Dumbar y El Lenguaje
Dumbar y El Lenguaje
Dumbar y El Lenguaje
R.I.M. Dunbar
School of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool, Biosciences Building, Crown St.,
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2003.32:163-181. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
Key Words brain size, social cognition, theory of mind, social group size, culture
■ Abstract The social brain (or Machiavellian Intelligence) hypothesis was pro-
posed to explain primates’ unusually large brains: It argues that the cognitive demands
of living in complexly bonded social groups selected for increases in executive brain
(principally neocortex). The evidence for this and alternative hypotheses is reviewed.
Although there remain difficulties of interpretation, the bulk of the evidence comes
down in favor of the social brain hypothesis. The extent to which the cognitive de-
mands of bonding large intensely social groups involve aspects of social cognition,
such as theory of mind, is explored. These findings are then related to the evolution of
social group size, language, and culture within the hominid lineage.
In the century and a half following the discovery of the first Neanderthals, the
focus of palaeoanthroplogy has been on the who’s who of hominid evolution. How
species are defined has come to occupy the central place in that story, with anatomy
perhaps inevitably being the central plank of that endeavor. As appropriate as this
has been, it does overlook the fact that what makes us human is not our bodies
but our minds. The story of hominid—and hence ultimately human—evolution
is thus one that must be told in terms of the evolution of mind. As Lewis-Williams
(2002) points out, there have been only two serious attempts to grapple with this
problem (Donald 1991, Mithen 1996), and both of these have inevitably been
somewhat speculative in nature. I here offer a preliminary attempt to grapple with
this problem. My focus is the intersection of brain, mind, and language in hominid
Ever since Jerison’s (1973) seminal study, it has been recognized that primates
have unusually large brains for body size. Moreover, within the primates, some
species have disproportionately large brains for body size, one of these of course
being humans. In general, however, differences in brain size do not reflect pro-
portional increases in all brain components. Rather, the size of the neocortex
accounts for most of the deviation from overall trend lines (Finlay & Darlington
1995). Primates have larger brains than other species mainly because they have
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larger neocortices. In effect, then, when asking “Why do primates have unusu-
ally large brains?,” we are really asking, “Why do primates have unusually large
Traditionally, the assumption has been that changes in brain evolution have
been driven by the need to solve ecological problems. Jerison (1973), for exam-
ple, showed that the brain sizes of ungulates (prey) and carnivores (their predators)
covaried across time through the Paleogene and the Neogene, with increases in un-
gulate brain volume being followed later by a corresponding increase in carnivore
brain size. This view has been reflected in the assumption that human intellectual
abilities are principally associated with the production and use (in hunting) of
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2003.32:163-181. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
by WIB6334 - Tierarztliche Hochschule Hannover on 10/02/09. For personal use only.
tools. However, Byrne & Whiten’s (1988) suggestion that primates differed from
nonprimates principally in the complexity of their social skills rather than their
foraging or survival skills initiated a new interest in alternative hypotheses for
brain evolution in primates.
It is important to appreciate in this context that the contrast between the so-
cial and more traditional ecological/technological hypotheses is not a question of
whether or not ecology influences behavior, but rather is one of whether ecolog-
ical/survival problems are solved explicitly by individuals acting on their own or
by individuals effecting social (e.g., cooperative) solutions to these problems. In
both cases, the driving force of selection derives from ecology, but the solution
(the animals’ response to the problem) arises from contrasting sources with very
different cognitive demands (individual skills in one case, social-cognitive skills
in the other).
I first briefly summarize attempts to test between alternative hypotheses as
to why some primates might have larger neocortices than others, and then I
consider some of the implications of these findings for cognitive and social
evolution within the hominids. In the latter respect, I consider principally the
implications for social group size, language evolution, and core aspects of social
Attempts to test the social brain hypothesis have focused on identifying suitable
indices of social complexity and appropriate indices of brain volume against which
these indices can be correlated, as well as the implications of alternative statistical
procedures. I do not comment here on the latter issues: Useful reviews of method-
ological issues can be found in Barton & Dunbar (1997), Dunbar (1998a), Barton
(1999), and Purvis & Webster (1999).
