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5090 s14 QP 11 PDF

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Ordinary Level

BIOLOGY 5090/11
Paper 1 Multiple Choice May/June 2014
1 hour
Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet
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Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)


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Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the Answer Sheet in the spaces provided
unless this has been done for you.

There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible
answers A, B, C and D.
Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate Answer Sheet.

Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully.

Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.
Any rough working should be done in this booklet.
Electronic calculators may be used.

This document consists of 16 printed pages.

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1 Which of the following have both cytoplasm and cell walls?

A liver cells
B red blood cells
C root hair cells
D xylem vessels

2 Plant cells are placed in a solution with a lower water potential than that of the cells.

Which row is correct?

movement of
volume of vacuole
water by osmosis

A enters cells decreases

B enters cells increases
C leaves cells decreases
D leaves cells increases

3 Which diagram illustrates the process of active transport?


mineral ion

soil root hair cell plant cell


tissue cell capillary wall

water carbon dioxide blood
plant cell

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4 A bacterium lives in hot springs at temperatures of 75 °C to 85 °C.

Which graph represents the activity of enzymes found in these bacteria?


enzyme enzyme
activity activity

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

temperature / °C temperature / °C


enzyme enzyme
activity activity

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

temperature / °C temperature / °C

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5 The diagram shows the structure of a leaf of a dicotyledonous plant.

What are the functions of the parts labelled on the diagram?

1 2 3 4

A gaseous exchange photosynthesis reducing evaporation transport

B photosynthesis gaseous exchange transport reducing evaporation
C photosynthesis reducing evaporation gaseous exchange transport
D transport reducing evaporation gaseous exchange photosynthesis

6 The diagram refers to some substances found in plant cells.

Which area of the diagram represents the end products of photosynthesis?

glucose A water



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7 The diagrams show an experiment to find the rate of photosynthesis in an aquatic plant in
different conditions.

Which plant produces the most bubbles per minute?


lamp lamp


lamp lamp

ice ice

8 Which symptom of malnutrition can be treated by an increased amount of protein in the diet?

A constipation
B heart disease
C obesity
D stunted growth

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9 The table shows the rates of absorption of two different sugars, arabinose and glucose, in living
and dead intestines. The concentrations of the sugars inside the intestines were the same in
each case.

rate of absorption (arbitrary units)

arabinose glucose

living intestine 31 102

dead intestine 31 34

What are the main methods of absorption of arabinose and glucose in living intestine?

arabinose glucose

A active transport active transport

B active transport diffusion
C diffusion active transport
D diffusion diffusion

10 The table describes some characteristics of four people.

Which person requires the highest energy intake in their diet?

body weight
age sex level of activity
/ kg

A 5 male high 18
B 20 male low 85
C 40 female high 82
D 65 female low 75

11 The diagram shows a section through the stem of a dicotyledonous plant.

Which tissue transports sugars through the stem?

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12 Which effects will an increase in temperature and an increase in humidity have on the
transpiration rate of a plant?

transpiration rate
with increased with increased
temperature humidity

A decreases decreases
B decreases increases
C increases decreases
D increases increases

13 Which sequence shows the shortest route taken by blood travelling from a leg to an arm in the
human body?

A leg → heart → lungs → heart → arm

B leg → heart → lungs → kidney → arm

C leg → kidney → heart → lungs → arm

D leg → lungs → heart → alimentary canal → arm

14 The diagram shows a section through part of a vein.


What could be the first organs found in the directions 1 and 2?

1 2

A heart brain
B intestine liver
C kidney heart
D lung heart

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15 The graph shows the pressure changes in the left atrium and the left ventricle while the heart is

When does the atrio-ventricular (bicuspid) valve close?


pressure left atrium
/ kPa 8
left ventricle

0 time / s 1.0

16 Anaerobic respiration in yeast can be summarised as follows.

glucose → ethanol + carbon dioxide

How many molecules of carbon dioxide will be produced from the breakdown of two molecules of

A 2 B 4 C 6 D 12

17 The diagram shows an alveolus and an associated blood capillary.

At which point will the greatest rate of diffusion of carbon dioxide occur?

linked to
pulmonary vein

linked to
pulmonary artery alveolus



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18 What happens to the volume of the thorax and the air pressure in the lungs during breathing out?

volume of thorax air pressure in lungs

A decreases increases
B decreases remains constant
C increases increases
D increases remains constant

19 Which process occurs in a kidney dialysis machine?

A Large protein molecules are removed from the blood plasma.

B Materials pass out of the blood down a concentration gradient.
C Oxygen is used up in removing materials from the blood.
D Pressure forces dialysis fluid into the blood.

