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"Focus Groups Can Be Fun": The Use of Activity-Oriented Questions in Focus Group Discussions

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Qualitative Health Research

Volume 17 Number 10
December 2007 1422-1433
© 2007 Sage Publications
“Focus Groups Can Be Fun”: The Use of 10.1177/1049732307308129

Activity-Oriented Questions in Focus hosted at


Group Discussions
Erminia Colucci
The University of Melbourne

Interest in focus group discussions has grown recently, and so has the recognition of them as a valuable method for qual-
itative data collection. Despite increasing popularity, they are not an easy option, and moderators must find appropriate
ways to approach participants to achieve good-quality data. A path to reach this aim is the inclusion in the focus group
agenda of some “exercises” (or activity-oriented questions) that are enjoyable and productive supplements to questions.
Exercises provide a different way of gathering information and are beneficial, for instance, for more reflective partici-
pants. They can help focus the group’s attention on the core study topic and also make subsequent comparative analysis
more straightforward. They can also be helpful with young people and to discuss sensitive topics. The author describes
and provides suggestions for use and examples of several exercises, illustrating their application in a research project
investigating the cultural meaning of youth suicide in university students in Italy, India, and Australia.

Keywords: methodology; focus groups; qualitative research; suicide; interview techniques; activity; creativity;
art-based research

Q ualitative methodology incorporates a variety of

methods, of which participant observation and
individual interview are among those predominantly
contexts, including health research and community
settings, to explore a wide range of issues.
I will open this article with a brief historical excursus
used. Focus group discussion is a qualitative method and the state of the art of this method, followed by the
that possesses elements of both these techniques description of various focus group techniques such as
while maintaining its own peculiarity and uniqueness free listing, storytelling, and role-playing. Some of these
as a distinctive research method (Morgan, 1988, cited activity-oriented questions will be exemplified, illustrat-
in Madriz, 2000). In recent years, interest has grown ing their application in a research project investigating
in the use of focus groups across a diversity of the cultural meaning of youth suicide with students in
Italy, India, and Australia and in upcoming projects.
With this article, I intend to provide suggestions for the
Author’s Note: We thank the students in Italy, India, and Australia use of these and other activity-oriented questions during
who participated in the pilot study and focus group sessions, for their group (or individual) interviews, as summarized in the
time and for having expressed positive feedbacks on my moderator
style. I am greatly thankful to Tania Miletic (CIMH, University of
Melbourne) for proofreading the article and to Ruth DeSouza
(Wairua Consulting) and the article's reviewers for comments. My Historical Excursus of Focus Groups
gratitude also goes to the interested audience at the IIQM conference
where part of this article was presented for having supported my
enthusiasm for activity-oriented questions and having further pushed Humans, as “social” beings, have long been gathering
me to publish this article. I cannot forget the inspiration to be origi- together and discussing important issues in groups.
nal and find “my way” that I acquired from those unusual and cre- Researchers have used this naturally occurring behavior
ative people who, at various moments and in different ways, have and refined it to make it a method of research whose
been companions of my life journey, in particular Shawn and Oscar.
development has been divided into three phases (Morgan,
The research project was supported by the University of Queensland
UQPRS and IPRS scholarships. Part of this work was presented as a 1998): Focus groups began to be used both in academic
paper at the 7th IIQM Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference, and applied settings, “exploded” in marketing research,
July 13-16, 2006, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia. and have recently been adopted in numerous fields.


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More precisely, forms of group interviewing have the growing success of this method is evident in
been used by social scientists since at least the 1920s. Morgan’s estimate (1996, cited in Morgan, 1998) that
Social scientists, having doubts about the accuracy of social sciences journals are currently publishing more
traditional individual interviews, began investigating than 100 articles per year using focus groups.
alternative ways of interviewing, where the researcher Other than in the social sciences, focus groups are
would take on a less directive and dominating role currently used across a wide variety of fields, such as
(Krueger & Casey, 2000). The forefathers of focus education, communication studies, political sciences,
groups research are usually recognized as Lazarsfeld and public health (especially development and evaluation
and Merton, colleagues in the Department of Sociology programs). For instance, Wolf (1997) employed focus
at Columbia University. Through the 1940s, Lazarsfeld groups in immigration studies on second-generation
and his colleagues at the Office of Radio Research used Filipino youth; and Hicks, Lin, Roberston, Robinson,
focused interviews, both with individuals and groups, and Woodrow (2001) investigated ethically problematic
as a method for uncovering the effects of mass commu- situations for medical students. Focus groups were
nication (Delli Carpini & Williams, 1994). Merton applied in a large study (81 focus groups) on health
became interested in group interviews in 1941, observ- concerns and access to health care for young people liv-
ing one of Lazarsfeld’s works. He saw great potential in ing in rural and urban Australia (Quine et al., 2003) and
these collective interviews, and he and his students Australian men’s experience of depression (Brownhill,
developed a set of guidelines, still used in great part Wilhelm, Barclay, & Schmied, 2005). This method has
today (Delli Carpini & Williams, 1994). The guidelines been also used to describe how adolescents make sense
have been summarized in an article by Merton and of depression and respond to a depression diagnosis
Kendall for the American Journal of Sociology in 1946 (Wisdom & Green, 2004); to understand the social con-
and appeared in a book in 1956; both publications were struction of sexually transmitted infections in South
titled The Focused Interview (cited in Bloor, Frankland, African communities (Shefer et al., 2002); to study
Thomas, & Robson, 2001). the underlying attitudes toward tuberculosis and its
Merton and students’ work passed into a degree of context in Democratic Republic of Congo (Bennstam,
obscurity because most academics did not embrace Strandmark, & Diwan, 2004) and the impact of shame
the focused interviews, and their contributions lay and honor in the use of mental health services among
dormant in the social sciences for decades (Krueger South Asian women (Gilbert, Gilbert, & Sanghera,
& Casey, 2000). Lazarsfeld’s earliest use of group 2004); in tropical disease research (Khan & Manderson,
interviews (i.e., evaluating consumers’ responses to 1992), suicidology (see Colucci, 2007a; 2007b1), and
radio programs), as Morgan (1998) noted, was the other fields as well.
direct connection between marketing research and However, even though this method is widely used
focus groups. Therefore, the market research commu- and its implementation is widespread across different
nity began using focus groups in the beginning of sectors and disciplines, too often focus groups in fact
1950s, mainly because the method produced believable resemble individual interviews done in group set-
results at a reasonable cost. From then to the 1980s, tings. Focus groups might not take complete benefit
focus groups (referred to in marketing research as of the “being in a group” in three ways:
“group depth interviews”) were seldom found outside
marketing research. 1. Although various authors validated the utility of
Even though academics created the “focused inter- focus groups to explore group norms and values,
view,” the academic community did not embrace the making them a very precious instrument for cul-
method at first. Nevertheless, the success of focus tural and cross-cultural studies and research with
groups in market research did not go unnoticed, and ethnic minority groups, this method has been used
academics began to reexamine the potential for focus in these areas of study at a limited extent (Colucci,
in press).
groups at the beginning of the 1980s (Krueger & Casey,
2. The fact that participants are part of a group and
2000), often taking some strategies and procedures the opinions and ideas discussed are also products
from market researchers and adapting them to other of the group is often not considered in the data
fields. Fundamental in this period was Morgan and analyses and/or in the report, where a sequence
Spanish’s publication in 1984 (cited in Morgan, 1998), of individuals’ contributions rather than parts of
which drew attention to focus groups as a method for the discussion between participants are usually
qualitative research in the social sciences. Since then reported (Colucci, 2007c).

