Asfaltenso y Resinas 1 Ef060465w
Asfaltenso y Resinas 1 Ef060465w
Asfaltenso y Resinas 1 Ef060465w
Colloids and Surfaces SURFACES
ELSEVIER A: Physicochemicaland Engineering Aspects97 (1995) 119 128
The stability of water-in-oil emulsions based on some North Sea crude oils has been studied with particular
emphasis on the effects of ageing, i.e. exposure of the crude oils to air (and light). It is clearly demonstrated that the
interfacial tension of a crude oil towards formation water decreases substantially as a result of ageing. This seems to
be caused by the formation of various oxidation products, mainly carbonyl compounds. In addition, the water-in-oil
emulsions in general become more stable. However, in some cases a reversal of this trend has been observed, indicating
that oxidation products still with high interfacial activity but having less beneficial film properties are formed in the
later stages of the ageing process.
mentioned above have been described in connec- Some oils were also stored under nitrogen for
tion with studies of the behaviour of oil-spill reference.
on the sea, then called weathering processes.
Evaporation is then most often the dominating
effect, but photo-oxidation has also been shown to 3. Experimental
contribute [2].
To our knowledge, ageing effects occurring in For the mixing of synthetic water-in-oil emul-
crude oils and their influence on the emulsion sions, a Buhler HO4 propeller-type homogenizer
formation tendency or other crude oil properties was used. It was operated at 8000 rev min-1 for
have not been studied systematically before; at 1 rain. The sample volume was 11 ml. The water
least, only a few published results appear to exist. cut was 50% and the temperature was 50 or 70 °C.
Tort and Andersen [3] studied interracial behavi- These mixing conditions have previously been
our and chemical changes taking place in an shown by Johansen et al. [5] to create droplet size
asphalt sample subjected to progressively stronger distributions that are fairly realistic compared to
exposure to oxygen. In parallel with increased that of naturally occurring emulsions, i.e. giving
levels of oxidation, they observed enhanced inter- mean droplet sizes of around 10 p,m with a stan-
facial activity. In fact, an increased content of dard deviation of about 5 ~tm. The emulsions were
asphaltenes was observed as well. These experi- transferred from the mixing vessel to a graduated
ments are, to some extent, similar to those con- cylinder and were kept in a thermostatted bath at
ducted by Sj6blom et al. [4] with interfacially the specified test temperature for an observation
active fractions separated from some of the same period of at least 30 min, during which the water
North Sea crude oils that are used in the present break-out (free water as a percentage of the original
paper. water) was recorded.
With this background, a project was initiated in In tests conducted with demulsifier, this was
order to study the changes that occur in some added as a 0.1% solution in xylene by shaking for
North Sea crude oils as a result of exposure to air 30 s immediately after mixing of the emulsion.
and light, and their implications for the examina- The total acid numbers of the crude oils were
tion of emulsion formation and stability. measured according to ASTM D-664/89.
The density was measured at 15°C using a
frequency density meter ( D M A 4 0 with a
DMA 602M measuring cell; Anton Paar).
The kinematic viscosity was measured at 50°C
2. Samples using Ubbelohde glass capillary tubes.
The dynamic viscosity was measured using a
North Sea crude oils from five different fields, Haake RV12 concentric cylinder viscometer equ-
all sampled at the separator outlet during the ipped with an NV double-gap measuring system.
testing of exploration wells and stored in 201 The cooling rate was 12°C h -1.
pressurized bottles, have been used. The bottles The surface tension and interfacial tension
were heated to 60°C overnight in the laboratory, towards synthetic formation water were measured
whereafter the oils were depressurized in one stage at 50°C using a KSV Sigma 70 interfacial tensiom-
to atmospheric pressure. The oils had been stored eter (Du Noi~ying method).
from 1 month to 3 years in the pressurized bottles The IR spectra of whole crude oils were recorded
prior to testing. The first test (i.e. no ageing) was using a Perkin-Elmer 1720 X Fouriertransform-
started as soon as practically possible after depres- infrared spectrophotometer.
surization, i.e. within a few minutes. All crude oil The total wax content was measured by a slightly
samples were aged at 50°C in transparent or dark modified U.O.P. method 46 64, the so-called ace-
bottles with air naturally available, i.e. the exposure tone precipitation technique (at - 2 5 °C) described
to air was not forced or accelerated in any way. by Burger et al. [6].
