr. Dennis Kolata, Illinois Geological Survey.
Conservation, v. 36, no. 6, p. 347-350. VHS videotape, 17 min. Instructional Video.
1984 (and Jansen, I.J.) Perceiving and defining
1983b Revised correlations of the Shoal Creek and Bargh, Margaret H.) Availability of coal resources
La Salle Limestone Members of the Bond in Illinois: Mt. Carmel Quadrangle, southeastern
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1992 Geology of the Goreville Quadrangle, Johnson mid-continent and Illinois Basin. Ph.D. (Rice
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Geological Survey Bulletin 97. 32 p.
1993a Coal resources of the Dekoven and Davis James, L.A.
Members (Carbondale Formation) in Gallatin and See Gomez 1995
Saline counties, southeastern Illinois. Illinois State
Geological Survey Circular 551. 41 p. James, W.C.
1993b (and Weibel, C. Pius) Geologic map of the See Mack, G.H. 1981
Makanda Quadrangle, Jackson, Union, and
Williamson Counties, Illinois. Illinois State Jang, Bo- An
Geological Survey Illinois Geologic Quadrangle 11. See Kowallis 1987
1:24,000. 1989 Microcracks as a stress indicator. Ph.D.
1996 (and Treworgy, Colin G.; Chenoweth, Cheri; (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison). 253 p.
Jansen, I.J.
See Darmody 1987; Darmody 1988a; Darmody Jenkins, W.A.M.
1988b; Darmody 1989a; Fehrenbacher 1984; 1979 (and Legault, J. A.) Stratigraphic ranges of
Fehrenbacher 1986a; Fehrenbacher 1986b; Indorante selected Chitinozoa. Palynology, v. 3, p. 235-264.
1981a; Indorante 1981b; Indorante 1984;
McSweeney, K. 1981; Putman 1988; Snarski 1981; Jenkusky, S.M.
Vance 1987 See Nawrot 1980
1983 A pedologist's perspective on reclamation.
Proceedings of the Illinois Mining Institute, 1982, p. Jennett, J.C.
59-65. See Rolfe, G.L. 1975
Jansen, John
Jennings, J.R.
1992 (and Haddad, Bassem; Fassbender, Wayne;
See Collinson 1988; Collinson 1990; Fucciolo 1993a
Jurcek, Patrick) Frequency domain electromagnetic
1970 Preliminary report on fossil plants from the
induction sounding surveys for landfill site
Chester Series (upper Mississippian) of Illinois.
characterization studies. Ground Water Monitoring
Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of
Review, v. 12, no. 4, p. 103-109.
Science, v. 63, no. 2, p. 167-177.
Jansen, W.A. 1972 A new lycopod genus from the Salem
1985 Shoreline stabilization and beach Limestone (Mississippian) of Illinois.
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Beach, v. 53, no. 3, p. 3-6. v. 137, no. 1-3, p. 72-82.
1974 Lower Pennsylvanian plants of Illinois I: A
Janssen, R.E. flora from the Pounds Sandstone Member of the
1979 Leaves and stems from fossil forests: a Caseyville Formation. Journal of Paleontology, v.
handbook of the paleobotanical collections in the 48, no. 3, p. 459-473.
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Popular Science Series 1. 190 p. structurally preserved Alloiopteris from the Drury
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Jarboe, Jacquelyn
See Kirk 1979; Kirk 1982
1976 The morphology and relationships of Rhodea,
1978 (and Millay, M.A.) A new permineralized 1995 (and Clark, Peter U.; MacAyeal, Douglas R.;
marattialean fern from the Pennsylvanian of Ho, Carleton; Vela, Julio C.) Numerical modeling of
Illinois. Palaeontology, v. 21, pt. 3, p. 709-716. advective transport of saturated deforming
1979a Lower Pennsylvanian plants of Illinois III: sediment beneath the Lake Michigan Lobe,
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Paleontology, v. 53, no. 3, p. 519-523. p. 157-166.
1979b (and M.A.) Morphology of fertile
Millay, 1996 (and MacAyeal, Douglas R.; Clark, Peter U.;
Pecopteris unita from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Ho, Carleton; Vela, Julio C.) Numerical modeling of
Illinois. Palaeontology, v. 22, pt. 4, p. 913-920. subglacial sediment deformation: implications for
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Master's thesis (Northern Illinois University). 59 p.
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wastes. In: Proceedings of the 1985 Symposium on the Technical Program: Powder and Bulk Solids
Surface Mining, Hydrology, Sedimentology, and Handling and Processing, 1986, p. 327-338. Illinois
Reclamation, p. 349-355. Illinois State Geological State Geological Survey Reprint 1986-M.
Survey Reprint 1986-0. 1990a (and Baxter, J.W.; Rice, R.) Froth flotation
1984c (and Berggren, D.J.) A method for of coal fines from Illinois coal mine effluent. In:
Sedimentology, and Reclamation, 1984, p. 279-285. coal from effluent of two operating mines. In:
Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint 1985-D.
Proceedings, 1990 National Symposium on Mining,
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1984d (and Berggren, D.J.; Hughes, R.E.) Use of
aerial photographs and vegetation patterns to
predict the distribution of fine-grained quartz and
Khan, Saleem
kaolinite in tailing ponds. In: Symposium on
See Demir 1995b
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Reclamation, 1984, p. 309-318. Illinois State
Khandelwal, Suresh
Geological Survey Reprint 1985-E.
See Bohor 1968b
1986a (and Berggren, Dwain J.; Camp, Larry R.)
Coal recovery from mine wastes of the historic
Khawaja, I.U.
longwall mining district of north-central Illinois.
1967 A mineralogic study of sphalerite from
Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Mineral
Cave-In-Rock fluorspar district, Illinois. Master's
Notes 94. 19 p.
thesis (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale).
1986b (and Bhagwat, S.B.; Baxter, J.W.)
36 p.
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streams of mineral processing plants. In:
Khawlie, M.R.
Transactions of the American Association of Cost 1975 Microfacies and geochemistry of the Brereton
Engineers 30th Annual Meeting, 1986, p. Limestone (middle Pennsylvanian) of southwestern
M.3.1-M.3.8. Illinois State Geological Survey Ph.D. (University of
Illinois. Illinois at
Reprint 1986-S. Urbana-Champaign). 110 p.
1986c (and Bhagwat, S.B.; Baxter, J.W.) 1976 (and Carozzi, A.V.) Microfacies and
Economics of secondary recovery of coal. In: geochemistry of the Brereton Limestone (Middle
Proceedings of the 1986 National Symposium on Pennsylvanian) of southwestern Illinois, U.S.A.
Surface Mining, Hydrology, Sedimentology, and Archives des Sciences, v. 29, no. 1, p. 67-110.
Reclamation, p. 133-140. Illinois State Geological
Survey Reprint 1987-B. Kidd, B.U.
1986d (and Hughes, R.E.; Berggren, D.J.; Baxter, 1975 An independent's experience with various
J.W.) Facters affecting comminution of clay exploration techniques. In: New ideas, new
particles in a vibratingbead grinder. In: 11th methods, new developments. Exploration and
Annual Powder and Bulk Solids Economics of the Petroleum Industry 13, p. 99-112.
Conference/Exhibition. Proceedings of the Matthew Bender.
See Harris, J.B. 1993; Harris, J.B. 1994 the Southern California Paleontological Society, v.
Station Soil Report 115. 184 p. 1983 (and Lineback, Jerry A.) Stratigraphic
reassignment of the Hagarstown Member in Illinois.
In: Geologic notes. Illinois State Geological Survey
Kiefer, M.L.
Circular 529, p. 13-16.
See Koutsoftas 1990
1984a (and DuMontelle, Paul B.) Earthquakes in
the Illinois area. 4 p. Illinois State Geological
Kiely, D.A.
Survey; Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster
See Goulter 1983
1984b (and Hines, J.K.; DuMontelle, P.B.; Brabb,
Killey, M.M. Earl E., compilers) Illinois landslide inventory map.
See Berggren 1975; Chrzastowski 1994c; Cote, W.E. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies
U. S.
1968a; Cote, W.E. 1968b; Cote, W.E. 1968c; Cote, Map MF 1691. 1:500,000.
W.E. 1968d; Cote, W.E. 1969a; Cote, W.E. 1969b; 1985 (and Hines, Jennifer K.; DuMontelle, Paul B.)
Cote, W.E. 1969c; Cote, W.E. 1969d; Cote, W.E. Landslide inventory of Illinois. Illinois State
1970a; Cote, W.E. 1970b; Cote, W.E. 1970c; Cote, Geological Survey Circular 534. 27 p.
W.E. 1970d; Cote, W.E. 1971; DuMontelle 1981; 1991 (and Trask, C. Brian) Public outreach: a
Frankie 1994; Frankie 1995a; Frankie 1995c; Frankie geologic field trip for county-level decision-makers
1995d; Frankie 1996a; Frankie 1996b; Glass 1987; in landfill site screening. AEG News, v. 34, no. 3,
Griffin, R.A. 1983; R.A. 1984; Johnson,
Association of Engineering Geologists.
p. 25-26.
T.M. 1983a; Kempton 1985a; McKay, E.D. 1986a; 1995 (and Trask, C. Brian) Geotechnical
Reed, P.C. 1983; Reinertsen 1971b; Reinertsen investigation for an advanced photon source at
1971c; Reinertsen 1971d; Reinertsen 1972a;
Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois. Illinois State
Reinertsen 1972b; Reinertsen 1972c; Reinertsen
Geological Survey Environmental Geology Notes
1972d; Reinertsen 1973a; Reinertsen 1973b; 147. 46 p.
Reinertsen 1973c; Reinertsen 1974a; Reinertsen
1974b; Reinertsen 1975; Reinertsen 1976; Kim, H.K.
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1993e; Reinertsen 1994c from the Zuehl Farm site, north-central Iowa and
1974 Erratics are erratic. Illinois State Geological the Cattail Channel Bog, northwestern Illinois.
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1975a Ancient dust storms in Illinois. Illinois State
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1988 (and Kolstad, Charles D.; Fields, Deborah L.; the type region. Quaternary Research, v. 25, no. 1,
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U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1300, p. distinction of the influence of tectonic subsidence
607-609. and climate on changing sea level during deposition
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Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF 1801. Moisture characteristics of compacted soils for use
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1985 A paleoenvironmental interpretation and Kleiss, H.J.
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1989 Carbonate microfacies, depositional models 1971 (and Paulet, Manuel; Lund, L.J.) Pedologic
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1993 (and Roy, W.R.; Smyth, C.A.; Barnhardt,
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M.L.) Occurrence and distribution of pesticides in
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soil at agrichemical facilities in Illinois. In:
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1979d (and Damberger, H.H.; Nelson, W.J.; Hunt,
chapter 3. 46 p. Illinois Dept. of Agriculture.
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1994 (and Roy, W.R.; Smyth, C.A.; Barnhardt, Roof strata of the Herrin (no. 61) Coal Member in
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Kreutzfeld, J.E. Organic Geochemistry, v. 17, no. 2, p. 193-204.
1982 Pore geometry and permeability of the St. 1991c Characterization of organic nitrogen in
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1989 (and Olson, Kenneth R.; Banwart, Wayne L.; Kruger, J.M.
Johnson, Donald L.) Soil, landscape, and erosion See Anderson, T.F. 1987
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Science Society of America Journal, v. 53, no. 6, p. the pre-Kaskaskia (Early Devonian) interregional
1763-1771. unconformity, Northwest Illinois Basin. In:
1990 (and Olson, K.R.; Johnson, D.L.; Jones, R.L.) Paleokarst, karst-related diagenesis, and reservoir
Quantification of postsettlement deposition in a development: examples from Ordovician-Devonian
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Society of America Journal, v. 54, no. 5, p. Society of Economic Paleontologists and
1393-1401. Mineralogists, Permian Basin Chapter Publication
92-33, p. 182-191.
Kristoff, L.M. 1993 Deposition and diagenesis of the lower
1990 (and Lordi, David T.; Lue-Hing, Cecil) Tippecanoe II Sequence (Upper Ordovician to
Radium-226 and tritium in public well supplies of Lower Silurian), Illinois Basin. Ph.D. (University of
the Greater Chicago area. American Water Works Wisconsin-Madison). 236 p.
Association Journal, v. 82, no. 3, p. 77-82. 1994 (and Simo, J. A.) Pervasive dolomitization of
a subtidal carbonate ramp, Silurian and Devonian,
Krizek, R.J. Illinois Basin, USA. In: Dolomites: a volume in
See Bucher 1988; Vipulanandan 1982; honour of Dolomieu. International Association of
Vipulanandan 1983 Sedimentologists Special Publication 21, p.
1975 (and Mosonyi, Emil F., editors) Data 387-405.
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E. Donald) Geologic applications of a geographic
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1987 National Symposium on Mining, Hydrology, wetlands, and their relationship to Lake Michigan.
Sedimentology and Reclamation, p. 17-21. Master's thesis (Northeastern Illinois University).
Kyle, J.R.
Lam, C.
See Kesler 1995
See Taylor, K.B. 1989
Kyriazis, M.K.
See White, W.A. 1968 Lamar, J.E.
See Heigold 1970b; Hester 1969a; Hunter 1968b;
Kyser, T.K. Wilson, G.M. 1963
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1986 Chemical and stable isotope compositions of industrial mineral publications. Illinois State
anorogenic granite from Stephenson County, Geological Survey Industrial Minerals Notes 25.
Illinois. In: Shorter contributions to isotope 16 p.
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139-150. raw materials in Illinois. In: Symposium on
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Labahn, F. Geology of Industrial Minerals, 2d, 1966,
See Ade 1990 Proceedings, p. 45-71. Indiana Geological Survey
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See Hester 1970a
1966c High-purity limestones in Illinois. Illinois
1971 (and Hester, Norman C.) Sand and gravel
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Recherches Exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine,
150-156. Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint
v. 1, no. 2, p. 279-313.
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1972a Selected and annotated list of industrial
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46. 17 p.
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1994 Geophysical investigation of the Ticona supply and use. In: National water summary 1987:
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1990 Progressive failure of the V-day Mine and a
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G.)A "random- walk" solute transport model for challenges. Proceedings of the 31st U.S. Symposium
selected groundwater quality evaluations. Illinois on Rock Mechanics, 1990, p. 93-100. A. A.
State Water Survey Bulletin 65. 103 p. Balkema. Illinois Mine Subsidence Research
Program IMSRP Reprint 1990-7.
Primus, J. A. 1990b (and Chugh, Y.P.; Pytel, W.M.) Estimation
See Clark, J. A. 1990 of weak and related safety
floor strata properties
factors for design of coal mine layouts. In: Mine
Prinos, S.T. Subsidence - Prediction and Control: A National
See Duwelius 1996; Kay, R.T. 1994 Symposium held in conjunction with the
Thirty-third Annual Meeting of the Association of
Prior, J.C. Engineering Geologists, 1990, p. 91-104.
See Alexander, C.S. 1968; Alexander, C.S. 1971
Pursell, P.L.
Prodan, P.F. See Nawrot 1977a; Nawrot 1977b
See Schubert 1981
1982 (and Mele, L.M.; Schubert, J.P.) Runoff Pushkar, Paul
water quality and hydrology at coal refuse disposal See Stueber 1987; Stueber 1993
sites in southern Illinois. In: Proceedings, 1982
Symposium on Surface Mining, Hydrology, Putman, B.R.
Sedimentology, and Reclamation. University of 1988 (and Jansen, I.J.; Follmer, L.R.) Loessial
Kentucky Bulletin 129, p. 57-63. soils: their relationship to width of the source valley
in Illinois. Soil Science, v. 146, no. 4, p. 241-247.
Prudic, D.E. Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint 1989-H.
1990 Burial of low-level radioactive waste in the
humid northeastern United States. In: Safe disposal Pye, Kenneth
of radionuclides in low-level radioactive-waste See Allison, P.A. 1994
repository sites: Low-level Radioactive- Waste
Disposal Workshop 1987, proceedings. U. S. Pytel, W.M.
Geological Survey Circular 1036, p. 106-109. See Chugh 1989b; Chugh 1990c; Chugh 1996e; Pula
1990a; Pula 1990b
Pryor, W.A. 1989 (and Chugh, Yoginder P.) An analysis of
1972 Reservoir inhomogeneities of some recent roof-pillar-weak floor interaction in partial
sand bodies. Transactions of the Society of extraction room-and-pillar mining. In: Rock
Petroleum Engineers of the American Institute of mechanics as a guide for efficient utilization of
Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers natural resources. Proceedings, 30th U.S.
(AIME), v. 253, p. 1229-1245. Symposium on Rock Mechanics Proceedings, 1989,
1990 (and Lamborg, Amy D.; Roberts, Michael J.; p. 621-628. A. A. Balkema. Illinois Mine Subsidence
Tharp, Timothy C; Wilsey, William L.M.) Research Program IMSRP Reprint 1990-4.
Geologic controls on porosity in Mississippian 1990 (and Chugh, Yoginder P.; Pula, 0.) An
limestone and sandstone reservoirs in the Illinois approach for design of coal pillars in partial
Basin. In: Interior cratonic basins. AAPG Memoir extraction coal mining panels with a consideration
51, p. 329-359. American Association of Petroleum of roof-pillar-floor interaction. In: Rock mechanics:
Geologists. contributions and challenges. Proceedings of the
31st U.S.Symposium on Rock Mechanics, 1990, p.
Pula, O. Mine Subsidence
101-108. A. A. Balkema. Illinois
See Chugh 1990c; Chugh 1996a; Pytel 1990 Research Program IMSRP Reprint 1990-8.
1990a (and Chugh, Yoginder P.; Pytel, W.M.) 1992 (and Chugh, Yoginder P.) Application of a
Estimation of weak floor strata properties and simplified 3-dimensional roof-pillar-floor interaction
related safety factors for design of coal mine analysis model for subsidence prediction. In: 11th
Mississippian) in southern Illinois. Master's thesis 1973a (and Mann, C. John; Carozzi, A.V.) Factor
(Southern Illinois University, Carbondale). 151 p. analysis testing of microfacies and interpreted
environmental factors: Ste. Genevieve Limestone
Randall, K.G. (Mississippian), Illinois and Missouri. Journal of
1985 Identification of seismic reflections from the Geology, v. 81, no. 1, p. 65-80.
basement. Master's thesis (Purdue University). 1973b (and Gluskoter, Harold J.) Occurrence and
146 p. distribution of minerals in Illinois coals. Illinois
State Geological Survey Circular 476. 54 p.
Randall, W.R. 1985 Origin of coal balls of the Illinois Basin. In:
See Sasman 1967 Compte Rendu. 9th International Congress on
Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology,
Rao, C.P.
Ravat, D.N.
1970 Applications of computer techniques to the
1985 Magnetic investigations in the St. Louis arm
petrographic study of oolitic environments, Ste.
of the New Madrid rift complex. Master's thesis
Genevieve Limestone (Mississippian), southern
(Purdue University). 102 p.
Illinois and eastern Missouri. Ph.D. (University of
Gosar, Joan M.; Karny, Joseph R.; Mehnert, 85-99. Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint
Edward; Dey, William S.; Greenpool, Mary R.) 1989-M.
Agricultural chemicals in Illinois' rural private 1989b (and Meyers, Cal Y.; Camp, Larry R.;
wells. In: Proceedings of the International Summers, Michael S.) Improving the floatability
Symposium on Ground Water in Practice, 1991, p. and cleanability of ultrafine coal by the use of
256-261. American Society of Civil Engineers. anionic surfactants. II. Effectiveness of
1996 (and Soong, T.W. David; Borah, Deva K.; surfactant/alcohol mixtures on bituminous coals.
Roadcap, George S.) Flood-induced loading of Coal Preparation, v. 7, p. 101-114. Illinois State
agricultural chemicals to public water supply wells Geological Survey Reprint 1989-L.
in selected reaches of the Illinois River. In:
Research on agricultural chemicals in Illinois Read, W.F.
groundwater: status and future directions VI. 1986 Possible impact spherules from near the base
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference of the of the Middle Ordovician in northern Illinois.
Illinois Groundwater Consortium, 1996, p. 10-26. Meteoritics, v. 21, no. 3, p. 251-262.
1887-1971. Geological Society of America 1987 (and Brewer, L.R.) Preliminary isoseismal
Memorials, v. 3, p. 133-143. Illinois State map and intensity distribution for the southeastern
Geological Survey Reprint 1974-W. Illinois earthquake of June 10, 1987. U. S.
Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-0578. 3 p.
Raymond, P.E.
Reams, M.W.
See Carpenter, F.M. 1979
1990 Stromatolitic humid climate carbonates: a
variety of calcrete?. In: Soil micromorphology: a
Rayner, D.H.
basic and applied science. Developments in Soil
1971 Data on the environment and preservation of
Science, v. 19, p. 395-400.
Late Paleozoic tetrapods. Proceedings of the
Yorkshire Geological Society, v. 38, pt. 4, no. 20, p.
Redding, K.
See Warren, R.L. 1987
1986 (and Illich, H.A.; Horsfield, B.) Biochemical 1985 Comparative analysis of surface resistivity
evolutionary significance of Ordovician oils and surveys and natural-gamma radiation borehole logs
Advances in organic geochemistry,
their sources. In: and Borehole Geophysical
in Illinois. In: Surface
1985: Part Petroleum geochemistry. Organic
I, Methods in Ground Water
Investigations: Second
Geochemistry, v. 10, no. 1-3, p. 347-358. National Conference and Exposition, 1985, p.
215-227. National Water Well Association.
Reed, J.E.
See Lidiak 1985 Reeder, P.R.
1990 (and Day, Michael J.) Lead mining from caves
Reed, J.W. in the Upper Mississippi Valley: an historical
See Sharpe 1979 perspective. The Journal of Spelean History, v. 24,
no. 01, p. 14-22.
Reed, Monty
1982 Galatia: mammoth mine takes shape.
Rees, O.W.
Kerr-McGee Resources, v. 4, no. 2, p. 2-9.
1966a Chemistry, uses, and limitations of coal
analyses. Illinois State Geological Survey Report of
Reed, P.C.
Investigations 220. 55 p.
See Goodwin 1982; Heigold 1979a; Kempton 1987a;
1966b Moisture characteristics of banded
Kempton 1987b; Panno 1994a; Reinertsen 1981a;
ingredients in coal and their influence on
Reinertsen 1984b; Reinertsen 1988b; Reinertsen
preparation of analysis samples. Talanta, v. 13, p.
1988d; Reinertsen 1990b; Reinertsen 1991a;
1027-1032. Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint
Reinertsen 1992c; Reinertsen 1992d; Reinertsen
1993c; Reinertsen 1993e; Reinertsen 1994c; Webb,
1966c (and Shimp, N.F.; Beeler, C.W.; Kuhn, J.K.;
D.W. Webb, D.W. 1996; Weibel 1989b
Helfinstine, R.J.) Sulfur retention in bituminous
1972 (compiler) Data from controlled drilling
coal ash. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular
program in Du Page, Kane, and Kendall counties,
396. 10 p.
Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey
Environmental Geology Notes 53. 42 p.
Rees, T.F.
1974 (compiler) Data from controlled drilling
program in Lee and Ogle counties, Illinois. Illinois 1991 (and Leenheer, J. A.; Ranville, James F.) Use
of a single-bowl continuous flow centrifuge for
State Geological Survey Environmental Geology
Notes 71. 40 p. dewatering suspended sediments: effect on sediment
physical and chemical characteristics. Hydrological
1975 Data from controlled drilling program in
Processes, v. 5, no. 2, p. 201-214.
Kane County, Illinois. Illinois State Geological
Survey Environmental Geology Notes 75. 38 p.
1976 Data from controlled drilling program in Reeves, S.R.
Boone and De Kalb counties, Illinois. Illinois State 1996 (and Kuuskraa, Velio A.; Hill, David G.)
Geological Survey Environmental Geology Notes Unconventional gas: 3, New basins invigorate U.S.
77. 51 p. gas shales play. Oil and Gas Journal, v. 94, no. 4,
1994 (and Hlinka, Kenneth J.; Holm, Thomas R.; 1978 Stratigraphic relationships of the New Albany
Blomberg, John) Statewide ground-water quality. Shale Group (Devonian-Mississippian) in Illinois.
In: The changing Illinois environment: critical Second Eastern Gas Shales
In: Preprints,
trends: technical report of the Critical Trends Symposium, 1978, v. 1. U.S. Dept. of Energy
Assessment Project, Water resources, p.
v. 2: METC/SP-78/6, p. 443-454. Illinois State
Energy and Natural
33-48. Illinois Dept. of Geological Survey Reprint 1980-D.
Resources Document ILENR/RE-EA-94/05(2). 1984 Facies, formation boundaries, and
chronostratigraphy in the upper part of the New
Rehner, Richard Albany Shale Group (Devonian-Mississippian) in
See Acker, L.L. 1980; Ray, B.W. 1975; Ray, B.W. the Illinois Basin. In: Compte Rendu. 9th
1976 International Congress on Carboniferous
1977 Soil survey of Rock Island County, Illinois. Stratigraphy and Geology, Washington and
University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Champaign-Urbana, 1979, v. 3, p. 427-442.
Station Soil Report 97. 140 p. Southern Illinois University Press. Illinois State
Geological Survey Reprint 1986-C.
Reichelderfer, J.L.
See Carozzi 1987 Reineback, L.M.
1985 Microfacies, diagenesis and porosity 1980 Soil survey of Grundy County, Illinois.
Michigan. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 7, no. 3, Geological science field trip: La Salle area: La Salle,
Carbondale 15-minute quadrangle. Illinois State 1974a (and Berggren, Dwain J.; Killey, Myrna M.)
Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet Geological science field trip: Breese area, Clinton
1971-A/1971-F. 30 p. County: Breese and Carlyle 15-minute quadrangles.
1971d (and Berggren, Dwain J.; Killey, Myrna M.) Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide
Guide leaflet, geological science field trip: Mount Leaflet 1974-A/1974-D. 22 p.
Sterling area:Brown, Adams, Pike, and Schuyler 1974b (and Berggren, Dwain J.; Anderson, Richard
counties: Mount Sterling, Meredosia, Rushville, and C; Killey, Myrna) Geological science field trip:
Augusta 15-minute quadrangles. Illinois State Milan area: Rock Island and Henry counties:
Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1971-E. Milan, Coal Valley, and Davenport East 7.5-minute
30 p. quadrangles. Illinois State Geological Survey Field
1972a (and Berggren, Dwain J.; Kempton, John P.; Trip Guide Leaflet 1974-C/1975-B. 30 p.
Killey, Myrna M.) Guide leaflet, geological science 1975 (and Berggren, D.J.; Killey, M.M.) Guide
field trip: Carlock area: McLean and Woodford leaflet, geological science field trip: Metropolis area,
counties, Danvers, McLean, and Normal 15-minute Massac, Pope, and Pulaski counties, Brownfield,
quadrangles. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Golconda, La Center, Paducah, Smithland, and
Trip Guide Leaflet 1972-B. 28 p. Vienna 15-minute quadrangles. Illinois State
1972b (and Berggren, Dwain J.; Johnson, W.H.; Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet
Myrna M.) Guide leaflet, geological science
Killey, 1975-A/1975-D. 27 p.
Potomac-Danville area: Vermilion
field trip: 1976 (and Berggren, D.J.; Killey, M.M.) Geological
County: Potomac and Fithian 15-Minute science field trip: Carrollton area, Greene, Jersey,
quadrangles, Danville NW
7.5-minute quadrangle. and Calhoun counties: Roodhouse, Pearl, Hardin,
Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide and Jerseyville 15-minute quadrangles. Illinois
Leaflet 1972-E. 23 p. State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet
1972c (and Berggren, Dwain J.; Killey, Myrna M.) 1976-A/1976-C. 37 p.
Guide leaflet, geological science field trip: Red Bud 1977a (and Berggren, D.; Kempton, J.;
area. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip DuMontelle, P.) Geological science field trip:
Guide Leaflet 1972-A/1972-F. 28 p. Champaign-Urbana area: Champaign County,
1972d (and Berggren, Dwain J.; Killey, Myrna M.) Mahomet and Urbana 15-minute
Guide leaflet, geological science field trip: Stockton quadrangles. Illinois State Geological Survey Field
area: Jo Daviess County, Elizabeth and Lena Trip Guide Leaflet 1977-B/1977-D. 48 p.
15-minute quadrangles. Illinois State Geological 1977b (and Berggren, Dwain McDanold,
Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1972-D/1973-C. Sandra) Geological science Mt. Carmel
field trip:
24 p. area, Wabash, Edwards, and White counties, Illinois
1973a (and Berggren, Dwain J.; Killey, Myrna M.) and Posey County, Indiana: Mt. Carmel, Princeton,
Guide leaflet, geological science field trip: Knoxville Albion, Carmi, and New Harmony 15-minute
area:Knox County, Galesburg and Maquon quadrangles. Illinois State Geological Survey Field
15-minute quadrangles. Illinois State Geological Trip Guide Leaflet 1976-D/1977-A. 29 p.
Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1973-B. 23 p. 1978a (and Follmer, Leon R.; Piskin, Kemal)
1973b (and Berggren, Dwain J.; Killey, Myrna M.) Geological science field trip, Springfield area,
Guide leaflet, geological science field trip: Robinson Sangamon County, Illinois, New City, Springfield
area: Crawford and Jasper counties, Annapolis, East, Springfield West, and Williamsville
Birds, Hardinville, and Hutsonville 15-minute 7.5-minute quadrangles. Illinois State Geological
quadrangles. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1978-A. 53 p.
Trip Guide Leaflet 1973-A/1973-D. 25 p. 1978b A guide to the geology of the Marion area:
1973c (and Berggren, Dwain J.; Killey, Myrna M.) Williamson, Johnson, and Union counties, Illinois.
Guide leaflet, geological science field trip: Rockton Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide
area: Winnebago County, Rockford 15-minute Leaflet 1978-D. 41 p.
quadrangle. Illinois State Geological Survey Field 1979a An introduction to the geology of the
Trip Guide Leaflet 1973-D/ 1974-B. 24 p. Evergreen Park-Thornton area, Cook County,
Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide
Guide Leaflet 1979-C. 27 p. Leaflet 1984-B. 16 p.
1979b A guide to the geology of the 1985a A guide to the geology of the Elizabeth area.
Westfield- Casey area: Clark, Coles, Cumberland Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide
counties, Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey Leaflet 1985-B. var, p.
Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1979-A. 21 p. 1985b A guide to the geology of the Salem area.
1980a A guide to the geology of the Equality area. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide
Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1985-A. var, p.
Leaflet 1980-A. 32 p. 1985c Lawrenceville geological science field trip.
1980b A guide to the geology of the Quincy North Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide
Survey Field Trip
area. Illinois State Geological Leaflet 1985-D. var, p.
Guide Leaflet 1980-D. 26 p. 1985d (and Nelson, Robert S.; Killey, Myrna M.)
1981a (and Masters, John M.; Reed, Philip C.) A Pekin geological science field trip. Illinois State
guide to the geology of the Cairo area. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1985-C.
Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1981-A. var, p.
32 p. 1986a Batavia area: geological science field trip.
1981b A guide to the geology of the Danville area. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide
Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1986-C. var, p.
Leaflet 1981-B. 44 p. 1986b Carbondale: geological science field trip.
1981c A guide to the geology of the Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide
Waterloo- Valmeyer area. Illinois State Geological Leaflet 1986-a. var, p.
Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1981-D. 33 p. 1986c (and Masters, J.M.; Gutowski, V.; Mears,
1981d (and Hansel, Ardith K.; Norby, Rodney D.) E.) Charleston area: geological science field trip.
A guide to the geology of the Zion-Lake Bluff area. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide
Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1986-D. 64 p.
Leaflet 1981-C. 42 p. 1986d (and Smith, Lisa R.) Ottawa geological
1982a A guide to the geology of the Cave in science field trip. Illinois State Geological Survey
Rock-Rosiclare area. Illinois State Geological Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1986-B. var, p.
Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1982-d. var, p. 1987a (and Masters, J.M.) Dallas City area,
1982b (and Nelson, Robert S.) A guide to the Hancock and Henderson counties: geological science
geology of the Danvers-Normal area. Illinois State field trip. Illinois State Geological Survey Field
Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1982-C. Trip Guide Leaflet 1987-B. var, p.
var, p. 1987b (and Goodwin, Jonathan H.) An
1983a A guide to the geology of the Crystal introduction to the geology of the Pinckneyville
Lake-Richmond area. Illinois State Geological area. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip
Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1983-C. var. p. Guide Leaflet 1987-D. var. p.