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3. Groups also offer the ideal setting to make partici- (e.g., generate, share, discuss, and/or prioritize ideas;
pants “do” something and answer questions in a make a decision or reach an agreement).
more active way, taking the discussion more in- In the following, some ideas for exercises are
depth and in a potentially more enjoyable way. offered, which are inspired by other scholars’ work
(in particular, Krueger, 1998; Krueger & Casey,
The discussion of the use of these activity-oriented 2000) and the focus group sessions that I have mod-
questions (or exercises) is the aim of this article. erated for my doctoral project (Colucci, 2007a), in
Presenting some of the techniques suggested by which I compared the cultural meanings and social
scholars, enriched by ideas and examples from my representations of youth suicide in 18- to 24-year-old
research experience, I hope that by the end of the arti- university students in Italy, India, and Australia
cle some readers might feel brave and inspired through a semistructured questionnaire followed by
enough to use some of them in their practice.2 focus groups (two sessions for each group).

Free Listings
Activities as Supplements to
An easy but very powerful strategy to stimulate
Verbal Questions
discussion is to ask participants to produce a list
(Bernard, 1995). As noted by Bernard, this technique
In the third volume of the Focus Group Kit,
is often used to study a cultural domain. The moder-
Krueger (1998) affirmed, “Questions can be fun. Too
ator invites participants to list all elements of a
often we get into a rut, but with a little help, our ques-
domain, for example issues that need intervention,
tions can be both enjoyable and productive” (p. 63).
solutions to a problem, or characteristics of a certain
The kind of questions he refers to are activities, or
topic. Participants verbally put forward their ideas
exercises, such as listing, sorting, ranking, and many
while the moderators record those on a flip chart or
others, where participants are actually asked to “do”
whiteboard, or, alternatively, they might list items
something. These activity-oriented questions (called by
individually on paper and then share them with the
Krueger, 1998, “questions that engage participants” and
group (Krueger, 1998).3 Bartunek and Seo (2002)
by Bloor et al., 2001, “focusing exercise”) provide a
suggested, in ethnographic research, to check the fre-
different way of eliciting answers and promoting dis-
quency in mentioning some elements/words and the
cussion. They might be particularly beneficial for
order in which they are mentioned to have an insight
those more reflective participants who are less com-
into the more salient meanings of a cultural domain.
fortable with immediate verbal responses and need
Free listing can be useful in applied research to find
extra time for thinking or prefer to sketch out their
out where to concentrate efforts (Bernard, 1995).
ideas. In my experience, these strategies are very use-
For example, in the pilot phase of my study,
ful with young people, who can become bored after a
students were asked to think about reasons why they
sequence of verbal questions and start losing atten-
would not kill themselves even if their life was awful.
tion and also tend to act out and express their feelings
They were provided with small pieces of paper on
and ideas in more active ways than adults. Bloor and
which to write their answers. The various responses
colleagues (2001) recognized the utility of such exer-
were collected in the center of the table and succes-
cises to focus the attention of the group on the core
sively read by myself (the moderator), who asked
topic of the study and also to make subsequent com-
participants to explain and discuss the answers.
parative analysis more straightforward. Activity-ori-
ented questions can also be appropriate for talking
about sensitive topics, which might look less threat-
ening when discussed through practical and enjoy- Rating scales are powerful data generators (Bernard,
able tasks. 1995). Among other things, Krueger (1998) sug-
These kinds of questions can assume several forms, gested that they can help identify which items should
adapting them to the specific sample and area of inves- be discussed in more detail. Participants have a list of
tigation. They can also be used at various stages of the items (e.g., words, objects, or pictures) that must be
focus group session (e.g., as “warm-ups,” as a transition rated on a scale, usually composed of a range of
to another area of questions, or to summarize what was numbers or adjectives. The adjective ratings can take
discussed during the session) and with several purposes the form of a semantic differential. The rating in itself

