The Social Organization of Work
The Social Organization of Work
The Social Organization of Work
Pasadena, California • Hackensack, New Jersey
Published by Salem Press
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ISBN: 978-1-42983-462-9
Indexing Subjects
First Edition
Taylorism, Fordism & Post-Fordism
PD Casteel
If Taylor was going to change the behavior of the workforce he had to better
understand the work processes in order to sway management. With the
approval ownership he began a series of scientific experiments of breaking
Henry Ford (1863-1947) was the founder of Ford Motor Company. His
big idea was that work, previously conceived of as only a sustenance act,
could be improved with technology to become the mechanism that set
people free to live their own lives (Donkin, 2001; Ford & Crowther, 2005).
At the core of this thinking was that manufacturing should be efficient
enough and workers paid enough that a worker could afford to purchase
the products they produce. Ford believed a degree of prosperity should
come from a workers “honest effort” (Ford & Crowther, 2005). How Ford
developed the practice of mass production did make it possible for a Ford
assembly line worker to afford the purchase of a Ford automobile. It also
changed how products were produced, workers were trained and worked,
and how management functioned.
Taylor saw the role of job planning and training as management’s support
for the worker. Breaking down of complex jobs into simple tasks, engi-
neering of these tasks, documenting the processes of the task, and training
the employees was all a part of Taylor’s vision. This may be one of the
areas where Taylor’s critics disagree with him most. It can be argued that
this support has striped work of its more interesting elements and the re-
petitive nature of work has made it less safe.
Taylor also believed in order to get more productivity managers must give
workers incentives “beyond that of the average of the trade” (Taylor, 1911).
Henry Ford had a number of failures before he hit upon the right formula
at Ford Motor Company. His biggest challenge at Edison, Detroit Auto-
mobile Company, and Henry Ford Motor Company was how to produce
Fordism continued the process of breaking down complex jobs into smaller
simpler tasks started by Taylorism. How Fordism differed from Taylorism
was in the sequential organization of jobs and the integration of these new
deskilled tasks into the moving assembly line. Fordism created highly re-
petitive jobs in a fast moving assembly line. Because the next job could not
be performed until the previous job had been completed, the pressure on
workers to keep the line moving was intense.
Sequential Production
Fordism took the assembly line one step further. Ford utilized a linear
moving assembly line. As an automobile moved through the line, workers
and machines added standard parts at each station. Parts were delivered
to the stations along the line where workers took their turn adding each
part in order.
The rise of information technologies has not only changed the way tradi-
tional companies do business, but has given consumers more information
about products. The global connectivity of computers has connected com-
Consumer Types
Flexible Manufacturing
In order to exploit the ever changing consumer types and their demands,
companies must be able to be flexible. Flexible manufacturing, also called
flexible specialization, is the process where companies build complex
manufacturing processes that can produce diverse product lines targeted
at different consumer types. The production processes must be able to
change as consumer needs and desires change. Flexible manufacturing
also means a flexible workforce. This may actually work better in Europe
than America. In America a flexible workforce often includes the idea
of a job with no access to disability and healthcare (Derber, 2000). Some
scholars argue that the flexible organization model fails when applied to
organizations that demand some autonomy and creativity to deliver their
product or service (Brehony, & Deem, 2005).
In the place of the manufacturing assembly line, more and more companies
are turning to global supply chains. A global supply chain is a network of
producers, manufacturers, distributors, transporters, storage facilities and
suppliers that provide retailers with a product to sell. An example of the
global supply chain is Dell, the world’s second largest computer maker.
Dell uses 30 key parts in every computer they sell. For each key part, Dell
has multiple vendors that can make the part to their exact specifications.
In order to insure that local politics, economies, and natural disasters affect
Dell’s ability to deliver their product, Dell requires that no vendors produc-
ing the same part can be located in the same country. Though a computer
may be built at any one of Dell’s six manufacturing sites, the parts are
manufactured worldwide and a single computer may contain parts from
over twenty different countries (Friedman, 2006).
The growing number of women in the workplace has also influenced Post-
Fordism because so many of the assumptions in Taylorism and Fordism
relied on a masculine ideal type as worker and sole provider for a family.
The needs of women workers differ from those of their male counterparts
and the skill sets they bring to the workforce are often different. In America
the busting up of unions, the de-skilling of manufacturing jobs, and the
outsourcing of entire industries combined with the rise of management
jobs in the service industry, which require greater communicative and
social skills and less brawn, has advantage women over men in obtaining
jobs that pay a working-class or lower-middle class wage. Additionally,
the feminization of the human resource jobs and the hiring process has
lead to more women being hired in these industries (Fernandez, & Mors,
2005). Women still earn less than men, but the types of good jobs being
created in America in the new economy more often go to women than men.
