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Pavement Engineering


and Materials
Pavement Evaluation




CRRI New Delhi

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation



Annual Report 2009-10

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

Development of Management  Data management and information

System for Maintenance Planning system architecture completed.
and Budgeting of High Speed Road  Performance observations on test
Corridors - Supra Institutional sections to be commenced shortly.
Landslide Related Aspects
The overall objective of the study is to develop
 A total of 16 landslide prone locations
management system towards making logical
identified on Mumbai-Pune Expressway
decisions about the budget requirements and
allocation of funds thereof for maintenance  Fieldwork completed at four locations
of pavements and bridges, based on optimal  Remedial measures suggested for three
life cycle costs. Flexible as well as Rigid locations and analysis for 4th location is
Pavements and Bridges involving network of currently in progress
high speed road corridors are included within
 Fieldwork for remaining twelve locations
the scope of this study. The system proposed
to be developed will enable engineers and is currently in progress
decision/policy makers to pre-conceive funds
Road User Cost Related Aspects
requirement for maintenance of road network
in order to bring them to a desired level of  Fieldwork for Chennai & Kolkata cities
serviceability. The system developed will assist completed
in minimizing wasteful losses occurring every
 Fieldwork for Hyderabad, Vijayawada &
year on account of poorly maintained roads.
Delhi is currently in progress.
It will also provide powerful tool to the road
authorities in allocating maintenance funds  Preliminary analysis completed.
judiciously and in prioritizing the maintenance
treatments in view of limited resources. During Bridge Related Aspects
the year following work has been completed
 Design and development of culvert
under different aspects.
inventory module completed.
Pavement Related Aspects  Design and development of minor bridge
 State of the Art Report on pavement & major bridge inventory completed.
maintenance management system  Design and coding pertaining to deck slab
prepared inspection completed.
 Identification of test sections  Design of proformae pertaining to
completed. inspection of various components of
 Formulation of methodology for field Bridge Superstructure, Bearings &
studies completed. Foundation completed.

CRRI New Delhi

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

 The subroutine pertaining to ‘Cracking  Analysis of data / results for design of

of Concrete’, including rating of distress, flexible pavement.
repair & rehabilitation strategies (on the
Out of the total length, about 440 metre of
basis of crack width) completed.
road length has already been constructed as
 Study on performance of well stage construction in June 2004. In order to
foundation of bridge under seismic force find out the structural composition of existing
completed. built / constructed road (which is currently
non-trafficable), a total of two test pits were
Consultancy Assignments dug open in both carriageways. Test pits,
measuring 1.0 m x 1.0 m, were dug open upto
Design of Flexible Pavement for the subgrade level to measure the thickness of
Master Plan (M.P) Road between each pavement layer and to collect the samples
Sector 31 to 32 and Sector 36 to of subgrade soil for laboratory evaluation.
Field density of subgrade in both pits was
37 (proposed Heliport) at Rohini
also determined by sand replacement method.
Three samples of soil, proposed to be used as
At the request of Delhi Development Authority subgrade for designing the flexible pavement,
(DDA), this study has been undertaken with were collected subsequently at different
the objective to design a flexible pavement locations from the cut area along both sides
for master plan (M.P) road between Sector of the proposed alignment and evaluated in the
31 to 32 and Sector 36 to 37, Phase IV & V laboratory. Classified traffic volume surveys
at Rohini, linking the proposed heliport. The were conducted for 24 hours round the clock
proposed road is 2940 metre long having 60 m for up and down directions, at two different
Right of Way (ROW) and would cover an area of locations viz. (i) Rithala Metro Station road
about 1,76,400 square metre. This road is to (having divided carriageway), and (ii) Bawana
be developed as a six lane divided carriageway. Road near Maharishi Valmiki Hospital (having
The scope of work included the following: undivided carriageway). Table V presents
 Traffic assessment / surveys on road(s) number of commercial vehicles plying in both
around the proposed new alignment directions at the two survey locations.
for assessing the expected commercial
Category wise, traffic volume surveys (commercial
vehicles) were conducted on the two identified
 Field investigation and collection of sub- road corridors, which are Rithala and Bawana road
grade samples from the existing built corridors. CBR of subgrade soil, as determined
road. in the laboratory, is considered as 6 percent.
 Laboratory testing of soil samples These road corridors are adjacent to the new
proposed to be used as subgrade for the road alignment and it is learnt that these roads
new road. will be connected to the new road alignment in

Annual Report 2009-10

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

Table V Daily Commercial Traffic Volume

Location Road Corridor Bus LPV LCV Heavy Commercial Total (as *Total
Nos. / Directions Vehicles on April (as on
2009) Sept.
2-Axle 2010)
Kanjawala to
223 167 406 322 261 1379 1537
Rithala to
Kanjawala 254 194 375 275 132 1230 1370

Shahabad to
338 226 640 418 214 1836 2046
Bawana to
Shahabad 401 270 473 407 279 1830 2040

Note: LPV – Light Passenger Vehicles; LCV – Light Commercial Vehicles

* Assuming construction period of about 18 months.

future after its completion, under road expansion/ Based on the assumptions made, as mentioned
connectivity plans. Assumptions made to calculate above, the design parameters were finalized.
the expected traffic loading after the construction
of proposed road are as under: The projected traffic computed for Kanjawala to
Rithala and Rithala to Kanjawala carriageways
 Commercial vehicles plying on Bawana during the design life of 15 years are 92 msa and
road will be fully diverted (100 percent) 88 msa respectively. As can be seen, Kanjawala
onto the proposed / new road when the to Rithala carriageway has slightly higher
project road will be connected in the design traffic loading (92 msa) than Rithala
near future to Western Yamuna Canal to Kanjawala carriageway (88 msa). It was
Road. ultimately decided to design each carriageway
 In the above scenario, half of the traffic of new flexible pavement for 100 msa. The
will be diverted to “Kanjawala to Rithala total pavement thickness thus comes out to be
direction” and the remaining half traffic 700 mm for traffic loading of 100 msa. Design
will be diverted to “Rithala to Kanjawala options arrived from the analyses of data are
direction”. as given under:

