Lenovo Inventory Control Sheet PDF
Lenovo Inventory Control Sheet PDF
Lenovo Inventory Control Sheet PDF
Lenovo will not be responsible for the loss of your programs or data. If a replacement or re-image
of the hard drive is required, all of your data and software settings will be lost.
To provide you with the most efficient service possible, please provide the information requested below. Lenovo
technicians will make repair decisions based on your Contact Center case record and the information provided below.
Please include this completed form with your PC when it is sent to the repair center. Thank you for your cooperation.
I understand that the replacement or reimaging of the hard drive will result in complete data and application loss
and reset the machine to the original factory settings: ________________________ (Signature Required)
When sending your PC to the repair center please do NOT include AC Adapters, Power Cords, Batteries,
Docking Stations, USB Devices, Disk Media, or SIM Cards unless otherwise directed by the Contact Center. If
including any of these components, please check the component(s) in the section below.
**Sample Exception: Power related issues will require you to send the AC Adaptor, Power cord & Battery along with the machine to
the Depot. **
Please check any of the following items that are being sent in with the Laptop PC. Please include size where
Hard Drive Size: __________ GB. Media or Media Device (CD / DVD / CDRW / BluRay)
Please review hard drive Re-image / Replacement warnings above. Please specify device type: _______________
Wireless Device Please specify device type: Additional Memory Please specify total memory size: ___________MB
Power cord Battery
AC Adapter Other(s) Please specify: ______________________________
To accurately diagnose problems and completely test your machine, technicians need to access the
Operating System. Without access to the Operating System, your machine can not be fully tested after the repair.
Please remove your passwords or include them below prior to shipping the machine into the Repair Center. If there
are passwords on the machine we will not be able to properly diagnose the problem and may return the machine to
you not completely repaired or not repaired at all.
Remember: Passwords are case sensitive and may include numbers and characters. Please print clearly.