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Msogoya et al.. .…J. Appl. Biosci. 2012.

Management of microbial contaminants of banana in vitro cultures

Journal of Applied Biosciences 55: 3987– 3994

ISSN 1997–5902

Identification and management of microbial

contaminants of banana in vitro cultures
Theodosy Msogoya*, Helen Kanyagha, Josiah Mutigitu, Mateso Kulebelwa and Delphina Mamiro
Sokoine University of Agriculture, P.O Box 3005 Morogoro, Tanzania

*Corresponding author’s email: tjmsogoya@yahoo.com

Original submitted in on 2nd May 2012. Published online at www.m.elewa.org on July 27th 2012.

Microbial contamination is one of the major challenges hampering the application of in vitro
micropropagation technique for mass production of pest-free banana planting materials at the Sokoine
University of Agriculture in Tanzania.
Objectives: The objectives of this study were to identify bacterial and fungal contaminants of banana in vitro
cultures and to test the efficacy of selected antibiotics and antifungal agents in the elimination of such
Methodology and results: Purified bacterial isolates were identified based on vegetative cell shape, gram
reaction, fluorescent pigment and standard biochemical tests. On the other hand, pure fungal isolates were
microscopically identified based on structural and morphological characters. Four antibiotics, namely
rifampicin, gentamicin, chloramphenicol and vancomycin each at 100, 150 and 200mg /litre and three
antifungal agents, namely ketoconazole, fluconazole and nystatin each at 100, 150 and 200 mg/litre were
used in the culture susceptibility tests of the identified bacteria and fungi, respectively. The bacterial
contaminants of banana in vitro cultures were Proteus spp., Erwinia spp., Klebsiella spp. and
Staphylococcus spp. while the fungal contaminants were Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp,. Penicillium spp.
and Candida spp. Culture susceptibility tests revealed that gentamicin, rifampicin and chloramphenicol
each at 150mg/litre effectively suppressed the growth of all the identified bacteria while only ketoconazole
at 200mg/litre inhibited the growth of all the identified fungal contaminants.
Conclusion and application of results: Proteus, Erwinia, Klebsiella and Staphylococcus are the major bacterial
contaminants while Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium and Candida are the main fungal contaminants of banana in
vitro cultures. These contaminants can effectively be eliminated by incorporation in the growth media of
gentamicin, rifampicin and chloramphenicol each at 150mg/litre and ketoconazole at 200mg/litre. Further
studies are required to investigate the negative side-effects of these antibiotics and antifungal agents on
the growth and genetic stability of banana in vitro cultures.
Key words: Antibiotic treatment, Antifungal treatment, Microbial contamination, in vitro micropropagation,

Plant in vitro micropropagation is an aseptic The growth media in which the plant tissue is
technique for rapid multiplication of pest-fee plant cultivated is also a good source of nutrients for
materials from organs, tissues and cells of microbial growth. These microbes compete with
desirable plants (Vuylsteke and De Langhe, 1985). plant tissue cultures for nutrients and some of

Msogoya et al.. .…J. Appl. Biosci. 2012. Management of microbial contaminants of banana in vitro cultures

