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EnCase Forensic v8.07 User Guide PDF

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EnCase® Forensic

Version 8.07
Copyright© 2018 Guidance Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

EnCase®, EnScript®, FastBloc®, Guidance Software® and EnCE® are registered trademarks or trademarks owned by Guidance
Software in the United States and other jurisdictions and may not be used without prior written permission. All other marks and
brands may be claimed as the property of their respective owners. Products and corporate names appearing in this work may or
may not be registered trademarks or copyrights of their respective companies, and are used only for identification or explanation
into the owners' benefit, without intent to infringe. Any use and duplication of this work is subject to the terms of the license
agreement between you and Guidance Software, Inc. Except as stated in the license agreement or as otherwise permitted under
Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, no part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise. Product
manuals and documentation are specific to the software versions for which they are written. For previous or outdated versions
of this work, please contact Guidance Software, Inc. at https://www.guidancesoftware.com. Information contained in this work
is furnished for informational use only, and is subject to change at any time without notice.

May 11, 2018


Introduction to EnCase Forensic 23

EnCase Forensic 23

CHAPTER 1 Installing and Configuring EnCase 25

Overview 27
Registering your Product 27
System Requirements 27
License Manager 32
Installation Overview 33
Installing EnCase Forensic Examiner 33
Installing License Manager 35
Activating an Electronic License 35
Creating a New Electronic Request File 35
Reactivating an Electronic License 36
If You Already Have a Security Key 36
Uninstalling EnCase 36
Reinstalling EnCase 37
Configuration Options 37
Global Options 37
Date Options 39
License Manager Options 40

- iii -
Color Options 42
Font Options 42
Data Paths Options 43
Debug Options 44
Configuring Time Zone Settings 46
EnCase Folder Locations 47
Application Folder 47
User Data 48
User Application Data 49
Global Application Data 50
Install and Configure Evidence Processor Nodes 51
Checking the Windows Application Log 55

CHAPTER 2 Using Pathways to Streamline Workflows 57

Pathways Overview 59
Using a Pathway to Create a Full Investigation 59
Using a Pathway to Preview and Triage your Evidence 63
Custom Pathways 66
Creating a Custom Pathway 66
Modifying a Custom Pathway 68
Using Custom Pathway Headers 70

CHAPTER 3 Working with Cases 75

Overview 77
Launching EnCase 77
Using a Case Template to Create a Case 79
Case Options Settings 80
Case Templates 81
Adding Evidence to a Case 82
Setting Individual Case Options 84
Case Operations 85
Case Selections 85

- iv -
Changing the Evidence Path if the Evidence File is Moved 86
Case Portability 87
Case Page Logo 88

CHAPTER 4 Case Backup 89

Overview 91
Case Backup Dashboard 91
Settings and Options 92
Automatic Backup 93
Backing up a New Case 93
Viewing Case Backup Options 94
Creating a Scheduled Backup 94
Creating a Custom Backup 94
Deleting a Backup 95
Changing Case Backup Settings 95
Specifying a Case File 96
Specifying a Backup Location 97
Restoring a Case from Backup 97

CHAPTER 5 Acquiring Devices and Evidence 101

Overview 103
Sources of Acquisitions 103
Canceling an Acquisition 104
Types of Evidence Files 104
EnCase Evidence Files 104
Logical Evidence Files 105
Raw Image Files 105
Single Files 106
Verifying Evidence Files 106
Acquiring a Local Drive 106
Acquiring Non-local Drives 107
Audit Drive Space 107

-v -
Acquiring Device Configuration Overlays (DCO) and Host
Protected Areas (HPA) 107
Using a Write Blocker 108
Windows-based Acquisitions with Tableau and FastBloc Write Blockers 108
Acquiring in Windows using FastBloc SE 109
Acquiring in Windows without a Tableau or FastBloc Write Blocker 109
Acquiring a Disk Running in Direct ATA Mode 109
Acquiring Disk Configurations 110
Software RAID 110
RAID-10 111
Hardware Disk Configuration 111
Windows NT Software Disk Configurations 111
Support for EXT4 Linux Software RAID Arrays 112
Dynamic Disk 113
Disk Configuration Set Acquired as One Drive 113
Disk Configurations Acquired as Separate Drives 114
Acquiring Other Types of Supported Evidence Files 115
CD-DVD Inspector File Support 115
Acquiring a DriveSpace Volume 116
Reacquiring Evidence 116
Reacquiring Evidence Files 117
Retaining the GUID During Evidence Reacquisition 117
Adding Raw Image Files 117
Restoring a Drive 118

CHAPTER 6 Processing Evidence 121

Overview 123
Running Evidence Processor Options Incrementally 127
Conducting a Network Preview without a SAFE 129
Creating Direct Agents 129
Adding a Direct Network Preview Device 131
Evidence Processor Prioritization 133

- vi -
Evidence Processor Settings 134
Recovering Folders 135
Analyzing Protected Files 135
Analyzing Hashes 136
Analyzing Entropy Values 136
Analyzing File Signatures 138
Expanding Compound Files 138
Finding Email 139
Finding Internet Artifacts 139
Firefox Artifacts 140
Safari Artifacts 141
Searching With Keywords 143
Adding a New Keyword 145
Creating a New Keyword List 147
Searching for Keywords in Process Memory 147
Creating an Index 148
Indexing Text in Slack and Unallocated Space 148
Setting Word Delimiters for Indexing 150
Add Word Delimiters to Search Index 150
Selecting a Language Index 151
Creating Thumbnails 153
Running EnScript Modules 153
System Info Parser 154
File Carver 155
Windows Event Log Parser 157
Windows Artifact Parser 157
Unix Login 158
Linux Syslog Parser 158
Macintosh OS X Artifacts Parser 158
Result Set Processing 162
Processing a Result Set 162
Launching Processor Options from the Results Tab 163
Creating Result Sets in Entries and Artifacts Views 163

- vii -
Overwriting the Evidence Cache 164
EnScript Application UI 165
Home Page 165
Case Page 166
Processor Manager 166
Processor Node Installation 167
Opening the Processor Manager 167
Adding Processor Nodes to the Processor Manager 167
Configuring Processor Nodes 168
Process Evidence Menu 170
Queuing Evidence for Processing 171
Processor Manager Tab 173
Processor Manager Toolbar 178
Running Multiple Instances of EnCase from the Same Machine 181
Processor Manager Error and Information Messages 181
Show Logging 190
Acquiring and Processing Live Previews 191
Live Previews of Local Devices 192
Direct Network Previews 192
Crossover Previews 192

CHAPTER 7 Browsing and Viewing Evidence 193

Overview 195
The EnCase Interface 195
Navigating the Tree Pane 197
Navigating the Table Pane 198
Adjusting Spacing in a Table 201
Viewing Content in the View Pane 202
Using Views/Tabs 208
Right Hamburger Menu 209
Changing Text Color 209
Navigating the Evidence Tab 210

- viii -
Navigating the Artifacts Tab 215
Filtering Your Evidence 215
Running an Existing Filter 216
Creating a Filter 216
Editing a Filter 217
Deleting a Filter 217
Sharing Filters 217
Conditions 218
Running an Existing Condition 218
Creating a New Condition 219
Editing Conditions 222
Sharing Conditions 222
Printing a Condition 222
Browsing Through Evidence 223
Check for Evidence when Loading a Case 223
Finding the Location of an Evidence Item 223
Determining the Time Zone of Your Evidence 224
Viewing Related Items 226
Browsing Images 226
Viewing Evidence 227
Creating Custom File Types 227
Viewing Multiple Evidence Files Simultaneously 229
Viewing Multiple Artifacts Simultaneously 229
Viewing Contents of 7-Zip Files 229
Macintosh Artifacts 230
Displaying HFS+ File System Compressed Files 230
HFS+ Extended Attributes 230
HFS+ Directories Hard Links 231
Finder Data and .DS_Store 232
Displaying Permissions for HFS+ Files and Directories 233
Macintosh OS X Media Containers 234
Viewing Processed Evidence 236
Viewing Compound Files 236

- ix -
Repairing and Recovering Inconsistent EDB Database Files 237
Viewing Email 238
Viewing Attachments 239
Showing Conversations 239
Displaying Related Messages 240
Showing Duplicate Email Messages in a Conversation 241
Exporting to *.msg 241

CHAPTER 8 Searching Through Evidence 243

Overview 245
Index Searches 245
Tag Searches 245
Keyword Searches through Raw Data 246
Viewing and Saving Search Results 246
Searching Indexed Data 246
Search Operators and Term Modifiers 249
Search Fields 255
Reserved Characters 256
Finding Tagged Items 257
Keyword Searching Through Raw Data 257
Refreshing Search Results during a Keyword Search 260
Retrieving Keyword Search Results 261
Bookmarking Keyword Search Results 262
Analyzing Individual Search Results 262
Viewing Saved Search Results 262
Creating a LEF from Search Results 264
Finding Data Using Signature Analysis 264
Adding and Modifying File Signature Associations 265
Running File Signature Analysis against Selected Files 267
Exporting Data for Additional Analysis 268
Copying Files 269
Copying Folders 271

Exporting Search Results for Review 272
Creating a Review Package 273
Analyzing and Tagging a Review Package 274
Exporting a Review Package 276
Importing a Review Package 276

CHAPTER 9 Hashing Evidence 279

Overview 281
Hashing Features 281
Working with Hash Libraries 282
Creating a Hash Library 282
Creating a Hash Set 283
Adding Hash Values to a Hash Set 284
Adding Results to a Hash Library 286
Querying a Hash Library 287
Adding Hash Libraries to a Case 288
Viewing Hash Sets Associated with an Entry 288
Managing Hash Sets and Hash Libraries Associated with a Case 290
Viewing and Deleting Individual Hash Items 290
Changing Categories and Tags for Multiple Hash Sets 290
Importing Hash Sets 291
NSRL Hash Sets 291
Integration with Project VIC 292

CHAPTER 10 Bookmarking Items 295

Overview 297
Working with Bookmark Types 297
Highlighted Data or Sweeping Bookmarks 297
Notable File Bookmarks 300
Bookmarking Case Analyzer Data 302
Table Bookmarks 304
Transcript Bookmarks 304

- xi -
Notes Bookmarks 305
Bookmarking Pictures in Gallery View 306
Bookmarking a Document as an Image 307
Working with Bookmark Folders 307
Bookmarking Template Folders 307
Creating New Bookmark Folders 308
Editing Bookmark Folders 309
Deleting Bookmark Folders 309
Editing Bookmark Content 309
Editing Bookmarks 309
Renaming Bookmarks 310
Decoding Data 310
Quickly Viewing Decoded Data 311
Viewing Decoded Data by Type 311

CHAPTER 11 Tagging Items 315

Overview 317
Creating Tags 317
Tagging Items 319
Hot Keys for Tags 319
Viewing Tagged Items 320
Hiding Tags 321
Deleting Tags 321
Changing the Tag Order 322
Select Tagged Items 322

CHAPTER 12 Using EnCase Portable 323

Overview 325
Creating EnCase Portable Jobs 326
Creating Jobs 327
System Modules 334
Search Modules 338

- xii -
Log Parser Modules 349
Collection Modules 351
Collecting Evidence 355
Running a Portable Job 355
Viewing Results to Triage Information 357
Copying Evidence 365
Analyzing and Reporting on Data 365
Selecting Target Databases 366
Creating a Report 366
Exporting a Report 373
Maintenance 374
Preparing Portable Devices 374
Modifying the EnCase Portable Device Configuration 375
Preparing Additional USB Storage Devices 377
Configuring EnCase Portable for NAS Licensing 378
Troubleshooting 379
FAQs 381

CHAPTER 13 Generating Reports 387

Overview 389
Bookmarking Data for Reports 389
Triage Report 390
Using Report Templates 397
Report Template Structure 398
Formatting Report Templates 399
Editing Report Templates to Include Bookmark Folders in Reports 405
Report Object Code (ROC) 413
Layout Elements 413
Content Display Elements 416
Report Template Wizard 420
Connecting Bookmark Folders and Report Sections 420
Hiding Empty Report Sections 423

- xiii -
Creating Hyperlinks to an Exported Item from Report Templates 424
Using Bookmarks to Link to an External File 424
Exporting a Report to Display Hyperlinks 426
Exporting a Metadata Report to Display Hyperlinks 426
Adding a Hyperlink to a URL 427
File Report EnScript 427
Running the File Report EnScript 428
Saving the File Report 429
Viewing a Report 429

CHAPTER 14 Acquiring Mobile Data 431

Overview 433
Installing the Mobile Driver Pack 433
Types of Data Acquisition 433
Data Parsing 434
Acquiring Data from Different Devices 434
Acquiring Mobile Device Data (General Process Description) 435
Acquisition via Automatic Device Detection 437
Acquisition via Manual Plug-in Selection 438
Acquiring Data from iPhones/iPods/iPads/iPod Touches 439
About Data Acquisition of iPhones/iPods/iPads/iPod Touches 439
Acquiring Data from Android OS Devices (Including Kindle Fire
Tablets and Android Wear) 465
About Data Acquisition from Android OS Devices 465
Android Device Rooting 466
Android OS Devices 467
LG Devices with Android OS 4.4.2 - 5.1.1 480
Samsung Devices with Android OS 4.4.4 – 6.0.1 483
Android Spreadtrum Devices 485
Acquiring Data from Tizen Devices 486
Preparing Device for Acquisition- Tizen 487
Data Acquisition- Tizen 487

- xiv -
Acquired Data- Tizen 487
Supported Models - Tizen 488
Tizen Devices FAQ 488
Acquiring Data from RIM BlackBerry Devices 488
Data Acquisition - BlackBerry 488
Acquired Data - BlackBerry 489
Supported Models - BlackBerry 490
RIM BlackBerry FAQ 490
Acquiring Data from Symbian OS Smartphones 491
About Data Acquisition from Symbian OS Smartphones 491
Data Acquisition - Nokia Symbian 509
Acquired Data - Nokia Symbian 509
Supported Models - Nokia Symbian 509
Nokia Symbian OS Physical Acquisition FAQ 509
Acquiring Data from a WebOS Based Device 510
Preparing Device for Acquisition - WebOS 510
Data Acquisition - WebOS 512
Acquired Data - WebOS 512
Supported Models - WebOS 512
WebOS Devices FAQ 513
Acquiring Data from PDAs 513
About Data Acquisition from PDA 513
Psion 16/32-bit Devices FAQ 517
Palm OS Devices FAQ 520
Acquiring Data from GPS Devices 534
Acquiring Data from Feature Phones 547
About Feature Phone Plug-ins 547
Acquiring Data from SIM Cards 584
Data Acquisition - SIM Cards 584
Acquired Data - SIM Cards 584
Supported Models (Card Readers) - SIM Cards 586
SIM Card Reader FAQ 588

- xv -
Acquiring Data from Memory Cards/Mass Storages/e-
Readers/Portable Devices 589
Importing Data 592
Importing Data from Cellebrite UFED Cases 592
Importing Data from iOS Backup Files 593
Importing Data from RIM BlackBerry 1.x - 7.x Backup Files 595
Importing Data from RIM BlackBerry 10.x Encrypted Backup Files 596
Importing GPS and KML Files 597
Importing Tarantula Data 598
Importing Cloud Data 598
Extracting Authentication Data File 599
Importing Cloud Data 599
Imported Cloud Data 601
Cloud Data Importing FAQ 602
General Acquisition FAQ 602

CHAPTER 15 Working with Non-English Languages 609

Overview 611
Configuring EnCase to Display Non-English Characters 611
Changing the Default Code Page 612
Setting the Date Format 613
Assigning a Unicode Font 613
Viewing Unicode Files 614
Text Styles 615
Configuring Windows for Additional Languages 615
Configuring the Keyboard for Additional Languages 615
Entering Non-English Content with the Windows Character Map 616

CHAPTER 16 Using LinEn 619

Overview 621
Creating a LinEn Boot Disk 621
Configuring Your Linux Distribution 622

- xvi -
Obtaining a Linux Distribution 622
LinEn Setup Under SUSE 622
LinEn Setup Under Red Hat 623
Performing Acquisitions with LinEn 623
Setup for a Drive-to-Drive Acquisition 624
Drive-to-Drive Acquisition 625
LinEn Evidence Verification 632
Window Menu 636
Console Window 636
Thread Monitor Window 637
Edit Menu 638
LinEn Command Line 640
Crossover Cable Preview or Acquisition 645
LinEn Manual Page 646

CHAPTER 17 EnCase Decryption Suite 649

Overview 652
Disk and Volume Encryption 652
Supported Encryption Products 653
EDS Commands and Tabs 655
Analyze EFS 655
Secure Storage Tab 656
Passware Integration 659
Safeboot Encryption Support 660
Check Point Full Disk Encryption Support (Volume Encryption) 663
Username and Password Authentication 663
Challenge-Response Authentication 665
BitLocker Encryption Support (Volume Encryption) 667
Recovery Key and Recovery Password Files 667
Decrypting a BitLocker Encrypted Device Using Recovery Key 668
Decrypting a BitLocker Encrypted Device Using Recovery Password 670
Full Volume Encryption (FVE) AutoUnlock Mechanism 671

- xvii -
Physical RAID Encryption Support 672
Successful BitLocker Decryption 673
Unsuccessful BitLocker Decryption 674
Saved BitLocker Credentials in Secure Storage 675
WinMagic SecureDoc Encryption Support 675
WinMagic SecureDoc Self Encrypting Drive (SED) Support 677
GuardianEdge Encryption Support 678
Supported GuardianEdge Encryption Algorithms 678
GuardianEdge Hard Disk and Symantec Endpoint Encryption Support 679
Symantec Endpoint Encryption Support 681
Symantec Endpoint Encryption v11.1.1 support 681
Sophos SafeGuard Support 682
Decrypting a Disk 682
Decrypting Sophos SGN-Encrypted Evidence Using a Challenge/Response
Session in EnCase 682
Obtaining Response Codes from the Sophos SGN Website 683
Completing the Challenge/Response Session 684
Utimaco SafeGuard Easy Encryption Support 685
Supported Utimaco SafeGuard Easy Encryption Algorithms 685
Utimaco Challenge/Response Support 685
Utimaco SafeGuard Easy Encryption Known Limitation 688
PGP Whole Disk Encryption (WDE) Support 689
Obtaining Whole Disk Recovery Token Information 689
Obtaining Additional Decryption Key (ADK) Information 690
PGP Decryption using the Passphrase 690
Dell Data Protection Enterprise (formerly Credant Mobile Guardian)
Encryption Support 691
Enabling an Examiner Machine to Identify and Decrypt Credant Files 691
Decrypting Credant Files Accessible on the Network 691
Decrypting Offline Dell Data Protection Enterprise/Credant Mobile
Guardian Files 692
Decrypting Credant Files on Microsoft EFS 694
McAfee Endpoint Encryption Support 694

- xviii -
S/MIME Encryption Support 695
Troubleshooting a Failed S/MIME Decryption 696
NSF Encryption Support 696
Recovering NSF Passwords 696
Lotus Notes Local Encryption Support 697
Determining Local Mailbox Encryption 697
Parsing a Locally Encrypted Mailbox 697
Encrypted Block 698
Decrypted Block 698
Locally Encrypted NSF Parsing Results 699
Windows Rights Management Services (RMS) Support 700
RMS Decryption at the Volume Level 700
RMS Decryption at the File Level 701
RMS Protected Email in PST 701
Windows Key Architecture 701
Dictionary Attacks 702
Built-In Attacks 703

CHAPTER 18 Using the EnScript Programming Language 707

Overview 709
The EnScript Language 709
App Central 709
EnScript Launcher 709

CHAPTER 19 Virtual File System 711

Overview 713
Evidence File Formats Supported by VFS 713
Mounting Evidence with VFS 713
Mounting a Single Drive, Device, Volume, or Folder 713
Mount Network Share Options 714
Compound Files 715
Encrypting File System 715

- xix -
RAIDs 717
Deleted Files 718
Internal Files and File System Files 718
RAM and Disk Slack 718
Other File Systems 719
ext2, ext3, UFS, and Other File Systems 720
Dismounting the Network Share 721
Changing the Mount Point 721
Accessing the Share 721
Using the EnCase VFS Name Column 721
Using Windows Explorer with VFS 722
Third Party Tools 722
Malware Scanning with VFS 722
Other Tools and Viewers 723
Temporary Files Reminder 724
VFS Server 724
Configuring the VFS Server 725
Restrict Access by IP Address 726
Connecting the Clients 727
Closing the Connection 727
Troubleshooting the Virtual File System 728

CHAPTER 20 Physical Disk Emulator 729

Overview 731
Evidence File Formats Supported by EnCase PDE 731
Using Physical Disk Emulator 731
Starting Physical Disk Emulator 731
Configuring the PDE Client 732
Mounting Non-Windows Devices 733
Accessing the Local Disk in Windows Explorer 733
Saving and Dismounting the Emulated Disk 733
Closing and Changing the Emulated Disk 735

- xx -
Temporary Files Redirection 735
Third Party Tools 735
Using Third Party Tools 736
Boot Evidence Files and Live Systems with VMware 736
Initial Preparation 736
New Virtual Machine Wizard 737
Booting the Virtual Machine 738
VMware/EnCase PDE FAQs 739
PDE Troubleshooting 740

CHAPTER 21 FastBloc SE 743

Overview 745
Write Blocking and Write Protecting a Device 745
Write Blocking a USB, FireWire, or SCSI Device 745
Write Protecting a USB, FireWire, or SCSI Device 746
Removing Write Block from a USB, FireWire, or SCSI Device 746
Disk Caching and Flushing the Cache 747
Troubleshooting 747

CHAPTER 22 Support 751

Overview 753
Find Support Online 753
Access the Customer Community 754
Browse the Knowledge Base 755
Log and Track Issues 755
Register your Product 755
Register your Account 755
Contact Guidance Software 756
Contact Sales 756
Contact Customer Service 756
Contact Technical Support 756
Contact EnCase eDiscovery Review Technical Support 757

- xxi -
Index 759

- xxii -
EnCase Forensic enables you to collect forensically sound data and conduct complex large
scale investigations from beginning to end.

EnCase Forensic is designed to be used by:

l Those responsible for collecting evidence

l Forensic examiners and analysts
l Forensic examiners who develop and use EnScript code to automate repetitive or com-
plex tasks

With EnCase Forensic these types of investigators can:

l Acquire data in a forensically sound manner using software with an unparalleled record in
courts worldwide
l Investigate and analyze data from multiple platforms—Windows, Linux, AIX, OS X,
Solaris, and more—using a single tool
l Find information despite efforts to hide, cloak, or delete
l Easily manage large volumes of computer evidence, viewing all relevant files, including
deleted files, file slack, and unallocated space
l Create exact duplicates of original data, verified by hash and Cyclic Redundancy Check
(CRC) values
l Transfer evidence files directly to law enforcement or legal representatives
l Review options that allow non-investigators, such as attorneys, to review evidence with
l Use reporting options for quick report preparation

EnCase Forensic
EnCase Forensic enables you to collect forensically sound data and conduct complex large
scale investigations from beginning to end.

EnCase Forensic is designed to be used by:

l Those responsible for collecting evidence

l Forensic examiners and analysts
l Forensic examiners who develop and use EnScript code to automate repetitive or com-
plex tasks

With EnCase Forensic these types of investigators can:

24 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Acquire data in a forensically sound manner using software with an unparalleled record in
courts worldwide
l Investigate and analyze data from multiple platforms—Windows, Linux, AIX, OS X,
Solaris, and more—using a single tool
l Find information despite efforts to hide, cloak, or delete
l Easily manage large volumes of computer evidence, viewing all relevant files, including
deleted files, file slack, and unallocated space
l Create exact duplicates of original data, verified by hash and Cyclic Redundancy Check
(CRC) values
l Transfer evidence files directly to law enforcement or legal representatives
l Review options that allow non-investigators, such as attorneys, to review evidence with
l Use reporting options for quick report preparation

Overview 27

Registering your Product 27

System Requirements 27

License Manager 32

Installation Overview 33

Installing EnCase Forensic Examiner 33

Installing License Manager 35

Activating an Electronic License 35

Uninstalling EnCase 36

Reinstalling EnCase 37

Configuration Options 37

Configuring Time Zone Settings 46

EnCase Folder Locations 47

Install and Configure Evidence Processor Nodes 51

26 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 27

This chapter describes the process of installing EnCase Forensic and related components.

This chapter lists the default locations of installation directories and files and also provides
information about configuring EnCase settings.

Registering your Product

When you receive your product, you must register it with Guidance Software to receive

System Requirements
Before you begin, make sure you have:

l An EnCase security key (dongle), or an electronic license and connection information

l An optional certificate file for users who want to activate an EnCase Version 6 dongle to
run EnCase Version 8
l Installation files for the current release of EnCase


l Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 through Windows 10

l Microsoft Windows Server through Version 2016


l 4 core processor or better

l 16 GB RAM or better
l 200 GB or larger Solid State Drive (SSD) for Case Data
l 200 GB or larger Solid State Drive (SSD) for Evidence Cache Data
l 1 TB or larger Hard Disk Drive (HDD) for Evidence Data


l 2 core processor
l 4 GB RAM
l 40 GB Spindle or SSD
28 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07


For best performance based on specific workloads, examination computers should meet or
exceed the following hardware and software requirements:

Basic Recommended System Requirements

(for small workloads)
Operating System Windows 8.1 64-bit

CPU Core i5

Memory 16 GB (Four 4 GB Modules)

Network Gigabit network card

OS Drive 120 GB SSD

Evidence Storage Drive 1 TB SSD

Evidence Backup Drive Two or three 2 TB hard drives

I/O Interfaces USB 3.0, eSATA, SATA, SATA 3

Flash Media Readers Multi-reader

Optical Drive Blu-Ray R/W

Display Single 21”, 22”, 23” or 24” LCD


Uninterruptible Power Supply 650 VA

Write Blocker TD2u

Recommended System Requirements

(for best single-caseload performance )
Windows 8.1 64-bit
Operating System
Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit
CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 29

Recommended System Requirements

(for best single-caseload performance )
CPU Core i7

Memory 64 GB (Eight 8 GB Memory Modules)

Network Gigabit network card

OS Drive 256 GB SSD

Evidence Storage Drive 4x 512 GB SSD in RAID 10 configuration

Evidence Backup Drive RAID of several 4 TB hard drives

I/O Interfaces Thunderbolt, USB 3.0, eSATA, SATA, SATA 3

Flash Media Readers Multi-reader

Optical Drive Blu-Ray R/W

Display Dual 24”+ LCD


Uninterruptible Power Supply 1000 VA

Write Blocker TD2u

Recommended System Requirements

(equipped to handle larger simultaneous workloads)
Windows 8.1 64-bit
Operating System
Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit

CPU Dual processor core i7 or Xeon E7 family

Memory 128 GB (Eight 16 GB Memory Modules)

Network 10 gigabit network card

OS Drive 256 GB SSD

Evidence Storage Drive Multi-TB RAID 10

30 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Recommended System Requirements

(equipped to handle larger simultaneous workloads)
Evidence Backup Drive Fiber channel SAN

Thunderbolt, USB 3.0, eSATA, SATA, SATA

I/O Interfaces

Flash Media Readers Multi-reader

Optical Drive Blu-Ray R/W

Display Multiple 27”+ LCD


SAS Card N/A

Uninterruptible Power Supply 1000 VA

Write Blocker TD2u

Recommended System Requirements for Application Server

(optimal solution for multiple simultaneous and
frequent exceptionally large workloads)
Operating System Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit

CPU Dual CPU E7 family

128 GB (Eight 16 GB Memory


Network 10 Gigabit network card

OS Drive 256 GB SSD

Evidence Storage Drive Multi-TB RAID 10

Page File Drive Separate 256 GB SSD

CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 31

Recommended System Requirements for Application Server

(optimal solution for multiple simultaneous and
frequent exceptionally large workloads)
Evidence Backup Drive Fiber channel SAN

I/O Interfaces Thunderbolt, USB 3.0, eSATA, SAS

Flash Media Readers Multi-reader

Optical Drive Blu-Ray R/W

Display Multiple 27”+ LCD


SAS Card N/A

Uninterruptible Power Supply 1500 VA

Write Blocker TD2u

Recommended System Requirements for Basic ‘Field’

Operating System Windows 8.1 64-bit

CPU Core i5 M

Memory 8 GB

Network Gigabit network card

Hard Drive 256 GB SSD

Evidence Storage Drive 1 TB SSD

I/O Interfaces USB 3.0, eSATA

Optical Drive Blu-Ray R/W

Write Blocker TD2u

32 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Recommended System Requirements for a High Per-

formance ‘Field’ Laptop
Operating System Windows 8.1 64-bit

CPU Core i7 desktop

Memory 32 GB

Network Gigabit network card

OS Drive 512 GB SSD

Evidence Storage Drive Synology Diskstation

I/O Interfaces Thunderbolt, USB 3.0, eSATA

Optical Drive Blu-Ray R/W

Battery High capacity spare battery

Write Blocker TD2u

License Manager
The License Manager acts as a software license repository and server. The License Manager
(previously referred to as "NAS") provides license management services for most Guidance
Software products. In addition to being delivered by License Manager, licenses can also be
delivered by physical security key (dongle) or as a software license tied directly to the
workstation. The License Manager is a standalone application that can be installed at the same
time as the SAFE or independently depending on your preference.

By distributing licenses to users across a network, License Manager simplifies license

management by eliminating the need to distribute physical security keys (dongles) to
individual computers. License Manager is typically used in laboratory environments with
multiple examiners and multiple copies of EnCase Forensic.

When you run EnCase on a computer, it first searches for a physical security key or local
software license for licensing information unless network-based licensing is enabled. To enable
an Examiner computer to use software licensing through License Manager, you must first
install License Manager and configure Examiner machines. Once configured, individual
workstation access to License Manager can easily be enabled or disabled within the EnCase
CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 33

application. See the Guidance Software SAFE User Guide for installation and configuration
instructions. If no valid security key or software license is found, EnCase opens in Acquisition

For more information about implementing or managing the License Manager and the SAFE,
see the Guidance Software SAFE User Guide.

Installation Overview
The EnCase Forensic Examiner is the primary application used to conduct investigations. Other
components provide additional functionality.

Select the installation option that matches how you intend to use EnCase Forensic:

l If you plan on deploying EnCase Forensic on one or more examiner machines and intend
to manually install and manage physical security keys (dongles) or software licenses for
each machine, use the standalone installer for EnCase Forensic for individual examiner
machines. See  Installing EnCase Forensic Examiner below.
l If you plan on using EnCase Forensic on multiple machines and want to centralize EnCase
licensing, you must install License Manager on a machine on your network to hold and
serve your software licenses. You can install License Manager on a dedicated machine, or
on an examiner machine. Physical security keys and machine-specific electronic licenses
can be used in conjunction with software licenses served by License Manager.
o To install EnCase Forensic Examiner on individual machines, see  Installing EnCase
Forensic Examiner below.
o To install License Manager on a machine on your network, see Installing the
SAFE and License Manager in the Guidance Software SAFE User Guide.

Installing EnCase Forensic Examiner

To install EnCase on an individual examiner machine:

1. Open the EnCase Examiner installation file. If you have a security key, do not insert it until
after installation is complete.
2. Accept the default installation path (C:\Program Files\EnCase8), or enter your own
installation path and click Next.
o If you used the same directory for a previous installation of EnCase, the installer
overwrites any existing program files, logs, and drivers.

3. The EnCase License Agreement displays. Read it and click the I Agree and accept check-
box. Click Next.
34 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

4. The installation path displays. Depending on your installation history, the following check-
box options display:
o Install HASP Drivers installs the latest version of the HASP security key (dongle)
drivers. Guidance Software recommends selecting this checkbox if you are upgrad-
ing from a previous version of EnCase, or if you are working in an environment using
a mix of both Sentinel/Aladdin HASP drivers and Codemeter security keys. This
checkbox displays and is checked by default if you do not have HASP drivers
installed. If you are reinstalling and have already installed the HASP drivers and the
checkbox is present, leave the box unchecked.
o The Install CodeMeter Drivers checkbox displays and is checked if you do not have
a previous version of EnCase installed. Guidance Software recommends installing
CodeMeter drivers.
o Reinstall CodeMeter Drivers and Reinstall HASP Drivers may display if the installer
detects you have previous versions of the drivers installed. CodeMeter drivers are
always reinstalled. HASP drivers can be reinstalled if desired.

5. Click Next. Installation begins.

6. Click Finish. When the installation wizard has finished copying and installing EnCase,
select Reboot Now to complete the installation immediately, or Reboot Later. To ensure
the registration of installed DLL files and enable the drivers, you must reboot before run-
ning the application.
7. After the computer reboots, insert the security key into a USB port on your computer.
With the program successfully installed, the shortcut to EnCase displays on your
Desktop. If you are using a CodeMeter security key, the CodeMeter icon in the Windows
system tray turns blue. You are now ready to use the product.

All EnCase users must have administrator permissions to view local devices on Windows
computers running Vista operating systems and above.

To run EnCase as an administrator:

1. Right click the EnCase icon and click Run as Administrator.

2. Windows displays a prompt with the heading An unidentified program wants access to
your computer.
3. Click Allow.
CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 35

Installing License Manager

License Manager is an application is used to manage and serve electronic licenses for EnCase
Forensic. You can install License Manager on a dedicated server or an examiner machine on
your network.

Forensic users should use the stand-alone License Manager installer. While a SAFE and License
Manager combined installer is available, the SAFE is no longer needed for Forensic users and
need not be installed. For installation instructions, see Installing the SAFE and License Manager
in the Guidance Software SAFE User Guide.

Activating an Electronic License

To activate your EnCase license electronically:

1. Open EnCase Forensic. Click on the question mark icon on the right side of the top menu
bar. Select Activate Electronic License from the drop-down menu.
Note: If you already have an active electronic license installed, a message displays.
Click OK to remove the active current license, or Cancel to retain it.

2. The Activate Electronic License dialog displays. Enter the license key number you
obtained via email from Guidance Software and your email address in the boxes
3. Click Next. A second Activate Electronic License dialog displays.
o Return to your MyAccount email and click the Submit your file link.
o In the web page that displays, browse to the location of the License Request file,
then click Submit.
o Wait to receive an email response from MyAccount. In the License Activation por-
tion of the email, click the link to save your License Activation file, then copy this file
into the same folder as the License Request file.

4. Click Next. A third Activate Electronic License dialog displays.

5. Click Finish to complete the activation process.

Creating a New Electronic Request File

You can create a new electronic request file if you previously entered incorrect information.

To create a new electronic request file:

1. On the EnCase Home page, click the question mark in the upper right corner, then click
Activate Electronic License. The Activate Electronic License dialog displays.
36 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

2. Click Back. In the dialog that displays, make the corrections to the license key number or
the email address, then click Next.
3. Follow the steps in  Activating an Electronic License on the previous page

Reactivating an Electronic License

If you already have an active license installed and you click Activate Electronic License, a
message displays saying there is an active license installed and that if you want to install a new
license, you must remove the current one.

Click OK to remove the active license or Cancel to retain the current active license.

If You Already Have a Security Key

If you already have a physical security key (dongle), and you purchase another copy of EnCase
with an electronic license, the electronic license is fixed to the machine where it is installed. It
cannot be moved to another computer. The security key can be moved from one machine to

Uninstalling EnCase
The EnCase uninstaller removes the corresponding version of EnCase from your computer.

To uninstall EnCase:

1. Make backups of evidence and case files prior to making modifications to any software
on an examination machine.
2. Close any open versions of EnCase.
3. Open the Windows Control Panel and click Uninstall a Program under Programs.
4. Select the EnCase version to remove and click Uninstall/Change.
5. The EnCase uninstall wizard runs and the first screen displays.
6. Enter or navigate to the installation location in the Install Path field. The default for the
current version is C:\Program Files\Encase8.
7. Click Next.
8. Select Uninstall and click Next. A progress bar displays during the uninstall process.
9. The last page of the uninstall wizard displays. Select Reboot Later or Reboot Now and
click Finish. A reboot completes the uninstallation process.
CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 37

Reinstalling EnCase
Use the EnCase Installation Wizard to reinstall EnCase. Reinstallation creates a new log file and
reinstalls the following items:

l Application files
l Registry keys
l Needed user files
l Default configuration files
Note: Any modified EnScript files are overwritten during reinstallation. If you want
to keep modified EnScript files, move them to another folder prior to reinstallation.

Reinstalling does not change:

l Licenses
l Certificates
l User settings

When reinstalling EnCase, make sure that your security key is inserted.  If support on the
security key has expired, a warning message displays.

Configuration Options
You can configure options for EnCase according to your needs or preferences, using the
Configuration Options tabbed dialog. Each tab allows you to select a panel that controls a
group of options, described in the following sections. To access the Configuration Options,
select Options from the Home tab.

Global Options
The Global tab contains settings that apply to all cases.
38 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

In the Picture Options box, Enable Picture Viewer allows graphics to be displayed in various

Enable ART Image Display determines whether to display legacy ART image files. When
EnCase Forensic encounters corrupt ART image files, application problems can occur. Enabling
this setting minimizes the impact of corrupted ART files.

Note: Rendering of ART files depends on the version of Internet Explorer installed.

Current versions of Internet Explorer do not support ART files. If your version of
Internet Explorer does not support ART files, EnCase cannot render them.

Invalid Picture Timeout (seconds) indicates the amount of time EnCase attempts to read a
corrupt image file before timing out. After a timeout occurs, the corrupt file is sent to the cache
and no attempt is made to re-read it.

Force ordered rendering in Gallery forces images to display in order, from left to right,
sequentially by row. If you leave this box unchecked, images display in a gallery view as they
become available. Although images display in order, the former view takes longer to complete,
whereas images that display when rendering is not forced but not in order display more
CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 39

In the Code Page box, Change Code Page lets you change the default value of the code page
from Western European (Windows) to another available code page. Set the global code page
to display foreign language characters correctly.

Show True indicates a value of true in table columns displayed in the Table tab of the Table
pane. The default indicator is a bullet, which you can change to a different character.

Show False indicates a value of false in table columns displayed in the Table tab of the Table
pane. The default indicator is a blank space, which you can change to a different character.

Default Char specifies the character that EnCase uses on its displays to indicate that a box or
cell is checked.

Flag Lost Files specifies whether the disk map shows lost clusters. Lost clusters are clusters
that EnCase cannot determine as being used even though the file system indicates them as
being used.

Detect FastBloc Hardware determines whether to search for legacy FastBloc hardware write

Detect Tableau Hardware determines whether to search for Tableau write blockers.

Run Shell Extensions for LNK Files enables EnCase to extract more data from .lnk files, which
displays as IDList Data in the Report tab. Be aware that this option extracts LNK data locally,
not from the acquired evidence. If you want to use this option on evidence data, you must run
EnCase on the machine that contains the LNK files of interest.

Date Options
Customize date/time information associated with a case using the Date tab in Options.
40 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Display time zone on dates includes the time zone in date/time columns.

Date Format includes these options:

l MM/DD/YY (07/25/18)
l DD/MM/YY (25/07/18)
l Other lets you specify your own date format.
l Current Day displays the current date in the specified date format.

Time Format includes these options:

l 12:00:00 PM uses a 12 hour clock for the time format.

l 24:00:00 uses a 24 hour clock for the time format.
l Other lets you specify your own time format.
l Current Time displays the current time in the specified time format.

License Manager Options

The options on the License Manager tab configure EnCase to receive software licensing
information from License Manager instead of from a dongle inserted into the machine.
CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 41

Use License Manager for licensing: Check this box to indicate use of License Manager to run
the copy of EnCase on your computer.

License Manager Key Path: Specifies the full path of the user's licensing file. The license file for
general licensing of EnCase is default.nas.

License Manager .SAFE Key Path: Enter the full path of the location of the EnCase SAFE public
key file. This SAFE token file has a file signature of .SAFE and is found on the License Manager.

License Manager Address: Enter the IP address or machine name of the computer running the
License Manager. If you are using a port other than 4446, precede the port number with the
computer's IP address (for example,

Status: Displays the name or IP address of the computer on which the EnCase licensing files
currently reside.

Create User Key...: Opens the Create User Key dialog. Do not use this button unless you are
creating separate licenses for each computer belonging to your License Manager setup. For
more information about using individual licenses, see the Guidance Software SAFE User Guide.
42 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Color Options
Use the Colors tab to change the default colors associated with various case elements. This
dialog shows the current foreground and background colors for the case element.

To change the colors for a listed EnCase element:

1. Double click the Foreground or Background associated with an element.

2. Click a box in the Color dialog to select that color.
3. Click Define Custom Colors to select from a larger palette of colors.
4. Click OK to accept the color change or Cancel to revert to the previous color.
Note: Choice of color applies to the cell in the table. It does not affect the color of
the font.

Font Options
Use the Fonts tab to customize the fonts used for EnCase user interface items, and in data
panels and reports.
CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 43

To customize the font for an element:

1. Double click the box associated with an item.

2. In the Font dialog, select your options and click OK. The text box previews the current
font options.
Note: If you change font settings and want to revert to the original settings, click Set

Data Paths Options

Use the Data Paths tab to specify a path to a folder containing files that require shared access.
44 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Specifying the shared files folder allows easy access to:

l Shared scripts
l Filters
l Searches
l Conditions
l Keywords

Debug Options
Use the Debug tab to specify debugging information and options.
CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 45

The Startup panel displays operating system, application, and session information about your
computer and about EnCase.

If the pane is empty, click Show Startup Log to display the information. The information is
useful for troubleshooting purposes.

System Cache specifies the amount of physical memory for caching reads and writes of files on
disk. The default value is 20 percent of the computer's physical memory (RAM).

l Minimum (MB): The minimum size of the system cache in Megabytes; the default value
is 1.
l Maximum (MB): The maximum size of the system cache in Megabytes. The default value
depends on the amount of physical memory available on the computer. You can manu-
ally set this value up to the maximum amount of physical memory available (although
this is not recommended).
l Controlled by EnCase: Clicking this box allows EnCase to control the size of the system
cache (recommended).
l Do not warn at startup: If you check this box, EnCase will not display warning messages
when possible system memory issues occur.
l Set Defaults: Click this button to reset the system cache values to their default values.

Debug Logging allows you to select which logging action to take in the event of a crash:
46 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Off: No debug logging is performed (default).

l Stack: This option saves a stack dump if EnCase crashes. This file contains data that the
crashing subsystem used, the system DLLs loaded at the time of the event, and the ver-
sion of EnCase. In most cases, the information written to the Stack dump log does not
contain case specific data.
l Heap: This option saves a heap dump if EnCase crashes. It is the recommended option for
most EnCase crash issues. The heap contains data from process memory that the pro-
gram uses while running, which results in a considerably larger dump file (potentially in
the gigabyte range) than a stack dump. Note that a heap dump frequently contains case
specific data, including data from the evidence.
Note: For the quickest debugging of the crash, Guidance Software recommends
selecting the Heap option.

Configuring Time Zone Settings

To configure time zone settings:

1. In a case, click the Evidence tab to view a list of your devices in the Table tab.
2. Click the name of the device you want to modify.
3. From the Device menu select Modify time zone settings. The Time Properties dialog dis-
CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 47

4. Select the time zone that you want to use.

5. If the time zone supports Daylight Savings Time, and there are different rules for different
years, EnCase automatically applies the proper rules for the particular year. To override
this behavior, select Use single DST offset. This causes a single offset and enables you to
choose the year for the correct bias.
6. Click OK. The time zone is listed in the Report tab for that device.

EnCase Folder Locations

The current path used to store user data, user application data, and global application data
can be seen under Paths on the EnCase home page. All path locations are configurable.

Application Folder
The application folder contains files used by EnCase. User data and user configuration settings
are not saved in this location. The default path for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows Vista
is \Program Files\EnCase8.

Folder Name Description

Certs License certificates

Condition Default conditions

Config Application configuration options

Drivers Application drivers

EnScript Default EnScripts and EnPacks

Filter Default filters

Help Help files

Installers EnCase installation executables

Lib Application library files

License EnLicense files

Mobile Mobile phone drivers

Template Default case templates

48 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

User Data
User-created files and backup user data are stored by Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows
Vista in the following default folder: \Users\<Username>\Documents\EnCase. The current
path used to store user data displays under Paths on the EnCase home page.

Folder Name Description

Cases Individual case folders (described below)

Condition User-defined conditions

EnScript User-defined EnScripts

Evidence Cache (see below)

Filter User-defined filters

Keys Encryption keys

Keyword User-defined keyword searches

Logs Console logs

Search User-defined searches

Template User-defined case templates

Case Backup
Backup case data are saved in the following location for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows
Vista operating systems: \Users\<Username>\Documents\EnCase\Cases\Backup.

Case Folder
Case files are stored in the following default location for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows
Vista operating systems: \Users\<Username>\Documents\EnCase\Cases\<Case

Folder Name Description

Corrupt Pictures Corrupt pictures
CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 49

Folder Name Description

Email Email thread database

Export Default case export folder

Results of search queries (stored in the ..<Case Name>\Results


Searches Keyword search results (non-Evidence Processor)

Tags Tag database

Temp Default case temporary folder

EnCase case file

Evidence Cache
The evidence cache folder contains the cache, index, and Evidence Processor results for a
device. The default location for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows Vista operating systems
is: \Users\<Username>\Documents\EnCase\Evidence Cache\<Hash>.

User Application Data

Configuration files and temporary user files associated with a specific user and EnCase
installation folder are stored in the following location for Windows 7, Windows 8, and
Windows Vista operating systems: \Users\<Username>\App

The current path used to store user application data displays under Paths on the EnCase home

Configuring a Windows Override Path

In normal operation, Microsoft Windows stores <User Application> and <User> data in specific
locations on the boot (OS) hard drive. You can change these locations to any location on the
boot hard drive, on a separate hard drive, or on a network share.

EnCase requires that these data locations have both read and write access. If Windows is set
up so that either of these locations is on a read-only network share, or on a hard drive which is
read-only and at a separate location, EnCase cannot store its settings correctly and cannot
function properly.
50 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

To accommodate situations where you cannot change these locations, and the Windows store
locations are read-only, EnCase allows you to change these locations for the EnCase
application. You can change these locations by selecting Tools > Options > Data Paths tab. The
Options dialog displays as shown here:

The User Data Folder is the default location for data such as cases, conditions, filters, logs and
templates. The User Application Data Folder stores program settings and other configuration

Global Application Data

Global EnCase files are stored in the following location for Windows 7, Windows 8, and
Windows Vista operating systems:

l \Users\All Users\AppData\Roaming\EnCase
l \Users\All Users\AppData\Roaming\EnCase\EnCase8-<#>

Note: \Users\All Users\AppData = \ProgramData

CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 51

The current path used to store global application data displays under Paths on the EnCase
home page.

Item Description
Logos Default report logo

Config License Manager and other global configuration files

ParseCache Parse cache files

Storage EnScript configuration files

Install and Configure Evidence Processor Nodes

You can use the optional processor manager module in EnCase Examiner to distribute
evidence processing jobs to other machines, or nodes, on your network. Each evidence
processor node requires a software license or security key from Guidance Software. Evidence
processor node licenses cost much less than a full EnCase Examiner license and can be a cost-
effective way to increase the speed and efficiency of evidence processing. This section
describes how to install the EnCase Processor Node executable on a machine for use as a
processor node.

The processor manager module in EnCase Examiner enables you to manage, distribute, and
monitor evidence processing jobs across your network. For information on using the
processor manager, see  Processor Manager on page 166. The processor manager and each
processor node must have access to the shared drive where the evidence file and the cache are

You can process evidence on any machine on your network, including other examiner
machines. To enable a machine as an evidence processor, open the EnCase Processor Node
executable file. This file installs the following two components:

l EnCase Processor Node - Enables a machine to act as an evidence processor and accept
work sent from the machine you use for processor management and examining evid-
l EnCase Processor Server (EnServer) - A service that runs on a machine that enables com-
munication between the node and the Processor Manager.

Once installed and configured, the machine will appear as an available node in your EnCase
Examiner processor manager.
52 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Note: Installing the evidence processor node on your local machine enables it to be
used as a node by another examiner machine on your network.

To install the Evidence Processor Node:

1. Open the Evidence Processor Node executable file. The self-extractor dialog displays.
2. Click Setup. The Setup dialog displays.
3. Click Next. The Destination Folder dialog displays.

4. Accept the default path or click Change to enter another path, then click Next. The
Configuration dialog displays.
CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 53

o Give the node a meaningful name. This name displays in the Processor Node
column of the Processor Manager tab.
o Enter the number of the port you want to use. The default is 443.
o You can execute multiple processing jobs simultaneously on a single processor
node. Guidance Software recommends you leave the Max Jobs number set at 1.

5. Click Next. A second Configuration dialog displays.

o Specify the drives for the Evidence File Destination, the Evidence File Cache, and the
Case File Destination.
o All paths must be specified in UNC format.
o For the Evidence File Cache, use the fastest I/O available.
o For detailed information about system requirements, see System Requirements on
page 27.

Note: You can change these configuration settings after installation using the
processor node Edit dialog. See  Configuring Processor Nodes on page 168.

6. Click Next. A confirmation dialog displays.

7. Click Install. A dialog displays showing the progress of the installation.


After installing the EnCase processor node, the wizard begins the EnCase Processor Server 
(EnServer) installation process.

1. The EnCase Server Edition dialog displays after the processor node is installed.
Note: The EnCase Server Edition dialog may display behind another open dialog. If
the process seems to be stuck after installing the processor node, look for the EnCase
Server Edition dialog.
54 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

2. Accept the default install path or browse to another path, then click Next. The End User
License dialog displays.
3. Select I agree and accept, then click Next. The Options dialog displays.

o Select the type of authentication you want to use.

If you are using License Manager, click Use License Manager and enter a
License Manager Key Path, License Manager .SAFE Key Path, and
License Manager Address.

o Select Run service as user if you do not want to run the service as a local system
CHAPTER 1   Installing and Configuring EnCase 55

Enter a username and password.

The user specified should have read permission to evidence and read/write per-
mission to evidence caches to be processed by this Evidence Processor Node.

4. When done, click Next. The Installation Folder dialog displays.

5. Click Next. A bar displays showing progress of the EnServer installation. The Setup Com-
plete dialog displays.
6. Click Finish. A dialog displays showing License Manager files are being copied, then the
Evidence Processor Node Setup dialog displays, indicating the setup is complete.
7. Click Finish.

Checking the Windows Application Log

After installing the processor node and EnCase Processor Server (EnServer), open the Event
Viewer in Windows by typing eventvwr in a Windows command line.

The Windows Application log should display:

l A log entry for EnServer starting.

l A log entry showing the dongle ID given to the EnCase Processor Server (EnServer).
l If installed, a log entry for License Manager.
l A log entry showing your security key (dongle) type (for example, Forensic).
l A log entry showing "EnServer running."

You may also see an error stating "...restarting script...EnServer." This displays when you
manually start the EnCase Processor Server service.

All of the logs listed above should be present; if not, EnCase Processor Server started, then
stopped, and is offline.
56 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Pathways Overview 59

Using a Pathway to Create a Full Investigation 59

Using a Pathway to Preview and Triage your Evidence 63

Custom Pathways 66
58 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 2  Using Pathways to Streamline Workflows 59

Pathways Overview
Pathways provide step by step guidelines to walk you through specific workflow scenarios.
Each Pathway contains links that take you to individual steps in the workflow process.

Pathways are based on the curriculum taught by the award-winning Guidance training
department, and are designed to help examiners of any level efficiently navigate an
investigation. Pathways are not mandatory. You can exit a Pathway at any stage of your

You can access Pathways from two locations in the interface:

l Home page
l Toolbar menu

If you exit the Pathway, or your workflow navigates you away from the Pathway, you can
always return to the Pathway from one of these two access points.

Using Pathways you can:

l Create a full investigation

l Preview and triage your evidence

Using a Pathway to Create a Full Investigation

To get started with a full investigation, the Pathway suggests five steps:

o Create a case
o Add evidence
o Audit your drive space
o Determine the time zone of your evidence
o Apply a hash library to your case

1. On the home page in the Pathways group, click Full Investigation.

2. The Full Investigation page displays.
60 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. You can follow the steps for the case you have open, or you can start a new case by click-
ing Create a New Case. See  Using a Case Template to Create a Case on page 79.
4. Once you create a case, the next step is to add evidence to it. Back on the Full Invest-
igation page, click Add Evidence to Your Case. The Add Evidence dialog displays.
5. Click the appropriate link and follow the instructions to perform any of the available add
evidence actions. This must be done before any processing is done on the evidence. See
 Adding Evidence to a Case on page 82.
6. After evidence is added, the next step is to audit the space of all devices in the case. This
must be done before any processing is performed on the evidence. This process builds a
summary table in the bookmarks tab showing the usage of all devices in the case. Addi-
tional tables are built in the bookmarks tab for each device to account for all space on
each drive. See Audit Drive Space on page 107.
7. Now that your drive space is audited, the Pathway leads you towards setting a time zone
for your evidence. This step parses the System Registry Hive to determine the current
control set and then parses the current control set to retrieve the time zone information
for each of the selected evidence files. To preserve the forensic accuracy of the data, this
must be done before any processing is done on the evidence. In the Full Investigation dia-
log, click Determine the Time Zone of the Evidence. See Determining the Time Zone of
Your Evidence on page 224.
CHAPTER 2  Using Pathways to Streamline Workflows 61

8. On the Full Investigation page, click Apply Hash Library to Your Case. See  Adding Hash
Libraries to a Case on page 288.

Once you have set up your case and added evidence, you can process it in a variety of ways.
Once you have processed your evidence with one of the processing profiles listed below, you
will be unable to reprocess it with another Pathway Profile. Any further processing should be
done using the Custom profile option.

Once a processing profile is selected, you can view its progress by double clicking the progress
bar on the bottom right of the screen.

l Process evidence without indexing (fastest)

o File signature analysis
o Hash analysis (MD5 and SHA-1)
o Expand compound files
o Find email (except lost or deleted items)
o Find allocated Internet artifacts
o System Information Parser without live registry
o Allocated Windows artifacts  

l Process evidence with indexing

o File signature analysis
o Hash analysis (MD5 and SHA-1)
o Expand compound files
o Find email (except lost or deleted items)
o Find allocated Internet artifacts
o Index allocated text and metadata (with East Asian script support)
o Skipping files in hash library and skipping slack
o System Information Parser without live registry
o Allocated Windows artifacts

l Process Internet artifacts

o File signature analysis
o Hash analysis (MD5 and SHA-1)
o Find allocated Internet artifacts
o System Information Parser without live registry

l Process email
o File signature analysis
o Hash analysis (MD5 and SHA-1)
o Expand compound files
o Find email (except lost or deleted items)
o Index allocated text and metadata (with East Asian script support)
o Skipping files in hash library and skipping slack
o System Information Parser without live registry
62 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Comprehensive processing without unallocated (for deep investigation of allocated files)

o Recover folders and NTFS 3.0 reconstruction
o File signature analysis
o Protected file analysis
o Expand compound files
o Find email (except lost or deleted items)
o Find allocated Internet artifacts
o Index allocated text and metadata (with East Asian script support)
o Skipping files in hash library and skipping slack
o System Information Parser without live registry, all advanced folders
o Allocated Windows artifacts
o Protected file analysis
o Thumbnail creation

l Comprehensive processing (for deep investigation of an entire drive)

o Recover folders and NTFS 3.0 reconstruction
o File signature analysis
o Hash analysis (MD5, SHA-1 and entropy)
o Expand compound files
o Find email (except lost or deleted items)
o Find all Internet artifacts, including unallocated
o Index allocated text and metadata (with East Asian script support)
o Skipping files in hash library and skipping slack
o System Information Parser without live registry, all advanced folders
o All Windows artifacts, including unallocated

l Custom: Use this to build your own processing routine


Once you process your evidence files, you can now find information in a variety of ways.

l Select the filter options to find information by type or specific attributes:

o All pictures finds all files with image extensions
o All documents finds all files with document extensions
o All files over specified size enables you to specify a logical size value and find all

files exceeding that value

o All files by extension enables you to define specific extensions to search for

l Select the view options to see different aspects of your evidence. These options only
work if email messages and/or internet artifacts were selected during processing. Select-
ing either one of these options takes you to the Artifacts tab.
o View email messages
o View Internet artifacts
CHAPTER 2  Using Pathways to Streamline Workflows 63

l Select the search options to perform:

o Index searches (Indexing must have been included in the selected processing

o Keyword searches (Selecting this option opens the Search view; select the Key-

word tab to view the live results.)

After you have found the information you need, you can generate reports in a variety of ways.

l Generate a standard full examination report

l Report templates enable you to create a customized report. See  Using Report Templates
on page 397.
l Generate a Triage report to easily share your findings in HTML format. See Triage Report
on page 390.

Using a Pathway to Preview and Triage your

The Preview/Triage pathway helps you to easily preview and triage your evidence.

To get started with a triage case, the pathway suggests three steps:

o Create a case
o Add evidence
o Apply a hash library to your case

1. On the home page in the Pathways group, click Preview/Triage.

2. The Preview / Triage page displays.
64 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. You can follow the steps for the case you have open, or you can start a new case by click-
ing Create a New Case. See  Using a Case Template to Create a Case on page 79.
4. Once you create a case, the next step is to add evidence to it. Back on the Preview/Triage
page, click Add Evidence to Your Case. The Add Evidence dialog displays.
5. Click the appropriate link and follow the instructions to perform any of the available add
evidence actions. See  Adding Evidence to a Case on page 82.
6. On the Preview/Triage page, click Apply Hash Library to Your Case. See  Adding Hash
Libraries to a Case on page 288.
7. The Apply Hash Library to Case dialog displays.

Once you have set up your case and added evidence, you can process it in a variety of ways:

l Perform hash analysis

o Hash analysis (MD5 and SHA-1)

l Perform signature analysis

o File signature analysis
CHAPTER 2  Using Pathways to Streamline Workflows 65

l Perform hash and signature analysis

o File signature analysis
o Hash analysis (MD5 and SHA-1)

l Locate Internet artifacts

o Find allocated Internet artifacts

l Locate email messages

o Find email (except lost or deleted items)

l Locate Internet artifacts and email messages

o Find email (except lost or deleted items)
o Find allocated Internet artifacts


Once you process your evidence files, you can now find information in a variety of ways.

l Select the filter options to find information by type or specific attributes:

o All pictures finds all files with image extensions
o All documents finds all files with document extensions
o All files over specified size enables you to specify a logical size value and find all files
exceeding that value
o All files by extension enables you to define specific extensions to search for

l Select the view options to see different aspects of your evidence:

o View email messages
o View Internet artifacts

After you have found the information you need, you can:

l Generate a Triage report to easily share your findings in HTML format. See Triage Report
on page 390.
66 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Custom Pathways
Custom pathways are sequences of options that can be configured to match your specific
workflow. Options in a pathway can consist of EnScript instructions, filters, and conditions.
Headers can be added to provide help information.

The topics below detail how to:

l Create a custom pathway

o Add options to the custom pathway
o Add EnScript files, filters, conditions, and help information to your current list of
o Save your pathway

l Edit and delete a custom pathway

l Create and edit a custom pathway header

Creating a Custom Pathway

To create a custom pathway:

1. In EnCase Forensic, navigate to the Pathways dropdown menu and select Create New.
The Custom Pathway dialog displays.
CHAPTER 2  Using Pathways to Streamline Workflows 67

o The left pane displays all available options (alphabetically) that can be added to a
custom pathway.

By default, this list is populated with the options found in the standard Full
Investigation and Preview/Triage pathways.
Options can be created by calling EnScript files, pre-configured filters,
EnPacks, conditions, and header help files.

o The right pane displays the options currently included in your new custom path-
o To add options to your custom pathway, select an item from the left pane and click
o To remove options from your custom pathway, select an item from the right pane
and click Remove.
o Use the Up and Down buttons to rearrange options in the custom pathway you are
building. You can arrange options in a pathway in any order.

2. To add a new option to the Options list, click Add Option. The Add Pathway Option dis-

o Enter a descriptive name in the Option Name field.

o Click the Browse ellipses button in the Option Path field to open a file browser, then
navigate to the existing EnScript, EnPack, condition, filter, or help file that you want
to use for this option.
o When done, click OK.

The new option displays in the left pane of the Custom Pathways dialog.
To delete a custom option, right click on the option and select Delete.

3. When you finish building your custom pathway, click Save As. The Save Custom Pathway
dialog displays.
68 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

4. Give the pathway a title and click OK to save it.

Once saved, the pathway displays in both the Pathways dropdown menu and on the home

To access a custom pathway:

1. Click Pathways, then click the name of the custom pathway you created.
2. The pathways you created display as links. Action links require a case to be open for them
to be active; if no case is open, the links are not clickable. Action link types are:
o EnScripts (*.EnScript)
o EnPacks (*.EnScript)
o Conditions (*.EnCondition)
o Filters (*.EnFilter)

Note that:

l Pathway Help Files (*.txt) are not action links.

l Create a New Case is always available.
l Determine the Time Zone of the Evidence is only available if a case is open and there is
evidence in the case that has not been processed.
l Search Index is only available if the evidence has been processed with indexing turned

Modifying a Custom Pathway

You can edit and delete custom pathways.

To edit a custom pathway:

1. In EnCase Forensic, navigate to the Pathways drop down menu and select Edit/Delete
Pathway > Edit Pathway.
CHAPTER 2  Using Pathways to Streamline Workflows 69

o If only one pathway exists, the pathway displays in the edit dialog.
o If multiple pathways exist, the Select Custom Pathway dialog displays.

o Select the pathway you want to edit.

o The Up and Down buttons change the order in which the pathways are displayed.

2. When done, click OK. The Custom Pathway dialog displays the custom pathway you have
3. Modify your custom pathway as desired.
4. When done, click Save As to create a new pathway with your updated changes, or click
Save to save the changes to your original pathway.

Your new custom pathway now displays in the Pathways dropdown menu and in the
Pathways area of the home page.

To delete a custom pathway:

1. In EnCase Forensic, navigate to the Pathways drop down menu and select Edit/Delete
Pathway > Delete Pathway. The Select Custom Pathway dialog displays.
2. Select the pathway you want to delete and click Delete.
o A dialog displays confirming you want to delete this pathway. Click Yes.
70 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o After you confirm, the Delete Pathway dialog remains open so you can delete addi-
tional pathways if desired. When you finish deleting pathways, click Close.

Deleted pathways no longer display on the home page or the Pathways menu.

Using Custom Pathway Headers

Custom pathway headers enable you to embed helpful information within the workflow of
your pathway. This provides structure as well as helpful text.

The header name is displayed in the workflow. When you click the ? icon next to the name, the
associated help file displays in a popup dialog.

Pathway headers are .txt files which can be added in the same way as other options.

To create a custom pathway header:

1. From the Pathway Options list, click Add Option. The Add Pathway Option displays.

o Enter a descriptive name in the Option Name field.

o Click the Browse ellipses button in the Option Path field to open a file browser, then
navigate to the existing help .txt file that you want to use.
CHAPTER 2  Using Pathways to Streamline Workflows 71

o When done, click OK.

The new option displays in the left pane of the Custom Pathways dialog.
To delete a custom option, right click on the option and select Delete.

The header name displays within the structure of the pathway. When you click the ? icon next
to the name, the associated help file displays in a popup dialog.

To create a header file:

Header files are .txt files that can contain some basic formatting.

A sample template is installed at <EnCase Install Path>\Template\Pathway\Custom

Pathway Header Template.txt.
72 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The formatting of this template creates a help dialog that looks like this:
CHAPTER 2  Using Pathways to Streamline Workflows 73
74 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Overview 77

Launching EnCase 77

Using a Case Template to Create a Case 79

Adding Evidence to a Case 82

Case Operations 85

Case Portability 87

Case Page Logo 88

76 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 3   Working with Cases 77

This chapter describes how to use EnCase to create and start work on a case. It explains the
major components of the user interface, and how to use them to take full advantage of
EnCase features.

The chapter's purpose is to get you started with EnCase case creation. This chapter:

l Explains how to use the main features of this digital forensic tool.
l Describes the structure used to gather and process case evidence.
l Guides you through the initial stages of case creation.
l Introduces you to the basics of using case templates.
l Describes the process of adding evidence to a case and setting case options.
l Shows how to work with cases.
l Describes the case portability feature.

In EnCase, a case is stored in a folder, with subfolders for case-specific information such as tags
and search results. The case folder and the components contained within that folder directly
associate the investigative work you perform with the evidence. As a result, the case folder
should not be directly opened or modified.

Launching EnCase
When you launch EnCase, the Home page displays.
78 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The Home page, like all EnCase pages, consists of several sections, each with a specific set of
functions. In descending order, they are:

Displays below the title bar and provides

dropdown menus to major areas of
functionality. The menus and their
Application Toolbar
selections remain static throughout your
investigation. Later sections in this chapter
describe them in more detail.

Displays a page that groups a portion of

EnCase functions, similar to tabs in
Tabs Internet browsers. When you open
EnCase for the first time, only the Home
tab displays.
CHAPTER 3   Working with Cases 79

Contains menus and buttons specific to

the selected tab. Includes back and
Tab Toolbar forward arrows, which function the same
as in browsers, and options that allow you
to resize the panel.

Displays content according to the tab you

are viewing. On the Home page, the page
body consists of a label that identifies the
Page Body product, the case, and available functions.
Sections identify categories of EnCase
components with links to the features and
actions available within each category.

Using a Case Template to Create a Case

After installing and configuring EnCase, you can create a new case with an EnCase supplied
case template. Following are instructions for creating a new case with a case template. After
you create a case, most of the EnCase features and their navigation paths become available.
You begin creating a case under the FILE category of the Home tab.

To create a new case:

1. Click New Case beneath the CASE FILE category on the Home tab.
2. The Case Options dialog displays. Use this dialog to select a case template and name the
3. In the figure below, the #1 Basic template is selected.
4. Enter a case Name, then click OK.
80 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Case Options Settings

l Name: A text string you enter to identify the case file. A case is a folder containing many
components, such as folders for temporary directories, tags, and search results. The
name specified in this field is used to name the case folder, as well as components con-
tained in that folder.
l Full case path: The folder where the case file is stored. This path is determined by the
Base case folder, followed by a subfolder with the case name.
l Base case folder: The location where the above case folder is created. By default, EnCase
uses a folder beneath your My Documents folder.
l Use base case folder for primary evidence cache: Check this box if you want to use the
base case folder specified above for the case's primary evidence cache. If you select this
option, the Primary evidence cache folder field is disabled.
l Primary evidence cache: EnCase Version 8 uses cache files to speed up application
responsiveness, enhance stability, and provide scalability across large data sets. The
primary evidence cache folder is where EnCase saves and/or accesses these files. You can
create cache files in advance through the Evidence Processor, and you can point to the
folder that contains this cache data. Although there is an evidence cache for each device
in a case, the evidence cache does not need to be stored with the evidence files. If cache
CHAPTER 3   Working with Cases 81

files were not created for a device, they are stored in this folder when the Evidence Pro-
cessor is run.
l Secondary evidence cache: EnCase allows you to specify a secondary location for a pre-
viously created evidence cache. This allows you to specify a folder on a network share or
other location to store cache files. Unlike the primary evidence cache folder, EnCase reads
previously created files from this location only. Evidence caches which do not exist in the
Secondary folder are stored in the Primary folder. Previously existing evidence caches in
the Secondary folder continue to be stored in the Secondary folder.
l Backup every 30 minutes: Click the checkbox to set up backups at 30 minute intervals.
Click the up/down arrows on the Maximum case backup size (GB) field to set the max-
imum case backup size.
l Backup location: The folder where case backup data is stored.
l Case information: Case information items are user configurable name-value pairs that
document information about the current case. Primarily, you use this user definable
information to insert into a Report. To create case information items, click the New but-
ton on the toolbar. To edit case information items, select an item and click the Edit but-
ton on the toolbar.

Click OK to apply the case options. The Home tab then displays a page for this particular case
with the case name at the top. This case page lists hyperlinks to many common EnCase
features and you can use it as the control center for this case. You are now ready to begin
building your case.

Case Templates
When you create a new case, EnCase displays a list of available templates. These are
.CaseTemplate files. EnCase supplies several predefined templates, using the pound sign
(#) as a prefix. Their names display in this box along with any saved templates.

Click a name from the case Templates list to select it.

82 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Although you can configure a new case using the blank template (None), Guidance Software
recommends using a template, as it simplifies the case creation process. Each case template
contains a uniquely configured set of the following elements:

l Case Info items with default values

l Bookmark folders and notes
l Tags
l Report templates
l User-defined report styles

You can also create your own templates by saving any case as a template. Afterwards, the new
template displays in the Templates list and is available for future use. If you intend to create a
number of cases with a similar structure, save one of them as a template and use it to generate
the other cases. You can share case templates with other users by sending them the case
template file.

Adding Evidence to a Case

Once a case is created, you can add evidence to it by selecting the Add Evidence hyperlink on
the case page, or by selecting the Add Evidence dropdown menu from the application toolbar.

If you click the Add Evidence link on the Case page, the page changes to one like that shown
below. At any time, you can use the back or forward buttons to help navigate through the
different Home tab pages.
CHAPTER 3   Working with Cases 83

The Add Evidence menu contains these selections and a selection to open the Evidence
Processor. For more information, see the Evidence Processor Overview.

The following evidence selections are available:

l Add Local Device: Initiates the process of adding a local device attached directly to your
local computer. This can be the main system drive, a device attached through a Tableau
write blocker, any other device connected to an internal bus connection, floppy drives,
optical media, card readers, or any device connected to a USB port.
l Add Network Preview: Select one of two acquisition options: Add SAFE Network Pre-
view or Add Direct Network Preview.
l Add Evidence File: Specifies an evidence file to add to the active case. This can be an
EnCase Evidence file (E01 or Ex01), Logical Evidence file (L01 or Lx01), VMWare (vmdk), Vir-
tual PC file (vhd), or SafeBack (*.001) file.
l Add Raw Image: Adds a raw or dd image file of a physical device to the active case.
l Add Crossover Preview: Crossover cable acquisitions require both a subject and exam-
iner machine. This type of acquisition also negates the need for a hardware write blocker.
It may be desirable in situations where physical access to the subject machine's internal
media is difficult or is not practical. This selection is the recommended method for acquir-
ing laptops and exotic RAID arrays.
l Process Evidence: Allows automated processing of case evidence across a wide selection
of parameters. This option is available only when one or more evidence items are added
to the case.
The Evidence Processor includes features such as:
84 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o Analyzing file signatures. See  Analyzing File Signatures on page 138.

o Creating an index of the case evidence data. See  Creating an Index on page 148.
o Searching for email threads and conversations. See  Finding Email on page 139.
o Searching Internet artifacts. See  Finding Internet Artifacts on page 139.

There are additional options for acquiring mobile devices under Acquire Smartphone:

l Acquire from Device: Opens the Acquisition Wizard, which detects the mobile device you
have plugged in to your computer and walks you through the acquisition process.
l Acquire from File: Opens the Import Wizard, which allows you to import a backup file
from a mobile device.
l Acquire from Cloud: Opens the Cloud Data Import Wizard, which allows you to pull data
from Facebook, Google, or Twitter, provided you have authentication tokens, or the
user's account credentials.

See  Overview on page 123 for more information on evidence processing.

Setting Individual Case Options

Case Options are specific to individual cases. You select case options from the case Home page
by clicking Case > Options or by selecting Options from the Case dropdown menu.
CHAPTER 3   Working with Cases 85

To configure case options, change the following options:

l Primary evidence cache: Use the browse button to change this folder to use the Primary
evidence cache folder. This selection is disabled if you checked Use base case folder for
primary evidence cache when first creating the case.
l Secondary evidence cache: If your case requires a second cache, use the browse button
to change this folder to use the Secondary evidence cache folder.

To add or edit case information items, click the appropriate button on the Case information

l Split Mode: Selects alternate views of the case information items.

l Edit: Edits case information items. Click the cell in the case information table whose
information you want to change, then click Edit and modify the information.
l New: Adds a new blank row to the case information table at the current cursor position.
l Delete: Deletes case information items. Select the row to delete, then click Delete.

You cannot change the Name or the Full case path; these exist for informational purposes

Case Operations
Use the Case menu and the Case selections on the Case Home page to work with the
parameters of and perform actions on your case.

The Case Selections table below shows a list of basic operations for working with a case. Use
the menu items on the Case menu and the links beneath the Case section on the Case panel
for these operations.

Case Selections
Saves the current case file. The default file extension for a case file is Case. The
default extension for a backup case file is cbak.

Save As Saves the case as an EnCase template to use with new cases. The file
Template... extension for a case template is CaseTemplate.

Packages a case to share with other users or environments.

Case Creates a backup of the current case. Alternately, it allows you to specify a
Backup different case file or a case backup location.
86 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Options... Edits the case options for the active case.

Displays the Hash Libraries dialog, which provides a list of hash libraries and
hash sets used in the current case. Allows you to change libraries or enable
and disable hash libraries and sets.

Close Closes the active case file.

Opens an existing case file. Note that you can have more than one case file
active at a time.

Opens the Case Options dialog so you can create a new case file.

Changing the Evidence Path if the Evidence File is Moved

If you try to open a case where one or more of the evidence file locations has changed, a
prompt displays indicating the evidence path could not be found.

Click OK. You can then reassociate the evidence to the new location when you drill into the
evidence or view the evidence for the first time. Saving the case after that commits the change.

Alternatively, you can use the Update Paths button:

1. On the Evidence tab, click the checkbox for the evidence file where you want to change
the path, then click Update Paths.
2. In the Update Paths dialog, choose an existing path from the dropdown menu.
3. In the New Path field, enter or browse to the new path.

4. Click OK.
CHAPTER 3   Working with Cases 87

Case Portability
The Case Package option offers a convenient way of sharing entire cases among users, or
porting a case to a different computer or environment.

An EnCase package can contain the entire contents of a case, including the evidence and cache
files, or a subset of case-related items. You decide which case items to include when saving a
case package.

To save a case as a package:

1. On the Home page, click Case > Create Package. The Create Package dialog displays.

2. The Create Package dialog offers several options for including case-related material in an
EnCase case package:
o The default Copy option (shown above) includes only the Required Items for the
case file and the Primary Evidence Cache.
o If you click the Archive option, all Packaged Items are automatically checked.
Although you gain the advantage of packaging all evidence files and the secondary
evidence cache, the package size can be extremely large.
o If you click the Customize option, in the list of Packaged Items you can manually
check any combination of packaged items you want to include in the case package.

3. Save the case package to a folder. Either use the default folder path or click the browse
button to navigate to a different folder.
88 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Case Page Logo

You can change the logo that is displayed on the right side of the Case page. From the right
hamburger menu, select Change Case Page Logo. Navigate to your desired image and change
the display size if desired.

Overview 91

Case Backup Dashboard 91

Settings and Options 92

Backing up a New Case 93

Viewing Case Backup Options 94

Creating a Scheduled Backup 94

Creating a Custom Backup 94

Deleting a Backup 95

Changing Case Backup Settings 95

Specifying a Case File 96

Specifying a Backup Location 97

Restoring a Case from Backup 97

90 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 4   Case Backup 91

This chapter describes how to back up your cases and their related items, and how to restore a
case from backup.

Case Backup Dashboard

The key interface for interacting with all backups for a particular case is the case backup
dashboard. For each case backup, the dashboard displays:

l Name
l Created
l Size
l Custom Name (if available)
l Comment (if available)

The dashboard shows a list of all available case backups and sorts them by the following types:

l Custom: This is a user created backup where you can provide a custom name and com-
ments. Custom backups are retained until explicitly deleted.
l Scheduled: A scheduled backup is created when you open a new case or schedule a
backup manually using the Create Scheduled option.
l Daily: Every scheduled backup that is closest to that day's local midnight time is copied
and stored as a daily backup.
l Weekly: Every daily backup that is closest to that week's Sunday local midnight time is
copied and stored as a weekly backup.
92 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Monthly: Every daily backup that is closest to that month's first day at local midnight
time of the next month is copied and stored as a monthly backup.

By default, the database stores a maximum of:

l 48 scheduled backups
l Seven daily backups
l Five weekly backups

Monthly backups are kept until the maximum size allowed is exceeded. The oldest monthly
backups are deleted to stay under the maximum size allowed.

You can access the dashboard in three ways from the Case Backup option in the Case
dropdown menu:

l Use Current Case: Uses the backup location from the currently open and active case.
l Specify Case File: Reads from and uses the backup location from an unopened case file
through an open file dialog.
l Specify Backup Location: Uses the backup location specified by the user through a folder

Depending on how you access the dashboard, you can:

l Create a scheduled backup.

l Create a custom backup.
l Restore a case from backup.
l Delete one or more backups.
l Change case backup settings.

Settings and Options

Case backup settings are case-specific and stored in the case file itself. These settings are
configurable at the time of case creation. Case backup dialogs contain:

l A checkbox to enable/disable backup every 30 minutes.

l A maximum amount of disk space (in GB) text box.
l A backup folder location text box.

When you create a new case, you can:

l Enable or disable backup every 30 minutes. The default is Enabled.

l Set the maximum case backup size (GB). The default is 50.
CHAPTER 4   Case Backup 93

l Specify the backup folder location. The default is User Directory\CaseBackup.

The last backup folder location, maximum amount of disk space, and enable/disable backup
are saved in the global settings and automatically populated when you create a new case.

When you first create a case, these constraints are checked:

l If you create a case with backup disabled, a dialog asks if you are sure you want to disable
backup for this case.
l A warning displays if the backup location is not a valid path.
l Choosing a backup and case folder on the same drive letter displays a warning asking if
you are sure you want to back up the case on the same drive as the case.
l Choosing a backup and evidence cache folder on the same drive letter displays a warning
asking if you are sure you want to back up the case on the same drive as the evidence
Note: It is good practice to have your backup in a different location from your
current data.

Automatic Backup
Since backups can take a significant amount of time, they occur in a background thread,
allowing you to continue with your work.

Automated backup every 30 minutes:

l Can be canceled at any time by double clicking the thread.

l Stops if the case is closed.
l If interrupted, continues at a later time, resuming where it left off.
l Stops if the Evidence Processor is running. This is because Evidence Processor creates and
modifies a significant amount of data which is eventually backed up. Backing up files as
they are being modified is not possible or desirable.
l Does not run if the Evidence Processor is already running.
l Disables the automated backup timer while running.

Backing up a New Case

To configure backup for a new case:

1. On the home page, click New Case.

2. The Options dialog displays. Enter needed information in the Name and location and
Evidence cache locations areas.
3. Specify the backup settings you want.
94 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o Select or clear the Backup every 30 minutes checkbox. The box is selected by
o Enter a Maximum case backup size (GB). The default is 50.
o Enter or browse to the Backup location.

4. Click OK.

Viewing Case Backup Options

After creating the case, you can view case backup settings in the case options dialog. Click Case
> Options to view backup settings and other information.

To modify case backup options, click Case > Case Backup > Use Current Case. For more
information, see  Changing Case Backup Settings on the facing page.

Creating a Scheduled Backup

1. Click Case > Case Backup > Use Current Case. The dashboard displays.
2. Click Create Scheduled.
3. The Create Scheduled Backup dialog displays.
4. Click OK. The Created Scheduled Backup progress bar displays.
5. After the backup is scheduled, the Create Scheduled Backup dialog closes.

Creating a Custom Backup

Use custom backup to provide a custom name for the backup and to add optional comments.

To create a custom backup:

1. Click Case > Case Backup > Use Current Case. The dashboard displays.
2. Click Create Custom.
CHAPTER 4   Case Backup 95

3. The Create Custom Backup dialog displays.

4. Enter a custom name and, if desired, a comment, then click OK.

5. To verify the custom backup was created, click the Custom folder in the Backups dir-

Deleting a Backup
To delete a backup:

1. Go to the dashboard using any of the options in the Case > Case Backup dropdown
menu. In the Backups directory, open the folder containing the backup you want to
2. Blue check the backup or backups you want to delete, then click Delete.
3. A warning message displays.
4. To continue, click OK. The selected backups are deleted.

Changing Case Backup Settings

To change case backup settings:

1. Click Case > Case Backup > Use Current Case.

2. On the dashboard, click Change Settings.
3. The Change Case Backup Settings dialog displays.
96 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

4. You can:
o Enable or disable backup every 30 minutes.
o Set the Maximum case backup size (GB). If you enter a size below the current case
backup size, monthly backups are deleted to get below the new value. If not enough
monthly backups are deleted, scheduled backup no longer occurs.
o Designate the backup location. Changing the backup location enables the Do not
import existing backups checkbox, giving you the option not to migrate existing
backups to the new location.

5. Make the changes you want, then click OK.

Specifying a Case File

Use Specify Case File to select and open a case other than the current case.
CHAPTER 4   Case Backup 97

1. Click Case > Case Backup > Specify Case File. The Open File dialog displays.
2. Select the case file you want, then click Open. The dashboard displays for the case file you

Specifying a Backup Location

To specify a backup location:

1. Click Case > Case Backup > Specify Backup Location. The Browse for Folder: Case Backup
Location dialog displays.
2. Navigate to the location you want for the backup, then click OK.

Restoring a Case from Backup

Restoring from backup restores these types of data:

l Case file
l Everything in the case folder, except:
o Export folder
o Temp folder
o Evidence files (.E01, .L01, .Ex01, and .Lx01)

l Primary evidence cache (only those evidence caches referenced in the case)
l Secondary evidence cache (only those evidence caches referenced in the case)
l Dates, times, and sizes for all files
98 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

To restore from backup:

1. Open EnCase.
2. At the top left of the screen, click Case > Case Backup > Specify Backup Location.
3. Browse to the folder containing the backups, then click OK.
4. Select the case name in the left pane and click OK.
5. In the dashboard, select the folder in the Backups directory containing the backup you
want to restore.
6. Blue check a single backup, then click Restore.

7. The Restore Backup dialog displays. Click either Restore to original case locations
(default) or Restore to new locations, then click Next.
CHAPTER 4   Case Backup 99

o If you click Restore to original case locations, the Name, Location, and Full case
path fields populate automatically and you cannot edit them. All other options are
o If you click Restore to new locations, the Name, Location, and Full case paths fields
populate and you cannot edit them. However, all other options are enabled, and
you can change any of them.

8. When you are done, click Finish.

Note: You cannot restore into the currently open case.
100 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Overview 103

Sources of Acquisitions 103

Canceling an Acquisition 104

Types of Evidence Files 104

Verifying Evidence Files 106

Acquiring a Local Drive 106

Audit Drive Space 107

Acquiring Device Configuration Overlays (DCO) and Host

Protected Areas (HPA) 107

Using a Write Blocker 108

Acquiring a Disk Running in Direct ATA Mode 109

Acquiring Disk Configurations 110

Acquiring Other Types of Supported Evidence Files 115

CD-DVD Inspector File Support 115

Acquiring a DriveSpace Volume 116

Reacquiring Evidence 116

Adding Raw Image Files 117

Restoring a Drive 118

102 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 5   Acquiring Devices and Evidence 103

With EnCase, you can directly process and analyze storage device and evidence file previews
with some limitations; however, if you want to use all of EnCase's processing and analysis
features, you need to perform a storage device or evidence file acquisition and save the
evidence in a standard format.

With EnCase, you can reacquire and translate raw evidence files into EnCase evidence files that
include CRC block checks, hash values, compression, and encryption. You can also add EnCase
evidence files created in other cases. EnCase can read from and write to current or legacy
EnCase evidence files and EnCase logical evidence files.

With the LinEn utility, you can perform disk-to-disk acquisitions, and when you couple LinEn
with EnCase, you can perform network crossover acquisitions.

This chapter provides detailed information about all types of EnCase acquisitions.

Sources of Acquisitions
EnCase can acquire the following sources:

l Previewed memory or local devices such as hard drives, memory cards, or flash drives.
Note: It is not uncommon on live systems to have the on disk image of a file system
to differ from its current state. In this event, Guidance Software recommends you
flush the operating system disk cache using the Sync command.

l Evidence files supported by EnCase, including current EnCase evidence files (.Ex01), cur-
rent logical evidence files (.Lx01), legacy EnCase evidence files (.E01), legacy logical evid-
ence files (.L01).
l DD images, SafeBack images, VMware files (.vmdk), or Virtual PC files (.vhd). You can use
these to create legacy EnCase evidence files and legacy logical evidence files, or you can
reacquire them as EnCase .Ex01 or .Lx01 format, adding encryption, new hashing options,
and improved compression.
l Single files dragged and dropped onto the EnCase user interface. These include ISO files,
which create .L01 or .Lx01 logical evidence files.
l Mobile Devices, using the Acquire from Device selection in the Acquire Mobile menu.
l Mobile backup files, using the Acquire from File selection in the Acquire Mobile menu.
l Network crossover using LinEn and EnCase to create .E01 files or .L01 files. This strategy is
useful when you want to preview a device without disassembling the host computer. This
104 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

is usually the case for a laptop, a machine running a RAID, or a machine running a device
with no available supporting controller.

Sources for acquisitions outside EnCase include:

l LinEn for disk-to-disk acquisitions that do not require a hardware write blocker.
l WinEn for acquiring physical memory from a live Windows computer.
l Tableau Forensic Duplicators (TD1, TD2, and TD3).

Canceling an Acquisition
You can cancel an acquisition while it is running. After canceling, you can restart the

To cancel an acquisition while it is running:

1. At the bottom right corner of the main window, double click the Thread Status line. The
Thread Status dialog displays.
2. Click Yes. The acquisition is canceled. You can restart it at a later time.

You can also cancel remote acquisitions using the Remote Acquisition Monitor.
See Monitoring a Remote Acquisition on page 1.

Types of Evidence Files

EnCase Forensic supports the following evidence file types:

l EnCase evidence files (.E01 or .Ex01)

l Logical evidence files (.L01 or .Lx01)
l Raw Image files
l Single files

EnCase Evidence Files

The .Ex01 evidence file format supports LZ compression, AES256 encryption with keypairs or
passwords, and options for MD5 hashing, SHA-1 hashing, or both. The .Ex01 evidence file
format is not compatible with legacy versions of EnCase.
CHAPTER 5   Acquiring Devices and Evidence 105

Legacy EnCase evidence files (.E01) are a byte-for-byte representation of a physical device or
logical volume. You can create and save logical evidence files in the .L01 format in order to be
compatible with legacy versions of EnCase (versions prior to EnCase 7). The .E01 format can be
password protected.

EnCase evidence files provide forensic-level metadata, the device-level hash value, and the
content of an acquired device.

Drag and drop an .E01 or .Ex01 file anywhere in the EnCase interface to add it to the currently
opened case.

Logical Evidence Files

Logical evidence files can be saved in the .Lx01 file format. The .Lx01 file format supports LZ
compression and options for MD5 hashing, SHA-1 hashing, or both.

Legacy logical evidence files (.L01) are created from previews, existing evidence files, or mobile
device acquisitions. These are typically created after an analysis locates some files of interest.
For forensic reasons, they are kept in a forensic container. Encryption is not available for legacy
logical evidence files. You can create and save logical evidence files in the .L01 format in order
to be compatible with legacy versions of EnCase (versions prior to EnCase 7).

When an .L01 or .Lx01 file is verified, the stored hash value is compared to the entry's current
hash value.

l If the hash of the current content does not match the stored hash value, the hash is fol-
lowed by an asterisk (*).
l If no content for the entry was stored upon file creation, but a hash was stored, the hash
is not compared to the empty file hash.
l If no hash value was stored for the entry upon file creation, no comparison is done, and a
new hash value does not populate.

Raw Image Files

Raw image files are a dump of the device or volume. There are no hash comparisons or CRC
checks. Therefore, raw image files are not as forensically sound as EnCase image files. Although
the files are not in EnCase format, EnCase supports a number of popular formats.

Before you can acquire raw image files, you must add them to a case. Raw image files are
converted to EnCase evidence files during the acquisition process, adding CRC checks and hash
values if selected.
106 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Single Files
To add folders and single files to a case, either drag and drop them onto the EnCase interface
using Windows Explorer, or using the Edit Single Files dialog. Once you add a file or folder to a
case, the evidence page displays an item in the table for Single Files. Files and folders display in
a tree structure subordinate to Single Files when displayed in the Entries view.

