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New 6xxx Aluminum Alloy PDF

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New 6XXX Aluminum Alloy for

Automotive Body Sheet Applications

S. J. Murtha
Aluminum Company of America

Reprinted from: Aluminum Applications for Automotive Design


MAR 0 7 1995

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New 6XXX Aluminum Alloy for

Automotive Body Sheet Applications
S. J. Murtha
Aluminum Company of America

ABSTRACT gauges which are used in most outer panel applications

[ I ] . This bending performance could potentially preclude
A program was recently conducted to study the AA 61 11's use even for outer panels if flat hemmed parts
effects of various alloying additions on the properties and were considered necessary. Finally, while other alloys
performance of aluminum auto body sheet materials. As may not provide the best performance in any one
a result, a new 6XXX-series alloy has been developed category, they are still often considered by auto
which demonstrates an optimum combination of manufacturers since they possess the best formability1
formability, strength, and corrosion resistance. This new strength (i.e., 61 11) or formabilitylcorrosion resistance
alloy not only forms better than 2008-T4 but it can also (i.e, 6016) combination [ I -31.
attain strength levels during typical paint bake operations In order to optimize the overall performance of a new
which are greater than those provided by 2036-T4, ABS material, a program was initiated to evaluate the
61 11-T4, and 6016-T4 as well as exhibit superior effects of various alloying additions on the properties and
corrosion resistance relevant to all of the above performance of GXXX type aluminum auto body sheet
mentioned materials. A patent is currently pending. alloys. Mechanical property, simulative forming, aging,
and durability experiments were conducted. Based on
INTRODUCTION the results of these experiments, compositions were
chosen for a new 6XXX alloy to enable the best overall
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the combination of properties and characteristics. Although
program which led to the development of a new the dent resistance capabilities of the new alloy are only
aluminum alloy for automotive body sheet (ABS) slightly better than AA 6111, its formability and corrosion
applications. resistance are significantly better. The new material also
Many current ABS alloys are capable of providing exhibits similar or slightly better filiform corrosion
excellent behavior in critical performance areas such as resistance than AA 6016. However, it forms better than
formability, strength, or corrosion resistance. However, the 6016 alloy and is capable of achieving much higher
optimizing performance in one area can typically result in strengths enabling greater dent resistance. Even though
the degradation of properties in other areas. For the new alloy forms only slightly better than AA 2008, its
example, while 2008-T4 forms better than most other strength and corrosion resistance capabilities are much
heat treatable aluminum ABS alloys in use today [ I ] , higher. As with many existing materials currently used
strengths following typical paint bake practices are for outer hang-on panels, Class A surface requirements
significantly lower than alloys such as 6009 and 61 11. are easily met. This new GXXX ABS alloy could
As a result, AA 2008 is often only considered for inner potentially be utilized for inner and outer hang-on panels
panel applications where formability is the major as well as many body-in-whitecomponents. A patent is
consideration and dent resistance is much less of a currently pending.
concern. Alternatively, since 61 11 is capable of high
strengths following paint bake practices, it is most often EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
considered for outer hang-on panel applications where
dent resistance is a major concern. Since 61 11-T4 does Experiments were performed in two stages. First, a
not form as well as other alloys (i.e., 2008-T4), it is not pilot-scale laboratory investigation was conducted to
always ideal for inner panels where the forming study composition effects on performance. Limited
requirements can sometimes be stringent. In addition, compositions were then selected for plant trials. Results
the bending capabilities of AA 61 11 are sometimes from the laboratory study will be presented to compare
inadequate since it cannot always be flat hemmed at the relative performance of the new alloy to other
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experimental compositions which were evaluated. -

