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Sensors 18 01132 PDF
Sensors 18 01132 PDF
Real-Time Seismic Data from the Bottom Sea
Xavier Roset 1,† , Enric Trullols 1 , Carola Artero-Delgado 1 , Joana Prat 1 , Joaquin Del Río 1 ID
Immaculada Massana 1 , Montserrat Carbonell 1 , Jaime Barco de la Torre 2 and
Daniel Mihai Toma 1, *,†
1 SARTI Research Group, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain; (X.R.); (E.T.); (C.A.-D.); (J.P.); (J.D.R.); (I.M.); (M.C.)
2 Instituto Geográfico Nacional C/General Ibáñez de Íbero 3, 28003 Madrid, Spain;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +349-3896-7200; Fax: 34-93-896-7201
† These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received: 5 March 2018; Accepted: 4 April 2018; Published: 8 April 2018
Abstract: An anchored marine seismometer, acquiring real-time seismic data, has been built and
tested. The system consists of an underwater seismometer, a surface buoy, and a mooring line that
connects them. Inductive communication through the mooring line provides an inexpensive, reliable,
and flexible solution. Prior to the deployment the dynamics of the system have been simulated
numerically in order to find optimal materials, cables, buoys, and connections under critical marine
conditions. The seismometer used is a high sensitivity triaxial broadband geophone able to measure
low vibrational signals produced by the underwater seismic events. The power to operate the
surface buoy is provided by solar panels. Additional batteries are needed for the underwater unit.
In this paper we also present the first results and an earthquake detection of a prototype system
that demonstrates the feasibility of this concept. The seismometer transmits continuous data at a
rate of 1000 bps to a controller equipped with a radio link in the surface buoy. A GPS receiver on
the surface buoy has been configured to perform accurate timestamps on the seismic data, which
makes it possible to integrate the seismic data from these marine seismometers into the existing
seismic network.
Keywords: earthquake; marine seismometers; data transmission and management systems; inductive
1. Introduction
Variations in real-time seismicity provide knowledge of the state of local and regional stresses in
the short and medium term, essential information to study the potential seismic risk that may affect
infrastructures and population located in the area. Recent seismic activity in 2013 (possible induced
by a gas tank) on the coast of Vinaròs, or the intense underwater seismic activity associated with the
eruption of El Hierro in the archipelago of the Canary Islands (2011–2012), shows the importance of
controlling seismic events located in the sea that are not covered by the terrestrial monitoring networks.
Monitoring the regional seismic events in real time makes it possible to achieve fast estimation of
actual earthquake scales, since the measured seismicity directly gives us the true size of the earthquake.
In the last decade, various technologies have been proposed and tested to address this challenge,
such as cabled Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBSs) [1–4], OBSs acoustically linked to surface buoys
or surface vehicles [5,6] and free-floating buoys [7]. Although a permanent array of wired OBSs can
be considered as the best technology for seismic surveys, having practically unlimited power and
data transmission bandwidth, it is very expensive to implement and its deployment is restricted to
the locations where such cable observatories can be deployed. More affordable solutions are the
OBSs acoustically linked to surface buoys or surface vehicles. However, the standalone ocean bottom
broadband stations, implementing an acoustic link between the OBS and the surface, are limited by
the acoustic communication latency, power consumption, and bandwidth.
Within this context, we developed and implemented a new technology for standalone ocean
bottom broadband systems. First, an overview of the challenges for underwater monitoring of the
regional seismic events in real time is presented. Section 2 focuses on the design philosophy of
the standalone ocean bottom broadband system including the seafloor unit, the surface buoy, and
the mooring and the inductive communication system; it includes the dynamic simulations of the
prototype for deployment near the OBSEA observatory at a depth of 20 m and in the Alboran Sea
(Western Mediterranean) at a depth of 250–300 m. The actual deployment of the standalone ocean
bottom broadband station near the OBSEA observatory and the results are discussed in Section 3.
The results include the registration of a seismic event located in the Hautes-Pyrénées, of magnitude 3.7,
that occurred on 28 October at 19.06 UTC. Finally, the conclusions drawn are presented in Section 4.
0.033 Hz for detecting low frequency Earth movements. As illustrated in Figure 3, the bottom case is
grooved to evacuate exceeding material like sand, mud, sludge, or other kind of sediments, getting a
successful coupling with the seafloor. A centring of the Güralp 6TC OBS masses is required when the
seismometer is first deployed on the seafloor. This operation can be done from the land base at any
time through the bidirectional communication link provided by the inductive and the RF link.
