Blood MCQ
Blood MCQ
Blood MCQ
1) Bleeding time is prolonged by deficiency of:
a. V
c. IX
d. XII
c. Decreased osmotic pressure of plasma ptn.
d. Increased A/G.
d. Faster than extrinsic pathway.
e. Requires tissue thromboplastin.
14) Plasmin:
a. Activates protein C.
b. Causes clot retraction.
c. Lysis of clot.
d. Activates protein S.
18) Erythropoiesis:
a. Reduced by erythropoietin.
b. Inhibited by testosterone.
c. Stimulated by O2.
d. Stimulated by RBCs number.
20) Choose the correct statement about hemostasis:
a. Platelet adhesion is caused by TXA2.
b. Extrinsic pathway is initiated by factor XII.
c. Intrinsic pathway is rapid.
d. There is positive feedback between prothrombin, thrombin.
c. Damage of BM by toxic chemicals.
d. Intravascular haemolysis.
29) Plasmin:
a. Digests fibrin.
b. Inactivated in liver.
c. Responsible for clot retraction.
d. All of the above.
30) Monocytes:
a. Skill parasites.
b. Causes humoral immunity.
c. Synthesize heparin, histamine.
d. Change to macrophage in tissues.
31) Lymphocytes:
a. T are processed in thyroid.
b. B are processed in BM.
c. T helper inhibits B lymphoma.
d. T helper activates cytotoxic cells.
32) RBCs:
a. Depend on ATP, glycolysis.
b. Not plastic.
c. Destruction in kidney.
d. Main ion inside is Na+.
33) Bleeding tendency is increased in all except:
a. Vitamin C deficiency.
b. Vitamin K deficiency.
c. Thrombocytopenia.
d. Aspirin toxicity.
34) Erythropoiesis:
a. Develops in child in sternum.
b. Develops in adult in liver, spleen.
c. RBCs precursor in less than myeloid precursor.
a. Fibrin.
b. Thrombin.
c. Factor X.
d. Factor XII.
e. Calcium
38) Concerning, a person with blood group AB positive (AB+):
a. His plasma has no antibodies to antigen A and B.
b. His RBCs contain the A and B antigens on their nuclei.
c. His blood totally lacks Rh antigens.
d. He cannot receive blood from person with blood group O+.
e. He can donate blood to persons with blood group A+ or blood
group B+.
39) Failure of body immune tolerance produces:
a. Esinophilia.
b. Neutrophilia.
c. Myasthenia gravis.
d. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
e. Organ transplant rejection.
40) Hypoxia stimulates the kidney to produce:
a. Platelets.
b. Intrinsic factor.
c. Thrombopoietin.
d. Erythropoietin.
e. Thrombothenin.
41) Extrinsic pathway of blood clotting:
a. Is a slower process.
b. Is initiated by activation of factor V.
c. Is started simultaneously with the intrinsic pathway.
d. Factor VIII acts as a co-factor in its cascade reaction.
e. Produces large quantity of thrombin.
42) Heparin:
a. Acts by competitive inhibition with vitamin K.
b. Action starts few days after its administration.
c. Prevents blood coagulation both in vivo and in vitro.
d. Is never present, normally, in human being.
e. Decreases the formation of factors II, VII, IX and X.
43) Hemolytic disease of the newborn can occur, even to the first
baby, when:
a. Rh negative female carries Rh negative foetus.
b. Rh positive female carries Rh negative foeuts.
c. Rh positive female carries Rh positive foetus.
d. Rh negative female carries Rh positive foetus and previously
received Rh negative blood.
e. Rh negative female carries Rh positive foetus and previously
received Rh positive blood.
44) Regarding platelets, all the following are true EXCEPT:
a. Are formed from the megakaryocytes in the bone marrow.
b. On exposure to collagen, release serotonin to induce
c. Are connected to the exposed collagen via Von Willbrand
d. Adhere and aggregate together to the damaged vessel wall.
e. Their number is about 300.000/liter.
45) Microcytic hypochromic anemia occurs in case of:
a. Bone marrow failure.
b. Acute bleeding.
c. Deficiency of the intrinsic factors.
d. Frequent repetitive bleeding.
e. Deficiency of folic acid.