 The above traffic will be added, as per their Option–I: Structural Composition of
respective directions, to the commercial Flexible Pavement for Full Design Life
vehicles plying on Rithala corridor.
Total Pavement thickness for subgrade CBR of
 The construction period will be about 18 6 percent and design traffic loading of 100 msa
months. comes out to be 696 mm, which can be very well
CRRI New Delhi
Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

assumed as 700 mm. The structural composition  Base Course = 250 mm Wet Mix
of flexible pavement, as worked out from IRC Macadam (WMM)
37-2001 for a total pavement thickness of 700
 Subbase Course = 260 mm Granular Sub
mm, is as follows:
base (GSB)
 Wearing Course = 40 mm Bituminous
(CBR of not less than
Concrete (BC)
30 percent)
 Binder Course = 150 mm Dense
Fig. 66 shows the cross section of main
Bituminous Macadam

Fig. 66 A cross section of main carriageway

Option-II: Alternate Pavement Design  Base Course = 250 mm WMM (2

for Stage Construction layers of 125 mm)

Keeping in view the gross uncertainties with  Sub base Course = 260 mm GSB (2 layers
regard to extent of traffic and axle loading likely of 130 mm)
to use the new road (as is usually the case) The above design is applicable for about 5
which will be diverted / generated and also the years design life, at which time the projected
proposed future plans for development of new traffic loading is about 30 msa. The pavement,
roads and upgradation / connectivity / expansion as constructed above, can be evaluated after
plans for existing roads in the project area, 5 years of its operation since by this time the
it will be better to go for stage construction. traffic would have stabilized on the newly
Towards this end, the following design of flexible constructed road. At this point of time, detailed
pavement is recommended: structural evaluation by measuring Benkelman
beam deflections and the magnitude of traffic
 Wearing Course = 40 mm BC loads can be undertaken for arriving at the
structural overlay requirements, if any, for the
 Binder Course = 100 mm DBM (2 layers next 10 years design life. The pavement design,
of 50 mm) as recommended, shall be adopted for the entire

Annual Report 2009-10

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

length of project road. It is recommended that and around the parking area and stadium area.
Option-II may be preferred. Towards this end, New Delhi Municipal Council
(NDMC) has decided to develop the green field
As far as the service road is concerned, it is
area within Safadarjang Airport campus, as a
expected that the type of traffic likely to use
park and ride facility for the spectators / visitors
service road(s) will be light and local in nature
of Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium. The total parking
and will be very less. Therefore, the structural
composition of flexible pavement for service area, to be developed inside Safadarjung Airport,
road (on either sides of the main carriageway) will be a large parking facility and is of the order
has been designed for 2 msa and should serve of 1,75,000 Sq. m. The parking facility being
the purpose. The pavement design recommended created will be able to accommodate 6000 two-
for service road is given below: wheelers, 3000 cars and 400 buses at any given
time. In addition, circulation plan for movement
 Wearing Course = 25 mm Semi Dense of different types of vehicles viz., Two wheeler’s
Bituminous Concrete (Scooters / M. Cycles), Cars and Buses, which
(SDBC) will only be allowed to use this parking facility,
 Binder Course = 50 mm Bituminous also needs to be developed. Pavement designs
Macadam (BM) and construction specifications for the new
 Base Course = 225 mm Water Bound roads (to be developed as internal roads inside
Macadam (WBM) / Airport area), widening of existing roads, and
Wet Mix Macadam strengthening / rehabilitation requirements
(WMM) of existing roads also need to be developed /
 Sub base Course = 175 mm Granular Sub
base (GSB) The assignment was taken up at the request of
New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) with the
Pavement Designs and Circulation objectives to (i) formulate pavement designs and
Plan for Parking Facility at materials / construction specifications for the
development of parking facilities to be used by
Safdarjung Airport Area
different types of vehicles inside Safadarjung
airport area (ii) construction of new roads
A variety of sports / events are planned to be (inside airport area), widening and strengthening
organized at Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium, near requirements of existing roads in and around the
Safdarjung Airport, Lodhi Road during October airport area, and (iii) Development of circulation
2010 for the Common Wealth Games – 2010. plan for movement of buses, cars, two-wheelers
In order to provide comfort and convenience etc. which will be using the parking facility so
to the spectators likely to visit this stadium, it created / developed.
is essential that an adequate parking plan be
developed along with a proper transportation/ Field investigations in and around the airport
circulation plan for movement of vehicles in area was undertaken to appraise the site

CRRI New Delhi

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

conditions and to fully understand the NDMC  Wet Mix Macadam 150 mm
requirements. Based on the field and laboratory (WMM) Base layer
investigations, recommendations on pavement
 Granular Sub-base 150 mm
designs separately for parking facility of
(GSB) layer
two wheelers, cars and buses were given as
under: The pavement designs, as recommended above,
have been suggested keeping in view the special
i. Pavement Design for Parking requirements of parking facilities on the eve
Facility of Two Wheelers and of forthcoming Common Wealth Games, by
Cars assuming that the facilities being created are
 Strength of Concrete M-40 to be used only for a shorter duration and may
Paver Blocks not be used extensively in a regular way after
the games are over.
(Specified Compressive (40 MPa)
Strength of Paver Blocks In general terms, the concrete paving blocks are
at 28 Days) required to have adequate strength to withstand
their handling, construction stresses and affect
 Thickness of Concrete 80 mm of traffic, though the strength as such is not
Paver Blocks considered a vital factor in the satisfactory
 Bedding Sand 30 mm performance of block pavements. However, it
is recommended that the minimum compressive
 Wet Mix Macadam 150 mm strength of a single block should be above 35
(WMM) Base layer MPa for parking facility of two wheelers / cars
and 45 MPa for parking facility of buses.
 Granular Sub-base 150 mm
(GSB) layer iii. Pavement Design for Internal
Roads in Airport Area
ii. Pavement Design for Parking
Facility of Buses  Wearing Course 40 mm Bituminous
Concrete (BC)
 Strength of Concrete M-50
Paver Blocks  Binder Course 50 mm Dense
Bituminous Macadam
(Specified Compressive (50 MPa)
Strength of Paver
Blocks at 28 Days)  Base Course 150 mm Wet Mix
 Thickness of Concrete 100 mm Macadam (WMM)
Paver Blocks
 Granular Sub-base 150 mm Granular Sub
 Bedding Sand 40 mm Base (GSB)

Annual Report 2009-10

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

iv. Pavement Design for External both sides of the proposed road alignment and
Roads laboratory evaluation of materials was done in
laboratory. CBR of subgrade soil, as determined
a. For Widened Portion
for pavement design purpose, is considered as
 Wearing Course 40 mm BC minimum 6 per cent.