Figure 3. The Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) with Güralp 6TC seismometer at pressure test.
The bottom case of the seismometer is grooved to evacuate exceeding material for a successful coupling
with the seafloor.
The seismic data of the Güralp 6TC OBS is acquired and managed by an acquisition system
(Figure 4), which consists of five main blocks: analogue-to-digital conversion module, micro-controller
and data storage module, power regulation module, time base module, and inductive communication
module as illustrated in Figure 4.
The prototype broadband OBS is a modification of the autonomous one [8] with the addition of
an inductive modem and its associated interface processor. A lithium-ion battery pack is built and
used as the main power supply. The micro-controller and storage module is based on a LPC 4357
microcontroller and a 64 GB microSD memory card for data storage (approximately 1 year of raw
seismic data). This module is in charge of configuration of the ADC module selecting the sampling rate
and low power operations. The acquisition software designed acquires data continuously from input
channels through a QSPI (Queued Serial Peripheral Interface) bus, performs local timestamping using
the integrated RTC (Real-Time Clock), and stores the data in the microSD memory card. In addition to
the seismic measurements, the internal temperature and humidity measurements are also performed.
The data acquisition and storage system has been optimized to acquire seismic events in the domain
of seismology. The data logger has a dynamic range of all the channels of 129 dB, slightly below the
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ADC dynamic range at the same sampling rate (130 dB@103 Hz). The resolution of the system is about
21.4 bits due to noise and the random noise is about 1.1 LSBs which corresponds to about 320 nV.
A channel crosstalk of −147 dB shows a good PCB design and EMI immunity.
Figure 4. (a) Electronic acquisition system and (b) block diagram of OBS electronics. The Inductive
modem interface connects to the OBS via a serial line.
The acquired measurements are timestamped and organized into fixed length miniSEED files
and stored on a microSD card. In normal mode, sub-samples seismic data acquired from the vertical
axis of the seismometer is transmitted every ten seconds to the shore station through the inductive
communication using a Sea-Bird UIMM module and the surface link. If required by the operators, the
system can transmit historic packages of seismic data from all 3 axes at full resolution. Furthermore,
this module carries out the following functions: time synchronization with a GPS signal, clock drift
calculation, and low power operation modes. A lithium-ion battery pack is used as the main power
supply and is enough for 6 months in service collecting data.
panels. The wind rose of the “Cabo de Gata” and the maximum wave have been considered to design
the system.
Model 1 Model 2
type steel cable elastomer
Line 1
length (m) 120/140/160 17/24/28
type steel cable steel cable
Line 2
length (m) 200 280
Table 2. Meteorological conditions tested. A JONSWAP wave type is used. Hs (m) is the significant
wave height; Tz (s) is the wave period.
Property Units
Normal Extrem
Hs 1 5.7 m
Wave data
Tz 3.73 8.61 s
Wind velocity 3 20 m/s
on surface 0.20 1.20 m/s
Current at 100 m depth 0.053 0.31 m/s
velocity at 200 m depth 0.028 0.17 m/s
on the seabed 0.022 0.14 m/s
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Dynamic simulations have been done using an implicit integration method with a fixed step size.
The segment length of Line 2 is 1 m whereas in Line 1 it is 0.1 m and 0.2 m. The first segment on the
top needs to be smaller when a big ratio of elastomer is considered with extreme conditions. To study
temporal behaviour, simulations have been done lasting a long enough time to overpass the transient.
With the transient being 600 s, simulations have been run lasting 20,000 s to ensure the overpass. A step
size of 0.1 s has been established, sufficient for the proposals of the present work, small enough to
generate correct results.
Table 3. Some relevant outputs from OrcaFlex simulations. Minimum, maximum, and variation range
(∆x) of the horizontal relative position x (m) of buoys from simulations of Orcaflex model.
The vertical angle of Line 2 remains small and similar in both models, being the maximum 3.5◦
(see left profile in Figure 7). The tension at the seabed is also small in all cases, with a maximum of
2.2 kN. We can conclude that, in normal conditions, there is no substantial difference between the two
models. Taking into account that our purpose is to minimize the angle and the tension in the seabed,
we can accept that a bigger ratio gives better results. In extreme conditions, due to the strong tension
involved, the Line 1 inverse catenary disappears and acts like a quasi-straight line (see right profile
in Figure 7). In Model 1 the surge range of the surface buoy (about 19 m) does not depend on the
ratio of lines and only slightly depends on the ratio (36.6–41.4 m) in Model 2. A noticeable difference,
regarding maximum surge, Model 1 always shows higher values than Model 2 (about 4 times bigger).
