School of Pharmacy, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, University of London, London, S. W. 3, England
Received November 21, 1968
A number of derivatives of methadone and related compounds have been prepared, where the di-
methylamino group has been replaced by a 4-substituted piperazino function. The preparation of
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these compounds involved the reaction of N-w-cyanoalkyl-N'-carbethoxy piperazines with ethyl mag-
nesium bromide, and various products were obtained. These included replacement of the N'-carbethoxy
group by a triethylmethyl function and cleavage of the carbethoxy group. In some cases the w-cyano
group reacted to give the corresponding ketone. Reactions of 1-benzyl-4-carbethoxy piperazine with
ethyl magnesium bromide and phenyl magnesium bromide gave no evidence for the formation of the
triethylmethyl group. However, cleavage of the carbethoxy group occurred and there was evidence
for the formation of the corresponding amide.
Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 47, 2413 (1969)
3 C
X = a) NMe2; 6) N ; c) N 0 ; d ) -N uNMe
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I ) Hydrolysis A
-\ n.. + EtCCPh2(CH2)2N YR
amines with water or mineral acid represents an together with the impure N'-propionyl amide
analogous example (6). (infrared evidence). No evidence for pathway
Literature data upon the fate of an N-carbeth- (a) was obtained in either reaction of the simpler
oxy group following attack by an organo- piperazine derivative. Although Scheme 2 de-
metallic reagent is sparse [chemically N-car- picts N'-C02Et loss via the amide 10, the secon-
bethoxy piperazines are substituted urethanes, a dary amine l l b might also form upon initial
class to which no reference is made in standard Grignard attack through cleavage of the N-C
works on the Grignard reaction (7, 8)], and a rather than 0-C bond within the complex 9.
tentative reaction mechanism for (a) its con- However, amides have already been shown to
version to a triethylmethyl function and (b) its react with Grignard reagents to yield t-alkyl
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removal is given below (Scheme 2). amines (9) and secondary amines (10) analogous
Although the amide 10, proposed as a com- to l l a and l l b respectively.
mon intermediate for both pathways, was not A number of compounds described in this
detected in reactions involving 3 and 4, the work were evaluated for analgesic activity after
analogous benzamide was isolated in 28 % yield subcutaneous injection in mice by a pinch tail
from the analogous reaction between phenyl method and a modification of the hot plate
magnesium bromide and N-benzyl-Nf-carbeth- method described by Janssen and Jageneau (1 1).
oxy piperazine. Treatment of this N-benzyl deriv- Only three compounds showed activity at a dose
ative with ethyl magnesium bromide gave range of 100 mg/kg, namely 12, 20, and 21
N-benzyl piperazine (loss of the N'-C02Et group) (Table I), with approximately 10-15% of the
Et Et
n EtMgBr A 1- A I
o " jbMgBr o11
n Et
R N N= ~ M ~ B ,
(-1 (+)
Et MgBr
at llb
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Anal. Calcd. for C24H29N302(equiv., 391): C, 73.6;
H, 7.5; N, 10.7. Found (equiv., 390): C, 73.6; H, 7.5;
N, 10.9.
Preparation and Proof of Structure of the Isomeric
Cyanides 5a and 56
< 8 7 9
Diphenylacetonitrile (37.6 g) was condensed with 1-(2-
chloropropy1)-4-carbethoxy piperazine (41.3 g) using the
method described previously to give an oil (72.0 g), which
yielded pale-yellow crystals (40.0 g) from ethanol, m.p.
FIG. 1. The 100 MHz proton magnetic resonance 119-122 OC. Recrystallization gave sa, m.p, 122 OC.
spectrum of 7a in DMSO-d6.
Anal. Calcd. for CZ4HZ9N3O2 (equiv., 391): C, 73.7;
H, 7.4; N, 10.7. Found (equiv., 392): C, 74.4; H, 7.4;
activity of methadone. None of the cyanides N, 10.8.
possessed analgesic activity. The hydrochloride melted at 177-178 "C.
Anal. Calcd. for C24H3~C1N302(equiv., 427.5): C,
67.4; H, 7.0; C1, 8.3; N, 9.8. Found (equiv., 428): C,
Experimental 67.1; H, 7.2; C1, 8.2; N, 9.3.
