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Splunk and the

SANS Top 20 Critical

Security Controls
Mapping Splunk Software to the
SANS Top 20 CSC Version 4.1
Copyright © 2014 by Splunk Inc.

All rights reserved. Splunk, Splunk>, Listen to Your Data, The Engine for Machine
Data, Hunk, Splunk Cloud, Splunk Storm and SPL are trademarks and registered
trademarks of Splunk Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other brand
names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

The SANS Top 20 controls guidelines are licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. For details: http://www.sans.org/

Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by

Splunk Inc. No other copying may occur without the express written consent
of Splunk Inc.

Published by Splunk Inc., 250 Brannan St., San Francisco, CA 94107

Editor/Analyst: Splunk Inc.

Copyeditor: Splunk Inc.
Production Editor: Splunk Inc.
Cover: Splunk Inc.
Graphics: Splunk Inc.

First Edition: April 2014

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the
publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions or for
damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

This book is intended as a text and reference book for reading purposes only.
The actual use of Splunk’s software products must be in accordance with their
corresponding software license agreements and not with anything written in
this book. The documentation provided for Splunk’s software products, and not
this book, is the definitive source for information on how to use these products.
Although great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the
information in this book, Splunk does not give any warranty or guarantee of the
accuracy or timeliness of the information and Splunk does not assume any liability
in connection with any use or result from the use of the information in this book.
The reader should check at docs.splunk.com for definitive descriptions of Splunk’s
features and functionality.

Table of Contents
Abstr act 4

Introduction 5
Why are the Top 20 CSC Important? 6
How Splunk Software Maps to the Top 20 CSC: Four Approaches 6
How Customers Use Splunk for Security 7
The Big Picture 7

The Top 20 C SC 8
Control 1: Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Devices 9
Control 2: Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Software 10
Control 3: Secure Configurations for Hardware and Software on Laptops,
Workstations and Servers 11
Control 4: Continuous Vulnerability Assessment and Remediation 12
Control 5: Malware Defense 13
Control 6: Application Software Security 14
Control 7: Wireless Device Control 15
Control 8: Data Recovery Capability 16
Control 9: Security Skills Assessment 17
Control 10: Secure Configurations for Firewalls, Routers and Switches 18
Control 11: Limitation and Control of Network Ports, Protocols and Switches 19
Control 12: Controlled Use of Admin Privileges 20
Control 13: Boundary Defense 21
Control 14: Maintenance, Monitoring and Analysis of Audit Logs 22
Control 15: Controlled Access Based on the Need to Know 23
Control 16: Account Monitoring and Control 24
Control 17: Data Loss Prevention 25
Control 18: Incident Response and Management 26
Control 19: Secure Network Engineering 27
Control 20: Pen Testing and Red Team Exercises 28

Conclusion 29

Splunk provides a single, integrated, security intelligence platform that allows
today’s security professionals to ensure that their organizations are meeting
Critical Security Controls requirements. The software can verify incoming data,
execute the requirements needed, or support human activities associated with
a control. Security professionals find Splunk software uniquely suited to support
these controls in a number of ways, including: universal data ingestion with no
specific vendor preference; a real-time schema-less architecture; unparalleled
scaling capabilities for big data; and an agile and flexible reporting interface.

Splunk Software and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Introduction Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

The Top 20 Critical Security Controls (CSC) are a time-proven,

Adversary Actions to Attack Your Organization
prioritized, “what works” list of 20 controls that can be used to
minimize security risks to enterprise systems and the critical
Reconnaissance Get In Stay In Exploit
data they maintain. These controls are derived from and “cross-
walked” to controls in NIST Special Publication 800-53. They are 1 Hardware Inv 3 Sec Host Config 12 Control Privs 8 Data Recovery
also known as the Consensus Audit Guidelines (CAG).
The list was originally authored by the U.S. National Security 2 Software Inv 10 Sec Net Config 13 Boundary Defense 9 Skills Assessment

Agency (NSA) in 2008, and has since been revised by a

4 Vuln Mgmt 6 Sec Apps 14 Audit Logs 17 DLP
consortium of U.S. and international agencies such as the Center
for the Protection of National Infrastructure in the U.K., the 19 Networking 7 Sec Wireless 15 Controlled Access 18 Incident Response
Australian government’s Department of Defense and experts
20 Pen Testing 5 Malware Defense 16 Acct Monitoring
from private industry. Formerly managed by SANS, the Top 20
CSC are currently governed by the Council on CyberSecurity 11 Net Limits 20 Pen Testing
and are considered the “de facto yardstick by which corporate
security programs can be measured,” according to the VERY HIGH HIGH HIGH/MED MEDIUM MED/LOW LOW
Cybersecurity Law Institute. The current version of the
Figure 1. NSA’s attack mitigation view of the Top 20 CSC.
controls is 4.1 as of January 2014.

These controls function across security processes, products, How Splunk Software Maps to the Top 20 CSC:
architectures and services, and have been proven in real-world Four Approaches
scenarios. According to surveys conducted by the U.S. State
Splunk software maps to each control in the Top 20 CSC (see
Department, organizations that fully implement, automate and
Figure 2). There are four major ways in which the Splunk
measure themselves against the Top 20 CSC can reduce risk by
platform supports the controls:
up to 94%.
• Verification: As Splunk software ingests data, it can
For more information on the history of the Top 20 CSC, please
generate reports and dashboards that show compliance or
see: http://www.sans.org/critical-security-controls/history.
non-compliance with controls. Incidents of non-compliance
The Top 20 CSC are ranked in order of overall importance and can generate alerts to SOC personnel.
application to a corporate security strategy. For example, the • Execution: In the case of an attack or non-compliance,
first two controls, surrounding known inventory, are at the top Splunk software can carry out recommended actions to
of the list and are foundational in nature, ranking “very high” meet controls.
for attack mitigation. Conversely, the final item on the list,
surrounding pen testing and “red team” exercises, ranks “low” • Verification & Execution: Data from third-party sources
for attack mitigation. More information and deep analysis on can be correlated with data ingested in Splunk software to
each control can be found here: http://www.sans.org/critical- meet the control.
security-controls/guidelines. • Support: The Splunk platform provides flexible features
that help security professionals with controls that are
Why are the Top 20 CSC Important? largely policy and process based.

