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International Journal of Information and Computation Technology.

ISSN 0974-2239 Volume 4, Number 2 (2014), pp. 153-164

© International Research Publications House
http://www. irphouse.com /ijict.htm

Towards Techniques of Detecting Node Replication

Attack in Static Wireless Sensor Networks

Moirangthem Marjit Singh1, Ankita Singh2 and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal3

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, North Eastern Regional Institute
of Science & Technology, Arunachal Pradesh, India.
Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India.


The paper reports the techniques to detect node replication also called
clone node attacks in the Static Wireless Sensor Networks (sWSN) and
critically reviews them. The focus of the paper is to highlight and
discuss various techniques to deal with node replication attack in static

Keywords: WSN; security; node replication attack.

1. Introduction
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are specialized network of large number of sensor
equipped nodes which are spatially deployed over the region of interest where the
nodes may be stationary or mobile in nature. Wireless sensor networks are a group of
small untethered sensor devices which are densely populated in a specific target area,
where they collaborate in an ad-hoc manner to sense phenomena and report sensed
data for various uses [8]. Sensor nodes are vulnerable to a number of attacks and hence
its security can be compromised by an attacker. The node replication attack or the
clone node attack is a security threat where an attacker creates its sensor nodes and
joins the network as if they are the legitimate nodes of the network. For this attack to
happen, the attacker will physically capture one node from the network and extract all
the secret information of the node such as node ID, Keys etc.Using the extracted
information, the attacker creates many replicas/clones of the compromised node. These
clones are then deployed into the WSN at suitable positions and start to attack the
whole network internally [1] which will hamper the network. The nodes are stationary
or fixed for the static WSNs and hence the node’s location/position does not change
154 Moirangthem Marjit Singh et al

after deployment. This is in contrast to the mobile WSNs where the nodes are mobile
in nature and hence the position of the node changes. The node operates while
controlling their own movement [1]. As a result, the techniques to detect node
replication attack are different for static and mobile WSNs. A number of protocols for
detecting node replication attack in static WSNs can be found in the literature. Some of
which are discussed in this paper. Section 2 of the paper deals with the detection
techniques and conclusions are drawn in section 3.

2. Node Replication Detection Techniques for Static Wireless Sensor

2.1. Node to Network Broadcasting
This protocol is developed by Parno et al[2]. In this protocol each node floods the
entire network with its location claim. It is assumed that each node is aware of its
location. Each node in the network stores the location claim of neighboring node and
in case of conflicting claims, revokes it.

2.2. Deterministic Multicast

Developed by Parno et al[2], this protocol is an enhancement to the node to network
broadcast protocol[2]. Here limited number of witness nodes, chosen deterministically,
stores the location claims. When a node broadcasts its location claims, the neighboring
nodes forward these claims to the witness nodes. The witnesses are chosen as functions
of node’s ID [2] hence the replicated node having the same ID will reach the same
witness node and the witness node will receive conflicting location claims and hence
the revocation process can be initiated.

2.3. Randomized Multicast

This protocol was developed by Parno et al to increase the resiliency of deterministic
multicast [2]. Unlike the deterministic multicast where the selection of witness node
was done in a deterministic manner depending upon the IDs of the nodes, in
Randomized multicast, the node location information are distributed randomly to
selected witness nodes in such a manner that the attacker cannot predict their
identities[2]. At a high level, the protocol has each node broadcast its location claim
along with a signature authenticating the claim [2]. Each of the node’s neighbors
probabilistically forwards the claim to the set of witnesses if any witness receives a
conflict the node can be revocated. The birthday paradox ensures that the clone node
gets detected with high probability using a relatively limited number of witnesses [2].

2.4. Line Selected Multicast

To further reduce the communication cost of randomized multicast, Parno et al
proposed another protocol called line select multicast [2].. This protocol takes into
account the property that each node behaves both as a sensing node and a router while
forwarding the location claims. Here the intermediate node through which the location
Towards Techniques of Detecting Node Replication Attack in Static Wireless 155

claims passes should also store the claims [2] and while forwarding some other claim
if it encounters a conflict a revocation process can be initiated.