So far, five separate indices of social complexity or skill have been correlated
against neocortex volume in primates. These include social group size (Sawaguchi
& Kudo 1990; Dunbar 1992a, 1998a; Barton 1996; Barton & Dunbar 1997), groom-
ing clique size (Kudo & Dunbar 2001), the extent to which social skills are used in
male mating strategies (Pawlowski et al. 1997), the frequency of tactical deception
(Byrne 1995, 1996), and the frequency of social play (Lewis 2001). Each of these
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Figure 1 Mean social group size for individual primate taxa (principally, one species
per genus) plotted against relative neocortex volume (indexed as neocortex volume
divided by the volume of the rest of the brain). Simian (solid symbols) and hominoid
(open symbols) taxa are shown separately. The datapoint for humans is that obtained by
Dunbar (1992a). With a logged axis, neocortex ratio is mathematically identical to the
more commonly used residuals of logged variables (except that the baseline is taken to
be the value of the individual taxon’s brain component rather than the scaled average
value for the Order or other higher taxonomic grouping). Reproduced with permission
from Barrett et al. (2002).
has yielded significant correlations with relative neocortex volume in primates and
absolute neocortex volume in the case of group size. Figure 1 plots the relationship
for social group size in anthropoid primates. Additional support for the hypothesis
comes from two sources: (i) The regression equation for primates predicts group
size for species not included in the original dataset from which the relationship
was derived (Dunbar 1995); and (ii) similar relationships for social group size have
been reported for carnivores and advanced (but not basal) insectivores (Dunbar &
Bever 1998) and cetaceans (Morino 1996). In addition, comparable results have
been reported from unpublished analyses of bats and ungulates, which suggests
that this relationship may in fact be a general mammalian one.
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These tests of the social brain hypothesis have, however, been based on cor-
relational analyses and hence do not allow firm conclusions on causality to be
drawn. Nonetheless, testing between competing hypotheses adds significantly to
the power of any such analyses if it can be shown that only social indices yield
significant relationships with brain component volumes. Dunbar (1992a, 1995)
compared social group size (as a nominal index of social complexity) against four
ecological indices as predictors of relative neocortex volume in primates. These
included the proportion of fruit in the diet, home range size, day journey length,
and the species’ foraging style [in terms of Gibson’s (1986) categories of extrac-
tive foraging]. Each of these focuses on a different possible ecological skill that
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2003.32:163-181. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
by WIB6334 - Tierarztliche Hochschule Hannover on 10/02/09. For personal use only.
might plausibly be implicated in primates’ survival skills (e.g., the greater cogni-
tive demands of frugivory and extractive forms of foraging or the need to manage
large mental maps). These analyses yielded nonsignificant relationships between
all four ecological indices and relative neocortex size (at least when ecological
variables are adjusted for relative body size).
These results were subsequently confirmed in a reanalysis of the data by Deaner
et al. (2000) using alternative methods for relativizing neocortex volume and al-
ternative statistical procedures. In their analysis, the ecological variable (range
size) was favored over group size only when neocortex volume was scaled against
body size (an inappropriate procedure, given that body size is phenotypically more
variable than brain component volumes and is hence no longer recommended as
a basis for scaling in comparative analyses of the brain) and when range size was
not scaled for body size (a questionable procedure because body size must have
a significant grain effect on how an animal relates to its spatial environment). All
other analyses confirmed that social group size is a better predictor of neocortex
volume than is range size.
Reader & Laland (2002) analyzed frequencies of behavioral innovation, social
learning, and tool use culled from the literature: All three indices yielded significant
positive correlations with both the absolute and relative volume of executive brain
(neocortex plus striate cortex) in primates, when appropriate controls are made for
phylogeny and research effort (indexed as the frequencies with which individual
species have been studied). They found that innovation and social learning covary
across species and argued that this undermines the claim that there is an evolution-
ary trade-off between reliance on social experience and on individual experience.
