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Coins Pro API

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API Specification 

Version 0.3.0 
13 September, 2018   
Version 0.3.0 (13 September) - added GetDepositTickets, GetWithdrawTickets methods.
Added API keys management methods.

Table of contents
Changelog 2

URLs 5

Message Frame Format 5

How to use the frame. 6

Standard API Responses 8

Common error codes 8

Unauthenticated Calls 10
GetProducts 10
GetInstruments 11

Authentication 13
WebAuthenticateUser 13
GetUserAPIKeys 14
AddUserAPIKey 14
RemoveUserAPIKey 15
AuthenticateUser 15

User Account Calls 16

GetUserAccounts 16
GetAccountTransactions 17
GetAccountPositions 19
GetAccountTrades 20

Order Handling Calls 23

Description of Order Types used in various calls 23
SendOrder 23
CancelOrder 26
GetOrderStatus 27
GetOrderFee 29
GetOrderHistory 30
GetOpenOrders 32

Deposits 36
GetDepositTickets 36

Withdrawals 38
CreateWithdrawTicket 38
GetWithdrawTickets 39

Market Data 42
Overview of Level 1 and Level 2 Market Information 42
Level 1 Data 42
SubscribeLevel1 42
Level1UpdateEvent 44
UnsubscribeLevel1 45
Level 2 data 47
SubscribeLevel2 47
Level2UpdateEventB 48
UnsubscribeLevel2 49
Trades feed 51
SubscribeTrades 51
TradeDataUpdateEvent 52
UnsubscribeTrades 53

Account events feed 55

SubscribeAccountEvents 55
PendingDepositUpdate 55
AccountPositionEvent 56
OrderStateEvent 57
OrderTradeEvent 59
NewOrderRejectEvent 60
CancelOrderRejectEvent 61
MarketStateUpdate 62
You can access the Coins PRO API using the following websocket addresses:

Production wss://api-cx.coins.asia/ws-api/

Staging wss://api-cx.staging.coins.technology/ws-api/

Message Frame Format

All WebSocket Calls and Replies are embedded into a JSON-Formatted Frame object
containing the relevant information about the call or reply, as well as the payload. Take
attention, that all sections about functions, ​contains format only of​ ​response payload
("o" in the frame).



Frame Payload Parameters

Attribute Name  Example  Description 

m: Message Type  "m":0,  Describes the type of call the message 

relates to. 
Supported types: 
​0 = Request 
1 = Reply 
​2 = Subscribe To Event 
3 = Event 
4 = Unsubscribe from Event 
5 = Error 
Client should only use 0 (Request) and 2 - to 
subscribe to data feed. 

i: Sequence Number  "i":0,  This is the sequence number of the 

message. The Client-Side sequence number 
should always be an Even Number, such that 
your sequence number variable should 
always be incremented by 2 (i += 2). All 
messages will contain either an original 
sequence number (message types 0, 2, 3, 4), 
or will contain the ID of the request message 
the message is in reply to (1, 5 types). For 
example, if you requested something using 
i=0, you'll get reply, with i=0 as well, but with 
type 1. 

n: Function Name  "n": "GetProducts"  This is the name of the Remote Function that 
the message is a Request or Reply to. For 
instance, if you wish to make a call to the 
"GetProducts"​ function, the Request should 
contain ​"GetProducts"​ in this field, and the 
Reply will also contain ​"GetProducts"​ in this 

o: Payload  "o": "{"OMSId":1}"  This is a JSON-formatted string containing 

the data being sent with the message, either 
as Parameters in a Request, or as the data in 
a Reply to a Request. 

Take attention:​ the rest of functions 

described below, contain only payload 
description, so we do not include whole 
frame to in the rest of the documentation. 

Note:​ OMSId refers to an internal ID of the 

order management system, and should be 
always 1. 

How to use the frame.

When sending a Request to our API using javascript, a call would look as follows: 

var frame =  

var requestPayload =  

frame.o = json.Stringify(requestPayload); 
When receiving a frame from our API, use the frame to determine the context, and then 
unwrap the content: 

var frame = json.Parse(wsMessage); 

if (frame.i == 1) 

//This is a Reply 
if (frame.n == "GetProducts") 

var LoginReply = json.Parse(frame.o); 
if (LoginReply.Authenticated) 

var user = LoginReply.User; 

Standard API Responses
Response payloads not returning object data and common error responses will follow 
pattern below. Please note, that function can have extra error codes, which are described 
below under the function section. 

Common error codes

Error Code Description

20 Not Authorized

100 Invalid Request

101 Operation Failed

102 Server Error

104 Resource Not Found

Successful call with no return object


Unsuccessful call due to an issue with authorization

"errormsg":"Not Authorized", 

Unsuccessful call due to invalid request params

"errormsg":"Invalid Request", 
"detail":"OMSId must be an Integer" 

Unsuccessful call due to operation not completing successfully

"errormsg":"Operation Failed", 

Unsuccessful call due to unexpected server error

"errormsg":"Server Error", 

Unsuccessful call due to missing resource (user id not in system, etc)

"errormsg":"Resource Not Found", 

Unauthenticated Calls
For all calls requiring OMSId, set OMSId = 1, also, all sections here represent separate 
function names. Please read more about OMS and function names in the ​Message Frame 
Format​ section.  

Requests a list of available Products from the API. 

Request -> 

"o":"{\"OMSId\": 1}" 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"ProductId": 1, 
"Product": "BTC",   
"ProductFullName": "Bitcoin", 
"ProductType": "CryptoCurrency", 
"DecimalPlaces": 9 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

ProductId  1  Product's ID Number [Integer] 

Product  "BTC"  Product's Symbol [String] 

ProductFullName  "Bitcoin"  Product's Full Name [String] 

ProductType  "CryptoCurrency"  Product's Type [String] 

Supported values: 
- "NationalCurrency" 
- "CryptoCurrency" 

DecimalPlaces  9  Product's Precision [Integer] 


Requests a list of available instruments from the API. 