2.5. Fast and Scalable Key Establishment in Sensor Networks

T Dimitriou et al [3] have proposed a fast and scalable key establishment protocol
which is resilient to node replication. Here sensor nodes are assigned a unique ID that
identifies them in the network, as well as three symmetric keys[3], where first key, is
shared between each node and the base station, this key is used to secure information
sent from a node to the base station. Second key, shared between each node and the
base station, this key is used only by those nodes that will become cluster heads and it
becomes the cluster key. The third key is the master key shared among all nodes,
including the base station, this key is used to secure information exchanged during the
cluster key setup phase and is erased from the memory of the sensor nodes[3]. The
cluster key setup procedure is divided into two phases: organization into clusters and
secure link establishment [3]. During the first phase the sensor nodes are organized
into clusters and agree on a common cluster key, while in the second phase, secure
links are established between clusters in order to form a connected graph [3]. An
implicit assumption here is that the time required for the underlying communication
graph to become connected (through the establishment of secure links) is smaller than
the time needed by an adversary to compromise a sensor node during deployment [3].
Here all the communication is done by encrypting the message using the master which
is erased soon after the establishment of secure link. This provides Resiliency against
node capture and replication [3].

2.6. Localized Encryption and Authentication Protocol (LEAP)

Sencun Zhu et al [4] have proposed an efficient security mechanism for large scale
distributed sensor network called LEAP. LEAP is capable of defending against node
replication attack. It handles the establishment of four types of keys [4] for each node
i.e. an individual key, a pair-wise key, a cluster key and a group key. The individual
key is shared with the base station and the pair-wise key is shared with another node.
The cluster key is shared with all the neighboring nodes and the group key is shared
with all the nodes of the network. The controller or the base station generates an initial
key which is unique and loads each node with the unique initial key[4] and each node
then derives a master key using the pseudo random function[4] preloaded in it. The
protocol is based on a reasonable assumption that Tmin>Test [4], where Tmin is the time
taken by the adversary to compromise a node and Test is the time taken by a node to
discover its neighbor. Soon after deployment the node sets a timer and starts the
process of neighbor discovery and establishing secure link with the neighbors. During
the neighbor discovery phase each node computes the master key of its neighbor using
its initial key which is used to establish the pair-wise key and as the secure link is
established the initial key and the neighbor’s master keys are erased hence any
compromised node which tries to establish a secure link after Test fails to do so and the
network is secure against node replication attack.
156 Moirangthem Marjit Singh et al

2.7. C. Bekara and M. Laurent-Maknavicius have proposed a new protocol in[5].

In this protocol, the pair-wise key establishment is done by using symmetric
polynomial and the nodes are deployed in groups belonging to different generations
where each group or generation is deployed at fixed time interval. This protocol also
assumes that the time taken by the adversary to compromise a node Tcomp [5] is greater
than the time taken by the nodes to establish a secure link with other nodes Test.[5].
Initially the base station generates a random symmetric bivariate polynomial and loads
the node with its share of polynomial obtained by passing the first argument of the
polynomial as defined in the protocol. Each node has a unique share. The process for
neighbor discovery starts when a node of either the same generation or of younger
generation requests for link establishment. So a clone node of older generation fails to
join the network with an exception of the case when it responds to a newly deployed

2.8. Randomized Efficient and Distributed (RED) Protocol

M. Conti et al in [6 ] have proposed the RED protocol which is randomized, efficient
and distributed. Extensive simulations of RED show that it is highly efficient with
regards to required communications, memory, and computations and moreover, as
compared to other distributed protocols, it sets out improved attack detection
probability [6]. RED executes at fixed intervals of time. This protocol runs in two steps
[6]. In the first step, a random value is shared among all the nodes. This can be
performed with centralized broadcasting, or with distributed mechanisms. During
second step, each sensor node will digitally sign and broadcasts its claim that includes
node ID and geographic location [6]. For each node, each of its certain neighbors
forwards the claim to more than 1network locations as mentioned in [6].The set of
witness nodes is selected using the PseudoRand function[6]. The claim message is
signed by each node with its private key before sending it. For each received claim, the
potential witness node verifies the received signature then checks for the freshness of
message. If the check is passed the witness node extracts the information (ID and
location)[6] and it checks whether this is the first received claim carrying ID, if so then
it simply stores the messages otherwise the witness checks whether the claimed
location is the same of the stored claim for this ID. If it is not, the witness node triggers
a revocation procedure for the given ID.

