IDPA Course Orientation
IDPA Course Orientation
IDPA Course Orientation
Information Packet
Safety Rules
1.) All guns are always loaded.
2.) Never let your muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
3.) Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target
4.) Know your target and what is behind it.
If these simple rules are always followed, most firearms accidents would never happen. Pay
considerable attention to rules 2 and 3. When shooting IDPA your finger should never be inside of the
trigger guard until you are on target and ready to shoot. Always get your finger out of the trigger guard
before moving. Always be aware of your muzzle’s direction and keep it safely downrange. Muzzle Safe
Points are the limits that a shooter’s muzzle can travel without being unsafe. Be sure to know where
these limits are and always keep within them. Certain IDPA courses of fire may test your skills of
keeping the muzzle in a safe direction. Be mindful of your muzzle and trigger finger, and you will always
shoot safely.
Range Commands
It is important to learn the IDPA range commands and the proper response.
Load and Make Ready: This is the command to load up and get ready to shoot. It is covered deeply in
the next section
Finger: You will hear this if your finger is in the trigger guard while moving. Failure to immediately
comply will result in a 3 second procedural penalty. Repeated offenses will earn a match
Muzzle: If you hear this, immediately check yourself as your muzzle is getting near a muzzle safe point.
Do not take muzzle safe points lightly.
Stop: If a shooter is being grossly unsafe or is disqualified the Safety Officer will give this command.
Upon hearing this the shooter is to stop shooting, point the muzzle in a safe direction, and await further
range commands.
Cover: If a shooter is not 50% behind cover while shooting or is reloading when not under cover, the
Safety Officer will issue this command. Failure to immediately comply will receive a 3 second
procedural penalty.
Unload and Show Clear: This is the command to unload your gun at the end of the stage. This will be
explained in great detail in a later section.
The three most important commands to know and be able to recognize are Muzzle, Finger, Stop. You
must be able to respond to these commands as soon as they are heard.
For the most part, a new shooter who shoots carefully and deliberately will avoid most penalties.
Penalties are given out for various rule infractions, but in IDPA penalties are used only when truly
necessary. Safety Officers are here to help you have a fun and safe time, not to nitpick.
Procedural: Procedural penalties are given for quite a few things. Examples are:
1.)The first non-dangerous finger violation
2.)Not using Cover properly
3.)Not shooting while moving as required
4.)Not reloading as required
5.)Not following other Course of fire rules as required
Failure to Neutralize: is given when there is not at least one hit in either the -0 or -1 scoring zones.
Hits on Non-Threats: are a five-second penalty no matter how many hits per target. Rounds that pass
through a non threat and hit a threat target are counted on both targets.
Failure to Do Right: This is a seldom given penalty only dished out to shooters not following the spirit
or rationale of any stage. If you shoot the Course of fire as outlined and do not try to “game” out the
stage, this will never be a problem.
If you wind up earning a procedural, non threat penalty, or failure to neutralize penalty, do not get upset.
This sport is all about learning and the only one who will remember next month is you. Learn from your
mistakes and have fun!
If your firearm fails to fire do not panic. Keep the muzzle downrange. Most of the time the problem is
due to a bad round or improperly seated magazine. In this case: Tap the bottom of the magazine, Rack
the slide back to chamber a new round, and Bang (fire if needed). This is called the Tap-Rack-Bang
Professional training will help you diagnose and quickly cure malfunctions and a small pamphlet cannot
give you all the information you need. If a Tap-Rack-Bang does not work it is best to stop and get help
from the Safety Officer.
Another malfunction with a dangerous potential is the squib load, caused by a primer but no powder in
the cartridge. What usually happens is a “pfft” noise with no recoil. If this happens, stop and get help
from the Safety Officer. Remember to keep the muzzle downrange.
If you experience a jam and are in doubt as to how to fix the problem, stop and ask the Safety Officer
for help. Better a bad time than a blown up gun.
Engaging Targets
Typically, when the course of fire mandates a number of rounds per target, the shooter engages the
target that many times. A course of fire can stipulate “tactical sequence”. Tactical sequence is a
method of target engagement. When engaging targets using tactical sequence, the shooter engages
each target with 1 round, before engaging the target again. This is sometimes called “boarding house
rules”, as the mantra is “everyone gets firsts before they get seconds. If you were engaging 3 targets
with 2 rounds each in tactical sequence, the cadence would be 1 shot on T1, 1 shot on T2, 2 shots on
T3 (as all targets got their first shot) 1 shot on T2, and 1 shot on T1.
When targets are engaged in the open, they must be engaged in tactical priority. The premise is the
targets are engaged in the order of the threat posed. In this case, that would be near to far. If targets
are less than 2 yards apart, they are equal threat and can be engaged in any order.
In IDPA there are two kinds of reloads; the emergency or slide-lock reload, and the tactical
reload/reload with retention. There are no provisions for the USPSA type speed reload.
