National Commission On Indigenous Peoples
National Commission On Indigenous Peoples
National Commission On Indigenous Peoples
Petition No.
1. CADT Applicant:
2. Tribe/Ethnolinguistic Group:
3. Representative:
Surname Given/First Name Middle Name
4. Address:
5. Date of Birth: ____________ 6. Age: _____ 7. Civil Status: ________ 8. Sex: ______
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If ancestral domain has been technically surveyed, please complete items 11.a, 11.b,
11.c, 11.d and 11.e.
11. Date of Survey 11.a. Survey Authority Number:
I hereby certify that the entries/statements made hereon are true and correct to the best of
my knowledge.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this ____ day of _____________, 20____,
at _______________________________________ Philippines.
Thumb Mark/Signature of CADT
Authorized Representative
Tribal Leader/Elder/Chieftain/Datu
Officer Administering Oath
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