FABRICATION Laboratory ingots (direct chill) were
Results from representativetests conducted on the plant cast, homogenized, and hot-rolled using appropriate
trial material will then be presented and compared to thermomechanical practices based on the compositions
standard alloys which are currently available. This of interest. Sheet materials were then cold rolled to
information will show the benefit of the new 6XXX alloy 1.02 mm and solution heat treated and quenched.
compared to existing aluminum auto body sheet Following the laboratory investigation, a selected
materials. composition was chosen for fabrication at an Alcoa
EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN OF LABORATORY rolling mill utilizing practices similar to those described
STUDY Since it was felt that a balance of formability, above for the laboratory study. The final gauge was
strength, and corrosion resistance was required for any increased to 1.23 mm for the plant produced materials.
new aluminum body sheet material, 6XXX type alloys -
were chosen as the baseline compositions in this tension tests were conducted as per ASTM E8, E517,
program. Although other alloy systems might have also E646, and B557 specifications. Tensile tests were also
provided some benefit, they were eliminated due to a conducted to determine strain hardening exponents (n
variety of concerns. A schematic drawing depicting the from o = k ~and ~ ) plastic strain ratios
experimental approach is shown in Figure 1. in the longitudinal, transverse, and 45" degree
The experimental compositions were chosen based orientations. Average values of these properties for all
on the formability and strength levels which were desired orientations (i.e., n-bar= (n~+2n45+n~)/4; r-
as well as on equilibrium calculations which were bar=(r~+2r45+r~)/4) have been reported in some cases.
performed to identify the potential solubility limits of the 90" GUIDED BEND TEST - This is considered to be a
alloying additions. The selected Mg and Si extremes frictionless downflange test where pre-strained (10%)
served as the corners of the experimental composition sheet strips are rigidly clamped and then forced to bend
box. Although copper effects on corrosion resistance over a die radius by a roller. Details of the test
were a concern, copper was still added in small amounts procedure have been published previously [I]. Tests
in order to evaluate low level effects on performance. were conducted in the longitudinal and transverse
Finally, the target Fe and Mn levels of all materials were orientations.
held constant since they were not variables in this LIMITING DOME HEIGHT (LDH) - NADDRG
investigation. In the case of Fe, higher amounts have recommended procedures were used in LDH tests.
been shown to decrease bending performance [4]. Rectangular blanks of varying widths (to vary resulting
Therefore, Fe additions were minimized. strain paths) were stretched over a hemispherical punch
MATERIALS Nine experimental ingots were cast for (using light mineral oil lubrication) until failure occurred.
this study. The relative amounts of Mg, Si, and Cu within The minimum heights observed over the range of blank
each ingot are depicted in Figure 1. Target Mg/Si widths which were evaluated are reported here and are
compositions of alloys 1 and 2 were lower than all other considered to be at or near the plane strain deformation
alloys in this study. The other experimental strain path.
compositions contained additional amounts of Mg and/or -
HYDRAULIC BULGE In this test, 229 mm square
Si. While Cu levels between 0% and 0.2% were blanks were clamped and then biaxially stretched (under
evaluated at the corners of the composition box (i.e., 0% hydraulic pressure) until failure occurred. Stress-strain
Cu in alloy 1; 0.2% Cu in alloy 2), only one Cu level was behavior was monitored during testing.
evaluated at the center of the box (0.1% Cu in alloy 5). COSMETIC (FILIFORM) CORROSION Two -
102 mm x 292 mm panels (per sample) were prepared
and coated using procedures similar to those previously
approved and used by certain automobile manufacturers
[5] The coating sequence typically involved (but was not
limited to) etching, cleaning, zinc phosphate conversion
Alloy 8 (0% Cu)
coating, E-coating, and painting. The preparation
procedures and coatings are considered to be near
optimum and representative of those which could be
used in at least some current assembly plants. This is in
Increasing contrast to other studies which have intentionally used

" tI Alloy 1 (OX Cu)