2.9. Hierarchical Node Replication Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

Znaidi et al have proposed an algorithm for detecting node replication attacks using a
Bloom filter mechanism. This algorithm depends on a cluster head selection that is
performed using LNCA (local negotiated clustering algorithm) protocol [7]. The
detection of node replication attack is done with the exchange of node IDs through a
bloom filter with the other cluster heads. This algorithm works in three steps. Prior
distributions of all the materials required for Bloom filter computations and for the
cryptographic operations are done in the first step. It selects the cluster head in the
Towards Techniques of Detecting Node Replication Attack in Static Wireless 157

second step. Bloom filter construction and verification are done in the third step by
each cluster head and other cluster heads respectively [7].

2.10. Ho et al have proposed a distributed detection method in[8]

The key assumption in the work is the use of a group deployment strategy. In this
strategy, sensor nodes are deployed in groups, with each group of nodes being
deployed towards the same location, called the group deployment point [8]. The
deployment follows a certain probability density function (pdf) f [8], which describes
the likelihood of a node being a certain distance from its group deployment point. For
simplicity, they use a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution to model f [8]. The
authors have proposed three schemes of detection. The schemes are the basic approach
[8], the location claim approach [8] and the tree based approach [8] and an addition
protocol called deployment time check [8] can be used to increase the efficiency of the

Scheme I: The basic scheme, assumes that sensor nodes are deployed group by
group, and that each group is expected to be deployed towards a
deployment point that can be pre-determined [8]. Prior to deployment,
the network operator loads the pre-determined deployment coordinates
of every group onto every sensor node. It is noted that the sensor nodes
in the same group are very likely to be close to each other after
deployment. The sensor nodes in the network are divided into groups,
and each group has a unique group ID. The ID of every sensor node has
two parts: the group ID and a unique ID within the group [8]. Keying
materials are also pre-loaded to each sensor node for pair-wise key
establishment, any key pre-distribution technique can be used for sensor
networks [8]. When a sensor node receives a request from its neighbor
node to forward a message after deployment it checks whether or not the
distance between the deployment points of groups to which the two
nodes belong is smaller than a pre-defined system wide threshold [8]. If
the condition is fulfilled, the neighbor node is believed to be a trusted
node and it’s message is forwarded. Otherwise, every message from that
neighbor node is ignored.
Scheme II: In Location claim approach, in addition to the keying materials for pair-
wise key establishment, every sensor node also gets the keying materials
for generating digital signatures [8]. The deployment zone of a group is
defined as a circle centered at the group’s deployment point with a
certain radius [8]. After deployment, every node discovers its real
location and produces a location claim. In neighbor discovery phase
every sensor node discovers a set of neighbor nodes. If a neighbor node
claims a location such that the distance between the location of the node
and it’s neighbor is larger than the assumed signal range then that
neighbor will be removed from the neighbor list and the node then
158 Moirangthem Marjit Singh et al

checks for every neighbor node whether or not it is deployed in the right
place [8]. If the check fails for a certain neighbor node it will be marked
un-trusted[8]. A sensor node always forwards message received from its
neighbors whether trusted or un-trusted. However in case of un-trusted
neighbor its location claim is sent to its home zone[8] for replica
detection. The location claim after reaching the home zone is flooded
throughout the home zone and any node receiving a conflicting claim
can conclude that the node has been replicated.
Scheme III: This is a tree based scheme where every sensor node forwards every
location claim to a number of groups instead of a single group [8]. The
proposed approach in the following is similar to Scheme II. The only
difference is in the way the group is selected to which the location
claims are sent. For a certain group say ‘x’, the protocol organizes the set
of groups into a complete virtual binary tree[8] with the group ‘x’ as its
root and the position of other groups in the tree is determined in a
pseudo-random way based on a seed[8]. In case a node encounters an
un-trusted neighbor, its location claim is sent upwards the tree to all the
groups till it reaches the root.

2.11. Yingpei Zeng et al have proposed two non deterministic fully distributed
and random walk based approaches in[9].
The protocols/ approaches as described in [9] are RAWL (RAndom WaLk) and
TRAWL (Table-assisted Random WaLk). The protocols assume the nodes to be
uniformly distributed in the deployment field and that each node knows their own
RAWL:Each node a broadcasts a signed location claim to its neighbors. When
hearing the claim, each neighbor verifies the signature and checks the plausibility of
the location claim. Then with probability p, each neighbor randomly selects g nodes
(or g locations) and uses geographic routing to forward the claim to the g nodes [9].
Each chosen node that receives the claim of a, first verifies the signature. Then it stores
the claim and becomes a witness node of a. The neighbor will also become a witness
node of a. It adds counter by one and continues to forward the message to a random
neighbor, unless counter reaches t [9]. When a node finds a collision (two different
location claims with a same node ID), the node will broadcast the two conflicting
claims as evidence to revoke the replicas. Each node receiving the two claims
independently verifies the signatures. If the two signatures are valid, it terminates the
links with replicas [9].
TRAWL: This protocol is modified from RAWL [9]. When a randomly chosen
node performs a random walk, all the nodes that are passed through will become
witness nodes. However, they will store the location claim independently with certain
probability [9]. Also, each witness node creates a new entry in its table so as to record
the pass of a location claim. Every entry of the table maintained by each node
corresponds to the pass of a random walk (with a location claim). The table has the two
Towards Techniques of Detecting Node Replication Attack in Static Wireless 159

columns: NodeID[9] and ClaimDigest[9]. The claimDigest can be computed by using

a random value generated by each node itself to prevent the adversary from generating
a false claim with the same digest value [9]. On receiving a location claim, a node first
finds the entries which have the same node ID as the claim in its trace table. Then if
any entry is found, the node will compute the digest of the claim as explained in [9]
and compares the digest with the digest in the entry. When the two digests are
different, the node detects a clone attack [9].

2.12. Localized Multicast

B. Zhu et al [10] have proposed a novel distributed protocol for detecting node
replication attacks called localized multicast that takes a different approach for
selecting the witness nodes [10]. The random selection of witness nodes for the node
identity from the nodes that are located within a limited region called a cell [10] is
performed. First the node ID’s are deterministically mapped to one or more cells and
then randomization is done within the cells to increase the resiliency and security of
the scheme. There are two variants of this protocol [10] namely SDC (Single
Deterministic Cell) and P-MPC (Parallel- Multiple Probabilistic Cells). Every sensor
node is allotted a unique identification number and a pair of identity-based public and
private keys. This is done by an offline Trust Authority (TA) [10]. To generate a new
key pair, cooperation from the TA is must hence here it is assumed that adversaries
cannot easily create sensors with new identities and hence fails authenticate itself [10].
In SDC, the unique and random mapping of node id to one of the cells in the grid is
performed using a geographic hash function. Whenever a node transmits its location
claim, every neighboring node first verifies the plausibility of the location and the
validity of the signature in the location claim [10]. When the neighbor node forwards
the claims, it executes the geographic hash function to determine the destination cell
‘D’. Once the location claim arrives at the cell, the node receiving the claim verifies
the validity of the signature firstly and then checks whether cell D is indeed the cell
corresponding to that identity included in the claim message, when verified the entire
cell is flooded with the claim. Whenever a witness receives a conflicting claim it
informs the base station which initiates the revocation process. Like SDC, in P-MPC
[10] a geographic hash function is used to map sensor node’s location claim to the
destination cell, however instead of mapping to single cell, in this protocol the location
claim is mapped to multiple cells. The detection and revocation process is carried on
the basis of the result of the witness nodes same as in SDC [10].

2.13. A Range-based Detection Method (RBDM) of Replication Attacks in

Wireless Sensor Networks
Range based detection method is proposed by Huang Jian et al [11]. They proposed to
design a new distributed approach which does not require any nodes geographic
position messages or system time synchronization for detecting the node replication or
the clone attacks in wireless sensor networks [11]. The fundamental idea is to make
use of the unique identification property: If a node has been detected, it could not
160 Moirangthem Marjit Singh et al

appear in any other area. The RBDM is a range-based distributed detection method. In
this paper, they used RSSI (received signal strength indicator) to estimate the distance
between nodes. Each node estimates the distances between it and its neighbors by
RSSI and executes a test for categorizing the neighbors as follows [11]: assuming two
nodes a and b and the detection range R. These nodes are categorized as close
neighbors if distance between nodes |xa –xb |<R as mentioned in [11]. RSSI is used as a
distance estimator for Range-based detection. If the distance between the nodes |xa –xb
|<R/2 then they are categorized as far neighbors[11]. Each node records all
identifications of its neighbors and set a flag signify their categorization. All of this
information is stored in the neighbor-information table. Nodes in the network
periodically broadcast own neighbor information table. By comparing node’s
neighbor-information table, the replication attacks can be detected. Three criterion are
suggested in the proposed protocol namely Local Unique ID Criterion [11], which is
used to detect clone node in the neighborhood of the compromised node itself.
Neighbor Unique ID Criterion [11], which is used if the clone node and the
compromised node are in the neighborhood of another node. Global Unique ID
Criterion [11], which is used when the clone node and the compromised nodes are
placed sparsely.

