SBC Determination PDF
SBC Determination PDF
SBC Determination PDF
antibody bioprocessing
Bela Sheth
Dedicated to my husband, Michael
For funding this project, I wish to acknowledge the EPSRC and Millipore
The main results that were drawn from these techniques are that MabSelect Xtra
had the highest static capacity of 61.8mg/ml. It also showed the highest dynamic
capacity at 2 mins, 4 mins and 8 mins residence time (0.66cm Omnifit column, bed
height 6cm) when compared to other adsorbents. This is mainly due to the more
porous nature of the MabSelect Xtra beads, which increased the surface area
available for Protein A ligand immobilisation. From the adsorption equilibrium data
the Kd values ranged from 181nM to 36nM. Such low values are expected by
affinity adsorbents such as these. The uptake rate curves were similar for all the
adsorbents. Hence the difference in particle size, pore size, the type of ligand or the
material of the adsorbent itself did not have an effect on the uptake rate when
carried out in a batch mode. A similar behaviour was shown for the desorption
curves. The confocal analysis using a flow cell showed that all the adsorbents
showed a shrinking core effect except for the prototype where the hIgG didn’t
penetrate into the bead and was only attached to the surface of the bead. It was
found that the adsorption rate to the centre of each bead was linear. The different
particle sizes within any particular type of matrix and also across different matrix did
not result in different diffusion rates. From the adsorption curves produced it was
seen that smaller beads reached saturation much faster than larger beads at any
given time. This technique can have great benefits in understanding how individual
beads of different adsorbents behave in different circumstances.
Table of Contents
1.4.1 Elution 18
1.4.3 Displacement 19
1.6.1 Protein A 21
1.7.5 Column Packing 28
1.8.5 Desorption 33
1.8.7 Purity 34
2.3.3 Results 41
2.4.3 Results 43
2.5.3 Results 50
2.6.2 Results 56
2.7.2 Results 59
2.8.2 Results 61
3.3.1. Materials 69
3.3.2 Equipment 69
3.4. METHOD 70
3.4.3 Analysis 72
Fig 1.5 Schematic drawing of regions encoded by the gene for Staphylococcal
protein A 21
Fig 1.9 Breakthrough curve 32
Fig 1.10 Flow cell set up used to view labelled individual beads under a
confocal microscope 35
Fig 2.9 Dynamic capacity determined at 2min, 4min and 8min residence time 50
Fig 2.11 Response time for the system. This equilibration time (response time) is
Fig 2.13 Uptake kinetic curves for two samples of CIGL where maximum capacity
Fig 2.14 Uptake kinetic curves for MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Prosep Ultra
and CIGL 56
Fig 2.15 Uptake kinetic curves for MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Prosep Ultra and
CIGL where maximum capacity at the end of adsorption for each media equals to 1 56
Fig 2.16 Uptake kinetic curves for MabSelect and MabSelect Xtra using higher
Fig 2.17 Normalised version of uptake kinetic curves for MabSelect and
speed of 145rpm 57
Fig 2.19 Desorption kinetic curves for MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Prosep Ultra and
Fig 2.20 Desorption carried out on CIGL and MabSelect Xtra at 4oC 61
Fig 3.1 Flow cell with a channel of diameter 0.1cm and a length of 1cm was used
to pack ~8µl of media, which could be placed under an inverted confocal microscope 70
Fig 3.2 Flow cell setting under confocal microscope. 2mg/ml hIgG was passed through
Fig 3.3 Image of beads seen under the microscope at 30 mins. The images of the
chosen beads are from the centre and of different sizes (50µm and 70µm) 72
Fig 3.4 Intensity profile across a small bead (~50µm) and a large bead (~70µm) at
Fig 3.5 Visual Images of Mabselect, MabSelect Xtra, Prototype and Protein A
immobilised on 4CL Sepharose media taken at 10, 20 and 30 mins in a flow cell 75
Fig 3.6 Adsorption rate for different size beads for two different samples of MabSelect,
Fig 3.7 Uptake curves for different size beads of MabSelect Xtra plotted from data
Table 1.2 Commercially available native, recombinant and mimic Protein A affinity
chromatography media 22
Table 2.1 Static capacity for MabSelect, MabSelectXtra, Prosep Ultra and CIGL 41
using Hanes Plot for MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Prosep Ultra and CIGL 48
using Solver function in Excel for MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Prosep Ultra and CIGL 48
Table 2.4 Summary of dynamic capacity determined at 2min, 4min and 8min
residence time for MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Prosep Ultra and CIGL 50
Table 3.1 Diffusion rate for different size beads and for different media 77
Chapter 1 - Introduction to characterisation of
affinity adsorbents for antibody bioprocessing
The centre focus of bioprocessing is using living cells to make desired products,
which is commonly carried out in a bioreactor. Downstream processing from this
reactor gives concentrated and purified products. These products can be
therapeutic proteins such as factor VIII and urokinase. It could also be diagnostic
enzymes, insulin, monoclonal antibodies, dehydrogenase, antibiotics, proteases or
amylases. In the recovery of biomolecules 5 stages can be distinguished. These
can be seen in the figure below (Krijgsman, 1995).
Cell disruption
Pre-treatment Sterilisation
Separation Sedimentation
Freeze Concentration
Just focusing on the antibody based therapies, the current global antibody pipeline, which comprises of more than a hundred antibodies in
development, was ready to deliver 16 new products by 2008 (Swinnen et al., 2007). The table below shows some of the approved monoclonal
antibodies present in the market (Shukla et al., 2007).
The graph below shows the projected annual production of monoclonal antibodies
(Low et al., 2007).
Projected annual production (t)
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Fig 1.2 - Projected annual production of monoclonal antibodies. The numbers are in metric
In response to increasing market demands and pressure for cost reduction, the
biotech industry has successfully increased bioreactor volumes up to 20,000 L
(Swinnen et al., 2007). However process bottleneck has always been downstream
and purification costs are outweighing cell culture costs.
without encountering significant issues with flow distribution and packing (Shukla et
al., 2007). There is a ready market for the company that can produce a Protein A
resin with a dynamic binding capacity of >50 g/L at an even lower residence time
(Low et al., 2007). Some of the options that are currently being investigated include
higher ligand densities on their resins, ligand orientation/accessibility, particle size,
pore size and distribution, alternative protein A mimic synthetic ligands and more
stable support matrices with increased mass transfer.
Affinity chromatography involves the use of ligands that attach to the media and
that have binding affinity to specific molecules or a class of molecules.
Ligands can be bio-molecules, like protein ligands or can be synthetic molecules.
Both types of ligand tend to have good specificity. But protein ligands have the
disadvantage that they are expensive and mostly denature with the use of cleaning
solutions, whereas synthetic ligands are less expensive and more stable.
The most commonly used protein ligand in production is the protein A ligand, which
is specific to the IgG antibody (Section 1.6).
In affinity chromatography when the solution is introduced to the column the target
protein is adsorbed while allowing contaminants (other proteins, lipids,
carbohydrates, DNA, pigments, etc.) to pass through the column (Fig 1.3). The
adsorbent itself is normally packed in a chromatography column; though the
adsorption stage can be performed well by using the adsorbent as stirred slurry in
batch binding mode. The next stage after adsorption is the wash stage, in which the
adsorbent is washed to remove residual contaminants. The bound protein is then
eluted in a pure form. Elution is normally achieved by changing the buffer or salt
composition so that the protein can no longer interact with the immobilized ligand
and is released. Affinity chromatography can be performed in a fixed bed or a
fluidised bed.
Fig 1.3 – Stages during the affinity chromatography process that includes adsorption, wash
and desorption
The support to which the ligands can be attached to can be of different materials.
All of these are relatively hydrophobic and hence needs to be modified by coating
the surface with a hydrophillic polymer to avoid low recovery (Jaunbauer et al.,
2005). An advantage of the synthetic polymer-based media is their resistance to
extreme chemical conditions, such as pH.
The main disadvantage with polystyrene adsorbents is their relatively low porosity.
Polyacrylamide beads on the other hand are superior to many polymeric supports
due to their polyethylene backbone, which increases chemical stability. They tend
to have a more uniform physical state and porosity, permitting the penetration of
macromolecules with molecular weights of upto 500,000 (Lowe et al., 1974).
Another advantage is that they posses many modifiable groups which enables the
covalent attachment of a variety of ligands.
The commercially available inorganic media are made of ceramic, silicate or glass.
The silicate media are coated with several other materials. The most common glass
media used consists of irregularly shaped controlled porous glass (CPG) particles.
These adsorbents are rigid and can work at high flow rates. Due to their controlled
pore size they tend to generate sharp exclusion limits (Lowe et al., 1974).
1.4.1 Elution
Elution is carried out by first introducing a small sample of the mixture on to the
column. It is then eluted with a mobile phase, which has a lesser affinity to the
stationary phase than the sample components. The components then move along
the column depending on their relative affinity for the stationary phase but at a
slower rate than the eluent. Hence the components can be completely separated
with a zone of mobile phase between them. This mode of chromatography is
commonly used for analytical purposes (Braithwaite et al., 1985).