There are several reasons that organizations embrace the Top 20 VERY HIGH HIGH/MED
CSC as they develop security strategies: 1 Hardware Inv 5 Malware Defense

• Implementation of the controls can reduce the risk of 2 Software Inv 10 Sec Net Config
currently-known high priority attacks as well as attacks Index Data

expected in the near future. 3 Sec Host Config 11 Net Limits

Report & Search &
• The controls were generated by consensus from experts in 4 Vuln Mgmt Analyze Investigate 12 Control Privs
both the federal government and private industry.
HIGH 13 Boundary Defense
• The controls are well written, approachable and distill 6 Sec Apps
common security requirements into a list that is easy to Monitor &
Knowledge MEDIUM
understand and implement. 7 Sec Wireless
8 Data Recovery
• The controls are reasonably comprehensive and address
MED/LOW 9 Skills Assessment
the most important areas of concern.
17 DLP
14 Audit Logs
Figure 1 is an example of how the NSA applies the Top 20 CSC to LOW
actions taken during attacks. Each of the controls applies to one 19 Networking 20 Pen Testing 15 Controlled Access
or more of the following categories: Reconnaissance, Get In, Stay
In and Exploit. 16 Acct Monitoring

18 Incident Response
Verification Execution Verification & Execution Support

Figure 2. Splunk software maps to each control in the Top 20 CSC.

Introduction Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

How Customers Use Splunk for Security The Big Picture

Splunk Enterprise™, the platform for machine-generated data, What makes the Splunk platform unique for organizations that
supports security use cases in a number of ways: need to implement the Top 20 CSC? Splunk software makes
all data in your organization security relevant (see Table 1).
• Splunk Enterprise:
As data is indexed by Splunk Enterprise, it becomes instantly
• Indexes data from any machine data source searchable and security professionals can easily correlate all
of these seemingly disparate data sources. Furthermore, the
• Searches through machine data from a centralized console
different data types can be seen in the context of data locked in
• Allows the security professional to add tags, create business systems, which is often the key factor in determining
event types and correlate the incoming data with correct root causes. Security professionals can then build
business context dashboards and reports on top of the data, and set up actions
and alerts to be executed on specific thresholds. In addition,
• Proactively monitors and alerts on security incidents,
any analysis can be operationalized to proactively protect your
with automatic remediation of security issues—for
organization from emerging threat.
example, changing a firewall rule in response to Splunk
search results
Outputs from scripts that run
• Allows for the creation of reports, dashboards and other Log data
regularly on servers
forms of analytics to communicate security information
throughout the organization Context data Authentication data
Information from structured
• Splunk Enterprise can be augmented with free Splunk Binary (flow) data
data sources
apps1 that are specific to one or more security technologies
or vendors. Log files Endpoint data
• Splunk Enterprise with the Splunk App for Enterprise Application stack traces Configurations
Security (ES) provides an extensive security intelligence
application on top of the core Splunk platform. This
gives customers all of the capabilities of a traditional Call Data Records (CDR) Email
SIEM solution combined with the power of analyzing
Web Proxy Active Directory
vast amounts of normal, credentialed user data to detect
advanced threats. Threat intelligence data Firewall data
There are also a number of free security technology and vendor- Table 1: Examples of data types that Splunk software makes security relevant.
specific apps available for download at http://apps.splunk.com.
While apps are not required for Splunk software to map to the The remainder of this document details how Splunk software’s
Top 20 CSC, in most cases apps will accelerate ramp time (for capabilities apply to each of the Top 20 CSC. At the beginning of
example, the Checkpoint, Palo Alto or Cisco apps to support each section, the document maps Splunk software’s capabilities
Control 13: Boundary Defense). Apps allow you to quickly gain to the control(s) in NIST Special Publication 800-53 and in the
value from data already ingested in Splunk software and can NSA Manageable Plan Milestones.
provide customized ways to onboard data via specific binaries
and technology add-ons (TAs).

Splunk App for Enterprise Security

The Splunk App for Enterprise Security (ES) supports
mapping Splunk deployments to the Top 20 CSC, but is
not required. However, using the app significantly reduces
implementation time when mapping Splunk software to the
Top 20 CSC requirements. Key areas that the app supports
are highlighted in separate call-out boxes like this one.

1. There are 120+ security-oriented apps and add-ons as of April 2014.

The Top 20 CSC
How Splunk Software Supports the Top 20 CSC

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 1: Inventory of Authorized and

Unauthorized Devices Control 1: Using the Splunk App for
Enterprise Security (ES)
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls • Device inventory information within the environment
CM-8 (a, c, d, 2, 3, 4), PM-5, PM-6 that has been ingested into Splunk software can be
leveraged in ES as “assets” from within the Asset Center
Reduce the ability of attackers to find and exploit unauthorized of the Splunk App for Enterprise Security (see Figure 3), a
and unprotected systems: use active monitoring and pre-built view into asset-relevant data. This allows Splunk
configuration management to maintain an up-to-date inventory software to correlate any incoming information against
of devices connected to the enterprise network, including servers, this list of known assets. A security investigator can
workstations, laptops and remote devices. instantly access asset information such as asset priority,
Role of Splunk Software: Verification category, business unit, owner and other context-sensitive
data. The asset list can also be automatically populated by
An inventory of authorized and unauthorized devices is primarily
an external source, such as a directory server or CMDB.
accomplished with discovery and vulnerability management
tools such as Nmap, Nessus, RedSeal, Qualys and Nexpose. • ES contains an interactive data visualization called the
Traditional configuration management database (CMDB) Asset Investigator (see Figure 4). This visualization allows
products with discovery engines, such as IBM TADDM and BMC a security investigator to view an asset and all notable
Atrium Discovery, can also be used here. events related to that asset over time. Information
available from external sources is also brought into this
• Splunk software accepts regularly generated reports from
view to provide business context
any discovery or vulnerability management tool. These
reports are usually in XML, CSV or similar formats and they
contain timestamps for each entry, providing in-depth
analysis of what was discovered.
• TA or app support is provided for the following:
• Splunk Add-on for Nessus
• Nmap
• Ncircle (Tripwire) IP360
• Other VA/VM/discovery applications such as Qualys can
easily be integrated into Splunk software via log file/
report ingestion
• The Splunk for Asset Discovery app is also available and
leverages Nmap.
Figure 3. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Asset Center.
• By ingesting these data sources, a record of each
discovered device is kept in Splunk Enterprise. Every time
a new scan is run, information is deposited into Splunk
software and it is easy to find the deltas between scans to
find new or different devices.
• With Splunk software, it is simple to correlate inventory
data with other data sources. Two examples are a CMDB
that contains a list of authorized devices or a maintained
list of MAC addresses that “should not appear” on the
• It is also easy to correlate other important data types,
including audit logs, change logs, traffic patterns or
the output of malware detection solutions, against
unauthorized devices found.
Figure 4. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Asset Investigator.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 2: Inventory of Authorized and