20 What happens when the body temperature rises above normal?

arterioles near
sweat secreted
skin surface

A constricted yes
B constricted no
C dilated yes
D dilated no

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21 A man stands 10 metres away from a sign and can see it clearly. He walks towards the sign and
stops 0.5 metres from it.

Which changes occur in his eyes so that the sign is still in focus?

suspensory result is light rays

ciliary muscles lens becomes
ligaments refracted

A contract slacken thicker more

B contract tighten thinner less
C relax slacken thinner less
D relax tighten thicker more

22 The diagram shows a section through the brain.

3 2

What are some functions of the parts labelled 1, 2 and 3?

1 2 3

A centre for learning forms visual images controls digestion

B controls blood pressure centre for touch sensations controls breathing rate
C controls speech controls smooth movements controls heart rate
D forms memory store controls balance determines intelligence

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23 How does adrenaline affect glucose uptake by muscle cells and carbohydrate conversion by liver

glucose uptake carbohydrate conversion

A decreases glucose to glycogen

B decreases glycogen to glucose
C increases glucose to glycogen
D increases glycogen to glucose

24 The diagrams show the bones of the forelimb in a bat and in a human.

Which structure in the forelimb of the bat can be identified as the humerus?


bat human

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25 The bar chart shows the percentage of women who had babies of low weight, amongst smokers
and non-smokers.


percentage of women
having babies with
low birth weight

smokers non-smokers

What is shown by the bar chart?

A More women smoke during pregnancy than do not.

B Smoking in pregnancy increases the risk of low birth weight.
C Smoking is bad for the health of a pregnant woman.
D Women whose babies have low birth weight are smokers.

26 Which substances are produced using bacteria?

A cheese and yoghurt

B cheese and penicillin
C penicillin and bread
D yoghurt and bread

27 Using the key, which organism is a virus?

1 has a cell wall ................................. go to 2

does not have a cell wall ................ go to 3
2 cell wall is made of chitin ................ organism A
cell wall is made of cellulose .......... organism B
3 has a cell membrane ....................... organism C
has a protein coat ........................... organism D

28 Which statement correctly describes relationships in ecosystems?

A Carbohydrates are passed from decomposers to producers.

B Energy is passed from carnivores to herbivores.
C Proteins are passed from primary consumers to producers.
D Water is passed from respiring decomposers to producers.

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29 The diagram shows a food chain.

grass → rabbit → fox → flea

Which pyramid of numbers matches this food chain?


30 In which natural cycles are protein molecules involved?

carbon cycle nitrogen cycle


31 Why is the organism that causes malaria called both a parasite and a pathogen?

called a parasite because called a pathogen because

A it feeds on its host it causes disease

B it feeds on its host it lives inside another organism
C it is carried by a vector it causes disease
D it is carried by a vector it lives inside another organism

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32 The list shows some changes that may occur in a lake that is polluted with nitrogen-containing

1 Concentration of oxygen decreases.

2 Decomposers feed on plants.
3 Green microorganisms grow and cover the surface.
4 Plants die.

In which order do these changes occur?

A 1→2→3→4

B 2→1→4→3

C 3→4→2→1

D 4→3→1→2

33 What are two female parts of a flower?

A anther and seed

B sepal and petal
C stamen and carpel
D stigma and carpel

34 Cell X contains 24 chromosomes. It divides by mitosis to produce cells Y and Z.

cell X

cell Y cell Z

How many chromosomes does cell Z contain?

A 12 B 24 C 46 D 48

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35 The graph shows the concentration of a hormone in the blood during one menstrual cycle.

of hormone
in the blood

1 7 14 21 28
time / days

Which hormone concentration was measured?

A follicle-stimulating hormone
B luteinising hormone
C oestrogen
D progesterone

36 Which substances are present in breast milk but not in bottled milk made from milk powder?

A antibodies
B carbohydrates
C proteins
D vitamins

37 Which outcomes might farmers want to achieve by using artificial selection?

increased decreased

A fertiliser use pesticide use

B growth rate yield
C pesticide use growth rate
D yield fertiliser use

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38 The diagram shows the blood group phenotypes of some members of a family.

Which member of the F1 generation must be heterozygous, with the codominant alleles?

blood blood
group O group O

F1 generation

F2 generation
blood blood blood blood
group B group A group A group O

39 Which statement about chromosomes is correct?

A Chromosomes are long DNA molecules called genes which are divided into sections.
B Chromosomes include a long molecule of DNA divided into sections called genes.
C Chromosomes include genes which are divided into sections called DNA molecules.
D Genes include long DNA molecules called chromosomes.

40 Which statement is always true of dominant alleles?

A They cannot undergo mutation.

B They give a greater chance of survival than recessive alleles.
C They give the same phenotype in heterozygotes and homozygotes.
D They occur more frequently in the population than recessive alleles.

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Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
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