Request -> 

"o":"{\"OMSId\": 1}" 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"InstrumentType": "Standard", 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 
InstrumentId  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

Symbol  "BTCUSD"  Instrument's Symbol [String] 

Product1  1  Instrument's Product 1 Identifier [Integer] 

Product1Symbol  "BTC"  Instrument's Product 1 Symbol [String] 

Product2  2  Instrument's Product 2 Identifier [Integer] 

Product2Symbol  "USD"  Instrument's Product 2 Symbol [String] 

InstrumentType  "Standard"  Type of Instrument [String] 

All instrument types currently are standard, 
an exchange of one product for another (or 
unknown, an error condition), but this may 
expand to new types in the future. 

You must call this in order to use any of the authenticated calls below. 

Request -> 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 
"Authenticated": true,  
"UserId": 1  

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

UserName  "User1"  Username [String] 

Password  "Password"  Password [String] 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

Authenticated  true  Is session authenticated now [Bool] 

Note:​ this will be false if auth failed. 

SessionToken  "​7d0ccf3a-ae63-44 Session token [String] 


UserId  1  Authenticated user ID [Integer] 

The endpoint will return existing APIKeys with assigned permissions. APISecret field will be 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

UserId  4  User ID [Integer] 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

UserId  4  User ID [Integer] 

ApiKey  “ab1eb50a1b0cb56 Key that you will need to authenticate with

a9130cdccba995a [String]

ApiSecret  “”  Secret that you will use for signature 

generation [String] 

Permissions  [‘Deposit’,  Permissions enabled for API Keys

‘Withdraw’]  [Array of Strings]

In order to authenticate using an API key, you will need to create an ApiKey and ApiSecret 
using this endpoint. Your UserId will need to be provided along with the permissions you wish 
to enable in payload. 
The endpoint will return a UserAPIKey classtype json string containing the APIKey and 
Note: Please save the APIKey and APISecret values returned in a secure location. Both of 
these values are needed for authentication and signature generation. 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

UserId  4  User ID [Integer] 

Permissions  [‘Deposit’,  Permissions you wish to enable for this API

‘Withdraw’]  Key [Array of Strings]
Possible values:
Deposit, Withdraw, Trading 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

UserId  4  User ID [Integer] 

ApiKey  “ab1eb50a1b0cb56 Key that you will need to authenticate with

a9130cdccba995a [String] 

ApiSecret  “1b7f480232b6fc2 Secret that you will use for signature 

844bf778d50b97c1 generation [String] 

Permissions  [‘Deposit’,  Permissions you wish to enable for this API

Key [Array of Strings]

Possible values:
Deposit, Withdraw, Trading 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

UserId  4  User ID [Integer] 

ApiKey  “ab1eb50a1b0cb56 String returned from AddUserAPIKey call

a9130cdccba995a [String] 

In order to authenticate with a key you need to use AuthenticateUser call with nonce and 
generated signature.

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

UserId  “4”  User ID [String] 

APIKey  “ab1eb50a1b0cb56 String returned from AddUserAPIKey call

a9130cdccba995a [String] 

Nonce  “1534750973”  Current timestamp as a string [String] 

Signature  “6a8de403af40e2 This is a HMAC-SHA256 signature with

27ce00fd1d5c03e9 ApiSecret as a key and `nonce + UserId +
eeca0d5ced5227d ApiKey` as a message. 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

User  {"UserId":1,"UserNa User info [Object] 


Authenticated  true  If authentication was successful [Bool] 

User Account Calls


Retrieves a list of account IDs for the current user. The Request should have an empty 
string as the payload. Typically, each user is assigned one account. 

Request -> 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 
Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

An array of account  [4]  Array of Account IDs [Integer] 



Retrieves a list of recent transactions from your account. 

Request -> 

"o":"{\"OMSId\":1,\"AccountId\": 1,\"Depth\": 200}" 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"TransactionId": 945, 
"AccountId": 4, 
"CR": 76, 
"DR": 0, 
"TransactionType": "Trade", 
"ReferenceId": 232, 
"ReferenceType": "Trade", 
"ProductId": 2, 
"Balance": 101111.1, 
"TimeStamp": 1501354796418 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

AccountId  1  Account ID of user. Should be populated 

using GetUserAccounts. 
Depth  200  Number of transactions API should retrieve, 
starting with the most recent one. 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

TransactionId  945  The Transaction Id [64 Bit Integer] 

AccountId  4  Your Account Id [Integer] 

CR  76  The amount credited to your account. 


DR  0  The amount debited from your account. 


TransactionType  "Trade"  The nature/type of the transaction. [String] 


- "Other" 
- "Trade" 
- "Fee" 

TransactionType  Reference​Type 

"Other"  Deposit 

"Other"  Withdraw 

"Trade"  Trade 

"Fee"  Trade 

ReferenceId  232  The Id Number of the action/event object 

that initiated this transaction. For instance, if 
this was the result of a trade, this would be 
the TradeId. [64 bit Integer] 

ProductId  2  Product Id [Integer] 

Balance  101111.1  The resulting balance after this transaction 

for the specified product. [Decimal] 

ReferenceType  "Trade"  The type of action or event that triggered this 

transaction. [String] 
- Trade 
- Deposit 
- Withdraw 
- Transfer 
- OrderHold 
- WithdrawHold 
- DepositHold 
- MarginHold 

TimeStamp  1501354796418  [Long Integer] Time at which the transaction 

took place, in POSIX format and UTC 
time zone. 


Retrieves a list of Positions(Balances) on a specific account. 

Request -> 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 
"AccountId": 4, 
"ProductSymbol": "BTC", 
"ProductId": 1, 
"Amount": 10497.3, 
"Hold": 3.19, 
"PendingDeposits": 0, 
"PendingWithdraws": 0, 
"TotalDayDeposits": 10500, 
"TotalDayWithdraws": 0, 
"TotalMonthWithdraws": 0, 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId 1 Order Management System ID. Always 1.