Frontal analysis is executed by continuously adding the sample onto the column.
The component with the least affinity for the stationary phase will pass along the
column while the component with the greater affinity will get adsorbed to the
stationary phase. Eventually this component will pass along the column, when the
capacity limit of the stationary phase is exceeded. This mode of chromatography is
used to achieve breakthrough curves (Section 1.8.2).
1.4.3 Displacement
Displacement is carried out by first introducing the sample mixture onto the column.
Elution then occurs when a displacing solvent is passed through the column, which
has a greater affinity for the stationary phase than the sample components.
1.5 Antibody
Antibodies are protein molecules that play a crucial role in the immune system,
which defends the body against toxins that enter the bloodstream and counters the
disease threat posed by invading microbes and viruses. Antibodies are made in
white blood cells, B-lymphocytes. Each B-lymphocyte makes copies of its own
unique antibody, which are then displayed on its outer surface. Immunoglobin G is
the major antibody in serum. It has a Y-shaped structure composed of four protein
subunits which comprises of two identical light chains and two identical heavy
chains as shown in Fig 1.4.
Heavy Chain
1.6 Protein A affinity chromatography
1.6.1 Protein A
Fig 1.5 - Schematic drawing of regions encoded by the gene for Staphylococcal protein A. S
is the signal sequence. E, D, A, B and C are the immunoglobulin binding regions. Xr and Xc
are C-terminal located, non-immunoglobulin binding regions (Uhlen et al., 1984).
1.6.2 Commercially available Protein A media
There are various commercially available protein A chromatography media. The main differences between these media are the support matrix
type, protein A ligand modification, the pore size and the particle size. The differences in these factors give rise to differences in compressibility,
chemical and physical robustness, diffusion resistance and binding capacity of the adsorbents (McCue et al., 2003). Products of different
manufacturers were researched to arrive at this table.
Adsorbent Manufacturer Matrix type Ligand type Particle/Pore size Static/dynamic Adsorbent special features
nProtein A Sepharose 4 GE Healthcare, UK Crosslinked Native protein A Particle size – Static capacity – 2 times total IgG capacity than Protein
Fast Flow agarose – 4% 90µm 35mg/ml A Sepharose CL-4B. Replaces former
Protein A Sepharose 4 Fast Flow
rProteinA Sepharose Fast GE Healthcare, UK Crosslinked Recombinant Protein A. Particle size – 60- Static Capacity – Much higher dynamic capacity.
Flow agarose – 4% C-terminal Cysteine 165µm 50mg/ml Thioether coupling providing single
attached to rProtein A point attachment of the protein A.
Oriented coupling enhances the binding
of IgG
rmp Protein A Sepharose GE Healthcare, UK Crosslinked Recombinant Protein A. Particle size – 60- Static capacity – Low ligand leakage. Increase chemical
Fast Flow agarose – 4% Multipoint ligand 165µm 35mg/ml stability due to multipoint ligand
attachment attachment
Protein A Sepharose CL- GE Healthcare, UK Crosslinked Native protein A Particle size – Static capacity – NG
4B agarose – 4% 90µm 20mg/ml
HiTrap rProtein AFF GE Healthcare, UK Crosslinked Recombinant Protein A Particle size – Static Capacity – Pre packed Column – 1ml and 5ml
agarose – 4% C-terminal Cysteine 90µm 50mg/ml
attached to rProtein A
Streamline rProtein A GE Healthcare, UK Crosslinked Recombinant Protein A. Particle size – 80- Static Capacity – Expanded bed adsorption. Capture IgG
agarose – 4%. C-terminal Cysteine 165µm 50mg/ml directly from unclarified feed stock.
Modified with inert attached to rProtein A
metal alloy core for
providing required
high density
MabSelect GE Healthcare, UK Crosslinked NG Particle size – Dynamic Large feed volumes – more than
agarose 85µm capacity – 10000L
Adsorbent Manufacturer Matrix type Ligand type Particle/Pore size Static/dynamic Adsorbent special features
MabSelect Sure GE Healthcare, UK Crosslinked Alkali stabilised Protein Particle size – Dynamic Increase chemical stability during
agarose A 85µm capacity – sanitization
MabSelect Xtra GE Healthcare, UK Crosslinked NG Particle size – Dynamic High dynamic capacity as adsorbent
agarose 75µm capacity – more porous than other MabSelect
40mg/ml family adsorbents
IPA - 500 RepliGen Corp., Crosslinked NG Particle size – NG Modified to double binding capacity
Waltham, MA, USA agarose 90µm
Affi-Gel Protein A Gel Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA Crosslinked Native protein A NG Static Capacity- NG
agarose 20mg/ml
Affi-Prep Protein A Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA Polymeric – NG NG Static Capacity- Used for medium to high pressure
Macroporous 16-23 mg/ml
MAbsorbent A2P Affinity Chromatography Ltd. Crosslinked Synthetic ligand Particle size - Static Capacity – Use of Synthetic ligand – less
(Prometic Biosciences), agarose – 6% (aromatic triazine ~100µm 50mg/ml expensive than Protein A ligands. Only
Freeport, Isle of Man, UK derivative)- mimic used for humanized or human antibody.
recombinant and native
Protein A.
MAbsorbent A1P Affinity Chromatography Ltd. Crosslinked Synthetic ligand Particle size - Static Capacity – Use of Synthetic ligand – less
(Prometic Biosciences), agarose – 6% (aromatic triazine ~100µm 50mg/ml expensive than Protein A ligands. Only
Freeport, Isle of Man, UK derivative)- mimic used for murine antibody.
recombinant and native
Protein A.
Protein A Ceramic Pall corporation Polyacrylamide gel Recombinant Protein A Particle size - Dynamic Rigid. Less back pressure issues.
HyperD F 2200 Northern Boulevard in ceramic 50µm Capacity –
East Hills, USA macrobead 30mg/ml
Adsorbent Manufacturer Matrix type Ligand type Particle/Pore size Static/dynamic Adsorbent special features
Poros A 50 High Capacity PerSeptive Biosystems, Polystyrene NG Particle size – NG Discrete classes of pores. Large
Framingham, MA, USA divenylbenzene 50µm ”through pores” allow convection flow
Pore size – 50 to through particles, quickly carrying
1000nm molecules to small ”diffusive pores”
inside. Used large scale for low
pressure application
Poros A 20 PerSeptive Biosystems, Polystyrene NG Particle size – Discrete classes of pores. Large
Framingham, MA, USA divenylbenzene 20µm ”through pores” allow convection flow
Pore size – 50 to through particles, quickly carrying
1000nm molecules to small ”diffusive pores”
inside. Used samller scale for high
UltraLink Immobilized Pierce, Polymeric Native protein A Particle size–50 to Static Capacity – Rigid – Used for high pressure
Protein A Plus Rockford, IL, USA 80µm 30 mg/ml Higher capacity than UltraLink
Pore size-100nm Immobilized Protein A
UltraLink Immobilized Pierce, Polymeric Native protein A Particle size – 50 to Static Capacity – Rigid – Used for high pressure
Protein A Rockford, IL, USA 80µm 16 mg/ml
Pore size – 100nm
Agarose Protein A Pierce, Crosslinked NG NG Static Capacity – NG
Rockford, IL, USA agarose – 6% 12-19 mg/ml
Agarose Protein A Plus Crosslinked NG NG Static Capacity – Higher capacity than Agarose Protein A
Pierce, agarose – 6% 34 mg/ml
Rockford, IL, USA
Prosep-vA Ultra Miilipore Bioprocessing, Porous glass Native Protein A Particle size - Static Capacity – Rigid, incompressible, low back
Consett, UK ~100µm 56 mg/ml pressure and operate at high flow rates.
Pore size – 70nm
Prosep-vA High Capacity Miilipore Bioprocessing, Porous glass Native Protein A Particle size - Static Capacity – Rigid, incompressible, low back
Consett, UK ~100µm 40 mg/ml pressure and operate at high flow rates.
Pore size – 100nm
Protein A Cellthru 300 Sterogen Bioseparations, n.a. Agarose content – Recombinant Protein A Particle size – 200 Static capacity – Used for unclarified, viscous feed
200–300 n.a. 4% to 300µm 35mg/ml stream
Carlsbad, CA, USA Dynamic
capacity –
Adsorbent Manufacturer Matrix type Ligand type Particle/Pore size Static/dynamic Adsorbent special features
Protein A Ultraflow Sterogen Bioseparations, n.a. Agarose content – Recombinant Protein A Particle size – 40 to Static capacity – NG
200–300 n.a. 4% 160µm 50mg/ml
Carlsbad, CA, USA Dynamic
capacity –
Table 1.2 – Commercially available native, recombinant and mimic Protein A affinity chromatography media
1.7 Factors effecting performance of adsorbents
The ideal features of a chromatographic media would be high specificity, high mass
transfer, high binding capacity, low non-specific adsorption, incompressibility,
resistance to alkaline condition for sanitization, chemically stability, low ligand
leakage and cost effectiveness (Jungbauer et al., 2005). There are various factors
that affect these features.
