In Situ Stress Measurement Techniques 18th Dec.
In Situ Stress Measurement Techniques 18th Dec.
In Situ Stress Measurement Techniques 18th Dec.
Hydraulic Methods
The basic principle of hydraulic method is to determine in situ stresses by isolating a section
of borehole and creating a fracture or opening an existing fracture by hydraulic pressure. The
technique to create a fracture in borehole wall by applying hydraulic pressure was first
introduced by Clark (1949).
In Hydraulic Fracturing, a new fracture is created which propagates in a direction normal to
the minimum stress direction in such an isolated part of a borehole where no geological
weakness planes or fractures pre-exist. Values of the pressure corresponding to the fracture
initiation, its reopening and shut-in are recorded and then related to pre-existing stresses.
The directions of the principal stresses are found out from the orientation of the fracture,
which is determined by impression packers (Fig. 1). Hubbert & Wills (1957) used the theory
of elasticity to conclude that the induced fracture direction and the pressure during
pressurisation are directly related to the principal in situ stresses. The method can be used in
deep boreholes and has been successfully tested in 6 to 9 km deep vertical holes (Tekamp
et. al., 1995) in various rock conditions.
Fluid Pressure
Fluid Pressure
Inflatable Packer
Impression Packer
Rubber Liner
Fig.1 Basic steps of Hydraulic Fracturing, (a) pressurisation of borehole, (b) fracture orientation
Hydro fracturing is a costly and time-consuming technique, and needs heavy equipment to
be taken to the test site. This method is not at all suitable for porous rocks or for jointed and
fractured rocks where at least 1 m length of borehole is not free from pre-existing geological
weakness planes or fractures. Haimson (1968) found that in porous rock mass, pumped fluid
raises the pore pressure and increases stresses and displacements. This additional stress
and displacement reduce the critical pressure required to initiate the fracture and
consequently the width of the fracture so formed (Amadei et. al., 1997).
To overcome this pore pressure effect, Sleeve Fracturing was developed by Stephansson
(1983). In this method no fluid penetrates the rock upon fracturing as a hard rubber
membrane is inserted into the borehole and then pressure is applied. The induced fractures
at the borehole wall can be single or double and accordingly it is called single fracture
method (Fig. 2) or double fracture method. Double fracture technique is first proposed by
Serata & Kikuchi (1986).
Consolidation by compression
Friction Shell
Serata developed S-350 System (Fig. 3) to determine in situ stresses. The instrument
consists of two sections, loading section and electronic section. Loading section consist of a
steel mandrel, one urethane loading unit, two end cups and two end seals and two to four
Linear Variable Differential Transducer (LVDT) mounted inside the loading unit for sensing
diametral deformation. Semi-cylindrical shells having two gaps diametrically opposite utilised
to create fracture surround the urethane tube. Directions, magnitudes and orientations of
principal stresses are determined from the actual fracture reopening pressure of fractures in
different directions and using equations developed for the purpose.
Quick Coupler Operating Rod
Electric cable
Electric Unit
Field Computer
Power Pack
To find a suitable method for stress investigation and large numbers of tests
determination in weak and jointed rock are required for approximate value
mass it was thought to reopen the Cornet, (1993).
preexisting fractures in the rock mass and
thus Hydraulic Test on Pre-Existing
Fractures (HTPF) method was proposed
by Cornet (1986). The method consists of
reopening an existing fracture of known
orientation that has been isolated in Joint
between two packers (Fig. 4). By using
low flow rate of injection, the fluid n n
pressure, which balances exactly the
normal stress across the fracture, was
measured. The method does not require
determination of the tensile strength of
rock. It is the only method available at
great depth when the borehole is not
parallel to a principal stress direction. The
major limitation is the hypothesis that
fractures observed in the borehole is
planar in the size range selected for Fig. 4. Reopening of existing fracture
The problem of long time site preparation and carrying of heavy equipment to the site is
reduced to some extent by Minifrac system designed by Enever, Walton & Wold (1990) of
CSIRO. However it is having its own limitation as the equipment is made for 38 mm diameter
borehole and a maximum packer pressure of 35 MPa. Hand pumps allow for a maximum
pressure of 40 MPa and a maximum flow rate of 200 litres per minute. An intrinsically safe
version for use in hazardous area such as in underground mines is also available (Amadei
et. al., 1997).