In addition, Reader & Lefebvre (2001) showed that there is no correlation between
the social learning index and social group size once brain volume has been taken
into account. Reader & Laland (2002) conclude that ecological factors may have
been as (or more) important than social factors in primate brain evolution.
Because virtually all the instances of behavior in the Reader/Laland database
relate to foraging situations, it is not safe to conclude more than that the cognitive
processes underpinning “intelligent behavior” are used (or can be used) in the eco-
logical domain (irrespective of whether the origins of brain evolution in primates
have been driven by social or purely ecological forces). What these analyses do
not test is whether social situations require different or greater cognitive powers
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do, however, allow us to reject unequivocally the first of the two alternatives.
In contrast, they do not allow us to dismiss the claim that ecological innovation
(including tool use and social learning) is simply a by-product of having large
brains (executive or otherwise) for social purposes. Following the lead in devel-
opmental psychology, there is a growing view that social intelligence may not be
a special module (in the sense that language might be considered a specialized
module) but rather is a reflection of the ability to use basic executive functions
in a more sophisticated way (for example, by using analogical reasoning, causal
analysis, and deeper time depths for predicting future events) as a result of being
able to bring greater (or, in terms of the ability to interface different domains, more
sophisticated) computing power to bear on the problem at hand (see Mitchell 1997;
L. Barrett and R.I.M. Dunbar, submitted).
The lack of correlation between social group size and the social learning index
used by Reader & Laland suggests that either (a) there may be specialist cognitive
demands for purely social tasks that are not required in foraging tasks, or (b) social
(but not foraging) tasks involve components not included in the executive brain.
Both options receive some support from the literature. Emery & Perrett (2000)
have shown that there are correlations between social group size in primates and
the volume of the basolateral complex of the amygdala (which has a direct neural
input into the frontal lobe of the brain, the principal seat of executive function).
The amygdala (part of the ancient subcortical limbic system) is perhaps an obvious
candidate for any social function because one of its more important neurological
tasks is the recognition and integration of emotional cues. These are likely to be
important in any social context and of rather limited relevance for any strictly
foraging problem unless these have a direct emotional component (e.g., sighting a
predator or conflict with a conspecific over a resource item). It is important to note
that it is only the basolateral complex of the amygdala that exhibits a relationship
with social group size and not either the amygdala as a whole or other complexes
within that structure (Emery & Perrett 2000, Joffe & Dunbar 1997). Similarly,
Joffe & Dunbar (1997) were able to show that removing the primary visual cortex
(area V1) from the neocortex volume resulted in a significantly tighter correlation
between social group size and the remaining non-striate cortex. Although V1
correlates with social group size, it does so only with much greater variance, and
the correlation disappears altogether when non-V1 neocortex volume is partialled
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out. Indeed, Dunbar (2003) has since shown, using MRI-derived data on brain
volume provided by Semendeferi et al. (1997), that frontal lobe volume (widely
regarded as the principal site for executive cognitive function) provides an even
better fit to social group size (at least for a very small sample of species, principally
Reader & Laland’s (2002) claim that ecological problem solving might have
been the initial impetus that set primate brain evolution in motion does, however,
merit serious consideration. They argue that ecological problem solving through
behavioral flexibility may have provided the key stimulus to facilitate brain growth
within the primates, thus in due course providing the opportunity to exploit the
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2003.32:163-181. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
by WIB6334 - Tierarztliche Hochschule Hannover on 10/02/09. For personal use only.
enlarged brains so derived for social purposes. This argument is not implausible.
Indeed, a similar argument has been deployed by Barton (1998), who suggested
that the dramatic grade shift in relative brain volume found between prosimian and
anthropoid primates may owe its origin to the processing demands of color vision
associated with a shift in diet from insects to fruits (and the consequent need to be
able to detect ripe and unripe fruits against a vegetational background). However,
the Reader & Laland (but not the Barton) argument raises questions about why
primates should have been singled out in this way. Without knowing exactly where
the contrasts between group size and the social learning index lie in relation to the
primate phylogenetic tree, it is not possible to decide whether the lack of correlation
between these two variables is due to ecological or phylogenetic grade shifts [in
their analyses, Reader & Lefebvre (2001) fail to distinguish between prosimians,
monkeys, and apes, all of which are now known to exhibit marked grade shifts in
brain/behavior relationships; see Dunbar 1993, 1998a; Kudo & Dunbar 2001] or
to a genuine discontinuity between ecological and social cognition.