Agger, B. (2004). Speeding up fast capitalism: Culture jobs families schools bodies.
Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.
Brehony, K., & Deem, R. (2005). Challenging the post-Fordist/flexible organization
thesis: The case of reformed educational organizations. British Journal
of Sociology of Education, 26(3), 395-414. Retrieved September 2, 2008
from EBSCO online database SocINDEX with Full Text:
Derber, C. (2000). Corporation nation: How corporations are taking over our lives – and
what we can do about it. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Donkin, R. (2001). Blood, sweat, & tears: The evolution of work. New York, TEXERE, LLC.
Fernandez, R.M., & Mors, M.L. (2005). Gendering jobs: Networks and queues in the hiring
process. Conference Papers: American Sociological Association; 2005 Annual Meeting,
Philadelphia, p. 1-25. Retrieved September 2, 2008 from EBSCO online database
SocINDEX with Full Text:
Ford, H., & Crowther, S. (2005). My life and work. New York: Cosimo Books, Inc.
Gottfried, H. (1995). Developing Neo-Fordism: A comparative perspective. Critical
Sociology, 21(3), 39 -70. Retrieved September 2, 2008 from EBSCO online database
SocINDEX with Full Text:
Krier, D. (2006). Taylorism’s irrationalities: Profitability as constraint on Scientific
Management. Conference Papers. American Sociological Association; 2006 Annual
Meeting, Montreal, 1-22. Retrieved September 2, 2008 from EBSCO online database
SocINDEX with Full Text:
Marshall, G. (Ed.). (1998). A dictionary of sociology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Monahan, T. (2005). The school system as a post-fordist organization: Fragmented
centralization and the emergence of IT specialists. Critical Sociology, 31(4), 583-615.
Retrieved September 2, 2008 from EBSCO online database SocINDEX with Full Text:
Suggested Reading
Amin, A. (1995). Post-Fordism: A reader. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Davidson, E. (2005). The assembly line. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
Pruit, H. (1997). Job design and technology: Taylorism vs. Anti-Taylorism. New York:
• Task/work specialization;
• Geographic division of labor;
• Gender division of labor.
Task/Work Specialization
Gender division of labor refers to the practice of directing men and women
to certain tasks and forbidding them to perform other tasks based on their
gender. A gender-based division of labor became common in the 20th
century as a result of industrialization and the necessity of paid work
outside the home. Factors that affect the gender division of labor include:
• Organizational culture;
• Individual gender;
• Cultural background;
• Ethnicity;
• Education.
Further Insights
Classical Labor Theories
Adam Smith
Emile Durkheim
Karl Marx
Max Weber
Modern organizations are increasingly moving away from the task spe-
cialization and division of labor that characterized industrial-era society
and work environments. For instance, team models of work relationships
and practice became common in the 1990s. Work teams refer to groups
of individuals who work cooperatively to achieve common goals through
completion of job tasks that are specific to their team. Teams vary from tra-
ditional organizational structures in multiple ways. Work teams represent
the organizational change from hierarchical to flat or horizontal organiza-
tion. Work teams tend to be autonomous, interdisciplinary, non-hierarchi-
cal and cooperative rather than hierarchical and specialized. In modern
businesses, such as information-technology firms, self-managed work
teams are responsible for managing themselves, assigning jobs, schedul-
ing work and production time and problem-solving (Kirkman et al, 2000).
In the final analysis, the division of labor, into specialized tasks and between
different groups of people, is directly linked to the rise of industrialization
and capitalism in modern societies. The division of labor into specialized
tasks allows for increased efficiency and profitability. Sociologists explore
the ways in which the division of labor may be used as a means of exerting
power and control over disenfranchised groups. Understanding the role
that the division of labor plays in social life is vital background for all those
interested in the sociology of work and the economy.
Ahmad, I. (1997). Emergence of sociology and its relationship with social sciences.
Employment News, 22(1), 1-3.
Bahnisch, M. (2000). Embodied work, divided labour: Subjectivity and the scientific
management of the body in Frederick W. Taylor’s 1907 ‘Lecture on Management’. Body
& Society, 6(1), 51. Retrieved October 11, 2008, from EBSCO Online Database Academic
Search Premier.
Gough, J., & Eisenschitz, A. (1997). The division of labour, capitalism and socialism: An
alternative to Sayer. International Journal of Urban & Regional Research, 21(1), 23-37.
