Online Auction System (Osa)
Online Auction System (Osa)
Online Auction System (Osa)
Our motto is “all round quality education”. The student become a valuable service
provider by sharing his/her knowledge in the society and gains a place at the highest
peak in his/her respective area though technical professional skill.
Udhna Academy Education Trust was established in 1964 with the objective of
catering to the education needs of the citizens of udhna area and south Gujarat. The
Trust has completed 52 years of brilliance since inception in 1964. It has spread the
light of education in the region providing education ranging from pre-primary to
Higher Secondary and Higher Secondary and graduation.
Its pioneers started this institution with a very noble aim and far reaching vision. As a
result, today,udhna academy Education Trust governs the following institutions,
where about 6000 students seek high quality education.
“To be an eminent and vibrant institute for education, our credo will always be
excellence through innovations, empathy, ethics and teamwork and to cater to the ever
changing needs of community at large.”
“To impart quality education, nurture aspirations and facilitate continuous learning
and contribute to the society by developing outstanding individuals who would take
up leadership challenges in several of economy.”
Social Welfare Initiatives in Plantation of trees, Blood Donation Camp, NSS Camp
and relief during Natural Calamities
Tie-up with Health centre for free medical service to all students and staff
Anti-ragging Cell
Women’s Cell
Placement Cell
Smart Class
Dr.Mehul P. Desai
(I/C Principal)
The existing "Open Voting System" is managed manually. Prior to each auction, the day of
auction, the venue and the posts on auction are announced those news media. Those who
wish to take part in the auction have to arrive at the venue on that day on time.
This conventional method most of the time prevent aspiring Candidates from participating in
the auction process. Another headache of the old system is to track each voting process and
to make it oral settlement. The Process is very conflicting and time consuming.
Hardware Details:-
HDD : 1 TB Disk
Software Details:-
Web server :
User side:-
Web browser :
Now a day each and every system has certain drawbacks that are improper working.
Following are some drawbacks of manual system that are observed and forced us to design
new system.
on opposite side it would require much register to maintain all these and would create many
In our current system, all the process is carried out by human and there are many physical
forms for registration of the customers so naturally. It requires more time and in that sense, it
will require more time to complete works.
Time Consuming
In our current system, all the process are carried out by human and there are many physical
forms for registration of the customers so naturally it requires more time and in that sense, it
will require more time to complete
A world that loves to participate in real-time activities would certainly appreciate the idea of
an Online Voting System For Corporate Sectors that opens 24/7. Unlike the traditional voting
system, this modern system brings together voters and vote from across the different sectors
of the corporates to a single location. Since the description of the voters are listed for few
days, voters can think and study before vote. Since, there is no geographical or time
restrictions, the number of votes received will be more. The cost for conducting a voting
online is less when compared to physical voting and the time consuming is also low. This
way both parties the owner and the voter are benefited.
The global reach of online voting system allows both to the owner/admin and voters to
overcome physical constraints and make the vote for the respective posts from anywhere over
the internet. The use of Online Voting System for Corporate Sectors makes use of the
decision making assistance tool that results in voter’s certainty towards their choice of the
vote. The decision making assistance tool consists of three parts that is the voter information
, his/her valuable votes and his voting activities / process.
The voter information signals seek to fully describe the vote through the use of textual and
visuals, this strives to ensure the voter’s vote certainty. The admin give detailed vote ratings
of all aspects of the voters and giving facilities through the view category facility.
Voter’s description, consists the information regarding the voter’s current position, his/her
contact, his/her capabilities that why he/she is a deserving candidate.
The purpose of this project is to build an “on-line voting system”, a place for voter and admin
to come together and take decision based on the capabilities of the contenders or the
respective candidate. In fact, the system consists in a web-portal where registered users can
propose new vote, place votes in order to select the post on portal, Registration of users is
preceded by a “pre-registration”: to check whether users insert their real e-mail address.
Voting procedure have a name, a description, an end period: users cannot place vote when
the voting interval (start - end period) ends.