Alloy 2 (0.2% Cu) Alloy 4 (0.2% Cu
inadequate preparation procedures (i.e., dry sanding) or
coatings to increase filiform corrosion susceptibility (61.
Following coating, the panels were scribed (through all
coatings) along three diagonals (each 127 mm long)
increasing Mg -----t
which were regularly spaced along the length of the
panels. The panels were then exposed to 5%
continuous salt spray (ASTM B117) for 24 hours and
Figure 1: Experimental Design for
subjected to 85% relative humidity (40°C) for 6 weeks.
Low Copper Alloy Program
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The panels were rated for degree of filiform corrosion this way, effects of Mg and Si can be graphically
(i.e., number of sites on duplicate panels and average depicted for easier interpretation. Effects of Cu can be
length of sites). seen by comparing separate figures showing the same
parameter (i.e., transverse yield strength for 0.0% Cu
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS LABORATORY STUDY alloys in Figure 2a compared to identical data for 0.2%
Cu alloys in Figure 2b). Highlights of the mechanical
-T4 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES (EFFECT OF Mg property data are summarized below.
AND Si) Figures 2-6 illustrate composition effects on Low solute alloys in the bottom left-hand corner of the
transverse -T4 temper mechanical properties. A number composition box exhibit strengths which are well below
of mechanical property parameters are shown on the those of standard alloys [I]. At these strength levels,
schematic Mg and Si composition boxes for handling damage could potentially be a concern. If slight
experimental alloys containing 0.0% Cu as well as 0.2% strength improvements were made, then these
Cu. Transverse yield strengths in Figure 2a are shown compositions could possibly provide adequate damage
within the corner and center points of the Mg/Si resistance (during handling). The remaining alloys
composition box for alloys containing 0.0% Cu (at exhibit strengths which should be acceptable in the -T4
corners of box) and 0.1 % Cu (at center of box). This temper. Assuming adequate formability, the composition
illustration has been repeated in Figure 2b for alloys with the highest strength would be the most desirable.
containing 0.2% Cu at the corners of the Mg/Si box. In This was achieved by the alloys in the upper right-hand
corner of the Mg/Si composition box. This was not
unexpected since these materials contained the greatest
amounts of Mg and Si.
0% C u O corners of box & 0.1% 8 center
The higher Si samples generally exhibited the best
overall values of tensile elongation as shown in
Figures 3a and 3b.
The strain hardening exponent (n), which is an
indicator of necking resistance, has been used to predict
plane strain stretching ability. Although the data is not
consistent when comparing the 0% and 0.2% Cu
containing samples, the lower Mg bearing compositions
(left side of experimental composition box) do show the
best overall n values (Figures 4a and 4b). Although the

lncreasing %Mg

Figure 2a: Experimental Results

- compositions in the upper left-hand corner of the
composition box did show excellent forming capabilities
in LDH tests (described below), the alloys in the lower
left-hand corner actually exhibited lower LDH values
compared to some alloys which showed inferior n
of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet values. Therefore, it would appear that n value may not
> T4 Transverse Yield Strength - (MPa) < be a good indicator of plane strain stretching

0.2*& Cu 8 corners of box & 0.1% 8 center

0% Cu @ corners of box & 0.1% 63 center

lncreasing %Mg ------t

Figure 2b: Experimental Results

increasing %Mg

Figure 3a: Experimental Results

of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet
of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet
> - T4 Transverse Yield Strength - (MPa) c > - T4 Transverse Tensile Elongation - (%) a
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The uniform elongation parameter is one of the more

0.2% Cu O corners of box 6 0.1% 8 center
reliable indicators of formability for aluminum alloys in
plane strain stretching modes. Since it has been
reported that 80.85% of large automotive stamping
failures occur near plane strain deformation paths [6], its
importance can be quite.significant. If the relationship
between uniform elongation and plane strain
stretchability is true, the higher Si bearing samples
(upper portion of box including the center point as shown
in Figures 5a and 5b) would be expected to exhibit the
best formability in plane strain stretching modes. The
LDH results (discussed below) confirm this. This also
agrees with information in the literature which states that
lncreasing %Mg ----t excess Si (excess to amounts which form Mg2Si in
6XXX alloys) has been observed to increase tensile and
Figure 3b: Experimental Results uniform elongations as well as plane strain stretching
of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet performance [7].The mechanism responsible for this
> T4 Transverse Tensile Elongation (%) < - behavior is currently not well established.

GA 34628.4a

0% Cu 8 corners of box 6 0.l0A 8 center 0°' Cu 8 corners of box & 0.1% 8 center

lncreasing %Mg

Figure 4a: Experimental Results

- lncreasing %Mg

Figure 5a: Experimental Results

of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet
> T4 Avg. Strain Hardening Exponent - (n-bar) c > - T4 Transverse Uniform Elongation - (%) <

0.2% Cu 63 corners of box & 0.1% 8 center 0.2% Cu 8 corners of box & 0.1% 8 center