Unauthorized Software Control 2: Using the Splunk App for
Enterprise Security
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls • ES provides ways of defining “interesting” processes and
CM-1, CM-2 (2, 4, 5), CM-3, CM-5 (2, 7), CM-7 (1, 2), CM-8 (1, 2, 3, services within your environment via lookup files that can
4, 6), CM-9, PM-6, SA-6, SA-7 be statically or dynamically populated. Lookup files can
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and define processes that are either whitelisted or blacklisted,
Network Security Tasks such as adding fields like “is_secure” and “is_prohibited.”
Milestone 7: Baseline Management: Executable Content Restrictions When data containing the specific process or service
name is processed, it is correlated against these lists so
Identify vulnerable or malicious software to mitigate or root that a security investigator can instantly know if a given
out attacks: devise a list of authorized software for each type piece of software is authorized.
of system, and deploy tools to track software installed
(type, version and patches) and monitor for unauthorized or • Update Center and Update Search dashboards that
unnecessary software. display information about the patch levels of systems are
also available in ES (see Figures 5 and 6). The Endpoint
Role of Splunk Software: Verification & Execution Changes dashboard is also useful for getting an idea of
Inventory of authorized and unauthorized software is typically the number of changes happening in the environment (see
accomplished with software change management, whitelisting Figure 7). These dashboards, driven by Splunk-derived
and vulnerability management tools, such as IBM BigFix, change information or from patch management systems,
Microsoft System Center and Bit9 Parity. Splunk software’s allow SOC personnel to determine which systems are in
scripted input capability can also assist with these tasks. the greatest need of an update
• Splunk software can gather all information about installed
software and patches on a given system through scripted
inputs and the standard scripts provided in the Splunk Add-
on for Microsoft Windows and the Splunk Add-on for Unix
and Linux. This data is ingested into Splunk software on a
regular basis and is made available for reporting and alerting.
• Splunk software accepts regularly generated reports
from any software change management, whitelisting or
vulnerability management tool. These reports are usually in
XML, CSV or similar formats and contain timestamps for each
entry, providing in-depth analysis of what was discovered.
• Splunk software can correlate data from scripted inputs or
third-party tools against other enterprise data sources, such
as a CMDB or a hash-based whitelist of approved software Figure 6. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Update Search.
applications, and display and alert on any violations.
• Splunk software can calculate and display the deltas in asset
information, allowing security practitioners to get a good
picture of the software processes and services that are
coming and going on an individual host or a group of hosts.

Figure 7. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Endpoint Changes.

Figure 5. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Update Center.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 3: Secure Configurations for Hardware

and Software on Laptops, Workstations and Control 3: Using the Splunk App for
Servers Enterprise Security
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3, • When misconfigured services and settings are exploited,
Priority 1 Controls there is generally anomalous behavior in the environment
CM-1, CM-2 (1, 2), CM-3 (b, c, d, e, 2, 3), CM-5 (2), CM-6 (1, 2, 4), that can be tied back to rogue services, processes or
CM-7 (1), SA-1 (a), SA-4 (5), SI-7 (3), PM-6 other kinds of misconfigurations. ES contains correlation
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and rules to identify this behavior and misconfigurations such
Network Security Tasks as improper password lengths or expiry timeframes. It
Milestone 7: Baseline Management also includes several dashboards, such as Traffic Search,
Configuration and Change Management System Center and Time Center, which can display
systems that do not meet the secure configuration
Prevent attackers from exploiting services and settings that standards (see Figures 8, 9 and 10).
allow easy access through networks and
browsers: build a secure
image that is used for all new systems deployed to the enterprise,
host these standard images on secure storage servers, regularly
validate and update these configurations, and track system
in a configuration management system.

Role of Splunk Software: Verification & Execution

Securing hardware and software configurations is typically
accomplished with security configuration management tools
(SCM) such as IBM BigFix, Tripwire CCM and Enterprise, and
Symantec CSP. Many security configurations can be evaluated
by Splunk software’s ability to run scripted inputs or look for
evidence of misconfiguration in data.

• The Splunk platform accepts scheduled reports generated

from any security configuration management tool, whether
in XML, CSV or similar formats. Figure 8. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Traffic Search.

• These reports and data sources contain a record of each

device’s security configuration. Every time a new scan is
run, the information is ingested into Splunk software and
it is easy to find the differences between scans to identify
new or different configurations.
• Splunk software can easily correlate SCM data with other
data sources. One example is a CMDB that contains the
compliance policy a particular device should be configured
• Via scripted inputs and monitoring log files, Splunk
software assesses the configuration of hosts for evidence of
misconfiguration. This is done extensively in the Splunk App
for PCI Compliance using the add-on for Access Protection.
• Splunk software can look for evidence of systems not
Figure 9. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: System Center.
meeting standards. For example, if a desktop machine
within the network suddenly starts to generate web
requests with a non-compliant user agent (available by
analyzing proxy logs), then an alert or a notable event can
be generated.

Figure 10. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Time Center.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 4: Continuous Vulnerability

Assessment and Remediation Control 4: Using the Splunk App for
Enterprise Security
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls • Information from vulnerability scans drives the
RA-3 (a, b, c, d), RA-5 (a, b, 1, 2, 5, 6) Vulnerability Center, Operations and Profiler dashboards
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and within the Splunk App for Enterprise Security (see Figures
Network Security Tasks 11 and 12). These dashboards provide a complete view of
Milestone 6: Patch Management vulnerability management activities and sourced data
across the entire environment. With these dashboards,
Proactively identify and repair software vulnerabilities reported SOC personnel can verify that scans are running and
by security researchers or vendors:
regularly run automated determine the newest and most critical vulnerabilities.
vulnerability scanning tools against all systems and quickly Since the dashboards display first time vulnerabilities and
remediate vulnerabilities, with critical problems fixed within allow filtering to show vulnerabilities by age, personnel
48 hours. can also determine whether specific vulnerabilities have
Role of Splunk Software: Verification been remediated.
Continuous vulnerability assessment (VA) and remediation is • ES compiles information from approximately 18
primarily accomplished with vulnerability management (VM) (configurable) threat lists and correlates the information
tools such as Rapid7 Nexpose, Tenable Nessus, Qualys and with threat list data found in the environment (see Figure
Tripwire IP360. 13). For example, if any devices are found communicating
with an IP address on this regularly updated list: http://
• Splunk accepts regularly scheduled reports from any
discovery or vulnerability management tool in XML, CSV or
txt, an alert or a notable event will be generated.
similar formats.
• Technology add-ons or app support are provided for the
• Splunk Add-on for Nessus
• Nmap
• Ncircle (Tripwire) IP360
• Other VA/VM/discovery applications can easily be integrated
into Splunk software via log file and report ingestion.

Figure 12. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Vulnerability Profiler.

Figure 11. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Vulnerability Center.