1983b A guide to the geology of the Golconda 1987c Park Ridge-North Shore area: Cook and
area. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Lake counties. Illinois State Geological Survey
Guide Leaflet 1983-D. var, p. Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1987-C. var, p.
1983c A guide to the geology of the Hardin area. 1987d Resources for teaching geology from the
Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Illinois State Geological Survey. 13 p. Illinois State
Leaflet 1983-a. var, p. Geological Survey.
1984a Fluorite: Illinois state mineral. Illinois State 1987e (and Jacobson, Russell J.; Devera, Joseph
Geological Survey Geogram 9. 2 p. A.; Nelson, W. John) Tunnel Hill area: Johnson
1984b (and Bergstrom, Robert E.; Reed, Philip C; and Pope counties: geological science field trip.
Follmer, Leon R.) A guide to the geology of the Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide
Greenville area. Illinois State Geological Survey Leaflet 1987-A. var, p.
Guide Leaflet 1984-A. var, p.
Field Trip 1988a A guide to the geology of the Canton area,
1984c A guide to the geology of the Morris area. Fulton County. Illinois State Geological Survey
1988b (and Follmer, Leon R.; Masters, John M.; 1992a Guide to the geology of the Cave in Rock
Reed, Philip C.) A guide to the geology of the and Rosiclare area, Hardin County. Illinois State
Forrest area, Livingston County. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guidebook 1992-A.
Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1988-c. 69 p.
49 p. 1992b Guide to the geology of the Galena area: Jo
1988c A guide to the geology of the Shawneetown Daviess County, Illinois, Lafayette County,
area, Gallatin County. Illinois State Geological Wisconsin. Illinois State Geological Survey Field
Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1988-A. 60 p. Trip Guidebook 1992-B. 38 p.
1988d (and Reed, Philip C.) A guide to the 1992c (and Killey, Myrna M.; Reed, Philip C;
geology of the Wolf Lake area, Union and Jackson Brower, Ross D.) Guide to the geology of the
counties. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Morris area, Grundy County and parts of
Guide Leaflet 1988-D. 64 p. Kankakee, Kendall, La Salle, and Will Counties,
1989a (and Whitaker, Stephen T.; Follmer, Leon Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip
R.) Guide to the geology of the Mt. Vernon area, Guidebook 1992-C. 65 p.
Jefferson County, Illinois. Illinois State Geological 1992d (and Frankie, Wayne
T.; Crockett, Joan E.;
Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1989-D. 40 p. Goodwin, Jonathan H.; Reed, Philip C; Samson,
1989b Guide to the geology of the Savanna area, Irma E.) Guide to the geology of the Sparta area,
Carroll and Jo Daviess counties. Illinois State Randolph and western Perry Counties, Illinois.
Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1989-B. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip
46 p. Guidebook 1992-D. 83 p.
1989c (and Masters, John M.) Guide to the 1993a (and Beaty, D. Scott; Goodwin, Jonathan)
geology of the Woodstock area, McHenry County. Geodes: small treasure vaults in Illinois. Illinois
Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide State Geological Survey Geogram 11. 2 p.
Leaflet 1989-C. 34 p. 1993b (and Hansel, Ardith K.; Masters, John M.;
1990a (and Smith, Lisa R.) Guide to the geology of Shiel,John) Guide to the geology of the Crystal
the Joliet area, Cook, Grundy, and Will Counties, Lake area, McHenry County, Illinois. Illinois State
Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Geological Survey Field Trip Guidebook 1993-C.
Guide Leaflet 1990-B. 41 p. 45 p.
1990b (and Whitaker, S.T.; Reed, P.C.; Follmer, 1993c (and Jacobson, Russell J.; Reed, Philip C;
Leon R.) Guide to the geology of the Nashville Bauer, Robert A.; Huff, Bryan G.) Guide to the
area, Washington County. Illinois State Geological geology of the Harrisburg area, Saline County,
Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1990-D. 38 p. Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip
1990c Guide to the geology of the Oregon area, Guidebook 1993-A. 74 p.
Ogle County. Illinois State Geological Survey Field 1993d (and Frankie, Wayne
Grube, John P.;
Trip Guide Leaflet 1990-C. 47 p. Masters, John M.; Zelinsky, Charles J.; Swager,
1991a (and Masters, John M.; Follmer, Leon R.; Dennis R.; Burk, Mitch K.; Knowles, Steven P.)
Hansel, Ardith K.; Reed, Philip C; Howard, Guide to the geology of the Lawrenceville area,
Richard H.; Whitaker, Stephen T.) Guide to the Lawrence and Crawford Counties, Illinois. Illinois
geology of the Decatur area, Macon and Christian State Geological Survey Field Trip Guidebook
counties. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip 1993-D. 50 p.
Guide Leaflet 1991-C. 41 p. 1993e (and Jacobson, Russell J.; Killey, Myrna M.;
1991b Guide to the geology of the Kewanee area, Nelson, Robert Reed, Philip C.) Guide to the
Henry and Bureau counties. Illinois State geology of the Lewistown-Spoon River area, Fulton
Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1991-B. County, Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey
42 p. Field Trip Guidebook 1993-B. 53 p.
1991c (and Treworgy, Janis D.) Guide to the 1994a (and Frankie, Wayne T.) Guide to the
geology of the Pere Marquette State Park area, geology of the Elizabeth area, Jo Daviess County,
Jersey County. Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip
W68-W78. Geological Society of America; Illinois. The Mineralogical Record, v. 26, no. 2, p.
Richardson, C.K.
Rice, R.J.
See Ruiz 1988; Spry 1990
See Bhagwat 1989b; Bhagwat 1990; Khan, L.A.
1984 (and Pinckney, Darrell M.) The chemical and
1990a; Khan, L.A. 1990b
thermal evolution of the fluids in the Cave-in-Rock
1993 (and Cole, Robert D.; Whitaker, Stephen T.)
fluorspar district, Illinois: mineralogy, paragenesis,
Reservoir characterization and potential for
and fluid inclusions. Economic Geology and the
improved oil recovery within the Aux Vases
Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, v.
Formation at Stewardson Field, Shelby County,
79, no. 8, p. 1833-1856.
Illinois. Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois
1985 (and Pinckney, Darrell M.) The chemical and
Petroleum 139. 36 p.
thermal evolution of fluids in the Cave-in-Rock
Fluorspar District, Illinois: mineralogy, paragenesis
Rich, Charles Jr.
and fluid inclusions: reply. Economic Geology and
See Touseull 1980
the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists,
1968 Jellyfish in them thar hills. Bulletin (Field 733-750. Springer Verlag.
Museum of Natural History), v. 39, no. 10, p. 4-9.
1971a (and Johnson, R.G.) The Mazon Creek Rieke, H.H. Ill
faunas. North American Paleontology Convention 1979 (and Rightmire, C.T.; Fertl, W.H.)
Proceedings 1969, v. I, p. 1222-1235. Evaluation of gas-bearing coal seams. Society of
1971b (and Johnson, Ralph Gordon) The Mazon Petroleum Engineers of AIME Paper SPE 8359.
Creek faunas. In: Extraordinary fossils. Atti - 12 p.
Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Classe 1981 (and Rightmire, Craig T.; Fertl, Walter H.)
di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali, v. 71, no. I, p. Evaluation of gas-bearing coal seams. JPT. Journal
1222-1235. of Petroleum Technology, v. 33, no. 1, p. 195-204.
1975a The amateur fossil-hunters: paleontology's
unsung heroes. Field Musuem of Natural History Rigby, J.K.
Bulletin, v. 46, no. 3, p. 12-16. 1975 (and Nitecki, Matthew H.) An unusually well
1975b Jerry Herdina 1905-1974. Field Musuem of preserved heteractinid sponge from the
Natural History Bulletin, Pennsylvanian of Illinois and a possible
v. 46, no. 3, p. 17.
1976 George Langford 1876-1964. Field Museum of classification and evolutionary scheme for the
Natural History Bulletin, v. 47, no. 2, p. 10-11. Heteractinida. Journal of Paleontology, v. 49, no.
2, p. 329-339.
1980a Howellitubus is not a worm tube. Journal of
Paleontology, v. 54, no. 3, p. 587.
County. Illinois State Geological Survey Open File and locations, north-central Lake County. Illinois
Series 1993-10f. 1:62,500. State Geological Survey Open File Series 1993- 10b.
1993-lOc. 1:62,500.
1993e (and Abert, Curtis C; McLean, Melisa M.; Riley, K.M.
Krumm, Robert J.; McKay, E. Donald) Locations See Coleman 1988; Liu, Chao-Li 1986a; Liu,
water flow model for the study ground water level Roberts, A.C.
analysis by computer modeling: American Bottoms 1978 Mineralogical study of an unnamed barium
ground water study. Illinois State Water Survey calcium carbonate from the Cave-in-Rock District,
Contract Report 352B. 44 p. Illinois.In: Current Research Part C. Geological
1984b (and Schicht, Richard J.; Weiss, Linda S.) Survey of Canada Paper 78-1C, p. 49-52.
Part C. Existing and future ground water levels for 1979 Paralstonite: a new mineral from the Minerva
the study ground water level analysis by computer No. 1 mine, Cave-in-Rock, Illinois. In: Current
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Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 352C. Paper 79-1C, p. 99-100.
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Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 352D. 79/29. 255 p.
93 p.
1984d (and Schicht, Richard Weiss, Linda S.)
Roberts, K.C.
See Shackleton 1974
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Roberts, M.J.
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See Pryor 1990
water study. Illinois State Water Survey Contract
1984 Subsurface geology of the Spar Mountain
Report 352E. 227 p.
Member of the Ste. Genevieve Limestone, Hamilton
County, Illinois. Master's thesis (University of
Ritter, D.F.
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645-650. Heintz Map Corp.
Robinson, Reed
See Silliman 1989 Rogers, A.M.
1993 (and Silliman, S.; Cady, C.) Identifying See Gordon 1970
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fractured dolomite. The Log Analyst, v. 34, no. 1,
1970 Upper Silurian and lower Devonian
p. 69-77.
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States. Master's thesis (University of Illinois). 69 p.
Robl, T.L.
1995 (and Taulbee, Darrell N.) Demineralization
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1979 A cross sectional groundwater flow model of
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Urbana-Champaign). 73 p.
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See Thompson, M.R. 1979
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Roche, J.E. University, Carbondale). 66 p.
See Carozzi 1968
1967 Petrography of selected Chesterian Rogers, V.C.
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1986 Low-level waste: the challenge of disposal. In:
in southwestern Illinois. Master's thesis (University Proceedings of the 8th Annual Symposium on
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1977 Geotechnical evaluation of subcoal strata for characteristics of Cambrian glauconite, central
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The geotechnics of structurally complex formations, 131-137.
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1978 (and Speck, R.C.) Geotechnical properties of Rolfe, G.L.
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See Rauchfuss 1985 Creek. In: Table ronde internationale du C.N.R.S.
Rosa, M.B.
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See Manley 1993
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See Phillips, T.L. 1970
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See Condit 1989 1994; Stephenson, M.D. 1988; Sun, Jian 1996
1983 (and Evans, Ralph L.; Erickson, John; 1983 (and Kruse, C.W.) TGA studies of Illinois
Brooks, Lyle G.) An inventory of Court Creek Herrin (No. 6) Coal: effect of forms of sulfur. In:
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quality in the watershed. Illinois Dept. of Energy Thermal Analysis Society Conference, 1983, p.
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322. 1995 (and Sun, J.; Lizzio, A. A.) Novel carbons
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Groundwater Consortium, 1995, p. 117-131.
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1995b (and Chou, S.-F.J.; Krapac, I.G.) Off-site Occurrence and distribution of potentially volatile
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agrichemical facilities during the 1993 flooding in State Geological Survey Environmental Geology
Illinois. Journal of Environmental Quality, v. 24, Notes 61. 43 p.
no. 5, p. 1034-1038. Illinois State Geological 1974 (and Gluskoter, H.J.; Shimp, N.F.)
Survey Reprint 1995-H. Occurrence and distribution of potentially volatile
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agrichemical facilities: An update. Research on
In: 72. 96 p.
agricultural chemicals in Illinois groundwater: 1979 (and Russell, S.J.; Malhotra, R.; Steele, J.D.;
status and future directions VI. Proceedings of the Bhagwat, S.B.; Dreher, G.B.; Cahill, R.A.; Frost,
Sixth Annual Conference of the Illinois Joyce K.; Harvey, R.D.; Ashby, J.F.) Final report:
Groundwater Consortium, 1996, p. 261-270. Determination of valuable metals in
liquefaction-process residues. Illinois State
Rubin, Meyer Geological Survey Contract/Grant Report 1979-2.
See Frye, J.C. 1968b; Obermeier 1991 195 p.
1985 (and Chaven, C; Kruse, C.W.) Removal of
Ruch, R.R. sulfur from Illinois coals via charring and partial
See Bradbury, J.C. 1970a; Cahill 1978; Cahill oxidation. Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois
1982a; Chou, M.-I.M. 1992; Chou, M.-I.M. 1994b; Mineral Notes 92. 30 p.
Damberger 1984a; Demir 1994a; Demir 1994b; 1988 (and Read, R.B.; DeMaris, P.J.;
Sresty, G.C.;
Demir 1995b; Demir 1996b; Frost, J.K. 1975; Frost, Rapp, D.M.; Kruse, C.W.; Chaven, C; Summers,
J.K. 1984a; Gluskoter 1971; Gluskoter 1977b; M.S.) Ultrafine coal cleaning via explosive
Griffin,R.A. 1976a; Griffin, R.A. 1976b; Harvey shattering and aggregate flotation processes. Illinois
1986b; Kennedy, E.J. 1971a; Kennedy, E.J. 1971b; State Geological Survey Contract/Grant Report
Kim, S.M. 1969a; Kim, S.M. 1969b; Kim, S.M. 1988-1. 38 p.
1969d; Mast 1971; Mast 1973a; Mast 1973b; Read,
R.B. 1988; Santoliquido 1972; Shimp 1971 Rudloff, G.A.
1968 Neutron activation analysis at the Illinois See Clark, P.U. 1985; Clark, P.U. 1990
State Geological Survey. Illinois State Geological 1988 Sedimentology and stratigraphy of
Survey Industrial Minerals Notes 34. 8 p. Wisconsinan deposits, Lake Michigan bluffs,
1969 Radiochemical separation of gallium by northern Illinois. Master's thesis (University of
amalgam exchanges. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. Illinois, Chicago). 79 p.
47, p. 425-429. Illinois State Geological Survey
Reprint 1969-0. Rudman, A.J.
1970a (and Kennedy, E. Joyce; Shimp, Neil F.) 1993 (and Rupp, John A.) Geophysical properties
Distribution of arsenic in unconsolidated sediments of the basement rocks of Indiana. Indiana
from southern Lake Michigan. Illinois State Geological Survey Special Report 55. 16 p.
Geological Survey Environmental Geology Notes
37. 16 p. Studies of Lake Michigan Bottom Rueff, A.W.
Sediments 4. See Eidel 1993b
1970b Radiochemical separation of gold by 1989 Industrial minerals and the CUSMAP
amalgam exchange. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 49, Program. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Forum on the
Geology of Industrial Minerals, 1987. Illinois State Midcontinent, USA. In: Proceedings of the
Geological Survey Illinois Mineral Notes 102, p. USA/USSR Joint Conference on Environmental
97-100. Hydrology and Hydrogeology, 1990. Hydrological
Science and Technology, v. 7, no. 1-4, p. 129-140.
Ruhe, R.V.
1974 Sangamon paleosols and Quaternary Russ, D.P.
environments in midwestern United States. In: See Hamilton, R.M. 1981; McKeown 1976;
1986 (and Gray, John R.; Striegl, Robert G.; 1977 Road salts and quality of ground- water from
Healy, Richard W.) Sheffield, Illinois. In: U.S. a dolomite aquifer in the Chicago area. In:
Geological Survey research in radioactive waste Hydrologic problems in karst regions, p. 364-368.
disposal: fiscal years 1983, 1984, and 1985. U. S. Western Kentucky University.
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Report 87-4009, p. 80-84. Sailer, Arthur
1989 (editor) Results of hydrologic research at a See Jobe 1995
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Sheffield, Illinois. U. S. Geological Survey
Samson, I.E.
Open-File Report 88-0318. 114 p.
See Damberger 1984b; Reinertsen 1992d
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1977 (and Dingwell, A.) Illinois mineral industry in
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1975. Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois
Sheffield, Illinois. U. S. Geological Survey
Minerals Note 68. 39 p.
Water-Supply Paper 2367. 73 p.
1979 (and Dingwell, A.G.) Illinois mineral industry
See Oborn 1967 1981 Illinois mineral industry in 1978 and review of
preliminary mineral production data for 1979.
Rydelek, P.A. Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Mineral
See Ellis, M.A. 1992 Notes 79. 35 p.
1983 Illinois mineral industry in 1979/ 1980 and
Rye, R.O. review of preliminary mineral production data for
See Pinckney 1972b; Richardson, C.K. 1988; 1981. Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois
Whelan 1988 Mineral Notes 86. 40 p.
1984 (compiler) Directory of Illinois stone, sand,
Sabata, L.R. and gravel producers, 1983. Illinois State Geological
See Goddard 1986 Survey Illinois Mineral Notes 89. 161 p.
1995 Soil survey of Whiteside County, Illinois.
1985a (compiler) Directory of Illinois stone, sand,
University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment and gravel producers: 1985. Illinois State
Station Soil Report 142. 300 p.
Geological Survey Illinois Mineral Notes 91. 161 p.
1985b (and Bhagwat, Subhash B.) Illinois mineral
Sack, W.A. industry in 1981-83 and review of preliminary
See Griffin, R.A. 1986
mineral production data for 1984. Illinois State
Geological Survey Illinois Mineral Notes 93. 38 p.
Sadlick, Walter
1986 (and Bhagwat, Subhash B.) Illinois mineral
See Nitecki, M.H. 1968b
industry in 1984 and review of preliminary mineral
See Yang 1993 State Geological Survey Illinois Mineral Notes 96.
151 p.
Saleem, Z.A. 1988 Illinois mineral industry in 1985 and review of
See Boyle 1979; Long 1974; Meredith 1977 preliminary mineral production data for 1986.
preliminary mineral production data for 1990. 1976 (and Zewde, Elias) Groundwater availability
Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Minerals in Champaign County. Illinois State Water Survey
108. 43 p. Circular 124. 143 p.
1992a (and Masters, John M.) Directory of Illinois 1992 (and Visocky, Adrian P.) Ground-water
mineral producers: 1992. Illinois State Geological investigation at Hayes, Illinois. Illinois State Water
Survey Illinois Minerals 109. 129 p. Survey Contract Report 538. 62 p.
1992b Illinois mineral industry in 1990 and review
of preliminary mineral production data for 1991. Sandoval-Shannon, J. A.
Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Minerals 1989 Liquefaction and settlement characteristics of
110. 43 p. silt soils. Ph.D. (Univ. of Missouri, Rolla). 284 p.
1994a Illinois mineral industry in 1991 and review
of preliminary mineral production data for 1992. Sandusky, J.
Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Minerals See Nawrot 1988
111. 42 p.
1994b Illinois mineral industry in 1992 and review Santa, R.J.
of preliminary mineral production data for 1993.
1985 Subsurface geology, diagenesis, and
Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Minerals depositional environment of the Renault Formation,
112. 43 p.
Hamilton County, Illinois. Master's thesis
(University of Cincinnati). 66 p.
Sandberg, C.A.
1972 (and Streel, Maurice; Scott, Richard A.) Santoliquido, P.M.
Comparison between conodont zonation and spore See Frost, J.K. 1975
assemblages at the Devonian-Carboniferous 1972 (and Ruch, R.R.) Rapid radiochemical
boundary in the western and central United States separation and determination of gallium in coal ash.
and in Europe. In: Compte Rendu. 7th Radiochemical and Radioanalytical Letters, v. 12,
International Congress on Carboniferous no. 1, p. 71-76. Illinois State Geological Survey
Stratigraphy and Geology, Krefeld, 1971, v. 1, p. Reprint 1973-A.
179-203. 1973 Use of inorganic ion exchangers in the
neutron activation determination of arsenic in coal
Sandberg, P.A. ash. Radiochemical and Radioanalytical Letters, v.
See Lasemi, Zakaria 1993; Popp, B.N. 1986 15, no. 6, 1973, p. 373-377.
See Colman, J. A. 1991; Colman, J. A. 1992 Ozark Dome, Missouri, to Rough Creek Graben,
western Kentucky. Illinois State Geological Survey
52. 33 p.
Sargent, K.A. 1967 (and McDonald, C.K.; Randall, W.R.)
1982 (and Cook, James R.; Fay, William M.) Data Water-level decline and pumpage in deep wells in
report: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, and northeastern Illinois, 1962-1966. Illinois State
Ohio: hydrogeochemical and stream sediment Water Survey Circular 94. 36 p.
reconnaissance. U.S. Dept. of Energy 1972 Thermal pollution of ground water by
GJBX-105-82. 41 p. Also U.S. Dept. of Energy artificial recharge. Water and Sewage Works,
DPST-81-146-25. December 1972, p. 52-55.
1973 (and Benson, C.R.; Dzurisin, G.L.; Risk,
Sargent, M.L. N.E.) Water-level decline and pumpage in deep
See Chou, M.-I.M. 1991; Collinson 1988; Kempton wells in northern Illinois, 1966-1971. Illinois State
1987a; Mikulic 1985b; Reed, P.C. 1983; Shaw, T.H. Water Survey Circular 113. 41 p.
1989; Treworgy, J.D. 1992; Whitaker 1992b; Woller 1974a The future of ground- water resources in Du
1986a; Woller 1986b; Woller 1988; Woller 1990; Page County. Ground Water, v. 12, no. 5, p.
Woller 1991 277-282.
1989 Lithofacies of the Eau Claire (Bonneterre) 1974b (and Benson, C.R.; Dzurisin, G.L.; Risk,
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Schicht, R.J.)
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N.F.; Colvin, V.M.) Water-level decline and Journal of Paleontology, v. 43, no. 4, p. 1042-1044.
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125. 35 p. southwest Illinois. Journal of Paleontology, v. 45,
1982 (and Benson, Curtis R.; Ludwigs, R. Scott; Illinoian-Sangamonian pollen, plant macrofossil,
Williams, Tamara L.) Water-level trends, pumpage, invertebrate and vertebrate record at Hopwood
and chemical quality in the Cambrian-Ordovician Farm. In: Quaternary records of southwestern
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1981 (and Clarke, Robert P.; Sefton, Donna F.; 1980 (and Langenheim, Ralph L. Jr.) Brachiopods
Boland, D.H.P.) Assessment and classification of of the suborder Strophomenidina from the
selected Illinois lakes through the application of Shumway Cyclothem, Mattoon Formation, Virgilian
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Proceedings of the Fifth Annual William T. Pecora 1017-1034.
Memorial Symposium on Remote Sensing. 1985 (and Langenheim, Ralph L. Jr.) Depositional
American Water Resources Association Technical history of an Upper Pennsylvanian cyclothem in the
Publication Series 81-1, p. 641-648. Illinois Basin and comparison to Kansas
1978a (and Gluskoter, H.J.; Finkelman, R.B.) IllinoisState Water Survey Circular 101. 22 p.
networks of kaolinite within pyrite
Interstitial 1973 Deep-well injection of desalting-plant waste
framboids in the Meigs Creek coal of Ohio. Journal brine. In: Underground waste management and
of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 48, no. 3, p. 723-732. artificial recharge, preprints of papers, v. 1, p.
Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint 1978-K. 652-663. American Association of Petroleum
1978b (and Langenheim, R.L. Jr.) Lingulid, Geologists.
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Shumway Cyclothem, Mattoon Formation, 1980 and 1985 lake water allocations on the deep
Pennsylvanian of Illinois. Transactions of the sandstone aquifer in northeastern Illinois. Illinois
Illinois State Academy of Science, v. 71, no. 2, p. State Water Survey Contract Report 188. 16 p.
state-of-earthquake-preparedness in Indiana and post-Two Creeks age of the type Calumet shoreline
Illinois. In: Proceedings of Conference XVIII: A of glacial Lake Chicago. In: Late Quaternary
Workshop on Continuing Actions to Reduce Losses history of the Lake Michigan basin. Geological
from Earthquakes in the Mississippi Valley Area, Society of America Special Paper 251, p. 1-8.
1982. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint 1991-A.
83-0157, p. 23-26.
Schneider, Jeffrey
See Boyce, D.E. 1981
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1979 (and Yochelson, Ellis L.) Gastropoda of the
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Essex fauna, Francis Creek Shale (Middle
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1980 (and Giaquinta, A.R.; Musgrove, D.D.; Sayre,
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W.W.) Suspended sediment modeling of
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L-136. 1 sheet. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-0229.
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Land Cover Map L-181. 1 sheet. 1:500,000.
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Open-File Report 80-0154. 1:250,000. reader on earthquake hazard reduction in the
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1987 Floodplain management study: Butterfield County, Illinois. In: Depositional environments of
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var. pag. U. S. Soil Conservation Service; Illinois
Mississippian sequences of southern Illinois. 37th
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Open File Series 1990-2b. 1:62,500. 1988b (and Aughenbaugh, N.B.) Johnston City
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Vail, R.G. problem. In: International Conference on Case
See Flemal 1972d Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, 1988, v. I, p.
1969 Origin of the paha topography in the Garden 163-166. University of Missouri - Rolla.
Plain upland, Whiteside County, Illinois. Master's
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1985 Hydrogeology and chemistry of an oil-field
Vail, T.J. brine plume within a shallow aquifer system in
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1992 (and Kempton, Barnhardt, Michael
J. P.; L.;
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1968 Geology and tectonic analysis of the
Ray, Chittaranjan; Greenpool, M.R.)
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Van Den Berg, Jacob
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Cooperative Groundwater Report 15, p. 57-78.
Carpenter, G.L. 1979; Carpenter, G.L. 1983;
Gilbert 1985; Lindau 1981; Milhous 1966; Nosow
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See Chou, S.-F.J. 1991a; Chou, S.-F.J. 1991b;
Statler 1973; Statler 1977
Herzog 1988a; McKenna 1988a; McKenna 1988b;
1966 (and Lawry, T.F.; Mast, Richard F.)
McKenna 1989b; Schock, S.C. 1992
Petroleum industry in Illinois, 1965. Part I. oil and
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Vallejo, L.E.
Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Petroleum
1977 Mechanics of the stability and development of
83. 132 p.
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1967 (and Lawry, T.F.; Mast, Richard F.)
Michigan). 261 p.
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Valocchi, A.J. Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Petroleum
See Heidari 1996b 85. 193 p.
1968a (and Swann, D.H.; Carpenter, G.L.;
Van Alstine, R.E. Milhous, H.C.; Nosow,Edmund) Developments in
See Heyl 1976 east central states in 1967. AAPG Bulletin, v. 52,
no. 6, p. 965-975. American Association of
Van Besien, A.C. Petroleum Geologists. Illinois State Geological
See Chugh 1980b Survey Reprint 1968-K.
1986 (and Rockaway, John D.) Subsidence events 1968b (and Lawry, T.F.; Mast, Richard F.)
over room and pillar coal mines. In: Application of Petroleum industry in Illinois, 1967. Part I. oil and
rock characterization techniques in mine design, p. gas developments. Part II. Waterflood operations.
250-254. Society of Mining Engineers. Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Petroleum
Part 2. Waterflood operations. Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Petroleum 115. 145 p.
Geological Survey Illinois Petroleum 92. 122 p. 1980 Petroleum industry in Illinois, 1978: Part 1,
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Anthony T.) Developments in east-central
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states in 1969. AAPG Bulletin, v. 54, no. 6, p. Petroleum 116. 132 p.
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Veith, D.L. Kempton 1991e; Kempton 1992b; McFadden 1988;
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1975 Petrology and development of algal banks in
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Whitaker, S.T. 87-90.
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R.H. 1990a; Keller, S.J. 1988b; Keller, S.J. 1988c; 1992 The mineral industry of Illinois, 1989. In:
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White, Martha D.F.; Bush, W.V.; Lineback, J.A.; Luza, K.V.;
1975 The fluvial geomorphology of an ephemeral Jensen, K.M.; Fishman, W.D., compilers)
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S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations
White, W.A. Series I 1420(NJ-15). 1:1,000,000.
See Griffin, R.A. 1976a; Griffin, R.A. 1976b; Gross
1970b; Gross 1972a; Harvey 1977; Hosking 1966; Whiting, L.L.
Hughes, R.E. 1969; Hughes, R.E. 1983; Hughes, See Stevenson 1967; Stevenson 1981
R.E. 1987; Hughes, R.E. 1989b; Hughes, R.E. 1992;
Jacobson, R.J. 1980; Krausse 1979a; Krausse 1979b; Whitlow, J.W.
Krausse 1979d; Saporoschenko 1980b; Shimp 1970b; 1966 (and West, Walter S.) Geologic map of the
Thomas, J. Jr. 1977a Kieler Quadrangle, Grant County, Wisconsin, and
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detergent, and a water softener on the plasticity of Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-0487. 1:24,000.
earth materials. Illinois State Geological Survey
Pecatonica River valley, Wisconsin and Illinois. 1988 (and Johnson, W. Hilton; Glass, Herbert D.)
Quaternary Research, v. 17, no. 2, p. 228-240. Regional geology of the Tiskilwa Till Member,
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abandoned deep coal mine. Journal of the geological hazards in the proposed Chatham Coal
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Collinson, C; Frye, J.C; Hopkins, M.E.; Lineback,
Willman, H.B. Jerry A.; Simon, J. A.) Handbook of Illinois
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See Follmer 1979b; Prye, J.C. 1968a; Frye, J.C.
Bulletin 95. 261 p.
1968b; Frye, J.C. 1968d; Frye, J.C. 1969a; Frye,
J.C. 1970b; Frye, J.C. 1972a; Frye, J.C. 1973d; 1975b (and Smith, W.C) Memorial to George E.
Frye, J.C. 1974a; Frye, J.C. 1974c; Glass 1968 Ekblaw, 1895-1972. Geological Society of America
1966 (and John C.) Mineralogy
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of glacial and their weathering profiles in
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Illinois: Part 2, Weathering profiles. Illinois State 1978a Memorial to James Marvin Weller:
1968 (and Simon, Jack A.; Lynch, Betty M.; 1979 Comments on the Sangamon Soil. In:
Langenheim, Virginia A.) Bibliography and index Wisconsinan, Sangamonian, and Illinoian. Illinois
of Illinois geology through 1965. Illinois State State Geological Survey Guidebook 13, p. 92-94.
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Geological Society of America Memorials, 1982.
1970a (and Frye, J.C.) Glacial map of Illinois.
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Illinois State Geological Survey. 1:2,534,400.
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1983 Memorial to John Chapman Frye
Illinois State Geological Survey. 1:2,534,400. (1912-1982). Transactions of the Illinois State
1971b Summary of the geology of the Chicago area. west-central Illinois. Ph.D. (University of Iowa).
Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 460. 77 p. 73 p.
1984 Subsurface geology and paleogeography of the Coulterville, Campbell Hill, Chester quadrangles,
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West Baden strata in parts of White and Gallatin Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1966-F. 20 p.
counties. Master's thesis (University of Cincinnati).
222 p. Wilson, M.A.
See Kammer 1987
Wilson, B.J.
1985 Depositional environments and diagenesis of Wilson, S.D.
sandstone facies in the Aux Vases Formation See Cravens 1988; Cravens 1989a; Cravens 1989b;
(Mississippian), Illinois Basin. Master's thesis
Herzog 1995a; Herzog 1995b; Kelly, W.R. 1996;
(Southern Illinois University, Carbondale). 130 p. Ray, Chittaranjan 1991; Schock, S.C. 1992
1994 (and Kempton, John P.; Lott, R. Brandon)
Wilson, E.N. The Sankoty-Mahomet Aquifer in the confluence
See Bristol 1971b
area of the Mackinaw and Mahomet bedrock
valleys, central Illinois. Illinois State Geological
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See Cote, W.E. 1966; Cote, W.E. 1967a; Cote,
1995 (and Karny, Joseph R.; Hlinka, Kenneth J.)
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Agricultural chemical contamination of shallow,
Cote, W.E. 1967e; Cote, W.E. 1968b; Cote, W.E.
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1968c; Cote, W.E. 1969c; Cote, W.E. 1969d; Cote,
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1963 (and Odom, I. Edgar; Lamar, J.E.) Sand and
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County. Champaign County Conservation
See Warren, R.L. 1987; Wu, L. 1987
Education Council Publication 1, p. 21-24.