lncreasing %Mg

Figure 4b: Experimental Results

- lncreasing %Mg

Figure 5b: Experimental Results

of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet
> T4 Avg. Strain Hardening Exponent - (n-bar) < > - T4 Transverse Uniform Elongation (%) < -
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The r-bar values plotted in Figures 6a and 6b for most stretching performance. Even though the higher solute
of the experimental compositions do not vary alloys (upper right-hand corner compositions)
significantly due to composition changes. Values only demonstrated high strengths, they also exhibited very
range from 0.66 to 0.72 and are similar to those high LDH values as well.
previously published for standard aluminum auto body The data implies that all compositions would have
sheet alloys [I]. This data suggests that composition good bendability since minimum rlt values in the guided
does not significantly affect r values in aluminum alloys bend test range from 0 to 0.5 (Figures 8a and 8b).
over the composition range studied here. Figure 9 illustrates that high Si compositions (upper
-T4 SIMULATIVE FORMABILITY (EFFECT OF Mg half of box) exhibit the best performance (highest strains
AND Si) Plots illustrating composition effects on at the point of maximum stress) in the hydraulic bulge
simulative formability test indicators are shown in test for compositions containing no copper. However,
Figures 7-9. These are similar to schematic plots when 0.2% copper is added, the low Si, high Mg
depicting the -T4 mechanical properties which were composition (bottom right-hand corner) also performs
discussed above. well. Conversely, compositions near the bottom left-
As suggested by the uniform elongation hand corner of the box are inferior in this test. As in the
measurements, the high Si samples exhibited superior dome height tests, Si additions appear to improve
LDH values (Figures 7a and 7b). Compositions near the formability. In order to determine the reasons for this
upper left-hand corner showed the best plane strain behavior, instantaneous strain hardening values were

0% Cu O corners of box & 0.1% 8 center 0% Cu @ corners of box & 0.1% @ center

lncreasing %Mg -
Figure 6a: Experimental Results
lncreasing %Mg

Figure 7a: Experimental Results

of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet
> - T4 Average Plastic Strain Ratio - (r-bar) < > - T4 Long. Limiting Dome Height - (mm) <

GA 34628.7b

0.2% Cu O corners of box & 0.10/0 O center 0.2% Cu @ corners of box & 0.1% @ center

lncreasing %Mg ------., lncreasing %Mg

Figure 7b: Experimental Results

Figure 6b: Experimental Results
of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet
> - T4 Average Plastic Strain Ratio - (r-bar) < > - T4 Long. Limiting Dome Height - (mm) <
Downloaded from SAE International by University of Edinburgh, Sunday, August 26, 2018

0% Cu 8 corners of box 6 0.1% 8 center 0% Cu 63 corners of box 6 0.1% 8 center

lncreasing %Mg

Figure 8a: Experimental Results

- increasing %Mg

Figure 9a: Experimental Results

of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet
- -
> T4 Longitudinal Guided Bend (min. rlt) < -
> 9.4 Bulge Strain Q Max. Stress - (%) <

0.2% Cu 8 corners of box & 0.1% 8 center 0.2% Cu O corners of box 6 0.1% 8 center

lncreasing %Mg

Figure 8b: Experimental Results

- lncreasing %Mg

Figure 9b: Experimental Results

of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet
> T4 Longitudinal Guided Bend - (min. rlt) < > - T4 Bulge Strain Q Max. Stress (%) < -

calculated (from the measured stress-strain data) and evaluated in this study. These include practices
plotted as a function of strain for compositions containing conducted at 60 min1204"C (no pre-stretch) and
constant amounts of all elements except for Si. These 20 mid185°C (2% pre-stretch).
plots are shown in Figures 10 and 11. When Si The highest strengths were achieved with the alloys
increases in these samples, strain hardening is retained in the upper right-hand corner of the composition box.
even after very high deformation strains (>30-35O/0). This was not unexpected since these compositions did
This suggests that the higher Si alloys resist strain contain the greatest amount of solute compared to the
localization more readily compared to samples others which were studied. The strengths of samples
containing lower amounts. This can be important during from the left side of the experimental composition box
stamping where strain values can sometimes be quite were well below those at the center or on the right-hand
large. Even though some materials exhibit good strain side of the box. The compositions near the lower left-
hardening behavior at low strains, rapid strain hand corner were not given further consideration due to
localization often occurs. These materials cannot be a combination of low -T4 strengths, low -T62 strengths,
deformed as readily as those which retain their strain and low formability.
hardening ability over a larger range of strains. -T62 CORROSION RESISTANCE (EFFECT OF
-T62 TYPE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES (EFFECT MgISilCu) - All experimental compositions performed
OF Mg AND Si) - Plots are shown in Figures 12 and 13 similarly in filiform corrosion tests. Although the new
which demonstrate composition effects on artificially 6XXX alloy (high Mg and Si; low Cu) exhibited the same
aged strengths. Two -T62 type aging conditions were 36 number of corrosion sites (seven total sites for each
Downloaded from SAE International by University of Edinburgh, Sunday, August 26, 2018

