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2012 Third International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies


New Dual Band Dual-Mode Microstrip Patch

Bandpass Filter Designs Based on Sierpinski Fractal
Yaqeen S. Mezaal, Halil T. Eyyuboğlu Jawad K. Ali
Dept. of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Microwave Res. Group, Dept. of Electrical
Cankaya University, Engineering, University of Technology,
Ankara, Turkey Baghdad, Iraq
yakeen_sbah@yahoo.com, jawadkali@uotechnology.edu.iq
h.eyyuboglu@cankaya. edu.tr

Abstract— Dual band dual mode chebychev microstrip when two degenerate modes are coupled to each other by
bandpass filter designs are introduced for first time in this paper. suitable perturbation excitation [3, 4].
The proposed filter designs are based on the use of dual mode Fractal geometries unlike Euclidean geometries have two
square slotted patch microstrip resonator. These filter structures unique properties: space-filling and self-similarity. These
are fractally generated using Sierpinski fractal curve geometry
geometries, such as Koch curve, Cantor, Hilbert curve, etc.,
applied to the conventional square microstrip patch from 1st to
2nd iteration levels where the first band designed at fundamental have been widely used in wide variety of RF and microwave
frequencies (5.475 ,5.45 and 5.4) GHz for each iteration while the applications especially in designing miniaturized fractal
second band( 8.925,9.15,9.05) GHz for each iteration. These antennas and filters [1,4]. The fractal-shaped devices have
filters have been designed using a substrate with a spectacular advantages including compactness, narrow band or
dielectric constant of 10.8 and thickness of 1.27mm.The wide band, multi-band operation and high order harmonics
performance of filter structures, based on resonators has been suppression [4,5,6,7].
evaluated using a full-wave based electromagnetic simulator
Sonnet software package. Performance simulation results show In this paper, new dual band dual-mode microstrip slotted
that these filter structures are compact in addition to good patch bandpass filter designs for modern wireless
frequency responses and narrow bands gained . communication systems, have been presented. Filter structures
are generated using Sierpinski carpet fractal geometry applied
Keywords: Dual band dual mode filter, fractal filter, to the conventional microstrip square patch filter. The
microwave bandpass filter, filter miniaturization, Sierpinski resulting filter structures offer dual narrow bands with
carpet fractal geometry. adequate chebychev frequency responses.


The starting pattern for the presented bandpass filter as a
Compact microstrip narrow bandpass filters are preferred fractal is a square patch with a side length L and the inserted
increasingly in recently wireless communication systems slotted structures are based on Sierpinski carpet. This fractal
because of their low profile and high selectivity [1,2]. geometry, Fig.1, is a deterministic fractal which is a
Dual-mode resonators have highly desirable features for the generalization of the Cantor set into two dimensions. The
bandpass (BPF) design, such as size miniaturization, low Sierpinski carpet is constructed analogously to the Sierpinski
radiation loss and ease of design because transmission-line gasket, but it uses squares instead of triangles. In order to start
theory and design tools can easily be implemented. this type of fractal curve, it begins with a square in the plane,
The dual-mode microstrip filters are very important in and then divided it into nine smaller congruent squares where
miniaturization techniques due to their high gained the open central square is dropped out. The remaining eight
performance and it can be used as a double circuit in single squares are divided into nine smaller congruent squares with,
structure as compared to single mode bandpass filter designs again, each central is dropped out [8,9]. The process can be

978-0-7695-4941-5/13 $26.00 © 2013

978-0-7695-4941-5/12 2012 IEEE 353
DOI 10.1109/ACCT.2013.55
continued infinitely until obtaining a limiting configuration c
g  (3)
which can be seen as a generalization of the Cantor set. f  eff
The dimension of a fractal provides a description of how
much it efficiently fills a space. It is a measure of the is the guided wavelength, , c is the speed of light and  eff is
prominence of the irregularities when viewed at very small effective dielectric constant,  eff  ( r  1) / 2 [13,14].
scales [10,11]. The dual-mode bandpass filter response can be obtained via
A dimension contains much information about the the excitation of the two degenerate modes by I/O feeders and
geometrical properties of a fractal. From the property of self- setting the coupling between the two modes by suitable form
similarity, the fractal dimension D is defined as [10]: of perturbation effect within the resonators[15].
D (1) The fractal shape of the proposed patch resonator acts as
log1 / r  some perturbation effects to the symmetry of the structure,
where N is the total number of distinct copies and 1/r is the therefore the field distributions of the degenerate mode will be
scale ratio. To find the dimension of the Sierpinski fractal no longer orthogonal, and they are coupled to each other
curve, using (1), where N  8 segments and r  1/3, then the [15].On the other hand, the dimensions of the perturbations
fractal dimension is D  1.892 . represented by existing square slots of adopted Sierpinski
The ideal fractal structure is obtained by iterating infinite fractal scheme affect the strength of the coupling between the
number of times. However, it has been found, practically, that two degenerate modes of the dual-mode for designed filters .
the number of generating iterations is only few before the
additional complexities become unrecognized [12].