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leaders) Geological science field trip: Byron area,
Wimer, R.L.
1981 (and Adams, M.A.; Jurich, D.M.)
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Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1966-C. 16 p.
regions. The development of optimal terrace pit
coal mining systems. Kaiser Engineers, Inc.. 393 p.
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leaders) Geological science field trip: Freeport area,
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quadrangles, September 17, 1966. Illinois State Winans, R.E.
Geological Survey Field Trip Guide Leaflet 1966-D. 1990 (and Neill, Paul H.)
17 p.
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1966c (and Reinertsen, David; Cote, William, in a high sulfur coal. In: Geochemistry of sulfur in
leaders) Geological science field trip: Paris area, fossil fuels. ACS Symposium Series, v. 429, p.
Edgar County, Paris Quadrangle, October 1966. 249-260. American Chemical Society.
Illinois State Geological Survey Field Trip Guide University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment
Leaflet 1966-B. 17 p. Station Soil Report 121. 161 p.
1966e (and Reinertsen, David; Cote, William, 1991 Soil survey of De Witt County, Illinois.
leaders) Geological science field trip: Steeleville University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment
area, Perry, Jackson, Randolph counties, Station Soil Report 137. 133 p.
(University of Wisconsin-Madison). 114 p. U.S.A.), the Union Coal Bed, (Lancashire, England)
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Limestone (Middle Devonian) in northwestern
Illinois. Master's thesis (University of Witt, J.K.
Wisconsin-Milwaukee). 70 p. See Calsyn 1989
and depositional patterns, Ordovician 1974a (and Sanderson, E.W.) Public groundwater
Champlainian and Cincinnatian Series of Boone County. Illinois State Water
supplies in
Paleozoic history of the Upper Mississippi Valley: 1974b Public groundwater supplies in Brown
an examination of the Plum River fault zone. Iowa County. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 60-5.
Geological Survey Guidebook 8, p. 55-77. 4 p.
1974c Public groundwater supplies in Crawford
County.Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 60-7.
Wixson, B.G.
8 p.
See Rolfe, G.L. 1975
1974d Public groundwater supplies in Edgar
County. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 60-9.
Wobber, F.J.
10 p.
See Wier 1973; Wier 1974a; Wier 1974b; Wier 1974c
1974e Public groundwater supplies in Ford County.
1967 Fracture traces in Illinois. Photogrammetric
State Water Survey Bulletin 60-8. 19 p.
Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 33, no. 5, p.
1974f Public groundwater supplies in Hardin
County. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 60-10.
1972 An inventory of surface mining in Illinois: an
4 p.
extension of Illinois State Geological Survey
1974g (and Gibb, J. P.) Public groundwater
programs environmental geology. 28 p. Earth
supplies in Kendall County. Illinois State Water
Satellite Corporation, Washington, DC.
Survey Bulletin 60-4. 16 p.
1975 (and Russell, O.R.; Deely, D.J.) Multiscale
1975a Public groundwater supplies in Calhoun
and orbital techniques for management of
County. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 60-16.
coal-mined lands. Photogrammetria, v. 31, no. 4,
6 p.
p. 117-133.
1975b Public groundwater supplies in Champaign
County. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 60-15.
Wold, R.J. 55 p.
See O'Hara 1973
1975c (and Gibb, J. P.) Public groundwater
1979 (and Hutchinson, D.R.) Lake Michigan supplies in Mason County. Illinois State Water
geological and geophysical data sources. U.S. Survey Bulletin 60-12. 9 p.
Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 1975d Public groundwater supplies in Massac
MF-1095. 3 sheets.
County. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 60-14.
1980 Review of Lake Michigan seismic reflection
8 p.
data. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
1975e Public groundwater supplies in Perry
80-902. 40 p.
County. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 60-13.
5 p.
Wolfe, E.W. 1975f (and Gibb, J. P.) Public groundwater
See Amos 1966b supplies in Stark County. Illinois State Water
Survey Bulletin 60-11. 10 p.
Woller, D.M. 1976a (and Gibb, James P.) Public groundwater
See Kirk 1989 supplies in Lake County. Illinois State Water
1973a Public groundwater supplies in Adams Survey Bulletin 60-20. 91 p.
County. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 60-1. 1976b Public groundwater supplies in Macoupin
21 p. County. Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 60-17.
1976d (and Sanderson, Ellis W.) Public in Greene County. Illinois State Water Survey
supplies in Pulaski County. Illinois State Water response to lake level change. Journal of Great
Survey Bulletin 60-24. 9 p. Lakes Research, v. 20, no. 1, p. 206-214.
1978e (and Kunz, Karen L.; Sanderson, Ellis W.)
Public groundwater supplies in Warren County. Wood, W.R.
Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 60-25. 20 p. 1993 (compiler) Joseph N. Nicollet's 1839
1979a (and Sanderson, Ellis W.) Public manuscript maps of the Missouri River and upper
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State Water Survey Bulletin 60-28. 23 p. Papers 24. 92 p.
1979b (and Sanderson, E.W.) Public groundwater
supplies in Morgan and Scott counties. Illinois Woodland, B.G.
State Water Survey Bulletin 60-27. 20 p. See Baird, G.C. 1982; Kuecher 1990
1979c (and Kunz, K.L.; Sanderson, E.W.) Public 1975 Pyritic cone-in-cone concretions. Fieldiana :
groundwater supplies in Pike County. Illinois State Geology, v. 33, no. 7, p. 125-139.
Water Survey Bulletin 60-26. 20 p. 1979 (and Stenstrom, Richard C.) The occurrence
1983 (and Sanderson, Ellis W.) Public and origin of siderite concretions in the Francis
groundwater supplies in Will County. Illinois State Creek Shale (Pennsylvanian) of northeastern
Water Survey Bulletin 60-29. 127 p. Illinois. In: Mazon Creek fossils, p. 69-103.
1984a (and Kunz, Karen L.; Sanderson, Ellis W.) Academic Press.
Public groundwater supplies in Stephenson County. 1984 Fabric of the clastic component of
Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 60-30. 27 p. Carboniferous concretions and their enclosing
1984b (and Olson, Robert D.) Public groundwater matrix. In: Compte Rendu. 9th International
supplies in Wabash County. Illinois State Water Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and
Survey Bulletin 60-31. 12 p. Geology, Washington and Champaign-Urbana,
1986a (and Sanderson, W.; Sargent, Michael
Ellis 1979, v. 3, p. 694-701. Southern Illinois University
L.) Public ground-water supplies in DuPage County. Press.
Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 60-32. 267 p.
1986b (and Olson, Robert D.; Sargent, Michael L.; Woodruff, M.S.
Sanderson, EllisW.) Public ground-water supplies See Kessen 1981
in Livingston County. Illinois State Water Survey 1980 Strontium isotope compositions of mississippi
Bulletin 60-33. 37 p. valley-type deposits enclosed in Cambrian,
1988 (and Sanderson, Ellis W.; Sargent, Michael Ordovician and Mississippian host carbonates.
L.; Olson, Robert D.) Public ground- water supplies Master's thesis (Miami University (Ohio)). 69 p.
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Stahlschmidt, Nancy) The earth resources of the Association.
Kaskaskia Navigation Project area: a background
study report. 131 p. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Yochelson, E.L.
St. Louis District. See Schindel 1979
1974b The physiography of Metro East. Bulletin of 1979a Airlog: Dulles International Airport,
the Illinois Geographical Society, v. 16, no. 1, p. Virginia to Willard Airport, Champaign-Urbana,
12-28. Illinois. U.S. Geological Survey.
1990 Monitoring horizontal displacement and tilt 1979b (and Richardson, Eugene S. Jr.)
over a longwall panel, West Frankfort, Illinois. In: Polyplacophoran molluscs of the Essex fauna
Proceedings of the Third Conference of Ground (Middle Pennsylvanian, Illinois). In: Mazon Creek
Control Problems in the Illinois Coal Basin, 1990, fossils, p. 321-332. Academic Press.
p. 377-386. Illinois Mine Subsidence Research
Program IMSRP Reprint 1990-22. Yohe, G.R.
1967a Clays as binding materials. Illinois State
Yarnold, J.C. Geological Survey Industrial Minerals Notes 31.
1987 (and Mann, C. John) Analysis of subsurface
32 p.
stratigraphy of the sanitary landfill, Urbana,
1967b Coal. Chemistry, v. 40, p. 18-22. Illinois
Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy State Geological Survey Reprint 1967-A.
of Science, v. 80, no. 1-2, p. 83-85.
1969 Oxygen absorption by coal. Some
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Yeko, J.D.
Illinois State Academy of Science, v. 62, no. 1, p.
1988 Collection, management, and utilization of 8-14. Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint
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the next generation. In: Proceedings of the First
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Conference on Oil and Gas Information and
7, p. 133-136. Illinois State Geological Survey
Data-Base Management, 1987. Oklahoma
Reprint 1970-1.
Geological Survey Special Publication 88-3, p.
Yoshida, N.
See Shiley 1986
Yen, B.C.
See Melching 1990
Youd, T.L.
Yerushalmi, Joseph See Obermeier 1992a; Obermeier 1992b; Obermeier
Ground Water Monitoring and Geophysical the U.S. Geological Survey Summary of Projects
1978-84. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1002, p. Project-Olmsted site. U.S. Army Engineer
72-87. Waterways Experiment Station Miscellaneous
1989a (and Mandle, R.J.; Kontis, A.L.; Siegel, Ppaer WES/MP/GL-88-15. 55 p.
D.I.) Cambrian-Ordovician Regional Aquifer
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Regional aquifer systems of the United States: See Doney 1991
aquifers of the Midwestern area. American Water
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Yurchak, D.W.
See Triplett 1990a; Triplett 1990b; Triplett 1990c
1989b (and MacKenzie, Allen J.; Mandle, Richard
J.) Simulation of ground-water flow in the
Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer system in the Yust, C.S.
Chicago-Milwaukee area of the northern Midwest. See Harris, L.A. 1980
In: Regional aquifer systems of the United States:
1993 (and Chugh, Y.P.; Miller, P.E.; Yang, G.) A 1973 (and Case, Gerard R.) Iniopterygia, a new
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und Mecca-Faunen im zentralen Nordamerika. In:
Yuan, L.P. Compte Rendu. 7th International Congress on
See Ehrlich, Robert 1991 Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology, Krefeld,
1971, v. 4, p. 385-391.
Yule, D.E. 1979 New Chondrichthyes from the Mazon Creek
1988 (and Sharp, M.K.) Geophysical site fauna (Pennsylvanian) of Illinois. In: Mazon Creek
investigation, Ohio River Navigation fossils, p. 449-500. Academic Press. .
1968 Ground water resources of Somerset, far-field particle velocity recordings. Master's thesis
University, Carbondale). 90 p.
Zhu, Hong
1994 Vegetation and climate of the last
glacial-interglacial cycle in southern Illinois. Ph.D.
Zeitner, J.C.
(University of Iowa). 164 p.
1989 Great Lakes, great trips. Lapidary Journal, v.
1995 (and Baker, Richard G.) Vegetation and
43, no. 1, p. 58-59, 61-62, 64.
climate of the last glacial-interglacial cycle in
Zeito, G.A.
southern Illinois, USA. In: AMQUA special issue:
I. Journal of Paleolimnology, v. 14, no. 3, p.
1965 Interbedding of shale breaks and reservoir
JPT. Journal of Petroleum
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Zhu, Xiao-Feng
See Holm, T.R. 1990; Holm, T.R. 1994
Zekulin, A.
See Street 1988
Zichelle, K.E.
See Kolpin 1996
Zelinsky, C.J.
See Eidel 1989; Frankie 1995d; Reinertsen 1993d Zidek, Jiri
1989 1988 additions to the Geological Samples 1975 Kansas Hamilton Quarry (upper
Library. 20 p. Illinois State Geological Survey. Pennsylvanian) acanthodes, with remarks on the
1991 1990 additions to the Geological Samples previously reported North American occurrences of
Library. 14 p. Illinois State Geological Survey. the genus. University of Kansas Paleontological
1995 1995 additions to the Geological Samples Contributions, Paper 83. 41 p.
Library. 17 p. Illinois State Geological Survey.
Zielinski, R.E.
Zellmer, S.D. See Martin, S.J. 1978
See Carter, R.P. 1974; O'Connor, S.H. 1977;
Schubert 1977; Wilkey 1979 Zierath, D.L.
1977 (and Carter, R.P.) Abandoned coalmine See Frost, J.K. 1985
and use.
refuse areas: their reclamation Argonne
National Laboratory CONF-771260-2. 19 p. Zietz, Isidore
1979a (and Wilkey, Michael) A multidisciplinary See Bickford 1986
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In: Underground coal mining symposium, 1979, p. Zimmerman, A.R.B.
57-67. McGraw-Hill. 1990 (and Owen, Robert M.) A quantitative model
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Minerals and the Environment, v. 1, no. 2, p. sediments. Journal of Great Lakes Research, v. 16,
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Zuppann, C.W.
1988a Clay City Anticline. In: Geology and
petroleum production of the Illinois Basin: Volume
2, p. 8. Illinois Geological Society.
1988b Corinth Field, Illinois. In: Geology and
petroleum production of the Illinois Basin: Volume
2, p. 151-155. Illinois Geological Society.
1988c (and Keith, Brian D.; Keller, Stanley J.,
editors) Geology and petroleum production of the
Illinois Basin: Volume 2. 272 p. Illinois Geological
1988d La Salle anticlinal belt. In: Geology and
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2, p. 7. Illinois Geological Society.
Devonian: Grimmer 1968; Nelson, W.J. Bedrock surface: McGinnis, L.D. 1970a
1996a; North, W.G. 1969a; North, W.G. Maps: Herzog 1994a
1969b Beech Creek Limestone: Bristol 1968c; Burdick
Mississippian: Nelson, W.J. 1996a 1971; Harris, CD. 1992
Pennsylvanian: Koeninger 1979; Nelson, Benoist sandstone: Ehrlich, Robert 1991;
W.J. 1996a McCreesh 1991
Structural geology: Kolata 1980; Kolata 1981b Benstonite: White, J.S. Jr. 1970
Tectonics: Schafersman 1973 Bentonite (see Clay minerals)
Tripoli: Berg, R.B. 1994; Hood, W.C. 1973 Bessie Field: Strothman 1988
Wetlands: McKay, E.D. 1979a Bibliography of Illinois geology: ISGS 1980;
Alstonite: Rossman 1974 ISGS 1981; ISGS 1982a; ISGS 1983a;
Altonian Substage: Kempton 1968a ISGS 1984; ISGS 1985; ISGS 1986b;
Analytical chemistry: Coleman 1981b; Ruch ISGS 1987a; ISGS 1988a; ISGS 1989a;
1969; Ruch 1970b; Thomas, J. Jr. 1971 ISGS 1990a; Willman 1968
Ancell Group: Shaw, T.H. 1991 Big Clifty Sandstone Member: Harris, CD.
Anna Shale: Chou, M.-I.M. 1988b; Cleaveland 1992; Treworgy, J.D. 1985
1983; Krausse 1979a; Krausse 1979b; Bioremediation: Clark, R.R. 1979
Majewski 1973; Nelson, W.J. 1987b Biostratigraphy: Manger 1985
Anvil Rock Sandstone: DeMaris 1990; Martt Devonian: Fraunfelter 1980
1985; Nelson, W.J. 1980; Nelson, W.J. Bloomington Moraine: Carrillo 1991
1983a; Nelson, W.J. 1987b Bond County (see also subjects):
Apatite: Gluskoter 1970a Areal geology: Kircher 1967
Aquifers (see Groundwater): Killey 1975b Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Archaeological sites: Follmer 1985c Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
Databases: Wiant 1987 Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b
Geochemistry: Shiley 1985 Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1976; Heigold
Pipestone: Berres 1995 1993k; Lovely 1983; Martt 1985;
Aux Vases Sandstone: Cole, R.D. 1990; Demir Schafersman 1973
1995a; Fieber 1994; Fowler, K.A. 1987; Groundwater: Stafford 1987; Woller 1973c
Kubicek 1968; Leetaru 1990; Leetaru Contamination: Hayes, B.R. 1988; Keefer
1991b; McKay, R.H. 1980; Muthig 1984; 1995b; Keefer 1995d; Reed, P.C 1981;
Rice, R.J. 1993; Seyler 1986; Seyler Van Biersel 1985
1988a; Shebl 1985; Sim 1993; Udegbunam Guidebook: Harris, S.E. Jr. 1977; Reinertsen
1993b; Wilson, B.J. 1985 1984b
Backbone Limestone: Lange 1983 Land use: IL EPA 1978
Bailey Limestone: Banaee 1981; Carozzi 1984a Limestone and dolomite: Lineback 1981;
Bainbridge Limestone: Bounk 1975; Satterfield Treworgy, J.D. 1985
1969 Mineral resources: Major 1966c
Banner Formation: Kempton 1991d Sandstone: Martt 1985; Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Barite deposits: Brobst 1979; Carlon, John 1975; Soil surveys: Phillips, D.B. 1983
Zimmermann 1983 Stratigraphy:
Geochemistry: Ghosh 1973; Li, B. 1994; Devonian: North, W.G. 1969a; North, W.G.
Maniocha 1974; Pinckney 1970; Ruiz 1969b
1988 Mississippian: Moore, M.C 1970; Treworgy,
Ore: Erickson, R.L. 1987 J.D. 1985
Bartelso Field: Whitaker 1992d Pennsylvanian: Johnson, D.O. 1972
Base map: USGS 1972; USGS 1987a; USGS 1987b Quaternary: Hartline 1981
Batestown Member: Von Rhee 1977 Tectonics: Schafersman 1973
Beaver Creek Sand Member: Berg, R.C. 1985b Watersheds: Makowski 1986a; Makowski 1986b
Bond Formation: Merrill 1976; Stratton, J.F. Boyd Field: Leetaru 1993b
1991b; Willard, D.A. 1993a Breccia: Bradbury, J.C. 1992
Bonneterre Formation: Pratt, W.P. 1995b; Breezy Hill Limestone Member: Inden 1968;
Sargent, M.L. 1989 Knight, K.L. 1985
Bonpas Limestone Member: Sweet 1983 Brereton Cyclothem: Givens 1968; Grenda 1969
Boone County (see also subjects): Brereton Limestone Member: Bird 1981;
Floods: Mycyk 1972c; Mycyk 1973b Brown, L.M. 1991; Cleaveland 1983;
Fossils: Guzan 1983; Khawlie 1975; Khawlie
Collecting: Mori 1981 1976; Krausse 1979a; Krausse 1979b;
Geologic maps: Bhagwat 1991a Nelson, W.J. 1987b; O'Connell, D.B.
Geophysical surveys: Aiken 1983; Heigold 1993e; 1983; Wissinger 1987
McGinnis, L.D. 1966a Brines: Couture 1983; Sours 1985
Groundwater: Barnett, T.R. 1975; Berg, R.C. Agriculture (effect on): Hensel 1989
1984a; Brown, T.A. 1995; Mills 1993a;
Geochemistry: Aubuchon-Fields 1991; Clayton
Mills 1993b; Mills 1993c; Nealon 1989;
1975; Stueber 1994; Van Biersel 1985;
Visocky 1985; Woller 1974a
Walter, L.M. 1990
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Groundwater (effect on): Hensel 1989
Recharge: McDonald, C.K. 1967
Movement: Garven 1993; Lee, Ming-Kuo 1993
Withdrawals: Sasman 1973
Guidebook: Berg, R.C. 1982; Buschbach 1970a;
Geophysical surveys: Aubuchon-Fields 1991
Kempton 1985b; Krumm 1985; Odom
1970b Ponds:
Hydrogeology: Brown, T.A. 1995 Seepage: Hayes, B.R. 1988; Hensel 1989
Land use: Salinity: Ranganathan 1993
Maps: Dahlberg 1985b Broughton Field: Whitaker 1995b
Mapping: Bhagwat 1991b Brown County (see also subjects):
Mineral resources: Berg, R.C. 1984a; Major Clay and shale:
1967b Geochemistry: White, W.A. 1980
Paleontology: Conkin, J.E. 1979 Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
Pyrite: Richards, R.P. 1995a Geologic maps: Hallberg 1991; Whitfield 1993
Sand and gravel: Hunter 1967c Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993j; US Dept.
Soil surveys: Grantham 1980 Energy 1981a; US Dept. Energy 1981f
Soils: Hinkley 1970; McKenna 1984
Groundwater: Barker, Bruce 1970; Ringler 1980;
Visocky 1985; Wehrmann 1980; Willman
Quaternary: Berg, R.C. 1985b; Fricke 1983;
1973a; Woller 1974b
Kempton 1968c; Kempton 1970b;
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Kempton 1985b; Krumm 1985; Leighton,
Guidebook: Frankie 1996a; Reinertsen 1971d
M.M. 1966a; Odom 1970b; Reed, P.C.
Land use: Barker, Bruce 1970
Structural geology: McGinnis, L.D. 1966a
Maps: USGS 1979e; USGS 1980a
Till: Frye, J.C. 1969a; McKenna 1984; Metz Limestone and dolomite: Goodwin 1980
1971 Mineral resources: Major 1967d; Willman 1973a
Waste disposal: Oil and gas fields: Anonymous 1983; Crockett
Planning: Berg, R.C. 1984a 1988; Ghose, Ranajit 1995; McConnell,
Watersheds: Allen, H.E. 1984 C.L. 1986
Borden Siltstone: Droste 1976; Lineback 1968; Paleobotany: Leary 1972; Leary 1973; Leary
Lineback 1988d 1977a
Boskydell Sandstone: Peppers 1993a Paleogeography: Leary 1976a
Boulder Field: Stevenson 1968 Petroleum: Maslowski 1984c
Petroleum exploration: Ghose, Ranajit 1995; Engineering geology: Kahle 1981; McCray
Harper, J.D. 1987a; Montgomery, S.L. 1983
1988; Truccano 1986; Whitaker 1995a Gases: Striegl 1989a; Striegl 1989b; Striegl
Sandstone: Wills 1971 1990a; Striegl 1991a
Soil surveys: Berning 1988 Geomorphology: Gray, J.R. 1986
Stratigraphy: Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1985b; Larson,
Mississippian: Moore, M.C. 1970 T.H. 1990
Pennsylvanian: Leary 1974 Groundwater: Rogers, L.L. 1979
Quaternary: Hallberg 1980; Wickham, J.T. Hydrochemistry: Goode 1990; Kelly, W.R.
1980 1987; Mills 1992; Mills 1993d; Mills
Hanson, G.N. 1989; Harris, D.C. 1987; Sand and gravel: Meyers, J.T. 1970
Hoff 1992; Kaufman, Jonathan 1988; Soil surveys: Lilly 1989
Lineback 1981; Lineback 1988e; Pratt, Stratigraphy: Collinson 1969
W.P. 1995b; Seigley 1987; Smith, F.d. Ordovician: Treworgy, J.D. 1979b
1984 Silurian: Treworgy, J.D. 1979b
Burlington Shelf: Lane, H.R. 1978 Devonian: Treworgy, J.D. 1979b
Cache River Valley: Alexander, C.S. 1968; Mississippian: Collinson 1978; Deming 1978;
Esling 1995; Masters 1987a Moore, M.C. 1970; Treworgy, J.D. 1979b
Geomorphology: Hughes, W.B. 1987; Uhl 1991 Quaternary: Graham, R.W. 1986; Hajic 1991
Geophysical surveys: Uhl 1991 Structural geology: Treworgy, J.D. 1979b
Sedimentation: Demissie 1995 Tectonics: Schafersman 1973
Stratigraphy: Hughes, W.B. 1987 Calumet Beach: Schneider 1990
Quaternary: Esling 1989a; Esling 1989b; Cambrian: Baynas 1976
Graham, R.C. 1985; Leach 1989 Stratigraphy: Buschbach 1970b; Stevenson
Cahokia Alluvium: Foster, J.B. 1984c; Graham, 1975a
R.C. 1985 Cambro Ordovician sandstone: Hoover 1967
Cahokia Mounds: B.W. 1986b
Styles, Canton Shale Member: Bauer, R.A. 1984b
Calcite deposits: Kaufman, Jonathan 1988; Carbonate rocks: Bakush 1986; Cluff 1981a;
Kolker 1994 Mirbaba 1968; Pratt, W.P. 1996; Reams
Diagenesis: Shieh, Y.-N. 1979 1990; Shaw, T.H. 1991
Geochemistry: Maniocha 1974; Ruiz 1988 Deposition: Fraunfelter 1973a
Calhoun County (see also subjects): Diagenesis: Lewchuk 1996
Clay and shale: Geochemistry: Thomas, J. Jr. 1966b
Geochemistry: White, W.A. 1980 Geophysical surveys: Girrell 1985
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996 Mineralogy: Blyth 1967; Bradley 1966; Graf,
Geologic maps: Schultz 1993; Whitfield 1993 D.L. 1967; Harvey 1968; Harvey 1970;
Geomorphology Roberts, A.C. 1978
Quaternary: Hajic 1986a Sedimentary petrology: Borgwardt 1972;
Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1976; Heigold Choquette 1971; Harvey 1968; Harvey
1979b; Heigold 1993J; Heigold 1993k; 1970; Harvey 1971; Harvey 1972a; Harvey
Schafersman 1973; US Dept. Energy 1972b; Harvey 1973; Harvey 1974a
1981f; US Dept. Energy 1981h Thermal properties: Thomas, J. Jr. 1973
Groundwater: Gibb 1979; Visocky 1985; Thermoluminescence: Levy 1977; Swiderski 1976
Willman 1973a; Woller 1975a Carbondale Formation: Desborough 1990;
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d Grenda 1974; Krausse 1979e; Kuecher
Guidebook: Collinson 1969; Collinson 1978; 1983; Morey, E.D. 1977; Peppers 1970b;
Graham, R.W. 1986; Hajic 1991; Harris, Shabica 1978; Siegal 1979; Smith, W.H.
S.E. Jr. 1977; Reinertsen 1976; 1970a; Trask 1987
Reinertsen 1983c; Reinertsen 1994c; Carper sand: Lineback 1988a; Lineback 1988b
Treworgy, J.D. 1979a; Treworgy, J.D. Carroll County (see also subjects):
1979b Faults: Kolata 1976b
Land use: Fossils:
Maps: USGS 1979e; USGS 1980a Collecting: Johannesen 1967; Pine 1976
Loess: Grimley 1996; Hajic 1986b Geologic maps: Hallberg 1991
Mineral resources: Major 1967d; Willman 1973a Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993g; Sowayan
Paleobotany: Brown, D.D. 1969 1969; US Dept. Energy 1981c; US Dept.
Paleontology: Amsden 1974; Collins, W.E. 1973; Energy 1981d; USGS 1982a
Kolata 1982a Groundwater: Larson, T.H. 1993; Nealon 1989;
Paleosols: Grimley 1996; Hajic 1986b Visocky 1985; Woller 1979a
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d Mapping: Grady, Fred 1984; Weibel 1993c
Withdrawals: Sasman 1973 Mining: Reeder 1990
Guidebook: Anderson, R.R. 1989; Cote, W.E. Cedar Valley Limestone: Winkle 1979
1969d; Reinertsen 1989b Centralia Field: Davis, H.G. 1988a
Land use: Champaign County (see also subjects):
Maps: USGS 1982f; USGS 1982g Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
Loess: Leigh 1994a Environmental assessment: DuMontelle 1970
Mineral resources: Major 1967b Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1979; Gray, H.H.
Paleontology: Snyder, Jeremy 1971 1991b; Wayne 1966
Pyrite: Richards, R.P. 1995a Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993d; Heigold
Soil surveys: Ray, B.W. 1975 1993h; US Dept. Energy 1981b; US Dept.
Stratigraphy: Energy 1981e
Silurian: Willman 1973b Groundwater: Bicki 1988; Kempton 1982a;
Quaternary: Willman 1989 Maxey 1963; O'Hearn 1982; Poole 1981a;
Till: Frye, J.C. 1969a Poole 1985a; Ringler 1980; Sanderson
Waste disposal: Johnson, T.M. 1980 1976; Visocky 1985; Wehrmann 1980;
Carthage Limestone Member: Jacobson, R.J. Woller 1975b
1983b Contamination: Holm, T.R. 1988; Keefer
Casey ville Formation: Bohm 1981; Booth, A.E. 1995b; Keefer 1995d; Lawrence 1993
1996; Ethridge 1973a; Fraunfelter 1986a; Guidebook: Cote, W.E. 1969c; Flemal 1972c;
Gopinath 1972; Jacobson, R.J. 1987a; Hansel, A.K. 1986c; Johnson, W.H.
Koeninger 1978; Leming 1973; Poole 1986a; Reinertsen 1977a; Shaver 1983a
1985b; Poole 1989; Sliva 1972; Sonnefield Hydrogeology: Vukovich 1967
1981; Stanley, R.G. 1980 Land use:
Cass County (see also subjects): Maps: USGS 1979d; USGS 1980c
Clay and shale: Limestone and dolomite: Baxter 1989c
Geochemistry: White, W.A. 1980 Mineral resources: Major 1967a
Coal mines: ISGS 1993-1995; ISGS 1994-1996 Paleontology: May, Gary 1975
Geologic maps: Hallberg 1991; Whitfield 1993 Petroleum:
Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1979b; Heigold Production: Wallace, G. 1991
1993j; US Dept. Energy 1981a; US Dept. Sand and gravel: Wilson, G.M. 1963
Energy 1981f Soil surveys: Alexander, J.D. 1974; Mont 1982
Groundwater: Gibb 1979; O'Hearn 1982; Soils: Kamau 1996; Pearson, J.E. 1966
Willman 1973a Erosion: Wilkin 1981
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d Stratigraphy: Atherton 1966; James, A.T. 1968
Guidebook: Follmer 1979b; Frankie 1996a Cambrian: Baynas 1976
Land use: Pennsylvanian: Home 1968; White, W.A.
Maps: USGS 1979b; USGS 1979e; USGS 1981
1980a Quaternary: Hansel, A.K. 1986c; Hooten
Loess: Grimley 1996; Kleiss 1973; Waggoner 1972; Johnson, W.H. 1986a; White, W.A.
1975 1981; Wickham, J.T. 1976; Wickham,
Mineral resources: Willman 1973a J.T. 1979a
Paleosols: Frye, J.C. 1974c; Grimley 1996 Structural geology: Wier 1974a; Wier 1974b
Soil surveys: Calsyn 1989 Tectonics: Wier 1974a; Wier 1974b
Stratigraphy: Till: Castillon 1972; Graves 1984; Johnson,
Quaternary: Follmer 1979b; Hajic 1984 W.H. 1986c; Sharp, J.M. Jr. 1974; Von
Cave Hill Member:
Hood, S.D. 1972 Rhee 1977
Caves: Cohen 1984; Frasz 1983 Waste disposal: Killey 1991; Yarnold 1987
Formation: Panno 1990 Watersheds: Roy, W.R. 1993b
Chattanooga Shale: Patterson, J. A. 1979; US Clay and shale: White, W.A. 1967
Dept. Energy 1979 Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1979; Gray, H.H.
Chert: 1991b
Diagenesis: Allen, R.S. 1985; Seigley 1987; Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993h; US Dept.
Weiner 1976 Energy 1981e
Geochemistry: Weiner 1974; Weiner 1976 Groundwater: Battelle 1990; Beard, T.C. 1991;
Sedimentary petrology: Allen, R.S. 1985; Kempton 1982a; Poole 1985a; Ringler
Weiner 1974 1980; Wehrmann 1980
Chesterian: Treworgy, J.D. 1988a Contamination: Holm, T.R. 1988; Keefer
Sedimentary petrology: Seyler 1982 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Stratigraphy: Bristol 1974b Guidebook: Frankie 1994; Jorstad 1991a;
Chicago (see Cook County, Lake Michigan) Jorstad 1991b; Jorstad 1991d; Reinertsen
Chouteau Limestone: Conkin, J.E. 1968; Pratt, 1979b
W.P. 1995b Land use:
Clay and shale (see also counties): Cecil 1993; Land subsidence: Hindman 1989; Treworgy,
Goldhaber 1992b; Hasenmueller, N.R. C.G. 1989; Treworgy, C.G. 1991a
1988; Hasenmueller, N.R. 1993; Hughes, Resources /Reserves: Hughes, R.E. 1989b;
R.E. 1992; Hughes, R.E. 1993a; Lomenick Murray, H.H. 1982
1983; Nuhfer 1981; Pratt, W.P. 1992 Rock mechanics: Bauer, R.A. 1980a; Bauer,
Analysis: Fraser, G.S. 1969 R.A. 1980b; Bauer, R.A. 1984b; Bohor
Bricks: 1968b; Chugh 1980a; Ehrlinger 1966;
Expansion: Hosking 1966; Hughes, R.E. 1983 Finno 1992; Huang 1981; Jackman 1966;
Miller, D.D. 1979; Rhee 1991; Tandanand
Weathering: Hughes, R.E. 1982; Hughes,
1985; White, W.A. 1966; White, W.A.