 Binder Course 50 mm DBM Origin – Destination surveys (OD surveys) at

NH-10 (near Tikri border) and at NH-1 (near
 Base Course 150 mm WMM
Singhu border) were conducted to find out the
 Granular Sub-base 150 mm GSB percentage shift of commercial vehicles which
are likely to use the newly proposed road after
b. For the Existing Roads its construction since the new road would get
Resurface with 40 mm Bituminous connected with NH-1 and NH-10. Classified
Concrete (BC) traffic volume surveys were also conducted
for 24 hours round the clock, in both up and
Design of Flexible Pavement for down directions, at Tikri (NH-10) and Singhu
100 M RoW Urban Extension Road (NH-1) borders and also at Bawana Road (having
undivided carriageway) near Maharishi Valmiki
No.II (UER-II) from Western Yamuna
Hospital. Table VI gives number of commercial
Canal to Kanjhawala Road Near vehicles found to be plying in both directions and
Village Karala Majari at the three count stations.
The consultancy assignment was entrusted to For calculation of the projected traffic loading
Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), New after the construction of newly proposed road,
Delhi by Delhi Development Authority (DDA) the following assumptions have been made:
with the aim to design flexible pavement (as
a four lane divided carriageway) for 100 m  Newly proposed road would start from
RoW Urban Extension Road No. II (UER-II) from Western Yamuna Canal road which will
Western Yamuna Canal to Kanjhawala Road near finally be extended and connected to
village Karala Majari passing through Rohini NH-1, in future road development plan.
Zone. Assignment also included design of 100  The other end of the newly proposed road
m RoW flexible pavement for eight lane divided will finally be extended and connected to
carriageway. NH-10, near Mundaka railway station, in
In order to assess the properties of soil available future road development plan.
along / or nearby the proposed road alignment,  Out of total number of commercial
eight samples of soil were collected from various vehicles using Bawana road presently
locations. Eight samples of soil, proposed to (both directions combined), 50 percent
be used as subgrade, were collected from of these commercial vehicles will be
different locations from the cut area along using the newly proposed road. Out of

CRRI New Delhi

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

Table VI Daily Traffic Volume (Commercial Vehicles)

Location Road Corridor / Bus LCV HCV Total Expected No. of *Total
No. Directions (as on Percent Commercial no.
April Shift of Vehicles of CV
2009) Vehicles (CV) Expected
on the Expected on the
New on the New New
Road Road Road
(as on
Tikri border to Delhi 1185 1172 2690 5047 14 707 788
1. (NH-10)
Delhi to Tikri border 1431 2942 2368 6741 9 607 677
Singhu border to 1205 2019 2435 5659 19 1075 1198
2. Delhi (NH-1)
Delhi to Singhu 1254 3766 4170 9190 21 1930 2151
border (NH-1)
Shahabad to 338 866 632 1836 50 918 1023
3. Bawana
Bawana to 401 743 686 1830 50 915 1020

Expected No. of Commercial Vehicles Per Day on New Road (After Construction) = 6857

Note: 1. LCV – Light Commercial Vehicles; HCV – Heavy Commercial Vehicles

2. * Assuming construction period of about 18 months.
3. Expected percentage shift computed based on results of O-D survey.

this generated traffic (i.e. 50 percent lane divided carriageway and eight lane divided
of commercial vehicles), half of it will carriageway were finalized.
further get distributed evenly in up and
down directions of the new road facility, As computed, Mundaka to Western Yamuna
when the project road will be connected Canal carriageway (i.e. from NH-10 to NH-1)
to Western Yamuna Canal Road and at has slightly higher design traffic loadings of 128
Mundaka on NH-10, in future. msa and 77 msa for four lane and eight lane
divided carriageway respectively, while it is 94
 The construction period will be about 18 msa and 56 msa for Western Yamuna Canal to
months. Mundaka (i.e. from NH-1 to NH-10) carriageway
Based on the assumptions made, as mentioned respectively. It was ultimately decided to design
above, the input parameters for design of four flexible pavement based on the higher loading

Annual Report 2009-10

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

amongst the two carriageways i.e. for four lane msa comes out to be 687 mm. The structural
divided carriageway to be designed for a traffic composition of flexible pavement for eight lanes
loading of 128 msa while eight lane divided divided flexible pavement for full design life
carriageway designed traffic loading would be (Option-IB), as worked out from IRC 37-2001,
77 msa. for a total pavement thickness of 687 mm is
as follows:
Total Pavement thickness for subgrade CBR
of 6 percent at design traffic loading of 128  Wearing Course = 40 mm BC
msa comes out to be 710 mm. The structural
 Binder Course = 140 mm DBM
composition of flexible pavement for four lanes
divided flexible pavement for full design life  Base Course = 250 mm Wet Mix
(Option-IA), as worked out from IRC 37-2001, Macadam (WMM)
for a total pavement thickness of 710 mm is as
 Subbase Course = 260 mm Granular Sub
base (GSB) (CBR not
less than 30 percent)
 Wearing Course = 50 mm Bituminous
Concrete (BC) Fig. 67 & 68 show the cross section of main
carriageway for four lane and eight lane
 Binder Course = 150 mm Dense divided carriageway. Keeping in view the gross
Bituminous Macadam uncertainties with regard to the extent of traffic
(DBM) and axle loading likely to use the new road
 Base Course = 250 mm Wet Mix which will be diverted / generated and also the
Macadam (WMM) proposed future plans for development of new
roads and upgradation / connectivity / expansion
 Subbase Course = 260 mm Granular Sub plans for existing roads in the project area, the
base (GSB) (CBR not alternate pavement design for flexible pavement
less than 30 percent) under stage construction for four lane divided
Total Pavement thickness for subgrade CBR carriageway (Option – IIA) is also recommended
of 6 percent at design traffic loading of 77 as given below:

Fig. 67 A cross section of main carriageway for four lanes divided carriageway

CRRI New Delhi

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

Fig. 68 A cross section of main carriageway for eight lanes divided carriageway
 Wearing Course = 40 mm BC  Base Course = 250 mm WMM (2 layers
of 125 mm thick each)
 Binder Course = 100 mm DBM (2 layers
of 50 mm thick each)  Sub base Course = 260 mm GSB (2 layers
of 130 mm thick each)
 Base Course = 250 mm WMM (2
layers of 125 mm thick The above pavement design is applicable for 5
each) years design life, at which time the projected
traffic loading is expected to be about 17.00
 Sub base Course = 2 6 0 m m G S B ( 2
msa. The pavement, as constructed above,
layers of 130 mm thick can be evaluated after 5 years of its operation
each) (when the resurfacing also becomes due) since
The above pavement design is applicable for 5 by this time the traffic would have stabilized on
years design life, at which time the projected the newly constructed road. It is recommended
traffic loading is expected to be about 28.44 that Option-II may be preferred. The structural
msa (about 30 msa for the maximum number composition of flexible pavement for service
of commercial vehicles of 3961). The pavement, roads (on either sides of the main carriageway)
as constructed above, can be evaluated after has been designed for a projected traffic loading
5 years of its operation (when the resurfacing of 2 msa during the design life and should serve
also becomes due) since by this time the traffic the purpose. The pavement design recommended
would have stabilized on the newly constructed for service roads is as given below:
road. It is recommended that Option-II may be  Wearing Course = 25 mm Semi Dense
preferred. Bituminous Concrete
Similarly, as above, the alternate pavement
 Binder Course = 50 mm Bituminous
design for flexible pavement under stage
Macadam (BM)
construction for eight lane divided carriageway
(Option – IIB) is recommended as given under:  Base Course = 225 mm Wet Mix
Macadam (WMM)
 Wearing Course = 40 mm BC
 Sub base Course = 175 mm Granular Sub
 Binder Course = 75 mm DBM base (GSB)

Annual Report 2009-10

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

Traffic Counts and Axle Loads

Survey on Azamgarh-Mau-Phephna
Road for Determination of Vehicle
Damage Factor
At the instance of Chief Engineer, World
Bank Projects (Roads), Uttar Pradesh Public
Works Department, Lucknow, this study was
carried out primarily to determine (i) Average
Daily Traffic (ADT) based on 7 days traffic
survey, (ii) Vehicle Damage Factors (VDFs) for
different types of commercial vehicles, and (iii)
Cumulative Numbers of Standard Axles (CSALs)
passing over the road section of Azamgarh-
Mau-Phephna. Duration of axle loads and
traffic counts survey at one location was kept
as 4 days and 7 days (24X7) respectively,
round the clock, covering both directions of
travel. Portable and non-embedded type wheel
weighing pads were used for recording of
axle loads. Fig. 69 shows the arrangement for
weighing commercial vehicles.

Based on the data collected and results obtained

through traffic volume surveys and axle loads
spectrum study, conducted at one location, on
Azamgarh-Mau-Phephna road continuously for
7 days and 4 days respectively, the following Fig. 69 Front wheel of a 2 - axle truck being weighed using non-embedded type
major conclusions were drawn: wheel weighing pads

 A total of 13898 commercial vehicles  A total of 6542 commercial vehicles

(both heavy and light) were counted (both heavy and light) were counted
during the period of traffic survey (i.e. during the period of traffic survey (i.e.
168 hours round the clock for 7 days) 168 hours round the clock for 7 days) in
in up and down directions. The average up direction (towards Dhorighat). A total
daily traffic (ADT) in terms of commercial of 3585 commercial vehicles (both heavy
vehicles per day calculated based on 7 and light) were counted during the period
days traffic counts data, is found to be of axle loads survey (i.e. Day1, Day 3, Day
1985. 5 and Day 7 round the clock) out of which

CRRI New Delhi

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

2445 commercial vehicles were weighed scenario and have contributed heavily
which is 68.20 per cent. The overall VDF to the increase in value of VDF and
for the road in up direction is found to be deterioration of road. Most of these
35.93 trucks, on the other hand, were found
either emptied or lightly loaded while
 A total of 7356 commercial vehicles (both
heavy and light) were counted during the returning to Azamgarh, leading to a wide
period of traffic survey (i.e. 168 hours difference in the values of VDF between
round the clock for 7 days) in down the two directions of travel.
direction (towards Azamgarh). A total of  Overloading affects significantly the
4092 commercial vehicles (both heavy pavement’s service life and leads
and light) were counted during the period to pre-mature failure/distress of the
of axle loads survey (i.e. Day1, Day 3, Day road. It is, therefore, suggested that
5 and Day 7 round the clock) out of which
stringent measures may be taken
2222 commercial vehicles were weighed
by enforcement authority to control
which is 54.30 per cent. The overall VDF
a n d / o r m i n i m i z e t h e e x c e s s i ve
for the road in down direction is found to
overloading by trucks, particularly
be 1.69.
vehicles carrying construction materials
 The cumulative numbers of standard towards Gorakhpur in order to (i) ensure
axles are 203 and 224 million standard desired level of pavement performance /
axles (msa) during a design life of 8 years serviceability within the design period,
at growth rates of 7.5 percent and 10 (ii) avoid the risk of pre-mature distress
percent per annum respectively. / failure, and (iii) minimize maintenance
 It was noticed during the period and rehabilitation costs and road user
of surveys that large scale road costs.
construction activities are currently Evaluation of Serviceability of
in progress towards Gorakhpur. Pavement Surface of Eastern and
Substantial numbers of overloaded Western Express Highways in
trucks, transporting the construction Mumbai Region
materials, were found to be using the
project road which may be temporary This assignment was referred by Mumbai
or seasonal. The extent of overloading Construction Circle, P.W.D. Mumbai to evaluate
by trucks, in up direction, carrying the serviceability or functional quality in terms
construction materials are abnormal of riding quality (roughness) and surface friction
and beyond imagination. However, characteristics of the Eastern and Western
these overloaded trucks/dumpers have Express Highways from traffic safety point of
significantly influenced the loading view in Mumbai region.

Annual Report 2009-10

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

Necessary field works for assessing /

measuring roughness Index and skid resistance
of Eastern and Western Express Highways
were carried out in the month of May 2009.
The investigations undertaken included the

a. Assessment of pavement surface

condition (on visual basis)

b. Measurement of pavement surface

roughness for full length on all the ten
lanes of Eastern and Western Express
Highways using Fifth Wheel Bump Fig. 70 A typical view of Eastern Express Highway
Integrator (FWBI)

c. Measurement of skid resistance values

at representative locations, by using
British Portable Skid Resistance Tester
on Mastic Asphalt surface only covering
various lanes over the entire length of
two Expressways.