Note: If you encounter difficulty adding single files from a mapped drive, try
dragging and dropping the file from the UNC path.

Verifying Evidence Files

Verify Evidence Files checks CRC values of selected files. It is a way to ensure that evidence is
not tampered with. Verified CRC information is written out to a log file. From the Evidence tab,
you can check the CRC Errors tab in the bottom pane and bookmark any sectors that contain

To perform an Evidence File verification:

1. Acquire the evidence files.

2. Add the evidence files to your case.
3. Click Tools > Verify Evidence Files.
4. The Verify Evidence Files dialog displays.
5. Select one or more evidence files, then click Open. During verification, a progress bar dis-
plays in the lower right corner of the window.

Acquiring a Local Drive

Before you begin, verify that the local drive to be acquired was added to the case.

1. To protect the local machine from changing the contents of the drive while its content is
being acquired, use a write blocker. See  Using a Write Blocker on page 108.
2. Verify that the device being acquired shows in the Tree pane or the Table pane as write
CHAPTER 5   Acquiring Devices and Evidence 107

Acquiring Non-local Drives

The LinEn utility acquires non-local drives by performing a network crossover acquisition.
When you use the LinEn utility to acquire a disk through a disk-to-disk acquisition, you must
add the resulting EnCase evidence file to the case using the Add Device wizard.

Audit Drive Space

To determine the amount of disk space available on a device, you can audit the space usage on
that device.

To audit drive space:

1. On the home page in the Pathways group, click Full Investigation.

2. In the Let's get started group, click Audit Drive Space. The Audit Drive Space dialog dis-

3. Enter a bookmark folder name or accept the default, then click OK.

To view audit results:

1. Click on View > Bookmarks from the main menu.

2. Bookmarks display in the tree pane.
3. Click the Audit Drive Space Results bookmarks entry to display audit details in the table

Acquiring Device Configuration Overlays (DCO)

and Host Protected Areas (HPA)
EnCase applications can detect and image DCO and/or HPA areas on any ATA-6 or higher-level
disk drive. These areas are detected using LinEn (Linux) or a Tableau write blocker. EnCase
applications running in Windows with a hardware write blocker do not detect DCOs or HPAs.

This applies to EnCase applications using:

108 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Tableau
l LinEn when the Linux distribution used supports Direct ATA mode

The application shows if a DCO area exists in addition to the HPA area on a target drive.

HPA is a special area located at the end of a disk. It is usually configured so the casual observer
cannot see it, and so it can be accessed only by reconfiguring the disk. HPA and DCO are
extremely similar: the difference is the SET_MAX_ADDRESS bit setting that allows recovery of a
removed HPA at reboot. When supported, EnCase applications see both areas if they coexist
on a hard drive.

Note: If you choose to remove a DCO, it will make a permanent change to the drive
controller of the device.

Using a Write Blocker

Write blockers prevent inadvertent or intentional writes to an evidence disk. Their use is
described in the following sections:

l  Windows-based Acquisitions with Tableau and FastBloc Write Blockers below

l  Acquiring in Windows using FastBloc SE on the facing page
l  Acquiring in Windows without a Tableau or FastBloc Write Blocker on the facing page

Windows-based Acquisitions with Tableau and FastBloc

Write Blockers
The following write blockers are supported in EnCase:

l Tableau T35es
l Tableau T35es-RW
l Tableau T4
l Tableau T6es
l Tableau T8-R2
l Tableau T9
l FastBloc FE
l FastBloc 2 FE v1
l FastBloc 2 FE v2
l FastBloc LE
l FastBloc 2 LE
l FastBloc 3 FE
CHAPTER 5   Acquiring Devices and Evidence 109

Computer investigations require a fast, reliable means to acquire digital evidence. These are
hardware write blocking devices that enable the safe acquisition of subject media in Windows
to an EnCase evidence file. Before write blockers were developed, non-invasive acquisitions
were exclusively conducted in cumbersome command line environments.

The hardware versions of these write blockers are not standalone products. When attached to
a computer and a subject hard drive, a write blocker provides investigators with the ability to
quickly and safely preview or acquire data in a Windows environment. The units are
lightweight, self-contained, and portable for easy field acquisitions, with on-site verification
immediately following the acquisition.

Support for Tableau write blocker devices enables EnCase to:

l Identify a device connected through the Tableau device as write blocked.

l Access the Host Protected Area (HPA) and access, via removing, the Device Configuration
Overlay (DCO) area of a drive using the Tableau device.
Note: EnCase does not support access of DCO areas via EnScript. By default, HPA
is automatically disabled on the device.

Acquiring in Windows using FastBloc SE

Guidance Software includes the FastBloc SE module with EnCase. This is a software write
blocker that can be applied to devices connected by USB, FireWire, or SCSI interfaces. For
more information, see  FastBloc SE on page 743.

Acquiring in Windows without a Tableau or FastBloc Write

Never acquire hard drives in Windows without a write blocker because Windows writes to any
local hard drive visible to it. Windows will, for example, put a Recycle Bin file on every hard
drive that it detects and will also change Last Accessed date and time stamps for those drives.

Media that Windows cannot write to are safe to acquire from within Windows, such as CD-
ROMs, write protected floppy diskettes, and write protected USB thumb drives.

Acquiring a Disk Running in Direct ATA Mode

If the Linux distribution supports the ATA mode, you will see a Mode option. You must set the
mode before acquiring the disk. An ATA disk can be acquired via the drive-to-drive method.
The ATA mode is useful for cases when the evidence drive has a Host Protected Area (HPA) or
110 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Drive Control Overlay (DCO). Only Direct ATA Mode can review and acquire these areas.

Ensure LinEn is configured as described in  LinEn Setup Under SUSE on page 622, autofs is
disabled (cleared), and Linux is running in Direct ATA Mode.

1. If the FAT32 storage partition to be acquired is not mounted, mount it.

2. Navigate to the folder where LinEn resides and enter ./linen in the console.
3. The LinEn main screen displays.
4. Select Mode, then select Direct ATA Mode. You can now acquire the disk running in ATA
5. Continue the drive-to-drive acquisition.

Acquiring Disk Configurations

Guidance Software uses the term disk configuration instead of RAID. A software disk
configuration is controlled by the operating system software (or LVM software), whereas a
controller card controls a hardware disk configuration. In a software disk configuration,
information pertinent to the layout of the partitions across the disks is located in the registry
or at the end of the disk, depending on the operating system. In a hardware disk
configuration, it is stored in the BIOS of the controller card. With each of these methods, you
can create six disk configuration types:

l Spanned
l Mirrored
l Striped
l RAID-5
l RAID-10
l Basic

Software RAID
EnCase applications support these software RAIDs:
CHAPTER 5   Acquiring Devices and Evidence 111

l Windows NT: See  Windows NT Software Disk Configurations below.

l Windows 2000: See  Dynamic Disk on page 113.
l Windows XP: See  Dynamic Disk on page 113.
l Windows 2003 Servers: See  Dynamic Disk on page 113.
l Windows Vista: See  Dynamic Disk on page 113.
l Windows Server 2008: See  Dynamic Disk on page 113.
l Windows Server 2008R2: See  Dynamic Disk on page 113.
l Windows 7: See  Dynamic Disk on page 113.
l Windows 8: See  Dynamic Disk on page 113.

RAID-10 arrays require at least four drives, implemented as a striped array of RAID-1 arrays.

Hardware Disk Configuration

Hardware disk configurations can be acquired:

l As one drive.
l As separate drives.

Windows NT Software Disk Configurations

In a Windows NT file system, you can use the operating system to create different types of disk
configurations across multiple drives. The possible disk configurations are:

l Spanned
l Mirrored
l Striped
l RAID 5
l Basic

The information detailing the types of partitions and the specific layout across multiple disks is
contained in the registry of the operating system. EnCase applications can read this registry
information and resolve the configuration based on the key. The application can then virtually
mount the software disk configuration in the EnCase case.

There are two ways to obtain the registry key:

l Acquiring the drive

l Backing up the drive
112 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Acquire the drive containing the operating system. It is likely that this drive is part of the disk
configuration set, but in the event it is not—such as the disk configuration being used for
storage purposes only—acquire the OS drive and add it to the case along with the disk
configuration set drives.

To make a backup disk on the subject machine, use Windows Disk Manager and select Backup
from the Partition option.

This creates a backup disk of the disk configuration information, placing the backup on a CD or
DVD. You can then copy the file into EnCase using the Single Files option, or you can acquire
the CD or DVD and add it to the case. The case must have the disk configuration set drives
added to it as well. This process works only if you are working with a restored clone of a
subject computer. It is also possible a registry backup disk is at the location.

In the EnCase Evidence tab:

1. Select the device containing the registry or the backup disk and all devices which are
members of the RAID.
2. Click the Open button to go to the Entry view of the Evidence tab.
3. Select the disk containing the registry, then click the dropdown menu on the upper right
menu of the Evidence tab.
4. Select Device, then select Scan Disk Configuration.

At this point, the application attempts to build the virtual devices using information from the
registry key.

Support for EXT4 Linux Software RAID Arrays

EnCase Forensic Imager provides the ability to parse EXT4 Linux Software RAID arrays (for
Ubuntu version 9.1 and version 10.04), using the Scan for LVM option in the Device dropdown

These configurations are supported:

l RAID 1 (mirror)
l RAID 10
Note: EnCase Forensic Imager does not support partial reconstruction of RAIDs.
After parsing, all RAID devices must have full descriptors or the process will fail.
CHAPTER 5   Acquiring Devices and Evidence 113

Dynamic Disk
Dynamic Disk is a disk configuration available in Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003
Server, Windows Vista, Windows 2008 Server, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 2008
Server R2. The information pertinent to building the configuration resides at the end of the
disk rather than in a registry key. Therefore, each physical disk in this configuration contains
the information necessary to reconstruct the original setup. EnCase applications read the
Dynamic Disk partition structure and resolve the configurations based on the information

To rebuild a Dynamic Disk configuration:

1. Add the physical devices involved in the set to the case.

2. In the Evidence tab, select the devices involved in the Dynamic Disk.
3. Click the Open button on the menu bar to change to the Entries view of the Evidence tab.
4. Select the devices, then click the dropdown menu at the top right of the Evidence tab.
5. Select Device and choose Scan Disk Configuration.

If the resulting disk configurations seem incorrect, you can manually edit them:

1. Return to the highest Evidence view of the Evidence tab.

2. Select the Disk Configuration option.
3. Click the dropdown menu from the top right corner of the Evidence tab.
4. Select Edit Disk Configuration.

Disk Configuration Set Acquired as One Drive

Unlike software disk configurations, those controlled by hardware contain necessary
configuration information in the card’s BIOS. Because the disk configuration is controlled by
hardware, EnCase cannot reconstruct the configurations from the physical disks. However,
since the pertinent information to rebuild the set is contained within the controller, the
computer (with the controller card) actually sees a hardware disk configuration as one (virtual)
drive, regardless of whether the set consists of two or more drives. Therefore, if the
investigator acquires the set in its native environment, the disk configuration can be acquired
as one drive, which is the easiest option. The best method for performing such an acquisition
is to conduct a crossover network cable acquisition.

Note: The LinEn boot disk for the subject computer needs to have Linux drivers for
that particular RAID controller card.
114 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

To acquire the set:

1. Keep the disk configuration intact in its native environment.

2. Boot the subject computer with a Live Linux Boot Disk containing the LinEn utility and
configured with the drivers for the RAID controller card.
3. Launch the LinEn utility.
Note: The BIOS interprets the disk configuration as one drive, so EnCase
applications will as well. The investigator sees the disk configuration as one drive.

4. Acquire the disk configuration as you normally acquire a single hard drive, depending on
the means of acquisition. Crossover network cable or drive-to-drive acquisition is straight-
forward, as long as the set is acquired as one drive.

If the physical drives were acquired separately, or could not be acquired in the native
environment, EnCase applications can edit the hardware set manually.

Disk Configurations Acquired as Separate Drives

Sometimes acquiring the hardware disk configuration as one drive is not possible, or the
method of assembling a software disk configuration seems incorrect. Editing a disk
configuration requires this information:

l Stripe size
l Start sector
l Length per physical disk
l Whether the striping is right handed

You can collect this data from the BIOS of the controller card for a hardware set, or from the
registry for software sets.

When a RAID-5 consists of three or more disks and one disk is missing or bad, the application
can still rebuild the virtual disk using parity information from the other disks in the
configuration, which is detected automatically during the reconstruction of hardware disk
configurations using the Scan Disk Configuration command.

When rebuilding a RAID from the first two disks, results from validating parity are meaningless,
because you create the parity to build the missing disk.

To acquire a disk configuration set as one disk:

CHAPTER 5   Acquiring Devices and Evidence 115

1. Add the evidence files to one case.

2. On the Evidence tab, click the gear icon in the far right corner to display a dropdown
menu, then click Create Disk Configuration.
3. The Disk Configuration dialog displays. Enter a name for your disk configuration. Click the
appropriate disk configuration.
4. Right click the empty space under Component Devices and click New.
5. Enter the start sector and size of the selected disk configuration, select the drive image
which belongs as the first element of the RAID, then click OK.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each additional element drive of the RAID in order.
7. Back at the main Disk Configuration screen, set the Stripe Size, select whether this is a
Physical Disk Image, and whether it uses Right-Handed Striping.
8. Once you are sure the settings and order of the drives is correct, click OK. EnCase will gen-
erate a new item in your Evidence tab containing the RAID rebuilt to your specifications.
You can acquire this new Disk Configuration to an EnCase Evidence file and process in the
EnCase Evidence Processor just like a physical drive.

Acquiring Other Types of Supported Evidence

In addition to the native EnCase file formats, *.Ex01, *.E01, *.Lx01, and *.L01, EnCase supports
SafeBack files (*.001), VMware files (*.vmdk), and Virtual PC files (*.vhd) directly. To add any of
these types of evidence files:

1. Select Add Evidence File from the Add Evidence view of the Home tab, or click the Add
Evidence dropdown menu while in the Evidence tab and select Add Evidence File.
2. The Add Evidence File Dialog displays. Use the dropdown menu at the bottom right
corner of the dialog to change to the appropriate file extension for your evidence or
choose the All Evidence Files option.
3. Navigate to the location of your evidence and select the first file of the evidence set as
you would for EnCase evidence files, then click Open.

CD-DVD Inspector File Support

EnCase applications support viewing files created using CD/DVD Inspector, a third-party
product. Treat these files as single files when adding them, as zip files, or as composite files
when using the file viewer. Drag single files into the application.
116 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Acquiring a DriveSpace Volume

DriveSpace volumes are only recognized as such after they are acquired and mounted into a
case. On the storage computer, mount the DriveSpace file as a volume, then acquire it again to
see the directory structure and files.

To acquire a DriveSpace volume:

1. A FAT16 partition must exist on the examiner machine where you will Copy/Unerase the
DriveSpace volume. You can create a FAT16 partition only with a FAT16 operating system
(such as Windows 95).
2. Run FDISK to create a partition, then exit, reboot, and format the FAT16 partition using
3. Image the DriveSpace volume.
4. Add the evidence file to a new case and search for a file named DBLSPACE.000 or
5. Right click the file and copy/unerase it to the FAT16 partition on the storage computer.
6. In Windows 98, click Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > DriveSpace.
7. Launch DriveSpace.
8. Select the FAT16 partition containing the compressed “.000” file.
9. Select Advance Mount > DRVSPACE.000, then click OK, noting the drive letter assigned to
it. The Compressed Volume File (.000) from the previous drive is now seen as folders and
files in a new logical volume.
10. Acquire this new volume.
11. Create the evidence file and add to your case. You can now view the compressed drive.

Reacquiring Evidence
When you have a raw evidence file generated outside an EnCase application, reacquiring it
results in the creation of an EnCase evidence file containing the content of the raw evidence file
and providing the opportunity to hash the evidence, add case metadata, and CRC block

You can move EnCase evidence files into a case even if they were acquired elsewhere. Make
sure all segments of the evidence file set are in the same folder. Using Windows Explorer,
navigate to the location of the EnCase evidence files. Drag the first file of the set onto the open
instance of EnCase and the remaining files will automatically be added, reassembling the
evidence in your new case.
CHAPTER 5   Acquiring Devices and Evidence 117

You may also want to reacquire an existing EnCase evidence file to change the compression
settings or the file segment size.

Reacquiring Evidence Files

Start by adding the evidence file(s) to your case as previously described. You can reacquire
evidence either from the Evidence tab or through the Evidence processor. To reacquire in the
Evidence tab:

1. Select the items you want to reacquire.

2. Click the Open button to change to the Entries view of the Evidence tab.
3. Highlight the item you want to reacquire, click Acquire on the top menu, and select
Acquire from the dropdown menu.
4. Complete the Acquire Device dialog as you would for previewed evidence.
5. You can repeat steps 3 and 4 for each device or volume you want to reacquire.

Retaining the GUID During Evidence Reacquisition

In the previous version of EnCase, the globally unique identifier (GUID) assigned to the
evidence changed if the evidence was reacquired. EnCase now provides an option that retains
the GUID when evidence is reacquired. To retain the GUID, select the Keep GUID checkbox that
displays in the Advanced tab of the Acquire Device dialog. To open the Acquire Device dialog,
select the device for acquisition in the Evidence Processor.

Adding Raw Image Files

Reacquiring raw evidence files like DD images or CD-ROM .iso files embeds the file containing
the image of the device contents in an EnCase evidence file adding case metadata, CRC block
checks and, optionally, the hash value of that image.

To acquire a raw evidence file:

1. In the Add Evidence dropdown menu, click Add Raw Image.

2. The Add Raw Image dialog opens.
118 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. Drag and drop the raw images to be acquired. The raw images to be added are listed in
the Component Files list. For DD images or other raw images consisting of more than one
segment, the segments must all be added in their exact order from first to last.
4. Click the Generate true GUID checkbox for EnCase to generate a unique GUID if a match
is found.
5. Accept the defaults in the Add Raw Image dialog or change them as desired, then click
6. A Disk Image object displays in the Evidence tab.
7. You can reacquire this image as you would any other supported evidence or previewed

Restoring a Drive
The following steps describe how to restore a drive.

Note: Before you begin, you first need to add evidence to the case.
CHAPTER 5   Acquiring Devices and Evidence 119

1. From the EnCase top toolbar, select the Evidence option from the View dropdown.
2. In the Table view, click the evidence file with the device you want to restore.
3. From the Device dropdown on the Evidence tab menu, select Restore. The Restore dialog
4. Click Next to collect local hard drives.
5. In the Local Devices list, click the drive you want to restore.
6. Click Next. The Drives dialog displays.
7. Select options for wiping and verification.
8. Click Finish.
9. A dialog displays asking you to verify the local drive selection. To verify you are restoring
to the correct drive enter Yes, then click OK.

The bar in the lower right corner of the screen tracks the progress of the restore.
120 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Overview 123

Running Evidence Processor Options Incrementally 127

Conducting a Network Preview without a SAFE 129

Evidence Processor Prioritization 133

Evidence Processor Settings 134

Recovering Folders 135

Analyzing Protected Files 135

Analyzing Hashes 136

Analyzing Entropy Values 136

Analyzing File Signatures 138

Expanding Compound Files 138

Finding Email 139

Finding Internet Artifacts 139

Searching With Keywords 143

Creating an Index 148

Creating Thumbnails 153

Running EnScript Modules 153

Result Set Processing 162

EnScript Application UI 165

Processor Manager 166

Acquiring and Processing Live Previews 191

122 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 123

This chapter provides detailed information on the Evidence Processor, which processes
evidence files in a large production environment. As a standalone product, the Evidence
Processor is referred to as the EnCase Processor, which, aside from some licensing and set up
differences (EnCase Processor-specific dongle), functions in exactly the same way as the
Evidence Processor. Rather than installing separate instances of EnCase to perform processing
only on multiple machines, you can install separate EnCase Processors and dongles instead for
a fraction of the cost of a full EnCase license. For information on installing the EnCase
Processor, see Installing and Configuring EnCase. All references to the Evidence Processor
apply to EnCase Processor.

The Evidence Processor lets you run, in a single automated session, a collection of potent
analytic tools against your case data. It can optimize the order and combinations of processing
operations while running this multi-threaded process.

The Evidence Processor runs unattended. As it works in the background, you can continue to
work with your case. The output of the Evidence Processor is stored on disk rather than
memory for each device, so you can process multiple devices across several computers
simultaneously. You can then bring all evidence back together into a case with no commingling
of evidence data. By storing cache files on disk, you can scale to much larger data sets. As you
reopen cases, you do not need to wait for data to resolve.

Run the Evidence Processor after you:

1. Review your evidence.

2. Add your evidence to a case.
3. Validate the data for browsing.
4. Set the time zones.

If you worked with a previous version of EnCase, you can continue to work cases using the
methodology you developed for that previous version.

The Evidence Processor provides these features:

l Acquiring devices directly from the Evidence Processor.

l Processing a local without first acquiring a device.
l Saving sets of Evidence Processor options as templates. You can run these later with min-
imal modification.
l Guiding you through the use of each setting with embedded assistance.
124 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Processing results automatically from any current EnScript module according to the cur-
rent processor settings (Index, Keyword search, etc.).
l Rerunning previously created options on updated data when additional evidence
becomes available.

The Evidence Processor also includes these functions:

l Folder recovery
l Hash analysis
l Compound file expansion
l Email search
l Internet artifact search
l Keyword search
l Index creation (not available for local previews)
l EnScript Module execution:
o Parsing system information
o Instant messaging
o File carving
o OtherEnScript modules

The Evidence Processor also provides options to run:

l File signature analysis (not available for local previews)

l Protected file analysis

Before you use the Evidence Processor, consider the following:

l Your case must contain evidence to process.

l The device you want to process is properly configured and ready.
o RAID and LVM configurations are included.
o Whole-disk encryption is removed.
o Hidden partitions are added.

l If you are previewing a local or network device, you can run most Evidence Processor
options before you acquire it. Text indexing is not available from a preview. To run all Evid-
ence Processor options, you must acquire the device.
l Guidance Software recommends installing 64-bit EnCase whenever possible. Large files
may cause the 32-bit version of EnCase Evidence Processor to run out of memory.
l Confirm that time zone settings are configured properly. Note that if no time zone is set
for the evidence, EnCase uses the time zone setting of the examiner workstation. For
more information, see  Configuring Time Zone Settings on page 46.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 125

After you add evidence to your case and configure the time zone settings:

1. Acquire the evidence. For more information, see  Acquiring with the Evidence Processor
on page 1.
2. Select the evidence you want to run through the Evidence Processor.

The lower left pane of the Evidence Processor window contains a table with these elements:

l A toolbar for managing Evidence Processor tasks and modules.

l A list of Evidence Processor tasks you can run. This includes a collection of EnScript mod-
l A checkbox that allows you to enable or disable each processing task.

Use this pane for choosing tasks and configuring settings. The Evidence Processor retains
previously run settings.

File and edit settings for the Evidence Processor selections pane are located in its toolbar.

Setting Description
Change the display format of the options pane.

Edit Edit the options for a selected task in the window.

Save the current selection of settings as an Evidence Processor template.

Load a saved template to run against the current data.

Select the checkboxes for these default options:

l Recover folders

l File signature analysis

l Protected file analysis

l Thumbnail creation
l Hash analysis

l Expand compound links

l Find email

l Index text and metadata

Options Perform actions such as printing the results and changing the layout of the
menu Evidence Processor panes.

To select an option, select its checkbox in the Enabled column.

126 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l If a task name is listed in blue, click the name to begin configuring the task.
l If a task name is listed in black, no further configuration options are available for that

Setting Description
Split Mode Change the display format of the options pane.

Edit Edit the options for a selected task in the window.

Save the current selection of settings as an Evidence Processor template.

Load a saved template to run against the current data.

Select the checkboxes for these default options:

l Recover folders
l File signature analysis
l Protected file analysis
Use Defaults l Thumbnail creation
l Hash analysis
l Expand compound links
l Find email
l Index text and metadata

Hamburger Perform actions such as printing the results and changing the layout of the
menu Evidence Processor panes.

To select an option, select its checkbox in the Enabled column.

l If a task name is listed in blue, click the name to begin configuring the task.
l If a task name is listed in black, no further configuration options are available for that
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 127

Running Evidence Processor Options

You can add options in the Evidence Processor as you continue an investigation. For example,
you may want to run certain options in the beginning, such as file signature and hash analysis,
then later add other options, such as parsing compound files. You can select additional
options on subsequent Evidence Processor runs; however, you cannot remove previously run

When you select Process for an already processed item, the right pane of the EnCase
Processor Options dialog displays previous processing settings.

You can run modules over and over again with different settings each time. The results of each
run are added to the case.

Clicking an option displays information about that option in the right pane.
128 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Clicking an option with a lock icon displays the settings for that option.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 129

Conducting a Network Preview without a SAFE

Direct Network Preview enables you to create agents and installers and conduct a network
preview of an endpoint without using a SAFE.

Note: Direct Network Preview allows only one connection at a time.

Creating Direct Agents

To create a direct network preview agent:

1. Click Tools > Create Direct Agent.

2. The Logon dialog displays. Select the public key you want to insert into the agent, then
click Next.
Note: If the desired public key does not display, right click in the dialog and select
Change Root Path, then browse to the location containing the public key you
want to use.
130 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. The next Logon dialog displays.

CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 131

4. In the Agent List area, select the operating systems you want to create agents for.
5. Select drop installers, if desired.
6. Enter an output path or browse to the destination folder you want to use.
7. Click Finish. A status bar displays indicating the progress of the agent creation. When
agent creation is complete, the dialog closes.

Adding a Direct Network Preview Device

To add a direct network preview device:

1. Click Add Evidence > Add Network Preview > Add Direct Network Preview.
2. The Logon dialog displays.
132 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. Select the key you used to create the agents, enter the password, then click Next. The
Add Direct Network Preview dialog displays.
Note: If the desired public key does not display, right click in the dialog and select
Change Root Path, then browse to the location containing the public key you
want to use.

o Get all physical memory enables the acquisition of the target's RAM.
o Get all process memory breaks up the memory usage by process. Process memory
is what the process currently has stored in RAM.

4. Enter an IP address or machine name and select a port number, then click Next.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 133

5. Select the device you want to add to the evidence image table, then click Finish.

Evidence Processor Prioritization

The Evidence Processor enables you to process a subset of the evidence and begin examining
it while the Evidence Processor continues to process the remaining evidence.

1. Select evidence to process. The EnCase Processor Options dialog displays.

2. Click the Prioritization option. The Processing Prioritization dialog displays.
3. Click the checkboxes (Documents, Pictures, or Items within these dates) for the items
you want to have priority in processing. You can select more than one checkbox. Check-
ing Items within these dates enables the Minimum Date and Maximum Date fields. You
can enter dates and times manually or use the calendar (for dates). If you want to change
a time, edit it manually.
4. If you want to process only the types of items you selected, instead of all evidence in the
evidence image, click the Process only prioritized items checkbox.
Note: If you select Process only prioritized items, you cannot run any
Evidence Processor modules.

5. When you are finished, click OK. The EnCase Processor Options dialog right pane reflects
the prioritization selections you made.
134 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

6. Click OK to begin processing the evidence.

Evidence Processor Settings

The Evidence Processor employs lock mechanisms that prevent you from configuring it in ways
that create inconsistent states of evidence. These mechanisms allow flexibility when initially
processing and reprocessing evidence. 

The Evidence Processor also gives you the following options to designate only that evidence
which you specifically want processed:

l During first time processing you can turn File Signature Analysis on or off. The default is
Note: If you disable File Signature Analysis, after processing, images will not display
in Gallery view.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 135

l While reprocessing evidence:

o You can turn Keyword Search on or off.
o You can turn on Recover Folders if it was previously turned off.

Recovering Folders
Running the Recover Folders task on FAT partitions searches through the unallocated clusters
of a specific FAT partition for the “dot, double-dot” signature of a deleted folder. When the
signature matches, EnCase can rebuild files and folders that were in the deleted folder.

This task can recover NTFS files and folders from Unallocated Clusters and continue to parse
through the current Master File Table (MFT) artifacts for files without parent folders. This
operation is particularly useful when a drive was reformatted or the MFT is corrupted.
Recovered files are placed in the gray Recovered Folders virtual folder in the root of the NTFS


When you turn on the Recover folder structure of NTFS 3.0 files option, a heuristical
algorithm attempts to reconstruct the original folder structure of recovered folders from an
NTFS 3.0 operating system. If there are many recovered folders, this algorithm can take a long
time to complete. When this option is off, all found recovered folders are grouped together,
without a tree structure.

Analyzing Protected Files

Encrypted and password-protected files are identified, since you may need further
investigation to process these files. The Evidence Processor's protected file analysis uses
Passware's toolkit to identify the protected files. The strength of protection is stored so that
you can first try to decrypt weaker passwords before applying them to more complex

Because this process requires significant processing resources, process time may be
unacceptably long. If this process is not critical for your analysis, you can disable it.

Note: New encryption products and uncommon encryption products may not be
136 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Analyzing Hashes
A hash is a digital fingerprint of a file or collection of data, commonly represented as a string of
binary data written in hexadecimal notation. In EnCase, it is the result of a hash function run
against any mounted drive, partition, file, or chunk of data. The most common uses for hashes
are to:

l Identify when a chunk of data changes, which often indicates evidence tampering.
l Verify that data has not changed, in which case the hash should be the same both before
and after verification.
l Compare a hash value against a library of known good and bad hashes, seeking a match.

The Evidence Processor's hash analysis setting allows you to create MD5 and SHA-1 hash
values for files, so you can use them later for the reasons described above. When you click the
Hash Analysis hyperlinked name, the Edit Settings dialog displays, allowing you to check
whether to run either or both of these hashing algorithms.

Analyzing Entropy Values

EnCase calculates entropy values for files. Entropy values show the degree of randomness of
bytes in a file. These values can identify files that may be similar, and allow you to see files
grouped according to their entropy values. Entropy values can assist you in finding encrypted
or compressed files.

Entropy values range from 0 to 8. Values at the lower end of the range reflect less randomness;
values at the higher end reflect greater randomness. Entropy values generated by EnCase are
displayed in a column in Table view. Each entropy value consists of eight digits, for example

Entropy analysis can be performed on an entire evidence set using Evidence Processor or on
selected files by running Hash\Sig Selected.

To obtain entropy values with Evidence Processor:

1. From the Process Evidence dropdown menu, select Process.

2. The EnCase Processor Options dialog displays. Click Hash analysis. The Edit hash analysis
options dialog displays.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 137

3. Click the Entropy checkbox and click OK.

4. When evidence processing completes, open the Evidence view and drill into the evid-

To obtain entropy values for selected files and folders:

1. Check the folders containing the files for which you want to generate entropy values,
then right-click on a selected item to display the context menu. Select Entries > Hash\Sig
2. The Hash\Sig Selected dialog displays.

o MD5 generates MD5 hash values for the selected files.

138 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o SHA1 generates SHA1 hash values for the selected files.

o Hash analysis compares the hash values of selected files against hashes in your lib-
o Entropy creates entropy values for the selected files.
o Verify file signatures performs file signature analysis on the selected files.

3. Click the Entropy checkbox and click OK.

4. You must leave Evidence view and reopen it to see the results in the Entropy column.
5. Table view displays resulting entropy values. Entropy numbers are highlighted to assist
you in determining their significance in the result set.
o If entropy equals 2, two numbers highlight in gray.
o If entropy equals 5, five numbers highlight in gray.
o If entropy equals 7, seven numbers highlight in gray.
o If entropy equals 8, the entire entropy value is highlighted.

Analyzing File Signatures

A common technique for masking data is to rename a file and change its extension. For
example, image files might be renamed so they look like dynamic-link library files. Signature
analysis verifies file type by comparing the file headers, or signature, with the file extension.

File extensions are the characters following the dot in a file name (for example, signature.txt).
They indicate the file's data type. For example, a .txt extension indicates a text file, and a .bmp
extension indicates a bitmap image file. Standardized file types have unique signature-
extension associations. For example, BM is the file signature for all .bmp files.

The signature analysis process flags all files with signature-extension mismatches according to
its File Types tables. To view the Evidence Processor File Types table, click the View menu of
the Home page and select File Types. For more information, see  Adding and Modifying File
Signature Associations on page 265. Signature analysis is always enabled so that it can support
other Evidence Processor operations.

Expanding Compound Files

Use this setting to expand archive files, including .zip and .rar files.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 139

For archive files, EnCase extracts the compressed or archived files and processes them
according to the other Evidence Processor settings you chose. This includes nested archive
files or zip files within a zip file. Note that EnCase handles compound document types like
Microsoft Office Word separately.

Finding Email
Select this setting to extract individual messages and attachments from email archives. Find
Email supports the following email types:

l PST (Microsoft Outlook)

l NSF (Lotus Notes)
l DBX (Microsoft Outlook Express)
l EDB (Microsoft Exchange)
l EMLX (Macintosh OS X)
Note: EnCase blocks MBOX files from displaying in the Doc tab.

This setting prepares email archives for the use of email threading and related EnCase email
functionality during case analysis.

To select which email archive types to search:

1. Click Find Email.

2. Click the email archive file types whose messages you want to examine, and click OK.

After processing completes, EnCase can analyze the messages and component files extracted
from the email archives, according to the other Evidence Processor settings you selected.


When EnCase finds an attachment to an email message, it displays an attachment paper clip
icon on top of the message icon. However, when email systems append a plain text version of
the email together with the HTML/rich text version (this text is called an "alternate body"),
EnCase displays a standard email icon. This occurs only when the alternate body is the only
attachment to the email message.

Finding Internet Artifacts

Choose this Evidence Processor setting to find Internet-related artifacts, such as browser
histories and cached web pages. The only setting that you can configure for Find Internet
Artifacts is whether to search within unallocated space.
140 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Currently, six browsers and two types of Internet history are supported. They are:

l Internet Explorer: History and cache

l Macintosh Internet Explorer: History and cache
l Safari:  History and cache
l Firefox: History and cache
l Opera: History and cache
l Google Chrome:
o History: A list of websites recently visited. This typically consists of websites, usage,
and time related data.
o Cookies: A list of recent authentication and session data for sites with persistent
usage. This typically consists of website, expiration times, and site specific cookie
o Cache: A list of recently cached files.
o Downloads: A list of recently downloaded files. This typically consists of websites,
file names, location, size, and date.
o Keyword Search: A list of recent keyword searches. This typically consists of search
terms and the search result page.
o Login Data: A list of login data. This typically consists of websites, username, pass-
word, and SSL information.
o Top Sites: A list of top websites. This typically consists of website information, rank,
thumbnails, and redirect information.

Note: EnCase does not provide the ability to recover Google Chrome Internet
artifacts from unallocated clusters.

Note: The difference between a regular search and a search of unallocated is that
keywords are added internally and marked with a special tag indicating that it is for
Internet history searching only.

Firefox Artifacts
As an enhancement to the Search for Internet history function, EnCase parses Firefox artifacts
stored in a SQLite database and displays them in the Artifacts tab.

The types of Firefox 3 artifacts parsed are:

l Cookies
l Downloads
l History
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 141

l Bookmarks
l Form data
Note: The Artifacts tab of an Internet history search for Mozilla Firefox artifacts
displays Frecency and Rev Host Name columns.

"Frecency" is a valid word used by Mozilla. Do not mistake it for "frequency." For more
information, see the Mozilla developer center article at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-

The value displayed in the Frecency column is the score Mozilla gives to each URL. It includes
how frequently a person visits the site and how recently the user visits the site. EnCase
displays this value as it is stored in the places.sqlite file.

Mozilla stores a URL's host name in reverse. EnCase displays it as such in the Rev Host Name

Safari Artifacts

Safari Versions 5 and 6 store Internet artifacts as:

l Cookies: stored as binary files.

l Cache: stored in a SQLite database.
Note: Safari Version 6 stores some fields in binary plist format.

This browser software identifies artifacts using the Find Internet Artifacts module. 


Safari uses a binary file to store cookies called "Cookies.binarycookies" with a "cook" file
signature, using a proprietary format from Apple, NSHTTPCookieStorage.

Available fields include:

l URL Name
l URL Host
142 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Expiration Date
l Resource Path
l Content Identifier
l Created Date
l Title/Name


Safari uses a SQLite database to store cache (Cache.db).  Every database version can be
detected with cfurl_cache_schema_version. Some Safari Version 10 and 12 fields are stored as
binary plist files.

Available fields include:

l Version
l Safari Hash Value
l Storage Policy
l URL Name
l URL Host
l Request Object
l Last Modification Time
l Response Object
l Accept Ranges
l Cache Control
l Connection
l Creation Date
l Content Length
l Content Type
l Internet Artifact Type
l Expiration
l Server
l Vary
l Browser Type
l Message Size
l Via
l Requesting URL
l Referrer
l Origin
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 143

Searching With Keywords

Keywords are text strings or search expressions created to find matching text within entries in
a body of evidence. A search expression can be a GREP expression, containing variables, and it
can be flagged to be case sensitive, a whole word search, or other options. You can also
associate a particular codepage to use with a keyword. Codepages are alphabet sets of a
variety of Latin and non-Latin character sets such as Arabic, Cyrillic, and Thai.

Note that if you are searching for a number and an application stores the number in a different
format, EnCase will not find it. For example, in Excel, if a Social Security number is entered
without dashes as 612029229, Excel stores it in double precision 64-bit format as

Often, examiners have ready-made lists of keywords to use in their searches. You may also
want to add additional keywords to use in your searches.

You can create and run keyword searches in several ways:

l With the Evidence Processor

o Keyword searches created and conducted with the Evidence Processor are stored
with the device’s evidence cache files and can be used with any number of cases.
o Keyword searches not initiated from the Evidence Processor are stored with the case
and are case specific.

l By clicking Raw Search All on the Evidence Tab when viewing evidence. This is the best
way to search through raw, non-indexed data.
l By clicking Raw Search when viewing entries.
o The targeted search only acts on items selected in the current view.
o To run a targeted search against two or more devices in your case, click Open in the
Evidence tab and select additional devices.

Wherever you access it, the Keyword list displays a list of existing keywords in the case:
144 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Select Search entry slack to include file slack in the keyword search.
l Use initialized size enables you to search a file as the operating system displays it, rather
than searching its full logical size.
o In NTFS file systems, applications are allowed to reserve disk space for future oper-
ations. The application sets the logical size of the file larger than currently necessary
to allow for expected future expansion, while setting the Initialized Size smaller so
that it only needs to parse a smaller amount of data. This enables the file to load
o If a file has an initialized size less than the logical size, the OS shows the data area
between the initialized size and logical size as zeros. In actuality, this area of the file
may contain remnants of previous files, similar to file slack. By default, EnCase dis-
plays, searches, and exports the area past the initialized size as it appears on the
disk, not as the OS displays it. This enables you to find file remnants in this area.
o Select Initialized Size to see a file as its application sees it and the OS displays it.
o Note that when a file is hashed in EnCase, the initialized size is used. This means that
the entire logical file is hashed, but the area past the initialized size is set to zeros.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 145

Since this is how a normal application sees the file, this enables users to verify file
hashes with another utility that reads the file via the OS.

l Select Undelete entries before searching to undelete deleted files before they are
searched for keywords.
l Select Skip contents for known files to only search the slack areas of known files iden-
tified by a hash library.
l Add Keyword List opens a dialog where you can enter a list of words and assign certain
properties to them as a group.  See  Creating a New Keyword List on page 147.
l Double click a keyword, or click Edit, to open the keyword so you can modify its prop-
l Highlight a keyword and click Delete to remove it from the list.
l If a path box displays at the top of the dialog, that path and name is where the search is

Adding a New Keyword

1. Select any option from the Raw Search menu to open the Raw Search dialog, which
shows keyword lists.
2. In the Keyword toolbar, click New. The New Keyword dialog displays.

3. Enter the search expression and name, and select the desired options:
146 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o Search Expression is the actual text being searched. Use a character map to create a
non-English search string if your keyboard is not mapped to the appropriate non-Eng-
lish key mapping.
o Name is the search expression name listed in the folder.
o ANSI Latin - 1 searches documents using the ANSI Latin - 1 code page.
o UTF-8 meets the requirements of byte-oriented and ASCII-based systems. UTF-8 is
defined by the Unicode Standard. Each character is represented in UTF-8 as a
sequence of up to four bytes, where the first byte indicates the number of bytes to fol-
low in a multi-byte sequence.
Note: UTF-8 is commonly used in Internet and web transmission.
o UTF-7 encodes the full BMP repertoire using only octets with the high-order bit clear
(7 bit US-ASCII values, [US-ASCII]). It is deemed a mail-safe encoding.
Note: UTF-7 is mostly obsolete, and is used when searching older Internet content.
o Unicode: select if you are searching a Unicode encoded file. Unicode uses 16 bits to
represent each character. Unicode on Intel-based PCs is referred to as Little Endian.
The Unicode option searches the keywords that display in Unicode format only. For
more details on Unicode, see http://www.unicode.org.
Note: The Unicode standard attempts to provide a unique encoding number for
every character, regardless of platform, computer program, or language.
o Unicode Big-endian: select if you are investigating a big-endian Unicode operating sys-
tem (such as a Motorola-based Macintosh). Big-endian Unicode uses the non-Intel
data formatting scheme. Big- endian operating systems address data by the most sig-
nificant numbers first.
o GREP uses GREP syntax (displayed on the right) for the search.
o Case Sensitive searches the keyword only in the exact case specified.
o Whole Word searches for whole keywords only.

4. Open the Code Page tab to change the code page to use a different character set.
5. To test a search string against a known file, click the Keyword Tester tab.
o Locate a test file containing the search string, enter the address into the Test Data
field, and click Load. The test file is searched and displays in the lower tab of the Key-
word Tester form.
o Hits are highlighted in both Text view and Hex view.

5. When you finish, click OK.

CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 147

Creating a New Keyword List

When accessing the Keyword list from the Evidence tab by clicking Raw Search All, or when
selecting options for a Keyword search, you have the option to create a keyword list.

1. From either location, from the New Keyword dialog click Add Keyword List. The Add Key-
word List dialog displays.

2. Add the keywords you want to use, one per line.

3. Select options to apply to all keywords from the checkboxes on the left. Individual words
can have their options modified separately by editing them in the New Keyword dialog.
4. When you finish, click OK. The list populates the Keyword list and is saved in the path
defined at the top of that dialog.

Searching for Keywords in Process Memory

1. Click Add Evidence > Add Local Device. The Add Local Device dialog displays.
2. Select Enable Process Memory and click Next.
3. Select the process you want to search for keywords, and click Finish.
Note: Do not use Raw Search All for process memory searches because if the
process is very large (for example, 8 TB) the keyword search takes a very long time.

4. Drill down in the process and select the Memory entry in the Table pane, then use Raw
Search Selected to search for keywords.
148 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Note: Because of the time it takes to search for 64-bit processes, Guidance Software
recommends not searching through Unused Disk Area.

Creating an Index
Using the Evidence Processor to index your data enables you to search across all types of
information and view results in email, files, mobile devices, and any other processed data in
one search results view. All files, emails, and module output can be indexed, including EnScript
modules such as the System Info Parser.

Generating an index can take time. Once generated, however, searching content becomes
nearly instantaneous. Guidance Software recommends always indexing your case data.

Indexing Text in Slack and Unallocated Space

You can index text in file slack and unallocated space by selecting the Index slack and
unallocated option when processing evidence.

l File slack: the area between the end of a file and the end of the last cluster used by that
l Unallocated space: the sectors not associated with an allocated file: the free space of a
disk or volume.
o Unallocated space consists of either unwritten-to sectors or previously written-to
sectors that no longer have historical attribution data associated with them. All
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 149

these sectors are aggregated into Unallocated Clusters.

o Unallocated Clusters are then divided into multiple sections, and these sections are
indexed with shared metadata. If a word at the end of one section of text spans to
another section of text, that word is skipped and not included in the indexed sec-
tions of text.
o Sectors not assigned to any partition fall under Unused Disk Area. The Evidence Pro-
cessor handles these sectors and Unallocated Clusters similarly.

To index slack and unallocated space:

1. From the Evidence tab, select the evidence you want to process and select Process Evid-
ence > Process from the menu bar. The EnCase Processor Options dialog displays.
2. Select the Index text and metadata checkbox to enable indexing, then click the Index text
and metadata link. The Edit dialog displays.

3. Select Index slack and unallocated.

4. Click OK.
150 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Setting Word Delimiters for Indexing

Add Word Delimiters to Search Index
You can add word delimiters to your search index in addition to the default delimiters used
with each language analyzer. Word delimiters are used to identify breaks between words in
indexed data. Each Language analyzer has one or more standard delimiters it uses by default.
There is no need to enter a delimiter if the language you are indexing uses that delimiter by

The indexing engine in EnCase Forensic uses the following delimiters for all analyzers by
default. There is no need to add a delimiter if it is in this list.


To add word delimiters for indexing:

1. From the Evidence tab, select the evidence you want to process, then select Process Evid-
ence > Process from the menu bar of the Evidence tab. The EnCase Processor Options dia-
log displays.
2. Click the Index text and metadata link to display the Edit Index text and metadata dialog.
3. Enter one or more word delimiters without spaces in the text box.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 151

4. Click OK.

Once your evidence is processed, all data will be indexed with the default word delimiters for
the language analyzer as well as any additional delimiters added during processing. Any
additional word delimiters entered during processing can be viewed by right-clicking on Index
text and metadata link in the EnCase Processor Options dialog. The table that displays lists all
current processing options.

Selecting a Language Index

EnCase Forensic uses language analyzers to index words for specific languages. Multiple
analyzers can be chosen.

The English language analyzer is selected by default. It is optimized for the English language
but indexes other Western languages as well.

Select other language analyzers to create an index for that language or language group. If you
need to index and search evidence in a specific language, select the corresponding language
analyzer to create a unique index for that language.
152 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

EnCase Forensic creates an index for each language you select. Indexing additional languages
increases the time it takes to process your evidence. Guidance Software recommends selecting
only the languages needed for your investigation.

You can create indexes in the following languages:

l English
l Arabic
l Brazilian Portuguese
l Bulgarian
l Chinese (Simplified)
l Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
l Danish
l Dutch
l Finnish
l French
l German
l Greek
l Hindi
l Italian
l Norwegian
l Romanian
l Russian
l Spanish
l Swedish
l Turkish

To create indexes for more than one language, or to change the default language index:

1. From the Evidence tab, select the evidence you want to process, then select Process Evid-
ence > Process from the menu bar of the Evidence tab. The EnCase Processor Options dia-
log displays.
2. Select the Index text and metadata checkbox, then click the Index text and metadata
link. The Edit dialog displays.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 153

3. Select one or more languages you want to index.

4. Click OK.

Creating Thumbnails
When you select the Thumbnail creation option, the Evidence Processor creates thumbnail
artifacts for all image files in the selected evidence. This facilitates image browsing.

Running EnScript Modules

EnCase Evidence Processor can run add-in modules (EnScript packages) during evidence
processing. Modules are listed under EnCase Processor Options > Modules. Several modules
are included with EnCase. You can also add your own EnScript packages. For examples of
custom modules, open the C:\Program Files\EnCase8\EnScript\EvidenceProcessor folder.

Note: To make a copy of your custom code and modify it while still preserving the
original, use the Save As option in the dropdown menu.

The EnScript modules included with EnCase are introduced below.

Note: You cannot modify a network tree via an EnScript.

154 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

System Info Parser

Use the System Information Parser module to identify hardware, software, and user
information from Windows and Linux computers. The module automatically detects the
operating system present on the device, then collects the specified artifacts.

Use the Standard options tab for both Windows and Linux evidence, with exceptions noted in
the user interface. They contain basic information categories for use in reports.

The Advanced tab scans for registry information on Windows devices only.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 155

When evidence processing is complete, you can also search NetShare and USB registry
information in the Artifacts tab. You can see the UNC path visit history, the history of
connected devices, and you can correlate USB devices to their drive letters.

System Info Parser Live Registry Analysis

The System Info Parser includes an option to focus on live registry in memory.

When selected, this option performs a quick sweep against registry entries only resident in
memory (versus disk), reducing time taken to analyze live machines.

Note: In the Evidence Processor System Info Parser dialog, the Live Registry
Only checkbox is cleared by default.

File Carver
The File Carver module allows you to search evidence for file fragments based on a specific set
of parameters, such as known file size and file signature. It can also examine unallocated space.
It searches for file fragments anywhere on the disk. By default, the File Carver automatically
checks file headers for file length information and uses the actual number of bytes carved. You
can set specific parameters for carving a file (file size and destination) with the File Carver
Export Settings dialog. To add an additional file type to carve for, you must add an entry with
header information and, optionally, footer information, to the File Types table.

The File Carver is not designed to handle multiple headers and footers. Any file containing
more than one header and footer may produce inconsistent results.

Running the File Carver in Evidence Processor gives you three options: you can select from
either the full File Types table, from the optimized File Types table, or from both. You can blue
check entries and choose to search selected files. The HTML files that the module carves are
adjudicated to be HTML, based on certain keywords appearing in the files.

You can export carved files to disk so they can be loaded with native applications.

Note: When there is no file length information in the header, the footer or the
default length is used. The value of 4096 bytes is the default carve size when no
footer is provided and no default length is provided in the File Types table.

Carving Images with File Carver

The File Carver uses GDI libraries to accurately carve images according to their sizes and file
types. GDI libraries identify the actual length of the file to be carved, resulting in increased
probability of carving high fidelity images.
156 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

GDI libraries handle these file types:

l .jpeg
l .ico
l .gif
l .png

File Carver does not separately carve thumbnails embedded within JPEG images.  To carve out
the thumbnails embedded in JPEG images, you must add a file type to the File Types table that
contains the same information in the JPEG Image Standard fields, with two exceptions:

l The header must read “\xFF\xD8\xFF\xDB”.

l The Unique Tag field must consist of four characters beginning with the letters “jpg” and
must not conflict with an existing unique tag.


1. Files are first identified by their file signatures, as defined in the File Types table.
2. When the File Carver module finds a header matching one of the supported image types,
it attempts to determine an image size from the GDI libraries.
3. If the GDI libraries return a size, a file of that size is carved.
4. If the GDI libraries do not return a size, File Carver carves the file using the standard


Carved files are named as follows: “<sn>_<fn>_FO-<fo>_PS-<ps>+<po>.<ext>”

l <sn>:  an incrementing serial number

l <fn>:  the name of the entry (filename)
l <fo>:  file offset where file header was found
l <ps>:  physical sector of file offset
l <po>:  offset from beginning of physical sector corresponding to file offset
l <ext>:  the first file extension associated with the found file header bytes
Note: The serial number (<sn>) ensures that the output filename of each carved file
is unique. it is an eight digit zero-filled number beginning with 00000001. Serial
numbers are created when files are exported.

The File Carver changes the output name of files carved from E01/Ex01 files so that physical
sector and physical offset values are included in the name, in addition to the file offset values
already present. This requires no configuration.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 157

Running File Carver

To process evidence with File Carver:

1. Select the Evidence tab and click the checkbox next to the evidence you want to process.
From the Process Evidence dropdown menu, click Process.
2. The Evidence Processor Current processing options screen displays. Select Modules >
File Carver. The File Carver window displays with your selected options.
3. Click OK.

A dialog displays briefly indicating the evidence processing has begun. The lower right corner of
the window displays a flashing green Processing indicator until evidence processing completes.

Windows Event Log Parser

The Windows Event Log Parser module parses and collects information pertaining to Windows
events logged into system logs, including application, system, and security logs. The module
parses .evt and .evtx files for Windows Event Logs, and also allows for processing by condition.

Conditions restrict which files to look at and what entries to parse.

l Entry condition filters which files EnCase processes, based on their entry properties.
l EVT condition restricts individual events on properties parsed from an EVT file (Event ID,
Event Type, Source, etc.).
l EVTX condition restricts individual events on properties parsed from an EVTX file (Event
ID, Process ID, Thread ID, etc.).

To enable a condition, select its checkbox. Click Edit next to the condition type to modify the

Windows Artifact Parser

The Windows Artifact Parser allows you to search for common Windows operating system
artifacts of potential forensic value and parse them through a single module. Artifacts of
interest include:

l Link files
l Recycle Bin artifacts
l MFT transaction logs

With these artifacts, you can search unallocated, all files, or selected files. Once the artifacts are
parsed, you can browse through the results in the Artifacts tab. You can also index the
artifacts so they are searchable. In addition, you can bookmark the artifacts.
158 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Unix Login
This module parses files with the names "wtmp" and "utmp," but also allows for processing by

Linux Syslog Parser

This module parses the Linux system Log files, which have different names and locations
depending on the type of Linux used.

You can process files by signature and use EnScript code to specify either entry or log event

Macintosh OS X Artifacts Parser

The EnCase Macintosh OS X Artifacts Parser gathers information from Macintosh computers.
Artifacts from Macintosh OS X versions 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8 are supported. This module
identifies artifacts typically stored in Mac OS X Property Lists (plist) or log files.

Running the Macintosh OS X parser in EnCase Evidence Processor creates a Logical Evidence
File (LEF).


l Operating System version

l Operating System installation date

l Operating System updates

o This parses the log file, creating artifacts for easy access and review.

l Software updates
o Last successful software update date
o Last attempt date
o Last result code

l Removable USB disks

o Connected USBMSC devices

l Network connections
o MAC address of wireless network
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 159

l Network configuration settings

o Network adapters
o Host and computer names
o Network services
o Network configuration
o Wireless networks
o Internet sharing
o Firewall settings

l Time zone settings

l Last user and auto-login settings
l Deleted user accounts
l Trash
o "Put Back" .DS_store analysis
o Deletion time

l iOS device information


l Recent items

l Folders visited

l Folders visited with finder

l Folders visited with the common file/folder navigation dialog

l Attached media and connected servers

l Favorite servers

Startup applications

l Saved searches
l Printing activity

Artifacts parsed are inserted into a SQLite database. Case Analyzer reports contain data for the
artifacts generated by the Macintosh OS X Artifact Parser module.


After running the Macintosh OS X Artifacts Evidence Parser, data collected is available in Case
Analyzer Macintosh reports.

The following reports are created, based on the information collected by the Macintosh OS X
Artifacts Parser:
160 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Accounts and Users

o OS X Deleted Users Report
o OS X Users Report

l Drives Removable + Local

o OS X Attached Media Report
o OS X IOS Devices Report
o OS X USB Devices Report

l Drives Shared + Network

o OS X Network File Activity Report

l File Activity > Documents

o OS X Recent Files Report

l Multimedia
o OS X Recent Files Report
o OS X Saved Searches Report

l Logins and Boots

o OS X User Session Event Report

l Network
o OS  X Network Interfaces Report

l Operating System
o OS  X Install Log Report
o OS  X System Overview Report

l Software Usage and Autorun

o OS  X Recently Used Applications Report

Double Files
Double files are artifacts created by OS X.

The HFS+ file system supports extended attributes, such as Finder attributes and the location
of a file within the Finder coordinates X and Y. They are in the Attributes tab in EnCase.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 161

When OS X writes to a file system that does not support extended attributes (for example, FAT
or exFAT), a double file is created in the same location as the actual file that is written to store
the extended attributes the HFS+ needs. So if the file is ever copied back to an HFS+ formatted
drive, the attributes are included along with the file itself.

Double files have the prefix ._

Extended attributes in HFS+ are stored in double files.

X:DateAdded indicates the time a file was added to the parent folder. For example,
X:DateAdded to the Trash folder represents the time the file was deleted.

Keychain Parsing
OS X keychains provide a secure way to store passwords, certificates, and notes. Whenever OS
X asks if you want to remember a password, it is stored in a keychain.

The user keychain is typically located in \Users\<user>\Library\Keychains.

When you are investigating a Mac:

1. Locate the keychain.

2. Click Entries > View File Structure.
3. The View File Structure dialog displays. Enter a password and click OK.
Note: If you do not know the password, there are tools (such as Passware Forensic)
that can perform keychain attacks.

Once the keychain is parsed, you can view the contents as artifacts.

If a keychain's password is known, secrets in the keychain are parsed and stored in Secure
Storage in EnCase.

For details on keychain parsing, refer to these posts in the Guidance Software blog Digital
Forensics Today:

l http://encase-forensic-blog.guidancesoftware.com/2014/04/encase-70904-extracting-
l http://encase-forensic-blog.guidancesoftware.com/2013/07/examining-mac-os-x-user-
162 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07


If credentials are parsed and stored in Secure Storage, EnCase automatically decrypts and
mounts the .dmg file.

1. View File Structure on a .dmg file: in the Entries dropdown menu, click View File Structure
and select the .dmg file.
2. The View File Structure dialog displays. Click OK. You do not need to enter a password.
3. The .dmg file mounts and its contents are decrypted.

Result Set Processing

You can process a result set from a case for specific information you want to review, instead of
running Evidence Processor for an entire device.

Processing a Result Set

1. Open the Processor Options dialog. Depending on the context, there are several
ways to do this. For example, in the Evidence tab, click Process Evidence > Process.
2. Click Result Set. The Process Result Set dialog displays.
3. Select the result set you want to process, then click OK. The EnCase Processor
Options dialog displays a table with information about the result set to be queued:
o Name
o Evidence Size
o Item Logical Size
o Item Count

This information helps you identify the size and scale of the evidence to be
processed. A result set can contain items from multiple evidence files, all of
which will be processed.

4. Click OK. EnCase begins processing the evidence.

Note: Processing modules (System Info Parser, File Carver, Windows Artifact
Parser, etc.), along with Recover Folders, do not respect result sets and therefore run
against the entire device as they normally do.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 163

Note: Because result sets can include items from multiple devices in various
processing states, locks do not display in processing options when selecting result set
processing. However, items that would normally be locked because they were
previously run on a device will still run, even if they do not have the lock item
present. In other words, once a lockable Evidence Processor option is run on a
device, all processing jobs that follow on that device will run the option, even if it is
not selected. The screenshot in Step 3 above explains that these previously
processed items are marked with asterisks, and those items will be reprocessed.

Note: Also, since locks do not display, some modules that are not supported in
certain instances will not run, even if they are selected. For example, indexing will
not run on items that come from a remote node, and Snapshot will not run on an
evidence file or a local drive.

Launching Processor Options from the Results Tab

You can open the EnCase Processor Options dialog from the Results tab. This saves time by
giving you the option to process only the evidence you want to examine.

1. In the Results tab, select the result set you want to process.
2. Right click, then click Process in the dropdown menu.
3. The EnCase Processor Options dialog displays.

Creating Result Sets in Entries and Artifacts Views

You can create a result set similar to the way you create a Logical Evidence File. The menu is
accessed from Entries or Artifacts view, as described below.

Creating a Result Set in Entries View

1. In the Tree and/or Table pane, blue check the items you want to include in the result set.
2. Right click, and in the dropdown menu click Entries > Create Results.
3. The Create Results dialog displays, showing the number of items selected that are under
the highlighted folder.

To include all blue checked items in a device, highlight the device root first before
selecting the Create Results option.
164 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

4. Enter a name for the result set, then click OK.

5. EnCase creates the result set, and it displays in the Results tab.

Creating a Result Set in Artifacts View

In Artifacts view, you can create result sets from mounted items that are not metadata only.

Some examples of data types that allow creation of result sets include:

l Email archives
l Compound files (for example, .zip files)
l Internet artifacts

Examples of data types that do not allow creation of results (because they are metadata only)

l Snapshot data
l System Info Parser results
l Windows Artifact Parser results
l Windows Event Log Parser results

To create a result set in Artifacts view:

1. In the Tree and/or Table pane, blue check the items you want to include in the result set.
2. Right click, and in the dropdown menu click Artifacts (or Entries, depending on the con-
text) > Create Results.

3. The Create Results dialog displays, showing the number of items selected.

4. Enter a name for the result set, then click OK.

5. EnCase creates the result set, which displays in the Results tab.

Overwriting the Evidence Cache

The Overwrite Evidence Cache option enables you to delete previous processing results for the
selected item and restart processing.

Note: Use this option with caution, as it will remove all processing results for the
devices selected.

1. Click the Overwrite Evidence Cache checkbox. An information message displays in

the right pane.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 165

Note: This option is enabled only when you select Current Item and the evidence
is already processed.

2. Click OK. A warning message displays, asking if you want to continue and delete pre-
viously processed output.
3. To continue, click Yes. EnCase will delete all caches related to the specified evidence
Note: When you use the Overwrite Evidence Cache option, items in the result
sets and bookmarks belonging to the device will no longer resolve to the original item
GUIDs and will become invalid. You can delete the existing result sets and
bookmarks or maintain them as a reference for manual recreation.

EnScript Application UI
There are links on the Home and Case pages for EnScripts. There is also a package details page.

Home Page
On the Home page, there is an EnScripts link in the View section.

Click the link to go to the EnScripts page. This page displays the most recently used scripts.
166 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Case Page
On the Case page, there is an EnScripts link in the Browse section.

Click the link to go to the EnScripts page.

Processor Manager
The Processor Manager allows for distribution and control of evidence processing for one or
more EnCase Examiners or EnCase Processors.

With Processor Manager, you can simplify evidence processing and acquisition by:

l Queuing evidence in the jobs list to be processed. A job is defined as evidence combined
with processor options.
l Prioritizing execution of evidence to be processed.
l Distributing the processing workload across multiple processing nodes. Any available
node picks up the next job in the queue, so the evidence is processed as quickly as pos-

You can process evidence locally or over a network.

For a table showing terms and definitions for the Processor Manager, see  Terms and
Definitions on page 173.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 167

Processor Node Installation

For installation instructions, see  Install and Configure Evidence Processor Nodes on page 51 in
the Installing and Configuring EnCase chapter of this book.

Opening the Processor Manager

To access the Processor Manager:

1. On the EnCase Examiner home page, click Processor Manager.

Note: If both EnCase Examiner and the EnCase Processor Node are installed on the
same machine, be sure to open EnCase from the EnCase Examiner shortcut. Using
the shortcut that comes with Processor Node generates errors.

2. The Processor Manager tab displays.

Adding Processor Nodes to the Processor Manager

After installation of the Processor Node, you must configure the processor nodes you want to

Adding a Local Machine to the Processor Node List

1. In the lower pane of the Processor Manager tab, click Add Local Machine.
2. The Add Local Machine dialog displays.
3. EnCase adds your local machine to the processor node list and closes the dialog.
168 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Adding a Remote Processor to the Processor Node List

1. In the lower pane of the Processor Manager tab, click Add Remote Processor.
2. The Add Remote Processor dialog displays.

3. In the Host box, enter the machine name or IP address.

4. In the Port box, enter the port number or use the up or down arrows to scroll to the port
number you want to use. The default port is 443.
Note: If you enter a name and port for an existing node, an information message
displays telling you the node is already in the list. If the node you are adding has the
same name as a node already in your list, the new node is renamed by adding "New"
to give it a unique name.

5. Click OK. The node is added to the list.

Note: If you get an error after clicking OK, the EnServer service on the Processor
Node may be stopped. Start the EnServer service and try again.

Checking Evidence Processor Settings and Jobs

Click the name of a node to see a web page displaying the processor node's configuration
settings and the contents of its job list.

You can also use a web browser from any machine that can connect to your processor node
and manually enter the processor node's URL.

Note: A warning may display in the web browser saying the site's security
certificate is not trusted. This is expected behavior, and you can click through the
message to proceed.

Configuring Processor Nodes

You can edit existing remote processor nodes to change or specify:
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 169

l The name of the processor node. The name cannot match any processor node already in
the list.
l Storage configuration (temp case files location, temp evidence files location, temp evid-
ence caches location).
l The number of maximum concurrent jobs.
l Whether to create heap dumps.
Note: You cannot edit a local machine node.

1. In the lower pane of the Processor Manager tab, select the node you want to edit, then
click Edit.
2. The Edit dialog displays. Enter your desired changes.

Note: A heap dump is a file containing a snapshot of the memory of a Windows

process that terminated abnormally. If you select the Create Heap Dumps
checkbox, when a crash occurs during processing, a heap dump is created and saved
on the processing node. You can then send the heap dump to Guidance Software for
170 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. When you are finished, click OK.

Deleting Processor Nodes

To delete a processor node:

1. In the lower pane of the Processor Manager tab, select the node you want to delete. If
you want to delete more than one node, click the checkboxes for those nodes.
2. The Delete Processor Node dialog displays.

3. If a node or nodes are running jobs and you still want to delete them, click the Delete
node(s) even if there are currently running jobs checkbox.
4. Click OK.

Note that:

l You cannot delete the Local Machine processor node if a job is currently running on it.
l Jobs running on a remote processor node that is deleted and removed from the pro-
cessor list continue to run on the node. However, the job's status in Processor Manager
will change to "Processor Node is Unknown" and the processing state is set to "Pending."
If you add that processor node back into the list, the job's state and status are updated
to show the true status of the job running on that node: "Running," "Error," or "Com-

Process Evidence Menu

The Process Evidence menu on the Evidence tab contains three options:

l Process: Use this to combine evidence with processor options to create a job.
l Acquire: Use this to acquire evidence without processing it.
l Acquire and Process: Use this to acquire evidence first and then process it.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 171

Queuing Evidence for Processing

To queue evidence for processing:

1. Open the case containing the evidence you want to process.

2. On the Evidence tab, select the checkboxes for the unprocessed evidence you want to
process, then click Process Evidence > Process.
Note: If you select no checkboxes, all unprocessed evidence in the case is set to be
added to the queue.

3. In the dropdown menu, click Process.

4. The EnCase Processor Options dialog displays.

5. The evidence files to be queued for processing, and the information that displays  in the
right pane, depend on which What to Process radio button you select:
o Unprocessed Evidence Files: Includes all unprocessed evidence files in the case.
o Selected Unprocessed Evidence Files: Includes only the evidence files you selected
on the Evidence tab.
o Current Item: The item currently highlighted on the Evidence tab.
172 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o Result Set: Select this option to process a result set. For more information, see
 Result Set Processing on page 162.

6. Click the Immediately queue the evidence checkbox if you want to put the selected
items in a job list to be executed by the next available node now. If you do not check the
box, the items are put in the Processor Manager in an On Hold status.
7. The Overwrite evidence cache option, if available, enables you to delete previous pro-
cessing results for the selected item and restart processing.
8. In the Options Label box, enter a label or accept the default, Processor Default Options.
9. The first option, Make local copies, copies the evidence to the assigned remote Pro-
cessor Node. The Processor Node displays:
o Temp evidence cache location.
o Temp evidence files location.
o Temp case files location.
Note: If Local Machine is the only processor node in the node list, the Make local
copies option is not available. This option is only available if there are remote
processor nodes in the node list.

Advantages to using Make local copies include:

l If there are network interruptions, there is no cache corruption because the cache is cre-
ated locally on the node before it is uploaded to the shared drive.
l If the network is slow, it does not impact processing because all processing is done locally
on the node before it is uploaded to the shared drive.

Once the processing completes, the cache is copied to the shared network drive. Then
the evidence file and cache are deleted from the remote node.

10. When you finish selecting what evidence to process and the processing options you
want, click OK.
11. A dialog displays showing that the evidence to be processed is loading.

For detailed information on other evidence processing options, see the following topics
in this book:
o  Evidence Processor Prioritization on page 133. If you choose the Prioritization
option, EnCase puts two jobs into the Processor Manager job list. The first job is for
the prioritized items in the evidence. The second job is for all the remaining (that is,
not prioritized) items in the evidence that were not processed by the first job.
o  Recovering Folders on page 135.
o  Analyzing File Signatures on page 138.
o  Analyzing Protected Files on page 135.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 173

o  Creating Thumbnails on page 153.

o  Analyzing Hashes on page 136.
o  Expanding Compound Files on page 138.
o  Finding Email on page 139.
o  Finding Internet Artifacts on page 139.
o  Searching With Keywords on page 143.
o  Creating an Index on page 148.
o  System Info Parser on page 154.
o  File Carver on page 155.
o  Windows Event Log Parser on page 157.
o  Windows Artifact Parser on page 157.
o  Unix Login on page 158.
o  Linux Syslog Parser on page 158.
o  Macintosh OS X Artifacts Parser on page 158.

Processor Manager Tab

1. On the EnCase Forensic home page, click Processor Manager, or from the menu bar click
View > Processor Manager.
2. The Processor Manager tab displays.

Terms and Definitions

This table shows terms and definitions for the Processor Manager.

Term Definition
Job Evidence combined with processor options.

All jobs in the Processor Manager. The job list displays in the Name column of
Job List
the top pane of the Processor Manager.
174 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Term Definition
Queue Jobs in the list to be processed.

Hold Evidence in the list not to be processed.

Pause Stops distributing jobs to processor nodes (jobs that are executing will
Queue continue).

Priority Order of execution relative to unprocessed jobs.

Name of a processor node (set during installation).

Options A collection of processing configurations assigned to an individual job.

Job Actions Menu

The Job Actions menu includes eight options.


1. Select the checkboxes for the jobs you want to remove from the job list entirely.
2. Click Job Actions > Remove. A warning message displays asking if you want to remove
the selected jobs from the list. Click Yes.


Note: A job must be in Queued state to move it to the top.

1. Select the checkboxes for the jobs you want to move to the top.
2. Click Job Actions > Move to Top. The selected items are moved to the top of the list of
queued jobs.


Note: A job must be in Queued state to increase its priority.

1. Select the checkboxes for the jobs you want to increase in priority.
2. Click Job Actions > Increase Priority. The selected jobs move up in the list in the Priority
column and have a higher priority.


Note: A job must be in Queued state to decrease its priority.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 175

1. Select the checkboxes for the jobs you want to decrease in priority.
2. Click Job Actions > Decrease Priority. The selected jobs move down in the list in the Pri-
ority column and have lower priority.


Note: A job must be in Queued state to move it to the bottom.

1. Select the checkboxes for the jobs you want to move to the bottom.
2. Click Job Actions > Move to Bottom. The selected jobs are moved to the bottom of the
list of queued jobs.


If you select a job and right click, you can:

l Queue
l Remove
l Hold
l Stop
l Change job priority
l Copy (Available on the right click menu only: This option copies the text in the currently
highlighted field in the currently highlighted row.)
Note: These right click actions only operate on the currently highlighted job;
however, actions in the Job Actions menu of the Processor Manager tab work for
all blue checked items.

Editing Default Options

Edit Default Options enables you to make changes to the default processing options for
selected jobs in the list.

1. Select the checkboxes for the jobs whose processing options you want to edit.
2. Click Configure > Edit Default Options. The EnCase Processor Options dialog displays
with the default processing options selected.
176 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. Make the changes you want, then click OK.

4. Options are changed for the selected items.

Set Manager Name

This option sets a name for your specific processor manager. It is only relevant for labs where
there are multiple processor managers sharing a group of processor nodes. By default, your
manager name is the name of your computer.

To set the manager name:

1. Click Configure > Set Manager Name. The Manager Settings dialog displays.
2. Enter the manager name you want to use, then click OK.

Pause Queue
The Pause Queue button is a toggle. Use the Pause Queue button to pause submission of new
jobs to the Evidence Processor.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 177

1. Click Pause Queue once to pause submission of new jobs. Current jobs continue to
execute. The menu name changes to Resume Queue.

2. Click Resume Queue to resume submitting jobs to the Evidence Processor.

Clean List
The Processor Manager Clean List menu button removes all processed and failed jobs from
the job list. Processing, Queued, and On Hold jobs remain in the job list.

1. Click Clean List. A dialog displays asking you to confirm before removing all processed
and failed jobs from the job list.
2. Click Yes.

Performance Monitoring
Monitor evidence processor performance in the Processor Manager tab. Click on the name of
a job to display the following two tabs:

l The Evidence Processor Status tab displays, providing information on the job currently
running. It shows what is executing within a given job from the node that is processing
the job, as well as basic memory information.
l The Performance tab displays the current state of the performance counters for the selec-
ted job.
178 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Click Back to return to the job list, click Refresh to instantly refresh the performance
statistics, or click the Auto Refresh checkbox to enable periodic updates of performance

Processor Manager Toolbar

The Processor Manager toolbar provides the ability to launch various actions and to control
the way information is displayed (for example, sorting the jobs list or showing or hiding
columns). The functionality of each toolbar item is explained in detail below.

Selecting/Clearing All Jobs

To select all items in the job list at once:

1. Click the Selected #/# checkbox above the Name column.

2. Click the checkbox again to clear all selections.

1. Select the job you want to queue for processing. If you want to queue more than one
job, click the checkboxes for those jobs.
2. Click Queue. If you clicked more than one checkbox, you have the option to queue only
the currently selected job or all the selected jobs.
3. From the dropdown menu, click Current Item or All Selected Items. The Queue Pro-
cessing Jobs dialog displays.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 179

Note: This dialog does not display if Local Machine is the only node in the node list.
o Select Next Available Processor Node to send the job to the most currently avail-
able Processor Node. This is the default.
o Select Local Machine to process the job locally instead of sending it to a Processor
o Select Specific Processor Node if you want choose a specific Processor Node to use
to process the job. The Select Processor Node button is then enabled. Click the but-
ton to open the  Select Processor Node dialog.

o Select the Processor Node (in online status) you want to use, then click OK. Back in
the Queue Processing Jobs dialog, click OK.

4. An indicator in the bottom right corner shows which evidence is currently being pro-
cessed. You can double click this indicator at any time to go to the Processor Manager
180 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

You can see processing details in the Event Viewer of the machine running the Processor Node.
You will see:

l "Job [GUID] Evidence Processing successfully registered."

l A log showing the job was created.
l A log placing a marker file.

You will see logs each time an event begins (for example, processing starts and threads

To place a job on hold:
Note: A job must be in Queued state to place it on hold.

1. Select the job you want to place on hold. If you want to place a hold on more than one
job, click the checkboxes for those jobs.
2. Click Hold. If you clicked more than one checkbox, you have the option to place only the
selected job on hold or all the selected jobs.
3. The Hold Job(s) dialog displays, asking if you are sure you want to place the job(s) on
hold. To continue, click Yes.
4. The state of the selected jobs changes to On Hold.

To stop a job:

1. Select the job in a running state that you want to stop processing. If you want to stop
more than one job, click the checkboxes for those jobs.
2. Click Stop. If you clicked more than one checkbox, you have the option to stop only the
selected job or all the selected jobs.
3. The Stop Job(s) dialog displays, asking you to confirm stopping the selected job(s). Click
Yes to continue.
4. The state of the selected jobs changes to Incomplete.

Force Stop
You can use Force Stop if a job fails to stop successfully. There is no specific amount of time
you should wait before deciding to use Force Stop. It depends on the evidence you are
processing and what processing has already occurred at the time you tried to stop the job.
Some evidence can take minutes to stop processing; however, it is safe to assume something
is wrong if the job does not stop after tens of minutes.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 181

To force stop a job:

1. Select the job you want to force stop. If you want to force stop more than one job, click
the checkboxes for those jobs.
2. Click Force Stop. If you clicked more than one checkbox, you have the option to force
stop only the selected job or all the selected jobs.

3. The Force Stop dialog displays, asking you to confirm termination of the job. Click Yes to
4. The state of the job changes to Incomplete.

Running Multiple Instances of EnCase from the Same

Investigators can queue and manage jobs using multiple instances of EnCase Processor
Manager on the same machine. When running multiple instances, however, you cannot see
the position of a specific job in the queue.

Processor Manager Error and Information Messages

The table below lists the most common Processor Manager error and information messages
with an explanation of why you would see them.
182 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Message Explanation
You may see this job status briefly when you start EnCase
and quickly switch to the Processor Manager tab.
Waiting for job
state from The status message is for jobs in the job list that EnCase
Processor last identified as running on a remote processor node. The
Node. job status is quickly replaced with either the actual job
status or "Waiting for Processor Node to come Online" if
the node is offline.

node name] is Jobs display this status when the processor node they are
not in the queued to or running on is deleted from the node list. The
Processor status goes away if the node is added back into the list.
Node list.

The chosen
Processor Jobs display this status when they are queued to a specific
Node cannot processor node, but the processor node cannot access
access the the job's evidence file over the network.
evidence file.

The chosen
Node cannot Jobs display this status when they are queued to a specific
access the processor node, but the processor node cannot access
primary the job's evidence cache over the network.
cache folder.

The chosen
Jobs display this status when they are queued to a specific
Node does not
processor node, but the processor node does not have
have the
the indicated third party EnScript module required by the
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 183

Message Explanation
No Processor
Node can Jobs queued to the next available processor node display
access both this status when none of the processor nodes can access
the evidence the job's evidence file and evidence cache over the
file and network. Jobs in this status remain in the Queued state
evidence and will run if the network access issue is fixed.

No Processor
Node has the Jobs queued to the next available processor node display
module this status when no processor node has the indicated
[module third party EnScript module required by the job.

A child job displays this status if its parent job fails to

complete successfully. The child job is placed into the
error state (or incomplete state if the parent job was
Corresponding stopped).
job [parent
job name] Examples of paired jobs are:
failed to l Stage 1 job (parent) and corresponding Stage 2 job

complete. (child)
l Acquire job (parent) and its corresponding

processing job (child), if the Acquire and Process

option was used.

Not all
evidence was This message displays after attempting to queue jobs if
queued. See not all of the jobs were successfully queued. You can go to
Job Status for the Processor Manager tab to see which jobs failed to
more queue and why.
184 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Message Explanation
Job [child job A child job displays this status if you try to queue the job,
name] cannot but its parent job is not currently queued, running, or
be queued processed at the time you try to queue the child job. 
corresponding Examples of paired jobs are:
job [parent l Stage 1 job (parent) and corresponding Stage 2 job

job name] is (child)

not Queued, l Acquire job (parent) and its corresponding

Running, or processing job (child), if the Acquire and Process

Processed. option was used.

Stage 2 jobs
must be
queued to the A Stage 2 job displays this status if you try to queue it to a
same different processor node than the one to which its parent
Processor job was queued.
Node as their
Stage 1 jobs.

The evidence
A job displays this status when you try to queue it, but
is already
there is another (non-parent) job for the same evidence
queued for
that is already queued.

The evidence
A job displays this status when you try to queue it, but
is already
there is another (non-parent) job for the same evidence
that is already running.

Running jobs
must be This message displays if you blue check a number of jobs
stopped in the job list, then click the Remove menu option, and
before being some of the blue-checked jobs are currently running. The
removed from running jobs are left alone. The other jobs are removed.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 185

Message Explanation
Priority of
[child job
name] job
cannot be
This message displays if you attempt to increase a child
job's priority above that of its corresponding parent job.
above that of
job [parent
job name].

Priority of
[parent job
name] job
cannot be
This message displays if you attempt to decrease a parent
job's priority below that of its corresponding child job.
below that of
job [child job

You must wait

for the current
job to
This message displays if you try to delete the Local
Machine from the processor node list while the Local
before you can
Machine is processing a job.
remove Local
Machine from
the list.

You must stop

all local
processing This message displays if you try to close EnCase while jobs
jobs before are running on the Local Machine or running internally.
186 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Message Explanation
Cannot edit
the options of
a Stage 2 job.
Edit the This message displays if you try to edit the processing
options of the options of a Stage 2 job present in the job list.
Stage 1 job

There is
already a
Processor You see this message if you try to rename a node to a
Node with the name that matches a node already in the processor node
name list.
node name].

The specified
This message displays if you try to add a processor node
Node is
already in the processor node list.
already in the

This message displays if you try to add a processor node
that is either too new or too old compared to the version
node name] is
of EnCase you are using. This message also displays the
version number of the processor node and the version
number of your EnCase and indicates which one needs to
with this
be updated.
version of

You must have

at least one This message displays if you try to delete the last
Processor remaining processor node from the processor node list.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 187

Message Explanation
All Processor Jobs queued to the next available processor node display
Nodes are this status if all processor nodes go (or are) offline. The
offline. status goes away when at least one node comes online.

Acquisition Acquisition jobs display this status if they are stopped

was stopped. before acquisition can complete.

Acquisition jobs in the Queued state display this status if

Waiting for
the case the job is associated with is not open in EnCase.
case to be
Unlike processing jobs, an acquisition job can only run
when its case is open.

A job queued to a specific processor node displays this

Waiting for
status when that node is offline. The status goes away
when the node comes online. Jobs that were running on
Node to come
that node also display this message while the node is

This message displays if you try to queue a job to a

Evidence must remote processor node but the job's evidence must be
be queued to processed locally. Currently, only evidence files can be
Local Machine. processed by remote processor nodes. Previews must be
processed by the Local Machine.

Local Machine
A job displays this status if you try to queue the job and it
is required but
requires the Local Machine (that is, because job's
is not
evidence is a preview), but the Local Machine is not in the
configured for
processor node list.

Evidence is
An acquisition job displays this status if you try to queue
the job but there is another acquisition job for the same
queued for
device or evidence file already in the queue.

You must
select a
This message displays if you try to queue a job to a
processor node that is offline.
Node that is
188 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Message Explanation
No valid
This message displays after the Processor Options dialog
closes if none of the evidence you selected for processing
images to
can be opened.

Jobs queued to the next available processor node display

this status when none of the processor nodes available
can run the job.  A node is not available if it is currently
No currently
processing a job. If all nodes become available and yet
none of them can process the job, then the job status
changes to either "No Processor Node can access both the
Node can run
evidence file and evidence cache" or "No Processor Node
this job.
has the module [module name]", depending on the
reason why the nodes cannot process the job. If a node
that can run the job becomes available, it runs the job.

Job not
present on A job displays this status if it started running on a
Processor processor node and then some time later the node loses
Node knowledge of the job. This can happen if the node is
[processor stopped (or crashed) and then restarted.
node name].

This message displays if you start a second instance of

This EnCase is
EnCase from the same installation and then try to process
not the active
evidence with that EnCase. Only one EnCase from a given
install can act as Evidence Processor Manager. If EnCase is
installed multiple times into different install folders, then
each of them can run as an Evidence Processor Manager.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 189

Message Explanation
This message displays if you try to edit the processor node
settings of the Local Machine node. In general, these
settings cannot be changed. However, you can enable the
Local Machine
Heap Dump option for the Local Machine in EnCase in the
cannot be
Tools > Options dialog (on the Debug tab). The next time
the Local Machine is started, it will run with heap dumps
enabled. To disable heap dumps for the Local Machine,
first disable it for EnCase, then restart EnCase.

A job displays this status if it was submitted to a remote

Evidence file
processing node for processing but the evidence file path
path must use
did not use UNC format or a mapped drive letter. Remote
UNC or
processing nodes can only process evidence files residing
mapped drive.
on shared drives.

Evidence A job displays this status if it was submitted to a remote

cache path processing node for processing but the evidence cache
must use UNC path did not use UNC format or a mapped drive letter. 
or mapped Remote processing nodes can only process evidence files
drive. if their evidence cache folders reside on shared drives.

A job displays this status if it was submitted to a remote
Node cannot
processing node for processing but the processing node
write to
does not have write access to the case’s network-shared
evidence cache folder.
cache folder.

The UNC path

or mapped
A job displays this status if it was submitted to a remote
drive specified
processing node for processing but the processor node
in the case
has a local drive that has the same drive letter as one used
does not
by the case associated with the job.  For example, the case
resolve to the
uses the mapped drive D: for its evidence cache, but the
same location
remote processor has its own local drive D: that is not the
on the
same as the network-shared D: drive.
190 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Message Explanation
You cannot
rename a
This message displays if you try to rename a processing
node to either "Local Machine" or "Next Available."  These
Node to
are reserved names used by EnCase.

preview is not This job status displays if you try to process a crossover
supported. preview.
Must acquire
and process.

Show Logging
The Show Logging option on the Debug tab of the Options dialog enables you to view log
messages for various operations. The example below shows how to use Show Logging to see
Processor Manager trace messages.

Processor Manager Trace Messages

To enable Processor Manager trace messages:

1. Click Tools > Options.

2. The Options dialog displays. Select the Debug tab, then click Show Logging.
CHAPTER 6   Processing Evidence 191

3. The Logs dialog displays. Scroll through the Log Tags table and click the EPMTrace check-
4. Select one of these checkbox options from the Log Message Destinations area:
o Display in debug output
o Display in console
o Write to file

5. Messages showing Processor Manager activity are sent to your chosen Log Message

Acquiring and Processing Live Previews

To acquire or process a live preview you must first highlight the preview in the Evidence tab,
then choose the desired action under the Process Evidence menu:

l Process
l Acquire, or
l Acquire and Process
192 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

If you choose Process, the EnCase Processor Options dialog displays with the preview listed as
the Current Item choice in the What to Process section of the dialog. If you choose Acquire or
Acquire and Process, the Acquire Device dialog displays instead and shows the information for
the preview.

You can only process preview evidence by the Local Machine processor node; therefore, Local
Machine must be present in your processor node list to process previews. Some types of live
previews have additional restrictions or require user actions before they can be acquired or
processed. The section below discusses each type of preview and what restrictions apply, if

Live Previews of Local Devices

There are no additional restrictions. You can add any number of acquisition and processing
jobs for local previews to the job queue.

Direct Network Previews

You can only queue one direct network preview job at a time. It must finish processing before
you can queue another one. Furthermore, you must not be viewing any of the preview data at
the time you queue the direct network preview job. If you have viewed any of the preview
evidence, you must close all case tabs (Entries, Artifacts, Results, Search, Bookmarks, etc.)
before you can queue a job for the direct network preview. Lastly, you cannot add a direct
network preview into your case while another direct network preview is being acquired or
processed. The recommended workflow for direct network previews is to first acquire the
preview to an evidence file, and then process the evidence file.

Crossover Previews
Processing of crossover previews is not supported. You must first acquire the crossover
preview to an evidence file and then process the evidence file.

Overview 195

The EnCase Interface 195

Filtering Your Evidence 215

Conditions 218

Browsing Through Evidence 223

Viewing Evidence 227

Macintosh Artifacts 230

Viewing Processed Evidence 236

Viewing Email 238

194 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 195

After creating a case and adding evidence, you can browse and manipulate your views of the
evidence in a wide variety of ways:

l You can search through processed evidence quickly, after it is indexed.

l The Gallery view provides thumbnails of images.
l Conditions cull down the viewed data into a manageable subset.
l Filters enable you to eliminate data based on a wide variety of attributes.
l You can browse through evidence directly from evidence files or devices.

This chapter provides an overview of the EnCase interface and describes the ways you can
browse and view collected evidence.

The EnCase Interface

The EnCase layout has three sections:

l Tree pane
l Table pane
l View pane

Selections in the Tree pane affect the Table pane. Selections in the Table pane affect the View

l See  Navigating the Tree Pane on page 197 for more information about the Tree pane.
l See  Navigating the Table Pane on page 198 for more information about the Table pane.

You can change the way the panes of the screen are configured with the Split Mode button:

The Tree-Table view shows the Tree pane on the left, the Table pane on the right, and
the View pane on the bottom.  This is the traditional EnCase entries view.
196 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The Traeble view combines the Tree and Table panes on the top, and retains the View
pane on the bottom. The view provides the ability to browse the folder structure in the
Name column.

The Tree view displays the Tree pane on the left and the View pane on the right.  There is
no Table view. This is the suggested view for looking at email artifacts.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 197

Navigating the Tree Pane

The Tree view presents the evidence in a standard hierarchical folder structure. Only evidence
files and the folders contained in them display in this view. Individual files display in the Table
pane (discussed later). You can use the arrows to expand and contract the tree structure, just
as in Windows Explorer.

EnCase uses three methods used to focus on specific files or folders. These methods have
different purposes:

l Highlight a folder to display entries in that folder in the Table Pane.

l Click the Set Include icon next to a folder name to display all the entries, files, and sub-
folders for that folder in the Table Pane. This overrides the highlighting option.
l Click a checkbox next to an item in any view to select that item for an action, such as an
analysis or keyword search. This is sometimes called "blue checking" an item.
o EnCase displays the number of currently selected items in the Selected box above
the Table pane.
o To clear all selected entries, clear the blue check from the Selected box.

Blue checks persist within a case. Blue checks are case specific and remain persistent in the
same tab where they were created.