R.E. 1983
1968; Yohe 1967a
Ceramics: Burst 1994; Hughes, R.E. 1996
Sedimentary petrology: Anderson, T.F. 1987;
Deposition: Coveney 1991; Deming 1978;
Barrows 1979; Barrows 1980; Edwards,
Kuecher 1990; Reinbold 1984
M.J. 1979; Gluskoter 1970a; James, A.T.
Depositional environment: Archer, A.W. 1995b; 1969; Lamar 1972b; Majewski 1973;
Burk 1982; Burk 1987; Cluff 1980c; Nesbitt 1980; O'Brien 1968; Odom 1967;
Fraunfelter 1973a; Frost, J.K. 1984b;
Odom 1968; Reinbold 1984; Schutter
Guthrie, J.M. 1994a; Moore, M.C. 1970; W.H. 1970b;
1983; Schutter 1996; Smith,
Schutter 1983; Shabica 1970; Treworgy, Streib 1981
J.D. 1985
Economic geology: Hughes, R.E. 1989b; Major Groundwater (effect on): Krapac 1988a
1974; Odom 1968 Structural geology: Odom 1967; Stevenson 1981
Electrical properties: Maslowski 1986; Smith, Uranium (source for): US Dept. Energy 1979
J.G. 1986 Clay City Anticline: Zuppann 1988a
Engineering geology: Bodus 1987; Chung 1992; Clay City Consolidated Field: Gerrish 1988a;
Finno 1991; Finno 1992; Harahap 1990; Zuppann 1988a
Lomenick 1980; Mesri 1972; Oka 1990; Clay County (see also subjects):
Preber 1984; Rhee 1991; Tangchawal Areal geology: Kircher 1967
1988; White, W.A. 1966; White, W.A. Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
1968 Geochemistry: Coveney 1988
Flint clay: Hughes, R.E. 1969 Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
Geochemistry: Bergstrom 1980a; Bohor 1968b; Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b
Chou, M.-I.M. 1985b; Chou, M.-I.M. Geophysical surveys: Ahbe 1978; Heigold 1993i
1988b; Coveney 1987; Coveney 1988; Groundwater: Watkins, F.A. Jr. 1968a
Frost, J.K. 1984b; Frost, J.K. 1985; Contamination: Hensel 1989; Keefer 1995b;
Frost, J.K. 1996; James, G.W. 1970; Keefer 1995d; Reed, P.C 1981
Leventhal 1980; Moore, D.M. 1978; Guidebook: Cote, W.E. 1968c; Harris, S.E. Jr.
Nesbitt 1980; Rimmer 1982; Snyder, M.J. 1977
1977; Stevenson 1969b; Thomas, J. Jr.
Limestone and dolomite: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
1977b; White, W.A. 1980 Mineral resources: Major 1966c; Renick, Abbott
Hydrothermal alteration: Daniel 1972; Daniel 1968b
1975 Oil and gas fields: Drexler 1988; Gerrish 1988c;
Kerogen: Bostick 1975b; Robl 1995 Gerrish 1988d; Luttrell 1968; Xu,
Metals: Coveney 1983; Coveney 1987 Jianzhong 1995; Zuppann 1988a
Mineralogy: Bodus 1987; Bohor 1971; Hover Paleontology: Shaver 1974
1996b; James, A.T. 1969; Odom 1968; Petroleum:
Rimmer 1982; Schutter 1983; Shimp Natural gas: Rieke 1979; TRW 1979
1969; Tangchawal 1988 Production: Wallace, G. 1991
Quarries: Petroleum engineering: Xu, Jianzhong 1995
Sandstone: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Areal geology: Kircher 1967; Yarbrough 1974a
Sedimentary petrology: Bosse 1986 Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Soils: Lund, L.J. 1971 Geochemistry: Rimmer 1982; Stepusin 1978
Stratigraphy: Mineralogy: Rimmer 1982; Stepusin 1978
Devonian: North, W.G. 1969a; North, W.G. Sedimentary petrology: Cleaveland 1983
1969b Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
Mississippian: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b
Pennsylvanian: Home 1968 Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1976; Heigold
Clay minerals: Berg, R.C. 1984b; Bohor 1971; 1993k; Lovely 1983; Schafersman 1973
Gharrabi 1995; Glass 1968; Glass 1987; Groundwater: Poole 1985a; Ringler 1980;
Gluskoter 1967b; Hughes, R.E. 1970a; Wehrmann 1980
Hughes, R.E. 1971; Nesbitt 1980; Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Spraitzar 1977; Steinfink 1974; White, Guidebook: Harris, S.E. Jr. 1977; Reinertsen
W.A. 1981 1974a
Adsorption ability: Fripiat 1974; Frost, R.R. Land use: IL EPA 1978
1977a; Griffin, R.A. 1977c; Roy, W.R. Limestone and dolomite: O'Connell, D.B. 1983;
1986; Roy, W.R. 1993d; Seyler 1988b Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Analysis: Hughes, R.E. 1970b; Hughes, R.E. Sedimentary petrology: Bird 1981;
1989a; Thomas, J. Jr. 1977a Cleaveland 1983
Diagenesis: Hughes, R.E. 1987; Odom 1979 Mineral resources: Major 1966c
Glauconite: Odom 1976a; Rolf 1977; Slechta Oil and gas fields: Bristol 1968b; Davis, H.G.
1974 1988a; Stevenson 1968; Whitaker 1988a;
Illite: Aja 1991; Austin, G.S. 1989; Eberl 1980; Whitaker 1992d
Grathoff 1996a; Grathoff 1996b; Hover Paleoecology: O'Connell, D.B. 1983
1996a; Huang 1978; McCarty 1993; Petroleum:
Saporoschenko 1980b Production: Bristol 1974a
W.C. 1993; Sass 1987
Diagenesis: Elliott, Petroleum engineering: Whitaker 1992d
Geochemistry: Bohor 1973; Huang 1989; Petroleum exploration: Cahill 1978
Kralik 1984 Sandstone: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Sedimentary petrology: Aja 1989; Land, Sedimentary petrology: Bosse 1986
G.F. 1974 Stratigraphy:
K-bentonite: Huff, W.D. 1985; Kolata 1996; Devonian: North, W.G. 1969a; North, W.G.
Matthews 1988; McCarty 1993 1969b
Correlation: Kolata 1983a; Kolata 1986b Mississippian: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Diagenesis: Altaner 1985 Pennsylvanian: Johnson, D.O. 1972; Palmer,
Gechemistry: Altaner 1985 J.E. 1979c; Palmer, J.E. 1985
Kaolinite: Bohor 1968a; Huang 1978; Hughes, Structural geology: Stevenson 1973
R.E. 1993b; Scheihing 1978a; Shieh, Tectonics: Schafersman 1973
Y.-N. 1979 Clore Formation: Abegg 1986; Carozzi 1968
Diagenesis: Ambers 1993 Coal (see also counties, Illinois Basin): Cady,
Montmorillonite: Griffin, R.A. 1977c; Huang G.H. 1968; Cady, G.H. 1971a; Cady, G.H.
1978; Thomas, J. Jr. 1968 1971c; Damberger 1982; Damberger 1983;
Nomenclature: Moore, D.M. 1996 Damberger 1984c; Damberger 1985;
Properties: Khan, L.A. 1986d Damberger 1987; Damberger 1993;
Segregation: Thomas, A.R. 1989 Damberger 1994; Damberger 1995;
Vermiculite: Thomas, J. Jr. 1969 Damberger 1996b; Demir 1994a; Harvey
Clayton Formation: Cope 1996; Slechta 1974 1989; Hoeft 1993; IL Dept. Ener. Nat.
Clear Creek Chert: Allen, R.S. 1985 Res. 1990a; IL Dept. Ener. Nat. Res.
Clinton County (see also subjects): 1993; IL Dept. Ener. Nat. Res. 1994c; IL
Dept. Ener. Nat. Res. 1994g; Keystone Desulfurization: Buchanan, D.H. 1990; Chen,
1966; Keystone 1967; Keystone 1968; J.W. 1985; Chou, Chen-Lin 1987; Chou,
Keystone 1969; Keystone 1986; Keystone M.-I.M. 1992; Chou, M.-I.M. 1994b;
1988; Keystone 1989; Keystone 1991; Debrunner 1985; Demir 1987; Ehrlinger
Keystone 1992; Nelson, W.J. 1987a; 1990a; Ehrlinger 1992; Frost, J.K. 1984a;
Simon, J.A. 1970a; Simon, J.A. 1971; Hackley 1987; Hackley 1990a; Hackley
Simon, J.A. 1972a; Simon, J.A. 1973a; 1990b; Hsu 1977; Kruse 1981; Kruse
Simon, J.A. 1973b; Simon, J.A. 1974a; 1992; Liu, Chao-Li 1987a; Liu, Chao-Li
Simon, J.A. 1975; Simon, J.A. 1976a; 1987b; Meyers, R.A. 1972; Mukherjee
Simon, J.A. 1977a; Simon, J.A. 1978; 1988; Murray, H.H. 1977; Palmer, S.R.
Simon, J.A. 1979; Simon, J.A. 1980; 1991; Rapp 1990; Rauchfuss 1985; Ruch
Simon, J.A. 1981a; US Dept. Energy 1985; Ruch 1988; Shiley 1986; Shimp
1981J; Yohe 1970 1982; Sinha, A.K. 1985; Stephenson,
Carbon: M.D. 1988; Warren, R.L. 1987; Wu, L.
Uses: Hughes, R.E. 1995; Hughes, R.E. 1996 Jackman 1967a; Kim, T.J. 1988;
Washability: Roy, W.R. 1984e Lundberg 1976; Major 1973b; Malhotra
1975a; Malhotra 1977b; Risser, H.E.
Bibliography: Bostick 1975a
1968d; Risser, H.E. 1973b; Risser, H.E.
Bursts: Babcock 1984
1973c; Risser, H.E. 1976; Shipley 1969;
Simon, J.A. 1976b; Treworgy, C.G. 1982c
Absorption: Hsi 1998; Lizzio 1992; Lizzio
Fine coal: Bhagwat 1990; Cobb, J.C. 1978a;
1993; Lizzio 1994
Cobb, J.C. 1979; Dreher, G.B. 1991;
Chlorine: Chou, Chen-Lin 1991a; Chou,
Ehrlinger 1990c; Ehrlinger 1992; Khan,
Chen-Lin 1992; Chou, M.-I.M. 1994a;
L.A. 1990a
Demir 1990b; Gluskoter 1967a; Gluskoter
Economic geology: Chen, J.W. 1981
1971; Shao 1994a
Removal: Demir 1987 Pellets: Rapp 1991
Correlation: Jacobson, R.J. 1985b; Jacobson, Washability: Chugh 1986c; Ehrlinger 1990b;
R.J. 1987b; Peppers 1970b Lytle 1989; Read, R.B. 1987; Read, R.B.
Databases: Treworgy, C.G. 1992 1988; Read, R.B. 1989a; Read, R.B.
Chugh 1994a; Harvey 1968; Harvey 1970; Porosity: Demir 1992; Demir 1996a; Larsen,
Harvey 1971; Harvey 1972b; Harvey 1973; J.W. 1988; Thomas, J. Jr. 1976
Harvey 1974a; Harvey 1976; Lawton Power plants:
1989; Malhotra 1974a; Moore, D.M. 1994 Impact statements: US Dept. Energy 1975
Gasification: Harvey 1975; Kruse 1991; Lizzio Preparation: Jackman 1968a; Jackman 1968b;
1988; Risser, H.E. 1968a; Risser, H.E. Jackman 1970a; Jackman 1970b; Taylor,
1970a; Stephenson, M.D. 1990a; W.S. 1970
Stephenson, M.D. 1990b; US Dept. Radioactive isotopes: Barber, D.E. 1977
Energy 1981j; Yerushalmi 1975 Rank: Kaegi 1977; Thomas, J. Jr. 1976
Water needs: Stout 1978 Research: Gluskoter 1982; IL Dept. Ener. Nat.
Geochemistry: Anderson, T.F. 1980; Brenner Res. 1985; Leighton, M.W. 1987a; Shimp
1984; Cahill 1982a; Chou, Chen-Lin 1984; 1986
Cobb, J.C. 1981b; Cobb, J.C. 1981c; Resources/Reserves: Archer, P.L. 1984; Attanasi
Demir 1990b; Demir 1991; Demir 1992; Damberger 1989a; M.F. 1985;
1981; Ellis,
Demir 1993; Demir 1994a; Gluskoter Ghose, S.N. 1992; Heiberg 1977;
1971; Gluskoter 1973; Harvey 1979;
Hoeflinger 1975; Hopkins, M.E. 1974; IL
Harvey 1985a; Harvey 1986a; Hayatsu
Dept. Ener. Nat. Res. 1982b; Indiana
1975; Kuhn, J.K. 1975; Moore, D.M.
Univ. 1983; Malhotra 1976c; Risser, H.E.
1994; Mudamburi 1985; Oman 1994;
1971b; Simon, J.A. 1969; Smith, W.H.
Palmer, C.A. 1991; Price, F.T. 1977; W.H. 1975b; Treworgy,
1975a; Smith,
Rees, O.W. 1966a; Roscoe 1982;
C.G. 1978; Treworgy, C.G. 1981a;
Teichmuller 1974; Thomas, J. Jr. 1966a;
Treworgy, C.G. 1981b; Treworgy, C.G.
Thomas, J. Jr. 1974; Yohe 1967b; Yohe 1982a; Treworgy, C.G. 1982b; Treworgy,
C.G. 1982c; Treworgy, C.G. 1991b;
Geophysical surveys: Berggren 1991; Gochioco Treworgy, C.G. 1995b; Treworgy, C.G.
1991; Henson 1989; Henson 1991; Martt 1996a; Treworgy, C.G. 1996d; Treworgy,
1985; Price, R.C. 1985; Weisenburger J.D. 1984a; Treworgy, J.D. 1984b;
1985 Treworgy, J.D. 1984c; Treworgy, J.D.
Intrusions: Damberger 1970a 1984d; Treworgy, J.D. 1984e; Treworgy,
Legislation: Bhagwat 1984; Bhagwat 1985a J.D. 1984f; US Bur. Mines 1974
Liquefaction: Risser, H.E. 1968a; Ruch 1979; Rock mechanics: Atkinson 1976; Ko 1976;
Russell, S.J. 1977 Krausse 1979a; Krausse 1979b; Krausse
Geochemistry: Shiley 1979a 1979d; Mahar 1996; Rockaway 1977;
Mineralogy: AfFolter 1977; Baumann 1982; Rockaway 1978
Chou, Chen-Lin 1983; Cobb, J.C. 1985; Sedimentary petrology: Archer, A.W. 1993;
Demir 1990a; Finkelman 1984; Gluskoter Brenner 1983; Burger 1985; Crelling
1975; Harper, Denver 1977; Harris, L.A. 1984a; Crelling 1984b; Crelling 1986;
1980; Harvey 1983; Harvey 1984; Harvey Damberger 1970b; Demir 1992; Edwards,
1986b; Hatch 1976; Miller, W.G. 1974; M.J. 1979; Gethner 1985; Harrison, C.H.
O'Gorman 1973; Rao 1973b; Russell, S.J. 1991; Harrison, J.A. 1967; Harvey 1979;
1979; Saporoschenko 1980a; Scheihing Harvey 1985b; Harvey 1985c; Johnson,
1978a; Shieh, Y.-N. 1979; Ward, C.R. P.R. 1979; Kravits 1980; Kravits 1981;
1977; Ward, C.R. 1989; West Virginia Kruge 1991c; Landis 1987; Langrand
1965 1977; Mahaffy 1985; Nelson, W.J. 1983a;
Nomenclature: Trask 1983 Peppers 1969; Price, Charles 1973;
Physical characteristics: Clarkson, R.B. 1990; Russell, S.J. 1983; Russell, S.J. 1984;
Damberger 1973; Damberger 1984a; Taylor, G.H. 1991; Weisenburger 1985;
Demir 1996a; Dindi 1989; Harrison, J. A. Winston 1993
1966; Rees, O.W. 1966b Slurry:
Geochemistry: Darmody 1994b; Dreher, Willard, D.A. 1993a; Willard, D.A. 1993b
G.B. 1993a; Dreher, G.B. 1996; Moore, Geochemistry: Brownlee 1975; DeMaris 1983a;
J.W. 1981 Lyons 1984
Leaching: Dreher, G.B. 1991; Reid 1985 Sedimentary petrology: Lyons 1985; Winston
Waste disposal: Cobb, J.C. 1979; Dreher, 1991; Winston 1993
G.B. 1994; Frost, J.K. 1995 Coal exploration:
Sodium: Geophysical surveys: Chapman, W.L. 1983;
Removal: Demir 1987 Gochioco 1991; Grodi 1988
Sulfur: Chou, Chen-Lin 1990; Chou, Chen-Lin Coal mines (see also counties): Benson, D.
1993; Chou, M.-I.M. 1985a; Chou, 1978; Damberger 1996a; Glover 1977;
M.-I.M. 1988a; Demir 1991; Demir 1993; Hopkins, M.E. 1975; Simon, J.A. 1966b;
Gluskoter 1968; Gluskoter 1970b; US Bur. Mines 1976; Wobber 1972
Gluskoter 1977a; Hackley 1992b; Hackley Abandoned mine lands: Bucek 1977; Lisk 1994;
1992c; Harvey 1991; Harvey 1992; Nawrot 1977a
Hopkins, M.E. 1970; Jacobson, R.J. Bibliography: Indiana Univ. 1983
1983a; Kuhn, J.K. 1973a; Kuhn, J.K. Databases: Krumm 1987
1977; Murphy, T.D. 1993; Palmer, S.R. Distribution: Treworgy, C.G. 1991a
1990; Price, F.T. 1977; Price, F.T. 1979; Drainage: Hood, W.C. 1984; Nawrot 1977a;
Price, F.T. 1986;Rostam-Abadi 1983; Nawrot 1977b; Wildeman, T.R. 1991;
Shao 1994b; Shieh, Y.-N. 1978; Shimp Wirries 1983
1977; Stock 1990; Taylor, W.S. 1970; Geochemistry: Adem 1985; Toler 1980; Toler
Treworgy, C.G. 1985; Westgate 1983; 1982b
Westgate 1984; Winans 1990 Economic geology: Bhagwat 1982; Bhagwat
Economic geology: Bhagwat 1986a; Chas T. 1983; Ellis, M.F. 1985; Ellis, M.F. 1992;
Main 1983; DeBarr 1996; Robert IL Dept. Ener. Nat. Res. 1987-1990;
DuCharme 1980 Indiana Univ. 1983; Lybecker 1979;
Washability: Chou, Chen-Lin 1991b; Datta Malhotra 1976b; Risser, H.E. 1969a
1976; Helfinstine 1970; Helfinstine 1971; Maps: Damberger 1984b
Helfinstine 1972; Helfinstine 1974
Engineering geology: Bauer, R.A. 1982a; Blevins
Sulphur: Goldhaber 1992b 1983; Brandow 1985; Chandrashekhar
Trace elements: Affolter 1977; Babu 1975; 1990; Choi 1983; Chugh 1984a; Chugh
Cahill 1982b; Cobb, J.C. 1978b; Cobb, 1984b; Chugh Chugh 1988a;
J.C. 1980;Demir 1994b; Demir 1995b; Chugh 1989a; Chugh 1990a; Chugh
Demir 1996b; Dreher, G.B. 1975; Frost, 1990b; Chugh 1990c; Chugh 1996a;
J.K. 1975; Gluskoter 1975; Gluskoter Chugh 1996b; Chugh 1996f; Ganow 1975;
1977b; Harvey 1983; Harvey 1984; Hanna 1986; Hanna 1988; Hopkins, M.E.
Kennedy, E.J. 1971a; Krothe 1980; Kuhn, 1979; Ledvina 1991; Maleki 1990; Nelson,
J.K. 1973b; Kuhn, J.K. 1980; Miller, W.J. 1979; Nelson, W.J. 1980; Nelson,
W.G. 1974; Palmer, C.A. 1993; Ruch W.J. 1981b; Nelson, W.J. 1991a; Peng,
1971; Ruch 1973; Ruch 1974; Shiley 1983; Suping 1996; Pula 1990a; Pula 1990b;
Smith, G.V. 1978 Pytel 1989; Pytel 1990; Pytel 1992; Scott,
Transportation: Indiana Univ. 1983 J.J. 1981; Sinha, K.M. 1989; Speck 1981;
Vitrinite: Bostick 1973; Bostick 1975b; Crelling Thill 1984; Wimer 1981
1984b; Kaegi 1977; Lyons 1991; Nuccio Geographic information systems: Treworgy,
1996; Padgett 1980; Taylor, G.H. 1993 C.G. 1986; Treworgy, C.G. 1990
Water needs: Smith, W.H. 1975b Geophysical surveys: Acker, J.R. 1982; Amato
Coal balls: DeMaris 1978; DeMaris 1983a; Galtier 1975;Geldmacher 1991; Grodi 1988;
1985; Phillips, T.L. 1976; Phillips, T.L. Hummeldorf 1984; O'Connor, K.M. 1989;
1977; Phillips, T.L. 1980; Rao 1985; Wang, Shiping 1992; Whitebay 1977
Ground control: Adam 1975; Chugh 1980b; Chugh 1990c; Elifrits 1980; Hunt, S.R.
Chugh 1981; Chugh 1993; Missavage 1978; Kane, W.F. 1991; Maleki 1990;
1985; Scott, J.J. 1981 Marino, G.G. 1992; Mehnert, B.B. 1990;
Groundwater (effect on): Banaszak 1989; Booth, Paone 1978; Powell, L.R. 1986; Powell,
C.J. 1987; Booth, C.J. 1992a; Booth, C.J. L.R. 1988b; Sinha, K.M. 1989;
1992b; Brabets 1984; Bucek 1981; Stephenson, R.W. 1978a; Triplett 1986;
Cartwright, Keros 1981b; Grason 1982; Triplett 1988; Van Besien 1988b
Herring 1977; Indiana Univ. 1983; Geographic information systems: Hindman
Kelleher, J.T. 1991; Mitsch 1985; Oertel 1989; Stache 1992
1980; Pattee 1994; Reising 1985; Saric Geophysical surveys: Carpenter, P.J. 1995;
1987; Schubert 1979; Van Roosendaal Carpenter, P.J. 1996; Elifrits 1982;
1990; Weiss, L.S. 1985; Wirries 1983; Johnston, M.A. 1994; Powell, L.R. 1988a
Zuehls 1981b; Zuehls 1984; Zuehls 1985 Groundwater (effect on): Bauer, R.A. 1987a;
Hydrochemistry: Durham 1989 Booth, C.J. 1987; Booth, C.J. 1990b;
Prediction: Weiss, L.S. 1986 Booth, C.J. 1992a; Booth, C.J. 1992b;
Water quality: Oertel 1980; Oertel 1983 Booth, C.J. 1996a; Kelleher, J.T. 1991;
Hydrogeology: Booth, C.J. 1996b; Cartwright, Pattee 1994; Pauvlik 1984; Pauvlik 1987;
Keros 1978; Cartwright, Keros 1983c; Saric 1987; Seils 1992b;Van Roosendaal
Fitzgerald 1982; Johnston, M.A. 1994; 1990; Van Roosendaal 1992a
Wangsness 1982; Zuehls 1981a; Zuehls Insurance: Bradford 1986; DuMontelle 1981;
R.A. 1993a; Bauer, R.A. 1995; Chugh Models: Booth, C.J. 1996b; Darmody 1994a;
1988b; Chugh 1993; Chugh 1996d; Darmody 1996d; Gibson, R.D. 1987;
DeMaris 1983b; Doney 1990; DuMontelle Gibson, R.D. 1990; O'Rourke 1981
1980; DuMontelle 1983; DuMontelle 1986; Monitoring: Bauer, R.A. 1991a; Bauer, R.A.
Hao 1990b; Hunt, S.R. 1980; Karaman 1992; Bauer, R.A. 1993b; Bauer, R.A.
1995; Marino, G.G. 1985; Marino, G.G. 1996; Chugh 1989c; Kawamura 1994; Lin,
1986; Marino, G.G. 1990; Mehnert, B.B. Guoming 1991; Mehnert, B.B. 1992;
1994; Nawrot 1977b; O'Connor, K.M. Rigsby 1993; Yarbrough 1990
1990; Powell, L.R. 1992; Stephenson, Prediction: Adamek 1982; Bai 1989;Chugh
R.W. 1978a; Stephenson, R.W. 1978b; 1989b; Chugh 1996e; Doney 1991;
Trent, B.A. 1996; Treworgy, C.G. 1989; Gibson, R.D. 1990; Hao 1990a; Hao 1992;
Van Besien 1986; Van Roosendaal 1991; Hao 1993;Hindman 1989; Hood, Michael
Van Roosendaal 1992b; Van Roosendaal 1982; ISGS 1989b; Kiusalaas 1984;
1994; Wildanger 1980; Yu 1993 Missavage 1986; Pytel 1992; Siriwardane
Agriculture (effect on): Darmody 1987; 1985; Sutherland, H.J. 1982; Sutherland,
Darmody 1988a; Darmody 1988b; H.J. 1984; Triplett 1990a; Triplett 1990b;
Darmody 1989a; Darmody 1992; Triplett 1990c; Van Besien 1988a; Yang
Darmody 1994a; Darmody 1996a; 1993
Darmody 1996b; Darmody 1996c; Regulations: Ehret, P.J. 1986
Darmody 1996d; Guither 1985; Heltzler Land use: USGS 1981b
1992; Hetzler 1992; ISGS 1988b; Seils Legislation: Lybecker 1979
1992a; Seils 1992b; Van Roosendaal 1992a Longwall mining: Bauer, R.A. 1982a; Bauer,
Bibliography: Trent, B.A. 1994a; Trent, B.A. R.A. 1984a; Booth, C.J. 1992a; Conroy
1994b; Veith 1987 1979; Conroy 1980; DeMaris 1978; Doney
Engineering geology: Awasthi 1991; Bauer, 1990; Yu 1993
R.A. 1982b; Bauer, R.A. 1986; Bennett, Buffers: Bryant, Karen 1995
R.M. 1992; Brutcher 1990; Chugh 1990a; Engineering geology: Keith, H.D. 1980
Mapping: Treworgy, C.G. 1990 Chugh 1981; Chugh 1986b; Chugh 1987a;
Overburden: Brutcher 1990; Herring 1977; Chugh 1987b; Chugh 1989a; Chugh
Kelleher, J.T. 1991; Mehnert, B.B. 1990; 1996c; Conroy 1973; Conroy 1979;
Oertel 1983; Van Roosendaal 1990 Damberger 1980; DeMaris 1983a;
Geochemistry: Mercier 1978 Diamond 1987; Hanna 1986; Hanna 1991;
Trace elements: Tedesco 1980 Hummeldorf 1984; Ingram 1988; Ingram
Policy: Cook, W.J. 1980 1990; Krausse 1979a; Krausse 1979b;
Krausse 1979d; Krausse 1979f; Moebs
Production: Bhagwat 1994e; IL Dept. Mines &
Minerals 1966-1986; IL Dept. Mines & 1984; O'Connor, K.M. 1989; Rockaway
Minerals 1987; Malhotra 1975b; Malhotra 1977; Stephenson, R.W. 1979; Thill 1984;
1975d; Risser, H.E. 1966; Severson 1967
Wade 1978
Roof Aughenbaugh 1973; Bauer, R.A.
Reclamation: Argonne 1978; Argonne 1979;
Brigham, W.U. 1987; Brugam 1983;
1980a; Bodus 1989; Damberger 1980;
Krausse 1979a; Moebs 1984; Nelson, W.J.
Carter, R.P. 1974; Christy 1978; Coupe
1980; Rogers, P.R. 1981; Wier 1973
1993; Doyle, W.S. 1976; Grandt 1978a;
Sedimentation ponds: Bucek 1981; Khan, L.A.
Grunwald 1980; Harrison, Wyman 1979a;
1984d; Khan, L.A. 1986e; Nawrot 1977a;
Harrison, Wyman 1979b; Harrison,
Wyman Nawrot 1977b
1980; Haynes 1975; Hendricks,
Charles 1972; Hetzler 1992; IL Ab. Mine. Site exploration: Geldmacher 1991
1988; Zellmer 1977; Zellmer 1979a Pennsylvanian: Bandy 1981; Bandy 1987;
Runoff: Kelly, M.H. 1984; Prodan 1982; Giffin 1978; Home 1968; Miller, B.P.
Deep tunnel system: Aten 1968; Bacon 1973; Contamination: Herzog 1988b; Keefer 1995b;
Braam 1991; Buschbach 1972; Buschbach Keefer 1995d; Kristoff 1990; Saleem 1977;
1982; Dalton 1991; Harza 1975; Keifer & Schueler 1994; Shafer 1988
Assoc. 1976a; Knoerle 1977; Koelzer Economic geology: ISWS 1974; Visocky
1968; Metropolitan 1972; Metropolitan 1982a
1974-1975; Papadopulos 1969; Peterson, Hydrochemistry: Gagnard 1979; Long 1973;
G.L. 1991; Sandell 1985; Seismograph Long 1974; Meredith 1977; Orozco, M.G.
1968a; Seismograph 1968b; Seismograph 1995; Siegel 1990
1971; Seismograph 1976; Sylvester 1985; Hydrogeology: Hughes, G.M. 1971a
Washington 1987; Weiss, M.R.F. 1979 Management: Barnes, M.J. 1987; Injerd 1986
Engineering geology: Braam 1991; Bucher 1988; Movement: Silliman 1989
Grimes 1977; Keifer h Assoc. 1976a; Pressure: Bond 1970a
Knoerle 1977; Lukas 1975; Metropolitan Recharge: Burch 1991; Keifer & Assoc.
1972; Metropolitan 1974-1975; Otto, 1976b; McDonald, CK. 1967; Nielsen
G.H. 1963; Sandell 1985; Seismograph 1984; Schicht 1971a; Schicht 1977;
1968a; Seismograph 1968b; Seismograph Visocky 1982b
1971; Seismograph 1976; Shuri 1984; Sampling: Krizek 1975
Sylvester 1985; Weiss, M.R.F. 1979
Water use: Schicht 1971b
Bibliography: Dixon 1985a Withdrawals: Sasman 1967; Sasman 1973;
Faults: Peterson, G.L. 1991 Sasman 1974b; Sasman 1977b; Sasman
Floodplains: US Soil 1987 1986; Visocky 1993
Floods: Guidebook: Clark, P.U. 1985; Collinson 1974;
Maps: Sheaffer 1970 Collinson 1983b; DuMontelle 1978;
Fossils: Hansel, A.K. 1986c; Johnson, W.H. 1985;
Collecting: Pine 1976 Mikulic 1983a; Mikulic 1985a; Mikulic
Gas storage: Bond 1970a 1985b; Mikulic 1987b; Mikulic 1991c;
Geologic maps: Schneider 1970; Willman 1970d Mikulic 1992; Odom 1970b; Pray 1976;
Quaternary: Lineback 1983 Reinertsen 1971a; Reinertsen 1979a;
Groundwater: Ackermann 1975; Avery 1995b; Maps: Dahlberg 1985b; USGS 1979c
Bogner, J.E. 1976b; Cravens 1990; Statistical analysis: Lee, J.K. 1987
Duwelius 1996; Hughes, G.M. 1966; Kay, Limestone and dolomite: Bhagwat 1989a;
R.T. 1996a; Keifer 1982; Kempton 1977; Mikulic 1985c; Peczkis 1981; Smith, E.C.
Landon 1967; Macaitis 1985; Moench 1995b
1971; Moench 1972; Moore, H. 1981; Economic geology: Mikulic 1989
Nealon 1989; Nicholas 1988a; Peterson, Mineral resources: Bogner, J.E. 1976b; Major
K.A. 1978; Roadcap 1993; Robinson, 1968
Reed 1993; Sasman 1974a; Sasman Economic geology: Major 1968
1977a; Sasman 1980; Sasman 1981a; Paleontology: Donovan 1996; Kaim 1986;
Sasman 1981b; Schicht 1971c; Shapiro Kukalova-Peck 1983; Mikulic 1976;
1989; Singh 1980a; Singh 1980b; Visocky Mikulic 1985a; Mikulic 1992
1985; Visocky 1988; Young, H.L. 1989b Peat: Masters 1978
Sand and gravel: Bhagwat 1989a; Masters 1978; Geophysical surveys: Ahbe 1978; Heigold 1993h;
Smith, E.C. 1995a; Smith, E.C. 1995c Heigold 1993i; Renick, Howard Jr. 1969;
Soil surveys: Mapes, D.R. 1979 US Dept. Energy 1981e; US Dept.