I I I I I 0% Cu 8 cornero of box 6 0.1% 8 center

- -

- -

Low Si
. . ..
High Si

.. -
Increasing %Mg

Figure 12a: Experimental Results

of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet
> Tran. Yield Strength @ 60rninl204C - (MPa) <

True thickness strain GA 34628.12b

0.2OA Cu 8 corners of box (L 0.1% @ center

Figure 10: Strain Hardening Behavior
for Low Mg Samples


- -

- ,\

Increasing %Mg

Figure 12b: Experimental Results

of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet
> - Tran. Yield Strength @ 60minl204C - (MPa) <
- -
. ...
High Si

Low Si
properties were not significantly affected by the 0.2%
copper additions studied here (i.e., elongations, strain
0.0 I I I I I hardening exponent (n), and LDH values). Copper did
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
appear to be somewhat beneficial to -T4 and -T62
True thickness strain
strengths as well as formability performance in biaxial
stress states (bulge).
Figure 11: Strain Hardening Behavior SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE IN LABORATORY
for High Mg Samples
EXPERIMENTS - Based on the experimental results, the
highest solute compositions (upper right-handcorner
compositions) exhibited the best overall combination of
alloy) as the 6016 alloy in filiform corrosion evaluations,
properties. Not only did these alloys show excellent
the average length of sites within the new alloy
stretchability in LDH and hydraulic bulge tests, but they
(1.02 mm) was about 112 of the value measured for the
were also able to attain yield strengths following artificial
6016 alloy (2.03 mm). This suggests that the rate of
aging practices which were approximately 20-25%
attack for the new 6XXX alloy was not as great as that of
higher than any other experimental alloy. In addition to
AA 6016, even though the initiation rate might have been
its forming and strength capabilities, the low copper
37 version of this alloy exhibited similar or better filiform
Downloaded from SAE International by University of Edinburgh, Sunday, August 26, 2018

The properties and performance of the plant

0% Cu O corners of box 6 0.1% 63 center
fabricated material will be presented in this section.
Comparisons will be made to standard aluminum auto
body sheet alloys so that the relative improvements in
performance can be recognized. The properties and
characteristics of the new 6XXX alloy are compared in
Table 1 to data representing the standard 2008-T4,
2036-T4,6009-T4,6111 -T4, and 6016-T4 automotive
body sheet alloys . Data was either taken from the
literature [ I ] or tests were conducted on standard alloys
in order to obtain the data needed for valid comparisons.
-T4 tensile properties, listed in Table 1, show that the
Increasing %Mg ------t new GXXX alloy has the second highest tensile strengths
compared to all other materials. The new alloy should
provide good resistance to damage during handling in
Figure 13a: Experimental Results
stamping and assembly plants similar to AA 61 11.
of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet
Although the new alloy has good strength capabilities, it
> Tran. TYS @ 2% Str.+20min/185C (MPa) < - also exhibits the highest transverse tensile elongation
compared to all other alloys. This is an indication of its
superior ductility.
0.2% Cu @ corners of box 6 0.1% O center the formability behavior of aluminum body sheet alloys,
the strain hardening exponent (n), uniform elongation,
plastic strain ratio (r), Limiting Dome Height (LDH), and
minimum rlt (die radiuslmetal thickness ratio determined
in the guided bend test) parameters often prove useful.
Even though the new 6XXX alloy exhibits relatively
high strengths compared to other common automotive
body sheet alloys, it also exhibits very good strain
hardening exponent (n), uniform elongation, plastic strain