Blue checks persist when:

l Navigating from Evidence view to Entry view or from Entry view to Evidence view.
l Navigating from Entry view to Record view (for example, viewing file structure on an
l Navigating from Entry view to Results view.
l Navigating from Results to Entry (within the same tab).

By default, blue checks do not persist if you end your session in EnCase.
198 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

An option in the Tools > Options menu gives you the choice to allow blue checks to persist
after closing a case or exiting EnCase. This affects performance--it may take longer to open a
case if you select this--depending on how many blue checks are active when you close the

Blue checks do not persist on evidence removed from a case.

Navigating the Table Pane

The Table Pane is visible in the Tree-Table view. The selection in the Tree pane determines what
displays in the Table pane. See  Navigating the Tree Pane on the previous page for the various
ways to select folders and files.

See  Working with Columns on page 200 for information on column management.

The Table pane includes columns with information about the displayed entries.

l Name is the file/folder/volume, etc., in the evidence file.

l Tag displays the tag(s) placed by you on an entry.
l File Ext is the entry’s extension, which initially determines whether this entry displays in
the Gallery view.
l Logical Size specifies the file size as the operating system addresses the file.
l Item Type identifies the type of evidence, such as Entry (file or folder), Email, Record, or
Document. This column is hidden by default.
l Category indicates the category of the file from the File Type table.
l Signature Analysis displays the results of a file signature analysis.
l Signature displays the signature of a Match or an Alias (a renamed extension) resulting
from the signature analysis.
l Protected indicates if the file is identified as encrypted or password protected during evid-
ence processing.
l Protection Complexity provides details on the file’s protection.
l Last Accessed displays the last date/time the file was accessed. This typically reflects the
last time the operating system or any compliant application touched the file (such as view-
ing, dragging, or right clicking). Entries on FAT volumes do not have a last accessed time.
l File Created typically reflects the date/time the file/folder was created at that location. A
notable exception to this is the extraction of files/folders from a ZIP archive. Those
objects carry the created date/time as they existed when the objects were placed in the
l Last Written reflects the date/time the file was last opened, edited, and then saved. This
corresponds to the Modified time in Windows.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 199

l Is Picture indicates whether the file is an image.

l Is Indexed indicates whether the item was indexed during processing.
l Code Page displays the character encoding table upon which the file is based.
l MD5 displays a 128-bit value for a file entry generated by a hash analysis process.
l SHA1 displays the SHA1 hash value for a file entry generated by a hash analysis process.
l Entropy displays the entropy value for a file entry generated by the entropy analysis pro-
l From displays the sender of the email message. This column is hidden by default.
l Recipient displays the receiver of the email message. This column is hidden by default.
l Primary Device displays the primary device used. This column is hidden by default.
l Item Path identifies the location of the file within the evidence file, including the evidence
file name and a volume identifier.
l Description describes the condition of the entry: whether it is a file or folder, deleted, or
l Is Deleted indicates if the entry is deleted.
l Entry Modified indicates when the administrative data for the file was last altered for
NTFS and Linux.
l File Deleted displays the deleted date/time if the file is in the Recycle Bin’s Info2 file.
l File Acquired is the date and time the evidence file where this entry resides was acquired.
l Initialized Size indicates the size of the file when it is opened. It applies only to NTFS and
exFAT file systems.
l Physical Size specifies the size of the storage areas allocated to the file.
l Starting Extent identifies the starting cluster of the entry.
l File Extents displays the cluster fragments allocated to the file. Click in this column for an
entry, then click the File Extents tab in the View pane to see the cluster fragments.
l Permissions shows security settings of a file or folder in the View pane.
l Physical Location displays the number of bytes into the device at which the data for an
entry begins.
l Physical Sector lists the sector number into the device at which the data for an entry
l Evidence File displays where the entry resides.
l File Identifier displays an index number for a Master File Table (NTFS) or an Inode Table
l GUID indicates the Global Unique Identifier for the entry, to enable tracking throughout
the examination.
l Hash Set Names displays the Boolean value as true if a file belongs to one or more hash
sets. This column is hidden by default.
l Short Name displays the name Windows gives the entry, using the DOS 8.3 naming con-
l VFS Name displays the name for files mounted with the EnCase Virtual File System (VFS)
module in Windows Explorer. This replaces the Unique Name column in previous versions
of EnCase.
200 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Original Path displays information derived from data in the Recycle Bin. This column
shows where files in the Recycle Bin originated when they were deleted. For deleted/over-
written files, this column shows the file that overwrote the original.
l Symbolic Link displays data equivalent to a Windows Shortcut in Linux and UNIX.
l Is Duplicate displays True (Yes) if the file is a duplicate of another.
l Is Internal indicates if the file is an internal system file, such as the $MFT on an NTFS
l Is Overwritten indicates if the first or more clusters of an entry were overwritten by a sub-
sequent object.

Viewing Information in a Timeline

The Timeline view shows patterns of different types of dates and times. Zooming in lets you
see time in a more granular way (up to a second-by-second timeline). Zooming out provides a
larger overview (up to a year-by-year timeline).

Timeline view options allow you to see data in ranges of weeks, days, hours, and minutes. The
maximum number of weeks displayed is 104. The maximum number of minutes displayed is

Working with Columns

To rearrange table columns in any order, click and drag a column heading and drop it into a
new location.

To sort by a column, double click the column heading. To institute a subsort, hold down the
Shift key and double click the column heading. You can sort columns up to five layers deep.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 201

You can lock columns on the left side of the Table pane so they remain visible when scrolling

l To lock a column, click anywhere in the column and select Column > Set Lock from the
arrow dropdown menu on the right of the Table pane. The selected column and all
columns to its left are now locked.
l If columns are rearranged, all columns to the left of that position remain locked.
l To release the lock, click anywhere in the column and select Column > Unlock from the
arrow dropdown menu on the right of the Table pane.

You can enable or disable individual columns by selecting Column > Show Columns from the
arrow dropdown menu on the right side of the Table pane.


The list below shows additional columns available in the Search Results and Bookmark column
views. You can sort these columns like any other columns in EnCase. You must enable these
columns to include them in a view.

l Received (the time an email was received as identified by the email application)
l Sent (the time an email was sent as identified by the email application)
l Description (File, Archive, etc.)
l Action URL
l Icon URL
l Requesting URL
l URL Host
l URL Host Name
l URL Name
l True Path
l Item Path
l Symbolic Link
l Entry Modified
l Has Attachments

Adjusting Spacing in a Table

You can adjust how tightly together rows are spaced within a table.

Click the hamburger menu icon at the far right of the table, then select Change Table Options.
From the dialog, select the display density you prefer. There are two options: compact and

Select Show vertical gridlines to add more visual structure to the table.
202 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Viewing Content in the View Pane

You can view information about a device or entry in a variety of ways in the EnCase View pane. 
The Evidence, Results, and Artifacts tabs have slightly different viewing options, but operate
in generally the same manner.

By default, EnCase uses the appropriate viewer for each item selected whenever possible. To
keep the tabs from switching for different data types, click the Lock checkbox on the top right
of the View pane to lock the view to that tab.

The lower View pane provides several ways to view file content:

l The Fields tab displays all information available regarding an item. All fields shown on this
tab are indexed.
l The Report tab provides a readable, formatted view of metadata. This is the preferred
view for email.
l The Text tab displays files in ASCII or Unicode text.
o You can modify how text in this tab displays. See  Changing Text Styles on
page 204.
o When viewing search results, select Compressed View in the Text tab to see only
lines with raw keyword search hits.
o Use the Previous/Next Hit buttons to move through hits in the file. If there are
no more hits in the file, the next item opens and the first hit is found.

l The Hex tab displays files as straight hexadecimal.

o When viewing search results, select Compressed View to see only lines with raw
keyword search hits.
o Use the Previous/Next Hit buttons to move through hits in the file. If there are
no more hits in the file, the next item opens and the first hit is found.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 203

l The Doc tab provides native views of formats supported by Oracle Outside In technology.
l The Transcript tab displays the same formats as the Doc tab, but filters out formatting,
allowing you to view files that cannot display effectively in the Text tab.
o The Transcript tab displays the extracted text from the file.
o When viewing search results, select Compressed View to see only lines with
index query hits.
o Use the Previous/Next Hit buttons to move through hits within the file. If there
are no more hits in the file, the next item opens and the first hit is found.

l The Picture tab displays graphics files. If the highlighted file in the Table pane is an image
that can be decoded internally, EnCase lets you select the Picture view in the View pane
and displays the image.

l File extents shows sector information about the selected file. This works on entry evid-
ence only.
l The Permissions tab displays security permissions for a file, including the name and secur-
ity identification number (SID) of the user(s) who have permission to read, write, and
execute a file.
l Hash sets shows hash information for entry evidence only.

Adding an External File Viewer

EnCase can display different types of files as they would appear in their native application.

If you encounter a file type that EnCase does not have built-in capabilities to display, you can
add an external viewer for that file type.

1. From the Evidence tab, right click on an evidence item and select Open with > File View-
ers. The Edit File Viewers list displays.
2. Click New. The New File Viewer dialog displays

o Name is the name of the file viewer.

o Check Maximize View Dialog to open the file viewer in a maximized new window.
o Application Path contains the filename and path to the viewer's executable.
204 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o Command Line contains a reference to the executable and any parameters used to
customize the viewer.

3. Click OK. The new file viewer displays in the Edit File Viewers list for you to use as needed.

Changing Text Styles

In the Text or Hex tabs, you can apply different viewing styles to display the text in
configurations that assist in viewing particular types of data. To change the style select the
Text Styles menu from the Text or Hex tabs in the View Pane.

1. Click New to create a new text style. The New Text Style dialog displays.

o Name is the name of the text style.

o Fit to page eliminates line breaks in displayed content, and displays all text in the
o Line Breaks displays line breaks in the content.
o Max Size ignores line breaks in the content, and wraps lines at the value set in
Wrap Length.
o Wrap Length specifies the length where a line break occurs. When you select Max
Size, line breaks occur only at the value of this setting.
o RTL Reading sets the text display to read right-to-left (RTL).

2. Click the Code Page tab to select the code page.

CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 205

o Unicode specifies little-endian Unicode. If you use UTF-7 or UTF-8, select Other, not
o Unicode Big-Endian specifies big-endian Unicode.
o Other lets you select from the Code Page list.
o Code Page contains a list of supported code pages.

3. Click OK to save the new text style and return to the Edit Text Styles dialog.
4. Click OK to make the new style available. The new text style is now applied to the Text tab
in the View pane.

Associating File Types with a File Viewer

When you add a new file viewer to EnCase, you can associate it with a file type.

1. On the Evidence tab, select View > File Types. The File Types tab displays.
2. Double click the file type you want to associate the new viewer with.
3. The Edit File type dialog displays.
206 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o Description is the file type to associate with the file viewer.

o Extensions is a list of file types to associate with the file viewer.
o Select a Default Length to determine the end of the file.
This is used if a footer for the file type is not specified and is used to determine
the length of the file.
If this is not set, EnCase uses a default length of 4096 bytes to determine the
end of the file.
Longer lengths are recommended for pictures and ZIP files.

o The Viewer area contains options for selecting the type of viewer to use:
Click EnCase to associate the built-in EnCase viewer with the file type you
Click Windows to associate Windows with the file type you define.
Click Installed Viewer to associate an installed viewer with a file type. Use the
installed viewers tree to select the specific viewer.

o The Installed viewers tree lists the file viewers currently known to EnCase.

4. Click OK. All files of this file type are now associated with the selected file viewer. 

Viewing Decoded Data

You can see decoded interpretations of your evidence, when viewing it in text or hex format,
using the Decode tab in the lower right pane of the Evidence pane.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 207

1. On the Text or Hex tabs in the View pane, select the bytes you want to decode.
2. Click the Decode tab in the lower right pane and select from the list of decoding options.
3. View the decoded interpretations of your evidence:

l The Quick View decoder enables you to view common decode interpretations in
one screen.
o When populating the Quick View table, all bytes required to successfully
interpret the data are read.
o For example, if one byte is selected, and four bytes are required to decode a
32-bit integer, Quick View looks at the next three bytes to provide the
decoded interpretations.

l The View Types list displays specific decoded values, organized in a tree structure.
o With the exception of pictures, when viewing by Type, only the selected
bytes are interpreted.
o For example, if one byte is selected, and four bytes are required to decode a
32-bit integer, a decoded interpretation is not available.
o EnCase Forensic attempts to decode pictures from the selected starting
byte. The bytes for the entire picture do not need to be selected.

4. To bookmark your selection:

l From Quick View, right click and select Bookmark.

l From the View Types list, click the Bookmark button.

Undocking the View Pane

You can undock the View pane in order to place it elsewhere on your desktop. To undock the
View pane, click the Undock icon in the upper right corner of the View pane. The
Filter/Conditions pane moves with the View pane.

To return the View pane to the main window, close the View pane window.
208 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Using Views/Tabs
The View menu provides a variety of views of your information.

Clicking these views opens a new tab in the EnCase window.

Secure Storage: Add Local User

To add a local user:

1. Click View > Secure Storage.

2. In the Secure Storage tab Table pane, click the hamburger menu at the far right, then
click User List in the dropdown menu.
3. Right click in the body of the Local Users tab and select New.
4. In the Local User dialog, enter the name and SID of the new user. You can optionally
enter a comment.
5. Click OK.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 209

Right Hamburger Menu

The hamburger dropdown menus on the right side of the menu bar of each pane provide
generic functions, such as printing, saving, sorting, and managing columns.

Changing Text Color

You can change the way various types of text display in EnCase. This is useful if, for example,
you want to change the way the uninitialized area of a file displays and differentiate it from the
logical size of the file.

To change the color display of text:

1. From the Tools menu, select Options.

2. In the Options dialog, click the Colors tab.
210 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. To change the color of the text, right click the Foreground color and select the new color
from the dropdown menu. If the color you want is not an option, double click the fore-
ground color and select from the color palette.
4. To change the background color, right click the Background color and select the new
color from the dropdown menu. If the color you want is not an option, double click the
foreground color and select from the color palette.
5. Click OK.

Navigating the Evidence Tab

When browsing and viewing your evidence, much of your time is spent in the Evidence and
Artifacts tabs.

Evidence is information you can view and process in EnCase from a variety of sources:

l .Ex01, .Lx01, .E01, and .L01 files

l VMDK files
l VHD files
l Raw DD Image files

EnCase parses these files as they come in. Each file displays as a device on the interface. All
parsed data from a device is stored in a device cache so it does not need to be reloaded each
time it is viewed.

The Evidence tab table view shows the evidence currently loaded into your case. Notice that
when you are viewing a list of evidence the View button displays as View: Evidence.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 211

Click any one of these pieces of evidence to open it more fully. Notice that when you are
viewing an expanded view of an entry, the View button displays as View: Entries.

Click the View button to move between the top level list of devices or see an expanded view of
specific evidence:

If you want to see all the evidence expanded into the same entry screen, go to the top level list
of devices, select all the evidence files you want to see, and click Open from the menu:
212 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The display changes to show the expanded view of all selected evidence entries.

The status bar at the bottom of the screen displays the full path of the highlighted item. This
can be useful when documenting the location of evidence found in unallocated space. If a
deleted/overwritten file is highlighted, it indicates the overwriting file.

Specific sector, cluster, and file information is presented in parentheses after the file path of
the selected item.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 213

The status bar provides additional details about the file.

Abbreviation Definition
PS physical sector number

LS logical sector number

CL cluster number

SO distance in bytes from the beginning of the sector (sector offset)

FO distance in bytes from the beginning of the file (file offset)

LE number in bytes of the selected area (length)

The status of any processing activity displays in the lower right of the status bar.

Entries View Right Click Menu

In Entries view, right click any entry in the tree, then position the cursor over Entries to display
the Entries submenu.
214 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o Copy Files opens the Copy Files dialog.

o Copy Folders opens the Copy Folders dialog.
o Create Results opens the Create Results dialog.
o View File Structure opens the View File Structure dialog.
o Add to hash library opens the Manage Hash Library dialog.
o Hash\Sig Selected opens the Hash\Sig Selected dialog.
o Export Project VIC Files generates a .JSON file for export to Project VIC.
o Go To Overwriting File: If a file is overwritten, this option takes you to the over-
writing file.

Viewing Data on a Device

Using Disk view, you can view files and folders in terms of where the data appeared on the
media. You can also see placement of clusters and/or sectors and fragmentation of files.

Disk view is available from the Entry view of the Evidence tab. To open Disk view, select Disk
View from the Device menu.

l The file selected in the table is highlighted in Disk view as dark blue squares.
l Allocated sectors display in light blue.
l Unallocated sectors display in gray.

Select Auto Extents to automatically highlight all the remaining extents that make up the file
associated with the selected sector. If Auto Extents is off, double click a sector to show the
remaining associated extents.

Click the Evidence tab to return to entries.

Changing Evidence Cache Location

EnCase provides a wizard that steps you through the process of changing the location of your
evidence cache.

To change the location of your evidence cache:

1. In the Evidence tab toolbar, click Change Caches. The Change Caches dialog displays.
2. To use the base Case folder for the primary evidence cache, select the corresponding

3. To change the location of the primary evidence cache, click the Primary evidence cache
ellipsis button, browse to the new location, and click OK.
4. To add a secondary evidence cache location, click the Secondary evidence cache ellipsis
button, browse to the new location, and click OK.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 215

5. Click Next. The Evidence Cache Preview dialog displays. Status is listed for each evidence
o Ready (Primary) means the new path contains a cache in the primary cache.
o Ready (Secondary) means the new path contains a cache in the secondary cache.
o Missing means the old location had a cache, but neither the primary nor secondary
locations have a cache for the evidence.
o None means there never was a cache for this device.

5. Click Finish. If any evidence items have a status of missing, a message displays informing
you that a new evidence cache will be created for the missing evidence items. To proceed,
click Yes.

Navigating the Artifacts Tab

The Artifacts tab displays the inner structure of compressed files or other files that require
additional processing to be viewed. This includes email archives, .ZIP, .RAR files, Internet
artifacts, output for EnScript modules, mobile device data, etc.

All artifacts available in the case can be seen in the root of the Artifacts tab. Click View >
Artifacts to browse this list. These artifacts are grouped by evidence file, then by type. Click the
blue link to open a single artifact. Blue check artifacts and click Open in the toolbar to open
multiple artifacts in one view.

You can also access artifacts from the Entries view. Entries that you can expand and view in the
Artifacts tab display as blue links marked with a green plus sign in the Entries view.

If an entry does not display as a blue link, select it and click View File Structure from the
Entries dropdown menu. The View File Structure command automatically expands, or
mounts, the file. After initially mounting the file, you can see the expanded data in the
Artifacts tab as well.

Filtering Your Evidence

Filters are EnScripts that provide a table view of all entries matching a particular set of criteria.
Filters do not remove any items from the case. They simply specify which entries display in the
Table pane.

Depending on the currently selected tab, different types of filters are available. For example,
the filters available for search hits are different from those available for entries.
216 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Both filters and conditions work the same way in terms of how they affect the items in the
Table pane.

Running an Existing Filter

EnCase comes with a number of preconfigured default filters.

1. From the lower right pane, open the Filter tab. The preconfigured filters are in the
Default folder.
2. Double click the filter you want, then click Open. A Run Filter dialog displays.

3. Select the options you require.

o Filter Target specifies what type of case data to filter.
o Current View filters the items that are in the current view, and displays the results in
that view.
o Current device filters all items in the current device, and displays the results in a Res-
ult Set.
o All Evidence Files filters all items in all evidence in the case, and displays results in a
Result Set.
o Result Name is the name of the Result Set, if applicable.

4. Click OK to run the filter. Depending on which filter you selected, additional dialogs may
display. When a filter is running, the name of that filter shows in the lower right of the
status bar. When complete, the results display in the specified result location.

Creating a Filter
In addition to using the filters already provided, you can create your own filters.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 217

Note: You need a working knowledge of EnScript to make a new filter. If you do not
have this working knowledge, you may be able to create a condition to perform the
same function.

1. From the Filter tab, select New from the toolbar. The New Filter dialog displays.
2. Enter a new name for the filter, if desired.
3. Click OK. The New Filter tab displays, showing a source editor.
4. Enter EnScript code as required to accomplish your task. The newly created filter displays
at the bottom of the filters list.

Editing a Filter
To change an existing filter's behavior, edit it.

1. Open the Filter tab in the lower right pane. A list of all customized and preconfigured fil-
ters displays. You may only edit customized filters.
2. Select the filter you want to edit and click Edit. The source code opens in a Filter tab.
3. Edit the code as needed.

To change the name of an existing filter, right click the filter in the Filter tab and click Rename.

You may only edit customized filters. To edit a preconfigured filter, it must first be copied to
the User folder. Drag the filter to the desired folder while holding the control key or drag using
the right mouse button to make a copy. The copy may then be edited.

Note: Preconfigured filters cannot be edited because they may be updated by future
versions of EnCase.

Deleting a Filter
Default filters are read-only and you cannot modify or delete them. However, you can delete
any custom filter you created.

To permanently delete a filter:

1. Open the Filter tab in the lower right pane.

2. Right click the filter you want to delete, then click Delete.
3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

Sharing Filters
You can share your own filters, and use filters created by other EnCase users.
218 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

1. Open the Filter tab in the lower right pane. A list of all customized and preconfigured fil-
ters displays.
2. Right click the filter you want to export, then click Browse. A Windows Explorer window
3. Copy the appropriate filter.
4. Navigate to the place where you want to store the file and click Paste.
5. To import a filter created by someone else, use Browse to view the User folder in
Explorer, and place the new filter in that folder.

Conditions are compilations of search terms that instruct EnCase to find certain data based on
a certain property of information.

Conditions are similar to filters in that they display only those entries matching a specific set of
criteria in the Table pane. Both conditions and filters are EnScript code that performs a filtering
process on your data.

The difference between filters and conditions is that creating a condition does not require that
you can program in EnScript. Through a special interface you can create them without coding
directly in EnScript.

Once you create a condition, you can run it on any evidence in the case.

Running an Existing Condition

EnCase comes with a number of preconfigured default conditions.

1. From the lower right pane, open the Condition tab. The preconfigured conditions are in
the Default folder.
2. Double click the filter you want to display the Run Condition dialog.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 219

3. Select the options you require.

o Filter Target specifies what type of case data to filter.
o Current View filters the items that are in the current view, and displays the results in
that view.
o Current device filters all items in the current device, and displays the results in a Res-
ult Set.
o All Evidence Files filters all items in all evidence in the case, and displays results in a
Result Set.
o Result Name is the name of the Result Set, if applicable.

4. Click OK to run the condition. Depending on which condition you selected, additional dia-
logs may display. When a condition is running, the name of that condition shows in the
lower right of the status bar. When complete, the results display in the specified result loc-

Creating a New Condition

1. From the Condition tab, select New from the toolbar. The Condition dialog displays.
220 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

2. Enter a new name for the condition, if desired.

3. Right click the Main function node on the conditions tree and select New. The New Term
dialog displays.

o Select a property, an operator, and, if appropriate, a value and choice.

Properties allow you to specify what information you want to filter.
Operators indicate how you want to filter the information. Operators that
allow you to enter values can use GREP expressions, or provide a list of values
to find.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 221

For any condition using a literal comparison (such as Matches), make sure
there are no spaces at the end of any value string.

o To edit the source code directly, click Edit Source Code.

o To nest terms, create a folder by right clicking on the parent condition folder in the
Tree pane and choosing New Folder. Place the nested terms inside the parent
o To change the AND/OR logic within the condition, right click the term and select
Change Logic. This changes the AND operator to an OR, and vice versa.
o To negate the logic of a term, right click the term and select Not.
o Repeat the steps above to create as many terms as you want to make the condition
as detailed as possible.

Note: The Hash Sets property values display as integers.

4. When you finish, click OK to close the New Term dialog. The new condition displays in the
Edit condition dialog.
5. Repeat for as many conditions as you need. As you accumulate conditions, make sure
they display in the correct hierarchical order for greatest efficiency.

o When you run the condition, the terms are evaluated in the order in which they dis-
o Conditions work from the top to the bottom, so the sequence in the condition tree
directly affects how well the condition works. To be most effective, for example,
place an extension search for all .docx files before a keyword search. This saves pro-
cessing time by not looking for keywords in files that may not even contain text.
Folders operate much like parentheses in mathematical problems, in that the
folder allows its contents to be grouped together based upon the logic.
Logic operators operate on the folder where they display and do not impact
the folders above or below them.

o To nest terms, right click the parent condition folder in the tree and choose New
Folder. Place the nested terms inside the parent folder.
222 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o To toggle the AND/OR logic within the condition, right click the term and select
Change Logic. This changes the AND operator to an OR, and vice versa.
o To negate the logic of a term, right click the term and select Not.

6. Click OK to save and close the dialog.

Editing Conditions
1. Right click the condition you wish to edit and select Edit from the menu.
2. The Condition dialog displays.
3. Edit the condition as needed.

To change the name of an existing condition, right click the condition in the Condition tab and
click Rename.

You can only edit customized conditions. To edit a preconfigured condition, first copy it to the
User folder. Drag the filter to the desired folder while holding the control key or drag using the
right mouse button to make a copy. You can then edit the copy.

Note: You cannot edit preconfigured conditons because they may be updated by
future versions of EnCase.

Sharing Conditions
You can share your own conditions, and use filters created by other EnCase users.

1. Open the Condition tab in the lower right pane. A list of all customized and pre-
configured conditions displays.
2. Right click the condition you want to export, then click Browse. A Windows Explorer win-
dow opens.
3. Copy the appropriate condition.
4. Navigate to the place where you want to store the file and click Paste.
5. To import a condition created by someone else, use Browse to view the User folder in
Explorer, and place the new condition in that folder.

Printing a Condition
The Report tab in the Condition dialog provides a plain text version of the condition. To print
or export this report, right click in this tab and select Save As. The export dialog provides a
variety of options for saving the report.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 223

Browsing Through Evidence

The easiest way to browse through evidence is to view it in either the Evidence or the Artifacts
tab. The Evidence tab displays the evidence currently loaded in your case. The Artifacts tab
displays the inner structure of compressed files or other files that need additional processing
to be viewed.

l To browse through Internet artifacts, expand an Internet node in the Tree pane of the
Artifacts tab. The Browser node contains the various Internet items. Use the Fields tab in
the lower pane to view the most information.
l To browse through Archives, expand the Archives node in the Tree pane of the Artifacts
tab and browse through the various Archive items in the Table pane. Use the Fields tab in
the lower pane to view the most information.
l To view all the results of the modules used for processing evidence, expand the Evidence
Processor Modules node in the Tree pane of the Artifacts tab and browse through the
various items, Use the Fields tab in the lower pane to view the most information.
l To view mobile device data, open the evidence file in either the Artifacts or Evidence tab.
The EnCase Mobile Investigator is the best way to view all mobile device information.

Check for Evidence when Loading a Case

When you load a case, EnCase checks for the existence of evidence and displays a status in
Evidence view.

Finding the Location of an Evidence Item

When working with search results, the Go to File button helps you find the original location of
an item of processed data.  This is useful for Module results or registry keys that need to be
seen in context.
224 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

In the table pane, select the item you want to research and click Go To File. The view changes
to display the device where the entry is located. If you select an email attachment, you are
taken into the email file, with the email message containing the attachment selected. 

If an item resides in a top level device, the file structure may not display any changes when you
click the Go To File button, because there are no additional levels above the top level.

Determining the Time Zone of Your Evidence

When performing an investigation, you may need to see the registry time zone values
associated with your evidence. This must be done before processing the evidence.

To determine the time zone of your evidence:

1. On the home page in the Pathways group, click Full Investigation.

2. In the Full Investigation dialog, click Determine the Time Zone of the Evidence. The Time
Zone Info Prior to Processing dialog displays.

3. Select the evidence you want time zone information for, enter a bookmark folder name
or accept the default name, then click OK.
4. The Registry Values with Time Zone Information dialog displays.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 225

5. In the left pane, click an item in the tree to see detailed time zone information in the right

6. Read the instructions in the dialog if you want to modify time zone settings. Click OK to
create a bookmark for each time zone entry.
226 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Viewing Related Items

For processed evidence you can find items related by name, time, and hash value. When
looking for related items by time, you can select a duration.

1. From the Evidence or Artifacts tabs, right click the item you want to research, then click
Find Related.
2. Select whether you want to find related by name or by time.
o An appropriate dialog displays depending on what you select.
o If you are finding related information by name, a search dialog displays with
index, tag, and keyword options.

3. Click Save & Run to run the query. When you finish, the results display in the Results tab,
under the name of the query.

Browsing Images
The Gallery view of the Evidence or Artifacts tab provides a quick and easy way to view
images. This view is best used when viewing your evidence in a Tree-Table.

By default, images in Gallery view are sorted by extension. You can view image files with
incorrect extensions after they are processed using the Evidence Processor.

You can access all images within a highlighted folder, highlighted volume, or the entire case. If
a folder is highlighted in the Tree pane, all files in the folder display in the Table pane. Click a
folder's Set Include to select all files in that folder and files in any of its subfolders. Once
selected on the Table pane, any images in the selected files display in Gallery view.

l To reduce the number of images displayed in a row in Gallery view, right click any image,
then click Fewer Columns.
l To increase the number of images displayed per row in Gallery view, right click any image,
then click More Columns.
l To bookmark images in Gallery view, right click the image and select the type of book-
mark to assign to it.
l To view ownership permissions for an image, select the image and click the Permissions
tab in the lower pane.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 227

By default, Gallery view displays files based on their file extension. For example, if a .jpg file is
renamed to .dll, it does not display in Gallery view until you run a Signature Analysis. Once the
signature analysis recognizes the file was renamed and that the file is actually an image, it
displays in Gallery view.

EnCase includes built-in crash protection, which prevents corrupted graphic images from
displaying in Gallery view. The timeout defaults to 12 seconds for the thread trying to read a
corrupt image file. You can modify the timeout on the Global tab of the Options dialog.

Corrupt images tracked in the Case file so they are recognized as corrupt the next time they are

If the cache becomes full you can clear it: select the arrow dropdown menu in Evidence view
and select Clear invalid image cache.

When viewing images in the Gallery tab, click a thumbnail image to see its location in the
navigation trail at the bottom of the screen. To go to the location of the image, select the
thumbnail and click Go to file.

To tag or bookmark the image, select the thumbnail and tag or bookmark as required.

Viewing Evidence
Guidance Software recommends using processed data for rapid searching and viewing of data
within your case.  However, there are many ways to view, filter, and find unprocessed data.

Creating Custom File Types

You can add your own custom file types to use with file viewers and to perform file signature

From the File Types tab, you can add, delete, and disable file types.

l To delete a custom file type, select it in the File Types tab and click Delete.
l You cannot delete default and shared files types.
l Checking Disable causes that file type to be ignored.

To add a new file type:

1. From the View menu, select File Types. The File Types tab displays.
2. Click New. The New File Type dialog displays.
228 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o Description is the file type to associate with the file viewer.

o Unique Tag is a unique four character identifier that you must define for each file
o Extensions is a list of file types to associate with the file viewer.
o Category is the category for the type of file you are creating.
o Select a Default Length to determine the end of the file:
Use this if a footer for the file type has not been specified and is used to
determine the length of the file.
If this is not set, a default length of 4096 bytes is used to determine the end of
the file.
Longer lengths are recommended for pictures and ZIP files.

o The Viewer area contains options for selecting the type of viewer to use:
Click EnCase to associate the built-in EnCase viewer with the file type you
Click Windows to associate Windows with the file type you define.
Click Installed Viewer to associate an installed viewer with a file type. Use the
installed viewers tree to select the specific viewer.
The Installed viewers tree lists the file viewers currently known to EnCase.

3. Use the Header and Footer tabs to specify the header and footer code defining this file
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 229

o The header code is the definitive identifier of the type of file. Use it when comparing
against the file extension in a signature analysis.
o Use the footer code to identify the end of the file.

Viewing Multiple Evidence Files Simultaneously

1. Add the required evidence to your case.
2. View all your evidence as a list in the Evidence tab.
3. Select the evidence you want to expand and view as a group.
4. Click Open. The selected evidence displays in the Evidence tab.

Viewing Multiple Artifacts Simultaneously

1. In the Artifacts tab, select the artifacts you want to expand and view as a group, then
click Open.
2. The selected artifacts display in the Artifacts tab.

The Artifacts tab lists all mounted volumes and results from the Evidence Processor or other
activities. Therefore, Artifacts view can display multiple types of data:

o Entries (mounted archives)

o Artifacts (internet and module results)
o Email (mounted email archives)

EnCase supports viewing only one artifact type at a time. If more than one type is found in the
selected artifacts, the Open Item dialog displays, enabling you to choose the artifact type you
want to view. The default is Entries.

Note: In the Open Item dialog, only the radio buttons for the found artifact types are

Viewing Contents of 7-Zip Files

EnCase provides the ability to view the contents of 7-Zip files.

There are two ways to view 7-Zip files:

l By processing an evidence file, in which case any unencrypted 7-Zip files within are parsed
l By viewing individual 7-Zip files manually
230 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

To view an individual 7-Zip file:

1. Right click the 7-Zip file you want to see. In the dropdown menu, click Entries > View File
2. EnCase parses the file and you can view its contents.
Note: If the file is protected or encrypted, a dialog displays asking for the password.

Macintosh Artifacts
EnCase Forensic supports a number of artifacts specific to the Macintosh environment.

Displaying HFS+ File System Compressed Files

EnCase displays HFS+ file system compressed files as uncompressed, and the data displays in
the Text tab of the View pane.

Note: While loading existing evidence files that have HFS+ volumes in them, you
may notice that the values for Unique Offset changed for some entries. This is
expected behavior, caused by refinements in the offset computing algorithm. Unique
offsets still remain unique within the given device.

HFS+ Extended Attributes

There are two types of extended attributes:
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 231

l Internal: The attribute size is less than 3802 bytes, and HFS+ stores the attribute inline
(that is, in the same storage place as its name and size).
l External: The attribute size is greater than 3802 bytes, and HFS+ stores the attribute as a
separate data fork

Most internal attributes are UTF-8 strings, while others are binary .plists or binary integers.
EnCase attempts to convert values to strings whenever possible; if that is not possible, EnCase
displays a hexadecimal representation of the data.

Extended attributes display in the Attributes tab of the View pane.

External attributes are larger than 3802 bytes and have their own extents. For that reason, it is
impractical to display them as strings. Instead, EnCase displays them as additional streams of
the file they belong to. The file name is concatenated with the attribute name, separated by a
middle dot (∙) character.

HFS+ Directories Hard Links

Hard links for directories are specific to Mac OS X. The primary purpose is to support Time
Machine, Apple's backup solution.

EnCase recognizes directory hard links and displays them with an icon that is a combination of
a directory and a link. If more than one link points to the same file, these "sibling" links display
in the Attributes tab of the View pane.
232 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

To go to the real directory a link points to, right click the link and click Entries > Go to Linked
File in the dropdown menu. The directory displays in the Fields tab of the View pane, with the
name Original Path.

Finder Data and .DS_Store

Finder data is an integral part of the HFS+ file system. This information resides in the catalog
file, along with the file name, size, creation date, etc.

A Mac user can choose how information is displayed, including:

l Selecting a color for a label's background.

l Choosing to hide the file, thus preventing it from being displayed by Finder.
l Choosing to make the document a template for other documents.
l Locking the changes to the file's Finder information to prevent accidental modifications.

These are saved in the Finder Info Flags field, which EnCase decodes and displays in the
Attributes tab of the View pane.

There are two additional fields:

l Creator Code, identified by OS X as hfs+

l Type Code, identified by OX S as hlnk

When EnCase displays Finder information, it decodes known flags and, if the background color
of a file or folder was altered, EnCase also decodes the color:

The .DS_Store file is created inside a directory only when a Mac OS X user visits the directory
using Finder. This means a directory may or may not have the .DS_Store file.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 233

If a .DS_Store file exists, EnCase processes it on the fly when you select the Attributes tab in
the View pane. It usually contains information about how to display items in Finder, the items'
locations in the Finder window, etc.

The .DS_Store tags are internal and therefore undocumented, but you can deduce what
some of them mean. For example, in the screenshot above:

l Iloc is the location information, 0x263 and 0x81 being X and Y axes of the item.
l logS is the logical size of the item.
l modD and moDD are modification time stamps.
l phyS is the physical size of the item.

If you are looking for a specific tag, EnCase provides that information.

Displaying Permissions for HFS+ Files and Directories


EnCase recognizes and displays Access Control Lists (ACLs), which are lists of permissions
attached to an object, in the Permissions tab of the View pane. Here is an example of an entry
with an associated Access Control List:

EnCase displays Mac files where permission is locked as Immutable.


EnCase displays UNIX permissions for a file or folder in the form of:

l User
l Group
l Other

If a file or folder has an Access Control List assigned to it, EnCase uses the UUID associated with
users and groups, instead of the user ID or group ID.

In the image above, EnCase displays the root [System Administrator] ID as 0, the staff [root] ID
as 20.
234 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The Directory Services component of Mac OS X stores information about users and groups in a
set of *.plist files, with one file per user or group. EnCase displays these in the Table tab of the
Table pane. The paths to the file locations display in the Fields tab of the View pane.


To verify that the list of users and groups is correctly populated:

1. Navigate to View > Secure Storage.

2. In the Table pane, click Nix Users or Nix Groups.
3. Click the hamburger menu at the far right of the Table pane, then click User List in the
dropdown menu.
4. Depending on your selection in step 3, Nix Users or Nix Groups display in the User List dia-

Macintosh OS X Media Containers

Macintosh OS X supports several media file formats it can mount as physical disks. These are
commonly referred to as Macintosh Containers because they have their own partition
schemes, file systems, and files. EnCase supports these Macintosh Containers:

l Sparse Image
l Sparse Bundle

DMG is an Apple media file format (.dmg). Software distributed as Internet downloads use
DMG as the packaging solution. Characteristics of the DMG format include:

l Single file.
l Preallocated space. Even if the DMG does not contain any data, it still has the same size
as if it were full of files.
l Supports various file systems, including HFS+, and FAT. The type of file system put onto
the DMG alters its format (XML metadata for HFS+, raw data for FAT). EnCase has dif-
ferent code paths to handle both.
l Can be encrypted via Apple FileVault.

EnCase supports these DMG formats:

CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 235

l UDZO (Zip compression algorithm)

l UDBZ (BZip2 compression algorithm)
l UDCO (Apple-proprietary ADC compression algorithm)

Sparse Image
Macintosh OS X uses the Sparse Image media format to encrypt user home directories.
Characteristics of the Sparse Image format include:

l Single file.
l Space is allocated by 1 MB chunks on demand, as the image data grows.
l Can be encrypted via Apple FileVault.

Sparse Bundle
Sparse Bundle is designed for efficient backups via the Apple Time Machine backup solution.
Characteristics of the Sparse Bundle media format include:

l Multiple files (a directory).

l Data is contained in separate 8 MB files called "bands." The filename of each band is its
number in hex.
l A file called Info.plist contains sizing information (including the size of a band and total
l Can be encrypted. A file called "token," which is an empty Apple FileVault file, contains all
necessary information to decrypt the bands.

Here is an example of the physical directory structure of a sparse bundle container.

D:\Research\Mac\sparsebundle>tree /F /A sb200m.sparsebundle
| Info.bckup
| Info.plist
| token

Encrypting Media
All three types of media (DMG, Sparse Image, and Sparse Bundle) can be encrypted via either
AES-128 or AES-256. EnCase currently supports images encrypted with AES-128 only.

Apple uses its proprietary encryption scheme, FileVault, to encrypt the media.
236 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Adding Evidence by Dragging and Dropping Container Files to an Open

To add a Macintosh Container media file to EnCase as evidence:

1. Open a case.
2. Drag and drop the container (for example, a DMG file) to EnCase. EnCase displays the file
in the Evidence tab.

EnCase supports other types of containers and encryption (if you have a valid password).

Using View File Structure with Macintosh Data

You can use the EnCase View File Structure function when you have acquired a Macintosh
drive. You can also use it when you have a DMG or other container on a USB thumb drive add
that drive as local evidence. Right click the evidence in the Name column and select Entries >
View File Structure to view the contents of a container.

Viewing Processed Evidence

Processing evidence automatically indexes and performs a file signature analysis on the data. It
opens compressed or compound files, including ZIP and mail archives.

The easiest way to process evidence is to run it through the Evidence Processor.

Once evidence is processed, it can be opened and viewed in ways not possible before the
parsing and expanding processes are performed.

Viewing Compound Files

Compound files are compressed files or files in an embedded structure, such as ZIP files, PST
email files, etc.  To see all the data in a compound file, it must be run through the Evidence
Processor and made into an L01 file.  Compound files that are deconstructed and parsed are
called "mounted" files.

To see the file structure of a compound file (manually mount), click that file and select View
File Structure. You can also run the file through the Evidence Processor.  That process creates
an evidence file you can click to open or view in the Artifacts tab.

The following can be expanded and viewed after processing:

CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 237

l Registry files
l OLE files
l Compressed files
l Lotus Notes files
l MS Exchange files
l Exchange Server Synchronization
l Outlook Express email
l Microsoft Outlook email
l Macintosh .pax files
l Windows thumbs.db files
l America Online .art files or AOL .art files
l Office 2007 docs
l ZIP and RAR archive files
l thumbs.db

Repairing and Recovering Inconsistent EDB Database Files

The Microsoft Exchange Server stores email messages in an EDB file on a server. A
corresponding log file named E##.log stores data prior to committing it to the EDB file. When
the log file contains data that has not been committed to the EDB file, the EDB file is
considered to be in an inconsistent or "dirty" state. EnCase is unable to parse inconsistent EDB

When an EDB file is dirty, you can run several tests on it to determine whether the files are
merely out of sync, or are in fact corrupt and unusable. Before running these tests, acquire the
EDB database, including the entire bin and mdbdata folders. Make sure all codepages are
installed on your computer.


The mdbdata folder contains the public and private databases and the transactional logs
which are most important when cleaning a database. The BIN folder contains eseutil.exe.

1. Run eseutil.exe from Windows > Start > Run.

2. Use the eseutil.exe command line tool to check the consistency of the state field as fol-
[file location]\eseutil /mh [filepath]priv1.edb
[file location]\eseutil /mh [filepath]pub1.edb
3. If the EDB file is in an inconsistent state, first try to recover, as follows:
“C:\Exchange\BIN\Eseutil.exe” /r E##.

/l <path> - location of log files

/s <path> - location of system files
/i <path> - ignore mismatched/missing database attachments
238 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

/d <path> - location of database files

/o - suppress logo

o Note that the three-character log file base name represents the first log file.
o Files are sequentially named, with E##.log being the first log file.
o Click Yes to run the repair.

4. Run a check (step 2) on the resulting EDB file. If the file is still in an inconsistent state,
attempt to repair the EDB file. This may result in the loss of some data currently in the
.log files. Run the repair as follows:
“C:\Exchange\BIN\Eseutil.exe” /p <database name> [options]

/s <file> - set streaming file name

/i - bypass the database and streaming file mismatch error
/o - suppress logo
/createstm - create empty streaming file if missing
/g - run integrity check before repairing
/t <database> - set temporary database name
/f <name> - set prefix to use for name of report files


1. Run eseutil.exe from Windows > Start > Run.
2. EnCase checks the header of the database for its state.
3. Select the file and open View File Structure from the Entries dropdown menu.
4. The View File Structure dialog displays. If the EDB file is dirty, the dialog includes a Scan
Dirty Database option.
Note: If the EDB file is not dirty, the only available option is Calculate
unallocated space.

5. To parse the dirty EDB file, check Scan Dirty Database, then click OK.

Viewing Email
You can open .PST and other types of mail storage files and view the individual emails within.
You can view the higher order of email folder structure on the Evidence tab. Once the email is
processed, you can double click the storage file to drill down to the individual mail messages.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 239

The default view for Email is the Tree view. This shows the report in full screen, in as close to
native format as possible. Empty fields do not display in the report view. The Fields tab shows
all available metadata about the email and its collection, including the Transport Msg ID.

Use the Search Results tab and Find Email to view data across multiple repositories. You may
also want to view all your indexed evidence and then show only items with an item type of
Email. You can further drill down by finding subsets of sender, date range, etc.

EnCase allows you to track email threads and view related messages. Before you can analyze
email threading, you must have already run the Evidence Processor against your case evidence
with the Find email option selected. To avoid displaying the same message multiple times,
EnCase removes duplicate messages in both the Show Conversation and Show Related email

To view an email message:

1. In the Artifacts tab, double click the .PST file whose emails you want to search. The
archive displays in a new expanded tab.
2. Select an email to view in the View pane.

Viewing Attachments
In the tree view, email attachments display as children under the parent email.

EnCase allows you to view attachments on email messages that you select.

To view the content of an attachment:

1. In the Evidence tab, select the message with the attachment that you want to view.
2. Click the Doc button in the View pane. EnCase displays the contents of the message

Showing Conversations
Email threading is based on conversation-thread related information found in the email
message headers.  EnCase uses email header metadata (including message ID and in-reply-to
headers) to reconstruct email conversation threads. Email conversation thread reconstruction
is done during processing, so conversations are not available on data that has not been

Different email systems use different methods of identifying conversations. For example:
240 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l The header fields Message-ID, Reply-To-ID, and References.

l The header field Conversation Index.
l The header field Thread-Index.
l Multiple mechanisms, because the messages of interest cross email system boundaries. 
In these cases, EnCase builds a separate conversation tree for each type of data found in
the header (for example, one using Message-ID/References and another using Con-
versation Indexes) and displays the conversation tree containing the most email.

EnCase can display conversations for all supported email types except AOL, because AOL
messages do not store thread-related information.  However, the feature cannot always
reconstruct complete conversations when the conversations include messages from multiple
email systems. For example, EnCase cannot fully recreate a conversation where some users are
using Outlook, some are using Lotus Notes, and others Thunderbird.

If an email does not have any of the message header fields specified above, EnCase cannot
construct a conversation thread for it. Selecting such an email and clicking Show Conversation
results in a tree containing only the selected email.

Before you can analyze email threading, you must have already run the Evidence Processor
against your case evidence with the Find email option selected.

To show an email conversation:

1. In the Evidence tab select an email or email store in the Table pane.
2. From the Find Related menu, select Show Conversation.

Displaying Related Messages

All email messages with identical subject lines are considered related and displayed together.
Viewing related messages can sometimes produce more comprehensive results than browsing
through conversation threads.

EnCase can show related emails for all supported email types.  Since Show Related only looks
at the subject line of a message, the emails displayed may not all be related, depending upon
the uniqueness of the subject line.

To show related messages:

1. In the Evidence tab select an email or email store in the Table pane.
2. From the Find Related menu, select Show Related Messages.
CHAPTER 7   Browsing and Viewing Evidence 241

Showing Duplicate Email Messages in a Conversation

By default, when you view an email conversation, EnCase hides any duplicate email messages
in that conversation. To show all duplicates in a conversation, click Show Duplicates in the
Show Conversation or Show Related view toolbar. Duplicate email messages display with red
alerts that indicate their status.

Exporting to *.msg
The Export to .msg option for mail files and mail file attachments lets you preserve the folder
structure from the parsed volume down to the entry or entries selected. This option is
available for the highlighted entry or selected items.

1. In the Tree pane, select the email message(s) you want to export.
2. Right click and select Export to *.msg. The Export Email dialog displays.

o Export Single exports only the selected message.

o Export All Checked exports all files checked.
o Preserve Folder Structure saves selected email folder structure information.
o Output Path captures the location of the export data file. The default is
[username]\Documents\EnCase\Cases\[Case name]\Export.

3. Click OK. View the folder structure in the Export folder. Double click a message to view it
in read-only format.
242 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Overview 245

Searching Indexed Data 246

Finding Tagged Items 257

Keyword Searching Through Raw Data 257

Refreshing Search Results during a Keyword Search 260

Retrieving Keyword Search Results 261

Bookmarking Keyword Search Results 262

Analyzing Individual Search Results 262

Viewing Saved Search Results 262

Creating a LEF from Search Results 264

Finding Data Using Signature Analysis 264

Exporting Data for Additional Analysis 268

Exporting Search Results for Review 272

244 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 245

EnCase Forensic provides three principal methods of searching through evidence:

l Index searches
l Tag searches
l Keyword searches through raw data

You can use these search methods by opening the Indexed Items, Keyword Hits, and Tagged
Items tabs from either the Home page of the case or from the View menu.

Index Searches
Index searching allows you to rapidly search for terms in a generated index, and is the
recommended search method in EnCase Forensic. Querying an index for your case or evidence
file locates terms much more quickly than using non-indexed queries. Unlike raw keyword
searches, indexing is linked with file transcript content so that text content contained with files
can be quickly and efficiently identified. You can also conduct metadata and field searches to
locate content with greater precision.

EnCase Forensic indexes evidence using a modified version of Lucene index and search
technology. You can search through the index using standard Lucene query syntax and most
Lucene search operators and term modifiers.

Indexes are generated using the Evidence Processor. An index can encompass all evidence in
your case.

l See  Creating an Index on page 148 for information about creating and running index
l See  Searching Indexed Data on the next page for a full list of search syntax options.
Note: Index search is a two step process. First, you index data using the Evidence
Processor. In the second step, you retrieve indexed data by executing a search in the
Indexed Items tab.

Tag Searches
EnCase also provides the capability to search for items that have been flagged with user-
defined tags. Using tags, you can search through collected evidence for all items that include
one or many tags. See  Finding Tagged Items on page 257 for information about creating and
running tag searches.
246 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Note: Tagged searches are a two step process. First, you tag the data to be
searched.  In the second step, you retrieve tagged data by executing a search in the
Tagged Items tab.

Keyword Searches through Raw Data

You can query the results of a previously executed keyword search.  You create keyword
searches either with the Evidence Processor or by performing a raw search on your case data.
Keyword searching searches the raw binary form of a file. It does not search the metadata of
the file.

l See  Retrieving Keyword Search Results on page 261 to view the results of a previously
executed keyword search.
l See  Adding a New Keyword on page 145 to learn how to add a new keyword from the
Evidence Processor or when performing a raw search.
l See  Creating a New Keyword List on page 147 to learn how to add a new keyword list.
Note: Keyword searches are a two step process. First, you perform a keyword
search on raw data. In the second step, you retrieve keyword data by executing a
search in the Keyword Hits tab.

Viewing and Saving Search Results

Any set of search results can be saved and viewed later. See  Viewing Saved Search Results on
page 262 for details.

Searching Indexed Data

Searching through indexed data is the quickest way to find a specific subset of evidence items.
To perform an index search, you must have selected the Index Text and Metadata option prior
to evidence processing. See  Creating an Index on page 148 for more information on indexing.

Search through indexed data in the Indexed Items tab. The Indexed Items tab is divided into
four standard panes. The upper left pane is the query pane:
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 247

l Query Actions Bar: Provides options to run a query entered in the Query Construction
Box, change the default language index, select a field to search, add a Boolean operator,
access online help, or access other options.
l Query Construction Box: Type or paste a query directly into the box below the Query
Action Bar. This box is used to create more complex queries.
l Quick Query Box: For a quick index search, enter a single word directly into the box
below the Query Construction Box.
l The Quick Query Results Table is found below the Quick Query Box and displays search
results of quick query words, number of hits, and number of items that contain the query
word. Related words are also displayed with hit and item count.
l Table Pane: When a query is executed, all items that contain the queried items display in
the table pane on the right.
l View Pane: Details of the item selected in the table pane can be viewed here.

To search indexed data:

1. Open the Indexed Items tab from either the Home page of the case or from the View
248 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

2. Type your search query in the Query Construction Box, paste a query, or select available
query options from the Query Actions Bar.

The query actions bar provides tools for constructing a search query. Expand the left
pane to view all buttons and drop-down options. Right click the mouse in the query
window to view these commands in the context menu.

Icon Name Description

Run Run the current query and view results.

Select the language index to search. The

dropdown menu lists all languages
selected during evidence processing.
Default is optimized for English and can
be used with most Western languages.
To search the index of another
language, check the box from the
dropdown menu.
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 249

Icon Name Description

Opens a dropdown menu where you
can target a specific data field for your
Field search. After adding the field name,
enter the value you want to find in the
Query Construction Box.

Inserts a Boolean AND, OR, +, NOT, or -

Logic operator into the Query Construction
Box. Operators must be capitalized.

Open online help for searching indexed


Access additional options:

l Print opens a dialog to print the

query or export to PDF.

Options Menu l Export exports to a file.

l Line Numbers enables you to

display or hide line numbers in

the query box.

o Ctrl+Enter adds a line to the Query Construction Box.

o View a list of search syntax options at Search Operators and Term Modifiers below.

3. To run the search query in the Query Construction Box, position your cursor in the text
box and click Enter, or click the Run button.

The Quick Query Box and Quick Query Results box automatically display the most recent
search term entered in the Query Construction Box. You can enter a term in the Query
Construction Box or Quick Query Box to instantly show all variations of the occurrence of that
term. Click a hyperlinked term in the Word column to show all occurrences of that term in the
right table pane.

Search Operators and Term Modifiers

EnCase Forensic indexes evidence using an implementation of Lucene index and search
technology. You can search the index using standard Lucene query syntax, and most Lucene
search operators and term modifiers. Search operators and term modifiers from Lucene are
summarized below. For more information on Lucene search operators and term modifiers, see
250 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

the Apache Lucene project at https://lucene.apache.org/core/6_4_


Boolean Operators
Boolean operators allow for the combination of terms through the use of logical operators.
Boolean operators must be formatted in ALL CAPS. The following operators are supported:


The OR operator is the default conjunction operator and is used when no other operator
is specified. The OR operator links two terms and finds matching documents if either
term is found in the document. The term || may also be used interchangeably with the
OR operator.

George OR Washington returns documents containing "George" or "Washington"


The AND operator matches documents where both terms are present anywhere in the
text of a single document. The term && may also be used interchangeably with the
AND operator.

A search for "George Washington" AND "Washington George" return

documents that contain the terms, "George Washington" and "Washington George".

Use the + operator to make the term following it required. The term after the + operator
must exist in a document for it to be returned in a search.

A search for +Washington George returns documents that must contain the term
"Washington" and may contain "George".


The NOT operator excludes documents that contain the term after the NOT operator.
The term ! may also be used interchangeably with the NOT operator.
Note: The NOT operator must include at least one non-excluded search term.
Submitting a search with only a NOT operator returns no results. For example, the
search NOT "George Washington" returns no results.

CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 251

The - operator excludes documents containing the term after the - symbol.

"George Washington" -"Washington George" returns all instances of "George

Washington" but excludes documents with instances "Washington George"

Terms and Phrases

EnCase Forensic supports two search terms types: single terms and phrases. Single terms are
single words. Phrases are a group of words enclosed in quotes.

Search terms are highlighted in the search results. Phrase searches highlight the individual
terms of the phrase as well as the whole phrase.

Perform an exact phrase search by enclosing the phrase in quotes.

"George Washington Carver" searches for the exact phrase, "George Washington

With Two Variables

Use parentheses to group multiple words within a search term. For example, in this search

"Bill (Clinton OR Gates)"~5

the index marks as responsive all items containing the word Bill within five words of either
Clinton or Gates.

With Multiple Variables

You can also construct a complex proximity search that includes Boolean operators on both
sides. For example, in this search expression:

"(Bill AND William) (Clinton AND Gates)"~5

the index marks as responsive all items containing both the words "Bill" and "William" within
five words of both "Clinton" and "Gates."

Use parentheses to group clauses and control the Boolean logic of a query. How you use
parentheses determines the search order. Subqueries are performed first. For instance:

(George AND Washington) OR (Abraham AND Lincoln)

252 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

finds all items with either both the terms "George" and "Washington" or both the terms
"Abraham" and "Lincoln."

You can nest parenthetical expressions. For example:

(George AND (Washington OR Bush))

finds all items containing the term "George" and either the terms "Washington" or "Bush."


(George AND Washington) OR Carver)

finds all items containing both the terms "George" and "Washington", or the term "Carver".

You can join proximity queries (~x) to Boolean logic queries (AND, OR). For example:

Delaware AND "George Washington"~3

finds all items containing the term "Delaware" that also contain the terms "George" up to
three words from "Washington."


You can use parentheses to group multiple single terms or phrases. For example:

from:(Carver AND "George Washington")

returns documents where the from field contains both the search term "Carver" and the
phrase "George Washington."

Range Searches
Range searches locate matches where field values fall between the lower and upper bounds
specified in a range query. A range query with square brackets is inclusive. A range query with
curly brackets is exclusive.

logical_size:[500000 to 1000000]
subject:{allen TO zebra}

Date Searches
Search for items by date range using field syntax:
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 253

last_accessed:[20170101 TO 20170102]

Search for a time range by appending the time in six-digit format to the bounding dates:

file_created:[20170101080000 TO 20170101130000]

The above term searches for any item with a creation date between January 01, 2017 08:00 and
January 01, 2017 13:00, including the bounding times and dates.

Using Wildcards to Search for Patterns

Search for incomplete words using the ? and * operators. Wildcards are supported within
single words, but not within phrase queries.


The ? operator stands as a placeholder for any single character. For instance, a search for:


results in hits in documents containing cat, cot, and cut, but not caught.


The * operator stands as a placeholder for any number of characters. For instance:


results in hits for documents containing indecisive, indignant, and Indiana.

The [*] operator can also be used within a word. For instance:


results in hits for documents containing indecisive, initiative, and intuitive.


A term can contain multiple wildcards (either * or ?), but cannot contain wildcards as the first
character of the term. For instance:


are valid searches terms. However:

254 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07


are not valid search terms.

Regular Expression Searches

The forward slash / marks the beginning and end of a regular expression. The indexing engine
searches for patterns that match the regular expression contained within the slashes.


/regular expression/


/[jb]ump/ finds all documents containing the words "jump" and "bump"

The tilde ~ acts as a proximity operator when it follows a phrase containing two terms. Perform
a proximity search on two terms by enclosing the terms in quotes, appending the tilde ~ and
adding a numeric value. The numeric value represents the maximum number of words that
can exist between the two search terms for a positive hit to be returned. While proximity
search can return results where the second search term appears before the first search term,
the proximity value must be increased by two in order to account for counting through the
first word and locating the beginning of the second word.


"searchterm1 searchterm2"~<value>


"George Washington"~3 finds all documents where the word "Washington" appears
three words or less after the word "George" or where the word "Washington" appears
immediately before the word, "George"
"white house"~10 finds all documents where the word "house" appears ten words or
less after the word "white" or where the word "house" appears eight words or less
before the word, "white"
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 255

Fuzzy Searches
The tilde ~ acts as a fuzzy search operator when it follows a single search term. The fuzzy
search operator returns results similar to the term. Append an optional integer from 0 to 2 to
specify the search tolerance. If no number is specified, a default value of 2 is used. The larger
the number, the broader the search.




file~ returns similar terms like "mile", "pile" and "files"

Search Fields
EnCase Forensic searches for terms in every indexed text field. You can restrict the fields you
search using the field name followed by a colon :. For example, to search for terms in the
subject line, use:


You can use parentheses to group terms together in a field:

subject:(George AND Washington)

You can perform field searches with other search functions:

subject:"George Washington"~2

To search in a specific Item Type, choose Item Type from the Field drop-down, and select
category you want to search. Search options include: None, Entry, File, Email, Document, and
Record. When you make a selection, the item type and corresponding number for the
category are entered in the query box. Enter the AND operator, followed by your query, and
click the Run button to conduct the Item Type search.

item_type:3 AND "George Washington"

Search Fields
The following table lists supported fields.
256 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Individual Fields

Action URL From Received

BCC Icon Data Requesting URL

CC Icon URL Sent

Comment Item Path Subject

Item Type (None, Entry,

Description File, Email, Document, Symbolic Link

Entropy Last Accessed To

Entry Modified Last Written True Path

Entry Slack Logical Size URL Host Name

File Created Metadata URL Name

File Ext Name Unique Offset

Pattern Fields

Credit Card Phone Number Social Security Number

(<p:CreditCard>) (<p:CreditCard>) (<p:SocialSecurityNumber>)

Email Address

Reserved Characters
EnCase Forensic supports escaping special characters that are used in query syntax. The
following characters must be escaped if you want to use them as part of a search:

+ - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \

The Escape Character (\)

The escape character ( \ ) defines an escape sequence, transforming special characters and
words into their literal versions.
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 257

For example, to search for (3-2=1):1, use the escape character before each special
character: \(3\-2=\)\:1

Finding Tagged Items

Finding tagged data enables you to quickly review items that have been flagged for special
attention. Clicking in the tag column in the table pane automatically adds or removes a tag
from that item.

1. Open the Tagged Items tab from either the Home page of the case or from the View

2. Click on a tag directly to display all items with that tag in the table pane.
3. Select multiple tags and click View Selected to see items containing any of the selected

Keyword Searching Through Raw Data

Although index searching is the recommended type of search, there may be times when you
want to perform a search across the raw contents of a device. In those cases, you can perform
a keyword search on your non-indexed case data. Keyword searching only searches the raw
binary form of a file, so some content may not be discovered if it is compressed or otherwise
258 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07


You can perform hashing and raw keyword searches on remote devices.

In order to maximize performance, you can search and hash these types of files remotely:

l Uncompressed, unencrypted and/or non-resident files

l NTFS compressed files
l EFS encrypted files
l Resident files

You cannot search and hash encrypted files (other than EFS) remotely.

To create a new raw keyword search within a case:

1. In the Evidence tab, select the device(s) to search.

Note: You can also create a new raw keyword search for specifically selected items
by going to the Entry > Raw Search Selected menu.

2. Click Raw Search All.

3. Select an existing search or click New Raw Search All to create a new search. The New
Raw Search All Entries dialog displays.
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 259

o Use the path box at the top of the dialog to specify the name and location for the
o Select Search entry slack to include file slack in the keyword search.
o Select Skip contents for known files to search only the slack areas of known files
identified by a hash library.
o Select Undelete entries before searching to undelete deleted files before they are
searched for keywords.
o Use initialized size lets you search a file as the operating system displays it, rather
than searching its full logical size.
In NTFS and exFAT file systems, applications are allowed to reserve disk space
for future operations. The application sets the logical size of the file larger than
currently necessary to allow for expected future expansion, while setting the
Initialized Size smaller so that it only needs to parse a smaller amount of data.
This enables the file to load faster.
If a file has an initialized size less than the logical size, the OS shows the data
area between the initialized size and logical size as zeros. In actuality, this area
of the file may contain remnants of previous files, similar to file slack. By
default, EnCase displays, searches and exports the area past the initialized size
260 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

as it appears on the disk, not as the OS displays it. This lets you find file rem-
nants in this area.
Select Initialized Size to see a file as its application sees it and the OS displays it.
Note that when a file is hashed in EnCase, the initialized size is used. This
means that the entire logical file is hashed, but the area past the initialized size
is set to zeros. Since this is how a normal application sees the file, this lets
users verify file hashes with another utility that reads the file via the OS.

o Add Keyword List opens a dialog where you can enter a list of words and assign cer-
tain properties to them as a group.  See  Creating a New Keyword List on page 147.
o Split Mode lets you configure the layout of the dialog.
o New opens the New Keyword dialog where you can add a new keyword.  See
 Adding a New Keyword on page 145.
o Double click a keyword, or click Edit, to open the keyword and modify its prop-
o Highlight a keyword and click Delete to remove it from the list.

4. When you finish, click OK to save the search.

Refreshing Search Results during a Keyword

When running a raw keyword search, you can view the search hits while the search is ongoing,
instead of waiting for the entire search to complete.

To see search results while the search is in progress, click the Refresh icon on the Keyword Hits

If new search hits are available, the icon displays in green. If no new search hits are available,
the icon is disabled.
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 261

The icon is dynamic: after clicking, it is disabled until more search hits are available. When
more search hits are available, the icon is enabled and displays again in green.

Retrieving Keyword Search Results

You can retrieve previously executed keyword search results from the Keyword Hits tab.

1. Open the Keyword Hits tab from either the Home page of the case or from the View
2. A list of keywords displays. These are the keywords that have been previously executed.

3. View keyword results by items or hits.

o Click an Items column hyperlink to see all responsive items for that keyword in the
Table pane.
o Click a Hits column hyperlink to see all responsive hits for that keyword in the Table

4. Select multiple keywords and click the View Selected button to see a combination of all
search results.
5. Choose View Items or View Hits from the View Selected dropdown to view keyword res-
ults by items or hits.
262 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Bookmarking Keyword Search Results

You can create keyword hit bookmarks from the Keyword Hits tab. Right click the keyword hit
and click Bookmark > Keyword Hit. You can also bookmark multiple selected keyword hits at
one time. Right click the keyword hit and click Bookmark > Selected Keyword Hits.

Analyzing Individual Search Results

Use the viewing options at the bottom of the Indexed Items, Keyword Hits, Tagged Items or
Results tabs to see information about a single search result in a variety of ways.

l Use the Review tab to see a compressed list of metadata, keyword item, and index search
o This tab combines information found on the Fields, Transcript, and Text tabs, show-
ing fields and individual lines containing search hits.
o Click the linked Search Hits line number to view the search hit on that line in context.
o Use the Next/Previous Item buttons to click through each item in the list.

l Content hits are also highlighted in the Transcript, Text, and Hex tabs while metadata hits
are highlighted in the Fields tab.
o Click Compressed View on the Transcript, Text, and Hex tabs to see only the lines
containing highlighted search hits.
o Use the Next/Previous Hit buttons to click through each hit in the file. If there are
no more hits in the file, the next item opens and the first hit is found.

For more information about viewing options, see  Viewing Content in the View Pane on
page 202.

Note: Index hits with large numbers of characters that wrap over line breaks do not
display in the Review tab.

Viewing Saved Search Results

1. Collect a set of search results and click the Results toolbar button. Then click Save
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 263

2. The Save Results dialog displays.

3. Enter the name for your search and click OK.

4. From the View menu, select Results. The Results tab displays.

5. Select a saved search in the left pane. The results of that search display in the right Table
pane. Click individual items to see more information in the lower viewing tabs.
264 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Note: If you save search results when viewing by hits in the Keyword Hits tab,
only unique items are saved. For example, if you select ten hits that occur in one item
and three that occur in another, only the two unique items will be saved in the result
set. You can create keyword hit bookmarks if you wish to save individual keyword
hits. See Retrieving Keyword Search Results on page 1

Creating a LEF from Search Results

You can export items in a set of search results to a LEF. Search results can contain both entries
and artifacts.

When you export search results containing only entries or containing only artifacts, EnCase
generates a single LEF.

When you export search results containing both entries and artifacts, EnCase generates two
LEFs, one containing only artifacts and another containing only entries.

1. On the Indexed Items, Keyword Hits, or Tagged Items tab, select the items you want to
2. Click Acquire > Create Logical Evidence File.
3. EnCase exports the items you checked to a LEF.
Note: If you choose both entries and artifact items, the records are exported to a
LEF named <UserCreatedName>.artifacts.L01.

Finding Data Using Signature Analysis

Signature analysis compares file headers with file extensions in order to verify file type. For
standardized file types, a signature, or recognizable file header, is always associated with a
specific file type extension.

File extensions are characters following the dot in a file name (for example, signature.doc).
They often indicate the file's data type. For example, a .txt extension denotes a text file, while
.doc indicates a document file.

The file headers of each unique file type contain identifying information called a signature. For
example, .BMP graphic files have BM as a signature.
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 265

A technique often used to hide data is to attempt to disguise the true nature of the file by
renaming it and changing its extension. Because a .jpg image file assigned a .dll extension is not
usually recognized as a picture, comparing a file’s signature with its extension identifies files
that were deliberately changed. For example, a file with a .dll extension and a .jpg signature
should pique the interest of an investigator.

The software performs the signature analysis function in the background on all processed

Information about results of a file signature analysis displays in Evidence tables, in the
Signature Analysis column:

l Match indicates data in the file header, extension, and File Signature table all match.
l Alias means the header is in the File Signature table but the file extension is incorrect (for
example, a JPG file with a .ttf extension). This indicates a file with a renamed extension.
The word Alias displays in the Signature Analysis column, and the type of file identified by
the file signature displays in the File Type column.
l Unknown means neither the header nor the file extension is in the File Signature table.
l !Bad Signature means the file's extension has a header signature listed in the File Sig-
nature table, but the file header found in the case does not match the File Signature table
for that extension.

Adding and Modifying File Signature Associations

All file signatures are associated with file types in the File Type table.

Occasionally a file signature may not be in the table. Use this procedure to add a new one.
Before you do this, you need to know the file signature search expression. This is not
necessarily the same as the three letter file extension.

To add a new file signature and file type:

1. From the View menu, select File Types. The File Type table displays.

2. Click New. The New File Type dialog displays.

266 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o Create a descriptive name for the new file type.

o Enter one or more three letter extensions for the file type, on separate lines of the
Extensions text box.

3. Click the Header tab to display the file signature information.

CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 267

o Enter the file signature in the Search Expression field.

o Select GREP if the expression uses GREP variables to locate the file signature.
o Select Case Sensitive if case sensitivity is desired.

4. Click OK. The new file type and associated file signature are added to the table.

To change an existing file signature:

1. From the View menu, select File Types. The File Type table displays.
2. Double click a file type. The Edit File Type dialog displays.
3. Click the Header tab to display the file signature information.
4. Change the Search Expression and other options as desired, then click OK.
Note: If you modify a built-in file type, it is marked as User Defined. EnCase does not
overwrite User Defined file types, even when you install a new version of EnCase.

Running File Signature Analysis against Selected Files

Using the Evidence Processor, you can run file signature analysis on a previewed device
without first acquiring the device.

1. On the Evidence tab, drill into the device where you want to run file signature analysis.
2. Blue check the specific files you want to run signature analysis on.
3. Click Entries. In the dropdown menu, click Hash\Sig Selected. The Hash\Sig Selected dia-
log displays.
268 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o MD5 generates MD5 hash values for the selected files.

o SHA1 generates SHA1 hash values for the selected files.
o Hash analysis compares the hash values of selected files against hashes in your lib-
o Entropy creates entropy values for the selected files.
o Verify file signatures performs file signature analysis on the selected files.

4. Select Verify file signatures to run signature analysis. You can also select other processes
to run concurrently.
5. Click OK.
Note: After running file signature analysis, you must refresh the device. Click the
Refresh button in the Entries toolbar.

Exporting Data for Additional Analysis

You can copy files in their native format from EnCase to other media or folders for sharing or
further analysis. This feature can also recover and restore deleted files on a byte-per-byte

You can copy both files and folders. Copying folders preserves their internal structure.

EnCase allows you to automatically navigate to the directory where your files are saved. Click
the Open Destination Folder checkbox on the Destination dialog to launch Windows File
Explorer with the export location.
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 269

Copying Files
To copy files:

1. In the Evidence or Artifacts tab, click the Entries dropdown menu and select Copy Files.
2. In the Results, Indexed Items, Keyword Hits, or Tagged Items tab, click the Results drop-
down menu and select Copy Files.
3. The Copy Files dialog displays.

o Select Highlighted File to copy the highlighted file.

o Select All selected files to copy the currently selected files in the table.
o Separate Files outputs each file to its own file.
o Merge into one file merges the output of all selected files into one file.
o Replace first character of FAT deleted files with determines which character is
used to replace the first character in the filename of deleted files in the FAT file sys-
tem. Deleted files on a FAT volume have a hex \xE5 character at the beginning. The
underscore ( _ ) character is used by default to replace this character.

4. Click Next. The Options dialog displays.

o Copy Files contains settings that determine the content of the evidence file to be
270 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Logical File Only performs the copy function on the logical file only, not includ-
ing the file slack.
Entire Physical File performs the copy function on the entire physical file,
including the logical file and file slack.
RAM and Disk Slack performs the copy function on both the RAM and disk
RAM Slack Only performs the copy function on the RAM slack only.

o The Character Mask settings determine what characters are written into the file or
files created by the copy function.
Select None if you do not want any characters masked or omitted from the file-
names of the resulting files.
Select Do not Write Non-ASCII Characters to mask or omit non-ASCII char-
acters from the filenames of the resulting files. All characters except non-ASCII
characters are retained.
Select Replace NON-ASCII Characters with DOT to replace non-ASCII char-
acters with periods in the filenames of the resulting files.

o Checking Show Errors causes the application to notify you when errors occur. This
prevents the unattended execution of the Copy Files operation.

5. Click Next. The Destination dialog displays.

o Copy displays the number of files to be copied, and the total number of bytes of the
file or files created.
o Path shows the path and filename of the file or files to be created. The default is My
Documents\EnCase\[case name]\Export.
o Split files above contains the maximum length, not exceeding 2000MB, of any file
created by the Copy Files function. When the total number of bytes in an output file
exceeds this value, the additional output continues in a new file.
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 271

o Use Initialized Size determines whether to use the initialized size of an entry,
rather than the default logical size or the physical size. This setting is only enabled
for NTFS and exFAT file systems. When an NTFS or exFAT file is written, the initialized
size can be smaller than the logical size, in which case the space after the initialized
size is zeroed out.

6. Click Finish. The Copy Files operation executes. The resulting files are saved in the dir-
ectory specified in the Destination dialog.

Copying Folders
1. Select the folder or folders to copy.
2. Open the Copy Folders dialog:
o In the Evidence or Artifacts tab, click the Entries dropdown menu and select Copy
o In the Results, Indexed Items, Keyword Hits, or Tagged Items tab, click the Results
dropdown menu and select Copy Folders.

3. The Copy Folders dialog displays.

Select the desired options:

o Source displays the folder to copy.
o Copy displays the number of files to copy, and the total number of bytes in the file
or files created.
272 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o Path shows the path and filename of the file or files to be created. The default is My
Documents\EnCase\[case name]\Export.
o Replace first character of FAT deleted files with determines which character is
used to replace the first character in the filename of deleted files in the FAT file sys-
o Split files above contains the maximum length, not exceeding 2000 MB, of any file
created by Copy Folders. When the total number of bytes in an output file exceeds
this value, the additional output is continued in a new file.
o Copy only selected files inside each folder copies individual files selected within a
folder or folders.
o Checking Show Errors causes the application to notify you when errors occur. This
prevents the unattended execution of the copy operation.
o Open Destination Folder opens the selected folder when the copy action com-

4. Click OK.

Exporting Search Results for Review

You can consolidate search results into a review package that can be reviewed by external
parties. Review packages can be a combination of email or file results from indexed or raw
keyword searches. You can also create review packages from bookmarks. The review package
is a self-contained application viewable in a web browser that does not require EnCase in order
to open and work with it. Reviewers can use existing tags or make customized tags for flagging
items of interest in the review package. When the information is imported back into EnCase,
using a generated .EnReview file, you can then see the tags added by the reviewer.

All file types can be packaged for review. Raw and indexed searches cull through the content
and metadata of pictures, email, and office documents. Metadata information is culled for
other file types.

The process for creating, reviewing, and returning a review package follows this work flow:

l The EnCase examiner searches and compiles a results list that is exported into a review
l The reviewer receives and opens the review package.
l The reviewer browses through and analyzes the contents of the review package. Existing
tags can be used or the reviewer can create customized tags.
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 273

l The reviewer exports the tagged review package and sends the exported file back to the
EnCase examiner. The export package contains only the GUIDs of the items, so it can be
emailed back as a small file without revealing any case information.
l The EnCase examiner imports the analyzed review package and views the tagged items in

Creating a Review Package

After you perform a search, you can package a set of results for external review. Both email
artifacts and files can be reviewed.

To create a review package:

1. From any item view, select Review Package > Export.

2. The Export dialog displays. Select the appropriate options to create the review package:

o Only Checked Rows exports the selected rows in the current table view of the
search list. If a range of rows is selected, only checked rows within that range are
exported. When cleared, all rows in the current table view are exported.
o Show Folders exports items along with any relevant folder structure. When selec-
ted, all items are exported. When cleared, only items in the current table view are
exported. You must select this option when exporting selected items from multiple
folders to the review file.
274 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o Export Items exports files in their native formats as part of the review package.
EnCase exports all file types except raw File System entries (for example: $MFT, $Lo-
gFile or any '$*' files on NTFS file systems).  Unallocated Clusters and Unused Disk
Area are not exported.

When you open the review web browser, the Review Export function displays hyperlinks
which, when selected, open the associated original files.
o Select the fields you want to export in the Fields list.
o By default, all tags are automatically exported for use by the reviewer. Clear the
checkboxes on the left for any tags you do not want to export.
o The Export Tag checkbox determines whether to export the tagging information
already entered on any of the items. When cleared, any tagging choices you made
are omitted from the review package. When checked, your tagging selections
remain intact.
o Enter or browse to the name and path for the export files.

3. Click OK. A status bar displays the export process. When the export process completes,
the review package window opens to allow the examiner to confirm its contents. Include
the ReviewPackage.hta and the accompanying \ReviewPackage.data folder when com-
piling the Review Package for distribution.

Analyzing and Tagging a Review Package

Review Packages are created much like web pages. They have an .hta  extension and can be
opened by Windows as a native .html application.

The review application displays two panes. The upper pane displays the items exported from
EnCase. The lower pane displays specific information about the currently selected item.

1. To open an .hta review package, double click the .hta file. The EnCase Document Review
window displays.
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 275

2. Scroll through the items on top and use the lower pane to review their content.
3. Click the area of the tag column beneath the desired tag to tag or untag an item.
o You can expand the tagging column to see the names of tags.
o You can tag each item with as many tags as desired. Newly added item tags display a
plus icon.
o Click an existing item tag to delete it. A minus icon displays where the item tag was
o Item tags added by the original examiner are included in the review package. Item
tags specified by the original examiner can be removed.
o When reviewing bookmarks, each bookmark displays on a separate row so separate
tags can be applied to individual bookmarks. These bookmarks are aggregated
within the item when reviewed in EnCase.

4. To create a customized tag, click Create Tag in the menu bar. The Create Tag dialog dis-

o Enter the name for the tag in the Name text box.
o If you want to display a shorter name, enter it in the Display text box.
o Click OK to create the tag and close the dialog.
276 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

5. To delete one or more tags, click Delete Tags in the menu bar. The Delete Tag dialog dis-
o Check the tag(s) you want to delete.
o Click OK to delete the tags and close the dialog.

6. Tags can always be reverted to their last saved state. The last saved state is the state the
tags were in when they were originally imported, or the state they were in the last time
the review package was exported with the Commit Changes checkbox checked.

To revert to the last saved tagging choices, click Revert in the menu bar. The Revert
dialog displays.
o Check each tag you want restored to its last saved state.
o Click OK to revert the tags and close the dialog.

Exporting a Review Package

You can create an .EnReview file from a review package to send to an EnCase examiner to
import. When generating an .EnReview file, only the GUID and tag information of the items are
captured, so there is no case information included in the file. The export file is small enough to
be sent through email. Only changes from the last saved state are stored in the export file.

1. To export a review package to be imported into EnCase, click Export in the menu bar. The
Export dialog displays.
o Check Commit Changes to save the current set of tags.
Committing changes updates the review package's last saved state.
The last saved state is then used as a baseline for future modifications.

o Enter the path for the review package to be saved.

2. Click OK. The review package is exported and saved as an .EnReview file in the desired loc-
3. Send the .EnReview file to the EnCase examiner to import back into EnCase.
Note: When a case is exported via Review Package, the HTA file displays a
maximum of 31 tags.

Importing a Review Package

1. To import reviewed data select Review Package > Import from the toolbar. The Import
dialog displays.
CHAPTER 8   Searching Through Evidence 277

2. Enter the path where the .EnReview file is stored and click Next. A list of tags added to the
review package displays.
o Only tags with changes since the last saved change display in the list.
o Clear checkboxes for any tags you do not want to import.
o Item tags present when the review package was exported, then subsequently
removed by the reviewer, are removed in the examiner's case when you import the
returned review package.
o If multiple reviewers are analyzing the same review package, the same rules apply to
each .EnReview file.
If an item tag was present when the review package was exported, and one
reviewer removed it while another reviewer left if in, then the tag is removed in
the examiner's case when you import the returned review packages.
The order in which you import the review packages does not make a difference.

3. When you are done, click Finish. The tag changes in the review package are incorporated
into EnCase.
Note: Tags applied to separate bookmarks within a particular item are aggregated;
therefore, each item in EnCase displays all tags that were applied to all its bookmarks.
278 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Overview 281

Hashing Features 281

Working with Hash Libraries 282

Integration with Project VIC 292

280 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 9   Hashing Evidence 281

Analyzing a large set of files by identifying and matching the unique hash value of each file is an
important part of the computer forensics process. Using the hash library feature of EnCase,
you can import or custom build a library of hash sets, allowing you to identify file matches in
the examined evidence.

A hash function is a way of creating a digital fingerprint from data. The function substitutes or
transposes data to create a hash value. Hash analysis compares case file hash values with
known, stored hash values.

The hash value is commonly represented as binary data written in hexadecimal notation. If a
hash value is calculated for a piece of data, and one bit of that data changes, a hash function
with strong mixing property will produce a completely different hash value.

Hashing creates a digital fingerprint of a file. A fundamental property of all hash functions is
that if two hashes (calculated using the same algorithm) are different, then the two inputs are
different in some way. On the other hand, matching hash values strongly suggests the equality
of the two inputs.

Computer forensics analysts often create different hash sets of known illicit images, hacker
tools, or non-compliant software to quickly isolate known "bad" files in evidence. Hash sets
can also be created to identify files whose contents are known to be of no interest, such as
operating system files and commonly used applications. Hash sets are distributed and shared
among users and agencies in multiple formats. These formats include NSRL, EnCase hash sets,
Bit9, and others.

Until recently, the MD5 hash calculation was the hash set standard to identify a file. Large hash
distribution sets, such as the NSRL set, are now distributed using the SHA-1 hash calculation.
EnCase uses an extensible format for hash sets that allows:

l Storing metadata along with the hash value in field form.

l Support of MD5, SHA-1, and additional hash formats within the same file structure.
l Storing tags associated with items in the hash set.

Hashing Features
EnCase hashing features include the following:
282 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l A versatile user interface for hash library management that allows:

o Creation of hash sets and libraries.
o Importing and exporting hash sets.
o Querying hash sets.
o Viewing hash sets or individual hash items.

l Hash libraries that can contain multiple hash sets. Each set can be enabled or disabled.
l Ability to create as many hash libraries or hash sets as needed.
l Ability to report every match, if a hash belongs to multiple hash sets in a library.
l Ability for each case to use a maximum of two different hash libraries at the same time.
Note: When using the 32-bit Examiner to edit a large number of hash sets, you may
see an error message stating "Not enough storage is available to process this
command." This is a limitation of the 32-bit Examiner. Guidance Software
recommends you use the 64-bit Examiner.

Working with Hash Libraries

A hash library is a folder containing a database-like structure where EnCase stores hash sets.
To work with hash libraries, click Tools > Manage Hash Library. The Manage Hash Library
dialog displays.

You can use this dialog to:

l Create a new hash library or open an existing library.

l Create new hash sets in a library or edit an existing hash set in a library.
l Import and export hash sets from one library to another.
l Associate hash sets with hash libraries and hash libraries with cases.
l Query a hash library for a particular value.
l Manage hash items, including viewing and deleting hash items.

Creating a Hash Library

To create a hash library:

1. Click Tools > Manage Hash Library.

2. In the Manage Hash Library dialog, click the New button in the upper right corner.
3. Browse for a folder to hold the hash library. If you use an existing folder, it must be
empty; otherwise, the contents of the folder will be deleted.
4. Click OK.
5. The path and name of your hash library now display in the hash library path field.
CHAPTER 9   Hashing Evidence 283

To import hash sets from another library into an existing hash library:

1. Click Tools > Manage Hash Library. The Manage Hash Library dialog displays.

2. Click Import from the toolbar, and select an option:

o Current Hash Sets
o EnCase Legacy Hash Sets
o Hashkeeper
o Project VIC

3. A path dialog opens. Locate and select the hash set.

4. Click Finish.

You can then browse to a library or enter Hashkeeper identification data to import individual
hash sets. To create new hash sets for this library, see  Creating a Hash Set below.

Creating a Hash Set

Hash sets are collections of hash values, representing unique files, usually belonging to a
common group. For example, a hash set of all Windows operating system files could be
created and named Windows System Files. When you run a hash analysis on an evidence file,
the software identifies all files included in that hash set. You can then exclude those logical files
from later searches and examinations. This speeds up keyword searches and other analytic

Once created, you can add to hash sets on a case by case basis. Adding new files as time goes
by saves time and effort in subsequent investigations.

Hash sets (which contain individual hash entries) are located within hash libraries. Creating a
hash set is a two step process. The first step is to create an empty hash set in a library. The
second step is to add information to it.

To create a hash set:

1. Click Tools > Manage Hash Library.

2. Make sure that you either browse and point to an existing hash library or create a new
one. This is the hash library where you will add the hash set.
284 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. In the Manage Hash Library dialog, click New Hash Set. The Create Hash Set dialog dis-

4. Enter a Hash Set Name, and enter information for Hash Set Category and Hash Set Tags.
o You can use the hash set category to identify the type of hash set. Although the
most common values are Known and Notable, you can specify any single value. You
can use the category to find or eliminate files.
o Hash set tags allow you to specify multiple identifiers for a hash set. As with hash set
categories, you can use hash set tags to find or eliminate files.

5. When you are prompted to add the new hash set, click OK, then click OK again. The new
hash set is added to the list of ash Sets in the Manage Hash Library dialog.

Adding Hash Values to a Hash Set

After you create a hash set in a library, you can add information to it.

1. Add the device or evidence from which you want to generate a hash value to a case.
2. Hash the files on the device by using the hashing feature of the Evidence Processor or
Hash Individual Files from the Entry > Entries menu item.
CHAPTER 9   Hashing Evidence 285

3. Using the Tree and Table panes, check those entries whose hash values you want to add
to the hash set.
4. On the Evidence tab, under Entries view, click the Entries dropdown menu and select
Add to Hash Library. The Add to Hash Libraries dialog displays.

5. Using the Hash Library Type dropdown menu, choose the hash library to add the hash
items to.
6. Select the Primary or Secondary hash library (see below for information on setting the
Primary and Secondary libraries), or Other, if you need to place the item in a different lib-
7. After you have selected a library, select one or more previously created hash sets (by
checking their boxes) from the Existing Hash Sets dialog. If you need to create a new
hash set, right click in the Existing Hash Sets table and select New Hash Set. The New
Hash Set dialog displays.
8. In the Fields list, select the metadata fields you want to add to the hash library for the
selected items. Some fields are added by default; however, you can add other optional
fields. All fields added to the hash set are reported when a hash comparison matches a
particular hash set.
9. Click the Skip items with no MD5 or SHA1 checkbox to skip all blank items and allow the
import to proceed without manually locating and deselecting files with no hash values.
10. When you finish, click OK.
286 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Note: Adding additional fields does not increase the comparison time, but does
increase the size of the library.

Adding Results to a Hash Library

1. In the results list, check the items you want to add to a hash library.
2. In the Results dropdown menu, click Add Results to Hash Library.
3. The Add Results to Hash Library dialog displays.

4. In the Hash Library Type dropdown menu, choose the hash library (Primary, Secondary,
or Other) where you want to add results.
5. Select one or more previously created hash sets from the Existing Hash Sets list.
6. The Name, Logical Size, MD5, and SHA1 fields are included by default. Select any addi-
tional metadata fields you want to add to the hash library for the selected items from the
Fields list. All fields added to the hash set will be reported when a hash comparison
matches a particular hash set.
7. Click the Skip items with no MD5 or SHA1 checkbox to skip items with no MD5 or SHA1
available and allow the import to proceed without manually locating and deselecting files
CHAPTER 9   Hashing Evidence 287

with no hash values.

8. When you finish, click OK.
Note: Adding additional fields does not increase the comparison time, but it does
increase the size of the library.

Querying a Hash Library

At times, an examiner may want to query a hash library for a particular hash value to verify its
existence and to examine the metadata that exists with that value.

