ASIC Design Guidelines: Hauw Suwito, Consultant
ASIC Design Guidelines: Hauw Suwito, Consultant
ASIC Design Guidelines: Hauw Suwito, Consultant
Table of Content
1 Introduction............................................................................................................................... 1
2 In the beginning… .................................................................................................................... 1
3 Design practice......................................................................................................................... 2
4 Verilog RTL Coding style.......................................................................................................... 5
5 Template for Verilog RTL module ............................................................................................ 7
1 Introduction
This document outlines a design guideline that can help designers to plan and to execute a
successful ASIC project. It gives an overview of design practices that lend itself to a well-
structured and synthesizable RTL code. This overview does not replace, by any stretch, any good
references on EDA and HDL, but rather it is a compilation of information gathered from previous
design experience and should be used as a checklist.
2 In the beginning…
In real life, it is often hard to allow sufficient time to plan, specify, and analyze the requirement for
an ASIC development. Generally, the project planner or the lead designer has to make some
judgment call and decides how to compress a project schedule without significantly risking the
success. Important architectural and definition works may need to be reprioritized for variety of
reasons (availability of resource, aggressive target date). The list below shows tasks that should
be done during the project-planning phase to minimize risk and hopefully can compress the
schedule through parallel development effort.
2. Partition the design using top-down strategy and take into account any useable IPs. A
well-defined block interface specification, which include a list of ports and description of
the communication protocol, allow parallel development with less miscommunication. A
well-partitioned chip with good signal flow between the major blocks lends itself to faster
turn-around in the physical design.
3. Define the design methodology early in the project and list all the necessary point tools,
which ideally are already “pre-approved” (revision that has been used successfully
before). In the course of the project, some point tool may require upgrade or hot-fixes.
Generally, changing the RTL code to conform to the “problem” tool or creating an
external band-aid solution, is faster than waiting for the vendor to “fix” the tool.
Example: High-density packaging and its tooling can have a long lead-time, or special
simulation tool and resources may also be required.
1000 Bristol North Suite#17-222, Newport Beach, CA.92660♦Tel: 949.413.9135 ♦ Fax: 949.477.4015
4. Define and distribute a design guideline to each team member to establish the common
practice for the project. The next sections elaborate the recommended practice in more
5. Create a complete list of technology files, special IPs, I/O cells and memory cells that are
required for the project. Any missing library files or technology files for any IP can have a
very long lead-time. It is recommended to control the revision of these files tightly.
Instead of linking to common areas, these files should be copied to project directory for
better control and reproducibility, but at the expense of the storage space 2.
6. Create an aggressive but doable project plan. Define each milestone clearly, each with a
set of deliverables and its completion criteria. In a typical situation, the completion date is
unchangeable; therefore the planner needs to adjust the size of the resources /
manpower and / or arrange for additional IP to be developed in parallel by external entity.
Good design partitioning and block definition allow the design tasks to be done in parallel
successfully, possible in multi site arrangement. Verification of large design typically
requires two or three times the effort of the design itself, and should be coordinated
between the system, verification and design teams. A comprehensive simulation plan
helps in estimating this effort.
3 Design practice
Common design practice is changing with the advancing technology and the EDA tools that
support it. The complexity of chip design grows exponentially as ASICs become larger (die size
and number of I/O pads), have staggering target performance and allocate stingy power budget.
It is nowadays harder to establish a common design practice for such a wide range of challenges.
This section attempts to list some of the key design practices.
1. Apply the golden rule “correct by design” to every task in the project and resist the
temptation to quickly design modules and rely on simulations to find problems. It really
improves the likelihood of achieving “first time right” design. A good simulation plan is an
important document, but simulations usually uncover design issues that the designer
wants to find, not the ones he/she is not aware of.