Smaller pores mean an increase in the surface area available for protein A
immobilisation. Previous studies have shown that Prosep vA-Ultra (pore size 70nm)
has a higher static capacity than Prosep vA-High capacity (pore size100nm) due to
the fact that it has got smaller pores (McCue et al., 2003). Smaller pores also
means a much stronger structure and hence the media being less compressible.
But the disadvantage would be an increase in the diffusion resistance. Hence the
time taken to reach the static capacity would be slower for adsorbents with smaller
pores when compared to adsorbents with larger pores (McCue et al., 2003). On the
other hand larger pores would mean less diffusion resistance but a decrease in
protein A immobilisation and a more compressible structure (Hahn et al., 2005).
Smaller particle size would mean better mass transfer and better access to internal
bead volume. This is because pore diffusivity depends on the square of the particle
diameter (Hahn et al., 2003). But there would be a higher pressure drop across a
packed bed due to the smaller particle size. On the other hand larger particles
would mean lower pressure drop across a packed bed, but the mass transfer and
efficiency would be poorer. This was also shown in previous studies. Poros 50
(particle size 45-50Nm) showed a higher dynamic capacity than prototype Poros LP
(particle size 55-60Nm). But Poros LP had a lower pressure drop (higher
permeability) at higher flow rates when compared to Poros 50 (Fahrner et al.,
1.7.3 Support material
The material used for the matrix can affect the performance. The different kinds of
support materials used were given in Table 1.2. The main factor that is affected by
the support material is the compressibility of the media. Previous studies have
shown that agarose adsorbents are more compressible than porous glass
adsorbents (Stickel et al., 2001). Pressure-flow profiles of different adsorbents
showed that non-linear profiles are characteristics of compressible adsorbents.
Linear pressure - flow curves, on the other hand, as that of Prosep-rA adsorbent
are characteristics of incompressible adsorbents. Hence depending on the matrix
type adsorbents can be used at higher flow rates without being compressed.
Ligands are always exposed to the harsh conditions of operational cycle especially
to the intermediate cleaning and sanitization procedures. The way the Protein A
ligand is modified makes a difference in the performance of the adsorbent. Many
companies tend to use the native form of Protein A. But many companies also tend
to use recombinant Protein A with specific modifications. Three examples are
described below.
Firstly, In the case of rProteinA Sepharose Fast Flow (GE Healthcare) the
recombinant protein A has been engineered to include a C-terminal cysteine. The
coupling conditions are controlled to favour a thioether coupling providing single
point attachment of the protein A (Fig 1.6). The oriented coupling enhances the
binding of IgG thus increasing the dynamic capacity of the adsorbent.
Fig 1.6 – C-terminal cysteine favours oriented thioether coupling (GE Healthcare)
Secondly, in the case of rmp Protein A Sepharose Fast Flow (GE Healthcare) a
recombinant protein A is used with a molecular weight of 44 600. It contains five
antigen-binding domains, which allow multiple attachment points to the Sepharose
Fast Flow support. The attachment is carried out through reductive animation,
which creates chemically stable amide bonds. This results in less ligand detaching
from the support during elution and cleaning, and hence less Protein A leakage.
Lastly, in the case of MabSelect Sure (GE Healthcare) the recombinant protein
used is modified such that the amino acids sensitive to alkali were identified and
substituted with more stable ones. This made the adsorbent more stable to alkali
and hence more stable during cleaning and sanitization.
There are also several Protein A mimics available in the market which are synthetic
ligands and hence less expensive than the native form. One example is the
MAbsorbent A2P by Prometic Biosciences.
HETP = A + B / u + C u
Here u is the average velocity of the mobile phase and A, B and C are factors which
contribute to band broadening. The constant A refers to eddy diffusion, B refers to
longitudinal diffusion and C refers to resistance to mass transfer. Below is a typical
Van Deemter Plot. Such plots are of considerable use in determining the optimum
mobile phase flow rate.
There are various tests that can be carried out to evaluate the performance of the
adsorbents. It is generally not possible to reconcile all the ideal features and a
compromise would need to be made. It is then up to the manufacturer to decide
which criteria are more important in the manufacturing of the adsorbents.
• Linear isotherm – Linear isotherms are not very common in bioseparation
(Belter et al., 1988) and are given by q*= KdC*, where q* is the amount of solute
adsorbed per amount of adsorbent, C* is the solute concentration in solution
and Kd is the equilibrium dissociation constant.
• Langmuir isotherm – This isotherm is often used to describe adsorption data for
proteins. This is given by;
q* = (QmC*)/(Kd+C*)
Where Qm is the maximum amount of solute that can be adsorbed per amount
of adsorbent. The Kd value gives information on the selectivity of the affinity
system. Kd value of ~ 5 x10-7M is typical for a strong, highly selective affinity
system (Hahn et al., 2005).
• The surface of the adsorbent is uniform; hence all the adsorption sites are
• Adsorbed molecules do not interact.
• All adsorption occurs through the same mechanism.
• Only a monolayer of adsorbed molecules is formed. They do not deposit on
other adsorbed molecules.
Solution Concentration C*
Fig 1.8 - Types of adsorption isotherms, which are Freundlich, Langmuir, Linear and
Unused column capacity
CBT % Breakthrough
Feed “wasted”
Feed Volume
The gradient of the curve gives an indication of how sepecific the binding is. For
example, steeper the curve the more specific the binding.
Breakthrough curves are normally used to measure the dynamic capacity of a
media. The column is loaded with protein solution at a specific concentration and
flow rate. The loading is stopped at a specific percentage breakthrough and the
protein is eluted to get the dynamic capacity.
Dynamic capacity can be increased by either decreasing the flow rate and hence
increasing the residence time in the column or by increasing the column height,
which also increases the residence time in the column (Hahn et al., 2003, Hahn et
al., 2005).
Increasing the flow rate normally decreases the dynamic capacity. This is mainly
due to the fact that using a faster flow rate decresaes the rate of mass transfer of
the protein to the interior adsorption sites of the matrix. In other words, less protein
would bind to the adsorbents. The extent of the decrease in the mass transfer rate
depends on the particle size and the pore size of the adsorbents. When comparing
different types of media, adsorbent that tend to show good mass transfer properties
will have a higher dynamic capacity at higher flow rates. However some media
which have poorer mass transfer properties might have a higher equilibrium binding
capacity overall and will tend to show a higher dynamic capacity at longer residence
time (Hahn et al., 2003).
In order to decrease the breakthrough time a load with higher concentration can be
used. The distribution of protein adsorbed in the resin is determined by the
intraparticle diffusion rate of the protein into the matrix, which depends on the
concentration gradient of the protein and the resin porosity (Pan et al., 2005). When
the feed concentration increases, it results in the solute shooting into the interior
adsorption sites of the matrix, which leads to the higher adsorption capacity at
larger initial feed concentration.
Batch adsorption mostly involves the mixing of the adsorbent with the protein
solution. Leaving it for an extended amount of time (24hours) would give an
indication of the static capacity of the adsorbent. Whereas drawing samples at
specific intervals and measuring the concentration would give the uptake kinetics
for the adsorbent. One of the accurate ways to carry this out would be to recirculate
the stream through a spectrometer (Chang et al., 1998, McCue et al., 2003). But,
again, this method causes a time delay and might not be suitable for media that
reaches its static capacity in the first few minutes of mixing. Hence other methods
like replacing the external loop with a dip probe can be considered (Tscheliessnig et
al., 2005). Confocal microscopy can also be very useful in understanding the kinetic
uptakes of the adsorbent (Section 1.9). Batch adsorption kinetics can give a very
good indication of the mass transfer properties and static capacity of adsorbents.
1.8.5 Desorption
There are a few papers available on adsorption uptake kinetics, but hardly any on
desorption of IgG when using Protein A ligand. The rate at which desorption takes
place for different adsorbents might give a lot of information about the media in
terms of mass transfer. Batch desorption kinetics can be performed in a similar way
to batch adsorption. When desorption is carried out in dynamic mode it gives an
idea of the amount of IgG that might still be bound to the adsorbent. Whereas the
peak of the eluent can show how concentrated the eluent might be. This is a factor
that needs to be taken into consideration as a very high concentration might lead to
aggregation of the antibody and hence it might be favourable to have broader
elution peaks.
1.8.7 Purity
In order to understand the selectivity of the adsorbent, using just pure IgG solution
is not sufficient, adding impurities to the feed will give a better understanding. The
entire chromatographic cycle can be carried out by adding impurities to the protein
solution for example 2.5% Fetal calf serum (Hahn et al., 2003) or cell culture
supernatant (Hahn et al., 2006). The eluent can then be tested by SDS /Page to
measure its purity.
1.9 Confocal Microscopy
Dynamic capacity and kinetic adsorption have been studied by using packed
column or batch adsorption experiments as mentioned in section 1.8.2 and 1.8.3.