Fig. 70 shows a typical view of Eastern Express

Highway. Skid resistance measurements were
carried out on the representative locations, by
using British Portable Skid Resistance Tester
(Fig. 71) on Mastic Asphalt surface only covering
Fig. 71 British Pendulum Tester used for measurement of surface friction
various lanes over the entire length of two
Expressways. Performance Study on Use of Fly
Methodology adopted for measurements
ash in Construction of Bituminous
of roughness and surface friction (skid Road Surfacing
resistance) of the pavement surface for The study has been taken up at the instance of
Eastern and Western Express Highways National Thermal Power Corporation Limited,
alongwih the data / results obtained during the Noida (U.P.) with the aim to conduct performance
field investigations, major conclusions drawn study and to explore the use of fly ash in
and recommendations made were reported to construction of various types of Bituminous
the PWD, Mumbai. Surfacing for internal roads within the premises

CRRI New Delhi

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

of NTPC plants located in Dadri and Badarpur specifications, preparation of BOQs, job
including rehabilitation / strengthening. mix designs, and limited construction
quality checking / supervision of road
Field visits and inspection of various roads
sections. .
in the plant areas (NTPC-Dadri and Badarpur
Campus) were made in order to have physical 2. Association during laying of demonstration
assessment of the roads which have to be stretches for use of fly ash in Bituminous
rehabilitated / strengthened / resurfaced within Concrete (BC), Stone Matrix Asphalt
NTPC Dadri plant campus and to appraise the (SMA) and Slurry Seal / Micro-
current condition of project roads. Subsequently, Surfacing.
detailed investigations / surveys related to the 3. To develop periodic pavement performance
pavement evaluation on the identified project data (such as deflection, roughness,
roads which needed maintenance / rehabilitation surface distress, traffic volume etc.)
were also undertaken. at six months interval for a period of 3
The primary objective of the R&D study is
to evaluate performance of road sections The road length considered under this study in
constructed with different types of bituminous Dadri is about 5414 meter having variations in
surfacings constructed by using fly ash as mineral pavement width from 3 to 7 meter. The details
filler vis-a-vis constructed in a conventional way of road length of project roads are presented in
(by using lime as mineral filler). Table VII.

The scope of work of the study included Detailed investigations (structural and functional
evaluation) were undertaken on the project
1. Pavement condition survey before roads with a view to assess the condition of
construction, materials and construction existing pavements. Tasks / activities included
Table VII Details of Length and Width of Project Roads in the Study Area
S. Link / Road Name Length Width Total Road Traffic Category (in
No. (m) (m) Length (m) terms of CVs*)

1 Gate No. 3 to T- Junction 964 7 964 High

2 T-Junction to Paschi Vihar

Paschi Vihar to Culvert (near Paschi 166 3 4450 Nil / Insignificant
Culvert to Entry Gate of Ash mound 3116 7 Nil / Insignificant
Control Room to T-Junction
1168 7 Medium


* CVs – Commercial Vehicles in terms of 2-axle and multi-axle trucks

Annual Report 2009-10

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

assessment of pavement surface condition years. On the other hand, pavement surface
(visual basis), roughness measurements, roughness for these roads indicates that these
Benkelman Beam deflection measurements, roads are in poor condition. Hence, in order to
traffic volume surveys (only commercial vehicles) improve the current condition of project roads /
and test pit observations links from their functional point of view and to
provide comfortable ride to the users, renewal /
The major types of surface distress recorded
resurfacing treatments in terms of 40 mm thick
in terms of percentage of the total pavement’s
surface area are cracking, ravelling, pot holes, Bituminous Overlay is recommended. Table IX
shoving, bleeding, corrugation and rutting etc. shows the proposed specifications on various
The structural inadequacy of pavement is sections of different project roads, which are
worked out by using characteristic deflection to be constructed using lime and fly ash as the
values and cumulative number of standard mineral filler.
axles. Using average characteristic deflection
data (average of all the roads / links) and Design of Pavement around Rotary
projected traffic loading (msa), the overlay Junction 26 between Sectors 16 to
thicknesses have been worked out for 17 and 22 to 23 at Chandigarh
different project roads in terms of Bituminous The rotary (Junction No. 26) i.e. between
Macadam (BM) for 10 years design life as Sectors 16 to 17 and 22 to 23 is a very busy
per IRC: 81- 1997. The overlays required roundabout, which is located very close to
for different project roads are given in Table Interstate Bus Terminus (ISBT). This rotary
VIII. caters to a very large number of mixed types
Table shows that the existing roads / links are of vehicles consisting of two-wheelers,
structurally adequate for a design period of 10 cars, three wheelers, buses and commercial

Table VIII Overlay Thickness Required for Different Project Roads (Design
Life=10 Years)
Average Design Overlay
Direction Traffic VDF Characteristic Traffic Requirements
(CVPD) Deflection (mm) (msa) (BM), in mm
495 4.5 10 Nil
Gate No. 3 to T-Junction

248 4.5 5 Nil

T-Junction to Ash mound 0.82

Ash mound to Paschi Vihar Nil 4.5 2 Nil

Notes: CVPD = Commercial Vehicles per Day; VDF= Vehicle Damage Factor;
MSA = Million Standard Axles ; BM= Bituminous Macadam

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Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

Table IX Recommended Specifications to be laid on Project Roads / Links

S. No. Road Section Proposed Specifications Road Length (m)
40 mm thick SMA (with Lime as Filler) 241

Gate No. 3 to 40 mm thick SMA (with Fly Ash as Filler) 241

T-Junction 40 mm thick BC (with Lime as Filler) 241
40 mm thick BC (with Fly Ash as Filler) 241
T-Junction to Paschi Vihar (Total Length of 4450 m) excluding the proposed 1300 m length of Concrete
Pavement which is from Control Room to Entry Gate of Ash mound
S. No. Road Section Proposed Specifications Road Length (m)
40 mm thick BC (with Lime as Filler) 292
T-Junction to
Control Room 40 mm thick BC (with Fly Ash as Filler) 292
(~1168 m in 40 mm thick SMA (with Lime as Filler) 292
40 mm thick SMA (with Fly Ash as Filler) 292

40 mm thick BC (with Lime as Filler) 620

Entry Gate of 40 mm thick BC (with both Lime and Fly Ash as Fillers in 620
Ash mound to 50:50 Proportion)
Culvert near
Paschi Vihar 40 mm thick BC (with Fly Ash as Filler) 620
(~4416 m in
length) 40 mm thick SMA (with Lime as Filler) 628

40 mm thick SMA (with Fly Ash as Filler) 628

c) Culvert to Paschi 40 mm thick BC (with Fly Ash as Filler) 166

Notes : BC= Bituminous Concrete ; SMA= Stone Matrix Asphalt

vehicles (Fig. 72) entering into / leaving

Chandigarh from / to different places / states.
Due to the frequent movement of large number
of heavy vehicles (particularly buses) using
this roundabout, extensive severe cracks
and large settlements have occurred on the
existing pavement surface (Mastic Asphalt),
particularly in the innermost lane which was
laid about 6 to 7 years back.
Keeping in view the frequent problems being faced
by the Administration with regard to the upkeep
and maintenance of Mastic Asphalt surface,
Fig. 72 A typical view of vehicular movements around Rotary Jn. 26

Annual Report 2009-10

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

the Chief Engineer, Union Territory-Chandigarh

Administration, requested the Institute to take
up an assignment with the objectives to suggest
pavement design and materials / construction
specifications bituminous layers and using
concrete paver blocks alternatively.

