HRM Assignment
HRM Assignment
HRM Assignment
Submitted by,
Nithin balakrishnan
Roll no: 6
1. “The HRM function has acquired strategic importance in
organizations due to economic liberalization and globalization”.
The basic objective of HRM towards the society should be to ensure that
their organization manages human resources in an ethical and socially
responsible manner through ensuring compliance with legal and ethical
standards. Thus, this objective includes:
To manage human resources in an ethical and socially responsible manner.
To ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards.
To minimize the negative impact of societal demands upon the
4. How will you analyze a job? Explain with the help of job analysis
1. The job's identification code and title: This is official data. Let us precise that
the” Identification Code" rubric indicates the job’s location within the company’s
organizational chart. For example, the codes "DFSA1", "DFSA2", etc., could be
used to refer to employees located in the Department of Finance – Section
Accounting, while "DFSA" would designate the Chief Accountant and "DF" the
2. The job's mission statement: The mission statement should concisely describe
(in max. 3 sentences) the end goals of the considered position - i.e. its role within the
organization. A third party should be able to understand what its essential
components are - in concrete terms. In order to be formulated in terms of finality,
omission statement should contain:
1. An action verb (e.g. realize, accompany, ensure, organize) that should meet the
job holder’s actual duties.
2. The position’s duties: they complete the action verb (e.g. ensure the completion
of the set goals) and specify the position’s area(s) of activity.
3. The beneficiaries / customers: the actual recipients of the delivered goods /
services should be identified (e.g. to external customers; to the Board; to the whole
4. The requirements in terms of quality: the way in which the delivered goods /
services will be assessed should be determined in concise terms (e.g. in
accordance with expectations; in compliance with the rules; within the limits of
the budget…).
5. The mode of delivery: (by conducting interviews, by conducting market research,
in close collaboration with our customers, etc.)
3. Success indicators: These criteria should allow measuring whether the services
delivered meet the customers' expectations. They can also be used in employee
performance appraisals. There is a great diversity of indicators. However, most of
them belong to one of the following dimensions:
Management (Leadership, Commitment, etc.)
Other (Project Management…)
4. Skills requirements: These are the criteria that are critical in order to fulfill the
job’s mission. Such competencies may be observed at both professional and personal
levels. Here are a few illustrations of these two dimensions:
1. Professional skills: financial management, team management, project
management, IT skills, technical know-how, etc.
2. Personal skills: soft skills, team spirit, analytical thinking, dynamism,
pedagogical skills, resistance to stress, responsibility, etc.
Please note that personal skills are generic criteria (i.e. they are not linked to a
particular type of position or company), while professional skills may be specific to
a given company or even workplace.
Attention! When filling in the job description form, it is best to focus on the key
skills that any job holder should display!
5. Customers and Suppliers: This phase is dedicated to the identification of the
position’s customer-supplier relationships. The term "customer" applies here to all
the units / positions that directly receive the goods / services delivered by the job
holder. Similarly, the term "supplier" refers to all the units / positons from which the
job holder receives goods / services in order to complete their tasks. Please note that
both these types of partners may refer to people either within or outside the
organization (notion of internal and external customers / suppliers).
In the "Who?" column of the sample job description form, you may list up all the
customer and supplier units / positions. In the "What?" column, you may briefly
describe the nature of the goods / services delivered and received (for example:
advisory, financial statements, raw materials, metal components, etc.).
"Career planning is the deliberate process through which a person
becomes aware of personal career related attributes and the life long
series of stages that contribute to his career fulfillment”. The major
focus of career planning should be on assisting the employees in
achieving a better match between personal goals and the
opportunities that are realistically available in the organization.
Career planning is an effort to pinpoint and highlight those areas that
offer psychological success instead of vertical growth. Career
planning is not an event or end in itself, but a continuous process of
developing human resources for achieving optimum results. A
person who is not able to translate his career plan into action within
the organization may probably quit the job, if he has a choice.
Organizations, therefore, should help employees in career planning
so that both can satisfy each other's needs.
8. Explain various individual and group incentive plans. What are the
problems associated with wage incentive?
Incentive plans are methods in which employees of an
organization are kept motivated for the work that they do, and are given
incentives on reaching or accomplishing certain organizational goals. The
various incentive plans can be classified into two.
Individual incentive plans
Group incentive plans
Psychological approach
Sociological approach
V.V giri approach
Gandhian approch
Psychological Approach.
Sociological Approach.