Confocal microscopy, on the other hand, can be used to analyse the adsorption of
IgG on a single particle.
In confocal microscopy the specimen is fluorescently labelled to be detected by the
confocal scanning microscope. The depth discriminating property of the confocal
microscopy can be used to carry out virtual optical sectioning of a specimen.
Adsorption and kinetic properties of the media can be studied by attaining images
of a single particle by incubating the adsorbent for different time intervals in
fluorescently labelled IgG solution (Ljunglof et al., 1996). In order to get images in a
more dynamic condition; flow cells (Fig 1.10) can be used (Dziennik et al., 2003).
Here the particles are packed behind a coverslip and the adsorbent is kept in place
with the help of a frit and the fluorescently labelled IgG feed solution is passed
through the adsorbent with the help of a pump.
Cell body
Feed input
Fig 1.10 – Flow cell set up used to view labelled individual beads under a confocal
These images give an indication of where the IgG molecules tend to bind on a
single particle at different time intervals, whether on the surface or more in the
interior of the porous particles. A similar procedure can be used to get dynamic
desorption images.
Confocal microscopy can also be used to get an idea of adsorbent fouling by taking
samples of adsorbent from different chromatographic cycles and incubating them in
fluorescently labelled IgG and viewing the particles under a confocal microscope
(Siu et al., 2006, Thillaivinayagalingam et al., 2007). Confocal microscopy can also
be used to see where the ligand is attached to the adsorbent by fluorescently
labelling the ligands itself.
1.10 Conclusion
This thesis will mainly focus on designing a set of techniques to understand the
performance of different affinity chromatography adsorbents. The different
adsorbents that are considered in this thesis are MabSelect (GE Healthcare),
MabSelect Xtra (GE Healthcare), Prosep Ultra (Millipore), Protein A immobilised on
4CL Sepharose (GE Heatlhcare) in house and a prototype adsorbent with a Protein
A mimic ligand (Millipore). These adsorbents are considered specifically as they
have different particle size, porosity, support material and the type of ligand. The
major methods used in this thesis looks at the static capacity, adsorption
equilibrium data, dynamic capacity, uptake kinetics and desorption kinetics of
different adsorbents. A more novel technology using confocal microscopy is also
designed using a flow cell, which gives a good indication of the visual
characteristics of an adsorbent, diffusion rate to the centre of the bead and the
adsorption rates at an individual bead level. It can be of great benefits to have a set
of methods that can be used to characterise adsorbents especially to manufactures
of novel adsorbents.
Chapter 2 – Performance measurement of
affinity chromatography adsorbents
2.1 Abstract
Four different affinity adsorbents are looked at in this chapter, which are MabSelect
(GE Healthcare), MabSelect Xtra (GE Healthcare), Prosep Ultra (Millipore, Consett)
and a prototype adsorbent immobilised with a synthetic ligand (Protein A mimic). All
these four adsorbents have distinct qualities in terms of pore size, particle size,
ligand type and the material the adsorbent is made from.
In this chapter, 6 different methods were designed and analysed. The static
capacity experiment showed that MabSelect Xtra has the highest static capacity of
61.8mg/ml. The adsorption equilibrium data showed very low Kd values as
expected by such affinity adsorbents. MabSelect Xtra and Prosep Ultra showed
steeper equilibrium curves possibly indicating that these media have higher affinity
to hIgG at lower hIgG concentration. Dynamic capacity carried out in a 0.66cm
Omnifit column with a bed height of 6cm at 2, 4 and 8 min residence time showed
MabSelect Xtra to have the highest dynamic capacity of 37.1mg/ml at 2 min
residence time. By designing a method using the AKTATM Basic, studies of uptake
kinetics using 1mg/ml hIgG were carried out, which showed all the four media to
have very similar hIgG uptake rates. The same experiment was carried out using a
higher concentration of hIgG (3mg/ml) on MabSelect and MabSelect Xtra. The
uptake rate was much faster, however it was similar for both the adsorbents.
Similarly desorption rate was carried out on the four media at room temperature
and at 40C to slow the process down. Again all the four media showed similar
characteristics at both the temperatures.
2.2 Introduction
Chromatography media
MabSelect, MabSelectXtra media were from GE Healthcare (UK) and Prosep Ultra
and a prototype media (CIGL) were from Millipore (Consett, UK).
2.3.2 Method for determining the static capacity
The static capacity for MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Propsep Ultra and the prototype
(CIGL) were determined by batch experiment. The method below needs to be
repeated for each adsorbent. 55 ml of hIgG with a concentration of 1 mg/ml of hIgG
in PBS pH 7.4 was made in a beaker and the solution was sterile filtered using
0.22Nm syringe filters (Sartorius). Three, 20ml falcon tubes were labelled A, B and
C and the fourth falcon tube was labelled as the adsorbent. 1 ml (2.3cm) of
adsorbent was measured in a 5ml extraction column (Bioconnections, Leeds) by
suction drying it with a syringe. The adsorbent was washed with 4CV of PBS. The
adsorbent was put into the falcon tube labelled as the adsorbent with the help of a
syringe. The extraction column was washed with 4ml PBS and the same 4ml was
added to the falcon tube with the adsorbent. The adsorbent falcon tube was placed
on a stirrer. When the beads were in uniform suspension, 500µL of the suspension
was taken using a 1ml pipette and added to each of the three 20ml falcon tubes
labelled A, B and C (hence making triplicates for each sample). 14ml of 1mg/ml
hIgG solution was added into each of the three falcon tubes, A, B and C. The three
falcon tubes were put on a rotator for 6 hours. It was taken off the rotator and the
beads were left to settle. Each sample was analysed in a spectrometer by
measuring the UV absorbance in a quartz cuvette at 280nm and the data was
recorded, using PBS as blank. The average of the 3 samples was used to calculate
the static capacity.
2.3.3 Results
The table below shows the average static capacity of the three samples for each of
the adsorbents. Appendix A shows the static capacity for all the samples.
Table 2.1 - Static capacity for MabSelect, MabSelectXtra, Prosep Ultra and CIGL.
MabSelect Xtra shows the highest static capacity of 61.8mg/ml. Average of 3 samples was
Chromatography media
MabSelect, MabSelectXtra media were from GE Healthcare (UK) and Prosep Ultra
and a prototype media (CIGL) were from Millipore (Consett, UK).
2.4.2 Method for adsorption equilibrium experiments
The equilibrium concentration in bulk liquid (C*) was calculated using the formula
C* mg/ml = Feed concentration * Protein concentration in solution left after
run/measured feed concentration
The equilibrium concentration on adsorbent (q*) was calculated using the formula
q* mg/ml = (0.5mg/ml) * volume of hIgG solution – [(Feed concentration) * (Protein
concentration in solution left after run/measured feed concentration)](20.5ml total
This gave results for 0.1ml of media and hence the data was converted for 1ml of
media, which was then used to plot the graphs.
Kd (M) was calculated using the following formula:
Kd (M) = Kd (mg/ml)/ 150000 (Approximate RMM of IgG)
2.4.3 Results
Two different ways were used to determine the maximum capacity and the
dissociation constant. In the first way, the data collected from the experiment was
linearised and the linearised form of the Langmuir isotherm (Hanes plot) was used
to get the maximum capacity and the dissociation constant, where 1/slope gives the
maximum capacity and y intercept equals to Kd/Qmax.
In the second way the experimental data was fitted using Langmuir isotherm and
the maximum capacity and dissociation constant were determined using the Solver
function in Excel, without linearising the isotherm.
The data collected was for human polyclonal IgG, which included the IgG3 that
doesn’t bind to protein A (MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Prosep Ultra). Hence the
data was corrected to take this factor into account. To get the corrected values,
5.5% (Hahn et al., 2005) from the initial feed concentration was subtracted to give
the following results. This correction only applies to MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra and
Prosep Ultra as CIGL tends to bind IgG3.
C*/q* (-)
0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250
C* (mg/ml)
Fig 2.1 – Hanes Plot – MabSelect. Linearised form of Langmuir isotherm for Mabselect.
1/slope gives the maximum capacity and y intercept equals to Kd/Qmax. The equation for the
line is y=0.01813x + 0.00047 with an R value of 0.99832. Here Qmax = 55.1 and Kd =
q* (mg/ml)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
C* (mg/ml)
Fig 2.2 – Adsorption Equilibrium – MabSelect. Experimental data for MabSelect fitted using
Langmuir isotherm and the maximum capacity and dissociation constant were determined
using the Solver function in Excel.
C*/q* (-)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
C* (m g/m l)
Fig 2.3 – Hanes Plot – MabSelect Xtra. Linearised form of Langmuir isotherm for Mabselect
Xtra. 1/slope gives the maximum capacity and y intercept equals to Kd/Qmax. The equation
for the line is y=0.01554x + 0.00009 with an R value of 0.99975. Here Qmax = 64.4 and Kd =
q* (mg/ml)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
C* (mg/ml)
Fig 2.4 – Adsorption Equilibrium – MabSelect Xtra. Experimental data for MabSelect Xtra
fitted using Langmuir isotherm and the maximum capacity and dissociation constant were
determined using the Solver function in Excel
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
C* (mg/ml)
Fig 2.5 – Hanes Plot – Prosep Ultra. Linearised form of Langmuir isotherm for Prosep Ultra.