The angle of Line 2 is similar in both models under the same meteorological conditions. The proposed
design consists of a seabed unit (containing the seismometer), an intermediate underwater buoy (that
minimizes displacements and tensions in the system), and a surface buoy (containing the offshore
communication system). Under normal conditions there is not a significant difference between models,
though in extreme conditions Model 2 gives better results than Model 1, as the seabed tension is about
4 times smaller. Under the studied conditions, the use of the elastomer is a good option in extreme
Sensors 2018, 18, 1132 9 of 15
conditions as it reduced the tensions at the anchorage, minimizing the risk of displacement. The buoy
has also been over-dimensioned to support extreme conditions. A large anchor and a strong steel
cable ensure their stability and the seismometer has been placed as far as possible from the anchor to
avoid interferences.
Figure 7. Orcaflex vertical view. Different configurations at a fixed time: Model 1: (a) ratio 1.2; (b) ratio
1.6. Model 2: (c) ratio 0.85; (d) ratio 1.2.
There is also a significance difference between maximum tensions at the seabed depending on the
model, ranging from 25.9 kN in Model 1 to 7.5 kN in Model 2 (see Figure 8). Figures 9 and 10 show the
Fourier spectral density of tensions induced to the seabed using Model 1 and Model 2 respectively
(notice the different scales in figures and between them). Dominant frequencies are always smaller
than 1 Hz. The spectral analysis is basic in the study of dynamic behaviour. Spectral wave data mainly
configures the spectrum, but wind, current, and the mechanical configuration modifies it accordingly,
as can be seen in Figure 9. In contrast, with extreme conditions, the spectral density chart shows that
main wave frequency is the dominant one (0.09 Hz) (see Figure 10), because the waves are the more
impacting environmental condition.
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Figure 8. Tension on seabed. Temporal evolution (s) of the tension (kN) of Line 2 on seabed: (a) Model 1,
ratio 1.4; (b) Model 2, ratio 1.2.
Figure 9. Cont.
Sensors 2018, 18, 1132 11 of 15
Figure 9. Fourier tension spectral analysis with normal Mateo. Spectral density of the effective tension
at the seabed (anchor) vs the frequency (Hs). (a) Line 1 ratio of 1.2 (b) Line 1 ratio of 1.4; (c) Line 1 ratio
of 0.85 and (d) Line 1 ratio of 1.2.
Figure 10. Fourier tension spectral analysis with extreme Mateo. Spectral density of the effective
tension at the seabed (anchor) vs the frequency (Hs). (a) ratio 1.2 (b); ratio 1.4; (c) ratio 0.85 and (d)
ratio 1.2.
3. Results
The results of the validation deployment, done near the OBSEA underwater observatory, have
shown that the system is capable of transmitting near real-time seismic data. The telemetry system,
via underwater inductive link and surface radio link, is capable of providing a permanent two-way
communication link with an acceptable packet loss of less than 3%. Moreover, thanks to the high
sensitivity of the broadband marine seismometer, the data collected in these tests has shown that distant
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earthquakes could be measured with this system. Figure 11 illustrates the seismic data registered by
the seismometer from an earthquake located in the Hautes-Pyrénées, of magnitude 3.7, that occurred
on 28 October at 19.06 UTC. As depicted in Figure 12, the travel time difference corresponds to an
epicentral distance of the earthquake of about 218 km, which is approximately the distance between the
place where the OBS has been deployed and where the earthquake occurred in the Hautes-Pyrénées,
that has been recorded by all the seismic stations of the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya
( and the cabled OBS installed at OBSEA observatory (
Figure 11. Recording of a seismic event located at Hautes-Pyrénées, of magnitude 3.7, that occurred on
28 October at 19.06 UTC. A band filter between 4 to 10 Hz has been used to filter the raw seismic data.
In order to validate this seismic event, we compared it with the seismic data from the Garraf
Seismic Station [15] (see Figure 14), which is located at approximately 18.4 km from the OBSEA.
Moreover, the moored OBS has been validated with the cabled seismometer station of OBSEA [16]
which detected the same seismic event as illustrated in Figure 13. This cabled seismometer station is
based on the Trillium 120P/PA broadband seismometer together with the Taurus data logger provided
by Nanometrics Inc, and a GPS emulator developed with a Stellaris microcontroller [4].
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Figure 13. Caption from the Cabled Seismometer Station of OBSE of a seismic event located at
Hautes-Pyrénées, of magnitude 3.7, that occurred on October 28 at 19.06 UTC [16]. A band filter
between 4 and 10 Hz has been used to filter the raw seismic data.
