Aqua Soccer: Description
Aqua Soccer: Description
Aqua Soccer: Description
It’s about playing soccer game in the water pool by driving floating robot.
General Rules:
1. Uttkranti2K17 event ID card is mandatory.
2. Participants having a valid ID of the respective educational institutions are eligible for
3. Decision of the judges will be final and will not be subjected to any further
4. Minimum ‘1’ and Maximum ‘4’ participants are allowed.
5. Students from different educational institutes can form a team.
6. On the Spot entries are not allowed.
7. Registration fee is Rs. 200/- per team
8. In this event participant have to build an aquatic robot which is capable of floating
over the water, taking sharp turns, flexible in moving back and mainly to play soccer
in water.
Event Rules:
Dimension of the robot shall not be more than 35*30*20 cm (l*b*h).
Maximum allowed weight of robot is 3 Kg
Maximum voltage between any two terminals should not be more than 24 volt DC.
Robot can be wired or wireless.
In case of wired robot, the length of the wire must be minimum 2 meter and
maximum 5 meter.
The wireless robots should have dual frequency for controlling the robot. All teams
must submit their wireless remote control before the commencement of the
No external power supply is allowed.
Faculty coordinators: