Domain 1 3 Checklist by Cooperating Teacher
Domain 1 3 Checklist by Cooperating Teacher
Domain 1 3 Checklist by Cooperating Teacher
2. Motivating Students: 4
Content is Relevant, Engaging, and Meaningful.
4. Lesson Structure and Pacing: 3 Lesson went a little over but Hannah adjusted the following
Appropriate Beginning, Middle, End; lesson to fit everything in.
Efficient transitions and material distribution,
Timely pacing.
6. Questioning: 4
Variety of Bloom’s levels that are linked to SLO,
Wait time evident; Teacher generates High Order
7. Academic feedback: 4
Specific, meaningful, frequent, used for instructional
monitoring and adjusting
8. Guided Practice: 4
Enhance learning; Roles assigned; Goals set and
learning evaluated; Accountability for individuals is
Respectful Culture 4
Teacher-student interactions demonstrate caring and
respect for one another;
Students are encouraged to exhibit care and respect
for one another.
Overall Lesson Comments: Lesson went really well. Students were engaged and actively learning.