AccountId 4 Account ID [Integer]

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

AccountId 4 Your account id. [Integer]

ProductId 5 Product's ID Number [Integer] 

ProductSymbol "BTC" The product symbol for this record. [String]

Amount 10497.3 The Total Balance for the specified product.


Hold 3.19 The total amount of your balance that is on

hold. Your Available balance for trading and
withdraw is (Amount - Hold). [Decimal]

PendingDeposits 0 Total Deposits Pending for the specified

product. [Decimal]

PendingWithdraws  0 Total Withdraws Pending for the specified

product. [Decimal]

TotalDayDeposits 10500 The total 24 hour deposits for the specified

product. [Decimal]

TotalDayWithdraws 0 The total 24 hour withdraws for the specified

product. [Decimal]

TotalMonthWithdraws 0 The total month withdraws for the specified

product. [Decimal]


Retrieves Trade History for a specific account. 

Request -> 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"TradeId": 230, 
"OrderId": 9861, 
"AccountId": 4, 
"ClientOrderId": 0, //Your client order id. [64 bit Integer] 
"InstrumentId": 1, //Instrument Id [Integer] 
"Side": "Buy", //Side [String] Values are "Buy", "Sell" 
"Quantity": 2, //Quantity [Decimal] 
"Price": 95, //Price [Decimal] 
"Value": 190, //Value [Decimal] 
"TradeTime": 1501354796418, 


Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId 1 Order Management System ID. Always 1.

AccountId 4 Account ID [Integer]

Count 50 Number of trades - defaults to 100, and max

is 200 [Integer]

StartIndex 0 Start Index - for pagination. 0 is the most

recent trade. [Integer]

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

TradeId  230  Trade Id [64 bit Integer] 

OrderId  9861  Order Id [64 bit Integer] 

AccountId 4 Your account id. [Integer]

ClientOrderId  0  Your client order id. [64 bit Integer] 

InstrumentId  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

Side  "Buy"  Side of the trade [String] 

- "Buy" 
- "Sell" 

Quantity  2  Quantity [Decimal] 

Price  95  Price [Decimal] 

Value  190  Value = price * quantity [Decimal] 

TradeTime  1501354796418  Timestamp [Integer] 

The time at which the trade took place, in 
POSIX format and UTC time zone. 
Order Handling Calls
Description of Order Types used in various calls

Market -​ An order used to buy or sell at the best available price. No restrictions on price or 
time frame 
Limit - ​An order to buy or sell at a specified price or better. A limit order may not be executed 
if the price set is not met during the time that the order is open 
StopMarket​ - An order to buy or sell only when an instrument reaches a set price. Once the 
instrument reaches this price, the order becomes a market order.  
StopLimit -​ An order to buy or sell only when a set price is reached. Once this price is 
reached, the order becomes a limit order to buy or sell at the limit price or better. 
TrailingStopMarket​ - An order that sets the stop price at a price with a fixed offset relative to 
the market price. If the market moves and the stop price is reached, the order becomes a 
market order. 
TrailingStopLimit​ - An order that recalculates the stop price at a fixed offset relative to the 
market price. It also recalculates a limit price based on a different fixed offset. If the market 
reaches the stop price, the order becomes a limit order.  


Sends a new order into the API. It is important that you are subscribed to Account Actions 
(SubscribeAccountEvents) in order to see updated status events for entered orders. 
Alternatively, you can also call GetOpenOrders and/or GetOrderHistory to check for the status 
of your order.  

Request -> (​full frame omitted, please read ​Message Frame Format​) 

"OMSId": 1, 
"AccountId": 4, 
"ClientOrderId": 99, 
"Quantity": 1, 
"DisplayQuantity": 0, 
"UseDisplayQuantity": true, 
"LimitPrice": 95,  
"OrderIdOCO": 0, 
"OrderType": 2,  
"PegPriceType": 1, 
"InstrumentId": 1, 
"TrailingAmount": 1.0,  
"LimitOffset": 2.0,  
"Side": 0,  
"StopPrice": 96, 
"TimeInForce": 1 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 
"OrderId": 123 // Server order id 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

AccountId 4 Your account id. [Integer]

ClientOrderId  99  Set this to your own id if you wish to use one. 
It will be useful for recognizing future order 
states related to this call. [64 bit Integer] 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

UseDisplayQuantity  true  [Boolean] If you enter a Limit order with a 

reserve, you must set UseDisplayQuantity to 

Quantity 1 Quantity of the Order [Decimal]

DisplayQuantity 0 Quantity to Display on the Market. If your

order is for 1000, and you only want to show
100 at a time in market data, set this to 100.
Set to 0 to display all. [Decimal]

LimitPrice 95 The limit price for this order. [Decimal]


OrderIdOCO 0 If you would like to have this order cancel

optional another on execution, set this field to the
other order's server order id. Omit or set to 0
if no OCO is required. [64 Bit Integer]

OrderType 2 The type of order. [Integer]

- 1 (Market)
- 2 (Limit)
- 3 (StopMarket)
- 4 (StopLimit)
- 5 (TrailingStopMarket)
- 6 (TrailingStopLimit)

PegPriceType 1 When entering a Stop/Trailing order, set this

optional to the type of price you would like to peg the
Stop to. [Integer]

- 1 (Last)
- 2 (Bid)
- 3 (Ask)

InstrumentId 1 Instrument's Identifier [Integer]

TrailingAmount 1.0 When entering a Trailing order, set this to

optional the amount that you’d like to have your
trigger price trail the market by. [Decimal]

LimitOffset 2.0 When entering a Trailing Limit order, this

optional specifies the distance from activation price
to enter your limit order. [Decimal]

Side 0 0 (Buy) or 1(Sell)

StopPrice 96 The Stop Price for this order, if it is a stop

optional order. Otherwise you may omit this field.

