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ECEN 214 Lab 2

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Revised January 23, 2018

Lab 2: Non-Ideal Sources

Goals for Lab 2 –
The goal of this lab is to understand how a practical voltage source works and to measure the
Thevenin equivalent of a household battery.

Theory –
Ideal and Non –Ideal Sources

In class we treat a voltage source as ideal. That is, it produces a fixed voltage regardless of what
load we place across it. In reality, most practical voltage sources have a small internal resistance.
We model a practical voltage source as an ideal voltage source in series with a source resistance
as shown in Figure 2.1.
𝑉𝑠 +

Practical Voltage
Source Model

Figure 2.1: Model of a practical voltage source.

With this model, the voltage that appears across a load will vary somewhat as we vary the load
resistance. In particular, the load voltage is found through the use of a simple voltage divider as:
𝑉𝐿 = 𝑉𝑠 𝑅 . (1)
𝐿 +𝑅𝑠

In this lab, we will characterize a practical voltage source by measuring the load voltage for several
different values of the load resistor. Alternatively, we could measure the load current for several
different values of the load resistance which should be given by
𝐼𝐿 = 𝑅 . (2)
𝐿 +𝑅𝑠

In the lab, it is important to remember that although you can often use the same digital multimeter
to measure both current and voltage, you must measure current by placing the multimeter in series
with an element, as shown in Figure 2.2a, and you must measure voltage by placing the multimeter
in parallel with an element, as shown in Figure 2.2b.

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Revised January 23, 2018

Ammeter Voltmeter
Voltage V

(a) Ammeter Connection (b) Voltmeter Connection

Figure 2.2: Circuit diagram for connections.

In this lab our voltage source will be a standard household 1.5V AA battery.

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Prelab –
Be sure to read the entire Lab 2. For your pre-lab, please answer the following questions:

A. For the circuit drawn in Figure 2.3 (with the switch open), answer the following questions given
VS = 1.5V.

Battery RS S
IL Load


Figure 2.3

1. What is the value of VL*?

2. Can you determine the value of RS or RL? If so, what are their values? If not, why not?

B. For the circuit drawn in Figure 2.4, answer the following questions given VS = 1.5V, IL= 5mA
and VL = 1.25V.

Battery RS S
IL Load


Figure 2.4
1. What is the value of RL?
2. What is the value of RS?
3. How much power is dissipated in RL?

C. Model the circuit in Figure 2.4 in SPICE using the value of RS and RL calculated above in B.1
and B.2 and the value given for VS. Do your SPICE results match your calculations? If not, you
should recheck your calculations and your simulations. Print a screenshot of your SPICE
schematic with the results of your operating point simulation shown and hand it in as part of your
pre-lab. See Appendix I in the lab manual for a brief introduction to SPICE simulation using
LTspice. Note: You do not need to simulate the switch in SPICE. Just connect a wire between
the two resistors.

D. Suppose that a certain battery produces a voltage of 1.55V without a load connected (open
circuit) and a current of 750 mA when shorted. According to these specifications, if we were to
model this as an ideal voltage source in series with a source resistance, what should the source
voltage and internal resistance be? Justify your answer.

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Parts needed:
Two, 1.5V AA batteries with holders
A variety of resistors, ¼ W

Task #1 – Measuring the voltage and internal resistance of a battery

Place a AA battery in your battery holder provided in your parts kit. Then connect the two leads
from the battery holder to two different nodes in your breadboard. Connect a load resistor across
the terminals of the battery and use the voltmeter in your PMD to measure the voltage across the
load resistor. Your circuit should look like that shown in Figure 2.2b. Repeat this set of
measurements (𝑅𝐿 , 𝑉𝐿 ) for several different values (at least 7) of the load resistance. The more data
you can collect, the better your results will be. Also, it will be best if you can chose load resistance
values that span the range of 50 Ohms to about 2000 Ohms . Your load resistances will be
somewhat constrained by what you have in your lab kit, but you can use series and parallel
combinations of the resistors you have to create other values. Record your data in your lab
notebook in a table similar to Table 1 at the end of this lab. Note: DO NOT connect a resistance
of less than 10 Ohms across the terminals of the battery. (For a bonus on the lab report, explain
why this is the case. Hint: consider the power rating of the resistors in your parts kit.)

In your lab report, you should make a plot of your measured data (plot 𝑉𝐿 vs. 𝑅𝐿 ). You should also
find the appropriate theoretical curve (e.g., from equation (1)) with values of (𝑅𝑆 , 𝑉𝑆 ) that make
the theoretical curve have the “best fit” to the measured data. In so doing, you will have determined
the voltage, 𝑉𝑆 , and internal resistance, 𝑅𝑆 , of the battery. A typical plot is shown in Figure 2.5.

