Attendance:: Sekolah Kebangsaan Nanga Temalat English Language Panel Meeting Minutes 1/2019
Attendance:: Sekolah Kebangsaan Nanga Temalat English Language Panel Meeting Minutes 1/2019
Attendance:: Sekolah Kebangsaan Nanga Temalat English Language Panel Meeting Minutes 1/2019
Attendance :
Meeting agenda :
1.0 Chairperson’s Opening Speech
1.1 Madam Rosina, the Head of English Language Panel Committee thanked and
welcomed all teachers to the first meeting of English Language Panel for the
year 2019.
1.2 She hoped that all the teachers will give their full cooperation so that all
programmes organised by the panel will be carried out successfully and brings
positive impact on the students.
3.1 Madam Rosina appointed that CEFR English lesson plans should be done
according to the format that was given last year.
3.2 The panel agreed to standardise the format of daily lesson plan for KSSR and
CEFR classes including DLP classes.
5.1 Activities are organised based on strategic plans, operational plan and tactical
5.2 The activities that was pointed out by the panel members are as follows :
5.2.3 Speaker’s Corner
A speaker’s corner is an area where student’s presentation, public
speaking, debate and discussion are allowed. Students could gather at
the speaker’s corner to listen, evaluate and, perhaps, challenge the
speaker’s views. Class teachers are in charge to prepare the speaker’s
corner. rhymes poems learning and speaking activities singing mathematics and science quizzes in English dictation spelling bee
6.1 Mister Nuing stated that SK Nanga Temalat and SMK Song 2 are the only
schools that are involved in DLP. But, the student’s result from the previous
year was below satisfaction.
6.2 Mister Nuing pointed out that actions to encounter these issues should be
taken immediately and aggressively to improve the student’s achievement and
English skills.
6.3 Mister Nuing encouraged the panel members to start improving the student’s
achievement with simple activities early of the year so that the positive
impacts will be more vivid and effective.
6.4 He emphasised that the most important thing is to make English Language
more interesting to the eye of the students.
Meeting was adjourned at 5.00 p.m. by Madam Jaclyn and was supported by all of the panel
Prepared by, Verified by,
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