TimeInForce 1 Values:
- 1 (Good ‘til Canceled),
- 3 (Immediate or Cancel),
- 4 (Fill or Kill)

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

status  "Accepted"  Status of the order [String] 

errormsg  ""  Error message in case of error [String] 

OrderId  123  Order Identifier [Integer] 


Cancels an open order - Can cancel by either specifying the OrderId returned when the order 
was created, or by specifying both the ClientOrderId and AccountId of the order. If AccountId 
is not specified, the default user account will be used 

Request -> 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 
"errorcode": 104, //An error code 
"detail": "" 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

AccountId  4  Account ID [Integer] 

ClientOrderId  99  The client order id of the order to cancel. [64 

bit Integer] 

OrderId  12  The server order id of the order to cancel. 

[64 bit Integer] 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

status  "Processing"  Status [String] 

"Processing" status means system got 

request for cancellation this order. To check 
actual status of the order please use 
GetOrderStatus, GetOpenOrders or 
OrderStateEvent (read more in 
SubscribeAccountEvents section) functions, 
which contain order status in payload. In 
case if order was canceled, state of order will 
be "Canceled". 

errormsg  ""  Error message [String] 

detail  “”  Detailed error description [String] 

errorcode  104  Error code [Integer] 


Gets the current operating status of an order submitted to Order Management System. 

Request -> 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"Side": "Sell", 
"OrderId": 9849, 
"Price": 97, 
"Quantity": 0.29, 
"Instrument": 1, 
"Account": 4, 
"OrderType": "Limit", 
"ClientOrderId": 0, 
"OrderState": "FullyExecuted", 
"ReceiveTime": 1532346260831, 
"OrigQuantity": 1, 
"QuantityExecuted": 0.71, 
"OrigOrderId": 9849, 
"OrigClOrdId": 0, 
"RejectReason": "" 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

AccountId  4  Account ID [Integer] 

OrderId  12  The server order id of the order to cancel 

(returned in SendOrder). [64 bit Integer] 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

Account  4  Your account id. [Integer] 

ClientOrderId  99  Set this to your own id if you wish to use one. 
It will be useful for recognizing future order 
states related to this call. [64 bit Integer] 

Quantity  1  The Quantity (Remaining if partially or fully 

executed) of your order. [Decimal] 

OrderType  2  The type of order. [Integer] 

- 1 (Market) 
- 2 (Limit) 
- 3 (StopMarket) 
- 4 (StopLimit) 
- 5 (TrailingStopMarket) 
- 6 (TrailingStopLimit) 

Instrument  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

Side  "Sell"  The side of your order. [String] Values are 

"Sell", "Buy" 
- "Buy" 
- "Sell" 

OrderId  123  The Server-Assigned Order Id. [64 bit 


Price  96  The Price of your order. [Decimal] 

OrderState  "Working"  The current state of the order. [String] 

- "Working" 
- "Rejected" 
- "FullyExecuted" 
- "Canceled" 
- "Expired" 

OrigQuantity  1  The original quantity of your order. [Decimal] 

QuantityExecuted  0.71  The total executed quantity. [Decimal] 

RejectReason  ""  If the trade was rejected, this string holds the 
reason [String] 

OrigOrderId  9849  The Original Server-Assigned Order Id, if the 

order has changed. [64 bit Integer] 

OrigClOrdId  1  The Original Client-Designate Order Id. [64 

bit Integer] 

ReceiveTime  1532346260831  Timestamp 


Returns an estimate of the fee for a specific order and order type. 

Request -> (​full frame omitted, please read ​Message Frame Format​) 

"OMSId": 1, 
"AccountId": 1, 
"InstrumentId": 1, 
"ProductId": 1, 
"Amount": 500,  
"OrderType": "Market",  
"MakerTaker": "Maker" 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M​ essage Frame Format​) 

"OrderFee": 0, 
"ProductId": 1 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 
OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

AccountId  1  Your account ID ​[Integer] 

InstrumentId  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

ProductId  1  Product's Identifier [Integer] 

Amount  500  Amount [Decimal] 

OrderType  "Market"  The type of order. [String] 

1 (Market) 
2 (Limit) 
3 (StopMarket) 
4 (StopLimit) 
5 (TrailingStopMarket) 
6 (TrailingStopLimit) 
7 (BlockTrade) 

MakerTaker  "​Maker​"  Whether the order is expected to execute 

instantly against existing orders in the order 
book (“Taker”) or rest in the order book as an 
open order (“Maker”) 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OrderFee  10  Fee amount [Decimal] 

ProductId  2  ID of the product in which the fee is 

denominated [Integer] 


Retrieves a list of the last 100 orders placed on your account. 

Request -> 

"o":"{\"OMSId\": 1,\"AccountId\": 1}" 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"Side": "Sell", 
"OrderId": 9849, 
"Price": 97, 
"Quantity": 0.29, 
"Instrument": 1, 
"Account": 4, 
"OrderType": "Limit", 
"ClientOrderId": 0, 
"OrderState": "FullyExecuted", 
"ReceiveTime": 1532346260831, 
"OrigQuantity": 1, 
"QuantityExecuted": 0.71, 
"OrigOrderId": 9849, 
"OrigClOrdId": 0, 
"RejectReason": "" 


Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

AccountId  4  Account ID [Integer] 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

Account  4  Your account id. [Integer] 

ClientOrderId  99  Set this to your own id if you wish to use one. 
It will be useful for recognizing future order 
states related to this call. [64 bit Integer] 

Quantity  1  The Quantity (Remaining if partially or fully 

executed) of your order. [Decimal] 

OrderType  2  The type of order. [Integer] 

- 1 (Market) 
- 2 (Limit) 
- 3 (StopMarket) 
- 4 (StopLimit) 
- 5 (TrailingStopMarket) 
- 6 (TrailingStopLimit) 