2. As the EDA tools become more sophisticated, designers tend to rely on iterative
approach in the design process. Predictability and minimizing the number of iterations are
important to time critical projects. It can be achieved by providing a good seed into the
process and by anticipating issues at the architectural stage. The iteration loop for timing
closure starts at RTL design instead of after netlist release point. The designer should
have an estimate on the complexity of each main module, and a rough estimate on the
module size. This estimate, combined with other physical attributes (die size, packaging,
pinout sequence), can be used to get some idea on the physical structure of the major
busses. Heavy loaded busses with long wire traces may require pipeline to help meet the
timing. Large busses can be split into hierarchies of busses. Finding the right
configuration that meets the bandwidth requirements is the challenge for chip architects,
since current EDA tools do not provide a lot of support in solving this problem 3. It
becomes an art, instead of science. This usually leads to an over-designed system, but it
The project leader should have the opportunity to decide if new update is safe and that the
benefit overweighs the concern on incompatibility with the tools and the current design state.
Tera Systems Inc. developed an optimizer for RTL (TeraFrom), using their TeraGate library,
which is derived from foundry’s library.
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gives better predictability for the schedule sake 4. This architectural decision can then be
taken into account during the design of the modules and its test benches, minimizing the
overall changes to the database.
3. Use a set of command script for every development step to improve team efficiency and
to establish reproducibility of the design flow.
4. Clock synthesis constraint must consider PLL jitter, input threshold variation and on-chip
variations into the clock uncertainty budget (both setup and hold).
5. Identify various clock domains within the device and the requirement for synchronization
for clock domain crossing. Clock domain crossing requires one of the synchronization
methods: (1) FIFO’s, (2) simple double FF, (3) clock edge alignment 5.
6. Synchronizations must either satisfy the Nyquist criteria for all frequency range at the
receiving end 6 or must be frequency independent (see the article by Rob Weinstein
titled “flankter”).
7. Global synchronous reset is preferred over asynchronous. The synthesis tool can treat
synchronous reset just like a normal signal, meeting the required setup and hold time.
Global asynchronous reset must be treated as clock and handled via clock tree insertion
process to guarantee small skew within the die.
Synchronous reset Asynchronous reset
always @(posedge clk) always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
if (~rst_n) if (~rst_n)
dff <= 0; dff <= 0;
else if (enable) else if (enable)
dff <= input1; dff <= input1;
8. Allow provision for soft reset and/or start/stop bits for each main functional module. Your
system/software designers will appreciate that during system bring-up.
10. Address Design-for-Test early to establish the implications to the design itself (gate count
increase, ad-hoc test requirements, maximum production test time, maximum scan
length, handling of latches, IDDQ, memory BIST, analog BIST, JTAG and boundary
scan). Latches must be set into transparent mode during scan. Large counters should be
split during test to minimize test time. Production test can cost as much as $0.10 per
11. Meeting hold time requirement for large scan chain is difficult and can increase the gate
count significantly and adversely impact timing closure. It is more sensible to relax the
constraint to the real test environment instead of using the stringent operating condition.
We assumed that the design partition (hierarchy) of the RTL code, the floorplan and the one
used during place and route are the same. In a very big design this may not be the case, due to
tool limitation.
Clock edge alignment can be implemented only when the frequencies are evenly multiple of
each other. The clock tree synthesis guarantees the skew across the chip. Example: large SOC
can have several clocks driving the CPUs and theirs peripheries; the periphery clocks are
typically divide down from the CPU clock.
The pulse width of the input to the “back-back” flip-flop must be longer than the receiving clock
Embedded memory requires special treatment during physical design and can cause route
congestion (blockage).
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Depending on the target application, it is often sufficient to meet the hold time
requirement under room temperature and narrow supply voltage range.
12. Register all outputs of main modules for better timing control at the top level.
13. Avoid construct that causes conflict with design for test and common design rule. These
structures must be eliminated or special test mode must be added to satisfy DFT tools.
Comb CLR
clk2 Comb
Asynchronous loop.
data1 Comb
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4 Verilog RTL Coding style
All HDL being used today have rich language elements, especially when support for system
modeling is included such as in SystemC and SystemVerilog. A system can be modeled faster
and the resulting code is more maintainable thanks to object-oriented concept. On the other
hand, the synthesis tools can process only a subset of these constructs. The purposes of
recommending a set of coding style are:
Common style improves readability among codes written by a team, maintainability.