Alternative hypotheses for the evolution of large brains in primates, which view
behavioral and cognitive competences as mere by-products of having a large brain,
have been proposed. For example, Sacher & Staffeldt (1974) and Martin (1981,
1984) proposed that larger-bodied species incur savings of scale that allow surplus
energy to be invested into fetal brain growth in a way that is not possible for
smaller-bodied species. The availability of additional brain volume for use in social
contexts can thus be seen as a by-product of this brain-to-body-size relationship.
However, McNab & Eisenberg (1989) showed that, within mammals, brain size
adjusted for body size correlates most strongly with a species’ habits and not with
its metabolic rate. Similarly, Finlay & Darlington (1995, Finlay et al. 2001) have
argued that ontogenetic scaling relationships between brain components are largely
responsible for the apparently greater intelligence of larger-brained species.
Although the claim that brain evolution is subject to nothing other than strict
scaling laws has been disputed (see Barton & Harvey 2000 and commentaries
in Finlay et al. 2000), it remains reasonable to argue that ontogenetic scaling
relationships of this kind play an important role in brain evolution when social or
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ecological selection factors demand it. Thus, when the ability to maintain large
group sizes is at a selective premium, it may be necessary to enlarge the whole brain
in order to be able to produce the enlarged neocortex required to support large social
groups. Either way, however, neither of these developmental arguments addresses
the crucial evolutionary fact that large group sizes incur significant costs, both
in ecological (van Schaik 1983, Dunbar 1988, Dunbar 1992b) and reproductive
terms (Dunbar 1980), not to mention the energetic costs of large brains (Aiello
& Wheeler 1995). Large groups simply cannot be an unintended by-product of
having a large brain because the costs of living in large groups would inevitably
result in their rapid dispersal if there were no intrinsic advantages to living in
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2003.32:163-181. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
by WIB6334 - Tierarztliche Hochschule Hannover on 10/02/09. For personal use only.
large groups to offset these costs. Thus, parsimony drives us toward the view that
these explanations are in fact perfectly plausible arguments about developmental
constraints, but not about evolutionary processes as such. In other words, they
are an essential part of the story, but the explanation for why some primates have
evolved larger brains than others (or, indeed, why primates in general have larger
brains than other mammals) requires something in addition.
In summary, parsimony and biological common sense would suggest that it is
group size that drives brain size evolution rather than brain size driving group size
and that group size itself is a response to an ecological problem [most probably
predation risk (van Schaik 1983, Dunbar 1988, Hill & Dunbar 1998)]. Although
the hypothesis has been tested by determining how neocortex volume constrains
group size and other social indices, the evolutionary logic is that the need to main-
tain coherent groups of a particular size has driven neocortex volume evolution
through its demands on cognitive competences. The most succinct and parsimo-
nious causal sequence with fewest unsupported assumptions is that the window
of opportunity provided for more intensely bonded social groups and the social
skills that underpin this was the crucial selection pressure for the evolution of large
brains, even though simple ecological pressures (e.g., the shift to a more frugivo-
rous diet) may have been instrumental in kicking off the process. In these terms,
any associated ecological skills may be seen as the outcome of the opportunity
provided by an increase in general purpose intelligence generated off the back of
the social requirements. To argue the reverse sequence (that large social groups are
a by-product of having evolved large brains to solve simple ecological problems)
is, as with the various ontogenetic hypotheses, to leave unanswered the problem
of the costs of social living.
in this particular context. The most plausible interpretation is that some aspect of
neocortex size imposes a limit on the number of relationships that an individual
animal can maintain as a coherent set within its mental social world. This probably
does not refer to the total social group. Rather, the analyses carried out by Kudo
& Dunbar (2001) suggest that it is the inner group social group that an individual
primate is most concerned about. This seems to correspond to the number of key
social partners an individual animal has (as defined by the number of regular
grooming partners). This core social group seems to correspond to the limit on
the number of individuals who are willing to act as allies during conflicts. Being
able to service an effective set of alliances seems to be crucial in allowing the
individual animal to maintain the larger social grouping into which it is embedded
(the conventional social group).
