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FREE SPAN  Introduction

 Causes
 Free Span Static
 Free Span Dynamic
 Mitigation
 The pipeline span analysis is performed to determine allowable pipeline free spans in
installation, hydrotest and operation conditions.

 The allowable pipeline span is established from static load considerations and dynamic
(vortex shedding).

 Static span (local buckling/bending) design criteria are based on the allowable bending
stress for the pipeline. The static span calculations take into account the:
 pipeline weight,
 design pressure,
 design temperature and
 additional forces due to current and significant waves associated with the relevant
return period.

 Dynamic span involves vortex shedding calculations (VIV) based on the design currents
and significant waves associated with the relevant return period.
Applicability of Free Span Analysis
 Applicable for rigid subsea pipeline to determine allowable pipeline
free spans in installation, hydrotest and operation conditions due to
static and dynamic free span.
 Also applicable for rigid riser @ fixed platform to determine allowable
pipeline free spans in operation conditions due to vortex induced
vibration (VIV-dynamic span).

Wind Force

Tidal Profile Wave Profile Riser

Us UD Lexc
Current Force

Codes & standards
The following codes & standard will be used:
1. DnV 1981, Rules for Submarine Pipeline Systems, 1981
2. DnV RP E-E-305, “On Bottom Stability Design of Submarine Pipelines”,1988
3. DnV OS F-F-101, Rules for Submarine Pipeline Systems, 2010
4. DnV GL-
GL-14, “Free Spanning Pipelines”, 1998.
5. DnV RP F 105, “Free Spanning Pipelines”, 2006.
6. DnV RP F204, “Riser Fatigue”.
7. DnV RP C203, “Fatigue Strength Analysis of Offshore Steel Structures”.
8. DnV CN 30.5, “Environmental Conditions & Environmental Loads”.

1. Yong Bai, Pipeline and Riser, 2000
2. A.H. Mouselli, Introduction to Submarine Pipeline Design Installation, and
Construction, 1976
3. Andrew Palmer, Roger A King, Subsea Pipeline Engineering, Penwell 2004
Free Span Causes
Free span could exist as consequences from:

• Uneven seabed,
• Erosion/scouring,
• Sand Waves
• Crossing with other existing facilities: pipelines, cables
Free Span Causes

> Scouring Mechanism

Free Span Causes

• On set of sand scouring

How to Detect the spans?
1. (less accurate for small diameter pipelines)
Side scan sonar (less
2. (more accurate, but expensive and time consuming)
ROV (more
3. Diver (more accurate, but limited depth & bottom time)

L = 30m

L = 15m

L = 20m
Data gathering

What kind of data do we need in Free Span Analysis?

1. Metocean data (Hs, Ts, Uc)

2. Soil data

3. Pipe Data
Free Span Analysis

Static Analysis

 The maximum allowable span length based on static stress

considerations are dependent on self-
self-weight of the pipe and
coatings and the uniformly distributed load from the environment.

 The allowable static span length for a pipeline is calculated by

limiting the equivalent stress in the span to ab where ab is the
allowable bending stress based on the Von Mises equation after
deducting the axial stress.
Free Span Analysis

 The following stress equation is used to calculate

bending stress:

Maximum Bending Moment:  W  L2 

Mb   
 C 
M b  Z  b

L = allowable static freespan

C = end restrained constant
= 8.0 for pinned-
pinned-to to--pinned condition
10.0 for partial fixity condition
12.0 for fixed
to--fixed condition
Z = section modulus
b = maximum allowable bending stress
W = uniformly distributed load per unit length
The following stress equation is Dt = Total outer diameter of pipe (m)
used to calculate bending stress:
g = Acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)
W D Ls 2  Vc = Horizontal steady current normal
 ab   to pipe axis (m/s)
 20 I  Us = Wave induced horizontal
water particle velocity normal
σab = Allowable Bending Stress (N/m2) to pipe axis (m/s)
Ls = Maximum static span (m)
As = Horizontal water particle
I = Second Moment of area (m4) acceleration normal to the
pipe axis (m/s2)
D = Outside Diameter of Steel Pipe (in)
W = Uniformly distributed load/unit length (N/m) θ = Wave phase angle (deg)

= (Fv2 + FH2)0.5 CD = Drag Coefficient

FH = Total Horizontal force (N/m) = FD  FI CI =Inertia Coefficient
Fv = Total Vertical Force (N/m) = Ws
FD = Drag Force (N/m) Ws = Submerged pipe weight (N/m)

