Bacterial Endophytes: Recent Developments and Applications
Bacterial Endophytes: Recent Developments and Applications
Bacterial Endophytes: Recent Developments and Applications
Isolation and biodiversity of bacterial Studies that make use of both culture-based and culture-
endophytes independent techniques can be particularly useful. The
presence and taxonomy of endophytic bacteria of the entire
The endophytic niche offers protection from the environ- aerial parts of Crocus (Crocus albiflorus) was investigated by
ment for those bacteria that can colonize and establish Reiter & Sessitsch (2006). Their results suggest that Crocus
in planta. These bacteria generally colonize the intercellular supports a diverse bacterial microbial communities resem-
spaces, and they have been isolated from all plant compart- bling the microbial communities that have been described
ments including seeds (Posada & Vega, 2005). Endophytic for other plants, but also containing species that have not
bacteria have been isolated from both monocotyledonous been described in association with plants before. A combi-
and dicotyledonous plants, ranging from woody tree species, nation of plating of plant macerates, isolation and 16S rRNA
such as oak and pear, to herbaceous crop plants such as gene sequence identification of isolates and whole-commu-
sugar beet and maize. Classical studies on the diversity of nity fingerprinting was used. The results clearly indicated
c 2007 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Lett 278 (2008) 1–9
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Bacterial endophytes 3
recombination in vivo expression technology (Leveau & include osmotic adjustment, stomatal regulation, modifica-
Lindow, 2001; Preston et al., 2001; Zhang et al., 2006) may tion of root morphology, enhanced uptake of minerals and
provide an insight into genes that are required by bacteria to alteration of nitrogen accumulation and metabolism (Com-
enter, compete, colonize the plant, suppress pathogens and pant et al., 2005a, b). The recent areas where these plant
generally survive within the plant. growth-promoting bacterial endophytes are being used are
in the developing areas of forest regeneration and phytor-
Genomics of endophyte bacteria emediation of contaminated soils.
To date, few endophytic bacterial genome sequences have
been published; however, genome sequencing of a number Biocontrol and endophytes
of endophytes including Enterobacter sp.638, Stenotropho-
Endophytic bacteria are able to lessen or prevent the
monas maltophilia R551-3, Pseudomonas putida W619,
deleterious effects of certain pathogenic organisms. The
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Table 1. Natural products that have been derived or produced from various endophytic bacteria
Organism Plant association Active agent Activity Reference
Taxomyces andreanae Taxus brevifolia Taxol Anticancer Strobel et al. (1993)
Pseudomonas viridiflava Grass Ecomycins B and C Antimicrobial Miller et al. (1998)
Streptomyces griseus Kandelia candel p-Aminoacetophenonic acids Antimicrobial Guan et al. (2005)
Streptomyces NRRL 30562 Kennedia nigriscans Munumbicins Antibiotic Castillo et al. (2002)
Munumbicin D Antimalarial
Streptomyces NRRL 30566 Grevillea pteridifolia Kakadumycins Antibiotic Castillo et al. (2003)
Serratia marcescens Rhyncholacis penicillata Oocydin A Antifungal Strobel et al. (2004)
Paenibacillus polymyxa Wheat Fusaricidin A–D Antifungal Beck et al. (2003)
Lodge pine Li et al. (2007)
Green beans
bacteria, have been isolated from bacterial endophytes Endophytic microorganisms with the
(Table 1). One member of the plant-associated fluorescent potential to improve phytoremediation
pseudomonads, Pseudomonas viridiflava, which has
been isolated on and within the tissues of many grass Siciliano et al. (2001) showed that plants grown in soil
species (Miller et al., 1998), was found to produce two contaminated with xenobiotics naturally recruited endo-
novel antimicrobial compounds called ecomycins. Ecomy- phytes with the necessary contaminant-degrading genes.
cins represent a family of novel lipopeptides and are Indeed, in field sites contaminated with nitro-aromatics,
made up of some unusual amino acids including homo- genes encoding for nitro-aromatic compound degradation
serine and b-hydroxy aspartic acid. It was found that these were more prevalent in endophytic strains than within
compounds were able to inhibit the human pathogens rhizospheric or soil microbial communities. Van Aken et al.
Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida albicans (Miller (2004) also showed that a phyto-symbiotic strain of
et al., 1998). While viral inhibitors have been isolated Methylobacterium, which was isolated from hybrid Poplar
from Cytomaema sp. of fungi, such as cytonic acids A and trees (Populus deltoids x nigra), was capable of biodegrading
D, these were found to inhibit the human cytomegalovirus numerous nitro-aromatic compounds such as 2,4,6-trinitro-
(Guo et al., 2000). However, comprehensive screens for toluene. In the absence of a natural biodegradation ability,
antiviral compounds from bacterial endophytes have yet genetically engineered strains can be constructed and tailor-
to be reported. made for the desired application. Lodewyckx et al. (2001),
Bioplastics are biomaterials that are receiving increasing demonstrated that endophytes of yellow lupin, genetically
commercial interest. Lemoigne (1926) first described a constructed for nickel resistance, were able to increase the
bioplastic, poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) produced by nickel accumulation and tolerance of inoculated plants.
