Tawan Wachirapaet - g7 Phe Criterion A Summative
Tawan Wachirapaet - g7 Phe Criterion A Summative
Tawan Wachirapaet - g7 Phe Criterion A Summative
Identify physical Identifies physical Identifies physical Identifies physical Identifies physical Questions 6, 7, 8
and health and health and health and health and health and 9
education education education education education
knowledge to knowledge to knowledge to knowledge to knowledge to
describe issues outline issues. outline issues and outline issues and describe issues
and solve suggest solutions solve problems set and solve
problems set in to problems set in in familiar problems set in
familiar and familiar situations. situations. familiar and
unfamiliar unfamiliar
situations. situations.
Apply physical and Recalls physical Applies physical Applies physical Applies physical Completing all
health terminology and health and health and health and health three tasks using
to communicate terminology. terminology to terminology to terminology PHE specific
understanding. communicate communicate consistently to vocabulary
understanding understanding. communicate
with limited understanding.
Player D in the offensive role is pretty important. D is the
support of the whole team. D plays as a midfielder. When
the team goes attacking, it’s on D to move the ball
forward. It either comes from the goalkeeper or
defenders which both of them wouldn’t goes on
attacking too much, the midfielder, D, has to receive the
ball from the defenders or goalkeeper to move the ball
on the attack side which is the opponent’s half of the
court/field. When the ball goes to the strikers, D, as a
midfielder, has to go push up and support the strikers
incase they don’t have any chance to take a shot or they
lose control of the ball. The defenders, A, B and C also
needs to push up to support D incase D loses
In the defensive role, D has to always come down to help the
defenders defend. It is also D’s job to bring the ball on the
attacking and D couldn’t do that without coming down to
receive the ball from the defenders.
(4 points)
He did not do a good job. According to the diagram, he
spent too much time up at the right attacking zone
where it is for the right wing attacker to play. He should
be spending his time mostly on the left bottom of the
court/field. Left back is one of the positions that also
supports attacking more than normal defenders. They
are like the second wing for each side. In this situation, A
should be spending more time on the left side of the
court/field than the right side of the court/ field. A
should spend more time at the back than both middle
and attacking part of the court/field.
(3 Points)
3) Look at the picture of the team formations on the
right. What is the formation (?-?-?-?) of each team?
Red team:4-4-1-1
Blue team:4-2-3-1
(3 Points)
(6 Points)
6) Watch the video clip. Can you describe
how the RED team are creating their scoring
Short building passes that are very accurate.
Also how the whole team understand their
position well enough to create chances. The
power and space is what the red team has
enough to score against the opponent's easily.
(4 Points)
7) Watch the video clip. In the clip explain
why is it so easy for the BLUE team to pass
the ball out from the goalkeeper to the
halfway line.
They’re playing like a tiki-taka style of passing
where they pass back and forth no matter of the
time. This strategy makes every pass accurate
and not risky.
8) Explain what the RED team can do to stop this happening and make it harder for
the goalkeeper to pass the ball out.
What not to do is to stand in front of the goalkeeper or the one passing out the ball, but to
mark any players that are free/available. This way it would be easier than just chasing the
ball around and end up in your own goal.
(6 Points)
9) Your team is winning 1-0, using the formation on the right. With 5 minutes left one
of your players, Gamyen, gets sent off. You now only have 4 players and your
Click on the diagram above and show me how you will change your formation.
Explain why you made the changes.
Well, according to the score, we are winning. We can’t have only one defender, we need to
put someone in that position and don’t worry about attacking as much.
(6 Points)