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can be the source of discussion between participants, some young people to kill themselves (extracted from
or else, after each participant rates the items, the existing literature and modified in pilot studies with
moderator can calculate a score for each item (in this students from the three countries) and were asked to
case the adjectives will be anchored to numbers on rank them in order of importance, from 1 (most impor-
the scale) and then discuss the results with the tant) to 14 (least important). They were also given the
participants.4 option to add another three possible reasons that were
The list of items and/or the scale can be prepared not in the list and rank these as well. This task could
previously by the author or created by participants. have been used in focus groups, generating discussion
As noted by Krueger (1998), self-determined scales about participants’ different point of views.
might be closer to participants’ opinions and beliefs,
but they make it more difficult to aggregate or sum- Pile Sorting
marize answers between and across groups. In this
regard, it is important to notice, as Krueger has rec- Pile sorting is usually a card-sort task in which
ommended, that the purpose of the rating scale is not respondents sort cards (representing elements of a
to achieve statistical precision but to foster discussion domain) into piles according to their similarity to and
and get participants to think, so the emphasis in the differences from each other. Pile sorts are typically
report should be on the resulting discussion and not done with cards or papers, but they can also be done
on average scores. with objects (e.g., cultural icons, tools) and pho-
In another example from the same research project, tographs or pictures from magazines. After the sorting,
participants were first asked to propose any strategy for the moderator might ask what the items grouped in the
youth suicide prevention they could think of. These same pile have in common and generate discussion.
were written on the whiteboard until participants Two questions that participants are often asked are
decided the list was complete. Then participants were “What do you mean by similar?” and “Can any element
asked to rate the effectiveness of the suicide prevention go in more than one pile?” (Bernard, 1995, p. 249).
strategies and rate them on a 5-point Likert-type scale, Often the elements are written on cards, but a sorting
where 1 was not effective at all, 3 was sometimes effec- task can be performed in other ways. For example, as
tive, sometimes not effective, to 5, representing the proposed by Krueger (1998), participants might receive
answer very effective. I was interested in participants’ a sheet showing a box divided into quadrants, and they
ideas and in examining similarities and differences can be asked to group all the similar elements in a same
among cultures, but if I had aimed for more straightfor- cell. They can use only some of the quadrants or add
wardly comparable data, I could have proposed that more if they need to do so. After sorting, participants
participants rate a list of suicide prevention strategies share results and discuss them.
that I had composed through a previous literature The triad test (Bernard, 1995) is another technique
review. belonging, similarly to pile sorting, to the clustering
tasks and conceptual mapping. In the triad test, partici-
Ranking pants are showed three things (photographs, cards,
objects, etc.) or listen to three words and must choose
In this task, participants generally receive a list of the one that does not fit in or the two that go best
terms, written on cards or on a whiteboard, to rank together or are most similar. This exercise becomes
according to a specified dimension; for example, from more informative if the moderator inquires participants
the most likely to the least likely, from the most accessi- about the reasons for choosing or excluding some items.
ble to the least accessible, or from the least dangerous to This technique was inspired by Kelly’s (1955) theory of
the most dangerous. A different ranking task could take personal construct and is very useful to explore individ-
the form of a paired comparison (Bernard, 1995); that is, uals (and groups) differences in cognition.
all the items are combined in pairs, and participants
are asked to say which item is “the most . . .” or “the
least . . .” compared to the other element of the pair. At
Choosing Among Alternatives
the end, to find the rank order, the “winners” for each As indicated by Krueger (1998), this is a popular
comparison are counted. This variation, although more technique in focus groups. Participants are offered var-
time consuming, is easier because participants express a ious alternatives and are asked to discuss the advan-
judgment at a time instead of for the whole list. tages and disadvantages for each of them and select the
For example, in the questionnaire developed for one (or two, three) that they believe is the most appro-
this project, students received a list of 14 reasons for priate, useful, and so on. They can also describe why