Moreover, administrators have the possibility to accept or refuse voters proposed by users, to
view information about users and after judging on the capabilities of the user the
administrator can decide whether the user is a deserving candidate for the voting or not. The
system is realized with a 3-tier architecture: a relational database that store the information
regarding users, votes and winning table; an application server that cares about the business
logic of the system and the presentation layer that consists in the web browser where users
can interact with the system.
With such architecture, the database is never directly accessed: for example administrators
can change the data stored in the database without connecting directly to it but using their
own browser.
Admin can login in website. He/she can also manage all the things in the system like users,
viewing vote, winners, and so on.
The user can be divided into 2 categories i.e. Seller and Buyer.
This system is fully Web based application, for the online voting to the respective and
deserving candidate .
An online project that holds online voting of various posts on a website that serves the
efficient, effective and convenient way of voting precisely .
The system is designed to allow the voters to vote up their vote for deserving candidate and
register it from ‘n’ numbers of voters.
Front end and back end are generalized terms that refer to the initial and the end stages to
handle a system. The front end is responsible for collecting input in various forms from the
user and processing it to conform to a specification the back end can use. The front end is an
interface between the user and the back end.The main reason of forming a combination this to
ends is, to provide different functionality of both getting and providing data or information to
the users with help of medium
Processor CORE i3 5th Generation
Back End MYSQL
Operating system Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows 7,
Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Ubuntu or
any compatible OS Browser
Browser All web browsers supported.
This website is Application for all organization and voters who interests in online voting for
the respective posts.
The system is designed to allow users to set make their votes for voting and voters to register
and vote for various respective posts that are available for voting.
4.1Preliminary Investigation
Preliminary investigation is the actual study of the system. It involves an accurate study of
what all aspects your software would cover. In our case as we were developing commerce
site, it covered answers to question like:
What is the basic functionality of commerce site website?
How automated do you want the application to be?
What kind of functionalities is to be developed to make system easy to use on both owner and
admin side?
How can we build attractive site so that more and more users can use this web site?
4.2Problem Identification
The problem with public voting is that participation of the general public is very limited. The
aim of the project is to socialize the voting so that people from far and wide and even across
the continent can participate in it.
The voting site is developed with a vision to wipe out the inherent problems of "Conventional
voting House".
This project dose require that much of higher & advanced technology. It requires database
interaction and it requires to be accessed via web or internet. This can be easily done. It must
be developed within the four validation, verification. Thus it seems that the project is
technically feasible to be.
Economical feasibility test we maintained the balance between the Operational and
Economical feasibilities, as the two were the conflicting. For example the solution that
provides the best operational impact for the end-users may also be the most expensive and,
therefore, the least economically feasible.
Operation feasibility is a measure of how people feel about the system. Operational
Feasibility criteria measure the urgency of the problem or the acceptability of a solution.
Operational Feasibility is dependent upon determining human resources for the project. It
refers to projecting whether the system will operate and be used once it is installed.
expert, but any computer operator given a little bit of knowledge and training can easily
Our Project is operationally feasible since there is no need for special training of staff
member and whatever little instructing on this system is required can be done so quite easily
and quickly as it is essentially This project is being developed keeping in mind the
general people who one have very little knowledge of computer operation, but can
easily access their required database and other related information. The redundancies can
be decreased to a large extent as the system will be fully automated.
The general manager will be the one to plan and will be in charge of the overall supervision
of the farm. He will be the one to screen the candidates to be recruited and hired.
The technical operations manager will oversee the efficiency and effectiveness of the
farmhands. He will also be responsible for the general care of the pigs, maintaining the herd
health and environment of the pigs.
Time feasibility describes the time cost for converting the existing system to new system.
As an aspect of time feasibility our system takes 4 month for completion. This system is
develop under the time period of just four month so we can say that this system is time
4.4Requirement Analysis
During the requirement analysis gather the all the software. As per the requirement planning
about software how it work? What flow of it? After that mane ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM
FOR CORPORATE SECTORS that contain the all requirement of software.
