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Trainning Tesseract

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Training TESSERACT Tool for Amazigh OCR

Chapter · May 2015


3 authors:

Khadija El Gajoui Fadoua Ataa Allah

Mohammed V University of Rabat Institut Royal de la Culture Amazighe


Mohammed Oumsis
High School of Technology-Salé, Mohammed V-Agdal University, Rab…


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Training TESSERACT Tool for Amazigh OCR


Laboratory of research in Informatics and Telecommunications, Faculty of Sciences – Rabat,
Mohammed V University, Rabat, MOROCCO
CEISIC, The Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, Rabat, MOROCCO
Department of Computer Science, School of Technology-Sale, Mohammed V University, Sale,
khadija.gajoui@gmail.com, ataaallah@ircam.ma, oumsis@yahoo.com

Abstract: - The Optical Character Recognition is the operation of converting a text image into an editable
text file. Several tools have been developed as OCR systems. Techniques used in each system vary from
one system to another, therefore the accuracy changes. In this paper, we present an example of available
OCR tools, and we train TESSERACT tool on the Amazigh language transcribed in Latin characters.

Key-Words : OCR; Amazigh; Tesseract; Training.

1. Introduction research in pattern recognition, artificial

intelligence and computer vision, various tools
Over the last five decades, machine reading has have been designed to achieve a conversion
grown from a dream to reality. Optical character from text image to editable text with a quite high
recognition has become one of the most recognition rate [1]. The tools dedicated to OCR
successful applications of technology. Many are either open source or paid according to their
systems for performing OCR exist for a variety license.
of applications, although the machines are still
not able to compete with human reading In the remaining of this paper, we define, in
capabilities. Section 2, the OCR system architecture and we
present different approaches developed for each
The Amazigh language is spoken by a modules of the system. In Section 3, we
significant part of the population in North introduce the Amazigh language writing. In
Africa. It became official in Morocco since Section 4, we present examples of OCR tools. In
2011. Yet few studies on OCR systems have Section 5, we list the training steps of Tesseract
been interested in that language either written in tool for the Amazigh language. Then, we show,
Tifinagh alphabet or transcribed in Arabic or in section 6, the evaluation of the system tested
Latin letters. on a set of documents extracted from different
With the development experienced by research books. Finally, in Section 7, we draw
on optical character recognition, field of conclusions and suggest further related research.
2. Optical character recognition 3. Amazigh writing
The Amazigh language, or Tamazight, is present
An OCR system is a system that takes a text today in a dozen of countries across the
image as input and applies certain treatments Maghreb-Sahel-Sahara: Morocco, Algeria,
through modules making up the system in order Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso
to output editable file with the same text [2][3]. and Mauritania. But Algeria and Morocco are by
The architecture of an OCR system varies from far the two countries with the largest Amazigh
one system to another as needed. population.
Optical Character Recognition systems are Since antiquity, Amazigh people have developed
usually composed of the following phases [4]: their own writing system [5]. But when it comes
• Preprocessing phase: prepares the sensor to write consistent documents, the Amazigh has
data to the next phase. It is a set of used language and / or script of dominant
treatments allowing image quality peoples in contact: Punic, Latin or Arabic.
increasing. To transcribe Amazigh language, in Morocco,
• Segmentation phase: delimits document three writing systems are used [6]:
elements (line, word, character ...). By • Tifinagh is the authentic alphabet, attested
applying good segmentation techniques, we in Libyan inscriptions since antiquity, and
can increase the performance of OCR the official script in Morocco since 2003.
systems. • Arabic alphabet used since the Arab
• Feature extraction phase: defines features arrival on the 6th century.
characterizing the delimited elements of a • Latin used since the end of the 19th
document. century by colonial scholars, and later by
• Feature extraction is one of the most national researchers.
important steps in developing a In this work, we focus on Amazigh language
classification system. This step describes transcribed in Latin.
the various features characterizing the
delimited elements of a document. After exploring a set of Amazigh documents
• Classification phase: recognizes and transcribed in Latin, such as “CHOICE OF
identifies each element. It is performed BERBER TALK VERSION OF SOUTHWEST
based on the extracted features. MOROCCAN” by Arsène Roux [5] “MOTS ET
• Post-processing phase: it is an optional CHOSES BERBERES” by Emile Laoust [7] and
phase. It may be automatic or manual. “THE ARGAN TREE AND ITS TASHELHIYT
BERBER LEXICON” by Harry Stroomer [8],
Several approaches and techniques have been we found that the Latin characters used in the
developed for each module [1]. transcription are represented in Latin, Extended-
A Latin and Extended Additional Latin encoding
The figure and table below show respectively an
example of text written in Amazigh language
transcribed in Latin and an example of characters
used in this transcription. These characters are
composed of Latin alphabet and diacritics that
represent a set of marks accompanying a letter or
grapheme. Diacritics can be placed above
(superscript diacritic), below (subscribed
diacritic) or after (adscript diacritic).
Fig 1. Steps of OCR Systems
4.1. Commercial tools

Commercial systems were developed primarily

  as university projects, shareware or free tools and
converted to high quality sophisticated products
meeting the high expectations of today’s OCR
  Several commercial systems come with a rich set
Fig 2. An example of text excerpt from the book ” THE of image processing utilities capable of
ARGAN TREE AND ITS TASHELHIYT BERBER transforming the input images to the most
LEXICON” appropriate format where their ability to work on
different types of image and to adapt   to various
spatial resolutions and pixel depths. The most
popular commercial tool is FineReader [9].