them produce phytotoxins which result in culture Maina et al., 2010). Generally, this surface
mortality, tissue necrosis, and reduced shoot sterilization eliminates most epiphytic
proliferation and rooting (Kane, 2003). For contaminants expect endophytic ones (Habiba et
instance, fungi Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus al., 2007). An application of systemic fungicides
flavus have been reported to produce oxalate and such as benomyl (benlate®) before the collection
aflatoxin poisons, respectively, that kill plant of plant materials also suppresses microbial
cultures (Obuekwe and Osagie, 1989). Microbial contaminants in plant in vitro cultures (Mng’omba
contamination is one of the major challenges et al., 2007). Alternatively, an incorporation of
facing plant in vitro propagation during different antibiotics and antifungal agents into the growth
stages of culture processes such as culture media of plant cultures has been reported to
initiation and sub-culturing. Sub-culture process is eliminate microbial contaminants (Reed et al.,
a major source of contamination with about 5-15% 1995; Habiba et al., 2002). Daily observation has
of contaminants being introduced for every sub- shown that the plant tissue culture laboratory at
culture (Leifert, 1990). The major cause of the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) faces
microbial contamination is insufficient sterilization serious microbial contamination with about 40 -
of explants, growth media, working tools and 60% of the banana in vitro cultures being lost. The
operators’ hands (Omamor et al., 2007). The main aseptic procedures in this laboratory involve
principal microbial contaminants frequently growth media sterilization at 121°C for 15 minutes
reported in plant in vitro cultures are bacteria and and explant treatment with 4.5% (m/v) laundry
fungi (Cassels, 1996). Pseudomonas syringae, sodium hypochloride for 15 minutes, dry heat
Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis, sterilization of working tools at 180°C for 120
Cornebacterium sp. and Erwinia spp. have been minutes, flaming of tools during working in 99%
reported to be the major bacterial contaminants in methylated spirit and disinfection of lamina flow
plant tissue cultures (Odutayo et al., 2004) while bench and operators’ hands with 70% methylated
the main fungal contaminants frequently observed spirit (Maerere et al., 2003). Despite following
in plant tissue cultures are Alterneria tenius, these aseptic procedures, microbial contamination
Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus and still remains a major problem affecting banana in
Fusarium culmorum (Odutayo et al., 2004; vitro propagation in this laboratory. The objectives
Odutayo et al., 2007). Plant materials for in vitro of this study were (i) to identify bacterial and fungal
propagation are surface-sterilized using either contaminants of banana in vitro cultures and (ii) to
sodium hypochlorite solution at 0.3-1.0% (m/v) for evaluate the efficacy of antibiotics and antifungal
15-30 minutes or aqueous mercuric chloride at 0.1- agents on the suppression of the identified
1.0%(m/v) for 8 minutes (Meghwal et al., 2000; microbial contaminants.


Characterization and identification of bacterial and starch hydrolysis, casein hydrolysis, fluorescent
fungal contaminants: Microbial contaminants were pigment, lactose, citrate and catalase production
isolated from banana cultures at SUA Plant tissue (Collins and Lyne 1984, Krieg and Holt, 1984; Sneath
culture laboratory. Bacterial isolates were aseptically et al., 1986). On ther other hand, fungal isolates were
streaked onto sterile nutrient agar (NA) medium and the aseptically transferred onto Petri dishes containing
cultures were incubated at 28°C for 24 hours. Pure potato dextrose agar (PDA) growth medium and the
bacterial isolates were obtained by repeated sub- cultures were incubated at 24°C for 5 to 15 days. The
culturing using a serial dilution technique (Collins and fungal isolates were purified by repeated subcultures
Lyne, 1984). The purified isolates were stained for onto fresh PDA growth medium. Wet mount slides of
morphological characterization based on vegetative cell pure fungal isolates were prepared and stained with
shape, gram reaction and presence or absence of lactophenol cotton blue for identification of the isolates
spores. Furthermore, standard biochemical tests were based on microscopic morphological appearance of
conducted, namely methyl red, arginine hydrolase, conidiophores and conidia (Barnett and Hunter, 1972).

Msogoya et al.. .…J. Appl. Biosci. 2012. Management of microbial contaminants of banana in vitro cultures