The effectiveness of an animal’s relationships with its key coalition partners
appears to be a function in part of its ability to integrate these individuals into
its mental social world (a cognitive problem) and the time it can afford to invest
in grooming with these individuals (an ecological problem). The latter, at least,
is reflected in the fact that time devoted to social grooming increases more or
less linearly with social group size (at least in catarrhine primates) (Dunbar 1991);
however, this investment in grooming is not evenly distributed around the group but
rather becomes increasingly (and disproportionately) focused on the core partners
as group size increases (Dunbar 1984, Kudo & Dunbar 2001). It seems that, as
group size increases, monkeys and apes endeavor to invest increasingly heavily in
their core social partners. This can be interpreted as reflecting the fact that primates
need to ensure that these alliances work effectively in order to buffer themselves
against the costs of group living. These costs, which increase proportionately
(but not necessarily linearly) as group size increases, reflect both the ecological
and reproductive costs of living in close proximity to more individuals. Direct
ecological costs reflect the energetic and time costs of the increased day journey
lengths needed to accommodate extra individuals’ feeding requirements, whereas
the indirect costs reflect the disruptions to foraging consequent of contests over
access to food. For females, these latter costs may be reflected directly in reduced
fertility and lower birth rates (Bowman et al. 1978, Harcourt 1987).
Note that this coalitionary effect may find expression in two alternative forms.
One is that allies actually come to the aid of the individual when it is under
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attack. But the same functional effect would be produced simply by the pres-
ence of grooming partners acting passively to distance individuals whose physical
proximity would stress the individual. Although there is unequivocal evidence for
active coalitionary support from some species [e.g., gelada (Dunbar 1980, 1989)],
there is equally compelling evidence to suggest that interventions of this kind
may not necessarily be all that common in other species [e.g., baboons (Henzi &
Barrett 1999, Barrett & Henzi 2002, Combes & Altmann 2001, Silk et al. 2003)].
Nonetheless, the functional consequences of managing group cohesion may be
effected equally well by either the active or the passive route (or both).
To survive in a large primate group (and so gain the ecological advantages of
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2003.32:163-181. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
by WIB6334 - Tierarztliche Hochschule Hannover on 10/02/09. For personal use only.
group size), an animal has to engage in a sophisticated balancing act in which other
group members are kept at just sufficient distance to prevent them imposing serious
ecological and reproductive costs while at the same time not driving them away
altogether. It is coalitions based on grooming partnerships that appear to allow
monkeys and apes to do this. And these coalitions are, in turn, possible because
of the social cognitive skills that allow primates to weld these miniature networks
into effective social units.
Note that these analyses have all involved mean social group size for a species
or genus, whereas the social brain hypothesis is couched in terms of the lim-
its to group size. That limit is set by the point where, for any given species,
social groups start to become unstable and fission rather easily. We do not at
present know exactly where that value is for more than a handful of species.
However, it seems intuitively likely that this value will be correlated with other
demographic characteristics of that species, and hence with mean group size,
thus explaining why we get the observed significant relationship with mean
group size.
Dunbar (2003) has shown that achieved level of intentionality (assuming level 1
for cercopithecine monkeys, level 2 for chimpanzees, and level 4 for adult humans)
correlates linearly (and very tightly) with absolute frontal lobe volume for these
species, suggesting an important role for the frontal lobe in social cognition. This
finding is supported by the results of brain scan studies of human subjects, which
indicate that, when solving social cognition tasks, areas within the frontal lobe
(specifically the left medial frontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex) are active
(Happé et al. 1996, Baron-Cohen et al. 1994).