A dual-mode filter structure based on the conventional
square patch resonator, and two filter structures based on
resonators having the shapes of the 1st and 2nd iterations have
been modeled and analyzed using a full-wave based
electromagnetic simulator from Sonnet Software Inc.
[16].This simulator performs electromagnetic analysis using a
modified approach of method of moments (MoM). These filter
structures are shown in Figs.(2,4,6) respectively. The
corresponding simulation results of return loss and
transmission responses of these filters are shown in
Figs.(3,5,7) respectively. TABLE I and TABLE II show the
important performance parameters of the modeled filters.It is
implied from these figures and tables that the modeled
bandpass filters offer two narrow band with adequate
performance curves where first band have noticeable narrower
bandwidth as compared with 2nd band for all iterations. As can
Fig. 1. The generation process of the Sierpinski fractal geometry from be seen, all of the filter responses are in chebychev case.
0th to 3rd iteration levels


From 0 to 2nd iteration dual-mode microstrip patch


bandpass filter structures have been designed with dual narrow

bands. It has been supposed that, these filter structures have
been etched using a substrate with a dielectric constant of 10.8
, thickness of 1.27 mm and loss tangent of 0.0005 . Two 50
ohm feed lines as input and output (I/O) ports are placed in
paralleled manner .The resonator is excited by using a edge
spacing coupling method to I/O ports. The strip width values
of I/O feeders are 0.4 mm ,0.6 mm and 0.6 mm for each
iteration respectively while the edge space value is 0.4 mm for
all iterations. For each iteration, the side length of the square
patch resonator , L = 9 mm , has been determined as:
L  0.4 g (2)
Fig. 2. The layout of the modeled conventional dual-mode square patch
where microstrip resonator

Fig. 3. Return loss, S11, and transmission, S21, responses for the conventional
square patch microstrip bandpass filter shown in Fig. 2 Fig. 6. The layout of the modeled 2nd iteration dual-mode Sierpinski patch
microstrip resonator

Fig. 4. The layout of the modeled 1 st iteration dual-mode Sierpinski patch Fig. 7. Return loss, S11, and transmission, S21, responses for the 2nd iteration
microstrip resonator Sierpinski patch microstrip resonator filter shown in Fig. 6



Type K=0 K=1 K=2


Return Loss (dB),S11 -10.515 -10.927 -8.0026

Insertion Loss (dB),S21 -0.4039 -0.3687 -0.74892
Center Frequency, GHz 5.475 5.45 5.4

Actual Bandwidth (-3dB) 70 MHz 50 MHz 70 MHz

Fig. 5. Return loss, S11, and transmission, S21, responses for Sierpinski patch
microstrip resonator filter shown in Fig. 4


Type K=0 K=1 K=2


Return Loss (dB),S11 -10.4 -10.23 -10.701

Insertion Loss (dB),S21 -0.13 -0.43276 -0.38627
Center Frequency, GHz 8.925 9.15 9.05

Actual Bandwidth (-3dB) 190 MHz 140MHz 140 MHz

The use of square slotting principle in 1st and 2nd iteration

reduces their fundamental frequency for first bands as Fig. 8. Current density distribution at the conducting surface of the 2nd
compared to 0th iteration. This is due to the application of iteration Sierpinski BPF simulated at a resonant frequency of 5.4GHz
surface square cuts which increase the current path length,
produce a decrease or shifting in the resonance frequency
without changing the external dimensions.
Figs.(8-10) show some simulated samples of current density
patterns using the EM simulator for the dual band dual-mode
microstrip bandpass filter, based on the 2nd iteration
Sierpinski fractal curve at operating frequency of 5.4 GHz ,
9.05 GHz and 9.5 GHz . It is clear from these figures that
only at the band frequencies (5.4 GHz and 9.05 GHz ) , the
two degenerate modes are induced and coupled to each other
with highest current distribution that verify dual mode
property, while at 9.5 GHz , no degenerate modes are excited
and lower current distribution values can been seen clearly.
The previous filter size designs can be changed to other
frequencies required for other wireless communication
systems by scaling estimation during modeling according to
frequency requirements of the specified applications. Fig. 9. Current density distribution at the conducting surface of the 2nd
iteration Sierpinski BPF simulated at a resonant frequency of 9.05 GHz

In this paper, new dual band dual-mode microstrip

Sierpinski bandpass filters with narrow band chebychev
responses have been presented as a new technique for modern
wireless communication systems. In this technique, filter
structures have been generated from 0 to 2nd iterations of
Sierpinski carpet fractal geometry and using the conventional
dual-mode square patch resonator as an initiator.

The modeling and performance of proposed filters have been

evaluated using a full-wave based electromagnetic sonnet
simulator with a dielectric constant of 10.8 and thickness of
The proposed technique can be used as a design tool for
developing multiband compact microstrip bandpass filters
especially for satellite communication systems.

Fig. 10. Current density distribution at the conducting surface of the 2nd
iteration Sierpinski BPF simulated at a resonant frequency of 9.5 GHz


This work is supported by the Scientific and Technological

Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for PhD Research
Fellowship for Foreign Citizens Program under Fund
Reference (B.14.2.TBT. .

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