Culture susceptibility tests of identified bacterial anti-fungal activities using agar well diffusion method
and fungal contaminants: The susceptibility of (Trease and Evans, 1983; Ajaiyeoba et al., 1996).
bacterial cultures to antibiotics was tested using Kirby- Briefly, each test fungal isolate was individually spread
Bauer method (Claus, 1995). Briefly, the bacterial using a sterile bent glass rod onto the PDA medium in a
growth medium solidified by Mueller-Hinton agar was 10cm diameter plate and a well was made on each
inoculated with the bacterial isolates. Disks singly plate using a sterile 6mm diameter cork-borer (Figure
impregnated with gentamicin, rifampicin, 2) . Ketoconazole, nystatin and fluconazole each at
chloramphenicol and vancomycin each at 100, 150 and concentrations of 100, 150 and 200 mg/litre and sterile
200mg/litre were placed onto the growth medium in water as a negative control were singly filled into the
10cm diameter plate after the bacterial inoculation wells with the aid of a pipette. A treatment consisted of
(Figure 1). A treatment consisted of four disks of an 20 plates replicated three times. The plates were
antibiotic in a plate replicated four times. The inoculated incubated at 24°C for 5 – 7 day and the susceptibility of
plates were incubated at 28°C for 24 hours and the fungal isolate to the antifungal agents was estimated
susceptibility of the bacterial isolates to the antibiotics based on the diameter of the inhibition zone measured
was estimated based on the diameter of the inhibition using a ruler (Collins and Lyne, 1984). Inhibition zone
zone measured using a ruler (Kneifel and Leonhardt, diameters of 9 - 14mm, 15 – 19mm and > 20mm meant
1992). Inhibition zone diameters of 9 - 14mm, 15 – the fungus was resistant, intermediate resistant and
19mm and > 20mm meant the bacterial isolate was susceptible to the antifungal agents, respectively. Data
resistant, intermediate resistant and susceptible to the analysis involved computing mean diameters and
antibiotic, respectively. On the other hand, comparing them with the inhibition zone diameter
ketoconazole, nystatin and fluconazole were tested for range.

Figure 1: Plate of fungal and bacterial growth medium: Left - disks impreginated with antibiotis and Right - wells
drilled into the media for injection of anti-fungal agents.


Identification of microbial contaminants in banana (Martinez et al., 2003). Endophytic bacteria are
tissue cultures: The bacterial contaminants of banana beneficial to host plants as they enhance plant defence
in vitro cultures at SUA were Proteus spp., Erwinia against diseases (Guan et al., 2005) but become
spp., Klebsiella spp. and Staphylococcus spp. (Table problematic in tissue cultres where total asepsis is
1). The isolated bacterial contaminants in this study required. The elimination of endophytic bacteria
have earlier been frequently reported in plant tissue through surface sterilization is usually ineffective except
cultures (Kneifel and Leonhardt, 1992; Odutayo et al., when stronger and systemic sterilants are used such as
2007). For example, Klebsiella has endophytically been mercuric chloride and systemic fungicides like benomyl
isolated in internal tissues of banana, maize and wheat (Danso et al., 2011).

Msogoya et al.. .…J. Appl. Biosci. 2012. Management of microbial contaminants of banana in vitro cultures

Table 1: Characterization and identification of bacterial contaminants of banana in vitro cultures

Fluorescent pigment
Arginine hydrolase

Lactose utilization
Casein hydrolysis
Starch hydrolysis
Spore formation
Vegetative cells

Name of isolate
Methyl red test
Gram reaction

Catalase test
Citrate test




Rods None _ + - - - - - - - Proteus spp.
Rods None _ + + - - - + + - Erwinia spp.
Rods None - - - - + - + + - Klebsiella spp.
Cocci None + - - + + - + + + Staphylococccus spp.
+: Positive result and - : Negative result

Conversely, Proteus spp., Erwinia spp. and are generally easy to eliminate using normal surface
Staphylococcus spp. are exogenous bacteria that are sterilization techniques (Mathias et al., 1987; Meghwal
found in soils, water and plant surfaces. The et al., 2000; Kane, 2003). The fungal contaminants in
occurrence of exogenous bacteria in plant tissue banana in vitro cultures in this study were Aspergillus
culture in this study was probably due to an insufficient spp., Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp. and Candica spp.
surface sterilization of explants, tools and culture (Table 2).
vessels. Being on plant surfaces, exogenous bacteria

Table 2: Characterization and identification of fungal contaminants of banana in vitro cultures