In most IDPA stages the shooter will have the option to either reload when the slide locks back, or to
tactical reload/reload with retention. Both of these reloads are to be done behind cover. The general
principle is that no loaded magazine is to be left behind. The speed load (even if the magazine is empty)
is not permitted. You need not argue a case for it.
Reloads must be initiated and finished behind cover. Remember the act of initiating a reload includes:
removing a fresh magazine, removing a partial magazine, dropping an empty magazine, opening a
cylinder, or removing a fresh speedloader/moonclip.
Emergency Reload: When the slide locks back the shooter is to seek cover, eject the spent magazine,
insert a fresh magazine and release the slide.
Tactical Reload: The shooter is behind cover and removes a fresh magazine, and with the fresh
magazine in hand the shooter removes and retains the spent magazine, inserts the fresh magazine,
and places the spent magazine in a pocket. The magazine must be stored before resuming shooting.
Shooting before storing the magazine will earn a procedural.
Reload with Retention: The shooter is behind cover and removes the spent magazine and places it in
a pocket. The shooter then inserts a fresh magazine in the pistol and resumes shooting. The Tactical
Reload and Reload with Retention are “interchangeable.” In other words, if a course of fire stipulates a
Tactical Reload, you may perform a Reload with Retention instead.
Reloading Revolvers: Revolvers can be emergency reloaded or tactical reloaded.
Revolver Emergency Load: Open cylinder, eject shells to ground, reload using speedloader,
speed strip, or loose cartridges.
Revolver Tactical Reload: Open cylinder, eject shells into hand, pocket both brass and fresh
cartridges, reload using speedloader, speed strip, or loose cartridges. (A true tactical reload would
find the shooter pocketing only the loaded cartridges and discarding the brass but since IDPA is an
against the clock sport, not many shooters do it)
Scoring in IDPA is easy. After shooing a course of fire the time is recorded. Hits are counted and any
misses are noted at -5 points each. The scoring rings are looked over; all head and 8” center ring hits
are -0 points. Hits on the next ring count as -1 point each. Hits on the last scoring ring are -3 points
each. Hits on the edge of the target count as misses (the grease ring of a bullet hole must touch or
intersect the non-scoring perforation around the edge of the target in order to count as a hit). Hits that
touch the perforation between two scoring zones, will be scored as the better score (we look at the
grease ring of the bullet hole not the tears). All the points are totaled multiplied by 0.5 seconds and
recorded. All penalties (which are all in the form of a time penalty) are calculated and recorded. The
sum of the stage time, points down, and penalties is the shooters score given in seconds. Lowest Score
This sport rewards accuracy over time. Take the time to place your shots properly. Remember you will
loose 1/2 second for each point down. This adds up more quickly than you would think.
Do not crowd the cover. Staying back from the cover will not only make you less of a target (in the real
world) but will help you move from target to target easier.
Reloads with Retention are generally, faster and easier than Tactical Reloads. Practice both kinds of
reloads though, as there are times the tactical reload is quicker.
Remember to get a solid trigger pull, but get a smooth trigger pull every time, even at the expense of
the “perfect” sight picture. A slightly misaligned sight will still get the -0, a jerked trigger will likely be a -
3 or a miss.
Good Luck and Have Fun shooting your first IDPA Match!
Shooter Responsibilities
It is important to be a part of the team during the match. Be sure to ready to paste targets, reset steel
or other range gadgets. If you are unsure what to do, ask one of the shooters in your squad.
When pasting targets, make sure they are all scored before you start. This will cause problems if the
targets have not been scored.
If you pick up brass, do it after the match or at a time that the Safety Officer or Match Director says is
appropriate. Be sure you take only YOUR brass, unless a competitor says you may have his brass.
Shooting Gear for the New IDPA shooter
Equipment Overview
To start out at most IDPA matches, all that is needed is a safe handgun, two magazines or three
speedloaders or moonclips, two magazine pouches (or a one double magazine pouch) or three
speedloader/ moonclip pouches. Add 100 rounds and some kind of carry bag (a drywall compound
bucket is very handy) and you will be in good shape. Safety equipment needed is eye and ear
protection: some inexpensive safety glasses and a set of muffs or ear plugs. You can expand on this
and get some specialized equipment, but these basics will help you along for your first few matches.
I've very fond of Safariland, Blade Tech and Ready Tactical equipment for IDPA. They make an
excellent affordable product. For IWB (inside the waist band) type holster the Milt Sparks EX holster is
a very good choice, as are Kydex holsters from Ready Tactical or Blade Tech. Revolver shooters
should have three speedloader holders or one double and one single holder. Ready Tactical and Blade
Tech are two good sources for speedloader holders. You can also use your pockets.
Remember that there is a maximum of 2 magazines or 3 speedloaders on the belt so do not buy too
many magazine pouches unless you plan on shooting USPSA too.