Field visits / inspection of Rotary Junction 26 were

made to appraise the site conditions. Based on the
inspection of rotary, following recommendations
on pavement designs were given.

Recommended Rehabilitation Design

with Bituminous Layers (Option-I)
The recommended rehabilitation treatments
which will be laid over the existing bituminous
pavement after milling / scarifying the existing
mastic asphalt surface included.
Fig. 73 Typical laying pattern of concrete paver blocks at Rotary Jn. 26.
a. Mastic Asphalt 40 mm Determination of Pavement
b. Dense Bituminous 50 mm
Classification Number (PCN) and
Suitability of Existing Runway for
Macadam (DBM)
use at Surat Airport
Recommended Rehabilitation Design
This assignment was sponsored by Surat Airport
with Concrete Paver Blocks (Option-II)
Project, Airports Authority of India (AAI), Surat
a. Thickness of Concrete 100 mm with the aim to determine the load carrying
Paver Blocks capacity in terms of Pavement Classification
Number (PCN) for different portions / sections
b. Strength of Concrete M-55 of the existing runway pavement at Surat Airport
Paver Blocks (Specified (55 MPa) and to evaluate the quality of different sections
Compressive Strength of the runway pavement with regard to their use
of Paver Blocks at 28 Days) by different aircrafts currently operating and for
the projected aircraft operations.
c. Bedding Sand 30 – 40 mm
The scope of work includes the following major
d. Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) 150 mm activities / tasks:
(Specified Compressive M-10
 Measurement of pavement deflections
Strength at 28 days) (10 MPa)
on different sections of the runway, at
The typical laying pattern of concrete paver pre-determined loads, by using Falling
blocks at Rotary Jn. 26. is shown in Fig. 73. Weight Deflectometer (FWD)

CRRI New Delhi

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

 Assessment of pavement surface (10 cm) diameter cylindrical cores were marked
condition through visual inspections / identified. Cores were taken for determining
the layer thicknesses and for evaluating the
 Extraction of 4” diameter cylindrical
construction quality of asphalt mixes. Concrete
cores were also recovered from the runway end
 Measurement of layer thicknesses in the / turning pad. As reported by AAI, runway was
pavement structure classified into five distinct sections, as given
 Test pits observations and collection of
i. Central 30 m wide portion of old
subgrade soils and other road building
runway from 0 to 1400 m
materials used for construction of
runway pavement This section of runway is not showing any
signs of rutting, depression, deformation or
 Laboratory evaluation of in-situ materials
any other distress types except for segregation
and mixes retrieved from the existing
of bituminous mix on top layer at few isolated
pavement structures for ascertaining
the construction quality of pavement
component layers ii. Widened portion on both sides of the
old runway from 0 to 1400 m(15 m to
 Analysis of data / results to estimate 22.5 m)
PCN of different sections of the runway
Widened portion of the old runway from 0 to
1400 m (15 to 22.5 m on East and West sides
 Recommend remedial measures to from the central line of runway) had developed
improve the current condition of different / witnessed (in the past) some depressions /
sections of runway pavement so as settlements at scattered locations of varying
to make the whole runway pavement length and width in April 2007 which were
suitable for the anticipated proposed subsequently repaired in July 2007 itself by
aircraft operations. removing bituminous layers in some portions
and relaying and by providing additional bitumi-
Surat airfield is presently being used by various
nous layer (DAC) in some portion. The present
types of aircrafts such as A319, A320 and
surface condition of this section of runway is
CRJ700 on “one flight a day” basis. The airfield
satisfactory with no visible distress found on
pavement is to be evaluated for determination
of PCN towards finding out its suitability for the pavement surface.
unrestricted operations / use by different types
iii. Extension portion from 1400 to 1585 m
of aircrafts (A 319, A320 and A321) on ultra low
for full width of 45 m
subgrade strength (in terms of CBR). Based on
the general appraisal of the pavement surface This section also includes RESA portion of
condition, representative locations for taking 4” 60 m from chainage 1525 to 1585 m. Some

Annual Report 2009-10

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

settlements / depressions on this portion of

runway, specifically on the wheel tracks (4 to 4.5
m wide strips on both sides from the central line),
were observed sometimes after the runway was
put to operation. Overlays of bituminous layers
(30 to 50 mm DAC) were then provided twice
on this section, first time during July, 2007
and during January, 2008 due to development
of deformation / rutting, especially along the
wheel paths (about 4 to 5 m from the central
line on both sides).
iv. Extension portion from 1585 to 2094 m
Fig. 74 Deflection measurements using FWD on runway at Surat Airport
for full width of 45 m
Fig. 74 shows FWD being used for taking
This section of runway presently neither has
deflection measurements on the runway.
any signs of depression or any other distress
nor is reported to have developed any distress Based on the field and laboratory investigations,
in the past. carried out on different sections of the runway
pavement, the following major findings
v. Rigid turning pad and Dumbbell from
chainage 2094 to 2250 m at End 22
The most common type of distress found on this 1. CBR of subgrade soil is found to be less
portion was surface cracking in the centre of than 2; and therefore it is categorized in
slabs. Such cracks were however epoxy repaired ‘ultra low’ category as per ICAO guide-
by AAI. Two to three slabs were found to be lines for PCN evaluation.
having wide cracking. 2. Typical distress types found on the rigid
Pavement deflection measurements, by using runway End 22 include edge cracking,
FWD, were undertaken on runway pavement corner cracking and full width crack-
and rigid ends at Surat Airport. The FWD ing, all in the longitudinal and transverse
system was applied on several sections of the directions, on a considerable number of
airfield pavement with known cross sectional slabs.
details obtained from the records / test pits.
3. The values of PCN determined for differ-
Pavement deflection measurements by FWD
ent sections of the runway pavement,
were undertaken on the main runway at an
viz. (i) original portion of the old runway
interval of about 50 meter in staggered position
at 04 End from 0 to 1400 m (30m wide),
and largely on the most used portion of runway (ii) widened portion of the old runway
on both sides of the centre line. Similarly, FWD from 30 to 45 m, (iii) Extended portion
deflection measurements were taken on runway of runway from 1400 to 1585 m (45 m
ends / turning pads also at representative wide), (iv) Extended portion of runway
locations well spread over the paved area. from 1585 m to 2094 m (45 m wide),