All melting points and boiling points are uncorrected. Evaporation of the combined ethanolic mother liquors
The infrared spectra were determined on Unicam SP 100 gave an oil (28.0 g) which could not be crystallized. A
and Unicam SP 200 spectrophotometers. The proton solution of the oil in a mixture of equal parts of benzene
magnetic resonance (p.m.r.) spectra were recorded on and petroleum ether (b.p. 40-60 "C) waschromatographed
Perkin-Elmer R 10 and Varian HA-100 instruments in on alumina, followed by elution with petroleum ether
dimethyl sulfoxide, operating at 60 and 100 MHz/s containing increasing concentrations of benzene gave the
respectively with TMS as standard. Equivalent weights isomeric cyanide 56 (23.0g), m.p. 113-114 OC from
of bases and salts were determined by titration with ethanol. It gave a hydrochloride, m.p. 124-125.5 "C.
0.02 N perchloric acid in glacial acetic acid with Oracet Anal. Calcd, for C24H30CIN302 (equiv., 427.5): C,
Blue B as indicator. Microanalyses were performed by 67.4; H, 7.0; Cl, 8.3. Found (equiv., 430): C, 66.8; H,
Mr. G. S. Crouch, School of Pharmacy, University of 7.1; C1, 8.3.
London, Dr. G. Weiler and Dr. F. B. Strauss, 5a (15.0 g) was heated under reflux for 6 h with 20 %
Microanalytical Laboratory, Oxford, and Mr. M. alcoholic potassium hydroxide solution (100 ml). After
Ellison, Chesterford Park Research Station, Saffron removal of the alcohol the reaction product was extracted
Waldon, Essex. All organic extracts were washed several with chloroform to give 3-piperazino-1,l-diphenylbutyl
times with water and dried over anhydrous sodium sul- cyanide (11.0 g), the picrate crystallizing from acetone
fate prior to removal of the solvent. Unless otherwise as solvated needles, m.p,. 208-210 "C.
stated, compounds were recrystallized from ethanol or Anal. Calcd. for Cz,Hz,N3 .2C6H3N307. C3H60 : C,
96 % ethanol. 51.7; H, 4.5; N, 15.1. Found: C, 52.0; H, 4.6; N, 15.9.
This cyanide (3.2 g), 90 % formic acid (1.2 g) and 36 % Further alkylated derivatives together with compounds
formaldehyde solution (0.5 g), were heated under reflux isolated from the aminocyanides 4, 5a, and 5b were pre-
for 6 h after which time hydrochloric acid was added pared by similar procedures. Relevant analytical and
and the formic acid and formaldehyde removed by dis- physical data are given in Table I.
tillation. Basification of the reaction mixture and ex-
traction with chloroform gave an oil which solidified on Reaction of Ethyl Magnesium Bromide with 4-(4-Carbeth-
titration with petroleum ether (b.p. 40-60 "C) to give a oxypiperazino)-1,l-diphenylbrrtylCyanide (4)
solid (3.3 g) which on recrystallization from petroleum Ethyl magnesium bromide (prepared from 65.4 g ethyl
ether (b.p. 8&100 "C) gave 3-(4-methy1piperazino)-1,l- bromide and 14.6 g magnesium) was reacted with 4
diphenylbutyl cyanide, m.p. 107 'C, lit. m.p. 108-110 "C (58.6 g) using the conditions described previously.
The product (55 g) was acidified with ethanolic hydro-
(5). gen chloride and fractionally crystallized from ethanol
Calcd. for CZZHZ7N3: equiv., 166.5. Found: equiv.,
168. to give
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[due to CH~CH~I\~\
/ 7
$1, 99[due to C(CzH5)3].
Reaction between the cyanide 5a (39 g) and ethyl
magnesium bromide (prepared from 43.1 g of ethyl
bromide and 8.8 g magnesium) gave an oil (35.0 g) from
The residue (30 g) from the mother liquors of several which an unidentified solid A (11 g) separated as a
batches was heated under reflux with 18% hydrochloric hydrochloride. This salt was hydrolyzed with 18 % hydro-
acid (300 ml) for 5.5 h. The free base recovered from the chloric acid as usual and the product alkylated with 2-
aqueous phase was an oil A which could not be crystal- phenylethyl bromide to give 3-[4-(2-phenylethylpipera-
lized or converted to a solid salt. It was characterized zino)]-1,l-diphenylbutyl cyanide dihydrobromide m.p.