1/slope gives the maximum capacity and y intercept equals to Kd/Qmax. The equation for the
line is y=0.01630x + 0.00013 with an R value of 0.99927. Here Qmax = 61.3 and Kd =
q* (mg/ml)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
C* (mg/ml)
Fig 2.6 – Adsorption Equilibrium – Prosep Ultra. Experimental data for Prosep Ultra fitted
using Langmuir isotherm and the maximum capacity and dissociation constant were
determined using the Solver function in Excel
C*/q* (-)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
C* (mg/ml)
Fig 2.7 – Hanes Plot – CIGL. Linearised form of Langmuir isotherm for CIGL. 1/slope gives
the maximum capacity and y intercept equals to Kd/Qmax. The equation for the line is
y=0.0163x + 0.0039 with an R value of 0.9997. Here Qmax = 61.5 and Kd = 0.024mg/ml
q* (mg/ml)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
C* (mg/ml)
Fig 2.8 – Adsorption Equilibrium – CIGL. Experimental data for CIGL fitted using Langmuir
isotherm and the maximum capacity and dissociation constant were determined using the
Solver function in Excel
Adsorbent Qmax (mg/ml) Kd (mg/ml) Kd (nM)
MabSelect 55.1 0.026 173
Table 2.2 - A summary of maximum capacity and dissociation constant determined using
Hanes Plot for MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Prosep Ultra and CIGL.
Table 2.3 - A summary of maximum capacity and dissociation constant determined using
Solver function in Excel for MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Prosep Ultra and CIGL.
Chromatography media
MabSelect, MabSelectXtra media were from GE Healthcare (UK) and Prosep Ultra
and a prototype media (CIGL) were from Millipore (Consett, UK).
2.5.2 Method for determining dynamic capacity
The adsorbents were packed into a 0.66cm Omnifit column to a bed height of 6cm.
Frontal analysis runs were performed using AKTATM Basic and antibody
concentrations were monitored on a spectrometer by UV absorbance at 280nm.
The packed column was equilibrated with PBS pH 7.4. The column was loaded with
1mg/ml hIgG in PBS. The loading flow rate was varied between 1– 0.25 ml/min to
give residence times between 2-8mins respectively. The loading was stopped at
20% breakthrough to take into account 10% IgG3 (value decided internally by
Millipore, UK) that doesn’t bind to Protien A and hence give a 10% breakthrough
value (value decided internally by Millipore, UK). The column was washed with PBS
pH 7.4. The bound hIgG was eluted using 0.1M glycine pH 2 and collected. The
sample was analysed by measuring the UV absorbance on a spectrometer at
280nm to determine the hIgG concentration. The dynamic capacity of the
adsorbents was calculated.
2.5.3 Results
Dynamic Capacity (mg/ml)
20 MabSelect Xtra
Prosep Ultra
10 Prototype
0 2 4 6 8 10
Residence time (min)
Fig 2.9 – Dynamic capacity determined at 2min, 4min and 8min residence time for
MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Prosep Ultra and CIGL. 0.66cm Omnifit column with a bed
height of 6cm was used. Loading was stopped at 20% breakthrough.
Table 2.4 - Summary of dynamic capacity determined at 2min, 4min and 8min residence
time for MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Prosep Ultra and CIGL. An Omnifit column with a 6cm
bed height, appr. 2ml adsorbent was used.
CIGL shows an exceptionally high dynamic capacity at 8min residence time. This is
due to the fact that IgG3 tends to bind to CIGL and hence the loading should have
been stopped at 10% breakthrough instead of 20% for this media for 2min, 4min
and 8min residence time. Due to lack of time this experiment wasn’t repeated for
CIGL at 10% breakthrough.
In this experiment phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.4 was from Sigma-Aldrich
(Gillingham, Dorset), which is biotechnology performance certified (product –
P5368). Human polyclonal IgG was also from Sigma-Aldrich in the form of a 99%
lyophilised powder (product G4386).
Response time
UV detector
Pump A Rotator
IgG solution
+ media
Fig 2.10- Uptake rate equipment setup used to determine the uptake kinetics for different
media. It consists of a stream of hIgG solution recirculating through the AKTA Basic from
a beaker consisting of homogenous mixture of hIgG and media solution.
At any point in time as a small stream of solution is leaving the system it is not in
contact with the adsorbent for a certain amount of period. This gives a difference in
the hIgG concentration between the stream of solution drawn and that in the
beaker. As a result it takes a certain amount of time before the system stabilises
and shows a constant UV 280nm reading. This in other words is the response time
of the system. In order to get the response time the following method was carried
First the system was equilibrated with PBS. A solution of hIgG was prepared in a
250ml beaker. Stream of hIgG solution was drawn from the beaker through a filter
membrane by using AKTATM Basic. The point at which the flow was started equals
to time 0 in Fig 2.11. This was the start time, which was specified manually when
the flow was started. The time taken to give a constant UV 280nm reading equals to
the response time of the system. The aim is to keep the response time to a
minimum, as this would give more accurate results when carrying out the uptake
kinetic experiment. Two sets of experiments were carried out at a flow rate of
4ml/min and 6ml/min.
The response time was estimated from the graph below (Fig 2.11). Two flow rates
were used of 4ml/min and 6ml/min. The hIgG solution is detected quicker when
using a flow rate of 6ml/min but they both tend to show a response time of ~20-
25sec. Higher flow rates couldn’t be used as the media in the solution tend to stick
to the filter. Hence a flow rate of 4ml/min was used to carry out the experiment.
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
Time (mins)
Fig 2.11 – Response time here is defined as the amount of time before the system stabilises
and shows a constant UV 280nm reading. This equilibration time (response time) is
recorded at 4ml/min and 6ml/min flow rate which shows to be ~20-25sec.
Uptake Rate
Characterisation of mixing and reproducibility of results
Two sets of experiments were carried out with CIGL to get reproducible results.
One of them was carried out at 145rpm and the other at 200rpm.The difference in
the mixing speed is not very large but the fact that reproducible results are achieved
can prove that the mixing is uniform and the uptake rate is not affected by the
change in mixing speed. Extremely high mixing speed could be used but this might
damage the adsorbent. A very high speed was not needed to be tested, as from the
graph below both the results produced are very similar, thus proving that a mixing
speed above 145rpm doesn’t affect the results. Below 125rpm the beads were not
uniformly mixed visually. Moving of the impeller position was needed occasionally
at 145rpm and 200rpm due to the beads settling down in certain areas of the
beaker. This experiment was carried out without the use of any baffles. All the
experiments were carried out at 145rpm, except for Prosep Ultra, which needed
mixing at 200rpm as visually the beads tend to settle down at 145rpm. In Fig 2.12
Qmax equals to the maximum capacity of the adsorbents achieved at the end of the
experiment (120mins).
Capacity q (mg/ml)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time (mins)
Fig 2.12 - Uptake kinetic curves for two samples of CIGL where the impeller speed of
145rpm and 200rpm was used to check mixing characterisation and reproducibility.
q/qm (-)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time (mins)
Fig 2.13 - Uptake kinetic curves for two samples of CIGL where maximum capacity at the
end of adsorption for each sample equals to 1. The two graphs showed to be reproducible.
2.6.2 Results
Capacity q (mg/ml)
0 50 100 150 200
Time (mins)
MabSelect MabSelect Xtra CIGL 1 Prosep ultra
Fig 2.14 – Uptake kinetic curves for MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Prosep Ultra and CIGL.
Impeller speed of 145 rpm was used except for Prosep Ultra where 200rpm was used.
Maximum capacity determined at 120 mins.
q/qm (-)
0 50 100 150 200
Time (min)
Fig 2.15 – Uptake kinetic curves for MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Prosep Ultra and CIGL
where maximum capacity at the end of adsorption for each media equals to 1. The uptake
rate shows to be very similar for all four media.
Capacity q (mg/ml)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (mins)
Fig 2.16 – Uptake kinetic curves for MabSelect and MabSelect Xtra using higher
concentration of hIgG (3mg/ml) and an impeller speed of 145rpm. The uptake rate shows to
be very similar for the two media.
q/qm (-)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (mins)
Fig 2.17 – Normalised version of the uptake kinetic curves for MabSelect and MabSelect
Xtra using higher concentration of hIgG (3mg/ml) and an impeller speed of 145rpm. The
uptake rate shows to be very similar for the two media.
2.7 Desorption Kinetics
In this experiment phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.4 was from Sigma-Aldrich
(Gillingham, Dorset), which is biotechnology performance certified (product –
P5368). Glycine was also from Sigma-Aldrich.