Figure 13. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Threat List Activity.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 5: Malware Defense

Control 5: Using the Splunk App for
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls Enterprise Security
SC-18, SC-26, SI-3 (a, b, 1, 2, 5, 6) • Information from anti-virus and anti-malware products
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and drives the Malware Center, Malware Search and Malware
Network Security Tasks Operations dashboards within ES (see Figures 14, 15
Virus Scanners and Host Intrusion Prevention Systems (HIPS) and 16). These dashboards include information from
Personal Electronic Device (PED) Management firewalls, IDS, system logs, Windows domain information
Network Access Protection/Control (NAP/NAC) and related network sources to give a complete view of
Security Gateways, Proxies and Firewalls malware management activities and sourced data across
Network Security Monitoring the entire environment. By using these dashboards, SOC
personnel can verify that clients have anti-virus and anti-
Block malicious code from tampering with system settings or
malware products with updated definitions deployed. This
contents, capturing sensitive data or spreading: use automated
allows SOC personnel to quickly identify the newest and
anti-virus and anti-spyware software to continuously monitor and
most prevalent malware in the environment.
protect workstations, servers and mobile devices. Automatically
update such anti-malware tools on all machines on a daily basis. • Many organizations have multiple anti-virus or anti-
Prevent network devices from using auto-run programs to access malware products. ES maps the data available from
removable media. disparate products into a common information model
(CIM), allowing information from these products to be
Role of Splunk Software: Verification & Execution
displayed on the same dashboards and easily correlated.
Malware defense is accomplished with endpoint protection
programs from vendors like McAfee, Symantec, Sophos and
others. Whitelisting products from vendors like Bit9 also play a
supporting role. However, the monitoring of removable media
activity can be accomplished by monitoring the appropriate log
files and/or registry settings with Splunk software. Splunk can
also confirm that anti-virus software is running and is installed
based on process or log file monitoring.

• Splunk software parses log files from any anti-virus or anti-

malware management tool. These log files are often in syslog
or Windows Event Log formats and contain timestamps for
each entry, providing in-depth information on the status of
malware discovery and quarantine activities on individual
hosts. Several technology add-ons are available for free Figure 14. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Malware Center.
download from apps.splunk.com, supporting popular
anti-virus products like Sophos, TrendMicro, and Symantec
Endpoint Protection and Antivirus.
• Splunk software can access anti-virus scan information
in vendor-specific databases. These databases contain
individual workstation information and provide malware
discovery and quarantine activities on specific hosts. One
example of a Splunk technology add-on that works in
this manner is the App for McAfee Web Gateway (Epolicy
Orchestrator and IDS).
• Through the use of scripted inputs and monitoring of log
files, Splunk software can assess the configuration of a Figure 15. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Malware Search.
particular server and look for evidence that the system has
mounted removable storage or if changes have been made
to the system to allow for removable storage.
• Splunk software can also use scripted inputs to ensure that
the appropriate anti-virus or anti-malware executables and
services are running.

Figure 16. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Malware Operations.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 6: Application Software Security

Control 6: Using the Splunk App for
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls Enterprise Security
CM-7, RA-5 (a, 1), SA-3, SA-4 (3), SA-8, SI-3, SI-10 • ES contains several correlation searches and dashboards
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and to assist with finding vulnerabilities in and attacks against
Network Security Tasks web-based applications. Two examples are the HTTP User
Milestone 3: Network Architecture Agent Analysis and URL Length Analysis dashboards (see
Milestone 7: Baseline Management Figures 17 and 18). With the HTTP User Agent Analysis,
Security Gateways, Proxies and Firewalls unusual user agents (based on standard deviation and Z
score) are easily discovered. These user agent strings can
Neutralize vulnerabilities in web-based and other application
then be evaluated for evidence of SQL injection and other
software: carefully test internally developed and
threats. With the URL Length Analysis, any information in
application software for security flaws, including coding errors and
Splunk that contains URL strings can be discovered, again
malware. Deploy web application firewalls that inspect all traffic
based on standard deviation and Z score. URLs that have
and explicitly check for errors in all user input (including by size
abnormal length can often include evidence of embedded
and data type).
SQL, XSS and more.
Role of Splunk Software: Verification & Execution
Application software security is usually accomplished with tools
that perform static and dynamic application security testing, such
as web application scanners like QualysGuard WAS, Whitehat
Sentinel and Tripwire Webapp360. Web application firewalls
include products like Imperva SecureSphere, Barracuda WAF Vx
and Cisco ACE. Most of these tools focus on the OWASP Top 10
Vulnerabilities and others. Splunk software can monitor the log file
output from these tools as well as traffic inspection firewalls, and
can analyze user input coming into web applications in real time.

• Splunk accepts regularly generated reports from any

application scanner. These reports are usually in XML, CSV
or similar formats.
• Web application firewalls provide web firewall, access,
audit and system logs, all of which can be gathered in
Splunk software for analysis.
• During application development, penetration testing is
Figure 17. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: HTTP User Agent Analysis.
often part of the QA cycle. Developers should use Splunk
software to analyze the application logs during this
process and to understand how the application responds
to the scans, allowing them to identify vulnerabilities
before production.
• Once an application is in production, Splunk software can help
detect common application attacks, such as SQL injection and
cross-site scripting. With SQL injection, for example, there are
many different sources that Splunk software can consume in
real time to help detect this activity, including:
• IDS/IPS logs
• Web vulnerability scanners
• Network capture
• Application logs
• Authentication logs
• Database error logs
• When monitoring for SQL injection, searching your web
application logs for patterns of misuse, evidence of the Figure 18. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: URL Length Analysis.
semicolon or the word JOIN or UNION within “GET” and
“POST” requests in a web access log are grounds for
investigation. Extensive information on Splunk and SQL
injection detection can be viewed here.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 7: Wireless Device Control

Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls
AC-17, AC-18 (1, 2, 3, 4), SC-9 (1), SC-24, SI-4 (14, 15)
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones
and Network Security Tasks
Remote Access Security

Protect the security perimeter against unauthorized wireless

access: allow wireless devices to connect
to the network only
if they match an authorized configuration and security profile
and have a documented owner and defined business need.
Ensure that all wireless access points are manageable using Figure 19. Splunk PCI-DSS: Rogue Wireless Access Point Detection.
management tools. Configure scanning tools to detect
wireless access points.

Role of Splunk Software: Verification

Wireless device control is accomplished with wireless-protection
specific tools (WIPS) or generic tools that scan networks for
new and unknown devices, such as IDS/IPS systems, network
discovery tools or network access control (NAC) logs. Splunk
software can monitor the log file output from these tools and
leverage the information in correlation searches to alert about
rogue access points.