46) Albumin/ globulin ratio (A/G ratio) increased in case of:
a. Infection with AIDS virus.
b. Liver disease.
c. Typhoid infection.
d. Loss of albumin in urine.
e. Kidney disease.
a. Iron deficiency.
b. Bacterial toxins.
c. Intrinsic factor deficiency.
d. Renal failure.
a) Protein C.
b) Heparin.
c) Thromboxane A2.
d) Prostacyclin.
b) Starts by factor V.
50) One about B lymphocyte is correct:
54) Regarding anemia:
c. Vitamin B12, folic acid and vitamin C are all needed for
d. Iron is essential for hemoglobin synthesis.
c. Severe hypotension.
d. Renal failure.
e. Circulatory shock.
59) B- lymphocytes:
e. increase the activation of T-lymphocytes.
64) Regarding platelets, all are correct except:
b) In adequate erythropoietin.
c) Vitamin B12 deficiency.
d) None of the above.
70) Regarding platelets, all are correct except:
a) Release bradykinin.
b) Initiates clotting pathway.
c) Cause platelet aggregation.
d) Cause clot retraction.
71) Actions of thrombin, all are correct except:
a) Enhances platelet aggregation.
b) Activates V, VIII and XIII.
c) Inactivates plasminogen.
d) Enhances prothombin via +ve feed back.
a- Haematocrit.
b- Fibrinogen.
c- Buffy coat.
d- Plasma.
e- None of the above.
e- Plasma proteins carry oxygen to the tissues.
b. Anemia in which the red cells are smaller and paler than normal.
d. Wasting of the gastric mucosa so that the production of both Hcl
and intrinsic factor in deficient.
(78) Monocytes;
c. Are phagocytic.
a- ATP.
b- Carbonic anhydrase.
c- Cobalt.
d- Adrenaline hormone.
e- The intrinsic factor.
81) Red cell production:
a. Fibrinogen.
b. Prothrombin.
c. Factor XII.
d. Plasmin.
d. Heart.
86) Vit. B12 deficiency leads to:
a. decreased production of intrinsic factor.
b. anaemia in which the red cells are macroytic and
c. anaemia in which the red cells are smaller and paler than
d. increase in circulating neutrophils and platelets.
(87) Prevention of hemolytic disease of the new born
(erythroblastosis fetalis) could be achieved by giving the mother:
a. Anti- D antibodies early in pregnancy.
b. Anti- D antibodies soon after delivery.
c. Serum with Rh - positive antigens early in pregnancy.
d. Serum with Rh - positive antigens before getting pregnant.
(88) Haemostasis involves all of following processes EXCEPT:
a. Vascular constriction.
b. Platelet aggregation.
c. Plasmin formation.
d. prothrombin activation.
(89) Physiological factors that normally prevent intravascular
coagulation include:
a. Protein C.
b. Anti- thrombin III.
c. prostacyclin
d. All of the above.
90) During embryonic life. blood cells are formed primarily in:
a. Red bone marrow.
b. Lymph nodes.
c. Yellow bone marrow.
d. liver.
(91) Formation of RBCs (Erythropoiesis) is stimulated by:
a. Hypoxia.
b. Hypercapnoea.
c. Polycythemia.
d. Thrombopoietin.
92) All the following statements about iron are true EXCEPT:
a. It is principally absorbed from the upper part of the small
b. Its absorption is favored by gastric hydrochloric acid.
c. More than 10 mg/ day is required in normal adult for
replacement pm poses.
d. Its absorption is favored by the presence of vitamin (C ).
(93) As regards monocytes. All the following are true EXCEPT:
a. They have phagocytic activity.
b. They can manufacture immunoglobulins.
c. They originate from precursor cells in the bone marrow.
d. They may migrate from the blood into the tissues.
(94) Plasma albumin:
a. Is freely filtered at the renal glomeruli.
b. Makes a greater contribution to colloid osmotic pressure of
plasma than does globulin.
c. Behaves as cation at the normal pH of blood.
d. Plays a major role in blood coagulation.