It is the most important part of software development because software developed based on
that phase.
To study any system the analyst needs to do collect facts and all relevant information. the
facts when expressed in quantitative form are termed as data. The success of any project is
depended upon the accuracy of available data. Accurate information can be collected with
help of certain methods/ techniques.
These specific methods for finding information of the system are termed as fact finding
techniques. Interview, Questionnaire, Record View and Observations are the different fact
finding techniques used by the analyst. The analyst may use more than one technique for
This method is used to collect the information from groups or individuals. Analyst selects the
people who are related with the system for the interview. In this method the analyst sits face
to face with the people and records their responses. The interviewer must plan in advance the
type of questions he/ she is going to ask and should be ready to answer any type of question.
He should also choose a suitable place and time which will be comfortable for the
The information collected is quite accurate and reliable as the interviewer can clear and cross
check the doubts there itself. This method also helps gap the areas of misunderstandings and
help to discuss about the future problems. Structured and unstructured are the two sub
categories of Interview. Structured interview is more formal interview where fixed questions
are asked and specific information is collected whereas unstructured interview is more or less
like a casual conversation where in-depth areas topics are covered and other information
apart from the topic may also be obtained.
It is the technique used to extract information from number of people. This method can be
adopted and used only by a skilful analyst. The Questionnaire consists of series of questions
framed together in logical manner.
The questions are simple, clear and to the point. This method is very useful for attaining
information from people who are concerned with the usage of the system and who are living
in different countries. The questionnaire can be mailed or send to people by post. This is the
cheapest source of fact finding.
Unlike the other fact finding techniques, in this method the analyst himself visits the
organization and observes and understand the flow of documents, working of the existing
system, the users of the system etc.
For this method to be adopted it takes an analyst to perform this job as he knows which points
should be noticed and highlighted. In analyst may observe the unwanted things as well and
simply cause delay in the development of the new system.
Record View
The information related to the system is published in the sources like newspapers, magazines,
journals, documents etc. This record review helps the analyst to get valuable information
about the system and the organization.
The time line chart describes the time scheduling for project completion.
This time line chart show project tasks in weekly schedule.
1) Requirement analysis
Collected requirement from our guide
Analyze gathered information
Determine scope of the system
Milestone: requirement Analysis complete
2) Planning and risk analysis
Spiral Model
The spiral software methodology is one of the other methodologies that we analysed but we
found out that using such a methodology would probably not result in the system being
delivered within the set deadlines. The spiral model implements risk driven approach rather
than code driven approach it makes use of both the top down and the bottom-up approaches
(Nilson, 2008). The spiral model combines the idea of iterative development with the
systematic, controlled aspects of the waterfall model. Spiral model is a combination of
iterative development process model and the linear development model that is the waterfall
model which provides high priority on risk analysis. It allows for incremental releases of the
product, or incremental refinement through each iteration around the spiral (Barry, 1988).
The Spiral model basically tries to combine the features of the waterfall and the prototyping
The spiral model consists of four phases. A software project repeatedly passes through these
phases in iterations called Spirals.
This phase starts with gathering the business requirements in the baseline spiral. In the
subsequent spirals as the product matures, identification of system requirements, subsystem
requirements and unit requirements are all done in this phase. This also includes
understanding the system requirements by continuous communication between the customer
and the system analyst. At the end of the spiral the product is deployed in the identified
Design phase starts with the conceptual design in the baseline spiral and involves
architectural design, logical design of modules, physical product design and final design in
the subsequent spirals.
Construct or Build
Construct phase refers to production of the actual software product at every spiral. In the
baseline spiral when the product is just thought of and the design is being developed a POC
(Proof of Concept) is developed in this phase to get customer feedback.
Then in the subsequent spirals with higher clarity on requirements and design details a
working model of the software called build is produced with a version number. These builds
are sent to customer for feedback.