The Surface Relief Method is useful to determine in situ stresses on underground
excavation walls. Rock surfaces are first instrumented with gauges or pins. Then, the rock
response to stress relief by cutting or drilling is obtained by recording strains in the gauges
and pins before and after the relief process and then related to the in situ stress components
in the plane of the rock surface. Basic requirement of this method is that the rock volume
should be fracture free.
This method suffers from a number of limitations, namely-
[a] The performance of the gauges or pins is affected by humidity and dust,
[b] Strains or displacements are measured on a rock that might have been disturbed and
damaged by weathering and excavation process itself,
[c] Stress concentration factors are assumed in order to relate the stress measured
locally in the wall of the excavation to the far field stress component and
[d] It involves small rock volume.
To overcome this limitation it was desirable to measure strains in isolated places such as in
boreholes. Various strain gauges are then developed. Basic steps in Overcoring (Fig. 5) are
a hole is drilled and advanced at full overcore diameter to the first required depth of
measurement. A small pilot hole is drilled beyond this depth. Gauge is then inserted in the
pilot hole and the hole containing gauge is then overcored. With the use of elasticity theory
and the strain readings, the state of stress is determined.
Borehole Deformation Gauge
Fig. 6. Sections of USBM Gauge
The drawbacks of USBM gauge can be overcome by another instrument designed by
Leeman (1964) known as Doorstopper (Fig. 7). It essentially consists of a 45o strain rosette,
a circular shim, and four pins in an insulated connecting plug and a rubber plug. The rock
with attached doorstopper is overcored to relieve it from stresses.
as Photoelastic Biaxial Strain Gauge. This gauge is attached to the rock surface of 76mm
diameter borehole and overcored. The isochromatic fringe pattern developed during
overcoring by polarized light is observed and interpreted in terms of strains and stresses in
the plane perpendicular to the borehole (Hawkes, 1968, 1971). However no continuous
monitoring is possible with this instrument and its use is limited to near surface areas. In wet
condition cementing of this gauge to borehole wall is also a problem. It also requires three
borehole measurements for complete knowledge of stress.
Some of the limitation can be overcome by
CSIR Triaxial Strain Cell (Fig. 8)
designed by Leeman & Hayes (1966). It
consists of triple strain rosette at an angle
of 90o, 180o and 315o from the horizontal
diameter. Instrument is suitable for
measurement in EX size hole. CSIR strain
cell has been used to a depth of 30-50 m
from working faces. To avoid water
problems boreholes are drilled slightly
upward and dips toward the opening.
Complete stress can be determined from a
single borehole. Elastic constants of rock Fig.8. Orientation of strain gauges in CSIR
can be determined by radial loading of the Strain Cell
recovered over core containing strain cell.
Though it solves the requirement of three boreholes it suffers from the following limitations
viz., it requires long overcores, no continuous monitoring is possible and curing of glue takes
a long time. In case of weak and bedded rocks the location of strain gauges with reference to
beds or layers and possible cracks affects cell, because gauges are glued directly on the
rock and strain gauges provide point measurements.
Later on in 1979, Hiltscher, Martna & Strindell of Swedish State Power Board (SSPB),
modified this cell. Cell has been tested in vertical boreholes down to a depth of 500 m and
more recently to a depth of 1000m (Ljunggren, 1995).
Another way of measuring rock stress is to overcore inclusion type measuring instruments in
the borehole. Inclusions can be either rigid type or soft type. Several rigid inclusions are
available. But the main problem associated with them is that they offer resistance to
borehole deformation and sets tensile stresses along rock and inclusion interface during
overcoring. And according to elastic theory this stresses are sufficient to break the bond
between the rock and the inclusion. To overcome this limitation thin walled hollow inclusion
gauges such as LNEC (Labatorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisbon) Gauge and
CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization) HI (Hollow
Inclusion) Gauge are developed.
LNEC gauge was designed by Rocha et. al., (1974). The instrument is an epoxy resin
cylinder with ten strain gauges distributed along the middle part of cylinder. Basic
requirement is that the cement should be strong and intact for measurements to be
acceptable otherwise the changes may be unreadable.
Wortnicki & Walton of CSIRO (1976) developed CSIRO HI cell (Fig. 9). Cell is a thin walled
epoxy pipe with outer and inner diameter equal to 36 & 32 mm respectively. 1 mm thick layer
is used to attach the cell to the pilot hole. It consists of triple strain gauge rosette at 120 o
apart at 0.5 mm below cell outer surface. Out of total 9 strain gauges 2 gauges measures
strain parallel to the axis of cell, 3 gauges measures tangential stresses and other 4
measures strains at + 45o.
