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CAO 101.55 (Now Revoked)

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Civil Aviation Amendment Order

(No. R94) 2004

I, WILLIAM BRUCE BYRON, Director of Aviation Safety, on behalf of CASA,

issue the following Civil Aviation Order under subregulations 21.184 (4) and
21.184A (2) of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998.

[Signed Bruce Byron]

Bruce Byron
Director of Aviation Safety and
Chief Executive Officer

12 December 2004


1 Name of Order
This Order is the Civil Aviation Amendment Order (No. R94) 2004.

2 Commencement
This Order commences on gazettal.

3 Replacement of section 101.55 of the Civil Aviation Orders

Section 101.55 of the Civil Aviation Orders is omitted and a new
section substituted as set out in Schedule 1.

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2005B00953
Schedule 1 Substitution of section 101.55 of the
Civil Aviation Orders

SECTION 101.55



1.1 Subject to paragraph 1.2, this section applies to single engine propeller
driven aeroplanes of maximum take-off weight not greater than 450
kilograms, subject to the limitations that:
(a) they must have not more than 1 propeller, and a maximum of 2
places; and
(b) in the cruising configuration, stall speed VS1 must not exceed 45
knots CAS; and
(c) in the landing configuration, stall speed VSO must not exceed 40
knots CAS; and
(d) unless otherwise approved, the maximum speed in straight and level
flight must not exceed 100 knots CAS at maximum power.
1.2 This section also applies to a single engine propeller driven aeroplane that
complies with subparagraphs 1.1 (a), (b) and (d) and that has:
(a) a maximum take-off weight of not more than 480 kilograms; and
(b) in the landing configuration, a stall speed VSO of not more than 42
knots CAS;
if, and only if, the product of the maximum take-off weight of the
aeroplane (expressed in kilograms) and the square of the stall speed VSO
of the aeroplane in the landing configuration (expressed as knots CAS)
does not exceed a value of 768 000.
Note: Aeroplanes capable of a maximum speed in excess of 100 knots CAS may be
approved provided the applicant can provide acceptable flutter justification.

3.1 Special Conditions. If CASA finds that the design standards specified in
this subsection do not provide adequate or appropriate safeguard against
particular features or characteristics of the aeroplane, CASA may issue
such special conditions which add to or vary the design standards for that
aeroplane as CASA finds necessary to restore a level of safety equivalent
to that otherwise established in the design standards.
Note 1: Flight control configurations such as weight shift, wing warping, spoilers,
elevons, ailervators, flaperons, etc, may attract additional special conditions as CASA
finds necessary.

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3.2 Basic Requirements and Equivalent Safety. Subject to paragraph 3.3.1
and 3.3.2, the standards which follow must be complied with as
applicable, unless CASA has determined on the basis of evidence
submitted that any item not complied with is compensated for by factors
which provide an equivalent level of safety.
Note 2: Airworthiness Directives must be complied with before a certificate of
airworthiness will be issued for an individual aeroplane.
3.3 Subject to paragraphs 3.3.1 and 3.3.2, an aeroplane to which this section
applies must comply with:
(a) 1 of the following design standards:
(i) British Civil Airworthiness Requirements Section K;
(ii) Federal Aviation Regulations Part 23;
(iii) Joint Aviation Requirements JAR 22 (Sailplanes and Powered
(iv) Joint Aviation Requirements JAR–VLA (Very Light
(v) a design standard, or a combination of design standards,
nominated by the applicant that is acceptable to CASA; and
(b) the requirements specified in this section.
3.3.1 In spite of paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3, CASA may, in writing, exempt a
particular aeroplane, or a class of aeroplanes, to which this section applies
from compliance with specified provisions of this section.
3.3.2 An exemption under paragraph 3.3.1 is subject to the aeroplane exempted
complying with such requirements (if any) as CASA specifies in the
exemption as being necessary in the interests of safety and having regard
to the purposes for which the aeroplane is to be used.
Note 3: Compliance with paragraph 3.3 does not preclude the requirement to comply
with the remainder of this section. Compliance with other relevant sections of CASR
Part 21 is also required.
3.4 An aeroplane to which this section applies and for which intentional
spinning is desired must comply with the applicable requirements
specified in FAR Part 23 and/or BCAR Section K.

4.1 When establishing compliance with the performance standards the
aeroplane must be handled in accordance with procedures that can be
executed in service by pilots of average ability. The manner in which
controls are used must be recorded in flight test reports in sufficient detail
to enable the scheduled flight characteristics to be repeated.
4.2 The airspeed indicating system must be calibrated in flight to determine
the system error.

