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Honors Physics - Friction Inclines

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Inclined Planes Block on a Ramp, Example

•  Axes are rotated as
•  Choose the usual on an incline
coordinate •  The direction of
system with x impending motion
along the incline would be down the
and y plane
perpendicular to •  Friction acts up the
the incline plane
–  Opposes the motion
•  Replace the force
of gravity with its •  Apply Newton’s
Laws and solve
components equations

Friction/Inclined Plane Example Multiple Objects – Example

•  When you have more than one object, the
problem-solving strategy is applied to each
A 4000 kg truck is parked on a 15º slope. object
How big is the frictional force on the •  Draw free body diagrams for each object
truck? •  Apply Newton’s Laws to each object
•  Solve the equations

Multiple Objects – Example, cont. A 5-kg block hangs vertically by a

massless string from a pulley. The
string is connected over the pulley
to a 7-kg block on a ramp inclined
at a particular angle. If the angle of
the ramp is 28º and there is no
friction, what is the acceleration of
the blocks?


Springs & Hooke’s Law The spring constant

•  Springs can supply forces (similar to •  k tells you something about the physical
strings & tension) properties of the spring
•  These are restoring forces: the spring •  Big value of k: spring is difficult to stretch/
wants to be in its equilibrium position compress
•  Force due to a spring depends on how
•  Small value of k: spring is easy to stretch/
“strong” the spring is: spring constant k
compress, very flexible
•  Also depends on how much the spring is
stretched/compressed: x
Fspring = -kx

Uniform Circular Motion Centripetal Acceleration

•  When moving at a constant speed in a •  An object traveling in a circle, even though
circular path, acceleration is non-zero it moves with a constant speed, will have
because direction of velocity changes an acceleration
•  The centripetal acceleration is due to the
ac = v2/r change in the direction of the velocity

ac = centripetal acceleration (m/s2)

v = speed of object (m/s)
r = radius of circle (m)

Examples of centripetal
Level Curves acceleration:
•  Ball-on-a-string
•  Friction is the •  Car on a banked circular road
force that •  Car on a circular track
produces the •  Planet orbiting a star
centripetal •  Car driving over a circular hill
acceleration •  Car driving through circular valley
•  Roller coaster loop


Example: A 1500kg car takes a Period & Frequency

sharp turn with a radius of 20.0 m.
If the coefficient of friction between •  Period (T): Time to complete one full
the tires and the road is 0.80, rotation
what’s the fastest speed at which •  Frequency (f): Number of rotations
completed per second.
the car can take the turn?
•  f = 1/T, T = 1/f
•  v = 2πR/T

Work and Energy Energy

•  Work: W = F!d (picks out •  Several different varieties of energy, depending
parallel components) on what the object is doing, where it is located,
•  F " Force on object what it interacts with, etc.
•  d " displacement
•  Kinetic Energy (motion): KE = ½ mv2
•  Direction of force relative
•  Rolling Kinetic Energy: KErot = ½ Iω2
to motion matters!
•  Gravitational Potential Energy: Ug = mgh
•  Elastic Potential Energy (springs): Usp = ½ kx2
•  Units: 1 Joule = 1 kg m2/s2
•  All have the same units as work (Joules)

Methods of Energy Transfer: Work-KE Theorem

•  By work from a force •  Work is done on or by objects/systems
•  By radiating heat •  Energy is an internal property that objects/
systems posess
•  By wave propagation (either physical
waves or electromagnetic waves)
F ! d = ½ mfvf2 – ½ mivi2
•  All energy comes from/goes SOMEwhere!
It’s never destroyed, but can become less Work (+ or -) done on an object causes
“useful”. changes in its KE (increase or decrease).


Example: Loading a Ship Types of Forces

A 3,000 kg truck is loaded onto a •  There are two general kinds of forces
ship by crane that exerts upward –  Conservative: Work and energy associated
force of 31,000 N on truck. This with the force can be recovered (Example:
force is applied over a distance of Gravity
2.0 m. –  Nonconservative: forces are dissipative and
(a) Find work done on truck by work done against it cannot easily be
crane recovered (Example: Friction)
(b) Find work done on truck by
(c) Find net work done on the truck.

Conservative Forces More About Conservative Forces

•  A force is conservative if the work it does •  Examples of conservative forces include:
on an object moving between two points is –  Gravity
independent of the path the objects take –  Spring force
between the points –  Electromagnetic forces
–  The work depends only upon the initial and •  Potential energy is another way of looking
final positions of the object at the work done by conservative forces
–  Any conservative force can have a potential
energy function associated with it

Nonconservative Forces
Friction Depends on the Path
•  A force is nonconservative if the work it
does on an object depends on the path •  The blue path is
taken by the object between its final and shorter than the red
starting points.
•  The work required is
•  Examples of nonconservative forces less on the blue path
–  kinetic friction, air drag, propulsive forces than on the red path
•  Friction depends on
the path and so is a


Work-Energy Theorem, Extended Conservation of Energy, cont.

•  The work-energy theorem can be extended to •  Total mechanical energy is the sum of the
include potential energy: kinetic and potential energies in the
Wnc = (KEf − KEi ) + (PEf − PEi ) system
Ei = E f
•  If other conservative forces are present, potential
energy functions can be developed for them and KEi + PEi = KE f + PE f
their change in that potential energy added to
the right side of the equation –  Other types of potential energy functions can
be added to modify this equation

Problem Solving with Conservation

Problem Solving, cont
of Energy
•  Define the system •  Verify that only conservative forces are
•  Select the location of zero gravitational potential present
–  Do not change this location while solving the problem •  Apply the conservation of energy equation
•  Identify two points the object of interest moves to the system
between –  Immediately substitute zero values, then do
–  One point should be where information is given the algebra before substituting the other
–  The other point should be where you want to find out values
•  Solve for the unknown(s)


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