ρsw = Density of seawater (kg/m3)

0.5C D  sw Dt (Vc  U s cos  ) 2
FI = Inertia Force (N/m)
0.25C I  sw Dt As sin 
Free Span Analysis

• Static Analysis

2  C  I  e
La 
W  Dtot
La = allowable static freespan
C = end restrained constant
= 8.0 for pinned-
pinned-toto--pinned condition
10.0 for partial fixity condition
12.0 for fixed-
to--fixed condition
I = moment of inertia
e = equivalent stress
W = uniformly distributed load per unit length
= 2
W s  ( FD  FI ) 2

Allowable static span - based on the criterion that the

stresses in the pipeline are within the allowable limits.
Free Span Analysis
 The allowable bending stress is computed
based on a fully restrained pipeline,
which gives the most critical span
 The allowable bending stress due to span Description Allowable
effect is determined by using the Von Combined Stress
Mises equation. The allowable bending (%SMYS)
stress is computed by setting the
allowable equivalent stresses and Installation
deducting the stress due to internal 72
pressure, curvature and temperature Hydrotest
effect. 90
 The pipe stresses must not exceed the 90
allowable combined stresses in all
conditions. These allowable stresses are
used in the static span calculation to
determine the allowable span length with
self--weight and 1 year and 100 year
environmental loading.
Free Span Analysis

Dynamic Analysis

 The dynamic span is calculated by considering the vortex

induced vibration (VIV) from the flow velocity acting on the

 The excitation due to vortex shedding is analysed in

accordance with Appendix A of 1981 DNV “Rules of
Submarine Pipeline System”. In this guideline, the pipeline is
designed for no vortex shedding vibration.

 Under the guidelines of DNV 81, to avoid the occurrence of

vortex shedding excitation, the maximum permissible free-
span length will be determined based on a comparison of the
frequency of vortex shedding and the natural frequency of the
pipe span.
Free Span Analysis

• Dynamic Analysis (VIV, vortex induced vibration)

• Allowable dynamic span - based on the criterion that there is no in-
in-line or
cross--flow vortex induced vibrations in the pipeline due to current

Free Span Analysis

Vortex Shedding
• Vortices are shed in the wake of the pipe
• Either symmetric or alternating.
• Fluctuating forces on a pipe.
• Fatigue Consequences

Problem is due to resonance of system,

not direct loads on system

Free Span Analysis

 The vortex shedding frequency is given by the formula:

S tV
fv 

Where: fv = Vortex shedding frequency (1/s)

St = Strouhal number

V = Flow velocity normal to pipeline (m/s)

Dt = Pipe diameter (total) (m)

Dynamic Span
 The natural frequency of the free span is determined from:
C1  EI  2
fn   4 
2 m L
 e 
C1 = Numerical constant dependent on end conditions (-)
E = Young’s modulus (N/m2 or psi)
I = 2nd moment of area of pipe (m4)
me = Effective mass of pipe (kg/m)
L = Length of free-span (m)

 The numerical constant, C1, which is dependent on the end restraint

conditions, varies over the range ² or 9.87 to 22.0 for end
conditions varying from simply supported to fully fixed. In this case,
C1 is taken as 15.4 (fixed/pinned condition).
Dynamic Span
 The effective mass per unit length, me, is defined as:

m e  m p  mc  m a

Where: me = Effective mass (kg/m)

mp = Mass of coated pipe in air (kg/m)

mc = Mass of content (kg/m)

ma = Added mass (kg/m)
= mass of water displaced by the volume
of the coated pipe
 The above effective mass consideration was based on several
references, like: A. H. Mouselli (p. 53), Yong Bai (p. 121) & DnV
Dynamic Span
 For determination of the velocity ranges where vortex
shedding induced oscillations may occur, a parameter called
the reduced velocity Vr, is used. Vr is defined as:

Vr 
f n Dt

Vr = Reduced velocity
Uc = Flow velocity normal to pipe axis (m/s)
fn = Natural frequency of pipe span (1/s)
Dt = Outer pipe diameter including coatings (m)
Dynamic Span
 Another parameter controlling the response of the pipeline is
the stability parameter, Ks, defined as:

Ks 
 w Dt 2
Ks = Stability parameter (-)
me = Effective mass (kg/m)
 = Logarithmic decrement of structural
Dt = Outer pipe diameter including coatings (m)
damping (-)
w = Mass density of surrounding water (kg/m3)
Dynamic Span
 DnV 81, App. A, A.2.1.6, p. 64

2  me  
Ks 
 sw  Dt 2
 DnV RP-F105

4    me   T
Ks 
sw  Dt 2

 So Logarithmic Structural Damping,

  2    T usually have value at 0.126

 T  0.02 Total Modal Damping Ratio

Types of Oscillations
Two types of oscillations may occur:
 oscillations in-
in-line with the velocity vector (in-
(in-line motion), and
 oscillations perpendicular to the velocity vector (cross-
(cross-flow motion).
In--Line Oscillations
 Resonant in-
in-line vortex shedding
induced oscillations may occur when 1.0
< Vr < 3.5 and Ks < 1.8.