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4.3 Stalling Speed. In demonstrating compliance with the performance
standards of this section, the speeds VSO and VS1 have the following
(a) VSO (in knots CAS) is the stalling speed, or minimum steady flight
speed at which the aeroplane is controllable with:
(i) wing flaps in the landing position; and
(ii) landing gear extended; and
(iii) engine idling with the throttle closed; and
(iv) centre of gravity in the most forward position; and
(v) maximum take-off weight;
(b) VS1 (in knots CAS) is the stalling speed, or minimum steady flight
speed at which the aeroplane is controllable with:
(i) the aeroplane in the configuration associated with the
performance standard in which VS1 is being used as a factor;
(ii) engine idling with the throttle closed; and
(iii) centre of gravity in the most forward position; and
(iv) maximum take-off weight;
(c) VS1 and VSO must be determined by flight test, in accordance with
the following procedures:
(i) aeroplane trimmed, power off, at 1.5 V S1 or the minimum trim
speed, whichever is the greater;
(ii) the speed reduced at a rate not exceeding 1 knot per second
until the stall is produced as indicated by an uncontrolled
downward pitching motion of the aeroplane or until the
elevator control reaches its aft limit;
(d) positive response to control application must be available throughout
the stall and recovery. Any roll which occurs between the initiation
of the stall and the recovery must not exceed 20 degrees;
(e) the nature of the stall warning must be determined. The stall warning
must be determined in any configuration of flaps and undercarriage
in straight and turning flight. The stall warning must occur
sufficiently before the stall to allow the pilot to recover safely.
4.4 Take-off Safety Speed. A take-off safety speed must be established for
each flap setting for which take-off distance information is to be
provided. The take-off safety speed must be an airspeed not less than 1.3
VS1 or VS1 plus 10 knots, whichever is the greater, at which adequate
control is available in the event of sudden complete engine failure during
the climb following take-off.
4.5 Landing Approach Speed. A landing approach speed must be
established for each flap setting for which landing distance information is
to be provided and must be not less than 1.3 VSO or VSO plus 10 knots,
whichever is the greater. The landing approach speed must be such that
the landing does not require exceptional piloting skill or exceptionally
favourable conditions.

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4.6 Take-off Distance. The take-off distance must be established for a short,
dry, grass surface and must be the distance required to reach a height of
50 feet above the runway from a standing start with:
(a) the engine operating within maximum take-off power limitations;
(b) the aeroplane reaching the height of 50 feet at an airspeed of not less
than the take-off safety speed; and
(c) landing gear extended throughout; and
(d) wing flaps in the take-off position; for maximum take-off weight;
and sea level ISA.
4.7 Take-off Climb. The gradient of climb after take-off must not be less
than 10% under the following conditions:
(a) sea level ISA;
(b) maximum take-off weight;
(c) airspeed equal to the take-off safety speed;
(d) wing flaps in the take-off position;
(e) landing gear extended;
(f) engine operating with maximum take-off limitations;
(g) in still air and out of ground effect.
4.8 Landing Distance. The landing distance must be established for a short,
dry, grass surface and must be the distance required to bring the
aeroplane at maximum take-off weight under sea level ISA conditions to
rest from a height of 50 feet above the runway surface. The aeroplane
must reach the height of 50 feet at an airspeed of not less than the landing
approach speed following a steady approach at that speed with the wing
flaps in the landing position. The landing must be made without
excessive vertical acceleration and without tendency to bounce, nose over
or ground loop.


5.1 Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection S971 (a) (1) of subpart E
of BCAR Section S, the sediment bowl must have a volume not less than
50 millilitres.
5.2 The fuel system of the engine must be designed and constructed to supply
the appropriate quantity of fuel to the engine throughout the complete
operating range of the engine under all starting, flight and atmospheric
5.3 The induction system of the installed engine must provide effective
means to prevent and eliminate icing.
5.4 The type and degree of fuel filtering necessary for protection of the
engine fuel system against foreign particles in the fuel must be specified.
The applicant must show (e.g. within the 50 hour run prescribed in
paragraph 6.34) that foreign particles passing through the prescribed
filtering means will not critically impair engine fuel system functioning.

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5.5 Each passage in the induction system that conducts a mixture of fuel and
air, and in which fuel may accumulate, must be self-draining to prevent a
liquid lock in the combustion chambers. This applies to all attitudes that
the applicant establishes as those the engine can have when the aeroplane
in which it is installed is in any of the established static ground attitudes.

