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Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Shah Wali Ullah Dept. of History, University of Karachi
Shah Wali Ullah was born in 1703. He belonged to a family of religious preachers.
He was raised up in an environment where people use to have discourses on Quran,
shariah, Muslim morality and social values. His father was a religious scholar of repute.
Madrasa Rahimia was established by father of Shah Wali Ullah, Shah Abdur Rahim in
Delhi. This madrasa served the Muslims of Northern India. Shah Wali Ullah received his
early education from the same college. After graduating he started to teach over there. He
continued teaching till 1730 when he went to Saudia Arabia for further studies in
theology. There he spent more than a year. During his stay there he met Sheikh Abu
Tahir bin Ibrahim for whom he had great regard. He returned to sub-continent with a
vivid aim in his mind to serve the Muslims of sub-continent and Islam.
When he was just 4 years old in 1707 the last Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb
Alamgir died and the history of sub-continent took a new turn and the power and social
status of Muslims in sub-continent started to decline. Since his death the political decline
of Mughals and social decline of Muslims started and it is still declining. Shah Wali
Ullah experienced this decline as he grew up and was worried about it. Throughout his
life he wanted to revive Islam and the status of Muslims in the subcontinent he tried to
solve problems faced by Muslims systematically.
I. Muslims were not following Islam according to its true teaching because they
didn’t understand it properly.
II. Muslims were divided among themselves on the basis of different sects.
III. Muslims were indulging themselves in the luxuries of life.
IV. Muslims were losing status and their rule in Subcontinent because of loss of
political power. Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
Different books:-
Shah Wali Ullah wrote many books throughout his life on religion. The main
purpose behind all the books was to make the teachings of Islam understandable to most
of the Muslims. His two most famous works are "Izlat ul Akhfa" and "Hujratulah ul
Baligha". Hujratulah ul Baligha was the explanation of Holy Quran and Izlat Ul Akhfa
was written on the principals of Quran and Islam.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
Political efforts:- 0322-2391591,
Although he was a religious scholar but he didn’t stop there. He wanted to remove
Marathas from the throne of Delhi. To overpower Marathas he requested Ahmed Shah
Abdali of Persia to invade India, defeat Marathas and restore Muslim rule in India.
Ahmed Shah Abdali came in 1761and defeated Marathas in the famous battle field of
"Panipat" near Delhi. This battle is known as the third battle of Panipat. Ahmed Shah
Abdali although removed Marathas but did not stay in India so once again Delhi went
under the weak administration of Mughals.
The people who came to fight in Punjab came from different places in India. They
did not have any means of income. So to survive they started to tax the Muslims of
Punjab on behalf of their support. The Muslims who were already under so much
pressure were unable to pay this tax. This created frustration amongst the Muslims of
3. Heterogeneous army:
The army of Syed Ahmed Shaheed was a volunteer army and these volunteers
came from many different parts f India. They belonged to different areas and races. They
had different styles of fighting on which they argued a lot. The only thing bonding them
together was the leadership of Syed Ahmed Shaheed. This difference among them
contributed towards their defeat.
In 1623 the Dutch governor, Herman Van, stationed there was suspicious about the presence and activities of
British. He believed that British are conspiring with Japanese to kill him. As preemptive measure he ordered the
killing of 10 British 10 Japanese and one Portuguese man. See, D. K. Bassett (1960). The “Amboyna Massacre” of
1623. Journal of Southeast Asian History, 1, pp 1-19. http://doi:10.1017/S0217781100000107.
Mughal dynasty in India started from Babur in 1526, when he defeated the last
ruler of Lodi dynasty Ibrahim Lodhi in the first battle of Panipat. Although Mughal
dynasty officially lasted till 1858, the first six rulers were worth discussing. After the
death of Aurangzeb in 1707 the Mughal dynasty lost its grip over India.
The dynasty, which was started by Babur in 1526 in India, was one of the greatest
dynasties in the history of the world. We do not find many kings or emperors who can
match the glory and might of Mughal Emperors.
Aurangzeb was the sixth and the last strong ruler of Mughal dynasty who
controlled his territories with authority. After the death of Aurangzeb in 1707 the Mughal
Empire started to decline and never recovered. Finally in 1858 the Mughal rule was
officially ended by British. There are several factors, which resulted in the decline of the
Mughal dynasty, which are as under:
i. Wars of Aurangzeb:
Aurangzeb was a very ambitious ruler. He wanted to capture whole of India
especially southern states. These south Indian states were very strong and had defended
themselves against Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan. On the other hand he was trying to
control Afghanistan and Persia. Other than wars of annexations he was also faced by
many rebellions. He invested almost all of the treasures of Mughal dynasty into his wars.
At the end of his reign Mughal treasury was exhausted and the successors of Aurangzeb
Marathas were Hindus of South India. Marathas started to hate Aurangzeb due to
his anti-Hindu policies. Shivajee was one of the noble amongst them and he united them
on the basis of nationalism. He said to get rid of Aurangzeb the Marathas need to raise
arms against him. They although started their struggle in the reign of Aurangzeb but he
was successful in crushing them. Shivajee was very powerful and a good general. He
fought many battles with Aurangzeb however he was finally killed by the Mughal armies
and Aurangzeb was able to control the Maratha rebellion. After the death of Aurangzeb
Marathas rose again this time there was no one on the Mughal throne to stop them. They
grew stronger and finally took Delhi from Mughal.
Till 1858 a Company based in England controlled India. This company had started
to influence the politics of India, since the start of 18th century. They molded every
aspect of the lives of Indian people for their own benefits. East India Company made
huge profits from India without giving any thing back to its people.
British started to take administrative control over India since the battle of Plassey
in 1757. The main objectives of this take over was extracting maximum profits out of
India. India provided multiple exploitation opportunities to British.
i) It provided raw material for the newly started Industrial Revolution in England 2.
ii) Mass production means need for larger market, India provided single largest
market in the world.
iii) For extraction of raw material British pressurized the local rulers for tax
exemptions and later completely waived the taxes for their trade.
iv) They also made tax exemption for selling their products in the local markets.
As a result the local rulers and merchants started to suffer. When mass produced
products were pumped into Indian markets the prices decreased and the local manual
production failed to cope up with the change. Contrary to the British local merchants
were paying all the taxes in their own land according to the various laws prevailing in
different kingdoms with India. This disparity lead to the frustration in the hearts and
minds of locals.
Industrial Revolution started in England in 1750 when first steam powered machine ‘Spinning Jenny’ was
invented for textile industry. Mechanization meant mass production and more raw material for production needs.
India had always been a very conservative society. The two major communities
Muslims and Hindus both had always been very orthodox towards their religious
believes. Earlier the British East India Company decided upon the policy of no
interference in the religious matter of the locals. They were aware of the fact that by
indulging in religion or propagating Christianity they would rattle the locals. However
with time policies changed.
i) Afghan Invasion by East India Company was an event that created a rift
between the Hindu soldiers working under the company. Bengal and Bombay
regiments were ordered to March into Afghanistan in 1839. Several Hindu
soldiers refused to go beyond river Indus on behalf of their religious believe.
According to Hindu traditions if a Hindu crosses river Indus and goes west he
will lose their religion. This was a major concern for British and Hindus at the
ii) Missionary activities were started by the order the British crown in the first
quarter of 19 th century. It created a feeling of insecurities in the hearts and minds
of both Muslims and Hindus.
iii) British introduced a cartridge for a new riffle in India. The cartridge was
made of paper and was coated with animal fat to protect it from moisture. These
cartridges were to be opened by mouth before use. The cartridges were being
made locally in India by various venders. The manufacturers used cow and pig fat
on them. It was later reported by the Indian Sepoyees that we would not use these
cartridges because of caw and pig fat. In the beginning British called an inquiry
into the matter and ordered vendors not use the fat of said animals. Later in May
1857 the matters got worst when a British officer strictly ordered Indian Sepoyees
to use the cartridges when they were in doubt about the use of cow and pig fat on
iv) Ban on Suttee3 was imposed by British in 1829. At the time this ban was
considered as unnecessary indulgence by British in the affairs and religious
Suttee was a religious ceremony of Hindus in which if the husband dies the widows used to be burned along with
the dead body of the deceased husband. Although this practice was not very wide spread amongst all Hindus
however at the time of British ban considerable section of Hindu community was distressed by the action.
This was not the first time that Indians took up arms against East India Company.
Siraj-ud-Daula, Shuja-ud-Daula, Haider Ali, Tipu Sultan and Ranjeet Singh also took up
arms against East India Company but in 1857 this effort was collective rather than
individual. India was one of the largest countries at that time which had one of the
largest populations in the world. Then how such a great number of people were defeated
by handful British officers? There are some reasons behind this defeat, which are as
i. No central leadership:
The war of independence was started by some soldiers who refused to use the
disputed cartridge. Although these sepoyees got support from other Indians as well but
there was a major weakness in the organization of the rebel army. There was no leader
who could command the volunteer army and fight the war with proper strategy. The
sepoyees got the official support of Bahadur Shah Zafar, but he was a very old man at that
time and was physically unable to take active part in the war. On the other hand British
had a proper high command and proper structured army. Due to this lack of central
leadership the rebel army was unable to achieve its objective.
3 This war was a failure because it was unable to achieve the goals for which it was
fought. The objectives of the war were;
i. To send British back to England
ii. To unite Indians against British
iii. To reinstall Mughal rule in India.
4 The people who fought this war were unable to achieve any of these goals
through the war. Although the war was unable to achieve the goals for which it was
fought but it achieved some in direct goals which were not considered as success at that
time. This indirect success proved very helpful for Indians to gain Independence 90
years later.
i. The people of India were able to abolish the tyrannical rule of British East India
Company and to replace it with comparatively better rule of British Crown. The
company was only working to gain profit for its people. They totally ignored the
rights of the Indian people. They were the main cause of the armed struggle against
Fourth Phase 1928 till 1947 (British vs. Muslim vs. Hindus)
Since the Nehru Report the unity between Hindu and Muslims ended. Since then
both parties worked for their own rights without the help of each other.
1. “India was to be governed directly by and in the name of the Crown, actin through a
Secretary of State.” 4
“There shall be paid to each member of the ' Council the yearly salary of one thousand two
hundred pounds out of the revenues, of India.”5
“If a majority of the Council record as aforesaid their opinions against any act proposed to
be done the Secretary of State shall, if he do not defer to the opinions of the majority,
record his reasons for acting in opposition thereto.”6
Indian Constitutional Documents 12
Ibid 15
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan is one of those personalities who shape the future of
nations. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was born on 17th October 1817 and he died on 27th March
1898. He belonged to an educated family and his father had served in the Mughal court.
After completing education he looked for his future in judiciary during the rule of East
India Company.
He was a realistic person and a man of reason. He saved the life of an English
collector Shakespeare and his family from an angry mob. He was the first person w ho
took a middle path and tried to solve the problems Muslims were facing at the time
especially after the war. At the time of the war he was 40 years old and he dedicated rest
of his life towards the restoration of the status of Muslim society in sub -continent.
G.F.I. Graham, The Life and Word of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, (London: William Blackwood & Sons, 1885), 32
Aligarh Movement:
It was not a separate movement launched by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. All of his
educational efforts which had their base in Aligarh came to be known as Aligarh
Movement which included the Tehzeb-ul- Akhlaq, MAO. College etc.
Political efforts:
Sir Syed tried to transform Muslim society of sub-continent to be a modern
society. For this purpose he made many different efforts. Along with his social,
educational and religious efforts his political mentoring of Muslims is very important.