Risk Analysis includes identifying, estimating, and monitoring technical feasibility and
management risks, such as schedule slippage and cost overrun. After testing the build, at the
end of first iteration, the customer evaluates the software and provides feedback.
Based on the customer evaluation, software development process enters into the next iteration
and subsequently follows the linear approach to implement the feedback suggested by the
customer. The process of iterations along the spiral continues throughout the life of the
Spiral Model is very popular software used in the software industry as it is in synch with the
natural development process of any product that is learning with maturity and also involves
minimum risk for the customer as well as the development firms. Following are the typical
uses of Spiral model:
When costs there are a budget constraint and risk evaluation is important.
For medium to high-risk projects.
Long-term project commitment because of potential changes to economic priorities as
the requirements change with time.
Customer is not sure of their requirements which are usually the case.
Requirements are complex and need evaluation to get clarity.
New product line which should be released in phases to get enough customer
Significant changes are expected in the product during the development cycle.
The advantage of spiral lifecycle model is that it allows for elements of the product to be
added in when they become available or known. This assures that there is no conflict with
previous requirements and design.
This method is consistent with approaches that have multiple software builds and releases
and allows for making an orderly transition to a maintenance activity. Another positive aspect
is that the spiral model forces early user involvement in the system development effort.
On the other side, it takes very strict management to complete such products and there is a
risk of running the spiral in indefinite loop. So the discipline of change and the extent of
taking change requests is very important to develop and deploy the product successfully.
4.4.4 UML
Activity description
Output Signal
Final Activity
Use case
A use case is an external view of the system that represents some action the user might
perform in order to complete a task.
Manage state
Manage city
View table
Winning table
Update Details
Add Product
View Bid
Contact /
View Product
Bid Product
Update Details
View Bid
Contact /
View Product
User Contact /
View Product
Bid Product
View Bid
Bidder Download
Contact /
View Product
Bid Product
View Bid
Contact /
Login Product
Login User
Wrong Email &
Password Failed
«Success move
Profile »
Manage Manage Manage Manage
Manage Manage Product
Category Winner Approval Wishlit
Subcategory Manage Area
City Manage Manage
Contact Subcategory
Feedback Manage
«Success move
Profile »
View Product
Search Product Detail View Scheme
Compares Product
View Product
«Success move
Profile »
View / Edit
View / Edit Product Profile Add Product
Approval Latter
approve__id: int
area_master city_master
Bid_id: int
Area__id: int City__id: int Approve_letter: Varchar
City_id: int City_name: City_date: datetime
Area_name: Varchar varchar bid_master
Area_date: datetime City_date: Bid__id: int
Area_status: enum datetime Product_id: int
Add() Add() User_id: int
Update Update Bid_price: float Winner_id: int
Delete() Delete() User_name: varchar Bid_id: int
View() View() Bid_date: datetime Winner_date: datetime
Winner_status: enum
feedback_master User
Category_id: int
FB__id: int User__id: int Category_name: varchar
User_id: int City_id: int
FB_Des: Varchar Add()
User_name: varchar
Area_date: datetime Update()
User_img: varchar
Area_status: enum product_master Delete()
User_type: enum
Add() user_date: datetime Product_id:int
Update user_status: enum Sub__id: int
Delete() Category_id: int
View() Add() User_id:int
Update() Product_name: int
View() Product_img: varchar
Product_des: varchar
contact_master Product_status:enum subcategory_master
Bid__id: int Add() Sub__id: int
Wish__id: int
Product_id: int Update() Category_id: int
User_id: int
User_id: int Delete() Sub_name: varchar
Product_id: int
Bid_price: float View()
Wish_date: datetime Add()
User_name: varchar Bid()
Wish_Status: enum Update()
Bid_date: datetime
View() Delete()
Sequence Diagram
Login Authentication
Manage Bidding
Request for manage bidding
View Bidding Information
Response for manage bidding
logout succussfully
Login Authentication
Bid For the Product Successfully Response for Bid for Product
logout succussfully
Login Authentication
Set Time & Price of Product Request for Set Time & Price of Product
Set Time & Price of Product Successfully Response for Set Time & Price of Product
logout succussfully
Login Process
Bid Process
Product Process
Category Process
Subcategory Process
Feedback Process
Winner Process
A data dictionary is a catalogue, a repository of the element system as the name suggest, the
elements centre on data and they are structured to meet user requirement and organization
needs. Thus, data dictionary gives the details and description of data flows, process and stores
used in data flow diagram.