Isolate description Name of isolate
Colonies flat, filamentous, velvety, woolly, or cottony in texture. Colonies initially white
but later becoming blue green or grey green at centre surrounded by white. Isolates
Penicillium spp.
appear simple or branched with conidiophores, metulae, phialides and conidia. Metulae
carry flask-shaped phialides which form brush-like clusters.
Immature heads white while mature heads are in shades ranging from yellowish cream
to green or black. Conidiophores bear heads, long and hyaline that terminates in Aspergillus spp.
bulbous heads while conidia are globose to subglobose and usually rough yellowish
green and dark brown.
Isolates white to off-white growth, pionnotes wet and full of microconidia with oval,
elliptical or kidney-shapes and held together in false-head on monophialides and Fusarium spp.
polyphialides, and falcate macroconidia with 3-5 sepates.
Colonies generally flat, smooth, moist, glistening or dull, and cream to tannish
cream in colour and sometimes peach coloured. Microscopically, blastoconidia
Candida spp.
unicellular, globose and ellipsoid to elongate in shape. Multipolar budding is
typical, pseudohyphae, if present, are rudimentary and hyphae are absent.

Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp. and Aspergillus spp. study was possibly due to an inadequate surface
are exogenously found in soils, water and plant sterilization. Several studies have also associated the
surfaces (Cassels, 1990) but are also endophytes in incidence of exogenous fungal contaminants in plant in
some plant species (Suryanarayanan et al., 2000). For vitro cultures with an insufficient sterilization (Cassells,
instance, Fusarium has been reported as an endophytic 1991; Kane, 2003). Candida is a genus of yeasts that
fungus in banana and pumpkin plants while Penicillium only occurs in animals and humans as a harmless
spp. and Aspergillus spp. were found in internal tissues commensal or endosymbiont (Hecror and Domer,
of mallow plants (Suryanarayanan et al., 2000; 1983), and its incidence in banana in vitro cultures in
Odutayoetal., 2007). The occurrence of exogenous
fungal contaminants in banana in vitro cultures in this

Msogoya et al.. .…J. Appl. Biosci. 2012. Management of microbial contaminants of banana in vitro cultures

this study was possibly due to an insufficient asepsis gentamicin each at a concentration of 150mg/litre were
among workers during tissue culture operations. effective in the suppression of Klebsiella spp., Proteus
Culture susceptibility test of isolated microbial spp., Erwinia spp. and Staphylococcus spp. (Table 3).
contaminants: Chloramphenicol, rifampicin and

Table 3: Culture susceptibility test of the identified bacterial contaminants to different antibiotics


Bacteria genus




200 150 100 200 150 100 200 150 100 200 150 10
Klebsiella S S I S S I S S I I R R
Erwinia S S I S S I S S I S I R
Proteus S S I S S I S S I S R R
Staphylococcus S S I S S I S S I S S I
R = Resistant, S = Susceptible and I = intermediate resistant

Table 4: Culture susceptibility test of the identified fungal contaminants to different antifungal agents
Fungal genus Ketoconazole (mg/L) Fluconazole (mg/L) Nystatin (mg/L)
200 150 100 200 150 100 200 150 100

Penicillium spp. S S I S I R I I R

Aspergillus spp. S S I S I R I I R

Fusarium spp. S I I I R R R R R

Candida spp. S S I S I R I I R

R = Resistant, S = Susceptible and I = intermediate resistant

The effectiveness of gentamicin and rifampicin to Keskitalo et al., 1998; Thomas, 2004). Rifampicin is a
suppress both endophytic and epiphytic bacterial bactericidal agent that inhibits nucleic acid synthesis
contaminants has earlier been reported in dessert and effectively suppressed bacterial contaminants at 50
banana in vitro cultures in which gentamicin and mg/litre in artichoke explant cultures without having any
rifampicin suppressed Klebsiella, Erwinia, adverse effects on plant cell division, differentiation and
Pseudomonas, Corynebacterium, Bacillus and DNA synthesis (Phillips et al., 1981). The effectiveness
Cellulomonas (Keskitalo et al., 1998; Habiba et al., of chloramphenicol against the identified bacteria in this
2002). Gentamicin is a broad-spectrum anti-bactericidal study is comparable to previous reports (P'eaud-Lenoël
agent of gram positive and gram-negative bacteria that and de Gournay-Margerie, 1962; Gholamreza et al.,
suppresses bacterial growth by inhibiting cell protein 2008). Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum
synthesis (Falkiner, 1990; Reed et al., 1995; Habiba et bacteriostatic agent that inhibits protein synthesis and
al., 2007). Unfortunately, gentamicin has been reported is usually effective against a wide range of gram-
to have toxic effects to plant cultures for at a dose of negative and gram positive bacteria (Gholamreza et al.,
100mg/litre it inhibited shoot initiation from tobacco 2008). However, chloramphenicol has been reported to
callus and reduced in vitro shoot growth of tansy inhibit the uptake of solutes in isolated wheat plant
(Tanacetum vulgare) plants (Eichholtz et al., 1982; roots (P'eaud-Lenoël and de Gournay-Margerie, 1962).