Two distinct views have been expressed, however, as to what ToM or other
forms of social cognition actually involve. One is that social cognition consists of
one or more specialized modules, most probably situated in the frontal cortex, that
are explicitly dedicated to handling mind-reading. The other is that theory of mind
(or ToM) itself is an emergent property of other more fundamental cognitive pro-
cesses associated with executive function (Mitchell 1997). There are cogent ar-
guments for believing that social cognition of the kind that is so fundamental to
human social interaction (for review, see Barrett et al. 2002) may in fact be an
emergent property of more fundamental and taxonomically widespread cognitive
abilities, and that the difference lies not in specialized elements but in the way the
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Figure 2 Social group size predicted for individual hominid populations using the
regression equation for group size on neocortex ratio for hominoids (including modern
humans) shown in Figure 1. The horizontal line represents the value of ∼150 pre-
dicted for (and found in) modern human populations (see Dunbar 1993). Individual
populations are defined as all the crania found within 50,000-year time bands at an
individual site; a mean cranial volume for that population is then determined from the
values for individual crania within that population. Cranial volume is used to estimate
neocortex ratio using the regression equations given by Aiello & Dunbar (1993). Data
from Aiello & Dunbar (1993).
that group size probably remained within the broad range for living great apes
until well into the Homo erectus period and only began to rise significantly above
this level from about 1 MY. From that point on, however, group size appears to
increase at an exponential rate.
Origins of Language
These results suggest that the pressures exerted by social group size are unlikely to
have started to bite until quite late in hominid evolution. Whatever mechanisms are
used to bind ape social groups would have sufficed for their hominid counterparts
until well into the erectus period. These mechanisms were, of course, principally
social grooming. The upper limit on time spent grooming by any freeranging
primate population is 20%. If modern humans (with their groups of about 150)
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bonded their social groups using grooming in the conventional primate manner,
then the regression equation relating grooming time to group size in Old World
monkeys and apes would predict that about 43% of day time would have to be
devoted to social grooming. The mean amount of time actually spent in social
interaction (principally conversation) by a set of seven modern human populations
(with samples from both traditional and postindustrial cultures) is exactly 20%
(Dunbar 1998b). Dunbar (1993) argued that language evolved to bridge this gap
in bonding time requirement because it allows time to be used more efficiently.
This increased efficiency arises from at least three key features of language. One
is that several individuals can be “groomed” at once, in contrast to conventional
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2003.32:163-181. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
by WIB6334 - Tierarztliche Hochschule Hannover on 10/02/09. For personal use only.
grooming where only one individual can be groomed at any one time (a problem
we still encounter when we resort to the human equivalent of grooming, namely
cuddling and petting). The second is that it is possible to timeshare with speech in
a way that is not possible with grooming: We can talk and walk or feed, whereas
grooming is an exclusive activity (even in modern humans). Third, language allows
us to exchange information about events within our social network that happened
during our absence: For nonhuman primates, what they do not themselves see they
never know about. As a result, humans are able to maintain a better knowledge
database on a larger social network than any nonhuman primate.
We can use the regression equation relating social grooming time to group
size to estimate grooming time requirements for fossil hominids and, in this way,
gain some insight into when language might have evolved. Figure 3 plots the
percentage of day time that would have to be devoted to social grooming obtained
by interpolating the predicted group sizes for each hominid population shown
in Figure 2 into the grooming time equation for Old World monkeys and apes.
Because these are simply transformations of brain volume, the pattern across time
necessarily reflects the changing size of hominid cranial capacity and is subject to
all the usual caveats about compounding error variances. Our concern, however, is
less with the exact values than with how this pattern relates to the benchmarks for
pongid and modern human grooming time requirements, on the one hand, and the
likely limits on how much time could be dedicated to social interaction of this kind.