Alias None
When to used and 1. To store information for category
how to used type
2. To store category detail.
Supplementary information Data element:-
Table of Category detail
Content Description
Category_idit is used to unique id for all category.
Category_nameit is the name of particular category.
Name Area
Alias None
When to used and 1. To store information for Area
how to used 2. To store Area detail.
Supplementary information Data element:-
Table of Area detail
Content Description
Area_idit is used to unique id for all Area.
Area_nameit is the name of particular Area.
City_idit is used to unique id for all City.
Name City
Alias None
When to used and 1. To store information for city
how to used 2. To store city detail.
Content Description
City_idit is used to unique id for all city.
City_nameit is the name of particular city.
Name User
Alias None
When to used and 3. To store information for User
how to used 4. To store user detail.
Supplementary information Data element:-
Table of User detail
Content Description
City_idit is used to unique id for all city.
User_idit is used to unique id for all User.
User_nameit is the name of particular User.
User_imgBy using it admin can assign image to particular User.
Name Subcategory
Alias None
When to used and 5. To store information for
how to used Subcategory
6. To store Subcategory detail.
Supplementary information Data element:-
Table of Subcategory detail
Content Description
Sub_idit is used to unique id for all Subcategory.
Category_idit is used to unique id for all Category.
Sub_nameit is the name of particular Subcategory.
Name Bid
Alias None
When to used and 7. To store information for Bid
how to used 8. To store Bid detail.
Supplementary information Data element:-
Table of Bid detail
Content Description
Bid_idit is used to unique id for all Bid.
Product_idit is used to unique id for all Product.
User_idit is used to unique id for all user.
Alias None
When to used and 13. To store information for approval
how to used 14. To store approval detail.
Content Description
Approval_idit is used to unique id for all Approval.
Bid_idit is used to unique id for all Bid.
Alias None
Content Description
The overall objective in the development of database has been to treat data as an
organizational resource and as an integrated whole. DBMS allow data to be protected and
organized separately from other resources. Database is an integrated collection of data. The
most significant from of data as seen by the programmers is data as stored on the direct
access storage device. This is the difference between logical and physical data.
Database files are the key source of information into the system. It is the process of designing
database files, which are the key source of information to the system. The files should be
properly designed and planned for collection, accumulation, editing and retrieving the
required information.
Data integration.
Data integrity.
Data independence.
Accept Store
Feedback Feedback
Whenever the contents of columns repeat themselves, this means that the table
must be divided into several sub tables.
The third normal form has a single rule, and here it is:
Columns that are not directly related to the primary key must be eliminated
(that is, transplanted into a table of their own).
5.3Architectural Design
When you are making a Design of System, It is more necessary to develop the
architectural design of system which is useful for now Basic flow and the detailed.
The Architectural Design defines the relationships between The Design Pattern and the
constraint of the system. It derived from system specification, the analysis model like
DFD and interaction of subsystem defined in the model. When we are developing the
architectural Design we generally follows the architectural view with Data Design and
Design Flow.
In this Design we describe all aspects to relate to external data and entities for the
software to be built. Here we consider the data connected recourses with our system
and connection with the database.
Data Object
Data Abstraction is the collection of data that describes the data objects.
In This Architectural Design consider the Data flows of the system. For Knowing the
flow of system we consider some faces of the analysis like Data Flow Diagram and
Process specification which gives the detail transaction and transform flow.
