Literature Survey
Literature Survey
Literature Survey
For many years robotics have become popular in many ways because of its variety of design and
technological advancement. Our motivation to design a fire fighter robot is to help the
community in effectively firefighting by sensing the fire and quickly acting without heavy losses
of property or life. In some projects a tracking line is assigned for the robot to follow these paths
to extinguish the fire. In some designs ultrasonic sensors are used. When it comes to simulation
of this design it will make it difficult to implement it in real time situations. From the different
projects reviewed, certain objectives helped us to choose a popular technique to fight fire
efficiently by controlling it remotely by wireless technology application and using two main
sensors on Temperature sensor, GAS sensor due to their ability to detect fire and fire
extinguisher pump.
1 Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2006. SMC '06. IEEE International Conference on 8-11 Oct.
2006 The adaptive fusion method is proposed for fire detection of firefighting robot.
2 “Fire fighting robot” by S. Kannan, R. Karthikeyan, and S. Sathish Kumar, Chennai, MAY
2006. Design a Fire fighting robot using embedded system.
3 “Fire Fighting Robot” invented by Hadi A. Al-Azemi, Feb 26, 2013. This invention relates to
a firefighting robot with a caterpillar drive assembly including a left and right drive unit and an
engine for each drive unit.
4 “Fire Fighting Robot” Choong, Cheat Sun 2015-11. This project mainly to portray basic
function of a real big scale firefighting robot into a small-scale robot.
3. Usable in Power plant control rooms, Captain bridges, and Flight control centers.
Our project is designed to develop arm7 operation of fire fighter robot. The fire extinguishing
system is activated once the sensors detect the fire. Two sensors are used to detect the fire i.e.
smoke sensor(light intensity) and another is temperature sensors. When these two sensors are
simultaneously activated, the fire is detected. The fire extinguisher is mounted on the robotic
vehicle which is then controlled over the wireless communication. At the transmitting end
android application device is used. Commands like moving forward, left and right are sent to
robot by using android device. At the receiving end, three motors are interface to the
microcontroller. Out of these, two motors are used for the movement of robot and one is used to
position the arm of the robot. Remote operation is achieved by any smart phone with android
operating system. The android application device acts as a remote control. Receiver has a
wireless device fed to the microcontroller. Actuator is located on the top of the extinguisher.
Actuators are used to activate the sensors. All of the process occurs autonomously without any
human intervention.
The project is to design and develop an intelligence robot to detect dangerous Gas/Smoke by
using an 8 bit microcontroller. The robot is designed to move as per the command given by the
controller. To move in all the direction like forward, reverse, right and left. If any gas/smoke
detected, robot will switch ON the Alarm Unit. The video and audio are monitored at the remote
PC. For transmitting audio and video, RF camera has been used. RS 232 is used for interfacing at
transmitting and receiving end.