Msogoya et al.. .…J. Appl. Biosci. 2012. Management of microbial contaminants of banana in vitro cultures

On the other hand, culture susceptibility test revealed contaminants in animal cell cultures, especially
that vancomycin at 200mg/litre was only effective Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida albicans and
against Erwinia, Proteus and Staphylococcus. Penicillium spp. (Wyler et al., 1979). Ketoconazole is a
Vancomycin at higher concentration of 250mg/litre in systemic antifungal agent that interferes with the
combination with cefotaxime at 250 mg/litre effectively synthesis of fungal cell membranes as well as certain
eliminated Erwinia, Proteus, Staphylococcusas and enzymes’ activities (Shepp et al., 1985). Although
Agrobacterium tumefaciens in soybean embryogenic reports on phytotoxic effects of ketoconazole are
tissues without any significant toxic effects to plant cells scanty, the antifungal agent has been reported to
(Wiebke et al., 2006). However, results on the suppress larval development in mussel in vitro culture
effectiveness of vancomycin against a wide variety of (Owen et al., 2010). In this study, fluconazole at
gram-positive pathogens are still contradictory for 200mg/litre effectively suppressed Penicillium,
vancomycin-resistant enterococci, streptococci and Aspergillus and Candida except Fusarium spp.
staphylococci strains have continued to evolve (Jones, Fluconazole belongs to the azole class of antifungal
2006). drugs and is generally considered to be a systemic
Ketoconazole at a concentration of 200mg/litre was the fungistatic rather than fungicidal in standard in vitro
most effective against all the identified fungal susceptibility tests (Sheehan, 1993). The side-effects of
contaminants, namely Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp., fluconazole are hardly known for it has not yet been
Penicillium spp. and Candida spp. (Table 4). The used to suppress fungal contaminants in plant tissue
effectiveness of ketoconazole in this study supports culture.
earlier reports in which it suppressed fungal

Proteus, Erwinia, Klebsiella and Staphylococcus are contaminants. These findings suggest that the identified
the major bacterial contaminants while Aspergillus, microbial contaminants of banana in vitro culture can
Fusarium, Penicillium and Candida are the main fungal effectively be suppressed by a combination of
contaminants of banana in vitro cultures at SUA. strategies, including incorporation in banana culture
Klebsiella, Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium occur growth media of gentamicin, rifampicin and
as both endophytic and epiphytic contaminants while chloramphenicol and ketoconazole as well as improving
Proteus, Erwinia and Staphylococcus exist as ephytic surface sterilization and training laboratory operators on
contaminants only. Based on culture susceptibility general aseptic procedures. Further studies are
tests, gentamicin, rifampicin and chloramphenicol each required to investigate the adverse side-effects of these
at 150mg/litre can effectively suppress all the identified antibiotics and antifungal agents on the growth and
bacterial contaminants while only ketoconazole at genetic stability of banana in vitro cultures.
200mg/litre is able to suppress all the isolated fungal

Authors gratefully acknowledge Sokoine University of Veterinary Medicine, SUA for the critical review of this
Agriculture for financing this study. Moreover, the manuscript.
authors thank Dr. Esron Karimuribo of Faculty of

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