The Origin and Early Evolution of Life: Prebiotic Chemistry, The Pre-RNA World, and Time
The Origin and Early Evolution of Life: Prebiotic Chemistry, The Pre-RNA World, and Time
The Origin and Early Evolution of Life: Prebiotic Chemistry, The Pre-RNA World, and Time
Submarine Vents
Shortly after the discovery of submarine vents, or hot
springs, at oceanic ridge crests (Corliss et al., 1979), a
theory of the origin oflife in these vents was proposed
(Corliss et al., 1981). Considerable attention has been
given to this theory (Holm, 1992) and the other possible
roles of vents in the origin oflife, but it seems unlikely
that the vents played a role in prebiotic synthesis of
organic compounds or polymers.
The hot springs arise by sea water being forced down
into the sediments for several kilometers, heated by
magma, and pushed through the vents at 350 C. A great
deal of water is involved, with the whole ocean passing
through them every ten million years. The theory pro-
poses that organic synthesis took place during the pas-
sage of vent water down the 350 C to 2 C gradient,
followed by synthesis of peptides and other polymers,
and the conversion of these polymers to living organ-
isms in the temperature gradient. The steps in this theory
have been examined and shown not to work (Miller and
Bada, 1988). For example, organic compounds are de-
composed at 350 C rather than synthesized, and poly-
mers such as peptides, RNA, and DNA are hydrolyzed
rapidly rather than synthesized at vent temperatures.
The submarine vents did play a role in the events leading
to the origin oflife, but this role was in regulating the
composition of the ocean and possibly the atmosphere,
and, more importantly, the destruction of organic com-
pounds produced in the atmosphere. This means that
organic compounds would not accumulate over very
long periods of time, and therefore the vent destruction
sets a time frame for the origin oflife of approximately
ten million years (Stribling and Miller, 1987; Lazcano and
Miller, 1994).
The surprising occurrence of hyperthermophiles
growing at temperatures as high as 110 C (not at 350 C)
near the vents (Forterre, 1996 [this issue of Cell]), as
well as of tube worms and clams growing near the vents
at 37 C, cannot be used as an argument for the origin of
life at elevated temperatures, anymore than the present
abundance oflife on the Earth at 2 C in the ocean or 37 C
in mammals indicates an origin at these temperatures
(Miller and Lazcano, 1995).
FeS H 2S FeS 2 H2