6.1 Engine Requirements. One of the following conditions must be satisfied
in relation to the engine installed in the aeroplane:
(a) the engine is of a type to which a certificate of type approval under
this subsection applies;
(b) the engine is of a type that has been certified as an aircraft engine in
accordance with FAR 33, BCAR C or JAR E;
(c) the engine is of a type that has been approved by CASA as being
appropriate for use in aeroplanes to which this section applies.
Note: An aeroplane to which this section applies that has an engine of a kind to
which subparagraph 6.1 (c) applies may, because of the characteristics of that
engine, have conditions included in its certificate of airworthiness.
6.1.1 Certificates of Type Approval. A certificate of type approval may be
issued in relation to a type of spark or compression engine if the
requirements set out in paragraphs 6.2 to 6.38 are satisfied in relation to
engines of that type.
Note: When spark ignition is provided, a single ignition system may be acceptable.
6.2 Instruction Manual. An instruction manual containing the information
that is necessary for properly installing, operating, servicing and
maintaining the engine must be provided.
6.3 Engine Ratings and Operating Limitations. Engine ratings and
operating limitations must be established. The engine ratings must be
based on the operating conditions demonstrated during the bench tests
prescribed in this subsection. They include power ratings and operational
limitations relating to speeds, temperatures, pressures, fuels and oils
which the applicant finds necessary for the safe operation of the engine.
6.4 Selection of Engine Power Ratings. Each selected rating must be for the
lowest power that all engines of the same type may be expected to
produce under the conditions used to determine that rating.
Design and Construction
6.11 Materials. The suitability and durability of materials used in the engine
(a) be established on the basis of documented experience or tests; and
(b) conform to approved specifications.

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6.12 Fire Prevention
(a) The design and construction of the engine and the materials used
must minimise the probability of the occurrence and spread of fire
because of structural failure, overheating or other causes.
(b) Each external line or fitting that conveys flammable fluids must be at
least fire resistant. Components must be shielded or located to
safeguard against the ignition of leaking flammable fluid.
6.13 Engine Cooling. Engine design and construction must provide the
necessary cooling under conditions in which the aeroplane is expected to
6.14 The induction system of the engine through which air, or fuel in
combination with air, passes must be designed and constructed to
minimise ice accretion and vapour condensation in those passages.
6.15 Engine Mounting Attachments and Structure
(a) The maximum allowable limit and ultimate loads for engine
mounting attachment and related engine structure must be specified
by the applicant.
(b) The engine mounting attachments and related engine structure must
be able to withstand the specified loads without failure, malfunction
or permanent deformation.
Note: In choosing the maximum allowable limit and ultimate loads, the applicant
should take account of the flight and ground loads and the emergency alighting
loads specified for the aeroplane as a whole.
6.16 Accessory Attachment. Each accessory drive and mounting attachment
must be designed and constructed so that the engine will operate properly
with the accessories attached. The design of the engine must allow the
examination, adjustment or removal of each essential engine accessory.
6.17 Vibration. The engine must be designed and constructed to function
throughout its normal operating range of crankshaft rotational speeds and
engine powers without inducing stresses in excess of the design stresses
in any of the engine parts or airframe components.
6.18 Lubrication System (four-stroke engines only)
(a) The lubrication system of the engine must be designed and
constructed so that it will function properly in all attitudes and
atmospheric conditions in which the aeroplane is expected to
operate. In wet-sump engines this requirement must be met when the
engine contains only the minimum oil quantity, the minimum
quantity being not more than half the maximum quantity.
(b) The lubrication system of the engine must be designed and
constructed to allow installing a means of cooling the lubricant.
(c) The crankcase must be vented to preclude leakage of oil from
excessive pressure in the crankcase.
Note: If the 2-stroke engine has a separate oil supply rather than oil-in-fuel,
CASA may prescribe the necessary conditions for the lubricating system of the 2-
stroke engine.

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6.19 Engine Starting. Restarting the engine in flight must be possible.
Bench Tests
6.31 Vibration Test. Except where the engine is of a type of construction
known not to be prone to hazardous vibration, the engine must undergo a
vibration survey to establish crankshaft torsional and bending
characteristics over a range of rotational speeds from idling to 110% of
the maximum continuous speed or 103% of the maximum desired
take-off speed, whichever is the greater. The survey must be conducted
with a representative propeller. Hazardous conditions must not be
Note: The propeller should be so chosen that the prescribed maximum rotational speed
is obtained at full throttle or at the desired maximum permissible manifold pressure,
whichever is appropriate.
6.32 Calibration Test. Each test engine must be subject to the calibration tests
necessary to establish its power characteristics and the conditions for the
endurance test specified in paragraph 6.34. The results of the power
characteristics calibration tests must form the basis for establishing the
characteristics of the engine over its entire operating range of crankshaft
rotational speeds, manifold pressures, and fuel/air mixture settings. Power
ratings must be based on standard atmospheric conditions at sea level.
6.33 Detonation Test (spark ignition only). The engine must be tested to
establish that it can function without detonation throughout the range of
intended conditions of operation.
6.34 Endurance Test
(a) The engine must be subject to an endurance test (with a
representative propeller) that includes a total of 50 hours of operation
and consists of the cycles specified in paragraph 6.34 (c) below.
(b) Additional endurance testing at particular rotational speed(s) may be
required depending on the results of the tests prescribed in paragraph
6.31 to establish the ability of the engine to operate without fatigue