Software requirements can be mapped into various representation of data model. The
Architectural Design Consider the various mapping flow for developing a good and
attractive design of the system.
1) Transform Flow:
2) Transaction Flow:
Here we consider the detailed information of data flow during the requirement
analysis more detailed flow models would be created for the system such as control
and process specification, flow diagram and data dictionary.
To perform this Detailed Process we have to perform following steps.
o Review the fundamental system model
In our system, we follow all the above process to satisfy user and to build a good interface
First we consider GUI in the form interaction, we put many graphics and easy interface
on the forms which is useful to build good interface.
For the interface design, we consider the use case diagram at the analysis face. This
diagram gives the form interaction and the flow.
7. How to manage the bunch of data of a particular member so that it can have the
security purpose and keep the data private.
8. How to perform all member security level and perform an authentication and give
person account to each member for security purpose.
1. Software operation
2. Software revision
3. Software transition
Software operation
In these we define the quality with correction, reliability, usability, efficiency, and integrity.
In our system there are many different modules and sub modules are exists and to manage
their quality we follows all above factors.
Correction: if any changes occurred in our modules then we easily correct them. So the
qualities of those modules become as usual and not decrease.
Integrity: if all modules are complete successfully then we integrate them and manage the
quality of all those modules.
Software revision
In those we concerned with those aspects related to modification of the program such as
maintainability, testability.
Software transition
It deals with qualitys like portability, interoperability and reusability.
Interoperability: is the effort required to couple the system with other system and the
relation of two modules.
Reusability: is the extent to which parts of software can be reused in othe related application.
For example
In our system we used many modules (Admin information, user information), if when these
two modules are different then we maintain these individually, correct them individually, all
cost related to the quality and function for all modules are increased.
So we combine above two modules into a one single modules. Therefore all cost of the
modules is decreases and the quality of the cost is increases.
Manage City
Area Add
Manage Status
Magage User
Admin Login
Add Product
Bid Product
View Bid
Seller /
Login View Winner
Add Wishlist
Add Contact
Add Add
Feedback View
Front End : PHP 5, Apache, JavaScript, AJAX
Tools Used :-
Language Used: Php , JavaScript
Language Editor: NuSphere PhpED
Apache Version : Apache /2.4.10
Php version : 5.5.19
Admin Side
Admin Login Page
Manage City
Manage Area
Manage Category
Manage Subcategory
Manage User
Manage Bidding
Manage Product
Manage Feedback
We use many types of testing to improve the quality of over system and develop an
acceptable system by client. For the client satisfaction we do validation, verification and
many more testing. But implement all these testing first we should know how to develop the
testing. Therefore, to improve the testing we use two important parts for testing.
1. Test Case
2. Test Data
1) Test Case:-
Testing case is one kind of a formal discussion of predefine documentation at the analysis
phase .It is not used as a practical testing. It is only a Theoretical discussion. In this we
discuss following:-
A Staring Stage:-
In which we discuss the requirements of customer and checks that all information which was
define at analysis phase is full fill or not. We discusses all basis requirements related to
Auctions is much with document or not.
discuss that search modules, view enquiry module, view Reports Module, View User
Module, etc. Produces the resultant output or not.
2) Test Data:-
The data is also part of developing the testing. Here we do not discuss any theoretical concept
or topic. Here we performed many differences testing as a practical form.
In test data we generally used some validation and verification on data and check all
These validation practically and match the constraints with documentation.
We use test data in our system for check the all constrain related to our system like:
Service booking data is not great then purchased data or test drive booking data and
Match all the constrain which defined in documentation.
A test case is a unit of testing activity. Test cases have three parts:
Goal- the aspect of the system being tested.
Input and System State- data provided to the system under stated conditions.
Expected Behaviour the output or action the system should take according to these
We performed different testing to compare the many requirement and constrain related to the
system. We compare many outputs and data with the predefine document and the user
Generally testing is used to compare all the aspect related to input, output, validation etc. but
most important comparison is the output comparison for user satisfaction and for develop use
full website.