by alkylation as follows. 282 "C, undepressed by an authentic sample of the salt
2-Phenylethyl Bromide prepared in the following manner. The carbethoxy group
A mixture of the oil A (5.3 g), 2-phenylethyl bromide of 5a (15.0 g) was hydrolyzed with 20 % alcoholic potas-
(1.6 g), sodium bicarbonate (2.0 g), and ethanol (25 ml) sium hydroxide solution (100 ml) and the product alky-
was heated under reflux for 5.5 h. After removal of the lated.
inorganic matter by filtration, the ethanol was removed Anal. Calcd. for C29H35Br~N3 (equiv., 292): C, 59.5;
and the resultant oil basified with ammonia and ex- H, 6.0; Br, 27.3; N, 7.2. Found (equiv., 294): C, 59.6;
tracted with ether. Evaporation of the solvent gave an H, 6.1; Br, 27.4; N, 7.1.
oil which when treated with ethanolic hydrochloric acid Hydrolysis of the residues from the mother liquors
gave 3-[4-(2-phenylethylpiperazino)]-l,l-diphenylpropyl remaining after solid A had separated (18.0g) with
cyanide dihydrochloride (2.5 g), m.p. 264266 "C. An excess 18 % hydrochloric acid gave 6-piperazino-4,4-
analytical sample melted at 266267 "C. diphenylheptan-3-one (14.0 g)' identified as the picrate,
Anal. Calcd. for CZ8H33C1ZN3 (equiv., 241): C, 69.7; m.p. 259-260 "C (from acetone).
H, 6.9; N, 8.7. Found (equiv., 244): C, 69.0; H, 7.0; Anal. Calcd. for Cz3H30Nz0.2C6H3N307:C, 51.9;
N, 9.0. H, 4.5; N, 13.8. Found: C, 50.6; H, 4.6; N, 13.5.
Reaction of Ethyl Magnesium Bromide with 3-(4-Carbeth- with ethyl magnesium bromide (from 9.36 g ethylbromide
oxypiperazino)-1 ,I -diphenyl-2-met/1ylpvyl and 2.07 g of magnesium) under the conditions of the
Cyanide 56 previous experiment to give a golden oil (8.01 g). Treat-
Ethyl magnesium bromide (prepared from 4.4g of ment of the oil with ethanolic hydrochloric acid gave a
ethyl bromide and 1.0 g of magnesium) was reacted with solid which was fractionally crystallized from ethanol and
56 (3.9 g) using the method described previously to give ether-ethanol to give
an oil B (3.6 g) which failed to solidify or form a crystal- ( i ) 1-benzyl piperazine dihydrochloride (1.79 g),
line salt. 239 "C decom~.).An analytical sample melted at 256 "C
(lit. m.p. 2 5 3 " ~(12)). -
Hydrolysis of the Oil B Anal. Calcd. for CllHlSCIzNz: C, 53.0; H, 7:3. Found:
Hydrolysis of B (3.4g) with 18% hydrochloric acid C, 53.0; H, 7.3.
(30 ml) gave another oil C (2.7 g) which similarly failed (it) l-benzyl-4-carbethoxy piperazine hydrochloride
to solidify or give a crystalline derivative. (2.15g) m.p. 210-212 "C. Recrystallization raised the
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 03/14/24
Alkylation of the Oil C m.p. to 215.5-217.5 "C, undepressed when mixed with
Alkylation of C (2.0 g) with 2-phenylethyl bromide an authentic
gave 3-[4-(2-pheny]ethyl)piperazino]-l,l-diphenyl-2-me- (iii) a fawn (2.40g). The infrared spectrum
thylpropyl cyanide dihydrobromide (2.8 g) m.p. 297- (Nujol) indicated the presence of 1-benzyl-4-carbethox~
299 "C. piperazine hydrochloride (vCO, 1710 cm-') and a small
Anal. Calcd. for C,,H,,B~,N, (equiv., 293): C, 59.5; peak at 1650 cm-' (tertiary amide) indicated the presence
H, 6.0; B ~ 27.3;
, N, 7.2. Found (equiv., of l-benzyl-4-~ro~ion~l piperazine hydrochloride.
. . . 294): C, 59.7;
H; 6.2; ~ r 27.2;
, N, 7.1.
The compound was also prepared from 5b by hydroly-
sis and subsequent alkylation with 2-phenylethyl bromide Acknowledgments
by the methods described previously.