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(c) Each cycle must be conducted as follows:

Sequence Duration Operation Conditions

1 5 Starting-Idle
2 5 Take-off power
3 5 Cooling run (Idle)
4 5 Take-off power
5 5 Cooling run (Idle)
6 5 Take-off power
7 5 Cooling run (Idle)
8 15 75% of maximum continuous power
9 5 Cooling run (Idle)
10 60 Maximum continuous power
11 5 Cooling run and stop

Total: 120

(d) During or following the endurance test, the fuel and oil consumption
must be determined.
(e) A power check at sea level conditions must be accomplished on the
endurance test engines after the endurance test. Any change in power
characteristics which occurs during the endurance test must be
determined. Measurements taken during the final portion of the
endurance test may be used in showing compliance with the
requirements of this paragraph.
(f) The power characteristics determined by the power check at the end
of the endurance test must show that the test engine/engines will
produce the paragraph 6.4 power ratings. If the above power
characteristics of the test engine/engines are less than the paragraph
6.4 power ratings then the applicant must select new engine power
ratings and repeat the paragraph 6.34 endurance test at the new
engine power ratings.
6.35 Operation Test. The operation test must include the demonstration of
backfire characteristics, starting, idling, acceleration, overspeeding and
any other operational characteristics of the engine.
6.36 Engine Component Test
(a) For engine components that cannot be adequately substantiated by
endurance testing in accordance with paragraph 6.34, the applicant
must conduct additional tests to establish that components are able to
function reliably in all normally anticipated flight and atmospheric
(b) Temperature limits must be established for each component that
requires temperature controlling provisions to ensure satisfactory
functioning, reliability and durability.

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6.37 Teardown Inspection. After the endurance test has been completed the
engine must be completely disassembled. No essential component may
show rupture, cracks or excessive wear.
6.38 Engine Adjustment and Parts Replacement. The applicant may service
and make minor repairs to the engine during the bench tests. If major
repairs to, or replacements of, parts are necessary during the tests or after
the teardown inspection, or if essential parts have to be replaced, the
engine must be subjected to any additional tests CASA may require.
Note: Testing carried out by the engine manufacturer may be acceptable for
compliance with Bench Test requirements specified in this subsection if suitable
manufacturer’s substantiating documentation or other such documentation
demonstrating suitable levels of safety and reliability is provided by the applicant.

7.1 Propeller Requirements. One of the following conditions must be
satisfied in relation to the propeller installed in the aeroplane:
(a) the propeller is of a type to which a certificate of type approval under
this subsection applies;
(b) the propeller is of a type that has been certified as an aircraft
propeller in accordance with FAR 35, BCAR C or JAR P;
(c) the propeller is of a type that has been approved by CASA as being
appropriate for use in aeroplanes to which this section applies.
Note: An aeroplane to which this section applies that has a propeller of a kind to
which subparagraph 7.1 (c) applies may, because of the characteristics of that
propeller, have conditions included in its certificate of airworthiness.
7.1.1 Certificates of Type Approval. A certificate of type approval may be
issued in relation to a type of propeller if the requirements set out in
paragraphs 7.2 to 7.29 are satisfied in relation to propellers of that type.
7.2 Instruction Manual. An instruction manual containing the information
that is necessary for properly installing, servicing and maintaining the
propeller must be provided.
7.3 Propeller Operating Limitations. Propeller operating limitations must
be established on the basis of the conditions demonstrated during the tests
specified in this subsection.
Design and Construction
7.11 Materials. The suitability and durability of materials used in the
propeller must:
(a) be established on the basis of documented experience or tests; and
(b) conform to approved specifications.
7.12 Pitch Control. Failure of the propeller pitch control must not cause
hazardous overspeeding under intended operating conditions.