CRRI New Delhi

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

and (v) Rigid turning pad at 22 End from (MP-1 Road) and Udyog Marg in Noida towards
2094 to 2250 m including dumbbell, are determining the likely causes of distress/
80/F/D/W/T, 36/F/D/W/T, 27/F/D/W/T, defects developed on these roads and to
22/F/D/W/T and 70/R/D/W/T respec- suggest remedial measures needed to overcome
tively. the problem (s).

4. Problematic areas / locations assessed The scope of work included the following major
during the evaluation of runway pave- activities:
ment include extended portion of the
a. Field investigations
runway pavement from 1400 to 1585 m
(45 m wide). This section of runway is  Functional evaluation of pavement
recommended to be reconstructed for a surface through roughness
design PCN value of 63 on the existing measurements, using duly
‘Ultra Low’ subgrade strength, as per calibrated fifth wheel bump
AAI / ICAO design guidelines. integrator, on each lanes of both
carriageways for the entire length
5. Widened portion of original runway from of project roads
0 to 1400 m (30 to 45 m) and the ex-
 Assessment of pavement surface
tended section of runway pavement
distress (types and extent) by
from 1595 to 2094 m, are recommend-
visual observations.
ed to be strengthened / overlaid with the
following specifications:  Structural evaluation of pavement
by Benkelman Beam deflection
a) Widened portion of old runway measurements (11 points per Km
on both sides (30 to 45 m) in each carriageway), covering the
Provide bituminous overlay of 125 mm entire length of project roads
thick (75 mm DBM + 50 mm BC)
 Test pits evaluation (about 2
b) Extended portion of runway to 3 on each of the two roads,
pavement (1585 to 2094 m) representing variations in surface
Provide bituminous overlay of 200 mm condition)
thick (2x75 mm DBM +50 mm BC)
 Classified traffic volume surveys
at one location for 24 hours round
Evaluation of Master Plan Road the clock on each road
No.1 and Udyog Marg in Noida
b. Laboratory evaluation by determining
The assignment was taken up at the request the engineering properties of materials
of New Okhla Industrial Development Authority retrieved from different layers of the
(NOIDA) to carry out detailed investigations existing pavement structures of two
of the two roads i.e. Master Plan Road No. 1 roads.

Annual Report 2009-10

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

The type of surface distress is mainly cracking,

patching / potholes and slippage occurring mostly
on Mastic Asphalt surface at the intersections.
Also, undulations/ settlements were observed on
the road in few places which are also affecting
the riding quality. The extent of distress found on
Udyog Marg in both directions of road was more
than MP-1 Road (Figs. 75,76,77 & 78).
Fig.75 Extensive alligator cracking on MP-1 road
The major findings, based on the data/results,
are summarized as under:

i. The total surface distress on Udyog

Marg is maximum 45 to 50 percent
while it is maximum 25 to 30 percent on
MP-1 Road. The major types of surface
distress/defects developed on the project
roads are cracking, potholes, patching
and raveling. Fig. 76 Slippage at the intersection on MP-1 road

ii. Deflection values clearly indicate that

the existing pavements are deficient
with regard to their structural adequacy
for the prevailing and projected traffic
volume and loads.

iii. Based on the characteristic deflections

data and cumulative number of standard
axles worked out for the project roads,
Fig. 77 A typical view of distress on Udyog marg
it becomes very clear that the existing
roads are structurally inadequate and
would not be able to cope up with the
expected traffic loads. Consequently,
the roads are in dire need of immediate
rehabilitation/ strengthening to augment
their structural capacity so as to improve
their load carrying/ bearing capacity.

Following are the major likely causes which Fig. 78 Patching, potholes and loss of materials on
may be responsible for development of distress/ Udyog marg

CRRI New Delhi

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

defects on the pavement surfaces of two  No Granular Subbase (GSB)

roads: layer/ material have been used
in the pavement structures. This
 Inadequate structural capacity of
layer works as a drainage layer
the existing pavements in regard
and facilitates movement/flow
to the current and projected
of water entrapped within the
traffic loading, the project roads
pavement structure. Absence
are subjected to.
of GSB layer might also have
 Higher volume of commercial contributed for the deterioration
vehicles using the roads and of project roads.
the overloading being caused by
 Since the type of subgrade
them. soil used on project roads has
 Application of BM+BC significant proportion of clay,
combination is not at all a good the provision of GSB becomes
practice, particularly for heavily absolutely essential under such
trafficked roads like the two situations. Due to the absence
project roads. This combination of GSB layer, the water entering
should not be used due to a into the subgrade weakens its
number of factors which have strength due to the volume change
been very emphatically brought and plastic deformation. As can be
out earlier by CRRI. The preferred seen, the field moisture contents
combination is DBM+BC. in two out of the four test pits
(pit number 1 and 3 which have
 Use of soling (large sized stones/ clayey soils) are more than the
boulders) and/or WBM Gr. I optimum moisture content which
material in the subbase layer may substantiates the point highlighted
be one of the contributing factors above.
responsible for deterioration of
 In summary, reduced compaction
project roads. This specification
has completely been discarded/ levels of the subgrade layer, use
omitted for a long time by many of stone soling in the subbase,
and absence of GSB layer in the
road departments. This layer
pavement structure, have probably
does not offer much strength to
been responsible for deterioration
the pavement structure and also
of project roads.
does not provide enough support
to the overlying pavement layers  Slippage of mastic asphalt
because of weak interlocking and observed at some sections on the
large voids therein. intersections might have occurred