(95) The intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation is initiated by
activation of:
a. Factor V.
b. Factor VII.
c. Factor X.
d. Factor XII.
96) Bleeding time will be prolonged in a person who ;
a. Takes large quantities of asprin.
b. Takes coumarin derivatives.
c. Has liver disease.
d. Cannot absorb vitamin K.
97) Concerning erythropoiesis:
a. The site of erythropoiesis in adults is shafts of long bones.
b. Hypoxia is the main stimulus for red cell formation.
c. The specific hormone stimulating red cell synthesis is
d. Iron deficiency results in large hyperchromic red cells.
98) Neutrophils:
a. Are non - granular leucocytes.
b. Have high phagocytic activity.
c. Secrete heparin and histamine.
d. Share in antibody formation.
(99) Plasma proteins perform all the following functions EXCEPT:
a. Exert osmotic force.
b. Have buffering action.
c. Help stoppage of bleeding.
d. Transport of oxygen.
100) Blood transfusion incompatibility reactions occur when:
a. Group O blood is transfused to group A individual.
b. Group A blood is transfused to group AB individual.
c. Group A blood is transfused to group O individual.
d. Group O blood is transfused to group B individual.
101) Concerning hemopoiesis, all the following are true EXCEPT:
a. All blood cells are derived from pluripotent stem cells.
b. Bone marrow unipotent stem cells differentiate into only one
blood cell type.
c. In the fetus, the liver and the spleen are essential as well as the
bone marrow.
d. More erythorid precursors are present in the bone marrow
compared to the myeloid.
102) Lymphocytes:
a. Are granular leucocytes.
b. Have high phagocytic activity.
c. Secrete heparin and histamine.
d. Share in antibody formation.
(103) The process by which neutrophils are attracted to infected area
is called:
a. Phagocytosis.
b. Diapedesis.
c. Chemotaxis.
d. Opsonization.
104) Plasma proteins perform all the following functions EXCEPT:
a. Exert osmotic force.
b. Increase capillary fragility.
c. Contribute to blood viscosity.
d. Have buffering action.
(105) Blood platelets are important in haemostasis for all the
following EXCEPT:
a. On exposure to collagen they become sticky and adhere together.
b. They can release a particular phospholipid which has a role in
clotting process.
c. They release substances that cause local vasoconstriction.
d. They play a main role in the anticlotting mechanisms.
(106) Physiological factors that normally prevent intravascular
coagulation include all the following EXCEPT:
a. Protein C.
b. Anti-thrombin III.
c. Prostacyclin.
d. Factor X.
107) Concerning plasma proteins:
a. Their normal concentration in blood equals 4.5 gm%.
b. They are synthesized mainly in the spleen.
c. They exert an osmotic pressure across the capillary wall equal to
25 mm Hg.
d. Erythropoietin hormone is needed for their synthesis.
(108) Erythropoiesis is stimulated by all the following EXCEPT:
a. Chronic haemorrhage.
b. Excessive haemolysis of RBCs
c. Compatible blood transfusion.
d. Presence at high altitudes.
(109) Pernicious anaemia:
a. Is a hypochromic microcytic anaemia.
b. Is due to deficient absorption of vitamin B12 resulting from intrinsic
factor deficiency.
c. Occurs if the bone marrow is destroyed by irradiation.
d. Results from chronic blood loss.
(110) Concerning the role of platelets in haemostasis, all the following
statements are true EXCEPT:
a. On exposure to collagen they undergo adhesion and release
b. They release serotonin which causes vasoconstriction of injured
c. Platelet plug formation is stimulated by thromboxane A2 released
from platelet membrane.
d. If the platelet number is decreased, bleeding time is shortened.
(111) Haemophilia A:
a. Affects females while males are carriers of the hereditary genes.
b. Is due to factor VIII deficiency.
c. Is characterized by prolongation of bleeding time.
d. Can be treated by dicoumarol.
(112) Lymphocytes:
a. Are polymorphnuclear granulocytes.
b. Are the first defenders against bacterial invasion.
c. Provide immune defense against targets they are specifically
programmed to.
d. Synthesize and store histamine and heparin.
