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Design of Axially Loaded Short Columns

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Design of Axially Loaded

Short Columns
Compression Members
Syllabus :
Definitions, Classifications, Guidelines and Assumptions, Design of
Short Axially Loaded Compression Members, Design of Short
Compression Members under Axial Load with Uniaxial and biaxial
Bending, Preparation of Design Charts, Design of Slender Columns
A column or strut is defined as a compressive member whose effective
length exceeds three times the least lateral dimension.

A structural element that is predominantly subjected to axial

compressive forces is termed a compression member.

When a compression member is vertical, it is called a column, and

when it is horizontal or inclined, it is called a strut.

Columns may carry a secondary bending moment about the major or

minor axis or about both the axes. These may produce tensile stresses
over some part of the cross section.
However, still columns are referred to as the compression members
because they predominantly carry compressive forces.

Columns transmit all the forces applied on them through floors and
beams of upper floors to the lower levels and then to the soil through
the foundations.

Thus, they are very important for the proper functioning of the
building, as the failure of a column in a critical location may result in the
collapse of the entire building.
Upright compression members that support decks in bridges are often
called piers.

A short compression member, with a height less than three times its
least lateral dimension, placed at the base of columns to transfer the
load of columns to a footing, pile cap, or mat is called a pedestal or a
stub column.

Upright slender members mostly circular in shape and subjected to

dominant bending moment and nominal compression are called poles,
pillars, or posts.
• Design for the limit state of collapse in compression
shall be based on the assumptions given below:
– a) Plane sections normal to the axis remain plane after
– b) The maximum compressive strain in concrete in axial
compression is taken as 0.002
– c) The maximum compressive strain at the highly
compressed extreme fibre in concrete subjected to axial
compression and bending and when there is no tension on
the section shall be0.0035 minus 0.75 times the strain at
the least compressed extreme fibre.
• The relationship between the compressive
stress distribution in concrete and the strain in
concrete may be assumed to be parabolic.
• Refer IS Code 456:2000 for remaining
Classification of Columns
Columns are classified according to :

1. Materials of construction

2. Line of action of the loads

3. Shape of columns

4. Length of columns
Classification of Columns

Fig. 13.1 Classification of columns (a) Tall circular columns supporting a highway
in Pittsburgh, USA (b) Rectangular building columns in India
Classification of Columns based on
Materials of Construction
1. Masonry columns

2. Timber columns

3. Steel columns

4. RCC columns
Classification of Columns based on
Line of action of the loads
• Axially loaded columns

• Eccentrically loaded columns

Classification of Columns based on
Shape of columns
• Square

• Rectangle

• Circular

• Hexagonal
Classification of Columns based on
Length of columns
• Short columns: If the ratio effective length of
the column to the least lateral dimension is
less than 12, the column is called as the short
column. A short column fails by crushing (pure
compression failure).
• Long columns: If the ratio effective length of
the column to the least lateral dimension
exceeds 12, it is called as long column. A long
column fails by bending or buckling.
Classification of Columns based on Type of
1. Tied columns: Columns reinforced with longitudinal reinforcement
and lateral (transverse) ties (see Fig. 13.1b). Tied columns are
applicable to all cross-sectional Shapes.

2. Spiral columns: Columns with longitudinal reinforcement tied by

continuous spiral reinforcement. Spiral reinforcement is used mainly
in columns Of circular cross section, though they can have
hexagonal, octagonal, or even square shapes.

3. Composite columns: Columns reinforced longitudinally with

structural steel sections, such as hollow tubes and I-sections, with or
without additional longitudinal reinforcement or transverse
Classification of Columns based on Types of
1. Columns with concentrically applied loads: Such columns (see Fig.
13.2a) with zero bending moment are rare. In multi-storey frames,
as shown in Fig. 13.3, interior columns like A will be subjected to
axial compression and shear, under gravity loads.

2. Columns with uniaxial eccentricity—ex = 0, ey ≠ 0 or ex ≠ 0, ey = 0:

Edge columns such as B and D in Fig. 13.3 are subjected to uniaxial
bending moments (see Fig. 13.2b).

3. Columns with biaxial eccentricity—ex ≠ 0 and ey ≠ 0: Corner

columns like C in multi-storey buildings (see Fig. 13.3) are subjected
to biaxial bending moments in addition to the compressive force.
When subjected to lateral loads, most of the columns will be
subjected to uniaxial or biaxial bending moments (see Fig. 13.2c).
Classification of Columns based on Types of

Fig. 13.2 Cross section of column with different types of loading (a) Concentric axial
loading (b) Loading with one axis eccentricity (c) Loading with biaxial eccentricities
Classification of Columns based on
Slenderness Ratio
Columns, struts, beams, and ties are often slender members.

Slenderness ratio of a member is defined as the ratio of the effective

length to the radius of gyration of the section.

Based on the slenderness factor, columns can be classified as follows:

1. Short columns: These types of columns generally fail after
reaching the ultimate load carrying capacity of columns.

2. Slender columns: These types of columns generally fail suddenly

at relatively low compressive loads due to buckling.
Types of RCC column

The actual length (L) of the column is the clear distance between the two ends of
the column. The length of column which takes part in buckling when the column
is subjected to loads is called effective length (Le) of the column.
Unsupported and Effective Lengths
of Columns
Unsupported Length
The unsupported length, L, of a compression member is taken as the
clear height of the column.