Recognizing that living catarrhine primates (at least) have an observed upper
limit on grooming time at 20% of their time budget, we can make some allowance
beyond this for time budgets to be squeezed under strong selection pressure for
larger groups. This might allow an additional 5% of time to be allocated to social
grooming. If vocal exchanges allow primates to extend the interaction process into
foraging and travel by a form of vocal grooming at a distance (as certainly happens
in gelada baboons and, perhaps, bonobos and callitrichids), then we can probably
add the equivalent of another 5% grooming time. That is to say, the use of vocal
exchanges to reinforce grooming relationships may allow group size to increase
by an amount equivalent to about 5% of grooming time (but probably not more)
without adding significantly to the time budget. This would give us a rubicon
at around 30% of grooming time requirement beyond which group size could
not increase unless language came into play. Mapping this value onto Figure 3
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Figure 3 Hominid grooming time requirements plotted against time. Grooming time
is determined by interpolating the values for group size shown in Figure 2 into the
regression equation for grooming time versus group size obtained from Old World
monkeys and apes. The solid horizontal lines represent the maximum grooming time
observed in any wild primate group (∼20%) and the time investment that would be
required to service relationships in modern human groups of ∼150 if this was done
by social grooming alone (∼43%); the dashed line represents the putative threshold at
∼30% of time, beyond which group size could not have increased without a method
of social bonding that used time more efficiently (i.e., language). Reproduced with
permission from Barrett et al. (2002).
suggests that language, at least in some form, would have had to have evolved by
around 0.5 MY. The distribution of datapoints on the graph suggests that Homo
erectus populations, taken as a whole, simply sit astride this rubicon, but H. sapiens
populations all exceed it. I take this as evidence to support the claim that language
(in some form) must have evolved with the appearance of H. sapiens and that H.
erectus almost certainly lacked a language capacity.
This conclusion fits well with two other sources of evidence that point more
or less at the same time slot for the evolution of language, namely the size of the
hypoglossal canal at the base of the skull and the size of the thoracic vertebral canal.
The hypoglossal nerve enervates the tongue, and, because the canal is significantly
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larger in modern humans than in other primates (when controlling for differences in
body size), Kay et al. (1998) proposed that a comparison of its size in fossil hominid
crania should tell us when speech evolved. Similarly, MacLarnon & Hewitt (1999)
pointed out that the modern human vertebral canal has a distinctive enlargement in
its thoracic region that is not present in other living primates, which seems likely to
reflect increased enervation for the control of breathing. Because speech requires
very fine control over breathing (speech requires a prolonged steady outflow of
breath), the relative size of the thoracic canal may give us another benchmark
for the appearance of speech. Both indices are of modern proportions in archaic
H. sapiens but of pongid proportions in all earlier specimens (although there is a
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2003.32:163-181. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
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considerable time gap separating the latest specimen with the pongid pattern from
the first that shows a modern human pattern in both cases).
Although there has been some dispute as to the real significance of these last
two anatomical findings, the consistency of these three very different sets of data is
surely significant. All three agree that there is evidence for the presence of speech
for archaic H. sapiens but not for H. erectus. This is also in broad general agreement
with recent genetic evidence suggesting that two key point mutations, which seem
to be associated with grammatical competence (FoxP2 genes on chromosome 7),
are likely to have appeared within the last 200 KY (Enard et al. 2002; see also Lai
et al. 2001).
In reviewing the pattern of grooming time in Figure 3, Aiello & Dunbar (1993)
argued that we should probably not expect language to have arisen as a single
phenotypic or genotypic event but rather as a series of stages. They characterized
these as involving (i) a conventional primate grooming-based process for the aus-
tralopiths as a group; (ii) increasing use of vocal chorusing to bond groups in the
way that gelada and other living primates already do (characteristic of H. erectus);
(iii) the appearance of socially focused language designed to expand the range
and quality of interactions needed to support larger groupings (associated with the
appearance of archaic H. sapiens); and finally (iv) language as we now have it
(involving extensive use of metaphor and technical knowledge). Aiello & Dunbar
(1993) equated the latter with the Upper Palaeolithic Revolution (reflecting the use
of language to reflect on, discuss, and teach about other worlds) and argued that
this largely involved a software rather than a hardware (i.e., neurological) change.
A plausible interpretation of the suggestion that language evolved out of a phase
of increasingly extended vocal exchanges is that such vocal exchanges are likely
to have involved chorusing (in the sense of communal singing). This interpreta-
tion would imply (a) that language evolved out of wordless singing [a view in
keeping with the suggestion that language has vocal and not gestural origins (for
an overview, see Barrett et al. 2002, pp. 328–34)] and (b) that music had an early
(and perhaps separate) development as part of the bonding mechanism that welds
human groups together.