Retrieved October 11, 2008, from EBSCO Online Database Academic Search Premier.
Harvey, J., & Saint-Germain, M. (2001). Sporting goods trade, international division of
labor, and the unequal hierarchy of nations. Sociology of Sport Journal, 18(2), 231-246.
Post Industrial Societies
Daniel Bell was the initial proponent of the idea of the post industrial
society promoting the idea through his book entitled: The Coming of Post
Industrial Society. After experiencing and analyzing the radical societal
changes brought on by the 1960s, Bell (1973) argued that a radical transfor-
mation of economic and political structures was underway in societies like
the United States. He further indicated that changes in occupational struc-
ture, demographic patterns, and government funding to science and edu-
cation would precipitate a shift to a society where theoretical knowledge
was central and experts would be the primary advisors to government and
business (Townsley, 2000, p. 739). This theory supported an earlier notion
that the importance of academics, scientists, and professional experts in
government would continue to grow and this idea was echoed in a wide
range of scholarly work that was written and published at the time (p. 741).
Bell was the catalyst for three substantive ideas including the end of
ideology, the post industrial society, and the cultural contradictions of
capitalism. All three of these ideas merged into a collective notion that
seems to underscore society’s present condition, not only in the United
States, but in other highly developed nations, as well. Bell argued in 1955
that party politics was entering a phase in which it would no longer be
Bell flagrantly claimed that within the system of continued stress on dis-
cipline and the emphasis on gratification, an eventual deterioration of the
culture would occur unless a fundamental reversal occurred (Bell, 1995,
pp. 12-13). Within the post industrial societal construct, economics is one
of the main factors in determining post industrial society outcomes and
economic growth espouses predictable cultural and political consequences.
Industrialization typically leads to occupational specialization, increased
educational levels, rising income levels and eventually results in alterna-
tive gender roles, changed “attitudes toward authority and sexual norms,
declining fertility rates, expansive political participation, and a changing
work force” (Inglehart & Baker, 2000, p. 21).
The central problem blurring the time between work and leisure is the
expanded time now in the global 24-hour marketplace. Space, time, and
distance are “compressed by information and communication technology,
temporal and spatial boundaries between paid work and personal life are
increasingly non-existent” (p. 343). While these phenomena may create
new opportunities and broaden horizons for the most educated and highly
skilled knowledge workers, allowing them to work when and where they
choose, new challenges also arise.
Lewis (2003) argued that “many forms of post industrial work, which
dominate people’s lives, are becoming the new leisure.” She described post
Information Systems
Little (2000) argued that the role of IT in developing societies levels the
playing field of commerce. He stated that this aspect of economic glo-
balization allows “underdeveloped” and “overdeveloped” economies
to directly compete. The new mobility now available to suburban and
domestic labor forces “through telecommuting opens a two-way street,
with electronic access to and from the home redefining a sphere of both
production and consumption” (p. 1814). Little further stated that the birth
and emergence of transnational corporations (TNCs) and the internation-
alization of financial and labor markets have “created a rapidly evolving
world system currently characterized by rapid integration at a world
scale” (p. 1817). Camilleri and Falk (1992) argued that “power and au-
thority of nation states have diffused through participation in a variety
of multinational arrangements, encompassing not only trade, production,
and finance, but also environmental and security issues.” Little (2000)
further described ways that IT and its use in the post industrial world
offers an explanation of new forms of international business, which are
emerging more prolifically as a result of downsizing and other organiza-
tional changes. Computer based systems facilitate or substitute for organi-
zational structures and standards. As a result of technology driven shifts
in employment, new opportunities and increased access to resources and
improved employee flexibility has resulted. Another outcome of the tech
nological revolution is that direct competition between cities and local
states has increased (George, 1999) and the “incorporation or reincorpora-
tion” of the household into the economic sphere reflects a “two-way con-
nection between production and consumption,” which is visible in both
developed and developing nations (Little, 2000; Nelson, 1988).
Workforce Preparation
The Workplace
Castells (1989) argued that physical location is still important and that
a “range of contingencies” are possible with an underlying continuing
demand for physical proximity in terms of necessarily specialized labor
markets and other forms of communication. While large companies
pursue global strategies, network organizations composed of subdivisions
of larger labor markets and collaboration in teams and roles for specific
purposes offers one potential for workplace infrastructure (Castells, 1996,
Little, 2000, p. 1823). In addition to company restructuring, long working
hours and added workloads often result from the impact of fewer workers
for jobs. Dramatic organizational changes creates additional work for those
who survive “downsizing” and “efficiency drives.” In response to “global
competition in the private sector and the pursuit of ‘best value’ and budget
cutting in the public sector, new forms of work such as call centers, the
trend for escalating targets and insecure forms of employment, also create
pressure and increased work demands” (Lewis, 2003, p. 351) (Burchall,
Lapido, & Wilkinson, 2002; Brannen, Lewis, & Moss, 2001). Certainly, given
the new structure of work in the post industrial world, sociologists are
urged to study ongoing structures and impacts of the changing workplace.