2.14. Ho, Jun-Won have proposed a sequential hypothesis in [12] for detection of
replica cluster
Replica cluster is a special case of replication where multiple replicas with the same
identity and secret keying materials are placed in the same small regions forming a
cluster [12]. In the proposed work each node performs the SPRT (Sequential
Probability Ratio Test) on its neighbor node. This is done using the null hypothesis that
a replica cluster of the neighbor node does not exist. The alternate hypothesis is that a
replica cluster of the neighbor node exists [12]. In SPRT, if the number of
communication peers of a neighbor node is less or exceeds a pre-configured threshold
value, it will lead to the acceptance of the null or alternate hypotheses respectively. As
soon as the alternate hypothesis is accepted, the node will stop communicating the
neighbor node [12].

2.15. ComSen: A Detection System for Identifying Compromised Nodes in

Wireless Sensor Networks
As proposed by Yi-Tao Wang and Rajive Bagrodia in [13] this protocol detects the
replication depending on the behavior of the neighboring nodes. It focuses on
monitoring communications for misbehavior. Misbehavior is decided using anomaly-
based or rule-based approaches [13]. Anomaly-based approaches establish a baseline
behavior for neighbors and consider behavior that deviate from the baseline as
anomalous. Rule-based approaches detect misbehavior as soon as a condition,
established before deployment of the network, is met. ComSen uses a hybrid approach
[13], consisting of two components: a distributed system running on every node in a
WSN and a centralized system running on the base station. ComSen only monitors
Towards Techniques of Detecting Node Replication Attack in Static Wireless 161

some common features in WSNs such as sensor reading, receive power, send rate,
receive rate [13].
The comparison of various techniques for the detection of node replication attack
that are reviewed in the paper is given in table 1 and the notations used are described in
table 2.

Table 1: Comparison of various detection techniques.

Technique Location Catego Computation Memory Detection
aware ry cost cost rate
Node to network Yes Distribu O(n2) O(d) 100%
broadcasting ted
Deterministic multicast Yes Distribu O(g log(n)1/2 O(g) --
ted /d)
Randomized multicast Yes Distribu O(n2) O(n)1/2 95%
Line select multicast Yes Distribu O(n(n)1/2 ) O(n)1/2 95%
Fast and scalable key No Distribu -- -- --
establishment in WSN ted
LEAP No Distribu -- -- --
A new protocol by No Distribu O(n)1/2 O(d) --
C.bekara and M. ted
RED Yes Distribu O(r(n)1/2 ) O(r) 90%
Hierarchical Node No Hierarc O(t2 ) O(t) --
Replication Detection hical
Ho et al proposed Yes Distribu -- -- ---
distributed detection ted
Random walk based Yes Distribu O((n)1/2 O((n)1/2 --
RAWL Yes ted log(n)) log(n)) --
Approaches TRAWL distribut O((n)1/2 O(1)
ed log(n))
Localized multicast Yes Distribu -- -- --
Range based detection No Distribu -- -- --
method ted
Sequential hypothesis No Distribu O(n) O(d) --
for replica detection ted
ComSen No Hybrid -- -- 99%
162 Moirangthem Marjit Singh et al

Table 2: Notations.

n number of nodes in the WSN

d degree of neighboring nodes
g number of witness nodes
t number of cluster heads
r communication range/radius
-- Not available

3. Conclusion
The paper has presented a brief review on various node replication attack detection
techniques/protocols for static WSNs. The techniques reviewed in the paper fall in two
categories namely location aware and location independent protocol. Location aware
protocols require the nodes to know their geographic location for which the nodes
should either have GPS or must rely on the base station to compute their location
coordinates. The location independent protocol does not require the knowledge of the
nodes’ location to detect node replication. The performance of these
protocols/techniques depends on the density of the networks as reported in the
literature. Hence research in this area is required to address this issue.

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164 Moirangthem Marjit Singh et al

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