In CSIRO HI Cell complete stress can be determined from a single borehole. Continuous
monitoring is possible. Elastic constants of rock can be determined by radial loading of the
recovered over core containing strain cell. Cell is not affected by moisture and dust as the
gauges are enclosed in epoxy. However cell is costly and is not recoverable unless
recovered by the method proposed by Cai (1990). However, curing is difficult under wet and
cool environment. Error is introduced in readings as no dummy gauge is provided to
compensate temperature changes. This instrument is not suitable for very weak rocks.
In this context we should not forget to mention the triaxial strain cell developed by Changsha
Research Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, China (1974) (Guang, et. al., 1982). The initial
design consists of a probe having 3 rubber cantilevers with three strain rosettes bonded on
it. Later on two types of cell containing eight and six strain gauges was developed. For both
the types a strain coefficient matrix developed and a computer program has also been
developed to calculate the stress tensor. This cell is suitable for EX size hole. With this
method also continuous monitoring is not possible and has been used only in competent
rock that too in dry condition.
Another method, which does not require overcoring, is Borehole Slotting (Fig.10) was
developed by Bock & Foruria (1984) and Bock (1986). In this method a half moon shaped
slot 1m wide and 25 mm deep is cut in the borehole wall radially or axially with the help of a
diamond saw. A strain sensor near the slot within a 15o arc monitors closure of this slot.
Strain sensor is a part of slotter. Strains so
measured are then converted to Borehole
corresponding stress by using linear
elasticity theory. Three cuts in different
directions are necessary to determine the
stresses in the plane perpendicular to the
hole. Continuous monitoring is possible.
Instrument is recoverable. However it has =15o
been tested for shallow depths less than Diamond
30 m only and the borehole must be dry.
The stress parallel to the borehole wall is Recoverable strain
estimated. sensor
Fig.10. Borehole Slotter section
All the above methods involve a very small rock volume. It is likely that the measured
stresses are sensitive to changes in the mineral composition of the rock and the grain size
and thus methods involving much larger rock volume have been proposed [Brady, Friday &
Alexander, (1976), Brady, Lemos & Cundall, (1976) & Chandler (1993)].
In these methods several strain gauges on the surface of a large diameter based raise is
overcored at different levels. The average stress over entire rock volume is then determined.
Zajic & Bohac (1983) and Sakurai & Shimizu (1986) proposed a method on similar line,
which involves measurement of displacement at several cross sections of an opening after
an excavation. Analytical and numerical methods are then used to determine in situ stresses.
Another method suggested by Wiles and Kaiser (1994) involves measurement in the vicinity
of an advancing excavation. Measurements of several instruments such as CSIRO HI cell,
triaxial strain Cell, Extensometers, Convergence gauges, and closure meters are used
simultaneously to determine the complete state of stress.
In this method also called stress-compensating methods, drilling overlapping holes to make
a slot disturbs the stress equilibrium of a rockmass. This slot creates deformation in the rock.
A jack is then inserted in the slot and pressurised to restore the deformation in the rockmass.
This restoration pressure at which deformation is cancelled is assumed to be equal to the
stress normal to the slot, which existed in the rock before cutting the slot.
Flat Jack (Fig.11) was first proposed by distance of L/3 from the centre of the slot,
Habib & Mirchand (1952) and later where L is the length of slot.
modified by Panek & Stock (1963). It
represents one of the first techniques used
in rock for measuring in situ stresses. This
method is applicable to the areas where
access is available this method can also
be used to measure deformability of rock.
Flat jacks are usually made from thin
metal plates about 30 cm2 welded together
around their perimeter and provided with a
communicating tube to allow oil to enter
the space between them. Pins for
measuring displacements across the slot
are placed on each side of the slot at a Fig.11. Flatjack
The advantage of this method is that it does not require knowledge of the elastic constants of
the rock. The stresses are measured directly. It creates only a partial relief of the rock mass
thus fewer disturbances are induced to the mechanical properties of the rock compared to
other methods.
However, it is not suitable for heavily jointed rock or the rock damaged by blasting and
cannot be used when component of stress normal to the slot plane is a tensile stress, as the
flat jack cannot compensate such deformation when slot opens. Stress measurement is near
the surface of opening and may get influenced by the disturbance associated with the
process of opening excavation and by atmospheric conditions (humidity and temperature).
The pressure is not transmitted entirely over the whole surface of the jack, especially at jack-
welded edges. In soft rocks, the water used for the mortar to grout the jacks in place may
soften the rock and give incorrect stress results.