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Tests and Inspections
7.21 General. The applicant must show that the propeller and its main
accessories complete the tests and inspections prescribed in this
subsection without evidence of failure or malfunction.
Note: Documentation substantiating equivalent levels of safety and reliability,
including documentation of testing carried out by the manufacturer, may be acceptable
as a demonstration of compliance with 1 or more tests of this subsection.
7.22 Blade Retention Test. The hub and blade retention arrangement of
propellers with detachable blades must be shown to be capable of
sustaining a load equal to twice the centrifugal force occurring at the
maximum rotational speed (other than transient overspeed) for which
approval is sought. This may be done either by a whirl test or a static pull
test or other means acceptable to CASA.
7.23 Fatigue Limit Tests. A fatigue evaluation must be made and the fatigue
limits determined for each metallic hub and blade, and each primary load
carrying metal component of non-metallic blades. The fatigue evaluation
must include consideration of all reasonably foreseeable vibration load
patterns. The fatigue limits must account for the permissible service
deterioration (such as nicks, grooves, galling, bearing wear, and
variations in material properties).
7.24 Endurance Test: Fixed-pitch or Ground-adjustable Propellers.
Fixed-pitch or ground-adjustable propellers must be subjected to 1 of the
following tests:
(a) a 50 hour flight test in level flight or in climb. At least 5 hours of this
flight test must be with the propeller at the rated rotational speed and
the remainder of the 50 hours must be with the propeller operated at
not less than 90% of the rated rotational speed. This test must be
conducted on a propeller of the greatest diameter for which
certification is requested;
(b) a 50 hour endurance bench test on an engine at the power and
propeller rotational speed for which certification is sought. This test
must be conducted on a propeller of the greatest diameter for which
certification is requested;
(c) in the case of fixed pitch wooden propellers for which a rational
analysis shows adequate strength margins under critical operating
conditions, an endurance test of 50 hours under normal operating
conditions is required. At least 5 hours must be at the rotational
speed and power condition associated with maximum climb and the
remainder of the 50 hours must be with rotational speed not less than
90% of the speed associated with the aforementioned maximum
climb condition.

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7.25 Endurance Test: Variable-pitch Propellers. Variable pitch propellers
(propellers the pitch of which can be changed by the pilot or by automatic
means while the propeller is rotating) must be subjected to 1 of the
following tests:
(a) a 50 hour test on an engine with the same power and rotational speed
characteristics as the engine or engines with which the propeller is to
be used. Each test must be made at the maximum continuous
rotational speed and power rating of the propeller. If a take-off
performance greater than the maximum continuous rating is to be
established, an additional 10 hour bench test must be made at the
maximum power and rotational speed for the take-off rating;
(b) Operation of the propeller throughout the engine endurance tests
prescribed in subsection 6.34.
7.26 Functional Tests. Each variable pitch propeller must be subjected to all
applicable functional tests of this paragraph. The same propeller used in
the endurance test must be used in the functional test and must be driven
by an engine on a test stand or on an aeroplane. The functional tests to be
performed are:
(a) manually controllable propellers. 500 complete cycles of control
throughout the pitch and rotational speed ranges, excluding the
feathering range; and
(b) automatically controllable propellers. 1 500 complete cycles of
control throughout the pitch and rotational speed ranges, excluding
the feathering range.
7.27 Teardown Inspection. After the endurance test has been completed the
propeller must be completely disassembled. No essential component may
show rupture, cracks or excessive wear.
7.28 Propeller Adjustments and Parts Replacement. The applicant may
service and make minor repairs to the propeller during the tests.
7.29 Special Tests. CASA may require any additional tests as are found
necessary to substantiate the use of any unconventional features of
design, material or construction, or to further determine the acceptability
of propellers shown to require repairs or replacement of parts during the
tests or in the teardown inspection.

8.1 General. CASA must be supplied with a copy of each of the documents
and data listed in paragraphs 8.2 to 8.4 inclusive. They must be in the
English language, and in a format acceptable to CASA.
Note: Design data contained in manufacturers’ documents will be treated as
confidential information and will not be communicated to other persons without the
written permission of the manufacturer concerned.

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8.2 Design Data. The required design data is detailed in the applicable
sections of Part 21 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998, plus
that listed here:
(a) summary report providing statements of the means of compliance
with the requirement paragraphs of this section including, where
applicable, a reference to other documents in which compliance is
(b) reports substantiating compliance with the requirement paragraphs of
this section;
(c) type certificate and type certificate data sheet or equivalent
documents issued by the competent authority in the state of
manufacture for imported aircraft;
(d) ground and flight type inspection reports or, where these do not exist,
such other equivalent reports which summarise compliance of the
aeroplane by inspection and flight assessment;
(e) draft flight manual for the aeroplane model for each aircraft. An
acceptable flight manual format is the GAMA Specification No. 1, or
as detailed at Appendix I;
(f) list of type design data, including reports in respect of the aeroplane,
its engine and propeller — some of these data may be required by
(g) type record or reports which summarise the design basic loads and
the acceptability of the aeroplane against the structural design
(h) if the applicant so desires, any reports substantiating the aeroplane
structural fatigue life;
(i) all general assembly drawings and station diagrams for the
aeroplane; drawings of all major structural elements and assemblies,
and of all essential systems and services including powerplant
(j) complete drawing list;
(k) for each propeller/engine/airframe combination for which
certification is requested — reports establishing compliance with the
requirements in respect of propeller vibration including, where
available, propeller vibration stress surveys and fatigue test results;
(l) details of any additional requirements, including special conditions,
and exemptions, exceptions, equivalent safety findings and any other
Note: The determination of aeroplane structural fatigue life is not mandatory. The
applicant is strongly urged to evaluate the aeroplane structural fatigue
characteristics to enhance the type’s continued airworthiness. Documentary
evidence of the above fatigue evaluation should be submitted to CASA.
8.3 Service Documents. All current field service documents, flight manual
and advice to operators which contain modifications or changes, or which
establish or change inspections in respect of the aircraft, airframe,
engines, propellers, systems or equipment, together with statements from

