The document lists 36 keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word. It separates the shortcuts into three categories: common shortcuts, formatting shortcuts, and insert options shortcuts. The common shortcuts allow performing actions like opening a new document, saving, printing, undoing/redoing, cutting/copying/pasting. The formatting shortcuts allow bolding, italicizing, changing font size and style. The insert options shortcuts allow inserting things like page breaks, hyperlinks, dates, times, clip art, charts and flow charts.
The document lists 36 keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word. It separates the shortcuts into three categories: common shortcuts, formatting shortcuts, and insert options shortcuts. The common shortcuts allow performing actions like opening a new document, saving, printing, undoing/redoing, cutting/copying/pasting. The formatting shortcuts allow bolding, italicizing, changing font size and style. The insert options shortcuts allow inserting things like page breaks, hyperlinks, dates, times, clip art, charts and flow charts.
The document lists 36 keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word. It separates the shortcuts into three categories: common shortcuts, formatting shortcuts, and insert options shortcuts. The common shortcuts allow performing actions like opening a new document, saving, printing, undoing/redoing, cutting/copying/pasting. The formatting shortcuts allow bolding, italicizing, changing font size and style. The insert options shortcuts allow inserting things like page breaks, hyperlinks, dates, times, clip art, charts and flow charts.
The document lists 36 keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word. It separates the shortcuts into three categories: common shortcuts, formatting shortcuts, and insert options shortcuts. The common shortcuts allow performing actions like opening a new document, saving, printing, undoing/redoing, cutting/copying/pasting. The formatting shortcuts allow bolding, italicizing, changing font size and style. The insert options shortcuts allow inserting things like page breaks, hyperlinks, dates, times, clip art, charts and flow charts.
Shortcuts If you have a different version, you can check for shortcuts from ‘HELP’ option.
A. Microsoft Word – common shortcuts
1. Ctrl + N = will open a new word document 2. Ctrl + O = will open the ‘Open’ box to open previously saved documents 3. Ctrl + W = will close the current word document 4. Ctrl + S = to save the currently open word document 5. Ctrl + P = will give the print option for current document 6. Ctrl + Z = will undo the last action 7. Ctrl + Y = will restore the action undone 8. Ctrl + X = will cut selected item 9. Ctrl + C = will copy selected text/item 10. Ctrl + V = will paste the previously cut/copy selected text/item 11. Ctrl + A = Selects all the text 12. Ctrl + F = will open Find and Replace option/dialogue box B. Microsoft Word’s Formatting Shortcuts 1. Ctrl + B = will bold-en the selected text 2. Ctrl + I = will italicize the selected text 3. Ctrl + U = will underline the selected text 4. Ctrl + Shift + D = Double underline 5. Ctrl +Shift + > = will increase the font size of selected text 6. Ctrl +Shift + < = will decrease the font size of selected text 7. Ctrl + 2 = double line spacing 8. End = will take you to the end of a line 9. Home = will take you to the beginning of a line 10. Ctrl + End = will take you to the very end of a document (last page/last line/last word!) 11. Ctrl + Home = will take you to the very beginning of a document 12. Shift + F3 = will change the case of letters of selected text (keep pressing the F3 andsee how it keeps changing from All CAPS, to all lower, to Sentence case!) 13. Ctrl + Shift + F = will activate the ‘Font’ option and you can chose the font you want 14. Ctrl + Shift + N = will apply the ‘Normal’ style to the selected text 15. Ctrl + ‘equal sign’ = for superscript. i.e., select a text first, then do - ‘ctrl + =’. example: Birds(of all kinds). 16. Ctrl + Shift + ‘the plus sign’ = for superscript. example: November the 30th of 2014. Watsapp! C. Microsoft Word – insert option shortcuts 1. Ctrl + Enter = will give/insert a page break, i.e., it’ll go to the next page 2. Ctrl + K = to insert a hyperlink 3. Alt + Shift + D = will insert the current Date 4. Alt + Shift + T = will insert the current Time 5. Alt + I + P + C = will open the Clip Art box on the right side of the document 6. Alt + I + P + W = will open the Word Art options box 7. Alt + I + P + H = will insert/open graph/chart input/options box in the form of an excel sheet! (Try it out!) 8. Alt + I + P + O = will insert an organization flow chart, which you can edit as per yourrequirement Okay, 36 shortcuts and only of MS Word – how many did you know?