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they made that choice. Instead of alternatives being pre- Picture Sort
determined by the researcher, these can be produced by
The moderator usually begins this task by giving
the participants. Krueger and Casey (2000) observed
participants a selection of pictures from magazines or
that this exercise is often used to select among visual
photographs. After the pictures have been distributed
displays, advertising layout, educational materials,
(one at time or in group), participants are asked to
logos, or program options.
sort through them and select those that match a defi-
Furthermore, to the earlier example for rating, a
nite characteristic or that better represent a certain
simpler way to solicit participants’ opinions on the
category. Participants might be asked to do the exercise
youth suicide prevention strategies that they had
all together, separated in smaller groups, or individually.
listed earlier was asking each of them to choose the
Once the exercise is done, the moderator will investigate
three most effective (indicated on the whiteboard
why participants chose those pictures (Kruger, 1998).
with the symbol “+”) and least effective (“–”). After
This can be used to explore the mental representations
all participants had given their symbols, we rated the
or stereotypes of a category of people.
three most and least effective strategies, and after
For example, in an upcoming project I will print
doing this, participants often made further comments.
images of people with various characteristics (e.g.,
young, Black, well dressed) and in different situations
Label Generation (e.g., alone in the room listening to music or in a pub
Bulmer (1998) defined a label, in the context of a with friends) and then ask participants to select the
focus group, as a statement, word, description, or con- images of people who they believe are more unlikely
cept stated by members of the group. In this activity, the (or likely) to be considering killing themselves.
author described, after participants have been asked a
question, they receive small pieces of paper on which to Magic Tools and Fantasy
respond to the question and are instructed to place them
Dreams, magic, and fantasies can successfully be
on the floor or table. Participants can keep filling in
introduced in a focus group session. For example, to
paper until they recognize that there is nothing else to
make participants think about possible strategies for
add or a time limit or maximum number of papers can
prevention or solution to a problem, the moderator
be set. Participants may discuss the labels while drop-
can say that he or she has a wand, hat, or device that
ping them on the floor or table or after all participants
will make their dreams or ideas become true. He or
have provided their responses. Label generation may
she then passes around the tool (even just symboli-
also be used to answer the following kind of question:
cally), and each participant shares the fantasy, dream,
“What words come to your mind when you think
or idea (Krueger, 1998). Kruger and Casey (2000)
about . . . ?”
observed that this question often works well because
Another way to generate labels or short descriptions
it is different from what participants expect, but it is
might be to ask participants to imagine being writers
essential that the moderator plan the experience so
who just finished a book about the topic under investi-
that participants are ready for it.
gation. They have in their hands the cover page and must
For a research proposal on meaning in life and sui-
draw or write what the cover will look like and what
cide, I borrowed an idea from a Japanese anime called
would be the title. If the topic is something personal, it
Millennium Actress (Kon & Maki, 2001), where the
might be said that the book is an autobiography.
protagonist travels around the world looking for a
An example from a similar exercise that I used in the
person who gave her a necklace with a key and told her
questionnaire, but could have been used in focus groups,
that that was the key to the most important thing.
is the word association task (Matsumi & Marsella,
Participants may be provided with keys for many other
1976), where I asked students to list the first three words
things: to a secrets box, to a never-opened door of pos-
that come to their minds if they thought of the word sui-
sibilities, to a solution to a problem, and so on. The use
cide. In focus groups, it would have been possible to
of fantasy is infinite!
investigate answers more in depth (which would have
been particularly helpful, for instance, for ambiguous
words such as lost, broken, or wasted or for unexpected Storytelling
words or phrases like fan, long hair, blow, wide, eye- Inviting participants to create a story, a narrative,
glasses, and charm). around the topic of interest can be useful for several

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reasons: to make participants thinking about a solution to A Variation: News Bulletin

a problem, to see how they react to a situation, and to
A similar task is the news bulletin exercise, where
uncover their attitudes toward the topic under study. It
participants are asked to compile a news article on a
can also be functional to obtaining an insight into partic-
particular topic. Participants might be asked to tell a
ipants’ representations of a category of people. Partici-
story using some objects or things as stimulation,
pants can receive a vignette or case scenario where they
such as a photograph: “Describe what you think is
are asked what they believe will happen or what the pro-
going on in this picture” (Bloor et al., 2001).
tagonist will do, and so on. The materials and scenes to
For instance, in my focus groups students were asked
build the vignette might be supplied through a prepilot
to become journalists temporarily and write a news arti-
focus group or using some prior exercise during the ses-
cle on a peer who killed himself or herself, describing
sion. This option can be particularly appropriate when
the person, the act, and the reasons. Some of the articles
the moderator intends to catch a “real life” situation
were selected and read to the group. I (moderator) and
about a category of people different from himself or her-
the rest of the group then asked questions to the “jour-
self, such as in cross-cultural studies.
nalist” to understand the case better. When there was
Of course, we can also play around with stories. For
little discussion between participants, I asked them more
instance, after participants have told their personal sto-
information by saying things like, “X was the neighbor
ries, we can point to the voice recorder and propose that
of this girl, and he knows some other detail about this
we go back in the tape in any point they want: Just press
event.” I wrote the answers on the whiteboard and then
rewind, and it is done. Where would they like to go
asked them more generic questions about why they
back to? What would they change? Which part of their
thought some youth kill themselves and kept writing
story do they believe is (more) linked to what they are
those reasons on the board until participants did not have
experiencing now (e.g., suicidal ideation)? In alterna-
anything else to add.
tive, or in addition, we could also press forward to 1
month, 1 year, 20 years later: What do they see it being
Another Variation: Role-Playing
like at that time? What about if something changed
exactly now, what will be different in this case? I love There are circumstances in which participants
these sorts of “games” because, if used in the proper might not be able to describe verbally how they
way by a skilled moderator, they can provide an incite- would behave or react in a situation, solve a problem,
ment to a change or reconsideration of behavior and or deal with a difficulty as it is requested, for
ways of thinking in the participants as well as provide instance, in the storytelling exercise but can demon-
interesting data for the research. This activity can have strate it in action. In those cases (but potentially also
several variations: personal narrative, imagining other in others), role-playing is the perfect technique. In
people’s narrative, constructing a typical situation/sce- this activity-oriented question, one or two partici-
nario, comparing different scenarios (e.g., personal idea pants pretend to be in a certain situation, and the rest
vs. generic idea; at-risk vs. no-risk situation), and so on. of the group observes how they behave. At the end of
Scenarios can be particularly useful to investigate the role-play, participants are asked to share their
stereotypes and ways in which participants would observations and reactions (Krueger, 1998). In a vari-
behave in a specific circumstance (i.e., a peer who dis- ant of role-playing, all participants may gradually be
closed suicidal thoughts). included, taking them all into the scene, or some of
In my research project, for example, I found it them can take a role while others go out of the scene.
interesting to ask questionnaire participants to con- In this latter case, the “spectators” might be asked to
struct a case scenario describing the characteristics of show what they would have done differently.
a person of their age and the situation in which it Participants could also be divided in two groups, one
would be highly likely that he or she would kill him- group playing the role of someone who presents an
self or herself. Having completed this, they had to argument or debate and the other group presenting an
construct another scenario but this time describing opposing point of view on the matter (this exercise is
the characteristics of a peer and the situation in which called mini-team debate by Krueger, 1998).
it would be most unlikely that he or she will consider Scenes can be numerous; for instance, how emer-
suicide, hurt himself or herself, or attempt suicide. gency department staff behaves with a young person