The main disadvantage of stress measurement near the surface of an opening by flatjack is
eliminated by using curved jacks designed by Jaeger & Cook (1964). Curved Jack
Technique (Fig. 12) measure stresses in boreholes and at a distance of 3 to 6m into rock
masses. Jaeger & cook have produced curved jacks for insertion in boreholes 4 inches in
diameter and up to 20 ft. in depth.
It is assumed that the principal stress 3 in aligned in the direction of the boreholes in which
jacks A and B are inserted in the annulus made by a diamond core drill. The pressure in
these jacks is increased until the rock in the quadrants C and D, outside the annulus begins
to fracture. It is assumed that these fractures occur in the direction of principal stress 1 and
they are observed and their directions noted by overcoring and breaking off the larger core
for examination. The 4" hole and annulus is then extended and the jacks A and B reinserted
so that their resultant pressure acts in the direct ion normal to the 1. Theses jacks then form
the sensing elements. They are pressurized and the pressure relief on overcoring them is
noted. Two additional pairs of jacks EF and GH are then inserted in the overcored rock
annulus and pressurized to restore the stresses in AB (Stagg, 1979). Restoring pressure is
equal to the magnitude of 2 and the direction of fracture is 1 direction and perpendicular to it
is 2 directions. This can be used for measuring stresses in boreholes to a depth of 3 to 6 m
The method is based on the concept that when a piece of rock is removed from the pre-
existing state of stress, it relaxes and thereby deform. The relaxation consists of elastic
component and a time dependent (anelastic) component. Accordingly on the basis of
recovering anelastic or elastic component the method is sub divided as Anelastic Strain
Recovery (ASR) and Differential Strain Curve Analysis. This method can work well in the
condition where small cores are available.
In Anelastic Strain Recovery (ASR) (Fig.13) method core is recovered and allowed to
expand which in turn allow micro cracks to propagate. Crack expands more in the direction
of minimum stress relief. Thus by proper instrumentation of recovered oriented cores, the
orientation of the principal in situ stress is inferred from the direction of measured maximum
and minimum strain. It is assumed that the direction of the principal recovery strain coincides
with the direction of the in-situ principal stresses. Determination of in-situ stress magnitudes
using the ASR method requires a viscoelastic model for the rock response to unloading. The
vertical stress is usually assumed (Tuefel, 1982).
Fig.13. Instrument for ASR measurements of a drill core.
In Differential Strain Curve Analysis (DSCA) (Fig. 14) method rock specimen is allowed to
expand which in turn allow development and alignment of the micro cracks in the direction of
original stress. Subjecting it to hydrostatic loading in a pressure vessel reverses the
expansion of core, and thereby closing the micro cracks. The pressure at which all the
cracks due to deformation get closed is equal to the original stress acting. Proponents of this
method are Tuefel & Warpinski (1984) and Dey & Brown (1986).
measured using borehole camera, 3 or 4-arm dipmeter, televiewer, formation micro scanner.
Analysis by using dipmeter and televiewer is more common as compared to others.
In Caliper & Dipmeter Analysis orientation of breakouts is determined with the help of
caliper and dipmeter. Dipmeter is a logging tool and it consists of 4 or more coplanar
electrode pads. When pads are pressed against the wall by a controllable force, it measures
the resisitivity of rock. Out of the four pads, pad 1 is magnetically oriented and 2 independent
calipers between pad 1 & 3 and 2 & 4 measures the borehole diameter (Amadei et. al.,
Winching the tool up the borehole carries out measurements. The borehole shape is
recorded over the depth interval for which the tool rotates 90°. The electrode pad dimensions
and borehole diameter determine the smallest breakout detectable by a dipmeter.
However this approach must be used with caution because breakouts can also be enlarged
due to reduction of rock mass strength due to temperature fluctuations or chemical
composition of drilling fluids or weathering of borehole wall especially in weak or weakly
cemented rocks. Breakouts can also be affected by the intensity of drilling (low or high
thrust) and the drilling method selected. Caliper logs do not provide information on the
detailed shape of the breakouts.
The principle of the modern Borehole Televiewer Analysis is that a narrow pulsed acoustic
beam scans the borehole wall in a tight helix as the tool moves up the borehole. The
acoustic energy is reflected from the borehole wall and the amplitude and the travel times of
the reflected signal are measured with the same transducer that generates the acoustic
beam. This data is then utilised to determine the orientation of maximum and minimum
horizontal principle stress and the variation of that orientation with depth. It is difficult to
estimate the magnitude of in situ stresses.