After the completion of the uptake the media was left to settle. The media was
collected in an extraction column (Bioconnections Ltd, Leeds) and washed with
PBS. It was suspended in 1ml of PBS in the extraction column. It was then
transferred to 100ml of 0.1M glycine pH 2. Time 0 on the graph is when the
suspended media was poured into the glycine solution, which was specified
manually. The solution was agitated with a marine impeller at 145rpm. The hIGg
concentration was monitored by continuously recirculating a small stream of
solution through the AKTATM Basic. The setup was left to run until a steady
absorbance reading was achieved. The data was used to get the desorption
Two sets of experiments were carried out with CIGL to get reproducible results.
One of them was carried out at 145rpm and the other at 200rpm for the same
reason as mentioned in section 2.4. From the graph below both the results
produced are very similar, thus proving that the mixing speed doesn’t affect the
The end point of the experiment was taken as zero, hence assuming that the
amount of antibody released is equal to the amount that was bound to the
adsorbent initially. This was done because the transfer of the suspended adsorbent
from the extraction column to the elution buffer caused some loss of the media.
q/qm (-)
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50
Time (mins)
Fig 2.18 – Desorption kinetic curves for two samples of CIGL where the impeller speed of
145rpm and 200rpm was used to check mixing characterisation and reproducibility
2.7.2 Results
Fig 2.19 shows the desorption curves for all the four media. From the graph it is
difficult to say if the slight differences are due to the type of adsorbents or due to
experimental inaccuracies.
q/qm (-)
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
Time (mins)
Fig 2.19 – Desorption kinetic curves for MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra, Prosep Ultra and CIGL.
Impeller speed of 145 rpm was used except for Prosep Ultra where 200rpm was used.
Desorption rate shows to be very similar for all four media.
In this experiment phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.4 was from Sigma-Aldrich
(Gillingham, Dorset), which is biotechnology performance certified (product –
P5368). Glycine was also from Sigma-Aldrich.
After the completion of the uptake experiment the media was left to settle. The
media was collected in an extraction column (Bioconnections Ltd, Leeds) and
washed with PBS. It was suspended in 1ml of PBS in the extraction column. It was
then transferred to 100ml of 0.1M glycine pH 2. This glycine solution in a beaker
was placed with ice around it to maintain the temperature at 4oC, which was
measured by a temperature probe. Time 0 on the graph is when the suspended
media was poured into the glycine solution, which was specified manually. The
solution was agitated with a marine impeller at 145rpm. The hIGg concentration
was monitored by continuously recirculating a small stream of solution through the
AKTATM Basic. The setup was left to run until a steady absorbance reading was
achieved. The data was used to get the desorption kinetics.
2.8.2 Results
q/qm (-)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time (mins)
CIGL 4o C Room temperature CIGL MabSelect Xtra 4 oC
Fig 2.20 – Desorption carried out on CIGL and MabSelect Xtra at 4 C to slow down the rate
of desorption. Similar results showed for the two media at 4 C. Impeller speed of 145 rpm
was used
2.9 Discussion
From the static capacity data MabSelect Xtra has the highest static capacity of
61.8mg/ml. This was expected due to the more porous nature of the bead, which
increased the surface area available for Protein A ligand immobilisation. MabSelect
and Prosep Ultra showed similar static capacity data as proposed by the
manufacturers. The prototype in fact showed relatively good static capacity of
The adsorption isotherm data from the Hanes Plot and by using the Solver function
from Excel were very similar. Both the methods to analyse the data seem to be
accurate. The Qmax values estimated from the adsorption isotherms were very
similar to that achieved from the static capacity experiments. The Kd values range
from 181nM to 36nM. Such low values are expected by affinity adsorbents such as
these. The adsorption isotherms were slightly steeper for MabSelect Xtra and
Prosep Ultra when compared to MabSelect and the prototype. This probably means
that MabSlect Xtra and Prosep Ultra have higher affinity to hIgG at lower hIgG
concentration. It must be noted that 5.5% was subtracted from the initial feed
concentration. This percentage is the estimated amount of IgG3 that doesn’t bind to
MabSelect, MabSelect Xtra and Prosep Ultra. To make this method further accurate
it is recommended to use monoclonal IgG without IgG3.
Results from the dynamic capacity experiment showed MabSelect Xtra to have a
greater dynamic capacity than the other three adsorbents. This is again due to the
more porous nature of the beads and also due to the smaller size of the beads. The
dynamic capacity for all four media increased with increase in the residence time.
However the increase in the dynamic capacity for MabSelect Xtra from 4min
residence time to 8min was much less when compared to other adsorbents. This
could be due to an increase in resistance due to stoichiometric reasons. It must be
noted here that the prototype showed exceptionally high dynamic capacity. This is
due to the fact that IgG3 binds to CIGL and hence the loading should have been
stopped at 10% breakthrough instead of 20%. Hence CIGL cannot be used in this
case for direct comparison.
Desorption experiments again showed reproducibility when carried out on two
samples of CIGL at two different impeller speeds. The actual desorption of hIgG
from the adsorbent was achieved very quickly within a few minutes. Once again the
desorption rate was very similar for all the four adsorbents.
In order to slow down the desorption process to get a closer look at any differences
between the adsorbents, the process was carried out at 4oC for CIGL and
MabSelect Xtra. This definitely slowed down the process when compared to the
desorption experiment carried out at room temperature. However the desoprtion
rate was again very similar for CIGL and MabSelect Xtra.
2.10 Conclusion
The methods designed and carried out in this chapter demonstrates different ways
to characterise adsorbents in different situations. In a batch mode the static
capacity gives the maximum amount of hIgG that can bind to different adsorbents.
The adsorption equilibrium curve gives a strong indication of the affinity of the
adsorbent towards hIgG and the predicted maximum capacity. The uptake kinetics
and desorption kinetics can help someone understand the rate at which different
adsorbents can bind and release hIgG in a batch mode at different hIgG
concentrations. The dynamic capacity gives an indication of how different
adsorbents would perform when packed in a column. Clearly it can be seen that
some methods show a clear distinction between different adsorbents whereas
some show very similar results. This provides a set of methods to compare novel
adsorbents against commercially available adsorbents and help manufactures
understand which performance factors of an adsorbent need further analysis.
Batch methods can be very easy to perform and can give useful information on
different adsorbent kinetics. The method is also less expensive than using a column
and less time consuming. There are no issues involved with column packing and
there is consistency in the data, as opposed to fixed bed methods where column
packing can play a major role in the kind of data generated. There are also no
minor technical issues such as air bubbles being introduced in the column. The
data can also be comparable with different batch methods, where as comparing
data generated from fixed bed experiments can be an issue, especially when
different bed heights and column diameters has been used. Batch method used in
this thesis to find kinetic adsorption data is even more reliable because the stream
of hIgG is being re-circulated and at no time are any samples been taken out of the
system for analysis.
The next chapter looks into another more novel technology that uses laser scanning
confocal microscopy. This method gives a better indication of the performance of
matrices at a single bead level and also gives a more visual characterisation of the
Chapter 3 - Confocal analysis using flow cell
3.1 Abstract
The use of laser scanning confocal microscopy has proved to have several
advantages. Its is a non-destructive process where individual beads can be
analysed over time. Quantitative and qualitative analysis can then be carried out on
the images produced. This chapter looks into the use of a flow cell placed under a
confocal microscope where a channel of the flow cell is packed with different
matrices and a continuous flow of 2mg/ml hIgG is passed through the channel with
a flow rate of 0.1ml/min. The channels are 1cm in length and have a diameter of
0.1cm. It can pack ~8µl of media. The microscope is set up such that xy images of
beads are taken every two minutes through the centre of various sized beads.
The following chapter studies four different matrices, which are MabSelect,
MabSelect Xtra, Protein A immobilised on CL4 Sepahrose and a prototype media
(CIGL). From the images a good understanding of the binding process could be
derived visually for all the matrices. They all showed a shrinking core effect except
for the prototype where the hIgG didn’t penetrate into the bead and was only
attached to the surface of the bead. Further quantitative analysis was carried out on
these images. From the intensity profiles of the beads diffusion rates and uptake
curves for individual beads could be calculated. It was found that the adsorption
rate to the centre of each bead was linear. The different particle sizes within any
particular type of matrix and also across different matrix did not result in different
diffusion rates. The diffusion rates here were found to be approximately constant at
around 0.72 min-1. These matrices are designed to perform effectively at high
concentrations. It could be possible that the difference in the diffusion rate might be
visible at much lower hIgG concentrations. From the adsorption curves produced it
can clearly be seen that smaller beads reached saturation much faster than larger
beads. From this study we can conclude that this methodology can prove to be very
useful in understanding the visual binding effects of different matrices and also
understanding diffusion rates and adsorption rates at an individual bead level
especially in chromatography media where heterogeneity in bead size exists.
3.2 Introduction
CLSM can also be used to calculate the uptake curve for different chromatography
matrices. By relating the relative fluorescence intensity obtained at different times to
the value at equilibrium, the degree of saturation versus time could be calculated.
