A Three-Step Synthesis of Fluoxetine
A Three-Step Synthesis of Fluoxetine
A Three-Step Synthesis of Fluoxetine
Catherine University
2015 Sr. Seraphim Gibbons Undergraduate
Sr. Seraphim Gibbons Undergraduate Symposium
James Wollack
St. Catherine University
Meaghan Bruening
St. Catherine University
Her, Kristine; Wollack, James; and Bruening, Meaghan, "A Three-Step Synthesis of Fluoxetine" (2015). Sr. Seraphim Gibbons
Undergraduate Symposium. 3.
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Three Step Synthesis of Fluoxetine
Meaghan A. Bruening, Kristine N. Her
St. Catherine University
Abstract St. Paul, MN Discussion
been shown to be equally effective compared to This synthetic scheme resulted in an unsuccessful attempt to synthesize
older treatments, but contains far fewer adverse fluoxetine. Although the first reaction was supposed to proceed through
Fluoxetine side-effects. One of the leading antidepressants 0.10
i an SN2 mechanism, the weak base favored deprotonation at the a
of this type is fluoxetine. carbon. This, in combination with the poor leaving group ability of
Exposure to this medication alters the presynaptic serotonin chlorine, led to an Aldol reaction. In order to assemble the desired
transporter. Since this presynaptic transporter differs from those of d a molecule, alterations will need to be made to the procedure, or a new
other neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine, SSRIs e f Extraction Set-Up Using
h synthetic scheme will need to be derived. Retrosynthetically, the first
are able to target and alter only the function and uptake of serotonin. j brine and CH2Cl2
g solvent could be replaced with water to “green up” the reaction.
SSRIs bind to the serotonin specific enzyme at the end of the However, since the desired synthesis did not occur in the optimized
transporter, modifying the shape and reducing the binding ability of 0
solvents, this green alternative may not be the best way to assemble the
1.83 1.00 2.08 2.03 11.73 1.04 0.93 0.96 2.39 2.06 2.93 0.84 0.98 5.98
serotonin. Because of the decreased binding, serotonin accumulates in molecule. The current procedure, without alterations, is not a good
the presynaptic transporter. Instead of being transported with the 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5
synthetic path to follow in an undergraduate laboratory for fluoxetine
Chemical Shift (ppm)
enzyme, it is able to be captured, stored, and used later in the cell. synthesis.
This reallocation and redistribution of serotonin facilitates an array of 99
physiological alterations, aiding in the treatment and recovery from Future Directions
many physiological disorders.
1474.73cm-1 Crude Reaction Product • Utilize a starting material with bromine instead of chlorine (improved
Green Chemistry
88 1675.54cm-1 1385.12cm-1 1152.51cm-1
7 8 4 .7 8 c m -1
leaving group)
• Use X-ray crystallography to verify formation of Aldol product
86 O-H 1300.77cm-1
reactions, making them safer and 80
C=C 703.87cm-1