To conduct a query of a known hash value:

1. On the home page, click Tools > Manage Hash Library > Open Hash Library.
2. Use the existing hash library, or click the browse button and select a different hash library
and click OK.
3. The Manage Hash Library dialog lists the hash sets in the hash library.
4. Click Query All. The Hash Library Query dialog displays.
5. Paste the value into the Hash Value field and click Query. Any matches display in the
Matching hash items table.

6. To obtain more detailed information about the matched hash item, click either Show
Metadata or Show Hash Sets.
288 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Adding Hash Libraries to a Case

After you create one or more hash libraries and add hash sets and hash values to them, you
need to associate them with your case. 

To associate hash libraries with a case:

1. On the Case home page, click Case > Hash Libraries.

2. The Hash Library Info dialog displays the location of the primary and secondary hash lib-
raries. EnCase can use two hash libraries simultaneously so that you can use a local lib-
rary as well as a shared library.
3. To set the primary hash library, click the Primary row in the table and select Change Hash
Library in the menu, or double click in the Hash Library Path cell next to Primary. Browse
to the folder containing the hash library.
4. To enable the library, confirm that the Enable checkbox is checked for the primary library.
5. The Existing hash sets table displays a list of the hash sets in the selected library. To
enable sets, check the Enable checkbox.
6. To manage the secondary hash library, select the Secondary column and follow the same
7. After you define a primary or secondary hash library, you can manage that library: select
it in the table and click Manage Hash Library in the toolbar.
Note: EnCase can automatically add a hash library to a case after the hash library is
associated with a case. EnCase prompts you with an option to associate the hash
library you select with the case that is currently open.

Viewing Hash Sets Associated with an Entry

You can view hash set names associated with an entry in the Table pane and in Hash Sets detail
view. The top three hash set names for a table entry are listed in the Hash Set Names column
in Table pane. You can view the names of all hash sets in the Hash Sets detail view.

Hash set names and associations with individual entries are collected in the device cache after
you set up primary and secondary hash libraries for a case and process evidence. The top
three hash set names are pulled from this cache and display in a column in the Table pane.

To associate hash sets with entries in the table pane:

1. Set up primary and secondary hash libraries. See  Creating a Hash Library on page 282.
2. Select the evidence files for which you want to view associated hash sets.
3. Process the evidence. See  Processing Evidence on page 121. 
CHAPTER 9   Hashing Evidence 289

Cache information is preserved until you make a change in the hash library. Reprocessing the
evidence updates the hash set associations in the device cache.

To update hash set associations in the device cache:

1. Select the evidence files for which you want to view updated hash set associations.
2. Select Process from the Evidence ribbon. The EnCase Processor Options dialog displays.

3. Check the Overwrite evidence cache checkbox.

4. Click OK.

To view all hash sets associated with an entry:

1. Select the entry from Table pane.

2. Choose Hash Sets from the bottom panel ribbon. All hash sets containing the entry dis-
290 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Managing Hash Sets and Hash Libraries Associated with a

To change hash libraries associated with a case:

1. Click Case > Hash Libraries.

2. The Hash Libraries dialog displays.
3. Click Change hash library on the toolbar to enable or disable hash libraries associated
with the current case.
4. Select or clear checkboxes in the Enable column to enable or disable hash sets from the
hash library.

Viewing and Deleting Individual Hash Items

The Manage Hash Library function allows you to:

l Select a hash set to work with

l View the contents of a hash set
l Delete individual items from a hash set

Viewing Individual Hash Items

To view individual hash items:

1. From the home page, click Tools > Manage Hash Library.
2. In the Manage Hash Library dialog, click Manage Hash Items. The Viewing (Hash Set) dia-
log displays.

Deleting Individual Hash Items

To delete individual hash items:

1. In the Viewing (Hash Set) dialog, check the boxes in the Hash Items column you want to
delete. This enables the Delete All Selected button.
2. Select the items you want to delete, then click Delete All Selected.

Changing Categories and Tags for Multiple Hash Sets

When adding hash sets to a hash library, you can specify a hash category and multiple hash
set tags for each set. If you want to change these values for a group of hash sets, you can
modify them in bulk.
CHAPTER 9   Hashing Evidence 291

To change the category and tags for multiple hash sets:

1. Click Tools > Manage Hash Library. The Manage Hash Library dialog displays.
2. Check the boxes next to the hash sets whose values you want to change.
3. Select Edit Selected from the Hash Sets menu bar. The Edit Selected dialog displays.
4. Select whether you want to change the existing category or tag for the hash sets, then
enter new value in the text box. Click the Hash Set Category checkbox or Hash Set Tags
checkbox and enter a new value in the corresponding text boxes.
5. Click Finish.

Importing Hash Sets

To import hash sets into an EnCase hash library:

1. On the home page, click Tools > Manage Hash Library.

2. Click Import > Current Hash Sets... and browse to the location of the hash set you want
to import. The hash set files must be in EnCase's proprietary format with a file extension
of BIN.
3. Click Finish.

Importing EnCase Legacy Hash Sets

You can import legacy hash sets from versions of EnCase prior to Version 8 into a Version 8
hash library.

1. On the home page, click Tools > Manage Hash Library.

2. Click Import > EnCase Legacy Hash Sets... and browse to the location of the hash set you
want to import. The filename format must be the EnCase Version 6 hash set format:
[hash set name].Hash.
3. Click Finish.

Importing HashKeeper Hash Sets

You can import legacy hash sets from versions of EnCase prior to Version 8 into a Version 8
hash library.

1. On the home page, click Tools > Manage Hash Library.

2. Click Import > HashKeeper... and enter HashKeeper Key and HashKeeper Hash values.
3. Click Finish.

NSRL Hash Sets

You can use the centralized National Software Reference Library (NSRL) Reference Data Set
(RDS) with EnCase.
292 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The latest version of NSRL RDS is available for download directly from the National Institute of
Standards and Technology in EnCase format via this link:

Integration with Project VIC

Project VIC (www.projectVIC.org) was created to develop an ecosystem of information and
data sharing between law enforcement agencies all working on crimes facilitated against
children. Project VIC's mission is to aid law enforcement officers in victim identification by
leveraging the use of extremely large and high quality hash sets to identify and eliminate
images. There are two ways EnCase Forensic interacts with Project VIC data. You can:

l Check case information against the Project VIC hash library by:
o Downloading the hash library
o Importing the hash library into EnCase
o Applying the hash library to your case
o Performing hash analysis

l Export images and a .JSON file compatible with Project VIC


You must be registered with the Internet Crimes Against Children Child Online Protective
Services (ICACCOPS) to access the Project VIC hash library. The Project VIC hash library can be
downloaded through the Hubstream (www.hubstream.net) Intelligence Agent. The data is
saved as a Javascript Object Notation (.JSON) file on your machine.


1. Click Tools > Manage Hash Library. The Manage Hash Library dialog displays.
2. Click New and create a new folder in which to store the Project VIC hash library.
3. Click OK, then click Import > Project VIC. The Project VIC dialog displays.
4. Browse to the .JSON file and click Open.
5. Click Finish. The Project VIC hash sets display in the Manage Hash Set dialog.
6. Click Close.


1. Open the case where you want to apply the Project VIC hash library.
2. Click Case (Case Name) > Hash Libraries.
3. The Hash Libraries dialog displays.
CHAPTER 9   Hashing Evidence 293

4. Double click Primary or Secondary. In the Browse for Folder dialog, navigate to the Pro-
ject VIC hash library folder you created and click OK. The Existing hash sets area of the
Hash Libraries dialog populates with the Project VIC hash sets. Click OK.
5. A prompt displays, informing you that you will need to manually run a hash analysis to
update the cache. Click OK to proceed.
6. Click Yes.
7. Click OK to close the Hash Libraries dialog.
8. Perform a hash analysis (CRTL-SHIFT-H).
9. When processing is finished, the Refresh button in the upper right corner of the Evidence
Tab is enabled.

10. Click the Refresh button. The Tree view updates with the Project VIC hash library applied
to the relevant files. Matches display in the Hash Set Names column.


If you find files you believe would be good candidates for inclusion in the Project VIC hash
library, you can export them.
294 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

1. Blue check the item(s) you want to export.

2. Click Entries > Export Project VIC Files.
3. Enter or browse to an export path, then click OK to generate a .JSON file.
4. You can download this file to Griffeye (www.griffeye.com) where you can further cat-
egorize the data or upload it directly to Project VIC using the Hubstream Intelligence
Agent. Your file will be reviewed and, if accepted, added to the Project VIC hash library.

Overview 297

Working with Bookmark Types 297

Bookmarking Pictures in Gallery View 306

Bookmarking a Document as an Image 307

Working with Bookmark Folders 307

Editing Bookmark Content 309

Decoding Data 310

296 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 10   Bookmarking Items 297

EnCase allows files, sections of file content belonging to different data types, and data
structures to be selected, annotated, and stored in a special set of folders. These marked data
items are bookmarks, and the folders where they are stored are bookmark folders.

EnCase stores bookmarks in .case files, and also stores metadata and content associated
with a bookmark in the actual bookmark.

Bookmarks and the organization of their folders are essential to creating a solid and
presentable body of case evidence. You can examine bookmarks closely for their value as case
evidence, and additionally, use the bookmark folders and their data items to create case
reports. For more information, see  Generating Reports on page 387.

Working with Bookmark Types

EnCase provides several types of bookmarks.

Highlighted Data or Sweeping Bookmarks

The highlighted data bookmark, also known as a sweeping bookmark, defines either:

l An expanse of raw text within a file or document. The raw text is usually a portion of ASCII
or Unicode text, or a hexadecimal string.
l A data structure. Data structure bookmarks mark evidence items of particular data inter-
pretation types.
Note: If there is an allocated file associated with a deleted, overwritten file, both files
are bookmarked.

Raw Text Bookmarks

You create raw text bookmarks in EnCase by clicking and dragging raw text in the View pane,
just as you would drag-click to highlight content in a text editor. This is done from the Text or
Hex tabs of the View pane.

To create a raw text sweeping bookmark:

1. In the Evidence tab, go to the Table pane and select the file containing the content you
want to bookmark.
2. In the View pane, click the appropriate tab (Text or Hex).
3. Highlight the raw text you want to bookmark.
298 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

4. On the menu bar, click Bookmark > Raw text or right click the highlighted text and click
Bookmark > Raw text.
5. The Raw Text dialog displays. Type some identifying text in the Comments box on the
Properties tab that makes it easy to identify the bookmarked content. If desired, you can
highlight a string, create a bookmark, and then highlight a separate string with a different
color and create it as a separate bookmark.
CHAPTER 10   Bookmarking Items 299

6. Click the Destination Folder tab to display the bookmark folder hierarchy for the current
case, then click the bookmark folder where you want to place this sweeping bookmark.
In the example below, the Highlighted Data subfolder is selected. Note that you can
always rename bookmark folders or move the bookmark later.

7. Click OK to create the bookmarked content in the highlighted folder.

Data Structure Bookmarks

Data structure bookmarks mark items such as a Windows partition entry, a Unix text date, or
Base64 encoded text. This section describes one example of creating a sweeping data structure
bookmark on a date/time data item.

To create a data structure bookmark:

1. Select the evidence item of interest from the Table pane of the Evidence tab.
2. Examine the file content in the View pane by clicking the Text or Hex tab. As an example,
let's assume that characters displayed in the pane are not in an easily readable format.
Select the bytes of interest.
3. Click the Decode tab in the lower right pane.

l The Quick View decoder enables you to view common decode interpretations in
one screen.
o When populating the Quick View table, all bytes required to successfully
interpret the data are read.
o For example, if one byte is selected, and four bytes are required to decode a
32-bit integer, Quick View looks at the next three bytes to provide the
decoded interpretations.

l The View Types list displays specific decoded values, organized in a tree structure.
o With the exception of pictures, when viewing by Type, only the selected
bytes are interpreted.
o For example, if one byte is selected, and four bytes are required to decode a
32-bit integer, a decoded interpretation is not available.
300 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o EnCase Forensic attempts to decode pictures from the selected starting

byte. The bytes for the entire picture do not need to be selected.

4. Use the Quick View or the View Types lists to investigate the data. To investigate date/-
time data, expand the Dates folder.

5. For this example, the HFS Plus Date option yields a satisfactory interpretation of the

6. To bookmark the data, click the Bookmark toolbar button. The Data Structure dialog dis-
7. In the Data Structure dialog, type text about the data structure bookmark in the Com-
ments box and click the Destination Folder tab.
8. In the Destination Folder box, click the folder where you want to store this data struc-
ture bookmark.
9. Click OK.

Notable File Bookmarks

Use notable file bookmarks to mark one or more files. You can assign notable files into a
bookmark folder either singly or as a selection of files.

Single Notable File Bookmarks

To bookmark a single notable file:

1. From the appropriate tab, select the file of interest in the Table pane by clicking its row. In
the example below, a .pst file is selected.
CHAPTER 10   Bookmarking Items 301

2. On the toolbar, click Bookmark > Single item.

3. The Single item dialog opens. On the Properties tab, type some identifying text in the
Comment. Alternatively, you can use the browse button to view a list of existing com-
ments, and select one of those.
4. Click the Destination Folder tab to display the case's bookmark folder hierarchy. Click the
bookmark folder where you want to store the bookmark.
5. Click OK.

Multiple Notable Files Bookmarks

You can also select a group of notable files to bookmark. This feature allows you to quickly
store a collection of notable files into a bookmark folder, which can contain other bookmarks.

Note: You cannot use this bookmark selection with sweeping bookmarks.

To bookmark a selection of notable files:

1. In the Table pane, select two or more files. When selecting multiple files in the Table
pane, use the checkboxes beside the files.
2. On the toolbar, click Bookmark > Selected items
3. The Selected items dialog opens. Type some identifying text in the Comment box on the
Properties tab that describes the file. You can also use the browse button to view a list of
existing comments, and use one of those.
4. Click the Destination Folder tab to display the case's bookmark folder hierarchy, and
click the bookmark folder where you want to store the bookmarks.
5. Click OK.
302 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Bookmarking Case Analyzer Data

You can Bookmark all artifacts and items associated with a Case Analyzer report directly from
Case Analyzer.

Follow these steps to create a Bookmark in Case Analyzer.

1. In the Case Analyzer Case tab, select a report.

2. Select one or more rows in the table window on the right.
3. Click Bookmark Selected. This adds a bookmark to the case, bookmarking the selected

4. The Properties dialog displays.

CHAPTER 10   Bookmarking Items 303

5. Enter a name for the Bookmark or accept the default. The Bookmark name is the name of
the current report, by default.
6. Enter a comment or accept the default. Each comment includes information on the
source of the bookmarked data. The Comment text defaults to the text shown when you
click About for the current report.
7. The Destination Folder dialog displays.
8. Select a destination folder for the Bookmark or create a new folder. Click Next.
9. The Add Datamark dialog displays.
304 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

10. Select a column to categorize the Bookmark. The Bookmark displays in this column in the
final report.
11. Click Finish. EnCase adds the new Bookmark to the case.

Table Bookmarks
You can select a table to bookmark. Highlight a table and select it as a Table bookmark in order
to save its metadata and store it in a bookmark folder. Table bookmarks are especially useful
for representing evidence data in reports.

Transcript Bookmarks
If the Transcript tab in the Viewer pane is active, you can bookmark transcript text.

The Transcript tab extracts text from a file containing mixtures of text and formatting or
graphic characters. The transcript view is useful for creating bookmarks inside files that are not
normally stored as plain text, such as Excel spreadsheets.
CHAPTER 10   Bookmarking Items 305

Notes Bookmarks
Notes differ from other bookmarks in that you use them with other bookmarks to annotate
report data. They do not mark distinct evidence items like other types of bookmarks. A notes
bookmark has a field reserved only for comment text that can hold up to 1000 characters.

To create a notes bookmark:

1. Click the Bookmarks tab.

2. On the Table toolbar, click Add Note.

3. The New Bookmark dialog opens.

4. Type a Name for the note bookmark, then type text in the Comment box or browse for a
list of previous comments. This is the bookmark text where the note is added.
5. Click OK.

Viewing Notes Bookmarks

If you display note bookmarks (Bookmarks > Table) in Tree-Table view, each displays as a data
row in a flattened bookmark hierarchy.
306 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

To show the notes in their true order in the bookmark folder hierarchy, click Split Mode on the
Bookmark toolbar and select Traeble view.

Use the Report tab in the View pane to show how the note actually displays in reports, as
shown above.

Bookmarking Pictures in Gallery View

One of the most frequent uses for bookmarking items is to bookmark pictures or photos in
Gallery view. The procedure for bookmarking pictures is almost the same as bookmarking
single or multiple notable file items.

To bookmark a picture in Gallery view:

1. Click the Gallery tab and browse through the pictures.

2. Right click the image to be bookmarked and click Bookmark > Single item...
3. The Single item dialog opens. On the Properties tab, type identifying text in the Com-
ment box.
4. Click the Destination Folder tab to display the case's bookmark folder hierarchy. Click the
bookmark folder where you want to store the bookmark.
5. Click OK.
CHAPTER 10   Bookmarking Items 307

Bookmarking a Document as an Image

You can bookmark Microsoft Office, PDFs, or OpenOffice documents as images that can be
inserted into reports with formatting and pagination intact. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet pages
and orientation cannot be modified.

To bookmark a document as an image:

1. While in the Evidence tab, select the document you want to bookmark from your evid-
ence list and click the Doc tab in the lower view pane.

2. In the Doc tab, select Bookmark Page as Image. A dialog opens, displaying all the pages in
the selected document.

3. Select the page(s) you want to create as an image, and click Next.

4. Add an optional comment, and click Next.

5. Select a folder in which to add the image and click Finish.

The image is added to all appropriate reports automatically. Original formatting and
pagination, when available, is preserved.

Working with Bookmark Folders

The bookmark folder structure is essential for organizing your bookmarks. You have a great
deal of flexibility in creating a folder structure that suits a particular case. 

Bookmark folders are organized according to a standard tree structure, with a folder named
"Bookmark" at the top the hierarchy. The various bookmark folders (and subfolders) are
beneath this node.

If you are not using the default bookmark folders, assign bookmark folder names that identify
their content or are meaningful to your case team. For example, you can organize the folders
by type of computer evidence, or by relevance to a particular part of the case.

Note: Bookmark folders are nonspecific in nature. Any default folder or folder you
create can hold any data type or content.

Bookmarking Template Folders

Cases created from EnCase supplied templates, such as the #Basic template, include a
selection of default bookmark folders. Guidance Software provides the #Basic template and
the #Forensic template. Depending on your needs, you may want to choose one of these
308 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

when creating a new case from the Case Options dialog.

To display the set of default bookmark folders for the #Basic template, start a case and choose
the #Basic template.

To view the bookmark folders included in the template:

1. Click View > Bookmarks.

2. In the Bookmarks tab, the Bookmarks root node folder displays at the top of the tree
3. To expand the Bookmarks folder, click its tab. This displays the default bookmark folders
(shown both in the Tree and Table panes).

Guidance Software recommends using the supplied labels for the bookmark folders to
organize the types of bookmarked content (Documents, Pictures, Email, and Internet
Artifacts). Although this folder organization is entirely flexible, bookmark folders are directly
linked to the Report template that is also included in the default templates. If a case grows to
where it needs more bookmark folders or a greater level of bookmark organization, you can
create new folders or modify the folder organization, but you may need to make changes to
the Report template.

Creating New Bookmark Folders

You can create new folders and subfolders at different levels of the bookmark folder hierarchy.
CHAPTER 10   Bookmarking Items 309

To create a new bookmark folder:

1. In the Tree pane, right click the Bookmark root folder.

2. Click New Folder...
3. A new folder displays one level beneath the Bookmark root folder highlighted in blue.
4. Type a name for the folder and click Enter.
5. To create a new subfolder, repeat the process at the folder level.

Editing Bookmark Folders

To edit a bookmark folder:

1. Click the Bookmark tab to display the tree of bookmark folders.

2. Select the bookmark folder you want to edit, right click to display its context menu and
click Edit.
3. The Edit <"Folder Name"> dialog displays.
4. Edit either Name or Comment for the bookmark folder, or both, and click OK.

Deleting Bookmark Folders

To delete a bookmark folder:

1. In the Tree view of the Bookmark tab, click the Bookmark folder you want to delete.
2. Right click the folder and click Delete Folder.... A delete confirmation prompt displays.
3. Click Yes to delete the folder. Use caution, since deleting a bookmark folder also deletes
any bookmarked items in the folder.
Note: Deleting a bookmark folder also deletes any bookmarked items in the folder.

Editing Bookmark Content

You can edit most bookmark categories via the right click context menu or by double clicking
the bookmark.

Editing Bookmarks
To edit a bookmark:

1. Click Edit... and modify the text in the Comments box of the Properties tab.
2. You can also click the browse button (...) in the dialog to view a list of bookmark com-
3. Select a comment from the list to replace the current comment.
4. Click OK.
310 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Renaming Bookmarks
To rename a bookmark:

1. From the Home page, click View > Bookmarks.

2. In the Table pane, find the bookmark folder with the bookmark you want to rename.
3. The Table pane displays the list of bookmarks for the selected folder. Select the cell for
the bookmark to rename.
4. Right click the bookmark folder or the cell you want to rename.
5. Click Rename. The bookmark name is highlighted.
6. Enter a new name for the bookmark and click OK.

Decoding Data
You can see decoded interpretations of your evidence, when viewing it in text or hex format,
using the Decode tab in the lower right pane of the Evidence pane.

1. On the Text or Hex tabs in the View pane, select the bytes you want to decode.
2. Click the Decode tab in the lower right pane and select from the list of decoding options.
3. View the decoded interpretations of your evidence:

l The Quick View decoder enables you to view common decode interpretations in
one screen.
o When populating the Quick View table, all bytes required to successfully
interpret the data are read.
o For example, if one byte is selected, and four bytes are required to decode a
32-bit integer, Quick View looks at the next three bytes to provide the
decoded interpretations.

l The View Types list displays specific decoded values, organized in a tree structure.
o With the exception of pictures, when viewing by Type, only the selected
bytes are interpreted.
o For example, if one byte is selected, and four bytes are required to decode a
32-bit integer, a decoded interpretation is not available.
o EnCase Forensic attempts to decode pictures from the selected starting
byte. The bytes for the entire picture do not need to be selected.

4. To bookmark your selection:

l From Quick View, right click and select Bookmark.

l From the View Types list, click the Bookmark button.
CHAPTER 10   Bookmarking Items 311

Quickly Viewing Decoded Data

The Quick View decoder enables you to view common decode interpretations in one screen.
l When populating the Quick View table, all bytes required to successfully interpret the

data are read.

l For example, if one byte is selected, and four bytes are required to decode a 32-bit

integer, Quick View looks at the next three bytes to provide the decoded

Viewing Decoded Data by Type

When viewing decoded data by type, each decoded interpretation may be seen individually:

The Text folder contains child objects for formatting which you can use when displaying
bookmarked content as text.

l Do not Show hides the content of the bookmark.

l High ASCII displays the text in 256-bit ASCII.
l Low ASCII displays the text in 128-bit ASCII.
l Hex displays the text as hexadecimal digits, rather than characters.
l Unicode displays the text in Unicode (UTF-16).
312 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l ROT 13 Encoding decodes ROT 13 encoded text to ASCII text.

l Base64 Encoding decodes Base64 encoded text to ASCII text.
l UUE Encoded decodes UUE encoded text to ASCII text.
l Quoted Printable is an encoding using printable ASCII characters and the equals (=) sign
to transmit 8-bit data over a 7-bit data path.
l HTML decodes HTML into text.
l HTML (Unicode) decodes Unicode HTML into text.

The Pictures data types display data as images.

l Picture displays images.

l Base64 Encoded Picture displays Base64 encoded images.
l UUE Encoded Picture displays UUE encoded images.

The Integers data types include these categories:

l 8-bit displays the bookmarked content as 8-bit integers.

l 16-bit displays the bookmarked content as 16-bit Little-Endian integers.
l 16-bit Big Endian displays the bookmarked content as 16-bit Big-Endian integers.
l 32-bit displays the bookmarked content as 32-bit Little-Endian integers.
l 32-bit Big Endian displays the bookmarked content as 32-bit Big-Endian integers.
l 64-bit displays the bookmarked content as 64-bit Little-Endian integers.
l 64-bit Big Endian displays the bookmarked content as 64-bit Big-Endian integers.

The Dates data types include these categories:

l DOS Date displays a packed 16-bit value that specifies the month, day, year, and time of
day an MS-DOS file was last written to.
l DOS Date u(GMT) displays a packed 16-bit value that specifies the time portion of the
DOS Date as GMT time.
l UNIX Date displays a Unix timestamp in seconds based on the standard Unix epoch of
01/01/1970 at 00:00:00 GMT.
l UNIX Date Big-endian displays a Unix timestamp in seconds based on the standard Unix
epoch of 01/01/1970 at 00:00:00 GMT, as Big-Endian integers.
l UNIX Text Date displays a Unix timestamp in seconds as text based on the standard Unix
epoch of 01/01/1970 at 00:00:00 GMT.
CHAPTER 10   Bookmarking Items 313

l HFS Date displays a numeric value on a Macintosh that specifies the month, day, year,
and time when the file was last written to.
l HFS Plus Date is an improved version of HFS Date. It displays a numeric value on a Macin-
tosh that specifies the month, day, year, and time when the file was last written to. HFS
Plus is also referred to as "Mac Extended."
l Windows Date/Time displays a numeric value on a Windows system that specifies the
month, day, year, and time when the file was last written to.
l Windows Date/Time (Localtime) displays a numeric value on a Windows system for the
local time specifying the month, day, year, and time when the file was last written to.
l OLE Date displays a date as a double-precision floating point value that counts the time
from 30 December 1899 00:00:00.
l Lotus Date displays a date from a Lotus Notes database file.

The Windows data types include these categories:

l Partition Entry displays a partition table entry from the Master Boot Record.
l DOS Directory Entry displays a DOS directory entry.
l Win95 Info File Record displays Recycle Bin details from Windows 9x INFO files.
l Win2000 Info File Record displays Recycle Bin details from Windows 2000+ INFO files.
l GUID displays a 128-bit globally unique identifier (GUID).
l UUID displays a 128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID).
l SID displays a Windows Security Identifier (SID).
314 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Overview 317

Creating Tags 317

Tagging Items 319

Hot Keys for Tags 319

Viewing Tagged Items 320

Hiding Tags 321

Deleting Tags 321

Changing the Tag Order 322

Select Tagged Items 322

316 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 11  Tagging Items 317

The EnCase tagging feature lets you mark evidence items for review.  You define tags on a per
case basis; default tags can be part of a case template.

Any item that you can currently bookmark can also be tagged. You can search for tagged
items, view them on the Search Results tab, and view the tags associated with a particular
item in Evidence or Record view.

Tag features and characteristics give you these capabilities:

l You can create tags as part of a case or add them to a case template, then customize each
tag with specific colors and display text.
l You can edit saved tags: change their colors and text, hide specific tags from view, and
delete tags.
l You can directly manipulate tags on the EnCase user interface: modify the order in which
they display, delete them from the display, and so forth.
l You can build searches based on tags you have created and tag search results. You can
also combine tags with index and keyword search queries.
l You can sort the tag column to find items with multiple tags.

Tags also have these properties:

l Tags are persistent when you are working with entries and when you save and re-open a
l Tags are local to a specific case (that is, you cannot create global tags).
l You can create up to 63 unique tags per case.
l Each item, entry, email, or artifact can have multiple tags.

Creating Tags
To create a tag:

1. On the Artifacts, Evidence, or Bookmark tab, click Tags on the toolbar.

2. On the Tags dropdown menu, click Manage Tags.
318 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. On the Manage Tags toolbar, click New.

4. On the New Tag Item page, enter:
o A Name for the tag.
o The Display Text that displays in the Tag column (Guidance Software recommends
using short display names to conserve space).
o The Frame Color (foreground and background colors) for the tag.
o You can also hide the tag from displaying by checking the corresponding Hidden

5. Repeat the preceding two steps until you have created the set of tags you need. You can
always add, remove, and rename tags while working on a case.
CHAPTER 11  Tagging Items 319

Tagging Items
To tag an evidence item:

1. On the Evidence tab, display your evidence items. (You can also assign tags to Artifacts,
Bookmarks, and Results.)
2. Highlight or check the evidence item to which you want to assign a tag.
3. Display a list of available tags by clicking Tags > Show Tag Pane. A pane displays in the
lower right corner of the EnCase user interface. The pane contains a list of default and cus-
tom tags and the number of occurrences of each tag.
4. Check the tag that you want to assign to an evidence item.
5. The tag displays in the Tag column of the selected evidence item.

You can also tag an item by clicking its position in the Tag column:

1. Display a list of available tags by clicking the Tags tab from the lower right pane. The order
that the tags are shown in the table (top to bottom) corresponds to the order in which
they display in the Tag column (from left to right).
2. Click the space in item's Tag column where the tag would be displayed. The tag displays.
3. As an example, if you configured two tags:
o The left half of the Tag column is used to display the first tag.
o The right half of the Tag column is used to display the second tag.

4. Click the first half of the tag cell to display the item's first tag, and the second half of the
tag cell to display the item's second tag.
5. To remove a tag from displaying, click the tag.

You can sort the entire tag column by individual tag. Clicking the tag name within the tag
column header sorts the column by the tag name.  Also, clicking the narrow gray area around
the tag name, within the tag column, sorts the entire contents of the tag column.

In ascending order, items with a tag in the rightmost column will be sorted first. Items with a
tag in the second rightmost column will be sorted second.

In descending order, items with a tag in the leftmost column will be sorted first. items with a
tag in the second leftmost column will be sorted second.

Hot Keys for Tags

You can use keyboard shortcuts to assign tags.
320 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Hot keys are assigned to the first ten tags in the Tag database.
l The hot keys Alt-1 through Alt-9 and Alt-0 are assigned to the first ten tags.
l Remaining tags can be assigned via the second level menu: All Other Tags.
l The maximum number of tags allowed in a case is 63. Using the Manage Tags option, you
can create additional tags beyond the case limit of 63.

Click the Tags dropdown menu to view keyboard shortcuts for tags.

Viewing Tagged Items

The following figure shows the EnCase Tag menu and a portion of a results table with some of
the tagged items. Note how the Tag column can display multiple tags, customized with
different text and in different colors.
CHAPTER 11  Tagging Items 321

Hiding Tags
You can choose to hide tags in the Tag column or the Tag pane using the Manage Tag dialog.
You can also unhide a previously hidden tag in the same way. Hiding a tag prevents it from
being displayed without deleting the tag.

To hide or unhide a tag:

1. On the Evidence tab, click the Tags button.

2. On the Manage Tags dialog, check the box in the Hidden column for the tag you want to
hide or unhide.

Deleting Tags
You can delete tags from the Manage Tags window. Deleting a tag removes the tag name from
the case and deletes all references to the tag in the tag database. This action cannot be

To delete a tag:

1. On the Evidence tab, click the Tags button. The Manage Tags window displays.
2. Check the row of the tag that you want to delete.
3. Click the Delete button on the Manage Tags toolbar.
Note: If the tag is assigned to at least one case item, a warning dialog displays with
the number of tags to be deleted. If the no items are tagged, no warning dialog
322 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Changing the Tag Order

For cells with multiple tags, you can change the tag order by dragging individual tags to a new
position within the cell.

To change the position of a tag within a cell:

1. Left click on a tag in the cell and hold the mouse button down.
2. Drag the tag to a new position in the cell and release the mouse button.

Select Tagged Items

Tags persist across views, and selected items (that is, blue checks) may not persist across all
views in EnCase. Some operations, like performing an acquisition of a logical evidence file,
operate only on selected items, and in these cases, it can be useful to select items based on tag

1. Click Tags > Select tagged items.

2. The Select Tagged Items dialog displays.
3. Select the tags you want, then click OK.
Note: There are some operations (for example, Create Logical Evidence File)
that act on selected items only.

Overview 325

Creating EnCase Portable Jobs 326

Collecting Evidence 355

Analyzing and Reporting on Data 365

Maintenance 374

Configuring EnCase Portable for NAS Licensing 378

Troubleshooting 379

FAQs 381
324 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 325

EnCase Portable automates the collection of evidence from computers in the lab and in the
field. It is a self-contained application that runs on a removable USB device inserted into a
running machine.

EnCase Portable functionality is included in the full EnCase product. It can also be purchased
separately as a standalone product to create, manage, run, and analyze jobs.

One or two removable devices are required to execute Portable jobs:

l The Portable device contains and executes preconfigured jobs that collect evidence from
target machines.
l When using the standalone version of EnCase Portable, EnCase Portable is executed from
the security key.
l Evidence can be stored on the Portable device if desired.  However, a separate Portable
storage device can be used to collect large amounts of evidence if necessary.

When EnCase Portable is purchased as a standalone product, it comes packaged in a kit

containing a Portable device and security key (8 GB Pocket-Sized USB Device).

EnCase Portable can be run using an EnCase Portable security key, or on a prepared Portable
device. When EnCase Portable is run from a Portable security key, you can create collection
jobs directly on the device. When using Portable functionality from EnCase, you can create
collection jobs in EnCase and export them to either a Portable security key or a prepared
portable device.

Once the evidence is collected directly on the Portable device or the Portable storage device, it
can be analyzed in the field or imported back into EnCase to review the results. You can build
and generate reports that capture all or selected parts of the collected information.

The process for evidence collection includes:

1. Create your collection jobs in Portable Management. This can be done from EnCase or on
the Portable device itself.
2. If the jobs were created in EnCase, export the jobs to the Portable device.
3. Run the jobs from the Portable device.
4. Analyze the collected data.
5. If you own EnCase, import the evidence you have collected into EnCase.
6. Build and generate reports.
326 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Creating EnCase Portable Jobs

A Portable job consists of a group of settings for collecting specific information.

If EnCase is installed, jobs are typically created in EnCase and exported to the Portable device. 
You can also create and edit jobs directly from the Portable device. Once a job is created, you
can modify or copy it to create other jobs. Some jobs can be configured to triage the
information as it comes in, so you can choose exactly what information to collect.

Jobs use modules, which are configurable sets of instructions for how to look for certain kinds
of data, such as information found in running memory, certain types of files, etc. Modules also
define a specific set of data to be collected. You can configure the information collected by a
module by selecting a specific set of options for each module.

l The System Info Parser module collects system artifacts related to user activity, network

configurations, installed software, hardware components, startup routines, user-

s/accounts, and shared/mapped drives. This information is pulled from the Windows
registry or the system files appropriate to a given Linux distribution.
l The Windows Artifact Parser module collects link files, the MFT $LogFile transaction log,

and Recycle Bin items.

l The Encryption module produces a single page report listing the encryption type of each

drive and volume on the target system.

l The Personal Information module collects information containing personal information.

This module searches all document, database, and Internet files and identifies Visa,
MasterCard, American Express, and Discover card numbers, as well as Social Security
numbers, phone numbers, and email addresses. Jobs created with this module enable
you to triage information as it is being collected.
l The Internet Artifacts module collects a history of visited websites, user cache, book-

marks, cookies, and downloaded files.

l The File Processor module provides a way to review and collect specific types of files.

From within the File Processor module, you can elect to find data using metadata,
keywords, or hash sets, or find picture data. You can also configure your own collection
sets using an entry conditions dialog. Jobs created with this module enable you to triage
information as it is being collected. You can then decide what files, if any, to collect.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 327


l The Windows Event Log Parser module collects information pertaining to Windows

events logged into system logs, including application, system, and security logs.
l The Unix Login module parses the Unix system WTMP and UTMP files, which record all

login activities.
l The Linux Syslog Parser module collects and parses Linux system log files and their sys-

tem messages.

l The Snapshot module collects a snapshot of pertinent machine information. Captured

information includes running processes, open ports, logged on users, device drives, Win-
dows services, network interfaces, and job information.
l The Acquisition module acquires drives and memory from target machines.

l The Screen Capture module preserves images of each open window on a running


Creating Jobs
You can create a job either from within EnCase or from the Portable device when in the field.

Modules are used to collect information about files and machines in specific ways. After
naming a job, you select modules and configure them to your needs. To set module options,
double click the module name. Most modules are collection modules that gather and collect
information into an evidence (.Ex01/.E01) or logical evidence (.Lx01/.L01) file.

Some modules (such as the File Processor module) provide you with the ability to review and
triage your information as it is being scanned on the target machine.

Creating a Portable Job

1. From the Tools dropdown menu open Portable Management or Create Portable Device,
or from the EnScript dropdown menu open Portable Management.
2. In Portable Management, click New in the Select Jobs area; from within EnCase Portable,
click New in the EnCase Portable dialog. The Create Collection Job dialog displays.
3. Rename or accept the default text in the Job name field.
o The default job name is Job__[yyyy_mm_dd__hh_mm_ss], using the current date
and time of your local system. Example: Job___2017_02_14__03_42_42_PM
o A job name cannot contain spaces at the beginning or end of the name, or any of
the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |

4. Text entered in the Description field (optional) is aligned with job names under Recent
Jobs in the Portable Home screen.
328 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

5. Click Next to open the Module Selection dialog. This dialog shows module groupings in
the left pane and the current configuration options for the selected module in the right

6. Select one or more modules by checking the checkbox by the module's name.
7. When available, options for each module can be selected by double clicking the module
name. For more information, see documentation for the specific module.
8. Click Next to open the Compound File Options dialog.

The Compound File Options dialog provides options for whether compound file types
selected in the File Types box are mounted (unpacked) and scanned.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 329

If any option other than the first option is selected, you can select how to detect which
files to mount and select the specific file types to process:
o Do not mount does not perform any unpacking of compound files, so the files are
processed without unpacking any of the internal content.
o Mount - detect extension causes files with a matching extension to be mounted
and processed.  No signature verification is conducted.
o Mount - detect signature results in a signature analysis being run on all files to
determine if they are a compound file of interest. Files with the correct signature are
then mounted and processed.

If you choose to mount files, you are given further options:

o Mount recursively mounts any compound files found inside a compound file.
o The File Types checkboxes let you select which of the supported compound file
types to process.

9. Click Next to open the Output File Options dialog. This dialog provides control over the
format of the collected evidence.

o File Format options determine the type of file to create. Lx01 format is an encryp-
ted logical evidence files. L01 format is a legacy unencrypted logical evidence file.
o Segment Size determines the size, in megabytes, of the individual segments of the
evidence file.
o Check Compression to compress the size of the EnCase evidence file.
o Use the Entry Hash dropdown to select the type of hash algorithm used for each file
system entry.
o The Encryption Keys box enables you to add multiple encryption keys for use in
encrypting Lx01 files. Evidence collected when triage is enabled cannot be
330 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

New allows you to generate a new encryption key.
Change Root Path enables you to specify a folder where EnCase encryption
keys are stored.

10. Click Finish to create the job.

Adding a Job to the Portable Device

If you have created a collection job in EnCase, you must add it to the Portable device to

1. Select Tools > Portable Management.

2. In the Select Jobs table, select the jobs you want to add to the Portable device.
3. In the Select Devices table, select the device you want to add the jobs to.
4. Click Add Jobs. The Adding Jobs status window displays the updating process.
5. When completed, click Finished.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 331

Modifying a Job
1. Select Tools > Portable Management and double click the job you want to modify. The
Edit: # Collect Document Files dialog displays.

2. The tabs display the previously selected settings. Modify the name, module selections,
module options, target options, and encryption options as desired and click OK.

Duplicating a Job
1. Select Tools > Portable Management.
2. Select the job to duplicate in the Select Jobs section and click Duplicate. The Copy Job dia-
log displays.
3. Enter a new name for the job and click OK. EnCase transfers all the settings from the first
job to the new job.
4. Edit the new job to modify its settings.

Finding Jobs
By default, jobs are stored on the Portable device in the \Jobs folder. Using Windows
Explorer, or another file management tool, copy or move the .enjob file to the desired location
on your local drive or other device.

If a job is not contained in the \Jobs folder you can find its location by finding and opening its
containing folder:
332 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

1. Select Tools > Portable Management.  The Portable Management dialog displays.
2. In the Select Jobs section, right click the job name you want to locate and select Open
Containing Folder.
3. A dialog displays the location of the file in the folder hierarchy.
4. By default, user-created jobs are stored in the \Documents\EnCase\Storage folder
created in the user profile folders of your EnCase installation. If you are using the stan-
dalone version of Portable, user-created jobs are stored in the \Jobs folder on the Port-
able device.

Updating Older Jobs

You can import .ini jobs created in older versions of Portable to make them into .enjob jobs
compatible with the current version. 

1. Select Tools > Portable Management. The Portable Management dialog displays.

2. In the Select Jobs section of the Jobs tab, click Import Old Jobs. The Browse For Folder
dialog displays. Navigate to the version of EnCase you are currently running.
3. Select the specific storage location of the jobs and click OK. The Importing Old Jobs dialog
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 333

4. All .ini jobs are converted to the new .enjob format. When done, click Finished. The
imported jobs are displayed in Portable Management.

Deleting Jobs


1. From the Portable Management Jobs tab, select a job to delete.
2. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog displays.
3. Click OK to delete the job.


1. From the Portable home screen, select the Configure Jobs option.
2. Portable displays the Configure dialog.
3. Select a job or jobs to delete by checking checkboxes and click OK. A confirmation dialog
4. Click OK to delete the job.
5. If no jobs are selected, the Delete button on the toolbar, or the Delete option on the
right click menu, deletes the currently highlighted job after confirming the deletion with
the user. The Delete All Selected right click menu option is disabled.
6. If at least one job is selected by clicking its checkbox, the Delete button on the toolbar
deletes the checked job, as will the Delete All Selected right click menu item.
Note: Any jobs that are currently running are not deleted.

Deleting All Jobs from the Portable Device

1. Select Tools > Portable Management and select the device(s) to delete jobs from.
2. Click Delete All Jobs. EnCase Portable deletes all jobs on the selected devices.

Deleting Target Databases from the EnCase Portable Device

1. Select Tools > Portable Management. The Portable Management screen displays, with
the Jobs tab selected.
2. In the Select Devices section, select a device. The Delete Databases button becomes
3. Click Delete Databases. The Database Management dialog displays.
334 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o All portable devices that hold at least one target database are displayed, along with
all target databases present on each device.
o Clicking the device name in the left pane automatically selects all target databases
present on that device.
o After selecting at least one target database, the Delete Selected button becomes

4. Select all target databases you want to delete.

5. Click Delete Selected. All selected target databases are deleted and the dialog refreshes
to show the remaining databases.
6. When done, click Close.

System Modules
System modules collect information about files and machines. Most of these modules contain
options that you can configure for your specific needs. To set module options, double click the
module name.

Most modules are collection modules that gather and collect information into an evidence
(.Ex01/.E01) or logical evidence (.Lx01/.L01) file.

Some modules (such as the File Processor module) let you review and triage your information
as it is being scanned on the target machine.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 335

System Info Parser

The System Info Parser module obtains information about the target machine, including its
operating system, installed software, hardware components, network configurations, mapped
drives and shares, and so forth.

The module works with both Linux and Windows operating systems, and displays different
data depending on the operating system of the collection target. The module also uses
different files to parse the data, depending on the system. For Windows systems, all data is
collected from the Windows registry. For Linux systems, the data is compiled from various
configuration files found throughout the file system.

The following Linux systems are supported:

l Ubuntu 8
l Fedora 8

The job summary displays results based on the options selected from the Standard and
Advanced tabs.

The Standard tab of the System Info Parser lets you choose from categories of data that can be
collected. These categories correspond to different data stores on the target machines,
depending on the operating system.

The following options can be set in the Standard tab:

336 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Startup Routine (Linux only) retrieves information from supported Linux systems about
scripts that execute when the system starts and shuts down.
l User Activity (Linux only) retrieves information from supported Linux systems pertaining
to typed user commands. This information depends on what shell is being used.
l Operating System retrieves:
o The time zone of the computer.
o System startup mode information, such as the default place to save startup scripts.
o Login prompt and version information shown during startup.
o Boot manager information.
o Language settings.

l Hardware retrieves the hardware configuration of the computer as it was checked during
startup, including hardware adapters/devices, architecture information, and so forth.
l Software retrieves two types of software information:
o Cron jobs scheduled to run at particular times.
o All applications installed on the computer.

l Accounts/Users retrieves user and password information, including domain users who
have logged onto the machine.
l Network retrieves information about interfaces and their corresponding device names
and options, as well as the host name of the computer.
l Shared/Mapped Devices retrieves information about mapped or mounted network
shares and drives.
l USB Devices retrieves history of USB device use from the Registry.
l Network Shares retrieves "shellbag" keys which record what UNC paths a user visits.

The Advanced tab lets you specify registry keys to collect from target machines running
Windows. You need to know the Windows version-specific locations of relevant data within
the registry before using this tab.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 337

Windows Artifact Parser

The Windows Artifact Parser module searches for information in link files, recycled files, Master
File Table transaction logs, and shellbag artifacts.

Windows Artifact Parser module includes three options:

l Link Files creates an output artifact for each Link file (usually *.lnk) found during
preprocessing.  This selection adds Created, Accessed and Modified data properties plus
338 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

the path to the file that is referenced by the link to each output artifact.
l Recycle Bin Files creates an output artifact for each item found in the file that holds
information about deleted files.  This selection adds the path of the original file location as
the path data property to each output artifact.
l MFT Transactions creates an output artifact for each item in the Master File Table trans-
action log "$Log" file (which records all redo and undo information for each user file that
is updated). This selection adds Created, Written, Accessed, and Modified data properties
to each output artifact for these types of items. 
l ShellBags creates an output artifact for registry keys that indicate size, view, icon and
folder position used within Windows Explorer.

Select Search Unallocated to enable a search of unallocated space for the Windows Artifacts.

The Encryption module produces a single page report listing the encryption type of each drive
and volume on the target system. After jobs using this module are run, the report is available
as a Summary Report and as the Encryption Report in standard reports.

This module is used only on machines that are already running, and depends on core
encryption analysis. It does not work on evidence files.

Only supported encryption types are shown; do not assume that a device is not encrypted if
its encryption type is not displayed.

This module has no configurable options.

Search Modules
Search modules to find information about files and machines in specific ways. Most of these
modules contain options that you can configure. To set module options, double click the
module name.

Personal Information
The Personal Information module collects information about files containing personal
information. By default, this module searches all document, database, and Internet files and
identifies files containing the types of personal information listed below. Files are identified but
the information and the file itself are not collected. Reports show which files have personal
information content, and what type of content that is. This prevents potential abuse of this
kind of data.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 339

Jobs created with the Personal Information module let you triage the scanned data as it is
being gathered. You can stop a scan when you find the information you are seeking or
determine that the scan will not prove useful.

For more information, including the GREP expressions used, see  FAQs on page 381.

The following options can be set in this module:


Select Entry condition and click Edit to specify or modify which conditions are used to search
for the personal information selected. By default, the entry condition is set to search only files
that match the document, database, Internet, or unknown file categories.

The Hit Threshold lets you ignore files with only a few hits. For example, if you set the
threshold to 5, only files containing five or more PII hits are collected. Any file with fewer than
five hits is ignored. The default is 1.

The Phone numbers options find information containing U.S. and Canadian formatted phone
numbers, with or without separators. You can select whether to search for numbers with or
without area codes.

Select Email addresses to identify email addresses.

340 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The results section enables you to choose how you want to receive the results of your search:

l Generate Report allows jobs to run normally without triaging data as it is being collected.
l Triage displays data for review by the examiner, as it is being collected.
l Prompt when run lets you turn the Triage feature on or off during data acquisition.


Pre-configured options are provided to identify major credit card numbers.

l All detected numbers are subjected to validation to prevent random 16-digit numbers
from being identified.
l Credit card number validation is performed using the Luhn or Modulus/Mod 10
l Both card numbers with separators (1234-5678-9012) and without separators
(123456789012) are identified.

You can customize a credit card search by clicking New. The Credit Card Data dialog displays:
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 341

l Customized credit cards are signified by a dot in the Can Edit column.
l Click Edit to modify a customized credit card.
l Click Delete to remove a customized credit card.
l Results are validated with the Luhn algorithm.


The Government ID tab enables you to search for any type of government ID (not just Social
Security numbers) through the use of GREP expressions. This is especially useful in areas where
government issued IDs have different formats.
342 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The hits are indexed and searchable using the Government ID pattern query.

Social security numbers finds U.S. social security numbers, with or without separators.

Note: You cannot view or edit the default Social Security Number.

To add another type of ID, click New. The Government ID dialog displays.

l Enter a name in the Government ID box and a GREP expression in the Search Expression
(GREP) box.
l When done, click OK.

Internet Artifacts
The Internet Artifacts module collects and analyzes Internet usage data from a target machine.
The module assumes the target machine was used to access the Internet at least once.

This module has no configurable options. Selecting the module captures the following

l History collects the user's browsing history.

l Cache collects cached information, such as the most recently requested web pages.
l Cookies collects stored cookie data.
l Bookmarks collects the user's bookmarks or favorite URLs.
l Downloads collects the data the user has downloaded from the Internet.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 343

File Processor
The File Processor module is a multipurpose module that enables you to select from four types
of file processing, then choose how you want to handle the final results.

The File Processor module provides you with the option to view evidence as it is being
collected. You can stop a scan when you find the information you are seeking or determine
that the scan will not prove useful.

The four filter types available in the File Processor module include:

l Metadata processing specifies the types of files to be searched for, using a set of entry
conditions. See  Metadata on the next page.
l Keyword provides a way to find information based on a list of entered keywords, and lets
you refine the search with an entry condition. This option allows GREP expressions, whole
word, and case sensitive searching. See  Keyword on page 345.
l Hash searches for files by comparing their hash values to hash values found in either a
new or pre-existing hash set. This option lets you create a new hash set or use a pre-exist-
ing set, and also lets you refine the search with an entry condition. See  Hash on
page 347.
l Picture searches for files identified with a file category of "picture." This option lets you
limit the number of files that are returned, and limit the minimum size of the pictures. In
addition, you can add entry conditions to further refine your search. See  Picture on
page 348.

The results of your processing can be handled in two ways:

l Collect all automatically collects everything that is responsive and creates an evidence
file for further analysis. When you select this option, jobs that include this module auto-
matically complete the collection and save it as an evidence file.
344 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Enable triage while collecting lets you review the evidence as it is being collected. This
lets you triage the information as it is being gathered. You can then review your inform-
ation in real time, specifically select the information you want to examine further, and
save that information as a logical evidence file (LEF).
l Collect File Contents copies the contents of files identified by the file processor into the
logical evidence file (LEF).

To configure the File Processor module, select one of the processing types, and choose one of
the ways to handle the results.

Click Next to display the options screen for the processing type selected.


The File Processor module Metadata processing option collects specific types of files using
entry conditions. For example, you can set it to collect all types of images (.jpg, .png, .bmp,
etc.) or documents (.doc, .xls, .pdf, etc).

Click on Entry condition to create or edit entry conditions. Set conditions to specify exactly
which files your job collects. The default metadata condition will target all files if left

After setting entry options, click Finish.

CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 345


The File Processor module Keyword finder processing option lets you create a list of keywords
for searching documents on a target machine. The Keyword finder module contains an Entry
Condition which targets searchable documents. See the Customization section for instructions
on viewing and modifying default conditions.

Note: This module searches the transcript of files supported by Oracle Outside In
viewer technology. This differs from the keyword searching in EnCase in that this
method locates keyword hits inside of files (such as .docx or .xlsx files) that would
not be found by a raw search of the file.

After clicking Next in the File Processor module, the Keyword options dialog displays:


To compile a list of keywords, click Add Keyword List. The Add Keyword List dialog displays.
346 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

1. Add the keywords to the text box, one per line.

2. Select the appropriate checkbox option if the keywords should be interpreted as GREP
expressions, case sensitivity should be enforced, lines should be treated as whole words.
3. Click OK.

To import a list of keywords that has been exported from EnCase, click Import. The Import
Keywords dialog displays.

Browse to the keywords file location, select a file, and click OK.

To edit a keyword in the Keyword Finder, select it in the options dialog and click Edit. The Edit
Keywords dialog displays:

1. Edit the keyword name or expression.

2. Change keyword options, if needed.
3. Click OK.

To export the list of compiled keywords, click Export on the Keyword Finder dialog. The Export
Keywords dialog displays.

Enter a new filename and click OK. This keyword file can be used in EnCase.

To specify which files the Keyword processes, click Entry Condition in the Keyword options
dialog to open a conditions dialog. By default, the entry condition restricts processing to files
where the category matches "Document."
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 347

After setting your options, click Finish.


The Hash processing option in the File Processor module searches for files with a particular
hash value on the target machine. Hash values are stored in hash sets that can be identified by
a name and category. The Hash Finder module targets all files by default. You can customize
these default conditions.

Before you can use the Hash processing option, you must create hash sets for your current

Hash sets can be added to the module from the following sources:

l A hash set created from a folder. When created this way, you can assign a name and cat-
egory to assign to the set.
l A hash .bin library available in EnCase:
o Existing .bin library files have a category if one was specified.
o The name of the hash set is the name of the .bin library file.

When the Hash processing option is used in a job, the hash sets are kept in their original
location and also copied to the EnCase Portable USB device.

After clicking Next in the File Processor module, the Hash options dialog displays.
348 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The hash sets displayed, if any, are taken from the hash library. You can select from an existing
hash set in this list, or create a new set. Click Refresh Set List to add all other available hash
sets to the list.

To compile a hash set, click Create Hash Set. The Create Hash Sets From Folder dialog displays.

l Enter or browse to the folder containing the files you want to create a hash set from.
l The Hash set name is automatically populated using the name of the folder. You can
change the hash set name.
l Enter a category for this hash set (optional).
l Click OK. EnCase creates a .bin library file from the files in the selected folder, saves it to
the EnCase Hash Sets folder, and adds it to the Hash Finder options list.

To further specify your results, click Entry Condition to open up a conditions dialog.

After setting all options, click Finish.


Use the Picture processing option in the File Processor module to search for pictures on a
target machine. This module contains an Entry condition which returns files that match the
picture file category in EnCase. See the Customization section for instructions on viewing and
modifying default conditions.

After clicking Next in the File Processor module, the following dialog displays:
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 349

l To limit the number of pictures returned, clear the Display all pictures checkbox and
adjust the number in the Limit number of pictures option.
l The default is set to gather all pictures above 10KB in size. If you want to change the min-
imum size of the picture files returned, adjust the Minimum size of pictures option.
l You can select to find pictures either by file extension or by file signature.
o By extension finds all files by category, as determined by the file extension (for
example, .jpg, .bmp, or .png).
o When you select By file signature, EnCase Portable checks the file signature of an
entry to see if it is a picture. This collects pictures that have been renamed by chan-
ging their file extensions.
o Prompt at collection time displays a dialog when you are running the job, which
lets you search by file extension or by file signature.

After setting your options, click Finish.

To specify which files the Picture Finder processes, click Entry condition in the Picture Finder
options dialog to open a conditions dialog.

The Picture Finder module only returns files that match the file category of "picture" in EnCase.
Although additional options can be specified in the entry condition, this particular parameter
cannot be modified.

Log Parser Modules

Log parser modules parse and collect information from Windows event logs, Unix login files,
and Linux login and system files.
350 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Windows Event Log Parser

The Windows Event Log Parser module parses and collects information pertaining to Windows
events logged into system logs, including application, system, and security logs. The module
parses .evt and .evtx files for Windows Event Logs, and also allows for processing by condition.

Conditions restrict which files to look at and what entries to parse.

l Entry condition filters which files EnCase processes, based on their entry properties.
l EVT condition restricts individual events on properties parsed from an EVT file (Event ID,
Event Type, Source, etc.).
l EVTX condition restricts individual events on properties parsed from an EVTX file (Event
ID, Process ID, Thread ID, etc.).

To enable a condition, select its checkbox. Click Edit next to the condition type to modify the

Unix Login
The Unix Login module parses the Unix system WTMP and UTMP files, which record all login
activities. In the module analysis reports, the WTMP-UTMP Log Parser provides information
about machines, login types, and login messages.

File detection determines how the module detects authentic event files. By default, file
detection is performed by looking for event files with a proper extension, then verifying their
signature to prevent processing incorrect files.  When checked, Process all files by signature
causes the module to determine event files based on their file signature only. Check this box to
detect event file logs that contain an incorrect extension.

Conditions restrict which files to look at and what entries to parse.

CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 351

l Entry condition restricts which log files EnCase processes.

l Log event condition determines which entries from the processed log files are examined.
If a condition is applied, EnCase collects only those log entries that meet the condition.

To enable an entry condition, select its checkbox. Click Edit next to the conditions selected, to
modify the conditions that determine which files are processed.

Linux Syslog Parser

The Linux Syslog Parser module collects and parses Linux system log files and their system
messages for Apple Macintosh and Linux machines. It then is able to provide information
about the machine, log file summaries, and log messages.

On a Linux target, the \etc\syslog.conf file is parsed for paths that contain the system log

On an Apple Macintosh target, the \private\etc\syslog.conf file is parsed for the paths
that contain the system long files.

Click Edit to modify the conditions that determine which event parameters are collected.

l Use Entry condition to create a condition that restricts which Linux syslog files are pro-
l Use Log event condition to specify syslog conditions that can filter by host name, pro-
cess, message, and so on.

To enable an entry condition, select its checkbox. Click Edit next to the conditions selected to
modify the conditions that determine which files are processed.

Collection Modules
EnCase Portable uses two collection modules to collect information about files and machines
in specific ways.

l The Snapshot module takes a snapshot of a machine at a given time.

l The Acquisition module acquires images of drives and memory from a target machine.
352 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The Snapshot module collects a snapshot of a machine at a given time, including the running
processes, open ports, network cards, login information, open files, and user information.

Snapshot module options:

l Hash processes calculates hash values for the executable files that were run to create the
currently running processes.
l Get hidden processes identifies processes that have been hidden from the operating sys-
l Get DLLs retrieves and collects a list of currently loaded DLLs.
l Mark logged on user finds and marks which of the identified users are currently logged
l Detect spoofed MAC detects if the MAC address for any of the network interfaces is
being set to a value other than the default value.

The Acquisition module acquires images of drives and memory from a target machine. When
using this module, ensure you have enough storage available to hold the evidence files this
process creates.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 353

Acquisition module options:

l Acquire logical devices acquires all logical devices (lettered drives, such as C:).

l Acquire physical devices acquires all physical devices (numbered devices, such as 0, 1,

l Acquire removable drives acquires all removable drives. A drive is identified as remov-

able by the operating system.

l Acquire memory acquires an image of machine memory (RAM).

l Prompt at collection time displays a list of all devices (logical, physical, and memory)

when the job is run. Select any combination of these devices for acquisition.
Note: To automatically acquire more than one type of device, create separate jobs
for each operation. Because EnCase runs in memory, Guidance Software suggests
you capture memory first.

l Format options determine the type of file to create.

o Ex01 files are encrypted full disk acquisition files.

o E01 files are unencrypted full disk acquisition files.

l File segment size (MB) determines the size, in megabytes, of the individual segments of
the evidence file.
l Click Encryption Keys to open a dialog that enables you to add multiple encryption keys
for use in encrypting Ex01 files.
o New allows you to generate a new encryption key.
o Change Root Path enables you to specify a folder where EnCase encryption keys are
354 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Block size (sectors) determines the block size of the contents where CRC values are com-
o The minimum value is 64 sectors.
o Larger block sizes generally enable faster acquisitions. However, if an evidence file
block becomes damaged, a larger amount of data will be lost.

l Use the Compression dropdown menu to determine whether to enable or disable the
compression of evidence files.
o Disabled does not compress evidence files.
o Enabled compresses evidence file size.

l Error granularity (sectors) determines how much of the block is zeroed out if an error is
o Standard is the same value as the block size.
o Exhaustive sets granularity to one sector. This retains more data but takes more

l Acquisition MD5 calculates the MD5 file hash of the acquired files.

l Acquisition SHA1 calculates the SHA-1 file hash of the acquired files.


When running a collection job using Acquisition module, EnCase can verify the acquired files
using hash values.

Before the job runs, a dialog displays listing the storage path, available drives, and a Verify
acquisition checkbox.

Check the Verify acquisition checkbox to verify the hash values of the acquired evidence files.
This adds time to the running of the job.

When completed, EnCase includes both the original and the verification hash values in analysis
tables and reports.

Screen Capture
The Screen Capture module preserves images of each open window on a running machine.
Images are saved in a logical evidence file.

The contents of minimized windows may not be able to be gathered.

CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 355

This module has no configurable options.

Collecting Evidence
This section describes how to:

l Run jobs.
l View information as it is being collected.
l If EnCase is installed, copy evidence into EnCase from a Portable storage device.

Before you begin, you will need:

l A correctly configured Portable device. See Installation and Configuration in the EnCase
Portable User's Guide.
l The jobs to be exported to the Portable device (see  Creating a Portable Job on page 327
and  Adding a Job to the Portable Device on page 330).
l The correct configuration of storage devices, based on a knowledge of approximately
how much data you are going to be collecting.

Running a Portable Job

You can run EnCase Portable on a running Microsoft Windows PC computer for which you
have Local Administrator access. This method is not available for Apple Macintosh computers.
Evidence cannot be acquired from floppy disks.

Before you begin, try to determine as accurately as possible how much evidence you will be

l If collecting less than 2.5 GB of data, use the Portable device to collect the evidence.
l If collecting more than 2.5 GB of data, use another prepared USB storage device to collect
the evidence. If necessary, use the storage device with a USB hub.

To run a job on a target computer:

1. Insert a Portable device directly into a USB port.

2. If you are collecting more than 2.5 GB of data, plug the prepared Portable storage device
into another USB port. 
3. Navigate to the removable drive labeled EP-WIN and double click Run Portable to launch
the application.
o An optional quiet mode automatically installs the security key drivers, if needed,
and launches without any more prompts. To run in quiet mode, note the drive let-
356 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

ter of the Portable device, then from a command prompt type <drive
letter>:\RunPortable.exe -q.

4. The EnCase Portable screen displays.

In the Configure Case section, the Case Name and Examiner Name are pre-populated,
based on your case. You can edit them as desired. You can also optionally enter a
description of the evidence.

5. Select a job to execute under Recent Jobs or click Run Multiple Jobs in the Action sec-
6. You are prompted for additional information according to the job you selected. If you
opted to Run Multiple Jobs, Portable displays the Select Job to Run dialog.  A status dia-
log displays.
o All modules used in the current job are listed.
o When running a job using the File Processor module with triage results selected,
EnCase updates the job status in real time while the job is executing. Clicking the
status link displays the results as they are gathered. See  Viewing Results to Triage
Information on the facing page. At any point during the scanning process, click Stop
Scanning to stop the job. This saves all data scanned to that point and terminates
the job.
o When running a job using the Acquisition module with the option selected to be
prompted for acquisition choices when the job is run, a dialog displays showing a list
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 357

of devices to acquire. Selecting Verify acquisition causes the job to verify the hash
values of the acquired evidence files. This increases the amount of time required to
complete the job.
o When running a Picture Finder job using the File Processor module with the option
selected to be prompted for how to find pictures when the job is run, a dialog dis-
plays asking whether to find pictures by extension or by file signature. Selecting to
find pictures by file signature enables the collection of images that have been
renamed with a different extension.

7. When a job is complete, or when you choose to stop scanning, a link to a summary dis-
plays in the Summary column for each module in the Status window. Click the link to
open the summary.

o To create a report from selected items in the summary, select the items to include
and click Add Selected to Report. See  Creating a Report on page 366.

8. When done, close the status window.

9. To view the results of running your job, return to the Portable Home screen and select
Analysis or Advanced Analysis.
10. When all jobs have completed, select Exit to close EnCase Portable.
11. After Run Portable closes, safely remove all EnCase Portable USB devices.

Viewing Results to Triage Information

When you create jobs using the File Processor or Personal Information modules, and select to
triage the results, you can review your information as it is gathered. You can then stop a job as
soon as you find the information you are seeking.

You can view results as they are gathered from:

358 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l The File Processor module, which contains:

o Metadata Entry Conditions
o Keyword Finder
o Hash Finder
o Picture Finder

l The Personal Information module

l Any default job (such as # Triage Pictures) that enables triage

When you select to triage the results, you can review your information in real time, select the
information you want to examine further, and save it as a logical evidence file (LEF). Blue check
every document or file you want to save and then, when your job has stopped running, click
Collect Selected to LEF from the job status screen. All selected items are collected and saved
as a LEF. See  Collecting Evidence from Triaged Results on page 364.

After the job is completed, you can see this information again by clicking Analysis or Advanced
Analysis in the Action section of the Portable home screen.

The Analysis or Advanced Analysis tab displays the available evidence.

Select Collected Files to view and review evidence.

Processing Files Using Metadata Entry Conditions

Metadata processing lets you identify potentially useful files using a set of metadata entry
conditions, such as creating time, name of file, path, size, and so forth.

Options for metadata processing are configured when the job is created using the File
Processor module.

While this type of file processing is running, you can view the progress screen by clicking the
link in the status column of the status dialog. A list of files matching your entry conditions

If the job has been configured to triage results, you can click any document name to view
document files in the document viewer.

Note: The document viewer does not work on non-document types of files (such as
images). Pictures should be scanned and triaged using the Picture Finder option.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 359

Processing Files Using Keyword Finder

Keyword Finder processing lets you see a list of documents containing keywords, as they are

Options for Keyword Finder are configured when the job is created using the File Processor

Note: The results returned by the Keyword Finder may appear to be significantly
different from the results returned when using the EnCase Evidence Processor. This
is because the EnCase Evidence Processor lists all hard link entries for a given file,
while the Keyword Finder detects that a given set of entries are all hard links to the
same file and lists only one from the set. Also, Keyword Finder searches transcripts
when available, whereas EnCase Evidence Processor performs only a raw search on
non-transcript files.

While this module is running, if the job has been configured to triage results, the progress
screen can be viewed by clicking the link in the status column of the status dialog.

l The keywords listed in the Keyword Name column are the keywords entered when the
job was created.
o The name for the keyword may be different from the keyword expression being
used to search. This is useful when the search expression is a GREP expression or in a
foreign language.
o The table is sorted in alphabetical order based on the Keyword Name.

l The number of documents found to contain at least one instance of the keyword is listed
in the Document Count column.
l The number of search hits for the keyword is listed in the Keyword Hits column.
l The Keyword Expression is the literal string used in the search.
360 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Columns can be sorted by double clicking the column header. As in EnCase, shift clicking
on multiple columns creates multiple layers of sort orders.

Clicking a keyword opens a documents table.

The table shows the document name, the number of times the keyword was found within it,
the file size, and its path.

Clicking a link opens a document viewer with keywords highlighted in yellow.

l Click Next or Previous to open up the next or previous document in the list, using the cur-
rent viewer.
l Click the checkbox next to Add to Collection to add this document to your collection of
data. This collection can be turned into a LEF from the status window when your analysis
is complete. See Collecting Evidence from Triaged Results on page 364.
l Fit to Page adjusts the text to better fit the frame of the dialog.
l You can toggle between either Full View mode, with each line numbered, or Compressed
View with just the lines of the document that contain keywords displayed. When in com-
pressed view, click Full View to switch to the full document. When in full view, click Com-
pressed View to show only the lines that have keyword hits.
l In Full View, use Next Hit and Previous Hit to jump to the next highlighted keyword in
the document.
l Clicking Find opens a dialog that lets you search for additional expressions. From here,
you can search for the expression within the current document, within the current doc-
ument from your current position to the end, or within the currently selected text.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 361

Processing Files Using Hash Finder

The Hash Finder searches for files by comparing their hash values to hash values found in
either a new or pre-existing hash set. This option creates a new hash set or uses a pre-existing

Note: You cannot use the Hash Finder unless your hash libraries are correctly set

Options for Hash Finder are configured when the job is created using the File Processor

While this module is running, you can view the progress in the Status tab.

If the ability to triage results was selected when configuring the job, you can click on the link in
the status column to open up a search results tab.

l Hash Library displays the name of the hash set library used in the module.
l Category is the category assigned to that library.
l The Document Found column displays the number of documents found to have hashes
that match those in the hash library.
362 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Clicking the hash library link opens up the document table, displaying all documents that
match the hash values in that library.

Processing Files Using Picture Finder

Picture Finder processing searches for picture files greater than a designated size. The default
Triage Pictures job included with the standalone version of EnCase Portable is set to display
pictures greater than 10KB only. You can change this option after the job is created.

Options for Picture Finder are configured when the job is created using the File Processor

While this module is running, the progress screen can be viewed by clicking the link in the
status column of the status dialog.

You can increase or decrease the size of your images, by changing the number of rows and
columns you are viewing.

To see fewer, larger pictures, decrease the number of columns by clicking Fewer Columns. To
see more, smaller pictures, increase the number of columns by clicking More Columns.

You can also increase or decrease the number of rows displayed by right clicking within the
gallery and selecting More Rows or Fewer Rows.

To refresh the screen while a job is running, click Refresh.

If an image is corrupt, or if an image type is not supported by EnCase, its thumbnail does not

Images are initially displayed in the order they are found.

EnCase Portable provides a quick sorting function that brings pictures in popular locations to
the top for efficient review. After the search has completed, click Add Sort to apply sort priority
to pictures located in the User folder(s), then removable media, and then the rest of the drive
(s). In addition, multiple images contained in a single folder are sorted by file size, from largest
to smallest.

To revert to the found-order sort, click Remove Sort.

CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 363

Note: Images can be added to reports during collection, only. See the Analyzing and
Reporting on Data chapter for details.

Triaging Personal Information

The Personal Information module can be configured to see potentially relevant documents
prior to them being collected. The module can also be configured to prepare a report of
potentially responsive items. These configuration options are selected when the job is created.

When configured for triage, the results screen can be viewed by clicking the link in the status
column of the status dialog while a job is running.

l The personal information types listed in the Keyword Name column are the types of per-
sonal information specified by the Personal Information module.
l The number of documents found to contain at least one instance of the personal inform-
ation type is listed in the Document Count column.
l The number of search hits for the personal information type is listed in the Keyword Hits

Clicking a personal information type opens a documents table for that information type.

The table also includes the document name, the number of times the personal information
type was found within it, the file size, and its path.

Note: The search hits for credit card numbers are not validated before appearing in
this table. Therefore, there may be a discrepancy between the number of hits shown
in the document viewer, and the number of actual, verified results. 

Clicking the link opens a document viewer with keywords highlighted in yellow.
364 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Click Next or Previous to open the next or previous document in the list, using the cur-
rent viewer.
l Click the checkbox next to Add to Collection to add this document to your collection of
data. This collection can be turned into a logical evidence file (LEF) from the status win-
dow when your analysis is complete.  Even if no files are collected, the module can cap-
ture and save a complete report of relevant documents for later examination. See
 Collecting Evidence from Triaged Results below.
l Fit to Page adjusts the text to better fit the frame of the dialog.
l You can toggle between either Full View mode with each line numbered, or Compressed
View with just the lines of the document that contain keywords displayed. When in com-
pressed view, click Full View to switch to the full document. When in full view, click Com-
pressed View to show the lines that have keyword hits only.
l In Full View, use Next Hit and Previous Hit to jump to the next highlighted keyword in
the document.
l Clicking Find opens a dialog that creates searches for additional expressions. From here,
you can search for the expression within the current document, within the current doc-
ument from your current position to the end, or within the currently selected text.

Collecting Evidence from Triaged Results

When triaging any job, you can select specific files as they come in and save them to a logical
evidence file (LEF).
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 365

1. Drill down from the status window into the results for each module and select each file to
2. Return to the main status screen.
3. Click Collect Selected to LEF. All checked items are collected into a logical evidence file
(LEF) and stored with an .L01 extension in the \EnCase Portable Evidence\<Job Name>
folder on the storage device.

Copying Evidence
You can copy evidence easily from one location to another. This may be useful for moving
evidence from an older version to a new storage location.

To copy evidence:

1. In EnCase select EnScript > Portable Management.  The Portable Management dialog dis-
2. Click the Evidence tab.
3. Select the evidence file(s) to copy.
4. Check Add evidence to case.
5. To remove the files from the original location, check Delete evidence after copy.
6. To change the destination of the copied evidence, enter or browse to a different folder.
7. Click Copy. A status dialog displays the files being copied.
8. When finished copying, click Finished.

Analyzing and Reporting on Data

After a job is completed, you have two options for analyzing from within EnCase Portable
Management or EnCase Portable. Use the Analysis option on the Portable Home tab to
perform an analysis from within a set of interlinking data browsers that lets you drill down into
your collected information. Alternately, use the Advanced Analysis option to use the EnCase
Analytics functions.

Instead of showing views of artifacts collected, analysis reports attempt to indicate what
happened on the system. These reports interpret artifacts and may join together multiple
artifacts in a single report, such as Windows link files and Registry keys to show files accessed
on specific USB devices.

The Analysis and Advanced Analysis options create customized reports that show your data
organized in tables. You can create reports from within EnCase Portable or from Portable
Management in EnCase.
366 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The reports compiled are available only as long as you have the application open. To preserve
your information, you can print or export it.

Selecting Target Databases

When more than one target has been collected, multiple databases are created, one for each
target. When opening Advanced Analysis, the Analysis Target Selector window opens,
allowing you to select the target database to analyze.

Creating a Report
You can create reports from the evidence you have collected.

1. From the EnCase Portable Home screen, select Analysis or Advanced Analysis. See the
discussion in the Overview section of this chapter to determine which is appropriate for
your reporting needs. In general, Advanced Analysis gives you many more elements to
choose from to build your report.
2. The analytics query selector screen displays.
o Analytics query groups are displayed in the left pane.
o Select an analytics query group to show results in the right pane.
o Select results from these queries in the right pane to be added to your report.

3. Double click the analytics query group folder icons to display the analytics queries.
4. Click Save Selected in the table toolbar to save the queries. The Set Table Title dialog dis-
5. Enter the title you want for the table in your report and click OK.
6. Click Manage Saved Reports in the analytics query selector screen to display the tables
which have been added to your report.  All tables are displayed in the Customize Report
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 367

7. Continue using the analytics query selector screen to add additional query results to your
report. You can add as many tables as necessary to your report.
8. Click Unavailable Views to display the sets of analysis results that are not yet available,
given the collections still under examination. This list can be used as a checklist to assure
that the required data is collected.

Click View Report to preview your report. From the preview screen, you can also print
your report to maintain an artifactof this evidence.
368 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

This report structure is discarded after closing.

Adding Constraints to Analysis Data

When analyzing data, you can add constraints to the information that displays in the analytics
query selector screen. This option is available only in tables that contain data where a
constraint is useful.

1. From an appropriate table in the analytics query selector screen, click Constraint.
2. The Constraint dialog displays, showing fields that are relevant to that specific table.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 369

3. Enter the information to include in the table in the appropriate text box.  For example, to
see filenames that contain the word Cat only, enter Cat in the Filename text box.
o Only one value can be entered in each text box.  For example, if you enter Cat and
Dog, to display information that contains both the words Cat and Dog, EnCase Port-
able takes the value literally and displays information that contains the entire
phrase Cat and Dog.
o If you enter values in multiple text boxes, EnCase Portable displays the information
that contains all specified values only.
o All non-string fields (such as IP addresses, numbers, hashes, or dates) look for exact
matches.  For example, if you enter 80 for the local port, EnCase Portable looks for
port 80 only; port 8080 does not match the filter and will not be displayed.

4. Click OK. The table is displayed according to the restrictions entered. The current criteria
are shown in the bottom left status area of the Analytics Query Selector.
Note: To remove the restrictions, click Remove Constraint in the Analytics
Query Selector toolbar.

Adding Images to Reports

1. From the Portable home screen, run the # Triage Pictures job. The Settings: Picture
Options dialog displays.
370 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

2. Select a Find Pictures option and click Finish. Portable displays the Status tab.

3. After at least one file is found, click the link in the Status column.  This can be done while
the job is running. Portable displays the Images tab.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 371

4. Select images to add to your report by clicking individual image check boxes.
5. Click Add Selected To Report. The Customize Report screen displays, listing the images
6. Select View Report. Your report now displays the images.
7. To print a report, select the hamburger menu at the upper right and click Print.

Images can be added to a report only while the # Triage Pictures job is running. However, if
you select Collect File Contents in the File Processor wizard, image data in the LEF can be
added to reports from EnCase.

Snapshot Reports
Snapshot Reports contain structured information on processes, open files, users, and ports.
Snapshot Reports can help you determine precise relationships between parent and children
processes, details about processes and their associated DLLs, and open ports and their
associated processes and DLLs. Using Snapshot Reports, you can determine which process
instance spawned the process you are trying to identify. These reports allow you to see the
path, command line parameters, and DLL/EXE file information for specific running processes.

Clicking an entry in the Parent Process ID column, which contains process IDs for each parent
process instance, displays all running instances of the process. This filters the report to display
matching process IDs, only, which allows you to trace that process to its source. For example,
instead of displaying only the type of process, such as explorer.exe, clicking an entry in the
372 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Parent Process ID column displays information on all instances of explorer.exe. Similarly,

clicking a number in the Children Processes column displays detailed information for all the
children processes associated with the process instance.

Snapshot Reports also display both port information and its relationships to process instances
and DLLs, so you can determine which DLLs are active as well as which process instance loaded
each DLL.

Some Snapshot Reports combine information from other reports to make the workflow more
efficient. Under Operating System > DLLs, the DLLs by Process Details Report combines all the
information in the DLLs Report and the Processes Report. Under Network, the Open Ports by
DLL Report combines all the information in the DLLs Report, the Processes Report, and the
Open Ports Report. Under Operating System > Processes, the Processes report combines all
the information in the DLLs Report and the Open Ports Report.

Each Snapshot Report also has an About option which shows details for each report.

To use these features, make selections in columns in the following reports:

DLLs by Process Details: Instance Name, Parent Process ID, Open Ports, and Children

Open Ports by DLL: Instance Name, Parent Process ID, and Children Processes.

Processes: Instance Name, Parent Process ID, Open Ports, Children Processes, and DLL Count.

These Snapshot Report columns provide the following information:

Instance Name is a descriptor for a specific instance of a process. An instance name is often the
same as a process name.

Children Processes are the processes that were spawned by a parent process. For example,
some malware spawns many other processes. Viewing a malware parent process shows how
many processes it created. This count is displayed as a link to the child processes.

Open Ports are ports that have been opened by a process to communicate over the network.
These include both local and remote ports.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 373

DLL (Dynamic-linked library) Counts are used by many programs to share code. Malware can
inject a malicious dll and a program will execute it without realizing it is malicious code. The DLL
Count is the number of dlls that a specific program is using.

Exporting a Report
You can run a report that shows comprehensive details of all the jobs and scans previously run
on the current Portable device.

From the Portable home screen:

1. Click Past Collections. The Past Collections tab displays.

o Using the Column options on the left, hide or show columns to suit your require-

2. Click Export Report. The Export Past Collections dialog displays.

374 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. Select or verify the output path for the report.

4. Select your report style.
o As Shown exports the report as it appears on the screen.
o With Module List exports the report with the modules displayed by name in a
single column.
o Job Table (default) exports the report with the rows and columns in the same ori-
entation as displayed in the tab. This results in a wider report.
o Job List exports the report with the rows and columns transposed from the way
they are displayed in the tab. This results in a taller report.

5. Select your file format.

6. If enabled, select Wrap table to export the columns at full width. If unchecked, the con-
tents within the columns will wrap and the columns will be compressed so the table fits
on one page.
7. Click OK. The report outputs to the designated report path.

The following section contains topics on portable device maintenance, including preparing
portable devices and storage, modifying EnCase portable device configuration, and preparing
additional USB storage devices.

Preparing Portable Devices

You can create Portable devices out of any removable storage device. Portable devices can run
from any EnCase Forensic or EnCase Portable license.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 375

To prepare a Portable Device:

1. Select Tools > Create Portable Device.  The Portable Management screen displays.

2. Select a device and click Configure Device. A status screen displays the updates to the
device as they are being executed. 
3. When done, click Finished. The device is labeled with the currently installed version.

Modifying the EnCase Portable Device Configuration

The Portable device can be configured to determine how jobs are executed.

1. Select Tools > Portable Management.   The Portable Management dialog displays.
376 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

2. Select the drive to configure and click Configure Device. The Configure Device dialog dis-

o Allow Job Configuration at Runtime enables the user to create and edit jobs in the
field, using the Portable device. By default, this option is enabled.
o Display East Asian Characters enables the display of Unicode character sets, spe-
cifically for East Asian language support.
o NAS licensing enables the use of EnCase Portable without a separate security key.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 377

3. When done, click OK.

Preparing Additional USB Storage Devices

The storage device that comes with EnCase Portable is ready to use. If you choose, you may
use other USB storage devices for use with EnCase Portable by adding a specific folder
structure to the device.

To prepare a USB storage device for use with EnCase Portable:

1. Insert the storage device into the computer.

2. Select Tools > Portable Management. 
3. Click the Storage tab. All devices that require preparation are indicated.

Note: If there is a bullet in the Needs Upgrade column, the device needs to be

4. Select one or more devices and click Prepare. A dialog shows the status of the task. When
complete, this dialog confirms the creation of the EnCase Portable Evidence folder on the
storage device.
5. The Prepared column displays a dot when the process is complete.
378 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Configuring EnCase Portable for NAS Licensing

You can run EnCase Portable from any 4 GB (or greater) USB device without a security key by
using the Guidance Software License Manager. License Manager is a Network Authentication
Server (NAS) and enables the distribution of EnCase Portable licenses across the network. This
functionality is available only when you purchase Portable enabled through License Manager.
Please contact your sales representative for more information.

To work with the NAS:

l EnCase Portable must be used on a target computer that has routable network access to
License Manager.
l The EnCase Portable EnLicense must be stored in at least one of the following places to
work with License Manager:
o In the \EnCase Portable\License folder on the examiner machine used to con-
figure the EnCase Portable NAS settings (default location).
o In the \SAFE\License folder on the SAFE (recommended).

Guidance Software recommends storing the EnLicense on the SAFE so multiple machines can
be set up without a specific local licensing folder. If an EnLicense cannot be found in either of
these locations, Portable must have a physical security key.

1. Select Tools > Portable Management.  The Portable Management dialog displays.
2. Select the drive to configure and click Configure Device. The Configure Device dialog dis-
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 379

3. Select the NAS checkbox, then click Options. The NAS Settings dialog displays.
o User Key Path specifies the location of the NAS key file.
o Server Key Path specifies the location of the SAFE public key file.
o Server Address is the name or IP address of the Network Authentication Server. If
you are using a port other than 4445, provide the port with the address (for

4. Click OK. The prepared USB device can now run as a Portable device.

Some jobs may take long periods of time to execute.  If the progress bar is moving
occasionally, the job is still running.


If the license on the Portable device has expired or is damaged, EnCase Portable will not load
and run. Instead, EnCase (Acquisition Mode) displays in minimized form in the corner of your

Maximize EnCase and check the title at the top. If it displays EnCase Acquisition, the dongle
and/or license must be extended or replaced.

If you are sure the Portable device is not in use, but consistently get a message that the device
is busy:

1. Stop all Portable Management and Portable processes.

2. Close EnCase.
3. Remove the device from your computer.
4. Reinsert the device into your computer.
5. Retry the restore procedure.


If you have just restored the image to your Portable device, unplug the device from your
system and then plug it back in again.  If the device still does not appear, the boot image may
have been truncated during the restore process. 
380 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The sector size of the restore image and the destination drives must match exactly, or the
destination drive must be larger. If the destination drive is even a few sectors smaller than the
.E01 restore image, a warning dialog is displayed before the restore starts. If you choose to
continue, the restore process is shown as successful even though the target drive image is
truncated and data is potentially lost. Guidance Software recommends using a destination
drive that is at least 4GB in size.

You should go back through the restore process and make sure the EnCase Portable image has
been correctly restored to the physical storage device.


To troubleshoot this issue, first check to make sure your credentials are accurate and that you
are not trying to run a 64-bit version of EnCase. SafeBoot only works with 32-bit versions of

Next, make sure that you have the correct files in the correct locations.

The following files must be present in the C:\Program Files\EnCase8\Lib\SafeBoot

Technology\SafeBoot folder of your EnCase installation directory:

File/Folder Name
sbAlgs folder [blank]

sbTokens folder

SafeBoot Tool folder








CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 381

File/Folder Name


SafeBoot Tool\GetKey Offline.xml

SafeBoot Tool\GetKey.xml

SafeBoot Tool\SafeBootTool V5.exe


Also, the following files must be copied from your company's SafeBoot server and copied to
your local folder structure:

Copy from SafeBoot server Copy to local machine

C:\Program Files\SBAdmin\SDMCFG.INI Files\EnCase8\Lib\SafeBoot


In Portable Management, a bullet in the Needs Upgrade column indicates that the device
needs to be restored.

After a job finishes, files created from that collection are stored in a predefined location on a
configured EnCase Portable storage device. During initialization, EnCase Portable determines
the storage location by:

1. Compiling a list of all prepared storage devices.

2. Determining which storage devices are also EnCase Portable devices.
3. Using the first detected storage device.

If the only device found is the Portable device, that device is used for storage.
382 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07


Unless you are collecting logical or physical images of an entire device, information is collected
into logical evidence files (LEFs). In addition to creating LEFs, a SQLite database is also created.

When a collection job is run using the File Processor module and the metadata processing
type, two LEFs are created. One of the LEFs contains the collected files and is designed to be
brought into EnCase so that you can process or view the collected files. The second LEF does
not contain any file data, but simply contains meta-information and metrics about the data
that was processed and collected. This LEF is not designed to be added to a case in EnCase, but
is used by EnCase to generate reports.


Yes. Evidence files are created when you acquire an entire physical or logical device. This can be
done by using the default imaging job supplied with EnCase Portable (#Create Copy of Drive or
Memory) or by creating your own job and selecting the Collection\Acquisition module.


EnCase Portable uses two types of evidence files:

l Files that contain the actual evidence files that have been collected. These files have
either an .Lx01/.L01 or .Ex01/.E01 extension and can be mounted and used in EnCase. 
They are stored during EnCase Portable collection in ..\EnCase Portable
l Files that contain summary data about collected information and are used for analysis.
These files have an .L01 extension and contain metadata about the collected files.  They
do not contain the actual evidence files themselves. These files are stored during EnCase
Portable collection in ..\EnCase Portable Evidence\ModuleEvidence.

Each specific target has its own logical evidence file (or LEF), with the name of the target
reflected in the name of the logical evidence file. If a target's LEF is already in the storage folder
when a new collection is started, you have the option to overwrite the previous data.

The Module Evidence and the File Evidence folders contain folders for each collection job that
has been run.

LEF files created by EnCase Portable are imported by opening the Evidence tab in Portable
Management and selecting evidence to be copied to case folders. By default, the LEFs are
stored in the %\portable evidence path located in case paths for the open case. The LEFs
containing file data can be added directly into EnCase by selecting the checkbox option.
CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 383

If you choose to add LEFs to EnCase directly from the storage folder, please note that when
EnCase Portable collects data, it can collect files (such as when the File Collector module is
used) or it can collect parsed data (such as when the Internet Artifacts module is used). To
make it easier to conduct examinations, files are stored separately from parsed data. LEFs
containing file data can be identified by the words "Collected Files" in the name of the LEF. It is
only these LEFs that can be added to and examined with EnCase.

LEFs that contain parsed data are designed to be analyzed in Portable Management and do
not have Collected Files in the file name. If you attempt to add these files into EnCase, the
collected information will not be viewable.

The following items are copied to the Portable device during the export process:

l EnCase.exe
Note: When a 64-bit version of EnCase is being used, the 32-bit version of EnCase
is copied to the EnCase Portable device.

l EnCase Portable config files (to \EnCase Portable\Storage)

l EnCase Portable EnScript (to \EnCase Portable\EnScript)
l EnCase config files (to \EnCase Portable\Config (FileTypes.ini and
l All license files to EnCase Portable\License folder
l All cert files to EnCase Portable\Certs folder


Yes. The EnCase 64-bit installer installs the 32-bit files necessary to configure a security key.
This includes 32-bit decryption DLLs.