This would then be used to calculate the solid phase concentration at different time
intervals (Ljunglof et al., 1998). CLSM has been used to assess matrix performance
over consecutive affinity runs (Thillaivinayagalingam et al., 2007) and to study
protein adsorption to chromatographic matrices (Protein A to IgG Sepharose 6 Fast
Flow) (Ljunglof et al., 1996). This method has also investigated the fouling in
chromatography and examined the effectiveness of CIP protocols (C. Siu et al.,
2006). CSLM has also been used in the past to understand the adsorption of
plasmid DNA to individual adsorbent particles (Ljunglof et al., 1999). The
mechanism of transport of the protein molecules into the pores of the adsorbent has
also been studied using this technique (Subramanian et al., 2005). The effect of pH
and conductivity during ion-exchange adsorption was evaluated using CLSM and
the mechanism of adsorption under varying conditions has been discussed in the
paper by Harinarayan et al. (2006).
Several experiments have been reported using a batch mode where the media and
the protein conjugated with dye have been stirred continuously and samples
withdrawn at regular intervals to be analysed under confocal microscope. The main
drawback of using finite bath method of adsorption is that the same bead is not
evaluated over a period of time, instead different beads are examined at different
times. Kasche et al. (2003) used a technique where the beads were fixed in the
wedge between the microscopic slide and a coverslide. The solution containing the
adsorbate was then flowed through these beads and the adsorption process
examined. A further improvement to this method is the use of flow cell by Schroeder
et al. (2006) and micro-column by Hubbuch et al. (2002). IEX adsorption process
has been carried out, by imaging particles under confocal microscopy using a flow
cell (Dziennik et al., 2003). This has the biggest advantage as contacting and
imaging are carried out simultaneously as opposed to sequentially hence removing
the time lag. Secondly the same bead can be evaluated over a certain period of
time which gives a more realistic picture compared to batch mode studies. The rate
of adsorption and diffusion coefficient of various protein molecules were studied by
this technique and compared with the conventional method of measurements. This
direct method of measurement of diffusion coefficient was further used to model the
adsorption process to a greater accuracy.
particle size of the adsorbents, inherent in the commercial adsorbents, while CLSM
can be very useful in this context.
The porosity of the adsorbent beads depends on the matrix type and the size of the
beads. The transport of protein molecules through the beads depends on the
porosity and the size of the adsorbate. The effect of bead size on the adsorption
process has not been studied using CLSM. However, using the results from various
literatures, Kasche et al. (2003) deduce that the concentration of the adsorbed
molecules in the first 10-30 % of the radius of the adsorbent increases for both
macroporous and polymeric network adsorbents (radius of adsorbent in the range
of 20-100 micrometers). Higher percentage values apply for smaller sized
adsorbent, which indicates that the penetration of the product is higher for smaller
sized particles. A significant scatter in the uptake profile of lysozyme (on to
Sepharose SP) by CLSM studies (direct measurement) was observed when
comparing with indirect measurement (fluid phase concentration measurement)
(Ljunglof et al., 1998). This was proposed to be the difference in the particle size of
the beads, which differed, by 5 micrometer even after a visual selection of similar
sized beads.
This chapter will be looking at hIgG adsorption on different affinity matrix using
CSLM and a flow cell. The adsorption profile has been used to understand the
difference in the adsorption of hIgG to beads of different sizes that belongs to the
same matrix.
3.3 Materials and Method
3.3.1. Materials
Chromatography media
3.3.2 Equipment
Leica inverted confocal microscope was set up. An objective of 20X was used.
Image size was set at 512x512 pixels. The beads were excited at 568nm and
emitted between 573-643nm. Leica software was used for analysis.
A flow cell manufactured in-house at University College London was used to pack
the chromatography beads (Figure 3.1). It is a pyrex block with four channels drilled
through it. The channels are 1cm in length and have a diameter of 0.1cm. It can
pack ~8µl of media. Frits were placed just outside the channel to keep the beads in
place. A coverslip is attached on the face of the block with the help of an adhesive
(Araldite) to seal the channel.
Channel packed with
Fig 3.1- Flow cell with a channel of diameter 0.1cm and a length of 1cm was used to pack
~8µl of media, which could be placed under an inverted confocal microscope.
3.4. Method
1ml of hIgG (5mg/ml) was made in 0.1M sodium carbonate (pH 9.3 at room
temperature) which was fluorescently, labelled with Cy3. The hIgG solution was
added to a vial of fluorophore (1 vial contains 0.2-0.3mg of dye) and was left to
incubate for 40 min at room temperature with occasional inversion. 1 vial of Cy3
dyes 1mg of hIgG.
The sample was passed through a gel filtration column to remove unconjugated
Cy3 dye. Column XD 16 (GE Healthcare) was packed with Sephadex G-50 under
gravity. The labelled protein, the first band to elute was collected by visual
inspection. The sample was then made to 10ml with PBS. The concentration was
made to 2mg/ml by adding 15mg of hIgG. The dilution of labelled protein with
unlabelled protein is necessary to avoid total internal filtering of the confocal laser
light by the fluorescent dye.
The flow cell was packed with the chromatography media. A syringe pump was
connected to the flow cell with the help of tubings and HPLC connectors. The media
was washed with 0.5ml of PBS at a flow rate of 0.1ml/min.
The flow cell was placed under the inverted confocal microscope. The Z series and
the stage of the microscope were adjusted such that visually images of a few beads
could be taken from the centre and an area with different size beads could be
selected. The labelled hIgG solution was passed through the column with a syringe
pump at 0.1ml/min (Figure 3.2). The microscope was programmed such that xy
images were taken every 2mins for 40mins. The fluorescent intensity across the
beads at every time interval could then be studied using the Leica software (Figure
cell body
HPLC Adsorbent
connector Frit Feed in
Fig 3.2 - Flow cell setting under confocal microscope. 2mg/ml hIgG was passed through the
channel at 0.1ml/min flowrate with a syringe pump.
Fig 3.3 - Image of beads seen under the microscope at 30 mins. The images of the chosen
beads are from the centre and of different sizes (50µm and 70µm). The line across the bead
helps produce the intensity profile across that section as seen in figure 3.4
3.4.3 Analysis
The intensity profile across each bead for each time interval is produced by the
Leica software. The distance penetrated by the labelled hIgG to the centre of the
bead for each time interval can be estimated from the profile by choosing a certain
intensity baseline (Figure 3.4). This was chosen in the following way. The average
maximum intensity was calculated from the intensity value shown on the outside
surface of the bead. This was subtracted from the intensity reading of the
background (where there are no beads). 10% of this value was added to the
background intensity and this was taken as the baseline.
0 10 20 30 40
Distance from edge to centre of bead (µm)
Intensity (arbitary units)
40 Centre of bead
Base line
0 10 20 30 40
Distance from edge to centre of bead (µm)
Small bead Large bead
0 10 20 30 40
Distance from edge to centre of bead (µm)
Fig 3.4 - Intensity profile across a small bead (~50µm) and a large bead (~70µm) at A;
10mins, B; 20mins and C; 30 mins time intervals. The distance travelled by hIgG to the
centre of the bead with time can be estimated from the profile
The images obtained using confocal studies at the end of 10, 20 and 30 minutes for
the various adsorbent media is presented in Figure 3.5. Only one bead for each
matrix is selected and shown here. These specific beads are chosen such that the
images of these sections are taken from the centre of the bead. MabSelect and
MabSelect Xtra tend to show a typical shrinking core effect. Whereas for the
prototype it can be seen that hIgG doesn’t tend to penetrate inside the bead and
most of it just binds to the outer surface of the bead. The adsorbent where Protein
A is immobilised on 4CL Sepharose also shows a shrinking core effect, but the
areas where the beads are in contact with each other doesn’t tend to allow hIgG to
penetrate the inside of the bead until at a later stage in time. Hence this method
gives a clear visual characterisation of hIgG binding to different chromatography
matrices (Figure 3.5).
Adsorbent Time (mins)
10 20 30
Average Particle
size - 85>m
4% agarose
MabSelect XtraTM
Average Particle
size - 75>m
4% agarose
ProteinA on 4CL
Average Particle
size - 100>m
4% agarose
Average Particle
size - 60>m
6% agarose
Fig 3.5 - Visual Images of Mabselect, MabSelect Xtra, Prototype (Protein A Mimic ligand)
and Protein A immobilised on 4CL Sepharose media taken at 10, 20 and 30 mins in a flow
cell. 2mg/ml hIgG was passed through the channel at 0.1ml/min flowrate.