The social and cultural changes shape behavioral patterns and cause
adjustments in industrial relations. There cannot be harmony and peace in
industry when the society is in turmoil. Industry is a part of society and the
value systems, customs, status symbols and institutions of the society
affect relations between the parties involved. Different family
backgrounds, education level, personalities, attitudes, behavior etc. create
problems of conflict and cooperation in industry. Various social problems
cause stress and strain among workers which affect their industrial
relations as well.
Collective bargaining is a term used to define a situation in which the
essential conditions of employment are determined by a bargaining
process undertaken by representatives of workers and representatives of
management. Both parties sit at the bargaining table where they deliberate,
persuade, try to influence, argue and haggle. Eventually they reach at an
agreement which they record in the form of labor management contract.
Identification of the problem
Preparation for negotiation
Negotiation procedure
Implementation of contract
In India, initially the resolution of conflict through collective bargaining
agreements did not gain popularity. The legal steps taken by the
government after the second world war revived interest in the subject once
again. In India, collective bargaining has not made much headway
particularly at industry and national levels, due to following reasons:
Lack of central trade union and employer’s organisation which can
represent country wide interests.
Excessive dependence on compulsory adjudication for the settlement
of industrial disputes
Multiplicity of unions and inter-union revelry
Conditions of work differ widely in different parts of the country
Weak trade union movement because of poor leadership and political
Legislation and regulatory bodies have reduced the area for
collective bargaining.
11. Differentiate between recruitment and selection. Explain the
different sources of recruitment?
1. Present Employees
Promotions and transfers from among the present employees can be a
good source of recruitment.
i. Transfer.
Transfer involves shifting of persons from present jobs to other
similar places.
ii. Promotions.
Promotions refer to shifting of persons to positions carrying better
prestige, higher responsibilities and more salaries.
2. Employee Referrals
Employee referrals can be a good source of internal recruitment.
Employees can develop good prospects for their families and friends
with the advantages of a job with the company .This source is,
usually, one of the most effective methods of recruiting because
many qualified people are reached at a very low cost.
3. Former Employees
Former employees are another internal source of recruitment. Some
retired employees may be willing to come back to work or
recommend someone who would be interested in working for the
4. Previous Applicants
Although not an internal source, in the true sense, those who have
previously applied for jobs can be contacted by mail. This is a quick
and an inexpensive way to fill an unexpected vacancy.
5. Motivation Technique.
Internal recruitment can be used to motivate employees. Since there
is a scope for promotions and higher responsibility jobs, employees
will try to put in their best efforts.
6. Social Responsibility.
By giving new opportunities to existing employees the enterprise is
satisfying social responsibility also. It is the responsibility of every
organization to satisfy its employees by keeping their aspirations in
7. Stability of Employees.
Internal source of recruitment ensures stability of employees. Since
the organization provides the better opportunities to suitable
employees, they will like to stay with the enterprise.
8. Trade Union's Support.
This source of recruitment has the support of trade unions also. Trade
unions always support the cause of existing employees so there will
be no conflict on this score.
1. Advertisement.
Advertisement is the best method of recruiting persons for higher and
experienced jobs. The advertisements are given in local or national
press, trade or professional journals. The requirements of jobs are
given in the advertisements.
2. Employment Exchanges.
Employment exchanges run by the government are also a good
source of recruitment. Unemployed persons get themselves
registered with these exchanges.
3. Unsolicited Applicants.
Persons in search of employment may contact employers through
telephone, by post or in person. Generally, employers with good
reputation get unsolicited applications.
4. Professional Organizations.
Professional organizations maintain complete bio-data of their
members and supply it to companies on demand.
5. Data Banks.
The recruiting firms can prepare a data bank about various persons
in different fields. They can collect information from educational
institutions, employment changes, professional organizations etc.
6. Similar Organizations.
The organizations producing similar products or having the same of
business act as an important source of recruitment. The persons
having same experience required by the recruiting firms will be
available in similar organizations.
1. Helps employees to tackle with the problems effectively
2. Employees are able to sort their problems
3. Helps in decision making
4. A new way to look at the perspective.
5. May reduce the number of absenteeism of employee
6. It may prevent termination from employer or resignation from
7. It reduces the cost of hiring new employee and training new staff.
8. Possibility of smooth coordination between employer and
i. Acknowledge Dissatisfaction:
Managerial/supervisory attitude to grievances is important. They should focus
attention on grievances, not turn away from them. Ignorance is not bliss, it is the
bane of industrial conflict. Condescending attitude on the part of supervisors and
managers would aggravate the problem.
v. Follow up:
Decisions taken must be followed up earnestly. They should be promptly
communicated to the employee concerned. If a decision is favourable to the
employee, his immediate boss should have the privilege of communicating the