Notes On The Flora of Dalieh
Notes On The Flora of Dalieh
Notes On The Flora of Dalieh
The coastal area extending from Beirut in the north to Jiyyeh in the south has recently
been designated as an important plant area (IPA). Dalieh, one of the last remaining
patches of semi-natural vegetation in this IPA, is highly threatened by development
(urbanization; construction and/or expansion of roads and highways; construction of
hotels and resorts) and habitat fragmentation1. Its flora comprises 6% of the flora of
Lebanon2. Most plant species occurring in Dalieh (ca. 90%) are herbaceous.
In the past five years, the presence of 102 out of at least 153 species of seed-bearing
plants reported from Dalieh has been confirmed2,3,4 (Figure 1). They belong to 46
families, around 20% of which belong to the Asteraceae (Sunflower family) (Table 1).
Of these species:
One, the thick-leaved stock of Beirut (Matthiola crassifolia Boiss. & Gaill.), is
endemic (occurring only in Lebanon).
Forty six are regional endemics (occurring in the Mediterranean basin or parts
Perhaps what makes Dalieh exceptionally important is the fact that it constitutes one of
the last havens for coastal native plants, specifically the Beirut’s thick-leaved stock
(Matthiola crassifolia Boiss. & Gaill.), a stenoendemic restricted to a small area within
Lebanon (Figure 4). This endangered species occurs in Beirut and Byblos, and is highly
threatened by urbanization1,2. At least four species previously reported from the site
have not been found lately, one of which, the sea grass Zostera noltii Hornem. (= Zostera
nana Mert. ex Roth), has probably become nationally extinct2. Another, the European
leadwort (Plumbago europaea L.) has only been lost at Dalieh in the past five years
(Figure 1).
Yazbek, M., N. Machaka-Houri, M. S. Al-Zein, S. Safi, N. Sinno-Saoud and S. Talhouk.
2010. Important Plant Areas in Lebanon: A preliminary study based on published
literature and consultations with national experts. Beirut: Ibsar – AUB (with Plantlife).
155 pp.
Tohme, G. and H. Tohme. 2014. Illustrated Flora of Lebanon. Second Edition. Beirut:
Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research. 610 pp.
Dardas, M. M. 2000. Floristic Assessment of Selected Communities Along the
Lebanese Littoral Zone. M.S. Thesis. Beirut: American University of Beirut. 88 pp.
Mouterde, P. 1935. Petite Flore Des Environs De Beyrouth. Beyrouth: Imprimerie
Catholique. 149 pp.
Randall, R. P. 2012. A Global Compendium of Weeds. Second Edition.
Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia.
Table 1: Major families of seed-bearing plant species in Dalieh, with the minimum
number of species per family
Family Number
(Sunflower family) 29
Poaceae (Grass
family) 18
(Carnation family) 7
Fabaceae (Bean
family) 7
(Borage family) 6
Lamiaceae (Mint
family) 6
Apiaceae (Carrot
family) 5
Solanaceae (Tomato
family) 5
Please arrange the attached photos in two lanes, each with three pictures as follows:
Shrub 4
Small shrub 1
Dwarf shrubs 3
Climber 1
Ligneous (non-herbaceous) 4
Herbaceous 120
Figure 2: The life forms of plant species reported from Dalieh, including the number
of species for each life form