H.P. Ronningsen et aL/Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 97 (1995) 119-128 121
The asphaltene content was determined by pre- from pressurized bottles) exhibited the slowest
cipitation with pentane at room temperature. dehydration; no observable water break-out took
The wax formation temperature was determined place within 24h without use of demulsifier
by polarization microscopy. (Fig. l(a)). These were rather waxy oils (particu-
More details about methods for determination larly oil E) with the highest asphaltene contents,
of the wax content, asphaltene content, wax forma- i.e. 1.2-1.7 wt.%. However, oil B, which was a
tion temperature, viscosity, pour point and density waxy oil with very low asphaltene content, also
are found in the paper of Ronningsen et al. [7]. formed a very stable emulsion (only 20% of the
More details about interfacial tension measure- original water breaking out within 24 h). Like oils
ments and IR spectra are given by Sj6blom et al. D and E, oil B had a very low acid number, i.e. a
E43. low content of organic acids. It should be empha-
sized that the tests were conducted at a temperature
far above the wax formation temperature; thus no
4. Results contribution from wax particle stabilization is
likely. Neither was the viscosity of these oils high;
4.1. Emulsion stability tests --fresh oils (no at 50°C it was in fact the lowest of all the oils
ageing) investigated, and the interfacial tension towards
formation water was not particularly low.
Some relevant chemical and physical data of the Fresh oil C also exhibited slow dehydration
crude oils investigated are summarized in Table 1. during the first 30 rain after emulsion formation,
Emulsions based on fresh oils D and E (directly but, in fact, complete separation took place within
Table 1
Chemical and physical data of the fresh North Sea crude oils investigated
a Pentane insolubles.
b At 50 °C.
c Towards synthetic formation water.
d At shear rate 100 s i.
122 H.P. Ronningsen et al./Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 97 (1995) 119 128
Table 2
Emulsion stability data for oil A (aged with air and light at 50°C) 50% water
Table 3
Emulsion stability data for oil B (aged with air and light at 50°C) 50% water
Table 4
Emulsion stability data for oil B (aged with air (dark) at 50°C)-50% water
Table 5
Emulsion stability data for oil C (aged with air and light at 50°C)-50% water
Table 6
Emulsion stability data for oil C (aged with air (dark) at 50°C) 50% water
Ageing 1 ON . . . .
time: Ageing time:
'10 80
IINo "o 8 •
,= ! 0'3 hrs BBNo
60 i AZ4hrs
U) I O 1 week ~ 6 ' : '2:rhrs
40 @ 1 month • 1 week
t~ -~ 7 months 4 ~ 1 month
20 10 months I ~ 3 months
o~ 2
i V 6 months
0 [ )~t 9 months
0 10 20 30
1 10 100 1000
Separation time (min) Separation time (min)
Fig. 2. Effect of ageing with air and light at 50°C on water Fig. 3. Effect of ageing with air and light at 50°C on water
separation from emulsions based on crude oil D. Water cut; separation from emulsions based on crude oil E. Water cut;
50%; temperature; 80°C; demulsifier; 10 ppm NH-601 IX. 50%; temperature; 70°C; demulsifier; 10 ppm NH-6011X.
-- 15 .... i L i i i i i
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 5. D i s c u s s i o n
Storage time (days)
Fig. 5. Interfacial tension between crude oil A and synthetic Low interfacial tension towards the water phase
formation water as a function of ageing time at 50°C. is beneficial with regard to the formation of small
Table 7
Density (15°C) and kinematic viscosity (50°C) vs. ageing time (at 50°C) for oil A
Ageing Ageing with air and light Ageing with air (dark) Ageing under nitrogen (dark)
Density Viscosity Density Viscosity Density Viscosity
the interfacial tension, such as emulsion formation, duces less stable emulsions than corresponding oil
aged crude oil samples may give a highly erroneous obtained from an ordinary bottom-hole sample
impression of the real properties of that fresh (which had been below its bubble point and repres-
crude oil. surized into the single-phase state) and separator
The clear demonstrations of ageing effects shown samples, each collected and stored under pressure.
in this study mean that oxidation products formed This could be related to differences in the state of
as a result of the ageing of crude oil may not only dissolved asphaltenes, and is also a factor that has
give rise to enhanced interfacial activity and thus to be considered seriously. This will be examined
easier droplet formation. They also are able to in more detail together with possible ageing effects
promote the long-term stabilization of dispersed taking place immediately after depressurization of
water droplets by the mechanisms mentioned live reservoir oil, and published in a subsequent
previously. paper.