Soils: Esser 1991; Metropolitan 1974-1975 Energy 1981i
Stratigraphy: Mikulic 1990a; Smith, E.C. 1995b Groundwater: Woller 1974c
Cambrian: Baynas 1976 Contamination: Herzog 1988b; Keefer 1995b;
Ordovician: Buschbach 1972; Kluessendorf Keefer 1995d
1991 Guidebook: Reinertsen 1973b; Reinertsen 1993d
Silurian: Buschbach 1972; Kluessendorf Land use:
1991; Mikulic 1985b; Willman 1973b Maps: USGS 1977b; USGS 1981a
Devonian: Kluessendorf 1988 Lead and zinc ores:
Quaternary: Allen, B.L. 1975; Bogner, J.E. Collecting: Pittman 1984a
1973; Clark, P.U. 1985; Hansel, A.K. Limestone and dolomite: Lineback 1985;
1986c; Johnson, W.H. 1985; Johnson, Treworgy, J.D. 1985
W.H. Kempton 1968c; Kempton
1989a; Mineral resources: Major 1966c
1970a; Kempton 1970b; Lund, C.R. Oil and gas fields: Howard, R.H. 1988b;
1966a; Lund, C.R. 1966b; McLean 1995c; Howard, R.H. 1990a
Odom 1970b; Smith, E.C. 1995a; Smith, Paleobotany: Dennis, R.L. 1974; Willard, D.A.
E.C. 1995c 1993a
Structural geology: Foote 1982; McGinnis, L.D. Paleontology: Welch, J.R. 1976
1966a Petroleum: Howard, R.H. 1988a
Till:Chung 1991 Production: Wallace, G. 1991
Topography: McLean 1995b Petroleum engineering: Davis, J. A. 1982; Howell
Waste disposal: Carpenter, P.J. 1990a; 1980
Carpenter, P.J. 1991a; Cartwright, Keros Sand and gravel: Watts 1982
1968a; Colten 1985; Hayes, K.A. 1982; Mineralogy: Hunter 1966a
Hughes, CM. 1969a; Hughes, CM. Sandstone: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
1969b; Hughes, CM. 1971a; Hughes, Sedimentary petrology: Hewitt 1965
CM. 1971b; Hughes, CM. 1976; Soil surveys: Await 1996
Nicholas 1986; Nicholas 1988b; Olimpio Stratigraphy:
1980; Olimpio 1982c; Olimpio 1982d; Devonian: North, W.C 1969a; North, W.C
Olimpio 1984; Schicht 1973; Willard, 1969b
D.E. 1982 Mississippian: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Planning: Bogner, J.E. 1976b Pennsylvanian: Home 1968; Jacobson, R.J.
Wetlands: Hensel 1992b; Hensel 1993 1985b; Jacobson, R.J. 1987b
Cores: Frye, J.C. 1967b Structural geology: Wier 1974b; Wier 1974c
Corinth Field: Zuppann 1988b Tectonics:Wier 1974b; Wier 1974c
Cramer Limestone Member: Fraser, CS. Cross sections:
1991b; Merrill 1979 Ozark Dome, Missouri to Rough Creek Graben,
Crawford County (see also subjects): western Kentucky: Sargent, M.L. 1992
Areal geology: Kircher 1967 Ozark Dome, Missouri to southern Illinois:
Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985; White, Treworgy, J.D. 1992
W.A. 1967 Sparta Shelf, southern Illinois to Rough Creek
Coal: Treworgy, C.C 1982c Graben, western Kentucky: Whitaker
Strippable resources: Nance 1981 1992b
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996 Wayne County to Gibson County, Tennessee:
Earthquakes: Reagor 1987 Whitaker 1992a
Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1970; Gray, H.H. Wayne County to Lake County, Indiana:
1979; Gray, H.H. 1991b Treworgy, J.D. 1990a
Wayne County to St. Clair County: Whitaker Dale Field: Sim 1993; Udegbunam 1993b; Webb,
1990 W.H. 1968
Wayne County to Stephenson County: Danville Coal Member: Jacobson, R.J. 1981;
Treworgy, J.D. 1994 Treworgy, C.G. 1985; Treworgy, J.D.
Wayne County to Switzerland County, Indiana: 1984b
Treworgy, J.D. 1990b Datums:
Cumberland County (see also subjects): Vertical: Rich, D.R. 1996
Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985; White, Davis Coal Member: Jacobson, R.J. 1985b;
W.A. 1967 Jacobson, R.J. 1987b; Jacobson, R.J.
Coal: 1993a; Treworgy, J.D. 1984c
Sedimentary petrology: Chou, Chen-Lin Davis Formation: Pratt, W.P. 1995b
1991a De Witt County (see also subjects):
Strippable resources: Nance 1981 Areal geology: Elec. Power Res. 1980; Walke
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996 1982
Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b Clay and shale:
Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993h Sedimentary petrology: Olson, R.K. 1973
Groundwater: Coal: Avcin 1969; Clegg 1972
Contamination: Holm, T.R. 1988; Keefer Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993d
1995b; Keefer 1995d Groundwater: Hunt, C.S. 1977; Kempton 1996;
Guidebook: Frankie 1994; Jorstad 1991a; O'Hearn 1982
Jorstad 1991d; Reinertsen 1979b; Weibel Contamination: Holm, T.R. 1988; Keefer
1989a 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Land use:
Guidebook: Berggren 1979b
Maps: USGS 1979d; USGS 1980c Hydrogeology: Vukovich 1967
Limestone and dolomite: Carozzi 1987;
Limestone and dolomite: Baxter 1989c
Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Mineral resources: Hunt, C.S. 1977; Major
Sedimentary petrology: Reichelderfer 1985
Mineral resources: Major 1966c
Oil and gas fields: Harris, L.A. 1968
Oil and gas fields: Loveless 1968b; Nation 1990
Paleontology: Morgan, A.V. 1986
Paleontology: Baird, D. 1978; Weibel 1988
Petroleum exploration: Kidd 1975
Petroleum: Carozzi 1987
Production: Wallace, G. 1991
Sedimentary petrology: Olson, R.K. 1973
Petroleum engineering: Nation 1990
Soil surveys: Windhorn 1991
Sandstone: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Stratigraphy: James, A.T. 1968
Soils: Follmer 1970; Follmer 1982; Frazee, C.J.
Cambrian: Baynas 1976; Olson, R.K. 1973
1968; Lund, L.J. 1971
Mississippian: Moore, M.C. 1970
Pennsylvanian: Avcin 1969; Clegg 1972
Devonian: North, W.G. 1969a; North, W.G.
Till: Graves 1984
Mississippian: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Waste disposal: Klein, S.J. 1983
Planning: Hunt, C.S. 1977
Pennsylvanian: Douglass 1987; Home 1968;
Miller, B.P. 1995; Weibel 1988; Weibel Watersheds: Arnold 1996
1989a Decorah Subgroup: Kolata 1983a; Kolata 1986b;
Floods: Allen, H.E. 1972; Mycyk 1972a; Mycyk Devonian (see also counties):
1972b; Mycyk 1972c; Mycyk 1973a Deposition: Kocken 1989
Geomorphology: Flemal 1970b; Flemal 1973 Diagenesis: Kocken 1989
Geophysical surveys: Aiken 1983; Gendron Sedimentary petrology: Kocken 1989; Rooney
1988; Heigold 1993e; McGinnis, L.D. 1970; Summerson 1970a; Summerson
1966a; Meloni 1985 1970b
Glacial features: Flemal 1972b Stratigraphy: Collinson 1968; Droste 1987;
Groundwater: Ford, W.H.
1974; Gross 1970a; Fraunfelter 1988; Geller 1985
Nealon 1989; Schumacher 1990; Visocky Dolbee Creek Member: Cloos 1981
1985; Visocky 1988 Dolomite (see Limestone and dolomite)
Contamination: Andrews, W.J. 1988; Keefer Douglas County (see also subjects):
1995b; Keefer 1995d; Schwartz 1991 Areal geology: Bristol 1968a
Hydrochemistry: Siegel 1990 Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
Radium: Gilkeson, R.H. 1988 Engineering geology: Speck 1981
Recharge: McDonald, C.K. 1967 Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1979; Gray, H.H.
Withdrawals: Sasman 1967; Sasman 1973; 1991b
Sasman 1977b; Sasman 1986; Visocky Geomorphology: Gardiner 1966
1993 Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993h; US Dept.
Guidebook: Buschbach 1970a; Flemal 1972c; Energy 1981e
Follmer 1978; Kempton 1985c; Mikulic Groundwater: Kempton 1982a; Sanderson 1992
1985b; Odom 1970a; Odom 1970b Contamination: Holm, T.R. 1988; Keefer
Land use: 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Maps: Dahlberg 1985b Land use:
Mineral resources: Ford, W.H. 1974; Gross Maps: USGS 1979d; USGS 1980c
1970a; Major 1967b Mineral resources: Major 1967a
Radiocarbon dates: Kempton 1966 Petroleum:
Soil surveys: Hinkley 1978 Production: Bristol 1968a; Wallace, G. 1991
Soils: Follmer 1978; Hinkley 1970 Petroleum exploration: Gannan 1985
Stratigraphy: Mikulic 1990a Soil surveys: Hallbick 1971
Cambrian: Odom 1970a Soils: Gardiner 1966
Ordovician: Odom 1970a Stratigraphy: Atherton 1966; James, A.T. 1968
Silurian: Mikulic 1985b Devonian: North, W.G. 1969a; North, W.G.
Quaternary: Flemal 1970a; Flemal 1972b; 1969b
Flemal 1973; Kempton 1968c; Kempton Pennsylvanian: Home 1968; Miller, B.P.
1970b; Kempton 1985c; Odom 1970b; 1995
Reed, P.C. 1976 Structural geology: Wier 1974b
Structural geology: Foote 1982; McGinnis, L.D. Tectonics: Wier 1974b
1966a Waste disposal: Visocky 1986a
Till: Frye, J.C. 1969a; Metz 1971; Wickham, Downeys Bluff Limestone Member:
S.S. 1979; Wickham, S.S. 1988 Englishman 1968
Waste disposal: Gross 1972b Driftless Area: Knox 1984; Leigh 1994a; Willman
Planning: Ford, W.H. 1974; Gross 1970a 1989
Water quality: Andrews, W.J. 1988 Glacial features: Willman 1969
Dekoven Coal Member: Jacobson, R.J. 1985b; Drury Member: Jennings 1975; Jennings 1979a
Jacobson, R.J. 1987b; Jacobson, R.J. Du Quoin Monocline: Nelson, W.J. 1988b
1993a; Treworgy, J.D. 1984a DuPage County (see also subjects):
Des Plaines valley: Mikulic 1985b Areal geology: Chang, Y.W. 1995; Curry 1988;
Stratigraphy: Kempton 1987a; Killey 1995; Vaiden
Quaternary: Hansel, A.K. 1986b 1988; Willman 1971b
Bedrock topography: Johnson, D.O. 1967 Mineral resources: Major 1968; Taylor, S.M.
Deep tunnel system: Buschbach 1972; 1977
Buschbach 1982 Economic geology: Major 1968
Engineering geology: Bauer, R.A. 1991b; Paleontology: Springer 1981
Zanbak 1991 Peat: Masters 1978
Bibliography: Dixon 1985a Sand and gravel: Masters 1978
Floods: Zanbak 1991 Soil surveys: Mapes, D.R. 1979
Fractures: Wobber 1967 Soils: Hinkley 1970
Geologic maps: Willman 1970d Stratigraphy: Mikulic 1990a
Quaternary: Lineback 1983 Ordovician: Buschbach 1972
Geophysical surveys: Gendron 1988; Heigold Silurian: Buschbach 1972; Willman 1973b
1990c; Heigold 1993e; Johnson, D.O. Quaternary: Kempton 1968c; Kempton
1967; Lee, J.K. 1987; McGinnis, L.D. 1990; Reed, PC. 1972
1966a; Mossman 1973; Wobber 1967 Structural geology: McGinnis, L.D. 1966a
Groundwater: Ackermann 1975; Avery 1995b; Waste disposal: Booth, C.J. 1989; Booth, C.J.
Hackett 1966; Hughes, G.M. 1966; IS WS 1990a; Carpenter, P.J. 1990a; Carpenter,
1973; Kempton 1977; Moench 1971; P.J. 1990b; Carpenter, P.J. 1991a;
Nealon 1989; Sasman 1974a; Sasman Carpenter, P.J. 1991b; Carpenter, P.J.
1980; Sasman 1981a; Sasman 1981b; 1991c; Cartwright, Keros 1968a;
Singh 1980a; Singh 1980b; Taylor, S.M. Cartwright, Keros 1976; Griffin, R.A.
1977; Visocky 1985; Visocky 1988; 1976a; Griffin, R.A. 1976d; Griffin, R.A.
Williams, R.E. 1968; Woller 1986a 1976e; Griffin, R.A. 1978a; Hughes, G.M.
Contamination: Booth, C.J. 1986; Keefer 1969a; Hughes, G.M. 1969b; Hughes,
1995b; Keefer 1995d; Minear 1973; G.M. 1971a; Hughes, G.M. 1971b;
Patton 1990a; Patton 1990b; Saleem Hughes, G.M. 1976; Nicholas 1984a;
1977; Vagt 1987 Olimpio 1980; Olimpio 1982a; Olimpio
Economic geology: ISWS 1974; Visocky 1982b; Schicht 1973; Shapiro 1991
1982a Planning: Hackett 1966; Taylor, S.M. 1977
Hydrochemistry: Balding 1991; Long 1973; Waste disposal sites: Du 1993
Long 1974; Siegel 1990 Blackwell Landfill: Booth, C.J. 1986
Hydrogeology: Hughes, G.M. 1971a Wetlands: Cahill 1993b; Miner 1994a
Management: Barnes, M.J. 1987; Injerd 1986 Dupo Field: Schwalb 1968a
Radium: Gilkeson, R.H. 1988 Dykersburg Shale Member: Chugh 1980a;
Recharge: Burch 1991; Keifer & Assoc. Rogers, PR. 1981
1976b; McDonald, C.K. 1967; Nielsen Earthquakes: Heigold 1990d; Hempen 1981;
1984; Schicht 1977; Visocky 1982b Johnston, A.C. 1990; Johnston, A.C.
Water use: Schicht 1971b 1996; Killey 1975d; Killey 1976; Killey
Withdrawals: Sasman 1967; Sasman 1973; 1984a; Nuttli 1981; Street 1974; Wheeler,
Sasman 1974b; Sasman 1977b; Sasman R.L. 1992
1986; Visocky 1993 Databases: Montgomery, C.J. 1974
Guidebook: Berggren 1978a; Reinertsen 1971a; Engineering geology: Cassaro 1986; Green, R.K.
Reinertsen 1986a 1991; Hays, W.W. 1986b; Hopper 1983b;
Hydrogeology: Hackett 1968; Williams, R.E. Mauk 1980; Schiff 1983; SE MO State
1966 1991
Land use: Bogner, J.E. 1976a; Hackett 1966; Geographic information systems: McKay, E.D.
Hackett 1968 1986a; Tarr 1993
Maps: Dahlberg 1985b Liquefaction:
Statistical analysis: Lee, J.K. 1987 Maps: Stiff 1995
Limestone and dolomite: Mikulic 1985c Maps: USGS 1992
New Madrid earthquakes 1811-12: Johnston, 1987; Nuttli 1974b; Obermeier 1991;
A.C. 1992; Nuttli 1990; Obermeier 1989; Reagor 1987; Street 1980; Street 1988;
Schweig 1994; Wesnousky 1989 Taylor, K.B. 1989; Zhang 1991
Intensity: Evernden 1975; Gupta, I.N. 1976 Aftershocks: Langer 1991
Landslides: Jibson 1985 Liquefaction: Hajic 1993; Munson, P.J. 1993;
Liquefaction: Obermeier 1984 Obermeier 1992a; Obermeier 1992b;
New Madrid Region: Algermissen 1985a; Obermeier 1993; Pond 1996; Su, W.J.
Bhattacharya 1974; Bhattacharya 1975; 1992
Boyd 1995; Dobrovolny 1985; Ellis, M.A. Eau Claire Formation: Gilkeson, R.H. 1981;
1992; Gordon 1970; Hamilton, R.M. Nielsen 1984; Olson, R.K. 1973; Schicht
1981; Harris, J.B. 1992; Harrison, 1973; Visocky 1985; Watso 1988; Young,
1994; Heigold 1968;Herrmann 1973; H.L. 1989b
Herrmann 1981; Herrmann 1984; Hopper Edgar County (see also subjects):
1983b; Hopper 1985b; Hopper 1985c; Areal geology: Elec. Power Res. 1980; Walke
McKeown 1983; Miller, D.N. Jr. 1968b; 1982
Nuttli 1974a; Nuttli 1974b; Nuttli 1978a; Clay and shale: White, W.A. 1967
Schwalb 1982a; SE MO
State 1991; Coal: Peppers 1970b
Shedlock 1994; Snay 1994; Stauder Strippable reserves: Jacobson, R.J. 1981
1970a; Stauder 1970b Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
Engineering geology: Banker 1983; Berry, Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1979; Gray, H.H.
K.M. 1995; Cent. US Earthquake 1985; 1991b
Hays, W.W. 1986a; Hopper 1983a; Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993h; US Dept.
Hopper 1985a; Olshansky 1994; USGS Energy 1981e
1990 Groundwater: Kempton 1982a; Woller 1974d
Geophysical surveys: Hildenbrand 1995 Contamination: Holm, T.R. 1988; Keefer
Liquefaction: Hopper 1983a; Hopper 1985a; 1995b; Keefer 1995d; Wilson, S.D. 1995
Li, Yong 1996; Obermeier 1984; Guidebook: Jorstad 1991a; Jorstad 1991d;
Obermeier 1985a; Obermeier 1985b; Wilson, G.M. 1966c
Schweig 1994 Land use:
Prediction: Algermissen 1985b Maps: USGS 1977b
Seismic risk: Chernoff 1986; Stauder 1979 Limestone and dolomite: Giffin 1978
Seismotectonics: Braile 1982a; Buschbach Mineral resources: Major 1967a
1977; Buschbach 1978; Buschbach 1980; Paleobotany: Stidd 1979
Buschbach 1981; Buschbach 1983; Palynology: Peppers 1970b
Buschbach 1984; Buschbach 1985; Petroleum:
Buschbach 1986; Ellis, W.L. 1994; Production: Bristol 1974a; Wallace, G. 1991
Hamilton, R.M. 1981; Li, Yong 1995; Stratigraphy:
McKeown 1978 Devonian: North, W.G. 1969a; North, W.G.
Northern: Heigold 1972; Sleep 1981 1969b
Seismic risk: Bohn 1983b Mississippian: Giffin 1978
Prediction: Mitchell, B.J. 1978 Pennsylvanian: Giffin 1978; Home 1968;
Risk assessment: Bohn 1983a; Frankel 1995; Miller, B.P. 1995
Johnston, A.C. 1981; Nuttli 1978b; Perry, Structural geology: Wier 1974b
R.G. 1981; Schaefer 1978; Sharpe 1979 Tectonics: Wier 1974b
Seismotectonics: Chen, W.P. 1988; Gordon Till: Fox, J.M. 1987
1983; Gordon 1988; Herrmann 1979; Edwards County (see also subjects):
Taylor, K.B. 1991 Areal geology: Kircher 1967
Tectonophysics: McGinnis, L.D. 1974a Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Wabash River Valley: Hamburger 1988; Langer Coal: Hopkins, M.E. 1968
Ewing East Field: Schuler 1988 Olsson 1968; Potter, C.J. 1995; Ravat
Excello Shale Member:
James, A.T. 1969; 1985; Schwalb 1982b; Strunk 1984
James, G.W. 1970 Wabash Valley Fault System: Bristol 1979;
Fairfield Basin: Stevenson 1975a Fraser, G.S. 1992; Nelson,W.J. 1984b;
Farmdale Geosol: Graham, R.C. 1985; McKenna Sexton 1986; Sexton 1988a; Sexton
1985a; McKenna 1986 1988c; Taft 1995; Treworgy, J.D. 1988c
Farmington Shale Member: Bauer, R.A. 1984b Fayette County (see also subjects):
Areal geology: Kircher 1967
Faults: Heigold 1994; Krausse 1979c; Marshak
Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
1996; McGinnis, L.D. 1966a; Nelson,
W.J. 1981b; Nelson, W.J. 1987d; Nelson,
W.J. 1987e; Shelby 1982; Stearns, R.G. Geochemistry: Oman 1994
Collections: Anonymous 1988b; Hansman 1967; Faults: Keys 1980; Nelson, W.J. 1981a
Kent 1982 Geochemistry: Bullock 1991e; Bullock 1991f
Fracture traces: Gognat 1977; Wobber 1967 Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b
Fraileys Shale Member: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Geophysical surveys: Ahbe 1978; Gognat 1977;
Francis Creek Shale: Solem 1975 Heigold 1970a; Heigold 1976; Heigold
Francis Creek Shale Member: Allison, P.A. 1993b; Heigold 1993i; Heigold 1993k;
1987a; Baird, G.C. 1979; Baird, G.C. Hildenbrand 1977a; Hildenbrand 1977b;
1980; Baird, G.C. 1985a; Bauer, R.A. Hildenbrand 1977c; Hildenbrand 1979a;
1984b; Konecny, Jim 1985; Kuecher 1983; Hildenbrand 1996; Kucks 1990;
Kuecher 1990; Schram 1989; Shabica Schafersman 1973; US Ener. Res. 1979
W.H. 1970a;
1970; Sipiera 1976; Smith, Groundwater:
W.H. 1970b; Sotonoff 1976;
Smith, Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Woodland 1979 Guidebook: Harris, S.E. Jr. 1977
Franconia Formation: Gilkeson, R.H. 1978; Land use:
Kramer, D.J. 1970; Young, H.L. 1989b Maps: USGS 1977c; USGS 1979a
Franklin County (see also subjects): Limestone and dolomite: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Areal geology: Berg, R.C. 1993b; Berg, R.C. Mineral resources: Heyl 1966b; Major 1966c
1994c; Kircher 1967 Economic geology: Eidel 1993b
Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Mapping: Eidel 1993a
Coal: Allgaier 1975; Atkinson 1976; Greater Oil and gas fields: Hollensbe 1988b; Schuler
Egypt 1978a; Hopkins, M.E. 1968 1988; Sim 1994a; Sim 1994b; Strothman
Geochemistry: Oman 1994 1988; Udegbunam 1993b
Sedimentary petrology: Johnson, P.R. 1979 Paleoecology: DiMichele 1988
Strippable resources: Nance 1981 Petroleum: Kubicek 1968; Sim 1993
Coal mine lakes: Petroleum engineering: Sim 1994a; Sim 1994b;
Maps: Voelker 1985 Udegbunam 1993b
Coal mines: Bauer, R.A. 1984a; Conroy 1980; Petroleum exploration: Bigelow 1983c; Leetaru
ISGS 1994-1996; O'Rourke 1981; Wade 1990; Leetaru 1991a; Muthig 1984
1978 Sandstone: Kehlenbach 1969; Treworgy, J.D.
Rock mechanics: Conroy 1973 1985
Buffers: Bryant, Karen 1995 Sedimentary petrology: Cole, R.D. 1990;
Engineering geology: Bauer, R.A. 1982a; Kubicek 1968; Lambert, S.W. 1974
Chugh 1986a; DeMaris 1978; Keith, H.D. Stratigraphy:
1980 Ordovician: Nelson, W.J. 1996a
Geophysical surveys: O'Connor, K.M. 1989 Devonian: Nelson, W.J. 1996a; North, W.G.
Groundwater (effect on): Pauvlik 1984; 1969a; North, W.G. 1969b
Pauvlik 1987 Mississippian: Cole, R.D. 1990; Kehlenbach
Land subsidence: Adamek 1982; Awasthi 1969; Nelson, W.J. 1996a; Randall, J.W.
1991; Bai 1989; Bennett, R.M. 1992; 1970; Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Darmody 1992; Hood, Michael 1982; Pennsylvanian: Greater Egypt 1978b; Home
Kawamura 1993; Kiusalaas 1984; Marino, 1968; Nelson, W.J. 1996a
G.G. 1992; Nawrot 1977b; Pauvlik 1984; Tectonics: Schafersman 1973
Pauvlik 1987; Powell, L.R. 1986; Powell, Frogtown North Field: Whitaker 1988a
L.R. 1992; Siriwardane 1985; Sutherland, Fulton County (see also subjects):
H.J. 1982; Sutherland, H.J. 1984; Triplett Archaeology: Harn 1986
1986; Yarbrough 1990 Clay and shale:
Rock mechanics: Conroy 1979; DeMaris Geochemistry: White, W.A. 1980
1983a; Kawamura 1993; O'Connor, K.M. Sedimentary petrology: Sotonoff 1976
1989 Coal:
Geochemistry: Mudamburi 1985; Oman 1994 Waste disposal: Patterson, G.L. 1982b
Sedimentary petrology: Damberger 1970b Galatia channel: Hopkins, M.E. 1979; Nelson,
Sulfur: Hopkins, M.E. 1970 W.J. 1983a; Treworgy, C.G. 1985;
Trace elements: Cobb, J.C. 1978b Treworgy, C.G. 1995a
Coal mine lakes: Gibb 1978b Galena (see Lead and zinc ores)
Coal mines: IL Dept. Ener. Nat. Res. 1983; Galena Group: Bakush 1985; Bakush 1986;
ISGS 1994-1996; Krausse 1979e; Lindorff Bristol 1973; Delgado 1983; Kolata
1980 1987a; Pratt, W.P. 1995b; Shaw, T.H.
Groundwater (effect on): Brabets 1984 1989; Willman 1978b
Land subsidence: Wildanger 1980 Galena River Basin:
Reclamation: Coupe 1993; Fuentes 1979; Sedimentation: Magilligan 1985
Patterson, G.L. 1982a; Patterson, G.L. Galesville Sandstone: Blacic 1981; Emrich 1966;
1982b; Pietz 1989; US EPA 1981 Gilkeson, R.H. 1978; Stottlemyre 1979;
Waste: Peterson, J.R. 1979 Watso 1988
Fossils: Gallatin County (see also subjects):
Collecting: Scheffel 1968a; Scheffel 1968b Areal geology: Berg, R.C. 1993b; Berg, R.C.
Geologic maps: Hallberg 1991 1994c
Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993f; US Dept. Bedrock topography maps: Smith, A.E. 1976
Energy 1981a Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Groundwater: Fuentes 1979; Gibb 1979; Nealon
Coal: Allgaier 1975; Greater Egypt 1978a;
1989; Poole 1985a; Ringler 1980; Visocky
Hopkins, M.E. 1968; Jacobson, R.J.
1985; Wehrmann 1980; Well 1990;
Willman 1973a
Sedimentary petrology: Padgett 1980
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Coal mine lakes:
Guidebook: Cote, W.E. 1969b; Follmer 1979b;
Maps: Voelker 1985
Follmer 1986c; Reinertsen 1988a;
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
Reiner tsen 1993e
Land use: IL Dept. Ener. Nat. Res. 1983
Rock mechanics: Conroy 1973
Maps: USGS 1979b Trace elements: Tedesco 1980
Limestone and dolomite: Nance 1970 Faults: Nelson, W.J. 1984b; Nelson, W.J. 1987d;
Sedimentary petrology: Cloos 1981 Sexton 1986; Strunk 1984
Mineral resources: Major 1967d; Willman 1973a Geochemical maps: Klasner 1986
Minerals: Geochemistry: Bullock 1991e; Bullock 1991f
Collecting: Scheffel 1968b Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b; Klasner 1986;
Paleobotany: Kosanke 1982 Nelson, W.J. 1986a; Nelson, W.J. 1986c;
Limestone and dolomite: Fraunfelter 1979; Geodes: Hayes, J.B. 1967; Hess, D.F. 1976;
Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Reinertsen 1993a
Sedimentary petrology: Lasemi, Yaghoob Collecting: Martin, W.E. 1983
1980 Guidebook: Miller, Elizabeth 1980; Zeitner
Loess: Norton, L.D. 1988 1989
Mineral resources: Heyl 1966b; Klasner 1986; Genesis: Sinotte 1969
Major 1966c Quartz crystals: Gricius 1970
Economic geology: Eidel 1993b Geographic information systems: Brigham,
Mapping: Eidel 1993a W.U. 1987; Denhart 1993; Greene 1991;
Oil and gas fields: Phillips, Bruce 1988 Krumm 1987; Krumm 1991; Tarr 1993;
1976; Randall, K.G. 1985; Reed, RC. Golconda Formation: Harris, CD. 1987; Harris,
1985 CD. 1993
Temperature profiles: Cartwright, Keros 1979b; Gold ores: Bradbury, J.C. 1970a; Maslowski 1985c
Robinson, Reed 1993; Silliman 1987 Golden State North Field: Liston 1988
Geothermal energy: Vaught 1980 Grand Tower Limestone: Devera 1986; Droste
Gila Field: McKay, E.D. 1968 1988b
Girardeau Limestone: Brower, J.C. 1973; Granites: Coates 1984; Daniels, J.J. 1982; Doe
Satterfield 1971 1983; Hoppe 1983; Lidiak 1983; Vitaliano
Visocky 1969; Visocky 1985; Visocky Contamination: Barcelona 1984; Bicki 1988;
1993; Walker, W.H. 1973b; Walton 1970; Burkart 1993; Callahan 1977; Cartwright,
Wilson, S.D. 1994; Young, H.L. 1986; Keros 1983a; Goolsby 1993; Helfrich
Young, H.L. 1989a; Young, H.L. 1989b; 1988; Holm, T.R. 1990; ISGS 1990c;
Young, H.L. 1992a; Young, H.L. 1992b Kelly, W.R. 1996; Kolpin 1993; Kolpin
Air injection: Allen, R.D. 1981; Skjei 1981 1996; Krapac 1988a; Lindorff 1979;
Contamination: Booth, C.J. 1986; Donohue Mehnert, Edward 1995; Panno 1994c;
1992; Heidari 1981; Keefer 1995a; Keefer
Panno 1995; Ray, Chittaranjan 1996;
1995c; Kolpin 1994; McKenna 1991a; Robinson, L.R. Jr. 1967;Roux 1991b;
McKenna 1991b; McKenna 1991c; Saleem Roy, W.R. 1992; Roy, W.R. 1993b;
1977; Schicht 1971a; Vagt 1987
Schock, S.C. 1993; Schubert 1981;
Nicholas 1988a; Shapiro 1989; Shapiro 1990; Walker, W.H. 1969; Walker, W.H.
1973a; Wheeler, G.L. 1978; Yeskis 1988
1991; Silliman 1987
Geophysical surveys: Panno 1994a; Poole Geophysical surveys: Reed, P.C. 1981
1981a Legislation: Smith, Thomas 1989
Hydraulic properties: Csallany 1967; Heidari Models: Holm, T.R. 1994
1993; Mills 1993a; Mills 1993b; Mills Monitoring: Shafer 1985
1993c; Naymik 1985; Olson, D.N. 1988 Risk assessment: Cartwright, Keros 1974a;
Hydrochemistry: Balding 1991; Caithamer Hensel 1990; Keefer 1995h; Lawrence
1993; Le Seur 1987; Schwartz 1991; Soller Engineering geology: Brucker 1970
1992c; Soller 1992d; Varsa 1994 Mapping: Weibel 1993c
Salinity: Reed, P.C. 1981 Management: Bowman 1991a; Crandall 1984a;
Time factor: Shafer 1989 Crandall 1984b; Heidari 1995; Ritchey
Transport: Naymik 1983a; Wheeler, G.L. 1983
1978 Maps: Keefer 1995a; Keefer 1995c; Lloyd, O.B.
Treatment: Lindorff 1977 Jr 1995
Databases: Frost, L.R. 1984b; Kirk 1989; Models: Butcher 1989; Clark, G.R. 1994; Shafer
Mehnert, Edward 1992; Schock, S.C. 1990
1990b Monitoring: Ehrlich, Marvin 1987; Frost, L.R.