Indirect methods measure stresses by looking at change in physical, mechanical or other
rock properties as a result of change in stress.
1. Fault Slip Data Analysis
2. Earthquake Focal Mechanisms
3. Indirect Methods (Kaiser effect, etc.,)
4. Inclusion in Time Dependent Rock
5. Measurement of Residual Stresses.
Carey and Brunier (1974) first proposed the Fault Slip Data Analysis method. In this method
measurement of slickensides on a population of faults is used to determine the orientation
as well as the magnitude of the in situ stress field. This method is based on three main
a) All the slickensides on the faults in the population are related to a given but unknown
stress tensor;
b) Motion on each fault plane is parallel to the acting shear stress on that plane; and
c) Fault motions are independent. Main advantage is that advance knowledge of rock
deformability properties is not required. However, there must be enough evidence that
the striations used in analysis are related to that particular stress field only.
Earthquake Focal Mechanism proposed by Engelder (1993) is based on the principle that
motion on a fault controls the pattern of seismic wave radiation specially the first motion of
the compression p-wave recorded at distant seismographs. Displacement on this fault may
produce earthquake, which in turn affects the stress pattern. According to McKenzie (1969),
the fault-plane solution method could not be used to infer precisely stress orientations in the
The Kaiser Effect is the sudden increase in acoustic emission when the applied stress has
reached previous maximum level of stress (Kaiser, 1953; Hughson et. al., 1986). Just like
DSCA here also a core of rock is recovered from any depth and reloaded in laboratory under
uniaxial testing machine. The difference lies in the fact that acoustic emission associated
with the previous stress level is utilised to determine the in situ stresses. Method requires
two strain measuring devices, a displacement measurement device and a sensor. Sensor is
coupled directly to the rock specimen by a tape or by an adhesive bond. All measuring
devices are connected to the specimen and loading is carried out in testing machine. Two
loading cycles are used. In first loading cycle after observing a rise in acoustic emission
against increased load, specimen is unloaded believing that this increased emission may be
due to crack closure. Specimen is then reloaded and all the strain and displacements
reading associated with the sudden increase in acoustic emission this time is taken into
consideration for stress determination. No down hole instrumentation is required.
Inclusion in Viscoelastic Rocks is another indirect method suitable for in situ stress
measurement in viscoelastic rocks such as rock salt or potash. This method utilizes
viscoelastic theory which states that when a borehole is drilled in an already stressed
material with creep properties and inclusion such as vibrating wire stressmeter, flat jacks or
other pressure cells are inserted, the steady state of stress in the inclusion with time will
reach the absolute stress in the rock. By knowing the creep properties the stresses in the
rock can be deduced from inclusion readings over shorter periods of time. Method is not
suitable for hard rock where rock may take a longer period to reach the steady state of
stress. This period may be in terms of several years.
Measurement of Residual Stresses represent a class on their own. Measurement can be
done on two different scales viz., Microscopic scale and macroscopic scale. At the
microscopic scale (crystal or grain scale) possible method include the calorimetric technique,
the x-ray technique and the spot-drilling or centre hole-drilling technique. At the macroscopic
level (specimen to rock mass), overcoring of overcored specimens (double overcoring) or
undercored specimen is carried out.
Though so many methods are developed for in situ stress measurement and some of them
are still under development, Hydraulic fracturing, USBM Gauge, CSIRO HI cell and Flatjack
are the four methods recommended by ISRM. Of these hydraulic fracturing is the most
suitable and reliable method for stress measurement at great depths. As working is
becoming deeper day by day due to depletion of shallow reserves, we are bound to know the
stress values at depth and it is likely to be the prerequisite for mine design. In case of porous
rock formation sleeve fracturing is offering advantages over hydraulic fracturing. Flatjack is
going to dominate the near surface measurements because of its simplicity and less cost
involved. Of the various overcoring gauges, CSIRO HI cell is the most promising one as it
combines the several positive features of USBM, LNEC and triaxial strain cell while avoiding
some of their drawbacks. Of the remaining methods only DSCA and Kaiser Effect can be
utilised to determine stress tensor.
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The authors are grateful to Prof. D. D. Misra, Director, CMRI, Dhanbad, for his
encouragement and permission to publish this paper. The authors are thankful to Dr. A.
Sinha & Mr. D. G. Rao, Scientists, CMRI, Dhanbad for their technical support in preparation
of this paper.