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(Meets Federal Specification TT-P-641 G Type I & Military Specification MIL-P-21035A)

DESCRIPTION: A 97% pure zinc metal easy-to-use and fast-drying cold-galvanizing com-
pound for galvanized metal, iron and steel.

BASIC USES: As an extreme duty primer for abraded or damaged areas on galvanized
steel. Excellent for treatment of rust — will stop rust and rust creepage on
iron and steel immediately. Provides excellent protection to welded or
abraded areas where the protective galvanizing has been removed from the
metal surface.

ADVANTAGES: * 97% pure zinc metal * Stops rust immediately
* Ready to use * Extra long-lasting
* High build * Fast-drying


Percent Solids: 88.00 ± 1% by weight Finish: Flat (2º-5º)*

59.00 ± 1% by volume *Geometry 60º

Flash Point: 83ºF TOC Color: Gray

Weight / Gallon: 24.00 ± 0.5 lbs. Viscosity: 98–100 Ku’s

Sizes: 1 gallon Percent Pigment

1 quart by Weight: 80.00 ± 1%

Recommended Theoretical
Film Thickness: 2 mils dry. 6 mils wet. Coverage: 450 sq. ft./gal.

Drying Time: To touch: 25 minutes

To topcoat: 24 hours
To cure: 24 hours

Thinning: Thin only when applying by conventional spray method, at a rate of four
parts LANCO® Galvacon™ GC-243 to one part LANCO® Lacquer
Thinner LT-102.
Surface Preparation: Surfaces must be dry, clean and free of all AIRLESS SPRAY: No reduction required when spraying.
contaminants. Remove all oil, grease, mildew and all other for- Minimum of 28:1 ratio pump, .013”-.015” tip, 1/4” ID Teflon
eign materials by Solvent Cleaning (SSPC-SP 1-63) with material hose.
LANCO® Lacquer Thinner LT-102. DIPPING: Because of individual requirements, call the lab at
LANCO® Mfg. Corporation for instructions.
New Surfaces: GALVANIZED STEEL: When applying over
abraded or damaged areas sandblasting is recommended. If Note: During lunch, breaks or any period of work stoppage,
Sandblasting is not possible, clean and abrade surface by hand material should be removed from hoses. Release pressure from
tool clean (SSPC-SP 2-63) or power tool clean (SSPC-SP 3-63). equipment and flush hoses and equipment with LANCO® Lacquer
STEEL: Although Galvacon is designed primarily as a primer for Thinner LT-102.
abraded or damaged areas on galvanized metal, it may be used as
a touch up primer on bare steel. For best result, apply only to Drying Time: LANCO® Galvacon™ GC-243 dries fast (set to
abrasive blasted steel. For best performance, Near White Blast touch in 25 minutes). Allow 24 hours before applying topcoat.
Cleaning (SSPC-SP 10-63) is recommended as proper prepara-
tion. Commercial Blast Cleaning (SSPC-SP 6-63) is acceptable Disposal: Keep container closed when not in use. In case of
for less severe exposures. Proper blast media and blasting equip- spilling, absorb with inert material and dispose of in accordance
ment shall be used to provide an average profile depth of 1.5 mils with applicable local, state and federal regulations.
minimum. Do not reuse sand abrasive media. Shot abrasive must
be thoroughly clean and free of contaminants before reuse. Precaution: Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame.
Remove blasting dust and grit from surfaces before painting. Vapor is heavier than air. Prevent build-up of vapor — open win-
Blasted surfaces should be coated within 8 hours after blasting or dows and doors. Use only in cross-ventilated areas. Extinguish
before rusting or other contamination of the surface occurs. all flames and pilot lights, and turn off stoves, heaters, and/or
electric motors, and eliminate all other sources of ignition during
Previously Painted Metals: Remove old coating completely, for use and until all vapor is gone. Keep container closed when not
best performance Near White Blast Cleaning (SSPC-SP 10-63) is in use.
recommended as proper preparation. Blasted surfaces should be
coated within 8 hours after blasting or before rusting or other con- Danger: Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid prolonged or
tamination of the surface occurs. repeated breathing of vapor. Do not take internally. Swallowing
may cause injury, illness or death. Avoid prolonged or repeated
Directions: Clean all surfaces as recommended. LANCO® contact with skin. Do not get in eyes. Do not eat, drink or smoke
Galvacon™ GC-243 must be thoroughly stirred, until pure zinc in work areas.
content is completely dispersed. Apply LANCO® Galvacon™
GC-243 to clean and dry metal surfaces. Notice: The technical data contained herein are true and accu-
rate to the best of our knowledge. Published technical data and
Method of Application: BRUSH: Use a good quality nylon or instructions are subject to change without prior notice.
polyester brush.
ROLLER: Use a LANCO® All-Purpose 1/4” Nap Enamel Roller M.S.D.S.: Available upon request.
GC-243 at a ratio of four parts LANCO® Galvacon™ GC-243 to
one part of LANCO® Lacquer Thinner LT-102. For pressure
feed, use DeVilbiss MBC gun with E tip and needle and 704 air
cap or equivalent at 40-45 psi atomizing pressure, 3/8” ID mate-
rial hose, double regulated pressure tank with oil and moisture
separator. Special packing may be necessary due to the abrasive
nature of the zinc dust in this product.

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