Deficiencies: 1984b; Gilkeson, R.H. 1982a; Gilkeson,
Projections: Schicht 1971c R.H. 1983a; Hensel 1986; Herzog 1986a;
Discharge: Cartwright, Keros 1970; Visocky Mansue 1991; O'Hearn 1984a; O'Hearn
1970 1984b; O'Hearn 1985; Olson, K.D. 1987;
Economic geology: ISWS 1974; Moench 1972; Roux 1991b; Voelker 1986; Voelker 1988c
Sasman 1977a; Sasman 1978 Engineering geology: Mehnert, Edward 1987
Geochemistry: Anderson, R.J. 1966; Cartwright, Movement: Cartwright, Keros 1973; Cartwright,
Keros 1979a; Gilkeson, R.H. 1977; Keros 1979b; Garklavs 1985; Garven
Gilkeson, R.H. 1978; Hackley 1992a; 1993; Heigold 1969; Heigold 1971; Hensel
Krapac 1988a; Krause 1982; Long 1974; 1991a; Kohn 1995; Mills 1987; Naymik
Stueber 1991 1983b; Silliman 1989; Williams, R.E.
Geophysical surveys: Cartwright, Keros 1968a; 1967; Williams, R.E. 1968
Ehrlich, Marvin 1987; Gilkeson, R.H. Models: Barnes, M.J. 1987; Beard, T.C.
1982a; Gilkeson, R.H. 1983a; Heigold 1991; Ranganathan 1993; Ritchey 1984a
1971; Laymon 1989; Matheney 1991; Policy: Bowman 1989; Bowman 1991a; Injerd
Poole 1984; Poole 1985a; Poole 1986; 1986; Moore, J.S. 1977b; Schueler 1994
Sverdrup 1986; Visocky 1970 Protection: Berg, R.C. 1994a; Clark, T.P. 1975;
Analysis: Poole 1985b; Poole 1989; Warner, Cobb, R.P. 1995; Davlin 1988; Hlinka
K.L. 1991 1989b; IL EPA 1988; IL State Water Plan
Hydraulic conductivity: Kay, R.T. 1990 1984; McKenna 1990a; Moore, J.S. 1977a;
Hydrochemistry: Couture 1986; Dohnalek 1982; Moore, J.S. 1977b; Willard, D.E. 1982
Durham Gagnard 1979; Grundl
1989; Planning: Carlson, R.J. 1986; Schueler 1994;
1980; Herzog 1988a; Hwang 1996; Long Wallace, D. 1979
1973; Meredith 1977; Nesbitt 1985; Radioactive isotopes: Gilkeson, R.H. 1983b;
Orozco, M.G 1995; Stueber 1987; Gilkeson, R.H. 1984b; Gilkeson, R.H.
Subramonian 1990 1987b; Lucas, H.F. 1985
Hydrogeology: Anderson, R.J. 1966; Brown, Movement: Mills 1987
T.A. 1995; Herzog 1994b; Marinelli 1985; Radioactivity: Gilkeson, R.H. 1982b
McKay, E.D. 1979a; Stephenson, D.A. Radium: Gilkeson, R.H. 1978; Gilkeson, R.H.
1967; Williams, R.E. 1966; Williams, 1984b; Gilkeson, R.H. 1988; Kristoff 1990
R.E. 1967 Recharge: Avery 1995b; Burch 1994; Foster,
Hydrologic cycle: Avery 1994a; Clark, G.R. J.B. 1984c; Hensel 1992a; Herring 1977;
1996; Rehfeldt 1992; Strobel 1995; Landon 1967; McDonald, C.K. 1967;
Visocky 1977a Papadopulos 1969; Piskin 1971; Sasman
Infiltration: Weiss, L.S. 1985 1972; Smith, H.F. 1967
Karst: Hedges 1985; LeGrand 1976; Panno 1990; Artifical: Nielsen 1984; Stout 1984; Thomas,
Panno 1993; Panno 1994a; Panno 1994c; R.L. 1968
Panno 1995; Panno 1996; Titus 1976; Recharge (Paleo): Panno 1990
Webb, D.W. 1995; Webb, D.W. 1996 Remediation: Cosgrave 1989; Owano 1990
Resources/ Reserves: Sherrill 1985; Smith, W.H. D.L. 1993; Lucey 1995; Miller, J.D. 1996;
1975a; Smith, W.H. 1975b; Visocky 1978; Stafford 1987
Visocky 1979; Visocky 1980 Models: Heidari 1992; Heidari 1995; Heidari
Trace element removal: Goodwin 1982 1980b; Schram 1969b; Schram 1973b;
Withdrawals: Bowman 1991b; Burch 1994; Kirk Schram 1982; Schultze 1987; Schultze
1979; Kirk 1982; Kirk 1984; Kirk 1985; 1994; Sohn 1977; Vogel, B.R. 1966;
Kirk 1987; LaTour 1990; Sasman 1965; Zangerl 1969
Sasman 1966; Sasman 1978 Palynology: Peppers 1970b
Grove Church Shale Member: Weibel 1992 Sandstone:
Grundy County (see also subjects): Sedimentary petrology: Olson, R.K. 1973
Areal geology: Carl L. Gardner Assoc. 1973; Soil surveys: Reineback 1980
Willman 1971b Stratigraphy:
Clay and shale: Kuecher 1990 Cambrian: Baynas 1976; Olson, R.K. 1973
Sedimentary petrology: Olson, R.K. 1973; Pennsylvanian: Baird, G.C. 1980
Woodland 1979 Quaternary: Willman 1971a
Coal: Jacobson, R.J. 1985a; Peppers 1970b Structural geology: McGinnis, L.D. 1966a
Strippable reserves: Smith, W.H. 1968 Till: Killey 1980; Killey 1982b
Coal mine lakes: Durham Gibb 1978b
1989; Guidebooks (see counties)
Coal mines: Bradford 1983; ISGS 1994-1996; Guttenberg Formation: Kolata 1982a; Kolata
Lindorff 1980
1986a; Moore, D.M. 1976
Reclamation: Doyle, W.S. 1976; Durham Gypsum:
Economic geology: Ehrlinger 1973
Waste: Bradford 1987; Khan, L.A. 1986a;
Haeger Member: Hansel, A.K. 1986d
Lindorff 1981
Hagarstown Member: Killey 1983
Faults: Kolata 1978
Hall Limestone Member: Fraser, G.S. 1970
Floods: Allen, H.E. 1971a; Allen, H.E. 1971c
Hamilton County (see also subjects):
Fossils: Mori 1986
Areal geology: Berg, R.C. 1993b; Berg, R.C.
Collecting: Pine 1976
1994c; Kircher 1967
Geologic maps: Willman 1970d
Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Geophysical surveys: Georgiou 1970; Heigold
Coal: Greater Egypt 1978a; Hopkins, M.E. 1968
1993e; McGinnis, L.D. 1966a
Coal mine lakes:
Groundwater: Avery 1995b; Carl L. Gardner
Maps: Voelker 1985
Assoc. 1973; Nealon 1989; Poole 1981a;
Coal mines: Blevins 1983; ISGS 1994-1996
Visocky 1985; Willman 1973a
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d Earthquakes: Street 1980
Faults: Sexton 1986
Recharge: Burch 1991; McDonald, C.K.
1967; Visocky 1982b Geochemistry: Bullock 1991a; Bullock 1991b
Withdrawals: Sasman 1967; Sasman 1973; Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b
Sasman 1977b; Sasman 1986; Visocky Geophysical surveys: Ahbe 1978; Heigold 1970a;
1993 Heigold 1993b; Heigold 1993i;
Guidebook: Flemal 1972c; Reinertsen 1984c; Hildenbrand 1977a; Hildenbrand 1977b;
Reinertsen 1990a; Reinertsen 1992c Hildenbrand 1977c; Hildenbrand 1979a;
Land use: Carl L.Gardner Assoc. 1973 Hildenbrand 1996; Kucks 1990; US Ener.
Mineral resources: Carl L. Gardner Assoc. 1973; Res. 1979
Baird, G.C. 1990b; Carroll 1972; Duluk Maps: USGS 1977c; USGS 1979a
1968; Foster, M.W. 1988b; Godfrey 1992; Limestone and dolomite: Lamborg 1986;
Hannibal 1981b; Kjellesvig-Waering 1969; Roberts, M.J. 1984; Santa 1985;
Lund, Richard 1978; Richardson, E.S. Jr. Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Geophysical surveys: Goldhaber 1992b; House 1990f; Kolata 1990g; Kruger 1993;
1980; Pratt, T.L. 1992; Rummerfield Langenheim, R.L. Jr. 1992; Martin, S.J.
Woods 1989
1971; 1978; Mikulic 1990b; Nelson, W.J. 1990a;
Groundwater: Bond 1972; Hutasoit 1992 Norby 1990; Pratt, T.L. 1992; Quinlan
Discharge: Cartwright, Keros 1970 1984; Rogers, J.E. Jr. 1970; Rogers, J.E.
Geochemistry: Nesbitt 1985; Stueber 1987; Jr. 1972; Rupp 1988; Sargent, M.L. 1990;
Stueber 1991 Sloss 1984; Smith, L.B. Jr. 1996; Spirakis
Sediments: Adams, J.R. 1991; Butts, T.A. 1985; 1982; Lowenstam 1982; Mast 1982;
Harrison, Wyman 1981; Herman 1987; Prescott, G.W. 1982; Siever 1982; Simon,
Van Luik 1982 J.A. 1982; Witherspoon 1982
Contamination: Sparks, R.E. 1992 Illinois-Michigan Canal: Smith, L.R. 1986
Geochemistry: Cahill 1987 Indiana Dunes: Esser 1991
Symposia: Korab 1993; Stout 1976 Iola Consolidated Field: Luttrell 1968
Illinois River basin: Healy, R.W. 1979 Iron ores:
Archaeology: Bettis 1995b Paleomagnetism: Kean 1981
Catalogs: Curtis 1986 Ironton Sandstone: Emrich 1966; Watso 1988
Current research: Iroquois County (see also subjects):
U.S. Geological Survey: Toler 1976 Geologic maps: Wayne 1966
Erosion: Demissie 1992a; Nichols 1989; Parker Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993d; US Dept.
1989 Energy 1981b
Floods: Ishii 1991 Groundwater: Barker, Bruce 1967; Bergstrom
Geomorphology: Bettis 1995b 1970; Collins, M.A. 1987; Cravens 1988;
Sedimentation: Lee, M.T. 1976; Lee, M.T. 1989 Cravens 1989a; Cravens 1989b; Hamdan
Sediments: 1970; Visocky 1985
Limestone and dolomite: Feiznia 1983; Ethridge 1973b; Gopinath 1972; Greater
Fraunfelter 1973b; Fraunfelter 1979; Egypt 1978b; Leming 1973; Nelson, W.J.
Treworgy, J.D. 1985 1996a; Palmer, J.E. 1979a; Palmer, J.E.
1979c; Palmer, J.E. 1985; Searight 1979;
Sedimentary petrology: Carozzi 1968;
Sonnefield 1981
Devera 1986; Lasemi, Yaghoob 1980;
Popp, B.N. 1986 Quaternary: Esling 1995; Flowers 1969;
Maps: Frank, CO. 1977; McDonald, T.A. 1994
Mineral resources: Heyl 1966b; Major 1966c Watersheds: Econ 1975; Miller, S.O. 1993
Economic geology: Eidel 1993b Jamestown Coal Member: Treworgy, J.D. 1984a
Mapping: Eidel 1993a Jamestown Cyclothem: Givens 1968
Paleobotany: Gastaldo 1978a; Jennings 1974; Jasper County (see also subjects):
Jennings 1975; Jennings 1979a Areal geology: Kircher 1967
Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985; White, Strippable resources: Nance 1981
W.A. 1967 Coal mine lakes:
Coal: Treworgy, C.G. 1996c Maps: Voelker 1985
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996 Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
Earthquakes: Reagor 1987 Engineering geology: Scott, J.J. 1981
Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1970; Gray, H.H. Groundwater (effect on): Booth, C.J. 1992a;
1979; Gray, H.H. 1991b Booth, C.J. 1992b; Spande 1990
Geophysical surveys: Ahbe 1978; Heigold 1993h; Land subidence: Booth, C.J. 1996b
Heigold 1993i; US Dept. Energy 1981e; Land subsidence: Booth, C.J. 1992a; Booth,
US Dept. Energy 1981i C.J. 1992b; Carpenter, P.J. 1995;
Groundwater: Poole 1985a; Ringler 1980; Darmody 1992; Kawamura 1994;
Wehrmann 1980 Mehnert, B.B. 1992; Powell, L.R. 1988b;
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d Powell, L.R. 1992; Spande 1990
Guidebook: Reinertsen 1973b; Weibel 1989a; Reclamation: Indorante 1981a; Indorante
Weibel 1989b 1981b
Land use: Faults:Keys 1980; Nelson, W.J. 1987e
Maps: USGS 1979d; USGS 1980c; USGS Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b
1981a Geophysical surveys: Ahbe 1978; Caserotti
Limestone and dolomite: Lineback 1985; Manley 1983; Heigold 1976; Heigold 19931;
1993; Treworgy, J.D. 1985; Heigold 1993k; Schafersman 1973
Winternheimer 1996 Groundwater:
Mineral resources: Major 1966c Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Oil and gas fields: Loveless 1968a; Manley 1993; Guidebook: Graham, R.W. 1986; Harris, S.E.
McKay, E.D. 1968; Zuppann 1988a Jr. 1977; Reinertsen 1989a
Paleontology: DeMar 1970; Petzold 1988; Limestone and dolomite: Bandy 1993; Treworgy,
Weibel 1988 J.D. 1985
Petroleum: Winternheimer 1996 Mineral resources: Major 1966c
Production: Bristol 1966; Maslowski 1985b Oil and gas fields: Bandy 1993; Hollensbe 1988a;
Sandstone: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Leetaru 1991b; Leetaru 1993a; Leetaru
Soil surveys: Bramstedt 1992 1993b; Leetaru 1996b; Schuler 1988
Stratigraphy: Paleobotany: DiMichele 1987; Pigg 1983
Devonian: North, W.G. 1969a; North, W.G. Paleontology: Carroll 1972; Conkin, J.E. 1979;
1969b Lund, Richard 1978
Mississippian: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Petroleum engineering: Leetaru 1991b; Leetaru
Pennsylvanian: Home 1968; Weibel 1988; 1993b; Leetaru 1996b
Weibel 1989a Petroleum exploration: Leetaru 1990; Leetaru
Structural geology: Wier 1974b; Wier 1974c 1991a; Leetaru 1993a; Maslowski 1988
Tectonics: Wier 1974b; Wier 1974c Sandstone: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Jefferson County (see also subjects): Sedimentary petrology: Cole, R.D. 1990
Areal geology: Caserotti 1983; Kircher 1967 Soils: Indorante 1981a; Indorante 1981b
Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Stratigraphy:
Sedimentary petrology: Burk 1982; Burk Devonian: North, W.G. 1969a; North, W.G.
1987; Edwards, M.J. 1976; Edwards, M.J. 1969b
1979 Mississippian: Cole, R.D. 1990; Treworgy,
Coal: Allgaier 1975; Burk 1987; Greater Egypt J.D. 1985
1978a; Hopkins, M.E. 1968 Pennsylvanian: Chang, S.Y. 1974; Greater
Geochemistry: Oman 1994 Egypt 1978b; Home 1968
Sedimentary petrology: Chou, Chen-Lin Quaternary: Chang, S.Y. 1974; Graham,
1991a; Edwards, M.J. 1979; Padgett 1980 R.W. 1986
Management: Barnes, M.J. 1987; Injerd 1986 Kankakee County (see also subjects):
Radium: Gilkeson, R.H. 1988 Areal geology: Willman 1971b
Recharge: Burch 1991; Keifer &; Assoc. Clay and shale:
1976b; McDonald, C.K. 1967; Nielsen Sedimentary petrology: Olson, R.K. 1973
1984; Schicht 1977; Visocky 1982b Coal:
Water use: Schicht 1971b Strippable reserves: Smith, W.H. 1968
Withdrawals: Sasman 1967; Sasman 1973; Coal mine Gibb 1978b
Sasman 1974b; Sasman 1977b; Sasman Coal mines: Bradford 1983; ISGS 1994-1996
1986; Visocky 1993 Waste: Bradford 1987
Guidebook: Berggren 1980a; Buschbach 1970a; Floods: Allen, H.E. 1969a; Allen, H.E. 1969b;
Flemal 1972c; Reinertsen 1986a; Stravers Allen, H.E. 1970
1994 Quaternary: Carnaghi 1979
Hydrogeology: Williams, R.E. 1966 Fossils:
Land use: Allen, B.L. 1975; Bogner, J.E. 1976a; Collecting: Pine 1976
Dilamarter 1967; Gilkeson, R.H. 1976; Geologic maps: Schneider 1970; Willman 1970d
Hines 1986; Sieben 1993; Thomsen 1974 Geophysical surveys: Flint 1970; Heigold 1993e;
Maps: Dahlberg 1985b; USGS 1980d McGinnis, L.D. 1966a; US Dept. Energy
Planning: Sieben 1995 1980
Limestone and dolomite: Mikulic 1985c Groundwater: Barker, Bruce 1967; Collins,
Mineral resources: Major 1968; Sieben 1993; M.A. 1987; Cravens 1988; Cravens 1989a;
Sieben 1995 Cravens 1989b; Nealon 1989
Economic geology: Major 1968 Contamination: Barnhardt 1992a; Barnhardt
Paleontology: Leonard, A.B. 1974 1992c; Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d;
Peat: Hester 1969a; Masters 1978 Mehnert, Edward 1995; Schock, S.C. 1993
Sand and gravel: Cobb, J.C. 1981a; Masters Withdrawals: Sasman 1973
1978; Sieben 1993 Guidebook: Berggren 1975; Cote, W.E. 1967b;
Sedimentation: Hansel, A.K. 1986c; Reinertsen 1984c;
Glacial: Fraser, G.S. 1982 Reinertsen 1992c
Soil surveys: Goddard 1979 Land use:
Soils: Greenpool 1990; Hinkley 1970 Maps: USGS 1979c
Stratigraphy: Mikulic 1990a Limestone and dolomite: Mikulic 1985c
Cambrian: Baynas 1976 Mineral resources: Major 1967a
Silurian: Willman 1973b Paleontology: Baird, G.C. 1985a; Baird, G.C.
Quaternary: Allen, B.L. 1975; Cobb, J.C. 1986; Baird, G.C. 1990b; Bardack 1977;
1974b; Curry 1990a; Curry 1990b; Curry Carman 1989; Denison, R.H. 1969; Duluk
1990d; Erdmann 1990; Gross 1969; 1968; Edgecombe 1991; Godfrey 1995;
Kempton 1968c; Kempton 1990; Landon Hannibal 1981b; Jones, D.S. 1977;
1971; Reed, P.C. 1972; Reed, PC. 1975; Marshall, C.R. 1988; McGhee 1982a;
Stravers 1994 Nitecki, M.H. 1976; Richardson, E.S. Jr.
Structural geology: Foote 1982; McGinnis, L.D. 1966b; Richardson, E.S. Jr. 1980b;
1966a Schram 1969b; Schram 1973b; Schram
Till: Kemmis 1979; Wickham, S.S. 1979; 1975a; Schultze 1987; Thompson, Ida
Wickham, S.S. 1988 1977; Thompson, Ida 1979a; Thompson,
Waste disposal: Cartwright, Keros 1968a; Ida 1980
Hughes, G.M. 1969a; Hughes, G.M. Sand and gravel: Carnaghi 1979
1969b; Hughes, G.M. 1971a; Hughes, Sedimentary petrology: Ehrlinger 1969;
G.M. 1971b; Hughes, G.M. 1976; Landon Ehrlinger 1974
1976; Schicht 1973; Shuster 1976a Sandstone:
Kankakee Arch: Reinertsen 1981d Sedimentary petrology: Olson, R.K. 1973
Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993f; Heigold Geophysical surveys: Aiken 1983; Georgiou
1993g; US Dept. Energy 1981a; US Dept. 1970; Heigold 1993e; Larson, T.H. 1994;
Energy 1981c McGinnis, L.D. 1966a; USGS 1982a
Groundwater: Brueckmann 1968; Ehrlich, Glaciation: Johnson, W.H. 1990b
Marvin 1987; Nealon 1989; Visocky 1985; Groundwater: Gibb 1979; Hoover 1967; Nealon
Woller 1988 1989; Visocky 1985; Willman 1973a
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Guidebook: Reinertsen 1973a Management: Barnes, M.J. 1987
Land use: IL Dept. Ener. Nat. Res. 1990b Recharge: McDonald, C.K. 1967
Maps: USGS 1979b; USGS 1982f Withdrawals: Sasman 1973
Limestone and dolomite: Guidebook: Buschbach 1970a; Follmer 1986c;
Sedimentary petrology: Cloos 1981 Frankie 1995c; Gooden 1968; Johnson,
Mineral resources: Major 1967d W.H. 1985; Johnson, W.H. 1986d;
Paleoecology: Merrill 1975a Johnson, W.H. 1987; Nelson, R.S. 1984;
Paleontology: Merrill 1971; Merrill 1975a; Nelson, R.S. 1988; Nelson, R.S. 1996;
Merrill 1975b; Shabica 1978; Sohn 1975 Odom 1970a; Reinertsen 1971b;
Sandstone: Reinertsen 1984c; Reinertsen 1986d;
Sedimentary petrology: Nunn, J.R. 1986 Reinertsen 1992c; Stravers 1994; Trask
Soil surveys: Windhorn 1986 1987
Soils: Cassady 1978; Mostaghimi 1983; Snarski Land use:
1981 Maps: Dahlberg 1985b
Stratigraphy: James, A.T. 1968 Landslides: DuMontelle 1971b
Pennsylvanian: Leary 1974; Shabica 1978 Limestone and dolomite: Jacobson, R.J. 1983b;
Quaternary: Fleeger 1980 Merrill 1980b
Waste disposal: Ehrlich, Marvin 1987 Sedimentary petrology: Hughes, D.M. 1972;
Knox Supergroup: Droste 1988a; Stevenson 1982 Jansa 1970; Kuhnhenn 1976; Kuhnhenn
La Moine River Basin: Barker, Bruce 1970 1977
La Salle anticlinal belt: Clegg 1970; Miller, B.P. Mineral resources: Major 1967a; Willman 1973a
1995; Qi 1993; Zuppann 1988d Minerals:
La Salle County (see also subjects): Collecting: Mori 1980b
Clay and shale: Kuecher 1990 Paleobotany: Baird, G.C. 1982; Garry 1990;
Geochemistry: Coveney 1988; Desborough Hein 1972
1990 Paleoecology: Hickey 1981
Metals: Coveney 1983 Paleontology: Baird, G.C. 1979; Baird, G.C.
Mineralogy: Desborough 1990 1985a; Baird, G.C. 1986; Baird, G.C.
Sedimentary petrology: Olson, R.K. 1973; 1990b; Collinson 1972a; Garry 1990;
Sotonoff 1976; Woodland 1979 Hickey 1987; Martin, M.D. 1974; Merrill
Coal: Jacobson, R.J. 1985a; Peppers 1970b 1976; Shabica 1978; Springer 1981
Strippable reserves: Smith, W.H. 1968 Palynology: Peppers 1970b
Coal mines: Bradford 1983; ISGS 1994-1996 Sandstone:
Reclamation: Bannister 1979; Harrison, Sedimentary petrology: Grutzeck 1986;
Wyman 1979a; Harrison, Wyman 1979b; Kirchner 1989; Nunn, J.R. 1986; Olson,
Harrison, Wyman 1980 R.K. 1973
Waste: Bradford 1987; Haigh 1982; Khan, Soil surveys: Alexander, J.D. 1972
L.A. 1986a; Lindorff 1981 Soils:
Larsen, C.E. 1973; Lineback 1974a; Geophysical surveys: Foster, D.S. 1991;
Rovey 1994; US Army Corps Foster, D.S. 1992
Eng./Chicago 1972 Maps: Foster, D.S. 1991; Foster, D.S. 1992;
Sediments: Clark, P.U. 1990; Rudloff 1988 Soller 1991a; Soller 1991b
Stratigraphy: Clark, RU. 1986; Clark, P.U. Trace elements: Cahill 1980; Cahill 1981;
1990; Rudloff 1988 Cahill 1984; Frye, J.C. 1973a; Leland
Bottom features: Booth, J.S. 1994; Fucciolo 1973
1993b; Hough 1967 Transport: Lineback 1975b; Prestegaard
Contamination: Bhowmik 1988a; Dunn 1989 1990
Engineering geology: Fischbach 1987 Seepage: Oberg, K.A. 1994
Geomorphology: Larsen, C.E. 1974; Larsen, Shorelines: Anglin 1987; Changnon 1989;
C.E. 1975; Larsen, C.E. 1985 Chrzastowski 1992a; Chrzastowski 1992b;
Geophysical surveys: Berkson 1975; Creer 1976; Chrzastowski 1995; Collinson 1974;
Lineback 1971b; Lineback 1972c; O'Hara Collinson 1975; DuMontelle 1976;
1972; O'Hara 1973; O'Hara 1981; Silver Fucciolo 1994; ISGS 1977a; McCormick,
1972; Welkie 1980; Welkie 1982; Wold Michael 1990; US Army Corps
1979; Wold 1980 Eng./Chicago 1976; US NOAA 1977
Hydrologic cycle: Visocky 1977a Geophysical surveys: Chrzastowski 1989b
Limnology: Argonne 1975 Bibliography: Chrzastowski 1993b;
Longshore currents: Allender 1981 Chrzastowski 1993d
Management: IL DOT 1976b Chemical composition: Norby 1981
Maps: Wold 1979 Composition: Berg, R.C. 1979; Berg, R.C.
Nearshore geology: Foster, D.S. 1994 1984b
Paleontology: Buckley 1975; Forester 1994 Engineering geology: Allender 1981; Anglin
Reefs: Holm, N.P. 1987b 1988; Chrzastowski 1988; Chrzastowski
Research: Holm, N.P. 1987a 1989a; Chrzastowski 1989b; DuMontelle
Directories: Welch, Patti 1977 1974; DuMontelle 1978; IL DOT 1976a;
Sand and gravel: Osterberg 1973; Prestegaard Jansen, W.A. 1985; Johnson, C.N. 1987;
1990; Welkie 1980; Welkie 1982 Vallejo 1977
Sediments: Bader 1981; Bhowmik 1988a; Erosion: Barnes, P.W. 1990a; Barnes, P.W.
Colman, S.M. 1990a; Colman, S.M. 1990b; Barnes, P.W. 1993; Barnes, P.W.
1990b; Colman, S.M. 1994a; Colman, 1994; Berg, R.C. 1977b; Chrzastowski
S.M. 1994d; Graf, J.B. 1975; Graf, J.B. 1990a; Chrzastowski 1991; Chrzastowski
1976; Gross 1972a; Gross 1983; Hough 1993a; Chrzastowski 1993d; Chrzastowski
1967; Kennedy, E.J. 1971a; Kennedy, E.J. 1995; Chrzastowski 1996a; Collinson
1971b; King, J.E. 1976; Lineback 1971b; 1990; Davis, R.A. Jr. 1976a; Davis, R.A.
Lineback 1979a; Shimp 1970b; Shimp Jr. 1976b; Drake 1976; Folger, D.W.
1971; Silver 1972; Somers 1968; 1990; Folger, D.W. 1991; Folger, D.W.
Wickham, J.T. 1978 1992; Folger, D.W. 1993; Folger, D.W.
Contamination: Allen, B.G. 1989; Bremer 1994; Hayden 1992; IL DOT 1976a;
Ohio River: Su, W.J. 1991 Lasmanis 1989; Ludvigson 1989b; Peck
Lawrence County (see also subjects): 1979; Pratt, W.P. 1985; Van Brahana
Areal geology: Kircher 1967 1968
Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Age dating: Chesley 1994
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996 Collecting: Pittman 1984a
Earthquakes: Reagor 1987 Depositional environment: Coveney 1989
Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1970; Gray, H.H. Diagenesis: Banaszak 1975; Bethke 1985; Bethke
1991b 1986; Garven 1993; Goldhaber 1992b;
Geophysical surveys: Ahbe 1978; Heigold 1993i; Ludvigson 1983; McGinnis, L.D. 1968b;
US Dept. Energy 1981i Spirakis 1995; Spry 1989; Sverjensky 1989
Groundwater: Exploration: Agnew 1983; Barnes, H.L. 1977;
Contamination: Herzog 1988b; Keefer 1995b; Pratt, W.P. 1995b
Keefer 1995d Geochemistry: Erickson, R.L. 1987; Kesler 1995;
Guidebook: Reinertsen 1985c; Reinertsen 1993d; Ludvigson 1989b; Millen 1988; Millen
Weibel 1989a 1995; Pinckney 1972a; Sicree 1996; Spry
Land use: 1989
Maps: USGS 1981a Mineralization: Kesler 1995; Kessen 1981; Kutz
Limestone and dolomite: Bandy 1993; Treworgy, 1987; Kutz 1989; Sicree 1996
J.D. 1985 Mining:
Mineral resources: Major 1966c History: Reeder 1990
Oil and gas fields: Bandy 1993; Choquette 1985; Land subsidence: Hindman 1989; Treworgy,
Udegbunam 1993a C.G. 1989; Treworgy, C.G. 1991a
Paleobotany: Dennis, R.L. 1974; Eggert, D.A. Pollution: Pavlowsky 1996; Rolfe, G.L. 1975
1972; Millay 1974b; Rothwell 1970; Rock mechanics: Touseull 1980
Rothwell 1971; Rothwell 1972; Rothwell Strontium: Woodruff 1980
1979; Shadle 1975; Smoot 1984c; Stidd
Trace elements: Hall, W.E. 1968; Kinney 1979;
1970a; Stidd 1978b; Taylor, T.N. 1970;
Maniocha 1974
Taylor, T.N. 1971; Willard, D.A. 1993a
Wall rock alteration: Moore, D.M. 1976
Leaking underground-storage tanks:
Geochemistry: Stanley, R.J. 1993
Databases: Uhlman 1990
Production: Wallace, G. 1991
Lee County (see also subjects):
Sand and gravel:
Faults: Kolata 1978
Mineralogy: Hunter 1966a
Sandstone: Cousino 1986; Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Collecting: Pine 1976
Geomorphology: Flemal 1970b
Devonian: North, W.G. 1969a; North, W.G.
1969b Geophysical surveys: Aiken 1983; Heigold 1993e;
Heigold 1993g; Meloni 1985; Sowayan
Mississippian: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Pennsylvanian: Home 1968; Jacobson, R.J.
1969; USGS 1982a
1985b; Jacobson, R.J. 1987b; Weibel Groundwater: Larson, D.R. 1995; Larson, T.H.
1989a 1993; Nealon 1989; Visocky 1985
Lead and zinc ores: Barnes, H.L. 1983; Cobb, Land use:
J.C. 1978a; Cobb, J.C. 1978b; Cobb, J.C. Maps: Dahlberg 1985b
1979; Cobb, J.C. 1980; Grogan 1968; Limestone and dolomite:
Heyl 1968; Heyl 1970; Heyl 1983; Economic geology: Weaver, K.N. 1965
Economic geology: Mikulic 1989 Hanson, G.N. 1984; Hanson, G.N. 1989;
Hatch 1968; Hoff 1992; Khawlie 1975;
Construction aggregate: Goodwin 1983a;
Khawlie 1976; Lamar 1966b; Lamar
Goodwin 1983b; Mikulic 1990a; Tepordei
1966c; Ludvigson 1996
Associations: Dirkes 1993
High calcium: Cloos 1981; Goodwin 1981;
Economic geology: Bhagwat 1989a; Bhagwat
Lamar 1966c
1994d; Busch 1966b; Mikulic 1995 Kerogen: Bostick 1975b
Geochemistry: Russell, S.J. 1975 Mineralogy: Baxter 1969; Lasemi, Zakaria 1993
Rock mechanics: Harvey 1969; Harvey Oolitic: Anderson, G.R. 1976; Bandy 1993;
1974b; Harvey 1978; Russell, S.J. 1975 Carozzi 1973; Carozzi 1987; Choquette
Sedimentary petrology: Russell, S.J. 1975 1985; Harris, CD. 1993; Manley 1993
Sedimentary petrology: Olson, R.K. 1973 Glass 1968; Killey 1975a; Killey 1982a;
Leigh 1991; Leigh 1994b
Coal: Jacobson, R.J. 1985a; Peppers 1970b
Strippable reserves: Smith, W.H. 1968 Deposition: Fehrenbacher 1973; Forman 1992;
Frazee, C.J. 1969; Frazee, C.J. 1970;
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
Engineering geology: Thornburn 1966
Frazee, C.J. 1975; Van Heuklon 1977;
Waggoner 1975
Geomorphology: Fleming, A.J. 1987
Engineering geology: Gibson, Robert 1979;
Geophysical surveys: Georgiou 1970; Heigold
Keene 1969
1993d; Heigold 1993e; McGinnis, L.D.