Analysis of data obtained from the intensity profile graphs is used to obtain the
diffusion rates shown in Figure 3.6. The analysis was carried out on 2 samples of
MabSelect, 1 sample of MabSelect Xtra and Protein A immobilised on 4CL
Sepharose. The experiment was carried on different days and using separately
prepared labelled protein samples each time. Hence the slight difference in packing
of the column, microscope specifications and labelled protein sample concentration
could contribute to the difference in the diffusion rate for different matrices. From
Figure 3.6 it can also be clearly shown that the adsorption rate to the centre of each
bead is linear. The results of diffusion rates obtained using confocal studies for
various matrices and difference particle sizes within the same matrix is presented in
Table 3.1. At lower feed concentrations (0.1-0.5 mg/ml) there is a dependency
between affinity and diffusivity (Hahn et al., 2005). But at higher concentration
(3mg/ml) all the media with different particle size had similar isotherm, thus affinity
is not dependent on diffusivity at this concentration. This means particle size
difference which could lead to higher diffusivity is not really beneficial in terms of
higher mass transfer if the feed concentration is increased beyond a certain level.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (mins)
Fig 3.6 - Adsorption rate for different size beads for two different samples of MabSelect, 1
sample of MabSelect Xtra and Protein A immobilised on 4CL Sepharose
Chromatography media Bead size Gradient (min )
MabSelect Xtra 75 0.74
Manufacture size - 75µm 70 0.72
66 0.74
55 0.73
53 0.74
MabSelect Sample 1 103 0.72
Manufacture size - 85µm 89 0.73
86 0.67
MabSelect Sample 2 72 0.71
82 0.77
ProteinA on 4CL 124 0.66
Sepharose 107 0.68
Manufacture size - 100µm
Table 3.1 - Diffusion rate for different size beads and for different media (R value of 0.977)
In the current study, the diffusion rates as seen from Table 3.1 seem to be same
among different bead sizes and also bead types. MabSelect and MabSelect Xtra
had similar diffusion rates. The different particle sizes within any particular type of
matrix and also across different matrix did not result in different diffusion rates. The
diffusion rates were found to be approximately constant at around 0.72 min-1.
By integration of intensity profiles the average volumetric intensity of the beads was
calculated. From this data uptake curves for different size beads of MabSelect Xtra
was plotted (Figure 3.7). It can clearly be seen that smaller beads reach saturation
much faster than larger beads indicating a higher adsorption rate as the proportion
of the bead that has absorbed the hIgG is higher for smaller beads than larger bead
at a given time.
80 Bead size
Bead size- 53µm
- 53um
Bead size- 66µm
Bead size - 66um
Bead size- 75µm
Bead size - 75um
Intensity (arbitary units) 60
0 10 20 30 40
Time (mins)
Fig 3.7 - Uptake curves for different size beads of MabSelect Xtra plotted from data
calculated from intensity profiles
The adsorption rate as seen from Figure 3.7 is higher for smaller sized bead
compared to larger size bead. Perhaps constant diffusion rate means the front
reaches same length of the pore at any particular time for different sized beads.
From our studies we have demonstrated that particle size of the media needs to be
considered even if diffusion rates are similar. Modelling of chromatography
operations to predict the performance assumes a single particle size. The accuracy
of the modelling can be improved by considering the heterogeneity of the media.
The adsorption performance of individual beads can be measured quantitatively by
confocal microscopy thus allowing creating an accurate model.
3.6 Conclusion
adsorbents, however using confocal microscopy showed a difference in the uptake
rates of different sized beads. Similarly in Chapter 2 the static capacity of the
prototype (CIGL) adsorbent was higher than MabSelect and Prosep Ultra, however
after carrying out the confocal experiment the visual images showed that hIgG only
tends to bind to the surface of the CIGL beads. This probably implies that the
prototype has excellent stoichiometric properties and needs further analysis. Hence
the use of confocal microscopy and the flow cell creates further questions on the
characteristics of different adsorbents, which helps make the analysis more robust.
Chapter 4 - Future Work
4.1 Introduction
So far this thesis looked into a few experimental methods that have proved to be
very accurate and reliable such as static capacity, adsorption isotherms, dynamic
capacity and uptake kinetics. These methods gave a good indication of the
performance of the different kind of matrices. This thesis also looked into a more
novel approach of using confocal microscopy using a flow cell to get a further
understanding of the different kind of matrices. However there are various other
areas that needs to be explored further. This chapter looks at some of these areas
where further work is necessary to achieve a toolbox of methods that can be used
to understand and evaluate the performance of different matrices.
One such method that can be carried out and tested further uses BCA
(Bicinchoninic acid). A standard curve is produced using different concentrations of
Protein A and adding BCA to it and measuring the OD values at 562nm. Similarly
BCA can be added to a known mass of adsorbent and the concentration of Protein
A can be calculated using the standard curve produced.
molecule and the solution with the desired product to be captured (e.g. IgG) is
passed over it. The data derived can be used to understand how specific the
binding is between two molecules. It can also be used to understand the kinetics
(rate of association and dissociation) and affinity. The data tends to give information
on the thickness, density and mass of the desired product attached, which can help
understand stoichiometry information.
Chapter 5 – Thesis Conclusion
The work in this thesis was focused on designing reliable methods that can be used
to characterise different kinds of adsorbents. The batch methods used to analyse
different properties of adsorbents such as static capacity, adsorption equilibrium
data and kinetic uptake and desorption rate are easy to perform, can be reproduced
easily, can be performed at a low cost and there are no issues related to packing
columns. The batch uptake kinetic method was well designed and was accurate as
a small stream of hIgG solution was analysed continuously and at no point were
any samples taken out of the system for analysis. The results showed that
MabSelect Xtra had the highest static capacity. All the adsorbents had very low Kd
values as expected by affinity adsorbents such as these. The use of Hanes Plot
and the Solver function in Excel to calculate the Kd and Qmax values showed to be
accurate methods. All the media showed similar kinetic and desorption rates.
Dynamic capacity gives further information on how adsorbents would perform when
packed in a column. A small 0.66cm Omnifit column with a bed height of only 6cm
was used to minimise the time of experiment and cost. Data was collected at 2min,
4min and 8 mins residence time. The results showed MabSelect Xtra to have the
highest dynamic capacity. The relatively high static and dynamic capacity for
MabSelect Xtra is due to the more porous nature of the beads, which increased the
surface area available for Protein A ligand immobilisation and also due to the
smaller size of the beads.
Another more novel method using a flow cell, labelled hIgG and a laser scanning
confocal microscopy was designed to the see the adsorption properties of different
media at individual bead level. A channel of the flow cell was packed with different
media (~8µl) and placed under the microscope. Continuous flow of 2mg/ml hIgG
was passed through the channel with a flow rate of 0.1ml/min. This method uses a
minute amount of media, has shown to be accurate for the experiments carried out
in this thesis, gives information on individual beads visually and also gives uptake
rates of individual beads of different sizes of the same media. It was found that the
adsorption rate to the centre of the bead for all the matrices was linear and smaller
beads reached saturation much faster than larger beads at any given time. Visually
all the beads showed the shrinking core effect except for the prototype media. With
this method, images of the beads can be seen continuously with time and again no
samples need to be taken out of the system for analyses.
Manufacturers of affinity adsorbents need to take into account several factors while
designing and producing a specific matrix. Some of these factors are purity
(selectivity), capacity, recovery, binding and elution, alkali resistance, adsorbents
scale-up, stability, ligand loss (leakage) and safety (toxicity). Many manufactures
are showing increasing interest in designing synthetic ligands for affinity
chromatography. Synthetic ligands are less expensive than biological ligands,
synthesis of these ligands are simpler and they are more resistant to sterilisation.
There is a need to design methods that can be used to analyse the above
performance characteristics of affinity adsorbents. Some of these methods can be
used to analyse caustic stability of adsorbents, dynamic capacity using MAb
feedstock, pressure flow characteristics and life cycle studies. All these methods
put together can form a toolbox of methods to characterise different adsorbents.
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Appendix A - Static Capacity
MabSelect Xtra
Prosep Ultra
Appendix B – Dynamic Capacity
Plates/meter = 1674
HETP = 0.05972
As = 1.51
Plates/meter = 1548
HETP = 0.05988
As = 1.71
Plates/meter = 1520
HETP = 0.05980
As = 1.7
MabSelect Xtra
Plates/meter = 2381
HETP = 0.04200
As = 0.84
20% breakthrough is at 56.6mAu
concentration = 13.5mg/ml
Volume = 5.5ml
mass = 74.25mg
Dynamic capacity = 37.1mg/ml
Plates/meter = 2167
HETP = 0.04628
As = 0.84
Plates/meter = 2081
HETP = 0.04805
As = 0.85
Prosep Ultra
Plates/meter = 1146
HETP = 0.08729
As = 1.86
Plates/meter = 1051
HETP = 0.09514
As = 2.27
Feed concentration = 1.01 with OD reading of 280mAu
20% breakthrough is at 56mAu
concentration = 9.35mg/ml
Volume = 7.1ml
mass = 66.4mg
Dynamic capacity = 33.2mg/ml
Plates/meter = 1072
HETP = 0.09332
As = 2.44
Plates/meter = 2041
HETP = 0.04901
As = 1.6
Plates/meter = 2148
HETP = 0.04656
As = 1.02
Plates/meter = 1992
HETP = 0.05019
As = 1.66
20% breakthrough is at 59mAu
concentration = 13.68mg/ml
Volume = 7ml
mass = 95.77mg
Dynamic capacity = 47.9mg/ml