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who has just attempted suicide, what a young person “If it was, it will be” task. In the analogy task, par-
would do if his or her best friend disclosed suicidal ticipants must find how the topic of discussion (e.g.,
thoughts, and so on. Parts can also be swapped; for group of people, behavior, institution, product) is like
example, a participant can at first play the part of a another topic (Krueger, 1998). For example, they
young person “feeling down,” having suicidal thoughts, might be asked, “If a youth who is considering seri-
and feeling not understood by the parents and succes- ously to kill himself or herself was a color (or a book,
sively play the role of the parents of that person. a TV show, a shop, a car, etc.), which color will he or
she be?” What participants say to describe the target
Projective Techniques topic will give access to their conceptualization of the
issue under investigation. In the same kind of task, if
In those situations where the moderator expects
the target topic is something inanimate (e.g., an insti-
participants to be reluctant to express their opinions
tution, flyer, or project), participants might be asked,
or ideas (for example, for the social acceptability of
“If it was a person, which kind of person would it
some responses), it might be particularly valuable to
be?” This exercise is called personification (Krueger,
use projective techniques; that is, gather information
1998) because the inanimate object is brought to life
on a particular topic by asking about a different and
and participants are asked to answer how it looks,
usually easier topic (Krueger, 1998). Some tech-
behaves, and thinks.
niques are listed below, and they include both ques-
For example, in my project students often found it
tions that indirectly inquire into the topic and those
difficult to describe which kind of youth they
that are not properly projective but have elements that
believed would kill themselves or attempt suicide.
in some way can “distract” participants’ attention and
Probably, using an analogy technique, they will have
reduce inhibition or restraints.
found it easier to describe the suicidal youth, pre-
Sentence completion. Sentences on the topic are tending to be describing instead something less
prepared in advance, printed on paper, and distributed “threatening,” such as a painting or a song.
to the participants, who are given a few minutes to Groundwater-Smith and Mockler (2003) sug-
complete them and share the results with the group gested a similar technique aimed to help participants
(Krueger, 1998). make choices: Instead of asking immediately to make
a choice with regard to an important issue, partici-
Collage. The moderator assigns a theme and dis- pants can first be asked to make a choice and explain
tributes materials (magazines, newspapers, flyers, the reason for it, thinking of the issue as if it were
pictures, etc.) to participants, who can be divided into something else. In addressing these metaphors, the
small groups. The teams prepare their work using authors suggested, participants have first to think
materials and their own words and drawings, and pre- about making choices and how these choices are done
sent the resulting collage to the group for comments before considering deciding something related to the
and discussions (Krueger, 1998). matter under discussion.
As for any activity-oriented questions, there are
several variations. For instance, participants can be Third-person narratives. This could be a good
given a box (e.g., a noodles box) and various materi- technique to encourage participants to speak about
als (e.g., magazines, drawing and decoration tools) to something personal in a less threatening way. For
represent two sides of a topic, such as their strengths instance, a person who made a suicide attempt in the
on the external face of the box and their weaknesses past could be told that he is in a film documentary and
in the internal; characteristics of a problem and solu- a narrator is now talking about that time when he
tions to that problem; the present versus the past or attempted suicide, describing his feelings and
the future; oneself versus others, and so on. For thoughts. What is the narrator saying?
research with young suicide attempt survivors, for
example, I plan to use a box and ask them to repre- Drawing a picture. Participants are asked to draw a
sent, on one side, the reasons that made them choose picture about a behavior, idea, or attitude and describe
to kill themselves and, on the other, the reasons that it to other participants. At the end they might also be
make them choose to live now. invited to explore what is similar and different in the