EnCase Portable supports Linux-based machines, unless they are using logical volume
management (LVM). Any machine with an OS that uses LVM should be able to be acquired and
analyzed by the full version of EnCase ForensicEnterprise.

EnCase Portable mounts the logical device when used on a running machine.


Domain visits are computed by summing the history entries only.
384 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

In the analysis table report, you do not see the history grouped into daily and weekly folders
as IE and EnCase. Instead, you start with high level domain visits and drill into the individual
entries by navigating from there.

Visits are pulled from the cache file directly, and to prevent confusion, the name is not


Visa-13 [4][#]{12,12}

Visa-16 [4][#][#][#][^#]?[#]{4,4}[^#]?[#]{4,4}[^#]?[#]{4,4}

MasterCard [5][1-5][#][#][^#]?[#]{4,4}[^#]?[#]{4,4}[^#]?[#]{4,4}

American Express [3][47][#][^#]?[#]{7,7}[^#]?[#]{5,5}



SSN ###[\x2D]?##[\x2D]?####

Phone with Area

[(][#]{3,3}[)] ?[#]{3,3}[ \x2D][#]{4,4}

Phone without Area



You can customize GREP expressions for credit card searches.  Further customization options
will be forthcoming in a future release.


CHAPTER 12   Using EnCase Portable 385


Since you can run EnCase Portable without an external storage drive, the only place to store
this data without compromising the system being investigated is on the EnCase Portable drive
itself. Thus the EnCase Portable drive is always write enabled.

Also note that the operating system runs entirely in memory (in a RAM drive); therefore,
changes made to the running environment do not affect the environment on disk.
386 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Overview 389

Bookmarking Data for Reports 389

Triage Report 390

Using Report Templates 397

Report Object Code (ROC) 413

Report Template Wizard 420

Creating Hyperlinks to an Exported Item from Report

Templates 424

File Report EnScript 427

Viewing a Report 429

388 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 389

The final phase of a forensic examination is reporting the findings, which should be well
organized and presented in a format that the target audience understands. EnCase adds
several enhancements to its reporting capabilities, including:

l Reporting templates you can use as is or modify to suit your needs.

l Capability to control a report's format, layout, and style.
l Ability to add notes and tags to a report.

Case templates in EnCase consist of three parts:

l Bookmark folders where references to specific items and notes are stored.
l Report templates that hold formatting, layout, and style information. A report template
links to bookmark folders to populate content into a report.
l Case information items, where you can define case-specific variables to be used through-
out the report.

Bookmarking Data for Reports

In EnCase, as you work on a case, you typically discover files, portions of files, and other items
of interest and save them as bookmarks. Bookmarks are saved in folders in the case file. The
report template links to bookmark folders to populate content into the report. Bookmarks are
saved in folders in the case file. When you create a new case and apply one of the supplied
case templates, EnCase provides bookmark folders by default. As an example, the basic
template provides these folders:

l Documents
l Pictures
l Email
l Internet Artifacts

You can also create your own folders.

To bookmark data into a folder:

1. Select the content you want from any tab (for example, Entries, Artifacts, or Search Res-
ults) and click Bookmark on the tab toolbar.
2. From the dropdown menu, select the type of bookmark you want to create, enter a
name and optional comment, and click OK.
3. View your bookmarks in the Bookmarks tab.

See  Bookmarking Items on page 295 for more information.

390 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Triage Report
The Triage report enables you to customize and quickly generate an investigation report.

This report creates a fully linked HTML report from bookmark folders you create. Each
bookmark folder is a separate report section linked together by a table of contents. Each
report section can have an associated custom format or be formatted automatically. Each
bookmarked item by default includes a separate item report including comprehensive data for
that item.

You can customize this report with your own logo, and add external links within the report. All
customization can be done using an HTML editor.

When done, this report can easily be distributed on a CD or USB drive and is compatible with
most browsers. This enables evidence to be easily shared across teams so that the most
relevant information can be discovered and acted upon quickly.

To share your report, navigate to its export location and copy the Triage Report folder,
index.html, and Triage.Report.html files to a USB drive or CD.

This reporting option can be accessed on the case home page under the Report header. It is
also available in both the Full Investigation and Preview/Triage Pathways.
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 391

Main screen

Using the browse button, select the folder that the completed HTML report will be placed into.
This folder must exist on the system.


When selected, automatically opens Windows Explorer to the export location when the report
is written.
392 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

When selected, automatically loads the report in the default browser.

This section enables the examiner to include additional links in the left pane of the completed
report. By default, it includes:

l The Case Information link which draws the data from case information items tab in
l The logo item which is used to hold the location for a custom logo.

Unselected items will not show up in the report.

The Name column shows the text that will be placed on the left pane for the link.

The Link column is used to designate the file path of the file to be linked.

If AutoCopy is selected, the linked file will be copied automatically into the export path for the
Triage report. This can only be used if the linked file is a single file (i.e. PDF or Word doc, Excel
spreadsheet). If the AutoCopy is not selected, you must copy the file or files into the export
location before setting the Link field. For example, if you are trying to link in a HTML report
which consists of multiple files, the files will have to be manually copied into the export

The Bookmark Folders table shows all bookmark folders contained in the current case.
Selected folders are included in the Triage report when the report is created.

The Name field shows the bookmark folder.

The Format field designates what information is included in that section of the report. The
format can be changed by clicking Auto and selecting a different format form the popup box.
In the popup:

l The Auto format selection attempts to use the most appropriate data for each of the
bookmarked items.
l Selecting External Link allows you to set the link on the left side of the screen to an altern-
ate file. If External Link is selected, that report section will not be created. You must manu-
ally copy the linked file(s) to the export location before the link is created.
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 393

The NoExport checkbox stops the exporting of the bookmarked files for that section of the
report. Individual files and bookmarks can also be prevented from being exported or included
in the report by using the No Export and No Report options from the Bookmarks tab.

The No TOC (No table of contents) checkbox removes that section of the report from the table
of contents, but the section is still created and a link is created in the parent report section.

The Include in Parent checkbox includes the selected report section within the parent report
section. This can be used to create a single report section based on different formats. If you
select Include in Parent on all bookmark folders, the report will be displayed in a flat form. The
HTML links on the left side of the final report will jump the viewer to the respective sections.

Click Make Single Bookmark Report on the menu bar to recreate only the current report
section. This was designed so you would not have to recreate the entire report when only one
section has been changed. This will not recreate the table of contents.

The options button provides you with ways to change the behavior of the Triage report.
394 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The Template List displays the list of default formats and custom formats available. The Auto
format automatically selects the default format depending on the bookmarked item type.
Default formats can be changed but if they are deleted they will be recreated the next time the
Triage report is run.

Field definitions designate what information is included in the report section for each item.
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 395

Enables you to modify the report title shown in the browser when the report is displayed.


When selected, includes the top level sections in the table of contents even if not selected.


When selected, places the child report sections at the top of the report instead of in the
bookmarked order.


When selected, alternates the colors of the rows within the report for better clarity.
396 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

When selected, hide the preview pane in the main window.

Enter the filename for the main HTML page. An identical INDEX.HTML is also created.


Specify the maximum file size that can be exported by the triage report. This feature prevents
the unintended export of extremely large files (i.e. pagefile.sys, hiberfil.sys, Unallocated Space).


Enables you to substitute an alternate style sheet instead of the default.
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 397


When selected, includes a print icon at the top of each report section. This option is on, by


Designates if the individual report for each bookmark item (not section) is in HTML format or


Select which type of filename is used for each export file.

Note: The Original setting can cause filename conflicts.

Report Formatting


l Each line represents a cell of data for the field.

l Separate tags below with a "," comma.

l Use a single dash "-" to make a new line in the table.

l * = default

l FIELD= property name. (the word FIELD is not needed) Multiple fields can be place in a

single cell, separate with a "|"

l LINK= Defines a hyperlink for the cell. *Auto is a hyperlink to the exported file for the

Name property.

l ALIGN= *1 = left, 0 = center, -1 = right

l HEADER= Alternate cell title, replaces field name.

l ICON= Draws an EnScript icon in the cell

l REPORT,PRINT, etc...

l COLOR= color value in hex or enscript color const - #000066, BLUE

l SIZE= [THUMBNAIL pixels = ], [PREVIEW length=100] (not complete)!

l SHOW= BOTH, REPORTONLY (not complete)!

Using Report Templates

A report template is one component of a case template. Each default case template includes a
customizable report template. Different case templates can contain different report templates,
and each of these templates is completely customizable. In addition to the report template,
each case template also includes bookmark folders that are referenced in the report.
398 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Besides the default templates, you can define your own custom reports and save them as part
of a case template. For more information, see  Using a Case Template to Create a Case on
page 79.

Report Template Structure

Before viewing a report, you need a report template, or outline of what the report will look
like. This structure consists of:

l Report sections: groups of similar information and formatting that provide the ability to
organize your report.
l Report formatting: page layout, section design, and text styles.
l Report elements: collections of bookmarks. Bookmarks are a key element of the report
structure. You do not embed bookmarks into a report template, but embed a reference
to the contents of a bookmark folder.

To display the template, click Report Templates on the case Home page.

A report component is designated as either a Report or a Section, as shown in the Type

column. Typically, Report components contain only formatting information for components
beneath them, whereas Section components contain formatting information and Report
elements for an individual section. The columns to the right of Type indicate whether a
formatting option is user defined or inherited from the component above it in the template
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 399

To add new Reports or Sections to the template:

1. Highlight the row above the new element you want to add. Right click and select New
from the dropdown menu.
2. The New Report Template dialog opens.
3. Enter a Name.
4. Select a Type (Section or Report).
5. If you want to customize Format styles, check the appropriate boxes, or leave the boxes
clear to use the default styles.
6. Click OK. The new template component displays below the row you highlighted.

Formatting Report Templates

A wide range of formatting options is available for customizing EnCase reports. Guidance
Software recommends using the default case templates to start, customizing them as needed,
and saving them in a new case template for future use.

Report templates follow a hierarchical tree to simplify formatting. Report sections inherit
formatting options from above so that changes to formatting only need to be made in one

You can customize these elements:

l Section Name: Used for organizational reference in the template only and does not pop-
ulate the report.
l Paper: Includes orientation and size.
l Margins: Set values for top, bottom, left, and right margins.
l Header/Footer: Specifies a header and/or footer.
l Data Formats: Specifies how a bookmark displays, including style and content.
l Section Body Text: Specifies the layout and content of each section in the Body Text.
l Show Tab: Determines if this report or section displays in the View Report dropdown
l Excluded: Provides the ability to exclude part of a report.

Configuring Paper Layout


1. Right click the Paper column, then click Edit in the dropdown menu. The Paper layout dia-
log opens.
2. Click a paper size option. This includes options for millimeters or inches.
3. The default orientation is Portrait. Click the Landscape checkbox to change the ori-
400 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

4. Click User defined to enable the Page Width and Page Height boxes, where you can spe-
cify dimensions manually.

1. Right click the Margins column, then click Edit in the dropdown menu. The Margins dia-
log opens.
2. Enter the margins you want in inches. By default, the top margin is 1 inch, the left margin
is 0.75 inches, and the right and bottom margins are 0.5 inches.

Localization of Report Layout

Reports in EnCase are designed to work seamlessly in various regions regardless of local
preferences such as paper size. If created properly, report templates print correctly on 8 ½" x
11" paper or A4 paper without requiring any changes to the templates.

All reports in EnCase obtain their paper settings from the Windows operating system.
Windows stores paper size in the Default Printer settings, so unless a specific paper size is
defined in a report template (Paper option), EnCase uses the paper size indicated there.

When reports are generated, margins are set for the indicated paper size and the report is
rendered in that composition. Users should utilize the ability to set tab stops relative to a
specific margin (described above) to ensure that tab stops also scale properly with the different
paper variations. Report templates supplied with EnCase are configured in this manner.

Customizing Headers and Footers

You can customize the formatting of headers and footers and what information they contain.

1. Right click the Header or Footer column, then click Edit in the dropdown menu. The
appropriate dialog opens.
2. Formatting options (Document, Styles, Case Info Items, etc.) display at the top of the dia-

Report Styles
As in Microsoft Word, you use styles to set text formatting options. EnCase comes with many
default styles to use in report templates, and you can also create your own styles. To override
a default style, create a user style with the same name. 

Style options include:

CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 401

l Font type and size

l Alignment (centered, left and right justified)
l Indentation (left, right, first line)
l Space before/after
l Borders
l Tabs
l Text color
l Background color

To create a user defined style:

1. In the Report Templates tab, click Styles in the tab toolbar.

2. The Styles dialog opens, with tabs for Default Styles and User Styles.

3. Select the User Styles tab.

4. Click New in the toolbar.
5. Enter a name for the style and your desired configuration options. Double click Font, Text
Foreground, or Text Background to open dialogs for specifying those options.
402 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o Double click Font to open the Font dialog, where you can specify:
Font face
Font style (Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic)
Effects (Strikeout, Underline)

o Double click Text Foreground or Text Background to open the Color dialog, where
you can select a default color or specify a custom color.

o Click the Paragraph checkbox to enable other options:

Alignment (Centered, Left and Right Justified)
Left Indent (in inches)
Right Indent (in inches)
First indent (in inches)
Space Before (in points)
Space After (in points)

6. To set a border, click the Border button.  Set the position, size and color of the border
lines you wish to incorporate.
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 403

7. To set tab stops within the style, click the Tabs button. Right click in the Tabs dialog and
select New to create a new tab.
o In the Alignment box, choose how you want the text to align relative to the tab.
Choices are Left (left side of the text block is aligned with the tab stop), Center (text
is centered in relation to the tab) or Right (right side of the text block is aligned with
the tab stop).
o Set the Position for the tab stop in Inches.
o In the Relative box, set the margin that the tab stop should be relative to. Choose
Left to position the tab stop a set distance to the right of the left margin, choose
Center to position it a distance from the center point between the margins, or
choose Right to position it a set distance to the left of the right margin.

Note: The ability to set the relative position of the tab enables users to create a
report template that you can use with various paper sizes (that is, letter, landscape,
A4, etc.) and various orientations (portrait or landscape) without having to reset the
margins for the various page widths. Default templates supplied with EnCase are
configured in this manner so they can be used in different locales without requiring
significant modifications.

8. When you finish, click OK. The new style and its attributes display in the User Styles list.

You can also edit or delete an existing User Style.

Modifying Report Template Formats

EnCase now includes the ability to add additional metadata fields for entries and artifacts to
report templates. The report template builder makes all entry and artifact fields available and,
if selected, the field values display in the report.

You can customize reports by specifying which fields to add to the report template. You can
choose to include the value in the field as well as the name of the field. Then, when you
generate a report, EnCase includes both specified fields and the content with which they are
populated, in the specified area of the report.

All entry, artifact and item (bookmark) fields can be added to report templates.  Multi-value
fields, such as file extents and permissions, have two options for inclusion: cell and table.
Adding the cell data displays the value of the field as displayed within the Entry table view. 
Adding the table data displays the value of the field as displayed in the Details tab.

Inserting a Picture
1. Right click an item in the tree where you want to insert a picture, then click Edit in the
dropdown menu.
2. The Edit dialog displays. Select the Body Text tab, then place your cursor where you want
to insert the picture in the Report Object Code.
404 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. Click Picture.
4. The Picture dialog displays. In the Picture dialog, browse to the file you want to insert,
specify a size (width and height in inches), then click OK.

Inserting a Table
1. Right click an item in the tree where you want to insert a table, then click Edit in the drop-
down menu.
2. The Edit dialog displays. Select the Body Text tab, then place your cursor where you want
to insert the table into the Report Object Code.
3. Click Add Table.
4. Make a selection from the dropdown list. The dialog for the item you selected opens. The
example below shows the Evidence dialog.
o On the Columns tab, click the checkboxes for the columns you want to display.
o On the View Options tab, select the checkboxes for the visual elements you want
to display. The tabs and options vary depending on the selection you make from
the Add Table dropdown menu in step 3.

5. When you finish, click OK.

Excluded Checkbox
Depending on your target audience, you may want to exclude parts of a report. For example,
an investigator may need to see actual pictures in a report, while another reader does not. You
can customize content by clicking the checkboxes in the Excluded column for elements you
want to exclude.

Body Text Tab

The Body Text tab in the lower pane displays the Report Object Code for a selected object. For
example, if you select Title Page in the Report Templates tab, this code displays:
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 405

To add code, use the selectors in the Body Text toolbar:

l Document
l Styles
l Case Info Items
l Case
l Bookmark Folder
l Add Table
l Picture
l Language
l Text

To test if the code is well-formed, click Compile. To return to the last compilable code, click

Note: Unless you have experience writing and editing code, Guidance Software
recommends using default code in the report templates.

Editing Report Templates to Include Bookmark Folders in

This section describes how to edit report templates to include bookmark folders in EnCase
reports. Bookmarks are used in EnCase to store the data used in reports. The structure of the
report is separate from the bookmarks’ folder structure. Using the report template for the
report structure requires that you define the report to link bookmarks to the report sections.
406 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The following examples assume that a bookmark folder structure exists and items have been
added to the bookmark folders. The examples include both menu based customization and
the use of ROC to modify reports.

Basic Report Section Editing and Formatting

1. On the home page, click Report Templates.
2. Select or create a report section to edit. You can use each report section to link bookmark
folder items to the report and define the display format for those items.
3. In the Options tab, specify the name of the section.
4. Click the Body Text tab. This tab allows you to format text styles and layout of the book-
marks. You can also specify bookmark folder(s) for this section.
5. Click in the white space at the bottom of the report after the ROC word text and click
Bookmark Folder from the toolbar. Selecting the Show Folders checkbox adds a heading
based on the name of the folder. Click Recursive to start processing at the level selected
and process all subfolders in the selected branch of that folder tree. To see the results of
your selections, switch the lower View pane to Report for this section.
6. Select the Formats tab to set the formats for the bookmark items, such as Folder, Note,
Notable File, Text File, Data bookmark, Decode, Image, Record, and Email types.
7. Double click or right click and select Edit to modify the detail presented for each of these
bookmark types.

For example, the default for an image bookmark is:

style("Image") {image(width=2880, height=2880) par}

You can modify this from the dropdown menus available to add Accessed, Created, and
Written Times below the Image.

style("Image") {
image(width=2880, height=2880) par
fieldname(field=Accessed) tab cell(field=Accessed)
fieldname(field=Created) tab cell(field=Created) par
fieldname(field=Written) tab cell(field=Written) par

You can see these changes in the View pane in the Report tab.
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 407

Editing the Report Template to Include the Item Path in Reports

The following sections describe how to include the item path in reports based on documents
and Internet artifacts.


1. Bookmark your file to the required folder in your bookmark folder structure as a single
item.  If you have more than one item to bookmark, use Bookmark > Selected items.
This example bookmarks relevant Documents into the Documents Folder.

2. Open Report Templates from the EnCase Home screen or select View > Report Tem-
plates.  Since the item to bookmark is in the Documents folder, this example shows how
to edit the Documents Report Section to include the Item Path.

3. In the Edit Documents window, select the Formats tab. Select Notable File > Edit. Make
sure the blinking cursor is positioned correctly, as the Item Path Field is added here. This
408 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

example shows the blinking cursor after the fieldname(field=Accessed) tab

cell (field=Accessed) par statement.

4. Drill down in the Item Field menu and select Item Path.  fieldname
(field=ItemPath) tab cell(field=ItemPath) displays on the last line.  Adding
par adds a line break in the report.
5. Click OK to exit Report Templates.

6. View your report. The Item Paths are added to the Document section of the report.
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 409


1. Bookmark your file to the required folder in your bookmark folder structure as a single
item.  If you have more than one item to bookmark, use Bookmark > Selected items.
2. Open Report Templates from the EnCase Home screen or select View > Report Tem-
plates.  Since the item to bookmark is in the Internet Artifacts Folder, edit the Internet
Artifacts Report Section to include the Item Paths.
3. In the Edit Internet Artifacts window, select the Formats tab. Select Record > Edit. (Inter-
net artifacts are Record data types.) Make sure the cursor is positioned correctly, as the
Item Path Field is added here. This example positions the cursor after the record ()
par statement.

4. Drill down in the Item Field menu and select Item Path.  fieldname
(field=ItemPath) tab cell(field=ItemPath) displays on the last line. Adding
par adds a line break in the report.
5. Click OK to exit Report Templates.
410 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

6. View the report.  The Item Paths are added to the Internet Artifact section of the report.

Other than defining the specific report section to modify, the only difference in adding the
Item Path field to the report is the category to be formatted. When adding Item Path to
documents, the format category Notable File is being modified. When adding Item Path to
Internet Artifacts, the format category Record is modified.

l Documents: Format Notable File category

l Internet Artifacts: Format Record category
l Pictures: Format Image category
l Emails: Format Email category

Editing the Report Template to Display Comments in Reports

This section describes how to include comments in reports based on email bookmarks.


1. Bookmark your file to the required folder in your bookmark folder structure as a single
item. If you have more than one item to bookmark, use Bookmark > Selected items. This
example demonstrates bookmarking relevant Email into the Email Folder.
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 411

2. After bookmarking your entry, open the Bookmarks tab and locate the file.  Add com-
ments to your files by editing the Comment field.  The comments made here are dis-
played in your report.

3. Click the Report Templates tab from the home page or select View > Report Templates.
Since the item to bookmark is in the Email folder, edit the Email report section to include
412 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

4. In the Edit Emails window, select the Formats tab. Select Email > Edit.  Make sure the
cursor is positioned correctly, as the Comment field is added here. In this example, the
cursor is positioned after the email () par statement.

5. Drill down in the Item Field menu and select Comment.  fieldname(field=Comment)
tab cell(field=Comment) displays on the last line.  Adding par adds a vertical line
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 413

spacing on the report.

6. Click OK to exit Report Templates.

7. View your report.  Comments are added to the Email section of the report.

Report Object Code (ROC)

EnCase uses an optimized coding language called Report Object Code (ROC) which allows you
to specify the format of pages and data content of reports. ROC describes the format of
various Report Template components, including Header, Footer, Body Text and Formats. ROC
is similar to other scripting languages, but is specifically designed for this purpose.

Guidance Software recommends that if you want to modify a report template or create your
own, first refer to one of the supplied templates and read the examples in the following
sections to see how ROC is structured and used.

Layout Elements
The following is a complete list of all ROC layout elements. These elements are also available
from the menus in the Edit window.

Element Definition and Usage

par Inserts a line break.

space Inserts a space.

414 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Element Definition and Usage

tab Inserts a tab.

pagebreak Inserts a page break.

Inserts a page number.

Inserts a horizontal line.


height is the height of line expressed in twips (twentieth of a


currentdate Inserts the current date at time the report is generated.

Inserts static text.

text Example: 

text("My text goes here.")

Displays a predefined string in the language of the EnCase

version that is running.


The parameter is the ID of the string to display

CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 415

Element Definition and Usage

Displays an image from a path on the filesystem.


image e_big.bmp", width=760, height=400)

path is the path of the image

width and height are numbers that express the width and
height of the image in twips

Inserts a hyperlink to a web location.


hyperlink("http://www.link.com") { text
("Hyperlink") }

hyperlink is the link destination

text is the text that displays in the report

Defines the style to apply to the elements within the style


style("Footer Heading") { // content here }

style is the name of the style

The content inside the braces displays according to the style.

416 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Content Display Elements

Element Definition and Usage
Displays all bookmarks in the specified path according to
the format of the bookmark as defined within the



list path: bookmark folder containing the bookmarks to

display (required)

l RECURSIVE: Display all items within all subfolders

in that folder.
l SHOWFOLDERS: Display the folder name before

displaying the contents of a subfolder

l If you select no options, only the bookmarked

items in the specified folder display.

CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 417

Element Definition and Usage

Displays a table of items of the specified type.


table(type=CaseInfo, options="SHOWTABLE,
SHOWBORDER", columns="Name,Value")

type: DataType to display in the table (required).

columns: The columns to display in the table. All

columns display if column values are not defined
l SHOWTABLE: Display the items in a table where

each item has one row, and the fields are

displayed in columns.
l SHOWBORDER: Display a border on the table.

l SHOWHEADER: Display column names in a

header row.
l SHOWICONS: Display the icon associated with

the name field.

l SHOWROWS: Display the number of each row.

l SHOWALL: Combine all display options.

418 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Element Definition and Usage

Displays the content of a particular field.


cell(type=CaseInfo, node="Case Number",

field=value,  options="PAR")

type: DataType to display in the cell (optional).

Valid types for use in body text and formats:
LogRecord, Bookmark, Evidence, CaseInfo.

node: The name of the node to be displayed (optional).

field: the field to display

l PAR: Add paragraph only if text exists.
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 419

Element Definition and Usage

Displays the name of a particular field.


fieldname(type=Case, field=value,

type: DataType to display in the cell (optional).

fieldname Valid types for use in body text : LogRecord, Bookmark,

Evidence, CaseInfo.

Valid types for use in formats: Case, Bookmark, Record,


field: the field to display

l PAR: Add paragraph only if text exists.

Inserts the contents of a Table view bookmark.


Inserts the contents of a Notable File bookmark of a

non-email artifact (for example, Internet History).

artifact artifact(fields="<comma-delimited list of


fields: Fields to display in the artifact (optional)

Inserts the contents of a Notable File bookmark of an

email artifact.

email(fields="<comma-delimited list of

fields: Fields to display in the email (optional).

420 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Element Definition and Usage

Inserts the contents of a Folder bookmark.

Displays a bookmarked image.

image(width=1440, height=1440)
width: width of the image, in twips

height: height of the image, in twips

Inserts a link to a file.

filelink() { cell(field=Name) }

The text inside the braces displays as the link.

Inserts an incremental count for the item.

counter Example: counter(<name>)

The parameter is the name for this counter.

doctitle Displays the name of the case.

docpath Displays the path of the case.

Report Template Wizard

You can access reports directly and add folders to a report by using the Report Template

Connecting Bookmark Folders and Report Sections

To use the report template wizard:
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 421

1. On the Bookmarks tab, click Reports, then click Add folder to report from the dropdown
2. The Add folder to report dialog displays.
3. Select an existing section, or create a new custom section. To create a new section, enter
a section name in the <New Section Name> area and click Add. The new section is created
as a child of the currently selected section or report.
4. Click Next. The second Add folder to report dialog displays. It enables you to apply com-
monly used formatting to the report. When you click a Report section formatting check-
box, the wizard generates Report Object Code automatically.
o Restart numbering restarts numbering at 1 in a new section, instead of continuing
numbering from a previous section.
o Hyperlink to exported items configures the report section to add a hyperlink to
exported data.

5. Click Preview to see how the formatting will display in the report.
6. To add metadata, click Customize metadata. The Customize metadata dialog displays.
422 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o In the Metadata fields pane on the left, click the field you want to work with (Item
fields, Entry fields, Common email fields, Record fields).
o In the Name pane in the middle, click the name of a metadata type you want to add
to the report, then click the double right arrow button (>>) to add it to the Display
order list.
Note that as you add metadata items to the Display order list, the preview
pane updates dynamically to reflect your choices.

To change the order, click the item in the Display order list you want to change,
then click the Up or Down button. Repeat as necessary to get the order you
To remove an item from the Display order list, click it, then click the double left
arrow button (<<).
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 423

7. When finished, click OK.

8. Back in the Add folder to report dialog, click Finish.

You can view the Report Object Code that the Report Template Wizard added to the template.

In this example, bookmarks folders were added to "Examination Report":

In this example, formats were updated with specified metadata:

Hiding Empty Report Sections

You can hide sections that do not contain any bookmarks.
424 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

1. On the Bookmarks tab, click Reports > View Report, then click the report you want to
2. The report displays. Click the Hide empty sections checkbox. Any empty sections no
longer display in the report.

Creating Hyperlinks to an Exported Item from

Report Templates
You can embed hyperlinks and link to exported files. The ways to do this are described below.

Using Bookmarks to Link to an External File

To select and display bookmarks in a report:

1. In Report Templates view, check the part of the report where you want the bookmarks to
display, then click the Body Text tab in the lower pane.

2. In the Add Table dropdown menu, click Bookmark Folder.

3. The Bookmark dialog displays.

CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 425

4. In the Destination Folder tab, select the folder where you want the table to be saved and
enter a folder name.
5. In the Columns tab, click the checkboxes for the columns you want to display in the

6. In the View Options tab, click the checkboxes for the options you want. Be sure to click
the Hyperlink to files checkbox.
426 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

7. Click OK. The bookmarks display as hyperlinks in the table in the report.

Exporting a Report to Display Hyperlinks

To export a report to display hyperlinks:

1. Right click, then click Save As from the dropdown menu. The Save As dialog displays.
2. For the Output Format, select RTF, HTML, or PDF, then click the Export items checkbox.
Note: The Export items checkbox is disabled for the other formats.

3. Accept the default path or enter another path. If you want to view the exported report
after saving, click the Open file checkbox.
4. Click OK. The hyperlinks display in the exported report.

Exporting a Metadata Report to Display Hyperlinks

To display hyperlinks in a metadata report:

1. In the Evidence tab, select the item you want to display as a hyperlink in the report.
2. In the lower pane, click the Report tab to display metadata.
3. Right click and select Save As from the dropdown menu. The Save As dialog displays.
4. Select the Output Format you want. The supported formats are RTF, HTML, and PDF.
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 427

5. Click the Export items checkbox. If you want to view the report after saving, click the
Open file checkbox.
6. Accept the default path, or enter a path of your own, then click OK.
7. The hyperlink displays in the metadata report.

Adding a Hyperlink to a URL

To add a hyperlink to a URL:

1. Go to Report Templates view. Select the part of the report where you want to add a
hyperlink, then click the Body Text tab in the lower pane to display the text.
2. Place the cursor where you want to insert the hyperlink, then click Hyperlink in the Docu-
ment dropdown menu.
3. A line of hyperlink code displays.

4. Replace http://www.link.com with the URL for your hyperlink. Replace Hyperlink with the
text you want to display for the hyperlink.

5. Save your work. The hyperlink displays in blue in the report.

File Report EnScript

The File Report EnScript is a standalone script that produces a file listing that includes file
metadata. You can select which device to run the script against and set the following report

l Report name
l Examiner
l Grouping results
l All files or specified files
l Display fields
428 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Running the File Report EnScript

1. From the EnScript menu, select File Report. The File Report - Settings dialog displays.

2. In the Report Title field, enter the name of the report. The default report title format is
[Case Name] - File Report.
3. In the Report Prepared By field, enter the name of the examiner. The default examiner
name is drawn from the specified examiner in Case Info.
4. On the left side of the dialog, specify how you want to group your report.
o File Path sorts files by the file system's location of each file, sorted according to Item
o File Size sorts files according to size in Kilobytes.
CHAPTER 13   Generating Reports 429

o File Category sorts files alphabetically, according to file category. To sort by the
three-character file extension within a category, click the Sort by Extension check-

5. On the right side of the dialog, specify whether to include all files, only files in the current
view, and/or files created within a specified range. To specify a creation date range:
o Select the checkbox for Only Files Created Between.
o Enter the Start Date directly, or click the calendar browser button.
o Enter the End Date directly, or click the calendar browser button.

6. At the bottom of the dialog, use the field selector to include/exclude and order the fields
for your report.
o In the Available fields box on the left, select any field you want to include in your
report and click the right arrow.
o In the Selected fields box on the right, select any field you want to exclude from your
report and click the left arrow.

7. To order the selected fields for your report, select each field and move it with the Up or
Down buttons.
8. Click OK. The File Report EnScript generates the file report, and it displays in the File
Report window.

Saving the File Report

1. After verifying the content of the report, right click the report and select Save As.... The
Save As dialog displays.
2. Select the output format.
3. Specify a path for the output. To browse your file system, click the ellipsis button.
4. To open the report in the selected output format, select the Open file checkbox.
5. Click OK. If you selected the Open file checkbox, the file opens in the selected output

Viewing a Report
To view a report:

1. In the Report Templates tab, click View Report from the tab toolbar. The dropdown
menu lists all reports that have the Show Tab option set.
2. Select the report you want to see. The report displays in the viewer.

To save a report, right click on the report and select Save As.

The following output formats are available:

430 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07


Once you select the output format, specify a Path and optionally set the Open file option if
you want the file to open in the default application after saving.

Note: To edit a report in Microsoft Word, save the report in RTF format. The
EnCase RTF report is fully compatible with Microsoft Word.

Overview 433

Acquiring Mobile Device Data (General Process

Description) 435

Acquiring Data from iPhones/iPods/iPads/iPod Touches 439

Acquiring Data from Android OS Devices (Including Kindle

Fire Tablets and Android Wear) 465

Acquiring Data from Tizen Devices 486

Acquiring Data from RIM BlackBerry Devices 488

Acquiring Data from Symbian OS Smartphones 491

Acquiring Data from a WebOS Based Device 510

Acquiring Data from PDAs 513

Acquiring Data from GPS Devices 534

Acquiring Data from Feature Phones 547

Acquiring Data from SIM Cards 584

Acquiring Data from Memory Cards/Mass Storages/e-

Readers/Portable Devices 589

Importing Data 592

Importing Cloud Data 598

432 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 433

EnCase can acquire a variety of mobile devices, including smartphones, tablets, PDAs, and
GPS navigation devices. Additionally, you can import mobile device backup files and Cellebrite
UFED case files. You can also acquire data from cloud services, such as Facebook, Twitter,
Gmail, and Google Drive.

Acquired or imported mobile data is saved as an EnCase Logical Evidence File in the folder you
specify in the Output File Settings.

Before beginning acquisition on a mobile device, you will need to download and install the
Mobile Driver Pack from the Guidance Software Download Center.

Note: If you are running Windows 7, you will need to install two security updates
before you can install the Mobile Driver Pack. Windows 7 needs to be upgraded to
SP1 before installing the security updates.

Installing the Mobile Driver Pack

Before beginning acquisition on a mobile device, you will need to download and install the
Mobile Driver Pack.

Note: If you are running Windows 7, you will need to install two security updates
before you can install the Mobile Driver Pack. Windows 7 needs to be upgraded to
SP1 before installing the security updates.

To install the Mobile Driver Pack:

1. Download the Mobile Driver Pack.

2. Double click on EnCaseMobileDriverPack1.0Setup.exe to launch the installer.
3. Click Next.
4. Accept the License Agreement and click Next.
5. On the Customize Setup screen, leave Drivers and Tools set to Will be installed on the
local hard drive. Click Next.
6. Click Install.
7. Click Finish after the installation completes.

Types of Data Acquisition

The acquisition methods used to extract data from a device include logical and physical
acquisition. For most devices, both of these acquisition types are available. For others, only
one type of acquisition is available.

The process of data acquisition completely depends on the type of device.

434 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

During the Logical Acquisition Process, the program uses the commands and protocols that
allow you to work with the device using its own OS. This means that each device has some
commands that allow it to exchange data with the PC by the means of some simple protocols
(i.e., the AT protocol).

Due to this, you can acquire only data designed by the OS to be passed using the protocol. But
the main part of the data will be completely parsed and shown in a readable format.

During the Physical Acquisition Process, the program doesn't use commands of the device's
OS. Usually, a special program is written into the device memory (into a part where data is not
stored). A complete memory image is acquired and all data is extracted from it if possible.

In this case, the data is usually not parsed but the required information can be found in it

Note: During acquisition, the data on the device cannot be damaged or lost and its
structure and content do not change.

Data Parsing
Data Parsing is the process of decoding information and displaying it in a human-readable
form for analysis and reporting.

Data parsing is usually done automatically for any type of data that can be parsed.

Note: Not all types of data can be parsed and not all plug-ins contain parsers. For
more information, see the description of each plug-in.

Acquiring Data from Different Devices

In most cases, the logical and physical data acquisition methods are available for each
supported manufacturer.

For most plug-ins, data acquisition is performed using the standard process and does not
include any additional interaction with the devices. For some plug-ins, however, the
acquisition process requires some additional steps.

The data acquisition process differs from the general process for the following types of devices:
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 435

l Android OS Devices
l Advanced Android LG Devices
l Garmin GPS
l iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch
l Motorola
l Motorola iDEN
l Nokia Symbian OS
l Palm OS Based Devices
l Psion 16/32 Bit Devices
l RIM BlackBerry
l Samsung GSM
l Siemens
l SIM Card Readers
l Symbian 6.1 Devices
l Tizen Devices
l WebOS Based Devices
l Windows Mobile Devices

It is highly recommended that you read the instructions for each of these devices before you
start acquisition.

Acquiring Mobile Device Data (General Process

With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

There are two methods of device detection: automatic detection and manual plug-in

l Acquisition via automatic detection: This method automatically detects the devices con-
nected to the computer via a USB port and allows you to select the type of acquisition of
the device.
l Acquisition via manual plug-in selection: This method allows you to select a plug-in cor-
responding to the device manufacturer and acquisition type as well as the connection via
which acquisition will be performed.
436 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Guidance Software recommends acquiring via automatic detection. Use manual plug-in
selection only in the event that the device is not detected or cannot be acquired via automatic

Data acquisition usually consists of the following steps:

1. Preparation Step: Prepare the device for working with the program. Guidance Software
recommends the following:
o Check whether the device is charged in order to prevent power loss during the
acquisition process.
Note: Acquisition from PDAs, iPhones, and Androids might take
several hours.
o Choose the proper cable or cradle for your device.
o Ensure the proper drivers for any USB cable (cradle) are installed.
o Check that the device is connected to the computer.
o Insert or remove the SIM card depending on the requirements of the plug-in you
are using and your procedures.
o Turn the device on or off depending on the requirements of the plug-in you are
o If acquisition of the device is NOT being performed for the first time within this case,
it is recommended that you reload (power cycle) the device before starting the new
acquisition process.

2. Selection Step: Go to Add Evidence > Acquire Mobile > Acquire from Device to start
the Acquisition Wizard, which will guide you through the process of acquisition. The fol-
lowing items must be selected:
o For automatic detection:
The device whose data you want to acquire.
The type of acquisition you want to perform.

o For manual plug-in selection

The manufacturer and type of acquisition (see the list of acquired data for the
corresponding device for the differences between the amount and type of data
acquired with the logical and physical acquisition methods).
The model of your device (most of the plug-ins allow the program to detect the
model automatically).
Type of connection (the port to which the device is connected).
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 437

3. Instructions Step: You can read special acquisition instructions if they are available for
the selected device.
4. Acquisition Step: The program acquires information from the device. In some cases, you
might need to perform more actions with the device, such as pressing special buttons on
it or entering special information. The process of acquiring the device features is dis-
played in the progress table.
5. Final Step: Acquisition finishes, and you can disconnect your device from the computer.

There can be certain specifics about acquisition of different types of devices. For more
information, see the description of data acquisition of the type of device you want to acquire.

Note: The program allows you to work with other data in the case during the
acquisition. You can add, view, and process other evidence in the case while the
device is being acquired.

Acquisition via Automatic Device Detection

To acquire a device via automatic detection:

1. Turn on the device.

2. Check that the device is fully charged.
3. Connect the device to the computer with a data cable. If a USB connection is used, check
that the proper drivers are installed.
Note: If you use the dongle version of the program, shut down the program
and unplug your dongle before installing the drivers. Please note that
installing drivers without unplugging the dongle can damage it.

4. In EnCase Forensic , select Add Evidence > Acquire Mobile > Acquire from Device.
5. On the Acquisition Wizard Welcome screen, an icon representing your device will be dis-
played. Click the icon of your device. If your device is not displayed, click the
troubleshooting link in the bottom of the page.
Note: Guidance Software recommends working with only one connected
device at a time.

6. On the Acquisition Type page, select the type of acquisition you would like to perform.
Note: Physical acquisition of some devices, such as CDMA and Siemens
devices, can only be performed via manual plug-in selection.

7. If you selected Custom Logical Acquisition, on the Feature Selection page, select the fea-
tures you want to acquire from the device and click Start Acquisition.
438 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

8. Data acquisition starts, and its progress is displayed on the Acquisition Progress page.
Note: The program allows you to work with other data in the case during
the acquisition. You can add, view, and process other evidence in the case
while the device is being acquired.

9. When data acquisition finishes, the case is saved. Click Finish.

Note: This process may take some time.

10. Disconnect your device from the computer.

Acquisition via Manual Plug-in Selection

To acquire a device via manual plug-in selection:

1. Turn on the device.

Note: Samsung and Siemens cell phones must be turned off before
performing physical acquisition.

2. Check that the device is fully charged.

3. Connect the device to the computer with a data cable. If a USB connection is used, check
that the proper drivers are installed.
Note: If you use the dongle version of the program, shut down the program
and unplug your dongle before installing the drivers. Please note that
installing drivers without unplugging the dongle can damage it.

4. In EnCase Forensic Endpoint Investigator, go to Add Evidence > Acquire Mobile >
Acquire from Device.
5. On the Acquisition Wizard Welcome page, click Manual plug-in selection.
6. On the Plug-in Selection page, select the plug-in corresponding to the device man-
ufacturer and the type of acquisition you want to perform and click Continue.
7. On the Connection Selection page, select the port to which the device is connected. Click
Start Acquisition.
Note: For some device types, like Samsung GSM, Siemens, and Psion 16/32-
bit devices, you will need to select a model of the device.

8. Data acquisition starts, and its process is displayed on the Acquisition Progress page. On
this page, you can see which features have been successfully acquired and which features
have not and why.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 439

Note: The program allows you to work with other data in the case during
the acquisition. You can add, view, and process other evidence in the case
while the device is being acquired.

9. When data acquisition finishes, the case is saved. Click Finish.

Note: This process may take some time.

10. Disconnect your device from the computer.

Note: The data acquisition process will be different for some devices. For more
information, see the description of data acquisition of the type of device you want to

Acquiring Data from iPhones/iPods/iPads/iPod

With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

About Data Acquisition of iPhones/iPods/iPads/iPod

The program allows you to acquire information from iPhones, iPods, iPads, and iPod Touches.

You can perform the following types of acquisition:

l Logical acquisition of iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch devices: Logical acquisition of

iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch devices is performed via the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch
Advanced logical plug-in, which allows you to acquire a backup and application data of
any version of iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches. Acquired data will be partially parsed.
l Physical acquisition of iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch devices: Physical acquisition of
iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch devices is performed via the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch physical
plug-in. Acquired data will be partially parsed.
Note: To acquire a non-jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch device
physically, you must first put the device into the DFU mode.
440 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Physical acquisition of iPod devices: Physical acquisition of iPod devices is performed

via the iPod physical plug-in.

iOS Logical Acquisition

Note: For devices running iOS 7 and later, a message that reads Do you trust
this computer? appears on the device when it is plugged into a computer. Tap
Trust to establish a trusted connection before beginning acquisition.

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Logical acquisition is performed via the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch Advanced Logical Plug-in.

iOS Physical Acquisition

If your device is non-jailbroken, you need to put it into Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) mode
before acquisition. DFU mode allows all devices to be restored from any state. Please note that
no data will be damaged or lost after putting the device into DFU mode.

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Note: Devices running iOS 8.4 may be acquired only after being jailbroken via the
TaiG jailbreak. For more information, visit http://www.taig.com/en/.

Physical acquisition is performed via the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch Physical Plug-in.

To put the device into DFU mode:

1. Plug the device into your computer.

2. Turn off the device.
3. Hold the Power button for 3 seconds.
4. Hold the Home button without releasing the Power button for 10 seconds.
5. Release the Power button, but keep holding the Home button.
6. Keep holding the Home button until your device screen becomes completely blank (for
about 15 seconds). Please note, if a device in the DFU mode is being connected to the PC
for the first time, the driver installation will automatically start.
7. Make sure the device screen is blank and no logos are present.
8. When acquisition finishes, exit the DFU mode on your device. To do this, hold the Home
and Power buttons until the Apple Logo appears.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 441

iPhone Reaction during Acquisition

During the acquisition process of a jailbroken device, the iPhone goes through several states in
which it shows different messages on the screen.

It may look like this:

1. Connection step:
a. Normal mode (that is what the device looks like before the connection starts)

b. Recovery mode

Note: At this stage, the device requires a connection to iTunes.

The program establishes this connection. Do not connect to
iTunes manually.

c. Restore mode (switching between two modes)

442 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

d. Normal mode

e. Recovery mode

f. Restore mode

2. Acquisition step:
Note: For devices running iOS 7 and later, a message that reads Do you
trust this computer? appears on the device when it is plugged into a
computer. Tap Trust to establish a trusted connection before beginning
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 443

3. Disconnection step:
a. Recovery mode

b. Normal mode (the device has returned to its default state)

Acquired Data - iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch

Logical acquisition of iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch devices allows you to acquire the following
groups of data, both from standard and jailbroken devices, using internal Apple protocols:

l Parsed data
l Deleted parsed data in binary files (including Address Book, Calendar, Call History, iMes-
sages, Network Connection, Email messages, Notes, Safari Bookmarks, Messages, and
SMS Search)
l File system in binary files
l Device properties
l Backups made from iOS 11 devices
444 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Note: Device properties are acquired only from devices with iOS 5.x and higher.

Usually the amount of acquired data depends on the model and state of the phone.

Note: The file system is acquired only partially, e.g., it does not contain system files
of the iPhone.

The following types of data are acquired from iOS devices:

Standard Devices Jailbroken Devices
Parsed data

Contacts ü ü

Messages ü ü

Call history ü ü

iMessages ü ü

Voicemail ü ü

Calendar ü ü

Notes ü ü

ü ü

ü ü

ü ü

ü ü

ü ü
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 445

Standard Devices Jailbroken Devices
Ï ü

Ï ü

Ï ü

Suspend Ï ü

Ï ü

Ï ü

ü ü

ü ü

Ï ü

Filesystem Ï ü

Parsed Recovered Data

SMS Search Ï ü

Messages ü ü

ü ü

Notes ü ü

Call logs ü ü
446 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Standard Devices Jailbroken Devices
Contacts ü ü

ü ü

ü ü

ü ü

Other Data

ü ü

Acquired data is parsed according to the following table:

CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 447

Data Type Data Format

A grid containing the fields:
l Creation Date (GMT)

l Department

l Display Name

l First Name

l Last Name

l First Fonetic

l Job Title

l Middle Name

l Middle Fonetic

l Modification Date (GMT)

l Nickname

l Note

l Organization

l Phone Number 1

l Phone Number 2

l Phone Number 3

l Phone Number 4

Contacts l Email Address 1

l Email Address 2

l Email Address 3

l Phone Number 1

l Phone Number 2

l Phone Number 3

l Phone Number 4

l Phone Number 5

l Phone Number 6

l Phone Number 7

l Phone Number 8

l Phone Number 9

l Phone Number 10

l Ringtone

l Sound for SMS

l Web Site 1

l Web Site 2

l Web Site 3

l Web Site 4
448 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Data Format

A grid containing the fields:
l Value
Contacts Properties
l Property Type

l Raw Data

A grid containing the fields:

l Type

l Name

l Number

l Text

l Subject

l Sent(GMT)

l Received(GMT)

l Read(GMT)
Messages l Service

l Error

l Is Sent

l Attachments

l iMessage Sent as SMS

l User Account

Note: Service Center Depending on the device

type (standard or jailbroken) some fields may
not be present.

A grid containing the fields:

l Title

l Summary
SMS Search l Raw data

Note: The SMS Search feature is acquired only

from devices with iOS 5.x and later.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 449

Data Type Data Format

A grid containing the fields:
For iOS 7.x devices:
l Number

l Date (GMT)

l Duration (sec)

l Type

For iOS 8.x and later devices:

l Number/E-mail

l Date (GMT)

l Country Code
Call history
l Type

l Duration

l Call Method

l Missed Call Notification

l FaceTime Traffic Size (MB)

Note: For iOS 8.x and higher devices, two

grids may be present: Call History 1.x–7.x (call
history from before the update to 8.x) and Call
History 8.x (call history after the update to 8.x;
sometimes it may include the call history from
before the update).

A grid containing the fields:

l User Account

l Type

l Text

l Date Sent

l Date Created/Received
l Contact

l Date Read

l Attachments

Note: The iMessages feature is acquired only

from devices with iOS 5.x and later.
450 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Data Format

A grid containing the fields:
l Sender

l Date

l Status

Voicemail l Callback Number

l Duration (sec)

l Expiration Date

l Trashed Date

l Path

A grid containing the fields:

l Summary

l Location

l Description

Calendar l Start date

l Start timezone

l End date

l All day

l Calendar ID

A grid containing the fields:

l Creation date

l Title

l Summary
Note: For devices with iOS 8.x parsing of
notes is not fully supported in the current
version of DS.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 451

Data Type Data Format

Binary nodes for not parsed data and grid for parsed data.
A grid containing the fields:
l Data

l Extended data

l Sender

l Recipient

l Subject

Email messages l Date sent

l Date received

l Mailbox

l Remote mailbox

l Original mailbox

l Read

l Deleted

l MailAccount

A grid containing the fields:

l Name

l Locality

l Country

l Country code

l Region

l Address book record ID

l Address book address ID

l Type
Maps Bookmarks
l Address 1

l Address 2

l Thoroughfare

l Latitude

l Longitude

l Maps URL

l Map type

l Original type

l Zoom level
452 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Data Format

A grid containing the fields:
l Query

l Display query

l Latitude

l Longitude

l Latitude span

l Longitude span

l Location

l Has multiple locations

l History item type

l Zoom level

l Start address

l Start address type

l Start latitude

l Start longitude

l End address

l End address type

l End latitude

l End longitude
Maps History
l Search kind

l Start search result name

l Start search result locality

l Start search result address 1

l Start search result address 2

l Start search result country

l Start search result country code

l Start search result region

l Start search result postal code

l Start search result thoroughfare

l Start search result type

l Start search result latitude

l Start search result longitude

l Start search result maps URL

l Start search result original type

l Start search result zoom level

l Start search result map type

l End search result name

l End search result locality

CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 453

Data Type Data Format

l End search result address 1
l End search result address 2
l End search result country
l End search result country code
l End search result region
l End search result postal code
l End search result thoroughfare
l End search result type
l End search result latitude
l End search result longitude
l End search result maps URL
l End search result original type
l End search result map type
l End search result zoom level

A grid containing the fields:

l Start search result zoom level

l Start search result map type

l Start search result name

l Start search result latitude

l Start search result maps URL

l Start search result longitude

l Start search result thoroughfare

l Start search result type

Maps Directions l Start search result original type

l End search result zoom level

l End search result map type

l End search result name

l End search result latitude

l End search result maps URL

l End search result longitude

l End search result thoroughfare

l End search result type

l End search result original type

A grid containing the fields:

l Document

Safari Suspend State l Document last visited time (GMT)

l Document UUID

l Document title
454 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Data Format

A grid containing the fields:
Safari History
l Title


A grid containing the fields:

l Last visited data (GMT)

Safari Bookmarks l Title

l Visit count

l Link

A grid containing the fields:

l Account

l Username

l Hostname

l Should use authentication

l Unique ID

l Account type

l SSL is direct

l Draft mailbox name

Mail Accounts l Account path

l Sent messages mailbox name

l Trash mailbox name

l Account name

l SSL enabled

l Full username

l Email address

l SMTP identifier

l Class

l Type string

YouTube Bookmarks A grid containing the bookmarked YouTube URL links.

Dynamic Text A grid containing the dynamic text words.

CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 455

Data Type Data Format

A grid containing the fields:
l Latitude

l Longitude

l Wifi MAC address

WiFi Locations l Timestamp (GMT)

Note: This feature is acquired only from

standard devices with iOS 4.x and jailbroken
devices with iOS 6.x and 7.x.

A grid containing the fields:

l CI


l Latitude

l Longitude

Cell Locations

l Timestamp (GMT)

Note: This feature is acquired only from

standard devices with iOS 4.x and jailbroken
devices with iOS 6.x and 7.x.

File System Binary nodes

Mac Address A sequence of 12 hexadecimal numbers in the Properties pane.

The following device properties are acquired:

l Modem firmware (except iPod devices)

Device Properties l IMEI

l ICCID (if SIM card is present in a device)

l IMSI (if SIM card is present in a device)

456 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Data Format

This type of data contains several grids with passwords and
password related data.
Each grid may contain the following fields:
l Service Name

l Account

l Password (or Data)

l Access Group

l Type

Passwords l Description

l Comment

l Labels

l Tags

l Creation Date

l Modification Date

l Source File

Note: The number of fields may vary for each

CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 457

Data Type Data Format

This type of data contains the information on the applications
installed on the device and parsed application data.
Note: The Installed Applications feature is
acquired only from devices with iOS 3.1.3 and
The Installed Applications List grid contains the following data:
l Icon (the icon that appears in the list of installed

applications in a device)
l Application Name (the name of the application as it

appears in the list of installed applications on the device)

l Internal Application Name (a unique identifier of the

l Category (the category of applications to which the

application belongs as it is shown in App Store)

l Manufacturer (the name of the application

l Signer Identity (the application signature)

l Min OS Ver (minimal iOS version under which the

application can operate)

l Version (the version of the application)
Installed Applications
l Data Usage (data used by the application)

l Parsed Application Data (if available, contains a link to

the parsed application data)

l Raw Application Data (contains a link to the unparsed

application data in the device file system)

The Application Data folder contains various grids with parsed
data of installed applications. In the current version of DS,
parsing is performed for the following applications:
l DJI Go

l Evernote

l Facebook Messenger (version 13 and later)

l Google Chrome

l Google Maps

l Gmail

Note: The Recovered Contacts grid may

contain invalid data if the corresponding data
on the device is corrupted.

l Jott Messenger
l Kik (Kik Messenger)
458 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Data Format

Note: The grid Messages Marked as Deleted
does not contain recovered data. These
messages are marked as deleted, but are not
deleted from the device.

l LinkedIn
l MailRu (Mail.ru)
l Skype
l Tinder
l Twitter
l TextFree (Text Free: Free Texting App + Free Calling App +
SMS with Textfree)
l TextPlus (textPlus Free Text + Calls : Free Texting + Free
Phone Calling + Free International Messenger)
l VK
l WhatsApp (WhatsApp Messenger)
l Whisper
l Yik Yak
Note: The amount of acquired application data
depends on the volume of data stored in the
cache of the corresponding application in the

Note: For Parsed Recovered Data, fields in any data type may contain an N/A value
if corresponding data was not parsed. This might happen because deleted data
associated with an item in the list was partly overwritten by the device OS.

You can view the parsed application data in the Application Data folder.

Physical acquisition of iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch devices allows you to acquire the following
groups of data:

l Completely acquired System and User file systems in binary files

l Parsed Data (as in iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch logical acquisition without Installed Applic-
l Deleted data in parsed format (including Address Book, Calendar, Call History, iMessages,
Network Connection, Notes, Safari Bookmarks, Messages, and SMS Search) and deleted
unparsed data (as in the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch Advanced (logical) plug-in)
Note: Depending on the iOS version, some features may not be acquired.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 459

l Bit-by-bit image of the device flash memory

Note: The resulting size of the bit-by-bit image is equal to the size of the
device flash memory.

Usually the amount of acquired data depends on the model and state of the device.

Supported Models
Support of physical acquisition is determined based on the hardware. The following models
are supported:

iOS Device Hardware Logical Physical

iPhone 1G ü Ï

iPhone 2G ü Ï

iPhone 3G ü ü

iPhone 3GS ü ü

iPhone 4G ü ü

iPhone 4S ü ü (Jailbroken only)

iPhone 5 ü ü (Jailbroken via TaiG only)

iPhone 5C ü ü (Jailbroken via TaiG only)

iPhone 5S ü ü (Jailbroken via TaiG only)

iPhone 6 ü ü (Jailbroken via TaiG only)

iPhone 6 Plus ü ü (Jailbroken via TaiG only)

iPhone 6s ü Ï

iPhone 6s Plus ü Ï

iPhone SE ü Ï

iPhone 7 ü Ï

iPhone 7 Plus ü Ï

iPhone 8 ü Ï
460 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

iOS Device Hardware Logical Physical

iPhone 8 Plus ü Ï

iPhone X ü Ï

iPad 1st Gen ü ü

iPad 2nd Gen ü Ï

iPad 3rd Gen ü Ï

iPad 4th Gen ü Ï

iPad 5th Gen ü Ï

iPad Air ü Ï

iPad Air 2 ü Ï

iPad Mini 1st Gen ü Ï

iPad Mini 2nd Gen ü Ï

iPad Mini 3rd Gen ü Ï

iPad Mini 4th Gen ü Ï

iPad Pro ü Ï

iPod Touch 1st Gen ü Ï

iPod Touch 2nd Gen ü Ï

iPod Touch 3rd Gen ü ü

iPod Touch 4th Gen ü ü

iPod Touch 5th Gen ü Ï

iPod Touch 6th Gen ü Ï

The following iOS versions are supported:

CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 461

iOS Version Logical Support Physical Support

1.x ü ü

2.x ü ü

3.x ü ü

4.x ü ü

5.x ü ü

6.x ü ü

7.0.x ü ü

7.1 ü ü

7.1.1 ü ü

8.0.x ü ü

8.1.x ü ü

8.2.x ü ü

8.3 ü ü

8.4 ü ü

9.0 ü Ï

9.1 ü Ï

9.2 ü Ï

9.2.1 ü Ï

9.3 ü Ï

9.3.1 ü Ï

10.0 ü Ï

10.0.1 ü Ï

10.0.2 ü Ï
462 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

iOS Version Logical Support Physical Support

10.0.3 ü Ï

10.1 ü Ï

10.1.1 ü Ï

10.2.x ü Ï

10.3.x ü Ï

11.0.x ü Ï

iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch FAQ

Q: The iPhone doesn't connect to the computer. What do I do?

A: Please try one of the following:

l If the device you are trying to acquire has been successfully connected to another PC pre-
viously, you can try copying the content of the Lockdown folder (by default its location is
C:\Program Data\Apple\Lockdown) to the same folder on your PC.
l Make sure that no programs, such as a firewall, block EnCase Forensic access to the net-
l The iPhone battery might need to be recharged.
l Disconnect other USB devices from your computer and connect the iPhone to a different
USB 2.0 port on your computer.
l Turn the iPhone off and turn it on again. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button on the
top of the iPhone for a few seconds until a red slider appears, and then slide the slider.
Then press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.
l Restart your computer and reconnect the iPhone to your computer.
l Download and install (or reinstall) the latest version of iTunes from www.apple.-

Q: I can't acquire data from this device. Why?

A: First try the following:

l Try uninstalling the Apple software components and then reinstall the Mobile Driver
Pack. Follow the Apple support instruction (http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1923) to
properly uninstall Apple software components. After this, uninstall the Mobile Driver
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 463

Pack and install it again.

l For physical acquisition of non-jailbroken devices, check that you have correctly put the
device in DFU mode. Follow the instructions in the Data acquisition section. If the device
is placed into the DFU mode, there must be no logos on the screen.

See also General Acquisition FAQ for more information.

Q: I have a jailbroken device, but I cannot acquire application data. How can I fix this?

A: You need to install the House Arrest tweak

(http://cydia.saurik.com/package/com.npupyshev.mobile.house-arrest/) to be able to
acquire application data. Please note that this tweak also requires the Cydia application to be
installed on the device.

Q: The device is locked with a password. Is there a way to acquire it?

A: Yes. If the device you are trying to acquire has been successfully connected to another PC
previously, you can try copying the content of the Lockdown folder (by default its location is
C:\Program Data\Apple\Lockdown) to the same folder on your PC. Please note that this
will only work if the password on the device was set before the device was connected to the

Q: The acquisition process was broken. The device is in the Recovery mode. What do I do?

A: Start acquisition of the device once more. If you don't want to acquire data, just wait until
the device restarts and disconnect it from the computer.

Q: The iPhone hung. What do I do?

A: Reset the iPhone by holding the Sleep/Wake button at the top right of the device and the
Home button at the bottom center of the face at the same time.

Q: What's the difference between the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch Advanced Logical and the
iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch Physical plug-ins?

A: The iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch Physical plug-in allows you to acquire all data from your
iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch device. The amount of parsed data both in logical and physical plug-
ins is the same. But the total amount of data is larger in the physical plug-in. It contains the file
system that is inaccessible for the logical plug-in.

Q: The acquisition from my iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch device interrupts. Why?

464 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

A: iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch devices with iOS 7 and later require you to establish trusted
connection after connecting it to the computer and on the start of acquisition. For this
purpose, you need to tap Trust on the device each time a message appears on the device

Q: I get the message that limited application data has been acquired. What does it mean?

A: Generally, it means that the version of the application on your device is higher than the one
supported in the current version of EnCase Forensic . Please contact technical support.

Q: My jailbroken iOS device is acquired as a not jailbroken device. Why?

A: You need to install a special AFC2 tweak to unlock the device file system. To install the

1. Open Cydia on the device.

2. On the Cydia home screen, tap Sources > Edit > Add.
3. Enter apt.taig.com in the text box and then tap Add Source.
4. The TaiG source adding starts.
5. After the source is added, tap TaiG in the Sources list and select All Packages.
6. Tap TaiG AFC2 in the list.
7. Tap Install and then tap Confirm to install the tweak.
8. Reboot the device.
9. The tweak is now installed.


Only physical acquisition can be performed on an iPod. Physical acquisition is performed via
the iPod Physical Plug-in.

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.


All data is parsed, from the FAT filesystem to binary files. In addition, the following data is
detected and located in separate folders as binary files:

l Device
l Accessories
l iTunes
l Music
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 465

l Contacts (contacts are stored in the vcard format)

l Calendars (calendars are stored in the vcalendar format)
l Notes


Q: The iPod doesn't connect to the computer. What do I do?

A: Please try one of the following:

l Make sure that no programs or firewalls block EnCase Forensic access to the network .
l If that doesn't work, disconnect other USB devices from your computer and connect the
iPod to a different USB 2.0 port on your computer.
l If that doesn't work, turn the iPod off and turn it on again.
l If that doesn't work, restart your computer and reconnect the iPod to your computer.
l If that doesn't work, download and install (or reinstall) the latest version of iTunes from

See also General Acquisition FAQ for more information.

Acquiring Data from Android OS Devices

(Including Kindle Fire Tablets and Android Wear)
With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

About Data Acquisition from Android OS Devices

The program allows you to acquire information from devices running Android OS 7.1 and
lower. This includes such devices as smart phones, Android wear devices, and Kindle Fire

Depending on the manufacturer and the model of your device and the data you want to
acquire, different plug-ins must be used:
466 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Rootable during
Device Type Autodetect Plug-In
LG devices with Android OS Android LG Advanced
4.4.2–5.1.1 Physical

Samsung devices with Android Samsung

Android OS 4.4.4–7.1 Bootloader Physical

Other devices with Android Android Logical

ü ü
OS 4.4.4 and lower Android Physical

Other devices with Android

Ï ü Android Logical
OS 5.0–7.1

Note: Any device with Android OS 7.1 and lower can be acquired via the Android
Logical plug-in regardless of its manufacturer and model. If the device is locked, you
can try to acquire it using the Android Samsung Bootloader Physical or Android LG
Advanced Physical plug-in if the plugin support the corresponding device model.

Android Device Rooting

Rooting is a process of acquiring root-level access to the device file system, which allows you to
do the following:

l Recover and acquire deleted data on the device.

l Acquire data from applications installed on the device.
l Extract device authentication data.
l Acquire the full file system of the device.
l Remove device password protection.
l Perform full physical acquisition of the device memory.

Rooting can be performed either by the user prior to acquisition, or by the program during an
acquisition. In the latter case, rooting is temporary and all effects of device rooting are
reverted after acquisition finishes.

In the program, rooting can be performed for the majority of devices with Android OS 4.4.4
and lower. Rooting of devices with higher Android OS is not possible in most cases. Please also
note that some device models or model lines with Android OS 4.4.4 and lower may have
custom modifications, which makes it impossible to root them.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 467

Android OS Devices
With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

Installing Android Drivers from Device

Drivers for most Android devices are included in the Driver Pack, but for some newest devices,
drivers must be installed from the device itself.

To install drivers from a device:

1. Turn the device on and connect it to your computer.

2. On the device, swipe down from the top of the screen.
3. Tap the USB connection selection menu (it will have the Touch for other USB options mes-
4. Select Install driver in the menu.
5. On your computer, go to My Computer and double click the drive named USB_Driver. 
6. Double click the AutoRun.exe file.
7. The USB Driver Setup wizard opens.
8. Follow the instructions in the setup wizard to install the required drivers.
9. After the installation finishes, click Finish in the wizard.
10. On the device, swipe down from the top of the screen again.
11. Tap the USB connection selection menu.
12. Select Mass Storage in the menu.
13. The drivers are installed, and the device is now ready for acquisition.

Preparing Device for Acquisition

The program allows you to acquire Android OS phones, Android Wear devices, and Kindle Fire
tablets using the same plug-ins. Please note that these devices require different actions to be
performed to prepare them for acquisition.

To prepare an Android OS phone/Android Wear device for the acquisition:

468 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

1. Enable installation from unknown sources on the device:

o For Android OS lower than 4.0: Select Settings > Application Settings and select
the Unknown sources option.
Note: For Android OS 1.5, there is no such option and enabling it is
not required.
o For Android OS 4.0 and higher: Select Settings > Security and select the Unknown
sources option.

2. Enable the USB debugging mode on the device:

o For Android OS up to version 3.0: In the device menu, select Settings > Applic-
ations > Development and select the USB debugging option.
o For Android OS from 4.0 and up to 4.1: In the device menu, select Settings >
Developer options and select USB debugging.
o For Android OS 4.2 and newer: In the device menu, select Settings > About
device/tablet and tap Build number seven times, then go back to Settings, select
Developer options, and then select USB debugging.

3. Tap OK in the confirmation message.

4. Connect the device to the computer using a data cable. Make sure the required drivers
are installed (the required drivers for most Android devices are included in the Mobile
Driver Pack).

To prepare a Kindle Fire device for acquisition:

1. Enable the ADB on the device:

o For the 2nd generation devices: Select Settings > Security > Enable ADB.
o For the 3rd generation devices: Select Settings > Device > Developer Options >
Enable ADB.
o For the 4th generation devices: Select Settings > Device > Developer Options >
Enable ADB.
Note: For the 1st generation Kindle Fire devices, the required option is
enabled by default.

2. Tap Enable in the confirmation message.

3. Connect the device to the computer using a data cable. Make sure the required drivers
are installed (the required drivers for most devices are included in the Mobile Driver
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 469

Data Acquisition - Android

The processes of logical and physical acquisition of Android OS devices are performed following
the same steps.

Note: WARNING! During data acquisition, your device may reboot a few
times and you will need to enter its PIN/password. Make sure you know the
device PIN before performing acquisition. For devices with Android OS up
to 4.1, if the phone is in the USB debugging mode, the program can bypass
the PIN/password.

Logical acquisition is performed via the Android Logical Plug-in.

Physical acquisition is performed via the Android Physical Plug-in.

To acquire the device:

1. Prepare the device for acquisition.

2. Follow the standard process of acquisition.
3. Before starting acquisition, on the Pre-acquisition Options page, do the following:
o Select Unlock device file system to unlock the device file system. This action is
required to perform acquisition.
Note: Unlocking a device file system doesn't damage the device or any
data on it.
o Select Remove password protection to remove any screen password protection on
the device (password, graphical password, and PIN). This feature is available only for
Android OS up to version 4.1.
Note: If the screen password still appears after removal, simply draw
any pattern to remove a graphical password or enter and confirm a
new PIN or password.

4. Move between the other pages of the wizard and, when you are ready to start acquis-
ition, click Start Acquisition.
5. Before acquisition starts, the device file system will be unlocked. The file system unlock-
ing process is performed as follows: the AndroidService.apk installation package is writ-
ten to the /data/local/tmp folder and a special service is installed to the system folder
with applications. They will be removed automatically after the acquisition process fin-
Note: This does not damage data integrity and doesn’t cause any damage to
the device.

6. Data acquisition starts, and its process is displayed on the Acquisition Progress page.
470 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

7. During acquisition, the following messages may appear on the device:

o If the Allow USB Debugging message appears on the device, tap OK in it to con-
tinue acquisition.
o If the Full Backup message appears on the device, tap Back up my data in it to con-
tinue acquisition. This message appears if device rooting failed. In this case, backing
up data on the device allows acquiring at least some part of the device file system.
o If the Waiting For Debugger message appears on the device, do not close the mes-
sage or the acquisition process will fail. This does not affect data integrity on the
o If the Choose Connection Mode message reappears on the device, choose the con-
nection mode.

8. When data acquisition finishes, the case is saved. Click Finish.

Note: This process may take some time.

9. Disconnect your device from the computer.

Acquired Data - Android

Logical acquisition acquires the following groups of data:

Not Rooted Rooted

Data Type
Devices Devices
Parsed Actual Data

Contacts ü ü

SMS History ü ü

MMS History ü ü

File system (including SD card content) Partially ü

Call History ü ü

Media Store ü ü

Browser History ü ü

Settings ü ü
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 471

Not Rooted Rooted

Data Type
Devices Devices
Calendar ü ü

Installed Applications ü ü

Application Data Ï ü

Authentication Data Ï ü

Parsed Recovered Data

Contacts Ï ü

SMS History Ï ü

MMS History Ï ü

Call History Ï ü

Calendar Ï ü

Multimedia and graphic files (from SD

Ï ü

Other Data

Device Properties ü ü

Acquired data is parsed according to the following table:

472 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Notes Data Format
A grid containing the fields:

l Photo
l Name
l Notes
Numbers stored in the
l Phone (home)
Phone memory and l Phone (mobile)
Contacts the folder with photos l Email (home)
(including deleted l Email (work)
data) l Email (other)
l IM
l Postal
l Organization
l Times contacted

The SMS History is a grid containing the fields:

l Date
l Read
l Address
l Status
Both sent and l Type
received SMS and a
Note: For Parsed Recovered SMS
folder with the
History, the Type column
SMS History attachments shown in
contains the following values:
the binary files 1 – Inbox
(including deleted 2 – Sent
data) 3 – Draft
4 – Outbox
5 – Failed

l Subject
l Body
l Service Center
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 473

Notes Data Format
The MMS History is a grid containing the fields:

l Date
l Read
l Address
l Priority
Both sent and l Box
received MMS, and a l Class
folder with the l Type
MMS Subject
attachments shown in l
History Text
the binary files l

(including deleted l Image

data) l Image 1
l Image 2
l Delivery report
l Expiry
l MMS version
l Read report
l Audio

A grid containing the fields:

l Date
History of call logs l Type
Call History (dialed numbers, l Duration
received calls, etc) l New
l Number
l Number type
l Name
474 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Notes Data Format
Video store is a grid containing the fields:

l Name
l Title
l Size
l MIME type
l Date added
l Date modified
l Date taken
l Duration
l Resolution
l Artist
l Album
l Category
l Description
l Private
l Data
Information from the Image store is a grid containing the fields:
Media Store Image, Audio, and
Video stores l Name
l Title
l Size
l MIME type
l Date added
l Date modified
l Date taken
l Description
l Private
l Data
l Orientation

Audio store is a grid containing the fields:

l Name
l Title
l Size
l MIME type
l Date added
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 475

Notes Data Format
l Date modified
l Duration
l Artist
l Composer
l Album
l Track
l Year
l Alarm
l Music
l Notification
l Ringtone
l Data

URL history is a grid containing the fields:

l Title
Includes browser l Date
Browser history including l Bookmark
History visited URLs and l Visits
performed searches.
Search history is a grid containing the fields:

l Text
l Date

A grid containing the fields:

System settings of the
Settings Name
device l

l Value

Events and Calendar

The grids containing fields corresponding to the
Calendar data stored on the
displayed data.
476 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Notes Data Format
Binary nodes

Content of an SD card inserted in a device (the

\File System\mnt\sdcard folder).

Please note that while acquiring device file system

with the logical plug-in, the files and folders locked
by the device OS will not be acquired (they are
displayed with a lock icon in the Case pane). These
files and folders include:
l /proc/
l /dev/
l /sys/devices/
l /sys/class/power_supply/ac/
l /sys/kernel/slab/
l /sys/kernel/debug/
The amount of data l /sys/module/
acquired depends on /sys/android_power/wait_for_fb_
File system l
the model of the sleep
phone and its state. l /sys/android_power/wait_for_fb_
l /sys/power/wait_for_fb_sleep
l /sys/power/wait_for_fb_wake
l /sys/module/mddi/parameters/emdh_
l /sys/module/mddi/parameters/pmdh_
l /dev/graphics/
l /dev/input/
l /dev/log/
l /dev/urandom
l /dev/random
l /dev/full
l /dev/zero
l /dev/ptmx
l /clock_source
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 477

Notes Data Format
Includes only backup
file from which file
system data is parsed Android Backup.ab binary file.
in case device rooting
478 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Notes Data Format
This type of data contains the information on the
applications installed on the device and parsed
application data.

The Installed Applications List grid contains the

following data:

l Icon (the icon that appears in the list of

installed applications in a device)
l Application Name (the name of the
application as it appears in the list of
installed applications on the device)
l Version (the version of installed application)
l Internal Application Name (a unique
identifier of the application)
The amount of
l Category (the category of applications to
acquired application
which the application belongs as it is shown
data depends on the
in Play Store)
Installed volume of data stored
l Manufacturer (the name of the application
Applications in the cache of the
l Parsed Application Data (if available,
application in the
contains a link to the parsed application
l Raw Application Data (contains a link to the
unparsed application data in the device file
l Application Permissions (contains a link that
opens the list of application permissions in
the device system)

The Application Data folder contains various grids

with parsed data of installed applications. In the
current version of EnCase Endpoint Investigator,
parsing is performed for the following applications:

l Facebook
l Facebook Messenger
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 479

Notes Data Format
l Fitbit
l Google Chrome
l Instagram
l Jott Messenger
l Kik (Kik Messenger)
l LinkedIn
l Pinger (Free Texting App Text Free)
l Skype
l Snapchat
l textPlus
l Textfree (Text Free: Free Texting App)
l Tinder
l Vkontakte
l WhatsApp (WhatsApp Messenger)
l Whisper

If an application was moved to an external memory

card, it won't be parsed.

All data is acquired using the USB, Android Debug Bridge, and the program internal protocols.

Note: Acquisition of the device filesystem and recovery of deleted data are not
guaranteed for devices with Android OS 2.3.6.

The device properties are acquired and displayed in the Properties pane.

Physical acquisition acquires the following groups of data:

l Full Flash: Full flash includes raw partition images and parsed deleted data.
l File system: File system content is displayed in binary nodes.

The device properties are acquired and displayed in the Properties pane.

Supported Models - Android

The program supports acquisition from rooted or rootable Android OS phones, Android Wear
devices, and Kindle Fire tablets with Android OS 7.1 and earlier for logical acquisition and
Android OS 4.4.4 and earlier for physical acquisition.

Note: Physical acquisition of devices based on Android OS 2.3.6 is not guaranteed.

480 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Android devices vary by manufacturer. Each manufacturer has the ability to modify the device
and it can affect the support of the device within the program. Guidance Software tests on a
variety of devices from a variety of manufacturers, but that does not guarantee 100% support
of all Android devices running a particular firmware because of these manufacturer changes. If
your device firmware is supported, but your device is not processed, please gather the logs
and send them to our support team. This will allow us to add modifications in future releases
to account for the manufacturer differences on the device you were processing.

Android OS Devices FAQ

Q: I can't acquire data from this device. Why?

A: Try installing drivers from the device manufacturer website.

See also General Acquisition FAQ for more information.

Q: The acquisition fails on my Motorola MB200 device. Why?

A: On the start of acquisition of Motorola MB200 device, the device automatically reconnects
to the PC and the Choose Connection Mode message reappears on the device. Choose the
connection mode.

Q: I get the message that limited application data has been acquired. What does it mean?

A: Generally, it means that the version of the application on your device is higher than the one
supported in the current version of EnCase Mobile Investogator. Please contact Technical

Q: I cannot acquire an Android backup file. Why?

A: An Android backup file is acquired only in case device rooting failed. If device rooting is
successful, the acquired data contains all files that may be included in a backup file; therefore,
the acquisition of an Android backup file is not necessary.

LG Devices with Android OS 4.4.2 - 5.1.1

With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 481

This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

Preparing Device for Acquisition - LG

EnCase Forensic allows you to acquire advanced Android LG smartphones and Android LG

To be able to perform acquisition of an advanced Android LG smartphone, do the following to

prepare the device for acquisition:

1. Turn off the device.

2. Press and hold the Volume Up button.
3. Connect the device to a computer using a USB cable while still holding the button.
4. Keep the Volume Up button pressed until the device enters Download Mode.
5. Wait until the required drivers are installed.
6. The device is now in Firmware Update mode.
Note: To return the device to a normal mode, simply press and hold the Power
button or remove the battery and place it back.

To be able to perform acquisition of an advanced Android LG smartwatch, do the following to

prepare the device for acquisition:

1. Turn off the device.

2. Connect the device to a computer.
3. Swipe the device screen from the bottom-left to the top-right corner to put the device
into Download Mode.
4. The device is in the Firmware Update mode now.
Note: To return the device to a normal mode, simply disconnect it.

Data Acquisition - LG
The program allows you to perform physical acquisition of advanced Android LG devices using
the Android LG Advanced Physical plug-in.

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Note: In the current version of the program, acquisition of advanced Android LG

devices can be performed only via manual plug-in selection.
482 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Acquired Data - LG
The Android LG Advanced Physical plug-in acquires a complete file system of a device. The file
system is parsed and its content is shown in the form of binary files.

Supported Models - LG
The Android LG Advanced Physical plug-in allows you to acquire the following models of
Android LG devices with Android OS 4.4.2–5.1.1:

l LG G4
l LG G3 (all variants)
l LG G3 Beat
l LG G2 (all variants)
l LG G2 Mini
l LG G Pro 2
l LG G Pad
l LG G Watch
l LG F60
l LG L90
l LG Tribute
l LG Spirit
l LG Volt
l LG G Vista

Advanced Android LG Devices FAQ

Q: The device does not enter the Firmware Update mode and enters the battery charging
mode instead. Why?

A: The device may have been connected to a computer before pressing the Volume Up
button, or the button was released too early.

Q: Can I acquire other devices with Android 4.4.2 – 5.1.1 using the Android LG Advanced
Physical plug-in?

A: The Android LG Advanced Physical plug-in works only for LG devices and only with a limited
number of models. Successful acquisition of other LG models is not guaranteed.

Q: I cannot acquire data from my smartwatch device. How can I fix this?

A: If you have problems acquiring smartwatches, try one of the following solutions:
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 483

l Disconnect the device from a computer and connect it back again.

l In the Windows Device Manager, find your smartwatch device, click Update Driver Soft-
ware in the device context menu, and select Search automatically for updated driver

Samsung Devices with Android OS 4.4.4 – 6.0.1

With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

Preparing Device for Acquisition - Samsung

The program allows you to acquire Samsung devices running Android OS 4.4.4 – 6.0.1.

To prepare a Samsung smartphone with Android OS 4.4.4 – 6.0.1 for acquisition, put it into the
Download mode:

1. Turn off the device.

2. Press and hold the Volume Down, Home, and Power buttons, all at the same time.
3. Release the buttons only when the Warning message appears.
4. Press the Volume Up button.
5. When your device shows a green Android icon with the Downloading… Do not turn off
target text under it, connect it to your PC.

Data Acquisition - Samsung

The program allows you to acquire Samsung smartphones running Android 4.4.4 – 6.0.1 using
the Android Samsung Bootloader Physical plug-in.

Note: In the current version of the program, acquisition of Android Samsung

devices can be performed only via manual plug-in selection.

To perform acquisition, a custom forensic recovery image file has to be written into your
device memory. Once it is done, you will need to reboot your device into Recovery mode.

Note: Please keep in mind that the firmware of your device will be changed as a
result of acquisition by this plug-in.

To acquire the device via manual plug-in selection:

484 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

1. Prepare the device for acquisition.

2. Follow the standard process of acquisition.
3. On the Model Selection page of the wizard, select the model of your device and click
4. On the Connection Selection page, select the connection type and click Start
5. The Acquisition page opens.
6. Wait while a forensic recovery image file is being written into your device memory. The
progress is displayed in the Flashing status line.
7. Once the program has written the forensic recovery image file into your device memory,
a dialog window opens with an instruction on how to reboot your device in the Recovery
mode. Follow the instructions and reboot your device.
8. After your device is rebooted into Recovery mode, the acquisition starts automatically.
The progress of acquiring the flash partitions and the file system of your device is dis-
played in the Flash Partitions and File System status lines, respectively.
9. After the acquisition finishes, click Finish.
10. The case is saved. Disconnect the device from the computer.

Acquired Data - Samsung

The Android Samsung Bootloader Physical plug-in allows you to acquire the full file system and
flash memory of an Android Samsung device.

Supported Models - Samsung

The Android Samsung Bootloader Physical plug-in allows you to acquire the following Samsung

l Samsung Galaxy S5 (SM-G900P)

l Samsung Galaxy S6 (SM-G920I)
l Samsung Galaxy S6 (SM-G920F)
l Samsung Galaxy S6 (SM-G920K)
l Samsung Galaxy S6 (SM-G920L)
l Samsung Galaxy S6 (SM-G920P)
l Samsung Galaxy S6 (SM-G920S)
Note: If your device model is not on this list, please do not try to acquire it via the
Android Samsung Bootloader (Physical) plug-in. This may result in your device not
being functional after your acquisition is complete.

Samsung Devices with Android 4.4.4 - 6.0.1 FAQ

Q: Can I try to acquire a device if it is not on the list of supported devices?
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 485

A: No. If the device model you are trying to acquire does not correspond to the model you
select in the Acquisition Wizard, the device data may be wiped completely.

Q: The device starts normally when I try to put it into the Download Mode. Why?

A: This may happen if the Volume Down, Home, and Power buttons are released too early, or
if they are not pressed simultaneously. Do not release the buttons until the device enters
Download Mode.

Android Spreadtrum Devices

With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

Preparing Environment for Acquisition - Spreadtrum

To prepare the environment for acquisition of Android devices based on Spreadtrum chipsets:

1. Install the Firmware Update drivers for the device.

2. Download the ROM image file to your computer.

Data Acquisition - Spreadtrum

The program allows you to acquire Android devices based on Spreadtrum chipsets using the
Android Spreadtrum Expert Physical plug-in.

Note: In the current version of the program, acquisition of devices based on

Spreadtrum chipsets can be performed only via manual plug-in selection.

To acquire the device via manual plug-in selection:

1. Prepare the environment for acquisition.

2. Turn off the device and disconnect it from the computer.
3. Follow the standard process of acquisition.
4. On the Pre-acquisition Options page, click Browse next to the Image file path field and
navigate to the downloaded ROM image file.
5. While the device is turned off, press and hold the Volume Up button on it.
6. Connect the device to the computer without releasing the Volume Up button.
486 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

7. Click Continue on the Pre-acquisition Options page.

Note: You will have only 3–5 seconds to click Continue after connecting the
device to the computer, after which the device will return to the standard mode. If
the time runs out, disconnect the device, remove the device battery, place it back
again, and repeat the steps 7–9 again.

8. On the Connection Selection page, select the connection type and click Start
Note: The device battery doesn’t charge during the acquisition. Depending on
the time required to acquire all data from the device, you might need to replace
the device battery with an alternative power source, like a DC–DC converter, to
prevent the device from shutting down during the acquisition.

9. The acquisition process starts. Its progress is displayed on the Acquisition Progress
10. After the acquisition finishes, click Finish.
11. The case is saved and you can disconnect the device from the computer.

Acquired Data - Spreadtrum

The Android Spreadtrum Expert Physical plug-in acquires data stored in the user space of
Android devices based on Spreadtrum chipsets.

Supported Models - Spreadtrum

The Android Spreadtrum Expert Physical plug-in allows you to acquire Android devices based
of Spreadtrum chipsets regardless of the Android OS version.

Note: Each device model requires specific Firmware Update drivers and ROM
image file to be acquired.

Acquiring Data from Tizen Devices

With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 487

Preparing Device for Acquisition- Tizen

To be able to perform acquisition of a Tizen device, do the following to prepare the device for

1. In the device menu, select Settings > Device Info, and then select the USB debugging
2. Connect the device to the computer using a data cable. Make sure the required drivers
are installed (the required drivers for most Tizen devices are included in the Mobile Driver

Data Acquisition- Tizen

Acquisition is performed via the Tizen Logical Plug-in.

To acquire the device:

1. Prepare the device for acquisition.

2. Follow the standard process of acquisition.
3. Before starting acquisition, on the Pre-acquisition Options page, select Unlock device
filesystem to unlock the device file system. This action is required to perform acquisition.
Note: Unlocking a device file system doesn't damage the device or any data on it.

4. Move between the other pages of the wizard and, when you are ready to start the acquis-
ition, click Start Acquisition.
5. Before acquisition starts, the device file system will be unlocked. For this purpose, the
program writes special files to the /tmp/, /opt/usr/apps/tmp/ and
/home/developer/sdk_tools/gdbserver/ folders. The files will be removed
automatically after the process of acquisition finishes.
Note: This does not damage data integrity and does not cause any damage to the

6. Data acquisition starts, and its process is displayed on the Acquisition Progress page.
7. When data acquisition finishes, the case is saved. Click Finish.
Note: This process may take some time.

8. Disconnect your device from the computer.

Acquired Data- Tizen

The program allows you to acquire the full file system of a Tizen device.
488 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Supported Models - Tizen

The program supports acquisition from devices with Tizen OS 2.2.x – 2.4.

Tizen Devices FAQ

Q: The device doesn't connect to the computer. What do I do?

A: Please try one of the following:

l Make sure that no programs block EnCase Forensic access to the network (e.g., EnCase
Forensic is not blocked by a Firewall).
l If that doesn't work, disconnect other USB devices from your computer and connect the
device to a different USB 2.0 port on your computer.
l If that doesn't work, turn the device off and turn it on again.
l If that doesn't work, restart your computer and reconnect the device to your computer.
l Make sure you enabled the USB Debugging mode on the device.

See also General Acquisition FAQ for more information.

Acquiring Data from RIM BlackBerry Devices

With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

Data Acquisition - BlackBerry

Data acquisition of RIM BlackBerry devices is performed using the standard process.

Acquisition is performed via the RIM BlackBerry Plug-in.

Note: If you have BlackBerry Desktop Software installed on your computer, it is

necessary to start the software and wait until it connects to the device, otherwise
acquisition will fail.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 489

If your device is locked by a password you will be asked to enter it. The password can only be
entered 10 times. If you enter a wrong password on the last attempt, all data on the device will
be erased.

If acquisition is performed via a COM port and the device is locked by a password, then only
the Memory Image can be acquired.

Acquired Data - BlackBerry

The program allows you to acquire the following data from devices:

Please note the following:

l If a BlackBerry device is locked with a password and acquisition is performed via a COM
port, databases will not be acquired.
l Memory images from BlackBerry Devices with Java (OS v. 4.0) will probably not be
acquired. Their acquisition depends on the state of the device.
l SMS messages once opened on BlackBerry and marked as Unread manually have a Read
flag in the program.

The following databases will be parsed:

l Address Book
l Application (OS 4.x and higher)
l Auto Text
l BlackBerry Messenger (OS 4.x and higher)
l Browser Bookmarks
l Calendar
l Categories
l Filesystem (form Content Store database)
l Handheld Agent
l Hotlist
l Memo
l Messages
l PhoneCall
l Profiles
l QuickContacts
l Service Book
l Task
490 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Type Contents
Memory (in one binary node called Memory
BlackBerry Pager (devices of series 85x)

Simple BlackBerry Devices (this devices Databases stored in the physical memory
have Intel 386 processor inside) Some databases are parsed (see list below)

Memory (in one binary node called Memory


Databases stored in the logical memory

Content Store contains the following nodes

BlackBerry Devices with Java (Devices with the binary nodes data format:
with OS version 3.7,3.8,4.0)
l samples
l home
l appdata
l system
l dev
l applications

Supported Models - BlackBerry

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, most RIM Blackberry
models should work with the program.

There are three groups of supported RIM BlackBerry devices:

l BlackBerry Pagers (series 85x).

l Simple BlackBerry Devices (these devices have the Intel 386 processor).
l BlackBerry Devices with Java (devices with OS version up to 7.1).