Instrument  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

Side  "Sell"  The side of your order. [String] Values are 

"Sell", "Buy" 
- "Buy" 
- "Sell" 

OrderId  123  The Server-Assigned Order Id. [64 bit 


Price  96  The Price of your order. [Decimal] 

OrderState  "Working"  The current state of the order. [String] 

- "Working" 
- "Rejected" 
- "FullyExecuted" 
- "Canceled" 
- "Expired" 

OrigQuantity  1  The original quantity of your order. [Decimal] 

QuantityExecuted  0.71  The total executed quantity. [Decimal] 

RejectReason  ""  If the trade was rejected, this string holds the 
reason [String] 

OrigOrderId  9849  The Original Server-Assigned Order Id if the 

order has been changed. [64 bit Integer] 

OrigClOrdId  1  The Original Client-Designated Order Id if 

the order has been changed. [64 bit Integer] 

ReceiveTime  1532346260831  Timestamp 

Retrieves the Open Orders for specified account of current user. Keep in mind that if your 
order is no longer in a working state, you will not find it using GetOpenOrders. 

Request -> 

"o":"{\"OMSId\": 1,\"AccountId\": 1}" 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"Side": "Sell", 
"OrderId": 9849, 
"Price": 97, 
"Quantity": 0.29, 
"Instrument": 1, 
"Account": 4, 
"OrderType": "Limit", 
"ClientOrderId": 0, 
"OrderState": "FullyExecuted", 
"ReceiveTime": 1532346260831, 
"OrigQuantity": 1, 
"QuantityExecuted": 0.71, 
"AvgPrice": 0, 
"OrigOrderId": 9849, 
"OrigClOrdId": 0, 
"RejectReason": "" 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

AccountId  4  Account ID [Integer] 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

Account  4  Your account id. [Integer] 

ClientOrderId  99  Set this to your own id if you wish to use one. 
It will be useful for recognizing future order 
states related to this call. [64 bit Integer] 

Quantity  1  The Quantity (Remaining if partially or fully 

executed) of your order. [Decimal] 

OrderType  2  The type of order. [Integer] 

- 1 (Market) 
- 2 (Limit) 
- 3 (StopMarket) 
- 4 (StopLimit) 
- 5 (TrailingStopMarket) 
- 6 (TrailingStopLimit) 

Instrument  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

Side  "Sell"  The side of your order. [String] Values are 

"Sell", "Buy", "Short" 
- "Buy" 
- "Sell" 

OrderId  123  The Server-Assigned Order Id. [64 bit 


Price  96  The Price of your order. [Decimal] 

OrderState  "Working"  The current state of the order. [String] 

- "Working" 
- "Rejected" 
- "FullyExecuted" 
- "Canceled" 
- "Expired" 

OrigQuantity  1  The original quantity of your order. [Decimal] 

QuantityExecuted  0.71  The total executed quantity. [Decimal] 

OrigOrderId  9849  The Original Server-Assigned Order Id if the 

order has been changed. [64 bit Integer] 

OrigClOrdId  1  The Original Client-Designated Order Id if 

the order has been changed. [64 bit Integer] 

ReceiveTime  1532346260831  Timestamp 

RejectReason  ""  If the trade was rejected, this string holds the 
reason [String] 
Deposits of all currencies to Coins Pro are done through the user’s Coins.ph wallet. These 
transactions are initiated using the Coins.ph mobile / web clients or API. 
For further details on initiating a deposit using the Coins.ph API, please refer to the ​POST 
/v2/sellorder​ endpoint​ in the Coins.ph API documentation.  

Get list of deposits for account. 

Request -> (​full frame omitted, please read ​Message Frame Format​) 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M​ essage Frame Format​) 

"AssetName":"Philippine Peso", 
"DepositInfo":"{\\"Bank Name\\": \\"Coins.ph\\", 
\\"Comment\\": \\"Cash in from Coins.ph\\", \\"OrderId\\": 


Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

Limit  100  Number of last deposits to fetch [Integer] 

AccountId  4  Your account ID [Integer] 

OperatorId  1  Always 1 [Integer] 

StartIndex  0  Offset in deposits list [Integer] 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

AccountId  4  Your account ID [Integer] 

AssetId  1  The ProductId of the deposit. [Integer] 

AssetName  "Philippine Peso"  Name of the asset [String] 

Amount  23  Deposit amount [​Decimal​] 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

RequestCode  "178ab0fb-bbe1-40 Request code of deposit, this ID is a common 

95-abf8-dca5ea4b reference between Coins.ph and Coins Pro 
6624"  APIs and can be used to track transactions 
between the two systems [String] 
Use ​settlement_detail.confirmation_code 
field in Coins.ph SellOrder API to match 

Status  "FullyProcessed"  Status of deposit [String]. 

Possible values: 

- New 
- AdminProcessing 
- Accepted 
- Rejected 
- SystemProcessing 
- FullyProcessed 
- Failed 
- Pending 

DepositInfo  "{}"  JSON-format meta information about this 

deposit [String]. 

CreatedTimestamp  "2018-07-12T11:20:1 Timestamp of creation [ISO datetime] 

LastUpdateTimeStam "2018-07-12T11:20:1 Timestamp of last update [ISO datetime] 
p  6Z" 


Creates a withdrawal ticket to send funds from Coins Pro to the user’s Coins wallet. 

Request -> (​full frame omitted, please read ​Message Frame Format​) 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M​ essage Frame Format​) 


Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

ProductId  4  ID of the product which will be withdrawn 


AccountId  4  Your account ID [Integer] 

Amount  100  Amount for withdrawal [Decimal] 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 
result  true  Result of operation, true if withdrawal ticket 
was created successfully [Bool] 

errormsg  ""  Error message if request was unsuccessful 


errorcode  0  Error code [Integer]. Zero in case of no 


Get list of withdrawals for account. 