Akbar Allahabadi
“Hum raish dikhatay hain kay Islam ko dekho
Miss zulf dikhati hain kay iss Laam ko dekho”
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
“Iss ada say kaha miss nay come on Dept. of History, University of Karachi
Teer ki si abb mujh main rawani si hai”
This event occurred when British decided to replace Urdu which is written in
Persian script with Hindi written in Deo-Nagri script, in lower courts. Muslims all over
India started to agitate against the step taken by the Government. On the other hand
Hindus were celebrating on the replacement of the Language.
This event also sparked disturbance in many localities across India. Muslims
were surprised by the reaction shown by the Hindus, because till then both Hindus and
Muslims stood with each other against British. Hindus had started to lean towards British,
while Muslims were facing hardships at the hands of British.
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan took notice of the event and observed it. He then started to
Province No.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
1 Madras 7 Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
2 Bombay 8 0322-2391591,
3 Calcutta 7
4 N.W. Provinces and Oudh 6
He said that the European democratic system cannot work in India as it is working
in England because there are many different communities living in India. This way only
the community in majority would be able to make laws and they would suppress the
communities in minorities. On the other hand in England all the people are English and
they do not have communal differences amongst them. They vote on the basis of policies
of political parties or politicians. In India all people would vote on the basis of religion
or community.
See, The Indian Councils Act, and the Acts Amending it, (Madras: The National Press, 1893), 1-2
Regulations under Section 1 (4) of the Indian Councils Act 1892 for Madras.
I- Of the persons, other than the Advocate-General of officer acting in the that capacity, to be nominated
Additional Members of Council by the Governor of Madras for his assistance in making Laws and Regulations
not more than nine shall be officials.
II- The nominations to seven seats shall be made by the Governor on the recommendation of the following
bodies and associations respectively, namely:-
B- Such Municipal Corporations or group or groups of Municipal Corporations other than the
Corporation of Madras as the Governor in Council may from time to time prescribe by
Notification in the Fort St, George Gazette.
C- Such District Boards, or group or groups of District Boards, as the Governor in Council may from
time to time prescribe aforesaid;
Provided that the bodies described above under A, B, C and E, shall each (except as hereinafter
provided rule VII) have at least one person nominated upon its recommendation, and A, D and E, not
more than one each.
The Indian Councils Act, and the Acts Amending it, (Madras: The National Press, 1893), 58-59
2 Why Hindus did not like it? And, Why Muslims welcomed it?
3 How Hindus and Congress opposed it? or Why the partition was reversed?
R. C. Majumdar, History of the Freedom Movement in India, Vol.II, ( Calcutta: Firma K L M Pvt. Ltd, 1963), 3
British Raj means the rule from 1858 till 1947. It does not include rule by East India Company.
2 Why Hindus did not like it? And, Why Muslims welcomed it?
Before the partition the Hindus were in majority. Hindus had more than half of the
population in Bengal, most which was located in the Western part of the province. The
Muslims had the second largest population and most of them were located in the Eastern
After the partition East part of Bengal became under the majority of the Muslims
and the Western part was still dominated by the Hindus. Congress and Hindus were
unable to tolerate Muslim majority in any of the provinces of India. Secondly Hindus
were claiming that by drawing lines on the holy land of Hindus British have committed a
sin and dividing any piece of land on India is like cutting holy deity 12 in two halves.
For Muslims, it was a sigh of relief. Finally the mission of Sir Syed was
accomplished to some extent. He always wanted to bring Muslims and British closer for
the benefit of Muslims. It was the first time after the War of Independence 1857 that
Muslim community got any benefit out of the British Government. Muslims were
enjoying majority in one newly created province in India.
3 How Hindus and Congress opposed it? Or Why the partition was
Congress and Hindus were against this decision since the beginning. They wanted
to reverse it at any cost. The following events and action show how they were able to
pressurize British to reverse the partition.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
i Sawadeshi movement: 0322-2391591,
Hindus consider India a holy land and they compared partition of Bengal with slaughtering of Holy cow.
The formation of Muslim League was inevitable due to the behavior of Hindus
These reforms were very important for Muslims in two aspects. i. Firstly in it the
Separate Electorates were officially granted to Muslims which meant a great Victory for
early Muslim politics. ii. Secondly the partition of Bengal was not reversed in these
reforms which meant that British kept their promise. These reforms were not meant to
give Indians a chance to rule themselves but on the contrary to give them the opportunity
to convey their issues or problems to British. The Indian members of the councils were
not there to make any significant changes in the laws or frame them. They were there to
advice British and it depended on them to accommodate those advices or to reject them.
British could easily ignore their advice.
On the other hand Congress was very unhappy with these reforms. They also
refused to accept these reforms for the following three reasons:
i. It did not grant self- rule to Indians which was the demand of Congress before
these reforms.
ii. Secondly separate electorates were given to Muslims in minority provinces and
Congress was against this demand of Muslims.
iii. Thirdly the partition of Bengal was not reversed in these reforms. Congress was
agitating against the partition of Bengal since it was done in 1905 and they were
Indians are not capable of "Responsible Government"
Coupland, The Indian Problem, Vol I, 46
i. For the first time the Congress agreed to the right of separate electorates for
Muslims. They also introduced the separate electorates in Punjab and Bengal
where they did not exist.
ii. They agreed that no bill will be passed in any provincial assembly if ¾ of the
community concerned with that law agrees to it.
iii. Muslims were given the 1/3 seats in the councils where their ratio was ¼.
iv. In another demand it was asked that any act or law passed by a large majority in
any provincial council should become a binding on the government.
v. Provincial autonomy was asked in all provinces.
vi. Both parties agreed that they will protect the rights of minorities living in
their areas.
7. (a) Except customs, post, telegraph, mint, salt, 2. There shall be in every Province an Executive
opium, railways, army and navy, and tributes from Council which, with the Governor, shall constitute
Indian States, all other sources of revenue should be the Executive Government of the Province.
Coupland Vol I, 47-48
Dardanelles and the Bosporus the two traits of Black sea, which lie with in the boundaries
of Turkey. Then Treaty of Sevres in 1920 August 10th further humiliated Turkey. It broke
The movement started with few people but shortly it gained momentum and
mass in India. The first session of Khilafat conference was held 1919 December. Dr.
Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari, Hasrat Mohani, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Dr. Hakim
Ajmal Khan along with Shaukat Ali and Muhammad Ali Jauhar established Kh ilafat
30 March Gandhi had given a call of general strike all across Indian, which was later
delay to April 6. However in Delhi strike was conducted on 30 March and violence erupted. As
a result some Hindus and Muslims died. The next day in Namaz e Janaza of Muslims in Jama
Gail 70.
1. The Central Legislature was divided into two houses. Counsel of state and
Legislative assembly.
New composition of various legislative houses
House Elected Nominated Term Total
Council of 33 27 5 years 60
Legislative 103 41 3 years 144
Provincial 70% 30%
2. The voter qualification was relaxed due to which more Indians got the chance to vote.
3. The Viceroy of India (a British officer) was given Veto power to stop any law which
he did not agree to.
4. The recommendations made in 1916 regarding passing of any law concerning a
particular community was accepted. In it, it was recommended that any law which
affects or concerns any particular community would not be passed if ¾ elected
members of that community agree to it in that province.
5. A new system of diarchy 17 was introduced in the provincial governments. “di”
means two and “archy” means rule it means dual rule. The administration of
provinces was divided in between Chief Minter and Governor. The thing to
understand here is that Chief Ministers were to be elected so they represented the
people of that province. On the other hand the Governors were selected and
appointed by the Viceroy which means they were not the representatives of the
See, L.P. Sharma, History of British India and P. Spear
It can be spelled as diarchy and dyarchy, both are correct.
On paper British transferred some subjects to Indian but in reality real powers
were still in the hands of British because whenever any Indian minister wanted to
construct a school or college he needed money and money was still in the hands of
British. Diarchy was actually introduced in 1921.
6. Central Government under VR would look after the following subjects for whole
of India, defence, foreign affairs, railway, telegraph, foreign trade,, currency etc.
7. New provinces were made which increased the number of provinces to eight.
i. Assam, ii. Bengal, iii. Bihar, iv. Bombay, v. Madhya Pradesh, vi. Orissa, vii.
Punjab, and viii. Uttar Pradesh. Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
8. Separate electorates were retained for Muslims and extended to new communities.
Such as, Sikhs, Anglo-Indians, Christians and the Europeans.
Rowlett Act:
On February 6, 1919 a bill was introduced in Imperial Legislative Council for
approval18. Immediately a sharp reaction was sparked from Muslims and Hindus alike and
a heated debate arose over the rights of Indians. On March 18, same year the bill was
passed and stirred political agitation.
It was an act which was specifically introduced to control the different political
movements in India during that time. The most important movement was Khilafat
Movement which was gaining momentum. British after dealing with First World War
started to concentrate in Indian Affairs.
Through this act the police became powerful to arrest anyone without warrant and
any reason. The arrested people also did not have any right to go on trial. This meant that
police can do anything at any time and the people of India did not have any securi ty from
police. The most political slogan against this law was “na daleel na wakeel” (not reason
and no lawyer). Jinnah resigned from the legislative council in protest of this act because he
was strongly against it.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
Jhalianwala Bagh Incident:
On April 13, 1919 19 people living around Jhalianwala Bagh gathered into the
garden to celebrate a local festival. The military in charge of Amritsar General Dyer
appeared on the scene with his forces. He ordered people to leave the area or he would
shoot indiscriminately. The local people ignored him and continued with their festivities.
Finally General Dyer ordered his forces to shoot at people at their will. Around 400 people
died at the spot and 1600 injured.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
See, Gail Minault, The Khilafat Movement: Religious Symbolism and Political Mobilization in India (New
York: Columbia University Press, 1982), 69
Ibid 70
This session became important because of the assassination of Swami Shraddhanand by a Muslim, Abdul
Rashid on December 23, 1926 just 2 days earlier than the session.
The Nehru Report An Anti-Separatist Manifesto, 18-19
The sub-committee consisted of, Sarojni Naidu, Moti Lal Nehru, Srinivasa and Maulana Muhammad Ali.
Anti-Separatist manifesto, 21
There were two Muslim members in this committee as well. When the report came
out it was not acceptable to Muslims. Only two members Shoaib Qureshi and Pradhan did
not sign the minutes. It was against the benefit of minorities. Sir Ali Imam attended only
one meeting thus signed it later when the minutes were presented to him 25.
Jinnah made a very famous statement on this occasion that, “it is the parting of the ways”,
of Hindus and Muslims. Since then Muslims and Hindus never came on terms again and
started working for their own separate agendas.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
1. Immediate dominion status. Dept. of History, University of Karachi
2. “Declaration of Rights”, should be adopted, insuring fullest liberty of conscience and
3. N.W.F.P should be given full provincial status.
4. Sind should be separated from Bombay.
5. *Separate Electorates should be immediately abolished.
6. *No weightage should be allowed.
7. Reservation of seats was recommended in center and provinces where they are in
minority only, and reservation was strictly to the proportion of population.
8. Bi-cameral legislature was proposed, Senate as upper house and House of
representatives as lower house.
a. *Senate would have 200 seats. Its members would be elected from provincial
councils and representation of provinces would be proportional to its population. 26
b. “House of Representatives” of 500 should be constituted on the basis o f direct
elections from all over India according to the population.
“The Nehru Report: An Anti-Separatist Manifesto”, (New Delhi: Michiko & Panjathan, 1975), 23.
Coupland 95
This is a wrong method of representation of provinces in upper house. In upper house representation should be
regardless of population proportion, such as USA senate has 100 members, 2 from each 50 states.
Residuary powers means all those subjects not mentioned in the concurrent list. It was negation of federalism.
Smaller provinces would be neglected and over powered by central government.
See, Coupland, 94
S.M. Burke, 267
Any powers which are not listed in Concurrent list fall in residuary powers. In this way the legislature get the
authority to make laws and regulations on all such matters.