RIM BlackBerry FAQ

Q: I cannot acquire Databases and Content Store from this device. Why?

A: Disable the Content Protection option. To do this, set the Options > Security Options >
General Settings > Content Protection option to Disabled, then save your changes and
restart the device.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 491

Q: I get the message that limited application data has been imported during the BlackBerry
backup 10 import. What does it mean?

A: Generally, it means that the version of the application on your device is higher than the one
supported in the current version of EnCase Forensic . Please contact Technical Support.

Acquiring Data from Symbian OS Smartphones

With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

About Data Acquisition from Symbian OS Smartphones

The program allows you to acquire information from different types of smartphones running
the Symbian OS.

The following types of devices can be acquired:

l Symbian OS 6.0 Devices

l Symbian OS 6.1 Devices
l Nokia Symbian 7.x-8.x
l Nokia Symbian 9.x

Data Acquisition - Symbian 6.0

Data acquisitions are performed using the standard process. This process may take a long

Note: Data on the device will not change in the process of acquisition. No data and
no applications are written to the device file system.

Acquisition is performed via the Symbian OS 6.0 Devices Logical Plug-in.

Note: Physical acquisition of Nokia Symbian OS devices can only be performed via
manual plug-in selection with the Nokia Symbian OS (physical) plug-in.
492 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Acquired Data - Symbian 6.0

The program allows you to acquire the file system from Symbian 6.0 devices.

Disks Contents Presence

It will be
empty if a
hard reset
was done
on the

It will
Z: ROM always be

It can be
absent if
there are
(any letter) External Disks (D: as a rule)
no external
disks on
the device

Supported Models - Symbian 6.0

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any Symbian OS 6.0
device with a data connection should work with the program.

The following model has been tested:

l Nokia 9290

Data Acquisition - Symbian 6.1

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Note: Data on the device will not change in the acquisition process. No data and no
applications are written to the device filesystem.

Acquisition is performed via the Symbian OS 6.1 Devices Logical Plug-in.

CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 493

Note: Physical acquisition of Nokia Symbian OS devices can only be performed via
manual plug-in selection with the Nokia Symbian OS (physical) plug-in.

Please note that Symbian OS 6.1 devices can be connected via IrDA or Bluetooth. We
recommend that these forms of connection only be used as a last resort as neither connection
is secure. Data cables should always be your first choice as they are secure. Pay attention to
the steps for connecting your device using IrDA or Bluetooth.

Note: Symbian OS 6.1 device can be acquired only via manual plug-in selection.

Acquired Data - Symbian 6.1

The Symbian OS 6.1 (logical) plug-in allows you to acquire the files stored in the memory of the
device using the PPP protocol.

The following data is acquired:

l Contacts (parsed as a grid)

l Logs, including deleted Logs (parsed as a grid)
l ToDo List (parsed as a grid)
l Calendar (parsed as a grid)
l MailBox (parsed as a grid)
l FileSystem (acquired in binary files, some databases are parsed and placed into the
Parsed folder)
Note: The number and names of the fields in the grids depend on device model and

Supported Models- Symbian 6.1

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any Symbian OS 6.1
device with a data connection should work with the program.

Symbian OS 6.1 Devices FAQ

Q: Data is acquired but not parsed. Why?

A: Parsing the acquired data is not yet supported by EnCase Forensic . You can use the hex
viewer or other forensic tools to view the data.

Q: I can't acquire data from this device. Why?

A: Check that the IrDA (Bluetooth) connection is correctly set.

See also General Acquisition FAQ for more information.

494 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Acquisition - Symbian 7.x - 8.x

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process. This process may take a long time.

Acquisition is performed via the Nokia Symbian 7.x - 8.x Logical Plug-in.

Note: Physical acquisition of Nokia Symbian OS devices can only be performed via
manual plug-in selection with the Nokia Symbian OS (physical) plug-in.

Acquired Data - Symbian 7.x - 8.x

The program allows you to acquire the files stored in the memory of the device using the OBEX
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 495

Data Type Data Format

This type of data contains grids with the
information on contacts from the acquired
device, the last changes made to the contacts list,
and configuration for contacts list. Each grid
contains the following data:

Contacts grid:

l ID
l Group
l Last name
l First name
l Tel. (home)
l Tel. (home)
l Web addr. (home)
l Street (home)
l Postal/ZIP (home)
l City (home)
l Job title
l Job title
Contacts l Company
l Tel. (business)
l Mobile (business)
l Web addr. (bus.)
l P.O. Box (bus.)
l Extension (bus.)
l Street (business)
l Postal/ZIP (bus.)
l City (business)
l St.Prov. (bus.)
l Ctry./Reg. (bus.)
l Telephone
l Telephone
l Mobile
l Pager
l Fax
l Email
l Email
l Street
l City
l State/Province
496 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Data Format

l Birthday
l Note
l User ID
l Creation date (UTC)
l Last modified (UTC)

Last changes grid:

l #
l ID
l Group
l Last name
l First name
l Job title
l Company
l Telephone
l Mobile
l Fax
l Email
l User ID
l Creation date (UTC)
l Last modified (UTC)

Config grid:

l Parameter
l Value
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 497

Data Type Data Format

This type of data contains grids with the
information on outgoing and incoming calls and
messages (including deleted logs) and the grid
with configuration for log files. Each grid contains
the following data:

Logs and Deleted logs grids:

l ID
l Event type
l Direction
Logs l Contact ID
l Number
l Remote party
l Subject
l Date
l Duration
l Specific data

Config grid:

l Parameter
l Value
498 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Data Format

This type of data contains grids with the
information on To Do list acquired from the
device and the last changes made to the list. Each
grid contains the following data:

ToDo list grid:

l Description
l Priority
l Due date
ToDo list l Crossed out date
l Creation date

Last changes grid:

l #
l Description
l Priority
l Due date
l Crossed out date
l Creation date
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 499

Data Type Data Format

This type of data contains grids with the
information on the list of calendar events
acquired from the device and the last changes
made to the list. Each grid contains the following

Calendar grid:

l #
l Status
l Description
l Location
l Type
l Start date
l Start time
l End date
l End time
l Alarm time
l Alarm days warning
l Repeat type
Calendar l Repeat specification
l Repeat interval
l Repeat forever
l Repeat start date
l Repeat end date
l Creation date

Last changes grid:

l #
l Status
l Description
l Location
l Type
l Start date
l Start time
l End date
l End time
l Alarm time
l Alarm days warning
l Repeat type
l Repeat specification
500 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Data Format

l Repeat interval
l Repeat forever
l Repeat start date
l Repeat end date
l Creation date

This type of data contains grids with the

information on Service Local MTM, SMS, MMS,
Wap Push, Email SMTP, Email POP3, and deleted
messages acquired from the device. Each grid
contains the following data:

Deleted messages grid:

l Text
Mail box l Number
l Folder
l Service
l Date

Stream SMS Header and Stream Schedule Data


l Property
l Value

This type of data contains binary nodes grouped

by partition labels. Depending on the label, a
partition contains the following data:
File System
l C: Internal phone memory
l D:, E:. etc.: External memory cards
(usually store music and multimedia files)

This type of data contains databases acquired

Parsed Databases from the device in binary nodes and grids with
various data.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 501

Supported Models - Symbian 7.x - 8.x

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any Nokia device that
runs Symbian OS 7.x–8.x should work with the program.

Data Acquisition - Symbian 9.x

Data acquisitions are performed using the standard process.

Acquisition is performed via the Nokia Symbian 9.x. Devices Logical Plug-in.

Note: Data on the device will not change in the acquisition process. No data and no
applications are written to the device filesystem.

Acquired Data - Symbian 9.x

The program allows you to acquire the files stored in the memory of the device using the OBEX

The following types of data are acquired:

l File system (including Parsed Databases)

l Backup and Private data, including:
o Logs
o ToDo list
o Calendar
o Parsed Backup data
o MailBox (including deleted messages)

l MMS History
l SMS History
502 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Data Format

This type of data contains grids with the
information on outgoing and incoming calls and
messages (including deleted logs) and the grid
with configuration for log files. Each grid contains
the following data:

Logs and Deleted logs grids:

l ID
l Event type
l Direction
Logs l Contact Id
l Number
l Remote party
l Subject
l Date
l Duration
l Specific data

Config grid:

l Parameter
l Value
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 503

Data Type Data Format

This type of data contains grids with the
information on ToDo list acquired from the
device and the last changes made to the list. Each
grid contains the following data:

ToDo list grid:

l Description
l Priority
l Due date
ToDo list l Crossed out date
l Creation date

Last changes grid:

l #
l Description
l Priority
l Due date
l Crossed out date
l Creation date
504 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Data Format

This type of data contains grids with the
information on the list of calendar events
acquired from the device and the last changes
made to the list. Each grid contains the following

Calendar grid:

l Status
l Description
l Location
l Type
l Start date
l Start time
l End date
l End time
l Alarm time
l Alarm days warning
l Repeat type
Calendar l Repeat specification
l Repeat interval
l Repeat forever
l Repeat start date
l Repeat end date
l Creation date

Last changes grid:

l #
l Status
l Description
l Location
l Type
l Start date
l Start time
l End date
l End time
l Alarm time
l Alarm days warning
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 505

Data Type Data Format

l Repeat type
l Repeat specification
l Repeat interval
l Repeat forever
l Repeat start date
l Repeat end date
l Creation date

This type of data contains grids with the

information on Service Local MTM, SMS, MMS,
Wap Push, Email SMTP, Email POP3, and deleted
messages acquired from the device. Each grid
contains the following data:

Deleted messages grid:

l Text
Mail box l Number
l Folder
l Service
l Date

Stream SMS Header and Stream Schedule Data


l Property
l Value

This type of data contains binary nodes grouped

by partition labels. Depending on the label, a
partition contains the following data:
File System
l C: Internal phone memory
l D:, E:. etc.: External memory cards
(usually store music and multimedia files)

This type of data contains databases acquired

Parsed Databases from the device in binary nodes and grids with
various data.
506 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Data Format

This is data written into a special part of the
memory by different applications. This data is
Backup data
shown in two forms: as it is read (backup data)
Split Backup data
and as it is stored, e.g. decrypted and split into
files (split backup data).

Parsed Backup This is device backup data parsed into grids with
data various data.

This type of data contains MMS messages

MMS History
acquired from the device in binary nodes.

This type of data contains the SMS History grid

with the information on SMS messages acquired
from the device. The grid contains the following

SMS History l Sender/Recipient

l Text
l Status
l Type
l Date and time (GMT)
l Attachment

Supported Models - Symbian 9.x

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any Nokia device that
runs Symbian OS 9.x should work with the program.

Nokia Symbian 9.x Devices FAQ

Q: I cannot acquire SMS and email history. Why?

A: SMS and email history are not acquired for Symbian 9.1.

Q: It seems like not all the files from the filesystem are acquired. Why?

A: This may happen because of the specific device. Some system files may be locked and
cannot be acquired.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 507

COM Port Connection Settings

To define COM port connection settings:

1. Open the Symbian Dumpers subfolder of the program installation folder (you can find it
in the Symbian Dumpers folder of the program installation directory).
2. Copy the SymbianDumper.exe file (for Symbian OS version 6.1 and higher) or the Sym-
bianDumper6.0.exe file (for Symbian OS version 6.0) to an external memory card using a
special Card reader.
3. Insert this external memory card into the device being investigated. Pay attention that
the supporting file is not written to the device so it cannot damage the data stored on it.
4. Connect the device to the computer using a COM port cable.
5. On the Home page, click Manual Plug-in Selection.
6. On the Plug-in Selection page, select the Nokia Symbian OS (physical) plug-in.
7. On your Symbian device, navigate to the copied file (SymbianDumper.exe or Sym-
bianDumper6.0.exe) and open it on the device.
8. In the opened window, select SERIAL for the connection type.
9. On the Connection Selection page, select the port via which the acquisition will be per-
formed. Click the Instructions navigation link.
10. Once you have the instructions on the Instructions page, click Start Acquisition.
11. The data acquisition starts and its process is displayed on the Acquisition Progress page.
12. When the data acquisition finishes, the case is saved. Click Finish.
Note: This process may take some time.

13. Disconnect your device from the computer.

IrDA Port Connection Settings

To define IrDA port connection settings:

1. Open the Symbian Dumpers subfolder of the DS installation folder (you can find it in the
Symbian Dumpers folder of the program installation directory).
2. Copy the SymbianDumper.exe file (for Symbian OS version 6.1. and higher) or Sym-
bianDumper6.0.exe file (for Symbian OS version 6.0.) to an external memory card using a
special card reader.
3. Insert this external memory card into the device being investigated. Please note that the
supporting file is not written to the device so it cannot damage the data stored on it.
4. Connect the Infrared adapter to your computer. Wait until the device is installed on your
5. Start the program.
6. On the Home page, click Manual Plug-in Selection.
7. On the Plug-in Selection page, select the Nokia Symbian OS (physical) plug-in.
8. On your Symbian device, navigate to the copied file (SymbianDumper.exe or Sym-
bianDumper6.0.exe) and open it on the device.
508 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

9. In the opened window, select IrDA for the connection type.

10. Connect the device to the computer using the IrDA connection (place the Infrared
adapter next to the Infrared port of your Symbian device). You will see the notification
item in the Windows taskbar if the device is connected.
11. On the Connection Selection page, select the port via which acquisition will be per-
formed. Click the Instructions navigation link.
12. Once you have read the instructions on the Instructions page, click Start Acquisition.
13. Data acquisition starts, and its process is displayed on the Acquisition Progress page.
14. When data acquisition finishes, the case is saved. Click Finish.
Note: This process may take some time.

15. Disconnect your device from the computer.

Bluetooth Connection Settings

To define Bluetooth connection settings

1. Open the Symbian Dumpers subfolder of the program installation folder (you can find it
in the Symbian Dumpers folder of the program installation directory).
2. Copy the SymbianDumper.exe file (for Symbian OS version 6.1.) or Sym-
bianDumper6.0.exe file (for Symbian OS version 6.0.) to an external memory card using a
special card reader.
3. Insert this external memory card into the device being investigated. Please note that the
supporting file is not written to the device so it cannot damage the data stored on it.
4. Connect the Bluetooth device to a USB port. Wait until the Bluetooth icon appears in the
5. Right click the Bluetooth icon in the taskbar and select Open Settings.
6. In the Bluetooth Settings window, select the Options tab and select the Allow Bluetooth
devices to find this computer checkbox. Click Apply.
7. Right click the Bluetooth icon in the taskbar and select Add a Device. In the newly-
opened window, select the detected Symbian device and click Next.
8. Enter the code displayed by Windows into your Symbian device and press OK.
9. Wait until your device is completely connected. You will see the following page of the Add
a Device wizard. Click Close.
10. On the Home page, click Manual Plug-in Selection.
11. On the Plug-in Selection page, select the Nokia Symbian OS (physical) plug-in.
12. Go to the SymbianDumper.exe (SymbianDumper6.0.exe) file on your external memory
card on the phone and open it.
13. Select the Bluetooth connection (as shown on the following picture).
14. In the list of Bluetooth devices on the phone, select the name of the computer with the
program installed and click OK.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 509

15. Data acquisition starts, and its process is displayed on the Acquisition Progress page.
16. When data acquisition finishes, the case is saved. Click Finish.
Note: This process may take some time.

17. Disconnect your device from the computer.

Data Acquisition - Nokia Symbian

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process. A device can be connected to the
computer through the COM port, IrDA, or Bluetooth. We recommend that IrDA and Bluetooth
connections only be used as a last resort as neither connection is secure. Data cables should
always be your first choice as they are secure.

Note: Physical acquisition of Nokia Symbian OS devices can only be performed via
manual plug-in selection.

Pay attention to each connection process. You should define the correct settings for IrDA,
Bluetooth, and COM port connection.

The acquisition is performed via the Nokia Symbian OS Physical Plug-in.

Note: Data on the device will not change in the process of acquisition. No data and
no applications are written to the device file system.

Acquired Data - Nokia Symbian

The Nokia Symbian OS Physical plug-in acquires the Processes dump.

A Processes dump includes all binary files used by the processes currently running on the

All data is acquired in the form of binary files and stored in folders whose names are the names
of the currently running processes.

Supported Models - Nokia Symbian

The program allows you to perform physical acquisition of any devices that run Nokia Symbian
OS up to version 8.x. Devices that run Nokia Symbian OS version 9.0 and higher are not

Nokia Symbian OS Physical Acquisition FAQ

Q: I can't acquire data from this device. Why?
510 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

A: Check that you correctly set the Bluetooth, IrDA, or COM port connection for your device.

See also General Acquisition FAQ for more information.

Acquiring Data from a WebOS Based Device

With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

Preparing Device for Acquisition - WebOS

To prepare WebOS based device to the acquisition process:

1. Turn on the device.

2. Enter the main menu of the Palm device.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 511

3. Enter the developer mode activation code. To do this, type


4. If you enter the code correctly, you'll see the developer mode application icon.

5. Enter the application and turn on developer mode.

512 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

6. After the device reboots, the developer mode will be on and you will be able to acquire
the device.
Note: After Palm Web OS is updated, the developer mode settings are reset. So
the Developer Mode application can sometimes show that the developer mode is
on while it is actually off.

7. Connect the device using the USB cable.

Note: Use only the USB ports placed on the back of your system block.

8. Select the Only charge option of your device.

Data Acquisition - WebOS

Data acquisition of WebOS based devices is performed using the standard process, though it
has to be prepared for the acquisition process and connected to the computer correctly.

The acquisition is performed via the WebOS Based Devices Logical Plug-in.

Acquired Data - WebOS

The program allows you to acquire the following information from the devices:

l File system text information

l Contacts
l E-mails
l Memos
l Calendars
l Tasks
l Call history
l Accounts

Data is parsed and displayed in a grid.

Supported Models - WebOS

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any device that runs
WebOS should work with the program.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 513

WebOS Devices FAQ

Q: I can't acquire data from this device. Why?

A: Check that your device has WebOS.

See also General Acquisition FAQ for more information.

Acquiring Data from PDAs

With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

About Data Acquisition from PDA

The program allows you to acquire information from different types of PDA such as Palm,
Windows Mobile, and Psion devices.

The following types of devices can be acquired:

l Psion 16/32 Bit Devices

l Palm OS Based Devices
l Windows Mobile Devices

The amount and the type of acquired data depends on the type of device.

Usually PDA plug-ins for the program allow you to acquire the following data:

l Databases Stored in the Memory

Connection Settings - Psion 16/32-bit devices

Before starting data acquisition, set the connection settings of your device (the connection to
the serial cable and the proper speed).
514 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Siena Series
Select Menu > Special > Communications.

In the dialog window, change settings to the following:

l Use: Serial Cable

l Baud rate: 19200

Series 3c
Select Menu > Special > Communications.

In the dialog window, change settings to the following:

l Use: Link Cable

l Baud rate: 19200

Series 5
Select the Menu > Tool > Remote link.

In the dialog window, change settings to the following:

l Link: Cable
l Baud rate: 19200
Note: For other Psion device settings, please read the instructions for your device.

Data Acquisition - Psion

Before starting data acquisition, set the connection settings of your device (the connection to
the serial cable and proper speed must be set).

After that, data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

The acquisition is performed via the Psion 16/32 bit devices logical plug-in.

Note: Acquisition of Psion 16/32-bit devices can only be performed via manual
plug-in selection.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 515

Acquired Data - Psion

The program allows you to acquire the file system from the device. Its structure depends on
the group of Psion models to which your device belongs.

Note: Some models of Psion devices lock ROM (disk C:) and RAM (internal disk). If
they are locked, the program will not be able to acquire them. Locked disks are
usually marked ABSENT in the menu of the device.
All data is acquired in the form of binary nodes and is not parsed.

Type Devices Disks Contents Presence

External Can be absent if there are no
SERIES disk external disks on the device.

Psion devices with SERIES 3 Can be empty (depends on

SIBO (EPOC 16) OS SERIES 3a the type of the device).

Will be empty if a hard reset
for a device was done.

Will be empty if a hard reset

for a device was done.
Psion devices with SERIES
EPOC 32 (ER3, ER5) OS. 5MX
(any External Can be absent if there are no
letter) disk external disks on the device.

The properties of the acquired data can be seen in the Properties pane.
516 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Node Properties Notes Example


For Psion
devices with
Device Device OS, it will be
node defined only if
RPC service is



May have the

following value:
Status l Acquired
l Not


The size of the

acquired file
Size defined in its
Binary properties on
node the device.

Actual size of the

acquired file (it's
Acquired size
usually equal to
the Size value).




CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 517

Psion 16/32-bit Devices FAQ

Q: I can't acquire data from this device. Why?

A: Check that connection settings are defined correctly.

See also General Acquisition FAQ for more information.

Q: The acquisition stops and the device stops responding. What do I do?

A: If this happens, restart the device and start the acquisition again. In some cases, you may
need to do this multiple times before the proper acquisition process is completed. After
restarting, please check the connection settings of the device thoroughly.

Data Acquisition - Palm OS

Physical acquisition is performed via the Palm OS Based Devices Physical Plug-in.

Note: Some Palm devices (for example Treo 750) have the Window Mobile OS and
must be acquired with the Windows Mobile/PocketPC logical plug-in or Windows
Mobile 5-x/6-x physical plug-in.

To acquire data from the Palm:

1. Follow the steps of the standard process of data acquisition.

2. Before acquisition starts, you need to perform more steps.
o Put the device in console mode to acquire the Memory Image.
o To put the device in the console mode, do one of the following, then click Continue:
If the device has the graffiti area: Draw the following combination in the graffiti
area: ShortCut (looks like a lowercase cursive l) + period + period +2.
If the device is a Handspring Visor using a serial connection: Instead of the com-
mand shown above, use the ShortCut (cursive lowercase l) + period and then
hold the Up button while writing the number 2. Devices using a USB connection do
not require this additional step.
If the device has no graffiti area (e.g., Treo 650): Use the special key combination
(e.g., Search (Shift)+Sync Mode). Please note that this combination may
depend on the model of your device.

Note: These instructions only work for Palm devices. The program should work
with devices running the Palm OS made by other firms, but we can't guarantee it.
Consult the instructions to your device to find out how to put it into the console
518 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o To acquire the Logical Image (Databases), put your device into the Sync mode. Press the
Sync button on the cradle or activate the Sync mode through the screen dialog on the
device, then click Continue.

3. If acquisition from a Palm device is being performed for the first time, the driver install-
ation for it begins. This may lock the device.
Note: If the device gets locked while acquiring Databases, press Cancel. If you
are acquiring Memory and the device gets locked, restart the device (turn it off
and then back on).

4. Acquisition starts.
5. There can be some files locked by the Palm OS on your device. If the program tries to
acquire these files, it adds the file to the "black list" and stops acquisition. Files added to
the black list are omitted on next acquisition. You have to repeat acquisition until all
locked files are added to this list. After that, all unlocked files will be acquired without
6. After acquisition finishes, click Finish.

Acquired Data - Palm OS

The program allows you to acquire the following information from the devices:

l Memory Images (ROM and RAM)

l Databases
l ROM Card Information (this information is read in the process of memory acquisition)

ROM Card Information contains the password field which will be filled if the device is locked by
a password and runs Palm OS v4.0 or lower.

Some parts of data in databases will be parsed and displayed in grids form (MemoDB,
AddressDB, DatebookDB, etc).

Properties of the acquired data can be seen in the properties window.

CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 519

Node Properties Notes Example

Vendor This
information is
usually the
Device Caption same for all
node devices.



Actual size
Size defined on
the device.
This size can
Acquired Size be less than
actual size.

hash codes.
520 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Node Properties Notes Example


State Acquired/Par

ckup dates

es Resource
(resources or
Resource executable
se (data).



MD5/SHA1 Hash codes.

Supported Models - Palm OS

Any device running Palm OS should work with the program.

Palm OS Devices FAQ

Q: I can't acquire data from this device. Why?

A: Check whether your device has Palm OS. Some Palm devices (for example, Treo 750) have
the Window Mobile OS and must be acquired by the Windows Mobile/PocketPC logical plug-in
or Windows Mobile 5.x - 6.x physical plug-in.

See also General Acquisition FAQ for more information.

Q: Driver installation starts during acquisition. After driver installation, Palm does not
acquire memory.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 521

A: To resolve this problem, the user must reset the Palm device (use the hole on the back side
of the device) before starting a new acquisition. It is strongly recommended that you acquire
Databases before the Memory Image.

Q: I can't put the device into the console mode even when following the instructions given
in the Data Acquisition topic. Why?

A: The given instructions are only suitable for devices made by Palm. EnCase Forensic should
work with any Palm devices made by other firms, but it is not guaranteed. Consult the
instructions for your device to find out how to put it into the console mode.

Q: I experience difficulties while acquiring ROM from devices with Palm OS 5.0. Why?

A: The problem is that some databases in the ROM are locked. When EnCase Forensic starts
the acquisition and runs into a locked file, it freezes. You just need to restart the device and
continue the acquisition. When this happens, the locked file will not be read again. It will be
added to the list (its size will be near 70 - 80 bytes).

Q: The password is not acquired from the locked Palm. Why?

A: EnCase Forensic cannot acquire passwords from devices running versions of the Palm OS
later than 4.0.

Q: When syncing the Palm device, the device reports "Unable to initiate HotSync operation
because the port is used by another application". What's using the port?

A: Usually, this is caused by the device being placed into the console mode and not being
reset. To fix this problem, soft reset the device using the pin hole on the back (usually labeled

Q: The error message appears. The acquisition stops. Why?

A: There can be files locked by the OS on the device. These files cannot be acquired. They are
added to the Black list and omitted during the following acquisitions. You have to repeat the
acquisition process until all locked files from your device are added to the Black list. After this
the acquisition is performed without errors.

Data Acquisition - Windows Mobile

Logical and physical acquisitions are performed using the standard process.

Logical acquisition is performed via the Windows Mobile Devices Logical Plug-in.

Physical acquisition is performed via the Windows Mobile 5.x – 6.x Devices Physical Plug-in.
522 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Please note that, for logical acquisition, when a connection with the device is being
established, the device will probably ask for a confirmation to write the .dll library into its
memory. Please agree to this or else the connection won't be established.

Note: Data acquisition can be done only with the help of a special .dll library which
is written to the free space in the device memory. This guarantees that data stored in
the device memory won't be lost.

Aquired Data - Windows Mobile


Logical acquisition allows you to acquire the following data in the form of binary nodes:

Contents Notes
The information from any external
The filesystem of the device including
cards can be seen in the folder
Filesystem user files, system files, program files,
nodes named Storage Card, SD
and recovered deleted data.
Card, CF Card, etc.

Windows Mobile 5.x and 6.x use

removable databases. They
Databases Databases stored on the device.
cannot be read because they are
locked by the device.

The information stored in the Information can be exported into

OS Registry
Windows Mobile register. XML format.

Logical memory can be acquired

The logical memory of the device. from the processors ARM, MIPS,
SH3, & SH4.

For Windows Mobile 5.x for Pocket PC Phone Edition, Windows Mobile 5.x for Smartphones,
Windows Mobile 6.x Professional for Pocket PC, and Windows Mobile 6.x Standard for
Smartphones, the following data is acquired in grid form:
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 523

Contents Fields Description
Call History:
l Name: The name of the contact.
l Telephone Number: The phone
number of the contact.
l Telephone Number Type:
o w - The work telephone

o h - The home telephone

o m - The mobile telephone

Note: The
depends on
the language
of the phone.

l Caller ID type:
o Unavailable
Call history of the device
Call History o Blocked
(outgoing, incoming, etc. call) o Available

l Call Status:
o Outgoing
o Missed
o Incoming

l Start Time (GMT): The start time

of the call
l End Time (GMT): The end time
of the call
l Duration: Call duration in format
l Outgoing call:
o Yes - Outgoing calls
o No - Incoming and

missed calls
l Call Connected:
o Yes - Call connected
o No - Busy
o No answer
524 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Contents Fields Description
l Call ended:
o Yes - Call ended
o No - Call dropped

l Roaming: This parameter is

"yes" for calls made while
roaming, and "no" for "local"
o Yes - Call made while

o No - Local call

l Notes: The file name of the

associated Notes file if any.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 525

Contents Fields Description
SIM Phonebook:
l Text: The name of the contact
l Phone number: The phone
number of the contact
l Address type:
o International number
o One national number
o Network-specific number
o Subscriber number

o Alphanumeric address
o Abbreviated number
The Phonebook and the SMS
l Numbering plan: A type of
history (including deleted SMS)
numbering scheme used in
stored on the SIM card
telecommunications; for
Note: This example, ISDN/mobile.
data is SIM Messages (SMS history):
SIM Data
acquired only l Message: SMS text.
if the SIM card l Phone number: The number
is inserted and from which the SMS was sent.
its phone l Receive time: Time when the
functionality is
messages was received.
turned on.
l Address type:
o International number
o One national number
o Network-specific number
o Subscriber number

o Alphanumeric address
o Abbreviated number

l Numbering plan: A type of

numbering scheme used in
telecommunications; for
example, ISDN/mobile
526 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Contents Fields Description
l FirstName: The first name for
the contact
l LastName: The last name for the
l MiddleName: The middle name
for the contact
l FileAs: The filing string for a
l MobileTelephoneNumber: The
mobile or cellular telephone
number for the contact
l HomeTelephoneNumber: The
home telephone number for the
l RadioTelephoneNumber: The
radio telephone number for the
Outlook Contacts information
l Email1Address: The first e-mail
address for the contact
l Birthday: The birth date for the
l Anniversary: The wedding
anniversary date for the contact
l HomeAddressStreet: The home
street address for the contact
l HomeAddressCity: The home
city for the contact
l HomeAddressState: The home
state, department, or province
for the contact
l HomeAddressPostalCode: The
home ZIP or postal code for the
l HomeAddressCountry: The
home country/region for the
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 527

Contents Fields Description
l BusinessFaxNumber: The
business fax number for the
l CompanyName: The company
name for the contact
l Department: The department
name for the contact
l OfficeLocation: The office
location for the contact
l PagerNumber: The pager
number for the contact
l BusinessTelephoneNumber: The
business telephone number for
the contact
l JobTitle: The job title for the
l Email2Address: The second e-
mail address for the contact
l Spouse: The name of contact's
l Email3Address: The third e-mail
address for the contact
l Home2TelephoneNumber: The
second home telephone number
for the contact
l HomeFaxNumber: The home fax
number for the contact
l CarTelephoneNumber: The car
phone number for the contact
l AssistantName: The name of
contact's assistant
l AssistantTelephoneNumber:
The phone number for the
contact's assistant
l Children: The names of contact's
l Categories: The categories for
528 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Contents Fields Description
the contact
l WebPage: The Web page for the
l Business2TelephoneNumber:
The second business telephone
number for the contact
l Title: The title for the contact
l Suffix: The suffix for the contact
l OtherAddressStreet: The
alternative street address for the
l OtherAddressCity: The
alternative city for the contact
l OtherAddressState: The
alternative state, department, or
province for the contact
l OtherAddressPostalCode: The
alternative ZIP or postal code for
the contact
l OtherAddressCountry: The
alternative country/region for
the contact
l BusinessAddressStreet: The
business street address for the
l BusinessAddressCity: The
business city for the contact
l BusinessAddressState: The
business state for the contact
l BusinessAddressPostalCode:
The business ZIP or postal code
for the contact
l BusinessAddressCountry: The
business country/region for the
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 529

Contents Fields Description
l Body: The notes for the contact
l YomiCompanyName: The
Japanese phonetic rendering
(Yomigana) of the company
name for the contact
l YomiFirstName: The Japanese
phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of
the first name for the contact
l YomiLastName: The Japanese
phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of
the last name for the contact
530 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Contents Fields Description
l Subject: The description of the
l Location: Location of the event
l Categories: Categories assigned
to the event
l Start: Start time of the event
l End: Finish time of the event
l Duration: Duration of the event
l IsRecurring:
o Yes - Recurring event
o No - Non-recurring

l RecurrencePattern: The current
recurrence pattern for the event.
l AllDayEvent:
o Yes - All day events
Pocket o No - Events not set to all
Outlook Calendar information
Items l BusyStatus: User's availability
during the event time
l Sensitivity: Sensitivity for an
event (normal or private)
l Body: Ink notes or the message
body accompanying the event
l Recipients: A collection of
recipients for an event that is a
l MeetingStatus:
o Yes - Event is a meeting
o No - Event is not a

l ReminderSet:
o Yes - Event reminder set
o No - Event reminder not

CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 531

Contents Fields Description
l ReminderSoundFile: The name
of the reminder sound file
l ReminderMinutesBeforeStart:
Time the reminder will play
(reminder delay before event
l ReminderOptions: The type of
the reminder for the event
l BodyInk: A binary
representation of the event body
532 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Contents Fields Description

l Subject: The description of the

l Body: The text of the notes
accompanying the task
l Teamtask:
o Yes - Task is a team task
o No - Task is not a team

l IsRecurring:
o Yes - Recurring task
o No - Not a recurring task

l RecurrencePattern: The current

recurrence pattern for the task
l Complete:
o Yes - Task is complete
o No - Task is not complete
Outlook Tasks information l Categories: The categories
Items assigned to the task
l StartDate: Date when the task
l DateCompleted: Date when the
task is completed
l DueDate: Date when the task is
l Importance: The importance of
the task
l ReminderOptions: The type of
the reminder for the task
l ReminderSet:
o Yes - Task reminder set
o No - Task reminder not

l ReminderSoundFile: The name
of the reminder sound file
l ReminderTime: Determines
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 533

Contents Fields Description
when a reminder occurs before
the start or due date of a task
l Sensitivity: Sensitivity for a task
(normal or private)
l BodyInk: A binary
representation of the task body

Physical Acquisition - Windows Mobile

Physical acquisition allows you to acquire data stored in the memory of the device and on the
internal cards.

Note: Data acquisition is performed with the help of a special DLL library, which is
written to the free space in the device memory. This guarantees that data stored in
the device memory won't be lost.

Contents Notes
ROM, the parsed FAT filesystem, and the
binary file (Binary) that contains all unparsed
Internal data acquired from the device, including
stores deleted data. All data stored in the
device memory (storage) is
The file containing Contacts is parsed.
acquired. But only the
The parsed FAT filesystem and the binary file filesystem is parsed.
Memory (Binary) that contains all unparsed data
cards acquired from the device, including deleted

The information about memory stores from which data was read (physical characteristics) can
be seen in the Properties pane.

Supported Models - Windows Mobile

Logical acquisition should work with any device running Windows Mobile.

Physical acquisition should work with any device running Windows Mobile 5.x – 6.x.
534 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Windows Mobile Devices FAQ

Q: I cannot acquire SIM data from my device. Why?

A: Make sure the SIM card is inserted in the device and the phone functionality of the device is
turned on.

Q: I cannot acquire Call History, SIM data and Pocket Outlook items. Why?

A: Make sure you confirmed the DLL installation by tapping Yes on your device when the
acquisition started. Also make sure that the security settings of your device allow internal
applications to copy data to your device and to run unsigned applications on it.

Acquiring Data from GPS Devices

With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

Data Acquisition - Garmin GPS

Logical and physical acquisitions are performed using the standard process.

Logical acquisition is performed via the Garmin GSP Logical Plug-in.

Physical acquisition is performed via the Garmin GSP Physical Plug-in.

Note: Physical acquisition can only be performed via a USB connection.

Do the following before starting the acquisition process:

l If you use a USB cable, make sure the required drivers are installed. The installation of
these drivers is included in the Mobile Driver Pack.
l Turn off all external applications working with the Garmin GPS device.
l In the device settings, define Garmin USB as the connection protocol.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 535


Logical acquisition acquires the following data:

l Garmin Mass Storage Devices (Garmin nuvi): Device settings, Waypoints, Tracks, Routes,
and Maps.
l Garmin Devices (eTrex, Rino, Edge, GPSMAP, etc.): Waypoints, Proximity waypoints,
Tracks, Routes, Almanac, Maps, and Device properties.

Besides the standard case file containing the acquired data, the program allows you to create a
GPS file. This file contains information about tracks, routes, and waypoints stored on the

The GPS file (GarminGPS.gps) is placed as a sub-node of the device node and can be exported
for future examination.

Garmin Mass Storage Devices

Data is read from the device as from a mass storage device. The acquired .gpx files are parsed
and shown in the form of a grid:

Notes Data Format
For Data type data, a grid
containing the fields:

l Base name
l File location
Device settings include two types of data: l File path
Device l Transfer direction
l Data type: Includes information about
settings most device settings For update file, a grid
l Update file containing the fields:

l Part number
l Description
l Path
l File name
536 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Notes Data Format
A grid containing the fields:

l Name
l Position
l Elevation (m)
l Creation date/time
l Magnetic variation
l Geoid height (m)
l Comment
Waypoints are sets of coordinates that l Description
Waypoints Source of data
identify a point in physical space. l

l Link
l GPS symbol name
l Classification
l Number of satellites
l Time since last DGPS
update (seconds)
l DGPS station ID
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 537

Notes Data Format
Three grids containing the

1. Link
2. Properties
o Comment
o Description
o Source
o Number
o Type

3. Waypoints
o Name
o Position
o Elevation
o Creation

Tracks The actual path followed by a moving body date/time (UTC)

o Magnetic

o Geoid height
o Comment
o Source
o URL associated
o Text hyperlink
o Symbol
o Type (category)
o GPS fix
o Time since last

DGPS fix
o DGPS station ID
538 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Notes Data Format
Three grids:

1. URL
o Text

2. Optional
o Comment
o Description
o Source
o Number
o Type

3. Waypoints
o Name
o Position
o Elevation
o Creation
Routes Drawn by user course of travel. date/time (UTC)
o Magnetic

o Geoid height
o Comment
o Source
o URL associated
o Text hyperlink
o Symbol
o Type (category)
o GPS fix
o Time since last

DGPS fix
o DGPS station ID

Image file containing maps downloaded from

Maps Binary files
the device and parsed.

Note: The types and amount of acquired data depend on the type of device.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 539

Garmin Devices (eTrex, Rino, Edge, GPSMAP, etc.)

The Garmin GPS Logical Plug-in acquires the following data from Garmin Devices (eTrex, Rino,
Edge, GPSMAP, etc.):

l Waypoints
l Proximity waypoints
l Tracks
l Routes
l Almanac
l Maps
l Device properties

All data is acquired using the Garmin protocol.

Notes Data Format
A grid containing the fields:

l Name
l Attributes
l Waypoint class
l Waypoint color
l Display option
Waypoints are sets of coordinates that identify Position
Waypoints l
a point in physical space. l Attitude
l Depth
l Proximity distance
l State
l Country code
l Waypoint symbol
l Subclass
540 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Notes Data Format
A grid containing the fields:

l Name
l Attributes
l Waypoint class
l Waypoint color
l Display option
Proximity Position
Waypoints and the area around them. l
waypoints l Altitude
l Depth
l Proximity distance
l State
l Country code
l Waypoint symbol
l Subclass

A grid containing the fields:

Tracks The actual path followed by a moving body. l Text
l Date/time
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 541

Notes Data Format
Three grids:

1. Links
o Route link class
o Subclass
o Identifier
2. Header
o Identifier

3. Waypoints
o Properties
o Attributes
o Waypoint class
Routes Drawn by user course of travel. o Waypoint color
o Display option
o Position
o Attitude
o Depth
o Proximity

o State
o Country code
o Waypoint

o Subclass
542 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Notes Data Format
A grid containing the fields:

l Week number
l Almanac data
reference time
l Clock correction
coefficient (s)
l Clock correction
coefficient (s/s)
l Eccentricity
l Square root of semi
Almanac Data received from satellite. major axis (a) (m**
l Mean anomaly at
reference time (r)
l Argument of perigee
l Right ascension (r)
l Rate of right
ascension (r/s)
l Inclination angle (r)
l Almanac health
l Satellite ID

Image files containing maps downloaded from

Maps Binary files
the device
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 543

Notes Data Format
A grid shown in the
Properties window
containing the fields:

l Device current date

l Device current
Device These properties are shown in the Properties l Product ID
properties window after clicking on the device node. l Software version
l Other properties ( 
Property #n) -
number of this
properties depend
on the device


Physical acquisition acquires the Internal Memory Dump and Main Firmware from the Garmin
GPS devices. Both files are acquired as binary files and are not parsed.

Supported Models - Garmin GPS

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, most Garmin models
(including Garmin Nuvi, eTrex, Rino, Edge, and GPSMAP) with either USB or COM connection
and Garmin Interface should work with the program.

Garmin GPS Devices FAQ

Q: I can't acquire data from this device. Why?

A: First, try the following:

l Make sure the drivers for the USB connection of your device are installed.
l Make sure you set Garmin USB as the connection protocol of your device.
l Make sure all external applications working with your device are turned off.

See also General Acquisition FAQ for more information.

Q: Connection is not established. Why?

A: Make sure that you’ve done the following:

544 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Set the connection protocol on the device to Garmin USB.

l Make sure the drivers for a USB connection are installed.

Q: The Almanac is not acquired. Why?

A: Some models of GPS devices need to have the Acquiring Satellites option turned ON to
acquire the Almanac.

Data Acquisition - Tom Tom GPS

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Acquisition is performed via the TomTom GPS Logical Plug-in.

Note: Connect the device to the computer and make sure it is detected on the
computer before you start the Acquisition Wizard.

Acquired Data - Tom Tom GPS

The TomTom GPS Logical Plug-in acquires GPS files from TomTom GPS devices.

Besides the standard case file containing the acquired data, the program allows you to create a
GPS file. This file contains information about tracks, routes, and waypoints stored on the
device. GPS files can be opened within the program and you can view information in Google
Earth without exporting this file.

The GPS file (TomTomGPS.gps) is placed as a sub-node of the device node and can be exported
for future examination.

The acquired files are parsed and shown in the form of a grid:

Data type Notes Data Format

Data stored in the device filesystem in the not
Filesystem Binary files
parsed form.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 545

Data type Notes Data Format

A grid containing the
Itinerary is planned route with destinations in
addition to the final destination. A TomTom l Longitude
Itineraries Itinerary is a file containing a list of locations that l Latitude
you can navigate. The locations are visited in the l Comments
order that they appear in the list. l Flag
l Other

A grid containing the

Phone numbers stored in the TomTom address Name
Contacts l
book. l Phone number
l Other

A grid containing the


Call Logs Incoming and outgoing calls. l Name

l Phone number
l Other

A grid containing the


l Name
l Phone number
SMS History Sent and Received SMS messages. l Message
l Time
l Type
l Other
546 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data type Notes Data Format

Home location,
Favorite location,
Recent locations and
Other locations in grid
form including the

l House number
l Location type
l Location
description 1
l Location
description 2
l Location
Configuration Map settings.
description 3
file l Location North
l Location East
l Road North
l Road East
l Location ID
l Turn Point I
l Turn Point 1
l Turn Point 2
l Turn Point 2

Supported Models - Tom Tom GPS

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, most TomTom models
should work with the program.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 547

Acquiring Data from Feature Phones

With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

About Feature Phone Plug-ins

The program allows you to acquire information from hundreds of models of feature phones.
These non-smartphones are sometimes referred to as legacy phones or cell phones.

The following types of devices can be acquired:

l Alcatel
l CDMA Devices
l Kyocera CDMA
l Motorola
l Motorola iDEN
l Nokia GSM
l Nokia TDMA
l Samsung CDMA
l Samsung GSM
l Sanyo CDMA
l Siemens
l Sony Ericsson

The types and amount of acquired data depend on the type of device. Usually, the feature
phone plug-ins in the program allow you to acquire the following data:

l SMS History (including deleted SMS)

l Phonebook (both stored in the memory of the phone and on the SIM card)
l Call History (received calls, dialed numbers, missed calls, etc.)
l Datebook/Scheduler/Calendar/To-Do List (if any)
l Filesystem (consists of the system files, multimedia files, java files, etc.)
548 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Acquisition - Alcatel

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process. Acquisition is performed via the
Alcatel Logical Plug-in.

Acquired Data - Alcatel

The Alcatel Logical Plug-in acquires the following data:

Notes Data Format
A grid containing the

History of call logs (dialed numbers, received calls l ID

Call logs Name
etc) l

l Number
l Date
l Memory type

A grid containing the

Numbers stored in the Phone memory and on ID
Phonebook l
SIM card l Name
l Mobile number
l Memory type

Supported Models - Alcatel

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any Alcatel model with a
data connection should work with the program.

Data Acquisition - CDMA Devices

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Physical acquisition is performed via the CDMA Devices Physical Plug-in.

Note: Physical acquisition of CDMA devices can be performed only via manual
plug-in selection.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 549

Acquired Data - CDMA Devices

The program acquires the following data in the binary format:

l GUID properties
l NV Memory Dump
l Memory Dump (for all phone models except Samsung CDMA)

Supported Models - CDMA Devices

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any CDMA model with a
data connection should work with the program.

Data Acquisition - Kyocera CDMA

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Acquisition is performed via the Kyocera CDMA Logical Plug-in.

Note: Physical acquisition is performed via the CDMA Devices Physical plug-in.

Acquired Data - Kyocera CDMA

The program acquires the Filesystem using the BREW protocol. All data is acquired in the
binary format.

Supported Models - Kyocera CDMA

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any Kyocera CDMA
model with a data connection should work with the program.

Data Acquisition - LG CDMA

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Acquisition is performed via the LG CDMA Logical Plug-in.

Note: Physical acquisition is performed via the CDMA Devices Physical plug-in.

Acquired Data - LG CDMA

The LG CDMA Logical Plug-in acquires the following data:

l SMS history
l Phonebook
l Filesystem
l Memo
550 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Call Logs
l Calendar

All data is acquired using the BREW protocol.

Data Type Notes Data Format

A grid containing the fields:

l Text
l State
l Type
SMS history SMS received and sent from the phone. l Sender/Recipient
l Response/Reception
l Subject

A grid containing the fields:

l Name
l Phone1
l Phone2
l Phone3
Phonebook Numbers stored in the Phone memory. l Phone4
l Phone5
l Email1
l Memo
l Email2
l Email3


Users files (Java

Multimedia, The amount of data acquired depends
Binary nodes
Sounds etc.) on the model of the phone and its state.

System files

CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 551

Data Type Notes Data Format

A grid that contains one
Memo File
l Memo

Call Logs

A grid containing the fields:

l Type of Call
Incoming Calls
l Phone Number
Outgoing Calls l Name
l Entry Number in
Missed Calls Phonebook
l Duration (s)
l Date


A grid containing the fields:

l Event ID
l Description
l Date Start
File Exceptions l Repeat
l Remind
File Calendar l Delay
l Ringtone
l Has Voice
l Voice ID

Supported Models - LG CDMA

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any LG CDMA model with
a data connection should work with the program.

Q: Data is not being read even though previous data was read without errors.

A: After acquiring data using the BREW protocol, you can't acquire data until you restart your
mobile phone. In this case, turn off your mobile phone and then turn it back on.
552 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Acquisition - LG GSM

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Acquisition is performed via the LG GSM Logical Plug-in.

Acquired Data - LG GSM

The program acquires the following data:

l Phonebook
l SMS History
l Memos
l Filesystem (if present)
l Scheduler
l Call Logs
l ToDo list

All data is acquired using the AT Protocol.

Notes Data Format
A grid containing the fields:

l Name
l Home number
Phonebook Numbers stored in the Phone memory. l Mobile number
l Office number
l Email
l Memo

A grid containing the fields:

l Text
l State
l Memory Type
SMS history Both sent and received SMS. l Sender/Recipient
l Response/Reception
l SMS Center Number
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 553

Notes Data Format
A grid containing the fields:
History of call logs (dialed numbers, received
Call Logs Number
calls etc). l

l Type

A grid containing the fields:

ToDo l Text
l Date
l Status

A grid containing the fields:

Memos l Text
l Date/time

A grid containing the fields:

l Text
Scheduler l Date/time
l Alarm date/time
l Repeat


Users files
(Java files,
Sounds etc) Binary nodes

The amount of data acquired depends on

System files
the model of the phone and its state.

Supported Models - LG GSM

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any LG GSM model with a
data connection should work with the program.

Q: The phonebook is not acquired from the phone. Why?
554 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

A: It means that the support of your model has not been added to EnCase Forensic yet. Please
send us your log files so that we are able to add support (the logs are located in C:\Program
Files (x86)\Guidance Software\Mobile Acquisition\logs by default).

Installing Drivers -Motorola

If you use a USB data cable for connecting your phone, you should install the proper drivers.

The installation consists of three steps.


Motorola drivers are included in the Driver Pack so you need to have it installed on your


The installation is performed when a new Motorola device is connected to the computer for
the first time.

1. The Found New Hardware message will appear in the right bottom corner of the screen.
2. At the same time, the Found New Hardware wizard appears on the screen. Click the Next
3. The drivers search starts (the drivers are copied to the disk when the program is
4. A caution message appears. Click the Continue Anyway button.
5. The installation finishes. Click the Finish button.
6. After this, it is recommended that you check whether the drivers are really installed. To
do this, go to Start\Settings\Control Panel\System\Hardware\Device
Manager. You should see the Mortorola USB Modem there.
7. This means the first step of the drivers installation has been performed successfully and
you can acquire data through the AT modem now (Phonebook, Calendar, Calls History,
and SMS history).


This part of the installation is performed when a Motorola device tries to acquire the file
system (or SMS and quick notes dump).

1. When you try to acquire this data for the first time, acquisition will be stopped and you
will see an error message.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 555

2. You will see a number of Found New Hardware messages in the tray notification area in
the bottom-right corner of the screen, and then the installation of all these subdevices
will begin. They will be installed one after another. Please note that this make some time.
Sometimes there will be a pause between the installation of different subdevices.
3. During the driver installation process, information in the device manager window is
changed. When the installation is totally finished, you should see all the interfaces under
Motorola USB device in gray. They should not be marked with question or exclamation
4. Reconnect or power-cycle the device and start acquisition.
Note: Whenever you make selections, please leave the radio button selections as
they are.

Data Acquisition - Motorola

Logical and physical acquisitions are performed using the standard process. When acquiring
data via a USB connection, please pay attention to the process of drivers installation. Follow all
the steps to acquire data without errors.

Please note that some devices, such as the Motorola VU 204, require the phone to be turned
off before acquisition.

Logical acquisition is performed via the Motorola Logical Plug-in.

Physical acquisition is performed via the Motorola Physical Plug-in.

Acquired Data - Motorola

All data is acquired by the TCI Protocol.


Logical acquisition acquires the following data:

556 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Notes Data Format Protocol

A grid containing
the fields:

l Location
(Phone AT protocol
Numbers stored in the Phone memory,
Phonebook OBEX protocol
memory. Own
(for some
Quick dial
l Number
l Name

A grid containing
the fields:

SMS history Both sent and received SMS. l Number TCI protocol
l Status
l Date/time
l Text

A grid containing
the fields:

l Name AT protocol
Missed, received, and dialed Number
Call logs l
calls list. l Direction

File System
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 557

Data Type Notes Data Format Protocol

TCI protocol (for
Users files (Java GSM phones)
Multimedia, BREW protocol
The amount of data acquired
Sounds etc) (for CDMA
depends on the model of the Binary nodes
phone and its state.
OBEX protocol
System files (for some models
of GSM phones)

A grid containing
the fields:

l Title
l Alarm timed AT protocol
l Alarm
Datebook enabled OBEX protocol
l Start (for some
time/date models)
l Duration
l Alarm
l Repeat

The amount of acquired data depends on the model and state of the phone. The types of data
listed above should be available; however, some of them can be empty or absent.


Physical acquisition acquires the following data:

558 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Notes Data Format
For SMS, a grid containing the fields:

l Creator number
l Sender number
l Recipient number
l Text
l Date/Time
l Dump (hyperlink that allows you
SMS History to view dump corresponding to
and quick SMS from Inbox and Outbox. the SMS in the Text and Hex
notes viewers)
Quick notes.
dumps For Quick notes, a grid containing the

l Text
l Date/Time
l Dump (hyperlink that allows you
to view dump corresponding to
the Quick notes in the Text and
Hex viewers)

A grid containing the fields:

l Name
Calls logs Incoming and outgoing calls. l Number
l Date/Time
l Duration

Restored security information

from the phone, including Data is shown in grid form.
security codes, IMEI, and more.

Note: Quick notes can only be extracted by physical acquisition. Logical acquisition
does not acquire them.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 559

Supported Models - Motorola

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any Motorola model
(other than iDen models which have their own plug-in) with a data connection should work
with the program.

Motorola FAQ
Q: I can't acquire data from this device. Why?

A: When acquiring data through a USB connection, make sure the process of drivers
installation is performed correctly.

See General Acquisition FAQ for more information.

Q: Data is not being read even though previous data was read without errors. Why?

A: After acquiring data by the TCI or BREW protocol, you can't acquire data until you restart
your mobile phone. In this case, turn off your mobile phone and then turn it on.

Q: After the acquisition, the phone does not connect.

A: The device may be locked. Restart it.

Data Acquisition - Motorola iDEN

Logical and physical acquisitions are performed using the standard process. Please pay
attention to the following when working with Motorola iDEN phones:

l Phones without SIM cards cannot be acquired.

l If acquisition from the current device has just been performed, you should reconnect or
restart it if you want to acquire data again.
l If you use a USB cable, make sure that the iDEN p2k Device – iDEN USB Modem drivers are

Logical acquisition is performed via the Motorola iDEN Logical Plug-in.

Physical acquisition is performed via the Motorola iDEN Physical Plug-in.


Logical acquisition acquires the following data from the phone SIM card:
560 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Notes Data Format Protocol
The grid
containing the
Phonebook fields: Direct
Numbers stored on the SIM Card
l ID protocol
l Number
l Name

The grid
containing the
Both sent and received SMS stored on the fields: Direct
SMS history
SIM Card l ID protocol
l Date/Time
l Text


SIM card Information stored on the SIM card (GSM, RSS

Binary nodes
filesystem iDEN and Telecom folders) protocol

The amount of acquired data depends on the model and state of the phone. The types of data
listed above should be available; however, some of them can be empty or absent.


Physical acquisition acquires the following parts of memory from the phone:

Data Notes Protocol

RAM Random Access memory

Flex Mobile's OS
Data is read using the I55
User protocol and Direct.
The amount of memory for any custom user data,
such as pictures, ringtones, Java files etc.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 561

Please note that data stored on the SIM card is not acquired.

Note: For Falkon models, the file system data is parsed.

Supported Models - Motorola iDEN

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any Motorola iDEN
model with a data connection should work with the program.

Motorola iDEN FAQ

Q: Data is not read. The Can't establish flashStarp connection error message appears. Why?

A: This may happen because the phone is not charged. Restart the phone, recharge it, and try

Data Acquisition - Nokia GSM

Logical and physical data acquisition procedures are performed using the standard process.

Logical acquisition is performed via the Nokia GSM Logical Plug-in.

Physical acquisition is performed via the Nokia GSM Physical Plug-in.

Nokia drivers for new Nokia phone models (Nokia N97, Nokia 6700, etc.) and older ones are
included in the Driver Pack.

Acquired Data - Nokia GSM

Usually the amount of acquired data depends on the model and state of the phone. The types
of data listed above should be available, however, some of them can be empty or absent.


Logical acquisition acquires the following data using the FBUS protocol:

Data Type Description Data Format

Phone Book
562 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Description Data Format

A grid containing the fields:

l Name
l General number
Phone Numbers stored in the phone memory.
l Home number
l Mobile number
l Work number
l Fax number
l Email 1
l Caller Group ID
l Caller Group Name
SIM card Numbers stored on the SIM card. l Caller Group Logo
l Postal, Note
l Date
l Ringtone ID


A grid containing the fields:

l Name
l Text
l Picture
l Type
l State
l Memory type
l Format
l Validity period
User folders l Sender/Recipient
l Re-
l Default Recipient
l SMS Centre number
l SMS Centre name
l Reply
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 563

Data Type Description Data Format

Call logs

Missed Calls
A grid containing the fields:
Received Calls
l Name
Dialed l No.
Numbers l Caller Group ID
l Date/Time


A grid containing the fields:

l Start date
Memo l End date
l Alarm date
Meeting l Silent alarm date
Birthday l Recurrence
l Text
Reminder l Location
l Phone

ToDo List

A grid containing the fields:

l Due date
l Complete Status
Sorted by l Alarm date
priority (High, l Silent alarm date
Low etc) l Text
l Private
l Category
l Contact ID
l Phone


Start up logos Binary nodes (image nodes)

564 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Description Data Format

WAP settings A grid containing the fields:
l Location
WAP l Title
bookmarks l URL

A grid containing the fields:

l Location
l Format
Profiles l Validity
l Name
l Default number
l Number

A grid containing the fields:

GPRS access l Position

points l Active
l Name

A grid containing one field:

l Text

Chat Settings

MMS Settings


FM Station

File System

Java files

Multimedia The amount of acquired data depends on

Binary nodes
Sounds the model of the phone and its state.

Other files
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 565


Physical acquisition acquires EEPROM memory using the FBUS protocol. The following data will
be parsed:

Data Type Description Data Format

Permanent Not parsed blocks of data stored in the
Binary nodes
Memory EEPROM.

A grid containing a number of

fields that depends on the
amount of data stored in the
device's memory.

Possible fields:

l Name
Parsed numbers stored in the phone l General Phone Number
Phonebook Mobile Phone Number
memory. l

l Home Phone Number

l Work Phone Number
l Fax Number
l Note
l Email
l Post Address
l Caller Group ID
566 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Description Data Format

A grid containing a number of
fields that depends on the
amount of data stored in the
device's memory.

Possible fields:

l Message type
l SMS text
l Picture number (the
SMS messages parsed from the picture with the
memory flash including Inbox, corresponding name is
Outbox, Archive, Template (User stored separately)
templates) folders. These folders can l Sender phone number
SMS History
include several subfolders Read, l Service phone number
Unread, Sent, Unsent, Deleted, l Date/Time
Template and Subfolders created by l Combined message ID
Users. (means that message
includes several parts)
l Part serial number
(number of the part of
the message Combined
message ID)
l Total number of parts
(total number of parts
in the message
Combined message ID)

Call logs
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 567

Data Type Description Data Format

A grid containing a number of
fields that depends on the
amount of data stored in the
device's memory.
Missed, Possible fields:
Restored from the phone memory Call
logs. l Name
l General Phone Number
l Mobile Phone Number
l Home Phone Number
l Work Phone Number
l Call Date


Call, Memo, A grid containing a number of

Meeting, fields that depends on the
Birthday, amount of data stored in the
Reminder device's memory.

The following phone properties stored in the EEPROM are parsed and shown in the Properties

l Serial Number
l Product code
l Basic product code
l Module code
l Hardware version
l Security Code

Supported Models - Nokia GSM

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, most Nokia models with
a data connection should work with the program.

Data Acquisition - Nokia TDMA

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process. Acquisition is performed via the
Nokia TDMA Logical Plug-in.
568 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Acquired Data - Nokia TDMA

The program acquires the Phonebook which is displayed in the form of a grid containing the

l Name
l General
l Location

Supported Models - Nokia TDMA

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, most Nokia TDMA
models with a data connection should work with the program.

Data Acquisition - Samsung CDMA

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Acquisition is performed via the Samsung CDMA Logical Plug-in.

Note: Physical acquisition is performed via the CDMA Devices Physical plug-in.

Acquired Data - Samsung CDMA

The Samsung CDMA Logical plug-in acquires the following data:

Comments Data Format
Phone Book
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 569

Comments Data Format
A grid containing the fields:

l Name
l Phone number 1
l Phone number 2
l Phone number 3
l Phone number 4
Numbers stored in the phone l Phone number 5
Contacts Speed dial number
memory. l

l Email
l Caller Group ID
l Date/Time
l Number Label
l Secrecy
l Memory Type


A grid containing the fields:

l Text
Tasks for the day. l Start date/time
l Finish date/time
l Creation date/time
l Alarm

SMS History

A grid containing the fields:

Received and sent SMS stored in the l Address
phone. l Message
l Date/Time

File System
570 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Comments Data Format
Java files

Multimedia The amount of data acquired depends

on the model of the phone and its Binary nodes
Sounds state.
Other files

Call History

A grid containing the fields:

l Name
Calls made from the device. l Mobile Number
l Date/Time
l Call Type


Field content in the grid depends on

Written records. data stored in each individual

ToDo History

A grid containing the fields:

l Text
Information from the ToDo list. l Due Date/Time
l Alarm Date/Time
l Priority

All data is acquired by the BREW protocol.

The amount of acquired data depends on the model and state of the phone. The types of data
listed above should be available; however, some of them can be empty or absent.

Supported Models - Samsung CDMA

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any Agere, Sysol, SGH-
C1xx, and SGH-A800 models with a data connection should work with the program.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 571

Samsung CDMA FAQ

Q: My device is not detected. How can I fix this?

A: Try downloading and installing the Kies application. It contains all necessary drivers for
Samsung devices:

Q: When recovering audio from a Samsung CDMA phone, there are files that are
unplayable with various types of media players after exporting. What do I do?

A: Samsung CDMA devices store *.wav files in their internal QCP format. For playing such wav
files, you should use QUALCOMM’s PureVoice Player.


Acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Acquisition is performed via the Samsung GSM Logical Plug-in.

It is strongly recommended that you enter the PIN code on your device before starting an
acquisition. Otherwise, some data (SMS, Calendar, Call Logs, and Phone Book) from the device
might not be acquired.


Data acquisition is performed using the standard process. Before acquisition, turn off the
phone, remove the battery, and insert it back again. After that, connect the phone to the
computer with the cable.

Acquisition is performed via the Samsung GSM Physical Plug-in.

Note: Don’t unplug the cable until acquisition completes.


Data acquisition is performed using the standard process. Before acquisition, turn off the
phone, remove the battery, and insert it back again. After that, connect the phone to the
computer with the cable.

Acquisition is performed via the Samsung GSM Physical Plug-in.

572 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07


Data acquisition is performed using the standard process. Before acquisition, turn off the
phone, remove the battery, and insert it back again. After that, connect the phone to the
computer with the cable.

When the phone is connecting to the computer (the Connection page appears), press the
Power button on your cell phone for 1-2 seconds. This activates the connection to the phone.
Be careful that the phone does not turn on. If it turns on, you should disconnect it and start
the acquisition procedure from the beginning (this can be tricky and may require many
attempts). Then click the Next button on the Complete Acquisition window.

Acquisition is performed via the Samsung GSM Physical Plug-in.


Data acquisition is performed using the standard process. Before the acquisition, turn off the
phone, remove the battery, and insert it back again. After that, connect the phone to the
computer with the cable. Turn on the phone and wait until it loads to the desktop or to the
Enter Your PIN screen. If it is a flip-phone, it should remain closed.

Acquisition is performed via the Samsung GSM Physical Plug-in.


The program acquires the following data:

Notes Data Format
Phone Book
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 573

Notes Data Format
A grid containing the fields:

l Name
Phone Numbers stored in the phone memory. l General number
l Home number
l Mobile number
l Work number
l Fax number
l Email 1
l Caller Group ID
SIM card Numbers stored in the SIM card. l Caller Group Name
l Caller Group Logo
l Postal, Note, Date
l Ringtone ID


A grid containing the fields:

l Start date
l End date
l Alarm date
Scheduler l Silent alarm date
l Recurrence
l Text
l Location
l Phone

SMS History
574 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Notes Data Format
A grid containing the fields:

l Text
Inbox l State
l Memory type
l Sender/Recipient
l Response/Reception
Outbox l Response/Reception
l SMS Centre number

File System

Java files

Multimedia The amount of data acquired depends on the

Binary nodes
Sounds model of the phone and its state.

Other files

The amount of acquired data depends on the model and state of the phone. The types of data
listed above should be present, however, some of them can be empty or absent.

Generally, all data is acquired by the AT protocol. The OBEX protocol is used for some models.


The program acquires only EEPROM.


The program acquires only EEPROM from Conexant generation phones and the file system
from Conexant 2 generation phones.


The program acquires three types of data: RAM, EEPROM, and NAND.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 575


The program acquires only EEPROM (with PIN Code extraction) and flash file system.

Samsung GSM FAQ

Q: My device is not detected. How can I fix this?

A: Try downloading and installing the Kies application. It contains all necessary drivers for
Samsung devices:

Q: I can't acquire the SMS, Calendar, Call Logs and Phonebook from this device. Why?

A: Some Samsung phones don't allow you to acquire these features until the PIN code is

Q: The acquisition has finished but the phone won't turn back on. What happened?

A: This happens because it takes time for the phone to switch off from the service mode. Try
pressing the power button for varying lengths of time. If the phone still doesn't turn on (some
firmware versions don't have a software reset), you should disconnect and then reconnect the
battery and try again.

Q: The phone does not switch to the service mode. Why?

A: This happens when the buffers are filled with trash data. In this case, turn the phone off and
then on or, if this does not help, disconnect and reconnect the battery.

Data Acquisition - Sanyo CDMA

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Acquisition is performed via the Sanyo CDMA Logical Plug-in.

Note: Physical acquisition is performed via the CDMA Devices Physical plug-in.

Acquired Data - Sanyo CDMA

The program acquires the following data by the BREW protocol:
576 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Note Data Format

A grid containing the fields:

l Name
l Numbers 1-7
Phone Book Numbers stored in the phone memory. l Email 1-2
l Address
l Memo
l Secret

A grid containing the fields:

l Phone number
SMS history Incoming and outgoing SMS. l Callback
l Date
l Priority
l Status
l Message

A grid containing the fields:

Call history Incoming, missed and outgoing calls. l Number

l Date
l Name

A grid containing the fields:

ToDo list Information from the ToDo list.
l ToDo
l Priority

File System User data and system files. Files in the binary format.

Supported Models - Sanyo CDMA

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any Sanyo CDMA model
with a data connection should work with the program.

Logical Acquisition - Siemens

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Acquisition is performed via the Siemens Logical Plug-in.

CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 577

Physical Acquisition - Siemens

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Acquisition is performed via the Siemens Physical Plug-in.

Before acquisition, turn off the phone, remove the battery, and insert it back again. After that,
connect the phone to the computer with the cable.

Please note that physical acquisition of Siemens devices can only be performed via manual
plug-in selection and you need to define the exact model of the phone.

When the phone is connecting to the computer, the Information screen appears.

Press the Power button of your mobile phone for 1-2 seconds. This activates the connection to
the phone. Make sure the phone stays turned off. If it turns on, you should disconnect it and
re-start the acquisition process.

The phone should not ask you to insert a SIM card.

Click Start Acquisition.


Logical acquisition acquires the following data:

Note Data Format Protocol
Phone Book

SIM card Numbers stored on the SIM Card.

A grid containing the
Numbers stored in the phone fields:
Phone AT
l Name protocol
Own l Mobile Number
The phone's own numbers.

578 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Note Data Format Protocol
A grid containing the

Inbox l Text
l State (Sent or
l Memory type
(Phone or SIM AT
card) protocol
l Sender/Recipient
Outbox l Response/
Reception Date
l SMS centre

Call logs


A grid containing the
Dialed l ID AT
numbers l Name protocol

Last dialing Last dialed numbers from the SIM l Mobile number
l Date/time
numbers card and phone memory.

Fixed SIM Fix Dialing, restricted

dialed phonebook.

File System
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 579

Note Data Format Protocol
Java files

Multimedia The amount of the acquired data OBEX

depends on the model of the phone Binary nodes
Sounds protocol
and its state.
Other files


A grid containing the


l Due date
l Complete status
l Completed OBEX
To Do List Start date
l protocol
l Text
l Priority
l Category
l Contact ID
l Phone

Phone Book OBEX

A grid containing the


l Name,
l Mobile number,
Numbers stored in the phone’s
l Home number, OBEX
Phone memory with more detailed Work number,
l protocol
information. l E-mail,
l Address,
l Group,
l Organization,
l Birthday

Usually the amount of acquired data depends on the model and state of the phone. The types
of data listed above should be present but sometimes some of it can be empty. Some old
models of phones do not support the standard version of the OBEX protocol. Data read by the
OBEX protocol in these phones cannot be acquired.
580 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07


Physical acquisition acquires data stored in the memory of the mobile phone. After
acquisition, it is automatically parsed and represented as a set of binary nodes. Even the
information usually represented as a grid (Phonebook, SMS, etc.) is acquired in the form of
binary files.

The following data will be acquired:

l Phone book
l SMS History (Inbox, Outbox)
l Java Files
l Multimedia Files
l User Settings
l Other Files Stored in the Memory

The amount of acquired information depends on the model of the phone and its state.

Siemens FAQ
Q: The filesystem cannot be not read although previously data was read without errors.

A: In some models of Siemens phones (A56i,C56, etc.), after the acquisition of the Calendar,
the file system cannot be read. In this case, turn off the device and then turn it back on. After
this, the file system can be acquired.

Data Acquisition - Sony Ericsson

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Acquisition is performed via the Sony Ericsson Logical Plug-in.

Acquired Data - Sony Ericsson

The Sony Ericsson plug-in acquires the following data:

Data Type Notes Data Format Protocol

Phone Book
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 581

Data Type Notes Data Format Protocol

A grid containing the fields:

l Name
l Mobile Number
l Home Number OBEX protocol
Numbers stored in the Work Number
l (if it is
Phone phone’s memory and on E-mail
l supported) or
the SIM card. URL
AT protocol
l Group
l Organization
l Birthday
l Address


A grid containing the fields:

Inbox l Text
l State (Sent or Read)
l Memory Type (Phone
or SIM card) AT Protocol
l Sender/Recipient
Outbox l Response/Reception
l SMS Center Number

Call Logs
582 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Data Type Notes Data Format Protocol

Missed Calls

A grid containing the fields:
Numbers l ID,
l Name, AT Protocol
Last dialed numbers l Mobile Number,
Last Dialed
from the SIM card and l Date/Time
phone memory.

SIM Fix Dialing, restricted

Fixed Dialing

File System

Java Files
The amount of data
Multimedia acquired depends on the
Binary Nodes OBEX protocol
Sounds model of the phone and
its state.
Other Files


A grid containing the fields:

To Do List
l Start Date,
Anniversary l End Date,
l Alarm Date,
l Silent Alarm Date, OBEX Protocol
Scheduler l Recurrence,
l Text,
l Location,
Call l Phone

Usually the amount of acquired data depends on the model and state of the phone. Parts of
the data listed above should be available but sometimes some of them can be absent.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 583

Some old models of phones do not support the standard version of the OBEX protocol. Data
read by the OBEX protocol from these phones cannot be acquired.

Supported Models - Sony Ericsson

Although all models available on the market today cannot be tested, any Sony Ericsson model
with a data connection should work with the program.

Data Acquisition - ZTE

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Acquisition is performed via the ZTE Logical Plug-in.

Acquired Data - ZTE

The program acquires the following data:

Data Type Notes Data Format

A grid containing the fields:
l Memory type

l Mobile number

l Name

l Mobile number 2

l Work number

l Home number

Phone Book Numbers stored in the phone memory. l City

l Country

l E-mail

l E-mail 2

l Fax number

l Postcode

l State

l Street

File System User data and system files. Files in the binary format

Supported Models - ZTE

Most ZTE devices should work with the program.
584 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Acquiring Data from SIM Cards

With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

Data Acquisition - SIM Cards

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Logical acquisition is performed via the SIM Card Reader Plug-in.

If the card is locked by a PIN code, you will be asked to enter it before acquisition starts.

Note: You only have 3 attempts to enter the PIN code. After that, the PUK code will
be requested. After you enter the right PUK, the SIM card PIN will be reset to 0000.

Acquired Data - SIM Cards

The program acquires data stored on the SIM card.

Data like SMS and phone numbers (Abbreviated Dialing Numbers and Service Dialing Numbers)
is acquired in two formats: parsed and unparsed.

Parsed data is represented as grids showing information in a way suitable for analyzing. Each
SMS message is shown in a separate grid which includes all information about the message.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 585

l Abbreviated dialing l Phase identification

numbers l PLMN selector
l Access control class l Extension1 l Positive/Favored SID
l Access Overload l Extension2 List
Class l Extension3 l Price per unit and
l Accumulated call l Extension4 currency table
meter l Fixed dialing numbers l Registration
l ACM maximum l Forbidden PLMNs Threshold
value l GPRS Ciphering key l RPLMN Last used
l Administrative data KcGPRS Access Technology
l Administrator Root l GPRS location l RPLMN Last used
Public Key information Access Technology
l AMPS Usage l Group ID l RUIM ID (for CDMA
Indicators l Group Identifier Level 1 RUIM)
l Automatic Answer l HPLMN search period l Service Dialing
for eMLPP Service l HPLMN Selector with Numbers
l Barred Dialing Access Technology l Service Provider
Numbers l ICC Identification Name
l Broadcast control l Image l SetUpMenu
channels l Initial Paging Channel Elements
l Call Count l International Mobile l Short message
l Capability Subscriber Identity status reports
configuration l Investigation Scan l Short messages
parameters l Language preference l SIM Electronic Serial
l Cell Broadcast l Last number dialed Number (for SIM
Message Identifier l Location information cards)
for Data Download l MExE Service table l SIM service table (for
l Cell broadcast l Mobile Identification SIM cards)
message identifier Number l SMS parameters
range selection l MSISDN l SMS status
l Cell broadcast l Negative/Forbidden l SoLSA Access
message identifier SID List Indicator
selection l Network's Indication of l SoLSA LSA List
l Ciphering key Kc Alerting l System ID
l Comparison l Operator controlled l Third Party Root
Method PLMN Selector with Public key
Information Access Technology l User controlled
l Co-operative l Operator Root Public PLMN Selector with
Network List Key Access Technology
l CPBCCH l Voice Broadcast
Information Service Status
586 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l De-personalization
Control Keys
l Emergency Call
Codes l Voice Broadcast
l Enhanced Multi- Service
Level Preemption l Voice Group Call
and Priority Service Status
l Extended Capability l Voice Group Call
configuration Service
l Extended Language

Most of the data listed above can be found in the file system folder in a parsed format.

Note: Usually the amount of acquired data depends on the model and state of the

For more information about data stored on the SIM card and abbreviation explanations, see
International Journal of Digital Evidence.

Besides the data listed above, the system and provider-specific data which wasn’t included in
any specification, if found on the device, will be acquired from GSM SIM and CDMA RUIM

Supported Models (Card Readers) - SIM Cards

The SIM Card Reader Logical plug-in supports data acquisition from both the GSM and CDMA
SIM cards.

The following types of card readers are supported:

CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 587

l COM SIM card reader

l USB SIM card reader

l PC\SC USB card reader

588 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Mass storage card reader

l All-in-one card reader

Note: There may be problems acquiring some SIM cards with mass storage SIM card
reader when running Windows 7 or later.

SIM Card Reader FAQ

Q: I cannot acquire data from the SIM Card. Why?

A: First, try the following:

l Make sure your SIM card reader is supported, connected to your PC, and is not dam-
l Thoroughly read the instructions on how acquisition should be performed.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 589

See also General Acquisition FAQ for more information.

Q: After acquiring information from the SIM card from a Siemens phone, I see the last
symbol in the names in the phone book is invalid. Why?

A: Siemens phones save the name of the group to which the number belongs in the last
character. That's why it cannot be parsed.

Q: Can I enter a PUK instead of PIN code to unlock a SIM card?

A: Yes. You can enter an invalid PIN code 3 times and then enter the right PUK. After that, the
PIN code will be reset to 0000.

Q: I cannot acquire a SIM card on Windows 8/10, although everything worked fine on
Windows 7. Is there a way to fix this?

A: By default, the latest available driver for SIM card readers is automatically installed on
Windows 8/10. You can try selecting an older driver.

To select a driver for a SIM card reader:

1. Open the Windows Device Manager.

2. In the device list, right click your SIM card reader and click Update Driver Software in the
context menu.
3. The Update Driver Software window opens.
4. On the How do you want to search for driver software page, click Browse my computer
for driver software.
5. On the Browse for driver software on your computer page, click Let me pick from a list
of device drivers on my computer.
6. On the Select the device driver you want to install for this hardware page, select the
required driver in the list and click Next.
7. The driver installation process starts.
8. After the driver is installed, click Close.

Acquiring Data from Memory Cards/Mass

Storages/e-Readers/Portable Devices
With the forensic process, it is important to note that, with embedded systems such as smart
devices, some data must be written to the device in order to communicate with it. Depending
on the type of device, the data that is written will change. However, in order to follow the
principles of forensics, the data that is written is documented and noted as part of the process.
590 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

This process is repeatable with multiple devices and is considered forensically sound. In each
section, the details of the process can be found. The methods used by the program are
designed to write the minimal amount of data to the device to allow for a forensically stable
data acquisition.

Data Acquisition - Memory Cards

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.

Physical acquisition is performed via the Memory Card Plug-in.

Acquired Data - Memory Cards

The Memory Card Physical plug-in performs a bit-stream acquisition of the memory card
filesystem. The filesystem is parsed and its content is shown in the form of binary files.

Supported Cards - Memory Cards

Although all memory cards available on the market today cannot be tested, any memory card
with the FAT filesystem (CompactFlash Card, MicroSD, Secure Digital Card, etc.) should work
with the program.

Data Acquisition - Portable Devices

Data acquisition of portable devices is performed using the standard process.

Logical acquisition is performed via the Portable Device Logical Plug-in.

Acquired Data - Portable Devices

The program acquires the user media content (image, audio, and video files) of a portable
device and any other files to which the device OS gives access.

Supported Models - Portable Devices

The program supports acquisition from a variety of portable devices, such as mobile phones,
digital cameras, portable media players, and Kindle e-book readers.

Portable Device FAQ

Q: I cannot acquire data from the Memory Card. Why?

A: Check that your card reader is supported, connected to your PC, and is not damaged.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 591

See also General Acquisition FAQ for more information.

Q: There are a number of empty folders acquired from the device. What are they?

A: A folder acquired from the device may be empty in the following cases:

l The folder is empty on the acquired device.

l The files in the folder are locked by the device OS.

Q: What is the difference between acquiring a device with its native plug-in and Portable
Device plug-in?

A: Portable Device plug-in guarantees to acquire only the user media content from the device.
Generally, a native plug-in allows to acquire more data. For example, many devices store
media files, such as music and photos, within the area of the device that can mount as media
for acquisition while the user data is stored in other areas only accessible with acquisition by
the native plug-in.

Q: How do I know that my device belongs to portable devices?

A: If you have a portable device, after connecting it to your computer it will be displayed under
the Portable Devices group in Computer (This PC in Windows 8 and 10).

Data Acquisition - Mass Storage

Data acquisition is performed using the standard process.
592 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Physical acquisition is performed via the Mass Storage/eReader Physical Plug-in.

Note: It can take a long time to acquire data from high capacity mass storage

Acquired Data - Mass Storage

The Mass Storage/e-Reader Physical plug-in performs a bit-stream acquisition of the mass
storage and e-Reader device filesystems. The filesystem is parsed and its content is shown in
the form of binary files. The items marked with a red X contain recovered deleted data.

Importing Data
Importing is the process of adding data received by other programs to the case.

You can import the following types of data:

l Data from Cellebrite UFED cases

l Data from iOS backup files (including encrypted backups)
l Data from RIM BlackBerry backup files (including encrypted backups)
l GPS and KML files
l Device backup data from Tarantula cases
l GSM tower information

Importing Data from Cellebrite UFED Cases

EnCase Forensic allows importing data from the cases created in Cellebrite UFED.

To import Cellebrite UFED case data:

1. Do one of the following:

o Click Add Evidence on the Home screen, then select Acquire from File on the Add
Evidence screen.
o Select Add Evidence > Acquire Mobile > Acquire from File from the top toolbar.

2. Complete the fields and select the output folder in the Output File Settings dialog and
click OK.
3. The Import Wizard opens. Select Cellebrite UFED Case and click Next.
4. Click Browse and browse to the file to be imported (*.ufd or *.xml). Click Finish.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 593

5. The data importing starts and a new Import stored mobile data task is added to the
Tasks pane, where you can view its general progress.
The progress is also displayed on the Importing File Process page of the Import wizard.
6. If the importing process finishes correctly, you will see the last page of the Import wizard.
Click Finish.
7. Data is imported to the case.

Importing Data from iOS Backup Files

EnCase Forensic allows you to import the following types of iOS backup data:

l iPhone OS 1.x – 11.0.x backup

l iPhone OS 3.x – 10.2 encrypted backup

Encrypted data can be imported from iOS 11 devices if you have the encryption key.

EnCase Mobile Investigator allows you to parse the following data from iPhone backups:

Parsed Recovered
Data Type Parsed Data
Address Book Images ü Ï

Calendar ü ü

Call History ü ü

Cell Locations ü ü

Contacts ü ü

Contact Properties Ï ü

Cookies ü Ï

Dynamic Text ü Ï

Messages (SMS, MMS, and

ü ü

Mac Address ü Ï

Mail Accounts ü Ï

Maps Bookmarks ü Ï
594 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Parsed Recovered
Data Type Parsed Data
Maps Directions ü Ï

Maps History ü Ï

Notes ü ü

Keychain Data (passwords and ü (encrypted backups

account info) only)

Safari History ü Ï

Safari Suspend State ü Ï

Safari Bookmarks ü Ï

Voicemail ü Ï

WiFi Locations ü ü

YouTube Bookmarks ü Ï

Device Properties ü N/A

In addition, encrypted iOS backups include extracted authentication data, which can be used
to import data from cloud-based services.

To import data:

1. Do one of the following:

o Click Add Evidence on the Home screen, then select Acquire from File on the Add
Evidence screen.
o Select Add Evidence > Acquire Mobile > Acquire from File from the top toolbar.

2. Complete the fields and select the output folder in the Output File Settings dialog and
click OK.
3. The Import Wizard opens. Select iPhone Backup and click Next.
4. Click Browse and browse to the file to be imported. Click Finish.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 595

Note: To import iPhone files, load the Manifest.plist file to make sure you have all
the supporting files in the backup folder intact. If you load an *.mdbackup file for
iPhones, you will not need any supporting files.

5. If the backup file is encrypted, you will be asked to enter a password. Enter a password
and click Next.
6. The data importing starts and a new Import stored mobile data task is added to the
Tasks pane, where you can view its general progress.
The progress is also displayed on the Importing File Process page of the Import wizard.
7. If the importing process finishes correctly, you will see the last page of the Import wizard.
Click Finish.
8. Data is imported to the case.

Importing Data from RIM BlackBerry 1.x - 7.x Backup Files

EnCase Forensic allows you to import RIM BlackBerry 1.x – 7.x backup data.

To import data:

1. Do one of the following:

o Click Add Evidence on the Home screen, then select Acquire from File on the Add
Evidence screen.
o Select Add Evidence > Acquire Mobile > Acquire from File from the top toolbar.

2. Complete the fields and select the output folder in the Output File Settings dialog and
click OK.
3. The Import Wizard opens. Select RIM Blackberry Backup and click Next.
4. Click Browse and browse to the file to be imported. Click Finish.
Note: To import BlackBerry backup files, load the backup file with the *.ipd
extension to make sure you have all supporting files in the backup folder intact.

5. If the backup file is encrypted, you will be asked to enter a password. Enter a password
and click Next.
6. The data importing starts and a new Import stored mobile data task is added to the
Tasks pane, where you can view its general progress.
The progress is also displayed on the Importing File Process page of the Import wizard.
7. If the importing process finishes correctly, you will see the last page of the Import wizard.
Click Finish.
8. Data is imported to the case.
596 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Importing Data from RIM BlackBerry 10.x Encrypted Backup

EnCase Forensic allows you to import RIM BlackBerry 10.0.x – 10.3.1 encrypted backup data.

Note: A BlackBerry 10 backup may be incomplete. To make sure all data from the
device is present in a backup, make a complete backup of the device if you have
access to it.

EnCase Mobile Investigator parses the following types of data from RIM BlackBerry 10 backup

l Calendar
l Contacts
l Call Logs
l Notes

Additionally, the following application data is parsed:

l BlackBerry Messenger
l Evernote
l Skype
l WeChat
l WhatsApp

To import data:

1. Do one of the following:

o Click Add Evidence on the Home screen, then select Acquire from File on the Add
Evidence screen.
o Select Add Evidence > Acquire Mobile > Acquire from File from the top toolbar.

2. Complete the fields and select the output folder in the Output File Settings dialog and
click OK.
3. The Import Wizard opens. Select RIM Blackberry Backup and click Next.
4. Click Browse and browse to the file to be imported. Click Finish.
5. You will be asked to enter a password. Enter a password and click Next.
Note: An active Internet connection is required to obtain a decryption key from
the RIM BlackBerry server after you enter the password.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 597

6. The data importing starts and a new Import stored mobile data task is added to the
Tasks pane, where you can view its general progress.
The progress is also displayed on the Importing File Process page of the Import wizard.
Note: When importing BlackBerry 10 encrypted backup, EnCase
Mobile Investigator performs the backup decryption procedure that requires at
least 3 times more space on the system disk than the size of the backup.

7. If the importing process finishes correctly, you will see the last page of the Import wizard.
Click Finish.
8. Data is imported to the case.

Importing GPS and KML Files

EnCase Mobile Investigator allows you to view information stored on GPS devices (waypoints,
tracks, etc.) on Open Street maps. The information is obtained from *.gps files, which can be
received from devices during acquisition. You can also import map files (*.gps and *.kml files)
to the E3 mobile data case and view them within Open Street maps.

To import map files:

1. Do one of the following:

o Click Add Evidence on the Home screen, then select Acquire from File on the Add
Evidence screen.
o Select Add Evidence > Acquire Mobile > Acquire from File from the top toolbar.

2. Complete the fields and select the output folder in the Output File Settings dialog and
click OK.
3. The Import wizard opens. Select the GPS and KML Map and click Next.
4. Click Browse and browse to the file to be imported. Click Finish.
5. The data importing starts and a new Import stored mobile data task is added to the
Tasks pane, where you can view its general progress.
The progress is also displayed on the Importing File Process page of the Import wizard.
6. If the importing process finishes correctly, you will see the last page of the Import wizard.
Click Finish.
7. Double-click a *.gps or *.kml file in the Data View pane (it is placed as a subnode of the
device node).
8. In the Data View pane, the Open Street Viewer opens. The information received from the
device is displayed in a tree-view structure on the right side of the pane.
9. Select the location (waypoint, route, etc.) in the tree view to navigate to it in the Open
Street Viewer.
598 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Importing Tarantula Data

EnCase Forensic allows importing device backup data created in Tarantula.

To import Tarantula data:

1. Do one of the following:

o Click Add Evidence on the Home screen, then select Acquire from File on the Add
Evidence screen.
o Select Add Evidence > Acquire Mobile > Acquire from File from the top toolbar.

2. Complete the fields and select the output folder in the Output File Settings dialog and
click OK.
3. The Import wizard opens. Select Tarantula and then click Next.
4. Click Browse and navigate to the file to be imported (*.xml). Click Finish.
5. The data importing starts and a new Import stored mobile data task is added to the
Tasks pane, where you can view its general progress.
The progress is also displayed on the Importing File Process page of the Import wizard.
6. If import finishes correctly, you will see the last page of the Import wizard. Click Finish.
7. Data is imported to the case.

Importing Cloud Data

Cloud data importing is the process of obtaining user data from cloud-based services via the
Internet using user account credentials or authentication tokens extracted from the following

l Logically acquired Android OS devices (devices already rooted or rootable by EnCase

Forensic )
l Imported encrypted iTunes backups (from devices with iOS 7.x and higher)
Note: The support of extraction from logically acquired iOS devices will be added
in the future releases.

Using the Cloud Data Import wizard, you can obtain data from online services, such as:

l Facebook
l Gmail
l Google Drive
l Twitter
l Amazon Alexa
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 599

Extracting Authentication Data File

An authentication data file is a binary file that contains authentication tokens, web cookies,
and saved user credentials. The authentication data file is automatically created in case data in
the following situations:

l When you perform a logical acquisition of an Android OS device (devices already rooted
or rootable by EnCase Forensic ).
l When you import an encrypted iTunes backup (from devices with iOS 7.x and later).

After acquisition/importing, you will find the authentication data file in the Authentication
Data folder in the device/backup root folder. The file name contains the name of the device
from which it was extracted and the time of extraction.