Bacillus megaterium. They are polyesters, produced by An application of bacterial endophytes with considerable
a range of microorganisms cultured under different nutrient biotechnological potential was described by Barac et al.
and environmental conditions. The most widely produced (2004), who showed that engineered Burkholderia cepacia
microbial bioplastics are poly-3-hydroxyalkanoate (PHA) G4 could increase plant tolerance to toluene, and decrease
and PHB. Genomic analysis indicates that many species the transpiration of toluene to the atmosphere. Because
of bacteria have the potential to produce bioplastics (Kalia toluene is one of the four components of BTEX contamina-
et al., 2003). tion, this has the potential to improve phyto-remediation by
Herbaspirillum seropedicae, a diazotrophic endophyte, can decreasing toxicity and increasing degradation of the xeno-
colonize a variety of higher plants and utilize a diverse range biotic (Barac et al., 2004). Table 2 outlines a number of
carbon sources. Catalán et al. (2007) have shown that studies that demonstrate the potential role of endophytes in
H. seropedicae accumulates significant levels of PHB, when phytoremediation.
grown on a range of individual carbon sources. The design Germaine et al. (2006) inoculated pea plants with a
and development of bacteria and higher plants able to Pseudomonas endophyte capable of degrading the organo-
accumulate PHAs may also help to streamline cost-effective chlorine herbicide, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D).
production and to produce novel heteropolymers for When inoculated plants were exposed to 2,4-D, they showed
a range of applications (Aldor & Keasling, 2003). no accumulation of the herbicide into their tissues and
Table 2. A non-exhaustive list of pollutants that have been associated with bacterial endophyte phyto-remediation strategies
Compound Plant association Organism Reference
Mono- and dichlorinated Wild rye (Elymus dauricus) Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain R75 Siciliano et al. (1998)
benzoic acids and Pseudomonas savastanoi strain CB35
2,4-D Poplar (Populus) and willow (Salix) P. putida VM1450 Germaine et al. (2006)
Methane Poplar tissues Methylobacterium populi BJ001 Van Aken et al. (2004)
(Populus deltoidesnigra DN34)
TNT, RDX, HMX Poplar tissues Methylobacterium populi BJ001 Van Aken et al. (2004)
(Populus deltoidesnigra DN34)
MTBE, BTEX, TCE Populus cv. Hazendans and Pseudomonas sp Germaine et al. (2004),
cv. Hoogvorst Porteous-Moore et al. (2006)
Toluene Poplar (Populus) B. cepacia Bu61(pTOM-Bu61) Taghavi et al. (2005)
TNT, 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene; 2,4-D, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid; TNT, 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene; RDX, hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazene; HMX,
octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5-tetrazocine; NDAB, aliphatic nitramine 4-nitro-2,4-diazabutanal; BTEX, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and
xylene; TCP, 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol; PCB, polychlorinated biphenyl.
experienced little or no signs of phytotoxicity, whereas populations with the capacity to degrade a pollutant and does
uninoculated plants showed significant accumulation of not require long-term establishment of the inoculant strain.
2,4-D and displayed signs of toxicity including a reduction It is has been demonstrated that endophytic bacteria
in biomass, leaf abscission and callus development on their efficiently expressing the necessary catabolic genes can
roots. Large rhizosphere populations were also observed promote the degradation of xenobiotic compounds or their
during these experiments, which were responsible for en- metabolites as they are accumulated or while being translo-
hanced degradation of 2,4-D in soil. cated in the vascular tissues of the host plant. With
The possible advantages of using endophytic microorgan- phytoremediation playing an ever-increasing role in the
isms to improve xenobiotic remediation were summarized clean-up of contaminated land and water, it is envisaged
by Newman & Reynolds (2005), a major advantage being that endophytes will play a major role in enhancing both the
where genetic engineering of a xenobiotic degradation path- range of contaminants that can be remediated and the rate
way is required, bacteria are easier to manipulate than plants. of their degradation.
In addition, quantitative gene expression of pollutant
catabolic genes within the endophytic populations could be
The endophyte niche and emerging
a useful monitoring tool for assessing the efficiency of the
remediation process. The unique niche of the interior plant
environment provides the xenobiotic degrader strain with an Various opportunistic bacterial pathogens including
ability to reach larger population sizes due to reduced Burkholderia, Enterobacter, Herbaspirillum, Ochrobactrum,
competition. Another important advantage of using endo- Pseudomonas, Ralstonia, Staphylococcus and Stenotrophomo-
phytic pollutant degraders is that any toxic xenobiotics taken nas have been identified as colonizers of the plant rhizo-
up by the plant may be degraded in planta, thereby reducing sphere (Berg et al., 2005). Many facultative endophytes are
phytotoxic effects and eliminating any toxic effects on recruited from the large pool of soil and rhizospheric species
herbivorous fauna residing on or near contaminated sites. and bacteria adapted for living in planta may include
The endophyte niche is a hot spot for horizontal gene opportunistic human/animal pathogens. Some bacteria as-
transfer (HGT) as demonstrated by Taghavi et al. (2005). In sociated with human infections have been isolated from the
this study, the degradative plasmid, pTOM-Bu61, was found interior of alfalfa (Ponka et al., 1995). This research area
to have transferred naturally to a number of different needs further investigation to establish the risks, if any,
endophytes in planta. This HGT activity promoted more associated with the development of the endophytic niche
efficient degradation of toluene in poplar plants. HGT for biotechnological applications.
in planta is likely to be widespread, as studies in pea with
Pseudomonas endophytes harbouring the plasmids pWWO
and pNAH7 also show high rates of transfer into a range of
Concluding remarks
autochthonous endophytes (Ryan et al., 2007b; E. Keogh & Exploitation of endophyte–plant interactions can result in
D.N. Dowling, unpublished data). This approach may have the promotion of plant health and can play a significant role
practical applications in equipping the natural endophyte in low-input sustainable agriculture applications for both
c 2007 Federation of European Microbiological Societies FEMS Microbiol Lett 278 (2008) 1–9
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