See, Burke 268
After it the Second Round Table started with maximum hope of success but no
one knew the true designs of Congress. Gandhi was alone to represent Congress in the
conference. The problem started when Gandhi started to treat other political parties with
disregard. He said that all the representatives present here are hangers on and do not
represent true India. He further said that British should only talk to Congress in regards
to the future of India.
Due to this arrogant attitude of Gandhi the Conference was bound to fail. The
second round table conference was also unable to achieve its objectives. The Prime
Minister Ramsay McDonald had made it clear that if Indians are unable to come up with
See. For details, Coupland part I, 119
P = Punjab
A = Afghania
K = Kashmir
I = Used as a vowel
S = Sind
TAN = Baluchistan
Other than consisting of alphabets from the demanded areas the name has another
significance, it means “Land of Pure”.
1. The separate electorate would be continued for Muslims and would be extended to
other communities.
2. The population in Bengal was not correctly calculated and they decreased the
Muslim population on paper reducing their percentage to less than 50%.
3. In Punjab as well the Muslim population was reduced on paper.
These awards were rejected by Muslims because according to it they lost their
clear majority in Bengal and Punjab. Congress also rejected it because it retained the
separate electorates for Muslims. Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
1. The country would become a federal form of Government in future and the
independent states would join the federation.
2. The system of diarchy was abolished in the provinces and was introduced at the
Election of 1937:
These elections were very important for the politics of India in general and
politics of Muslim League in particular. The results of these elections were in favor of
Congress and Muslim League got its wakeup call. Congress was able to secure victory in
8 out of 11 provinces. On the other hand Muslim League was unable to form
Government in any of the provinces.
To make the things worse there were other Muslim local political parties which
got victory in provinces but not the League. In 5 out of 8 Congress provinces they had
full majority to form government and in the other three they formed coalition
In Punjab Sir Sikandar Hayat won the elections under his political party
Unionist. In N.W.F.P. Dr. Khan Sahab secured victory under his political party Red
Shirts but he formed government with the help of Congress. In Bengal, Fazul -ul-Haq
formed Government with the help of Independent Muslim candidates. The only
significant victory for Muslim League was in those provinces where Muslims were in
minority. In Muslim majority areas the League failed comprehensively.
Party Seats
1 Sindh United Party (28 candidates) 22
2 Congress 7
3 Muslim Political Party (10 candidates) 3
Tanvir Ahmed Tahir, “Political Dynamics of Sindh 1947-1977”, (Karachi: Pakistan Study Center, UoK, 2010)
Congress became more rude towards all other political parties particularly
Muslims League. They started to say that Muslim League does not enjoy the support of
Muslims and Congress has more support of Muslims than the League.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Bengal 1937 elections Dept. of History, University of Karachi
The election results (seats) were as follow:
Party Seats
1. Congress 52
2. Muslim League 39
3. Krishak Proja Party 36
4. European Group 25
5. Tripura Krishak Samity 05
6. Hindu Nationalist 03
7. Hindu Mahasabha 02
8. Anglo Indian 04
9. Independents (Muslim) 43
10. Independents (Hindu) 39
11. Christian 02
Total 250
Syed Umar Hayat, Muslim Political Ascendancy in Bengal: A Case Study of the Roles Played by the
Bengal Provincial Muslim League and the Krishak Proja Party (1906-41), Pakistan Journal of History and
Culture, Vol.XXVIII, No.2 (2007) , 119
Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, Electoral Politics in NWFP: A
Study of 1937 Elections, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture, Vol.XXXII, No.2 (2011), 129
2. The main demand of Muslim League was Separate Electorates. This demand
only addressed the issues of Muslims living in Hindu majority areas. The League
failed to address the issues of the Muslims of Muslim majority areas. This is why
the people of Muslim majority areas did not vote for the League.
3. Before the elections there was a very weak network of the offices of Muslim
League across India due to which the message of the League was not spreading
properly. People also were unable to become a part of Muslim League due to lack
of offices.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
1. He visited many colleges and universities and met many students. He asked them to
participate in Muslim Politics to help their community to achieve its goals. He made them
believe that they are the future and they have to play their role.
2. Muslim League opened new offices in many different cities across the country to
accommodate more Muslims. This helped in spreading the message of Muslim League.
3. He travelled across India to get support from Muslims living in all parts of the country.
4. Education Policy:
A new education policy was introduced under the title of Wardha Scheme. There
were many new proposals which were not acceptable to Muslims living in Congress
Provinces. The religious education was not allowed at any level. This way the Mu slim
families thought that their children will slowly get far from their religion. Then the Hindu
principle of ‘Ahinsa’ was propagated on a large scale according to which one should not
resort to violence at any cost. On the other hand Islam also teaches about the peace but it
also tells Muslims to fight in the name of Allah, Jihad if someone tries to wage war against
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
5. Schools and colleges: 0322-2391591,
Students of schools and colleges were supposed to pay respect to the portrait of
Gandhi on their way into the building. This was again an act which Muslims cannot
accept. Then in schools and colleges the practice of making thread by throwing wheel was
adopted. This was a political symbol of Congress which was started by Gandhi.
6. Wande Mataram:
A Hindu nationalist song was written by a Bengali writer. This song gave the
message that India is a sacred land only for Hindus and all the other people including
Muslims are outsiders.
(a) Immediately upon the cessation of hostilities, steps shall be taken to set up in India, in
the manner described hereafter, an elected body charged with the task of framing a new
Constitution for India.
(b) Provision shall be made, as set out below, for the participation of the Indian States in
the constitution-making body.
(c) His Majesty's Government undertakes to accept and implement forthwith the
Constitution so framed subject only to:
(i) the right of any Province of British India that is* not prepared to accept the new
Constitution to retain its present constitutional position, provision being made for
its subsequent accession if it so decides.
With such non-acceding Provinces, should they so desire, His Majesty's Government will
be prepared to agree upon a new Constitution, giving them the same full status as Indian
Union, and arrived at by a procedure analogous to that here laid down.
(ii) the signing of a Treaty which shall be negotiated between His Majesty's
Government and the constitution-making body. This Treaty will cover all
necessary matters arising out of the complete transfer of responsibility from
British to Indian hands; it will make provision, in accordance with the
undertakings given by His Majesty's Government, for the protection of racial and
religious minorities , but will not impose any restriction on the power of the Indian
Union to decide in the future its relation to the other Member States of the British
Whether or not an Indian State elects to adhere to the Constitution, it will be necessary to
negotiate a revision of its Treaty arrangements, so far as this may be required in the new
(d) the constitution-making body shall be composed as follows, unless the leaders of
Indian opinion in the principal communities agree upon some other form before the end of
Immediately upon the result being known of the provincial elections which will be
necessary at the end of hostilities, the entire membership of the Lower Houses of
the Provincial Legislatures shall, as a single electoral college, proceed to the
election of the constitution-making body by the system of proportional
representation. This new body shall be in number about one-tenth of the number of
the Electoral College. Indian States shall be invited to appoint representatives in
the same proportion to their total population as in the case of the representatives of
British India as a whole, and with the same powers as the British Indian members.
(e) During the critical period which now faces India and until the new Constitution can be
framed His Majesty's Government must inevitably bear the responsibility for and retain
control and direction of the defence of India as part of their world war effort, but the task
of organising to the full the military, moral and material resources of India must be the
responsibility of the Government of India with the co-operation of the peoples of India.
His Majesty's Government desire and invite the immediate and effective participation of
the leaders of the principal sections of the Indian people in the counsels of their country,
of the Commonwealth and of the United Nations. Thus they will be enabled to give their
active and constructive help in the discharge of a tank which is vital and essential for the
future freedom of India.” 37
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
Coupland, The Indian Problem, 336-337
In 1945 the Viceroy of India Lord Wavell decided to conduct new elections. For
this purpose an administrative setup was required to conduct elections. To form this setup
he invited major political parties to Simla. He said that in the interim setup there would be
equal number of Muslims and Hindus.
To discuss the working and formulation of this interim setup Lord Wavell invited
major political parties to Simla in June 1945. Everyone agreed to the principle of having a
ii. Alliances:
In 1937 Muslim League contested elections individually. Other than
Congress which was a Hindu dominated political party ML also contested
elections against other Muslim dominated political p arties for example, Sindh
United fron, Unionist party in Punjab etc.
In 1945 elections ML asked many Muslim dominated political parties not
to contest election against them to show Congress and British that Muslims of
India are one force. Jinnah was able to make them agree to this point.
3. The terms of reference of the Commission, as set 7. This I now proceed to do. The demarcation of the
out in the announcement were as follows:- boundary line is described in detail in the schedule
" The Boundary Commission is instructed which forms Annexure A to this award, and in the
to demarcate the boundaries of the two map attached there to, Annexure B. The map is
parts of the Punjab on the basis and annexed for purposes of illustration, and if there
non-Muslims. In doing so, it will also take should he my divergence between the boundary as
into account other factors." described Annexure A and as delineated on the map
We were desired to arrive at a decision as soon as in Annexure B, the description Annexure A is to
possible before the 1 5th of August. prevail.
4. After preliminary meeting, the Commission 8. Certain representations were addressed to the
invited the submission of memorandum and Commission on behalf of the States of Bikaner and
representation by interested parties. Numerous Bahawalpur both of which States interested in
memoranda and representations were received. canals whose headwork’s were situated in the
Punjab Province, I have taken the view that an
5. The public sittings of the Commission took Place interest of this sort cannot weigh directly in the
at Lahore, and extended from Monday the 21st of question before us as to the division of the Punjab
July 1947, to Thursday the 31st of July 1947, between the Indian Union and Pakistan since the
inclusive, with the exception of Sunday, the 27th of territorial division of the province does not affect
July. The main arguments were conducted by rights of private property, and I think, that I am
counsel on behalf of the Indian National Congress, entitled to assume with confidence that any
the Muslim League; and the Sikh members of the agreement that either of these states has made with
Punjab Legislative Assembly; but a number of other the Provincial Government as to the sharing of
interested parties appeared and argued before the water from these canals or otherwise will be
Commission. In view of the fact that I was acting respected by whatever Government hereafter
also as Chairman of the Bengal Boundary assumes jurisdiction over the headwork’s
Commission, whose proceedings were taking place concerned. I wish also to make it plain that no
simultaneously with the proceedings of the Punjab decision that is made by this Commission is
Boundary arrangements to study daily the record of intended to affect whatever territorial claim the
the proceedings of all material submitted for our State of Bahawalpur may have in respect of a
consideration. number of villages lying between Sulemanke Weir
and Gurka Ferry.
6. After the close of the public sittings, the
Commission adjourned to Simla where I joined by 9. The task of delimiting a boundary in the Punjab is
colleagues, and we entered upon discussion in the difficult one. The claims of the respective parties
hope of being able to present an agreed decision as ranged over a wide field of territory, but m my
to the demarcation of the boundaries. I am greatly judgment the truly debatable ground in the end
indebted to my colleagues for indispensable proved to lie in and around the area between the
assistances in the clarification of the issues and the Beas and Sutlej rivers on the one hand and the river
3. Non-Cooperation Movement:
In this movement the participants do not cooperate with the government regarding their duties
and create problems for them. Congress used this movement at different occasions however it
became famous during Khilafat Movement.
4. Sawraj:
It means self-rule. It was demanded by Congress and later by Muslim League.
5. Satyagraha:
It is Hindi word which means “truth-force”. There were many angles to this idea and
movement. Through this Gandhi wanted to cultivate the ideas of non-violence and simple
living into the hearts of common Indians. It was also considered as a new method of fighting
against British colonialism
Jawaharlal Nehru. Born Nov. 14, 1889, Allahabad, India died May 27, 1964,
New Delhi. First prime minister of independent India from 1947 till 1964.