Geochemistry: Jones, R.L. 1967
Groundwater: Nealon 1989; Visocky 1985; Geochronology: Canfield 1985; Clark, P.U.
Woller 1986b 1989b; Oches 1996
Frazee, C.J. 1970; Frazee, CJ. 1975; Maps: USGS 1979d; USGS 1980c
Hansen 1970; Lohse 1979 Limestone and dolomite: Baxter 1989c;
Stratigraphy: Bettis 1995a; Clark, P.U. 1989b; Lineback 1981
Fehrenbacher 1973; Frye, J.C. 1968a; Mineral resources: Bergstrom 1976; Major 1967a
Grimley 1996; Kleiss 1973; McKay, E.D. Sand and gravel: Hester 1969b; Hester 1970a
1977; McKay, E.D. 1979c; Norton, L.D. Soil surveys: Doll 1990
1988 Soils: Keefer 1994
Thickness: Fehrenbacher 1986b; Frazee, C.J. Stratigraphy: Atherton 1966
1969; Frazee, C.J. 1970; Frazee, C.J. Mississippian: Moore, M.C. 1970
1975; Jones, R.L. 1966; Putman 1988; Pennsylvanian: Avcin 1969; Home 1968
Waggoner 1975 Quaternary: Follmer 1986c; Follmer 1986g
Logan County (see also subjects): Waste disposal:
Areal geology: Follmer 1985c Planning: Bergstrom 1976
Coal: Avcin 1969; Treworgy, C.G. 1994 Macoupin County (see also subjects):
Coal mines: ISGS 1993-1995; ISGS 1994-1996 Clay and shale:
Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b Sedimentary petrology: Breyer 1992
Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993f; Heigold Coal: DeMaris 1990; Nelson, W.J. 1987b;
1993h Treworgy, C.G. 1996b
Groundwater: Clark, G.R. 1994; Heidari 1996b; Geochemistry: Oman 1994
O'Hearn 1982; Risatti 1995; Risatti 1996; Sulfur: Murphy, T.D. 1993
Wilson, S.D. 1994 Coal mines: Beerkircher 1995; ISGS 1994-1996;
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d Wm. Smith & Assoc. 1981
Land use: Engineering geology: Nelson, W.J. 1980
Maps: USGS 1979d; USGS 1980c Land subsidence: Darmody 1994a; Darmody
Limestone and dolomite: Baxter 1989c 1996d; Nawrot 1977b
Mineral resources: Major 1967a Reclamation: Argonne 1978; Argonne 1979;
Soil surveys: Hudelson 1974 O'Connor, S.H. 1977; Vipulanandan
Stratigraphy: 1982; Vipulanandan 1983; Wilkey 1979;
Mississippian: Moore, M.C. 1970 Zellmer 1977; Zellmer 1979a; Zellmer
Pennsylvanian: Avcin 1969 1979b
Lonsdale Limestone Member: Merrill 1980b Rock mechanics: Breyer 1992
Louden Anticline: Cluff 1980b; Zuppann 1988f Roof failure: Nelson, W.J. 1980
Loveland Silt: Graham, R.C. 1985 Waste: Edkins 1981; Krothe 1980; Schubert
Mackinaw Bedrock Valley: Wilson, S.D. 1994 1977
Macon County (see also subjects): Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b; Whitfield
Coal: Avcin 1969 1993
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996 Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993j; US Dept.
Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b Energy 198 If
Geomorphology: Hester 1971; Mason, R.M. 1973 Groundwater: O'Hearn 1982; Woller 1976b
Geophysical surveys: Curro 1967; Heigold 1993h Contamination: Herzog 1988b; Keefer 1995b;
Groundwater: Bergstrom 1976; Burris 1981; Keefer 1995d
Heigold 1985a; Kempton 1982a; O'Hearn Guidebook: Berggren 1979a
1982; Poole 1981a Land use: IL EPA 1978
Contamination: Holm, T.R. 1988; Keefer Maps: USGS 1979d; USGS 1979e; USGS
1995b; Keefer 1995d 1980a; USGS 1980c
Guidebook: Follmer 1986c; Follmer 1986g; ISGS Loess: Kleiss 1973
1982b; Reinertsen 1991a Soil surveys: Hodges 1990
Hydrogeology: Vukovich 1967 Stratigraphy:
M.C. 1970
Mississippian: Moore, Production: Bristol 1974a
Pennsylvanian: Johnson, D.O. 1972 Petroleum exploration: Avila 1974; Cahill 1978;
Waste disposal: Follmer 1984; Gilkeson, R.H. Heigold 1989
1986b; Griffin, R.A. 1983; Griffin, R.A. Soil surveys: Goddard 1986
1984; Griffin, R.A. 1985; Herzog 1984; Soils: Olson, R.E. 1970
Herzog 1989; Herzog 1990b; Johnson, Stratigraphy:
T.M. 1983a; Stohr 1985; Stohr 1987; Ordovician: Treworgy, J.D. 1979b
Stohr 1988; Stohr 1990
Silurian: Treworgy, J.D. 1979b
Water quality: Schubert 1977
Devonian: Treworgy, J.D. 1979b
Madison County (see also subjects):
Mississippian: Collinson 1978; Moore, M.C.
Areal geology: DuMontelle 1971a; Kircher 1967
1970; Styles, B.W. 1986b; Treworgy, J.D.
Clay and shale: Odom 1971
Geochemistry: Rimmer 1982; Stepusin 1978;
Pennsylvanian: Johnson, D.O. 1972
White, W.A. 1980
Quaternary: Averill 1984; Bratton 1971;
Mineralogy: Rimmer 1982; Stepusin 1978
Graham, R.W. 1986; McKay, E.D. 1979b
Coal: Treworgy, C.G. 1982c; Treworgy, C.G.
Structural geology: Treworgy, J.D. 1979b
Tectonics: Schafersman 1973
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
Land subsidence: ISGS 1978; Nawrot 1977b; Till: Fox, J.M. 1987; McKay, E.D. 1986b
Paone 1978 Watersheds: Makowski 1986a; Makowski 1986b
Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b; Schultz 1993; Mahomet Bedrock Valley: Clark, G.R. 1994;
Whitfield 1993 Goldthwait 1991; Gray, H.H. 1991a;
Geomorphology: Barnhardt 1991; Yarbrough Kempton 1991b; Kempton 1991d;
1974b Kempton 1992b; Killey 1975b; Melhorn
Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1976; Heigold 1991a; Melhorn 1991b; Rabchevsky 1975;
1993k; Lovely 1983; Schafersman 1973; Stephenson, D.A. 1967; Visocky 1969;
US Dept. Energy 1981h Wilson, S.D. 1994
Skalnik 1973; Snyder, Jeremy 1971; Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Whitaker 1996; Young, H.L. 1989b Guidebook: Berggren 1978b
Marcasite: Peck 1979; Richards, R.P. 1995a Limestone and dolomite: Jacobson, R.J. 1983b
Marine Field: Heigold 1989 Mineral resources: Major 1967a; Willman 1973a
Marion County (see also subjects): Paleontology: Shabica 1978
Areal geology: Kircher 1967 Stratigraphy:
Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Pennsylvanian: Jacobson, R.J. 1983b;
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996 Shabica 1978
Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b Quaternary: Kerasotes 1989; McComas
Geophysical surveys: Ahbe 1978; Heigold 1976; 1969b
Heigold 1993i; Heigold 1993k; Lovely Mason County (see also subjects):
1983; Schafersman 1973 Coal mines: ISGS 1993-1995
Groundwater: Watkins, F.A. Jr. 1968b Geologic maps: Hallberg 1991
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993f;
Guidebook: Collinson 1978; Frankie 1995d; Hildenbrand 1996; US Dept. Energy
Reinertsen 1985b 1981a
Limestone and dolomite: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Groundwater: Barnhardt 1992b; Clark, G.R.
Sedimentary petrology: Anderson, G.R. 1976 1994; Clark, G.R. 1996; Gibb 1979;
Mineral resources: Major 1966c; Renick, Abbott Heigold 1969; McKenna 1987; McKenna
1968a 1988a; McKenna 1988b; Naymik 1983a;
Oil and gas fields: Helpingstine 1988a; Lester Naymik 1983b; O'Hearn 1982; Visocky
1968 1985; Visocky 1992; Willman 1973a;
Paleontology: Sohn 1975 Woller 1975c
Petroleum: Zuppann 1988f Contamination: Barnhardt 1992c; Keefer
Production: Bristol 1974a; Stevenson 1969a 1995b; Keefer 1995d; Mehnert, Edward
Petroleum engineering: Whiteley 1976 1995; Schock, S.C. 1993
Petroleum exploration: Avila 1974; Cahill 1978 Floods: Visocky 1994a
Sandstone: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Recharge: Davies 1995
Sedimentary petrology: Bosse 1986 Guidebook: Cote, W.E. 1969b
Soil surveys: Miles 1996 Land use:
Hildenbrand 1977c; Hildenbrand 1979a; 1977; Fisher 1979; Foster, M.W. 1979a;
Hildenbrand 1996; Kucks 1990; US Ener. Foster, M.W. 1979b; Foster, M.W. 1988b;
Res. 1979 Harney 1989; Hay, Andy 1989; Johnson,
Groundwater: Lambert, T.W. 1967; Woller R.G. 1966; Johnson, R.G. 1968a;
1975d Johnson, R.G. 1969; Kjellesvig-Waering
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d 1969; Kjellesvig-Waering 1986; Konecny,
Guidebook: Cote, W.E. 1966; Esling 1995; Jim 1984; Konecny, Jim 1985; Konecny,
Reinertsen 1975 Jim 1989; Konecny, Jim 1992; Kuecher
Land use: 1990; Kukalova-Peck 1983; Leibhardt
Maps: USGS 1977c; USGS 1979a 1969; Marshall, C.R. 1988; McGhee
Limestone and dolomite: 1982a; Mikulic 1991a; Mundel 1979;
Sedimentary petrology: Anderson, G.R. 1976 Nadasdy Nash 1968; Nitecki, M.H.
Mineral resources: Heyl 1966b; Major 1966a 1972a; Nitecki, M.H. 1973; Nitecki, M.H.
1976; Nitecki, M.H. 1978; Nitecki, M.H.
Economic geology: Eidel 1993b; Major 1966a
1979a; Nitecki, M.H. 1979b; Pfefferkorn
Mapping: Eidel 1993a
1971b; Pfefferkorn 1979; Pigg 1985;
Sand and gravel:
Richardson, E.S. Jr. 1966a; Richardson,
Mineralogy: Hunter 1968a
E.S. Jr. 1966b; Richardson, E.S. Jr.
Sandstone: Cole, R.D. 1995; Kehlenbach 1969;
1968; Richardson, E.S. Jr. 1971a;
Wescott 1982
Richardson, E.S. Jr. 1971b; Richardson,
Soil surveys: Parks 1975
E.S. Jr. 1980b; Rolfe, W.D.I. 1985;
Saunders, W.B. 1979; Schindel 1979;
Ordovician: Nelson, W.J. 1996a
Schopf 1979a; Schram 1969b; Schram
Devonian: Nelson, W.J. 1996a; North, W.G.
1971; Schram 1974; Schram 1975b;
Schram 1979; Schram 1989; Schram 1990;
Mississippian: Cole, R.D. 1995; Kehlenbach
Schultze 1987; Smith, W.H. 1970a; Solem
1969; Nelson, W.J. 1996a
1975; Soot-Ryen 1967; Thompson, Ida
Pennsylvanian: Koeninger 1979; Nelson, 1979b; Thompson, Ida 1980; Woodland
W.J. 1996a 1979; Yochelson 1979b; Zangerl 1975;
Quaternary: Esling 1989a; Esling 1989b; Zangerl 1979
Esling 1995; Leach 1989 Bibliography: Horowitz 1979
Structural geology: Kolata 1980; Kolata 1981b McCraney Limestone: Conkin, J.E. 1981; Lane,
Mattoon Formation: Bandy 1981; Merrill 1976; N.G. 1986
Scheihing 1980; Willard, D.A. 1993a McDonough County (see also subjects):
Mattoon Oil Field: Baroni 1995
Clay and shale:
Mazon Creek fossils: Ade 1990; Allison, P.A.
Geochemistry: White, W.A. 1980
1994; Anderson, L.I. 1994; Baird, G.C.
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
1978; Baird, G.C. 1979; Baird, G.C.
Reclamation: Mostaghimi 1983
1980; Baird, G.C. 1985a; Baird, G.C.
Geologic maps: Hallberg 1991
1985b; Baird, G.C. 1986; Baird, G.C.
Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993f; US Dept.
1990a; Baird, G.C. 1990b; Bardack 1979;
Energy 1981a
Bardack 1985; Beall 1991; Bolt 1979;
Groundwater: Barker, Bruce 1970; Nealon 1989;
Burke, J.J. 1973; Burke, J.J. 1979;
Poole 1981a; Visocky 1985
Burnham 1983; Carman 1989; Carman
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d
1990; Carpenter, F.M. 1971a; Carpenter,
F.M. 1971b; Carpenter, F.M. 1976; Guidebook: McCracken 1976
Carpenter, F.M. 1978; Carpenter, F.M. Land use: Barker, Bruce 1970
1979; Collins, Desmond 1990; Collins, Maps: USGS 1979b
Desmond 1992; Darrah, W.C. 1969; Limestone and dolomite:
Denison, R.H. 1974; Drinnan 1994; Fisher Sedimentary petrology: Cloos 1981
Moultrie County (see also subjects): N.R. 1994; Howard, James 1983;
Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Kalyoncu 1979; Shiley 1981; Shumaker
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996 1982; Streib 1981
Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b Rock mechanics: Miller, D.D. 1979
Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993h Sedimentary petrology: Anderson, T.F. 1987;
Groundwater: Kempton 1982a Barrows 1979; Barrows 1980; Harvey
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d 1977; Reinbold 1984
Land use:
New Baden East Field: Bristol 1968b
Maps: USGS 1979d; USGS 1980c New Harmony Field: Fowler, K.A. 1987;
Limestone and dolomite: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Skolfield 1968b
Mineral resources: Major 1967a New Madrid Earthquakes (see Earthquakes)
Sandstone: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Niagara Escarpment:
Joints: Hedges 1972
Devonian: North, W.G. 1969a; North, W.G. Niagaran reefs: Lovely 1983; Stevenson 1973
1969b Noix Oolite Member: Kluessendorf 1991
Mississippian: Moore, M.C. 1970; Treworgy, Nomenclature: Luttrell, G.W. 1988; Luttrell,
J.D. 1985 G.W. 1990
Pennsylvanian: Home 1968 North Bridgeport Field: Choquette 1985
Mount Simon Sandstone: Barnes, M.J. 1987; Oak Grove Limestone Member: Hatch 1968;
Broetz 1996; Fasnacht 1982; Goldhaber Nance 1970
1992b; Hoholick 1984; ISWS 1973; Oak Point Field: Loveless 1968a
Kersting 1982; Metarko 1980; Nielsen Oak Point West Field: Loveless 1968b
1984; Pincus 1981; Roy, W.R. 1988; Ogle County (see also subjects):
Sasman 1974a; Schicht 1973; Shebl 1985 Clay and shale:
Murphysboro Coal Member: Jacobson, R.J. Sedimentary petrology: Olson, R.K. 1973
1983a; Treworgy, J.D. 1984c Faults: Kolata 1976b; Kolata 1978
National Natural Landmarks: Harris, S.E. Jr. Fossils:
Guidebook: Anderson, R.R. 1989; Berg, R.C. Omaha Field: Sparlin 1994
1985a; Buschbach 1970a; Cote, W.E. Orchard Creek Shale: Guensburg 1977;
1967c; Follmer 1978; Follmer 1985a; Guensburg 1988
Follmer 1986c; Reinertsen 1990c; Wilson, Ordovician (see also counties): Witzke 1989
G.M. 1966a Stratigraphy: Amsden 1986; Buschbach 1970b;
Hydrogeology: Kay, R.T. 1987 Guldenzopf 1967; Stevenson 1975a
Land use: Organic materials: Spirakis 1993
Maps: Dahlberg 1985b Paleobotany: Korbus 1976; Leary 1995; Leary
Mineral resources: Major 1967b 1996; Phillips, T.L. 1973; Phillips, T.L.
Paleontology: Kolata 1973; Kolata 1982a 1979a; Richardson, E.S. Jr. 1976
Sand and gravel: Anderson, R.C. 1967 Algae: Nitecki, M.H. 1970b; Peppers 1993b
Sandstone: Bibliography: Nitecki, M.H. 1987
Sedimentary petrology: Olson, R.K. 1973
Ordovician: Burns 1982; Hein 1972
Soil surveys: Acker, L.L. 1980
Silurian: Nitecki, M.H. 1971a; Nitecki, M.H.
Soils: Follmer 1978; Hinkley 1970
1971b; Nitecki, M.H. 1972b
Devonian: Hasenmueller, N.R. 1983; Nitecki,
Cambrian: Kenney 1977; Olson, R.K. 1973
M.H. 1971b
Silurian: Willman 1973b
Mississippian: Brenckle 1977; Leary 1985b;
Quaternary: Berg, R.C. 1985a; Follmer
Leary 1986
1985a; Follmer 1986c; Kempton 1968c;
Quaternary: Grady, M.M. 1974
Reed, P.C. 1974
Structural geology: Foote 1982; McGinnis, L.D.
Pennsylvanian: Andrews, H.N. 1965; Good,
C.W. 1971
Till: Follmer 1986d; Frye, J.C. 1969a; Metz
Coal balls: Frankenberg 1969; Hatcher 1982
1971; Wickham, S.S. 1979; Wickham,
Pennsylvanian: Lyons 1991; Oestry-Stidd,
S.S. 1988
L.L. 1979; Phillips, T.L. 1977
Waste disposal: Gibb 1983
Collections: Janssen 1979; Leary 1976b;
Ohio River:
Erosion: Hagerty 1980; Hagerty 1981; May, J.R.
Phillips, T.L. 1979a
1982 Cordaites:
1970; Rexroad 1979; Rhodes, F.H.T. Peat: Cady, G.H. 1971b; Crelling 1983; Hester
1981; von Bitter 1994b; Weibel 1992 1969a; Singleton 1980
Pennsylvanian: Aldridge 1987; Avcin 1974; Pennsylvanian (see also counties): Atherton
Brown, L.M. 1991; Collinson 1972a; Luz 1979; Barnhill 1993; Trask 1986
1984; Martin, M.D. 1974; Merrill 1971; Correlations: Rice, CL. 1979a
Merrill 1975a; Merrill 1975b; Merrill Cyclothems: Doveton 1984; Duff 1974; Ferm
1976; Merrill 1980a; von Bitter 1980; 1979; Grenda 1969; Heckel 1980; Heckel
Weibel 1992 1984; Heckel 1994; Howard, R.H. 1979a;
Fishes: Klein, G.d. 1992; Knight, K.L. 1985;
Pennsylvanian: Bardack 1968; Bardack 1974; Nance 1970; Riegel 1991; Scheihing 1985;
Bardack 1977; Bardack 1979; Bardack Trask 1987; Wright 1975
1985; Bardack 1991; Denison, R.H. 1969; Depositional environment: Givens 1968;
Denison, R.H. 1974; Forey 1981; Grenda Klein, G.d. 1994; Wetendorf 1967
1974; Kemp 1996; Marshall, C.R. 1988; Models: Shabica 1979
Richardson, E.S. Jr. 1980a; Schultze Maps: Wanless 1978
1972; Schultze 1974; Schultze 1977; Nomenclature: Jacobson, R.J. 1985c
Schultze 1980; Schultze 1985; Schultze Paleoecology: Utgaard 1979
1987; Schultze 1994; Williams, M.E. Sedimentation: Ethridge 1973a; Gopinath 1972;
1985; Zangerl 1969; Zangerl 1973; Zangerl Koeninger 1979; Leming 1973; Potter,
1979; Zidek 1975 P.E. 1979; Sliva 1972; Wright 1979
Mammals: Stratigraphy: Boardman 1990; Bristol 1974b;
Quaternary: Galbreath 1974; Oliver, J.S. Keller, S.J. 1988c; Manger 1984; Manger
1986; Oliver, J.S. 1994; Springer 1981 1992; Peppers 1979b; Rice, CL. 1979b;
Musk oxen:
Shaver 1984a; Smith, W.H. 1967; Weibel
Quaternary: Ray, C.E. 1968
Peoria County (see also subjects):
Pennsylvanian: Baird, G.C. 1990a; Godfrey
Areal geology: Anonymous 1975; Vento 1982
1992; Godfrey 1995; Johnson, R.G. 1966;
Johnson, R.G. 1970; Konecny, Jim 1984;
Clay and shale: Cluff 1981b; 1973
Geochemistry: Bullock 1991c; Bullock 1991d Geological Society 1968; Seyler 1990
Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b Natural gas:
Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1976; Heigold Shale (in): McCoy, R.L. 1980
1993b; Heigold 1993k; Hildenbrand Bitumen:
Ener. Nat. Res. 1982a; Major 1973b; Nitrogen: Thompson, K.F.M. 1994
Meents 1968c; Meents 1977; Risser, H.E. Oil shale: Culberson 1982
1973b; Risser, H.E. 1973c; Van Den Berg Sulfur: Price, F.T. 1986
1978b; Yeko 1988 Pay maps: Howard, R.H. 1967; ISGS 1987c;
Developments: Carpenter, G.L. 1971; Leetaru 1991a; Maslowski 1988
Carpenter, G.L. 1975; Carpenter, G.L. Production: Bhagwat 1994h; Bond 1970b;
1979; Carpenter, G.L. 1983; Gilbert 1985; Brownfield 1968; Cross 1995; Fieber
Huff, B.G. 1987; Huff, B.G. 1989; Huff, 1984; IL Dept. Mines & Minerals
B.G. 1994; Lawry 1975; Lindau 1981; 1966-1986; IL Dept. Mines & Minerals
Milhous 1966; Nosow 1967; Nosow 1972; ISGS 1968; Mast 1990; Severson
Nosow 1976; Nosow 1980; Oltz 1986; 1967; Zuppann 1988c
Van Den Berg
Statler 1973; Statler 1977; Resources/Reserves: Bond 1971a; Bond 1971b;
1966; Van Den Berg 1967; Van Den Berg Davis, H.G. 1990; Oltz 1990a; Oltz 1991;
1968a; Van Den Berg 1968b; Van Den Risser, H.E. 1971b; Sullivan, D.M. 1988
Berg 1969a; Van Den Berg 1969b; Van Silurian reefs: Baker, S.E. 1992; Bristol 1974a;
Den Berg 1970; Van Den Berg 1971a; Cahill 1978; Coburn 1986; Heigold 1989;
Van Den Berg 1971b; Van Den Berg Maslowski 1984b; McCabe 1987;
1972; Van Den Berg 1973; Van Den Berg McCaslin 1975a; Rullkoetter 1981;
1974; Van Den Berg 1975; Van Den Berg Thomas, G.E. 1989; Whitaker 1988c;
1976; Van Den Berg 1977; Van Den Berg Whitaker 1996
1978a; Van Den Berg 1979; Van Den Source rocks: Barrows 1984; Carozzi 1987; Cluff
Berg 1980; Van Den Berg 1981; Van Den 1993; Guthrie, J.M. 1994a; Guthrie, J.M.
Berg 1982a; Van Den Berg 1982b; Van 1995; Howard, R.H. 1990a; Lasemi,
Den Berg 1983; Van Den Berg 1984a; Zakaria 1995; Lewan 1995
Van Den Berg 1984b; Van Den Berg Geochemistry: Chou, M.-I.M. 1991; Guthrie,
1985; Van Den Berg 1986 J.M. 1994b; Hatch 1990
Engineering geology: Hewitt 1966 Thompson, K.F.M. 1994
Geochemistry: Hatch 1987 Thermal maturity: Guthrie, J.M. 1994a
1982; Demir 1995a; Dennis, C.S. 1986; 1991; Tedesco 1988; Vixo 1984
Grube 1992; ISGS 1990d; ISGS 1993; Remote sensing: Bartley 1986; Truccano 1986
Lawry 1974; Leetaru 1991b; Leetaru Physiographic maps: Anderson, P.S. 1994
1993b; Leetaru 1994; Leetaru 1996b; Piatt County (see also subjects):
Mast 1972; Nation 1990; Oltz 1990b; Oltz Areal geology: Elec. Power Res. 1980; Walke
1994; Ramey 1971; Sim 1994a; Sim 1982
1994b; Udegbunam 1993b; Udegbunam Coal: Clegg 1972
1994; Whitaker 1992d; Xu, Jianzhong Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b
1995 Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993d; Heigold
Natural gas: Diamond 1986 1993h
Recovery: Rice, R.J. 1993 Groundwater: Kempton 1982a; Kempton 1996;
Waste: Smith, L.R. 1994a O'Hearn 1982; Poole 1985a; Ringler 1980;
Sanderson 1971; Wehrmann 1980
Waterflooding: Huff, B.G. 1987; Lawry 1975;
Contamination: Barnhardt 1992c; Holm,
Van Den Berg 1966; Van Den Berg 1967;
T.R. 1988; Holm, T.R. 1990; Keefer
Van Den Berg 1968b; Van Den Berg
1995b; Keefer 1995d; Kempton 1992a;
1969b; Van Den Berg 1971a; Van Den
Mehnert, Edward 1995; Schock, S.C. 1993
Berg 1971b; Van Den Berg 1972; Van
Recharge: Panno 1994b
Den Berg 1973; Van Den Berg 1975; Van
Den Berg 1976; Van Den Berg 1977; Van Guidebook: Cote, W.E. 1969c
Den Berg 1979; Van Den Berg 1980; Van Hydrogeology: Vukovich 1967
Den Berg 1981; Van Den Berg 1982b; Land use:
Van Den Berg 1983; Van Den Berg Maps: USGS 1979d; USGS 1980c
1984b; Van Den Berg 1985; Van Den Limestone and dolomite: Baxter 1989c;
Berg 1986; Whiteley 1976 Jacobson, R.J. 1983b; Lineback 1981
Petroleum exploration (see also counties): Mineral resources: Major 1967a
Anonymous 1989a; Anonymous 1989c; Soil surveys: Martin, W.S. 1991
Avila 1971; Brehm 1971; Cahill 1978; Stratigraphy: Atherton 1966; James, A.T. 1968
Carozzi 1973; Conselman 1971; Coombs Mississippian: Moore, M.C. 1970
1988; Davis, H.G. 1989; Dyer 1983; Pennsylvanian: Clegg 1972; Home 1968;
Harper, J.D. 1987b; Hasenmueller, N.R. Jacobson, R.J. 1983b
1994; Howard, James 1983; ISGS 1971; Till: Castillon 1972
Kidd 1975; Lasemi, Zakaria 1995; Leetaru Waste Holm, T.R. 1994
1993a; Lewan 1995; Lumm 1985; Lyle Watersheds: Arnold 1996
1992; Maslowski 1983a; Maslowski 1984a; Pike County (see also subjects):
Maslowski 1984b; Maslowski 1985a; Archaeology: Styles, T.R. 1984; Styles, T.R.
Maslowski 1989; Maslowski 1991a; 1985
Maslowski 1991b; Mast 1982; Mast 1994; Areal geology: Elec. Power Res. 1980; Walke
McCaslin 1975a; McCaslin 1988a; Miller, 1982
D.N. Jr. 1968a; Nuccio 1996; Shirley Clay and shale:
1992; Sloss 1970; Stevenson 1982; Strunk Geochemistry: White, W.A. 1980
1989; Sutton 1971; Whitaker 1992c Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
Drilling: Leetaru 1991a; McCaslin 1988b Compressed Air Energy Storage: Ethington
Waste: Smith, L.R. 1994a 1990; Krapac 1987; Longardner 1988
Platteville Group: Allen, R.D. 1981; Gilkeson, Maps: USGS 1977c; USGS 1979a
R.H. 1978; Guldenzopf 1967; Kolata Limestone and dolomite: Feiznia 1983;
1987a; Kuhnhenn 1976; Kuhnhenn 1977; Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Willman 1978b Sedimentary petrology: Vincent 1975
Pleasantview Sandstone Member: Laury 1968 Mineral resources: Carlon, John 1975; Heyl
Plymouth Field: Hewitt 1966 1966b; Klasner 1984a; Klasner 1984c;
pollution-: Carpenter, P.J. 1991c Klasner 1986; Major 1966a; Maniocha
Pope County (see also subjects): 1974; Pinckney 1976
Areal geology: Baxter 1967; Berg, R.C. 1993b; Economic geology: Eidel 1993b; Major 1966a
Berg, R.C. 1994c; Devera 1991; Dyroff Mapping: Eidel 1993a
Gauss 1967; Nelson, W.J. 1991b;
1972; Maps: Klasner 1983b; Klasner 1983c
Nelson, W.J. 1996c; Taylor, R.F. 1967; Paleontology: Klee 1985; Thein 1974
Weibel 1991b; Weibel 1993b; Wildeman, Palynology: Peppers 1993a
J.W. 1976 Petroleum exploration: Sutton 1971
Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Sand and gravel:
Coal: Greater Egypt 1978a Mineralogy: Hunter 1968a
Coal mine lakes: Sandstone: Cole, R.D. 1995; Kehlenbach 1969;
Maps: Voelker 1985 Klee 1985; Treworgy, J.D. 1985; Wescott
1976; Wescott 1982 Guidebook: Esling 1995; Harris, S.E. Jr. 1977;
Soil surveys: Parks 1975 Reinertsen 1975
Soils: Trudick 1979 Land use:
Stratigraphy: Maps: USGS 1977c; USGS 1979a
Ordovician: Nelson, W.J. 1996a Mineral resources: Heyl 1966b; Major 1966a
Devonian: Nelson, W.J. 1996a; North, W.G. Economic geology: Eidel 1993b; Major 1966a
1969a; North, W.G. 1969b Mapping: Eidel 1993a
Mississippian: Cole, R.D. 1995; Kehlenbach Paleobotany: Wheeler, E.F. 1987
1969; Nelson, W.J. 1996a; Randall, J.W. Paleontology: Cope 1996
1970; Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Petroleum engineering: Lasemi, Zakaria 1994
Pennsylvanian: Bohm 1981; Greater Egypt Sand and gravel:
1978b; Koeninger 1979; Nelson, W.J. Mineralogy: Hunter 1968a
1996a; Searight 1979 Sandstone:
Quaternary: Henderson, E.D. 1992; Lannon Sedimentary petrology: Zeito 1965
1988; Lannon 1992; Oliver, L. 1988 Soil surveys: Parks 1968
Structural geology: Kolata 1980; Kolata 1981b; Stratigraphy:
Marshak 1990 Ordovician: Nelson, W.J. 1996a
Porters Creek Formation: Thomas, A.R. 1989 Devonian: Nelson, W.J. 1996a; North, W.G.