 The flow velocity for the onset of in-

motion is dependent on Ks. The
relationship is given in Figure A.3 of
DNV 1981 Rules

 Depending on the flow velocity, the

vortices will either be shed
symmetrically or, alternatively, from
either side of the pipe.

 For 1.0 < Vr < 2.2 the shedding will be


 For Vr > 2.2 the shedding will be


 The amplitude of the motions due to in-

line vortex excitation may be
determined from 1981 DNV Rules
Cross--flow Oscillations
 Cross-flow oscillations may occur for Ks < 16 and values of Vr as determined
from DNV 1981 Rules.
 The velocity for onset of cross-
cross-flow motion is dependent on the Reynolds
Number of the flow across the pipe span (See Figure A.5 of DNV 1981)

 The amplitude of the cross-

cross-flow motion is dependent on Ks, the stability
parameter. The maximum value, as predicted by the DNV approach, may be
determined from 1981 DNV Rules (how?).
Free Span Analysis
• In
In--line & Cross flow

In-line vortex shedding resonance will effect the oscillation when 1<Vr<
In- <Vr<3
and Ks<
Cross--flow oscillation could happen if Ks<
Cross Ks<16
16,, and Vr determined by Reynold

Free Span Analysis

1.0 < Vr < 2.2

2.2 < Vr < 3.5

4.8 < Vr < 12

Free Span Analysis
The critical span length calculated using the procedure given below:

Establish the value of Ks and hence determine the reduced velocity for onset
of in-
in-line and cross-
cross-flow motion, Vr. Re-
Re-arrange and combine the formulae
given above to give an expression for the critical span length.

 BDtVr  2
Lcr   
 Uc 
Where: Lcr = Critical free span length (m)
B = C  EI  2

 
2  me 
Substitute the appropriate values in the above formula and determine the
critical span length for vortex induced span excitation.

Free Span Analysis

DnV RP F105
DnV RP F105
Free Span Analysis
Typical Response Behaviour of Span

If L/D > 200 : Response dominated by cable behaviour

Free Span Analysis

The criteria instead of oscillation phenomena

w. Ref. A. H. Mouselli

f s  0.7 f n

Free Span Analysis

Maximum allowable span

Maximum Allowable Span

Case Lcr due to VIV Lcr due to yield
(m) req. (m)

Installation (1yr) 51.055 73

Hydrotest (1yr) 48.566 67
Operating with Product (100
yr) 45.914 73

Fatigue damage
•DnV 1981 & GL 14 ni
Dfat   
i 1 N i

Ni = C . Si- m

C = characteristic fatigue strength constant

Si = rentang tegangan (response model),
S = (Smax – Smin) . SCF

ni = P (*) . fv . Tlife

P (*) = probabilitas kejadian untuk sea-state tertentu (Hs, Tp, θw)

fv = frekuensi vibrasi dominant dari model respon pipa
Tlife = waktu yang diekspos untuk efek pembebanan fatigue (seperti design life)

D fat   f v ( s R S ( f ,  k ,...))m P()  
Fatigue damage s-
s-n curve

nf =
i=1 Ni

S = number of stress blocks

ni = number of stress cycles in stress block i
Ni = number of cycles to failure at constant stress range, (sr) i
Free Span Mitigation

Free Span Mitigation Options:

1. Pre-
• Rock Dump
• Sand Bag
• Pre
Pre--Trenching: Jet Trenching, Clamp Shell, CSD, TSHD
• Install Helical Strakes

2. Post-
• Post Trenching: Jet Sled
• Grout Bag
Span remediation

Span hanging there need support immediately

Span remediation

• Rock Dumping Support

Span remediation

Sand Bag

Grout Bag
Span Remediation/Correction

Pre or Post Trenching

Span Remediation/Correction

Post Trenching
Span Remediation/Correction

• Helical strakes disturb shedding vortices

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