This file is used to obtain data from the corresponding cloud-based service accounts via the
Cloud Data Import wizard.

In the current version of EnCase Forensic , authentication data for the following services is

l Amazon Alexa
l Facebook
l Gmail
l Google Drive
l Google Locations
l Twitter
Note: For iOS backups, Gmail and Google Drive authentication data can be
extracted only if the user logged in to these services via a mobile browser.

Importing Cloud Data

EnCase Forensic allows you to import data from cloud-based services in one of the following

l Using authentication data file extracted from logically acquired Android OS data or from
imported encrypted iTunes backups
l By manually entering credentials from the user’s account
Note: User credentials for cloud-based services can sometimes be found in parsed
iOS keychains (primarily in the General Password Data and Web-form Passwords

To import data from cloud-based services:

600 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

1. If you have an authentication data file in your case, export it to your computer.
2. Do one of the following:
o Click Add Evidence on the Welcome screen, select Acquire from Cloud in the
Acquire Smartphone category, and click OK.
o In the top navigation bar, click Add Evidence > Acquire Mobile > Acquire from

3. The Output File Settings window appears. Fill out the information on both tabs and click
4. The Cloud Data Import Wizard opens and the Accounts and Sources page is displayed.
5. If necessary, in the Cloud investigation name field, define the name under which impor-
ted data will appear in the case.
6. Do one of the following:
o To add accounts from an authentication data file, click Add Auth Data File and
select the previously exported authentication data file.
Note: Some account logins may be unknown until the corresponding
accounts are authenticated.
o To add accounts manually, click Add Account, and define a Data Source (service)
from which data must be imported, Account/Login, and Password.

7. Select the checkboxes of the accounts from which you want to import data and click
8. The authentication of the selected accounts starts and its progress is displayed on the
Authentication Process page.
Note: During authentication, account credentials and tokens are sent directly to
the corresponding authentication servers and are not saved anywhere.

9. After the authentication process finishes, click Continue.

10. On the Data for Importing page, the list of successfully authenticated accounts will be dis-
11. Do the following (if necessary) and click Import Data:
o Select the Select custom date range for time related data checkbox and select the
date range for which time-related data (messages, calendar, etc.) from selected
accounts must be imported.
Note: Data that does not have timestamps, such as contacts or images, will
be imported to the full extent.
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 601

o Select accounts in the accounts table and then select which data must be imported
from each account. To import all data from an account, select a checkbox next to it;
to import no data, clear a checkbox next to it.

12. The cloud data importing starts and a new Import data from cloud task is added to the
Tasks pane, where you can view its general progress.
13. The progress is also displayed on the Importing Progress page of the Cloud Data Import
14. After the importing finishes, click Finish.

Imported Cloud Data

The Cloud Data Import wizard allows you to import the following data from cloud-based

Service Imported
Additional Information
Name Data
l User name is the user's first and last name.
l User ID is the user's username for Amazon.
l User email is the email address associated with the
User name user's Amazon account.
User ID l Recording time is the date and time of recorded
User email voice activity. The format is YYYY-MM-DD
Recording time HH:MM:SS.
Summary l Summary is Alexa's interpretation of the voice
Audio activity.
Device type l Audio is the audio file for the voice activity.
l Device type is the type of Alexa device that has been
synched with Amazon. For example, the Amazon
Echo an Echo Dot are both Alexa devices.

News Feed Facebook contains photos and message attachments.
Facebook Notifications Depending on the number and the size of attachments,
Conversations importing may take some time.
Photo Albums
(including actual
602 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Service Imported
Additional Information
Name Data
Sent Mail
Gmail messages include email attachments. Depending on
Gmail the number and size of attachments, importing may take
some time.

User storage
Google files During importing, all files from selected folders are
Drive Files shared downloaded. This may take a while.
with a user

Google Saved Places

Locations Timeline

Posted Tweets

Cloud Data Importing FAQ

Q: How long can a token stay valid?

A: It depends on the type of the service. Token lifespan may be unlimited or may be just half
an hour.

Q: Can I view the passwords from extracted authentication data?

A: No, the passwords are stored in an encrypted format and cannot be viewed.

General Acquisition FAQ

Q: My device is not displayed on the Home page. Why?
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 603

A: Some devices require special actions to be performed so that the device is detected. Start
the acquisition wizard or see the FAQ for the corresponding device for more information.
Additionally, some devices, like Psion 16/32-bit devices, cannot be automatically detected and
must be acquired via manual plug-in selection (see the description of data acquisition process
for the corresponding device).

Q: The type of device connection is not shown in the Connections Selection page of the
Acquisition Wizard. Why?

A: One of the following may cause the problem:

l The PC port is locked by another program (close the programs which may be locking the
l The port of the cell phone is locked. Restart the phone (if this doesn't help, take out the
battery and re-insert it).
l If a USB Connection is not shown, it may be because the drivers of the USB port are not
l Some devices require special actions to be performed so that the device is detected. Click
the troubleshooting link in the bottom of the Home page of the Acquisition Wizard or see
the FAQ for the corresponding device for more information.

Q: Data acquisition won't start. An error message appears. Why?

A: The error message contains the description of the error and advice on what to do to solve
the problem.

Your problem can be caused by the following:

1. Phone problems:
o Check whether the device is charged.
o Check whether the device is turned on (for logical acquisition) or, in some cases,
turned off (for physical acquisition).
o Read the instructions on how the acquisition for your device should be performed.

2. Problems with the cable:

o Check whether the cable is connected to the device and to the computer properly.
o Check whether the cable is compatible with your device.
o Check whether the cable working.

3. Problems with the software:

o Check whether the drivers for the USB port are installed (if you use a USB con-
604 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

o Check that your port is not locked by any other program.

o There may be issues with Microsoft ActiveSync on some computers. Try uninstalling
it if you have problems with acquisition.

4. Manual selection problems:

o Try acquiring the device via automatic detection.
o Check whether the manufacturer was selected correctly.
o Check whether the device model was selected correctly.
o Check whether the connection type was selected correctly (make sure you are select-
ing the correct port).
o Check whether the drivers for the USB port are installed (if you use a USB con-

If you can't find the problem, try doing the following:

1. Disconnect the cable from the computer as well as from the phone and then reconnect it
2. Turn on/off the phone and turn it off/on again and reload the phone.
3. Pull out the battery from the phone and insert it back again.

If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.

Q: The Data Acquisition Process starts correctly but, in the middle of the acquisition, an
error appears. Why?

A: Your problem can be caused by the following:

l Bugs in the device’s operating system. In this case, try reloading your device.
l The phone ran out of power. Charge the phone and try again.
l The connection was broken. Maybe the cable was unplugged accidentally or has a loose

Q: Some data that should be acquired is not acquired. Why?

A: Bugs in the device's operating system may cause this error. Try reloading your device. You
can also try acquiring each type of data separately.

Q: I have X phone from Y manufacturer and I get the message that the phone isn't
supported. Why isn't this particular phone supported yet?
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 605

A: There are currently thousands of models of phones out on the market, and new phones are
being introduced every day. It is impossible for Guidance Software to support and test every
make and model that is available. We are trying to add support for all the most popular model
phones on the market and are adding more model support every month. If you have a model
that isn't currently supported, please follow these instructions for submitting log files, and
we'll work on adding support for your phone as soon as possible:

1. Once the device is connected properly to your computer, begin the acquisition.
2. After the acquisition finishes (timeout, error, problem), close EnCase Forensic .
3. Browse to the Logs folder (by default, it is C:\Program Files (x86)\Guidance
Software\Mobile Acquisition\logs).
4. In the Logs folder, find the log that corresponds to the manufacturer of the phone you
tried to acquire. For each plug-in, there are two logs present: *.txt and *.dump (for
example, plugin.psion_logical.txt and plugin.psion_logical.dump).
5. Rename the log file to include the model number of the phone. For example motorola_
log.txt should be renamed to motorola_c331_log.txt.
6. Check the size of the log file to ensure that information from the acquisition was cap-
tured. If the file is a zero byte file, try acquiring the phone again.
7. Once the log file has been renamed, place the file in a .zip archive to ensure that, when
we receive the file, the data is unaltered. Some mail servers alter the data contained in
*.txt files. Sending it in a zip file ensures that this does not happen.
8. Contact Technical Support.

Q: EnCase Forensic shuts down after the first 10 minutes of acquisition. Why?

A: Chances are that you are running a personal firewall on the same machine that you are
using EnCase Forensic on. The personal firewall will block the communication between your
device and the computer. Disable the firewall and start the acquisition process again. This will
most commonly occur when you work with a Windows Mobile 5 device.

Q: How can I check that the Prolific drivers for my device are installed correctly?

A: If you want to check whether the Prolific drivers were properly installed, do the following:

1. Connect your device to the computer using a USB cable.

2. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager.
3. There, in the list of ports, you should see a new COM port that will have a name similar to
USB virtual serial port (COM 15). Its name will change depending on the kind of device
that is connected and the system parameters.

Q: What should I do if the drivers for my device are not installed?

606 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

A: Drivers for most supported types of devices are included in the Mobile Driver Pack, which
you can download from www.guidancesoftware.com. If none of the drivers installed from the
Mobile Driver Pack work, try searching the web or contacting our support staff.

Q: What kinds of devices are currently supported with EnCase Forensic ?

A: We currently support a broad range of Sony-Ericsson, Motorola, LG, Nokia, Samsung,

Siemens, Sanyo, Kyocera, ZTE, iPhone, and Google Android phones as well as PDAs running
the Palm OS through 5.4, WebOS, Windows CE/Pocket PC/Mobile 5.0 (and some 6.0 devices)
and earlier, Windows Phone 7 & 8, RIM BlackBerry, Symbian 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, & 9.0, EPOC 16/32
(Psion devices) Operating Systems, Garmin and TomTom GPS devices, GSM and CDMA SIM
cards, media cards, and Windows Portable Devices.

Q: Does EnCase Forensic support the acquisition of SIM cards that are located in many
GSM and even some CDMA phones?

A: Yes, EnCase Forensic supports full acquisition of GSM and CDMA SIM cards from all

Q: I acquired a GSM phone and later on I acquired the same GSM phone and I had more
results the second time around. What is causing this?

A: The first time you performed acquisition, the SIM card in the phone hadn't fully initialized
yet. When you power a phone with a SIM card, it takes anywhere from one to three minutes
for the phone to fully initialize the SIM card. If you perform acquisition before the SIM card is
done initializing, EnCase Forensic won't be able to acquire all the data located on the phone.
The solution to this is to wait one to three minutes before starting your acquisition.

Q: I have EnCase Mobile Investigator and a pile of cell phones but I can't find the correct
data cable to connect the phone to the computer. Where can I find the correct data cables?

A: EnCase Mobile Investigator includes a toolbox of cables and hardware. You'll not only
receive cables that work on most phones on the market today, you'll receive a StrongHold
Bag, power adapters, a remote charger, and more. Guidance Software also offers the Mobile
Field Kit for a complete portable forensic solution that allows you to perform acquisitions,
analysis, and reporting in the field. For more information on our Electronic Evidence Examiner
Toolbox, please visit www.guidancesoftware.com. As new software support is added, we also
add new cable connection support.

Q: The Electronic Evidence Examiner Toolbox doesn't include the cable I need. What now?
CHAPTER 14   Acquiring Mobile Data 607

A: Guidance Software will be happy to help you locate the cables you require. Please contact
Technical Support.

Q: Can EnCase Forensic recover deleted text messages from phones and the SIM card?

A: Yes. EnCase Forensic can recover deleted SMS text messages from SIM cards and phones.
However, as with any deleted data, there is a possibility that some data recovered will be in
fragments and incomplete or that the data has been entirely overwritten. This all depends on
when the message was deleted and what other information had been written to the phone or
SIM card. Deleted data recovery can also depend on whether the plug-in(s) for your device
support deleted data recovery.

Q: Can EnCase Forensic acquire graphics/pictures from cell phones and PDAs?

A: Depending on the make and model of the device, yes. EnCase Forensic can acquire pictures
that are either downloaded or created through the use of the built in camera.

Q. Does information on the device change when I acquire the data?

A: For some devices, it is necessary to place a file on the phone to gain access for acquisitions.
To acquire more of the memory, EnCase Forensic has to place a small file in an empty section
of the device memory which is removed after the acquisition. This is well documented in the
report and does not affect any user data.

Q. Why does the file DB_notify_register change when I acquire the device?

A: The file DB_notify_register is being constantly changed by the OS. Simply plugging the
WinCE device into the charging cradle changes it. Windows CE handles two types of
notification events: Timer events and system events. Timer events indicate that a specified
time has arrived such as an appointment or a meeting. System events are triggered when the
device encounters a change such as AC power connection or disconnection. To support these
two types of notification events, the base notification engine maintains two databases: DB_
notify_queue for timer events and DB_notify_register for system events.
608 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Overview 611

Configuring EnCase to Display Non-English Characters 611

Changing the Default Code Page 612

Setting the Date Format 613

Assigning a Unicode Font 613

Viewing Unicode Files 614

Text Styles 615

Configuring Windows for Additional Languages 615

610 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 15   Working with Non-English Languages 611

This chapter describes how to use EnCase when working with evidence in languages other than

The Unicode standard attempts to provide a unique encoding number for every character
regardless of platform, computer program, or language. Unicode encompasses a number of
encodings. In this document, Unicode refers to UTF-16 (Unicode 16-bit Transformation
Format). Currently more than 100 Unicode code pages are available. Because EnCase
applications support Unicode, investigators can search for and display Unicode characters, and
thus support more languages.

EnCase also supports code pages, which describe character encodings for a particular
languages or set of languages that use the same superset of characters. In some cases, it is
necessary to assign a code page to properly display the language. Thus, EnCase supports both
Unicode character sets that do not require a code page as well as legacy character encodings
(for example, ISO Latin, Arabic, and Chinese) that do require a specific code page to display
properly. You need to use a code page in EnCase only when your non-English document
contains a set of these legacy character mappings.

EnCase supports character codes other than 16-bit Unicode for working with non-Unicode,
non-English-language text.

Working with non-English languages typically involves performing these tasks:

l Changing the default Code Page.  See  Changing the Default Code Page on the next page.
l Adjusting the date format. See  Setting the Date Format on page 613.
l Assigning a Unicode font. See  Assigning a Unicode Font on page 613.
l Creating non-English language search terms.
l Bookmarking non-English language text.
l Viewing Unicode files. See  Viewing Unicode Files on page 614.
l Viewing Non-Unicode files.

Configuring EnCase to Display Non-English

When working with non-English languages, an examiner must consider and decide whether to
undertake the following tasks.
612 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07


l If you are running a non-English version of Windows, make sure that you have correctly

installed and configured the appropriate Microsoft language pack.

l Make sure that you have installed the set of fonts needed to support the character set

for your non-English version of Windows, or have installed a Unicode font.

l Optionally, configure your system to support the keyboard and input language desired.


l Optionally, set the date format that is commonly used with the language.

l Select a default font for each available user interface element.


l You can create and search for non-English language search terms, bookmark non-English

language text, browse through tables and trees in non-English text, etc.
l You can override global settings when viewing content in the Text or Hex tabs of the View

pane. For more information, see  Changing Text Styles on page 204.

Global internationalization settings are located in the Options dialog. From the Global tab you
can configure EnCase to display non-English characters in status bars and tabs, dialogs, tables,
data views (including text, hex, transcripts), and in the EnScript script editor.

Changing the Default Code Page

The code page you use with EnCase determines the character set required by the language. By
default, EnCase uses the default Windows code page (Windows-1252), which handles the
majority of Western languages. You can also configure EnCase for Unicode or a specific code
page as a global default.

To change the code page:

1. Click Tools > Options. In the Options dialog select the Global tab.
2. Click Change Code Page. The Code Page dialog displays.
CHAPTER 15   Working with Non-English Languages 613

o Unicode specifies little-endian Unicode. If UTF-7 or UTF-8 is used, select Other, not
o Unicode Big-endian specifies big-endian Unicode.
o Other lets you select a specific code page from the list.
o Select the appropriate option and click OK.

Note: Linux implements special characters (such as German umlauts) using

Unicode UTF-8 encodings, but EnCase by default does not decode these 2-byte UTF-
8 encodings when it displays the file and folder names. Workaround: Change the
Code Page to UTF-8 to see characters with codes above 127. Setting the Code Page
in EnCase to UTF-8 if the locale is unknown is better than using the default when an
evidence or dd image acquired from *NIX is added to EnCase.

Setting the Date Format

After assigning a code page, you can set the date format to match the selected country:

1. In the Options dialog open the Date tab.

2. Configure the desired date and time format. See  Date Options on page 39.

Assigning a Unicode Font

If you choose a Unicode option as an EnCase global default, you also must assign a Unicode
font for interface elements where non-English language characters display.

1. In the Options dialog, select the Fonts tab.

2. Double click the font box for the interface element. The Font dialog opens.
614 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. Change the font to Arial Unicode MS or another available Unicode font and click OK.
4. Repeat for each interface element that you want to configure.
5. Click OK. The interface elements you selected in the Fonts tab are now configured to dis-
play characters according to the non-English, Unicode character set. See  Font Options on
page 42 for more information.

Viewing Unicode Files

Unicode interprets fonts as 16-bit words. When you select Unicode fonts, 8-bit character sets
and 7-bit ASCII characters do not display correctly. Use an 8-bit font such as Courier New for
English text.

To properly display the characters in certain code pages, you should select a Unicode display

Characters that are not supported by the font or code page display as a default character,
typically either a dot or a square. Modify this character when using text styles in the Text and
Hex tabs of the View pane.

By default, EnCase displays characters in ANSI (8-bit) format on the Text and Hex tabs in
Courier New font. Viewing Unicode files requires modifications to both the formatting and the
font. First, the file or document must be identified as Unicode. This is not always

Text files (.txt) containing Unicode usually begin with a Unicode hex signature \xFF\xFE.
However, word processor documents written in Unicode are not so easy to identify. Typically,
word processor applications have signatures specific to the document, making identification of
the file as Unicode more difficult.

You can change the code page from either the Text or Hex tabs in the View pane by clicking
Codepage. A list of the most recently used codepages displays.

1. To select a new codepage, click Codepages. The Code Pages dialog displays.
2. Select the desired Unicode-based text style. See  Changing the Default Code Page on
page 612.
3. EnCase updates the text displayed in the Text or Hex tab to reflect the new encoding.
CHAPTER 15   Working with Non-English Languages 615

Text Styles
The display of non-English language content is controlled by both the type face of the content,
and the text style applied to the content. A text style applies various font attributes, including:

l Line wrapping
l Line length
l Replacement character
l Reading direction
l Font color
l Class of encoding
l Specific encoding

Text styles are global and can be applied to any case after they are defined. Apply text styles in
the Text and Hex tabs in the View pane. See  Changing Text Styles on page 204.

Configuring Windows for Additional Languages

There are several ways you can configure Windows to work with non-English languages. You
can configure a keyboard for specific languages. You can also enter non-English content using a
character map utility.

Configuring the Keyboard for Additional Languages

Windows lets you configure a keyboard for specific languages. After configuring the keyboard,
you must have a keyboard map or familiarity with the keyboard layout of the language.

These instructions are for Windows 7 and Windows 8. Configuring other Windows versions is

To add a keyboard map:

1. Click Start and type change keyboard in the search bar, or click Start > Control Panel
> Change keyboards or other input methods. The Keyboards and Languages tab of the
Region and Language dialog displays.
2. Click the Change keyboards button. The General tab of the Text Services and Input Lan-
guages dialog displays.
3. In Installed services, click Add. The Add Input Language dialog displays.
4. Click on the plus box next to the language you want to add, click the plus box next to Key-
board, and click the checkbox next to the language you want to add.
5. Click OK.
616 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The keyboard is now be mapped to the selected language. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any
additional languages you want to add.

To select and use an installed language map:

1. Click the two letter language code in the notification area of the Windows taskbar.

2. Keyboard mapping options display. Select the language you want to use.

Entering Non-English Content with the Windows Character

Windows provides a character map utility so you can enter non-English character strings
without remapping the keyboard.

1. From the Windows Desktop, click Start, type charmap into the search box, and press the
Enter key, or click Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map.
The Character Map utility displays.
CHAPTER 15   Working with Non-English Languages 617

2. Click the desired character, then click Select to add the character to the Characters to
Copy box.
3. Repeat step 2 to add more characters.
4. Click Copy, then paste the characters where you want to use them.
618 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Overview 621

Creating a LinEn Boot Disk 621

Configuring Your Linux Distribution 622

Performing Acquisitions with LinEn 623

LinEn Manual Page 646

620 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 16   Using LinEn 621

The LinEn™ utility is an acquisition tool for creating evidence files using a Linux "live"
CD/DVD that does not alter any potential evidence on the drives to be acquired. You run the
LinEn CD/DVD on a Linux operating system to perform drive-to-drive and crossover

LinEn runs in 32-bit mode, independently of the Linux operating system to quickly acquire data
from a large set of devices.

Creating a LinEn Boot Disk

To run LinEn on the subject machine, you must create a LinEn boot disk. Also, you must have
an ISO image of one of the popular live Linux distributions you want to use, such as Knoppix,
as a Linux distribution does not install itself on the subject machine.

Note: Because it is not practical to modify the settings of a live Linux distribution,
ensure that the live distribution does not automatically mount detected devices.

To create a LinEn Boot disk:

1. Using your EnCase application on the investigator's machine, click Tools > Creat Boot
Disk. The Choose Destination dialog of the Create Boot Disk wizard displays.
2. Click ISO Image, then click Next. The Formatting Options dialog of the Create Boot Disk
wizard displays.
3. Provide a path and filename to the ISO image you downloaded earlier, or click Alter Boot
Table, and click Next. The Copy Files dialog of the Create Boot Disk wizard displays.
4. Right click in the right pane of the Copy Files page, and click New. The file browser opens.
5. Enter or select the path to the LinEn executable, usually c:\program
files\encase8\linen, click OK, then click Finish. The Creating ISO progress bar dis-
plays on the Copy Files dialog. After the modified ISO file is created, the wizard closes.
6. Burn the ISO file onto a blank CD/DVD using the disk burning software of your choice.

You now have a boot disk to run Linux and LinEn while you acquire the subject Linux device.

Note: LinEn does not boot Windows 8 computers when UEFI Mode and Secure
Boot are enabled. The new UEFI (Windows 8 BIOS) has additional checks to prevent
malicious software from booting Windows 8 computers. Every operating system
requires a key. Linux cannot provide this, so it is not allowed to boot. You must
disable the UEFI to allow Linux to boot a Windows 8 computer.
622 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Configuring Your Linux Distribution

Before you can run LinEn on Linux, you must configure the Linux distribution. Due to the
nature of Linux and its distributions, only the following are discussed:

l SUSE 9.1
l Red Hat
l Knoppix
Note: Because of the dynamic nature of Linux distributions, Guidance Software
recommends that you validate your Linux environment before using it in the field.

This process describes an ideal setup that effectively runs the LinEn application in a forensically
sound manner.

To prevent inadvertent disk writes, you must make modifications to the operating system.
Linux has an autofs feature, installed by default, that automatically mounts and writes to any
medium attached to the computer. It is essential that you disable autofs to prevent automatic

Obtaining a Linux Distribution

You can obtain a Linux distribution from any Linux vendor.

If you intend to use a LinEn boot disk, you must have a live distribution, such as Knoppix, to
create a boot disk. If you intend to run LinEn on an installed version of Linux on your examiner
machine, we recommend SUSE or Red Hat.

For the Linux distributions discussed in relation to LinEn, obtain a distribution from one of the

l For the latest SUSE distribution, go to the Suse website (http://www.suse.com).

l For the latest Red Hat distribution, go to the Red Hat website (http://www.redhat.com).
l For the latest Knoppix distribution, go to the Knoppix website (http://www.knoppix.org).

LinEn Setup Under SUSE

To perform this setup process, you must have SUSE installed on your Linux machine.
CHAPTER 16   Using LinEn 623

1. Copy the LinEn executable from C:\Program Files\EnCase8 on your Windows

machine to the desired directory, /usr/local/encase on your Linux machine.
2. Open a command shell on your Linux machine and run LinEn as root/super user.
3. Enter chmod 700 /usr/local/encase/linen. This changes the permissions on the
LinEn executable, so that it can only be executed by root/super user.
4. Close the command shell.
5. Click Main Menu > System > Configuration > YaST. Yet Another Setup Tool (YaST) is
used to configure various settings for your Linux operating system.
6. Open the Runlevel Editor.
7. Ensure that autofs is disabled.

LinEn Setup Under Red Hat

To perform this setup process, you must have Red Hat installed on your Linux machine.

1. Copy the LinEn executable from C:\Program Files\EnCase8 on your Windows

machine to the desired directory, /usr/local/encase on your Linux machine.
2. Open a command shell on your Linux machine and run LinEn as root/super user.
3. Enter chmod 700 /usr/local/encase/linen. This changes the permissions on the
LinEn executable, so that it can only be executed by root/super user.
4. Close the command shell.
5. Click Main Menu > System Settings > Server Settings.
6. Ensure that autofs is disabled.

Performing Acquisitions with LinEn

The EnCase LinEn utility provides the following methods of acquiring evidence from a subject

l Drive-to-drive acquisitions
l Crossover cable acquisitions

Drive-to-drive acquisitions provide the means to safely preview and acquire devices without
using a hardware write blocker. Drive-to-drive acquisitions use either the subject machine or
the forensic machine to perform the acquisitions.

Crossover cable acquisitions require both a subject and forensic machine. This type of
acquisition also does not require a hardware write blocker. It may be desirable in situations
where physical access to the subject machine's internal media is difficult or not practical. This is
the recommended method for acquiring laptops and exotic RAID arrays. This method is slower
than a drive-to-drive acquisition because data is transferred over a network cable, making it
especially sensitive to the speed of the network cards housed in both machines.
624 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Setup for a Drive-to-Drive Acquisition

When a subject drive from the subject machine cannot be acquired via a crossover cable
acquisition, the subject drive can be acquired via a drive-to-drive acquisition. Drive-to-drive
acquisitions can be done in the following ways:

l Running a LinEn boot disk on the forensic machine

l Running the LinEn utility from Linux already installed on the forensic machine
l Running a LinEn boot disk on the subject machine

Any of these cables can be used as a hard disk cable:

l IDE Cable
l USB Cable
l Firewire

The following diagrams show setups for drive-to-drive acquisitions:

1. The forensic machine, running LinEn from the LinEn Boot Disk, connected to the subject
hard drive.
2. The forensic machine, booted to Linux and running LinEn, connected to the subject hard
3. The subject machine, running LinEn from the LinEn Boot Disk , connected to the target
hard drive.
CHAPTER 16   Using LinEn 625

Drive-to-Drive Acquisition
Before you begin, identify the subject drive to be acquired and the storage drive to hold the
acquired evidence file.

If the FAT32 storage partition to be acquired has not yet been mounted, do so.

Navigate to the folder where LinEn resides and enter ./linen in the console. The LinEn main
window displays.

Load Local Device

To acquire a device, you first load a local device.                                                                                                                               

1. Select the Load menu > Local Devices option to add a local device to the Device Window.
2. The Add Local Device dialog displays. Here you can add one or more devices to LinEn.
626 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The Add Local Device dialog contains a list of all devices, both full drives and partitions.

The Path option changes the directory scanned for devices. Selecting Path and pressing Enter
opens a dialog that changes the directory according to your input.

For each device, the following information is displayed:

l <checkbox>: Checked when the device is selected.

l Name: Filename of the block device as it is seen in the /dev directory. This is the same
name displayed in EnCase.
l Label: Full path to the device.
l Sectors: Number of sectors for this device.
l Size: Size of the device in bytes.
l Model name: Model name reported by the operating system. Logical devices don't have
model names.
l Serial Number: Serial number reported by the operating system. Logical devices don't
have serial numbers.

The columns displayed in the Add Local Device window can be scrolled using the scroll bar at
the bottom or the left and right arrow keys.

One device is currently highlighted with a black background. Pressing the arrow keys moves
the highlighted selection. Pressing the PageUp and PageDown keys moves the highlighted
selection by one page.  Pressing the Space key selects a device. Choose Select All from the Edit
menu, or press Ctrl+A to select all devices.
CHAPTER 16   Using LinEn 627

After selecting one or more devices, select Close to add the devices to LinEn. No processing of
the devices, such as hashing, is done at this time.

Devices Window
At startup, the Devices window is empty. It is populated when you add devices. After being
populated, the Device Window displays.

The Devices Window contains the following information for each device that has been added.

l Name: Filename of the block device as it is seen in the /dev directory. The same name dis-
plays in EnCase.
l Label: Full path to the device.
l Sectors: Number of sectors for this device.
l Size: Size of the device in bytes.
l Status: Indicates if the device has been hashed or acquired. Values for this field are
Unknown, Running, Done, and Cancelled.

When a device is selected, its text displays on a black background. Selected devices can be
hashed, acquired, added, deleted or saved.

Adding and Removing Devices

To add devices to the Devices Window, select Load > Local Devices.

To remove the selected device, use the Delete option either from the menu, or by pressing the
Delete key. Note that this removes the device from LinEn only. No changes such as deleting
files or formatting are made to the actual device.
628 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Acquiring a Device
The Acquire menu option begins acquisition of the currently highlighted device. As acquisition
begins, the Acquire Device dialog displays, with the following three tabs:

l Location
l Format
l Advanced

After you set the parameters in the Acquire Device dialog and click OK, acquisition begins. A
thread is added to the Thread Monitor.


The Acquire Device dialog Location tab sets file location information used when acquiring a

The Acquire Device dialog Location tab displays the following fields and options.

l Name: Generates the name of the file in the Output Path control. By default, the Name
field has the same value as the name in the Devices Table in the Device Window.
Changing this value changes the name of the file.
l Evidence Number: Stored in the evidence file as Evidence Number.
l Case Number: Stored in the evidence file as Case Number.
l Examiner Name: Stored in the evidence file as Examiner Name.
l Notes: Free text up to 32 characters. Stored in the evidence file.
l Output Path: Evidence File Path. Use to enter or browse to a different output path.
CHAPTER 16   Using LinEn 629

l Alternate Path: A semicolon delimited list of alternate paths, used to enter or browse to
an alternate path. The alternate path provides a secondary location for LinEn to use for
continuing to write segments of the evidence file if the location designated by the Output
Path does not have enough space to write the entire evidence file.


The Acquire Device dialog Format tab sets format options used when acquiring a device.

The Acquire Device dialog Format tab displays the following fields and options.

Evidence File Format: Specifies the evidence file format. The default evidence file extension
is Ex01. A legacy evidence file (a file using the format in versions of EnCase prior to Version
8) is E01. Note that selecting Legacy enables the Passwordbutton. Using a password in
EnCase legacy evidence files is optional. To use one, click Password to open a dialog to
enter and confirm a password. Keep a record of the password in a secure location. EnCase
does not have a password recovery tool.

l Verification Hash: Dropdown list for hashing algorithms includes the following selections:
o None: No check boxes are selected.
o MD5: Selects MD5.
o SHA-1: Selects SHA-1.
o MD5 and SHA-1: Both check boxes are selected.

l Compression: Specifies whether compression is enabled.

l File Segment Size: Specifies the file segment size (MB) (minimum: 30MB, maximum:
8,796,093,018,112MB, default: 2048MB).
l Encryption button: Opens the Encryption Details dialog. This is enabled for Ex01 evidence
files only.
630 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Password button: Opens the Password dialog. This is enabled for E01 (legacy) evidence
files only.


The Acquire Device dialog Advanced tab sets block size and sector options used when
acquiring a device.

The Acquire Device dialog Advanced tab displays the following fields and options.

Block Size (Sectors): (Minimum: 64, maximum: 1024). Higher block sizes allow slightly
faster acquisitions and create smaller evidence files. However, with large block sizes, when
evidence files are damaged, larger blocks of data are lost.

l Error Granularity: Portion of the block zeroed out if an error is encountered.

o Standard: Same value as the block size.
o Exhaustive: Sets granularity to one sector. This retains more data but takes more

l Start Sector: Specifies the start sector (minimum: 0, maximum: maximum number of sec-
tors of the source).
l Stop Sector: Specifies the stop sector (minimum: 0, maximum: maximum number of sec-
tors of the source).
l Threadsbutton: Displays the Threads dialog.
CHAPTER 16   Using LinEn 631

o Reader Threads: Controls how many threads are reading from the source device,
enabled only if the file format is E01. (1-5 available; default is 0).
o Worker Threads: Controls data compression calculation, enabled for both EnCase
evidence file formats, E01 and Ex01. (1-20 available; default is 5).

The Device Window

The results of acquiring a device display in the Device Window.

If the device has not been acquired, the Name, Start Sector, and Stop Sector are populated
and all other fields are blank.

After acquiring begins, the Start time displays.  When you select a device, if the device has
been acquired, the following information displays:

l Status: Acquiring (while the thread is running). Acquired (when the operation finishes).
l Start: Start time of the operation.
l Stop: Finish time of the operation.
l Time: Elapsed time of the operation.
l Start Sector: Start sector of the part of the device that is hashed. By default, if you hash
the full device, this value is 0.
l Stop Sector: Final sector of the part of the device that’s hashed. By default (if you hash
the full device), this is the maximum sector number.
l Verification MD5: MD5 hash of the part of the device that is hashed. This displays only
when you select MD5 in hash options.
l Verification SHA1: SHA1 hash of the part of the device that is hashed. This displays only
when you select SHA1 in hash options.
632 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

If you acquire a device more than once, the display is cleared of old information, and displays
only new information.

If you try to hash a device that is currently being used in LinEn (for example, already hashing or
acquiring), a dialog asks if the current thread should be canceled. A new hashing thread for the
same device is created only when the current thread is not running.

Saving Acquisition Information

After acquiring one or more devices, you can save the acquisition information to a file. You can
select this option from the menu (or with the Ctrl-S keyboard command) if the current top
window is the Device Window and the selected device is hashed. The information displayed in
the status pane is saved in a file.

The file name is automatically generated and cannot be changed. For example, acquisition
information for a device with the name "hdd1" is saved in: [current
directory]/hdd1.acq. If the file already exists, the new information is appended to the end
of the file.

LinEn Evidence Verification

After acquiring a device, you can verify that the evidence file is correct in two ways:

1. Verify individual segments of the evidence file (for example, the .EO3 segment). This con-
firms that the files are not corrupted, but does not confirm that the files match the under-
lying device.
2. Hash the original device and the acquired evidence image, then compare the hashes to
make sure that the correct data has been acquired.

Hashing a Device
To hash a device, first load a device, as described in the Load Local Device section. Once
loaded, follow this process to perform a hash.

The Device/Hash option hashes a device or part of a device, using MD5, SHA1, or both. This
option opens the Hashing Device dialog.
CHAPTER 16   Using LinEn 633

Use this dialog to select the type of hash: MD5 or SHA1. You can also select both or no option.
The hash type options are checkboxes. You can select or clear them independently using the
Space bar.

Use this dialog to select start and stop sectors. When you open this dialog, the Start Sector
and Stop Sector fields are populated with 0 (Start Sector) and the maximum sector (Stop

Clicking OK starts the hashing process, changes the status of the device in the Devices
Window, and creates a new thread in the Thread Monitor Window. Both hash values are
calculated in the same thread, so only one thread is started. If none of the check boxes is
selected, the dialog exits and no thread is created.

After completion, hash information is displayed in the Device Window. You can save this
information to a file.


After a device has been hashed, it can be saved when selected in the Device Window. The
information displayed in the status pane is saved in a file.

The filename is generated automatically and cannot be changed. For example, a device with
the name hdd1 is saved in: [current directory]/hdd1.hash. If the file already exists, the
new information is appended to the end of the file.

Verifying Evidence Files

To verify an evidence file, load the evidence file from the Evidence Files Window.
634 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The Evidence Files window contains information about the evidence displayed in the Evidence
box on the left and the segments they contain if the evidence has multiple files, shown in the
Files box on the right.

Changing the current selection in the Evidence list will refresh the list of the files.

The Verify Evidence button uses the current selection from the Evidence box to begin verifying
the entire evidence. If the evidence file does not have acquisition information, the verification
begins and verifies the evidence to ensure that the file is readable. In this example, the
verification is done after selecting all segments and clicking the Verify Single button. No hash
value is calculated.

The Verify Single button uses the current selection from the Files box and verifies the selected
evidence segments. The Single file verification only option reads a segment to make sure that it
is readable and that the information is consistent.

Information about the selected evidence is shown below.

l If the evidence has not been verified, the Name, Acquisition, MD5, and SHA1 fields and
are populated. The other fields are blank.
l Once verification begins, the start time is shown.
l If the evidence has been verified, verification information for MD5 and SHA1 displays.

This information contains:

l Name: Name of the evidence.

l Start: Start time of the verification operation.
l Elapsed Time: Elapsed time of the verification operation.

The following fields are optional. Their values depend on the results of the verification.
CHAPTER 16   Using LinEn 635

l Acquisition MD5: The MD5 hash of the evidence file when created. Not displayed if MD5
is not selected during the acquisition.
l Acquisition SHA1: The SHA1 hash of the evidence file when created. Not displayed if SHA1
is not selected during the acquisition.
l Verification status: Status of the verification.
l Verification MD5: Displays only if it does not match the Acquisition MD5 value after the
verification ends.
l Verification SHA1: Displays only if it does not match the Acquisition SHA1 value after the
verification ends.

l Before the verification, this is the MD5 hash of the evidence file when it was created.

l After the verification ends:

o If no errors occur, this value is replaced with the MD5 hash value.
o If the verification fails, this value remains and the verification MD5 displays.

l Before the verification, this is the SHA1 hash of the evidence file when it was created.

l After the verification ends:

o If no errors occur, this value is replaced with the SHA1 hash value.
o If the verification fails, this value remains and the verification SHA1 displays.

l Unverified: Displays before evidence file verification begins.

l Verifying: Displays during the verification.

l Verified: Displays after the verification thread finishes. Status values include:

o Verified, no errors: Indicates the verification process did not find any errors.
o Verify errors #: Displays the number of errors found during the verification process.

If the verification is started again, the display is cleared, and displays new information.

If a verification is already in progress (the thread status displays as Running) and you attempt
to verify the same evidence, a dialog displays giving you the option to cancel the current
thread. A new verification thread for the same device is created only when the current thread
is not running.

To add evidence files to the Evidence Files window, use the Add Evidence menu.

To remove the selected evidence, use the Delete option from the menu, or press the Delete

The Save command saves the information to a file using the same name as the evidence file. 
636 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07


To save evidence verification information, select the Save option from the Device Window (or
enter Ctrl-S). The information displayed in the status pane is saved in a file.

The filename is automatically generated and cannot be changed. For example, a device with
name" hdd1" is saved in: [current directory]/hdd1.verify. If the file already exists,
the new information is appended to the end of the file.

Window Menu
The Window Menu is the starting navigation point for using LinEn. This window has five

l Refresh: Redraws the whole screen.

l Console: Opens the Console window.
l Thread Manager: Opens the Thread Monitor window.
l Devices: Opens the Device window.
l Evidence: Opens the Evidence window.

Console Window
The LinEn Console Window has the same function as the EnCase console. All error or
information messages display in this window. For example, when a verification or acquisition
finishes, the result displays in the Console window.
CHAPTER 16   Using LinEn 637

Thread Monitor Window

The Thread Monitor window contains information about threads (tasks) that are running or
have run, including current status and progress percentage.

LinEn creates threads when the following tasks are initiated:

l Hashing
l Single file verification
l Evidence file verification
l Evidence acquisition

For each thread, the following information displays:

l Name: Name of the type of thread, such as hashing device, verify single, verify evidence,
l Status: Thread status, such as running, suspended, canceled, done.
l Errors: The number of errors. This is blank if there are no errors.
l Progress: Percent completion, 100% = completed.
l File Path: A processing comment. For example, "Hashing: /dev/hda5" or "Verifying:

If you select a thread and press the Delete key:

l If the thread is running, LinEn:

o Displays a confirmation box.
o Displays a dialog with the option to cancel the thread.
o Removes the thread from the Thread Monitor list.

l If the thread is not running, LinEn:

o Removes the thread from the Thread Monitor list.
638 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Threads are shown until removed by deletion. The status window shows a history of actions


If you begin running a job or task, such as hashing, acquiring, or verifying evidence, and need
to end it before it finishes, press the Delete key while in this window.

Edit Menu
The top level window in Linen includes an Edit menu option. The Edit menu contains Delete
and Options selections, described below.

Content deleted is context-dependent.

l If the current top window is the Device Window, the currently selected device is deleted
from the table. It is removed from LinEn, not deleted on disk. When a device is deleted it
is removed from the LinEn Devices Window.
l If the current top window is the Evidence Files Window, the currently selected evidence is
l If the current top window is the Thread Monitor Window, the currently selected thread is
deleted. If the thread is currently running, LinEn asks if you want to cancel it.

If a running thread is associated with the current item you want to delete, LinEn will ask if you
want to cancel the thread before the item is removed from the table.

l If you select No, the thread is resumed and the item is not deleted.
l If you select Yes, the thread is cancelled and the item is deleted.
Note: The thread itself is not deleted from the Task Manager window, unless this is
the current window.

Note: When anything is deleted from current window, LinEn does not give you the
option to save textual data, such as hash results.

The Options window sets commonly used variables.
CHAPTER 16   Using LinEn 639


By default the Default Examiner Name field is set to the username of the account that is
running LinEn. If the value is set, the text is transferred to the Examiner field in the Acquisition


Default Case Number works in the same way as examiner name, but the value is transferred to
the Case Number field in the Acquire dialog.

The Home Path field points to a directory. If the directory path does not exist, LinEn creates it
when you click OK. This directory is used as a root directory to organize stored information,
such as logs and evidence files.

Logging Directory is a read-only field. It cannot be edited. It displays where the logs are stored
when saving information fields or the console.


Default Evidence Path is similar to the Logging Directory, but shows where by default the
evidence files are stored.

Both the Logging Directory and Default Evidence Path fields contain recommended values. The
values in these fields are transferred to the corresponding fields in the Acquire dialog. You can
change the fields in the Acquire dialog.
640 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

LinEn Command Line

You can run LinEn from a command line to execute most of the functions described in prior
sections of this chapter.

Note: You must use the -cl option to activate this feature.

Select an operation:

l -k for AcquireMode
l -o for HashMode

Note: You must choose either AcquiireMode or HashMode. LinEn displays an error
message if you attempt to use both.

You can enter command line options with a single dash and the shortcut (for example, -p
<Evidence Path>) or with a double dash and the full tag (for example, --EvidencePath

During the acquisition or hashing process, a pipe character (|) prints to the console for each
percentage completed.

The two ways to provide necessary information to LinEn include:

l Command line options

l Configuration file


Shortcut Full Tag Description

Device to be either
-dev <Device Path> Device
acquired or hashed.

Path and filename of the

evidence to be created
-p <Evidence Path> EvidencePath
(maximum 32,768
CHAPTER 16   Using LinEn 641

Shortcut Full Tag Description

Name of evidence within
the evidence file
-m <Evidence Name> EvidenceName
(maximum 50

Case number of the

-c <Case Number> CaseNumber evidence (maximum 64

Examiner's name
-x <Examiner> Examiner (maximum 64

Evidence number
-r <Evidence Number> EvidenceNumber (maximum 64

A semicolon delimited
list of alternate paths
-a <Alternate Paths> AlternatePath
(maximum 32,768

Notes (maximum 32,768

characters). Enclose
-n <Notes> Notes notes in quotes (for
example, "This is a

Maximum file size of

each evidence file (in
-l <Max File Size> MaxFileSize
MB: minimum 1,
maximum 10,485,760).

Level of compression
-d <Compress> Compress
(0=none, 1=fast, 2=best).

Error granularity in
-g <Granularity> Granularity sectors (minimum 1,
maximum 1024).
642 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Shortcut Full Tag Description

Sectors per block for the
-b <Block Size> BlockSize evidence file (minimum
1, maximum 1024).

-ev2 EV2 Evidence file format V2.

Path to a configuration
file holding variables for
-f <Configuration File> File
the program (maximum
32,768 characters).

Perform MD5 hashing

-t Hash
on device.

Perform SHA-1 hashing

-1 SHA1
on device.

Do not ask for required

-cl CommandLine
values, just error out.

Acquire the selected

-k AcquireMode

Hash the selected

-o HashMode

-? Help message.

Password protects the

resulting evidence file.
-pw <password>
The -pw option is not
supported for *.Ex01
evidence files.
CHAPTER 16   Using LinEn 643

Shortcut Full Tag Description

Lets the user enter the
correct date/time. Must
be quoted in the format
-date <date/time> "MM/dd/yy
hh:mm:sstt" or
"MM/dd/yy hh:mmtt"
(where tt is AM or PM).

Number of reader
-rdr <number> Readers threads (acceptable
value 1-5).

Number of worker
-wrk <number> Workers threads (acceptable
value 1-20).

Hash in its own thread

-hsh Hasher
(default: false).

Print read errors to

-rerr ReadErrors
STDERR (default: false).

Verbose output during

acquisition or hashing
-v Verbose (default: false)
(acceptable value TRUE
or FALSE [only in file]).


l If (-cl) is set, LinEn is non interactive, allowing third party software to use its own script-

l If (-cl) is set, users must pass all LinEn settings via a text file or via command line argu-


You can create a configuration file to fill in some or all of the variables. The configuration file
must be in the format OptionName=Value. All of these options have the same restrictions as
their command line counterparts.

Options for the configuration file include:

644 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

EvidencePath Path and filename of the evidence to be created

EvidenceName Name of the evidence within the evidence file

CaseNumber Case number of the evidence

Examiner Examiner's name

EvidenceNumber Evidence number

AlternatePath A semicolon delimited list of alternate paths

Notes Optional notes

MaxfileSize Maximum file size of each evidence file

Compress Level of compression (0=none, 1=fast, 2=best)

Granularity Error granularity in sectors

BlockSize Sectors per block for the evidence file

Hash Turn on (TRUE) or turn off (FALSE) MD5 hashing

SHA1 Turn on (TRUE) or turn off (FALSE) SHA-1 hashing

Device Device to be acquired or hashed

CommandLine Exit if a required variable is not filled out (TRUE or FALSE)

AcquireMode Acquire the device chosen (TRUE or FALSE)

HashMode Hash the device chosen (TRUE or FALSE)

EV2 Evidence file format V2

Note: Any options specified on the command line take precedence over those in the
configuration file.

Once the selected operation is complete, results print to the console. Read errors and read
error sectors display only if there are actual errors.

Name: <EvidenceName>

Sectors: 0-<TotalSectors>
CHAPTER 16   Using LinEn 645

MD5 Value: <Md5Value>

SHA1 Value: <SHA1Value>

Read Errors: <ReadErrors> The hash value may not be accurate

Read Error Sectors: <start1>-<stop1>, <start2>-<stop2>, etc.

<EvidenceName>: acquired to <EvidencePath>

Elapsed Time: <ElapsedTime>

MD5 Value: <Md5Value>

SHA1 Value: <SHA1Value>

Read Error Sectors: <start1>-<stop1>, <start2>-<stop2>, etc.

Crossover Cable Preview or Acquisition

To perform a crossover cable preview or acquisition, you must have access to a LinEn boot disk
or another LinEn bootable device. The investigator must have identified the subject drive to

To do a crossover cable preview or acquisition:

1. Boot the target machine from the LinEn bootable device. Ensure the target machine has
an operable optical drive or USB port and can actually boot from a CD or bootable
LinEn device.
2. Connect the forensic machine to the subject machine using a crossover cable or an Eth-
ernet cable.
Note: If an Ethernet cable is used, both the target and forensic machine must have
gigabit Ethernet.

3. On the target machine running LinEn, ensure an IP address has been assigned correctly
to the default Ethernet adapter by typing ifconfig eth0. If the adapter does not have
an IP address assigned, assign one manually by typing ifconfig eth0
netmask  Verify the IP address assignment completed successfully by typ-
ing ifconfig eth0.
4. Navigate to the folder where LinEn resides and type ./linen in the console to run LinEn
in Server Mode.
5. When you select a device, a variation of the following information displays:
646 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

6. On the forensic machine, modify the network adapter settings in Windows to place the
machines in the same network, IP address of and subnet mask 2555.0.0.0. You
should be able to ping the target machine running LinEn at this point.
7. Launch EnCase on the forensic machine.
8. On the Home page, create a new case or open an existing case.
9. Click Add Evidence > Add Crossover Preview. The Add Crossover window displays, and
lists crossover devices.
10. Select Network Crossover, and click Select.
11. Select the physical disk or logical partition to acquire or preview and click OK.

You can preview and acquire the contents of the device through EnCase. For more information
about acquisition, see  Acquiring Device Configuration Overlays (DCO) and Host Protected
Areas (HPA) on page 107 and  Acquiring a Disk Running in Direct ATA Mode on page 109.

LinEn Manual Page

LinEn includes a man page containing detailed information on block size and error granularity.
You can access it via the command line or from the Help button in the user interface.


1. Place the linen.1.gz file in one of the man paths.
2. Type the command man linen.
3. Press Enter.
4. The man page displays.
CHAPTER 16   Using LinEn 647
648 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Overview 652

Disk and Volume Encryption 652

Supported Encryption Products 653

EDS Commands and Tabs 655

Safeboot Encryption Support 660

Check Point Full Disk Encryption Support (Volume

Encryption) 663

BitLocker Encryption Support (Volume Encryption) 667

WinMagic SecureDoc Encryption Support 675

WinMagic SecureDoc Self Encrypting Drive (SED) Support 677

GuardianEdge Encryption Support 678

Symantec Endpoint Encryption Support 681

Sophos SafeGuard Support 682

Utimaco SafeGuard Easy Encryption Support 685

PGP Whole Disk Encryption (WDE) Support 689

Dell Data Protection Enterprise (formerly Credant Mobile

Guardian) Encryption Support 691

McAfee Endpoint Encryption Support 694

S/MIME Encryption Support 695

NSF Encryption Support 696

Lotus Notes Local Encryption Support 697

Windows Rights Management Services (RMS) Support 700

650 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Windows Key Architecture 701

Dictionary Attacks 702

Built-In Attacks 703

CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 651
652 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

EnCase Decryption Suite (EDS) enables the decryption of encrypted files and folders by domain
and local users. EDS is included with EnCase Forensic in most countries. EDS supports the
following forms of encryption:

l Disk and volume encryption

o Microsoft BitLocker
o GuardianEdge Encryption Plus/Encryption Anywhere/Hard Disk Encryption
o Utimaco SafeGuard Easy
o McAfee SafeBoot
o WinMagic SecureDoc Full Disk Encryption
o PGP Whole Disk Encryption
o Checkpoint FDE (Full Disk Encryption)

l File based encryption

o Microsoft Encrypting File System (EFS)
o Credant Mobile Guardian
o Dell Data Protection

l Mounted files
o PST (Microsoft Outlook)
o S/MIME encrypted email in PST files
o NSF (Lotus Notes)
o Protected storage (ntuser.dat)
o Security hive
o Active Directory 2003 (ntds.dit)
o EnCase Logical Evidence File Version 2 Encryption

Disk and Volume Encryption

When an evidence file (.E01) or a new physical disk is added to a new case, EnCase Forensic
checks the Master Boot Record (MBR) against known signatures to determine whether the
respective disk is encrypted.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 653

If the disk is encrypted, EnCase Forensic requests user credentials (see  Supported Encryption
Products below for a table listing required credentials for supported encryption products).
Note that the disk/volume encryption support in EnCase Forensic works only at the physical

l If the credentials are not correct, the User Credential dialog displays again. If this occurs,
enter the correct credentials to exit the dialog or press Cancel.
l If the correct credentials are entered, EnCase Forensic decrypts the disk. No password
attacks are supported.

EDS supports these disk/volume encryption products:

l Microsoft BitLocker
l GuardianEdge Encryption Plus/Encryption Anywhere/Hard Disk Encryption
l Utimaco SafeGuard Easy
l McAfee SafeBoot
l WinMagic SecureDoc Full Disk Encryption
l PGP Whole Disk Encryption
l Checkpoint Full Disk Encryption

Supported Encryption Products

The table below shows encryption products supported by EnCase Decryption Suite and the
credentials you need to provide to use them with EnCase Forensic.

Use- Domai- Serve-

Product Password Machine Path Other
r n r

Encryption Plus

Encryption X X X

GuardianEdge Full
Disk Encryption

SafeGuard Easy

McAfee SafeBoot
X X X X Algorithm
654 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Use- Domai- Serve-

Product Password Machine Path Other
r n r

SafeBoot Offline X X Algorithm

Dell Data
e Shield
Enterprise/Credan X X X
Credant Credant ID
t Mobile Guardian

Dell Data
Enterprise/Credan X X
t Mobile Guardian

X Key

Encrypting File X Keys
System (EFS)


Lotus Mail X ID File


requires Passphras
PGP Whole Disk
X path and e,
passphras ADK, WDRT

Recovery Challenge/
file path response
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 655

Use- Domai- Serve-

Product Password Machine Path Other
r n r

Key file
Key file
WinMagic Emergenc
SecureDoc y disk

EDS Commands and Tabs

The following section details the various EnCase Decryption Suite commands and tabs.

Analyze EFS
The Analyze EFS command scans a volume for data and processes it. Alternately, you can run
Analyze EFS from the secure storage, which consecutively scans all volumes in a case.

To run Analyze EFS:

1. Right click the volume you want to analyze, then click Device > Analyze EFS from the
dropdown menu.
2. The first Analyze EFS dialog displays. Click Next.
3. The second Analyze EFS dialog displays with the Documents and Settings Path and
Registry Path fields populated by default. For unusual system configurations, data disks,
and other operating systems, these values are blank. You can modify them to point to
the user profile folders and/or the registry path.
4. Click Next to begin the scan.
5. When the scan completes, the EFS Status dialog shows statistical information on keys
found and decrypted and registry passwords recovered.
6. When you finish reviewing the EFS status, click Finish.
Note: Analyze EFS can also open the Syskey and Password Recovery Disk

If images that should have rendered display as blank, select the gear dropdown menu in
Evidence view and click Clear invalid image cache.
656 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Secure Storage Tab

To organize security data gathered using Analyze EFS, EnCase Forensic includes a Secure
Storage tab which displays passwords, keys, and other items parsed from the system files and

Although the tab is always present in the interface, the EDS module must be installed to enable
most of the functionality.

Secure Storage Tab and EFS

To populate the Secure Storage tab:

1. Run Analyze EFS.

2. From the View dropdown menu, select Secure Storage.
3. Click an item in the Secure Storage tree to view its contents.

Enter Items

You can enter Syskey information before running the Analyze EFS wizard, or afterwards if the
wizard is already completed.

1. Click View > Secure Storage.

2. In the Table tab, click the hamburger icon, then click Enter Items from the dropdown
3. Select the location of the Syskey or enter the password manually.
4. Click OK.

If you know the user password:

1. In the Table tab, click the hamburger icon, then click Enter Items from the dropdown
2. The Enter Items dialog opens to the User password tab.
3. Enter the password, then click OK.

If the Syskey is protected and you do not know the password, an attack on the SAM file for
user passwords will fail. This is a rare situation. Most Windows machines do not have a
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 657

protected Syskey. EnCase Decryption Suite includes a dictionary attack option to get past a
protected Syskey. You can obtain dictionary files from a number of sources. To open setup,
right click the root of Secure Storage and select Dictionary Attack.

While Analyze EFS scans the registry, EnCase alerts you if the Syskey is password protected or
has been exported. In these cases, the Analyze EFS wizard prompts you to enter the Syskey
password or browse to the Syskey file location. The Syskey file is called startkey.key. You
should examine any removable media collected at a scene for the presence of this file. If the
Syskey file is recovered on removable media, it can be copied/unerased from EnCase to the
examination machine, and you can browse to the startkey.key location. This process is the
same as when you use the Password Recovery Disk.


Windows XP and 2003 Server enable local users to create a recovery disk with a file containing
their encrypted passwords. The userkey.psw file allows users to reset their passwords,
without losing all of their EFS encrypted files and other important security credentials. You
should examine evidence recovered at the scene for the presence of this file.

1. With file on removable media, or copied to a hard drive, click the hamburger icon in the
Table tab, then click Enter Items from the dropdown menu.
2. Select the Password Recovery Disk tab.
3. Click File or Removable.
4. Enter the path or browse to it, then click OK.


If the logon password is unavailable, you can obtain the Domain Administrator's private key
(PFX). This also works for a user key. To export and use the key:

1. As Domain Administrator, double click C:\Windows\system32\certmgr.msc to

launch the Microsoft Management Console.
2. Locate the Certificates folder containing the Domain Administrator's certificate.
3. Right click the certificate.
4. From the All Tasks menu, click Export.
5. In the Certificate Export Wizard, click Next.
6. Click Yes to export the private key, then click Next.
7. Accept the default for the export file format, then click Next.
8. Select a path and name the key (this assigns a .PFX extension), then click Next.
9. When prompted, note the password entered.
Note: The password cannot be left blank. It is needed when using the key.

10. Click Next. A confirmation window displays details about the export.
11. Click Finish to complete the export.
658 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

12. Click the hamburger icon in the Table tab, then click Enter Items from the dropdown
13. In the Enter Items dialog, select the Private Key File tab.
14. Enter the path or browse to it.
15. Enter the Password in the next dialog, then click OK.

A status screen confirms successful completion and the Private Key displays in the
Secure Storage tab.


You can enter a .PFX certificate to use for decrypting S/MIME-encrypted email found in PST

1. Click the hamburger icon in the Table tab, then click Enter Items from the dropdown
2. In the Enter Items dialog, select the Enter Mail Certificate tab.
3. Enter the path to the .PFX certificate and the password.
4. Click OK.
5. The .PFX cert is decrypted and stored in Secure Storage.

Associate Selected
To associate *nix users with volumes:

1. Click View > Secure Storage.

2. Click the hamburger icon menu in the Table tab and click Associate Selected....
3. The Associate dialog displays.
4. Expand the Volumes tree and select the volumes you want to associate.

Secure Storage Items

In the Report tab of the View pane, you can see details about the currently selected item in the
Secure Storage. The Text and Hex views show the raw data. These items have the following

l Name
l Encrypted
l Type
l Subtype
l Password
l Password Type

The following items are of interest:

CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 659

l Aliases: Security Identifiers (SIDs) that point to one or more SID entities. They include a
name and a comment.
l Groups: SIDs that point to one or more SID entities. They include a name and a com-
ment. These are defined groups such as Administrators and Guests.
l SAM Users: Local Users; details are listed in the Report tab of the View pane.
l Passwords: Found and examiner added passwords.
l Net Logons: Local Users; details are listed in the Report tab of the View pane.
l Nix User/Group: Unix users/groups.
l Lotus: Lotus Notes.
l Email Certificates: Certificates used for S/MIME decryption and signature verification.
l Disk Credentials: Persistent key cache for disk/volume encryption products.
l Master Keys: A master key that protects every user's private key.  The master key itself is
encrypted with a hash of the user’s Windows password.
l Private Keys: Keys used in the decryption of EFS files.
l Internet Explorer (IE) Passwords: Passwords from IE 6.
l Policy Secrets: LSA secrets which include the default password and passwords for ser-
vices. Some of these secrets are not passwords but binary data placed there by the sys-
tem and applications.
l SAM Keys/Policy Keys/Dpapi/CERT: Items for internal use.

Passware Integration
EnCase provides Passware v11.7 integration, which lets you export indexes and known
passwords as a dictionary for decrypting protected files. Using this feature requires a valid
installation of the Passware Kit.

EnCase can export data to Passware after processing evidence with the Evidence Processor
and creating an index, or after running Analyze EFS. EnCase displays a warning if no index exists
or if Analyze EFS was not previously run.

To export data to Passware:

1. Open a case with evidence.

2. Select Tools > Passware Export.
3. Click Next. A dialog displays, showing evidence and current status of data available for
export to the Passware folder, including index words, hiberfil.sys files, EFS passwords,
and registries.
4. Select by blue-checking the evidence required.
5. Browse to your preferred Passware Export Folder.
6. You can optionally add one file in the Extra Data field to be added to the Passware Export
7. Click Finish. EnCase displays a green progress bar and an Export Successful dialog when
the exporting process completes.
660 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

EnCase creates a text configuration file for Passware that includes system information.

When you add additional words to the Passware dictionary list, EnCase exports the full
dictionary list, overwriting previously exported data.

You can begin the export process alternately by right-clicking an evidence file entry, then
selecting Open with > Passware.

The result is Passware displays data associated with the evidence file selected.

Configuring Passware as a Viewer

When you launch EnCase, if you have Passware installed, EnCase detects it. If it is not
configured as a viewer, EnCase gives you the option to configure Passware as a viewer.

To configure the Passware viewer:

1. Right click an evidence item.

2. Select Open with > File Viewers. The Passware configuration dialog displays.
Note: You must add [passwaredata] [file] to the Command Line field.

3. Click OK. Passware is now configured as a viewer.

Safeboot Encryption Support

EnCase provides a way for you to view SafeBoot encrypted hard drives during an investigation. 
This feature is available automatically to anyone using EnCase using the Export Restricted
license flag. This flag needs to be enabled for strong encryption to take place. This feature is
supported for the EnCase 32-bit platform only.

Additional SafeBoot support documentation is available at


Before running the Safeboot decryption:

1. Install the SafeBoot Installer from the Guidance Software Support Portal: https://sup-
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 661

From the SafeBoot server, copy the following files to the locations indicated. The files on your
SafeBoot Client machine (c:\Program Files\SafeBoot) do not work.

l SBAlg.dll: Copy to C:\Program Files (x86)\EnCase\Lib\SafeBoot

o Copy this file from the SafeBoot server under investigation.
o Be sure this is the file that matches the algorithm selected during the server install-
ation (the most common is AES-FIPS).
o To verify the algorithm for a particular DLL, view the properties description. The cor-
responding SafeBoot algorithm can be referenced on the SafeBoot server by repla-
cing the <algorithm> with the proper name based on the encryption algorithm that
has been used to encrypt the drive. For example: If you are using the AES256 - FIPS
algorithm, the path to the DLL file is: C:\Program
Files\SBAdmin\ALGS\AES256 - FIPS\SBAlg.dll

l SDMCFG.INI: Copy to C:\Program Files (x86)\EnCase\Lib\SafeBoot

o This file supplies the logon ID and password to use in case of an automated start.
o It also contains a pointer to the port the server should speak on and its public and
private key information. Make sure that this port is open so the server and clients
can communicate.
o This file is required for online usage and keeps the communication port open
between SafeBoot server and clients.
o The SafeBoot clients V5+ can send encrypted data to a V5 server.
o V4 clients cannot send encrypted data to a V5 server, so for online use, change
AuthType to zero in the .ini file so you can decrypt both V5 and V4 clients.
o If you do not have or cannot get the SDMCFG.INI file, try creating a new empty text
file with this name instead. It must be there to work (even if it is an empty file).

2. Restart EnCase.

Once these steps are completed, SafeBoot displays in the Help/About screen.

Note: If the Export Restricted license flag is not enabled or the integration DLL files
are not properly installed, the physical device mounts, but the encrypted file
structure cannot be parsed. Since SafeBoot overwrites the original MBR for the boot
disk only, always preview the boot disk first, then preview any other disk in a multi-
disk machine configuration.

To acquire a SafeBoot encrypted device:

1. Use the Add Device wizard to add the physical device.

2. In the Evidence tab, click the device under the Name column.
662 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. When prompted, select the appropriate encryption algorithm from the list, then, in
online mode, enter a user name, server name, machine name, and password.

The SafeBoot encrypted drive is parsed.

The offline dialog is similar. The Online checkbox is blank and only the Machine Name,
Transfer Database field, and Algorithm are available:

4. Save the case once a successful decryption is complete. The credentials entered in the dia-
log are stored in Secure Storage, eliminating the need to enter them again.

When a decryption is successful, the Tree pane shows a SafeBoot folder, the Table pane
contains a list of decrypted files while the Text pane shows contents of a decrypted file.

The screenshot below shows the same files displayed as encrypted.

CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 663

Note: The Safeboot encryption .dll causes EnCase to crash when the encryption
algorithm for the server does not match the one implemented in SBAlg.dll.

Check Point Full Disk Encryption Support (Volume

Check Point volume-based encryption supports the following two types of authentication:

l Username/password
l Challenge/response

When decrypting data that uses this form of encryption, begin as follows:

1. Add your evidence or preview the local disk that contains the Check Point encrypted
2. Go to the Evidence tab.
3. A dialog displays, prompting you for credentials. EnCase supports two types of authen-
tication: username/password and challenge/response. EnCase determines which type of
authentication is used based on the username you enter in the dialog.

Username and Password Authentication

For username and password authentication:
664 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

1. Select Evidence > Table, and select a disk. A dialog displays showing the username and
location of the recovery file path.
2. Click Next.
3. The Password Authentication dialog displays, with the password in the text field.
4. Click Finish to decrypt the selected disk.

The screenshot belowshows a successful decryption. Note the folder tree in the Evidence tab,
and the DLL files listed in the Table tab.

If the decryption was unsuccessful or if the user canceled the dialog, this screen displays:
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 665

Note that the highlighted string "Protect!" in the View pane is a Check Point indicator that the
disk is encrypted.

Challenge-Response Authentication
For challenge-response authentication:

1. Select Evidence > Table, and select a disk. A dialog displays showing the username and
location of the recovery file path.
2. Click Next.

3. The following dialog indicates that the Challenge-Response form of Check Point Full Disk
Authentication was used to encrypt the selected disk. Use the Check Point tool to gen-
erate a response for the challenge shown in the dialog. Copy the response value from the
tool to the EnCase dialog.
666 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

4. Click Finish.

If the EnCase Evidence tab and the Table pane display as they do below, with no partitions,
folders, or files visible, and if the "Protect!" string is visible in the View pane, then the
decryption failed (or the user canceled the dialog). It is possible that the response is incorrect
or that Check Point is unable to decrypt the selected disk.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 667

BitLocker Encryption Support (Volume Encryption)

Microsoft BitLocker encrypts an entire volume using one of three modes to store the
encryption key:

l Transparent operation mode (requires Trusted Platform Module [TPM])

l User Authentication mode (requires TPM)
l USB Key mode (does not require TPM)

When BitLocker is enabled, a large file is created that holds all unallocated (UAC) space, minus
six gigabytes.

You can find a list of currently supported versions of BitLocker in your product's latest release

Recovery Key and Recovery Password Files

The recovery key is a file with a GUID name (for example, 67FA3445-29D7-4AB5-8D0F-
668 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The recovery password is stored in a file with a GUID name (for example, AE15E17A-C79E-4D3F-

These keys are matched by Key Protector GUID in the BitLocker metadata.

Decrypting a BitLocker Encrypted Device Using Recovery

1. Add a BitLocker encrypted device into EnCase using Add Device or drop and drag.
2. The BitLocker Credentials dialog displays.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 669

3. The Recovery Key option button is selected by default. Browse to the location of the
required .BEK recovery key.

4. Browse to the folder containing BitLocker keys and select the specified .BEK file.
670 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

5. Click OK.

Decrypting a BitLocker Encrypted Device Using Recovery

1. Add a BitLocker encrypted device into EnCase using Add Device or drop and drag.
2. The BitLocker Credentials dialog displays.
3. Select the Recovery password option button.
4. Browse to the folder containing BitLocker keys.
5. Find and open the .TXT file that matches the Password ID.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 671

6. Copy and paste the recovery password into the BitLocker Credentials dialog.

7. Click OK.

Full Volume Encryption (FVE) AutoUnlock Mechanism

Encrypted data volumes are decrypted on the fly; that is, the sectors belonging to the volume
are automatically decrypted and the file system parsed, without any user intervention, given
that the boot volume was successfully decrypted by:

l Providing a valid recovery key or recovery password

l Running Analyze EFS on the decrypted boot volume

Each data volume has a corresponding registry key

(SYSTEM\ControlSet0xx\FVEAutoUnlock\{GUID}) containing the key (AutoUnlock
Volume Key, or AUVK) that can decrypt the Volume Master Key of that particular volume. This
key has an associated GUID matching the GUID of a key protector in the data volume
672 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

The following displays AutoUnlock registry keys for three volumes:

The following displays Secure Storage after the Analyze EFS process:

Physical RAID Encryption Support

BitLocker supports physical RAIDs only, not logical RAIDs.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 673


1. Add a BitLocker encrypted primary RAID 1 volume into EnCase using Add Device or drop
and drag. This primary volume consists of:
o The boot disk
o The BitLocker volume (which is not encrypted)

2. The BitLocker Credentials dialog displays.

3. Provide the credentials. See  Decrypting a BitLocker Encrypted Device Using Recovery Key
on page 668 or  Decrypting a BitLocker Encrypted Device Using Recovery Password on
page 670 for details.
4. Click OK. EnCase decrypts the volume.
5. Add each additional physical disk in order, repeating steps 2-4 for each disk, as needed.
Note: For information on acquiring and building RAIDs, see How to Acquire RAIDs
(https://support.guidancesoftware.com/knowledge/node/100) on the Guidance
Software Support Portal.


To parse a RAID 5 drive, you must first build the RAID in EnCase.

1. Add a BitLocker encrypted primary RAID 5 volume into EnCase using Add Device or drop
and drag. This primary volume consists of:
o The boot disk
o The BitLocker volume (which is not encrypted)

2. Add each additional physical disk using Add Device or drop and drag.
Note: The BitLocker Credentials dialog does not display until you finish building the
RAID. For information on acquiring and building RAIDs, see How to Acquire RAIDs
(https://support.guidancesoftware.com/knowledge/node/100) on the Guidance
Software Support Portal.

3. When you finish building the RAID, EnCase displays the BitLocker Credentials dialog.
4. Provide the credentials. See  Decrypting a BitLocker Encrypted Device Using Recovery Key
on page 668 or  Decrypting a BitLocker Encrypted Device Using Recovery Password on
page 670 for details.
5. Click OK. EnCase decrypts all available volumes.

Successful BitLocker Decryption

When decryption is successful, the volume's file system type displays in the first sector.
674 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Unsuccessful BitLocker Decryption

If decryption fails, FVE-FS displays in the first sector.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 675

Saved BitLocker Credentials in Secure Storage

After successful authentication, EnCase saves credentials in Secure Storage, so you do not
have to re-enter them the next time you open the saved case.

WinMagic SecureDoc Encryption Support

With SecureDoc software, you can access the hard drive of an encrypted system.

There are three ways to add SecureDoc disks to EnCase:

l Preview the hard drive

l Use the Add Device wizard
l Drag evidence files into EnCase

When you preview a machine's disk or open an evidence file, the Master Boot Record (MBR) is
checked against known signatures to determine whether the disk is encrypted. The SecureDoc
signature is WMSD.
676 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Each SecureDoc user has a key file which can contain multiple keys encrypted using a password
associated with the file.

SecureDoc users have either administrator or user privileges:

l Administrators can encrypt/decrypt drives, reset passwords, add keys to a key file, etc.
l Users can change their passwords only.

An installer is provided to place these integration DLL files in


l SDForensic.dll
l SDC.dll
l SDUser.dll
Note: The 32-bit version of EnCase supports the integration.

1. When adding a SecureDoc disk, Encase prompts for three credentials:

o The path to the file containing the user keys (extension .dbk).
o The password associated with the key file.
o The path to the emergency disk folder corresponding to the physical disk under
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 677

2. Enter the credentials, then click OK.

3. If the credentials are correct, EnCase decrypts the disk and parses the file system struc-
4. When you save the case, the ranges of encrypted sectors and the original MBR are
retained in the case file for previewed drives as well as evidence files.

The disk view shows encrypted information in the Text and Hex panes for encrypted drives.


A local acquisition at the physical device level results in acquisition of all decrypted logical
volumes, when the correct credentials are provide.

Note: To obtain decrypted data, perform a local acquisition on the result of the
remote acquisition by providing the correct credentials.

The completed acquisition contains the decrypted sectors.

WinMagic SecureDoc Self Encrypting Drive (SED)

You can unlock and decrypt SED drives in EnCase using WinMagic.

1. Connect a WinMagic SecureDoc managed SED to the forensic workstation. Only the
128MB Master Boot Record shadow file system is available to the OS.

2. Add the physical device to your case in EnCase.

3. Open the device and enter your SecureDoc credentials when prompted.
4. Click OK. EnCase parses the file system, and the SED is unlocked and presented to EnCase
(but it is still invisible to the OS).
Note: Self encrypting drives cannot be unlocked if the drive has been write blocked.
678 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

GuardianEdge Encryption Support

EnCase supports the following GuardianEdge products:

l GuardianEdge Encryption Plus

l GuardianEdge Encryption Anywhere
l GuardianEdge Hard Disk Encryption, versions 9.2.2 through 9.5.1

To decrypt, you need a cert file for your dongle to activate the EDS module in EnCase.

For Encryption Plus/Encryption Anywhere you will need:

l The EPCL32.dll file placed in the \lib\PC Guardian-Guardian Edge\EPHD folder in your
EnCase installation.
l The EPcrypto.dll file placed in the \lib\PC Guardian-Guardian Edge\EPHD folder in your
EnCase installation.
l Username
l Password

For Hard Disk Encryption/Encryption Anywhere you will need:

l The EPCL32.dll file placed in the \lib\PC Guardian-Guardian Edge\EAHD folder in your
EnCase installation.
l The EAECC.dll file placed in the \lib\PC Guardian-Guardian Edge\EAHD folder in your
EnCase installation.
l Username
l Password
l Domain

Upon previewing an encrypted device or adding a physical evidence file of an encrypted device,
EnCase prompts for the credentials. Once the correct credentials are added, the file and folder
structure of the device displays unencrypted.

EnCase also supports decryption for Symantec Endpoint Encryption, the successor product to
GuardianEdge encryption products. To view supported versions of Symantec
Endpoint Encryption, see  Symantec Endpoint Encryption Support on page 681.

Supported GuardianEdge Encryption Algorithms

EnCase GuardianEdge decryption supports these encryption algorithms:
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 679

l AES128
l AES256

GuardianEdge Hard Disk and Symantec Endpoint Encryp-

tion Support
EnCase supports the following versions of Guardian Edge Hard Disk (GEHD) and corresponding
versions of Symantec Endpoint Encryption (SEE):

l GEHD 9.5.1 and SEE 7.0.6

l GEHD 9.5.0 and SEE 7.0.5
l GEHD 9.4.0 and SEE 7.0.4
l GEHD 9.3.0 and SEE 7.0.3
l GEHD 9.2.2 and SEE 7.0.2
Note: Affected dialogs which previously displayed the text "GuardianEdge" now
show it as "GuardianEdge/Symantec."

If EnCase Reports GuardianEdge/Symantec dlls Cannot be Opened

If EnCase reports that GuardianEdge/Symantec EAHD DLL files could not be opened when
attempting to decrypt a SEE device from a Windows 7 or Windows 8 x86 operating system or a
Windows Vista x64 operating system, be sure 32-bit and 64-bit DLL files are installed that match
the examiner machine: a 32-bit examiner machine requires 32-bit DLL files, and a 64-bit
examiner machine requires 64-bit DLL files.

The following DLL files are required to decrypt an SEE encrypted device on a 32-bit examiner

l EAECC.dll
l EPCL32.dll

The following DLLs files are required to decrypt an SEE encrypted device on a 64-bit examiner

l EAECC.dll
l EPCL.dll

Place these DLLs files in the Lib\PC Guardian-Guardian-Edge\EAHD folder of your

EnCase installation.

Note: The version of the EAECC.dll must match the product version of SEE.
680 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

In addition to the above, you may need to install the following if they are not already present
on the system:

l GEHD 9.4.1/SEE 7.0.4: msvcp71.dll and msvcr71.dll

l GEHD 9.5.0/SEE 7.0.5: msvcp80.dll and msvcr80.dll (these must match the EnCase
platform: 32 or 64-bit)
l GEHD 9.5.1/SEE 7.0.6: msvcp80.dll and msvcr80.dll (these must match the EnCase
platform: 32 or 64-bit)

You can obtain the DLL library you need from the SEE installation folders on the client machine.


Because GEHD has domainless client administrators, you need to use a default field for the

1. Make sure you have the EnCase Decryption Suite module with PC Guardian support
installed. Check by selecting Help > About....
2. In the domain field, enter EA#DOMAIN as the client administrator account.


If you use EnCase on a Windows Vista operating system to decrypt a GuardianEdge encrypted
device, you need the following DLL files in the EnCase8\lib directory.

For GuardianEdge Encryption Anywhere and GuardianEdge Hard Disk Encryption:

PC Guardian-Guardian Edge\EAHD\EAECC.dll
PC Guardian-Guardian Edge\EAHD\EPCL32.dll
PC Guardian-Guardian Edge\EAHD\msvcp71.dll
PC Guardian-Guardian Edge\EAHD\msvcr71.dll

For GuardianEdge Encryption Plus:

PC Guardian-Guardian Edge\EAHD\EPCL32.dll
PC Guardian-Guardian Edge\EAHD\EPcrypto.dll


This applies to GuardianEdge version 8 and higher.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 681

If you are using a GuardianEdge Overall Authority (GEOA) account, you must use EA#DOMAIN
for the domain.

Note: This does not apply to GuardianEdge Encryption Plus.

Symantec Endpoint Encryption Support

EnCase provides decryption support for Symantec Endpoint Encryption 8.0 and 7.0.2 through

Symantec Endpoint Encryption is a successor product to GuardianEdge encryption products.

To view supported versions of GuardianEdge, see  GuardianEdge Encryption Support on
page 678.

Symantec Endpoint Encryption v11.1.1 support

EnCase Forensic supports the decryption of files that have been encrypted with Symantec
Endpoint Encryption v11.1.1.

To use this functionality:

1. In your browser, navigate to the Symantec downloads page: http://www.sy-

2. Download these two files:
o PGPsdk.dll
o PGPsdk.dll.sig

3. Navigate to your Symantec Endpoint Encryption installation folder: \Program

Files\Symantec\Endpoint Encryption Clients\Drive
Encryption\PGPce.dll and PGPce.dll.sig
4. Locate these two files:
o PGPce.dll
o PGPce.dll.sig

5. Place these four files in your EnCase installation folder: [Encase_Installation_


Once these files are added to the correct folder, you can decrypt evidence encrypted with
Symantec Endpoint Encryption v11.1.1.
682 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Sophos SafeGuard Support

EnCase provides the following support for Sophos SafeGuard Enterprise (Sophos SGN) and
Easy Versions 5.50 and 5.60:

l Partition/volume-based encryption support

l AES128 and AES256 support
l Support for Windows only
l Support in EnCase x86 only

To use Sophos SGN, you must obtain keys from a forensic administrator.

Decrypting a Disk
To decrypt a disk containing Sophos SGN encrypted partitions:

1. Open the SafeGuard Management Center to create a virtual client on the Sophos SGN
2. The SafeGuard Management Center displays.
3. Select the Keys and Certificates option from the left navigation pane.
4. The Keys and Certificates section displays.
5. Under Keys and Certificates select Virtual Clients.
6. Virtual Clients displays in the right pane.
7. Select Actions > Add Virtual Client.
8. The New Virtual Client dialog displays.
9. Enter a name in the Name field and click OK.
10. The new virtual client name (EnCaseVirtualClient) displays in the right pane.
11. Select the new virtual client (EnCaseVirtualClient) in the right pane.
12. Select Actions > Export Virtual Client.
13. Select and save the new virtual client.
14. Copy the new virtual client to the Examiner machine.

Decrypting Sophos SGN-Encrypted Evidence Using a Chal-

lenge/Response Session in EnCase
On the EnCase Examiner machine, EnCase detects whether the current device contains
partitions encrypted with Sophos SGN. 
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 683

To decrypt SGN-encrypted evidence using a Challenge/Response session:

1. In the Evidence tab double click the evidence name.

2. The Virtual Client Recovery Token File dialog displays.
3. Browse to the virtual client recovery token file (recoverytoken.tok) exported from the
Sophos SGN server.
4. The keys (KEKs) encrypting the data encryption key (DEK) of the current partition display.
5. Select a key ID and click OK.

A Challenge/Response session is initiated to get the plain KEK whose ID was selected
previously from the Sophos SGN server.

6. The EnCase Challenge/Response dialog displays.

To populate the EnCase Challenge/Response dialog with data obtained from the Sophos SGN
website, complete the steps described in the following section.

The plain DEK of the partition is derived from the KEK obtained previously thus decrypting the
sector data.

Obtaining Response Codes from the Sophos SGN Website

Sophos SGN provides a Web site where forensic administrators can carry out
Challenge/Response sessions.

To obtain the response codes from the Sophos SGN website:

1. Open a web browser.

2. Navigate to the Sophos SGN website.
3. The Sophos SGN Authentication dialog displays.
4. Enter your security officer ID and password, and click Log on.
684 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

5. The Recovery type dialog displays.

6. Select Virtual Client, then select the virtual client that was provided to EnCase (recov-
erytoken.tok). Click Next.
7. The Select Virtual Client action dialog displays.
8. Select Key requested, then click Next.
9. The Select key/key file for Virtual Client recovery dialog displays.
10. Click the browse icon and select the key based on your previously selected key ID in
EnCase, then click Next.
11. The Enter challenge for Virtual Client dialog displays.
12. Enter the challenge codes from the EnCase Challenge/Response dialog in the challenge

13. Click Next.

14. The Challenge/Response data window displays.
15. Sophos SGN generates and displays the required response codes.

Completing the Challenge/Response Session

To complete the challenge/response data acquisition process:

1. Return to the EnCase Challenge/Response dialog and enter the response codes obtained
from the Sophos SGN website in the Response Code fields.
2. Click OK to complete the challenge/response data collection process.
3. The plain DEK identified by the selected key ID is returned.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 685

Utimaco SafeGuard Easy Encryption Support

EnCase provides a way to view SafeGuard Easy (SGE) encrypted hard drives during an
investigation. This feature is available only to a user with the Export Restricted license flag
enabled. Note: If the Export Restricted license flag is not enabled or the integration DLL files are
not properly installed, the physical device mounts, but the encrypted file structure cannot be
parsed. Since SafeGuard Easy overwrites the original MBR for the boot disk only, only the boot
disk can be decrypted in EnCase.

1. Use the Add Device wizard to add the physical device.

2. EnCase detects the device and displays a username and password dialog.
3. In online mode, enter a valid username and password.
4. Click OK.
5. Once a successful decryption is complete, save the case. The credentials entered in the
dialog are stored in Secure Storage, eliminating the need to enter them again.
Note: If the password is empty, the Challenge/Response wizard opens. For more
information, see  Utimaco Challenge/Response Support below.

Supported Utimaco SafeGuard Easy Encryption Algorithms

The EnCase Utimaco SafeGuard Easy decryption feature supports these encryption algorithms:

l AES192
l AES256
l 3DES

Utimaco Challenge/Response Support

Utimaco has an alternate method for decrypting data using a challenge/response code. Once
the code is authenticated, EnCase returns the key and any additional data (such as encrypted
sectors) necessary to decrypt the data.

1. In the SGE credentials dialog, enter a username but leave the password field blank.
686 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

2. Click OK.
3. A Challenge Response dialog displays with the challenge code in blue/bold font. Keep this
dialog open while performing the next steps.

4. Log in as Administrator. Click the Windows Start button, then click All Programs
> Utimaco > SafeGuard Easy > Response Code Wizard.
5. The Welcome dialog displays.
6. Click Next to begin generating a one time password (OTP). The Authorization Account dia-
log displays.
7. Click Next. The Remote User ID dialog displays.
8. Enter the User ID that was used to derive the challenge code, then click Next.
9. The Challenge Code dialog displays. Enter the challenge code generated by EnCase from
step 3.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 687

10. Click Next. The Remote Command dialog displays.

11. Select One time logon, then click Next.
12. The Summary dialog displays with the response code displayed in blue/bold font.

13. In the EnCase dialog from step 3, select the code length and enter the response code to
enable decryption of the selected encrypted evidence.
688 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

14. Click OK.

15. In the Summary dialog from step 12, click Close to close the SafeGuard Easy Response
Code Wizard, or click New to generate a new response code from a different challenge

Utimaco SafeGuard Easy Encryption Known Limitation

Utimaco SafeGuard Easy treats a machine with multiple hard drives as one hard drive
consisting of all sectors of all physical hard drives.

In contrast, EnCase examines each hard drive individually. This creates a problem:

l SafeGuard Easy overwrites the Master Boot Record (MBR) of the boot disk only.
l Only the boot disk is detected as encrypted and then decrypted (when the correct cre-
dentials are entered).

This means EnCase support for SafeGuard Easy is limited to decrypting only the boot disk,
because this is the only drive detected as encrypted by examining the MBR.

There are two workarounds for this problem.

The first workaround:

1. Obtain both disks.

o The internal disk holding the SafeGuard Easy kernel (disk 1).
o The external (that is, non-bootable) disk (disk 2).

2. Open the kernel on disk 1.

You have access to disk 2.

The second workaround:

1. Obtain a SafeGuard Enterprise (SGN) kernel backup file of disk 1.

2. Restore disk 1 to an empty disk.
3. Add the non-bootable disk as disk 2.

The information in the newly restored kernel gives you access to disk 2.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 689

PGP Whole Disk Encryption (WDE) Support

Supported software versions and platforms include:

l PGP 9.8 or later

l Windows Vista (all 32 and 64-bit versions)
l Windows XP (SP1 and SP2)
l Windows 2000 Professional (SP4)
l Mac OS 10.4, 10.5, and 10.6

To decrypt a PGP encrypted disk, you need one of the following:

l A Whole Disk Recovery Token (WDRT) from the PGP Universal Server
l An Additional Decryption Key (ADK) from the client machine
l The user's passphrase
Note: The PGPEnCase.dll resides in the installation folder of EnCase (typically
C:\Program Files\EnCase8\lib\PGP\WDE). When using ADK
authentication, the PGPEnCase.dll should be copied to the same location.

Obtaining Whole Disk Recovery Token Information

1. Open a browser and enter the PGP Universal Server's URL to gain access to the PGP
Universal Administration page. The URL address displays in the PGP Universal Server boot

2. Click the Users tab to go to the Internal Users page. Note which user displays the Recov-
ery icon associated with a user name.

3. Click the user name associated with the Recovery icon. The Internal User Information
page displays.
4. Click the Whole Disk Encryption button to see the machine associated with this user.
5. Click the WDRT icon.
6. The Whole Disk Recovery Token page displays. Note the token key consisting of 28 alpha-
numeric characters.
7. In EnCase, enter the token key in the Whole Disk Recovery Token field of the PGP Whole
Disk Encryption credentials dialog, then click OK.
690 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Note: You can enter the token key with or without dashes.

Obtaining Additional Decryption Key (ADK) Information

Note: The Additional Decryption Key option is available only with the EnCase x32
bit installer.

1. Log on to the PGP client workstation.

2. Click Start > Programs > PGP > PGP Desktop.
3. Locate the PGP SDK. Select it and drop it into the same folder as PGPEnCase.dll.
4. In the PGP Desktop - PGP Disk window, click PGP Disk on the left and select any disk lis-
5. The Disk Properties display.
6. In the User Access section at the bottom of the window, export the key as an .asc file.
7. In EnCase, in the PGP Whole Disk Encryption credentials dialog, enter the full path to
the .asc file in the Additional Decryption Key (ADK) Path field, and enter the passphrase
protecting the file,

PGP Decryption using the Passphrase

1. Enter the passphrase in the Passphrase field.

2. Click OK.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 691

Dell Data Protection Enterprise (formerly Credant

Mobile Guardian) Encryption Support
EnCase Forensic provides a way to decrypt files encrypted with Dell Data Protection Enterprise
(formerly Credant Mobile Guardian) on Windows devices.

Enabling an Examiner Machine to Identify and Decrypt

Credant Files
EnCase Forensic requires Credant DLLs in order to identify and decrypt files encrypted with Dell
Data Protection Enterprise/Credant Mobile Guardian.