Synthesizable RTL allows shorter timing closure and produces correct netlist (zero bugs,
zero structural problem).
RTL and netlist are compatible with each point tool specified in the design flow.
High simulation throughput.
Designers can use a context sensitive editor to help with the RTL coding and debugging.
Examples are eclipse, emacs. A template for the RTL code also helps maintaining uniformity in
the formatting of header and body areas.
Below is a list of recommendations as an example, and can be modified to one’s own taste. As IP
usage becomes more prevalent, these recommendations become less enforceable. Hopefully we
have at the very least consistency at the top level and in the internal developed modules.
1. Comments in the header and in the body should describe the major function of the block.
Each input and output port declaration should have a brief description.
2. Making module reusable takes some time and effort. At the very least, the RTL code
should use parameters or defines to represent constants such as microprocessor register
address, bus widths and others. Using parameterized/defined constants improves
readability and maintainability.
5. Signal name and parameters can use predefined prefix or suffix to enhance readability.
Signal Suffix/Prefix
Active low signal xxx_n
Delayed signal xxx_1d, xxx_2d, xxx_3d
Module input and output xxx_in, xxx_out
Leading edge pulse, single clock xxx_le
Trailing edge pulse, single clock xxx_te
Bus width parameter XXX__W
Array length parameter XXX_L
6. List allowable language enhancements in the code. For example, Verilog IEEE 1364-
2001 contains some enhancements that are not supported by all simulator, synthesis
tools, and editors.
1000 Bristol North Suite#17-222, Newport Beach, CA.92660♦Tel: 949.413.9135 ♦ Fax: 949.477.4015
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Enhancement Yes/No
Signed register, wire, port declaration Yes
2-dimensional array Yes
Multidimensional array No
Explicit parameter redefinition Yes
Liberal sensitive list (*) Yes
Variable initialization at declaration Yes
Combined port and data type declaration No
Recursive task and functions No
Arithmetic shift operation Yes
7. The RTL code must not declare any time delay (#), except for I/O pad assignments at the
top level. The synthesis tool ignores the delay and can cause simulation mismatch
between functional and gate-level.
8. Use liberal sensitivity list in always block (@*) to represent combinatorial logic and avoid
simulation mismatch between RTL and gate level.
9. Use non-blocking assignment for modeling flip-flop and blocking assignment for modeling
combinatorial logic and keep them in separate always blocks.
always @(posedge clk)
if (~rst_n)
q <= 0;
q <= d | e;
always @*
d = a & b & c;
10. Provide default to incomplete (not full) case statement to avoid unintended latch
instantiation. The synthesis directive full_case is then not required. It is recommended to
inspect the synthesis report to uncover any unintentional latch.
12. In general, avoid using full_case and parallel_case synthesis directive to avoid
discrepancy between simulation and synthesis tool.
1000 Bristol North Suite#17-222, Newport Beach, CA.92660♦Tel: 949.413.9135 ♦ Fax: 949.477.4015
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5 Template for Verilog RTL module
* $Id: $
* File: $Source: $
* Revision: $Revision: $
* First created: hsuwito, 9/2003
* Last updated: $Date: $
* By: $Author: $
* Description: Some description
* More description
* Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Hauw Suwito
* This source code is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it in source code form under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
* See the end of the file for revision history
`include "timescale.v"
module my
`include "my_param.v"
// Outputs declaration
output [1:0] out1; // output 1
output out2; // output 2
// Inputs declaration
input clk; // global clock
input rst_n; // active low reset, synchronous
input [1:0] inp1; // input 1
input inp2; // input 2
// Wires and registers declaration
reg [2:0] temp; // temporary 1
wire x; // one wire
// Module main body
endmodule // my
1000 Bristol North Suite#17-222, Newport Beach, CA.92660♦Tel: 949.413.9135 ♦ Fax: 949.477.4015
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* Revision history
* $Log: $
* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
* local Variables:
* verilog-library-directories:("." "../rtl" "../../rtl" "..")
* End:
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