Note 1: This is completely made up data for illustration purposes only. Don’t expect your results
to look exactly like this.

Note 2: The theoretical curve governed by equation (1) is not linear (i.e., a straight line). How do
you choose the values of (𝑅𝑆 , 𝑉𝑆 ) that make the theoretical curve best fit the data observed? There
are a number of ways to do this. The simplest may be to “linearize” your data. You should have
covered this concept in ENGR 111/112, but if not, in our case we can rewrite equation (1) in a
linear form as follows
𝑉𝐿 = 𝑉𝑆 − 𝑅𝐿 𝑅𝑆 . (2)

Now make a plot of your data points as 𝑉𝐿 vs. 𝑅𝐿 . Use standard curve fitting techniques to fit the
best line to the points. The slope and intercept of that line should provide you with your measured
values of 𝑅𝑆 and 𝑉𝑆 . A typical plot of the linearized data is shown in Figure 2.6.

Ultimately you should come up with an estimate of the values of (𝑅𝑆 , 𝑉𝑆 ) for your particular
battery. Also, based on the data you measured, can you provide some feel of how much error there
might be in your estimates of (𝑅𝑆 , 𝑉𝑆 ). How did you come up with this?

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VL (Volts) 1.44




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
RL (Ohms)

Figure 2.5: A typical plot showing a comparison of measured and theoretical values.



V (volts)




0 5 10 15
VL/RL (mA)

Figure 2.6: A typical plot showing a comparison of measured and theoretical values in their
linearized form.

Task #2 – Measuring voltage and internal resistance of a series combination of batteries.

Once you have the procedure down for estimating the voltage and internal resistance of the AA
battery. Repeat the procedure for the other battery in your parts kit (using the other battery
holder). You should then have a model (i.e., a value of the pair (𝑅𝑆 , 𝑉𝑆 )) for each battery/holder

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combination. Then place the two batteries in series to create a 3V source. (Again your actual
value of the voltage will not be exactly 3V.) Following the procedure from Task 1, measure the
actual voltage and internal resistance of the series combination of the two batteries. In your
report comment on whether or not the values you found for (𝑅𝑆 , 𝑉𝑆 ) for the series combination
aligns with what you thought it should be given the model you determined for each individual
battery. If your results are not what you expected, please discuss what the sources of the errors
might be.

Before you leave the lab …

If yo9u did your lab measurements on your own this week (outside of the lab) you should be
prepared to demonstrate to you TA how you made your lab measurements. The TA will show you
how to use the DMM in the lab to measure not only voltages but currents and resistances. You
should use the lab DMM to measure the actual resistances of the various resistors and resistor
combinations you used in this lab experiment. In your lab report, you might want to comment on
how the differences between the nominal and measured values of the various resistors might
corrupt your measured values of the voltages and internal resistances of the various batteries.

Report Requirements –
Lab Report 2 Should Include:

1. A title page with the names of all people in your group, your section number, and the name
of your TA. It should also include the date the lab was performed and the date the lab
report is due.
2. A write up for Tasks #1 & #2 TOGETHER
A. Procedure – summarize, in your own words, the procedure you did and how you
did it. You only need a few sentences.
B. Data Tables – Retype the data tables with the data you collected. You need to
reproduce ALL of the data tables for Tasks #1 & 2 in this part.
C. Sample calculations – TYPE the methods you used for any calculations. In
particular, explain how you went from the data collected to the estimate of your
source values (𝑅𝑆 , 𝑉𝑆 ).
D. Discussion –A good engineer needs to not only find solutions to given problems,
but also have a good understanding of how accurate/reliable these answers are. As
part of the discussion you should discuss how much error there is in your estimated
values of the practical voltage source parameters and how you arrived at those error

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values based on the data you measured. In hindsight, is there any way you might
have been able to change the design of the experiment in order to produce more
accurate estimates of the source parameters?

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Tables and Results –

Table 1: Task #1 (AA Battery, Add more rows if necessary)
Nominal 𝑅𝐿 Measured 𝑉𝐿

Table 2: Task #2 (2nd AA Battery, Add more rows if necessary)

Nominal 𝑅𝐿 Measured 𝑉𝐿

Table 3: Task #2 (Series Combination of two AA Batteries, Add more rows if necessary)
Nominal 𝑅𝐿 Measured 𝑉𝐿

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