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the manufacturers undertaking to supply CASA with copies of all
subsequent documents of that type.
8.4 Manual. The applicant must provide Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness in accordance with Appendix H to this section that are
acceptable to CASA and must supply:
(a) manufacturer’s manuals detailing procedures for maintenance,
overhaul, and repair of the aeroplane including its airframe, engine,
propeller, systems and equipment; and
(b) illustrated parts catalogues for the aeroplane including its airframe,
engines, propellers, systems and equipment; and
(c) manufacturer’s documents detailing any additional or special
operating characteristics and functional test procedures for services,
systems and equipment, including equipment manufactured to
commercial specifications.

9.1 General. The Air Navigation (Aircraft Noise) Regulations 1984
introduced noise certification for aeroplanes subject to ANRs with effect
2 August 1984.
9.2 The noise certification scheme applies noise standards to aeroplanes to
which this section of the CAOs apply. It is the applicant’s responsibility
to apply to Airservices Australia for the issue of a noise certificate.

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1.1 This appendix describes a minimum acceptable standard of data
presentation for a flight manual.
1.2 The content of the manual must be based on data determined in
accordance with the requirements of this section, on manufacturer’s
specifications and procedures and on such other data as are specified or
approved by CASA.
1.3 The manual must be in the English language.
1.4 If a flight manual is to be prepared specially for use in Australia, the data
it contains should, where practicable, be presented in the following units:
weights kilograms
aeroplane dimensions millimetres
distances (e.g. landing) metres
liquid quantities litres
speeds knots, IAS
altitudes and vertical distances feet
rates of climb/descent feet/minute
pressures (except barometric pressure) kilopascals
temperatures degrees Celsius
barometric pressure hectopascals
1.4.1 If a quantity expressed as a unit on the face of an aircraft instrument is to
be presented in the flight manual for an aeroplane, it must be presented
using the same system of unit as on the instrument.
1.5 The manual must have a protective cover and must be in such a form as
can be readily amended.
1.6 The manual must be specifically identified and this identification must
appear on each page of the manual together with the date of issue of that
page. Each page must be marked or otherwise identified as being
approved by CASA, except sections 6, 7 and 8. The contents of section 6
are separately approved by a weight control officer or other authorised
person. Sections 7 and 8 are also not approved by CASA but may be
included as an option by the applicant or manufacturer.
1.7 The Flight Manual may form part of another manual.

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2.1 The manual must comprise the following distinct sections and each
section must be clearly identified and separated from each other section.

Introductory Pages
Section 1 — General
Section 2 — Limitations
Section 3 — Emergency Procedures
Section 4 — Normal Procedures
Section 5 — Performance
Section 6 — Weight and Balance and Equipment List
Section 7 — Aircraft and Systems Description (Optional)
Section 8 — Aircraft Handling, Service and Maintenance (Optional)
Section 9 — Supplements.
2.2 Introductory Pages — This section must contain the following:
(a) a cover page which must include:
(i) name of the manufacturer; and
(ii) aircraft type and model; and
(iii) provision for the signature of the CASA delegate signifying
his or her approval of the manual, together with the date of his
or her approval;
(b) an approval page which must include:
(i) name of the manufacturer; and
(ii) aircraft type and model; and
(iii) aircraft serial number; and
(iv) nationality and registration markings of the aircraft; and
(v) airworthiness certification category; and
(vi) number of the associated Certificate of Airworthiness; and
(vi) provision for the signature of the CASA delegate signifying
the issue of the manual to the specified aircraft and the date of
(c) a table of contents which must clearly indicate those parts of the
manual which are approved;
(d) pages for recording of both general and particular amendments
including a description of the amendment system;
(e) an introduction page specifying the applicability of the manual, the
requirement for its carriage in the aircraft and the manner of the issue
of amendments;
(f) a list of effective pages specifying the current revision/amendment
status of all approved pages, with provision for the signature of the
CASA delegate signifying his or her approval of the
(g) definitions of the following terms:
(i) airfield pressure altitude;
(ii) indicated airspeed;
(iii) take-off safety speed;