• Splunk software accepts regularly generated log files from

WIPS tools and has free technology add-ons for specific
WIPS, such as Motorola AirDefense, available in the Splunk
App for Enterprise Security.
• When a wireless access point is detected, Splunk software
can correlate the MAC address with an asset database to
ensure that it is an authorized device. If the CMDB contains
the management status of the device, Splunk can correlate
that information as well.
• The Splunk App for PCI-DSS contains a Rogue Wireless
Access Point Detection report (see Figure 19). This report
can be easily copied to Splunk Enterprise or to the Splunk
App for Enterprise Security.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 8: Data Recovery Capability

Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls
CP-9 (a, b, d, 1, 3), CP-10 (6)
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and
Network Security Tasks
Backup Strategy

Minimize the damage from an attack: implement a trustworthy

plan for removing all traces of an attack. Automatically back up
all information required to fully restore each system, including
the operating system, application software and data. Back up all
systems at least weekly; back up sensitive systems more often.
Regularly test the restoration process.

Role of Splunk Software: Verification

Data recovery is accomplished with enterprise backup solutions.
Most backup solutions create detailed logs of all of their activity.
Splunk software can monitor the log file output from these tools
and leverages the information in searches and dashboards to
confirm that critical systems are being backed up. Alerts can be
generated if expected backup activity is not seen.

• Splunk software can consume regular backup activity

logs from any backup solution. Popular solutions include
products from vendors like EMC, IBM, CommVault,
Symantec and HP.
• Dashboards can be created to display critical and sensitive
systems (for example, those designated as containing or
processing cardholder data) and their backup status.
• An example of a dashboard created from EMC Networker
log files is displayed below (see Figure 20).

Figure 20. Splunk Enterprise: EMC Networker Example Dashboard,

Backup Activity.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 9: Security Skills Assessment

Control 9: Using the Splunk App for
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls Enterprise Security
AT-1, AT-2 (1), AT-3 (1) • ES contains several dashboards that assist in
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and understanding access patterns across the corporate
Network Security Tasks environment. The Session Center dashboard is very useful
Training for identifying users with long VPN sessions (see Figure 21).
Find knowledge gaps and fill them with exercises and training: • Identity information ingested into Splunk can be used
develop a security skills assessment program, map training in ES as an “identity” within Identity Center (see Figure
against the skills required for each job and use the results to 22) and Splunk software can correlate any incoming
allocate resources effectively to improve security practices. information against this list of known identities. This
enables a security investigator to instantly access identity
Role of Splunk Software: Verification & Execution
information such as name, phone, business unit, category,
A security skills assessment is generally accomplished via manual email, manager and so forth. This asset list can be
processes executed by staff resources. Policies need to be put automatically populated by an external source, such as
in place to generate security awareness across the organization. a directory server or CMDB, and it also compensates for
These policies are usually carried out by the HR department, with multiple username formats via identity matching.
support from information security staff. However, Splunk software
can assist in the gap analysis to determine where security training
is required, and then assess its effectiveness.

• Splunk software can be used to assess user behavior and

determine which populations of users require security
awareness training. For example, by looking at the
following types of behavior available from Splunk searches
against activity and web access/proxy logs, additional
required training can be identified:
• Which users are accessing inappropriate websites?
• Which users are accessing resources with default/shared
account names?
• Which users are using unapproved web browsers?
• Which users clicked on a link in a fake phishing email?
• Which users are putting the company at risk with long
VPN sessions?
• If data regarding security awareness and other security-
Figure 21. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Session Center.
specific training is placed in a corporate directory, Splunk
software can access this data for correlation purposes.
A Splunk search detecting improper system access, for
example, can be correlated against the identity of a
user, and whether or not the user has attended security
awareness training.
• When an organization tests security awareness, Splunk
software can identify which employees have taken the
test and roll up this information into reports organized by
agency or business unit for accountability and transparency.
• Once security awareness training has been rolled out,
Splunk software can be used to assess behavior and
identify users who are not following guidelines. These
individuals may need to be subject to corrective action.
Figure 22. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Identity Center.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 10: Secure Configurations for Firewalls,

Routers and Switches Control 10: Using the Splunk App for
Enterprise Security
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls • When a misconfigured network device is exploited,
AC-4 (7, 10, 11, 16), CM-1, CM-2 (1), CM-3 (2), CM-5 (1, 2, 5), CM-6 generally anomalous ports or traffic will be seen in the
(4), CM-7 (1, 3), IA-2 (1, 6), IA-5, IA-8, RA-5, SC-7 (2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, environment, which can be tied back to the unauthorized
13, 14, 18), SC-9 configurations. ES contains several correlation rules to
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and look for this kind of behavior. Additionally, Traffic Center,
Network Security Tasks Port and Protocol Tracker, Network Changes, Web Center
Milestone 7: Baseline Management and Time Center dashboards can all be used to display
Configuration and Change Management evidence of network devices that do not meet the secure
configuration standards (see Figures 23, 24 and 25).
Preclude electronic holes from forming at connection points with
the Internet, other organizations and
internal network segments:
compare firewall, router and switch configurations against
standards for each type of network device. Ensure that any
deviations from the standard configurations are documented and
approved and that any temporary deviations are undone when
the business need abates.

Role of Splunk Software: Verification & Execution

Maintaining secure configurations is accomplished with
network policy management tools (NPM) such as Tripwire
Enterprise, Firemon, RedSeal and AlgoSec. Splunk software
can support security configurations by identifying evidence of
misconfiguration in log data, traffic on ports or from addresses
that are unauthorized.

• Splunk software accepts regularly generated reports from

any network policy management tools.
• By ingesting these data sources, a record of each device’s
security configuration is kept in Splunk software. This
makes it easy for Splunk software to see changes between
scans to identify new or different configurations.
• Splunk software can correlate NPM data with other data Figure 23. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Traffic Center.
sources, such as a CMDB containing the compliance policy
that a particular device should be configured against.
• By monitoring log files, Splunk software can assess the
configuration of devices for evidence of misconfiguration.
• Splunk software can help provide evidence of systems
not meeting standards. For example, if a network device
suddenly has telnet enabled (determined by analyzing
vulnerability management logs), then an alert or a notable
event can be generated.

Figure 24. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Network Changes.