Sir Agha Khan III Also known as Sultan Sir Mohammed Shah was born
November 2, 1877, Karachi, India and died in July 11, 1957, Versoix,
Switzerland. He became the Imam in 1885 after the death of his father.
Motilal Nehru
Gangadhar Tilak
Sarojni Naido
Muhammad Ali Jinnah's first Presidential Address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan (August
11, 1947)
[[1]] I cordially thank you, with the utmost sincerity, for the honour you have conferred upon me --
the greatest honour that is possible for this Sovereign Assembly to confer -- by electing me as your
first President. I also thank those leaders who have spoken in appreciation of my services and [thank
them for] their personal references to me. I sincerely hope that with your support and your
co-operation we shall make this Constituent Assembly an example to the world. The Constituent
Assembly has got two main functions to perform. The first is the very onerous and responsible task
of framing the future constitution of Pakistan and the second of functioning as a full and complete
sovereign body as the Federal Legislature of Pakistan. We have to do the best we can in adopting a
provisional constitution for the Federal Legislature of Pakistan. You know really that not only we
ourselves are wondering but, I think, the whole world is wondering at this unprecedented cyclonic
revolution which has brought about the plan of creating and establishing two independent
Sovereign Dominions in this sub-continent. As it is, it has been unprecedented; there is no parallel
in the history of the world. This mighty sub-continent with all kinds of inhabitants has been brought
under a plan which is titanic, unknown, unparalleled. And what is very important with regard to it is
that we have achieved it peacefully and by means of an evolution of the greatest possible character.
[[2]] Dealing with our first function in this Assembly, I cannot make any well-considered
pronouncement at this moment, but I shall say a few things as they occur to me. The first and the
foremost thing that I would like to emphasize is this: remember that you are now a Sovereign
Legislative body and you have got all the powers. It therefore places on you the gravest
responsibility as to how you should take your decisions. The first observation that I would like to
make is this: You will no doubt agree with me that the first duty of a government is to maintain law
and order, so that the life, property and religious beliefs of its subjects are fully protected by the
[[3]] The second thing that occurs to me is this: One of the biggest curses from which India is
suffering -- I do not say that other countries are free from it, but I think our condition is much worse
-- is bribery and corruption. That really is a poison. We must put that down with an iron hand, and
I hope that you will take adequate measures as soon as it is possible for this Assembly to do so.
[[4]] Black-marketing is another curse. Well, I know that black-marketeers are frequently caught
and punished. Judicial sentences are passed, or sometimes fines only are imposed. Now you have to
tackle this monster, which today is a colossal crime against societ y, in our distressed conditions,
when we constantly face shortage of food and other essential commodities of life. A citizen who
does black-marketing commits, I think, a greater crime than the biggest and most grievous of
crimes. These black-marketeers are really knowing, intelligent, and ordinarily responsible people,
and when they indulge in black-marketing, I think they ought to be very severely punished, because
they undermine the entire system of control and regulation of foodstuffs and essential commo dities,
[[5]] The next thing that strikes me is this: Here again it is a legacy which has been passed on to us.
Along with many other things, good and bad, has arrived this great evil -- the evil of nepotism and
jobbery. I want to make it quite clear that I shall never tolerate any kind of jobbery [=corrupt
employment practices], nepotism, or any any influence directly or indirectly brought to bear upon
me. Whenever I will find that such a practice is in vogue or is continuing anywhere, low or high, I
shall certainly not countenance it.
[[6]] I know there are people who do not quite agree with the division of India and the partition of
the Punjab and Bengal. Much has been said against it, but now that it has been accepted, it is the
duty of every one of us to loyally abide by it and honourably act according to the agreement which
is now final and binding on all. But you must remember, as I have said, that this mighty revolution
that has taken place is unprecedented. One can quite understand the feeling that exists between the
two communities wherever one community is in majority and the other is in minority. But the
question is, whether it was possible or practicable to act otherwise than what has been d one. A
division had to take place. On both sides, in Hindustan and Pakistan, there are sections of people
who may not agree with it, who may not like it; but in my judgement there was no other solution,
and I am sure future history will record its verdict in favour of it. And what is more, it will be proved
by actual experience as we go on that that was the only solution of India's constitutional problem.
Any idea of a united India could never have worked, and in my judgement it would have led us to
terrific disaster. Maybe that view is correct; maybe it is not; that remains to be seen. All the same, in
this division it was impossible to avoid the question of minorities being in one Dominion or the
other. Now that was unavoidable. There is no other solution. Now what shall we do? Now, if we
want to make this great State of Pakistan happy and prosperous, we should wholly and solely
concentrate on the well-being of the people, and especially of the masses and the poor. If you will
work in co-operation, forgetting the past, burying the hatchet, you are bound to succeed. If you
change your past and work together in a spirit that every one of you, no matter to what community
he belongs, no matter what relations he had with you in the past, no matter what is his col our, caste,
or creed, is first, second, and last a citizen of this State with equal rights, privileges, and obligations,
there will be no end to the progress you will make.
[[7]] I cannot emphasize it too much. We should begin to work in that spirit, and i n course of time
all these angularities of the majority and minority communities, the Hindu community and the
Muslim community -- because even as regards Muslims you have Pathans, Punjabis, Shias, Sunnis
and so on, and among the Hindus you have Brahmins, Vashnavas, Khatris, also Bengalees,
Madrasis and so on -- will vanish. Indeed if you ask me, this has been the biggest hindrance in the
way of India to attain the freedom and independence, and but for this we would have been free
people long ago. No power can hold another nation, and specially a nation of 400 million souls, in
subjection; nobody could have conquered you, and even if it had happened, nobody could have
continued its hold on you for any length of time, but for this. Therefore, we must learn a lesson from
this. You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any
other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed --
that has nothing to do with the business of the State. As you know, history shows that in England
conditions, some time ago, were much worse than those prevailing in India today. The Roman
Catholics and the Protestants persecuted each other. Even now there are some States in existence
[[8]] Now I think we should keep that in front of us as our ideal, and you will find that in course of
time Hindus would cease to be Hindus, and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious
sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of
the State.
[[9]] Well, gentlemen, I do not wish to take up any more of your time; and thank you again for the
honour you have done to me. I shall always be guided by the principles of justice and fair play
without any, as is put in the political language, prejudice or ill-will; in other words, partiality or
favouritism. My guiding principle will be justice and complete impartialit y, and I am sure that with
your support and co-operation, I can look forward to Pakistan becoming one of the greatest Nations
of the world.
[[10]] I have received a message from the United States of America addressed to me. It reads:
I have the honour to communicate to you, in Your Excellency's capacity as President of the
Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, the following message which I have just received from the
Secretary of State of the United States:
On the occasion of the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly for Pakistan, I extend to you and
to the members of the Assembly, the best wishes of the Government and the people of the United
States for the successful conclusion of the great work you are about to undertake.
2. Refugee problem:
The roots of refugee problem can be found in the 3rd June plan. In this plan the last
Viceroy to India Lord Mount Batten lessened the time allowed by Lord Attlee (the prime
Minster of England) by almost a year. Lord Attlee said in his speech in House of
Commons the British will leave India by June 1948 and in 3rd June plan the Viceroy
declared that partition would take place on 15 August, 1947.This proves that the Viceroy
totally ignored the Communal tension and the dispute over land distribution between
Muslim League and Congress.
The main cause of the refugee problem was Radcliff Awards. It was decided that
Pakistan would get Sind, Baluchistan, N.W.F.P, East Bengal and West Punjab. Muslims
had full majority in all provinces other than Punjab and Bengal where they had more than
All army officers were given the choice to join any country after the
Independence. Other physical assets were to be divided according to 5/17 ratio between
Pakistan and India.
The only problem which Pakistan faced was that there were 16 ordnance factories
in undivided India unfortunately for Pakistan all of them were located in divided India.
So India agreed to set up an ordinance factory in Pakistan. Wah ordinance factory was
established with the help of India.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
4. Accession of Independent states
There were 562 independent states in Sub-continent at the time of partition. British
gave two choices to them, i) either to remain independent or ii) to join any country they
would like to. Out of these 562 independent states only 14 were within the boundaries of
Pakistan. The problem of accession was with only 3 of them namely Kashmir, Junagarh
and Hyderabad Deccan.
Kashmir, Dir, Sawat, Lasbelah, Bhawalpur, Khairpur, Kalat,
Mr. Sris Chandra Chattopadhya (East Bengal : General) : Mr. President, I thought, after
my colleague, Mr. Bhupendra Kumar Datta, had spoken on the two amendments on
behalf of the Congress Party, I would not take any part in this discussion. He appealed,
he reasoned and made the Congress position fully clear, but after I heard some of the
speakers from the majority party, viz, Muslim League Party, the manner in which they
had interpreted the Resolution, it became incumbent on me to take part in this
I have heard Dr. Malik and appreciate his standpoint. He says that “we got Pakistan for
establishing a Muslim State, and the Muslims suffered for it and therefore it was not
desireable that anybody should speak against it”. I quite agree with him. He said; “If we
establish a Muslim State and even if we become reactionarie s, who are you to say
anything against it?” That is a standpoint which I understand, but here there is some
difficulty. We also, on this side, fought for the independence of the country. We worked
for the independence of the entire country. When our erstwh ile masters, Britishers,
were practically in the mood of going away, the country was divided – one part became
Pakistan and the other remained India. If in the Pakistan State there would have been
only Muslims, the question would have been different. But t here are some non-muslims
also in Pakistan. When they wanted a division there was no talk of an exchange of
population. If there was an exchange of population, there would have been an end of the
matter, and Dr. Malik could establish his Pakistan in his ow n way and frame
constitution accordingly. It is also true that the part of Pakistan in which Dr. Malik
lives is denuded of non-Muslims. That is clear.
Dr. Omar Hayat Malik: On a point of order, Sir, I never said that. He has understood me
quite wrongly.
Mr. Omar Hayat Malik: I never said that Pakistan was denuded of non -Muslims. My
friend on the opposite has misunderstood me.
Mr. Sris Chandra Chattopadhya: I say the part in which Dr. Malik lives is denuded of
non-Muslims. I did not say that Dr. Malik had sa id that Pakistan was denuded of
non-Muslims. That is clear.
But we belong to East Bengal. One -fourth of the population is still non -Muslim.
Therefore, what constitution is to be framed, it is our duty, it is in our interest to look
to. We are not going to leave East Bengal. It is our homeland. It is not a land by our
adoption. My forefather, founder of my family, came to East Bengal thousand years
back on the invitation of the then King of Bengal. I am 27th in decent from him.
Therefore, East Bengal is my l and. I claim that East Bengal and Eastern Pakistan
belongs to me as well as to any Mussalman and it will be my duty to make Pakistan a
great, prosperous and powerful State so that it may get a proper place in the comity of
“Whereas sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to God Almighty alone and the
authority which He has delegated to the State of Pakistan through its people for being
exercised within the limits prescribe d by Him is a sacred trust”.
This part of the Resolution, I think, ought to be deleted. All powers, in my opinion, rest
with the people and they exercise their power through the agency of the State. State is
merely their spokesman. The Resolution makes the State the sole authority received
from God Almighty through the instrumentality of people – Nemittamatrona, “Merely
instruments of the State”. People have no power or authority, they are merely post
boxes according to this Resolution. The State will exerc ise authority within the limits
prescribed by Him (God). What are those limits, who will interpret them? Dr. Qureshi
or my respected Maulana Shabbir Ahmed Osmani? In case of difference, who will
interpret? Surely they are not the people. One day a Louis XI V may come and say “I am
the State, anointed by the Almighty” thus paving the way for advent Divine Right of
Kings of afresh. Instead of State being the voice of the people, it has been made an
adjunct of religion. To me voice of people is the voice of God , “Jatra jiba tatra shiva.”