To enable EnCase Forensic to identify and decrypt Dell Data Protection Enterprise/Credant
Mobile Guardian files:

1. Download the Credant Installer from the Guidance Software Customer Community
Resource Center.
2. Run the Credant Installer on your examiner machine to create a directory structure and
place the required DLLs within it. The installer also installs CEGetBundle.exe, which is
needed for offline decryption.

There are two scenarios for decrypting files that have been encrypted with Dell Data Protection
Enterprise/Credant Mobile Guardian:

l The encrypted files are accessible on the network

l The encrypted files are offline and not accessible on the network

Decrypting Credant Files Accessible on the Network

For files accessible on the network, EnCase Forensic reviews mounted volumes and searches
for Dell Data Protection Enterprise/Credant Mobile Guardian encrypted files. If it finds such a
file, a logon dialog displays:

1. The dialog populates with a known user name and password, Server, Machine ID, and
Shield Credant ID (SCID). If the credentials are correct, Dell Data Protection Enter-
prise/Credant Mobile Guardian files are processed and decrypted with no further action
o If the registry file is unencrypted, then the Server, Shield CID, and Machine ID are
prepopulated for the boot volume disk.
o In an offline scenario, the Online checkbox is blank and the Machine ID and SCID
fields are unavailable.
692 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

2. Save the case when a successful decryption is complete. The credentials entered in the
dialog are stored in Secure Storage, eliminating the need to re-enter them.

Decrypting Offline Dell Data Protection Enterprise/Credant

Mobile Guardian Files
If the machine to be investigated is not on the network with the Dell Data Protection
Enterprise/Credant Mobile Guardian server, you must obtain the appropriate keys and store
them in a location accessible to the EnCase Forensic machine.

Before you begin:

l Confirm that your EnCase Forensic license includes the EnCase Decryption Suite (EDS).
EDS is included with EnCase Forensic in most countries.
l Download and run the Credant Installer on your examiner machine. You can obtain the
installer from the Guidance Software Customer Community Resource Center. The
installer places required Credant DLLs and the CEGetBundle.exe application in the
EnCase Forensic \EnCase8\Lib\Credant Technologies\CMG subdirectory of your examiner
l Obtain the URL for the Dell Data Protection Enterprise/Credant Mobile Guardian Device
l Obtain an Administrator username and password.
o The Dell Data Protection Enterprise/Credant Mobile Guardian administrator must
have privileges specific to the version of Dell Data Protection Enterprise/Credant
Mobile Guardian used with the encrypted files.

l Obtain the following:

o Administrator's login domain (for CMG 6.0 and later servers only)
o Machine ID for the target device (MUID)
o Shield Credant ID (SCID)
o Username that the key material is being downloaded for
o Password to use to encrypt the output .bin file

To decrypt and acquire from target devices:

1. From a computer that can communicate with the Dell Data Protection Enter-
prise/Credant Mobile Guardian Server, run the CEGetbundle.exe utility from the Win-
dows command prompt.
o CEGetBundle.exe is included in the Credant Installer, which also installs the DLLs
necessary for the decryption.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 693

o Copy the integration DLLs and MAC file to the target device.
o Supply the parameters as follows: CEGetBundle [-L] XURL -aAdminName -
AAdminPwd [-DAdminDomain] [-dDuid] [-sScid] [-uUsername] -
oOutputFile -oOutputFile -IOutputPwd

Legacy mode for working with pre-5.4

server installs

Device Server URL (for example,


AdminName Administrator user name

AdminPwd Administrator password

Administrator domain (optional: required

AdminDomain only if the CMG Server is configured to
support multiple domains)

Machine ID for the target device (also

known as the Unique ID or hostname)

Shield Credant ID (also known as DCID or

Device ID)

Username Name of the forensic administrator

OutputFile File to save the key material in

OutputPwd Password to encrypt output file

Here is a command example: cegetbundle -L -

X"https://CredantServer:8081/xapi" -a"Administrator" -Achangeit -
d"CredantWorkstation.Credant.local" -sCI7M22CU -u"Administrator"
-o"C:\CredantUserKeys.bin" -iChangeIt

2. Place the .bin file downloaded from the Dell Data Protection Enterprise/Credant Mobile
Guardian server in a path accessible from the examiner machine. Open EnCase Forensic
and create a new case or open an existing one. EnCase Decryption Suite must be installed
on the Examiner machine.
Note: In legacy mode, you must execute this utility for each user targeted for
investigation on the target device while specifying the same output file. The keys for
each user are appended to this output file.

3. Acquire a device with Dell Data Protection Enterprise/Credant Mobile Guardian encryp-
ted files, or load an evidence file into the case. The Enter Credentials dialog displays,
694 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

prompting you for the username, password, server/offline server file, machine ID, and
Shield Credant ID (SCID) information only.
Note: In offline mode, the only information you must provide is the password and
server/offline server file (full path and filename to the .bin file downloaded using the
CEGetBundle.exe utility).

When EnCase decrypts Dell Data Protection Enterprise/Credant Mobile Guardian files, the key
information is placed in Secure Storage within EnCase Forensic, and saved with the case. You
do not have to re-enter this information.

Decrypting Credant Files on Microsoft EFS

To decrypt a Microsoft Encrypting File System (EFS) file encrypted with Credant, you need:

l Microsoft EFS files that have already been decrypted. See  Analyze EFS on page 655.
l An EnCase Forensic machine with EnCase Decryption Suite and Credant DLLs installed.
l The CredDB.CEF file residing in the folder. This is essential, since it contains the inform-
ation to get to the decryption key.
o If the file is encrypted, the CredDB.CEF stream is automatically stored with the file
as metadata.
o If the file is decrypted, the CredDB.CEF stream is not automatically stored, as it is
not needed. This does not prevent you from storing the stream by specifically saving
it to the LEF.

Note: If an encrypted file is decrypted and added, this is noted and displayed in the

McAfee Endpoint Encryption Support

EnCase supports McAfee Endpoint Encryption (McAfee EE) Version 7.0 for Windows and
Mac. Guidance Software provides support for McAfee EE decryption for the 32 bit version only.

There are two scenarios for using McAfee EE in EnCase: Online and Offline.  Both are described
in the following sections.

Upon connecting, EnCase analyzes the Master Boot Record to detect the McAfee Endpoint
Encryption boot signature, then displays a dialog.

Check Online and supply this information:
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 695

l Username and Password for EPO server admin

l Machine Name of the device under investigation
l EPO Server name
l EPO Port - The default for the EPO Server is 8443.

The Keycheck ID is pre-populated, as read from the device. The keycheck uniquely
identifies the device.

Clear the Online checkbox and get the recovery file either directly from the ePolicy
Orchestrator (ePO) server or by using RequestMachineKey.exe from a machine that can
access the ePO Server.

When using the offline method, enter the recovery file in the McAfee Endpoint Encryption
Recovery File field.

When using either the Online or Offline method, EnCase stores the credentials entered in the
dialog in Secure Storage, eliminating the need to re-enter them.

When decryption is successful, results display in the Tree pane. Save the case.

If encryption fails, EnCase displays only the unallocated clusters.

S/MIME Encryption Support

EnCase S/MIME Encryption Support provides the ability to decrypt S/MIME-encrypted email
found in PST files. Email sent or the file extensions .pst, mbox and .edb support the S/MIME
PKCS #7 standard.

You must have PFX (PKCS 12 standard) certificates installed prior to parsing. PST, EDB, and
MBOX mail containers are supported.

To decrypt S/MIME data:

1. Open or create a case and select View > Secure Storage.

2. Right click a folder in the left pane. A dropdown menu displays.
3. Select Enter Items. The Enter Items dialog displays.
4. Select the Enter Mail Certificate tab.
Note: PFX is the only allowed certificate format.

5. Enter the path to the PFX certificate and the password, then click OK.

The PFX certificate is decrypted and stored in Secure Storage.

696 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

EnCase performs S/MIME decryption and signature verification in the background.

The certificate is stored in Secure Storage under E-Mail Certificates folder when the proper
password is entered. After you import the required certificates into Secure Storage, you can
parse the email container files using the View File Structure feature in the Entry View.

When parsing is complete and successful, a directory list displays.

The Artifacts tab lets you view and work with content.

Troubleshooting a Failed S/MIME Decryption

If decryption fails, examine the Artifacts view to locate the error.

NSF Encryption Support

The Lotus Notes email client has security built in. Notes was the first widely adopted software
product to use public key cryptography for client server and server server authentication and
for encryption of data, and it remains the product with the largest installed base of PKI users.

The EnCase suite can decrypt encrypted Notes Storage Facility (.nsf) documents and send
them to recipients within the same Domino server.

Each server user has an ID file that contains a user's:

l Encrypted private key

l Public key
l Password information
l Password recovery information

It also has an NSF file that represents the user's mailbox in 8.3 format in the default path
<domino installation folder>\data\mail\<user>.nsf.

Recovering NSF Passwords

To retrieve the recovery password, you must have proper administrative rights on the Domino

1. Open the Domino Server.

2. Log on as the server administrator.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 697

3. Click OK. The password ID list displays.

4. Click OK. The recovery password displays.
5. Click OK, and define users authorized to generate recovery passwords.

Lotus Notes Local Encryption Support

EnCase can decrypt a local Lotus Notes user mailbox (.nsf file suffix). The local mailbox is a
replica of the corresponding encrypted mailbox on the Domino server.

Each Domino server user has a corresponding NSF file representing that user's mailbox in 8.3
format. The default path is <Domino Installation Folder>\Data\Mail\<user>.nsf.
The Lotus Notes client is set up to use the local mailbox. Synchronization between the local
and server mailboxes occurs according to a replication schedule determined by the Domino

Encryption of the local mailbox is not mandatory but it is advisable, because without
encryption a person familiar with the NSF file structure could read email without needing Lotus

Encryption occurs at block level.

Determining Local Mailbox Encryption

To determine local mailbox encryption, look in the header (the first 0x400 bytes) at offset
0x282. If the byte is 0x1, the mailbox is locally encrypted.

Parsing a Locally Encrypted Mailbox

To parse a locally encrypted mailbox:

1. Obtain the corresponding ID file from the Domino server. All user ID files are backed up
on the server either on disk as a file or in the Domino directory as an attachment to
2. Parse it using View File Structure, so that the private key is inserted in Secure Storage.
698 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Encrypted Block
The example below shows an encrypted block at offset 0x22000:

The decryption algorithm uses a seed that is based on the basic seed from the header and the
block offset.

Decrypted Block
The example below shows an example of a decrypted object map at offset 0x22000:
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 699

Locally Encrypted NSF Parsing Results

Entry view displays a successfully parsed locally encrypted NSF as follows:
700 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

If the corresponding ID file cannot be parsed successfully, the Secure Storage is not populated
with the data needed to parse the locally encrypted NSF; thus, the Lotus volume is empty.

Windows Rights Management Services (RMS)

EnCase lets you use RMS to manage decryption of Microsoft Outlook email and Microsoft
Office documents across the network.

Supported products include:

l Office 2003 and 2007

l Outlook 2003, 2007, and 2010 PSTs

The two ways to decrypt RMS protected files include:

l At the volume level

l At the file level using View File Structure

For versions of Windows prior to Vista, you must install Microsoft Windows Rights
Management Services Client 1.0 (SP2) before running the RMS standalone installer.

Note: When decrypting RMS protected files, it is important to enter correct

credentials. Since EnCase attempts to decrypt RMS protected documents even when
you enter incorrect credentials, for large PST files of several GB a long wait could be
a occur--up to several hours--before learning the credentials you entered did not
work. So it is crucial to enter correct RMS credentials at the beginning.

RMS Decryption at the Volume Level

To decrypt RMS protected files in volume, follow these steps:

1. On the Evidence tab, select the volume.

2. Click the Device dropdown and click Analyze RMS.
3. The RMS credentials dialog displays.
4. Enter a Username and Password, then click OK.
5. EnCase decrypts RMS protected files in the volume.

EnCase stores the credentials you entered, so you do not need to enter them again.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 701

RMS Decryption at the File Level

EnCase supports the following RMS protectors:

l MSO (Office 2003 RMS protector)

l OPC (Office 2007 RMS protector)

1. Right click the MSO protected file you want to decrypt (that is, a Word document created
with Office 2003), then click View File Structure. The View File Structure dialog displays.
2. Select the Find RMS Content checkbox, then click OK.
3. The Microsoft RMS SuperUser Credentials dialog displays.
4. Enter a username and password, then click OK.
5. EnCase decrypts RMS protected files in the volume.

EnCase stores the credentials you entered, so the next time you do not need to enter them

1. Right click the OPC-protected file you want to decrypt (that is, a Word document created
with Office 2007), then click View File Structure. The View File Structure dialog displays.
2. Follow steps 2 through 5 in MSO, above.

RMS Protected Email in PST

For PST files, to find email messages that are RMS protected:

1. Right click the PST file, then click View File Structure. The View File Structure dialog dis-
2. Select the Find RMS Content checkbox, then click OK.
3. The Microsoft RMS SuperUser Credentials dialog displays.
4. Enter a username and password, then click OK.

Windows Key Architecture

Windows has an elaborate key protection mechanism. The Syskey protects the policy key, the
SAM key, and others. These keys protect the user’s password hashes.
702 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

In Windows 2000, however, the Master Key is protected by the user’s password hash with a
mechanism that slows down any attack. The Master Key protects the user’s private key, and
the user’s private key protects a key within the $EFS stream that allows for decryption of the
EFS encrypted file.

Dictionary Attacks
Software implementing the dictionary attack method usually uses a text file containing a large
number of passwords and phrases. Each is tried in turn in the hope that one of the words or
phrases in the file will decrypt the data involved.

A large number of dictionary files (sometimes called word lists) are on the Internet, or you can
create your own list. Creating your own list may be preferable if the person under investigation
has particular interests that can be included in the list.

The web has freeware utilities you can use to create a dictionary from combinations of letters,
numbers, and characters up to a predefined length. A search engine search for "Free Wordlist
Generator" yields a number of options.

EDS can attack NT-based user account passwords and cached net logon passwords using a
dictionary attack.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 703

Built-In Attacks
Specific items have associated passwords. If they are not automatically retrieved, you can use
a trial and error mechanism.

Items that can be attacked include:

l Local users
l Network users that logged on (cached domain users)
l Syskey (password mode only)
l Master Key, if the user’s SAM or domain cache can’t be accessed (due to corruption,
account deletion or Syskey protection). This is much slower than attacking Local/Network

Local users can be attacked with third party tools including freeware tools, whose performance
is much greater than EnCase because they can run on many computers at the same time
and/or use rainbow tables. EnCase can export the local user’s password hashes in the
PWDUMP format that most tools read. This is done from the User List:

The User List of Secure Storage displays Local Users, Domain Users, Nix Users, and/or Nix
Groups from the local machine or evidence file. Information displayed includes:
704 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Last logon date

l User SID
l NT hash
l LanManager hash

This information is also associated with each account.

Words to be tested may be derived from three sources:

l Internal passwords: password items in the secure storage.

l Dictionary words: the dictionary is a plain text file that can be in ANSI-Latin1 or UTF16.
Every word must be on its own line (it can contain any character, including spaces).
l Brute force: automatically generates words from an alphabet with a length in a given

Four “mutators” can be applied:

l Toggle Case: tries all the upper/lower case variations

l Append Digits
l Prepend Digits
l Combine Words: words are combined with each other. For example, if the dictionary con-
tains the words "old" and "dog", the result is these four words:
o old
o dog
o olddog
o dogold


A brute force attack works by trying to identify a password or passphrase by testing all
possible combinations of the characters of an alphabet. This alpahbet is in the text file pointed
to by the "alphabet path”. This is a is a plain text file that can be in ANSI-Latin1 or UTF16, where
the first line uses all the characters. This can generate very large amounts of words to test.

An example of an alphabet path is “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890-( )“.

Depending on the settings, a dictionary attack can test thousands of passwords contained in a
dictionary file in a very brief time frame. It is usual to try a dictionary attack first, then progress
to a brute force attack if the password(s) cannot be found.
CHAPTER 17   EnCase Decryption Suite 705

Any information concerning the possible structure/character length of the password helps
706 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Overview 709

The EnScript Language 709

App Central 709

EnScript Launcher 709

708 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 18  Using the EnScript Programming Language 709

EnScript is designed to allow a user with some knowledge of programming to access deeper
functionality of EnCase Forensic, automate tasks, and create functional applications that can
be shared with others.

EnScript is an object-oriented language with inheritance, virtual functions, type reflection, and
a threading model.

EnScript supports COM libraries from other applications and enables you to automate
document processing tasks and remote data retrieval through DCOM. You can also integrate
with .NET assemblies in the form of DLL files.

The EnScript Language

The EnScript programming language has its roots in C/C++ but also contains elements of Java
and C#.

It is a case-sensitive language that ignores any whitespace not part of a quoted string.

EnScript source code is processed internally as Unicode, but is stored as 8-bit text unless non-
ASCII text is present.

App Central
EnScript programmers can sign up as members of the EnCase Developers Network and market
their EnScript applications using EnCase App Central.

EnScript programmers signing up as an EnCase App Central EnScript developer receive the

following tools:

l EnCase App Central submission tool

l EnCase App Central developer's handbook
l EnScript Fundamentals, a guide to EnScript written by the training team at Guidance Soft-

EnScript Launcher
The EnScript Launcher makes it easier to locate and run EnScripts in EnCase. The launcher
allows you to set up multiple EnScript databases you can search from a single, helpful menu.
710 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

When the launcher opens for the first time, you are prompted to specify up to two different
file paths. You can update these paths at a later time if needed. The EnScript Launcher queries
both locations for EnScripts when you search.

Once configured, the EnScript Launcher scans the provided paths recursively, keeping them up
to date.

To run the EnScript Launcher:

1. In the EnScript dropdown menu, click EnScript Launcher, or use the keyboard shortcut
2. Enter the desired search term(s) and press Tab. Search results display in the Matching
Scripts area.
3. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the required script, then press Enter.

The EnScript Launcher retains the list of paths and rescans all designated file paths whenever
loaded by EnCase at startup. You can also manually edit or view your file paths via the Edit
Paths button or rescan via the Rescan Paths button.

Note: The EnScript Launcher does not check for duplicate script paths. Avoid
entering script paths that overlap. Also, EnScripts run with the launcher do not
display in the MRU list under the EnScript toolbar menu.

Overview 713

Evidence File Formats Supported by VFS 713

Mounting Evidence with VFS 713

Dismounting the Network Share 721

Accessing the Share 721

Third Party Tools 722

VFS Server 724

Troubleshooting the Virtual File System 728

712 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 19   Virtual File System 713

The Virtual File System (VFS) module enables investigators to mount computer evidence as a
read-only, offline network drive for examination through Windows Explorer. The feature allows
investigators several examination options, including using third-party tools to examine
evidence served by EnCase.

The VFS module enables the use of third-party tools against hard drives previewed through a
FastBloc device or a crossover cable, including deleted files.

Evidence File Formats Supported by VFS

VFS supports mounting any data that is visible in a case. All image file formats and file systems
supported by the EnCase software can be mounted with VFS.

Mounting Evidence with VFS

The VFS Module can mount computer evidence supported by EnCase as an offline, read-only
network drive in Windows Explorer.

You can mount evidence at one of four levels; however, you can designate only one mounting
point at a time. To change the mounting point, you need to dismount the evidence and
mount at a new level to include the desired devices.

The four evidence mounting levels and associated VFS capabilities include:

l Case level: Mounting from case-level is not supported by VFS.

l Disk/Device level: Mounts a single physical disk or device, with access to all volumes on
the disk or device.
l Volume level: Mounts a single volume/partition on a physical disk.
l Folder level:  Mounts at the folder level, lowest level possible.  This mount level is helpful
to examine files in paths that exceed the Windows limit of 264 characters in the full path
and name of a file.

Using the Server extension, you can also mount evidence to be shared with other investigators
through a LAN. The Virtual File System Server is discussed later.

Mounting a Single Drive, Device, Volume, or Folder

Only one mount point can be designated at a time. To include other data, you must select a
mount point that is in a parent relationship to both areas of data to be mounted.
714 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

To mount a single drive or device in a case file or a single volume or folder on a drive, click
Device > Share > Mount as Network Share.

Mount Network Share Options

On the Server Info tab of the Mount as Network Share window, when establishing a local
server, most of the server info is disabled. The only exception is the local port. VFS defaults to
establishing a local server, which is the option used when using VFS on the local machine.

Since VFS is mounting the evidence as a network shared drive, a local port must be assigned.
To allow recovery from errors in Windows, the VFS service runs for the life of the Windows
session. This means that the port number can be assigned the first time the VFS service is run
to mount evidence. Afterwards, the port number is grayed out and the assigned port number
cannot be changed.

To assign a local port:

1. On the Server Info tab, set the local port or use the default setting.
2. Set the Max clients allowed, up to the maximum number of clients purchased for VFS.
Note: The Windows session must be closed to assign a new port number.

3. Click the Client Info tab to set the volume letter to be assigned to the network share in
Windows Explorer.
4. Windows Explorer assigns the next available volume letter by default. You can also use
any other unassigned letter.

Assigning a specific volume letter can be useful when attempting to virtually reconstruct
a mapped network drive, such as for a database.

If you currently have mapped networked drives or if you allow Windows to assign the
drive letter, it takes a few seconds for Windows to query the system to find an available
drive letter.

If you specify an available volume letter, the mounting is virtually instantaneous.

A confirmation dialog informs you that the mount was successful with the volume letter. The
"shared hand" icon displays at the level you designated as the mount point for the shared

You can mount at the device, volume, or folder level with VFS. To do this:
CHAPTER 19   Virtual File System 715

1. Select the Entry you want to mount in the entry window.  Click Device > Share > Mount
As Network Share.
2. The Windows Explorer view of the mounted entry displays.

Compound Files
You can mount several different compound files, including Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook
Express, and Outlook, in the EnCase interface.

To mount a compound file:

1. Find the compound file you want to view.

2. Select Entries > View File Structure.
3. When the View File Structure operation is complete, a hyperlink displays in the entry
4. Click the hyperlink. The contents of the compound file display.
5. To mount the compound file, select Device > Mount as Network Share. The contents of
the compound file display in Windows Explorer.

VFS displays the data.

To view the original Word document file:

1. Close the mounted compound file.

2. In Windows Explorer, click F5 to refresh the screen. If you have currently selected data
within the compound file, an error message reports that the data is no longer available,
since it was closed inside EnCase.
3. Select the parent folder of the file to view and open the file.

Encrypting File System

You can view decrypted files in Windows when you use VFS in conjunction with the EnCase
Decryption Suite (EDS). You can mount the evidence containing the decrypted files and folders
with VFS for viewing the decrypted data in Windows Explorer or with third party tools.

This is an example of an encrypted evidence file when VFS is used in conjunction with EDS:
716 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

This is a view of the encrypted file in its decrypted state when using VFS in conjunction with
CHAPTER 19   Virtual File System 717

For more information on using EDS to decrypt EFS protected files and folders, see EnCase
Decryption Suite.

You can browse RAIDs mounted inside EnCase in Windows Explorer. In this example, a
software RAID 5 comprised of three drives was mounted, then made available for browsing in
Windows Explorer with Virtual File System.
718 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Deleted Files
The Virtual File System module lets you view deleted and overwritten files in Windows

An investigator may locate a file in Windows Explorer to view or analyze and find that it is not
possible to open the file. If a file does not open, review the original data in the EnCase interface
to see if the file is valid, and is not corrupted or partially overwritten.

Internal Files and File System Files

EnCase organizes some data on devices into virtual logical files to allow for better organization
and searching. Examples include unallocated clusters and volume slack on a volume, and
unused disk area on a physical drive. Hidden file system files are also available, such as the
$MFT, FAT, or inode table directories on NTFS, FAT, and *nix file systems.

RAM and Disk Slack

VFS serves the actual logical files on devices along with virtual logical files which it organizes for
investigators. The physical files are not served, as Windows Explorer cannot interact with the
file data correctly if the entire physical file was served.
CHAPTER 19   Virtual File System 719

For investigators, this means the RAM (sector) slack and drive (file cluster) slack are not
available to third-party tools through the Virtual File System in Windows Explorer as a single
file. However, you can access the data in slack with third-party tools.

To load a device without parsing the file system:

1. Launch EnCase.
2. Open a new case.
3. Click Add evidence > Add Local Device.to load the device.
4. Click Next to read the available local devices.
5. Clear any checkmarks from the Read File System column.

When the device is loaded into EnCase, the partition and file system are not read and
interpreted. You can then mount the entire device with VFS and have it be available for
examination in Windows Explorer as unused disk area, including slack space.

Another option is to copy only slack area from evidence to the examination computer as a
logical file.

1. Select the entry with slack space to be examined.

2. Select Entries > Copy Files.
3. In the From section, select All selected files, and in the To section, select Merge into one
file, then click Next.
4. In the Copy section of the Options dialog, select RAM and Disk Slack to copy the RAM
slack (also known as sector slack) and the Disk Slack (also known as cluster slack).
5. Select the appropriate Character Mask option for non-ASCII characters, or accept the
default and click Next.
6. Set the destination path and the name of the file to contain the slack and click Finish.
7. The progress of the copying process displays on the bottom right and the results are
stored in the logs and the console.

The file containing the slack from the evidence is now available for examination by third party
utilities on the local examination machine.

Other File Systems

Virtual File System can mount file systems other than those natively supported by Windows.
This is an example of a Macintosh OS/X drive mounted with VFS.
720 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

ext2, ext3, UFS, and Other File Systems

Unix, Linux, and BSD devices can be mounted in Windows Explorer with VFS. One limitation is
the forward slash (/) used in *nix file systems. The forward slash is an invalid character in
Windows and cannot be displayed in the full path for Windows Explorer. For this reason, the
forward slash is represented by the high-dot (∙).

In this example, the /(root) partition is represented by the high-dot. The /home partition is
represented by ∙home.

In this example, the /(root) partition of a Solaris workstation is mounted and the parent
folder name (the partition name) displays as the high-dot.
CHAPTER 19   Virtual File System 721

Note: Windows has a limit of 264 characters in a full path and file name. This
limitation may impact some examinations in Windows Explorer, especially for Unix
and Linux devices. In this situation, the investigator may need to mount at the
partition or folder level.

Dismounting the Network Share

To dismount the network share:

1. Double click the Virtual File System thread bar at the bottom right of the screen, then
click Yes.
2. The thread bar at the bottom right disappears, indicating the evidence was successfully

Changing the Mount Point

You can view one mount point at a time. To change the location of the mount point, you must
close the current mount point and open a new one.

Note: Be sure to dismount evidence that is served through VFS before closing
EnCase. A reminder message displays if you try to close the case or EnCase while
evidence is mounted with VFS.

Accessing the Share

The following topics provide information about how to access and use the network share.

Using the EnCase VFS Name Column

A VFS Name column displays in the Table pane for the Virtual File System module. The column
identifies the filename given to a file served from EnCase and displayed in Windows Explorer
through VFS. The VFS name overcomes the Windows limitation of not allowing multiple files to
share the same file name as siblings in the same parent folder. The column is empty when the
evidence is first mounted with VFS, but populates when the share is accessed in Windows

When an investigator selects a folder in Windows Explorer, the data is served by EnCase and
displayed in Windows Explorer. As you browse directories in Windows Explorer, the file names
722 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

populate in the VFS Name column, so an investigator can determine which file is being
examined. EnCase appends a pound sign (#) to the end of duplicate filenames in the same
folder in Windows Explorer.

Using Windows Explorer with VFS

After mounting the shared network drive with VFS, open Windows Explorer. The new share is
represented with a network drive icon and assigned the appropriate volume letter. The name
of the share is gsisvr (for Guidance Software Server).

Several operations are then possible, including:

l Browsing the mounted case and associated devices in Windows Explorer.

l Opening hidden and deleted files if Show hidden files and folders is enabled in Windows
Explorer using the Tools menu Folder Options.
l Using the thumbnail viewer in Windows Explorer to view images as seen by the original
Note: To view hidden entries, it may be necessary to update Windows Explorer
settings to show all hidden files and folders.

Third Party Tools

Using Virtual File System, investigators can examine evidence outside EnCase using third party
tools capable of requesting and interpreting data from Windows Explorer. However, Guidance
Software does not certify the performance or accuracy of results obtained through any tools
not developed by Guidance Software.

Malware Scanning with VFS

A frequent use for VFS is to mount computer evidence and scan for viruses, Trojans, and other
malware programs.

1. Mount the evidence through VFS either locally on the examiner machine, or remotely
through the VFS Server.

You can mount the evidence at the device, volume, or folder levels as described
previously. The "shared hand" icon indicates the level of the virtual file system mount.
CHAPTER 19   Virtual File System 723

2. In Windows Explorer, select the gsisvr offline network drive.

3. Use antivirus software to scan the file.

In the example below, the Symantec AntiVirus Scan for Viruses option is run by right clicking
the drive.

The antivirus software can read the Virtual File System presented to Windows Explorer. The
requested data is served by EnCase to Windows Explorer, then to the program for scanning.

The examination reports and logs generated by the third-party tools can be reviewed and
included in the investigator's report.

Other Tools and Viewers

The third-party tools and viewers available to the investigator for forensic examination are now
greatly expanded with VFS. To use them:

l Double click a file served by VFS to open the data with the program assigned according to
the file extension.


To associate a program with an extension:

1. From the Windows Explorer Tools menu, select Folder Options.

2. In the Folder Options window, click the File Types tab.
724 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

3. Select the desired extension. The Details for section lists the program designated for that
4. Click Change.
5. Select or browse to the new program.


Some files, such as in Unix and Linux, do not have file extensions. To view them:

1. Right click the file and select Open.

2. In the Open With dialog, select the desired application from the Programs list and click
3. If the application is not listed, click Browse to find the application executable, or allow
Windows to search the Internet (if connected).
4. Click Other if the appropriate application is not available.

WordPad can open most text-based files to let you view the contents.


Another popular viewing program, Quick View Plus, can be used to view dozens of file formats,
without the native applications installed on the examination machine.

Temporary Files Reminder

EnCase allows investigators to redirect temporary files to a Temp/Trash folder on a secondary
hard drive for faster cleanup after an examination, and to prevent confidential or contraband
materials from being redirected by Windows to the investigator's own Temp folder on the
operating system drive.

When you open a file mounted with Virtual File System in Windows Explorer with a third-party
tool, the Windows operating system controls the temporary file creation on the operating
system drive. Remember to check the Windows Temp folder to perform any necessary post-
examination cleanup.

VFS Server
The Virtual File System module has a server extension so that investigators can share the
mounted evidence with other investigators on the local area network through VFS. The
extension lets clients mount the network share served by the VFS Server through a network
connection, under the following conditions:
CHAPTER 19   Virtual File System 725

l Only the machine that is running the VFS Server needs a security key (dongle) inserted.

A security key is not required to connect to the VFS Server and access the served data in
Windows Explorer.

l The client machine(s) must have EnCase installed to access the VFS client drivers, but can
run in Acquisition mode.

The number of clients that can connect to the VFS Server depends upon the number of
VFS Server connections purchased. This information is contained in the VFS Certificate or
is programmed into the security key.

To determine if the VFS Server is enabled and to view the number of available client

1. Select About EnCase from the Help menu.

2. If the VFS module is not listed, or if the number of clients is insufficient, contact Guidance
Software Customer Service to purchase additional clients.

Configuring the VFS Server

To configure the VFS Server:

1. On the VFS Server machine (with the security key inserted), open EnCase.
2. Open the case file(s).
3. Select the appropriate VFS mount point level:
o Case
o Drive/device
o Volume
o folder

4. Right click the mount point and select Mount as Network Share.
Note: You have the option of creating a network share from any of the cases, drives,
or folders within it. This allows you to share only what is necessary.

5. Since this is the VFS Server machine, select Establish local server for the location on the
Server Info tab.
6. Enter a Port number or use the default: 8177. The Server IP Address is grayed out since
the server's IP address is the one assigned to the machine where the mount is taking
7. Note the server machine's IP address for use with the client.
8. Set the maximum number of clients who can connect to the server. The default is the
maximum allowed by your VFS Server certificate.
726 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Since VFS is mounting the evidence as a networked shared drive, the serving port must be
assigned. To allow recovery from errors in Windows, the VFS service runs for the life of the
Windows session from that port.

The VFS Server can also serve the data locally to the investigator's machine. It uses one of the
server connections.

Restrict Access by IP Address

By default, the VFS Server is configured to allow access from all IP addresses. However, the
preferred method is to restrict access by IP address.

To specify a range of machines:

1. Select Allow IP Range and specify the high and low IP values.

2. Select Allow specific IPs.

3. Right click in the Allowed IPs box.
4. Select New and enter the IP addresses.
5. To enter multiple IP addresses, repeat steps 3 and 4. To edit or delete existing IP
addresses, right click Allowed IPs.
6. Select the Client Info tab.
7. To also mount and view the shared drive locally, leave the Mount share locally box
checked and specify a volume letter.
o By default, the volume letter field displays an asterisk, indicating that the next avail-
able drive letter will be used. Mounting the share locally uses one of your VFS Server
CHAPTER 19   Virtual File System 727

o If you are serving the share to remote clients only, clear Mount share locally. The
volume letter is disabled.

The VFS Server mounts the share and allows connections on the assigned port. The shared
hand icon displays at the VFS mount point. You can continue your examination while it is
shared. Performance depends on the size and type of the examined evidence, processing
power of the server and client machines, and the bandwidth of the network.

Connecting the Clients

To connect the clients:

1. Install EnCase on the client.

2. Reboot the machine after installation for Windows to access the VFS drivers.

When launching EnCase, it is not necessary to have a security key present.

3. Click Tools > Mount as Network Share.

4. On the Server Info tab, enter the Server IP Address for the VFS Server machine, and enter
the port number on which the server is listening.
5. On the Client Info tab, select the Volume Letter to assign the share, or accept the next
available letter.

A confirmation message displays.

On the client machine, the share is available in Windows Explorer as gsisvr with the assigned
drive letter. The shared computer evidence can be examined as previously described.

Closing the Connection

When an investigator using a client machine has completed the examination of the shared
drive, or another investigator needs to use the connection, double click the progress bar at the
lower right and select Yes.

A confirmation window reports that the evidence is dismounted and the connection closed.
The shared hand icon is removed, indicating that Windows Explorer has disconnected the
shared drive. Close EnCase on the client computer.

On the VFS Server machine, when all clients are finished and have dismounted the share, close
the VFS Server.

1. Double click the flashing Virtual File System bar in the lower right corner of EnCase.
2. You are prompted to dismount the evidence file. You can now close EnCase.
728 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Troubleshooting the Virtual File System

If you are using cert files, check to see that the Virtual File System certificate is located in the
proper Certs directory (typically C:\Program Files\EnCase8\Certs).

Make sure the security key is installed and working properly; check the title bar to ensure that
the software is not in Acquisition mode. You do not need to have the security key installed on
a machine connecting to a remote VFS Server.

If you are using cert files, the certificate file is issued for a specific security key. Check the
security key ID to verify it is the correct one issued for the certificate.


Select About EnCase from the Tools menu and ensure that Virtual File System Server is listed
under Modules. If the Server is not listed, you may have the wrong cert installed, or you do
not have access to the Server edition.


Confirm the IP address and port number of the Remote Server. If the IP address is correct,
ping the address to ensure connectivity.

Make sure the device is still mounted on the remote server.

Check to see how many machines are connected to the server, and determine how many
clients are permitted to connect to a VFS Server by selecting About EnCase from the Tools
menu on the machine running the VFS Server. Determine the number of allowed clients by
looking at the number listed next to the Virtual File System Server module.

Note: If none of these troubleshooting steps resolves your issue, contact Guidance
Software Technical Services.


After adding evidence to a new drive on a client machine running EnCase, then running Virtual
File System, when you open the new drive the new evidence is not available. Instead, the
message, "Unused disk area" displays, rather than the evidence added. To correct this, on the
machine where EnCase is running, configure Windows Explorer to Show hidden files, folders,
and drives and to show system files.

Overview 731

Evidence File Formats Supported by EnCase PDE 731

Using Physical Disk Emulator 731

Third Party Tools 735

Boot Evidence Files and Live Systems with VMware 736

VMware/EnCase PDE FAQs 739

PDE Troubleshooting 740

730 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 20   Physical Disk Emulator 731

The EnCase Physical Disk Emulator (PDE) module allows investigators to mount computer
evidence as a local drive for examination through Windows Explorer. The PDE module permits
investigators to employ numerous options in their examinations, including the use of third-
party tools with evidence served by EnCase.

We are committed to the concept of providing an integrated product to our customers. Third-
party tools continue to be developed to complement the core functions and features of
EnCase, and Guidance Software encourages their creation and use. PDE allows third-party
access to all supported computer evidence and file system formats. EnCase continues its
evolution towards becoming a server of forensic data, whether in an image file, a preview of an
offline computer or hard drive, or a live machine on a network.

Evidence File Formats Supported by EnCase PDE

EnCase PDE supports mounting individual image files of hard drives and CDs, but not images
or previews of the local examiner machine's hard drive. All image file formats and file systems
supported by EnCase software can be mounted with PDE.

In addition, this live computer forensic evidence is supported by PDE:

l Local machine previews of CDs.

l Local machine previews of evidence hard drives through FastBloc FE and LE hardware
write blocking devices.
l Crossover cable network previews of hard drives and CDs.
l Parallel port previews of hard drives and CDs.

Using Physical Disk Emulator

Note: Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to use PDE to mount EnCase
images or previews of the local forensic machine hard drives. Windows fails
(displaying a blue screen) when it detects multiple instances of the same drive. Use
only evidence files of other machines.

Starting Physical Disk Emulator

To mount a device using the Physical Disk Emulator module, you must add a physical or logical
disk image to a case in the Entries subtab under Cases. PDE can only mount physical devices or
volumes. If you select a menu item from a non-mountable level, the PDE configuration is
limited to client mode.
732 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

1. Select the device to mount as a physical disk under Entries in the Tree pane in the Evid-
ence tab and select Device > Share > Mount as Emulated Disk.
2. The Mount as Emulated Disk dialog displays.

Configuring the PDE Client

The Physical Disk Emulator module assigns a local port the first time you run it. Afterwards the
port number is disabled and you cannot change it. To assign a new port number, close the
Windows session and restart.

PDE does not use any other options in the Mount as Emulated Disk dialog Server Info tab.

To specify cache and CD options, click the Client Info tab.

If you select a physical device or volume (not a CD), you can decide whether to cache data. By
default, caching is disabled. Use the write cache if programs require access to the files in an
emulated read/write mode.

When a cache is enabled, changes made by programs are sent to a separate cache file specified
on your local system.

To create a new write cache file for an EnCase Differential Evidence File:

1. Clear the Disable caching checkbox.

2. Select Create new cache in the Cache Type box and specify a write cache path.

To use an existing write cache file, select Use existing cache and browse to the existing write
cache file in the Write cache path field.  Make sure to use a write cache file that was created
with the evidence you are currently mounting.

Caching is necessary for PDE to function with VMware. In this state, Windows caches file
deletions and additions. This is used to boot the drive with VMware as described later in this
section. Caching is also necessary when mounting certain volume types.

If a CD is mounted, EnCase enables the CD Session to view option, which lets you specify which
session on a multi-session CD should display in Windows. The default session is the last
session on the active CD, which is the one usually seen by Windows.
CHAPTER 20   Physical Disk Emulator 733

To view a prior session:

1. Select the CD Session to view option.

2. Choose a session.
3. Click OK to continue.
4. If a message displays stating that the software you are installing has not passed the Win-
dows Logo test, click Continue Anyway.

This lets Windows add the evidence file as a drive with its own drive letter.
Note: If using VMware, you must have the physical device number.

Verify that the evidence file has been mounted with a drive letter by browsing in Windows
Explorer. The drive letter lets you use third-party tools.

When the share is created, a sharing (hand) icon displays.

Mounting Non-Windows Devices

Devices with file systems other than NTFS, FAT, or exFAT can be mounted using the Physical
Disk Emulator module, however, the volume cannot be seen by Windows (although the
physical device can be seen in Disk Management). The process to mount such a device is the
same as that used to mount an NTFS, FAT, or exFAT device.

Accessing the Local Disk in Windows Explorer

After mounting the disk with PDE in the EnCase interface, the new volume is represented with
a hard drive icon, assigned a volume letter, and labeled as a local disk in Windows Explorer.

The mounted drive lets you:

l Open hidden files: within a Windows folder, select Tools > Folder Options. Click the View
tab and select Show hidden files, folders, and drives.
l View deleted and system files and unallocated clusters.
l Mount an evidence file using the EnCase Virtual File System module.

Files and folders on the mounted device can be used in Windows in the same manner as an
additional drive, although changes will be written to cache (if in use) instead of to the device

Saving and Dismounting the Emulated Disk

When write caching is enabled, you can save virtual changes made to the evidence file when
mounting a device.
734 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

1. In EnCase, click Device > Share > Save emulated disk state.

EnCase saves the cache in the path specified for write caching. An instance number is
appended to the cache file every time you save, after the initial save. You can later use these
cache files to remount the evidence in its saved state, but you must have all of the preceding
cache files located in the same directory.

To end the emulation:

1. Double click the flashing Physical Disk Emulator indicator in the lower right of the applic-
ation window.
2. Click Yes in the Thread Status window to cancel the disk emulation.

If caching is enabled when mounting evidence, this dialog displays:

The purpose of the final cache is to create a compressed and merged Differential Evidence File
(*.D01) containing the cached data. Select the Save Emulated Disk State option to have
multiple cache files for the same mounted evidence session. The final cache merges all these
files. If you do not need to save the final file, select Discard final cache.

Use the Differential Evidence File to open the evidence file and view the emulated disk with the
cached changes applied.
CHAPTER 20   Physical Disk Emulator 735

To apply the cached data:

1. Right click the device.

2. Select Mount as Emulated Disk.
3. Click the Client Info tab.
4. Clear the Disable caching checkbox.
5. Select Use existing cache.
6. Browse in the Write cache path field to find the *.D01 file.

After the disk mounts, Windows Explorer reflects the cached changes.

When the device is dismounted, a status screen displays indicating the disk dismounted

Closing and Changing the Emulated Disk

To mount a different drive, first dismount the currently emulated drive as previously
described. You can then set a new mount point.

Note: Be sure to dismount evidence that is served through PDE before exiting. A
reminder message displays if you attempt to close the case or EnCase while evidence
is mounted with PDE.

Temporary Files Redirection

EnCase allows investigators to redirect temporary files to a temp or trash folder on a
secondary hard drive for faster cleanup after an examination, and to prevent confidential or
contraband material from being redirected by Windows to the investigator's own temp folder
on the operating system drive.

When opening a file mounted with PDE in Windows Explorer with a third party tool, the
Windows operating system controls the temporary file creation on the operating system drive,
and any necessary post-examination cleanup is more involved.

Third Party Tools

Investigators with the Physical Disk Emulator module can use Windows Explorer to browse the
structure of computer evidence. They can also use third party tools capable of requesting and
interpreting data from Windows Explorer to examine evidence outside of EnCase. Guidance
Software does not certify the performance of tools not developed by Guidance Software or the
accuracy of their results.
736 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Using Third Party Tools

Third party tools and viewers available to the investigator for forensic examination are greatly
expanded with EnCase Physical Disk Emulator.

To use a third party tool:

1. Open the file served by PDE to have Windows Explorer request and receive the data from
2. Open the data with the assigned program according to the file extension.


Quick View Plus is a popular viewing program, which allows the investigator to view dozens of
file formats without the native applications installed on the examination machine.

A common use for EnCase PDE is to mount computer evidence for scanning for viruses,
Trojans, and other malware programs.

1. Mount the drive or volume from the evidence file through PDE.
2. In Windows Explorer, select the newly mounted drive.

If an antivirus program is installed and integrated with Windows Explorer, it can scan for
viruses. The program reads the emulated disk presented to Windows Explorer. EnCase serves
the requested data to Windows Explorer, then to the program for scanning.

Boot Evidence Files and Live Systems with VMware

The following topics describe how to work with boot evidence files and live systems when
using PDE with a VM machine.

Initial Preparation
VMware version 4.5.1, build 7568 or later is required for the Physical Disk Emulator to work
CHAPTER 20   Physical Disk Emulator 737

To use VMware to mount an evidence file:

1. Determine the operating system of the subject evidence file:

o Use the Windows Initialize Case module from the Case Processor EnScript to
determine the operating system.
o Check the contents of the boot.ini file, which is located on the partition root.
o Examine the folder structure, noting the following:

Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 Server all use the C:\Documents and Settings folder
for user profiles and folders.

Windows NT and 2000 use the C:\WINNT folder for the system root.

Windows 9X, XP and 2003 Server use the C:\Windows folder for the system root.

2. Mount the physical disk containing the operating system using Physical Disk Emulator.
Make sure to enable caching.
3. Determine the physical disk number assigned to it using one of these methods:

This information is provided when the device is mounted.

Select the Disk Management option: right click My Computer in Windows, then select
Note: A problem may occur with VMware that prohibits VMware from booting a
virtual machine located on a physical disk that is preceded numerically by a SCSI,
FireWire, or USB drive. For best results, ensure that only IDE drives are connected
to the machine when you choose to mount it as an emulated disk in the EnCase
interface. This can be verified in Disk Management.

Note: If you encounter a message stating, "The specified device is not a valid
physical disk device," it is likely a result of this problem. Do not use PDE to mount
drives in an evidence file or preview the local computer. Windows, particularly XP,
fails (displaying a blue screen) if it detects multiple instances of the same drive. Use
only evidence files of other machines.

New Virtual Machine Wizard

To boot evidence files using VMware:

1. After you have gathered the necessary information, launch VMware.

2. Select File > New Virtual Machine.
3. In the New Virtual Machine Wizard screen, click Next.
4. Select Custom, then click Next.
5. Select a guest operating system.
6. Select an option from the Version dropdown menu to identify the operating system ver-
sion installed on the evidence file, then click Next.
738 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

7. In the Name the Virtual Machine dialog, enter a virtual machine name.
8. Click Browse to change the location for VMware's configuration files, if necessary.
9. Click Next.
10. Specify the amount of memory for VMware to use, then click Next.
11. Select the type of network to use, then click Next.

Selecting Do not use a network connection is recommended when there is malware

installed on the machine where the evidence file was created.

12. Click Next to accept the default setting in the Select I/O Adapter Types dialog.
13. Select Use a physical disk (for advanced users) and ignore any subsequent warning mes-
14. Select the disk that represents the mounted drive using PDE.
15. Accept the default setting of Use Entire Disk, then click Next.
16. Accept the default disk file specified in the Specify Disk File dialog, then click Finish.

If the disk file is not recognized as a virtual machine, you can change the name of the file.
Do not change the .vmdk extension.

VMware returns to the main screen, displaying the newly created virtual machine.

Booting the Virtual Machine

To boot the virtual machine:

1. Start VMware.
2. Click the link for Start this virtual machine next to the green arrow. The evidence file is
write protected by EnCase, but PDE enables a write cache that interacts with VMware as if
it were mounting a disk in read/write mode. When the virtual machine starts, the oper-
ating system displays as if the forensic machine were booting the drive. It boots in the
same manner as the native machine.

As with booting restored hard drives, the virtual machine may require a user name and
password to proceed.

Since popups can cause driver problems, save the state of the virtual machine regularly.
CHAPTER 20   Physical Disk Emulator 739

VMware/EnCase PDE FAQs

Live computer evidence (network nodes in EnCase Enterprise and local CDs) can be mounted
with PDE but cannot be booted with VMware.


PDE/VMware can be used with VMware version 4.5 and higher.


You must launch VMware after emulating the disk with PDE, as VMware does not recognize a
physical drive added since it was started. In addition, VMware does not successfully boot
evidence files which contain Windows with a non-default IDE driver. This is a known issue.

After completing the new virtual machine wizard in VMware, you may receive an error
message ("The file specified is not a virtual disk."). This issue is with VMware. Running the new
virtual machine wizard again usually resolves this issue.


Mount the disk using the existing cache file.


If your evidence is successfully mounted, but VMware states that the physical disk the image is
mounted on is not a valid physical disk, it may be a result of a non-IDE device on a physical
device lower than the emulated disk.


The EnCase PDE module installs GSI-specific IDE drivers which are loaded to emulate the disk as
a drive in Windows with an assigned drive letter. A virtual IDE controller is created that can be
seen in Device Manager. If Windows is allowed to load default IDE drivers, the module will not
work properly. You can prevent this by canceling the attempt from the popup window. Once
you have bypassed this message, you can save the state so the next time the system reboots,
Windows does not attempt to load the drivers again.
740 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07


The VMware suspend and resume feature lets you save the current state of your virtual
machine, then resume later with the virtual machine in the same state as when you stopped it.
Once you resume and do additional work in the virtual machine, there is no way to return to
the state the virtual machine was in when you suspended it. To preserve the state of the
virtual machine so you can return to the same state repeatedly, you must take a snapshot.

Instructions for using the snapshot are on the VMware Knowledge Base at
US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1009402. The speed of the suspend and resume operations
depends on how much data changed while the virtual machine was running. In general, the
first suspend operation takes slightly longer than later operations. When you suspend a virtual
machine, it creates a file with a .vmss extension. This file contains the entire state of the virtual
machine. When you resume the virtual machine, its state is restored from the .vmss file.

To suspend a virtual machine:

1. If your virtual machine is running in full screen mode, return to window mode by pressing
Ctrl + Alt.
2. On the VMware Workstation toolbar, click Suspend.
3. When VMware Workstation completes the suspend operation, it is safe to exit VMware
Workstation (File > Exit).

To resume a virtual machine:

1. Start VMware Workstation and choose a virtual machine you have suspended.
2. Click Resume on the VMware Workstation toolbar.

Note that any applications you were running when you suspended the virtual machine
are running and the content is the same as when you suspended the virtual machine.

You can obtain additional VMware troubleshooting information from their knowledge base at: 

PDE Troubleshooting

If you are using cert files, check to see that the PDE certificate is located in the Certs
directory (typically C:\Program Files\EnCase8\Certs).
CHAPTER 20   Physical Disk Emulator 741

Make sure the security key is installed and working properly (check the title bar to
ensure that the program is not in Acquisition mode).

If you are using cert files, check the security key ID to verify it is the correct one issued for
the certificate.


Although menus exist for PDE Server operation, they are currently not functional.



This error message may occur if Windows is accessing a file on the mounted device (for
example, the directory is opened in Windows Explorer or a file is opened in a third-party
application). To resolve the issue, close all Windows applications accessing the mounted
device, then click OK.



This issue is due to the device driver not being released properly. The only way to resolve
this issue is to close all applications (including the EnCase application) and reboot the
forensic machine. You should not encounter the error again when the machine is
Note: If these troubleshooting steps do not resolve your issue, contact Guidance
Software Technical Services.
742 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Overview 745

Write Blocking and Write Protecting a Device 745

Disk Caching and Flushing the Cache 747

Troubleshooting 747
744 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 21   FastBloc SE 745

The FastBloc® SE (Software Edition) module is a collection of tools designed to control reads
and writes to a drive attached to a computer through USB, FireWire, and SCSI connections. It
enables the safe acquisition of subject media in Windows to an EnCase evidence file.

When the FastBloc SE module write blocking capability is enabled, it ensures that no data is
written to or modified on a write blocked device.

Write Blocking and Write Protecting a Device

To write block a USB, FireWire, or SCSI device, EnCase intercepts the signal sent to Windows
when a device is attached to the computer. It then filters the driver for that device, enabling
write protection.

Three modes are available when using the FastBloc SE module on a USB, FireWire or SCSI

l Write Blocked: A write blocked device is protected against writing to or modifying files
when the device is attached to a PC. Files deleted from or added to the device display in
Windows as modified, but the modifications are saved in a local cache, not on the device
itself. This mode does not display errors when attempting to write to the drive.
l Write Protected: A write protected device is protected against writes or modifications
when the device is attached to a PC. If writes or modifications to the device are attemp-
ted, Windows displays an error message.
l None: Removes write blocking from a device previously write blocked.

Write Blocking a USB, FireWire, or SCSI Device

To write block a USB, FireWire, or SCSI device:

1. Make sure the subject device is not attached.

2. Click Tools > FastBloc SE.
3. In the FastBloc SE dialog, select the Plug and Play tab.
4. Click Write Blocked. The progress bar indicates EnCase is waiting for a device to be inser-
5. Insert a USB, FireWire, or SCSI device.
Note: Because some SCSI devices are not initially hot swappable, you may have to
use a hot swappable carrier to protect the device, such as the StarTech
DRW150SCSIBK SCSI drive bay.

6. Click Close.
746 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Verify Write Block

To confirm successful write blocking of the device when previewing the device in EnCase:

1. Click the New icon on the top toolbar to open a new case and complete the required
2. Click the Add Device icon.
3. Blue check Local Drives in the right pane, then click Next.

In the Choose Devices window, on the write blocked channel, the device and volume (if
present) each have a green box around their icons in the Name column, and a bullet
displays in the Write Blocked column for each.

Write Protecting a USB, FireWire, or SCSI Device

To write protect a USB, FireWire, or SCSI device:

1. Make sure the subject device is not attached.

2. Click Tools > FastBloc SE.
3. In the FastBloc SE dialog, select the Plug and Play tab.
4. Click Write Protected. The progress bar indicates EnCase is waiting for a device to be inser-
5. Insert a USB, FireWire, or SCSI device.
Note: Because some SCSI devices are not initially hot swappable, you may have to
use a hot swappable carrier to protect the device, such as the StarTech
DRW150SCSIBK SCSI drive bay.

6. Click Close.

Removing Write Block from a USB, FireWire, or SCSI Device

To remove a USB, FireWire or SCSI device:

1. Select the Safely Remove Hardware icon in the System Tray in the lower right corner of
the task bar. In Windows 7 and Windows 8, the icon is labeled Safely Remove Hardware
and Eject Media.
2. Remove the device physically when the wizard confirms safe removal.

Removing Write Block from one Device

1. Click Tools > FastBloc SE.
2. Select the device where you want to remove write block, then click None.
3. Click Close to complete the process.
CHAPTER 21   FastBloc SE 747

Removing Write Block from all Devices

1. In the FastBloc SE dialog, click Clear All.
2. Click Close.

Disk Caching and Flushing the Cache

To flush the write cache, reboot the computer or remove the write blocked media. Preview the
drive with EnCase or browse using Windows Explorer to verify that the cache is empty.

Check that the security key is in the machine. If the security key is missing or not functioning
properly, EnCase opens in Acquisition mode.


Check all power and data connections to the device.

Check to see if the subject hard drive is spinning. If the device is connected via an external
drive bay, shut down the computer and try connecting the power connector (not the data
connector) to a Molex® power cable directly from the computer. Restart the computer. If the
drive starts spinning, shut down the computer again and swap cables.

If the subject drive does not spin, or is making unusual sounds (whirring, clicking, etc.), the
drive may be defective and you may be unable to acquire it by usual methods.

If the subject drive is spinning, check the data cables. If you are using an 80-wire cable, try
using a 40-wire cable.

Check the USB or FireWire port to ensure proper functioning. Insert a known good device.
Make sure the port is recognized in Device Manager.


If you can see the physical drive but cannot see the contents of the drive, EnCase may be in
Acquisition mode. This may indicate that the security key is not installed.

You may have a corrupt version of EnCase. Uninstall EnCase, then download and reinstall the
latest version.
748 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Try to acquire on a different machine. This helps pinpoint the problem, as it may be a
hardware or operating system conflict.


If the acquisition started at a normal speed, then rapidly decreased later in the acquisition,
EnCase probably encountered bad sectors on the subject drive. Because the software makes
multiple attempts at reading bad sectors, acquisition time may increase.

Enabling compression dramatically increases acquisition time.

A slow acquisition may be the result of slow equipment.

If you are acquiring to external media (that is, the storage media is an external hard drive)
transfer rates are significantly slower than with a directly connected hard drive.

If the subject drive is an old or slow model, acquisition speed is limited.

If the forensic machine has an old or slow storage drive, the acquisition is limited by the drive's
write speed.

If you are acquiring a newer drive, an 80-wire cable allows faster throughput. Ensure the
FireWire/USB cable is securely connected at both ends.

If FireWire is not available, use a USB 2.0 connection (USB 2.0 is up to 40 times faster than USB
1.0). In addition, when using USB, limit any other CPU-intensive tasks during the acquisition,
since these contribute to a loss of transfer speed.

Use FireWire ports whenever possible, since the interface is faster than USB.


The data integrity of the cable may be an issue. If you are using an 80-wire cable, try using a 40-
wire cable, a shorter IDE cable, and/or a shielded IDE cable.

Try using a different USB or FireWire cable.

This indicates a failing drive. Because the number of sector errors increases each time, hash
values change. Since the first acquisition typically contains the least number of bad sectors,
use the file from that acquisition for analysis.
CHAPTER 21   FastBloc SE 749


This can indicate a defective drive. Ensure that the cables are securely connected to the
controller and the drive.

If the subject drive is in an enclosure when you try to acquire it, it may become hot during the
acquisition. Try removing the drive from the enclosure to keep it cooler. This may reduce the
number of sector errors.
750 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Overview 753

Find Support Online 753

Contact Guidance Software 756

Contact EnCase eDiscovery Review Technical Support 757

752 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07
CHAPTER 22   Support 753

Guidance Software is committed to providing our customers with the best user experience
possible. There are a variety of ways for you to get the help you need, when you need it.

This section provides information on our various support resources.

l Technical Support
l Customer Service
l Sales

Find Support Online

Guidance Software provides an array of resources to help you find answers to your questions

To access online support, navigate to www.guidancesoftware.com and click Support.

Links under Technical Support enable you to:

l Find contact hours, phone numbers, and hours of availability

l Browse FAQs
l Call a technical support agent
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Links under Customer Service enable you to:
754 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

l Find contact hours, phone numbers, and hours of availability

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Links under Sales enable you to:

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Access the Customer Community

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To access the customer community navigate to

CHAPTER 22   Support 755

Browse the Knowledge Base

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The knowledge base is part of the Customer Community and may be accessed by navigating to

Log and Track Issues

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Register your Guidance Software product to receive product updates.

To register your product, navigate to www.guidancesoftware.com/register.

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Register your Account

Registered owners of Guidance Software products gain access to the forums, knowledge base
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To register your account, navigate to www.guidancesoftware.com and click Support >

Technical Support > Register Product. A registration form displays.

Provide all requested information. This helps us identify you as a registered owner of a
Guidance Software product. 

After you complete the registration form, click Register.

After submitting your form, you will receive an email. Once you have verified your email
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Once your registration is approved, you can access the Customer Community by navigating to
www.guidancesoftware.com and clicking Support > Technical Support >
Customer Community.
756 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

Contact Guidance Software

There are many ways to contact Guidance Software if you want help, more information, or to
provide feedback.

l Contact Sales
l Contact Customer Service
l Contact Technical Support

Contact Sales


Navigate to www.guidancesoftware.com and click Support > Sales to request a demo, speak to
a member of our sales team, or request a quote.

Contact Customer Service

626-463-7964 (Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm, Pacific Time)

Navigate to www.guidancesoftware.com and click Support > Customer Service > Contact.

Contact Technical Support

Guidance Software provides telephone technical support 24 hours a day, excluding weekends
and holidays, through the regional support numbers listed below. All technical support
inquiries are automatically routed to either our US or UK office, depending on the time of day.

Phone: +1 (866) 973-6577 or (626) 229-9191
Fax: +1 (626) 229-9199
1055 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91106
CHAPTER 22   Support 757

Phone: +44 (0) 1753-552252, Option 4
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If you do not know your exit code, refer to http://www.howtocallabroad.com/codes.html. Dial

your country's exit code, then dial 800-4843-2623.

Contact EnCase eDiscovery Review Technical

EnCase eDiscovery Review Technical Support representatives are available seven days a week
to assist you with EnCase eDiscovery Review. You can submit questions via telephone, by
email, or from within EnCase eDiscovery Review.
758 EnCase Forensic User Guide Version 8.07

866-973-6577, Option 3
Technical Support business hours are 5 AM-5 PM. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.
Calls after hours are routed to the on-call technician on duty.

You can also submit Technical Support requests by email to support@encasereview.com.

Click Support at the top right of the EnCase eDiscovery Review application window. A form
displays enabling you to send a support request, report a problem, or make a suggestion.
Fill in the form fields and click Send Email to close and submit the support request.
Acquired Data - Mass
INDEX Storage 592

Acquired Data -
Motorola 555
A Acquired Data - Nokia
A Device Can Be Mounted GSM 561
Locally, But a Local Acquired Data - Nokia
Server Cannot Be Set Symbian 509
Up 728
Acquired Data - Palm OS 518
Access the Customer
Community 754 Acquired Data - Portable
Devices 590
Accessing the Local Disk in
Windows Explorer 733 Acquired Data - Psion 515

Accessing the Share 721 Acquired Data -

Samsung 484
Acquired Data 443
Acquired Data - Samsung
Acquired Data - Memory CDMA 568
Cards 590
Acquired Data - Sanyo
Acquired Data - Alcatel 548 CDMA 575
Acquired Data - Android 470 Acquired Data - SIM
Acquired Data - Cards 584
BlackBerry 489 Acquired Data - Sony
Acquired Data - CDMA Ericsson 580
Devices 549 Acquired Data - Symbian
Acquired Data - iPod 464 6.1 492-493

Acquired Data - Kyocera Acquired Data - Symbian 7.x -

CDMA 549 8.x 494

Acquired Data - LG 482 Acquired Data - Symbian

9.x 501
Acquired Data - LG
CDMA 549 Acquired Data - Tizen 487

Acquired Data - LG GSM 552 Acquired Data - Tom Tom

GPS 544
Acquired Data - Web OS 512 Acquiring Data from SIM Cards 584

Acquired Data - ZTE 583 Acquiring Data from Symbian OS

Smartphones 491
Acquiring a Device 628
Acquiring Data from Tizen
Acquiring a Disk Running in Direct Devices 486
ATA Mode 109
Acquiring Device Configuration
Acquiring a DriveSpace Overlays (DCO) and Host
Volume 116 Protected Areas (HPA) 107
Acquiring a Local Drive 106 Acquiring Devices and
Acquiring and Processing Live Evidence 101
Previews 191 Acquiring Disk Configurations 110
Acquiring Data from a WebOS Acquiring in Windows using FastBloc
Based Device 510 SE 109
Acquiring Data from Android OS Acquiring in Windows without a
Devices 465 Tableau or FastBloc Write
Acquiring Data from Different Blocker 109
Devices 434 Acquiring Mobile Data 431
Acquiring Data from GPS Acquiring Mobile Device Data
Devices 534 (General Process
Acquiring Data from Description) 435
iPhones/iPods/iPads/iPod Acquiring Non-local Drives 107
Touches 439
Acquiring Other Types of Supported
Acquiring Data from Memory Evidence Files 115
Cards/Mass Storages/e-
Readers/Portable Acquisition 352
Devices 589
Acquisition via Automatic Device
Acquiring Data from PDAs 513 Detection 437

Acquiring Data from RIM BlackBerry Acquisition via Manual Plug-in

Devices 488 Selection 438
Activating an Electronic License 35 Adding Raw Image Files 117

Adding a Direct Network Preview Adding Results to a Hash Library 286

Device 131
Advanced Android LG Devices
Adding a Hyperlink to a URL 427 FAQ 482

Adding a Job to the Portable Agere 575

Device 330
Agere Devices Physical
Adding a Local Machine to the Acquisition 572
Processor Node List 167
Alias 198, 265
Adding a New Keyword 145
Analyze EFS 655
Adding a Remote Processor to the
Processor Node List 168 Analyzing and Reporting on
Data 365
Adding an External File Viewer 203
Analyzing and Tagging a Review
Adding and Modifying File Package 274
Signature Associations 265
Analyzing File Signatures 138
Adding and Removing Devices 627
Analyzing Hashes 136
Adding Constraints to Analysis
Data 368 Analyzing Individual Search
Results 262
Adding Evidence by Dragging and
Dropping Container Files to an Analyzing Protected Files 135
Open Case 236 Android Device Rooting 466
Adding Evidence to a Case 82 Android OS Devices 467
Adding Hash Libraries to a Case 288 Android OS Devices FAQ 480
Adding Hash Values to a Hash Android Spreadtrum Devices 485
Set 284
Application Folder 47
Adding Images to Reports 369
Assigning a Unicode Font 613
Adding Processor Nodes to the
Processor Manager 167 Associate Selected 658
Associating File Types with a File Browsing Images 226
Viewer 205
Browsing Through Evidence 223
Automatic Backup 93
Built-In Attacks 703

Backing up a New Case 93
Canceling an Acquisition 104
Basic Report Section Editing and
Formatting 406 Carving Images with File Carver 155

BitLocker Encryption Support Case Backup 48, 89

(Volume Encryption) 667 Case Backup Dashboard 91
Bluetooth Connection Settings 508 Case Folder 48
Body Text Tab 404 Case Operations 85
Bookmarking Case Analyzer Case Options Settings 80
Data 302
Case Page 166
Bookmarking Data for Reports 389
Case Portability 87
Bookmarking Items 295
Case Selections 85
Bookmarking Keyword Search
Results 262 Case Templates 81

Bookmarking Pictures in Gallery CD-DVD Inspector File Support 115

View 306
Bookmarking Template Folders 307 Authentication 665

Boot Evidence Files and Live Changing Case Backup Settings 95

Systems with VMware 736
Changing Categories and Tags for
Booting the Virtual Machine 738 Multiple Hash Sets 290

Browsing and Viewing Changing Evidence Cache

Evidence 193 Location 214

Changing Text Color 209

Changing Text Styles 204 Columns in Search Results and
Bookmark Views 201
Changing the Default Code
Page 612 COM Port Connection Settings 507

Changing the Evidence Path if the Completing the

Evidence File is Moved 86 Challenge/Response
Session 684
Changing the Mount Point 721
Compound Files 715
Changing the Tag Order 322
Conditions 218
Check for Evidence when Loading
a Case 223 Conducting a Network Preview
without a SAFE 129
Check Point Full Disk Encryption
Support (Volume Conexant 574
Encryption) 663
Conexant Physical Acquisition 571
Checking Evidence Processor
Settings and Jobs 168 Configuration Options 37

Checking the Windows Application Configuring a Windows Override

Log 55 Path 49

Clean List 177 Configuring EnCase Portable for

NAS Licensing 378
Closing and Changing the
Emulated Disk 735 Configuring EnCase to Display Non-
English Characters 611
Closing the Connection 727
Configuring Paper Layout 399
Cloud Data Importing FAQ 602
Configuring Passware as a
Collecting Evidence 355 Viewer 660

Collecting Evidence from Triaged Configuring Processor Nodes 168

Results 364
Configuring the Keyboard for
Collection Modules 351 Additional Languages 615

Color Options 42 Configuring the PDE Client 732

Configuring the VFS Server 725

Configuring Time Zone Settings 46 Creating a Hash Set 283

Configuring Windows for Non- Creating a LEF from Search

English Language 615 Results 264

Configuring Your Linux Creating a LinEn Boot Disk 621

Distribution 622
Creating a New Condition 219
Connecting Bookmark Folders and
Report Sections 420 Creating a New Electronic Request
File 35
Connecting the Clients 727
Creating a New Keyword List 147
Connection Settings - Psion 16/32-
bit devices 513 Creating a Portable Job 327

Connection to Device Mounted on Creating a Report 366

Remote VFS Server Cannot Be Creating a Result Set in Entries
Made 728 View 163
Console Window 636 Creating a Result Set in Records
Contact Customer Service 756 View 164

Contact Guidance Software 756 Creating a Review Package 273

Contact Sales 756 Creating a Scheduled Backup 94

Contact Technical Support 756 Creating an Index 148

Contacting EnCase eDiscovery Creating Custom File Types 227

Review Technical Support 757 Creating Direct Agents 129
Copying Evidence 365 Creating EnCase Portable Jobs 326
Copying Files 269 Creating Hyperlinks to an Exported
Copying Folders 271 Item from Report
Templates 424
Creating a Custom Backup 94
Creating Jobs 327
Creating a Filter 216
Creating New Bookmark
Creating a Hash Library 282 Folders 308
Creating Result Sets in Entries and Data Acquisition - Memory
Records Views 163 Cards 590

Creating Tags 317 Data Acquisition - Motorola 555

Creating Thumbnails 153 Data Acquisition - Motorola

iDEN 559
Credant Mobile Guardian
Encryption Support 691 Data Acquisition - Nokia GSM 561

Crossover Cable Preview or Data Acquisition - Nokia

Acquisition 645 Symbian 509

Crossover Previews 192 Data Acquisition - Palm OS 517

Customizing Headers and Data Acquisition - Portable

Footers 400 Devices 590

Data Acquisition - Psion 514

D Data Acquisition - Samsung 483
Data Acquisition - Alcatel 548 Data Acquisition - Samsung
CDMA 568
Data Acquisition - Android 469
Data Acquisition - Sanyo CDMA 575
Data Acquisition - BlackBerry 488
Data Acquisition - SIM Cards 584
Data Acquisition - CDMA
Devices 548 Data Acquisition - Sony Ericsson 580
Data Acquisition - Garmin GPS 534 Data Acquisition - Spreadtrum 485
Data Acquisition - iPod 464 Data Acquisition - Symbian 6.0 491
Data Acquisition - Kyocera Data Acquisition - Symbian 6.1 492
CDMA 549
Data Acquisition - Symbian 7.x -
Data Acquisition - LG 481 8.x 494
Data Acquisition - LG CDMA 549 Data Acquisition - Symbian 9.x 501
Data Acquisition - LG GSM 552 Data Acquisition - Tizen 487
Data Acquisition - Mass Storage 591 Data Acquisition - Tom Tom GPS 544
Data Acquisition - WebOS 512 Evidence Using a
Challenge/Response Session
Data Acquisition - Windows in EnCase 682
Mobile 521
Deleted Files 718
Data Acquisition - ZTE 583
Deleting a Backup 95
Data Parsing 434
Deleting a Filter 217
Data Paths Options 43
Deleting All Jobs from the Portable
Data Structure Bookmarks 299 Device 333
Date Options 39 Deleting Bookmark Folders 309
Debug Options 44 Deleting Jobs 333
Decoding Data 310 Deleting Processor Nodes 170
Decrypted Block 698 Deleting Tags 321
Decrypting a BitLocker Encrypted Deleting Target Databases from the
Device Using Recovery EnCase Portable Device 333
Key 668
Dell Data Protection Enterprise
Decrypting a BitLocker Encrypted Encryption Support 691
Device Using Recovery
Password 670 Determining Local Mailbox
Encryption 697
Decrypting a Disk 682
Devices Window 627
Decrypting Credant Files
Accessible on the Dictionary Attacks 702
Network 691
Direct Network Previews 192
Decrypting Credant Files on
Microsoft EFS 694 Disk and Volume Encryption 652

Decrypting Offline Dell Data Disk Caching and Flushing the

Protection Enterprise/Credant Cache 747
Mobile Guardian Files 692 Disk Configuration Set Acquired as
Decrypting Sophos SGN-Encrypted One Drive 113
Disk Configurations Acquired as Editing Report Templates to Include
Separate Drives 114 Bookmark Folders in
Reports 405
Dismounting the Network Share 721
Editing the Report Template to
Displaying Content from the Display Comments in
Case 416 Reports 410
Displaying HFS+ File System Editing the Report Template to
Compressed Files 230 Include the Item Path in
Displaying Permissions for HFS+ Files Reports 407
and Directories 233 EDS Commands and Tabs 655
Displaying Related Messages 240 Enabling an Examiner Machine to
DMG media file format 234 Identify and Decrypt Credant
Files 691
Double Files 160
EnCase Application Folder
Drive-to-Drive Acquisition 625 Locations 47
Duplicating a Job 331 EnCase Decryption Suite 649
Dynamic Disk 113 EnCase Evidence Files 104

EnCase Forensic 23
E Encrypted Block 698
Edit Menu 638 Encrypting File System 715
Editing a Filter 217 Encrypting Media 235
Editing Bookmark Content 309 Encryption 338
Editing Bookmark Folders 309 EnScript ii, 23, 37, 47-48, 51, 66-67,
109, 124, 148, 153, 158, 165, 182,
Editing Bookmarks 309
215, 217-218, 327, 365, 383, 397,
Editing Conditions 222 427-428, 612, 707, 709, 737

Editing Default Options 175 EnScript Application UI 165

EnScript Programming Language Exporting to *.msg 241
Overview 709
ext2, ext3, UFS, and Other File
Enter Items 656 Systems 720

Entering Non-English Content Extracting Authentication Data

without Using Non-English File 599
Keyboard Mapping 616

Entries View Right Click Menu 213

Evidence Cache 49
FAQs 381
Evidence File Formats Supported by
FastBloc SE 743
EnCase PDE 731
File Carver 155
Evidence File Formats Supported by
VFS 713 File Processor 343
Evidence Processor File Report EnScript 427
Prioritization 133
Filtering Your Evidence 215
Evidence Processor Settings 134
Find Support Online 753
Excluded Checkbox 404
Finder Data and .DS_Store 232
Expanding Compound Files 138
Finding Data Using Signature
Exporting a Metadata Report to Analysis 264
Display Hyperlinks 426
Finding Email 139
Exporting a Report 373
Finding Internet Artifacts 139
Exporting a Report to Display
Hyperlinks 426 Finding Jobs 331

Exporting a Review Package 276 Finding Tagged Items 257

Exporting Data for Additional Finding the Location of an

Analysis 268 Evidence Item 223

Exporting Search Results for Firefox Artifacts 140

Review 272
Font Options 42
Force Stop 180 Hiding Empty Report Sections 423

Formatting Report Templates 399 Hiding Tags 321

Full Volume Encryption (FVE) Highlighted Data or Sweeping

AutoUnlock Mechanism 671 Bookmarks 297

Hold 180
G Home Page 165
Garmin GPS Devices FAQ 543 Hot Keys for Tags 319
General Acquisition FAQ 602

Generating Reports 387 I

Global Application Data 50 If EnCase Reports

GuardianEdge/Symantec dlls
Global Options 37 Cannot be Opened 679
GuardianEdge Encryption If You Already Have a Security
Support 678 Key 36
GuardianEdge Hard Disk and Imported Cloud Data 601
Symantec Endpoint
Encryption Support 679 Importing a Review Package 276

Importing Cloud Data 598-599

H Importing Data 592
Hardware Disk Configuration 111 Importing Data from Cellebrite
UFED Casese 592
Hash 347
Importing Data from iOS Backup
Hashing a Device 632
Files 593
Hashing Evidence 279
Importing Data from RIM BlackBerry
Hashing Features 281 1.x-7.x Backup Files 595

HFS+ Directories Hard Links 231 Importing Data from RIM BlackBerry
10.x Encrypted Backup
HFS+ Extended Attributes 230 Files 596
Importing GPS and KML Files 597 IrDA Port Connection Settings 507

Importing Hash Sets 291

Importing Tarantula Data 598 J

Indexing Text in Slack and Job Actions Menu 174

Unallocated Space 148

Initial Preparation 736

Inserting a Picture 403
Keychain Parsing 161
Inserting a Table 404
Keyword 345
Installing and Configuring
Keyword Searching Through Raw
EnCase 25
Data 257
Installing and Configuring the
Evidence Processor Node 51
Installing Drivers -Motorola 554
Launching EnCase 77
Installing EnCase 33
Launching Processor Options from
Installing the SAFE and License the Results Tab 163
Manager 35
Internal Files and File System
Files 718 LG Devices with Android OS 4.4.2-
5.1.1 480
Internet Artifacts 342
Introduction 23
License Manager Options 40
iOS Logical Acquisition 440
LinEn Command Line 640
iOS Physical Acquisition 440
LinEn Evidence Verification 632
iPhone Reaction during
Acquisition 441 LinEn Manual Page 646

iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch FAQ 462 LinEn Setup Under Red Hat 623

iPod FAQ 465 LinEn Setup Under SUSE 622

Linux Syslog Parser 158, 351 Macintosh OS X Artifacts Parser 158

Live Previews of Local Devices 192 Macintosh OS X Media

Containers 234
Load Local Device 625
Maintenance 374
Localization of Report Layout 400
Malware Scanning with VFS 722
Locally Encrypted NSF Parsing
Results 699 Managing Hash Sets and Hash
Libraries Associated with a
Log and Track Issues 755 Case 290
Log Parser Modules 349 McAfee Endpoint Encryption
Logical Acquisition - Garmin Support 694
GPS 535 Metadata 344
Logical Acquisition - Motorola Modifying a Job 331
iDEN 559
Modifying Report Template
Logical Acquisition - Siemens 576- Formats 403
Modifying the EnCase Portable
Logical Acquisition - Windows Device Configuration 375
Mobile 522
Motorola FAQ 559
Logical Data Acquisition - Samsung
GSM 571 Motorola iDEN FAQ 561

Logical Evidence Files 105 Mount Network Share Options 714

Logically Acquired Data - Samsung Mounting a Single Drive, Device,

GSM 572 Volume, or Folder 713

Lotus Notes Local Encryption Mounting Evidence with VFS 713

Support 697
Mounting Non-Windows
Devices 733
M Multiple Notable Files
Bookmarks 301
Macintosh Artifacts 230
Other File Systems 719
Other Tools and Viewers 723
Navigating the Artifacts Tab 215
Overview 27, 77, 91, 103, 123, 195,
Navigating the Evidence Tab 210 245, 281, 297, 317, 325, 389, 433,
611, 621, 652, 713, 731, 745, 753
Navigating the Table Pane 198
Overwriting the Evidence
Navigating the Tree Pane 197
Cache 164
New Virtual Machine Wizard 737

Nokia Symbian 9.x Devices FAQ 506

Nokia Symbian OS Physical
Palm OS Devices FAQ 520
Acquisition FAQ 509
Parsing a Locally Encrypted
Notable File Bookmarks 300
Mailbox 697
Notes Bookmarks 305
Passware Integration 659
NSF Encryption Support 696
Pause Queue 176
NSRL Hash Sets 291
PDE Troubleshooting 740

Performance Monitoring 177

Performing Acquisitions with
Obtaining a Linux Distribution 622 LinEn 623

Obtaining Additional Decryption Personal Information 338

Key (ADK) Information 690
PGP Decryption using the
Obtaining Response Codes from Passphrase 690
the Sophos SGN Website 683
PGP Whole Disk Encryption (WDE)
Obtaining Whole Disk Recovery Support 689
Token Information 689
Physical Acquisition - Garmin
Opening the Processor GPS 543
Manager 167
Physical Acquisition - Motorola
iDEN 560
Physical Acquisition - Siemens 577, Processing Evidence 121
Processing Files Using Hash
Physical Acquisition - Windows Finder 361
Mobile 533
Processing Files Using Keyword
Physical Disk Emulator 729 Finder 359

Physical RAID Encryption Processing Files Using Metadata

Support 672 Entry Conditions 358

Picture 348 Processing Files Using Picture

Finder 362
Portable Device FAQ 590
Processor Manager 166
Preparing Additional USB Storage
Devices 377 Processor Manager Error and
Information Messages 181
Preparing Device for
Acquisition 467 Processor Manager Tab 173

Preparing Device for Acquisition - Processor Manager Toolbar 178

LG 481
Processor Manager Trace
Preparing Device for Acquisition - Messages 190
Samsung 483
Processor Node Installation 167
Preparing Device for Acquisition -
Tizen 487 Psion 16/32-bit Devices FAQ 517

Preparing Device for Acquisition -

WebOS 510 Q
Preparing Environment for Querying a Hash Library 287
Acquisition - Spreadtrum 485
Queue 178
Preparing Portable Devices 374
Queuing Evidence for
Printing a Condition 222 Processing 171
Process Evidence Menu 170 Quickly Viewing Decoded
Data 311
Processing a Result Set 162
Repairing and Recovering
R Inconsistent EDB Database
Files 237
RAID-10 111
Report Object Code (ROC) 413
RAIDs 717
Report Styles 400
RAM and Disk Slack 718
Report Template Structure 398
Raw Image Files 105
Report Template Wizard 420
Raw Text Bookmarks 297
Reserved Characters 256
Reacquiring Evidence 116
Restoring a Case from Backup 97
Reacquiring Evidence Files 117
Restoring a Drive 118
Reactivating an Electronic
License 36 Restrict Access by IP Address 726
Reading the Knowledge Base 755 Result Set Processing 162
Recovering Folders 135 Retaining the GUID During
Evidence Reacquisition 117
Recovering NSF Passwords 696
Retrieving Keyword Search
Recovery Key and Recovery
Results 261
Password Files 667
Right Hamburger Menu 209
Refreshing Search Results during a
Keyword Search 260 RIM BlackBerry FAQ 490
Register your Account 755 RMS Decryption at the File Level 701
Register your Product 755 RMS Decryption at the Volume
Level 700
Registering your Product 27
RMS Protected Email in PST 701
Reinstalling EnCase 37
ROC Layout Elements 413
Removing Write Block from a USB,
FireWire, or SCSI Device 746 Running a Default Filter 216
Renaming Bookmarks 310 Running a Portable Job 355
Running an Existing Condition 218 Search Fields 255

Running EnScript Modules 153 Search Modules 338

Running Evidence Processor Search Operators and Term

Options Incrementally 127 Modifiers 249

Running File Carver 157 Searching for Keywords for Process

Memory 147
Running File Signature Analysis
against Selected Files 267 Searching Indexed Data 246

Running the File Report EnScript 428 Searching Through Evidence 243

Searching With Keywords 143

S Secure Storage - Add Local
User 208
S/MIME Encryption Support 695
Secure Storage Items 658
Safari Artifacts 141
Secure Storage Tab 656
Safeboot Encryption Support 660
Secure Storage Tab and EFS 656
Samsung CDMA FAQ 571
Select Tagged Items 322
Samsung Devices with Android
4.4.4-6.0.1 FAQ 484 Selecting a Language Index 151
Samsung Devices with Android OS Selecting Target Databases 366
4.4.4-6.0.1 483
Selecting/Clearing All Jobs 178
Samsung GSM FAQ 575
Set Manager Name 176
Saved BitLocker Credentials in
Secure Storage 675 Setting Individual Case Options 84

Saving Acquisition Information 632 Setting the Date Format 613

Saving and Dismounting the Settings and Options 92

Emulated Disk 733 Setup for a Drive-to-Drive
Saving the File Report 429 Acquisition 624

Screen Capture 354 Sharing Conditions 222

Sharing Filters 217 Support 751

Show Conversation 239 Support for EXT4 Linux Software RAID

Arrays 112
Show Logging 190
Supported Cards - Memory
Showing Duplicate Email Messages Cards 590
in a Conversation 241
Supported Encryption Products 653
Siemens FAQ 580
Supported GuardianEdge
Siena Series 514 Encryption Algorithms 678
SIM Card Reader FAQ 588 Supported Models 459
Single Files 106 Supported Models- Symbian 6.1 493
Single Notable File Bookmarks 300 Supported Models - Alcatel 548
Snapshot 352 Supported Models - Android 479
Snapshot Reports 371 Supported Models - BlackBerry 490
Software RAID 110 Supported Models - CDMA
Sophos SafeGuard Support 682 Devices 549

Source code 217, 221, 709 Supported Models - Garmin

GPS 543
Sources of Acquisitions 103
Supported Models - Kyocera
Sparse Bundle 235 CDMA 549
Sparse Image 235 Supported Models - LG 482
Specifying a Backup Location 97 Supported Models - LG CDMA 551
Specifying a Case File 96 Supported Models - LG GSM 553
Starting Physical Disk Emulator 731 Supported Models - Motorola 559
Stop 180 Supported Models - Motorola
iDEN 561
Streamlined DMG Decryption 162
Supported Models - Nokia GSM 567
Successful BitLocker Decryption 673
Supported Models - Nokia Supported Models (Card Readers) -
Symbian 509 SIM Cards 586

Supported Models - Palm OS 520 Supported Utimaco SafeGuard

Easy Encryption
Supported Models - Portable Algorithms 685
Devices 590
Symantec Encryption Support 681
Supported Models - Samsung 484
Symbian OS 6.1 Devices FAQ 493
Supported Models - Samsung
CDMA 570 Sysol 574

Supported Models - Sanyo Sysol Devices Physical

CDMA 576 Acquisition 572

Supported Models - Sony System Info Parser 154, 335

Ericsson 583
System Info Parser Live Registry
Supported Models - Analysis 155
Spreadtrum 486
System Modules 334
Supported Models - Symbian
6.0 492 System Requirements 27

Supported Models - Symbian 7.x -

8.x 501 T
Supported Models - Symbian Table Bookmarks 304
9.x 506
Tagging Items 315, 319
Supported Models - Tizen 488
Temporary Files Redirection 735
Supported Models - Tom Tom
GPS 546 Temporary Files Reminder 724

Supported Models - WebOS 512 Terms and Definitions 173

Supported Models - Windows Text Styles 615

Mobile 533
The Device Window 631
Supported Models - ZTE 583
The EnCase Interface 195
Third-Party Tools 722, 735 Using a Write Blocker 108

Thread Monitor Window 637 Using Bookmarks to Link to an

External File 424
Tizen Devices FAQ 488
Using Disk View to See Data on a
Transcript Bookmarks 304 Device 214
Triaging Personal Information 363 Using EnCase Portable 323
Troubleshooting 379, 728, 747 Using LinEn 619
Troubleshooting a Failed S/MIME Using Pathways Overview 59
Decryption 696
Using Physical Disk Emulator 731
Types of Data Acquisition 433
Using Report Templates 397
Types of Evidence Files 104
Using the EnCase VFS Name
Column 721
Using the EnScript Programming
Undocking the View Pane 207 Language 707

Uninstalling EnCase 36 Using the License Manager 32

Unix Login 158, 350 Using Third-Party Tools 736

Unsuccessful BitLocker Using View File Structure with

Decryption 674 Macintosh Data 236

Unused Disk Area Message 728 Using Views/Tabs 208

Updating Older Jobs 332 Using Windows Explorer with VFS 722

User Application Data 49 Utimaco Challenge/Response

Support 685
User Data 48
Utimaco SafeGuard Easy
Username and Password Encryption Known
Authentication 663 Limitation 688
Using a Case Template to Create a Utimaco SafeGuard Easy
Case 79 Encryption Support 685
Viewing Processed Evidence 236
Viewing Related Items 226
Verifying Evidence Files 106, 633
Viewing Results to Triage
VFS Server 724 Information 357
Viewing a Report 429 Viewing Saved Search Results 262
Viewing and Deleting Individual Viewing Tagged Items 320
Hash Items 290
Viewing Unicode Files 614
Viewing Attachments 239
Virtual File System 711
Viewing Case Backup Options 94
Virtual File System Is Not Listed
Viewing Compound Files 236 Under Modules 728
Viewing Content in the View VLSI 574
Pane 202
VLSI Devices Physical
Viewing Decoded Data 206 Acquisition 571
Viewing Decoded Data by VMware/EnCase PDE FAQs 739
Type 311

Viewing Email 238

Viewing Evidence 227
WebOS Devices FAQ 513
Viewing Hash Sets Associated with
an Entry 288 Window Menu 636

Viewing Information in a Windows-based Acquisitions with

Timeline 200 Tableau and FastBloc Write
Blockers 108
Viewing Multiple Evidence Files
Simultaneously 229 Windows Artifact Parser 157, 337

Viewing Multiple Records Windows Event Log Parser 157, 350

Simultaneously 229 Windows Key Architecture 701
Viewing Notes Bookmarks 305 Windows Mobile Devices FAQ 534
Windows NT Software Disk
Configurations 111

Windows Rights Management

Services (RMS) Support 700

WinMagic SecureDoc Encryption

Support 675

WinMagic SecureDoc Self

Encrypting Drive (SED)
Support 677

Working with Bookmark Folders 307

Working with Bookmark Types 297

Working with Cases 75

Working with Columns 200

Working with Hash Libraries 282

Working with Non-English

Languages 609

Write Blocking a USB, FireWire, or

SCSI Device 745

Write Blocking and Write Protecting

a Device 745

Write Protecting a USB, FireWire, or

SCSI Device 746

X DateAdded 161

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