Figure 25. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Web Center.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 11: Limitation and Control of Network

Ports, Protocols and Switches Control 11: Using the Splunk App for
Enterprise Security
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls • ES contains various lookups, correlation searches and
CM-6 (a, b, d, 2, 3), CM-7 (1), SC-7 (4, 5, 11, 12) dashboards that can assist in detecting improper/
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and unauthorized ports, protocols and traffic on your network.
Network Security Tasks
• E
 S contains two add-ons for network protection and
Milestone 3: Network Architecture
threat intelligence. These add-ons include lookup
Security Gateways, Proxies and Firewalls
files for application protocols, ports of interest and
Allow remote access only to legitimate users and services: apply prohibited processes. Splunk software’s correlation
host-based firewalls and port-filtering and
scanning tools to block searches and dashboards consult these lists to
traffic that is not explicitly allowed. Properly configure web servers, determine whether ports, protocols and services seen in
mail servers, file and print services, and domain name system the environment are authorized or unauthorized. These
(DNS) servers to limit remote access. Disable automatic installation lookups can be populated manually or automatically via
of unnecessary software components. Move servers inside the an existing data source.
firewall unless remote access is required for
business purposes.
• C
 orrelation searches within ES that detect unusual
Role of Splunk Software: Verification or unauthorized network activity include, but are not
Limitation and control of network ports is primarily limited to:
accomplished with discovery and vulnerability management • High Volume of Traffic from Critical Host
tools such as Nmap, Nessus, RedSeal, Qualys and Nexpose. • Network Change Detected
• Splunk software accepts regularly generated reports from any • SANS Block List Activity Detected
discovery or vulnerability management tool. This data often • Substantial Increase in Network Events
includes descriptions of network ports and protocols found. • Substantial Increase in Port Activity
• Unapproved Port Activity Detected
• Technical add-on or app support is provided for the following: • Unusual Volume of Network Activity
• Splunk Add-on for Nessus
• D
 ashboards specific to unauthorized port and protocol
• Nmap activity include Port and Protocol Tracker, Traffic Center,
Network Center and three vulnerability dashboards.
• Ncircle (Tripwire) IP360
• Other VA/VM/discovery applications can easily be • A
 nother dashboard that can be used to find anomalous
integrated into Splunk via log file and report ingestion. network behavior is the Traffic Size analysis dashboard
(see Figure 26). This finds connections with large
• Once discovery and vulnerability data has been ingested, byte counts per request, as well as devices with lots
a record of each discovered protocol and port is kept in of connection attempts but small byte sizes. Unusual
Splunk. As new data is ingested, Splunk software makes it activity showing up on this dashboard can be indicative
easy to identify changes made between scans. of data loss problems.
• Splunk software can correlate discovered port and protocol
data with other data sources, such as a lookup table that
contains a list of authorized ports or a maintained list of
protocols that should not appear on the network.
• Splunk software can ingest converted network capture
data from sources like NetFlow and PCAP data. The Splunk
App for Enterprise Security supports v5 and v9 of NetFlow
and captures data from Bro IDS. This data can also be
analyzed for unauthorized ports and protocols.

Figure 26. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Traffic Size.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 12: Controlled Use of Admin Privileges

Control 12: Using the Splunk App for
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls Enterprise Security
AC-6 (2, 5), AC-17 (3), AC-19, AU-2 (4) • ES provides a pre-built dashboard that tracks “default
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and account” usage across common default accounts for hosts,
Network Security Tasks network devices, databases and more. Default accounts
Milestone 5: User Access should be disabled as a standard practice, or at least have
Milestone 7: Baseline Management their passwords changed (see Figure 27).
Protect and validate administrative accounts on desktops,
laptops and servers to prevent two common
types of attack: (1)
enticing users to open a malicious email, attachment or file, or
to visit a malicious website; and (2) cracking an administrative
password and thereby gaining access to a target machine.
Use robust 
passwords that follow Federal Desktop Core
Configuration (FDCC) standards.

Role of Splunk Software: Verification

Controlled use of admin privileges can be accomplished with
a number of toolsets that restrict the use of administrative
accounts. The simplest methods are OS-level tools, like Sudo,
and controls that can be put in place with vendor-supplied tools
like Active Directory. There are also commercial applications
that search for misconfigurations, such as enabled guest
Figure 27. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Default Account Activity.
accounts, too-lenient Sudo configurations, and failure to rename
administrative or default accounts.

• Splunk consumes authentication logs from across the

technology environment that detail account activity,
including how accounts are being accessed and from
where. Authentication logs come from, but are not limited
to: host devices, domain controllers, directory servers,
network devices, Radius, TACACS, application logs and
many others. All of this machine data will be ingested into
Splunk software for searching and correlation.
• Any use of known administrative accounts like
“Administrator” and “root” and “sa” can easily be searched
across the entire environment and reported or alerted upon.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 13: Boundary Defense

Control 13: Using the Splunk App for
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls Enterprise Security
AC-17 (1), AC-20, CA-3, IA-2 (1, 2), IA-8, RA-5, SC-7 (1, 2, 3, 8, 10, • ES normalizes all machine data coming from firewalls,
11, 14), SC-18, SI-4 (c, 1, 4, 5, 11), PM-7 proxy servers and IDS/IPS against the Splunk Common
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and Information Model, which standardizes field names across
Network Security Tasks the data, even if it came from multiple vendors. From
Milestone 3: Network Architecture there, Splunk software can use the common field names
Security Gateways, Proxies and Firewalls to drive correlations, alerts and searches on the data.
Remote Access Security Dashboards within the Splunk App for Enterprise Security
Network Security Monitoring that are driven from firewall, IDS/IPS and proxy data
include Traffic Center (previously mentioned), Intrusion
Control the flow of traffic through network borders and police
Center (see Figure 28), Intrusion Search and Web Center
content by looking for attacks and
evidence of compromised
(previously mentioned).
machines: establish multilayered boundary defenses by relying on
firewalls, proxies, demilitarized zone (DMZ) perimeter networks
and other network-based tools. Filter inbound and outbound
traffic, including traffic through business partner networks

Role of Splunk Software: Confirmation

Boundary defense can be accomplished with properly
configured firewalls augmented with intrusion detection and
prevention systems (IDS/IPS). Common firewall vendors include
Cisco, Palo Alto, Fortinet and Checkpoint. Common IDS/IPS
include managed next-gen firewalls, HP TippingPoint, Snort,
Sourcefire and FireEye.