The people are the manifestation of God.
In my conception of State where people of different religion live there is no place for
religion in the State. Its position must be neutral: no bias for any religion. If necessary,
it should help all the religions equally. No question of concession or tolerance to any
religion. It smacks of inferiority complex. The State must respect all religions: no
smiling face for one and askance look to the other. The state religion is a dangerous
principle. Previous instances are sufficient to warn us not to repeat the blunder. We
know people were burnt alive in the name of religion. Therefore, my conception is that
the sovereignty must rest with the people and not with any body else.
Then about the C onstituent Assembly representing the people of Pakistan. This
Constituent Assembly was created by a Statute – Indian Independence Act – allotting
one member for ten lakhs of people to be elected by the members of the Provincial
Assemblies. The members were not elected by the people themselves. They are for the
“Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice,
as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed.”
Of course, they are beautiful words: Democracy, freedom, equality, everything. Now
about this portion I had some discussion with some Maulanas from the Punjab. What
they told me must be from their religious books. I shall repeat here. If I commit blunder,
I wish to be corrected.
In this connection you say “equal rights”, but at the same time with limitations as
enunciated by Islam. Is there any equal right in an Islamic country? Was there any ….
An Honourable Member: “There was in Islamic countries.” ……. It was not between
Muslims and non -Muslims. We are now divided into Congress Party and Muslim
League Party here for farming constitution and suppose after framing of this
constitution we face election, and parties are formed on different alignment, there may
not be Congress, there may not be Muslim League, because the Congress has fulfilled
its mission of attainin g independence and Muslim League has also got Pakistan. There
may be parties of haves and have -nots – and they are bound to be – and have-nots party
may have a leader coming form non -Muslims. Will he be allowed to be the head of the
administration of a Mus lim State? It is not a fact that a non -Muslim cannot be head of
the administration in a Muslim State. I discussed this question and I was told that he
could not be allowed to be the head of the administration of a Muslim State. Then what
is the use of all this. The question is whether there can be Juma Namaz in a country with
a non-Muslim as its head, I am told that a country where a non -Muslim is the Head of
the administration – as was in India, the Britishers were the head of the administration
– according to the interpretations of Muslim rules, and I do not know much of them
Muslims cannot say their Juma Namaz. As an instance, I cite a case and I think, the
Honourable President also knows about it – in the District of Faridpur, Dudu Mea’s
party. They do not say Juma Namaz. His grandson, Pir Badshah Mia, told me that “in a
country where the head is a non -Muslim, there cannot be Juma Namaz.” Therefore, the
words “equal rights as enunciated by Islam” are – I do not use any other word – a
camouflage. It is onl y a hoax to us, the non -Muslims. There cannot be equal rights as
enunciated by Islam. If the State is formed without any mandate of the religion,
anybody whether Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist who can get votes can become its
head, as such there would be difficulty if a portion of a book – it is not MY BOOK, it
is not a Congress book, it is a Jamat -I-Islam publication from Lahore and it was handed
over to me. I read a few lines from this book – Page 20.
“The preceding statement makes it quite clear that Islam is not democracy; for
democracy is the name given to that particular form of Government in which
sovereignty ultimately rests with the people in which legislation depends both in its
form and content on the force and direction of public opinion and laws are modified and
My friend, the Honourable Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar, the other day said ‘What is in the
name’? I also say, what is in the name? Name may be given to mislead people but it will
smell theocracy.
The Honourable Sardar Abdur Rab Khan Nishtar (West Punjab: Muslim): Do you know
what treatment was meted out to this man by the Government? He is in jail.
“A more apt name for it would be the Kingdom of God which is described in English as
I do not know much of your theocracy or Sunna. But he told me many things about
“No law can be changed unless the injunction is to be found in God’s shariat. Laws are
changed by the concensus of opinion amongst the Muslims.”
So, if any law is to be changed, it is to be changed by the vote of the Muslims onl y.
Where are we then? We are not Muslims. There are, I find, many safeguards in the
Resolution. I do not attach much importance to them. Words are there but there is no
law which will allow them to be put into practice. That is the limitation. If the
non-Muslims cannot vote, then what is the good of our coming here for farming the
constitution? Even if we have the right to vote for a legislation but if some non -Muslim
wants to be the President of the State, he will not be able to do so. If we want to elect
somebody who is a non -Muslim, he cannot be elected by us to be a member of the
legislature. We may vote, but we can vote for Mr Nishtar only and not for Mr Chandra
Chattopadhya, who is a non -Muslim. I know you can pass this Resolution because you
are in the majority and I know the tyranny of the majority. But we cannot be a
consenting party to it; we must oppose it in order to safeguard our interests and not to
commit suicide by accepting this Resolution. If that is so, what is the position of
non-Muslims in a Muslim State? They will play the part of the second fiddle – the
drawers of water and hewers of wood. Can you expect any self -respecting man will
accept that position and remain contented? If the present Resolution is adopted, the
non-Muslims will be reduced to that condition excepting what they may get out of
concession or pity from their superior neighbours. Is it equality of rights? Is it wrong
if we say that the non -Muslims will be in the position of Plebeians? There may not be
patricians and plebei ans in the Muslim community, but the question is between the
Muslims and non -Muslims.
Mr Sris Chandra Chattopadhya : It goes without saying that by introducing the religious
question, the differences between the majority and the minority are being perpetuated,
for how long, nobody knows. And, as appr ehended by us, the difficulty of interpretation
has already arisen. The accepted principle is that the majority, by their fair treatment,
must create confidence in the minority. Whereas the Honourable Mover of the
Resolution promises respect, in place of c harity or sufferance for the minority
community the Deputy Minister, Dr Qureshi, advises the minority to win the good -will
of the majority by their behaviour. In the House of the Legislature also we find that,
while the Prime Minister keeps perfectly to hi s dictum, others cannot brook that the
Opposition should function in the spirit of opposition. The demand is that the
Opposition should remain submissive. That is Dr Qureshi’s way of thinking. The
minorities must be grateful for all the benevolence they ge t and must never complain
for the malevolence that may also be dealt out to them. That is his solution of the
minority problem.
Dr Ishtiaq Husain Qureshi : Sir, I again rise on a point of personal explanation. I never
said that. My words are being twisted. What I said was this that the best guarantee of a
minority’s rights is the good -will of the majority and those words cannot be twisted into
the way my friend has been twisting them.
Even in Muslim countries there are people of different religions. They do not call
themselves a majority or mino rity party. They call themselves as members of one
nation, though professing different religions. If the Muslims call themselves
Pakistanis, will the non -Muslims call themselves non -Pakistanis. What will they call
Mr Sris Chandra Chattopadhya : Will they both call themselves Pakistanis? Then how
will the people know who is Muslim and who is non -Muslim? I say, give up this division
of the people into Muslims and non -Muslims and let us call ourselves one natio n. Let us
call ourselves one people, people of Pakistan. Otherwise, if you call me non -Muslim
and call yourselves Muslim the difficulty will be if I call myself Pakistani they will say
you are a Muslim. That happened when I had been to Europe. I went there as a delegate
of Pakistan. When I said “I am a delegate of Pakistan” they thought I was a Muslim.
They said “But you are a Muslim”. I said, “No, I am a Hindu”. A Hindu cannot remain
in Pakistan, that was their attitude. They said: “You cannot call yoursel f a Pakistani”.
Then I explained everything and told them that there are Hindus and as well as Muslims
and that we are all Pakistanis. That is the position. Therefore, what am I to call myself?
I want an answer to that. I want a decision on this point from my esteemed friend, Mr
Liaquat Ali Khan.
I request my Honourable friend, Mr Nishtar, to forget this outlook, this angle of vision.
Let us form ourselves as members of one nation. Let us eliminate the complexes of
majority and minority. Let us treat citize ns of Pakistan as members of one family and
frame such a constitution as may not break this tie so that all communities may stand
shoulder to shoulder on equal footing in time of need and danger. I do not consider
myself as a member of the minority communi ty. I consider myself as one of seven crores
of Pakistanis. Let me have to retain that privilege.
When I came back to my part of the country after several months absence in Europe, the
thing that I saw there depressed me. A great change for the worse has come over the
land. I noticed that change this side also. I told His Excellency Khawaja Nazimuddin of
it. I told the Honourable Mr Liaquat Ali Khan about it and n ow that spirit of reaction has
overwhelmed this House also. This Resolution in its present form epitomizes that spirit
of reaction. That spirit will not remain confined to the precincts of this House. It will
send its waves to the countryside as well. I am quite upset. I have been passing sleepless
nights pondering what shall I now tell my people whom I have so long been advising to
stick to the land of their birth? They are passing a state of uncertainty which is better
seen and left than imagined from thi s House. The officers have opted out, the influential
people have left, the economic conditions are appalling, starvation is widespread,
women are going naked, people are sinking without trade, without occupation. The
administration is ruthlessly reactiona ry, a steam-roller has been set in motion against
the culture, language and script of the people. And on the top of this all, by this
Resolution you condemn them to a perpetual state of inferiority. A thick curtain is
drawn against all rays of hope, all pr ospects of an honourable life.
After this what advice shall I tender? What heart can I have to persuade the people to
maintain a stout heart? But I feel it is useless bewailing before you, it is useless
reasoning with you. You show yourselves incapable of humility that either victory or
religion ought to generate. You then go your way, I have best wishes for you. I am an
old man not very far from my eternal rest. I am capable of forgetting all injuries. I bear
you no ill will. I wish you saw reason. Even as it is, may no evil come your way. May
you prosper, may the newly -born State of Pakistan be great and get its proper place in
the comity of nations. (Applause.)
After becoming president the highest priority was given to the constitutional
problem. With the proclamation of Martial Law in 1958 the constitution of 1956 was
abrogated so there was a need for a new constitution. For this purpose he ordered the
formation of a commission. The composition of this commission was retired chief justice
of Supreme Court who would work as the chairman of this commission, two retired judges,
a lawyer, a mill owner, a business man, a land lord and a member from minorities. This
composition gives the hint about the final product and the intentions of Ayub Khan that
what sort of government and constitution he wanted to create. There was no
representation of majority of the people for example common man, laborers, farmers etc.
i. The name of the country would be the Republic of Pakistan. (In the last
constitution it was Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
ii. The country would be presidential form of government and president would be
directly elected.
iii. All the executive authority would be exercised by President.
iv. President will select Prime Minister from the national assembly.
v. All the laws passed by the parliament will be subject to the presidential consent. If
the president disagrees with any particular legislation he would send it back to the
parliament. (If the parliament still does not make any changes then finally the
president has the power to send parliamentarians to home by dissolving the
vi. President will appoint governors in all the provinces. These Governors were giver
extra powers of dissolving the provincial assemblies on the order of the President.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
Agricultural reforms: 0322-2391591,
Ayub Khan paid a lot of attention towards agricultural potential of Pakistan. He
1. He ordered the import of Highly Yielding variety of seed. Through these seeds
farmers can get extra yield from the same land during the same amount of time. This way
the annual produce of any particular crop can increase. The main areas in which HYVs
helped were exports. The HYVs of particular crops like cotton, wheat, rice and sugarcane
contributed a lot in the economy. Even today rice and cotton are the main exports of
2. The mechanization process also started during his rule. Through it the efficiency
of work increased and finally it translated into increase in annual growth. This
advancement helped in increasing the cultivatable land. Earlier agricultural activity
needed lots of labor now machines can do work of many people at one time.