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various drawings (Krueger, 1998). An alternative is to The members of the group are asked to develop a cam-
sketch a stick person or a draft of something and ask paign, write a slogan, or design an advertisement linked
participants to add words or narrative to the picture. As to the topic. Participants are provided with materials to
recommended by Krueger and Casey (2000), stick realize it (cards, papers, colors, magazines, photographs,
figures can be particularly useful for those participants boxes, materials for hobbies, etc.). They might also be
who are anxious about the difficulty of drawing people. divided in small groups, and each of them presents its
In another example from this project (inspired by own campaign and provides comments on those of the
an example from Krueger, 1998), I drew a stick figure other groups. Those in the focus group plan the strategy,
on the whiteboard and told students that this was a complete with slogans, music, or whatever they think is
young person in the moments before trying to kill needed to be effective (Krueger & Casey, 2000). Youth
himself or herself. The picture had three different can plan a campaign aimed to persuade other youths to
spaces in which to write, and students were asked to do or to not do something. Application of this technique
suggest what this person would probably think, feel, can be in different areas, such as increase awareness of
and say/communicate before attempting suicide. A a problem or disease or promote a community activity,
selection of those group pictures can be included in health services, and programs. As pointed out by
the focus group final report. Krueger and Casey, although this technique is particu-
Fantasy and daydreaming can also be used to inquiry larly suitable to young people, allowing them to be
indirectly about a topic. Analyses of projective ques- active and creative, it also works well with adults.
tions are particularly challenging to perform because Exercises can be adjusted to be sensitive toward cul-
the answers can be very creative and complicated and tural and/or gender differences as well. They also vary
hard to interpret. Morgan (1998) suggested asking par- depending on the topic under investigation. For instance,
ticipants what is the meaning of their responses and on for multimethod research on children’s perceptions and
which aspects of their answers the moderator should experience of place, space, and physical activities,
place attention. Darbyshire, Macdougall, and Schiller (2005) used a map-
ping exercise: The investigators asked children to draw a
map of the social and physical environments where they
Multitask Exercises were most likely to participate in physical activities.
Techniques can be combined in a single exercise, as Although exercises should be planned and piloted,
done in this project for the question about youth suicide it might be possible that the moderator decides to use
prevention strategies. For example, free listing, pile a technique to address an unforeseen problem. For
sort, and ranking can be combined. Participants are example, if in the group there are participants who
asked to list their ideas on paper. These are then trans- dominate the conversation even after various attempts
ferred to a large sheet or whiteboard, and participants from the moderator to control such behavior, the
group similar suggestions on the same sheet and choose moderator may decide to use the notion of silent con-
a name for each category of items. After asking for versation (Groundwater-Smith & Mockler, 2003).
additional items that might belong to the categories, the Basically, participants are asked to comment on
moderator invites participants to examine the lists and something; then they are given large, separate sheets
pick a given number of items (Morgan, 1998), such as of paper where they write their ideas. Once this has
the three most important, the five most likely, the four been done, they look at other’s responses and express
least known, and so on, or can ask to rate all items. agreement or disagreement or elaborate on a point.
Furthermore, the elements for the triad test or ranking All of this is done in silence (although for any activity-
can be developed in a free-listing task. Techniques can oriented question it is always better to give room to dis-
be merged in many different ways! cussion). The benefit of the silent conversation in this
kind of situation is that it ensures that even the quietest
Activity-Oriented Questions for Specific participant is heard.
Certainly the moderator can use other exercises than Considerations for Focus
those proposed in this article, and some of them are Group Exercises
appropriate particularly with some participants. For
example, several focus groups with young people have The exercises listed here have been exemplified and
used a campaign questioning strategy (Krueger, 1998). refereed to focus groups, but they can also be used in

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1430 Qualitative Health Research

individual interviews. They produce a wealth of infor- Participants could also be invited to add other prob-
mation that can be compared across informants and lems and/or solutions that had not been discussed
across cultures and for this reason are becoming during the session, with the aim of giving voice to
increasingly significant in anthropology (Bernard, participants who might not have had enough time or
1995) and might be successfully used in other disci- will to share some ideas.
plines. However, exercises are meant to be the input for Basically, it does not matter how many nor does it
further discussion, and they accomplish their role best matter when, but, as also stated by Bloor and col-
if the moderator goes further than the fulfillment of the leagues (2001), it is always preferable to include
task and invites participants to describe their answers some kind of focusing exercise. As the authors
more in depth, provide more detail, apply them to a real affirmed, the final decision on the nature and content
situation, and express agreement or disagreement with of it should be made on the basis of a pilot focus
other participants’ answers. group. The best solution to make decisions about
A matter of concern can be how many activity- when, how, and how many questions to use certainly
oriented questions should be included and when. The is doing pilot studies too: “Pretesting questions is just
number of exercises for focus groups depends on dif- as important in focus groups as in other interview for-
ferent aspects: length of the session, number (i.e., sin- mats” (Morgan, 1995, p. 520).
gle session or multiple meetings), participants’ age Activity-oriented questions might be also used
group, proficiency in expressing ideas verbally, and to give something to participants to take home and per-
other. Bloor and colleagues (2001) suggested using at haps think about. In exercises where participants are
least two exercises. Dual exercises can have two pur- invited to create something during or before the session,
poses: The moderator might begin with a more they could be invited to bring their artifacts with them,
exploratory exercise and then use a more structured especially if there are positive feelings that the partici-
one, or the first exercise pursues a positive aspect pant expressed about the creation. For example, the
whereas the second explores a negative aspect of the postcards used at the beginning or at the end of the ses-
same issue. This observation links to the question of sion can be sent to them afterwards as a reminder for
when is a good time to introduce exercises. Of course, something (e.g., a plan, an idea, or to do a medical test,
there is not “a” right moment: it depends on the purpose and so on) or to thank them; the box representing their
of the exercises; for example, to elicit a list of alterna- future dreams can be given to them at the end of the ses-
tives to discuss during the session (i.e., opening), to sions to wish them “Good luck!”
break the routine of more traditional questions (i.e., Data collected through the use of activity-oriented
middle), or to express a final judgment on what was dis- questions might be more complex to analyze. On the
cussed during the session (i.e., conclusions). The same other side, they can help the researcher see elements
exercise (or material developed during an exercise) can that would have been neglected if the question was
also be used in different parts of the session. For asked in a more classical way. Some ideas on how to
instance, Groundwater-Smith and Mockler (2003) sug- analyze data are provided by Ryan and Bernard
gested using postcards before commencing an inter- (2000). The authors suggested, for example, using
view and asking participants to find an image that best component analysis and producing taxonomies or
represents for them the topic under discussion and write mental maps if the aim is to understand cultural
a few lines on the back. One of the aims of this exercise domains. Taxonomies can be produced leaning on
is to focus the attention on the matter and ensure that various techniques, such as paired comparison, pile
everyone has some thoughts on it. sorts, and triad tests.
On the other side, I believe that the same technique
can also be used in the concluding phase of the ses-
sion(s). For instance, if in the beginning, participants Tasks Preceding the Focus Group
had to write what they believed were the main prob-
lems in the area under investigation that required a The moderator can ask participants to do some-
solution, then at the end they could be invited to add thing before the focus group, to prepare them on the
which one of the solutions or alternatives discussed in topic or to produce materials to be used during the
the group they support most. This strategy maintains activity. This task might consist in reading some
confidentiality of the answers, which is particularly references, checking the Internet for a topic, visiting
important when members have different status. a location, speaking with a specified person, writing