Request -> (​full frame omitted, please read ​Message Frame Format​) 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M​ essage Frame Format​) 


Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

Limit  100  Number of last deposits to fetch [Integer] 

AccountId  4  Your account ID [Integer] 

StartIndex  0  Offset in withdrawals list [Integer] 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

AccountId  4  Your account ID [Integer] 

AssetId  1  The ProductId of the withdrawal. [Integer] 

AssetName  "Philippine Peso"  Name of the asset [String] 

Amount  23  Withdraw amount [​Decimal​] 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

RequestCode  "178ab0fb-bbe1-40 Request code of withdrawal, this ID is a 

95-abf8-dca5ea4b common reference between Coins.ph and 
6624"  Coins Pro APIs and can be used to track 
transactions between the two systems 
Use ​payment_validation_code​ field in 
Coins.ph BuyOrder API to match 

Status  "FullyProcessed"  Status of withdrawal [String]. 

Possible values: 

- New 
- AdminProcessing 
- Accepted 
- Rejected 
- SystemProcessing 
- FullyProcessed 
- Failed 
- Pending 
- Pending2Fa 
- AutoAccepted 
- Delayed 

CreatedTimestamp  "2018-07-12T11:20: Timestamp of creation [ISO datetime] 


LastUpdateTimeStamp  "2018-07-12T11:20: Timestamp of last update [ISO datetime] 

Market Data

Overview of Level 1 and Level 2 Market Information

Level 1 information 
Consists of real-time bid and ask quotes for a specific instrument ID or instrument symbol. 
Level 1 provides last trade information; session open, high, low, and close; current, and rolling 
Level 2 information 
Also consists of real-time bid and ask quotes for a specific instrument ID or instrument symbol 
as does Level 1, but allows the user to specify the level of market depth information on either 
side of the bid and ask, and to see quantities. 

Level 1 Data

Retrieves the latest Level 1 Ticker information and Subscribes User to Level 1 Market Data 
updates for the specified Instrument. After subscribing, user will receive periodic 
Level1UpdateEvent event information until they call UnsubscribeLevel1. 

Request -> 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"InstrumentId": 1,  
"BestBid": 0.00, 
"BestOffer": 0.00, 
"LastTradedPx": 0.00, 
"LastTradedQty": 0.00, 
"LastTradeTime": 635872032000000000, 
"SessionOpen": 0.00, 
"SessionHigh": 0.00, 
"SessionLow": 0.00, 
"SessionClose": 0.00, 
"Volume": 0.00, 
"CurrentDayVolume": 0.00, 
"CurrentDayNumTrades": 0, 
"CurrentDayPxChange": 0.0, 
"Rolling24HrVolume": 0.0, 
"Rolling24NumTrades": 0.0, 
"Rolling24HrPxChange": 0.0, 
"TimeStamp": 635872032000000000 


Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

InstrumentId  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

InstrumentId  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

BestBid  0.00  The current Best Bid for the Instrument. 


BestOffer  0.00  The current Best Offer for the Instrument. 


LastTradedPx  0.00  The last traded price for the Instrument. 


LastTradedQty  0.00  The last traded quantity for the Instrument. 


LastTradeTime  63587203200000 Timestamp in .NET UTC Ticks.  


SessionOpen  0.00  The Opening price. [Decimal] 

SessionHigh  0.00  The Highest price. [Decimal] 

SessionLow  0.00  The Lowest price. [Decimal] 

SessionClose  0.00  The Closing price. [Decimal] 

Volume  0.00  Volume traded. [Decimal] 

CurrentDayVolume  0.00  Current day volume traded. [Decimal] 

CurrentDayNumTrade 0  Number of trades for current day. [Integer] 

CurrentDayPxChange  0.00  Current Day price change. [Decimal] 

Rolling24HrVolume  0.00  Last 24 hr volume. [Decimal] 

Rolling24NumTrades  0.00  Last 24 number of trades. [Integer] 

Rolling24HrPxChange  0.00  Last 24 hr price change. [Decimal] 

TimeStamp  63587203200000 Timestamp in .NET UTC Ticks. 


When subscribed to Level1 Market Data (after calling SubscribeLevel1), you will receive 
Level1UpdateEvent messages from the server. 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"InstrumentId": 1,  
"BestBid": 0.00, 
"BestOffer": 0.00, 
"LastTradedPx": 0.00, 
"LastTradedQty": 0.00, 
"LastTradeTime": 635872032000000000, 
"SessionOpen": 0.00, 
"SessionHigh": 0.00, 
"SessionLow": 0.00, 
"SessionClose": 0.00, 
"Volume": 0.00, 
"CurrentDayVolume": 0.00, 
"CurrentDayNumTrades": 0, 
"CurrentDayPxChange": 0.0, 
"Rolling24HrVolume": 0.0, 
"Rolling24NumTrades": 0.0, 
"Rolling24HrPxChange": 0.0, 
"TimeStamp": 635872032000000000 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

InstrumentId  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

BestBid  0.00  The current Best Bid for the Instrument. 

BestOffer  0.00  The current Best Offer for the Instrument. 


LastTradedPx  0.00  The last traded price for the Instrument. 


LastTradedQty  0.00  The last traded quantity for the Instrument. 


LastTradeTime  63587203200000 Timestamp in .NET UTC Ticks.  


SessionOpen  0.00  The Opening price. [Decimal] 

SessionHigh  0.00  The Highest price. [Decimal] 

SessionLow  0.00  The Lowest price. [Decimal] 

SessionClose  0.00  The Closing price. [Decimal] 

Volume  0.00  Volume traded. [Decimal] 

CurrentDayVolume  0.00  Current day volume traded. [Decimal] 

CurrentDayNumTrade 0  Number of trades for current day. [Integer] 

CurrentDayPxChange  0.00  Current Day price change. [Decimal] 

Rolling24HrVolume  0.00  Last 24 hr volume. [Decimal] 

Rolling24NumTrades  0.00  Last 24 number of trades. [Integer] 

Rolling24HrPxChange  0.00  Last 24 hr price change. [Decimal] 

TimeStamp  63587203200000 Timestamp in .NET UTC Ticks. 