3. Another important aspect of agriculture is fertilizers. Chemical fertilizers are
crucial for the agricultural activity of any country especially in today’s world when the
demand is increasing day by day and the land is continuously used. Land starts losing its
fertility after some time for which some months of gap is required. However countries
like Pakistan which only depend on agriculture cannot afford any break. In this situation
chemical fertilizers provide strength to the land and soil. Ayub Khan imported and
introduced many chemical fertilizers in Pakistan and he also supported the growth of
chemical fertilizer industry.
4. He also introduced land reforms. He limited the land holding of irrigated and
non-irrigated land. Through this way his target was to distribute land amongst the people
of Pakistan. Theoretically this was supposed to increase the annual production of crops
because large land holding means unutilized land. The big land lords may not need to
cultivate all the land they have because their life style can be supported easily by much
less cultivation. This unutilized land may not affect the land lord but it is bound to affect
the country because the annual production cannot be maximum according to the potential
of the country. By distributing it in many owners the government wanted to make sure
that the land is properly used.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
Dawn, 9 January 1956.
Pakistan Constitution Assembly Debates vol. 1, 7 January 1956, 1844. Cited in Mizanar Rahman, The
Emergence of Bangladesh as a Sovereign State, 68
The first general elections were finally conducted in 1970 December under the
LFO issued by Yahiya Khan. According to this ordinance the One Unit Plan was
abolished and total number of seats was 300. West Pakistan was allocated 138 seats and
East Pakistan was allocated 162 seats. The results of elections were very unique. Awami
League won 161 seats in total but all of them were in East Bengal (Pakistan). They were
unable to secure a single seat in the Western part. On the other hand the second largest
party was Pakistan People’s Party and they were able to secure 81 seats in total and all of
these seats were located in four provinces of West Pakistan. PPP was completely rejected
in Bengal.
According to the rules of democracy it was the right of Awami League to form the
government because of their clear majority in the parliament. However the demography of
the election results can easily confuse any one. The people of both sides have rejected each
other. The verdict of the people is very clear that they reject the other part. The political
parties of the East were unable to attract the people of west and vice versa.
Yahiya Khan thought that he has done his job and now it’s the politicians turn to
form the government and serve the country and its people. He was wrong. He did not see
the divide and its impact. Bhutto the leader of PPP said that he has the right to form the
government because he was won seats in four out of five provinces of Pakistan. On the
other hand Awami League said that they have clear majority so they should be asked to
form the government.
Yahiya Khan announced that the first session of the national assembly would be
conducted in Dhaka in March 1971. Unfortunately some days earlier this session he
postponed it till further notice.
This proved to be the last nail in the coffin. The people of East Bengal started to
agitate against this decision and full riots started in Bengal. Army was called and
suppression on great scale was launched. Now it was too late the Bengalis were not
willing to surrender. Finally on 16th December the East Pakistan became Bangladesh and
the Pakistan lost most of its population. Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
Ian Talbot, 200
Bhutto entered into politics of Pakistan during the rule of Ayub Khan. Ayub Khan
made young Bhutto his cabinet member as a foreign minister. During his minister ship he
impressed everyone within and outside Pakistan. All historians agree that Bhutto was th e
best foreign minister Pakistan ever had. In 1965 Pakistan entered in war with India which
ended Bhutto’s association with Ayub Khan. He was dismissed by Ayub Khan who
blamed the war and its handling on Bhutto. After leaving government Bhutto started his
own political party called Pakistan People’s Party.
He took the support of Marxist ideas and made a very popular slogan ‘roti, kapra
aur makan, means ‘bread, clothing and shelter’ for everyone. The major problem of Ayub
Khan’s era was accumulation of money in the hands of 22 business families; Bhutto
carefully targeted this problem and used it in his own favor. He party became popular in
very short time. However this popularity was restricted only in the West Pakistan. He and
his Party was the spear head the movement against Ayub Khan.
In the elections of 1970 his party was able to grab 81 seats out of 132 in West
Pakistan however it failed to win any seat out of 162 seats in East Pakistan. After the
separation of Pakistan on 16 th December General Yahiya Khan then President and Chief
Martial Law Administrator invited Bhutto to take charge of the country. On 20 th
December Yahiya made Bhutto the President and Chief Martial Law Administrator of the
country and backed away.
i. All the executive power will be in the hands of Prime Minister and he will be the
head of the government.
ii. The legislation would be bi-camera (consisting of two houses). National assembly
would be elected on the basis of population and in senate all the provinces would
have equal number of seats regardless of population.
iii. President and the Prime Minister of Pakistan must be Muslims.
iv. The name of the country would be Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
v. All the people of the country including religious minorities would enjoy full civil
vi. President of Pakistan would be elected in directly through all the assemblies’
national assembly, senate and provincial assemblies.
2. Nationalization Policy:
The link of Bhutto’s nationalization policy can be found in Ayub era. This policy
was a reaction of the economic policy of Ayub Khan. Ayub introduced such economic
policies which benefited only a fraction of the population of Pakistan which has been
discussed in detail earlier. Since Bhutto started his political party promised common
people of Pakistan to make their economic conditions better. During his political
campaign he used the slogan, “roti, kapra aur makan”, (bread, clothing and shelter).
After coming to power he followed a socialist plan to fulfill his promise. The plan
seemed simple. All the private industries and businesses would be taken up by the
government. He thought this way the government would open the employment to all and
when people will get employment their living conditions would automatically improve.
3. Education Policy:
Bhutto also ordered to take over many schools. He opened many new government
schools and colleges across Pakistan. He tried to homogenize education system of
Pakistan. He made Primary education compulsory for every student.
Although Bhutto introduced educational reforms but they were not enough to cope
up with the needs of the country. Even today after 30 years of Bhutto, education is the
foremost issue the government has to face. Unfortunately political parties hardly pay any
attention towards these issues.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
4. Health Policy: 0322-2391591,
a. Bhutto started Rural Health Centers (RHC) to provide health facilities to the
population living in villages. According to the plan there would be one RHC for
every 60000 people.
b. He introduced Basic Health Units (BHU) in urban areas. One unit for every 20000
c. Training colleges were setup for the training of medical staff and assistants.
Nursing schools were also started to train nurses to work across the country.
Hasan Askari Zaidi, TheMilitary and Politics in Pakistan (Delhi, 1988), 219
Till 1979 the rule of Zia was not stable but some international events became the
saviors of Zia. Russia attacked Afghanistan. This was a great event and was very
significant for the Western World. USA and other Western countries saw it as a spread of
socialism which was not acceptable to them at any cost. Afghanistan became the battle
field for the all the great powers.
In this situation Western World wanted someone like Zia (who could be easily
manipulated) to support them in all aspects. Zia was an army man and country was under
martial law so whatever Zia does he can enforce it through power. It was an ideal scenario
for the West. They support Zia’s rule and return they wished that he support them to
check the advances of Russia. West fought whole Afghan War from Pakistan. A new term
came in international politics “proxy war” due to this event. Finally West was able to
achieve its goals and Russia lost the war and disintegrated.
Secondly another great event of international importance took place which also
indirectly supported the rule of Zia. In Iran Islamic Revolution took place. In this
revolution the more liberal and modern government was over thrown by Islamic political
leader led by Imam Khomeini in 1979. The revolutionaries first attacked US embassy and
an international scandal started. In this scenario as well US needed unconditional support
from Pakistan. The reason due to which these two events affected Pakistan was that it
shared borders with both the countries.
For USA a strong rule like military rule of Zia was ideal under the circumstances
because he would do whatever they wished because his rule was illegitimate and USA
was a super power. Zia willingly agreed to the wishes of US and secured a strong position
for himself in the politics of Pakistan. He later stayed in power till 1988 when a tragic air
crash took his life near Bahawalpur.
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The referendum:
Zia conducted a referendum before conducting elections. He wanted to strengthen
his position and provide legitimacy to his rule. He knew that he might not get popular
vote through elections so he planned a tricky referendum in which he played with his
voters. He posted a question which was very difficult for common people to say no to.
Instead of asking people a simple question about his presidency like, ‘do you want to see
Zia as president’ he framed a question, ‘do you agree with the process of Islamization and
do you want to continues or not’.
Most of the population of Pakistan did not take part in this so called referendum.
Those who went to take part were unable to deal with this tricky referendum and fell pray
of Zia’s wish.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
Elections of 1985: 0322-2391591,
After securing his position through referendum he went for elections. Again like
referendum he planned to conduct which suited him and his plans to stay in power. He
declared that the elections would be conducted on nonparty basis. This sounds like a joke
and mockery of democracy. How is it possible for people to take part in electoral process
without their political orientation and association?
The elections were conducted under the strict supervision of army. Muhammad
Khan Junejo became the Prime Minister of the so called elections. Even after the
elections Zia did not lift Martial Law. Junejo was pressurized by the parliament to lift the
Martial Law. However Zia had other plans. He said until the parliament accepts all the
amendments made by him he will not lift it. So under the pressure the parliament
legalized all the ordinances he made. 59 articles were amended in this single amendment
called 8th amendment. The most famous article is 58 ii b, through which the president has
the power to dissolve national assembly.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
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Benazir Bhutto Frist Government 1988-1990:
Benazir Bhutto was the eldest daughter of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto the founding member
and first chairman of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP). She stayed outside of Pakistan throughout
her educational years and received education in Oxford University, England. When her father’s
government was taken over by General Zia ul Haq she with other members of her family was
captured by Zia and sent to jail for several years. After coming out of jail she and her family
went out of Pakistan.
She decided to permanently join politics and carry the mission of her father forward.
She was guided by some senior members of PPP and finally decided to come back to Pakistan
in 1986 and take charge of the party. She was married to Asif Ali Zardari in 1986 at Karachi.
In 1988 August General Zia ul Haq died in an air crash near Bahawalpur after which the
army of Pakistan decided to back out from active politics and did not announce another
military president. The military administration announced election in 1988 which were
conducted accordingly.
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
Formation of Government: 0322-2391591,
The party position in the elections of 1988 was not very strong however PPP emerged
as the single largest party which did not have enough seats to make government on their own.
Consequently a coalition government was formed with the support of other political parties.
Due to the weak position of Benazir she made some compromises with the army and the
caretaker President Ghulam Ishaq Khan.
She agreed to support Ghulam Ishaq Khan in presidential election. Ghulam Ishaq was a
former bureaucrat with illustrious career in terms of holding important government posts. She
even agreed to continue with the foreign minister of Zia’s regime Sahibzada Yaqub Khan
because the establishment could not afford any alteration in the foreign policy during those
trouble years.
The troika:
The term Troika was coined during the first government of Benazir it means the Prime
Minister, President and Army Chief, consult before major important decisions. This was a
compromise Benazir had to make if she wanted to form a government. The political forces
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were weak and army backed out of their own decision rather than the wishes of people or
political parties. Army could have taken over again at any time if their role in decision making
was challenged.
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to defuse tension between the two countries for their better future. This issue was highlighted
by IJI and they twisted it to such angles which supported them.
This fight between the two largest parties of Pakistan served no purpose to the people
perhaps it served the ambitions of political leadership. There was a debate that democracy
could no function in Pakistan because of incompetent political leadership and the 1988-90
government strengthen this believe.
1. First Women Bank was opened by Benazir for giving larger role to women of Pakistan.
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2. There was a ban on trade unions during the time period of Zia. Benazir lifted the ban
and allowed worker to make unions and demand their rights from employers.
3. In1971 Bangladesh was created and it became a member of Commonwealth. Since then
Pakistan left commonwealth on protest. In 1988 Benazir government rejoined
4. Women were given job on a greater scale. They were now more government job than
ever. They went into police and judiciary.