There may come a stage like the Classifier or IDPA Quick Skills test, where it will be nice to have four
or five spare magazines. It is great to have them preloaded and be able to just grab a third or fourth
magazine instead of pausing to reload your exhausted mags. The clock is stopped between strings, so
there is no time penalty if you need to top off magazines, but I believe that stopping to load magazines
can break your focus. Having several magazines will speed up the stage for you and the shooter after
You are typically better off buying factory magazines. Glock, S&W, Sigarms are examples where you
cannot get better than the factory product. Mec-Gar makes quality magazines, in fact they make many
of the "factory" magazines for the manufacturers. Avoid all metal magazines for glocks, as they will
destroy the magazine release.
For M1911 pattern pistols good choices are the Wilson-Rogers magazines or the Chip Mc Cormick
product.. If you’re shooting a 9mm 1911, try the metalform magazines, the ones with the feed ramp in
the front. They’re pricey but well worth it.
Magazines to avoid are the Pro-Mag and Triple K. Any of the cheap gun show special magazines are
usually junk and a waste of your money. Spend your money wisely and purchase quality magazines,
even if you have to make do with fewer magazines in the short term. Hi capacity magazines are legal
for IDPA but you can only load 10 rounds in them.
There are a variety of devices available to reload your revolver. HKS speedloaders, Comp I, Comp II,
and Comp III from Safariland are in common use. A good source for moonclips is Brownells and T.K.
Custom. Moonclip holders are made by Ready Tactical and California Competition Works. The CCW
holders are available from Brownells.
Purchase target grade (white box) ammunition for matches. The gilt edge accuracy of match or
defensive type ammunition is wasted on the kind of shooting done at IDPA matches, though many
shooters will use match grade ammunition at major matches such as a state championship or the
Nationals. Most shooters will shoot jacketed ammunition. Its advantages are reduced smoke and clean
up, and sometimes reliability. Lead bullets do work well, and are usually more economical. Reloaded
ammunition is allowed, though "chamber check" your cartridges before the match using a removed
barrel from your gun. (warning! do not chamber check cartridges by running them through the action.
Take the barrel out or better yet, buy a case gauge tool.
Shooting Bag
An economical first range bag is the ubiquitous drywall or kitty litter bucket. It will hold all your
equipment, double as a seat, keep your gear dry, and costs next to nothing.
If you do choose to buy a bag there are plenty commercial offerings Dillon Precision, I-Shot, and
Waller are good choices.
Hearing Protection
It's good to have some extra foam ear plugs and one of those belt hooks that hold your ear
muffs. Muffs are good because you don't have to keep pulling out the plug to hear range
instructions or to shoot the bull. Electronic ear muffs are even better. You can hear all range
commands and bull slinging without missing a word. They are great for classes because you
will not miss a word the instructor says. Electronic Ear muffs are the best thing to have but they
are very expensive. (but worth it!) Keep an extra set of batteries in your shooters bag
Don't forget the sun screen, band-aids, medical tape, bug spray, and a bag to hold your brass. You
should also have, sunglasses, eyeglass wipes, poncho, and a good hat.
Consider making up a parts kit with a full assortment of springs, pins, and parts that are prone to
breakage or loss..
Other things that are great to have but not really necessary are a shot timer, chronograph, set of spare
leather and a spare gun. A timer is a great practice tool useful for both live and dry fire practice.
This is a simple start, and you can create your own drills after this. Practice may not always make
perfect, but it makes permanent. Remember it takes 3000 repetitions for your nerves and brain to be
conditioned to make an action automatic. Take the time to do these drills. Talk may be cheap, but
ammunition is not. Dryfire drills will make you a better shooter for minimal outlay of money.
P1 7yd
P2 10yd
P3 15yd
P4 20yd
P5 25yd
Course Designer: Bill Jordan
Round Count: 6 rounds per string. 24 rounds total
Target Distance 7-25 yards
Targets Required: 1 threat target
Scoring Method: Limited Vickers Count
Starting Position/Hand Position: Standing at P1-P5, hands at sides
Start Signal: Audible
Stop Signal: Last Shot Fired
Scenario: This is a test of relevant self defense shooting skills
Procedure: At start signal, draw and engage T1 with 6 rounds. Repeat for strings 2-5
IDPA-NS-002 Langdon “X”
T1 T2
P1 7yd
P2 10yd
P1 7yd
P2 10yd
P1 P2
P1 10yd
T1 T2 T3
P3 5yd
P1 7 yd P2 7yd
P4 10yd
Course Designer: Unknown
Round Count: 24rounds
Target Distance 7-10 yards
Targets Required: 3 threat targets
Scoring Method: Limited Vickers Count
Starting Position/Hand Position: Standing at P1, hands at sides.
Start Signal: Audible
Stop Signal: Last Shot Fired
Scenario: This is a test of relevant self defense shooting skills
String 1: Starting at P1. Draw and engage T1-T3 with 2 rounds each while moving to P2
String 2: Starting at P2. Draw and engage T1-T3 with 2 rounds each while moving to P1
String 3: Starting at P3. Draw and engage T1-T3 with 2 rounds each while moving to P4
String 4: Starting at P4. Draw and engage T1-T3 with 2 rounds each while moving to P3