Syllabus For Developmental Reading and Instruction: Master of Arts (MAT) Orientation, MAT500, MAT502, MAT508, and MAT516
Syllabus For Developmental Reading and Instruction: Master of Arts (MAT) Orientation, MAT500, MAT502, MAT508, and MAT516
Syllabus For Developmental Reading and Instruction: Master of Arts (MAT) Orientation, MAT500, MAT502, MAT508, and MAT516
Course Description:
This course develops an understanding of the theories and concepts involved in the process of reading,
including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Students gain
knowledge of the key concepts in scientifically based reading research (SBRR). The course examines
factors involved in the concept of emergent literacy, prereading assessment, and beginning reading
instruction. The course covers both the theory and practice of teaching basic reading skills such as word
identification and comprehension, reading in the content area, and writing skills. Teacher candidates
will evaluate the different types of reading instruction to meet the needs of a diverse student population.
The course will touch on different means of assessment and evaluation for both monitoring students’
progress and remedial instruction. Clinical teaching experiences required.
Master of Arts (MAT) Orientation, MAT500, MAT502, MAT508, and MAT516
Each student will be graded using the following system:
Research article- summary and reflection, due February 25, 15pts. Post the article
in blackboard and submit your review in hard copy.
Story map/Cloze procedure 15 pts. Due March 4. Provide copies for all students in
class. Provide me with a completed copy.
Anticipation Guide/Prediction Guide 10 pts. Due March 4 Provide copies to all
students in class.
Reading lesson, 24 pts. due in clinical teaching experience
Reflection essay- Why Becoming a Nation of Readers is Still Relevant
Answer in at least 4 well developed paragraphs with a paragraph each on 4 different
major components/findings of this federal commission. 20 points, due February 23 . Post your
reflection in blackboard.
Read Chapters 6, 10, 11 in Literacy Survival Skills.
Construct an original word ladder. Examples will be provided, have at least 8
steps in your ladder16 pts. Due March 11, 2017.
Phonics Lesson Plan ACEI 1.0, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 NBPTS EC1,4,6,7,8 NBPTS MC 1,3,4,5 RE
Parent/Student Survey ACEI 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 NBPTS EC 1,2 NBPTS MC 1, 6
Literacy Center Activity ACEI 1.0, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 NBPTS EC 1,4,6,7,8 NBPTS MC 1,3,4,5
Research Article ACEI 1.0, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, NBPTS EC 4, NBPTS MC 7
Story Map ACEI 1.0, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 NBPTS EC 1,4,7,8 NBPTS MC 1,3,4,5
Anticipation Guide ACEI 1.0, 3.1, 3.2 NBPTS EC 1,4,7,8 NBPTS MC 1,3,4,5
STORY MAP- Develop a story map/cloze procedure to a piece of children’s literature that you would use
in class. Examples will be provided in class. The story map will be shared with the class as well an
explanation of the story/book. Please provide a blank copy for all students to complete as well as a
completed version for myself. You will be asked to read your book selection or a portion of the book to
the class as well so make sure you have a copy from the library or from your personal collection to show
to the class
15 points- setting, characters, plot (events), problem, solution
10 points- missing one of the above or an incomplete element
5 points- missing two of the above or two incomplete elements
15 points- At least 10 informational fill in the blank statements
10 points- 5-9 informational fill in the blank statements
5 points- 1-4 informational fill in the blank statements
READING LESSON- A 20-30 minute lesson will be developed in CCSJ format. Be creative, use
flashcards, poster boards, overlays, books, computer programs, etc. Completed in Clinical teaching
experience, submit hard copy of date of observation. Include handouts if used. Be specific with titles.
CCSJ Lesson Plan rubric 24 pts. A CCSJ supervisor will observe you teaching this lesson. A clinical
experience is required for the methods courses in the Elementary licensure program: Developmental
reading, Corrective Reading, LA and SS Methods, and the Math/Science methods course. During all
Clinical courses, the candidate will be required to work within a school for the duration of the school
day(3-4 consecutive full days).
Nation of Readers Reflection: Discuss 4 findings on this commission, summarize each of 4 chosen points
in their own paragraph and reflect on each of your chosen points. Post in Blackboard, 5pts per finding
20 points- 4 findings discussed in detail and in paragraph form, with reflection.
10points- 2 findings discussed in detail and in paragraph form with reflection
5 points- Two, three or 4 findings are mentioned with no detailed discussion.
Research article- Conduct a search and find an educational article from the last 3 (2013-2017) years
discussing a reading concept(s) reading program(s) and/or reading strategies of interest to you. Post the
article in blackboard. Submit your summary, review and reflection. Be prepared to discuss your article in
15 points- detailed summary, reflection, theory discussion and or/practice and is posted in blackboard, 4
10 points- brief summary, reflection, no discussion of theory and /or practice, posted in blackboard, 2
5 points- no summary or reflection, no discussion of theory or practice, posted in blackboard, 0 or 1
Word Ladder- Construct an original Word Ladder with 8 steps, 2 points per step. Be creative, make it
grade level appropriate to your grade assignment, use any content area.
Grading Scale
92-100 pts A
83-91 pts B
70 – 82 pts. C
59-69ts. D
0-58 pts. F
Statement of Plagiarism:
If an instructor or other Calumet College of St. Joseph personnel find that a student has plagiarized or
been involved in another form of academic dishonesty, the instructor or other personnel may elect to
bring the matter up for judicial review. The maximum penalty for any form of academic dishonesty is
dismissal from the College. The procedures for judicial review are listed under the section of CCSJ
handbook that addresses student grievances.
Calumet College of St. Joseph adheres to citation guidelines as prescribed by the particular discipline
(i.e., MLA, APA, Chicago Manual of Style or Turabian.). All of these guidelines are available in the
Calumet College of St. Joseph library or bookstore. These texts outline how to cite references from a
variety of sources, including electronic media.
Class Assignments:
A number of assignments will be made during the course. It will be your task to do the assignment in a
professional manner. Each assignment will be graded on content, style, reflection, and a demonstrated
understanding, application, or evaluation of the material. Assignments will also be graded on clear writing
(unity, coherence, and sound writing mechanics) and adherence to APA format.
Class Participation:
Class Participation can be difficult to assess. This course, therefore, will link ATTENDANCE to this area
of evaluation. That is, if the students are in attendance for an entire class period, it will be assumed they
are participating. Students are expected to be present and on time for all classes. Class interaction is
invaluable – and cannot be “made-up” individually.
Class Cancellation:
I will make every effort to contact you if a class is cancelled due to the unexpected absence of the
instructor. In addition, an announcement will be posted on the Education Bulletin Board and the
classroom door.
Class Activity:
Ms. Carter is a 3rd grade teacher. As she listens to
Bruce read orally, she is determined to see that he applies the phonics skills he knows to the text
he is reading. Bruce stops reading in confusion when he encounters the word “thorough”. Ms
Carter instructs him to sound it out. After reading chapter 5 in the text, answer these questions:
What is your analysis of the situation?