Wind Energy
Wind Energy
Wind Energy
wind perform.
Performance starts with passion.
We are Senvion. 4,000 dedicated people and over 7,900 turbines with more than
17 gigawatts installed capacity across the globe. We provide sustainable energy for
well over eleven million households. But above all, we never stop challenging ourselves.
What drives us.
Wind. Its power fascinates us. Because we know it is vital to our progress
toward a sustainable future. Because we are convinced it will let us make
clean energy a market-driven reality.
That’s why we work with passion and commitment to make wind power
profitable and competitive for our customers. We keep challenging
ourselves – to provide our clients with optimum wind energy solutions.
That’s what drives us. Every single day.
Innovation needs
a solid foundation.
Senvion’s origins date back to 1994. When wind power was still
in its infancy, we put all our passion, ingenuity and dedication into
developing our first 500-kilowatt system.
We now design, produce and sell wind turbines for almost every
location, with nominal power ranging from 2 to 6.33 megawatts.
In addition, we also provide project-specific solutions for wind farm
engineering, service and maintenance, transport and installation
as well as foundation construction.
4.XM platform launched
2017 Senvion signs exclusivity agreement for the
first offshore wind farm in the Mediterranean
with a total rated power of 30 megawatts
7,777th turbine erected
IPO on the Deutsche Börse in Frankfurt Nordsee One commissioned, one of the biggest
wind farms in the German North Sea
farm in Canada
REpower Systems officially becomes Senvion
Senvion reaches a milestone: 10 gigawatts
of power installed around the globe
Prototype of Senvion 6.2M152 erected;
at 152 m, its rotor diameter is the largest 5,000 th turbine erected
in the entire industry at the time and has a
swept area of more than three football fields
5M prototype commissioned
2003 MM82 prototype connected to the grid
Making wind power consistently competitive with fossil fuels, takes dedication,
innovative thinking and expertise. That’s why we work with great passion and
commitment to make our products and services even better – each and every day.
We want to deliver the best possible solutions for every one of our customers.
Because their success means a cleaner future – for all of us.
Customized solutions
for individual success.
Every project is unique. From the country you operate in to site conditions and
wind speeds, individual requirements can vary hugely. That’s why we develop
unique solutions tailored to each customer, based on customized products and
3.4M122 NES
3.6M114 NES
3.6M118 NES
3.6M140 EBC
3.7M144 EBC
4.2M118 NES
4.2M140 EBC
4.2M148 EBC
Master of all wind classes.
Thanks to our extensive portfolio of turbines, we are able to We firmly believe there is no need to keep reinventing the
optimize performance in all wind classes. Our MM series, for wheel to develop new generations of top-notch turbines.
instance, is regarded as the benchmark in the 2-megawatt In our view, the best way forward is to systematically evolve
category and is at home even in extreme climate conditions, and dovetail successful, tried-and-trusted technologies and
while our high-performance 2.XM series is designed to back them up with our longstanding onshore and offshore
operate at low wind speeds and under challenging weather experience. The result? Highly reliable turbines with continu-
conditions. The exceptional flexibility and operating efficiency ously enhanced output and efficiency.
of our turbines in the 3.XM and 4.XM series makes challeng-
ing conditions economically viable. Our 6.XM series provides
the best choice for deep offshore sites.
The power of wind can be awe-inspiring. But using all your passion, ingenuity and the
experience won over decades to harness this raw force of nature, is even more exciting.
On land and at sea, in high winds, under harsh conditions and in just about any location,
we have proven just how competitive this clean power source can be.
We’re making the world
a little greener every day.
North America
USA: Denver
Canada: Montréal
Mexico: Mexico City
South America
Chile: Santiago de Chile
Argentina: Buenos Aires
Germany: Hamburg Portugal: Porto
Bremerhaven Oliveira de Frades
Büdelsdorf Vagos
Osnabrück Romania: Bucharest
Osterrönfeld Netherlands: Nijkerk
France: Paris (Courbevoie Cedex) Sweden: Västerås
Spain: Madrid Austria: Ernstbrunn
UK: Edinburgh Poland: Warsaw
Italy: Milan Rzeszów
Belgium: Oostende Żory-Warszowice
Turkey: Istanbul
Asia Pacific
China: Beijing
India: Bengaluru
Japan: Tokyo
Australia: Melbourne
Offices/production sites Areas where Senvion operates Areas for potential Senvion projects
Countless options,
individual solutions.
Our global outlook and worldwide operations inform our A 360-degree approach – complemented by our experience and
strategy and shape our mindset. Instead of just focusing continuous product development – helps us identify the best
on single turbines, we think in terms of entire projects. And solutions and keep the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) down.
because we engage with our partners right from the start,
we can streamline every step along the value chain. Remain- The initiative we set up as a part of the development of our
ing open to external sources of expertise and keeping an new offshore turbine exemplifies this approach. A consortium
eye on the whole process are key to preventing excessive of specialists from various areas, headed by Senvion, is devel-
costs down the line. oping a robust, reliable, next-generation wind turbine. This
will pave the way for leveraging efficiencies and reducing
LCOE right across the value chain.
Other elements of our integral approach include our TechCenter
as well as our Turbine Control Center (TCC) in Osterrönfeld,
Germany and our International TECH Park in Bengaluru, India.
These facilities are at the heart of Senvion´s research and
development which is based on using proven designs as a
springboard and evolving them by combining findings from
the onshore and offshore sectors.
At our TCC, we monitor wind farms around the clock. This lets
us respond to any faults promptly, both remotely and with
our local teams. From research and development through
logistics, installation and maintenance, all our efforts are
directed at delivering solutions that are the perfect fit for
our customers – every time.
Operator: Vattenfall/Nuon
Sharing our expertise
is all part of the service.
The Princess Alexia wind farm is one of the biggest onshore highly competitive bid against an independent service provider.
wind farms in the Netherlands. It was commissioned in 2013 Our comprehensive service package has been tailored to the
and its 36 Senvion 3.4M104 turbines with and AEP of 218,000 requirements of a mixed team of Vattenfall and Senvion tech-
MWh supply electricity to some 88,000 households. nicians and includes an improved 98% technical availability
guarantee and a professional training program.
After completing the installation, Senvion was awarded a
full-service contract under which Senvion provided remote All of which means our customers benefit twice: First, from
monitoring, trouble-shooting and repair, maintenance as optimized performance and second from the transfer of
well as a range of additional services. In August 2018, valuable know-how.
Senvion secured the contract for another four years in a
Count on us.
As passionate and driven as we are about wind energy, we are
matter-of-fact when it comes to presenting our performance
in numerical terms. After all, what really counts for us and our
customers is achieving the highest possible performance with
a low levelized cost of energy every time.
17,251 MW
installed capacity
4,000 2–6.3 MW
employees nominal power range
35 82–152 m 23
offices and production sites range of rotor diameters languages spoken
7,934 24/7 90
installed wind turbines remote monitoring service stations
Senvion GmbH
Überseering 10
22297 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 40 5 55 50 90-0
Fax: +49 40 5 55 50 90-39 99 Published by and copyright © 2018 Senvion GmbH. All rights reserved.
E-mail: Any reproduction, either partial or in total, is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. This non-binding document is
intended for information and advertising purposes only. All information
Follow us: contained herein is subject to change without prior notice. Publisher
assumes no liability for any consequences arising from the use of the
abovementioned information. Status 09/2018