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Colucci / Focus Groups Can Be Fun 1431

a diary, taking photographs, or finding materials such session and have access to a change in the way of think-
as flyers, music, participants’ primary school note- ing or doing before the occurrence of an event and after
books, and so on (Krueger & Casey, 2000). this occurred (in those studies where a follow-up session
Leichtentritt (2004) asked young Israeli adults to is planned).
write an essay about what kind of things would make Items produced during or before the session might
death a good death and an experience of a bad or good be used to organize an exhibition or be published in
death. The essays were then discussed in a group meet- a manuscript. Developing this kind of project, the
ing and individual interviews. Essays and other products researcher allows research findings to be spread to a
can become a stimulus for discussion during the group, larger audience rather than just the scientific commu-
but they can also be requested only with the aim of mak- nity, increasing also the chance of having an impact on
ing participants think about the topic before coming into a larger and diversified audience. For example, a col-
the group so that they have already given some thought league and I are organizing focus groups with young
to it. This strategy might make the discussion more flu- gays, lesbians, and transsexuals, asking them to bring
ent and rich as well. Groundwater-Smith and Mockler poems, paintings, drawings, and any other “art piece”
(2003) proposed giving tape recorders to participants made by them to symbolize why they would not kill
before coming to the group session. In this way, they can themselves if their life was very hard. With the exhibi-
ask questions to themselves and respond, offering them tion we hope to give a positive message to other youth
time for reflection before sharing their thoughts in the facing sexual identity problems (or any other person
group. In the study of Darbyshire et al. (2005), cited pre- who will eventually attend). Before going to the con-
viously, at the end of the focus groups the investigators clusion, I would like to mention that some of these as
provided children with disposable cameras and asked well as other “preceding activities” can be organized
them to take photos about their physical activities and immediately before the session, for instance partici-
write a brief comment for each of them. This task was pants can be given a photo camera or video camera for
not followed by a further discussion, but, as the authors a set time before the session, can be shown a film which
commented, it could have been an opportunity to allow is then followed by discussion, can be divided in small
participants to talk about their photographs and stimu- groups and asked to produce a play and so on. These
late further discussion. This was done, for example, in tasks can also be produced in-between meetings in mul-
Krueger and Casey's (2000) study on women's attitudes tiple-sessions research.
toward car repair, where participants were given a dis-
posable camera (although I prefer low-cost digital cam-
eras, which reduce roll and printing costs and can be Conclusions
immediately checked) and a scrapbook where every
page had a caption (e.g., “take a picture of how you feel In this article, I explored a less traditional way of
when your car breaks down”) and were asked to take a moderating focus groups, which can complicate further
picture for each caption. Groundwater-Smith and the analysis of data but, on the other hand, can make
Mockler (2003) proposed that participants’ photographs focus groups more enjoyable, successful, and rich in in-
be used in the group to make a poster, which was then depth data. In Table 1, I have outlined some of the ben-
put on display for others to see and comment on. They efits and limits of activity-oriented questions.
also suggested using photographs in situations in which The aim of this article was to show that research is a
a change has been planned (e.g., a health service about “serious” matter and must be “scientific” and robust but
to embark on an innovation). The photographs can then does not have to be “boring,” for either the researcher or
be used to prompt “before” and “after” discussions. the participants or repress creativity. Inserting some
Kruger and Casey also proposed asking participants to activity-oriented questions adapted to the topic under
keep a log of some behavior or experience for a deter- study and the group of participants has the potential
mined length of time, which can then help participants to enrich the data collected, reduce drops in attention,
recall their experiences and can also be analyzed by the make it easier to talk about sensitive and complex
researcher. Logbooks and diaries can also contribute to topics such as suicide, and be likely to be remembered—
make participants start thinking about the topic of dis- and recommended to other participants in snowball
cussion, have access to experiences, feelings, thoughts, sampling projects—as a positive experience. Therefore,
and stories which will not be expressed during the as I concluded at the 7th IIQM Advances in Qualitative

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1432 Qualitative Health Research