Figure 14. Caption from the Garraf Seismic Station of a seismic event located at Hautes-Pyrénées, of
magnitude 3.7 [17], that occurred on 28 October at 19.06 UTC.
4. Conclusions
In this paper we described a new technology of a moored OBS, which can help to meet the
long-term goal of telemetered ocean bottom seismic stations. A seismometer attached to a surface
buoy has been proposed as an alternative to classical OBSs. In contrast to autonomous OBSs, the
physical connection between the seismometer and the buoy allows real-time data communications
with enough bandwidth to analyse seismic activity. It should be noted that inductive systems, such
as the one included in this mooring OBS, are relatively easy to implement with a single anchor point.
Moreover, this telemetry system has a very low latency and power consumption compared to acoustic
telemetry, which is normally used as communication link between the seafloor and surface devices.
Having a moored OBS, such as the one described in this paper, installed offshore in an active seismic
zone will allow us to obtain almost in real time the first record of an earthquake, and to determine
the arrival time of the P wave and its amplitude. Hence, this type of system is able to provide crucial
information over the ocean that global seismic tomography so far desperately lacks.
Two different mooring models, using a steel cable or a combination of steel cable plus elastomer,
have been investigated. Numerical simulations, using Orcaflex, have been performed including the
effect of the waves, winds, and currents, taken from the Spanish Harbor Authority records. Model
1 uses the inverse catenary to absorb movements and tensions whereas Model 2 uses an elastomer
to do the same. The knowledge of these tensions is a key point in the design of the anchor system.
Both models have pros and cons. Under normal conditions there is not a significant difference between
models, although in extreme conditions Model 2 gives better results than Model 1, the seabed tension
being about 4 times smaller. Under the studied conditions, the use of the elastomer reduced the
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tensions at the anchorage, minimizing the risk of displacement, and it seems to be a good option in
extreme conditions.
Final design consists of a seafloor unit (Güralp 6YC-OBS Gimbal seismometer) and a surface unit
(EMS 2.0 buoy) connected by a steel cable. The steel cable allows inductive DPSK data transmission
between the two units and consequently real-time data transmission through RF, GSM, or satellite link
to the land station. First deployment and validation tests were done in June of 2017 at 2 nautical miles
off the coast of Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona), near the OBSEA underwater observatory at a depth
of 20 m. The reliability of the system has been proved by detecting a seismic event of magnitude 3.7
centered at Hautes-Pyrénées, that occurred on 28 October at 19.06 UTC. Finally, we plan to deploy the
moored OBS system in an active seismic zone in the Carboneras Fault in the Alboran Sea (Western
Mediterranean) at a depth of 250–300 m.
Usually seismic Long-Period events (LP) range from 0.05 to 30 Hz. Our design, in the studied
meteorological conditions, transmits seabed vibrations around 0.1, 0.2, and 0.6 Hz that partially
overlap the seismic range. Special attention must be taken in order to identify low frequency seismic
events. The vibrations of the nearby anchor due to the wave can be induced in the signal of the
geophone, however, this behaviour can be characterized using the new elastic approach with a simple
mass-spring-dashpot model of OBS/seabed interaction, that allows the analysis of amplitude coupling
data [18]. It is also possible to make corrections for this problem by the infidelity vector of the
coupling [19]. Our dynamical study of the system and the possibility of segregating the seismic data
using spectral analysis paves the way to a new generation of seismic buoys, more compact, lighter,
and easier to deploy.
Acknowledgments: We acknowledge the financial support from Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
under contract CGL2013-42557-R (Interoperabilidad e instrumentación de plataformas autónomas marinas para la
monitorización sísmica, INTMARSIS). The authors extend their thanks to Orcina for their kind support and offer of
the academic license OrcaFlex N1594 (2015) to Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Author Contributions: Daniel Mihai Toma and Carola Artero-Delgado designed and developed the moored Ocean
Bottom Seismometers system. Carola Artero-Delgado developed the software for the OBS microcontroller and
the software under Linux environment for the surface buoy; Daniel Mihai Toma developed the signal conditioner
board. Xavier Roset helped with the integration of the Güralp 6TC seismometer. Jaime Barco de la Torre helped
with the development of the seismic data format. Joana Prat, Immaculada Massana, Montserrat Carbonell designed
the mooring system and done the numerical simulations. Xavier Roset, Enric Trullols and Joaquin del Rio are
the supervisors.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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