Unsubscribes user from Level 1 Market Data updates for the specified Instrument. 

Request -> 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"result": true // [Boolean]   

//on error: 

"result": false, // [Boolean] 
"errormsg": "Error", //A message describing the error. 
"errorcode": 104, //An error code 
"detail": "Instrument not Found" 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

InstrumentId  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

result  true  Result of operation, true if unsubscribed 


errormsg  ""  Error message [String] 

detail  “Instrument not  Detailed error description [String] 


errorcode  104  Error code [Integer] 

Level 2 data

Retrieves the latest Level 2 Snapshot and Subscribes User to Level 2 Market Data updates for 
the specified Instrument. 

Request -> 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 


Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

InstrumentId  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

Depth  10  The Depth of the book to subscribe to 

updates for. In this example, you would 
receive 10 price levels on each side of the 
market. [Integer] 

Response Parameters
Attribute  Example  Description 

1  18981  Market Data Sequence Number [64 bit 


2  0  Number of Traders at this price level [Integer] 

3  63587203200000 Timestamp [64 bit Integer] .NET UTC Ticks. 
0000  See code snippets for examples on 
converting this to other formats. 

4  2  Change Type [Integer] 

- 0=New 
- 1=Update 
- 2=Delete 

5  300000  Last Traded Price [Decimal] 

6  0  Number of Orders at this price level [Integer] 

7  300000  Price [Decimal] 

8  1  InstrumentId [Integer] 

9  0  Quantity [Decimal] 

10  1  Side [Integer] 

- 0=Buy 
- 1=Sell 


When subscribed to Level 2 Market Data, you will receive Level2UpdateEvent messages from 
the server. 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 


Response Parameters
Attribute #  Example  Description 

1  18981  Market Data Sequence Number [64 bit 


2  0  Number of Traders at this price level [Integer] 

3  63587203200000 Timestamp [64 bit Integer] .NET UTC Ticks.  


4  2  Change Type [Integer] 

- 0=New 
- 1=Update 
- 2=Delete 

5  300000  Last Traded Price [Decimal] 

6  0  Number of Orders at this price level [Integer] 

7  300000  Price [Decimal] 

8  1  InstrumentId [Integer] 

9  0  Quantity [Decimal] 

10  1  Side [Integer] 

- 0=Buy 
- 1=Sell 

Unsubscribes from Level 2 Market Data updates for the specified Instrument. 

Request -> 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"result": true // [Boolean]   

//on error: 

"result": false, // [Boolean] 
"errormsg": "Error" //A message describing the error. [String] 
"errorcode": 104, //An error code 
"detail": "Instrument not Found" 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

InstrumentId  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

result  true  Result of operation, true if unsubscribed 


errormsg  ""  Error message [String] 

detail  “Instrument not  Detailed error description [String] 


errorcode  104  Error code [Integer] 

Trades feed

Retrieves the latest public market trades and Subscribes User to Trade updates for the 
specified Instrument. 

Request -> 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 


Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

InstrumentId  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

IncludeLastCount  10  Specifies the number of previous trades to 

retrieve in the immediate 
snapshot. Default is 100. [Integer] 

Response Parameters
Attribute #  Example  Description 

1  87  Trade Number [64 bit Integer] 

2  1  InstrumentId [Integer] 

3  0.01  Quantity [Decimal] 

4  450.98  Price [Decimal] 

7  63587203200000 Timestamp 
8  0  Direction [Integer] 
Shows if this trade represents a movement of 
the book price up, down, or no change. 
- 0=NoChange 
- 1=Uptick 
- 2=Downtick 

9  1  TakerSide [Integer] Side of trade 

representing the Taker 


When subscribed to Trades, you will receive TradeDataUpdateEvent messages from the 

Response <- (full frame omitted, please read Message Frame Format) 


Response Parameters
Attribute #  Example  Description 

1  87  Trade Number [64 bit Integer] 

2  1  InstrumentId [Integer] 

3  0.01  Quantity [Decimal] 

4  450.98  Price [Decimal] 

7  63587203200000 Timestamp 

8  0  Direction [Integer] 
Shows if this trade represents a movement of 
the book price up, down, or no change. 
- 0=NoChange 
- 1=Uptick 
- 2=Downtick 

9  1  TakerSide [Integer] Side of trade 

representing the Taker 

Unsubscribes user from Trades Market Data Feed. 

Request -> 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"result": true // [Boolean]   

//on error: 

"result": false, // [Boolean] 
"errormsg": "Error" //A message describing the error. [String] 
"errorcode": 104, //An error code 
"detail": "Instrument not Found" 

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

InstrumentId  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

result  true  Result of operation, true if unsubscribed 


errormsg  ""  Error message [String] 

detail  “Instrument not  Detailed error description [String] 


errorcode  104  Error code [Integer] 

Account events feed

Subscribe to account-level events, such as orders, trades, deposits and withdraws. We highly 
recommend that you use this subscription to track your order states. 

Request -> 


Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 
"result": true  

Request Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

OMSId  1  Order Management System ID. Always 1. 

InstrumentId  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

result  true  Result of operation, true if unsubscribed 


errormsg  ""  Error message [String] 

When subscribed to Account Events, you will receive a PendingDepositUpdate message 
when a deposit is pending on your account. 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"AccountId": 4, 
"AssetId": 1, 
"TotalPendingDepositValue": 0.01 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

AccountId  4  Your account id number. [Integer] 

AssetId  1  The ProductId of the pending deposit. 


