Tamer Abdelmoamen Writing Feedback 1
Tamer Abdelmoamen Writing Feedback 1
Tamer Abdelmoamen Writing Feedback 1
Ortopaedic Surgeon
Orthopaedic Department
Main Hospital
Dear Dr Clarke,
I am writing to refer Mrs Santini, a 67-year-old widow, who has been diagnosed with a baker’s
cyst in the right knee along with worsening osteoarthritis. It would be highly appreciated if you
could take over care of her condition.
Although Mrs Santini has two adult children, she lives alone. She has a medical history of
osteoarthritis, hypertension and hyperlipedaeima fror which she takes regular medications.
Please note, she had undergone underwent a lumbar laminectomy in(2008) and a bilateral hip Commented [LA1]: There is no need to use the past perfect
here as there is no more recent event that you have to differentiate
replacement in (2010). between.
Today, Mrs Santini presented with a six-week-history of severely progressing pain in the right
and left knee joints, mostly with flexion and extension. Over the last four weeks, she has
experienced restrict joint mobility associated with mild to moderate persistent pain; thus, a
referral to a Pphysiotherapist was arranged. Furthermore, her daily life activities have been
notably affected and she has been was unable to walk for a short distance, besides she has Commented [LA2]: As you used the present perfect before.
recently developed a difficulty in climbing the stairs. Therefore, she has sustained conspicuous
depression symptoms; consequently, home assessment was considered.
Upon examination, there were concomitant crepitations in the right and left knee joints on
both flexion and extension. Despite her MRI revealed revealing degenerative changes Commented [LA3]: Despite + gerund.
consistent with osteoarthritis, there were was no evidences of skin changes, swelling or Commented [LA4]: Uncountable.
valgus/varus deformity.
In view of the above, I am therefore referring Mrs Santini for further assessment and
management including the possibility of a joint steroid injection. For any queries, please
contact me.
Yours sincerely,
NB: please I need stress on comma positions. I have inserted a comma after ‘distance’.
Conclusion X
Comprehension of Stimulus Strong Average
Accurate content X
Appropriateness of Language Strong Average
Formal//objective style X
Control of Linguistic Features Strong Average
Control of Presentation Features Strong Average
Letter format X
Spelling//Capitals//Punctuation X