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Nawaz Sharif
Nawaz Sharif belonged to a well-established business family of Punjab. He started hi
politics during the time of Zia ul Haq, who was responsible for many business favors to Nawaz
Sharif. Even today the sugar mill owned by Sharif in Pakpattan in Punjab has Zia ul Haq’s
name on the founding stone. He was in fact brought into politics by military establishment to
counter PPP in Punjab and later across the country. He became the Chief Minister of Punjab n
1986 due to good graces of Zia. He became the leader of IJI in 1988 when military
establishment founded this party by bribes given to many leaders. The founder of IJI General
Asif Nawaz has now told the story of its establishment and Mr. Asghar Khan has challenged
the founding of IJI in court in a case, which is still pending in Supreme Court.
In t 1990 elections Nawaz Sharif and his party claimed 105 seats against 45 seats of
PPP. IJI emerged as the single largest party in Pakistan and went to form federal government.
After forming the government he started to works towards his policies which were business
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
Economic policies:
Being a business man he believed in free market economy and decided to privatize 89
government owned organization which included railways, shipping, energy,
telecommunication etc. Uncontrolled privatization was dangerous to Pakistan’s economy and
people because it would allow owners to maximize their profit without giving benefits to their
workers. During his time millions of dollars came in for investment.
He started a yellow cab scheme in which loans were given to people who could become
owners of a taxi and pay the government later through its income. This was a very popular
scheme and thousands of households benefitted with it.
He fixed the minimum wages for workers to be 1500 Rs.. His policies were heavily
criticized by PPP who compared his policies with plundering of Pakistan. His economic efforts
generally benefitted the wealthy due to encouragement private business without governmental
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In 1990 Gulf War started when Ghulam Mustaf Jatoi was care taker Prime Minister. He
supported USA on its advances on Iraq and also sent Pakistani soldiers to support US. When
Nawaz Sharif became Prime Minister he continued the policy of support. This was not taken as
a good move by many Pakistani’s including many supporters of Nawaz. He face huge criticism
but did not change his stance.
One of the reasons for Pakistan’s support was that US had put some economic and
military sanctions on Pakistan on the doubt that Pakistan is developing it nuclear weapons. US
demanded to immediately stop the nuclear program. Pakistan’s government thought by
supporting US in Gulf war they might get some benefits, however US did not lift the sanctions
even after unconditional support by Pakistan.
Internal disturbances:
During Afghan war Pakistan became a market for illegal weapons and drugs.
Thousands of Afghan Refugees came to Pakistan who had their links back at home. All the
weapons used in Afghan war came to Pakistan which were being bought by criminals and drug
Nawaz Sharif faced the challenge of dealing with this menace with firm hand. He took
many steps towards controlling these elements but did not succeed. He also made Speedy Trial
Courts to conduct and conclude cases related to crimes then and there so more and more cases
can be solved. However criticism was raised against the function of these courts and dealing
with innocent because it had only one chance of appeal.
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was a division of opinion with in Nawaz’s leadership Chaudhry Nisar was of the opinion that it
should not target MQM because it will further deteriorate the situation. However the operation
was given green signal and Karachi became an urban battlefield. According to MQM
thousands of it supporters were killed under the shadow of the operation.
Ghulam Ishaq Khan the president of Pakistan once again decided to use his power to
dissolve the national and provincial assemblies. He did it and framed same allegations against
IJI government as Benazir’s government. Nawaz went Supreme Court against the use of 58-2b
by president. Supreme Court favored Nawaz and ordered the restoration of assemblies calling
the act by president as illegal.
After restoration Nawaz under the pressure of military establishment finally decided to
resign and call for fresh elections. President Ghulam Ishaq Khan was also forced by army to
resign as president.
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Why Urdu was chosen as the national language of Pakistan?
At the time of independence there were many languages spoken in Pakistan, for
example Bengali, Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi and Pashto. However all of these languages
were associated with a particular province or people. There was no single language which
was spoken all across Pakistan. The other fact was that all the above mentioned languages
were regional and people speaking them could not understand each other’s language.
In these circumstances choosing any one regional language over the other could
create regional jealousies and hatred. Urdu was a language which was not associated with
any one province. Urdu could also work as a bridging language between the different
communities of Pakistan. This way no province of Pakistan can say that the government
has neglected them over other province.
Secondly Urdu was a language which originated in sub-continent some 8 centuries
ago amongst Muslims. The early Muslim invaders had different races in their army for
example Arabs, Turks, Persian, and Afghans etc. These people when started to
communicate with each other a new language was formed which had words from all the
languages these people spoke. So Urdu had always been associated with Muslims of
sub-continent. Pakistan was a country made for the Muslims of sub-continent so their
cultural identity was Urdu and this factor was considered by the early Government of
Pakistan before choosing Urdu as a national language.
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Many steps have been taken by the government to promote provincial languages in
their respective provinces.
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List of Secretary of state for India
1. Edward Henry Stanley, Lord Stanley (September 2, 1858 - June 11, 1859)
2. Sir Charles Wood (June 18, 1859 - February 16, 1866)
(resigned after being injured in a hunting accident)
3. George Frederick Samuel Robinson, 3rd Earl de Grey
(February 16, 1866 - June 26, 1866)
4. Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, Viscount Cranborne
(July 6, 1866 - March 8, 1867)
5. Sir Stafford Henry Northcote (March 8, 1867 - December 1, 1868)
6. George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll
(December 9, 1868 - February 17, 1874)
7. Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury
(February 21, 1874 - April 2, 1878)
8. Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1st Viscount Cranbrook
(April 2, 1878 - April 21, 1880)
9. Spencer Compton Cavendish, Marquess of Hartington
(April 28, 1880 - December 16, 1882)
10. John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of Kimberley (December 16, 1882 - June 9, 1885)
11. Lord Randolph Churchill (June 24, 1885 - January 28, 1886)
12. John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of Kimberley (February 6, 1886 - July 20, 1886)
13. Sir Richard Assheton Cross, 1st Viscount Cross (1886)
(August 3, 1886 - August 11, 1892)
14. John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of Kimberley (August 18, 1892 - March 10, 1894)
15. Henry Hartley Fowler (March 10, 1894 - June 21, 1895)
16. Lord George Hamilton (July 4, 1895 - October 9, 1903)
17. St John Brodrick (October 9, 1903 - December 4, 1905)
18. John Morley, 1st Viscount Morley (1908) (Dec. 10, 1905 - November 3, 1910)
19. Robert Crewe-Milnes, 1st Earl of Crewe, 1st Marquess of Crewe (1911)
(November 3, 1910 - March 7, 1911)
20. John Morley, 1st Viscount Morley (March 7, 1911 - May 25, 1911)
21. Robert Crewe-Milnes, 1st Marquess of Crewe (May 25, 1911 - May 25, 1915)
22. Austen Chamberlain (May 25, 1915 - July 17, 1917)
23. Edwin Samuel Montagu (July 17, 1917 - March 19, 1922)
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24. William Peel, 2nd Viscount Peel (March 19, 1922 - January 22, 1924)
25. Sydney Olivier, 1st Baron Olivier (January 22, 1924 - November 3, 1924)
26. Frederick Smith, Earl of Birkenhead (November 6, 1924 - October 18, 1928)
27. William Peel, 2nd Viscount Peel (October 18, 1928 - June 4, 1929)
28. William Wedgwood Benn (June 7, 1929 - August 24, 1931)
29. Sir Samuel Hoare (August 25, 1931 - June 7, 1935)
30. Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Marquess of Zetland (June 7, 1935 - May 28, 1937)
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Governors-General of India, 1833–1858
1. Lord William Bentinck 1833–20 March 1835, continued
2. Sir Charles Metcalfe, 20 March 1835–4 March 1836, provisional
3. The Lord Auckland, 4 March 1836–28 February 1842 (from 1839, The Earl
of Auckland)
4. The Lord Ellenborough, 28 February 1842–June 1844
5. William Wilberforce Bird, June 1844–23 July 1844, provisional
6. Sir Henry Hardinge, 23 July 1844–12 January 1848 (from 1846, The Viscount
7. The Earl of Dalhousie, 12 January 1848–28 February 1856 (from 1849, The
Marquees of Dalhousie)
8. The Viscount Canning, 28 February 1856–1 November 1858
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19. The Lord Chelmsford, 4 April 1916–2 April 1921
20. The Earl of Reading, 2 April 1921–3 April 1926
21. The Lord Irwin, 3 April 1926–18 April 1931
22. The Earl of Willingdon, 18 April 1931–18 April 1936
23. The Marquess of Linlithgow, 18 April 1936–1 October 1943
24. The Viscount Wavell, 1 October 1943–21 February 1947
25. The Viscount Mountbatten of Burma, 21 February 1947–15 August 1947
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Prime Ministers of Pakistan
1) Liaquat Ali Khan (August 14, 1947 to October 16, 1951)
2) Khawaja Nazimuddin (October 17, 1951 – April 17, 1953)
3) Muhammad Ali Bogra (April 17, 1953 – August 12, 1955)
4) Chaudhry Muhammad Ali (August 12, 1955 – September 12, 1956)
5) Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (September 12, 1956 – October 17, 1957)
6) Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar (October 17, 1957 – December 16, 1957)
7) Sir Feroz Khan Noon (December 16, 1957 – October 7, 1958)
8) Mohammad Ayub Khan (October 7, 1958 – October 28, 1958) ,(chief martial law
administrator to 24 Oct 1958).
From 1958 until 1973, no person held the title of Prime Minister due to martial law.
The office was again suspended from July 5, 1977 until March 24, 1985 due to martial law.
11) Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq (July 5, 1977 – March 24, 1985) ,(chief martial law
12) Muhammad Khan Junejo (March 24, 1985 – May 29, 1988)
(Again) Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq, (June 9, 1988 – August 17, 1988)
13) Benazir Bhutto (Dec 2, 1988 – August 6, 1990)
14) Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi (August 6, 1990 – November 6, 1990)
15) Nawaz Sharif (November 6, 1990 – April 18, 1993)
16) Balakh Sher Mazari (April 18, 1993 – May 26, 1993)
(Restored) Nawaz Sharif (May 26, 1993 – July 18, 1993)
17) Moin Qureshi (July 18, 1993 – October 19, 1993)
(Again) Benazir Bhutto (October 19, 1993 – November 5, 1996)
18) Miraj Khalid, (interim) (November 5, 1996 – February 17, 1997)
(Again) Nawaz Sharif (February 17, 1997 – October 12, 1999)
On October 12, 1999, Pervez Musharraf overthrew Nawaz Sharif, and took the title of Chief
Executive. On June 20, 2001, he was made the President of Pakistan.
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19) Pervez Musharraf (October 12, 1999 – November 23, 2002) ,(de facto to 14
Oct 1999, from 14 Oct 1999 chief executive)
Elections were held on October 10, 2002 leading to the return of the position of Prime Minister
20) Zafarullah Khan Jamali (November 21, 2002 – June 26, 2004)
21) Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain (June 30 2004, August 28 2004
22) Shaukat Aziz (August 28, 2004- November 16, 2007
23) Mian Muhammad Sumru (November 16, 2007 – March 25, 2008
24) Sayyed Yousuf Raza Gillani (March 25, 2008 – Present
Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
Presidents of Pakistan: 0322-2391591,
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“The first cabinet of Pakistan took oath on 15th August 1947. It included the following
Liaquat Ali Khan Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defense
Raja Ghazanfar Ali Minister for Food, Agriculture and Health (In December he was shifted
to Evacuee and Refugee Rehabilitation).
Jogendra Nath Mandal Minister for Labour and Law Dr. M. Moiz Khan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of History, University of Karachi
Ghulam Muhammad Minister for Finance 0322-2391591,
In December Muhammad Zafrullah Khan was inducted as Minister for Foreign Affairs and
Common wealth relations and Abdus Sattar Pirzada was given the portfolio of Food,
Agriculture and Health. Raja Ghazanfar Ali’s ministry was changed and he was made in charge
of the Ministry of Evacuee and Refugee Rehabilitation.