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(iv) landing safety speed;
(v) normal operating speed;
(vi) manoeuvring speed;
(vii) any other term used in the manual which may not be readily
2.3 Section 1 — General — must contain the general information pertaining
to the aircraft which must include the following:
(i) 3 view drawings;
(ii) ground turning clearance;
(iii) approved engines;
(iv) approved propellers;
(v) approved fuel types and grades;
(vi) total and usable capacity of each fuel tank;
(vii) approved oil grades;
(viii) total and usable oil capacity.
2.4 Section 2 — Limitations. This section must contain the following
limitations as applicable together with any other item established as being
a limitation on the operation of the aeroplane:
(a) the following indicated airspeeds, as appropriate, in knots together
with an explanation of any associated instrument colour markings:
(i) never exceed speed (VNE);
(ii) manoeuvring speed (V A);
(iii) maximum wing flaps extended speed (VFE);
(iv) maximum landing gear extended speed (VLC);
(v) maximum landing gear operating speed (VLO);
(b) weights and loadings as follows:
(i) maximum take-off weight:
(ii) maximum landing weight.
(iii) maximum disposable loads;
(iv) cargo compartment maximum loads;
(v) any other loading limitations;
(c) centre of gravity limits and reference datum;
(d) powerplant information including:
(i) power, r.p.m. and temperature limitations for each rated
power condition; and
(ii) oil pressure and temperature limitations; and
(iii) an explanation of any instrument colour markings associated
with powerplant limitations;
(e) miscellaneous information including:
(i) a statement of the authorised manoeuvres and associated
limitations appropriate to the certification category of the
aeroplane; and
(ii) maximum permissible number of occupants; and
(iii) statement of any restriction on smoking in the aeroplane; and
(iv) maximum air temperature in which operation of the aircraft is
permitted, if applicable; and

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(v) a statement of the inscription on, and the location of each
placard which is required to be displayed, together with an
explanation of the significance of any instrument colour
markings not covered by paragraphs 2.3 (a) and 2.3 (d) of this
Appendix; and
(vi) a prominent statement to the effect that the aircraft structural
durability is unknown, unless the structural fatigue life has
been evaluated to the satisfaction of CASA.
2.5 Section 3 — Emergency Procedures. This section must contain those
operating procedures for flight and system emergency conditions which
are essential for the continued safe operation of the aeroplane. The
procedures must be presented as briefly as possible commensurate with
maximum clarity, and in addition must include at least the following:
(a) airspeeds for emergency operations;
(b) emergency procedures check list;
(c) emergencies:
(i) engine failure;
(ii) airstart and limitations;
(iii) fire;
(iv) system emergencies, including load shedding for electrical
failures, if applicable;
(v) take-off and landing emergencies.
2.6 Section 4 — Normal Procedures. This section must contain
recommended procedures and information necessary for the safe
operation of the aeroplane, and in addition must include at least the
(a) check lists as appropriate to the operation of the aeroplane;
(b) procedures and limitations in the use of all aircraft systems.
2.7 Section 5 — Performance. This section must contain the performance
information necessary for observance of the operational and
airworthiness performance requirements specified in the Civil Aviation
Orders, and must include at least the following:
(a) stalling (or minimum steady flight) speeds for zero, take-off and
landing flap settings for at least maximum take-off and landing
(b) a statement of the nature of the stall warning;
(c) the distance required for take-off and landing which must be the
greater of:
(i) 1.4 times the take-off distance established under paragraph
4.6; or
(ii) 1.4 times the landing distance established under paragraph
(d) a statement to the effect that this distance must be increased by a
distance increment equal to 20% for each 1 000 feet of pressure
altitude above sea level;
(e) maximum crosswind component for take-off and landing;

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(f) data presentation:
(i) the required information must be presented in graphical or
tabular form or, in the form of a statement acceptable to
CASA; and
(ii) each graph and tabulation must contain an example to
illustrate the method of use; and
(iii) the configuration, conditions and factors associated with each
graph and tabulation must be stated either on or adjacent to
the appropriate graph or tabulation.
2.8 Section 6 — Weight and Balance and Equipment List. This section
must contain:
(a) information necessary to ensure loading of the aeroplane within the
limitations specified in section 2 of the manual including:
(i) a load data sheet; and
(ii) an equipment list; and
(iii) where appropriate, a loading system including such
instructions as are necessary to ensure correct use of the
(b) where a loading system is not required the flight manual must
contain a statement to this effect; and
(c) where the loading system takes the form of a cockpit placard, the
flight manual must contain a statement of the inscription on, and the
location of, the placard.
Note 1: Section 100.7 of the CAOs specifies requirements in relation to the
provision of loading data.
Note 2: Flight manual loading data approved by weight control officers should
not bear additional indication of CASA approval.
2.9 Section 7 — Aircraft and Systems Descriptions. Optional, not
approved by CASA but may be included by the applicant or
2.10 Section 8 — Aircraft Handling, Service and Maintenance. Optional,
not approved by CASA but may be included by the applicant or
2.11 Section 9 — Supplements — This section must contain, in the form of
supplements, information applicable to any installed equipment or
operation of the aircraft not covered by the body of the manual. A list of
mandatory and individually approved supplements is to be provided.
Each supplement must consist of:
(a) face page stating applicability and provision for the signature of the
CASA delegate signifying his or her approval of the supplement and
date of approval; and
(b) a list of effective pages specifying the current revision or amendment
status of all pages and provision for the signature of CASA or it’s
delegate signifying its approval of the revision/amendment and date
of approval; and

