Lec. 4 Cell Injury
Lec. 4 Cell Injury
Lec. 4 Cell Injury
Results when cells are stressed so severely that they are not able to adapt or when cells
are exposed to damaging agents or suffer from intrinsic abnormalities (e.g., in DNA or
Reversible Injury : The 2 main morphologic correlates of reversible cell injury are
cellular swelling (hydropic change) and fatty change.
Cellular swelling (cloudy swelling): Is result of failure of energy dependent ion pump in
plasma membrane, leading to an inability to maintain ionic and fluid homeostasis.
Fatty change : occurs in hypoxic injury and various forms of toxic or metabolic injury,
and is manifested by appearance of small or large lipid vacuoles in cytoplasm. It occurs
mainly in cells involved in and dependent on fat metabolism, such as hepatocytes and
myocardial cells .
College of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Dep " 1st. Semester - L.Dr. K. Haddao
There are 2 types of cell death — Necrosis and Apoptosis — which differ in their
morphology, mechanisms, and roles in disease and physiology .
College of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Dep " 1st. Semester - L.Dr. K. Haddao
Types of Necrosis :
College of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Dep " 1st. Semester - L.Dr. K. Haddao
A- Ischemia: فقر دم موضعيIs decreased blood flow to or from an organ. Ischemia can be
caused by obstruction of arterial blood flow–the most common cause, or by decreased
perfusion of tissues by oxygen carrying blood as occurs in cardiac failure,
hypotension, & shock.
College of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Dep " 1st. Semester - L.Dr. K. Haddao
D- Poor oxygenation of blood due to pulmonary disease cause increased carbon dioxide
retention, which may cause drowsiness, headaches, and in severe cases lack of
respiration, which may lead to death .
6. Genetic Defects.
7. Nutritional Imbalances.