Unsupported length for various types of constructions are defined as

1. In flat slab or flat plate construction, it is the clear distance
between the floor and the extremity of the slab, the drop panel,
or column capital, whichever is the minimum (see Figs 13.4a–c).

2. In beam slab construction, it is taken as the clear distance

between the floor and the underside of the beam.
Unsupported and Effective Lengths
of Columns
3. In columns restrained laterally by intermediate struts, it should be
taken as the clear distance between consecutive struts in each
vertical plane.

4. In columns with haunches, it is taken as the clear distance between

the floor and lower edge of the haunch in the plane considered.

5. In columns with brackets, it is the clear distance between the floor

and lower edge of the bracket, provided the width of the bracket is
equal to at least half the width of the column.
Unsupported Length of Columns

Fig. 13.4 Unsupported length of columns (a) Flat plate

(b) Flat slab (c) Column capital (d) Slab with beams
Buckling of Columns and Effective Length
Columns, when concentrically loaded, may fail in one of the following
modes of failure, depending on the slenderness ratio:
1. Pure compression failure: Short columns, with Le/b ratio less than
12, will fail by the crushing of concrete without undergoing any
lateral deformation.

2. Buckling failure: Slender columns, with Le/b ratio greater than 30,
will become unstable even under small loads, well before the
materials reach their yield stresses. When such columns are loaded,
at a particular load, called the buckling load, the column undergoes
buckling with lateral deflection transverse to the applied load of
undefined magnitude as shown in Fig. 13.5.
Buckling Behaviour of Columns

Fig. 13.5 Buckling behaviour of columns (a) Column (b) Load vs

deflection curve
Combined Compression and Bending
Most of the RC columns may be subjected to axial load and bending
moment due to eccentricity of load or from connecting beams or slabs.

Such slender columns will undergo deflection along their length as

beam columns, and these deflections produce additional secondary
bending moments in the columns.

When material failure is reached under the combined action of these

direct loads and bending moments, the failure is termed as combined
compression and bending failure.
Effective Length Factor for Columns

Fig. 13.6 Effective length factor for columns (a) Hinged ends (b) Fixed ends (c) Partially restrained
ends (d) Cantilevered (e) One end fixed and the other end restrained against rotation but not held in
position (f) Partially restrained ends
Effective Length of Columns

The buckling loads of columns with different boundary conditions may

be considered by the concept of effective lengths.

The effective length of a column in the considered plane may be

defined as the distance between the points of inflection (zero moment)
in the buckled configuration of the column in that plane (see Fig. 13.6).

In a frame, when relative transverse displacement between the upper

and lower ends of a column is prevented, the frame is considered to be
braced against side sway.
Combined Compression and Bending
Similarly, when relative transverse displacement between the upper
and lower ends of a column is not prevented, the frame is considered to
be unbraced against side sway.

When there is relative transverse displacement between the upper

and lower ends of a column, the points of inflection may not lie within
the member.

In such a case, they may be located by extending the deflection curve
beyond the column ends and by applying conditions of symmetry as
shown in Figs 13.6(d)–(e).
Long and Short Columns
• A compression member may be considered as
short when both the slenderness ratios lex/D
and ley/b are less than12 (IS 456:2000 Clause
Long and Short Columns
• For short column, slenderness ratio: (both)
– lex/D<=12
– ley/b<=12
• For long column, slenderness ratio: (either)
– lex/D>12
– ley/b>12
Effective length of Columns with
Simple End-restraints
Unsupported Length
• (IS 456:2000 Clause 25.1.3)
• The unsupported length, I, of a compression
member . shall he taken as the clear distance
between end restraints
• Except
– in flat slab construction
– in beam and slab construction
– in columns restrained laterally by struts
– in columns restrained laterally by struts or beams
(clause 25.4) Minimum Eccentricity
• Truly axially loaded column is rare
• All columns shall be designed for minimum
• The eccentricity of loading may be due to the
following reasons:
– Inaccuracies in construction
– Inaccuracies in loading
– Lateral deflection of column.
• Minimum Eccentricity is equal to the
unsupported length of column/500 plus
lateral dimensions/30, subject to a minimum
of 20mm. Where bi-axial bending is
considered, it is sufficient to ensure that
eccentricity exceeds the minimum about one
axis at a time.
• exmin = lx/500 + D/30
• = 20 mm (whichever is greater)

• eymin = ly/500 + b/30

• = 20 mm (whichever is greater)

0.05 D > ex,min

0.05b > ey,min

Short Axially Loaded Members in
• Pu=Puc+Pus

– Pu=0.45fckAc+0.75fyAc
Short Axially Loaded Members in
• When the minimum eccentricity does not
exceed 0.05 times the lateral dimension, the
members may be designed by the following

Compression Member with helical
• The strength of compression members with
helical reinforcement satisfying the
requirement of 39.4.1 shall betaken as 1.05
times the strength of similar member with
lateral ties
• = 1.05 Pu
• (39.4.1)The ratio of the volume of helical
reinforcement to the volume of the core shall not be
less than
• 0.36(Ag/Ac-1)fck/fy
Reinforcement in columns
• 2 types

– Longitudinal (main steel)

– Transverse
IS Code Recommendations
• Clause 26.5.3 to be referred
Arrangement of transverse
• Clause to be referred
• Pitch
– Clause ) to be referred
• Diameter
– Clause ) to be referred
• Cover
– Minimum cover= 40mm or diameter of bar
– = 25mm
Helical reinforcement
• Pitch
– Clause ) to be referred
• Diameter
– Clause ) to be referred

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