Quaid-i-Azam also asked for many skilled British technocrats to stay and serve in the Pakistani
government; 3 out of the 4 provincial governors were British. Sir Frederick Bourne was the
Governor of East Benga, Sir Francis Mudie the Governor of West Punjab and Sir George
Cunningham the Governor of N.W.F.P. Sir Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah, the Governor of
Sindh) was the only local governor, while Balochistan did not have a governor as it was
Governor-General’s province. All chiefs of the armed forces were British as well – General Sir
Frank Messervey chief of the Royal Pakistan Army, Air Vice-Marshal Perry-Keane chief of
the Royal Pakistan Air Force, and Admiral Jefford the chief of Royal Pakistan Navy. The
financial advisor to the Governor-General, Sir Archibald Rowland, was also British.
During the early days after its creation, Pakistan faced a myriad of crisis and difficulties and the
ministers often found themselves helpless to tackle them; so they looked towards Jinnah to help
them with these problems. The first cabinet of Pakistan passed a special resolution to allow
Jinnah to deal with the problems faced by provincial ministers. Jinnah also helped ministers in
policy making. In case of a difference of opinions Quaid’s decision was to be final. All these
rights were given to Jinnah until new constitution came into force.
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Quaid had a colossal task ahead of him, during the early days of Pakistan but he remained
committed in his duties and under his dynamic leadership and guidance the nation proved that
it had the determination to succeed. Quaid-i-Azam Jinnah, undoubtedly enjoyed extraordinary
powers but these powers were given to him by the Cabinet to meet the unexpected
circumstances that clearly demanded extraordinary actions.
Even though nation building has proved to be a difficult task for Pakistan, under the guidance
of Jinnah and his competent cabinet members it continued to show its spirit and capacity to
survive and adapt to changing circumstances. James A. Muchener, a visitor to Pakistan in the
early years, wrote, “I have never seen so hardworking a government as Pakistan’s. It is literally
licking itself by its own intellectual book-straps”.
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Mian Muhammad Azhar 6 Aug 1990 25 Apr 1993 Islami Jamhoori Ittehad
Chaudhary Altaf Hussain 25 Apr 1993 19 Jul 1993 Pakistan Peoples Party
Lt Gen Muhammad Iqbal 19 Jul 1993 26 Mar 1994 Independent
Chaudhary Altaf Hussain 26 Mar 1994 22 May 1995 Pakistan Peoples Party
Justice Muhammad Ilyas 22 May 1995 19 Jun 1995 Acting
Lt Gen Raja Saroop Khan 19 Jun 1995 6 Nov 1996 Pakistan Peoples Party
Justice Khalilur Rehman 6 Nov 1996 11 Nov 1996 Acting
Khawaja Tariq Rahim 11 Nov 1996 11 Mar 1997 Pakistan Peoples Party
Pakistan Muslim
Shahid Hamid 11 Mar 1997 18 Aug 1999
League (N)
Lt Gen Muhammad Safdar 25 Oct 1999 29 Oct 2001 Military Administration
Lt Gen Khalid Maqbool 29 Oct 2001 16 May 2008 Military Administration
Chaudhry Muhammad Afzal
27 Nov 2002 11 Apr 2008 Acting
Salmaan Taseer* 17 May 2008 4 Jan 2011 Pakistan Peoples Party
Rana Muhammad Iqbal 4 Jan 2011 13 Jan 2011 Acting
Latif Khosa 13 Jan 2011 22 Dec 2012[1] Pakistan Peoples Party
Makhdoom Syed Ahmed Pakistan Muslim
25 Dec 2012 13 May 2013
Mahmud League (F)
29 January Pakistan Muslim
Mohammad Sarwar 2 Aug 2013[2] [3]
2015 League (N)
Malik Muhammad Rafique Pakistan Muslim
7 May 2015[4] Incumbent
Rajwana League (N)
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List of Governors of Sindh:42
Aug 6, 1990
Jul 18, 1993
Mr. Mahmood A. Haroon
Apr 19, 1989
Aug 6, 1990
Justice (Retd) Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim
Sep 12, 1988
Apr 18, 1989
Justice (Retd) Qadeeruddin Ahmed
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Jun 24, 1988
General (Retd) Rahimuddin, HI (M).Bt TO
Sep 11, 1988
Jan 5, 1987
Mr. Ashraf W. Tabani Jun 23, 1988
Apr 7, 1984
Jan 4, 1987
Lt. Gen. Jahan Dad Khan
Sep 18, 1978
Lt. Gen. S.M. Abbasi Apr 6, 1984
Jul 6, 1977
Sep 17, 1978
Justice (Retd) Abdul Kadir Shaikh
Mar 1, 1976
Jul 5, 1977
Al-Haj Muhammad Dilawar Khanji
Feb 15, 1973
Feb 28, 1976
Begum Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan
Jun 1, 1972
Feb 14, 1973
Mir Rasool Bux Talpur
Dec 22, 1971
Mr. Mumtaz Ali Bhutto Apr 29, 1972
Jul 1, 1970
Dec 22, 1971
Lt. Gen. Rakhman Gul
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May 2, 1953
Aug 11, 1953
Mr. Goerge Baxandall Constantine
Apr 1, 1936
Mar 31, 1941
Sir Lancelot Graham
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List of Governors KPK
Name Left office Affiliation
15 Aug
Sir George Cunningham 9 Apr 1948 Indian Civil Service
19 Apr
Sir Ambrose Dundas Flux Dundas 16 Jul 1949 Indian Civil Service
16 Jul
Sahibzada Mohammad Khurshid 14 Jan 1950 Independent
Honourable Justice Khan Bahadur
14 Jan 17 Feb
Muhammad Ibrahim Khan of Judiciary
1950 1950
Chenna (acting)
17 Feb 23 Nov
Ismail Ibrahim Chundrigar Muslim League
1950 1951
24 Nov 17 Nov
Khwaja Shahabuddin Muslim League
1951 1954
17 Nov
Qurban Ali Shah 14 Oct 1955 Independent
Provinces merged to form West Pakistan (14 October 1955 – 1 July 1970)
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11 Oct 12 Dec Military
Lt Gen Fazl-Haq
1978 1985 Administration
30 Dec 18 Apr Jamiat
Nawabzada Abdul Ghafoor Khan Hoti
1985 1986 Ulema-e-Islam
18 Apr 27 Aug Civil
Syed Usman Ali Shah
1986 1986 Administration
27 Aug Pakistan Muslim
Fida Mohammad Khan 16 Jun 1988
1986 League (N)
16 Jun
Bri Gen Amir Gulistan Janjua 19 Jul 1993 Independent
19 Jul
Maj Gen Khurshid Ali Khan 5 Nov 1996 Independent
5 Nov 11 Nov
Justice Said Ibne Ali Independent
1996 1996
11 Nov 17 Aug
Lt Gen Arif Bangash Independent
1996 1999
18 Aug Pakistan Muslim
Miangul Aurangzeb 21 Oct 1999
1999 League (N)
21 Oct 14 Aug Military
Lt Gen Mohammad Shafiq
1999 2000 Administration
14 Aug 15 Mar Military
Lt Gen Iftikhar Hussain Shah
2000 2005 Administration
15 Mar 23 May Pakistan Muslim
Commander Khalilur Rehman
2005 2006 League (Q)
24 May Military
Lt Gen Ali Jan Aurakzai 7 Jan 2008
2006 Administration
7 Jan
Owais Ahmed Ghani 9 Feb 2011 Independent
10 Feb 10 Feb Pakistan Peoples
Syed Masood Kausar
2011 2013 Party[1]
10 Feb 25 March Pakistan Peoples
Shaukatullah Khan
2013 2015 Party[2]
15 April 08 February Pakistan Muslim
Mehtab Ahmed Khan Abbasi
2015 2016 League (N)
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25 Feb Pakistan Muslim
Iqbal Zafar Jhagra present
2016 League (N)
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List of Governors Balochistan:
25 December
1 Lt. General Riaz Hussain 1 July 1970 military
15 February
3 Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo 29 April 1972 National Awami Party
15 February
4 Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti 2 January 1974 Jamhoori Watan Party
18 September
6 Khuda Bakhsh Marri 5 July 1977 Independent
18 September
7 Rahimuddin Khan 12 March 1984 Military
18 November
8 F.S. Khan Lodhi 22 March 1984 Military
18 November 30 December
9 Khushdil Khan Afridi Military
1984 1985
30 December
10 Musa Khan 12 March 1991 Military
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11 Mir Hazar Khan Khoso 12 March 1991 13 July 1991 Independent
14 Imran Ullah Khan 19 May 1994 8 April 1997 Pakistan People's Party
28 February
22 Nawab Zulfikar Ali Magsi 11 June 2013 Pakistan People's Party
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Muhammad Khan Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami
23 11 June 2013 Present
Achakzai Party
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Chief Justices of Punjab
12. 1949 - 1954
Malik Rustam
14. 1958 - 1962
Sheikh Manzur
15. 1962 - 1963
Abdul Aziz
16. 1963 - 1965
Elevated to
1967 -
Waheed-ud-Din Supreme
18. September
Ahmad Court of
22, 1969
19. 1969 - 1970
Elevated to
1970 -
Sheikh Anwarul Supreme
20. October 16,
Haq Court of
October 16,
21. Muhammad
1972 - 1976
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Elevated to
1976 -
Aslam Riaz Supreme
22. January 11,
Hussain Court of
Elevated to
January 12,
Maulvi Mushtaq Supreme
23. 1978- June 1,
Hussain Court of
Shamim Hussain
24. 1980 - 1982
Elevated to
1982 -
25. Dr. Javed Iqbal October 5,
Court of
Elevated to
Ghulam 1986 - April Supreme
Mujaddid Mirza 21, 1988 Court of
Elevated to
Abdul Shakurul Supreme
27. 1988 - 1989
Salam Court of
Elevated to
1989 -
Mohammad Supreme
28. October 31,
Rafique Tarar Court of
Mian Mahboob
29. 1991 - 1994
30. 1994 - 1995
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Khan 1995 - April
15, 1996
December Elevated to
17, 1996 - Supreme
32. Sh. Ijaz Nisar
May 28, Court of
1997 Pakistan
November 4,
Rashid Aziz 1997 -
Khan February 4,
February 5,
Mian Allah Muhammad
35. 2000 - July
Nawaz Rafiq Tarar
13, 2000
July 14, 2000
Muhammad to Supreme
36. Falak Sher - September
Rafiq Tarar Court of
6, 2002
took oath
September 7,
on PCO 1999 and
Iftikhar Hussain 2002 - Pervez Normal
37. later PCO 2007 as
Chaudhry December Musharraf Retirement
sitting judge of
31, 2007
Lahore High Court
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Hussain 2008 - April Musharraf Supreme on PCO 1999 and
12, 2009 Court of later PCO 2007 as
Pakistan sitting judge of
Lahore High Court
April 13,
2009 - Asif Ali
39. Muhammad Retired
December 8, Zardari
December 9, Elevated
Ijaz Ahmad 2010 - Asif Ali to Supreme
Chaudhry November Zardari Court of
16, 2011 Pakistan
November Elevated
Sheikh Azmat 17, 2011 - Asif Ali to Supreme
Saeed May 31, Zardari Court of
2012 Pakistan
1 June 2012
Umar Ata Asif Ali to supreme
42. – 17 June
Bandial Zardari court of
17 June 2014
Khawaja Imtiaz – 05 Mamnoon
Ahmad November Hussain
November Mamnoon
44. Ijaz Ul Ahsan
2015 – Hussain
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