• Firewalls and IDS/IPS produce vast amounts of log data

that Splunk can easily ingest. Most commonly, this data
arrives at Splunk in the form of syslog data, but some
firewalls, such as Checkpoint, have proprietary logging
mechanisms that Splunk software can also use. There are
a number of free apps available on apps.splunk.com that
support common firewall vendors including Cisco, Palo
Alto and Fortinet.
• IDS/IPS is supported by free technology add-ons and apps
as well. Apps and add-ons are available for FireEye, Snort,
Sourcefire, TippingPoint and others. Furthermore, if a Figure 28. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Intrusion Center.
device or application can get log data into Splunk software
in some way, an add-on or app is not necessary.
• Proxy servers, such as BlueCoat, also generate a significant
amount of log data that can be consumed and analyzed by
Splunk software to get a good feel for an organization’s
web traffic.
• Splunk software can analyze traffic for possible exfiltration
to dump servers or communication with command
and control machines (C&C machines), which are often
registered with new, transient domain names. Control 17
covers this in further detail.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 14: Maintenance, Monitoring and

Analysis of Audit Logs Control 14: Using the Splunk App for
Enterprise Security
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls • ES provides a Data Protection dashboard that verifies that
AC-17 (1), AC-19, AU-2 (4), AU-3 (1,2), AU-4, AU-5, AU-6 (a, 1, 5), ingested log data, and the resulting correlated notable
AU-8, AU-9 (1, 2), AU-12 (2), SI-4 (8) events, have not been tampered with (see Figure 29).
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and
Network Security Tasks
Remote Access Security
Log Management

Use detailed logs to identify and uncover the details of an

attack, including the location, malicious software
deployed and
activity on victim machines: generate standardized logs for
each hardware device and the software installed on it, including
date, time stamp, source addresses, destination addresses and
other information about each packet and/or transaction. Store
logs on dedicated servers and run biweekly reports to identify
document anomalies.

Role of Splunk Software: Execution

Maintenance, monitoring and analysis of audit logs are a core
competency of Splunk software. The Splunk platform consumes
logs from any source within an enterprise architecture,
regardless of the format, frequency or volume, and safely
and efficiently indexes the data into a series of centralized,
high-performance flat files. The indexed data is immediately
searchable, reportable and can be alerted upon to any number
of security investigators in an organization.

• Log data can be delivered to Splunk software in flat-file

format, Windows Event Logs, syslog, direct REST API Figure 29. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Data Protection.
ingestion and a multitude of other methods.
• Logs can be delivered in a compressed and optionally
encrypted manner.
• Tools are provided to ensure the security and tamper-proof
nature of the centralized log store.
• Splunk software allows the security investigator to apply
security and audit logic at will, with options for real-time
or historical modes.
• Security and audit logic can be converted into reports,
alerts, dashboards, feeds and actions—for example,
creating an incident in a security workflow system.
• Logs can be analyzed in full fidelity and can be kept as
long as necessary, provided you have the disk space—there
is no data “rollup,” so you do not lose any granularity.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 15: Controlled Access Based on the

Need to Know Control 15: Using the Splunk App for
Enterprise Security
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls • As previously mentioned, ES contains an Identity Center
AC-1, AC-2 (b, c), AC-3 (4), AC-4, AC-6, MP-3, RA-2 (a) and Asset Center. This functionality allows Splunk
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and administrators to map assets and identities to business
Network Security Tasks units and categories. ES then correlates any activity
Milestone 3: Network Architecture seen back to these assets and identities so the security
investigator can tell at a glance whether a particular
Prevent attackers from gaining access to highly sensitive data: identity should be accessing a particular asset.
carefully identify and separate critical data
from information
that is readily available to internal network users. Establish a • ES also contains two interactive data visualization tools
multilevel data classification scheme based on the impact of any called Asset Investigator (previously mentioned) and
data exposure, and ensure that only authenticated users have Identity Investigator that allow the security investigator
access to nonpublic data and files. to view an asset and all notable events that have occurred
surrounding that identity or asset over time (see Figure
Role of Splunk Software: Verification 30). Information available from external sources is also
Controlled access based on the need-to-know is primarily the brought into this view to provide business context, such
domain of enterprise access management solutions, such as as the business unit.
those from vendors like HyTrust, Vormetric, CyberArk, IBM,
Oracle and Microsoft.

• Splunk ingests authentication logs from all systems to

determine who is signing into which applications and
where access is taking place. Object (usually file, registry
or database) access auditing logs are also ingested in
Splunk software, which can then correlate across the data
to report on who is rightfully (and wrongfully) accessing
sensitive information.
• Correlation can be done against usernames seen in
the data and directory servers and CMDB to determine Figure 30. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Identity Investigator.

whether a user should have access to data, based on an

established classification scheme.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 16: Account Monitoring and Control

Control 16: Using the Splunk App for
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls Enterprise Security
AC-2 (e, f, g, h, j, 2, 3, 4, 5), AC-3 • ES contains several correlation searches that are directly
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and applicable to this control (see Figure 31), including:
Network Security Tasks
Milestone 5: User Access • Activity from Expired User Identity
• Completely Inactive Account
Keep attackers from impersonating legitimate users: review all • Inactive Account Activity Detected
system accounts and disable any that are not associated with a
business process and owner. Immediately revoke system access • ES contains the Account Management dashboard, which
for terminated employees or contractors. Disable dormant allows the security investigator to see overall account
accounts and encrypt and isolate any files associated with such management activities across the environment (see
accounts. Use robust passwords that conform to FDCC standards. Figure 32).

Role of Splunk Software: Verification • ES contains the Access Tracker dashboard, which helps
Account monitoring and control is generally accomplished with monitor and correlate user activities across multiple user
identity management solutions and the proper use of built-in names often prevalent in organizations without a single-
authentication mechanisms. sign-on (SSO) solution.

• Splunk software ingests authentication logs from all

systems to determine who is logging into which applications
and where access is taking place. Splunk software can then
correlate across the data to report on when accounts are
being used that are not on a whitelist. Other interesting
correlations include being able to determine:
• Whether multiple accounts are accessing data all using
one IP address
• Whether an account that belongs to an “expired” user is
being used
• Whether an account that has long been dormant is
suddenly showing activity
• Whether new accounts are being used to access critical
• Whether accounts are being used to access critical
resources that are associated with users that have had a
change in life status (marital, death in family) or that have
been placed on a performance plan or termination list

Figure 31. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Access Tracker.

Figure 32. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: Account Management.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 17: Data Loss Prevention

Control 17: Using the Splunk App for
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls Enterprise Security
AC-4, MP-2 (2), MP-4 (1), SC-7 (6, 10), SC-9, SC-13, SC-28 (1), SI-4 • ES includes various correlation searches that are directly
(4, 11), PM-7 applicable to Control 17 and can assist in finding attempts
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and to exfiltrate data, such as:
Network Security Tasks
Personal Electronic Device (PED) Management • H
 igh Volume of Traffic from High or
Data-at-rest Protection Critical Host Observed
Network Security Monitoring • Substantial Increase in Network Events
• Substantial Increase in Port Activity
Stop unauthorized transfer of sensitive data through network • Unusual Volume of Network Activity
attacks and physical theft: scrutinize the movement of data
across network boundaries, both electronically and physically, to • ES includes several dashboards that can help detect data
minimize the exposure to attackers. Monitor people, processes loss, including Traffic Center, Traffic Search and Traffic Size,
and systems using a centralized management framework. as well as New Domain Analysis (see Figure 33).