Two alternative pathways can be envisaged here that have yet to be explored
in any detail. One is that music has a very ancient history, dating back to at least
the early H. erectus period when the demand for grooming time first significantly
exceeded the limiting values seen in nonhuman primates (∼20%). In this
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articulation (both as essential for singing as for speech) apparently evolved around
0.5 MY but the genes for grammar did not appear until much later. On this reading,
Neanderthals may have been very socially intense, but their groups would have
been much smaller than those of AMH because they lacked grammatical language
(without which it would be impossible to maintain large dispersed social groups).
nents noted by Finlay & Darlington (1995). Once again, there will inevitably be
some level of error variance in these estimates, but as a first pass it provides us
with at least a hypothesis to work from.
The results (Figure 4) suggest that the level-4 intentionality threshold was un-
likely to have been breached prior to the appearance of anatomically modern
Figure 4 Achievable level of intentionality (or advanced theory of mind) for indi-
vidual hominid populations, plotted against time. The horizontal lines demarcate level
2 (minimal theory of mind, representing the absolute upper limit for nonhuman pri-
mates) and level 4 (the level characteristic of normal human adults and the minimum
level required for religion). Frontal lobe volume for fossil hominids is estimated from
cranial volume using the regression equation for modern anthropoid primates; these are
then interpolated into the regression equation relating achievable level of intentionality
versus frontal lobe size in living catarrhines given by Dunbar (2003).
20 Aug 2003 20:54 AR AR196-AN32-08.tex AR196-AN32-08.sgm LaTeX2e(2002/01/18) P1: IKH
humans (AMH). All archaic H. sapiens populations lie just below the critical
threshold. Note, however, that Neanderthal populations straddle the line, although
there is in fact evidence of increasing cranial volume over time among Neanderthal
specimens. In contrast, H. erectus populations seem to be more or less evenly dis-
tributed around level 3, which would imply a level of cognitive skill much below
that required to support advanced human culture. This suggests that religion (at
least) and presumably higher culture in general was lacking in H. erectus and
probably came into being only with the appearance of the earliest populations of
archaic H. sapiens. This conclusion is broadly in accord with the archaeological
record for the Upper Palaeolithic Revolution.
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2003.32:163-181. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
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The research on which this article is based forms part of the programme of the
United Kingdom’s ESRC Research Centre in Economic Learning and Social Evo-
lution (ELSE). The support of the ESRC is gratefully acknowledged.
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Frontispiece—Ward H. Goodenough xiv
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2003.32:163-181. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
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In Pursuit of Culture, Ward H. Goodenough 1
Mississippian Chiefdoms: How Complex?, Charles R. Cobb 63
It’s a Material World: History, Artifacts, and Anthropology,
Elizabeth M. Brumfiel 205
Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology in South America, Vivian Scheinsohn 339
Developmental Biology and Human Evolution, C. Owen Lovejoy,
Melanie A. McCollum, Philip L. Reno, and Burt A. Rosenman 85
Environmental Pollution in Urban Environments and Human Biology,
Lawrence M. Schell and Melinda Denham 111
The Neolithic Invasion of Europe, Martin Richards 135
The Social Brain: Mind, Language, and Society in Evolutionary
Perspective, R.I.M. Dunbar 163
Intergroup Relations in Chimpanzees, Michael L. Wilson and
Richard W. Wrangham 363
Context, Culture, and Structuration in the Languages of Australia,
Nicholas Evans 13
Gender and Inequality in the Global Labor Force, Mary Beth Mills 41
Complex Adaptive Systems, J. Stephen Lansing 183
Urban Violence and Street Gangs, James Diego Vigil 225
Sustainable Governance of Common-Pool Resources: Context, Methods,
and Politics, Arun Agrawal 243
Urbanization and the Global Perspective, Alan Smart and Josephine Smart 263
August 21, 2003 0:26 Annual Reviews AR196-FM
Subject Index 475
Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 24–32 485
Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volume 24–32 488
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