Government Services
Wriston (1988) indicated that as IT has changed the way workers work;
the “coalescence of communication and computing technologies has trans-
formed government attitudes to communication infrastructure” (p. 1821).
The expanding range of commercial potentialities, and an equally ex-
panding demand for capitalization to increase new and different kinds of
service, has driven governments to privatize and deregulate. State power
has diffused through agreement to and participation in multilaterial regu-
lation in areas such as trade and security operating in internationalized fi-
Arlie Hochschild (1997) argued that employees in the United States are
more satisfied working than they are at home. Especially for parents of
young children, work has become more satisfying than staying at home.
While absorbing and stimulating, paid work is often the source of recogni-
tion and status, while staying at home is hard work, especially for parents
of young children. Work becomes a refuge from home, rather than home
as a refuge from work (Maume & Bellas, 2001).
Post industrial work is often the most stimulating and absorbing when
technology enables the permeation of work and non-work boundar-
ies (Sullivan & Lewis, 2001). One potential result of blurred boundaries
between work and non-work is that workers can be more flexible and fit
their work and non-work demands at their convenience. Lewis (2003)
argued that “some professionals not subject to constant management sur-
veillance have always had flexibility to integrate work and non-work. But
for many of these workers, both men and women, the pull of work in the
home is often strong and oppressive” (p. 348). One caution is that the new
flexibility often simply extends the working day. It is possible that while
a certain amount of flexibility may successfully integrate paid work with
other non-work activities, too much flexibility can backfire (Prutchno, Li-
tchfield, & Fried, 2000). As Hochschild (1997) suggested, it is not just that
work and home have become joined; blurred boundaries make the two “in-
creasingly indistinguishable.” Moreover, Lewis (2003) indicated that the
central issue is that “if someone is totally absorbed in work that they enjoy,
and not paid for extra hours (as is usually the case for knowledge workers),
how is that different from leisure, if at all?” (p. 348). The central issue for
work in the post industrial world is that boundaries may become so blurred
that an overworked, over-stressed culture will inevitably be formed.
Evidence suggests from the research presented that work in the post in-
dustrial world has changed from work in previous eras. Maas and van
Leeuwen (2002) indicated that “in industrial societies, production methods
Arnold, D. & Niederman, F. (2001). IT the global workforce. Communications of the ACM,
44(7), 30 – 33. Retrieved June 25, 2008 from EBSCO online database Academic Search
Bell, D. (1973). The coming of post industrial society. New York: Basic Books.
Brannen, J., Lewis, S. & Moss, P. (2001). Workplace change and family life Report on two
case studies, Report to the Tedworth Foundation. London: Work Life Research Centre.
Burchall, B., Lapido, D. & Wilkinson, E. (2002). Job insecurity and work intensification,
London: Routledge.
Camilleri, J. A. & Falk, J. (1992). The end of sovereignty? The politics of a shrinking and
fragmented world. Aldershot: Edward Elgar.
Castells, M. (1996). The rise of the network society. Oxford: Blackwell.
Department for Education and Employment. (2000). Creating a Work-Life Balance. A Good
Practice Guide for Employers. London: Department for Education and Employment.
Department of Trade and Industry. (2001). Work-Life Balance. The Business Case. London:
Department of Trade and Industry.
George, S. (1999). The problem isn’t beef, bananas, cultural diversity or the patenting of
life, the problem is the WTO. The Guardian, 24, 4 – 5.
Suggested Reading
Bailyn, L. (1913). Breaking the mould: Men, women and time in the new corporate world.
London: Free Press.
Coser, L. (1974). Greedy Institutions: Patterns of undivided commitment. New York: Free
Haworth, J.T. (1997). Work, leisure and well-being. London: Routledge.
Toffler, A. (1970). Future shock. New York: Bantam.
Webber, M. (1964). The urban place and the non-urban realm. In M. M. Webber, J. W.
Dyckman, D. L. Foley et al. Explorations in Urban Structure, 79 – 153. Philadelphia, PA:
University of Pennsylvania.