The mechanism behind the reversal of the trend
towards more stable emulsions with ageing
observed in several cases is not understood in 6. Conclusions
detail yet. Sj/Sblom et al. [4] found no such trend
in the interfacial activity of the pure oxidized The stability of water-in-oil emulsions based on
fractions. It is well known that surface active North Sea crudes appears to be mainly correlated
compounds added to a surfactant solution can with the wax and asphaltene content, in agreement
have a film-stabilizing effect when present in low with previous studies. There appears to be no
concentrations. At higher concentrations they can definite correspondence between the total acid
have a reverse effect. A possible explanation could number and the tendency of a crude oil to form
be that even though more interfacially active com- stable emulsions.
pounds are formed all the time, the late oxidation Crude oils are subjected to chemical alteration
products have less beneficial film properties, possi- as a result of exposure to air. In particular, car-
bly due to "wrong" molecular weights. Hence, bonyl compounds and certain condensation pro-
these compounds, due to their high interfacial ducts have been identified. Even when stored under
activity, tend to replace other compounds present nitrogen, gradual changes seem to occur in the
at the oil-water interface and thereby creating a direction of more stable emulsions, probably due
less stable film. to small amounts of dissolved oxygen. When
In many (perhaps most) cases, emulsion stability exposed to air for several months, a reversal of the
will be overestimated using bottle tests conducted trend towards more stable emulsions has been
with aged crude oil samples. However, owing to observed in several cases. The reason for this
the possible reversal, such tests need not necessarily behaviour is not clearly understood, but may be
be conservative. Whether they are, may depend on related to differences in the film properties of
the particular oil. The only way to obtain reliable oxidation products formed in earlier and later
results is to conduct tests on fresh crude oil samples stages of the ageing process. Ageing effects tend to
as soon as possible after the flash of pressurized oil. be less pronounced in tests where demulsifier is
One should be aware of the possibility that not used to break the emulsions. This is actually reas-
only the time a crude oil has been in contact with suring, since most emulsion tests in practice will
air, but also its total age (including storage time be conducted with demulsifiers. There are, how-
in pressurized bottles) and the location of the ever, examples of substantial ageing effects also in
sampling point during well testing (i.e. bottom experiments in which demulsifier has been used.
hole, wellhead, separator or stock tank) might Slight increases in the density and viscosity of
influence the results of the emulsion formation and the oils as a result of light end loss have been
stability tests. We have, in fact, observed indic- observed. These changes are far too small, however,
ations that crude oil obtained from a single-phase to influence the emulsion stability to any great
bottom-hole sample from a North Sea field pro- extent.
128 H.P. Ronningsen et al./Colloids Surfaces A. Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 97 (1995) 119-128
The results emphasize the need to use oil samples [2] P.S. Daling, P.J. Brandvik, D. Mackay and O. Johansen,
as fresh as possible when evaluating the emulsion Oil Chemi. Pollut., 7 (1990) 199.
[3] F. Tort and S.I. Andersen, Proc. 1st World Congr. on
formation tendency of a crude oil and when evalu- Emulsions, Paris, 1993, Paper 1-22-194.
ating the performance of chemical demulsifiers. [4] J. Sj6blom, L. Mingyuan, A.A. Christy and H.P.
Preferably, tests should be conducted in such a Ronningsen, Colloids Surfaces A: Physiochem. Eng.
way that contact with air is completely avoided Aspects, COL 3038.
or, at least kept to a minimum. [5] E.J. Johansen, I.M. Skj~ervo, T. Lund, J. Sj6blom,
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(1988/89) 353.
I-6] E.D. Burger, T.K. Perkins and J.H. Striegler, J. Pet.
Acknowledgements Technol, 33 (1981) 1075.
[7] H.P. Ronningsen, B. Bjorndak A.B. Hansen and W.B.
Pedersen, Energy Fuels, 5(6)(1991) 895.
Technical assistance by Brit Bjorndal and
[8] C.M. Blair, Chem. Ind. (London), (1960) 538.
Gunbjorg Fagerland, both of Statoil RESTEK- [9] J.E. Strassner, J. Pet. Technol., 20 (1968) 303.
Fluidlab, with the emulsion stability tests, and the [101 Berridge, S.A., Thew, M.T. and A.G. Loriston-Clarke,
density and viscosity measurements, and by J. Inst. Pet., London, 54(539) (1968) 333.
Kjartan Sletten, Statoil SFTK at Mongstad, with [11] J. Sj6blom, Li Mingyuan, A.A. Christy and T. Gu,
acid number measurements, is gratefully Colloids Surfaces, 66 (1992) 55.
[12] R.J. Parker and E.S.N. Chung, J. Can. Pet. Technol.,
acknowledged. 25(4) (1986) 72.
[13] V. Hornhof, G.H. Neale and A. Yu, J. Pet. Sci. Eng., 10
(1994) 291.
References [14] I.R.M. de A. Brt~ning, Oil Gas J., August (1991) 38.