Black-Box Testing:
Interface errors
White-Box Testing:
White box testing sometimes called glass-box testing is a test design method
that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases.
Using white-box testing methods, the software engineer can derive test cases
Guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been
exercised at least once.
Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design – the software
component or module. Using the component-level design description as a guide, important
control paths are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of the module. The unit test
focuses on the internal processing logic and data structures within the boundaries of a
component. This type of testing can be conducted in parallel for multiple components.
Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the software architecture while
at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with interfacing. The objective
is to take unit tested components and build a program structure that has been dictated by
Top-down integration:
Bottom-up integration:
Recovery Testing:
It is a system test that forces the software to fail in a variety of ways and
verifies that recovery is properly performed. If recovery is automatic,
initialization, check pointing mechanisms, data recovery, and restart are
evaluated for correctness. If recovery requires human intervention, the mean-
time-to-repair is evaluated to determine whether it is within acceptable limits.
Security Testing:
Security testing verifies that protection mechanisms built into a system will, in
fact, protect it from improper penetration. During security testing, the tester
plays the role(s) of the individual who desires to penetrate the system. The role
of the system designer is to make penetration cost more than the value of the
information that will be obtained.
Stress Testing:
Performance Testing:
This website can be run on any machine as well as Web Browser like Mozilla, Netscape
Navigator and Internet Explorer 6.0 onward.
In this testing I take the requirements Document of Company functionality, reliability and
Alpha and Beta Testing are the part of validation Testing. In this Testing we perform the test
according to the both user and developer’s way. This testing is very useful at the ending stage
of the system. And we concentrate on both the way with satisfaction.
Alpha & Beta testing is impossible for the developer without consider the user views and its
satisfaction. So in this testing we perform testing twice for user and developer.
Alpha Testing:
Alpha Testing is used in natural application and in common way which every developer
performed in system. This testing is conduct in present of developer and user not present at
the time of this testing. This technique is generally used to finding the errors.
8.1User Training
User training is designed to prepare the user for testing and converting the system. User
involvement and training take place parallel with programming for three reason
The system group has time available to spend on training while the programs are
being written.
Initiating a user training program use the system group a cleared image of the user
interest in the new system.
A trained user participate more effectively in the system testing.
8.2User Manual
A well designed user manual can reduce the overall cost of training and support.
User documentation for modem system is almost always electronic and is usually integrated
part of the system. User manual are important organizational assets.
Components of user manuals
Title & version of software release
Table of content
Features of product
Installation guide and system requirement
Getting started
Frequently asked question (FAQ)
Sample scenario
Glossary of the terms used in the manual.
If you’re a commercial or residential property owner, you’ll know how protracted and
expensive it can be to sell through an estate agent.
Property auctions can be a quick-fire and adrenaline-fuelled route to buying a property, but
they’re also a useful avenue if you have property to sell, whether it’s residential or
commercial. However, the process does have its advantages and disadvantages for the seller.
Selling at auction can deter some buyers because of the competitive nature of the
bidding process – not everyone enjoys that scenario.
Potential bidders must register to attend an auction and this may also put potential
purchasers off.
There is no guarantee that your property will reach its reserve price or sell at all. In
this eventuality you may have to relist it which will incur further costs. If you are
relying on the proceeds of an auction to buy another property immediately it may
make the process difficult or impossible.
The price you receive may not fully satisfy your expectations. If it only just reaches
slightly over the reserve price you may be disappointed. However, by then it will be
too late.
The costs of selling at auction may exceed those of using an estate agent, and you’ll
have to pay the auctioneer’s fees regardless of whether the property is sold or not.
On the day of the auction, your solicitor must attend with you. You will need to pay
for their time and associated costs for their attendance.
If you have a commercial or residential property to sell, an auction may be a great way to do
so. However, it’s up to you to decide on whether that’s the best method for you as an
individual or a company.
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Mobile number verification through OPT.
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In the future the students can also compare the fees of different colleges.
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