We should like to thank Mr. R. F. Branch of
Reaction of Phenyl Magnesium Bromide with I-Benzyl-4- the School of Pharmacy. -,
Chelsea College of
carbethoxy Piperazine
I-Benzyl-4-carbethoxy piperazine (12.5 g) and phenyl
Science and Technology, and Professor A. 5.
magnesium bromide (from 17.5 g phenyl bromide and E1vidge of the Uni-
2.6 g of magnesium) were reacted under conditions de- versity of Surrey for profitable discussions. We
scribed previously, except that the time of heating under are grateful to Smith. Kline & French Labora-
reflux was 4 h. Treatment of the crude reaction product tori& who undertook the pharmacological test-
with ethanolic hydrobromic acid gave a solid, fraction-
ally crystallizing from ethanol to give ing and provided samples of the cyanides 2, 4,
( i ) 1-benzyl-4-benzoyl piperazine hydrobromide (1.35 and 5. Dr. D. H. Williams of the University
g) m.p. 250 "C. An analytical sample, melted at 257-259 Chemical Laboratories, Cambridge, kindly de-
"C, undepressed when mixed with an authentic sample termined the 100 MHz proton magnetic reson-
prepared below. ance spectrum.
Anal. Calcd. for ClsHzlBrNzO (equiv., 361): C, 59.8;
H, 5.9; Br, 22.1; N, 7.8. Found (equiv., 370): C, 60.4;
H, 6.2; Br, 21.7; N, 8.1. Benzoylation of 1-benzyl
piperazine gave 1-benzyl-4-benzoyl piperazine hydro- 1. 0.J. BRAENDEN, N. B. EDDY,and H. HALBACH.Bull.
World Hlth. Organ. 13, 937 (1955).
chloride m.p. 247.5-248.5 "C (lit. m.p. 245 "C (12)). 2. A. H. BECKETTand A. F. CASY. Progress in medi-
Calcd. for Cl~HzlCIN20: equiv., 315.5. Found: equiv., cinal chemistry. Editors. G. P. Ellis and G. B. West.
317. Vol. 2. Buttenvorth and Co. Ltd., London. 1962. p.
Liberation of the free base followed by treatment with 43.
ethanolic hydrobromic acid yielded an authentic sample 3. J. OMERMAN-CRAIG, R. J. HARRISSON, M. E. TATE,
of 1-benzyl-4-benzoyl piperazine hydrobromide. R. H. THORP,and R. LADD. Australian J. Chem. 9,
(ii) 1-benzyl-4-carbethoxy piperazine hydrobromide 89 (1956).
(0.94 g) m.p. 215.5-217 "C. Recrystallization raised the 4. D. 'G. HARDY,R. E. LISTER,and E. S. STERN. J.
Med. Chem. 8, 847 (1965).
m.p. to 219.5-220.5 "C, undepressed when mixed with 5. J. REDELand A. BOUTEVILLE. Bull. Soc. Chim.
an authentic sample prepared below. France, 1411 (1955).
Calcd. for C14HZ1BrN202: equiv., 329. Found: equiv., 6. R. CANTAREL.Compt. Rend. 226, 931 (1948).
325. 7. M. S. KHARASCH and 0. REINMUTH.Grienard re-
1-Benzyl-4-carbethoxy piperazine, prepared from an actions of non-metallic substances. ~ o n s G b l eand
authentic sample of the hydrochloride, on treatment with Co., Ltd., London. (1954).
ethanolic hydrobromic acid gave an authentic sample of 8. F. RUNGE. Organo-metallverbindungen. 2nd ed.
the salt, m.p. 227-227.5 "C. Found: equiv., 327. Wissenschaftlich&,VerlagsgesellschaftM.G.H., Stutt-
Evaporation of the ethanolic mother liquors gave an
. gart. (1944).
9. M. MONTAGNE.Compt. Rend. 183, 216 (1926).
oil (1.62 g) from which no further crystalline material 10. M. B u s c ~and M. FLEISCHMANN. Chem. Ber. 43.
could be isolated.
11. P: A. J. JANSSEN and A. JAGENEAU.J. Pharm. Phar-
Reaction between Ethyl Magnesium Bromide and I-Benzyl- macol. 9, 381 (1957).
4-carbethoxy Piperazine 12. R. BALTZLY, J. S. BUCK,E. LORZ,and W. SCHON.
1-Benzyl-4-carbethoxy piperazine (9.64 g) was reacted J. Am. Chem. SOC.66, 263 (1944).