Annual Report 2009-10

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

due to improper workmanship, cent material passing through 75 micron sieve

inferior quality of constituent shall be used as the filler material.
materials, inadequate job mix
design and incorrect laying process Investigation to Determine and
etc. Mastic asphalt may be relaid Ascertain Causes of Distress and
as per specifications laid down Suggest Remedial Measures for
in Section 500 (Item No. 515) of
the Runway Pavement at Jaipur
MORTH specifications.
 The life of Bituminous Concrete
This assignment was taken up at the request
(BC) surfacing on heavily
of Airports Authority of India, New Delhi with
trafficked roads is generally about
the prime objective to investigate and ascertain
4 to 5 years which has outlived
causes of distress and suggest remedial
its life since the resurfacing was
measures for the runway pavement at Jaipur
done on project roads about 4 to
5 years back (in 2004). The life
of surfacing gets further reduced The main runway pavement at Jaipur Airport
if it is laid on a weak pavement consists of flexible and rigid portions. The
structure which is the present flexible portion of the runway pavement is
case. 1823 m long and 45 m wide with 7.5 m paved
shoulders on both sides of the pavement. Rigid
The project roads are distressed due to
portion of the runway is 914 m long and 60 m
inadequate structural strength of the existing
wide. The taxi track and apron areas are partly
pavements for the present day and projected
flexible and partly rigid pavements construction.
traffic loads. Thus, the existing pavement
The flexible portion of the main runway has a
structures need strengthening / rehabilitation.
declared PCN value of 58/F/B/W/T while rigid
The rehabilitation of roads may be undertaken
portion of the main runway has declared PCN
by applying appropriate treatments in terms of
value of 57/R/B/W/T. Surface texture of the
overlay with bituminous layers, as recommended.
pavements can be rated as coarse / rough.
As regards rectification of distress developed on
the intersections, it is recommended that 40mm Jaipur airfield is presently being used by
thick mastic asphalt layer may be provided at several types of aircrafts and deemed suitable
these locations. Dense Bituminous Macadam for B767 class of aircraft operations under
shall be prepared by using 60/70 penetration IMC. The airfield pavement is required to be
grade paving bitumen, while Bituminous Concrete evaluated towards determining and ascertaining
shall preferably be prepared by using modified the likely causes of distress and subsequently
bitumen, conforming to IRC: SP: 53-2002. In suggest remedial measures for improvement
Bituminous Concrete and Dense Bituminous of the runway. The airfield pavements are also
Macadam, lime stone dust or lime having 85 per planned to be upgraded in future in order to

CRRI New Delhi

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

receive heavier types of aircrafts for its future runway pavement, which was then tested in
operation. the laboratory for their properties.

Necessary field works / investigations Four test pits, one on sound condition of the
undertaken for the evaluation of existing pavement and three on problematic areas of
runway pavement included assessment of the runway, of size 1.25 x 1.25m, on / near
surface condition of the runway pavement the edge of the pavement were cut open for
by visual inspection. It was observed that determination of thickness of component
there was no visible distress in the first 600 layers and field density etc. Road construction
metres length of the runway except that the materials from different component layers in
pavement surface was hungry. Pavement was the pavement structure were also collected
found to be distressed mainly from 600 to for laboratory evaluation.
1020 m along and across the centre line on
most used lanes. Distresses observed from Further analysis of data and report prepara-
600 to 1020 m on the main runway are in tion is in progress.
the form of oozing of water, in the form of
patches on the surface, cracking, raveling, State-of-Art Equipments/
deformation, patch work, and pot holes. Facilities Created
Majority of the locations were highly Network Survey Vehicle System
distressed / badly cracked. This has primarily
occurred probably due to entrapment of water The Network Survey Vehicle (NSV) system is
in the lower bituminous layers. Similar kind based on the latest survey techniques utilizing
of distresses were observed on stretch Laser, Global Positioning System and Video
from 1020 to 1200 m. Stretch from 1200 to image processing tools etc (Fig. 79). The
1800 m was found to be hungry surface with Survey Vehicle is being used for automatic
some patches due to oozing of water on the collection of road condition related data
surface. Vegetation growth was also seen at for National Highways. The inventory data
very few locations on the shoulders. Drainage collected include measurement of gradient
and shoulder conditions of the runway were (rise and fall), horizontal curvature, pavement
found to be in fair to poor condition. surface condition (distress), roughness, and GPS
coordinates (X, Y, Z) viz. longitude, latitude &
Based on the general appraisal of pavement altitude etc. Based on the information collected
surface condition, representative locations through NSV and using the map data, a user
for taking 4” (10 cm) and 6” (15 cm) friendly GIS based interactive system is currently
diameter cylindrical cores were taken over under development.
the entire length of runway for determining
the layer thicknesses and for evaluating Key Features of the Network Survey Vehicle
System are:
the construction quality etc. A total of 26
bituminous cores were recovered from the a. High survey speed up to 100 km/hr

Annual Report 2009-10

Pavement Engineering

and Materials
Pavement Evaluation

Fig. 79 Network Survey Vehicle (NSV)

b. Longitudinal (International Roughness is portable type equipment and consists of a

Index) and transverse profiling (Rut small accelerometer (sensor) device installed
Depth) conforms to ASTM standards at the rear axle of survey vehicle, a distance
c. Pavement Texture in terms of Mean measuring instrument, interface module and a
Profile Depth controller (Fig. 80). The pavement roughness
d. Slope, Cross-fall, Radius of curvature measurements using this equipment are required
to be done preferably at a speed in between 40
e. GPS coordinates (X, Y, Z) viz. longitude,
to 60 km/hr, in order to obtain most reliable and
latitude & altitude using DGPS
accurate data. The output is in the units of
f. Video imaging for International Roughness Index (IRI).
 Roadside furniture / Road asset
g. Advanced data processing and reporting
 Real time in-vehicle data
acquisition software for display
and collection of data from all
parameters simultaneously
 Post processing software for data
analysis and report preparation
h. It is Windows XP based
Roughometer-II is a high speed device used
for measuring pavement surface roughness. It Fig. 80 Roughometer –II

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Pavement Evaluation

Walking Profiler It is designed to operate at a moderate

The Walking Profiler is a precision instrument and steady walking pace in a straight line.
designed to collect surface profile data (Fig. 81). The equipment has an integral Control
The data can be used to accurately assess the Unit which provides all the functions of
characteristics and quality of any continuous instrument calibration, survey setup and
paved surface. Typically the surface profile is operator feedback. Like Dipstick, it also
used to generate a number of internationally directly gives International Roughness
recognized roughnesses, ride quality and Index in m/km.
pavement maintenance indices etc.

Fig. 81 Walking Profiler

Annual Report 2009-10


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