113) Concerning erythropoiesis:
a. The site of erythropoiesis in adults is shafts of long bones.
b. Hypoxia is the main stimulus for red cell formation.
c. The specific hormone stimulating red cell synthesis is endorphin.
d. Iron deficiency results in large hyperchromic red cells.
(114) Neutrophils:
a. Are non-granular leucocytes.
b. Have high phagocytic activity.
c. Secrete heparin and histamine.
d. Share in antibody formation.
115) Plasma proteins perform all the following functions EXCEPT:
a. Exert osmotic force.
b. Have buffering action.
c. Help stoppage of bleeding.
d. Transport of oxygen.
(120) Fibrin degradation products:
a. Are able to decompose fibrin strands in the clot.
b. Facilitate the action of thrombin on fibrinogen.
c. Stimulate platelet aggregation.
d. None of the above.
(121) Concerning the interaction between the intrinsic and extrinsic
pathways of blood clotting, all the following statements are true
a. Both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways appear to be
necessary for normal hemostatsis.
b. The intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms usually operate
c. Only small amounts of thrombin and fibrin are produced in
the extrinsic pathway.
d. None of the above.
122) Platelets do not normally adhere to the vascular walls because
a. prostacyclin produced by the endothelial cells.
b. Von Willebrand factor.
c. Thromboxane A2 released from them.
d. All of the above.
123) The intrinsic and extrinsic clotting pathways have in common
which of the following factors:
a. Factor VIII.
b. Factor V.
c. Factor VII.
d. Factor XII.
(124) The following are the functions of thrombin EXCEPT:
a. Activates factor XIII to stabilize fibrin.
b. Inactivates factor V and VIII.
c. Enhances platelets aggregation.
d. Formation of more thrombin from its precursor
125) As regards, the lymphocytes, all are true EXCEPT:
a. Play an essential role in body’s immune mechanisms.
b. They are produced by the thymus, red bone marrow spleen
and lymph nodes.
c. They constitute 20 to 40 % of the leukocytes.
d. Enter the tissue to become tissue macrophages.
(126) Concerning humoral immunity:
a. It is due to circulating antibodies.
b. T-lymphocytes are responsible for this type of immunity.
c. It causes organ transplant rejection.
d. It eliminates abnormal cells.
(127) Concerning blood transfusion:
a. Transfusion of group A/Rh positive for the first time to a
person of blood A/Rh negative person causes a severe
b. Severe transfusion reaction is likely to be followed by
c. Transfusion of group O/Rh negative to a patient group
AB/Rh positive generally causes a severe reaction.
d. A patient who had frequent transfusion does not require
special care in cross matching.
128) The following are statements about hemopoiesis:
c. It is derived from arachidonic acid in the platelet plasma
d. It is a potent stimulus of platelet aggregation.
133) The following are statements about the neutrophil granulocytes:
a. Are the second most numerous leukocytes in normal adult blood.
b. Are not actively phagocytic in the blood stream.
c. Their life span is about 120 days.
d. Hypersegmentation of their nuclei is seen in megaloblastic
134) Concerning the ABO blood groups, all are true EXCEPT:
a. A person of group B usually has anti A agglutinins in his plasma.
b. In an incompatible blood transfusion reaction, donor cells are lysed
by recipient antibodies.
c. A severe transfusion reaction is likely to be followed by renal
failure and death.
d. A person of group O is a universal recipient.
(135) Regarding erythropoiesis:
a. It is stimulated by increased PCO2 in the blood.
b. Is inhibited at high altitude.
c. Decreased in response to hypoxia.
d. Occurs in the bone marrow when stimulated by erythropoietin.
136) Maturation of RBCs caused by:
a. Iron.
b. Vitamin B12.
c. Folic acid.
d. b + c.
137) Concerning role of blood platelets in hemostasis , all the
following are correct EXCEPT
a- On exposure to collagen they become sticky and adhere together.
b- They can release lipids which have a role in clotting process.
c- Their aggregation is inhibited by coumarin.
d- A decrease in their count prolongs the bleeding time.