Reference group – an ideal group in which an Unilineal Descent – this allows an individual to
individual can be shaped by the set of behavior be affiliated to the descent of one sex group
and beliefs of group. only.
Primary group – direct sources of an individual’s Matrilineal Descent – trace kinship relations
social skills and knowledge. (e.g. family, friends, through the female’s line.
peers, classmates and church)
Patrilineal Descent – trace kinship relations
through the male’s line.
An expansion of unilineal groups creates a households and create their own at times
kinship group called the clan. even in a different locality.
4. Natalocal Residence – an arrangement that
Bilateral descent – allows an individual to trace allows both spouses to remain with their
kinship ties on both sides of the family. own households after marriage.
5. Ambilocal Residence – type of residence
pattern allows the couple to choose to live
Kinship by Marriage either with the wife’s mother’s area or the
Marriage – is defined as the “socially or ritually husband’s father’s area.
6. Transnational Families – families whose
recognized union or legal contract between
members reside separately across
spouses that establishes rights and obligations
territories. (e.g. OFWs)
between them, between them and their
children, between them and their in-laws”. Political Kinship
(Haviland et al., 2011)
Political Organization – is any entity that is
Types of families based on marriage: participating in a political process.
Patrifocal – focused on the father. Bands
Matrifocal – focused on the mother. A band is the least complex form of political
organization, as it has neither a rigid form of
Monogamous – consists of a single couple and
governance nor a structured form of
their child or children. Also called as nuclear
Foraging (hunting and gathering) is their
Polygamous – consists of several parents and economic subsistence.
their children. Reciprocity is a primary form of exchange
among the individuals.
Polyandry – women is allowed to marry
several men. Tribes
Polygyny – men is allowed to marry several
A tribe is a political organization that
consists of segmentary lineages. This type of
Extended family – type of family has several kinship relationship is marked by loyalty per
married couples and their children living in one family cluster or segment.
household. Most tribes are either holticultural (shifting
agriculture) or pastoral (tending animals).
Reconstituted Family – allowing divorce and The leaders that are chosen in this type of
legal separations. organization are individuals who are
Postmarital Residency Rules believed to possess special skills or
aptitudes that relate to the economic
1. Patrifocal Residence – the woman is activitiy.
expected to transfer to the residence of her A tribute is a form of gift that may consists
husband’s father. of wealth, food, or other materials given to
2. Matrifocal Residence – the man is expected a central figure who in turn redistributes the
to the residence of his wife’s mother’s area. accumulated goods to the other member of
3. Neolocal Residence – an arrangement that society.
requires both spouses to leave their
Chiefdoms Traditional authority – is a form of leadership
legitimacy that highlights the right of a leader to
Embodied its characteristics that include a
rule based on inheritance of the title.
political leader with an advisory council, a
leader who exercises power that is based on Charismatic authority – type of leadership that
legitimacy, and the existence of social is based on the personal attachment of the
stratification. subordinates to the ruler whose characteristics,
Horticulture and pastoralism are the experiences, or even skills are believed to be
economic subsistence. extraordinary, or maybe even supernatural.
Existence of social stratification that
Institutional charisma – is a combination of
segregates into the elite and the commoner.
charismatic and legal authority.
States and Nations
Familial charisma – combination of traditional
Nation refers to a group of people sharing and charismatic authority.
similar culture and political history.
State refers to a political organization united ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION
by a common set of laws. Reciprocity – exchange of commodities between
A state uses absolute power in directing the parties.
path of a society.
The primary form of economic subsistence Types of Reciprocity
is market exchange.
Generalized reciprocity – gift giving without
Standardized currencies are used to
any expectation of immediate return.
exchange commodities.
e.g. giving birthday presents to a friend.
As a citizen of a country, an individual is
Balanced reciprocity – expecting immediate
subjected to the legal norms in the territory.
return from any given favor. The value of
(paying taxes, rendering military services)
the commodities is expected to be equal.
Natural rights – are those that are expected e.g. selling goods and services in the market
to be enjoyed by all individuals, regardless Negative reciprocity – the exchange tends
of citizenship. (right to life, right to liberty, to favor one party over the other, as the
right to property) value of the goods for exchange is equal.
Legal rights – are those that are rewarded e.g. a merchant selling fake commodities at
to an individual by the state as part of its prices of the original and genuine items
culture, traditions, and norms. (right to
vote, right to privacy, right to join formal Transfers – when resources from one individual
organizations) or organization are given to another with no
Article III or the Bill of Rights which states expectation of return.
the rights to be enjoyed by its citizens.
Redistribution – when the resources of one,
Authority and Legitimacy several individuals, or groups are collected and
distributed proportionally or equally to
Legal authority – is achieved by a leader participating members. (e.g. charity donations
through the process of following established and income tax systems)
codes and procedures governing the allocation
and distribution of power and resources within Market Transactions
a society.
Market is referred to as the exchange of goods Farming methods and domestication of
and services that involves buying and selling animals were developed intensively to meet
processes. However, it is not a simple process of the needs of the growing population.
exchanging materials, goods, and services. It
involves several elements and transactions.
Market is about making money, capital, income
and growth. (Women and Economy, 2011)