Table 1 References
Activity-Oriented Questions
Bartunek, J. M., & Seo, M. G. (2002). Qualitative research can
add new meanings to quantitative research. Journal of
Might be more difficult to compare answers and interpret
Organizational Behavior, 23(2), 237-242.
them (especially if there is no discussion)
Bennstam, A. L., Strandmark, M., & Diwan, V. K. (2004). Perception
Might take more time and increase session length
of tuberculosis in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Wali ya
Might be more expensive (e.g., use of art materials)
nkumu in the Mai Ndombe district. Qualitative Health Research,
Some participants might have more difficulties in “doing”
14, 299-312.
than “saying”
Bernard, H. R. (1995). Research methods in anthropology:
Less confident people might feel that they must participate
Qualitative and quantitative approaches (2nd ed.). Walnut
or feel embarrassed for their answers
Creek, CA: Altamira.
Some participants might think qualitative researchers are a
Bloor, M., Frankland, J., Thomas, M., & Robson, K. (2001).
bit “weird”
Focus groups in social research. London: Sage.
Brownhill, S., Wilhelm, K., Barclay, L., & Schmied, V. (2005).
Might provide an alternative and better way to access
“Big build”: Hidden depression in men. Australian and New
peoples’ views and opinions; the use of nonverbal and/or
Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 39, 921-931.
oral answers makes it an ideal method for illiterate or
Bulmer, C. (1998). Clinical decisions: Defining meaning through
lowly literate populations and potentially adequate
focus groups. Nursing Standard, 12(20), 34-36.
across ages.
Colucci, E. (in press). On the use of focus groups in cross-cultural
Might uncover opinions or ideas that would have otherwise
research. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.), Doing cross-cultural research:
remained hidden (e.g., issues about sensitive topics)
Ethical and methodological perspectives. Dordrecht, the
Make sensitive topics less threatening
Netherlands: Springer.
Give variety to the session; avoids boredom (especially
Colucci, E. (2007a). The cultural meaning of suicide: A compar-
important with children and youth)
ison between Italian, Indian and Australian students. Doctoral
Comparisons are very interesting and complex
dissertation, The University of Queensland, Department of
More participation of less confident people through individ-
Psychiatry, Brisbane, Australia.
ual tasks and of people that prefer “doing” or using their
Colucci, E. (2007b). Focus groups in suicide research: Their
value and neglect, particularly in cross-cultural studies.
Participants may take home their work, or something can be
Unpublished manuscript.
realized with them
Colucci, E. (2007c). The “group” as “focus” of focus groups:
Some participants might think qualitative researchers are a
Issues of analysis and report of focus groups data.
bit “weird” but also that “unusual” might be better than
Unpublished manuscript.
“boring”; therefore, they will remember the experience
Darbyshire, P., Macdougall, C., & Schiller, W. (2005). Multiple
positively (good for snowball sampling or future
methods in qualitative research with children: More insight or
researches too)
just more? Qualitative Research, 5, 417-436.
Delli Carpini, M. X., & Williams, B. (1994). The method is the
message: Focus groups as a method of social, psychological,
Methods Conference, do not be shy or afraid. Find the and political inquiry. Research in Micropolitics, 4, 57-85.
appropriate techniques, adapt them to the audience and Gilbert, P., Gilbert, J., & Sanghera, J. (2004). A focus group explo-
ration of the impact of izzat, shame, subordination and entrapment
topic, and try. Focus groups can be fun!
on mental health and service use in South Asian women living in
Derby. Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 7(2), 109-130.
Notes Groundwater-Smith, S., & Mockler, N. (2003). Learning to listen:
Listening to learn. Sydney, Australia: University of Sydney.
1. The manuscripts Colucci (2007b and 2007c) are currently Hicks, L. K., Lin,Y., Roberston, D. W., Robinson, D. L., & Woodrow,
under preparation and were originally based on the work for S. I. (2001). Understanding the clinical dilemmas that shape med-
Colucci (2007a). ical students’ ethical development: Questionnaire survey and
2. In this regard, if readers have experience, examples, or ideas focus group study. British Medical Journal, 2001(322), 709-710.
about these or other exercises that they are willing to share, please Khan, M. M., & Manderson, L. (1992). Focus groups in tropical
write to ecolucci@unimelb.edu.au or fera_76@hotmail.com. Your diseases research. Health Policy and Planning, 7(1), 56-66.
suggestions and ideas might be included as contributions in further Kelly, G. A. (1955). A theory of personality. New York: W. W.
publications. Norton.
3. In this exercise, as in many others, illiterate or lowly literate Kon, S. (Writer), & Maki, T. (Producer). (2001). Millennium
participants can be offered the option of giving nonverbal answers, Actress [Studio Madhouse]. Tokyo: Klockworx.
by drawing, using objects, photographs, images from magazines, and Krueger, R. A. (1998). Developing questions for focus groups. In
so on. D. L. Morgan, R. A. Krueger, & J. A. King (Eds.), Focus
4. Note that after listening to the answers from other members group kit (Vol. 3). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
of the group, participants might wish to modify their responses or Krueger, R. A., & Casey, M. A. (2000). Focus groups. A practical
add a new item to the list. guide for applied research (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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Colucci / Focus Groups Can Be Fun 1433

Leichtentritt, R. D. (2004). The meaning that young Israeli adults Handbook of qualitative research (2nd ed., pp. 769-802).
ascribe to the least undesirable death. Death Studies, 28, 733-759. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Madriz, E. (2000). Focus groups in feminist research. In N. K. Shefer, T., Strebel, A., Wilson, T., Shabalala, N., Simbayi, L.,
Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative Ratele, K., et al. (2002). The social construction of sexually
research (pp. 835-850). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. transmitted infections (STIs) in South African communities.
Matsumi, J., & Marsella, A. J. (1976). Cross-cultural variations in Qualitative Health Research, 12, 1373-1390.
the phenomenological experience of depression. Journal of Wisdom, J. P., & Green, C. A. (2004). “Being in a funk”: Teens’
Cross-Cultural Psychology, 7(4), 379-396. efforts to understand their depressive experiences. Qualitative
Morgan, D. L. (1995). Why things (sometimes) go wrong in Health Research, 14, 1227-1238.
focus groups. Qualitative Health Research, 5, 516-523. Wolf, D. L. (1997). Family secrets: Transnational struggles among
Morgan, D. M. (1998). The focus group guidebook. In D. L. children of Filipino immigrants. Sociological Perspectives,
Morgan, R. A. Krueger & J. A. King (Eds.), Focus group kit 40(3), 457-482.
(Vol. 1). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Quine, S., Bernard, D., Booth, M., Kang, M., Usherwood, T.,
Alperstein, G., et al. (2003). Health and access issues among
Australian adolescents: A rural–urban comparison. Rural and Erminia Colucci, BPsySc (Hons I), is a doctoral candidate at The
Remote Health, 245, 1-10. University of Queensland (Department of Psychiatry) and a research
Ryan, G. W., & Bernard, H. R. (2000). Data management and fellow at the Centre for International Mental Health (CIMH), School
analysis methods. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), of Population Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia.

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