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CH 2

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1. FACTS devices used in

a) Generation b) AC transmission

c) DC transmission d) None

2. Voltage control means

a) Boosting the feeder voltage

b) Reducing the line voltage under over voltage conditions

c) Keeping the voltage level within the allowable limits.

d) None

3. Line drop compensation corrects for

a) Line drop lagging P.F b) voltage at leading P.F

c) Transformer voltage drop d) voltage drop in feeder lines

4. Which are the shunt compensation devices


c) UPFC d) SVC

5. Characteristics of a loss less line are

a) Naturally loading with low power factor at sending end

b) Naturally loading with unity power factor at both ends

c) Naturally loading with zero power factor at both ends

d) Naturally loading with zero power factor at receiving endTransposition of lines is done

mainly to____________________.

6. Voltage regulation depends on ________________.

7. FACTS devices are generally used for to compensate__________of thetransmission line.

8. FACTS devices generally deals with__________.

9. Main Advantage of DC transmission over AC________. 10. The power reversal involves reversal

1. Main Advantage of DC transmission over AC

a) Maintenance of substations is easy b) Switches & breakers have no limits

c) No commutation problems d) Reduced corona loss & interference

2. Distortion is found in

a) Lower frequencies b) Audible frequencies

c) Medium frequencies d) Radio frequencies

3. In voltage source inverters (VSIs), the amplitude of the output voltage is

a) independent of the load c) dependent only on L loads

b) dependent on the load d) none of the mentioned

4. In a VSI (Voltage source inverter)

a) the internal impedance of the DC source is negligible

b) the internal impedance of the DC source is very very high

c) the internal impedance of the AC source is negligible

d) the IGBTs are fired at 0 degrees.

5. In voltage source inverters (VSIs), the amplitude of the output voltage is

a) independent of the load b) dependent on the load

c) dependent only on L loads d) none of the mentioned

6. Disadvantage of constant voltage transmission______________.

7. In a 3-phase VSI operating in square-wave mode, the output line voltage is free from______

8. ________________materials is not used for transmission & distribution

9. Capacitance in equivalent circuit of a transmission line is due to__________.

10. In voltage source inverters (VSIs), the output currents _____________


1. Increase in frequency of a transmission line causes

a) No change in line resistance b) Increase in line resistance

c) Decrease in line resistance d) Decrease in line series reactance

2. Transients in a system are caused due to

a) Resistance b) Inductance

c) Capacitance d) both b) & c)

3. When transmission line is terminated through a resistance equal to surge impedance

a) There is reflection b) There is reflection & refraction

c) There is no reflection nor refraction d) There is refraction.

4. What is the value of transient stability limit?

a.Higher than steady state stability limit b. Lower than steady state stability limit.

c. Depending upon the severity of load d. All of these

5. Which among the following methods is used for improving the system stability?

a. Increasing the system voltage b. Reducing the transfer reactance

c. Using high speed circuit breaker d. All of these

6. Harmonic voltages are due to_______________.

7. If terminating resistance greater than natural impedance of the line________.

8. The accurate technique for analyzing transient circuits_____________..

9. To eliminate the harmonics____________ used.

10. The stability of the power system is not affected by_____________.


1. STATCOM and SSSC will make______


2. Losses in FC-TCR will vary in the range of________.

a.0.5-0.9% b. 0.8-0.15% c. 0.5-0.12% d. 0.5-0.7%

3. TSC-TCR will compensate Q in which region_______.

a.capacitive-inductive b.capacitive only c.inductive only d. none of these

4. Thyristor firing angle should be between_____

5. Transmission efficiency increases as

A) voltage and power factor both increase B) voltage and power factor both decrease

C) voltage increases but power factor decreases

D) voltage decreases but power factor increases.

6. Functionality of FACTS devices__________.

7. SVC and STATCOM are______________ devices.

8. SVC stands for________________.

9. STATCOM stands for_________________.

10. STATCOM is______________ regulating device.


1. The main Objective of series compensation

a) It improve the power factor b) It reduces the fault currents

c) Reduce the voltage drop over long distance d) None

2. TCSC is a

a) Shunt compensation device b) Series compensation device

c) Both a & b d) None of the above

3. SSSC is a

a) Series compensation device b) shunt compensation device

c) combined compensator d) loss reduction device

4. Disadvantage with series compensation

a) Reduce the stability b) increase the voltage drop

c) Reduce the power factor d) Increase in fault current

5. Characteristics of a loss less line are

a) Naturally loading with low power factor at sending end

b) Naturally loading with unity power factor at both ends

c) Naturally loading with zero power factor at both ends

d) Naturally loading with zero power factor at receiving end

6. TCSC is _____________ device.

7. SSSC stands _________________.

8. UPFC strands _________________.

9. The location of series capacitor depends on _____________________ factors.

10. If load is more than surge impedance loading (SIL) _____________ will increase in the line.

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