This kind of Tools does not allow access to the

system code in order to modify it and improve its
performance which is very important for
research. Hence, the advantage of using open
  source tools.
Table 1. An example of characters used in Amazigh transcription
in Latin
4.2. Open source tools
"Open source" refers to software in which the
    4. OCR tools source code is available to the general public,
and this is usually a collaborative effort in which
Automatic document reading techniques have programmers improve all the source code and
evolved and matured over the past decade. Thus, share the changes within the community as well
Test stands are commonly performed on the as other members can contribute.
latest versions of software packages showing the
new opportunities and accurate assessment of The ability to study how the program works
their recognition ability in terms of confidence helps in adapting it to the needs. Another
levels, accuracy and speed of execution, by paper important advantage is that any potential
type and typography used. improvements can be discussed with developers
and added by any interested parties. Thus, the
The tools available for OCR systems are either work done has a chance to be reused and
commercial or open source. In both cases the extended by anybody.
tool is based on the OCR’s architecture Below we give an example of such popular open
composed of 3 phases: preprocessing, features source systems which are OCRopus [10] and
extraction and classification. Since the Tesseract [11].
classification is the most determined phase in the
system, several approaches have been developed,
used and tested in various tools.
OCRopus is a free document analysis and optical Tesseract is an open source optical character
character recognition (OCR) system, released recognition engine for various operating systems.
under the Apache License and currently It was originally developed at HP between 1984
developed under the lead of Thomas Breuel from and 1994 [13] [14]. It was modified and
the German Research Centre for Artificial improved in 1995 with greater accuracy. In late
Intelligence. It is sponsored by Google. 2005, HP released Tesseract for open source.
OCRopus is becoming a powerful tool for Now it is developed and maintained by Google.
optical character recognition, capable of It uses a statistical approach based on the
analyzing a complex layout (containing columns polygonal approximation and the calculation of
and boxes…). It does not reconstitute the page distance between extracted features [13].
layout after processing, but performs the
recognition in a logical order after analyzing the Tesseract is considered as one of the most
layout. accurate free software OCR engines currently
available. A large variety of other OCR software
now uses it as a base. It is an excellent quality
OCR program, with a large amount of flexibility,
a solid codebase, and a large, engaged
community of interested people around it [15].

Fig 3. Architecture of the OCRopus system

The overall architecture of OCROPUS consists

of three major components [12]:
• Layout analysis: OCRopus contains two
modules responsible of the layout
analysis: a simple text-image
segmentation system to separate
different regions and RAST-Based
Layout Analysis for the Column finding,
the text line modeling and the reading
order determination. Fig 4. Architecture of Tesseract OCR

• Text line recognition: separates text line

of images into a collection of characters. Tesseract OCR follows a traditional step-by-step
Then, performs the character recognition pipeline processing [13]. Those steps are:
based on a hypothesis graph. • Adaptive Thresholding: It converts images
OCRopus is based on a statistical into binary images.
approach using multi-layer perceptrons • Connected component analysis: It is used to
(MLPs) for character recognition. extract character outlines. This method is
• Statistical language modeling: integrates very useful because it applies OCR for
alternative recognition hypotheses with images with white text and black
prior knowledge about language, background. Tesseract was probably the
vocabulary, grammar, and the document first to provide this kind of processing.
• At this stage, outlines are gathered together, diacritical languages, such as ancient Greek [14]
purely by nesting, into Blobs. and Urdu [18], have shown that it is strong
• Blobs are organized into text lines. Lines enough for this type of languages.
and regions are analyzed for some fixed
pitch or proportional text. Text is divided Hence, the interest to train this tool on Amazigh
into words using definite spaces and fuzzy language transcribed on Latin characters. The
spaces. process of training passes by tree steps:
• Recognition proceeds as two-pass process: generation of corpus, creation of the traineddata
§ In the first pass, an attempt is made to file and the training [13].
recognize each word in turn. Each word
that is satisfactory pass to an adaptive 5.1.1. Box generation
classifier as training data. Then, the The first step is to generate corpus composed of
adaptive classifier gets a chance to more different characters used in the transcription of
accurately recognize text lower down Amazigh in Latin. For this purpose, we use
the page. jTessBoxEditor.
§ In the second pass, the adaptive
classifier run over the page to recognize jTessBoxEditor is a box editor and trainer
words that were not well enough for Tesseract OCR. It provides box data editing
recognized in the first pass. A final for both Tesseract 2.0x and 3.0x formats, and full
phase resolves fuzzy spaces, and checks automation of Tesseract training. It can read
alternative hypotheses for the x-height images of common image formats, including
to locate smallcap text. multi-page TIFF. The program requires Java
Runtime Environment 7 or later.