TotalPendingDeposit 0.01  The value of the pending deposit. [Decimal] 



When subscribed to Account Events, you will receive an AccountPositionEvent any time the 
balance of your account changes. 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"AccountId":4, //Your account id number. [Integer] 
"ProductSymbol":"BTC", //The Product Symbol for this balance 
message. [String] 
"ProductId":1, //The Product Id for this balance message. 
"Amount":10499.1, // 
"Hold":2.1, // 
"PendingDeposits":0, // 
"PendingWithdraws":0, // 
"TotalDayDeposits":0, // 
"TotalDayWithdraws":0 // 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

AccountId  4  Your account id number. [Integer] 

ProductId  1  The Product Id for this balance message. 


ProductSymbol  1  The Product Symbol for this balance 

message. [String] 

Amount  10499.1  The total balance for the specified product. 


Hold  2.1  The total amount of your balance that is on 

hold. Your Available balance for trading and 
withdraw is (Amount - Hold). [Decimal] 

PendingDeposits  0  Total Deposits Pending for the specified 

product. [Decimal] 

PendingWithdraws  0  Total Withdraws Pending for the specified 

product. [Decimal] 

TotalDayDeposits  0  The total 24 hour deposits for the specified 

product. [Decimal] 

TotalDayWithdraws  0  The total 24 hour withdraws for the specified 

product. [Decimal] 


When subscribed to Account Events, you will receive OrderState events any time the status of 
an order on your account changes. 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"ChangeReason": "" 


Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

Account  4  Your account id. [Integer] 

ClientOrderId  99  Set this to your own id if you wish to use one. 
It will be useful for recognizing future order 
states related to this call. [64 bit Integer] 

Quantity  1  The Quantity (Remaining if partially or fully 

executed) of your order. [Decimal] 

OrderType  2  The type of order. [Integer] 

- 1 (Market) 
- 2 (Limit) 
- 3 (StopMarket) 
- 4 (StopLimit) 
- 5 (TrailingStopMarket) 
- 6 (TrailingStopLimit) 

Instrument  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

Side  "Sell"  The side of your order. [String] Values are 

"Sell", "Buy" 
- "Buy" 
- "Sell" 

OrderId  123  The Server-Assigned Order Id. [64 bit 


Price  96  The Price of your order. [Decimal] 

OrderState  "Working"  The current state of the order. [String] 

- "Working" 
- "Rejected" 
- "FullyExecuted" 
- "Canceled" 
- "Expired" 

OrigQuantity  1  The original quantity of your order. [Decimal] 

QuantityExecuted  0.71  The total executed quantity. [Decimal] 

ChangeReason  ""  The reason for the order state change. 

[String] Values are 
“NewInputAccepted”, “NewInputRejected”, 
“Expired”, “Trade”, 

ReceiveTime  1532346260831  Timestamp 


When subscribed to Account Events, you will receive OrderTradeEvent events any time one 
of your orders results in a trade. 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 


Response Parameters

Attribute Name  Example  Description 

TradeId  230  Trade Id [64 bit Integer] 

OrderId  9861  Order Id [64 bit Integer] 

AccountId 4 Your account id. [Integer]

ClientOrderId  0  Your client order id. [64 bit Integer] 

InstrumentId  1  Instrument's Identifier [Integer] 

Side  "Buy"  Side of the trade [String] 

- "Buy" 
- "Sell" 

Quantity  2  Quantity [Decimal] 

Price  95  Price [Decimal] 

Value  190  Value = price * quantity [Decimal] 

TradeTime  1501354796418  Timestamp [Integer] 

The time at which the trade took place, in 
POSIX format and UTC time zone. 


When subscribed to Account Events, you will receive NewOrderRejectEvent event if your 
order is rejected. 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"AccountId": 4, 
"ClientOrderId": 1234, 
"Status": "Rejected", 
"RejectReason": "No More Market" 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

AccountId  4  Your account id number. [Integer] 

ClientOrderId  1234  Your Client Order Id [64 Bit Integer] 

Status  "Rejected"  Always "Rejected" [String] 

RejectReason  "No More Market"  A message describing the reason for the 
reject [String] 


When subscribed to Account Events, you will receive CancelOrderRejectEvent event if your 
attempt to cancel an order is unsuccessful. 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"AccountId": 4, 
"OrderId": 1, 
"OrderRevision": 0, 
"OrderType": "Unknown", 
"InstrumentId": 1, 
"Status": "Rejected", 
"RejectReason": "Order Not Found" 

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

AccountId  4  Your account id number. [Integer] 

OrderId  1234  The Order Id from your Cancel request. [64 

Bit Integer] 

Status  "Rejected"  Always "Rejected" [String] 

RejectReason  "Order Not Found"  A message describing the reason for the 
reject. [String] 
InstrumentId  4  The InstrumentId from your Cancel request. 

OrderType  "Unknown"  The Order Type of the order, if it was found. 

Otherwise, . [String] 

OrderRevision  0  The Revision of the Order, if it was found. 

[64 Bit Integer] 


When subscribed to Account Events, you will receive MarketStateUpdate event if the market 
state is administratively altered 

Response <- (​full frame omitted, please read M
​ essage Frame Format​) 

"ExchangeId":1, //  
"VenueAdapterId":1, //  
"VenueInstrumentId":1, //  
"Action":"ReOpen", //  
"PreviousStatus":"Stopped", //  
"NewStatus":"Running", //  

Response Parameters
Attribute Name  Example  Description 

ExchangeId  1  Exchange Id [Integer] 

VenueAdapterId  1  Internal [Integer] 

VenueInstrumentId  1  Instrument Id [Integer] 

Action  "ReOpen"  Market State Action [String] 

- "Pause" 
- "Resume" 
- "Halt" 
- "ReOpen" 
PreviousStatus  "Stopped"  Previous Market Status for Instrument [String]  


- "Running" 
- "Paused" 
- "Stopped" 
- "Starting" 

NewStatus  "Running"  Market Status for Instrument [String] 

- "Running" 
- "Paused" 
- "Stopped" 
- "Starting" 

ExchangeDateTime  "2016-04-21T21:48: Exchange datetime [ISO Datetime string] 


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