Potosi Dolomite: Roy, W.R. 1988 1969a; North, W.G. 1969b
Pounds Sandstone Member: Ethridge 1976; Mississippian: Nelson, W.J. 1996a
Jennings 1974 Pennsylvanian: Koeninger 1979; Nelson,
Prairie du Chien Group: Davis, R.A. Jr. 1975b W.J. 1996a
Precambrian: Baxter 1989b; Bickford 1986; Tertiary: Cope 1996
Bickford 1993; Dart 1992; Dart 1995; Quaternary: Esling 1989a; Esling 1989b;
Hauser 1993; Heigold 1993a; Kutina Esling 1995; Leach 1989; McKeown 1976
1978; Nelson, W.J. 1990d; Pratt, T.L. Structural geology: Kolata 1980; Kolata 1981b
1989; Pratt, T.L. 1990; Pratt, T.L. 1992; Tectonics: Schafersman 1973
Van Schmus 1993; Van Schmus 1996 Purington Shale Member: Moore, D.M. 1978
Geochemistry: Lidiak 1996 Putnam County (see also subjects):
Pulaski County (see also subjects): Coal:
Areal geology: Berg, R.C. 1993b; Berg, R.C. Strippable reserves: Smith, W.H. 1968
1994c; Nelson, W.J. 1995c Coal mines: Bradford 1983; ISGS 1994-1996
Clay and shale: Hughes, R.E. 1989b; Slechta Waste: Bradford 1987; Szafoni 1988
1974 Geophysical surveys: Georgiou 1970; Heigold
Clay minerals: Slechta 1974 1993e
Coal mine lakes: Groundwater: Gibb 1979; McComas 1968;
Maps: Voelker 1985 McComas 1969b; Nealon 1989; Visocky
Geochemistry: Bullock 1991e; Bullock 1991f 1985; Willman 1973a; Woller 1976d
Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Geophysical surveys: Ahbe 1978; Heigold 1976; Guidebook: Berggren 1978b; Reinertsen 1971b
Heigold 1993b; Hildenbrand 1977a; Land use: McComas 1968
Hildenbrand 1977b; Hildenbrand 1977c; Limestone and dolomite: Jacobson, R.J. 1983b
Hildenbrand 1979a; Hildenbrand 1996; Mineral resources: Major 1967a; McComas
Kucks 1990; Schafersman 1973; US Ener. 1968; Willman 1973a
Res. 1979; Yule 1988 Soil surveys: Zwicker 1992b
Groundwater: Lambert, T.W. 1967; Woller Stratigraphy:
1978d Cambrian: Kenney 1977
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d Pennsylvanian: Jacobson, R.J. 1983b
1969a; Kim, S.M. 1969d; Kim, S.M. Maps: USGS 1977c; USGS 1979a; USGS
1970a; Kim, S.M. 1970b; Liu, Chao-Li 1982c
1981; Liu, Chao-Li 1986a; Liu, Chao-Li Landslides: Su, W.J. 1993
1986b; Liu, Chao-Li 1992 Limestone and dolomite: Lineback 1981;
Radon: Cahill 1994; Gilkeson, R.H. 1988; IL Dept. Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Nuclear Safety 1986; IL Dept. Nuclear Sedimentary petrology: Abegg 1986; Bird
Safety 1988; IL Dept. Nuclear Safety 1981; Carozzi 1968; Cleaveland 1983;
1992; Schumann 1993a; Schumann 1993b; Diaby 1981; Feiznia 1981; Harris, CD.
Schumann 1993c; US EPA 1993 1987; Roche 1967; Vincent 1975
Geochemistry: Greeman 1996 Mineral resources: Heyl 1966b; Major 1966c
Randolph County (see also subjects): Economic geology: Eidel 1993b
Archaeological sites: Styles, B.W. 1986a Mapping: Eidel 1993a
Areal geology: Berg, R.C. 1993b; Berg, R.C Paleoecology: Abegg 1986; Eggert, D.L. 1974
1994c; Kircher 1967; Yarbrough 1974a Paleontology: Klee 1985; Norby 1976; Railsback
Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 1993; Thein 1974; Wescott 1987
Sedimentary petrology: Cleaveland 1983 Petroleum: Baker, S.E. 1992
Coal: Production: Bristol 1974a
Geochemistry: Oman 1994 Petroleum exploration: Cahill 1978
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996 Sand and gravel:
Hydrology: Borghese 1984 Sedimentary petrology: Ehrlinger 1970
Mississippian: Cecil 1989; Cole, R.D. 1995; Phillips, T.L. 1970; Ramanujam 1974;
Collinson 1978; Collinson 1981; Eggert, Rothwell 1970; Rothwell 1979; Smoot
D.L. 1974; Heivilin 1967; Kehlenbach 1984b; Smoot 1985; Stidd 1970b;
1969; Nelson, W.J. 1996a; Randall, J.W. Stubblefield 1984b; Taylor, T.N. 1969b;
1970; Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Taylor, T.N. 1970; Taylor, T.N. 1971
Pennsylvanian: Cecil 1989; Nelson, W.J. Paleontology: Weibel 1988
1996a; Palmer, J.E. 1979c; Palmer, J.E. Petroleum: Winternheimer 1996
1985; Searight 1979 Sandstone: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Quaternary: Graham, R.W. 1986 Soil surveys: Holhubner 1972
Structural geology: Stevenson 1973 Stratigraphy:
Tectonics: Schafersman 1973 Devonian: North, W.G. 1969a; North, W.G.
Reelfoot Rift: Goldhaber 1992a; Hildenbrand 1969b
1995; Howe 1985; McGinnis, J.P. 1984; Mississippian: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Ravat 1985; Schwalb 1982b; Sexton Pennsylvanian: Home 1968; Weibel 1988;
1988b; Symons 1994; Weaverling 1987 Weibel 1989a
Relief map: Abert 1995a; Abert 1995b; Abert Structural geology: Wier 1974c
1996; Bier 1980 Tectonics: Wier 1974c
Remote sensing: EOSAT 1991-1995 Richview Pool: Williamson 1968
Renault Limestone: Bigelow 1983c; Santa 1985; Rivers and streams (Mississippi, Illinois, and
Symons 1994; Walker, M.E. 1985 Ohio Rivers listed separately, see
Reynoldsburg Coal Member: Price, Charles also Wetlands, Watersheds): IL
1973 Dept. Ener. Nat. Res. 1990c; IL Dept.
Richland County (see also subjects): Ener. Nat. Res. 1994b; IL EPA 1995
Areal geology: Kircher 1967 Bankston Fork of Saline River:
Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Contamination: Kelly, M.H. 1984
Coal: Bay Creek:
Strippable resources: Nance 1981 Sediments: Lazaro 1984
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996 Big Creek: Hutchison 1976
Earthquakes: Langer 1987; Langer 1991; Reagor Big Muddy River:
1987; Street 1988 Contamination: Toler 1982b
Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1970; Gray, H.H. Floods: Chrzastowski 1994c
1991b Hydrochemistry: Adem 1985
Geophysical surveys: Ahbe 1978; Heigold 1993i; Blue Creek: Davenport 1983; Davenport 1984
US Dept. Energy 1981i Geomorphology: Lee, M.T. 1981
Groundwater: Sedimentation: Lee, M.T. 1983
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d Brumbach Creek: Goldman 1981
Guidebook: Weibel 1989a Brushy Creek: Chruscicki 1980
Reichelderfer 1985; Stevenson 1978; Guidebook: Baxter 1989b; Cote, W.E. 1969a;
Stevenson 1979; Winternheimer 1996 Devera 1990a; Harris, S.E. Jr. 1977;
Saline County (see also subjects): Nelson, W.J. 1987c; Palmer, J.E. 1979a;
Areal geology: Baxter 1967; Nelson, W.J. 1991b Reinertsen 1980a; Reinertsen 1993c
Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Limestone and dolomite: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Coal: Allgaier 1975; Greater Egypt 1978a; Sedimentary petrology: Lasemi, Yaghoob
Hopkins, M.E. 1968; Jacobson, R.J. 1980
1993a; Treworgy, C.G. 1995a Mineral resources: Heyl 1966b; Klasner 1986;
Geophysical surveys: Henson 1991 Major 1966c
Sedimentary petrology: Harris, L.A. 1980; Oil and gas fields: Hawn 1968; Webb, W.H. 1968
Padgett 1980 Paleobotany: DiMichele 1979a; DiMichele 1980;
Eggert, D.A. 1966; Matten 1967; Phillips,
Coal mine lakes:
T.L. 1970; Pigg 1983; Smoot 1983; Stidd
Maps: Voelker 1985
1973; Stidd 1991
Coal mines: ISGS 1993-1995; ISGS 1994-1996;
Paleoecology: Phillips, T.L. 1981
Lindorff 1980; Reed, Monty 1982
Paleontology: Hood, S.D. 1972; Majewski 1973
Rock mechanics: Conroy 1973
Palynology: Peppers 1993a
Buffers: Bryant, Karen 1995
Engineering geology: Ingram 1988
Production: Bigelow 1983b
Groundwater (effect on): Booth, C.J. 1987;
Petroleum exploration: Muthig 1984
Booth, C.J. 1992a; Saric 1987
Sandstone: Kehlenbach 1969; Treworgy, J.D.
Land subsidence: Booth, C.J. 1987; Booth,
CJ. 1992a; Carpenter, P.J. 1995; Sedimentary petrology: Lambert, S.W. 1974
Johnston, M.A. 1994; Karaman 1995;
Soil surveys: Miles 1978
Kawamura 1994; Nawrot 1977b; Rogers,
Soils: Chong 1982
P.R. 1981; Saric 1987; Van Roosendaal
1992b; Van Roosendaal 1994
Devonian: North, W.G. 1969a; North, W.G.
Reclamation: Chong 1982
Trace elements: Tedesco 1980
Mississippian: Kehlenbach 1969; Randall,
Waste: Lindorff 1981 J.W. 1970; Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Faults: Fischer, M.P. 1987; Nelson, W.J. 1981a; Pennsylvanian: Douglass 1987; Greater
Nelson, W.J. 1984b; Nelson, W.J. 1987d;
Egypt 1978b; Mahaffy 1985; Palmer, J.E.
Nelson, W.J. 1987e 1979a; Searight 1979; Siegal 1979
Fluorspar: Quaternary: Henderson, E.D. 1992; Lannon
Exploration: Eisner 1981 1988; Lannon 1992
Geochemical maps: Klasner 1986 Structural geology: Marshak 1990; Nelson, W.J.
Geochemistry: Bullock 1991c; Bullock 1991d; 1987d
Bullock 1991e; Bullock 1991f Salt: Mann, C.J. 1980
Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b; Klasner 1986; Salt Creek Basin: Long 1974
Nelson, W.J. 1986a; Nelson, W.J. 1986b; Land use: Bohnert 1971; Spieker 1970
Nelson, W.J. 1990b; Nelson, W.J. 1990c Management: Spieker 1970
Geophysical surveys: Ahbe 1978; Heigold 1970a; Runoff: Bohnert 1971
Heigold 1993b; Henson 1996; Sand and gravel: Goldhaber 1992b; IL Dept.
Hildenbrand 1977a; Hildenbrand 1977b; Ener. Nat. Res. 1994c
Hildenbrand 1977c; Hildenbrand 1996; Adsorption capacity: Roy, W.R. 1994a
Matheney 1991; Pederson 1991 Chert: Cobb, J.C. 1974a; Meyers, J.T. 1970
Glacial maps: Henderson, E.D. 1987 Geochemistry: Fraser, G.S. 1972
Groundwater: Poole 1981b Construction aggregate: Goodwin 1983a;
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d Masters 1983; Tepordei 1983; Watts 1982
Quaternary: Curry 1996; Follmer 1979b Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Waste disposal: Guidebook: Cote, W.E. 1970d
Planning: Bergstrom 1976 Land use:
Sangamon Geosol: Beavers 1966; Follmer 1976; Maps: USGS 1979e; USGS 1980a
Follmer 1979a; Follmer 1982; McKenna Limestone and dolomite: Baxter 1972
1985a; McKenna 1986; Willman 1979 Loess: Hansen 1970; Kleiss 1973
Sangamon River Basin: O'Hearn 1982; Stamer Mineral resources: Willman 1973a
1982 Soil surveys: Gotsch 1988
Satellite image maps: Dahlberg 1985a; Dahlberg Soils: Friend 1994
1986; Dahlberg 1987 Stratigraphy: Atherton 1966
Sauk Sequence: Stevenson 1975a Mississippian: Moore, M.C. 1970
Savanna Terrace: Flock 1983 Quaternary: Hajic 1984
Schuyler County (see also subjects): Sedimentary structures:
Clay and shale:
Cross bedding: Yagishita 1979
Geochemistry: White, W.A. 1980
Folds: Yagishita 1979
Sedimentary petrology: Sotonoff 1976
Rock mechanics: Bauer, R.A. 1983b
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
Sedimentation: Demissie 1994
Geologic maps: Hallberg 1991
Deltaic: Ethridge 1975; Seyler 1982
Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993f; US Dept.
Depositional environment: Roush 1972
Energy 1981a
Geochemistry: Ranganathan 1991; Siever 1982
Groundwater: Barker, Bruce 1970; Gibb 1979;
Visocky 1985; Willman 1973a
Outwash: Fraser, GS. 1982
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Mississippian: Seyler 1982
Guidebook: Frankie 1996a; Reinertsen 1971d
Silurian: Mikulic 1985a; Mikulic 1992; Mikulic
Land use: Barker, Bruce 1970
Maps: USGS 1979b; USGS 1979e; USGS
Seelyville Coal Member: Jacobson, R.J. 1985b;
Jacobson, R.J. 1987b; Treworgy, C.G.
Loess: Hansen 1970
1981b; Treworgy, J.D. 1984c
Mineral resources: Major 1967d; Willman 1973a
Seismicity: Hamilton, R.M. 1981; Harris, J.B.
Paleoecology: Merrill 1975a
1993; Harris, J.B. 1994; Johnston, A.C.
Paleontology: Merrill 1975a; Merrill 1975b
1996; Nuttli 1979; Nuttli 1981
Petroleum exploration: Herzfeld 1985;
Great Lakes Basin: Keener 1974
Montgomery, S.L. 1988; Whitaker 1995a;
Whitaker 1996 Maps: Stover, C.W. 1979
Sandstone: Wills 1971
New Madrid Region: Herrmann 1986; Mitchell,
B.J. 1991; Nuttli 1990; Sexton 1988b
Sedimentary petrology: Laury 1968
Wabash River Valley: Pond 1996; Sexton 1988b
Pennsylvanian: Leary 1974 Sellers Limestone Member: Fraunfelter 1979
Quaternary: Hallberg 1980; Wickham, J.T. Seville Limestone Member: Elliott, R.A. 1967
1980 Shakopee Dolomite: Hein 1972
Scott County (see also subjects): Shale (see Clay and shale)
Clay and shale: Shelby County (see also subjects):
Geochemistry: White, W.A. 1980 Areal geology: Bleuer 1967; ISGS 1975a
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996 Clay and shale: Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Geologic maps: Whitfield 1993 Coal: Avcin 1969
Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1979b; Heigold Strippable resources: Nance 1981
Oil and gas fields: Rice, R.J. 1993; Zuppann Analysis: Collins, M.E. 1984; Jones, R.L. 1996;
1988e Lund, L.J. 1971
Paleontology: Weibel 1988 Clay minerals: Berg, R.C. 1984b; Hughes, R.E.
Petroleum: Zuppann 1988f 1994; Lund, L.J. 1971
Petroleum engineering: Rice, R.J. 1993 Composition: Berg, R.C. 1979; Berg, R.C.
Sandstone: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 1984b; Cox, T.D. 1994; Darmody 1989b;
Soil surveys: Gotsch 1996 Harding 1991
Stratigraphy: Concretions: Cescas 1970; Hassett 1976
Devonian: North, W.G. 1969a; North, W.G. Contamination: Chou, S.-F.J. 1983; Chou,
1969b S.-F.J. 1986; Esser 1991; Gibb 1982;
Mississippian: Moore, M.C. 1970; Treworgy, Haney, Alan 1974; Lawrence 1993; Mills
J.D. 1985 1991c; Steffens 1993; Tandarich 1990
Pennsylvanian: Avcin 1969; Home 1968; Development: Ballagh 1969; Ballagh 1970; Berg,
Weibel 1988; Weibel 1989a R.C. 1980; Fehrenbacher 1968; Follmer
Quaternary: Johnson, W.H. 1971a 1967; Follmer 1983; Franzmeier 1989;
Shelbyville Moraine: Hester 1969b; Hester 1971; Norton, L.D. 1988; Smeck 1973
Johnson, W.H. 1971a Drainage: Gardiner 1966; Keefer 1994; Keefer
Shoal Creek Limestone Member (see 1995e; Keefer 1996
Carthage Limestone Member) Engineering geology: Berry, K.M. 1995;
Shumway Cyclothem: Scheihing 1978b; Darmody 1989c; Schuh 1991; Thompson,
Scheihing 1978c; Scheihing 1978d; M.R. 1979; Thornburn 1969
Scheihing 1980; Scheihing 1985; Tucker, Erosion: Condit 1989; Frazee, R.W. 1993;
J.K. 1977a Guntermann 1975; IL Inst. Env. Qual.
Siggins Field: Nation 1990 1978; Kreznor 1989; Leedy 1979;
Silicates: Bohor 1968a; Ehrlinger 1968; Kramer, Mostaghimi 1983; Nizeyimana 1988;
D.J. 1970; Leamnson 1969; Schleicher Olson, K.R. 1987; Taylor, G.C. 1983;
1970a; Shimp 1970a; Thomas, J. Jr. 1970 Walker, R.D. 1981
Silurian: Models: Bhowmik 1984a; Bhowmik 1984b
Reefs: Clark, P.U. 1985; Droste 1985; Fluorine: Omueti 1977a; Omueti 1977b; Omueti
McGovney 1978; McGovney 1988; 1980
Mikulic 1985a; Mikulic 1985b; Mikulic Geochemistry: Combs 1982; Frazee, C.J. 1968;
1987b; Mikulic 1992; Mikulic 1994a; Jones, R.L. 1967; Lewis, B.G. 1983;
Shaver 1989; West. MI Univ. 1976; Nizeyimana 1988; Snarski 1981
Whitaker 1988b; Whitaker 1988c Geomorphology: Cox, T.D. 1994; Habermann
Deposition: Droste 1977 1980
Geochemistry: Cahill 1978 Grain size: Follmer 1973; Indorante 1990;
Geophysical surveys: Haye 1969 Indorante 1991
Paleoecology: Lowenstam 1968 Hydraulic conductivity: Chong 1982; Elzeftawy
Stratigraphy: Amsden 1986; Berry, W.B.N. 1981; Elzeftawy 1983; Frazee, C.J. 1968;
1970; Droste 1985; Droste 1987; Keefer 1994; Keefer 1995e; Keefer 1996
Kluessendorf 1996; Mikulic 1985b Lake Michigan region: Stearns, Forest 1974
1983; Kowallis 1983; Kowallis 1987; Engineering geology: Curran 1990; Kempton
Kyser 1986; Lidiak 1983; Peterman 1986; 1985a
Rahman 1983; Rosholt 1983; Shieh, Y.-N. Impact statements:
1983; Vitaliano 1986; Wenner 1989; Wu, Excavations: Krapac 1988b
M. 1988; Zimmermann 1986 Site exploration: Bauer, R.A. 1991b; Curry
Groundwater: Couture 1986; Nealon 1989; US 1988; Gilkeson, R.H. 1988; Graese 1988;
Soil 1974; Visocky 1985; Woller 1984a Harza 1988; Heigold 1990c; Hines 1986;
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d Kempton 1985a; Kempton 1987a;
Withdrawals: Sasman 1973 Kempton 1987b; Vaiden 1988; Visocky
Guidebook: Cote, W.E. 1970a; Wilson, G.M. 1988
1966b Engineering geology: Curran 1988
Hydrogeology: Couture 1983 Superfund sites:
Mineral resources: Major 1967b Groundwater: Favero 1984; Mills 1993a; Mills
Paleobotany: Whittecar 1982 1993b; Mills 1993c
Paleontology: Kolata 1973; Kolata 1982a Models: Murray, W.A. 1985
Sandstone: Duffin 1989; Duffin 1990 Hydrogeology: Kay, R.T. 1987
Soil surveys: Ray, B.W. 1976 Tamaroa Field: Grube 1992
Soils: Ballagh 1970; Follmer 1967 Tamaroa South Field: Grube 1992
Stratigraphy: Tar Springs Sandstone: Bridgett 1978; Carozzi
Cambrian: Kenney 1977 1968; Wescott 1976; Wescott 1982;
Silurian: Willman 1973b Wescott 1987
Quaternary: Leighton, M.M. 1966a; Tazewell County (see also subjects):
Whittecar 1979; Whittecar 1982 Clay and shale: Cluff 1981b; Odom 1973
Till: Frye, J.C. 1969a; Metz 1971 Geochemistry: Leventhal 1980
Watersheds: US Soil 1974 Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996
Stewardson Field: Rice, R.J. 1993 Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1993f
Storms Consolidated Field: Leetaru 1996a Groundwater: Clark, G.R. 1994; Gibb 1979;
Stratigraphic maps: Berg, R.C. 1988; Shaver Herzog 1995a; Herzog 1995b; Kempton
1984b 1991b; Kempton 1991c; Kempton 1991e;
Stratigraphy (see also counties and Kempton 1992b; Larson, D.R. 1996b;
subjects): Bristol 1971b; Buschbach McComas 1969b; O'Hearn 1982; Schicht
1971; Conkin, J.E. 1985; Willman 1975a 1992; Visocky 1985; Willman 1973a;
Ordovician: Goldhaber 1992b Wilson, S.D. 1994
Quaternary: Goldhaber 1992b Contamination: Holm, T.R. 1988; Keefer
Stringtown Field: Cluff 1988 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Structural geology (see also counties, Recharge: Davies 1995
subjects, faults): Bristol 1971c; Calvert Guidebook: Follmer 1979b; Follmer 1986c;
1974; Calvert 1975; Davis, R.W. 1973b; Frankie 1995b; Reinertsen 1985d; Shaver
Nelson, W.J. 1995d; Stevenson 1975b; 1983a
Treworgy, J.D. 1981 Land use:
Stylolites: Maps: USGS 1980e
Diagenesis: Amstutz 1967 Limestone and dolomite: Baxter 1989c
Sulfides: Garvin 1987; Harvey 1985c; Hughes, Mineral resources: Major 1967a; Willman 1973a
T.H. 1967; Kinney 1979; Spirakis 1993 Paleoecology: Miller, N.G. 1979
Deposition: Brecke 1967 Paleontology: Morgan, A.V. 1986; Oliver, J.S.
Geochemistry: Kutz 1987 1994
Suraraun Coal Member: Avcin 1969; Nance 1970 Petroleum:
Superconducting Super Collider: Natural gas: Kalyoncu 1979
Bibliography: Wasson 1990 Sand and gravel: Hunter 1966b
Clay and shale: White, W.A. 1967 Till: Johnson, W.H. 1986c; Sharp, J.M. Jr.
Metals: Coveney 1983 1974; Smith, S.A. 1970; Von Rhee 1977;
Clay minerals: Eberl 1980 Vonder Haar 1969; Vonder Haar 1973
Coal: Waste disposal: Rupp 1991
Strippable reserves: Jacobson, R.J. 1981 Vienna Limestone: Carozzi 1968
Coal mines: ISGS 1994-1996 Volo Bog: Cooper, B.C. 1994; McComas 1972
Geographic information systems: Michaels 1988 R.A. 1977a; Griffin, R.A. 1977b; Griffin,
Geophysical surveys: Carpenter, P.J. 1990a; R.A. 1978a; Griffin, R.A. 1980a; Griffin,
Ryan, B.J. 1986; Stevens, P.R. 1976 Geographic information systems: Mitchell, J.K.
Engineering geology: Kahle 1981; McCray 1992; Mitchell, J.K. 1993
1983 Hydrochemistry: Walker, J.F. 1993
Gases: Striegl 1989a; Striegl 1989b; Striegl Hydrogeology: Makowski 1986b
1990a; Striegl 1991a Land use: Dyhouse 1982; Econ 1975; Miller,
Geomorphology: Gray, J.R. 1986 S.O. 1993; Roseboom 1983; Walker, J.F.
Geophysical surveys: Heigold 1985b; Larson, 1993
T.H. 1990 Models: Arnold 1996; Goulter 1979; Goulter
Groundwater: Rogers, L.L. 1979 1983; Hopkins, L.D. 1981
Hydrochemistry: Goode 1990; Kelly, W.R. Policy: Goulter 1983; Hopkins, L.D. 1981
1987; Mills 1992; Mills 1993d; Mills Models: Stromdahl 1975
1993e; Peters, C.A. 1986; Peters, C.A. Preservation: Hutchison 1976
1989; Peters, C.A. 1991; Peters, C.A. Runoff: Allen, H.E. 1984; Bohnert 1971;
1992a; Peters, C.A. 1992b; Striegl 1988a; Brabets 1984; Larson, C.L. 1981;
Striegl 1988b; Striegl 1990b; Weiss, A.J. Makowski 1985; Moore, I.D. 1979
1980 Models: Duncker 1995; Melching 1990
Hydrogeology: Baltz 1968; Cartwright, Keros Sediments: Allen, H.E. 1984; Fitzpatrick, W.P.
1986a; Foster, J.B. 1979; Foster, J.B.
1987a; Guntermann 1975; Knox 1989;
1984a; Foster, J.B. 1984b; Foster, J.B.
Kohnke 1971; Lee, M.T. 1981; Makowski
1984c; Garklavs 1986; Goode 1986; Healy,
1985; Miller, S.O. 1993; Paulet 1971;
R.W. 1983; Healy, R.W. 1986; Healy, Paulet 1972; Walker, R.D. 1981; Wilke
R.W. 1989c; Healy, R.W. 1990; Healy, 1991
R.W. 1991b; Herzog 1988b; Mansue 1991; Analysis: Dyhouse 1982
Mills 1989; Mills 1991b; Mills 1991c;
Contamination: Pavlowsky 1995
Ryan, B.J. 1989; Ryan, B.J. 1991
Management: Frazee, R.W. 1993;
Runoff: Gray, J.R. 1984; Gray, J.R. 1989;
Sundmacker 1981
Gray, J.R. 1991
Models: Ewing, L.K. 1988; Ewing, L.K. 1989
Seepage: Gilkeson, R.H. 1984a; Healy, R.W.
Waulsortian mounds: Burke, R.B. 1995; Jobe
1989a; Healy, R.W. 1989b; Healy, R.W.
1995; Lasemi, Zakaria 1994; Whitaker
1989d; Healy, R.W. 1991c; Holford 1985;
Mills 1988
Site geology: Baltz 1968; Foster, J.B. 1984a;
Wayne County (see also subjects):
Areal geology: Kircher 1967
Healy, R.W. 1991a
Soil interaction: Essington 1981; Polzer 1981
Clay and shale: Cluff 1981b; Treworgy, J.D.
Wilsonville: Follmer 1984; Gilkeson, R.H. 1986b;
Coal: Hopkins, M.E. 1968
Griffin, R.A. 1983; Griffin, R.A. 1984;
Griffin, R.A. 1985; Herzog 1988b; Herzog Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b
1989; Herzog 1990b; Johnson, T.M. Geophysical surveys: Ahbe 1978; Heigold 1993i
1983a; Stohr 1985; Stohr 1987; Stohr Groundwater: Watkins, F.A. Jr. 1968b
1988 Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Waterloo Field: Schwalb 1968b Guidebook: Harris, S.E. Jr. 1977; Weibel 1991c
Watersheds: Kreznor 1989; Univ. IL Water Res. Limestone and dolomite: Carozzi 1987;
Cent. 1984 Lamborg 1986; Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Contamination: Roy, W.R. 1993b Sedimentary petrology: Jobe 1995; Lamborg
Models: Wheeler, G.L. 1978 1986; Lineback 1988c; Reichelderfer 1985
Preventive measures: Mitsch 1992; Schueler Mineral resources: Major 1966c
1994 Oil and gas fields: Gerrish 1988a; Hoffman 1968;
Transport: Pavlowsky 1996; Wheeler, G.L. Liston 1988; Stevenson 1978; Stevenson
1978 1979; Tucker, M. 1988; Zuppann 1988a
Geologic maps: Gray, H.H. 1991b; Nelson, W.J. Mississippian: Cecil 1989; Ethridge 1973b;
1990c; Trask 1990 Kehlenbach 1969; Nelson, W.J. 1996a;
Geophysical surveys: Ahbe 1978; Gognat 1977; Randall, J.W. 1970; Treworgy, J.D. 1985
Heigold 1970a; Heigold 1976; Heigold Pennsylvanian: Cecil 1989; Douglass 1987;
1993b; Hildenbrand 1977a; Hildenbrand Ethridge 1973b; Greater Egypt 1978b;
1977b; Hildenbrand 1977c; Hildenbrand Nelson, W.J. 1996a; Searight 1979;
1979a; Kucks 1990; Pederson 1991; Utgaard 1973; Utgaard 1979; Wetendorf
Schafersman 1973; US Ener. Res. 1979 1967
Groundwater: Quaternary: Lannon 1988; Lannon 1992;
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d Leonard, T.A. 1989; Riggs 1990; Riggs
Guidebook: Cecil 1989; Ethridge 1973b; Frankie 1992
1995a; Harris, S.E. Jr. 1977; Reinertsen Tectonics: Schafersman 1973
1971c; Reinertsen 1978b; Simon, J. A. Winnebago County (see also subjects):
1966a Bedrock topography: Warner, P.F. 1968
Land use: Environmental assessment: Reilly 1978
Maps: USGS 1977c; USGS 1979a Fluvial features:
Limestone and dolomite: Treworgy, J.D. 1985 Quaternary: Anderson, R.C. 1985
Loess: McSweeney, K. 1988
Mineral resources: Heyl 1966b; Major 1966c
Collecting: Pine 1976
Economic geology: Eidel 1993b
Geologic maps: Bhagwat 1991a
Mapping: Eidel 1993a
Geophysical surveys: Aiken 1983; Heigold 1993e;
Oil and gas fields: Bell, Frank 1968; Huff, B.G.
McGinnis, L.D. 1966a; USGS 1982a
1993; Udegbunam 1994; Zuppann 1988b
Gold ores: Maslowski 1985c
Paleobotany: Cichan 1985a; Cichan 1985b;
Groundwater: Berg, R.C. 1984a; Murray, W.A.
Dennis, R.L. 1974; DiMichele 1980;
1985; Nealon 1989; US Soil 1974; Visocky
Gastaldo 1978b; Gastaldo 1978c;
1985; Wehrmann 1988; Wehrmann 1990
Gastaldo 1981a; Gastaldo 1981b;
Contamination: Gibb 1983; Herzog 1988b;
Gastaldo 1985; Jennings 1978; Leisman
Kay, R.T. 1994; Keefer 1995b; Keefer
1970; Millay 1970a; Millay 1974a; Millay
1995d; Otto 1988; Wehrmann 1983;
1974b; Millay 1980; Millay 1982a; Morey,
Wehrmann 1984a; Wehrmann 1984c
E.D. 1977; Oestry-Stidd, L.L. 1979;
Models: Shafer 1990
Rothwell 1972; Rothwell 1979; Shadle
1975; Smoot 1984b; Stidd Withdrawals: Sasman 1973; Sasman 1974b
Stubblefield 1984a Guidebook: Berg, R.C. 1982; Berg, R.C. 1985a;
Paleoecology: Givens 1968 Berg, R.C. 1985c; Buschbach 1970a;
Soils: Follmer 1978; McKenna 1984; McKenna Xenia East Field: Gerrish 1988c; Xu, Jianzhong
1985a; McKenna 1986 1995
Stratigraphy: Xenia Field: Gerrish 1988d
Ordovician: Warner, P.F. 1968 Yankeetown Formation: Jennings 1984b
Quaternary: Anderson, R.C. 1985; Berg, Yorkville Member: Kemmis 1979; Killey 1980;
R.C. 1985a; Berg, R.C. 1985b; Follmer Killey 1982b; Moore, D.W. 1981
1985b; Follmer 1986c; Follmer 1986f; Zeigler Field: Sim 1993; Sim 1994a; Sim 1994b
Fricke 1983; Kempton 1968c; Kempton Zinc (see Lead and zinc)
1970b; Kempton 1985b; Leighton, M.M.
1966a; Odom 1970b
Structural geology: Foote 1982; McGinnis, L.D.
Till: Frye, J.C. 1969a; McKenna 1984; Metz
Waste disposal: Berg, R.C. 1987; Gibb 1983;
Shuster 1976b
Planning: Berg, R.C. 1984a
Water use: LaTour 1991
Watersheds: Allen, H.E. 1984; US Soil 1974
Wetlands: McKenna 1985b
Winnebago Formation: Berg, R.C. 1985c;
Krumm 1985
Wisconsin Arch:
Geophysical surveys: Fasnacht 1982
Wisconsinan Stage: Frye, J.C. 1968b
Wolf Creek Formation: Fleeger 1980
Woodford County (see also subjects):
Coal mines: Bradford 1983; ISGS 1994-1996
Waste: Bradford 1987
Geophysical surveys: Georgiou 1970; Heigold
1993d; Heigold 1993f
Groundwater: Kempton 1992b; McComas
1969b; Nealon 1989; Visocky 1970;
Visocky 1985; Willman 1973a
Contamination: Keefer 1995b; Keefer 1995d
Guidebook: Reinertsen 1972a; Shaver 1983a
Land use:
Maps: USGS 1980e
Limestone and dolomite: Baxter 1989c;
Jacobson, R.J. 1983b
Mineral resources: Major 1967a; Willman 1973a
Pyrite: Kirchner 1985
Stratigraphy: James, A.T. 1968
Pennsylvanian: Jacobson, R.J. 1983b
Quaternary: McComas 1969b
Till: Castillon 1972; Kirchner 1982
Watersheds: Arnold 1996
Woodfordian Substage: Fricke 1983
Woodstock Moraine: Hansel, A.K. 1987a