ratio (r), and LDH values as well. The height which it
attained prior to failure in LDH tests was higher than all
other alloys including AA 2008 and AA 61 11. This data
Increasing %Mg
again illustrates the good forming capabilities of this new
Figure 13b: Experimental Results -T6 STRENGTHS (AFTER ARTIFICIAL AGING) -
of Laboratory Fabricated Sheet Strengths after artificial aging were evaluated since
> Tran. TYS @ 2% Str.+20min/185C (MPa) < - automotive manufacturers often require certain minimum
strength levels for dent resistance and/oi structural
purposes. These strengths have to be attained from the
corrosion resistance than AA 6016. Therefore, the upper brief thermal practices which are already in place in
right-hand corner composition was the basis for the alloy automotive assembly plants (i.e., paint bake operations).
fabricated at an Alcoa rolling mill facility. The target Mg, In rare cases, auxiliary thermal practices are also utilized
Si, Fe, and Mn levels for this material were the same as (in addition to paint bake practices) as a means to
those used for the original laboratory study. However, improve strengths through artificial aging.
copper levels were controlled between 0.02% and 0.10% Two thermal practices were chosen for evaluation.
in order to minimize corrosion susceptibility while First, the 20 min.lI85"C (without pre-strain) aging
maximizing the benefit to formability and strength. practice was chosen to simulate strengths which could
be attained during a typical paint bake operation.
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS - PLANT TRIAL Second, the 60 mid204"C aging practice was chosen to
simulate strengths which could be achieved assuming an
As described in the previous section, one GXXX alloy auxiliary thermal operation was added to existing paint
from the laboratory study was chosen for a plant trial. bake practices.
The alloy chosen showed the best overall The new GXXX alloy is not quite as strong as
formability/strength/corrosion resistance performance AA 61 11 following an artificial aging practice of
within the laboratory experiments. The intent of the plant 60 min1204"C (which is near peak strength), however, it
trial was to verify the performance observed in laboratory is stronger than 61 11 after a simulated paint bake
experiments. operation. Although the new alloy may not be able to
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Table 1: Relative Performance of Selected Auto Body Sheet Alloys

Transverse Tensile Properties f-T4)

Tensile Yield Tensile

Strength Strength Elongation
Alloy-Temper (MPa) (MPa) (%)

New 6XXX 262 149 29.0

lative Formabll~tvcT43

Transverse Transverse Average Longitudinal

Strain Hardening Uniform Plastic Strain Limiting
Exponent Elongation Ratio Dome Height
Alloy Temper (n) (%) (r-bar) (mm)

New 6XXX 0.239 24.0

Limiting Dome Height Results for Sheet Gauges of Approximately 1.23 mm

Strenaths 81 Corrosion Resistance After Aaina (-T6)'

1Hl204C 20min/185C
Yield Yield
Strength Strength Filiform **
Alloy Temper (MPa) (MPa) (Ranking)

New 6XXX 300 197 1

Note: Some strengths estimated from aging curves

"Note: Relative rankings (1-best; 4-worst) reflect expectations based on previous tests conducted in various environments.
Please note that alloys could perform similariy if optimum coating and preparation procedures are used.
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reach the same peak strengths as AA 6111, the aging Is more resistant to filiform corrosion compared to the
kinetics of the new alloy are more rapid (compared to 2008-T6,2036-T6,6009-T6,6016-T6,and 6111-T6 body
611I ) , enabling it to reach higher strengths during sheet alloys.
shorter time periods. Since aluminum ABS alloys most
often have only brief paint bake thermal operations Based on the data determined in this program and
(15-30 minutes at high temperatures) as a means to the performance of the newly developed alloy, the
achieve artificial aging, it would follow that alloys which following additional conclusions are justified:
attain higher strengths after relatively short periods of
time would be most desirable. Si additions provide simultaneous increases in
-T6 DURABILITY The relative filiform rankings listed stretchability and strength of 6 X M aluminum alloys.
for the various alloys in Table 1 show that, in general,
the lower copper alloys are more resistant to filiform Mg additions increase the strength of 6 X M aluminum
attack. It is not surprising that the low copper 6XXX automotive sheet alloys but can also decrease
alloys which were tested in the laboratory phase of this formability in certain cases.
program exhibited the best filiform corrosion resistance.
Their resistances would perhaps be expected to be Uniform elongation predicts plane strain stretching
similar to those of 5XXX alloys which normally are performance more effectively than strain hardening
considered to be excellent. exponent (n).
Results from this study and from studies conducted
previously suggest that alloys containing higher amounts REFERENCES
of copper might be more susceptible to filiform corrosion
attack [5]. This is not to say that filiform corrosion attack [ I ] Story, J. M., Jarvis, G. W., Zonker, H. R. and
could not be prevented in alloys containing higher Murtha, S. J., "Issues and Trends in Aluminum
amounts of copper. Rather, other studies have shown Automotive Sheet Forming," SAE Paper No. 930277.
that a proper coating system (coating + sample [2] Fuhrer, P., "Aluminum Car Body Sheets A -
preparation) can prevent filiforrn corrosion from occurring Continuing Optimization Process,"l?ASELM '91' [Proc.
[5,8]. Previous observations have shown that when the Conf.], Tokyo, Japan, 1991 October, Japan Institute of
coating does not provide adequate protection, filiform Light Metals, Nihonbashi, Asahiseimei Bldg.,
attack can occur 151. When the coating system is not 1-3 Nihonbashi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan,
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