Summary History
Summary History
Summary History
Characteristics Megalithic Monumental Belief in afterlife and eternity Perfected proportions, optical corrections (entasis) Emphasis on public buildings Construction and decoration Mostly church construction Governed by classical traditions Style Ogivale Rebirth of classical art and learning Product of the industrial age Renewed appreciation for tradition
Imitated nature, resembled mountains Monumental, permanent Rough and massive Mostly religious architecture Civic architecture Monumental highly-influenced by Romans Heavy articulated masonry Lightening and heightening Use of classical orders and proportionFunctional architecture Pluralism
Local materials, animal skins Axial planning Complex, of great constructive ability Mostly church construction Emphasis on horizontality of structure Emphasis on horizontality Material innovation Use of color, patterns,
Ostentatious Emphasis on verticality Skyscapers and ornaments
Sophisticated building services Sophisticated building services Sensitive to context and setting
Structural system/feature Arcuated Trabeation Trabeation Arch, vault, dome Vault or dome Dome Vaults Flying buttress Reinforce concrete
Ribbed vault Steel framing system
Gothic compound pier Curtain wall
Materials Dependent on region Clay and soil (mud bricks) Softstone (limestone, sandstone, alabTimber, stone, terracotta Concrete Ruins from old Roman temples Masonry Masonry Masonry Dressed masonry blocks Reinforced concrete
Locally abundant Stone and timber Hardstone (ganite, quartite, basalt) Limestone and marble Marble Timber roof Cast iron
Granite Steel
Distinct features/ornaments/styles Bulls and lions (Babylonian) Column capitals (lotus, papyrus, palmCapitals: abacus, echinus Carpentry in marble, sculptures Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian Orders Tuscan and Composite Orders Rectangular plan Centralized plan (circular or polygonalLatin-cross plan Pointed arch Rusticated masonry International Style Brutalism
Battered walls Cyclopean walls Greek Orders Mouldings Tunnel and cross vault Mosaics Dosseret block Transepts Stained glass Clean and simple silhouettes Art Deco High Tech
Pictographs Corbelled arch Colors Dome Pendentives Narrow openings Tracery Pagan or classical mythological subje Art Nouveau Deconstructivism
Hieroglyphs Murals Round arches Round arches Pinnacles and spires Sgraffito Bauhaus Green Architecture
Elaborate frescoes and mosaics Barrel vault Rose windows Flat roofs Organic Architecture
Towers Triforium and clerestory De Stijl
Sparse ornaments Lady chapel Constructivism
Orientation (Religious structures) Faces towards cardinal points (Ziggurat) Corners toward (Pyramids) Faces toward cardinal (Temples) Facade faced east (Temples) Façade faced forum (Churches) Facade faced east (Churches) Façade faced west (Churches, cathedrals) Façade faced (Churches, cathedrals) Façade faced East (St. Peter's Basilica)
points west west
cardinal points West (Florence Cathedral)
Examples Menhir Palaces Mastaba Megaron (house) Parthenon Agora Forum Basilican church Hagia Sophia Pisa Cathedral Amiens Cathedral Riccardi Palace Villa Savoye AT&T Building
Dolmen Temples Cult and mortuary temples Palace of King Minos Theatron Theatrum Baptistery St. Basil's Cathedral
Cromlech Ziggurat Pyramids Tholos of Atreus (tomb) Stoa Thermae Basilica di San Clemente
Tumulus Ziggurat of Ur Lion's Gate Prytaneion Curia
Vernacular houses Bouleuterion Cloaca Maxima
Odeion Pons
Stadion Temples
Hippodrome Circus
Luxor Temple Palaestra Amphitheater
Gymnasion Gymnasium
Stoa of Attalos Basilica
Triumphal Arch
Domus, insulae, villa
Ishtar Gate Abu-Simbel