Role of Splunk Software: Verification

Data loss prevention (DLP) is generally accomplished by a DLP
system (for electronic monitoring) with surveillance methods
and physical security measures for physical monitoring.
However, DLP solutions are not a panacea. Proprietary
information crossing from one internal host to another on
the same network segment is not detectable if DLP has been
implemented at the perimeter. Host-based DLP can be remotely
disabled by malicious code in a BYOD environment. This may go
undetected outside a corporate network.

• By ingesting firewall logs, proxy logs and flow data (usually

via syslog and a dedicated flow collector), Splunk software
has a good picture of the overall traffic flows inside and
outside of the organization’s network boundaries. Once
this data is ingested, it can be analyzed in an automated
fashion for such anomalous behavior as:
• New or rare addresses or communication to
unauthorized geographies
• New or rare ports appearing in the traffic patterns
• A critical host sending out lots of data when it normally
Figure 33. Splunk App for Enterprise Security: New Domain Analysis.
• Host communicating with a host listed within a threat list
• Host communicating with a recently registered DNS domain
• Splunk software automatically extracts source, destination
and port information, as well as byte counts where
available. If the Splunk App for Enterprise Security is set to
ingest flow and packet data, Splunk software can provide
even more detail for network traffic data searches.
• Splunk software can help investigators understand the
scope of a data leakage.
• Splunk software can watch for the usage of removable
media via standard host log file and registry monitoring,
and alert or report when removable media is detected.
• The Splunk platform can consume data concerning
physical security systems, such as motion detectors,
pressure pad sensors, proximity badge access logs and
other “non IT” sources of data to provide insight into
user location and time of access. This information can be
correlated with other data within Splunk—for example, an
authorized employee badges into a secure area and then
accesses systems outside of the secure area.
The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 18: Incident Response and

Management Control 18: Using the Splunk App for
Enterprise Security
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls • There are a number of dashboards and visualizations
IR-1, IR-2 (1), IR-4, IR-5, IR-6 (a), IR-8 within ES, highlighted throughout this document, that can
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and be viewed in real time, instantly providing feedback to
Network Security Tasks security professionals during an incident.
Incident Response and Disaster Recovery Plans

Protect the organization’s reputation as well as its information:

develop an incident response plan with clearly delineated roles
and responsibilities for quickly discovering an attack and then
effectively containing the damage, eradicating the attacker’s
presence and restoring the integrity of the network and systems.

Role of Splunk Software: Support

Incident response and management are focused on policies and
procedures that are instituted in your organization, rather than
a direct technical requirement. However, during an incident, it
is important to be able to quickly detect the incident, get to the
root cause and respond.

• Splunk software’s ability to quickly search through

mountains of security and non-security related data and
apply business context to it is invaluable when time is of
the essence and false positives cannot be tolerated.
• Security professionals need to have all data at their
fingertips when investigating an incident. By having all
of the information centralized and searchable, Splunk
software allows individuals and teams to respond quickly
and accurately, limiting the organization’s exposure.

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 19: Secure Network Engineering

Control 19: Using the Splunk App for
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Priority 1 Controls Enterprise Security
IR-4 (2), SA-8, SC-7 (1, 13), SC-20, SC-21, SC-22, PM-7 • ES provides a lookup function to define whitelists/
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and blacklists for network ports and services. Correlation
Network Security Tasks searches provided within ES can leverage those lists to
Milestone 3: Network Architecture determine when unauthorized ports and services are seen
in the environment.
Keep poor network design from enabling attackers: use a
robust, secure network engineering process to prevent security
controls from being circumvented. Deploy network architecture
with at least three tiers: DMZ, middleware and private network.
Allow rapid deployment of new access controls to quickly
deflect attacks.

Role of Splunk Software: Support

Secure network engineering is about a philosophy of design and
does not have a direct technical requirement.

• Splunk software can ingest data from the various tiers

of the network, such as vulnerability scans. While each
portion of the network will have a different set of security
requirements, Splunk software can correlate the results
of the scans against known network tiers to provide an
overview of the security posture for each tier.
• By correlating data from network and vulnerability scans
with traffic analysis, Splunk software can help to identify
insecure network design. Examples include:
• Workstations being used to send e-mail directly
• Workstations using unusual or unauthorized protocols
• Workstations or servers that expose MAC addresses
known to be associated with virtualization software
• Rogue access points
• Rogue DHCP servers

The Top 20 CSC Splunk and the Top 20 Critical Security Controls

Control 20: Pen Testing and Red Team

Exercises Control 20: Using the Splunk App for
Enterprise Security
Associated NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3, Priority
1 Controls • ES contains Asset Center and Identity Center capabilities,
CA-2 (1, 2), CA-7 (1, 2), RA-3, RA-5 (4, 9), SA-12 (7) where known information about assets and identities
Associated NSA Manageable Network Plan Milestones and is centralized into a series of lookup tables. Pen testers
Network Security Tasks and red team members can use this information after
Milestone 3: Network Architecture activities are carried out to understand which assets or
identities are of high value to the organization.
Use simulated attacks to improve organizational readiness:
conduct regular internal and external penetration tests that
mimic an attack to identify vulnerabilities and gauge the potential
damage. Use periodic red team exercises—all-out attempts to
gain access to critical data and systems to test existing defenses
and response capabilities.

Role of Splunk Software: Support

Pen testing and red team exercises are meant to ensure that your
organization is prepared to respond in the case of an attack.
These exercises do not have a direct technical requirement.

• During penetration tests, Splunk software gives team

members significant information about the environment.
Splunk software provides deep granularity into real-time
and historical (often a year or more is available online for
instant searching) data. Using this data, pen testers/red
team members can better plan a target list or create new
target lists from dashboards such as Traffic Analysis.
• During pen testing and red team activities, Splunk
software can display the status of any successful or failed
breach attempts.
• Accounts associated with successful or failed breach
attempts found during pen testing and red team activities
can be fed back into Splunk software to understand how
the account has been used historically.

Throughout this document, we have shown how Splunk software can assist your
organization with executing requirements confirming or supporting activities
surrounding each of the Top 20 Critical Security Controls. The Splunk platform
is a flexible and versatile solution and plays an integral role in protecting your
organization from known, advanced and emerging cyber threats.

Splunk Enterprise is a software-based solution that can be up and running within

minutes in your organization, allowing you to index, explore and analyze your
security data like never before. For more information, please contact your local
Splunk sales team, or email us at sales@splunk.com.

250 Brannan St., San Francisco, CA 94107 info@splunk.com | sales@splunk.com 866-438-7758 | 415-848-8400 www.apps.splunk.com

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