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(c) describe the equipment or operation of the aircraft to which it is
related and must list any additions to or revisions of the limitations
and procedures of the basic manual.

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1.1 This appendix specifies requirements for the preparation of Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness as required by subsection 8.4.
1.2 The Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for each aeroplane must
include the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for the engine and
the propeller (hereinafter designated “components”), for each item of
equipment required by this section, and any required information relating
to the interface of those items of equipment and components with the
aeroplane. If Instructions for Continued Airworthiness are not supplied
by the manufacturer of any component or item of equipment installed in
the aeroplane, the aeroplane manufacturer must include the essential
information in the instructions for the aeroplane for continued
airworthiness of the components or items of equipment.
1.3 The applicant must submit to CASA a program to show how changes to
the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness made by the applicant or by
the manufacturers of components or equipment installed in the aeroplane
will be distributed.

2.1 The Instructions for Continued Airworthiness must be in the form of a
manual or manuals as appropriate for the quantity of data to be provided.
2.2 The format of the manual or manuals must provide for a practical
arrangement, and be in such a form as can be readily amended.

3.1 The contents of the manual or manuals must be prepared in the English
language. The Instructions for Continued Airworthiness must contain the
following manuals or sections:
(a) aeroplane information and data;
(b) maintenance instructions.
3.2 Aeroplane Information and Data. This manual or section must include
at least the following:
(a) introductory information that includes an explanation of the
aeroplane’s features and data to the extent necessary for maintenance
or preventative maintenance;
(b) a description of the aeroplane and its systems and installations
including its components and items of equipment;

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(c) basic control and operation information describing how the
aeroplane components and systems operate, including any special
procedures and limitations that apply;
(d) information that covers details regarding servicing points, capacities
of tanks, reservoirs, types of fluids to be used, pressures applicable to
the various systems, location of access panels for inspection and
servicing, locations of lubrication points, lubricants to be used,
equipment required for servicing, tow instructions and limitations,
mooring, jacking, and levelling information;
(e) diagrams of structural access plates and information needed to gain
access for inspections when access plates are not provided;
(f) all data relative to structural fasteners such as identification, discard
recommendations, and torque values;
(g) a list of special tools needed;
(h) details of mandatory placards, if any.
3.3 Maintenance Instructions. This manual or section must include at least
the following:
(a) scheduling information for each part of the aeroplane and its engine,
propeller, accessories, component, instruments, and equipment that
provides the recommended periods at which they should be cleaned,
inspected, adjusted, tested and lubricated, and the degree of
inspection, the applicable wear tolerances, and work recommended
at these periods. However, the applicant may refer to an accessory,
instrument, or equipment manufacturer as the source of this
information if the applicant shows that the item has an exceptionally
high degree of complexity requiring specialised maintenance
techniques, test equipment, or expertise. The recommended overhaul
periods and necessary cross reference to the Airworthiness
Limitations section of the manual must also be included;
(b) an inspection programme, which includes a periodic inspection
schedule and which will provide for the continued airworthiness of
the aeroplane;
(c) troubleshooting information describing probable malfunctions, how
to recognise those malfunctions, and the remedial action for those
(d) information describing the order and method of removing and
replacing components, item or equipment and parts including any
precautions to be taken;
(e) other general procedural instructions including procedures for system
testing during ground running, symmetry checks, weighing lifting
and shoring, and storage limitations;
(f) maintenance instructions to disassemble, transport, store and
reassemble the aircraft to an airworthy condition, where major
components are designed to be removed for such purposes;

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(g) details for the application of special inspection techniques including
nondestructive inspection (NDI) methods where such processes are
(h) information needed to apply protective treatments to the structure
after inspection.

4.1 The Instructions for Continued Airworthiness must contain a section
titled Airworthiness Limitations that is segregated and clearly
distinguishable from the rest of the document. This section must set forth
each mandatory replacement time, structural inspection interval, and
related structural inspection procedure. If the Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness consist of multiple documents, the section required by this
paragraph must be included in the principal manual.

4.2 If the structural fatigue life was not evaluated, a prominent statement is
required to the effect that the aircraft structural durability is unknown.

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