5. Training Tesseract on Amazigh This interface (Figure 5) allows adding text file
language containing characters to train, define the font
desired and specify noise degree in order to
5.1. Why Tesseract? generate boxes.

Examples of tools mentioned above and many

others are good quality OCR programs, but
Tesseract has important criteria for which he was

The first relevant criterion in Tesseract is the fact

that is free and open source (FOSS), which is an
advantage and a key point in the research

Usually, whenever Tesseract is compared to

another free OCR tool, it is the best whether in Fig 5. Box generator tab from jTessBoxEditor tool
terms of recognition rate or speed [16]. Even,
when it is compared with the Finereader After creating our file containing the characters,
commercial tool, Tesseract arrives to rub it and we upload it and we choose the appropriate fonts
managed to overtake for handwritten writing 17. to the characters’ type. The fonts used are Arial,
Calibri, Cambria, Charis SLI, Tahoma and
The specificity of the Amazigh language Times new roman in bold or/and italic. In total,
transcribed in Latin characters is the presence of we have 24 different writing formats according
diacritic below and above a large number of to font.  
characters. The experiments on Tesseract for
We define the maximum level of noise in order § Amazigh.arial.exp0.box: for the “arial”
to increase the recognition quality. Then, we font.
generate the boxes. Each box corresponds to a § Amazigh.font_properties
specific writing format. § Amazigh.frequent_words_list
§ Amazigh.words_list
Figure 6 presents a box. It contains the
coordinate of each character in the created

Fig 7. The Trainer tab from jTessBoxEditor tool

5.1.3. Training Tesseract

To train Tesseract, we need to copy the
Fig 6. A box example in the box editor tab traineddata file generated after the execution of
the Trainer, and place it in the tessdata folder in
5.1.2. Creation of traineddata file Tesseract.
The traineddata file allows the tool training. To
create this file, we need a set of files which are:
• BOX file: the set of box files generated 6. Experiments & Results
• FONT_PROPERTISES file: contain the 6.1. Experiments
used fonts with their properties.
Respectively <italic>, <bold>, <fixed>, To test the Tesseract on our corpus, we use the
<serif> and <fraktur> are all simple 0 or 1 VietOcr GUI. VietOCR, is a GUI frontend for
flags indicating whether the font has the Tesseract OCR engine, available in Java and
named property. .NET executable.
After using the traineddata file to train the
(.frequent_words_list): file containing
Tesseract in VietOCR, we use a set of document
frequently used words in the learning
extracted from different books to evaluate the
language. Such as “nna” (wich), “n” (of),
“nns”(his), “id”(it) and “Iγ” (If) in Amazigh
The documents used are 220 pages collected
• WORDS_LIST file (.words_list): list of
from 4 different books [8] [19] [20] [21] written
words, contain at least one word of the
in Amazigh language transcribed into Latin.
Part of this collection has undergone a
All files must begin with the name of the pretreatment to increase the image quality while
the other is kept with low quality in order to
language that was set in the box generation
phase. view the system behavior in both cases.

The documents are divided into two parts:

The traineddata file is created in the Trainer tab
of jTessBoxEditor tool. In our case the files are: • Doc 1: documents in good quality.
• Doc 2: documents in low quality.
6.2. Results & Analysis • The capital letters are confused with
Our goal is to test the system on the corpus • The character "ḍ" is confused with "d", "ṭ"
created for the Amazigh language transcribed with "t" and "γ" with "Y".
into Latin. For this, we varied two properties.
The first is the training font size and the second On the other hand, the quality of the document
is the quality of the document to recognize. influences the result of recognition. We can
Recognition rates are given in the following notice that even with a low quality, the system
table: reaches an important recognition of 75% but it is
even better with pretreatment. Hence, the
importance of improving the system
Font size variation pretreatment phase.
14 pt 36pt 48pt
Document Doc 1 25% 92% 85%
quality Doc 2 18% 75% 70%
Table2. Recognition rates 7. Conclusion
The results show that the improved recognition In this paper, we are interested in the optical
is 92% obtained on documents of good quality character recognition of documents, which is an
with the font size 36pt. active area of research today. We have
introduced the OCR system and its components.
We note that the percentage of recognition Then, we have presented the Amazigh language.
varies remarkably between the corpus based on Given the success that the Tesseract tool has
size 14pt, 36pt and 48pt. approved, we chose to apply it for the Amazigh
language transcribed into Latin. This language
For the font size 14pt, we remarked many that has not been explored in depth on the OCR
classification errors. For example: field.
• The capital letters are confused with
lowercase. This study opens several perspectives such as
• One single character is recognized by improving the preprocessing phase by applying
several characters: "n" is recognized as "rr", different treatments to increase the percentage of
"m" as "rrr" and "a" as "zt". recognition, and enriching the used corpus. This
• The subscribed dot is generally ignored, "ṭ" enrichment consists on adding a new set of
confused with "t", "ḍ" with "d" and "ḥ" with characters and executing the training for new
"h". fonts.
• Other errors such as "a" recognized as "z",
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